Information 2019 /20

Aldenham School Information 2019/20

Contents 3 Key aims of 4 Admissions and Fees 6 Scholarships and Bursaries 8 The School and the Wider Community 10 Curriculum 13 Exam Results 14 Boarding and Activities 18 Governors and Staff 23 Frequently Asked Questions 24 Transport 26 How to Find Us 27 Map

Key aims of Aldenham

The key aims of are to:

• Encourage each pupil to fully develop his or her intellectual, physical and cultural talents;

• Emphasise the importance of the social, moral and spiritual dimensions of community life in a modern society;

• Set appropriate goals to challenge each individual within a small caring community;

• Recognise and reward personal and collective achievement in a positive learning environment;

• Nurture in pupils the character and skills with which to meet the challenges of life beyond school;

• Maintain and develop a team of professional teachers who seek fulfilment in their work through the progress of their pupils;

• Forge a partnership with parents and the wider community for the further development of the aims and life of the School;


The Aldenham Attributes describe our vision for the personal development of our pupils. We believe they encompass the characteristics that provide the framework for a successful experience at the School and equip them to meet the challenges of life when they leave us.

2|3 Admission and Fees

Admission to the School at 11+ Admission at other ages At 11 years of age there is a four form Vacancies do sometimes arise other than at entry of around 80 pupils. Applicants 11+, 13+ and 16+. Enquiries for admission should have reached the age of 11 before should be made in the usual way by 1 September in the year of entry. Places contacting the Admissions Co-ordinator. are offered on the basis of a satisfactory performance at the 11+ test, interview Induction Programme and school report. The entrance examination is held during the Spring Year 7 Induction Programme Term and the aim is to test the skills of the Pupils new to Year 7 will attend an off-site candidates whatever their background. overnight induction experience at the start Papers are set in English and Mathematics of the academic year. This is a team building and Reasoning (verbal and non-verbal). If exercise and is an essential part of the Aldenham School is the only choice for Induction Programme. the applicant, an early offer may be made, subject to a satisfactory interview Years 7-11 Induction Programme and school report. The test would be sat All new pupils joining Years 7-11 will attend in the normal way. an Induction Day on the day before the start of the new academic year. Admission at 13+ Up to 20 places are available at 13+ to join UK Sixth Form Induction Programme the pupils moving up from the Junior An evening social/induction event will take House, Martineau’s. Places are offered on place in June after GCSE exams have the basis of 13+ test, interview and school finished. A further induction morning will report. The test is during the Spring Term take place the day before term begins. and papers are set in English, Maths, a Modern Foreign Language, Science and Overseas Induction Programme Verbal Reasoning. If Aldenham School is Students joining from overseas are invited the only choice, an early offer may be to arrive by 4.30pm two days before the made, subject to a satisfactory interview start of the new academic year to enable and school report. The test would be sat them to settle in. in the normal way. Candidates must be under 14 on 1 September following the Open Days exam. Open Days are held for prospective parents in the Autumn and Summer Terms each Admission to Sixth Form year, with a Sixth Form Information Evening Places are available at Sixth Form level for in the Autumn term. The Headmaster will both boys and girls. Offers are based on a speak and there is an opportunity to meet school report, individual interview and are both staff and pupils. Please telephone the conditional upon GCSE results. A minimum Admissions Coordinator for further details. of 5 GCSE passes at grade 5 or above is required, with at least grade 6 expected in the subjects to be studied at A Level, except in Maths and Science where a grade 7 is expected. Current Fees 2019/2020 date the School reserves the right to impose a surcharge or to require that a pupil leave Registration Fee £100 the School until the relevant fees are paid. It UK Deposit £1,000 is the Governors’ intention to hold fees at Overseas Deposit One term’s fees the level stated for the full Academic Year EU Deposit £3,000 2019/2020 but they reserve the right to change them if circumstances so require. Termly Day Pupils (11+) £5,747 A term’s notice must be given if it is Boarders (11+) 5 nights £8,562 necessary for a pupil to leave the School, otherwise a full term’s fees in lieu of notice Day Pupils (13+) £7,788 will be payable, notwithstanding any Boarders (13+) £11,483 increase there may have been from the above date. A term’s notice must also be Flexible Day and Boarding arrangements - given for a change of status from boarding to for further details and fees refer to page 14. day, and a half a term’s notice for other changes. Notes iv) The School can provide details of i) The Registration Fee is payable at the schemes involving lump sum payment of time a pupil is registered and before an offer fees in advance and is always ready to of a place can be made. discuss other ways of providing for school fees. ii) During the year in which a boy or girl is due to enter the School, an acceptance * Any other method of payment must be deposit of £1,000 is payable to be set off individually agreed with the School. against the final term’s extras bill. For overseas students the deposit is a term’s fees Music Tuition Fees (Individual) and again this is set off against the final 40 minute lesson £32.00 per lesson. For term’s extras bill, and the balance returned. further details of music lessons available Otherwise this deposit will be returned only please refer to page 15. when the School has to cancel the entry as a result of exam performance or for health or English as a Foreign Language Fee other reasons as specified in the Standard Individual 40 minute sessions will be Terms and Conditions. charged at £50 per lesson. iii) For convenience the annual Fee is Standard Terms and Conditions payable termly in advance in three equal These are available on the website: amounts and may be paid either in full by information termly Direct Debit, bank transfer, cheque or on a monthly basis through a Schools Fees Plan scheme. We also take debit/credit cards (there is a small charge for credit cards).* If the fees are not paid by the due

