Appendix D Cultural and Paleontological Resources Assessment
CREEKSIDE SPECIFIC PLAN DRAFT EIR CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRAN O Appendices Appendix D Cultural and Paleontological Resources Assessment September 2020 CREEKSIDE SPECIFIC PLAN DRAFT EIR CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Appendices This page intentionally left blank. PlaceWorks CULTURAL AND PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT FOR THE CREEKSIDE SPECIFIC PLAN, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: PlaceWorks 3 MacArthur Place, Suite 1100 Santa Ana, CA 92707 Authors: Sandy Duarte, B.A., Molly Valasik, M.A., Kim Scott, M.S. Principal Investigator: Molly Valasik, M.A., RPA, Orange County Certified Principal Archaeologist Kim Scott, M.S., Orange County Certified Principal Paleontologist Date January 2020 Cogstone Project Number: 4743 Type of Study: Cultural and Paleontological Resources Assessment Sites: None USGS Quadrangle: San Juan Capistrano 7.5’ Area: 15.3 acres Key Words: Negative survey, cultural resources assessment, paleontological resources assessment, late Miocene to early Pliocene Capistrano Formation, Pleistocene axial channel deposits 1518 West Taft Avenue Field Offices Orange, CA 92865 San Diego • Riverside • Morro Bay • Sacramento • Toll free 888-333-3212 Office (714) 974-8300 Arizona Federal Certifications WOSB, EDWOSB, SDB State Certifications DBE, WBE, SBE, UDBE D-1 Cultural and Paleontological Resources Assessment for the Creekside Specific Plan Project TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS ...................................................................................................................................
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