Established 1998 SPRING 2 013 C o

Potters Bar m Delivered to 13,000, Door to Door [email protected] Distributed in , Little Heath, , Ridge, Northaw and Brookmans Park

Annandale and Highview Planning m Permission Granted The plans to build a new surgery, housing both practices in a modern, purpose built surgery.

Annandale Surgery and Highview Medical The practices are not amalgamating but will u Centre, on the Elms Clinic site in the High maintain their own identities whilst sharing Street have been passed. facilities such as a minor surgery suite,

Tenders for the building work are now being meeting rooms, etc providing patients with n sought with work likely to start this spring and access to an up to date, fit for purpose GP facility. completion expected by May 2014.

Both surgeries are anxious to ensure that i The premises currently used by the practices these fundamental changes are undertaken are both converted houses and are inadequate t without causing difficulties to their patients. to facilitate future growth and improvement in They recognise that access by car will not the services provided locally. Consideration y always be easy although a few additional was given to modifying the existing buildings parking spaces will be available in the area in but the only really practical solution was to addition to the Oakmere Car Park. Both relocate to purpose built premises. surgeries will keep patients advised of Following an exhaustive search, The Elms developments via their patient participation N Clinic site, owned by the Primary Care Trust, groups, newsletters and websites was chosen as the only viable proposition and ( or will be designed to accommodate both ). E W S

Easter Church

Extended Services chools WHAT Clubs and S ’S Local Organizations Page 25 In this issue ticles O mation Ar N Pa Infor ages 8–9 Pa ges 26– 27 P ges 13– 16 Pages 28 Potters Bar Community News Contacts for A message from the Editor Spring is on its way and we hope you enjoy this issue. We have included a mixture of articles for young and old and the active and non-active. We try to Potters Bar balance the quantity of adverts and articles and the variety of articles as well. I would love to hear from you with any comments. Community News Our next issue will be out in July. Please remember that there are deadlines for [email protected] articles to be received, but it is advisable to try and get your articles in well before deadline date, as there are occasions where space is limited and you Chairman may miss out on your article being included. John Connell 01707 851445 Thank you Editor Debbie Buckland Debbie Buckland [email protected] How to send articles Advertising Email to [email protected] . Please keep articles to around 300 words or Debbie Usher 01707 655948 less, bearing in mind that past events are not likely to be of general interest. [email protected] Please use plain text word or email, but plainly handwritten or typed articles What’s On are also acceptable if you do not have access to a computer. Please contact the Sue Weaver Chairman, John Connell on 01707 851445 . Photos, logos, etc: send as a tif, 476 Mutton Lane, bmp or jpg file or copy to a cd. Paper photos or logos can also be sent Potters Bar, EN6 3BB [email protected] How to supply adverts Ring to book a space, remembering there is usually a waiting list. Artwork Sports must be supplied as black and white pdfs or jpgs only, created at the specified John Connell 01707 851445 size according to your booking. Any corrections to existing adverts will be Schools subject to a £5 fee. Advertisers are responsible for advising us of any Diane Thompson 01707 857246 alterations of adverts in each issue. Distribution Peter Silverthorne 01707 655464 Deadline dates Peter Weaver 01707 850147 Advertising Articles 18th May for July issue 1st June for July issue Design 18th September for November issue 1st October for November issue GREEN Gilbert 07956 222296 Delivery Printing Roads requiring deliverers: Beechwood Avenue, Laurel Fields, Oakfield Close, Ushers Print & Design Ltd Pinewood Drive Potters Bar. 01707 851242 If you do not have a copy, or receive more than one, or wish to volunteer as a Treasurer deliverer, please contact Peter Silverthorne or Peter Weaver. Peter Weaver 01707 850147 Editorial Team – your local website Gill Connell 01707 851445 The Community News will be added to the website after John Godfrey 01707 653992 publication, including the telephone number of contacts. Please tell us if you Joy Stovell 01707 655464 do not wish this to happen.

Potters Bar Community News welcomes contributions for publication from Sizes and prices of adverts individuals and community groups. Where there is a linked commercial, political 43.75mm w x 50mm h = £25 or individual interest in items for publication, the managing committee reserves all 92.5mm w x 50mm h = £50 editorial rights. Potters Bar Community News does not accept responsibility for 92.5mm w x 100mm h = £75 the accuracy of information contained in published items or views expressed in 92.5mm w x 130mm h = £90 those items.

2 cnews@fsmail. net

Interested in volunteering? Ever thought of giving some of your time to help others in the community? Also look here for items wanted by organisations; you may be able to help them. If you are a local organisation or charity and are looking for volunteers or looking for items for your group, why not email me at [email protected] (subject volunteers)? Debbie Buckland The Friends of RSPCA Southridge Family Funday this year is on Sunday, 14th July, at the animal centre in Packhorse Lane, Ridge EN6 3LZ If you would like a stall please contact Joanne Lewis on 07973 139677 or email [email protected] . Southridge RSPCA Animal Centre in Packhorse Lane, Ridge, EN6 3LZ is appealing for volunteers to help in the laundry “It might not be a glamorous job but it's a very necessary and Busy Knitters important one as we have lots of animals here and it’s vital that Many thanks for including our request for wool in your last three they have clean and dry bedding every day” explained Terry newsletters. I would like to say a great big thank you first to the Pavey, Chairman of the Friends of Southridge. newsletter for publishing our request for wool, to the many generous Volunteers will be shown how the machines work, although people who have given us so much wool and also to the band of they are very similar to the ones you have at home, only knitters who have produced so many wonderful items. We have been bigger. able to supply blankets, baby/children’s clothes, hats for the You’ll also be indoors in the warm and can choose the hours homeless both at home and abroad. and days that fit in with your routine. If you can spare the time Many thanks again to everyone involved. you’ll be made very welcome. Please contact the centre on Sheila 0300 123 0704 or email [email protected] . The centre is also appealing for dog walkers, particularly in the week, so if you’re looking for something different to do with your spare time please get in touch. There are about 60 dogs in kennels at any one time, and they all need a couple of walks a day.There are big ones, small ones, all shapes and sizes! They love

Volunteer Nicky Rawlings of Potters Bar getting out and walking around takes Tina for a walk. the fields to break up the boredom of being in kennels while they wait for homes. For volunteers it is also a fun and very sociable way to keep fit – beats going to the gym, and doesn’t cost anything! And you can do it every day of the year if you wish: an hour or a couple of hours, it doesn’t matter – the dogs are just so grateful. If you would like to walk the dogs phone 0300 123 0704 or call in to Reception for an application form, or email [email protected] with your details and you will be sent one.

3 Potters Bar Community News

NHS 111 is a new service that's being introduced to make it Local Guides travel to easier to access local NHS healthcare services. You Disneyland to celebrate can call 111 when you need medical help fast 100 years! but it’s not a 999 emergency. NHS 111 is a fast and easy way to get the right help, whatever the time. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones. 5th Potters Bar Brownies and 2nd Potters Bar Guides celebrating the Centenary at Disneyland Paris. When to use it You should use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need 50 Brownies, Guides and Guiders from the 5th Potters Bar medical help or advice but it’s not a life-threatening situation. Brownies and 2nd Potters Bar Guides travelled from the UK to Disneyland® Paris to celebrate 100 years of Girlguiding in Call 111 if: Potters Bar. The trip from the 29th October – 1st November ® You need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency. 2012 was organised to mark this very special occasion. ® You think you need to go to A&E or need another NHS urgent care service. Two days were spent in the Parks at Disneyland Paris and on ® You don’t know who to call or your GP surgery is closed. the return journey they stopped in Paris to see key sights, ® You need health information or reassurance about what to including the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe. do next. Karen Smale, Brownie Leader from the 5th Potters Bar For less urgent health needs, contact your GP or local Brownies said: ‘We wanted to do an extra special something to pharmacist in the usual way. celebrate the centenary and we thought that this would be an For immediate, life-threatening emergencies, continue to call ideal way to do it. All the girls who came on the trip will have 999. their own special memories of their time in Disneyland Paris and Paris. The greatest memory for me was getting all 50 of us How does it work? to the summit of the Eiffel Tower where we saw exceptional The NHS 111 service is staffed by a team of fully trained views of Paris. The trip was a fantastic experience from start to advisers, supported by experienced nurses. They will ask you finish.” questions to assess your symptoms, then give you the healthcare advice you need or direct you straightaway to the local service that can help you best. That could be A&E, an out-of-hours doctor, a walk-in centre or urgent care centre, a community nurse, an emergency dentist or a late-opening chemist. Where possible, the NHS 111 team will book you an appointment or transfer you directly to the people you need to speak to. If you need an ambulance, one will be sent just as quickly as if you had dialled 999.

4 cnews@fsmail. net Business as usual at Potters Bar Fire Station Potters Bar became the first fire station to switch to Day Crewing Plus on 3rd September 2012. A total crew of 14 personnel work out shifts between them to cover their required 84 hours a week and, four months in, they have settled into their new routine and their new accommodation block without a hitch. Under the leadership of Watch Commander (WC) Matt Merrison, Day Crewing Plus (DCP) at Potters Bar is made up of a team who all volunteered for the system which sees the crew starting their “positive” hours at 8am and working until 8pm when they go into “standby” at the newly built five-bedroom accommodation block adjacent to the Fire Station on Mutton Lane. Officers respond to Operational calls throughout the whole shift and carry out their regular training, checks and community work during daytime hours. There is no change to their response time of two minutes. There were originally 28 Crew in four watches at Potters Bar. Two of the original crew are still there and the other 26 have found positions at other Hertfordshire Fire Stations, the majority of them closer to home than they were at Potters Bar. DCP can work really well for those who want to reduce frequency of journeys to and from work – one of the crew actually travels from his home in Scotland. It also offers a saving of £300,000 per year for each station. Rickmansworth will be the next station in Hertfordshire to make the transition to DCP with a target date of end of March 2013. One thing that is key to the success of DCP is that the public should

not notice any difference at all to the service. WC Matt Merrison is confident that that is the case: “The public should actually see more of us because we can do community work between 5 –8pm, such as home fire safety checks when people are home from work or attending after-school clubs,” he says. The Crew are all more than satisfied with the accommodation block. They each have a double en-suite room with a TV, desk and chair and sofabed and there is also a comfortable communal living room, well- equipped kitchen as well as a large garden. The sofabeds are provided so that family members can visit and stay over from time to time. The former dormitory in the Fire Station is to be converted to a training room and the old TV room is going to be used as a gym. WC Merrison added “We have completed 4 months now and it has been a reasonably easy transition. We sit down together and work out shift patterns that suit everybody. Due to the fact that there are 14 personnel who all self-roster, there will not actually be a ‘Watch’. This will make it difficult at times to communicate with all members and to ‘gel’ as a team, as well as putting together a training plan to keep up competencies. Having a good management team will assist in overcoming any of these issues. I actually find that the 12 positive hours fly by – there is always so much to do.” 5 Potters Bar Community News Working in the Community It makes sense to write a will Two thirds of people in the UK have not written a will and – Pleater many of them wrongly believe that a non-married partner In simple terms, a would inherit automatically or, again wrongly, that a married pleater puts creases into partner would inherit everything ( Financial Times 19th fabric. But the process is October 2012). This means that a good proportion of not so simple and there people in Potters Bar also have not written a will. Writing a are thousands of will means that you have control over what happens to your pleating designs, from plain pleated skirts to money and any property after your death, and importantly, complicated origami designs, such as may be seen in fashion who will sort things out for you. If you leave no will then the shows or on stage (see photo). law takes over and allocates your assets automatically in a certain way. Your assets, or just a share of them, will go to Terry Weinert learnt about pleating as a small boy watching his your nearest blood relatives – if you have any, determined in father, who had started his own business and had joined forces with another pleating company begun by a Czech man in 1925. a certain order – spouse or civil partner (but only a share), Terry had no training and has been in the business for 40 children, grandchildren, their children, parents, brothers years, the last eight being in Potters Bar. and sisters, their children, uncles and aunts, their children. Unmarried partners or those not in a civil partnership do not Pleating is achieved by placing fabric between two pieces of inherit unless a will is made. card that have been scored and broken into the pleated shape, which is then rolled up and placed in a steam cabinet. The If there are no relatives, or none who can be traced, then process takes approximately two hours, depending on the assets go to the ‘Crown’. Making a will leaves you in control complexity of the design. of deciding to bypass the above list, change the shares, leave Since the War, the rag trade has considerably declined, due to money to people who are not related or to organisations you other countries being able to produce garments more cheaply. feel are valuable. Wills can be made relatively cheaply There are now very few pleaters in this country, but Terry’s enabling you to get on with life knowing anything you leave company has worked with the royal family since the beginning. will be where you want it to be. His work includes the dress the Queen wore at Charles and Diana’s wedding, and her outfit for her arrival by helicopter at last year`s Olympics. Other customers have included Hardy Amies, Norman Hartnell, Gucci, Victoria Beckham and Zandra Rhodes, and many examples of his work can be seen in London shows, as well as in films such as ‘Harry Potter’ . But Terry’s most memorable work was for Torvill and Dean’s ‘Bolero’ costumes in the 1984 Olympics. This was special as the material had to flow on the ice. With most garment manufacturing gone from the UK, and pleating being one of the few craft industries now, Terry is keen to pass on his knowledge and expertise to others, so he gives talks to fashion and design colleges, and helps students with their own work at his premises. The best part of his work is the variety – and the invitations to London fashion shows. Joy Stovell

2013 (1)

6 cnews@fsmail. net John Powell Carpets Potters Bar Children with CARPETS, VINYLS, RUGS, WOOD FLOORING Special Needs and Tel: 01707 654304 Disabilities Group (PBSNG) The ‘PBSNG’ have had a busy and productive year in Spencley Interiors 2012. During the Spring and summer months we Tel: 01707 644012 enjoyed a Group holiday to Dorset, played tennis every 104 - 106 High Street, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 5AT Tuesday at the Potters Bar Lawn Tennis Club, enjoyed 2 exclusive Kids Zone sessions at Birchwood Leisure Centre, and had a ‘Group only’ session at the local Fair. New Autism Support Group Autumn kept us just as busy with our adult fund raiser The Wroxham School will be hosting a monthly disco and a family day trip to Chessington World of Parent Support Group for parents of local children Adventures. In November the children themselves raised with autism, run by Vaneessa Sudan over £1000 by collectively swimming 158 lengths of (Communication Disorders Team) and Karen Furzefield swimming pool. This was a huge challenge Edwards (Parent Partnership). The meetings are a for many of the children but it was also an evening to remember as every child surpassed their estimated chance for local parents to get together to share target. We rounded the year off with a trip to the panto ideas and receive support. The meetings are at the Wyllyott’s Theatre (supported by Brookmans Park driven by parents’ needs and some meetings will Rotary) and a Christmasmas party at Cranborne School. have professional speakers. The Group has also been fortunate enough to have been For more information and to book your place selected as this year’s chosen charity for Sainsburys please visit . Potters Bar. The staff at Sainsburys have been raising money for us through cake sales, collections and their popular in-store book stand. We have also been fortunate to receive donations from St John’s Church, and from The Builder’s Arms pub. Meanwhile we continue to run a coffee morning at the Furzefield Children’s Centre on the second Wednesday of every month (9.15 –11am) where we provide friendly support from parents in your position, with knowledge of professionals, services, schools, benefits, etc in our area. The Group currently caters for children between the ages of 0 –16. If you are interested in joining or would like more information, either drop in to one of our coffee mornings or contact us at: JANE FRANKLIN 07774 117022 PAULA PEARCE 07810 752812 ALISON STAMP 01707 850325 JO RANDALL 01707 859325 Jane Franklin Chair 7 Schools