4|5 Scholarships and Bursaries

A number of awards are made at the time of annually and is subject to satisfactory application each year for exceptional progress and conduct. performance in academic work, art, music, technology or sport. Where appropriate, Academic Awards good all-rounders may be given a combined At 11+ and 13+ awards are made on the award. Sixth Form scholarships are basis of performance in the Entry Test. available either for those already in the School or those joining at that point, based Other Awards on potential to succeed in the Sixth Form. At 11+ and 13+ candidates who have a special ability in music and/or sport should Bursary funding is available to support a indicate their interest in the appropriate number of students each year whose family section of the registration form. They will be circumstances mean that they would be asked to submit references confirming their unable to join or continue in the School, but ability and will be invited to sports trials where their potential of success is judged and/or music auditions shortly after the significant. The Foundation utilises the entrance examination. services of an external body, Bursary Administration Ltd (BAL) At 13+ candidates who show a special ability ( who may in art and/or design & technology should complete a home visit with the parents to indicate their interest in the appropriate review documentation and to have a general section of the registration form. They will be conversation regarding their application. All asked to build up a portfolio of work awards are subject to an annual review completed both in and out of school and will which is carried out during the Summer be invited to a practical test shortly after the term for the following school year. entrance examination.

All Scholarships are tenable from the time At 16+ awards are made on the basis of of the award until the student leaves the GCSE performance and interview. School. Holders of awards are expected to remain at School until they All scholarship applications need to be have taken their A Level exams and the supported by the candidate’s current Head continuance of the award will be reviewed Teacher. Music Awards Design & Technology Awards The Music Department offers a wide range Awarded at 13+ and 16+. We look for an ability of individual lessons on instruments to explore and resolve design problems ranging from Guitar and Drums to throughout the many areas of the subject; Orchestral instruments and Voice. The these will include timbers, metals, electronics, School Choir, Concert Band, String Group, textiles, polymers, boards and papers. As well Jazz Band and Brass Ensemble all take an as an ability to correctly communicate a design active part in the major school events idea, we will be looking to see evidence of the throughout the year. Competitions and student’s interest in the world of design and evening recitals ensure that pupils are given innovation. Candidates should expect to plenty of opportunity to perform within a demonstrate evidence of their design and safe and appreciative environment along practical experience through an informal with masterclasses given by visiting portfolio of work as well as finished products musicians. All Year 7 pupils have the for handling. They will be interviewed about opportunity to receive a term of free small their experiences and invited to talk about the group tuition on an orchestral instrument, work presented. Candidates will also culminating in a concert for parents in undertake a series of short multi discipline December. tasks to establish their creative potential.

Art Awards Sports Awards Awarded at 13+ and 16+. Art Scholars are An Aldenham School Sports Scholarship is seen as ambassadors for the department normally awarded to candidates who show a within the School. Candidates should very good level of performance in TWO of the therefore be able to demonstrate an main sports played at Aldenham, as follows: excellent drawing and painting ability as For boys (, Hockey and Cricket) well as strengths in using a wide variety of For girls (Hockey, Netball and a range of media within their A3/A2 sized portfolio other sports including Athletics, brought to interview for discussion (all 3-D Rounders and Tennis) work and large scale pieces to be presented as photographs within the portfolio). As a guide, a very good level of performance Candidates should show a well advanced would equate to an excellent School 1st team visual perception, being able to player with the ability to affect a match in a communicate ideas and feelings in a visual positive way. However, consideration will also way based on both perception and be given to candidates who specialise to a conception (observed, remembered and particularly high level in one sport. References imagined). The portfolio work should must normally be supplied from the consist of the most recent and up to date appropriate team or club if you are applying for art work completed either in school or in an award based on one sport only. their own spare time beyond the classroom. Students must bring their School Art From the candidates applying, a group will be sketchbook with them as well. There will invited to take part in a selection procedure. also be a drawing task during the interview. This will involve fitness testing (‘bleep test’ / Potential art scholars should be able to Cooper run / Illinois agility) hockey tests, discuss their work confidently and express cricket nets, football, netball. Further details their deep interest and enthusiasm for this may be obtained from the Director of Sport. subject fluently at interview. 6|7 The School and the Wider Community