School celebrates 400th with a mega cake cut by Spandau Ballet’s Gary Kemp! Highly successful Dame Alice Owen’s School in Potters Bar launched its 400th Anniversary celebrations with a specially-designed cake, baked by members of the school from Spandau Ballet who is chairing the 400th Anniversary community, vast enough to allow all 1500 students and 200 Committee, which has organised an extensive programme of staff to have a piece. This madcap event was the idea of the celebratory events, including a sell-out concert at the Royal students at the School, which was originally founded in Albert Hall in April, a Thanksgiving Service at St Paul’s Islington in 1613 and moved to Potters Bar in 1976! The cake Cathedral a week later, and a commissioned play about the was cut with a ceremonial sword by Old Owenian, Gary Kemp, Head who disappeared – a genuine part of the school’s history! The school is hosting an exhibition of over 100 years of the school magazine “The Arrow” , and a wide range of memorabilia spanning 400 years, as well as unveiling a special 10 metre professional display of the school’s history! Alan Davison, Headteacher commented, “Not many schools can claim 400 years of excellence in education so we invited the students to suggest a student-friendly way of celebrating and the cake was a favourite with students and staff alike! At Owen’s we work hard but also have a great time”. Peter Martin Chair of Governors added, “I know the whole school community is excited about the 400th Anniversary and a year packed with events to mark the occasion. As an Old Owenian myself I am also very much looking forward to it, and kicking off in this way with Gary Kemp doing the honours is just ‘the icing on the cake.’” The school’s tradition of running a major fundraising campaign alongside the celebration of a major anniversary has been continued with a 400th appeal to rebuild their dilapidated science block, which has to date raised over £2.6m to match the £2.79m from the Department of Education, allowing the construction of a new science block to be started. Alumni of the school are invited to join their 400th events, details of which can be found on the school’s website, and they can sign up to an email list for further information by sending their year of leaving date to [email protected] . 8 Schools St Giles’ visit the Isle of Wight! Written by Natasha D-K, class 4 In October my class went to the Isle of Wight. Our first activity was visiting Osborne House. It was really big and beautiful and we saw lots of things there Ladbrooke School including a creepy With an exciting project in the pipeline, it was all hands on painting that moved when you did. In the afternoon we did a deck last term at Ladbrooke, at the start of an epic fundraising fossil hunt and Rory managed to find two pieces of fossilised mission to raise money for a much needed outdoor classroom Dinosaur bone! The next day we went to Carisbrooke Castle area. and went up to the highest point possible. We also went into The fundraising began with a project for children to create a Princess Beatrice’s garden and saw a donkey turn a wheel. We piece of art which was turned into, amongst other things, place watched a short film about the history of the castle which was mats, coasters and T-shirts. This raised around £400. narrated by a cartoon donkey. In the evening we went to Waltzing Waters show, which are lots of fountains of water Just before half term, a monsters ball continued our fun raising spurting out different shapes and colours. On Thursday we mission. Monsters of all shapes and sizes descended on went to Alum Bay and saw a glass demonstration. After that we Ladbrooke and danced the night away. filled bottles with different coloured sand and could choose At the end of term the from a rabbit, dog, bell, cat or elephant. We went on funfair Winter Fair was another rides, which were really cool. After that we walked down over great success with nearly 200 steps to get to the beach and when we finally got there, we £1,500 raised towards had a picnic on the beach. In the afternoon, we went to our project. All the Bembridge lifeboat station; we learnt how the lifeboat station children made came about, how they got the boats into the sea and lots more. decorations to sell, and In the evening we had a disco, where the girls had to ask the the support given by the boys to dance with them for a slow dance, but then we just whole school partied! Our trip to the Isle of Wight was great; we had a lovely community was time with our friends and taking part in lots of fun activities. fabulous.

9 Sports In this issue, we recall some of the thrills and spills at the Olympic BMX track Bar Spin: Drink induced whirl/whilst airborne, the rider takes one hand off the handlebars, spins the bars with the other hand, catches the bars and rides away. Bottom bracket: Lower class/mechanism holding the spindle and crank at the bottom of the frame. Cable: Cabinet minister/steel wire braided into cables for connection to the brake. Can Can: Moulin rouge or one foot is taken off the pedal and crossed over the top tube. Dropouts: Vagabonds perhaps but really small slotted openings holding the front and rear axles. Flare: Torch/a back flip and 180% rotation in the same motion. Flatspin: whirl in an apartment or when a rider spins on a horizontal axis. Lookdown: Act of superiority/rider leans away from the direction in which they are turning. The pedals are rotated 45%, the handlebars turned with the appearance being given that the rider is standing up on the bike. Manual: Instruction book/riding a wheelie, without pedalling. Nac Nac: Misspelt curio perhaps or rear of the bike is swung to the right and right foot is swung far behind the rider over the top tube. No footer: Soccer prohibited/both feet off the pedals and stuck out to either side. No footer Can Can: Moulin rouge soccer prohibited/both feet off the pedals and stuck out on the same side. Rhythm section: Guitar and drums maybe or really a series of jumps back to back on a track that poses an obstacle. Table top: Mountain in South Africa/a jump on a track that is level all the way across. Ivanhoe Cricket Club Turndown: Hotel bed adjustment or the front of the bike turned up so it is The club which play their home matches at The Royal Veterinary almost vertical, turned sideways and the handlebars are crossed nearly 180 College in Hawkshead Lane, is looking for new members for the degrees. coming season. Whilst previous playing experience would be Un turndown: United Nations hotel bed adjustment/same as turndown but useful it is not essential and we would be delighted to hear from without crossing the handlebars. anyone interested in playing regular or occasional club cricket. Top tube: Northern line/top horizontal tube on bike frame. Ivanhoe is a small friendly club playing a full season of matches from late April through to September, mostly Saturday afternoons but with occasional Sunday games. There is also an annual 3 day tour. Whilst the club cannot offer colts cricket, the current membership ranges in age from 18 to 60. So if you are interested please contact Malcolm Parnell who would be delighted to hear from you on 07767 203870 or by email at [email protected] . Winter nets are now running weekly at Hertfordshire University Sports Village and further information about the club is also available on the Club’s website at .

10 Sports Bowls delivering a ‘service’ PERSONAL TRAINER AND SPORTS THERAPIST to the community Emma Usher Dip PT IIHHT N One to One Personalised Training Programmes N Weight Management and Health Reviews N Pilates Sessions N Improve Posture, Flexibility and Mobility through Stretching and Conditioning Exercises N Improve Overall Sense of Physical and Mental Wellbeing To make that all important lifestyle change

Please call Emma on Potters Bar bowls club, just off The Walk, looks forward to the 079 00 8959 90 coming bowls season starting on the 20th April and continuing www.e nergisewe llb ei .uk to offer a valuable service to the community. Whether your need is for a social outlet, light exercise from a friendly game of bowls or serious competition, the club delivers it all. Free coaching allows the aspiring bowler to reach whatever level in Potters Bar Tennis Club the game they wish to achieve. Last December Sport The Walk Potters Bar EN6 1QL awarded the Sport £2m to help attract more people of 55 and over. Potters Bar bowls club has always been keen to welcome 2012 – What a year for sport. Do you remember what you were all age groups. doing when Britain won their Gold Medals? 29 Gold medals in total including Andy Murray beating Roger Federer to take Gold at The Hertfordshire Games on the 8th July 2012 was a notable Wimbledon in the men’s tennis singles. This then set him on the success for the club, and its Secretary and Hertfordshire bowls road to triumph over Novak Djokovic in the US open and become development officer Graham Marriner, who project managed Britain’s first male grand slam singles winner in 76 years. and participated, with the aid of the club’s excellent coaching Has this inspired you to return to tennis or maybe try it for the teams, one of the largest of any bowls club in Hertfordshire. first time? Seven teams of 14 –16 year olds from across the county, involving over 200 children new to bowls, battled the If so then Potters Bar Tennis club is the place to be. We are a challenging early summer weather to be coached for the friendly family tennis club and welcome new members. We have 6 games. Dame Alice Owen School representing floodlit Astra Turf courts, and run various ladie’s/men’s/mixed teams throughout the year with a large junior section. provided an excellent team. They represented their school, Hertsmere District and the Potters Bar club coaches with pride, There is a full schedule of junior and adult coaching sessions’ and displayed amazing bowling skills. regular tournaments held throughout the year and social tennis. The club is fully accessible and also offers wheelchair tennis and The club’s open mornings are on Sunday 28th April, Saturday coaching. 4th May and Sunday 12th May and the sessions start at 10am. So if you are new to the area or maybe not played tennis for a All are welcome. Please arrive by 9:45 am to register. President while 2013 is the time to dust down the racket and come along to Anne Clarke, and Club Captains Pat Feeney and David Salmon Potters Bar Tennis Club. There is a free open day for anyone to will be there to give you a warm welcome. The sessions are come and watch or participate in different activities including: free; we will provide the bowls, and instructors, coffee and free parking. Bring a pair of flat soled shoes. Fastest Serve/Ball Machine/Demonstrations/Kids zone. Refreshments also available. Potters Bar BC has not shut its doors for the winter and will be Any new members joining on the day will benefit from a “new continuing running its busy social programme through to April members” discount for their first year. 2013. The options ‘on-offer’ are bridge, crib, quiz evenings, whist, race night and Sunday lunches. The date for your diary is Sunday 17th March from 11am–3pm. For further information about our open day contact Carol The Club’s web site is for all the latest 07956 478299 or email [email protected] . news and events. If you are interested in playing tennis but cannot make the For further details please contact Graham Marriner the Club 17th March call or visit our website Secretary on 01707 660336 or better still email on for further club details. [email protected] . 11 Potters Bar Community News Moves Fitness: 25 years in Potters Bar Moves Fitness is an aerobic dance class in which the routines are choreographed to music to suit people of all ages and levels of ability from beginners to more advanced. The method was brought to the UK from America in 1981, and has been taught by Angie Phillips in Potters Bar since 1988. The hour-long classes begin with a gentle warm-up, on to stretch then aerobic movements, and a cool-down, followed by floor routines for exercising various areas of the body, and a finale – all performed in a safe but fun way. And the first class Pushy Mums is usually free. Want to get fit and lose the baby weight, then help is at hand. Moves Fitness is a franchise and training takes place in Surrey Inspired by the success of her weekly classes in Alexandra Park where, every three months, franchisees meet to learn new and Grovelands Park in Southgate, local mum and personal routines and update their training and knowledge. trainer Nicola Ballinger is setting up a new Pushy Mothers For more information and to find a Moves Fitness class, go to exercise class for mothers and babies in Oakmere Park. . Featuring power walking, cardiovascular, resistance and pelvic floor exercises, Pushy Mums is the most effective and specific postnatal workout class in the country, with all instructors being expertly trained and fully insured. Classes will take place every Tuesday from 12.30pm to 1.30pm and are suitable for all fitness levels. The first class is free, so why not give it a go? For more information and to book your free place, contact Nicola at [email protected] or on 07932 6780214 .