The School Day Monitoring Pupils’ Progress ‘Call’ in Houses for boarders is at 7.30am Aldenham has created a culture of learning followed by breakfast from 7.35–8.05am. and improvement for all. Our excellent Registration for all pupils is at 8.30am. pupil/teacher ratio and small size allows us Lessons begin at 8.40am. On Monday there to monitor progress and provide individual is a Headmaster’s Assembly. On Friday the care with the aim of everyone reaching his whole school meets in Chapel for Assembly or her full potential. Pupils are given close or an act of worship. There are five lessons guidance by their tutor and Housemaster / every morning. There are three lessons on mistress and pupils are constantly Wednesday afternoons for years 9 to 13 and challenged by enthusiastic and effective three lessons on Thursday afternoons for teachers. We aim to maximise the Year 7 & 8. All other weekday afternoons opportunities for all to flourish so pupils and have two lessons. There is one games parents can value the achievements of every afternoon each week except in Martineau’s pupil at the School. where there are two. Extra curricular activities run three times a week (Please see Medical Facilities the ‘Activities’ section on Page 15). Pupils The School has a well equipped Health meet with their tutors every Monday Centre staffed by a team of highly qualified morning. Life Matters (PSHE) is delivered in nurses to deal with minor ailments and Years 7-11 by specialist teachers. injuries that occur during the School day. Health education, as well as support and The School day finishes at 5.30pm on advice, is available to all pupils and is an Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and important part of the medical service in 4.30pm on Monday and Friday. promoting wellness and good health to all at Aldenham. Homework (Prep) ‘Prep’ at Aldenham follows the best of modern The School Doctor holds a surgery for practice: staff set tasks that test understanding boarders at the School once a week and is and provide more evidence of progress. It available for advice in between visits. should be assumed that some ‘prep tasks’ will Medical screening on entry to the School is require the use of a computer and the internet. available along with the option to take part The amount and length of ‘Prep’ is gradually in the School’s immunisation programme increased as pupils move up through the which includes all relevant vaccinations for School. Sixth Formers are encouraged to work each year group. An independent counsellor independently in addition to any set tasks. In is available to see pupils wishing to discuss every case, independent study and prep is a key issues in confidence. part of learning at Aldenham. Catering fundraising activities during the year, e.g. Holroyd Howe are the School caterers with the Summer Ball and Fireworks Display, the responsibility for all catering and domestic profits of which help to fund items for the services within the School. A wide selection School. of food is available from the Dining Hall at breakfast, lunch and dinner, with a salad The Old Aldenhamian (OA) Society bar always available as an option at lunch All pupils have the opportunity to join the time. Hot and cold vegetarian options are OA Society when leaving the School. available at all meals. Special requirements for medical or religious reasons can be The OA Society and the School work discussed with the Catering Management. together to provide opportunities for social Holroyd Howe also operate the Tuck Shop occasions and the continuation of sports which is open at break Monday-Friday. and other interests developed at school. It also offers valuable business networking The School Shop and career development opportunities. The on site School Shop is operated by Stevensons and is open Monday, Tuesday, Members of the OA Society have access to a Wednesday and Friday from 1.00-4.00pm secure online database which enables them and Thursday 2.00-5.00pm during term to update their own personal information, time. The shop is also open on an search for friends, view photographs of appointment basis in the summer holidays. events and download publications. They For enquiries please call 01727 814368. will also receive an annual magazine and invitations to a variety of events. Parents Good liaison between home and School is an OAs are part of a worldwide, extended essential part of life at Aldenham. We value family and the OA Society offers members our relationship with parents who can of all ages the opportunity to keep in touch contact the School at anytime. Close wherever their lives may take them. The communication between School and home, aim of the Society is to help the School and whether boarding or day pupils, is one of the its former pupils to prosper and retain links foundations for a pupil’s successful journey with each other well into the future. through the School. An e-newsletter is emailed to parents each Friday giving Charities updates on events and School news. Pupils are encouraged to develop an awareness of sociological and The Aldenham School Parents’ environmental problems and exercise Association (ASPA) care, concern and respect for others. The Our community extends to parents, many of School Charity Committee coordinates whom are involved in ASPA. The Association this programme and supports a number of is open to all parents with children in the charities by raising money through a range Senior School and is structured to promote of events. The committee is run by the social occasions and encourage exchange of Sixth Form and aims to offer practical and information. The committee of parents is financial support to charities at home and elected each year and ASPA actively abroad. supports School events and runs various

8|9 Curriculum

The Sixth Form The Lower School (Years 7-8) Aldenham offers a wide variety of choice in Pupils in Martineau’s follow an extended the Sixth Form. Most students will take curriculum in a broad range of subjects. All three A Levels over the two years of the pupils have an introduction to playing a Sixth Form, although the possibility exists musical instrument. Emphasis is placed on for the most academic students to take four English and Mathematics, as literacy and A Levels. Those taking three A Levels may numeracy provide the foundation for have the opportunity to study a subsidiary success in other areas. The curriculum subject including the Extended Project equips pupils with the knowledge, skills and Qualification (EPQ) alongside their three understanding for them to make a reasoned main subjects. In combination with our choice of subjects for GCSE. extensive extra-curricular programme, work experience and UCAS advice, the Sport and Games curriculum in the Sixth Form continues to Specialist Games teachers, assisted by give pupils the best opportunities and many members of the Common Room, prepares them for university entry. coach Games to individual year groups within the school timetable. Each year Sixth Form Leavers 2018 group has one regular slot allocated within The majority of this year’s leavers gained the timetable for the coaching of Games and places at their chosen universities including in addition Tuesday afternoon is also set Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff, aside for School matches and House Games. Durham, KCL, Leeds, Liverpool, The emphasis during Games sessions for Nottingham, Oxford, UCL and Warwick. Martineau’s pupils is on the major team sports (football, hockey and cricket for The GCSE Programme boys: hockey, netball, and rounders for Pupils follow an extensive ‘core’ programme girls), although greater choice and variety of study, which involves work in both are introduced as pupils progress upwards english language and literature, science through the School. School fixtures against (taught as three separate sciences, leading neighbouring schools take place on to a double or triple GCSE award), Tuesdays and Saturdays for pupils in Year 9 mathematics and physical education. In and above, while Martineau’s fixtures are addition, pupils choose from a wide choice, normally on Wednesday afternoons. including a modern foreign language, history, geography, music, art, design technology, latin / classical civilisation, philosophy religion & ethics (PRE), PE, computer science and drama. Pupils are set in subjects where appropriate. Coursework is carefully guided.