12 cnews@fsmail. net WHAT’S ON ®Enfield National Trust Association: Illustrated Lecture ‘Highgate’ in Enfield at 7.45pm. MARCH Further details from 01707 650969. FRIDAY 1st ®High School Musical at Wyllyotts Theatre – Youth Theatre Production. Tickets £13.50, ®*Potters Bar Theatre Co: Blithe Spirit – Wyllyotts. Bookings on 07985 542204 or £11.50, 01707 645005. FRIDAY 15th SATURDAY 2nd ®*RSPB: Evening, Bill Coster – “Birds of Southern Europe” (Spain and Hungary). Jumble Sale at St Johns Church, Baker Street, Potters Bar. Entry £2 at 10am and 50p ® ®High School Musical at Wyllyotts Theatre – Youth Theatre Production. Tickets £13.50, at 10.30am. Finishes about noon. £11.50, 01707 645005. ®*Potters Bar Theatre Co: Blithe Spirit – Wyllyotts. Bookings on 07985 542204 or SATURDAY 16th ®Under 15’s Sale at Elm Court, 2.30–4pm. 01707 444420 for information. ®*Over 60’s Social Nights: Easter Event. ®Coach Trip: The Shard London – Be one of the first on the Planet to view London from MONDAY 4th 1000 feet up. Depart 10, £50. 01707 620061. *Sugar Art Club: Furzefield Court, Mutton Lane, 7.30 –9.30pm, £5. Jackie ® High School Musical at Wyllyotts Theatre – Youth Theatre Production. Tickets £13.50, 01707 850432/656611. ® £11.50, 01707 645005. TUESDAY 5th ®Table Top Sale: 1.30 –3.30pm, Cranborne Primary School, Laurel Fields. Entrance ®*Golden Eagle: Jeff Phillips – Clairvoyance. 50p. Early entrance from 1pm, £2 or after 2.30pm entrance free. ®Lunchtime recital: Matthew Sea – Guitar, 12.30pm with free admission and SUNDAY 17th ploughmans from noon to 12.30pm and 1.15pm to 2pm, St Mary The Virgin & All Saints Church, The Walk. ®Free Family Open Day at Potters Bar Tennis Club, 11am–3pm, The Walk, Potters Bar EN6 1QL. Further details from Carol 07956 478299. ®*Tuesday Friendship: India part 2 – Miss Clare McCarthy. ®*Fir & Pond Woods Nature Reserve of Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, WEDNESDAY 6th 10am, volunteer working party. Contact 01707 657351. ®*Wednesday Community Club: Cranborne School Choir. TUESDAY 19th ®*PB & District Horticultural Society: Eric Von Geezbergen – Soils, Fertilizers & Peat Alternatives. ®*Tuesday Friendship: Australian Outback Flowers – speaker Mr Ian Torrance. ®*Friends of Southridge Animal Rescue: AGM all welcome. WEDNESDAY 20th ®Indulgence Evening: 7pm till 10pm at Cranborne Primary School, Laurel Fields, ®Enfield National Trust Association: Illustrated Lecture ‘Venice, City of Dreams’ in Potters Bar. Entrance £4 includes a drink. Contact 07727 749562 to prebook Enfield at 2pm. Further details from 01707 650969. treatments. ®*PB & District Horticultural Society: Jacqueline, A Violet – Hardy Geraniums. THURSDAY 7th ®*Wednesday Community Club: Games/chat afternoon. ®*PB Society Town Group: Meeting, 7.30pm at United Reformed Church. FRIDAY 22nd FRIDAY 8th ®*Fifty Plus: Coach trip to Royal Greenwich – Cutty Sark and The Cable Car, plus guided ®Ladies Pampering Evening: Essendon C of E Primary School, contact Paula tour £40. Contact 020 8207 7568. 01707 261209. SATURDAY 23rd SATURDAY 9th ®Indoor Car Boot Sale, Elm Court. Sellers from 12.15pm. Buyers 1.30pm. Spaces must ®Indoor Car Boot Sale, Elm Court. Sellers from 12.15pm. Buyers 1.30pm. Spaces must be booked 01707 659602. be booked 01707 659602. ®George Michael: £30 with 2 course dinner (£20 without), 01707 620061. ®*Charity Sponsored Swim at Furzefield Centre from 5.30pm, run by Brookmans Park ®*Potters Bar Flower Club: Quiz, please ring for details on 01707 656796. Rotary. Please see more info in main body of Community News. Contact Robert on SUNDAY 24th 01707 645343 for more information. ®PB Society Walks: Fortnightly Sunday afternoon walks along local rights of way. ®*PB Choral Society presents Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle at St Mary’s Church, The Walk, Potters Bar at 7.30pm. Information and tickets 01707 655297. WEDNESDAY 27th ®Cats Protection Lea Valley Homing Day: 10am–1pm at Holtwhites Sports & Club, Kirkland Drive, Holtwhites Hill, Enfield EN2 RU. ®*Wednesday Community Club: Easter Lunch and Service. Barn Dance: Tickets including ploughman’s supper – North London & District Social ®Barnet Ghost Walk: Meet at High Barnet tube station, 7.30pm. ® Club venue at Sports Club. Contact Kay on 01992 630503 for information. SUNDAY 10th THURSDAY 28th ®PB Society Walks: Fortnightly Sunday afternoon walks along local rights of way. ®*Cuffley Horticultural Society: Unusual Plants for Shady Places: Ben Potterton, 8pm start. TUESDAY 12th ®* Music Club: Dante String Quartet, 8pm at Radlett Centre. £14 on door. FRIDAY 29th ®*Cuffley Industrial Heritage Society: British Post Box Design and Use – The first 150 ®GOOD FRIDAY see services in main body of Community News. years. Steve Knight, Curator of Colne Valley Postal History Museum. SUNDAY 31st ®*Cuffley Floral Art Club: Shirley Perkins – ‘Pairs’. ®EASTER SUNDAY see services in main body of Community News. WEDNESDAY 13th ®*Wednesday Community Club: Roger – New Zealand Slides. APRIL ®*RSPB: Afternoon, June Crew – “The Spring Bringers”. MONDAY 1st ®*Potters Bar Flower Club: Glenis Smith – Anything Goes. ®EASTER MONDAY. THURSDAY 14th TUESDAY 2nd ®*Northaw Women’s Institute: ‘Secrets of a Store Detective’ by speaker Josie Jeffrey. ®*Golden Eagle: Michael Lennon – Clairvoyance. ®*Oakmere Women’s Institute: Birthday Meeting. ®*Tuesday Friendship: History of British Funerals. Speaker: Mr Justin Burgess.

13 Potters Bar Community News WHAT’S ON ®Lunchtime recital: The Pentland Trio, 12.30pm, with free admission and ploughman’s THURSDAY 18th from noon to 12.30pm and 1.15pm to 2pm, St Mary The Virgin & All Saints Church, ®*Radlett Music Club: Peter Facer – Oboe, Christopher Guild – Piano, 8pm at The Walk. Karl Konig Hall, Delrow Community, Summerhouse Lane, Patchetts Green, WEDNESDAY 3rd Aldenham WD25 8DL. £8 ®*PB & District Horticultural Society: Russell Bowes – Dig for Victory. FRIDAY 19th ®*Wednesday Community Club: Games/chat afternoon. ®*RSPB: Evening, Chris Ward “Magical Mallorca”. THURSDAY 4th SATURDAY 20th ®*PB Society Town Group: Meeting, 7.30pm at United Reformed Church. ®Quiz Night: at Old Owens Sports Ground organised by Pope Paul School. Tickets from SATURDAY 6th School. ®Outdoor Car Boot Sale, Elm Court. Sellers from 12noon. Buyers 1.30pm. ®Outdoor Car Boot Sale, Elm Court. Sellers from 12noon. Buyers 1.30pm. ®Coach Trip: Bruges, depart 6am, return 10.30pm, £54.00. Contact 01707 620061. ®Mum2mum market baby, kids and maternity nearly new sale. Tilbury Hall, Darkes Lane, 10am –12pm. Book a table. Email [email protected] SUNDAY 7th for more info. ®PB Society Walks: Fortnightly Sunday afternoon walks along local rights of way. Coach Trip: Bath, depart 8am, return 8pm, £30. Contact 01707 620061. ® ®*Over 60’s Social Nights: Pots and Pans. ®Camera Fair: Elm Court, 10.30am–2.30pm, 020 8205 1518. SUNDAY 21st MONDAY 8th *Fir & Pond Woods Nature Reserve of Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, ®*Sugar Art Club: Furzefield Court, Mutton Lane, 7.30 –9.30pm, £5. Jackie ® 01707 850432/656611. 10am, volunteer working party. Contact 01707 657351. ®Stamp Fair at Mount Grace School, 9am–4pm, admission free, refreshments all day. TUESDAY 9th ®PB Society Walks: Fortnightly Sunday afternoon walks along local rights of way. ®*Cuffley Industrial Heritage Society: Ice for the Metropolis – Malcolm Tucker, Engineering Historian. ®Coach Trip: The Shard, depart 9.30am, return 6.30pm, £50. 01707 620061. ®How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying: at Wyllyotts Theatre by ELODS, tickets from £12 –£16. Contact 07770 871140. TUESDAY 23rd ®*Crazy for You: Potters Bar Theatre Company, Wyllyotts Theatre. Bookings on WEDNESDAY 10th 07985 542204 or ®*RSPB: Afternoon, John Parkes – Potters Bar Film Makers. WEDNESDAY 24th ®*Wednesday Community Club: Peter Padwick Entertains. *Crazy for You: Potters Bar Theatre Company, Wyllyotts Theatre. Bookings on ®How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying: at Wyllyotts Theatre by ELODS, ® tickets from £12 –£16. Contact 07770 871140. 07985 542204 or *Wednesday Community Club: Games/chat afternoon. ®*Potters Bar Flower Club: Jo Bromwich – Floral Tapestry. ® THURSDAY 11th THURSDAY 25th ®*Northaw Women's Institute: Anne Savage – ‘National Trust’. ®*Crazy for You: Potters Bar Theatre Company, Wyllyotts Theatre. Bookings on ®*Oakmere Women’s Institute: Mike Beech – “History of Whitefriars Glass”. 07985 542204 or ®Enfield National Trust Association: Illustrated lecture “101 Things you didn’t know ®*Cuffley Horticultural Society: “Why Do Plants Have Such Difficult Names?” about Garden Birds” by Chris Ward at 7.45. Further details from 01707 650969. Hilary Thomas. ®How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying: at Wyllyotts Theatre by ELODS, ®Coach Trip: Chartwell/Igtham Mote, depart 9.30am, return 7.30pm, NT Members tickets from £12 –£16. Contact 07770 871140. £28, Non Members £44. 01707 620061. FRIDAY 12th FRIDAY 26th ®The Battle of Barnet: a guided walk. Meet at junction of Great North Road and ®*Crazy for You: Potters Bar Theatre Company, Wyllyotts Theatre. Bookings on Hadley Green Road, 2.30pm. 07985 542204 or ®How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying: at Wyllyotts Theatre by ELODS, SATURDAY 27th tickets from £12 –£16. Contact 07770 871140. ®*Crazy for You: Potters Bar Theatre Company, Wyllyotts Theatre. Bookings on SATURDAY 13th 07985 542204 or ®*PB & District Horticultural Society: Spring Flower Show at Elm Court. ®Quiz Night: 7.30pm, tickets £10 per person. Licenses bar and supper with ®How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying: at Wyllyotts Theatre by ELODS, Brookmans Park Rotary. Email [email protected] for information. tickets from £12 –£16. Contact 07770 871140. ®Coach Trip: Exbury Gardens, Hampshire, depart 9am, return 7pm, £38. ®Coach Trip: Newmarket Stud, depart 10am, return 6.30pm, £35. Contact 01707 620061. 01707 620061. SUNDAY 28th SUNDAY 14th ®Blood Donor Session 9am –12 noon and 2 –4pm. ®Coach Trip: Kew Gardens, depart 10am, return 6.30pm, £38. Contact 01707 620061. ®*Potters Bar Bowls Club: Open Morning welcome to new bowlers, 9.30am for 10am start till noon. TUESDAY 16th ®*Cuffley Floral Art Club: Janice Swan – ‘Designs for all Occasions’. TUESDAY 30th ®*Tuesday Friendship: Speaker: Rev Dr Nick Brindley – our Minister. ®*Tuesday Friendship: Abbeys and Cathedrals – speaker: Mr Michael Hillyard. WEDNESDAY 17th MAY ®*PB & District Horticultural Society: Pauline and Gerald Greenway – Clematis. WEDNESDAY 1st ®Enfield National Trust Association: Illustrated lecture ‘The Donkey Sanctury’ by Maggie Taylor at 2pm. Further details from 01707 650969. ®*PB & District Horticultural Society: Barry Kaufmann-Wright – In Celebration of Trees. *Wednesday Community Club: Meal – venue tba. ®*Wednesday Community Club: Bygones – Geoff Nicolls. ® ®Coach Trip: Kensington Palace, depart 10am, return 6.30pm, £36. Contact THURSDAY 2nd 01707 620061. ®*PB Society Town Group: Meeting, 7.30pm at United Reformed Church.

14 cnews@fsmail. net WHAT’S ON SATURDAY 4th ®*Over 60’s Social Nights: The Name Game. ®Jumble Sale at St John’s Church, Baker Street, Potters Bar. Entry £2 at 10am and 50p SUNDAY 19th at 10.30am. Finishes about noon. ®*Fir & Pond Woods Nature Reserve of Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, ®May Day Celebrations on Bradmore Green, Brookmans Park. Maypole dancing, 10am, volunteer working party. Contact 01707 657351. Punch & Judy, Morris Dancers Events starts 2pm, for WEDNESDAY 22nd information. ®Coach Trip: Winchester Watercress Steam Train, depart 9.30am, return 6.30pm, £38. ®*Potters Bar Bowls Club: Open Morning welcome to new bowlers, 9.30am for 10am 01707 620061. start till noon. ®*Wednesday Community Club: closed. ®Outdoor Car Boot Sale, Elm Court. Sellers from 12noon. Buyers 1.30pm. ®Coach Trip: Lille, France, early start via tunnel. 01707 620061. FRIDAY 24th Barnet Ghost Walk. Meet at High Barnet tube station 7.30pm. MONDAY 6th ® ®*Sugar Art Club: Furzefield Court, Mutton Lane, 7.30 –9.30pm, £5. Jackie TUESDAY 28th 01707 850432/656611. ®*Tuesday Friendship: It’s Magic! Speakers: Merlin Magic Society. Coach Trip: Hidcote Manor, depart 9am, return 6.30pm, NT Members £28, TUESDAY 7th ® Non Members £40. 01707 620061. ®*Golden Eagle: Pat Mcnally and Daniel Naughnane – Spiritual Art Workshop. ®Lunchtime recital: Peter Almond – organ, 12.30pm with free admission and WEDNESDAY 29th ploughman’s from noon to 12.30pm and 1.15pm to 2pm, St Mary The Virgin ®*PB & District Horticultural Society: Felicity Brimblecombe – History of the Luton Hoo & All Saints Church, The Walk. Walled Garden. *Wednesday Community Club: Games/chat afternoon. WEDNESDAY 8th ® ®*RSPB: Afternoon, Jonathan Forgham “Birds of the Camargue”. FRIDAY 31st ®*Wednesday Community Club: Games/chat afternoon. ®Coach Trip: Hay-On-Wye Book Festival, depart 7.30am, return 8pm, £34. 01707 620061. THURSDAY 9th ®*Northaw Women’s Institute: AGM. JUNE ®*Oakmere Women’s Institute: Annual and Resolutions Meeting. SATURDAY 1st ®Enfield National Trust Association: Illustrated lecture ‘Jungles of Borneo & Sarawak’ by Ann Fereday at 7.45pm. Further details from 01707 650969. ®Outdoor Car Boot Sale, Elm Court. Sellers from 12noon. Buyers 1.30pm. ®PB Society Annual General Meeting: 7.30pm at United Reformed Church. ®Coach Trip: The Broadstairs Dickens Festival, depart 9am, return 6.30pm, £30. ®Coach Trip: Nottingham Princess, lunch and river cruise, depart 9am, return 7.30pm, 01707 620061. £48. 01707 620061. SUNDAY 2nd SATURDAY 11th ®The Heart of High Barnet: a guided walk. Meet outside Barnet College, Wood Street, ®*Friends of Southridge Animal Rescue: Sponsored Dog Walk, South Mimms Woods. 2.30pm. Contact Tel 01707 642819 for information. ®Stamp Fair at Mount Grace School, 9am–4pm, admission free, refreshments all day. ®Coach Trip: Brighton, depart 9.30pm, return 6.30pm. 01707 620061. ®Coach Trip: Henley Jazz Cruise, depart 9.30am, return 7pm, £50. 01707 620061. ®*PB & District Horticultural Society: Supper Quiz Night, £8.00 includes Ploughman’s, MONDAY 3rd byo drinks to be held at Elm Court. Contact Margaret for ticket 01707 643357. ®*Sugar Art Club: Furzefield Court, Mutton Lane, 7.30 –9.30pm, £5. Jackie ®Under 15’s Sale at Elm Court, 2.30–4pm. 01707 444420 for information. 01707 850432/656611. SUNDAY 12th TUESDAY 4th ®Charles Dickens in Barnet: a guided walk. Meet at High Barnet tube station 11am. ®*Golden Eagle: Sue Preedy – Sound Healing. ®*Potters Bar Bowls Club: Open Morning welcome to new bowlers,9.30am for 10am ®Lunchtime recital: Rarescale Flute Academy, 12.30pm with free admission and start till noon. ploughman’s from noon to 12.30pm and 1.15pm to 2pm, St Mary The Virgin ®Toy and Train Fair: 10.30am –2.30pm, 020 8205 1518. & All Saints Church, The Walk. TUESDAY 14th ®*PB Society Town Group: Meeting, 7.30pm at United Reformed Church. ®*Cuffley Floral Art Club: Hilary Jones – ‘Memories are made of this’. WEDNESDAY 5th ®*Cuffley Industrial Heritage Society: Members Evening, photos, videos, books and ®Coach Trip: Sudeley Castle, Gloucestershire, depart 9.30am, return 7pm, £36. guides. 01707 620061. ®*Tuesday Friendship: Annual General Meeting. ®*Wednesday Community Club: Coronation Celebration. WEDNESDAY 15th SATURDAY 8th ®*PB & District Horticultural Society: Brian Carline – Soil, Sweat and Tears. ®*Oakmere Women’s Institute Supper Quiz, 7.30pm at Wyllyotts Sixty Plus Centre. ®Coach Trip: Cotswolds Tour, depart 9am, return 7.30pm, £30. 01707 620061. Tickets £10. Contact Pam on 01707 645366 or Ro 01707 645482 for more ®*Wednesday Community Club: closed. information. FRIDAY 17th ®Coach Trip: Bruges – Father’s Day treat, depart 6am, return 10.30pm, £54. ®*RSPB: Evening, Alexander Bass – “A Year in the Wildlife of Minsmere”. 01707 620061. SATURDAY 18th SUNDAY 9th ®*PB Choral Society presents “400 years of Choral Music” with Mezzo-soprano ®POTTERS BAR CARNIVAL AND SCHOOLS ART – ELM COURT, contact 01707 850147 Michelle Harris at the Church of King Charles the Martyr, at 7.30pm. Information and for stalls. tickets 01707 655297. ®The Battle of Barnet Georgian Monken Hadley: a guided walk. Meet at The Spires, ®The Battle of Barnet: a guided walk. Meet at junction of Great North Road and Barnet High Street, 2.30pm. Hadley Green Road, 2.30pm. TUESDAY 11th ®Outdoor Car Boot Sale, Elm Court. Sellers from 12noon. Buyers 1.30pm. ®*Cuffley Floral Art Club: Diane Norman (N) ‘Ikebana from an English garden’.