Course details for GCSE and A Level are detailed in the separate ‘Guide to Courses’ available on request. Inter House and Inter School Summer Term Sports and Activities Major game (boys) - Cricket – nine School teams play fixtures against , Autumn Term Haberdashers’, Highgate, John Lyon, Mill Major game (boys) - football – ten School Hill, QE Boys, St Benedict’s, UCS and teams play block fixtures against Westminster. Brentwood, Charterhouse, Chigwell, Eton, Forest, Highgate, John Lyon, Westminster Additional School Matches in tennis. and Winchester. House Competitions in athletics, cricket, Major game (girls) – hockey – fixtures against rounders, Sailing, Softball, Tennis and Tug Mill Hill, Haileybury, , of War. Belmont, Queenswood, Dame Alice Owen’s, Edge Grove, St Margaret’s , Major game (girls) - rounders - fixtures St Helen’s and St Edmund’s. against Mill Hill, Belmont, Edge Grove, Haileybury, Kingshott, Royal Masonic, Additional School Matches in fives Heathmount, St Augustine’s Priory, St Additional School Activity – dance Edmund’s, Bishop’s Stortford, Kimbolton and Immanuel. Additional School matches House competitions in badminton, fives in cricket. football, football leagues, girls’ hockey, squash, music and table tennis. Tours 2004 – Barbados Cricket Tour Spring Term 2005 – Barbados Cricket Tour Major game (boys) - hockey – ten School 2006 – St Lucia 1st XI Cricket Tour teams play block fixtures against 2006 – Valencia 1st XI Football Tour Berkhamsted, Bishop’s Stortford, 2007 – Villarreal 1st XI Football Tour Haberdashers’, Haileybury, Merchant 2008 – Barbados Cricket Tour Taylors’, Mill Hill, , UCS and 2008 – Deportivo La Coruna Football Tour GS. 2009 – 1st XI pre season to Chelsea and Fulham Major game (girls) – netball – fixtures against 2010 – Real Madrid Football Tour Mill Hill, Belmont, Bishop’s Stortford, Edge 2012 – Real Madrid Football Tour Grove, Haileybury, King Alfred, 2013 – Malta Netball Tour Queenswood, St Augustus, St Margaret’s 2013 – Isle of Wight Cricket 1st XI Bushey and St Edmund’s. 2014 – Real Madrid Football Tour 2015 – Suffolk Netball Tour Additional School Matches in fives and 2016 – Suffolk Netball Tour football. 2016 – Marbella Netball Tour Additional School Activity – dance and dance 2016 – St George’s Park - Football production. 2017 – Barbados Cricket Tour 2017 – Hamburg Hockey Tour House Competitions in bowling, cross 2018 – Sri Lanka Netball Tour country, chess, dance, dodgeball, drama, 2018 – Suffolk Netball Tour fives, football leagues, hockey, netball and 2018 – Holland Hockey Tour public speaking. 2018 – Madrid Football Tour 10 |11

Exam Results

GCSE/iGCSE Results 2016-2019 Grade comparison versus National average

%A* / A %B / C

2016 Aldenham 37.4 50.9 National results 21.7 47.8

2017 Aldenham 44.3 53.5 National results 19.8 46.3

From 2018 onwards GCSEs are graded from level 1 - 9 with the highest levels of 7, 8, 9 equating to former A/A* grades