15 Potters Bar Community News WHAT’S ON ®*Tuesday Friendship: Television Theme Tunes, speaker: David Morris. SUNDAY 30th WEDNESDAY 12th ®The Battle of Barnet: a guided walk. Meet at junction of Great North Road and ®*PB & District Horticultural Society: Outing – Destination will be announced closer to Hadley Green Road, 2.30pm. the date. ®*RSPB: Afternoon – Social Afternoon. JULY ®*Potters Bar Flower Club: Lionel Clark – Eureka. MONDAY 1st ®*Wednesday Community Club: Games/chat afternoon. ®*Sugar Art Club: Furzefield Court, Mutton Lane, 7.30 –9.30pm, £5. Jackie 01707 850432/656611. THURSDAY 13th ®Coach Trip: Althorp, Northampton, depart 10am, return 6pm, £34. 01707 620061. ®*Northaw Women's Institute: June and Ken Brazier – ‘Mercy Ships’. TUESDAY 2nd ®*Oakmere Women’s Institute: Members’ Meeting. ®*Golden Eagle: Bill Rich – Clairvoyance. FRIDAY 14th ®Lunchtime recital: Katy Elman, percussion, 12.30pm with free admission and ®Coach Trip: Pashley Manor Rose Festival Kent, depart 9am, return 6.30pm, £36. ploughman’s from noon to 12.30pm and 1.15pm to 2pm, St Mary The Virgin 01707 620061. & All Saints Church, The Walk. SATURDAY 15th WEDNESDAY 3rd ®Outdoor Car Boot Sale, Elm Court. Sellers from 12noon. Buyers 1.30pm. ®Coach Trip: Hever Castle Kent, depart 9.30am, return 6.30pm, £34. 01707 620061. ®Coach Trip: Chatsworth, Derbyshire Floribundance, depart 7am, return 8.30pm, £40, ®*Wednesday Community Club: Games/chat afternoon. 01707 620061. THURSDAY 4th *Over 60’s Social Nights: Make a Date. ® ®*PB Society Town Group: Meeting, 7.30pm at United Reformed Church. SUNDAY 16th SATURDAY 6th ®Essendon Gardens Open Day: 11.30am–5pm. Contact 07710 317133 for more ®Barnet Ghost Walk. Meet at High Barnet tube station, 7.30pm. information or if you wish to enter your garden. ®*PB & District Horticultural Society: Summer Flower Show at Elm Court. ®*Fir & Pond Woods Nature Reserve of Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, ®Coach Trip: Le Touquet, France, depart 6am, return 10pm, £54. 01707 620061. 10am, volunteer working party. Contact 01707 657351. ®*Herts Philharmonia Orchestra: Bruch Violin Concerts, Siblius Symphony No 5. WEDNESDAY 19th At St Paul’s Church, , 7.30pm. Tickets 01727 857827. ®Coach Trip: Sissinghurst Gardens Kent, depart 9am, return 7pm, NT Members £28, SUNDAY 7th Non Members £40. 01707 620061. ®Pope Paul School’s Strawberry Fayre: 12 –4pm. Tickets on the door. ®*Wednesday Community Club: Quiz. TUESDAY 9th THURSDAY 20th ®*Cuffley Floral Art Club: Linda Kingcott – ‘The Green Man and Friends’. ®Coach Trip: A day at Ascot, depart 9.30am, return 7.30pm. Silver Ring Private ®Coach Trip: Rochester, Kent, depart 9.30am, return 7.30pm, £30. 01707 620061. enclosure with no seating, £60. Grand Stand Seating in Stadium £100. WEDNESDAY 10th 01707 620061. ®*PB & District Horticultural Society: Chris Ward – Gardening for Birds and Wildlife. FRIDAY 21st ®*Potters Bar Flower Club: Annette Parshotam – Fabulous Fabrics (workshop). ®*RSPB: Evening, Andre Farrer (RSPB Campaigns Officer) – “Saving Special Places”. ®*Wednesday Community Club: Jeffs Clothes Show. ®Midsummer’s Eve Fayre: Friday 21st June, 6 –9pm, Little Heath School. Contact THURSDAY 11th 07711 007764. ®*Northaw Women's Institute: Vic Botterill – ‘Who Killed the Baroness’. SATURDAY 22nd ®*Oakmere Women’s Institute: Jane Barnett – Art Workshop. ®Coach Trip: Blenheim Palace, The Flower Show, depart 9.30am, return 7pm, £36. ®Coach Trip: Hampton Court Flower Show, depart 9.30am, return 7.30pm, £55. 01707 620061. 01707 620061. ®Cats Protection Lea Valley Homing Day: 10am–1pm at Holtwhites Sports & Club, SATURDAY 13th Kirkland Drive, Holtwhites Hill, Enfield EN2 RU. ®Fun Day at Oakmere Park from 1 –5pm. Contact John 01707 653992 for charity SUNDAY 23rd stalls. Elm Court. Sellers from 12noon. Buyers 1.30pm. ®*Potters Bar Flower Club: Open Gardens Sunday. ®Outdoor Car Boot Sale, Coach Trip: Sandringham, Norfolk, depart 8am, return 8pm, £40. 01707 620061. ®Summer Fayre: 2– 5pm, Cranborne Primary School, Laurel Fields. Lots of family fun, ® stalls, games, BBQ. SUNDAY 14th TUESDAY 25th ®Coach Trip: Hampton Court Flower Show, depart 9.30am, return 7.30pm, £55. 01707 620061. ®*Tuesday Friendship: Quiz Quiz Master: Mr Les Fuller. ®*Friends of Southridge Animal Rescue: Family Fun Day. Contact 01707 642819 for WEDNESDAY 26th information. ®*PB & District Horticultural Society: David Riddle – Modern Pests and Diseases and the Treatment. ®Coach Trip: Windsor/boat to Runnymede with cream teas, depart 9.30am, return 7.30pm, £40. 01707 620061. ®*Wednesday Community Club: Canal Trip. THURSDAY 27th Please check details of these events by telephoning the contact provided. An ®*Cuffley Horticultural Society: A Flower for Every Day of the Year: Peter Morris. asterisk * means more details about venues and times included in Clubs and SATURDAY 29th Organisations section. ®Outdoor Car Boot Sale, Elm Court. Sellers from 12noon. Buyers 1.30pm. To include an event contact: [email protected] ®Coach Trip: Southwold – Suffolk, depart 8am, return 7.30pm, £30. 01707 620061.

16 cnews@fsmail. net Mobile Libraries There are three mobile libraries in your area: Two mobiles have adult and children’s books, fiction, non-fiction, talking books and DVDs. They provide a fortnightly service. Mobile D is tailored more for the needs of older customers with a larger selection of large print and talking books but doesn’t carry DVDs or children’s stock. This provides a three weekly service. Items borrowed from mobile libraries can be returned to any library and vice versa and items can be reserved and collected from the mobile library or any library in the county. There is an online library service to provide information about library and other local services. All mobiles have a step-lift access. Mobile visits: Mobile B South Mimms, Blanche Lane, 10 –10.45am Tuesdays 5th and 19th March, 2nd, 16th and 30th April, 14th and 28th May, 11th and 25th June 2013 Mobile E Potters Bar, Furzfield Centre, 9.45 –10.45am Fridays 1st and 15th March, 12th and 23th April, 10th and 24th May, 7th and 21st June 2013 Mobile D Potters Bar; Hudsons Court 10.05 –10.45am | Temple Court 11.15 –11.55am Carnival Princess 2013 Potters Court 12.10 –12.40pm | Furzefield Court 1.45 –2.15pm If any child wishes to enter the competition to Seabrook Court 2.25 –2.55pm be Carnival Princess or Maid of Honour in Fridays 1st and 22nd March, 12th April, 3rd and 24th May, 14th June 2013 this year’s Potters Bar Carnival, this edition of the Potters Bar Community News contains the entry form. Please fill out the form and send it with a photograph of the entrant to the Hatfield Times (Potters Bar Edition). The address is on the form. Entry forms will also be in the Potters Bar edition of the Times from mid March until the Wednesday before the closing date in early May. To book a stall and or enter the procession please telephone 01707 850147 or go to . Sponsored by


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17 Potters Bar Community News

Remedial & Sports LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL Massage Chris Salvary SHOWROOM (GB Paralympic sports 5 Kemble Parade massage therapist) Tel: 01707 660050 Potters Bar Fax: 01707 660070 Email: [email protected] Herts EN6 5AP ● sports injuries ● stresses & strains OPENING TIMES: ● aches & pains Monday, Tuesday and Friday 10am –6pm Contact her on Saturday 9.30am –5pm 01707 850064 or 07721 597102

Think Yourself Thin! Take Part Potters Bar The clocks spring forward in March and we begin to think about summer holidays and summer clothes, but that’s where doubts start to creep in. Many of us have picked up a few extra pounds over the winter. Well now’s a good time to think again. If you could lose 2lbs a The last few months have week between now and July, that would be over 2 stone gone. been a busy time for local It’s the power of your mind that will get you there. A number of residents as part of the Take people in Potters Bar have achieved significant, lasting, weight Part project with trips to loss through hypnotherapy. Hertsmere Borough You are overweight because you have bad eating habits. You Council, Hertfordshire snack because you feel bored, stressed, sad or lonely. With a County Hall, Houses of bit of help you can change your eating habits. The therapist will Parliament and information make powerful positive suggestions to your subconscious mind sessions from a variety of and your bad habits will fade away. They will be replaced by local services. All good, healthy habits. Weight loss of two pounds a week will culminating with a follow. After the first session you notice that you have stopped community Christmas party snacking and after the third session you notice that you are less held at the Wayside Jubilee hungry and feel full after small meals. You start to take more centre to end the year. exercise and you begin to feel fitter. The Take Part programme Before long you will be looking forward to that holiday. You is all about empowering know that you will look better, feel better and have more individuals and giving you a energy. voice within the community. Hypnotherapy is so easy and enjoyable. You relax, close your It gives you the chance to eyes and just listen to what the therapist has to say. You won’t become involved in events be asked to do anything you don’t want to do. At the end of the that matters to you, in session the therapist will count from one to five, when you will decisions making processes open your eyes and feel calm and wonderfully relaxed. and help raise your awareness about: ® Who does what and why? This could be housing providers, To find your hypnotherapist in Potters Bar go to Google and police, health services, various council departments, county type Weight Loss Potters Bar. council. ® What services and provision there is in your area and how to access them. ® How local services make decisions about the services they provide in the area you live in and how to influence those decisions. (EST 1976) It’s still not too late to get involved with more free trips to A complete painting and decorating Parliament and various other courses coming up over the next service to the highest standard. few months. Find out more contact Paul Smyth, Excellent References telephone 020 8207 4504/07943 862 130 or Tel: 01707 653010 email [email protected] . 18 cnews@fsmail. net Golf – The Game for All Article Results in Job Opportunity After her article appeared in the last edition of Community News, an exciting opportunity arose for Taryn McCarthy. Here’s what happened… Let me share with you my story of how I got a job… I expect you will find it a story of coincidences. When I decided to write an article for the Potters Bar Community News , I thought of it as a bit of fun, and something to The game of golf shed its fuddy-duddy image years ago and can do in the early stages of the all too well-known post grad now be truly regarded as a great game for people of all ages, unemployment (I did study journalism after all). What I didn’t backgrounds and abilities. know at the time was that it would be, indirectly, one of the most door-opening articles I have written to date. Golf’s excellent combination of exercise, sporting skill and So, amidst all of my feelings of post university blues, I found social interaction makes it a perfect avenue to maintain both myself singing along like a mad woman to Wild Thing by The physical and mental health. Generally played in stunning Troggs in the car. Along with many strange looks from passers-by, surroundings, golf provides the opportunity of having fun in the I had the idea to write the article on Hertfordshire’s local radio open air whilst, at the same time, burning off some calories and station Jack FM. I wanted the article to be about something that I, maintaining mental alertness. myself would read, something that I cared about. Anything that Golf can be perfect cure for the “winter blues” getting you out in involved music was that thing, precisely. the fresh air for several hours and enabling you to get regular, In order to write the article on Jack FM I decided to go into the moderate exercise boosting the brain’s mood-enhancing studio and see for myself the team behind the station. So I rang chemicals. Add to that the benefit of setting yourself achievable and secured a meeting with the breakfast chat show host Jules and positive targets and you are provided with a ready antidote Mayne. Although casual, the meeting was a chat/interview that to that winter feeling of aimlessness. resulted in me being asked to do some work for Jack FM. There is no better sport for bringing people together. With plenty I accompanied Jack FM to many events and, whilst there, of time for friendly conversation, combined with the element of happened to bump into an old friend of mine called Pascal competition, golf is a great way to meet new friends and develop Magdiniere. I told him all about my degree and about all the work existing acquaintances. Play golf and you will never find yourself I had been doing with Jack. He told me about a local company short of friends; indeed much of the joy and attraction of the that he had been producing music for called Insomnia Music who sport is the friendships and camaraderie that develop while you were looking for somebody to come into the company to handle are playing it. the PR and Marketing side of things. He suggested I went in for a Golf is a game for both sexes and all ages. Tiny tots play and so chat. do octogenarians. Many golfers start as youngsters but others The chat resulted in me being asked to organise and co-ordinate take it up after retiring from more physical activities, eg football, a music video for one of the artists signed to Insomnia Music hockey or squash. Others pick up their clubs after retirement called Tom Dibb. I happily accepted the volunteer job. from work and it’s never too late to start. A casual chat, one superbly organised music video and many cups In fact there has never been a better time to take up golf, with all of tea later and I am now marketing manager for a music clubs giving a warm welcome for beginners and those returning management company. A job I would have only described as a distant dream a mere few months ago. It is quite peculiar to think to the sport after some years. Some local Clubs offer Foundation that something as simple as writing an article for my local courses, where beginners can learn to play with structured Community News has helped to pave the way to my future, but as lessons and get a taste for membership at advantageous terms. peculiar as it is, it is also accurate. Normally also included are sessions on the rules and etiquette, knowledge of which is vital in maintaining the integrity of this The average individual is no stranger to the word ‘coincidence’ sport which is still universally played in a sporting manner fully and its meaning. Was it a coincidence that I landed a job at Jack FM? Was it coincidence that I bumped into an old friend who respecting one’s opponent. Such courses offer a natural way of happened to know of a job for me? I won’t be as arrogant to say getting to know other members and all Clubs do all they can to that I created ALL of the series of fortunate events that led to my ensure that new members are quickly assimilated into current situation. I must credit my striving to find opportunity in appropriate playing groups. all things and the stepping stone that was provided to me through So don’t delay – get into golf today. the Potters Bar Community News . Amongst the many Clubs in the area are; For the record, I don’t believe in coincidence. I believe in taking Old Fold Manor Golf Club, Hadley Green: 020 8440 9185 advantage of the things and opportunities that are around you. Brookmans Park Golf Club, Brookmans Park: 01707 652487 The local community is immediate to that. Take advantage and get Potters Bar Golf Club, Darkes Lane: 01707 652020 involved! 19 Entertainment

Chas & Dave Russian Cossacks Kung Fu show continues the story of the warrior CK Gospel Choir Saturday 9th March, 8pm Sunday 31st March, 7.30pm and vividly depicts the rarely seen Kung Fu Friday 19th April, 8pm Tickets: £22.50, Concessions: £19.50 Tickets: £18.50, Concessions: £17.50 masterss feats of agility strength and skill. The Tickets: £16.00, £15.00, Groups of 10+: £14.00 Dave has decided to come out of retirement due 300 costumes, 40 world class performers. The Show is an extravaganza with gorgeous scenery, Children of the Kingdom – For one night only a to demand by their fans. The show will follow Cossackss fiery dances and songs are as true and atmospheric music, beautiful lights and hundreds new generation of gospel musicians will be their glittering career. They have gained a cult honest as the souls of their country folk. The of costumes. performing their unique brand of Gospel, Soul audience of both young and old and due to highlight of this spectacular show is the Great Fureys and Davey Arthur and Jazz music with a full live band. This 16 piece public demand they are together on stage once Cossack Dance for which special sabres have Wednesday 17th April, 8pm group have toured across Europe and features more. been made of titanium, ensuring sparks will Tickets: £18.00, Concessions: £17.00 singers from TV shows The Voice UK and Must be really fly. the Music. Sleeping Beauty Ballet Renowned for their hit songs the Fureys and Sunday 17th March 2pm and 5pm American Rumble Wrestling Spectacular Davey Arthur have been entertaining audiences Captain Calamity’s Adventures Tickets £16.00, Child: £12.00 Thursday 4th April, 7.30pm worldwide for 35 years. They are responsible for in Storyland Celebrating 33 years Vienna Festival Ballet Tickets: £12.00, Concessions: £10.00, some of the most stirring music ever to capture Sunday 28th April, 2pm (11am sold out) presents their traditional, enchanting production Family of 4: £40 the public imagination. A Fureys’ concert is Tickets: £3.00 always a night to remember. of The Sleeping Beauty. Big time wrestling returns to Wyllyotts after two Don’t miss out on this fantatstic interactive show years. Premier Promotions whose shows have Memory Lane with brand new songs that you’ll be singing again The Importance of Being Earnest been thrilling fans for four decades, stage a huge Tuesday 26th March, 8pm Thursday 18th April, 2pm and again. Ideal for ages 3 years and above. American Rumble Wrestling Spectacular as part Tickets: £14.00, Concessions: £13.00 Tickets: £11.00 Captain Calamity’s Workshop – optional extra of their 25th anniversary tour. Great London Classic Theatre is well known for touring Touring with a host of new songs, costumes and after the Show. entertainment for all the family and the best value routines this is a stunning musical journey professional adaptations. It will bring this 19th ticket in town. Century classic to vivid extravagant life with their through the 40’s,50’s,60’s and 70’s. Beautifully An Evening with Stars from customary flair, attention to detail, high quality Kenny Ball & his Jazzmen costumed and choreographed for each decade, casting and impeccable production values. Friday 5th April, 8pm performed by West End and international Saturday 18th May, 8pm Tickets: £17.00, Concessions: £16.00 vocalists along with the Memory Lane dancers. Tickets: £20.00 Irish House Party Probably the greatest test of an artist’s success is Strictly Stars Pasha Kovalev and Katya Virshilas Saturday 30th March, 8pm Madame Butterfly with his durability. For over 50 years Kenny Ball has will be taking the stage along with their guest Tickets £19.00, Concessions: £18.00 flown the flag for his particular brand of Champagne Reception dancers demonstrating a series of stunning dance Dublin’s No1 award winning music and dance Thursday 18th April, 7.30pm routines accompanied by a full audio visual traditional jazz all over the world and they are as Tickets: £12.00 show offers the warmest of welcome to the finest popular today as they were back in1960 when backdrop. house party in town. Starring All Ireland they had their first chart hit. Join Wyllyotts for their first recorded production Champion musicians, fantastic presenters with of Opera Australia. Streamed through the digital great banter and not forgetting some excellent Shaolin Warriors “Return of the Master” cinema system this promises to be an exquisite WYLLYOTTS BOX OFFICE: Irish dancing. This amazing multi talented Saturday 6th April, 7.30pm evening of opera. Madame Butterfly is a timeless 01707 645005 gathering deliver the best traditional night of Tickets: £22.50, Concessions: £20.00, work and will make you fall in love with opera all musical entertainment the Emerald Isle has to Family of 4: £80.00 over again. Sung in Italian with English subtitles, Wyllyotts Theatre, Wyllyotts Place, offer. Direct from China! This breathtaking theatrical experience opera on the big screen. Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 2HN

20 Entertainment

decides to put on a show to prevent the closure.In the end the theatre is saved, the town is reinvigorated and Bobby finds love while also achieving his dream. The show runs at Wyllyotts Theatre, Wyllyotts Place, Darkes Lane, Potters Bar from Tuesday 23rd April to Saturday 27th April at 7.30pm, with a matinée at 2.30pm on Saturday 27th April. Tickets are priced at £15 for adults and £10 for under 18s, with senior citizen concessions at £12 for the Tuesday evening and Saturday matinée performances. There is a 10% discount for bookings of ten full-price seats or more for the same performance. Tickets can be bought over the phone on 07985 542204, or by post to PBTC Box Office, PO Box 154, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 2WB (cheques payable to ‘POTTERS BAR THEATRE COMPANY’ . Please include a stamped addressed envelope). Alternatively you can book online at – booking fee applies.

CRAZY FOR YOU 23rd–27th April Wyllyotts Theatre, Wyllyotts Place, Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 2HN Full of high-energy dance numbers and unforgettable, toe-tapping songs such as ‘I Got Rhythm’, ‘They Can’t Take That Away From Me’ and ‘Someone To Watch Over Me’ , and jam-packed with comic plot twists, George and Ira Gershwin’s Crazy For You tells the story of Bobby Child, a well-heeled 1930s playboy who dreams of becoming a dancer. His mother and soon-to-be ex-fiancée insist he goes to a small gold-mining town in Nevada instead to close down the local theatre. But there he falls in love with the theatre owner’s daughter, Polly, and

21 Potters Bar Community News

The Rotary Club Both Potters Bar and New Format for Brookmans Park Rotary Sponsored Swim Brookmans Park Rotary Brookmans Park Rotary Club are organizing the 21st annual Clubs say thank you Sponsored swim at the Furzefield Centre on Saturday 9th March. The Rotary Club of Potters Bar would like to thank all residents and First teams in the water at 5.30pm. This year there is even more of visitors who contributed to our charity sleigh collections and for their an incentive to enter a team and get as much sponsorship as you most generous donations. You helped raise over £7,000 this year can. which is fabulous in this economic climate, and means we can carry Why? This year Brookmans Park Rotary wants each team to receive on supporting people and good causes in and around Potters Bar. half the sponsorship money their team raises for their own charity John Godfrey or good cause! So come on all the PTAs, local sports clubs, The Rotary Club of Brookmans Park would also like to thank everyone charities, voluntary groups, etc. Why not raise your own funds and in Brookmans Park and Welham Green who donated to their get fit at the same time with Brookmans Park Rotary Club? And if Christmas Sleigh charity collection. In total we collected just over you are planning on just entering a team for the fun of it, why not £3,000 which again will be distributed to the NSPCC, The RAF nominate a charity to support and give them a wonderful surprise? Benevolent Fund and other charities supported by Rotary.

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22 cnews@fsmail. net

Potters Bar Society Walks PATIO & DRIVEWAY to April 2013 SPECIALISTS EST 25 01707 6555 11 YEARS

If you are interested in furthering your • Unique Driveways & Patios knowledge and understanding of the local environment, then these walks should • Stain Resistant & Weed Free appeal. Non members are welcome but please make sure you know the protocol and • Domestic & Commercial walks rules. You join all the walks at your • Steps Fencing Ponds own risk. We are looking for new walks leaders – Evergreen Landscapes please ring 01707 643832 if you can help. Please note that walks to 24th March start at 13.30, due to Rydal Mount Yard, Baker Street, Potters Bar shorter daylight hours during winter months. From 7th April they begin at 14.15. Potters Bar Baptist Church Sunday 10th March There’s a building in Barnet Road which is about 130 years old; Start 13.30 you have probably walked pass it many times but never go in. Meet: outside Brookmans Park Station. Potters Bar Baptist Church, the oldest church in Potters Bar. Route: Walk to Bell Bar via Potterells Farm & The Legg. We have a new Minister-in-Training Joel Mercer who, along with Return via Gobions. About 5.3 miles. his wife Vicki and toddler son Caleb, is going to be with us for Leaders: 01707 851498 . almost 3 years. Every Sunday at 10.30am we have our morning service, which Sunday 24th March incorporates a crèche for babies and toddlers, Sunday Club for Start 13.30 the over 3 year olds, refreshments, plus once a month a meal to Meet: at School Lane, Essendon at junction with which all are welcome. Our evening service at 6.00pm is quieter High Road. (TL 275086) (please park towards school end and more reflective. We meet for prayer at 10.00am each Sunday of lane). Route: Walk to River Lea, West End. Return to morning before the service and once a month on a Thursday evening. School Lane. About 5 miles. Leader: 01707 642634 . On Mondays all mums, dads and carers are very warmly invited to Sunday 7th April our Tots in Tow Club which meets 1.30 –2.45pm during term Start 14.15 time. Wednesday afternoons 2 –4pm our Wednesday Community Club Meet: at Welham Green Sub-Post Office Delsome Lane, which, as it says, is for all the community, irrespective of age or Welham Green. Route: Walk to Hatfield and . gender. Activities are varied including speakers, outings, lunches, Return to Welham Green. About 6 miles. board games and clothes sales. See “What’s On” section for Leader: 01707 264689 . further details. Our Wednesday Evening Fellowship is held once a month 7.30 –9pm and, like the afternoon meeting, has a variety of Sunday 21st April activities. Start 14.15 Bible study groups, one fortnightly in the morning and the other Meet: at School Lane, Essendon at junction with weekly in the evening. High Road (TL 275086) (please park toward school Our Easter service will be held at 10.30am on 31st March so why end of lane). Route: Essendon, Golf course, not come and meet us? You will receive a warm welcome, as you Little , Howe Green, Essendon. will to all our activities. About 6 miles. Leaders: 01707 655732 . If you would like more details about the church or any of the activities it provides please ring our Minister on 01707 651179 , Details of later walks may be accessed on the Society’s email him on [email protected] or look at the website website, . . 23 Potters Bar Community News One last course for the WEA in Potters Bar Open We would like to thank all the tutors who have enlightened the Mon to Fri 7 –6, Sat 8 –5, Sun 10 –12 residents of Potters Bar and beyond for their energy and expertise over the years. We thank the many students who attended the classes enthusiastically and kept the WEA going for at least 30 years. For the past five years, those who have attended the Literature class have been inspired by Gerald Bevan who has led our study through ancient and modern poetry and prose. Potters Bar and District Next term Michael King, a popular teacher, will be leading our last class which begins on Thursday 18th April from 10am until Horticultural Society midday and will be held at the United Reformed Church in The Potters Bar and District Horticultural Society is a Darkes Lane. This six week course in entitled, “Writing about friendly, informal society for people who are interested in London” . gardening and gardens. Meetings are held fortnightly on The Workers Educational Association (WEA) has held classes Wednesday evenings at Elm Court, Mutton Lane, Potters in Potters Bar for many years and enthusiastic members have Bar starting at 8pm. studied many subjects including Art, Music, Natural History, There is a varied and interesting programme consisting of Literature, Egyptology and History. Such classes have enabled talks, slide shows, and demonstrations on wide-ranging students to progress to an advanced level, including University aspects of horticulture. Altogether, there is a wealth of for example, and others have enjoyed enhancing their knowledge and skills under the professional leadership of knowledge and experience to be shared between like- highly qualified tutors. minded people. Sadly no-one has come forward to lead the Potters Bar Branch In the summer outings are arranged to interesting gardens which, at present, has just the one Literature class. Therefore and nurseries, which are much enjoyed by all. this WEA Branch will close at the end of this Academic Year – The Society’s programme for 2013 promises yet another after the six week summer course 2013. fascinating and informative year, with talks on up to date Jean Platt, Chair growing mediums, hardy geraniums, and digging for Anne Maxwell, Treasurer victory, to name but a few. Gillian Sewell, Secretary – 01707 658915 The Society holds a very successful show at Elm Court three times a year in the Spring, Summer and Autumn. The Spring Show this year is on Saturday 13th April and visitors are guaranteed a wonderful exhibition of spring flowers and decorative plants. Tea and cakes will be available, together with a wide variety of home-grown plants to purchase and take home, along with free advice! This is a local event that is well-worth supporting. The Summer and Autumn Shows this year are on the 6th July and 14th September. The society also has a busy stall every summer at the Potters Bar Carnival. If you would like more information about the Society, or a copy of the programme, please contact the Secretary, Margaret Brand, on 01707 643357 . New members and visitors, whether beginners or life-long gardeners, are always made most welcome. All that is needed is an interest in growing plants. 24 cnews@fsmail. net 2013 Holy Week and Easter Services at local churches Christ Church, Little Heath (CE) St John’s Methodist Church, Potters Bar Maundy Thursday 28th March 7pm Informal Communion Easter Day 31st March 10.30am Family Service with Good Friday 29th March 2pm Reflective Service Communion Easter Day 31st March 9am Easter Service with Tuesday 2nd – Friday 5th April Holiday Club for children Communion in years 1 –6 10.30am Easter Service with Contact Revd Alison Facey 652978 Communion Contact Revd Steve Rees 654414 Our Lady and St Vincent Roman Catholic Church, Potters Bar King Charles the Martyr, Mutton Lane, Potters Bar (CE) Holy Thursday 28th March 8pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Maundy Thursday 28th March 12 noon Open Door Cafe Service Good Friday 29th March 3pm Solemn Liturgy 8pm Sung Eucharist and Vigil till 3pm Liturgy for Children 10pm Easter Eve 30th March 7pm Easter Vigil Good Friday 29th March 12 noon Reflection on the Cross Easter Day 31st March 9am Mass 2pm Reflection in Words and Music 11am Mass Easter Eve 30th March 8pm Easter Vigil Service Contact Fr Tim O’Connor 654359 The Church will then be open all night for prayer – please Potters Bar Baptist Church, Barnet Road come and go as you wish Easter Day 31st March 10.30am Morning Service Easter Day 31st March 9.15am Sung Eucharist 6pm Evening Service 11.0am Morning Worship Communion Contact Church Secretary 646277 Contact Revd Michael Burns 661266 Potters Bar Evangelical Free Church, Mimms Hall Road St Mary’s, The Walk, Potters Bar (CE) Easter Day 31st March 10.30am Easter Family Service Maundy Thursday 28th March 8pm Sung Eucharist and Vigil Contact 020 8886 9410 Good Friday 29th March 12.30pm Stations of the Cross 1.30pm The Good Friday Liturgy St Giles, South Mymms (CE) Maundy Thursday 28th March 9.15am School Easter Service Holy Saturday 30th March 9pm The Easter Vigil 8pm Mass with Vigil Easter Day 31st March 8am Holy Communion Good Friday 29th March 8pm Sermon in Black Horse Pub 10.0am Easter Parish Communion Easter Day 31st March 11.0am Family Eucharist Contact Revd Peter Bevan 644539 Contact Revd Brenda Tipping 07780 535035 (text only) Potters Bar United Reformed Church, Darkes Lane Maundy Thursday 28th March 8pm Informal Communion St Margaret’s Ridge (CE) Good Friday 29th March 10am Service of Readings and Easter Day 31st March 9.15am Easter Holy Communion Prayers 9.45am Easter Breakfast Easter Day 31st March 9.15am Holy Communion 11.0am Family Service Contact Revd Brenda Tipping 07780 535035 (text only) Contact the Revd Nick Brindley 665482 Brookmans Park United Reformed Church Good Friday 29 March 2pm Communion Service Easter Day 31 March 10.30am Service of the Word Contact the Revd Nick Brindley 665482 St Mary’s, (CE) Maundy Thursday 28th March 7.30pm Holy Communion and foot washing followed by a Vigil Good Friday 29th March 2–3pm At the foot of the Cross Easter Day 31st March 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30am Parish Communion and Egg Hunt Contact Revd Julia Boothby 01727 822887