% Level 7-9 % Level 5-9 %Level 4-9

2018 Aldenham 31.8 73.0 92.0 National results 20.5 53.1 66.8

2019 Aldenham 31.1 78.0 92.0 National results 21.0 52.7 67.1

A Level Results 2016-2019

Number of candidates %A*/B grades %A*-C grades %A*-E grades

2016 81 44 71 96 2017 74 48 71 97 2018 72 46 71 98 2018 88 50 72 98

12 |13 Boarding and Activities

BOARDING Flexi Boarding For some pupils the need exists to board on a Aldenham has always been a boarding variable or limited basis. The School is school with a boarding school ethos based pleased to be able to accommodate this, on a strong House system. The School offers recognising the needs of modern day a full range of boarding options to pupils requirements of working families. This is from 11-18 years of age. The aim is to offer a subject to the availability of space in a number of opportunities for families within Boarding House. Pupils have their own a traditional framework of day and boarding allocated bed and facilities in the House. thus allowing children to move from day to boarding status to reflect family Flexible day boarding offers the advantages of circumstances even if only on a temporary an evening meal, supervision and other basis. facilities in the Boarding House without staying overnight. Pupils will have a regular Boarding Houses allocated study space within each House. There are four Senior Boarding Houses, Beevor’s (boys), Kennedy’s (boys), McGill’s Occasional Boarding or Dayboarding (boys) and Paull’s (girls). Each is run by a enables a pupil’s needs to be Housemaster or Housemistress assisted by accommodated within the House on an spouses, a matron and resident tutors. infrequent basis. Places are limited and will There are around 70 pupils in each House of depend upon availability, but every attempt whom around 40 will be boarders. will be made to meet parents’ requests. A charge per night is levied for this service and There is also a Junior Boarding House, added to the end of term bill. Martineau’s, where space is available for 16 boys and nine girls to board on a weekly basis.

Total junior Senior Total senior Number of Junior Pro-rata flexiboarding provision Pro-rata flexiboarding nights Provision fee fee fee per term fee fee fee per term 1 night £470 £345 £815 £615 £440 £1,055 2 nights £470 £690 £1,160 £615 £880 £1,495 3 nights £470 £1,035 £1,505 £615 £1,320 £1,935 4 nights £470 £1,380 £1,850 £615 £1,760 £2,375 5 nights £470 £1,725 £2,195 £615 £2,200 £2,815 ACTIVITIES pursue a sporting or other activity which may be new to them or which is not available at We offer all pupils from Years 7 – 13 the other times in the School programme. Many opportunity to participate in over 60 of the options can be used as components recreational, artistic, community or sporting towards pupils’ bronze or silver Duke of activities. All activities take place during Edinburgh’s Award. Pupils tend to pursue a periods 8 and 9 every Tuesday and Thursday. different activity each term but can choose to Pupils opt for activities on a termly basis. We remain with one for longer. The CCF (Army & encourage the development of skills over a RAF sections) is available to all pupils in Year 9 longer period of time as well as giving students and above. the chance to experience a variety of new pursuits and challenges. Some pupils might Years 7 and 8 stay with one activity, such as sailing or CCF, The emphasis at this age is to introduce the throughout most of their School career, while pupils to new activities in a fun environment or others might participate in new activities every to accelerate their learning of new sporting and term. Some of the activities we offer at non-sporting interests. Aldenham include fives, Young Enterprise, cookery, dancing, photography, go-karting, Music Awards Model United Nations, golf and squash. There The Music Department offers a wide range of is the chance to participate in a school play or individual lessons on instruments ranging one of the many music groups such as the from Guitar and Drums to Orchestral Choir and Jazz Band. We run a Duke of instruments and Voice. The School Choir, Edinburgh’s scheme and also offer a number of Concert Band, String Group, Jazz Band and community service activities. Brass Ensemble all take an active part in the major school events throughout the year. Sixth Form Competitions and evening recitals ensure As well as all the activities listed above, that pupils are given plenty of opportunity to students in Years 12 & 13 have the option of perform within a safe and appreciative private study. Alternatively they may choose environment along with masterclasses given from options which have a theme of service by visiting musicians. All Year 7 pupils to the community, including supporting receive half a term of free tuition on an children in local primary schools, orchestral instrument, culminating in a entertaining a group of visitors to the School concert for parents in December. or doing voluntary work on site. The Young Enterprise business scheme, the Duke of Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Edinburgh’s scheme (Gold Award) and the Upwards of 45 students work towards their CCF are all popular choices for pupils wishing Duke of Edinburgh’s Award each year across to gain leadership experience. The aim is to the Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. Physical, accustom pupils to take on responsibility for Skills and Volunteering sections are other people or the community’s welfare as supported both in and out of school. well as for themselves. Expeditions run on a biannual basis to Mid Wales, Shropshire and the Chiltern Hills. Years 9, 10 and 11 Aldenham continues to have an impressive For these year groups, the activities uptake of completion rate within the afternoons are designed to allow pupils to independent School sector.