Good Friday Procession, 29th March Gather at the Roman Catholic Church of our Lady and St Vincent in Mutton Lane to leave at 9.30am, walking along Darkes Lane and concluding with a short service at the United Reformed Church, which will be followed by tea/coffee. All are warmly welcome.

Easter Day, 31st March – Dawn Sunrise Service Gather outside St Mary’s Church in The Walk at 6.15am for a short outdoor service, beginning at sunrise (6.30am), followed by 32 Bakers Street, Potters Bar, EN6 2EB communion in the Church and then tea/coffee and pastries.

25 Potters Bar Community News LOCAL ORGANISATIONS AB’s STOMPERS LINE DANCING BOTANY BAY PETANQUE CLUB DARBY and JOAN CLUB – ITALIAN CIRCLE OF MID-HERTS* Weekly, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Wroxham School. All levels. Weekly, Sunday 10.30am–2pm. Botany Bay Cricket Club. Try the RENAMED WEDNESDAY COMMUNITY CLUB Monthly, Wednesday. Talks on all aspects of Italy. 07967 964962. French game of boules. 01707 653325. Wednesday 2–4pm. PB Baptist Church, Barnet Road. Tel June 655599. Golf Club, Mannicotts. Visitors £5 per person per visit. Membership £25 ACT 4* BRIDGE CLUB – LITTLE HEATH (duplicate) DOG TRAINING – HOME FARM per season. 7.45pm, fortnightly 8.15pm. 01707 372264. Weekly. Youth clubs and regular events. 01707 665551 or Little Heath Bridge Club meet Tuesday evenings 7.30pm in Parish Hall. Friday morning classes 9.30am –12pm. Obedience and socialisation. All JAZZ – GOOGLIES JAZZ CLUB New Members welcome (subscription £25). Contact Aileen on levels welcome. One-2-one also possible. Tel 01707 275322. Meet Thursday evenings Botony Bay Cricket Club, East Lodge Lane (just ADULT BALLET, JAZZ and TAP CLASS 01707 652343 or Peter on 01707 658016. ELIZABETH ALLEN FOOTBALL CLUB off The Ridgeway), 7.30pm. Contact John on 020 8350 3541. Weekly classes leading to performance. Parkwood Health and BRIDGE CLUB Weekly, Saturday afternoon. Old Owen’s, Coopers Lane Road and JUST STANDING Leisure Centre, Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 1AA, Thursday mornings from 10am to 1pm in Edmond Room at Little Heath Coopers Road. Little Heath. 16 years up. Training Tuesday 8pm. Owen’s Chi Kung Class, Potters Bar Health Club. Saturday 11.15am–12.15pm. 07904 771 980, Contact Suzanne. Parish Hall. Playing Chicago Bridge. Subscription £25 for 6 months or School. 01707 652422/646273. Tel 01707 272255. ADULT NETBALL pro rata. New members welcome. Call Tom 01707 655461. ENFIELD LIGHT OPERATIC and DRAMATIC SOCIETY KARATE, SELF DEFENCE and FITNESS Monday 7–8pm. Wroxham School. £2. Any standard welcome. Mondays 7.30pm. At the Clayton Centre, 32 Barnet Road, Potters Bar. Weekly, Tuesday and Friday, 8pm. Drama Group rehearse Winchmore Weekly, Wednesday Furzefield Centre. Juniors 7.30–8.30pm. Adults Tel 01707 650902. Contact June 01707 651011. Hill. Perform Wyllyotts. 2 musicals per year. 07711 316474. 8.30–9.30pm, Sunday 11am–12pm. Friendly club. Tel 07534 AIR TRAINING CORPS – 57 (PB) SQUADRON BROOKMANS PARK WI FENG SHUI SOCIETY OF HERTS 563456. Weekly, Tuesday and Thursday. Ingram Cadet Centre (opposite Fire 3rd Monday, 8pm. Brookmans Park United Reformed Church. Visitors Monthly. Elm Court. 7pm. Everyone very welcome. 07951 741128. KARATE and SELF DEFENCE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN TO ADULT Station). 7.15–9.30pm. Children 13–18 years. New members welcome. 01707 657997. FIFTY PLUS Saturday 2 –7 years old, 10.30 –11.15am, 8 years plus welcome. 01707 656172. BROOKMANS PARK TENNIS CLUB Wide range of activities, events, trips and courses. No membership 11.20am –12.25pm. 01707 661544 or ALZHEIMERS SOCIETY Golf Club Road, Brookmans Park. 6 courts/floodlights. Suit all abilities. required. Not exclusive to 50 and over. Contact the Fifty Plus team for KARATE FOR ALL THE FAMILY Last Thursday of every month, St Johns Church, Baker Street. 01707 644926. further info on 020 8207 7568. Weekly, Saturday. Oakmere Youth and Community Centre. 1.30–3.30pm, contact 01707 265326. Saturday weekly at Sixty Plus, BROOKMANS PARK WEA FIR and POND WOODS NATURE RESERVE OF Children 10.30–11.30am. Adults 11.45–1pm. Beginners welcome. Wyllyotts Centre, 10.30am–3.30pm for families and carers. Meet weekly on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. 10 week course held HERTFORDSHIRE and MIDDLESEX WILDLIFE TRUST* 01707 852641. ANGIE’S DANCE ACADEMY at URC Brookmans Park. Contact 01707 650673 for information. Monthly 3rd Sunday, 10am. Meet at lay-by, Coopers Lane Road. Tools KYO RIOKU JUTSU Weekly classes for children and adults (disco/street). Latin American and BURMA STAR provided. Contact 01707 657351. Weekly, Monday. Furzefield Centre. 7.30 –9pm. 07738 629585. line dancing, to exam status and performing in shows. Contact Angie on St Albans Branch. Monthly, 2nd Monday, 11am. British Legion Club, FIRST CLASS LEARNING MATHS and ENGLISH LADIES BADMINTON 07773 341490. Verulam Road, St Albans. For ex-servicemen with Burma Star. Ages 5 –16. Weekly, Thursdays 3.30 –5.30pm. King Charles the Martyr. Weekly, Wednesday afternoons, 2–5pm. Christ Church Hall, Little Heath. ART 020 8207 1247. Contact Pallavi 01707 527155 or Friendly, social group – new members welcome. 01707 650040. Every Friday 10am–12pm. Furzefield Court, (next to Elm Court), BUSHI SEISHIN RYU (Marshall Arts) FISH/FELLOWSHIP OF SERVICE LIFE CHURCH – POTTERS BAR £2.30. Contact 020 8207 7568. Weekly, Friday. Kidston Institute, Northaw Road West, Northaw. Can provide transport for medical treatment and similar needs in local Sunday 9.30am Family Service. Held in Oakmere Youth and ART IN HERTS 7.30–9.30pm. 01707 642354. community. Organised by Churches Together. 01707 653378/659858. Community Centre, Fetherstone Close, Potters Bar. 01707 876060. Weekly, Tuesday. Furzefield Court, Mutton Lane. 7.30–10pm CAKE DECORATING FITNESS CLASSES LIFE CHURCH – CUFFLEY Painting in informal and social atmosphere with occasional expert tuition. Potters Bar Sugar Art Club, 1st Monday in month at Furzefield Elderly Every Wednesday at 7.15pm. LBPT Fitness Classes and every Saturday Sunday 11am Family Service, King James Avenue, Cuffley EN6 4LN. 01707 650694. People Centre, Mutton Lane. 7.30pm. Call Jackie 01707 850432 for at 9am are held in Essendon CofE Primary School Hall. Adults of all ages 01707 876060. and abilities welcome. ART CLASSES details. LINE DANCE WITH STEPPIN’ TIME Art Classes in drawing and watercolour painting in Artist’s own garden CARDIAC CUPPORT GROUP FOOTBALL Weekly, Monday and Thursday in Welham Green. Absolute beginners to studio, Tuesday and Thursday mornings 10am–12.30pm. Also private Monthly meetings and weekly cardiac exercise. British Legion, Vets football – Saturday afternoons 35 years upwards. Venues locally in intermediate level. 01707 655866. lessons. Jane 01707 850356. South Herts. Evening 01707 852422. Holtwhites Hill, Enfield. 01992 718155. LINE DANCING ART CLUB CARERS IN HERTFORDSHIRE* FRIDAY FOLK Weekly, Wednesday Christ Church Hall, Thornton Road, Little Heath. Sixty Plus Centre. Contact 01707 654007. Thursday 2–4pm. Contact 01992 586969 information. Social folk dancing club Friday evening, 7.45–10pm, in St Albans. 7.30–8.45pm. Easy Dances. Tel 01707 662050. Everybody welcome, no experience or partner necessary. Contact BADMINTON CAPITAL ARTS CHILDREN’S CHOIR and YOUTH THEATRE LINE DANCING Weekly, Fridays. Owen’s School, 8 –10pm. Age 17+ intermediate Saturday. Wyllyotts Centre. Age 5–16 years. Drama and choir. Contact Wednesday 2–4pm Beginner/Improver level. Oakmere Youth upwards. 01707 264007. 020 8449 2342 or [email protected]. FURZEFIELD WI and Community Centre, Fetherstone Close off Chase Avenue. Monthly, 3rd Thursday. 7.30–10pm. Tilbury Hall. 01707 659886. Tel 01707 859578. BADMINTON – OAKLANDS CLUB CHARITY LUNCHES GARDENING CLUB Weekly, Tuesday. 8–10pm. Owen’s School Sports Hall. Social United Reformed Church, Darkes Lane, 1st and 3rd Friday in month. LITTLE HEATH CHESS CLUB badminton. July to April including school holidays. Adults-intermediate Soup, full salad buffet, tea/coffee and biscuits, 1pm. £3 per person. Sixty Plus Centre. Contact 01707 645866. Alternate Wednesday, Juniors – Thursday 5.45–7.15pm. Adult players welcome for matches. upwards. 01707 655764. Please come and join us 01707 665482. 2–4pm. Contact Chris Cook 01707 642027. BADMINTON CLUB CHARLIE’S ANGELS GOBIONS WOOD NATURE RESERVE OF LOAVES and FISHES CAFÉ HERTFORDSHIRE and MIDDLESEX WILDLIFE TRUST Meets at Little Heath Church Hall, Thursday at 7.30pm. New members of Weekly on Wednesday in term time. 1.30–3pm. For toddlers, parents, Weekly, Wednesday. Christchurch, Little Heath. 10.45am–12.30pm. All all abilities welcome. Contact 01707 657812. grandparents and carers. King Charles the Martyr Church Hall. No charge. For information contact 01727 858901 welcome. 01707 662460. BADMINTON CLUB (Friern) 01707 665579. GOLDEN EAGLE SPIRITUAL GROUP* MAGICAL SOCIETY Friendly club for intermediate players – Dame Alice Owen’s School every CHERRY LODGE CANCER CARE Monthly, 1st Tueday. Clayton Centre, Barnet Road. 8pm. Mediumship Fortnightly, Thursday, 7.45pm. Little Heath Parish Hall, Thornton Road. and workshops. 01707 658499. Wednesday, 8pm. Contact [email protected]. Contact Tina on 020 8441 7000 for more information. New members welcome including beginners. Contact Merlin GREEN ROOM PRODUCTIONS 01707 654606. BALLROOM and LATIN DANCING CHI KUNG CLASS Rehearsals Monat King Charles the Martyr Church Hall, Wednesday at Weekly. Tilbury Hall. Beginners Monday, 7pm. Improvers 7.45pm Weekly, Monday 6.30–7.30pm at North Mymms Social Club, Welham MIND DROP-IN GROUP Oakmere School. Present modern musicals twice a year at Wyllyotts. and advanced 8.45pm. Wednesday Beginners Line Dancing 8.30pm. Green. Saturdays 11am–12pm at Potters Bar Health Club. Organised by Weekly, Tuesday, 1–4pm. Cricket Club, The Walk. 01707 659455. 01707 268846. New members welcome – acting and behind the scenes. ‘Just Standing’. 01707 272255. MITRE CLUB BAKER STREET SOCIAL CLUB 01727 836938. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN POTTERS BAR Monthly 1st Tuesday. For retired professionals/businessmen. Meet Wednesday between 10am and12pm at St John’s Church, GUIDES, BROWNIES and RAINBOWS Co-ordination organization for all churches in Potters Bar. Contact Ramada Hotel, (formerly Comet). Lunch and talk by guest speaker. Baker Street, make new friends, play cards, scrabble, etc. Occasional Potters Bar and Brookmans Park areas go to Malcolm Golland on 01707 653417. 01707 652376. If problems contact Sue on speakers and other activities. Contact 01707 657059. MOUNTVIEW DANCE SCHOOL CIRCLE FOR THE BLIND and PARTIALLY SIGHTED 01707 850147. BARNET and DISTRICT CANCER LINK (PB THEATRE COMPANY) Weekly, Monday and Saturday. St John’s Church Hall, Baker Street. Drop In Centre, WEEKLY, Wednesday, 1.30–4pm. Church of Mary GURDJIEFF STUDY AND MEDITATION GROUP Dress rehearsals for shows and quarterly evening socials at Dance classes from age 3 upwards. 01582 461233. Immaculate and St Gregory the Great, Church Hall, Union Street, Meets every few weeks. Contact number 01707 654896 for more Furzefield Court, evenings. 01707 657194. MOVES FITNESS Barnet for cancer patients/families/friends. 01707 708022/ information. Weekly, Monday. St Mary’s Church Hall, The Walk, 7.30–8.30pm. 020 8446 3104. COMMUNITY CHOIR HERTFORDSHIRE CONCERT BAND Aerobic Dance Exercise. All fitness levels welcome. 1st lesson free. Bring Weekly, Tuesday. Wyllyotts Theatre. 7.30–9.30pm. For info Joy BARNET PLUS SPORT and SOCIAL CLUB Tuesday evenings at Music Department of Hertfordshire University. A mat/towel. 01707 651008. 01707 655464. friendly wind band that rehearses in Hatfield. Contact 07806 258401 or Weekly. Sunday from 8.30pm at The All Saints’ Arts Centre, MULTI-SPORT 122 Oakleigh Road North, London N20 9EZ. CROQUET CLUB Weekly, Tuesday and Thursday. Furzefield Centre. For the active Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, from 2.30pm. Bush Hill Park, BARNET YHA (North LONDON OUTDOOR GROUP) HERTFORDSHIRE SHOWBAND generation 50+. Short tennis, table tennis, badminton, swimming, Enfield. Entrance Cecil Avenue, off Southbury Road. Beginners welcome. Weekly, Tuesday 8–10pm. Discovery Hall, Netherlands Road, Barnet. Weekly, Monday. Mount Grace School. Training band and lessons 7pm, indoor bowls. 01707 850500. Coaching given. 020 8366 6005. Showband 7.45pm. 01707 650209. 30 –50+. Walking weekends, day walks, social. 020 8449 1553 or MUSICAL TEAPOTS CUFFLEY FLORAL ART CLUB* HERTS PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA Baby/Toddler Group from 10 months to 4 years old. Weekly, Monthly, Tuesday, 8pm. Cuffley Hall, Maynards Place. Contact 01707 BARNET WALKS Meets Thursday Evening at Welwyn Garden City, for experienced Wednesday mornings, 10 –11am in Brookmans Park. Contact Mandy on 873821. 7pm for 8pm start. Contact Paul for more information on 0208 440 6805 orchestral players., contact 01727 857827 or 01707 657954. CUFFLEY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY come and see us. £8, under 12s £4. Walks are guided. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIFTED CHILDREN BARRACUDA SWIMMING CLUB Meet last Thursday in the month, 10 times per year. 8pm start, HERTS STAG CLUB – EXPLORERS CLUBS Cuffley Hall, Maynard Place. Contact Weekly, Sunday. Furzefield Centre Mutton Lane. 11.30am–12.30pm. Monthly, 2nd Monday. Brookmans Park Golf Club, 12.15pm for 1pm for Monthly, 1st Sunday. . For talented children and siblings. 01707 874357. Helps people with disabilities to be safe in water. 01707 653329 or lunch. For retired professional and business men. Purely social. Please CUFFLEY INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE SOCIETY* telephone 01707 652932 for more information. 01707 659058. NETBALL CLUB 2nd Tuesday monthly, Northaw Village Hall. 7.30pm for 8pm, £4. BAY JAZZ CLUB HERTSMERE SOCIETY OF ART Cheshunt Youth – Thursday evenings at Wormley playing fields in winter or 01707 873680. Weekly. Tuesday. 8.30–11pm. Botany Bay Cricket Club, Weekly, Wednesday. 1.30–4.30pm. Clayton Centre, Barnet Road. – various leagues. Adults also, ring Chloe on 01707 873676. East Lodge Lane, Enfield. Live Traditional Jazz. Licensed Bar. CUFFLEY OVER 50’S CLUB Friendly art group. All standards welcome. 01707 658336. In Hatfield and Welwyn Garden City, aged 9 to adults. Also back to New members always welcome. 020 8367 6660. Wednesday 2–5pm. Cuffley Youth and Community Centre. Art, snooker, HEALTH WALKS (HERTSMERE) Netball. Contact Wendy on 01707 642674 for details. BELLRINGING IN SOUTH MYMMS table-tennis, scrabble, etc. Contact Betty 01707 659621. Meet outside PB train station every Monday, Wednesday 10.30am. NINTAI KARATE CLUB Bellringers practice at St Giles Church, Thursday, 7.30pm. All ages DANCE From 2nd April on Friday evenings. Contact 01462 459395. Weekly, PB Health Club, Mount Grace Road, Monday and Friday. welcome from 12 – no upper limit. Experience or beginners. Contact Lizzie Meeks School of Dance. Saturday 10am–2pm and Tuesday HUMANISTS – North LONDON GROUP Shotokan karate. Beginners 7–8pm. Intermediate/advanced 8–10pm. 01707 645866. 4– 9.30pm. Potters Bar/Barnet. Children/adults: ballet, tap, modern, Monthly, 3rd Thursday. Non-religious people meet for discussion meetings 07956 987100. BINGO jazz, street, hip-hop, funky and zumba. Enquiries 01707 670418. at Ruth Winston House, Palmers Green + social events. 01707 653667. NORTH LONDON and DISTRICT SOCIAL CLUB FOR THE UNATTACHED Weekly, Monday. South Mimms Youth and Community Association, DANCING IRISH DANCING Weekly, Wednesday, 8–11pm. Cheshunt Sports Club, Albury Ride. Village Hall, 7.20pm. Make friends and win money. Ballroom and Latin, beginners. Weekly, Wednesday. Christ Church Hall, Weekly, Wednesday and Saturday. Feeney Miller School of Dancing, Dancing to meet all tastes, friendly club, suitable for over 55, bar. 01707 651700/647822. Thornton Road, 8.45–10pm. Phone 01707 662050. Clayton Centre. Age 4+. 01727 824842. Richard 01992 639344.

26 cnews@fsmail. net LOCAL ORGANISATIONS NORTH MYMMS BOWLS CLUB PB and DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY* PB UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Bushwood Close, Dellsome Lane, Welham Green. New members Meets alternate Wednesday 8–10pm. Elm Court, Mutton Lane. Training weekly. Age 5–16 years. Boys and Girls. Phone for Hill Rise. Evenings of clairvoyance and healing services. 01707 655147. welcome. 01707 656238. Members 50p. Visitors £2. Phone 01707 651372 for more times/venues. 01707 850377. STANDING LIKE A TREE NORTH MYMMS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY information. PB URC NURSERY SCHOOL Chi Kung class. Potters Bar Health Club. Saturdays, 11am. North Mymms Youth and Community Centre, Station Road, PB and DISTRICT PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Meeting in Tilbury Hall, flexible hours school terms, 9am to 1pm, Tel 01707 272255. Welham Green. Contact Adrian 01707 885430. Monday 7.30pm for 8pm. Wyllyotts Centre. Any standard welcome. Monday to Thursday and 9am –12pm. Phone 07854 843125 mornings SUGAR ART CLUB NORTH MYMMS LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY* 01438 832504. only, for details. Monthly demonstrations, 1st Monday in month, Furzefield Court, Monthly, 4th Tuesday, United Reformed Church, Brookmans Park. 8pm. PB DOG TRAINING SOCIETY PB WEA Mutton Lane. 7.30pm. 01707 850432. £1 refreshments. 01707 656716. Weekly, Sunday. 10–11am. 8 week courses. Literature Group. Meet on Thursday mornings 10am–12pm. United SWIFTS JUNIOR BADMINTON Reform Church. Courses run through year. New members welcome. For NORTH MYMMS – ST MARY’S CHURCH 01707 651610/853337. Weekly, Friday. Hatfield Leisure Centre. 5–10pm. Age 7–18 years. info call 01707 658915. Wednesday. Lunchtime tea/coffee/snacks in beautiful surroundings PB EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH Beginners to County Squad level. 01707 652061. open until 31 October, 12–2pm. 01707 654633. Everybody welcome. Sunday 10.30–11.30am family service, communion and youth service, PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA TABLE TENNIS CLUB Meets Thursday at Welwyn Garden City, for experienced orchestral NORTH MYMMS YOUTH and COMMUNITY CENTRE* followed by refreshments. Monday Youth Clubs 5–10 years, Weekly, Wednesday and Thursday at Potters Bar Free Church, 6.15–7.30pm, 11 years upwards 7.30–9pm. players – 01438 714394. Mimms Hall Road. Competing in Barnet and Shaw Leagues. Evening. Station Road, Welham Green. 01707 260198. Contact 01707 895838. PHOENIX CONCERT BAND 01707 852422. NORTH MYMMS YOUTH PROJECT PB FLOWER CLUB* Rehearsals Weekly, Thursday. Fair Field Junior School, Road, TABLE TENNIS Organisations activities, trips and weekly meetings for young people Monthly, 2nd Wednesday (except August). 7.30pm for 8pm. Radlett. 8–10pm. 01707 642976. Hertsmere 50+. Weekly, Tuesday. 10–12noon. Thursday 2–4pm. aged 9–16 D of E for ages 14+. King Charles the Martyr Church Hall. Visitors welcome (£5). RADLETT MUSIC CLUB Elm Court. 020 8207 7568. For Senior Citizens, weekly, Friday. BOWLS CLUB Hatfield Leisure Centre, 10–12noon. Anne 01707 850089 or Chris 01707 656796. 6 concerts per season, October to April. Radlett Centre, 8pm. String or King George V Playing Fields, Northaw Road East, Cuffley (near Tennis PB GOLF CLUB* wind trios/SIXTY quartets playing Chamber Music. Solo pianist once a TAI TSUNG KUNG FU Courts). New members including beginners welcome. 01707 654883. Darkes Lane. New members and societies welcome. Green fees. season. Contact 01923 855173. Self Defence. Weekly, Tuesday. Oakmere Primary School. 7.30–9pm. NORTHAW GREAT WOOD 01707 652020. RADLETT PLAYERS 07968 162304. Working parties every Friday at 9.30am and first Sunday in each month. PB GYMNASTICS CLUB We present a production each Spring and Autumn at the Radlett Centre. TALENT TIME STAGE COMPANY Meet in car park of the wood. Weekly, Monday. Little Heath Parish Hall. 5–10pm. Drama, dance, Recreational (ages 4–12 years). Monday, 5.15pm, Furzefield Centre. Visit our website [email protected] or 07850 233854. singing. Up to 25 years. 01707 660442/07930 400647. Squad training (ages 6–13 years) Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday ROTARY CLUB OF BROOKMANS PARK NORTHAW TAI CHI GROUP evenings, 5.30pm and Saturday, 9am, Chancellor’s School. Tuesday 7.30pm for 8pm at Old Owens Rugby Club. Enquiries welcome. TOP HAT STAGE SCHOOL Weekly, Tuesday. Northaw Church of England School. Vineyards Road, 01923 855598. 01707 645343. Weekly, Friday. Elm Court. Part-time theatre arts training. Age 4–7 7.45–9pm. 01707 642354. years. Dance(tap), drama, singing. 4.30–7.30pm. 01727 812666. PB HOCKEY CLUB ROUND THE CORNER COFFEE MORNING NORTHAW WI Ladies, Men and Junior hockey. If interested in joining, call either Ed on Friday, term time only, 9am –12pm. Profits to various charities. TOTS-IN-TOW Monthly, 2nd Thursday. 7.30pm, Northaw Village Hall. 07763 929462 or Caroline on 07966 451505. Life Church, Cuffley, King James Avenue. 01707 876060. Every Monday, in term time from 1.30 –3pm at Potters Bar 020 8360 9729. Baptist Church. Activities for babes in arms to school age. Tel Pat PB LAUGHTER CLUB ROYAL BRITISH LEGION 01707 651888. OAKMERE BRIDGE CLUB (CHICAGO) Monday mornings 10–11am Wyllyotts Centre, Fetherstone Room. Monthly, 2nd Wednesday. Cotton Road. 8pm. Ex-service and non TUESDAYDAY FRIENDSHIP* Weekly, Monday. 7.30pm, Wyllyotts Centre, Partners Bridge. Contact 07533 347299. ex-service. 01707 658750. 01707 651461. Alternate Tuesday evenings 8pm at United Reformed Church. PB LAWN TENNIS CLUB ROYAL BRITISH LEGION CLUB 01707 642983 for men andwomen all ages. Talks by guest speakers. OAKMERE WI* The Walk. 6 AstroTurf courts/floodlights. Monday Play and Pay 7–9pm. Weekly Bingo, Thursday. Live music Sunday. Cotton Road. 8–11pm. Do not meet in July or August. Monthly, 2nd Thursday 7.45pm. Tilbury Hall. 01707 645482. Tuesday and Thursday ladies sessions 9.30–11.30am, 645909. New members welcome. 01707 658750. TUMBLE TOTS Wheelchair and disability tennis available contact Karl 07939 303483. OLD FOLKS WELCOME CLUB ROYAL BRITISH LEGION WOMEN’S SECTION Weekly, Friday, Elm Court. Book a trial class. Tel Gill on 020 8449 4593. Sixty Plus Centre. Contact 01707 653650. Monday 2–4pm. PB LIFESAVING CLUB Monthly, 3rd Wednesday. HQ Cotton Road. 8pm. Fundraising and social UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE – U3A* activities. 01707 658895. OLD OWENS CRICKET CLUB Weekly, Tuesday. Furzefield Centre. 8–9pm. From 9 years to any age Various activities and interests for study and recreation for people not in Coopers Lane, PB. All abilities welcome. club. Herts Saracen League. and ability. 020 8440 3346. RSPB full time employment. 2nd Monday in month. Wyllyotts Centre, 10am. 07904 194295/020 8819 6638. PB NATIONAL WOMENS REGISTER – TUESDAYDAY GROUP Evening at Tilbury Hall (URC), Darkes Lane, Friday 7.45pm. Members £1. Contact Brenda on 020 8449 0138. OPEN DOOR CAFÉ Weekly, 8pm in members’ homes. Discussions, quizzes, outings. New £3.50, non-members £4. UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Weekly Thursday. Closed in August King Charles the Martyr. members very welcome. 01707 659903. Afternoons at St John’s URC Hall, Mowbray Road, New Barnet, Play family board games and table tennis at Potters Bar United Reformed Wednesday 2pm. Members £3, non-members £3.50. 01707 644299. 10.30–2pm. Coffee and lunches served. All welcome and all profits to PB PETANQUE PLAYERS Church. Most Sunday, 3pm to 6pm. £1 entrance. Details from Tony charity. 01707 665579. Play at Oakmere Park, first Saturday of every month 2pm to 4pm, RSPCA 01707 659080. All ages welcome. OVER 60’s SOCIAL DANCES Sunday 10.15am to 1pm and Tuesday evenings 6pm to 8pm. Contact Friends of Southridge Animal Rescue and Re-homing Centre, Packhorse UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Social Evenings every 3rd Saturday in the month. 7.15pm to 10.15pm 01707 654606. Lane, Ridge. [email protected] or 01707 642819. Charity Lunches at United Reformed Church, Darkes Lane, 1st and 3rd at Sixty Plus Centre. Contact 01707 653157. PB POTTERS Potters Bar, Hatfield and Barnet Branch – supporting general welfare of Friday in the month. Soup, full buffet lunch, tea/coffee. biscuits, £3.50, animals in area. 07872 902710 or www.rspca- Monday, 9.30am–12pm and Friday. Mount Grace School. No 1pm. 01707 665482. PILATES Weekly classes Tuesday 7 –8pm at Brookmans Park experience necessary. 657096. VOLUNTEER CENTRE SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING United Reform Church. Contact Neelam on 07891 752906. PB RAMBLING CLUB If you are interested in volunteering with various organisations, please Monthly, 3rd Saturday. October to July. Tilbury Hall, 7.30pm. £4.50 contact Carol on 020 8207 4504. Weekly (term time), Monday and Friday 9.30am, Brookmans Park UR Weekly, Wednesdays and alternate Sundays. 10.30am meeting at start including refreshments. Contact Mary on 020 367 4201/4835. Church and Wednesday 9.30am North Mymms Memorial Hall. Booking of walk. 654079 or WALKS – HERTSMERE HEALTH WALKS SCOUTS, CUBS and BEAVERS Levels 1 and 3 meet Monday and Levels 2/3 meet Wednesday at essential – maximum 12 clients. Groups and 1:1s for beginnners PB ROTARY CLUB available. Debbie 07831 103467. For info Peter 01707 850147. 10.30am in PB train station. First Steps meet Monday at 11am in Meets Tuesday 1pm (last 7.30pm) at Brookmans Park Golf Club. Oakmere car park. Level 4 Friday at 7pm in PB station from 4th May to PARENT/TODDLER GROUP SCRABBLE 643019. 31st August. Contact 01462 459395, [email protected] Every Friday, 10am–12noon. Elm Court. £2.30. Weekly, term time. 9.45–10.45am. Cranborne School. PB SHOKOTAN KARATE CLUB or 01707 851471. Contact 020 8207 7568. Training on Wednesday evenings 7.30pm to 8.30pm for juniors aged WEDNESDAY BREAK CLUB ST JOHN AMBULANCE – PB DIVISION PB 41 CLUB 7–16 and 8.30pm to 9.30pm for adults at the Furzefield Centre. Fortnightly on Wednesday, 2.30–4pm. King Charles the Martyr Weekly, Wednesday. 8–10pm. The Walk. First aid training, care and lots For ex-Round Tablers. 1st Wednesday, monthly. Speaker meetings, 8pm. Contact SKA on 075 3456 3456 or visit Church Hall. Social Club for 55+. £1 per meeting. 01707 658540. 01707 851445. of fun. 01707 664260. Room booking 01707 656885. PB SOCIETY COUNTRY GROUP WEDNESDAY COMMUNITY CLUB – PB ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION Contact Alastair 01707 653636. SHOSHIN KARATE JITSU CLUB PREVIOUSLY DARBY and JOAN CLUB Weekly, Wednesday. DHC Potters Bar Health Club, Mount Grace Road. Contact Geoff Sudlow on 01707 653910, or call at Highview Gardens PB SOCIETY TOWN GROUP Wednesday 2–4pm. PB Baptist Church, Barnet Road. Tel June 655599 site on Sundays, from 10am–12pm. 8–9.30pm. Realistic self-defence. Beginners and all grades welcome. or Vera 651470. Closed 8th August to 12th September. Monthly, 1st Thursday, United Reformed Church, 7.30pm. Contact Arnold 07734 294630. PB ART GROUP 01707 654179. WHIST DRIVE SIXTY PLUS LUNCHEON CLUB* Weekly, Monday. 7.30–9.30pm. St John’s Church, Baker Street. All PB SOCIETY WALKS 1st Friday, monthly. Village Hall, Northaw. 7pm for 7.45pm. abilities welcome. Friendly club. Weekdays, 12–1.30pm. Friendly atmosphere. Plus am/pm social clubs. 01707 651682. Fortnightly Sunday afternoon walks along local rights of way. Minibus transport available. 01707 643602. PB BOWLS CLUB Monthly, 2nd Thursday. South Mimms Village Hall. 7.30pm. SIXTY PLUS SENIOR CITIZENS ART GROUP 01727 869211. The Walk. New members welcome. 01707 660336 or email PB THEATRE COMPANY [email protected]. Weekly, Thursday, 1.30–4pm. 60+ Centre, Wyllyotts. Two Exhibitions WILD HILL DOG CLUB Rehearsals Tuesday and Friday. Chancellors School, Brookmans Park. each year. Plenty of encouragement. £1.30 per session including tea. Weekly, Monday evening 7.15– 8.15pm. Puppy socialisation classes PB CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS GROUP Stage 2 musicals and 2 plays per year. Performers, backstage help and New members most welcome. Contact Pauline 01707 654007. from 8 weeks old or after first inoculation. Wildhill Village Hall, near Monthly, 2nd Wednesday. 9.15–11am. At Furzefield Children’s Centre. front of house. For info call Gillian on 01707 657194 or visit SLIMMING WORLD – Essendon. 01707 651610. 01707 859325. Tuesday mornings, 10am. King Charles the Martyr Church Hall and YOGA CLASSES – HATHA PB CHORAL SOCIETY* PB TOWN BAND Tuesday evenings, 7pm at Tilbury Hall, UR Church. Contact Sue on Weekly (term time), Thursday 9.30am at Brookmans Park UR Church. Weekly, rehearsals Tuesday, 7.45pm. St John’s Church Hall, Weekly rehearsals, Friday, 7.30–9.30pm Scout Hut, Quakers Lane. 01707 884911 or 07956 338561. Info and bookings contact Debbie 07831 103467. Baker Street. Previous experience not essential. or Traditional brass band. New players welcome. 07825 330919. SNOOKER 01707 642393. YOGA CLASSES PB TOWN FOOTBALL CLUB* And other activities daily. Kidston, Northaw. 9am–11pm. Senior citizens Weekly, Tuesday, 1–2.30pm. St John’s Church Hall, Baker Street. Mixed PB CINE and VIDEO Society* Parkfield, The Walk. Matches every Saturday 3pm. Some Sundays half fee £14 per annum. 01707 654158. ability. 01438 816356. Alternate Thursday, 7.45pm. Wyllyotts Centre. and midweek. Training Tuesday and Thursday, 7.30pm. Contact SOUTHGATE COLLEGE* YOUTH CLUBS Tel 01707 656446/872210. 07833 632965. For further information contact 020 8982 5050. Weekly. Elm Court. 01707 659602 for details. PB CRICKET CLUB PB TOWNSWOMEN’S GUILD SPANISH CIRCLE HERTFORDSHIRE* The Walk. New members welcome. 01707 888633. Monthly, 2nd Wednesday, 7.30pm. Wayside Hall. 01707 653650. 2nd Friday in month September to June (not December) at Red Lion PB CRUSADERS SPORTS and SOCIAL CLUB PB TOWN TWINNING ASSOCIATION Pub, Hatfield, 7.30pm. Events including wine and sherry tasting, talks on Tell us about your event, meeting, activity and we Daily Members Club. 5.30–11pm. (Monday to Saturday) 12–3pm Visits to and from Franconville and Viernheim. 01707 644805 or Spanish culture. Everyone welcome. 01707 661722. will publicise it and give details of your (Sunday). For all sports/social activities visit 01707 659871. SPARKLERS organisation in the Community News. PB UNDER 5’s ASSOCIATION* Tuesday, term time only, 1 –2.45pm. Music/craft/play for babies and PB and DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY* Approximately 6 meetings per year plus local events. Anyone involved children 0 –4 years and parent/carer. Life Church, Cuffley, King James Contact: [email protected] Monthly lectures, 8pm. 60+ Centre, Wyllyotts. £1. 01707 657586. with young children welcome. Tel 07527 227358. Avenue, Cuffley EN6 4LN. 01707 876060.

27 Potters Bar Community News

DOCTORS’ Local Libraries Oakmere Brookmans Park High Street, Potters Bar Bradmore Green SURGERY HOURS Monday 9am –6pm Monday 2pm –6pm 1) ANNANDALE SURGERY Tuesday 2pm –6pm Tuesday 2pm –6pm Tel: 01707 644451 Wednesday 9am –6pm Wednesday Closed Surgery Hours: 8.30am–6pm Monday to Friday Test Results/Enquiries: 01707 622979 between 2pm and 5pm Monday to Friday Thursday Closed Thursday 2pm –6pm Monthly newsletter available from surgery Friday 2pm –6pm Friday 2pm –6pm Extended Hours: Saturday 8.30am–12 noon for routine booked appointments, Saturday 9am –4pm Saturday 9am –1pm collecting prescriptions and enquiries. Sunday Closed Sunday Closed 2) HIGHVIEW MEDICAL CENTRE For further information, visit your local library or call 0300 123 4049 Tel: 01707 871980 and ask for the appropriate library. NB: The Welwyn Garden City library Surgery Hours: 8am–6pm Monday to Friday is open on Sunday afternoon. Test Results/Enquiries: 01707 871982 between 2pm and 4.30pm Monday to Friday Monthly newsletter available from surgery or on our new website . You can also now follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Wyllyotts Centre, Extended Hours: For routine booked appointments. Monday 6.30–8pm and some Darkes Lane, EN6 2HN Saturday appointments are available twice a month. Early morning appointments available every Wednesday and alternate Fridays. The surgery is closed every Wednesday from 1 –2.30pm for staff training. Mondays Personal Callers 10am –12.30pm and 1pm –3.30pm Thursdays Personal Callers 10am –12.30pm and 1pm –3.30pm 3) PARKFIELD MEDICAL CENTRE Tel: 01707 291041 Surgery Hours: 8am–6pm Monday to Friday Test Results/Enquiries: 11am–2pm Monday to Friday Hertsmere Borough Council Potters Bar Office Extended Hours: Wednesday to Friday from 7am and Saturday fortnightly for routine Wyllyotts Centre – 01707 652406 booked appointments only 8–11.15am. Open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9.30am to 2pm. We have a quarterly newsletter available from the surgery or on our website. Our website address is . 4) POTTERELLS MEDICAL CENTRE Tel: 01707 273338 Useful Numbers Surgery Hours: 8.30am–6.30pm Monday to Friday Hertsmere Borough Council 020 8207 2277 Test Results/Enquiries: As above after 11am. Hertfordshire Police Non-emergency 101 (national number) Extended Hours: For routine, non-emergency appointments. Every Monday and fourth Tuesday 6.30–9pm and first and third Saturday 8.30–11am. Nurse-led Fast Track or 01707 354000 Service: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 9.30am–12 noon. Herts Domestic Violence Helpline 08088 088088 OUT OF HOURS SERVICE FOR ALL THE ABOVE SURGERIES Hertfordshire County Council 01923 471 555 NHS 111 SERVICE National Debt Line 08088 084000 If you urgently need medical help or advice but it’s not a life threatening situation, call NHS on 111 , at any time. Consumer Direct (Herts) 0845 404 0506 From 8am to 8pm every day of the year, you can also see a Doctor at: Highways Spring House Medical Centre, Ascots Lane, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4HL. (including potholes, traffic light faults and streetlights) 0300 1234 047 Walk in or book ahead on 01707 294354 . Wasteaware 0845 742 5000 DENTIST Veolia water leaks 0800 376 5325 When you have an urgent dental problem and your dental surgery is closed, call 03000 333 224 . Monday – Friday, 5pm to 9am. All weekend and Bank Holidays. Childline 0800 1111 Crime Stoppers Anonymous Line 0800 555 111 CAB Advice Line 08444 111 444 Local A&E Services Environmental Health – pest control 020 8207 7435 24 HOUR Barnet Hospital, Wellhouse Lane, Barnet, EN5 3DJ Tel 020 8216 5003 – out of hours emergency (noise nuisance, etc) 0845 300 0021 Chase Farm Hospital, The Ridgeway, Enfield, EN2 8JL Tel 020 8375 1010 NHS Direct (Nurse advice and health information) 111 Lister Hospital, Coreys Mill Lane, , SG1 4AB Tel 01438 314333 NEW LIMITED SERVICE RSPCA Local Branch (financial help if you QEII Hospital, Howlands, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4HQ Tel 01707 32811 claim benefits, on low income, OAP’s) 07872 902710 8am –8pm. Adults: Full A&E service. Children over 12 months: minor injuries only. 8pm –8am. Adults and children over 12 months: minor injuries only.