14 |15

Governors and Staff


Mr JT Barton [OA] (Chairman) Housemasters / Mistresses Mrs V Shah (Deputy Chair) Senior Houses Mrs S Altman McGill’s – Mr MI Yeabsley BSc (Dunelm) Mr AJ Bingham [OA] Beevor’s – Mr S Pennycook BSc (Nottingham) Mr AJS Cox [OA] Ms F Cuttell Paull’s – Ms EC Gratton BA (Ontario) Kennedy’s – Mr JR Kerslake BA (Birmingham) Mr A Day [OA] Mr A Hellman Leeman’s – Mr GL Cornock BA (Southampton Solent) Riding’s – Miss LOW Jones BA (Reading) Cllr D Lambert Mr R Mashru Junior House Mrs D Nicholes Martineau’s Mrs LM Gall BEd (West London Inst) Col M ODwyer OBE Ms H Simmons ACADEMIC STAFF Mr TCffB Sligo-Young The Ven J Smith Art Mr DT Tidmarsh Miss EJ Lang MA (Beds)* Mr TF Wells Miss AP Pigott BA (Coventry) Mr P Spencer BA (Wolverhampton Polytechnic) Upper Warden of the Brewers’ Company Mr S Theakston Classics Miss KF Cooke BA (Exeter) SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM Mr JWR Goss MA (UCL) Mr TM Hoskins BA (Oxon)* Headmaster/CEO (Aldenham Foundation) Miss LOW Jones BA (Reading) Mr JC Fowler MA (Oxon) Computer Science Head of Senior School Mr D Bedford BSc (Loughborough) Mr AM Williams BSc (Loughborough) MAEd Mr CJ Chandler BSc (Teesside)* (Chichester) Mrs CS Tabak BSc (Westminster)

Deputy Head (Academic) Design Technology Dr PJ Reid PhD (Nottingham) Mr NS Alom BA (Beds) Miss N Grange BSc (Brunel) Deputy Head (Pastoral) Miss CEC Macdonald BA (Westminster)* Mrs SH Wilson BSc (Imperial) ARCS Drama Deputy Head (Co-Curricular, Sixth Form & Mr E Avdjian BA (Queen Mary, Lond)* External Affairs) Miss NE Brewer MA (UCL) Mrs EE Murray MA (Oxon) Miss GM Burn BA (Guildford School of Acting)

Bursar & Clerk to the Governing Body Economics and Business Mr K Mahon MA (Kings Lond) Mr SG Dawe BA (Sheffield Hallam) Mr LM Flindall BA (Kingston University Business School)* Commercial Director Revd PS Green BA (Manchester Met) Mr PM Dunstan BA (Wales) Mrs LCR Hobart BA (Manchester Met)

Assistant Head (Learning) English and Media Studies Mr L Harding MA (Oxon) Miss NE Brewer MA (UCL) Miss KF Cooke BA (Exeter) Miss EC Gratton BA (Western Ontario) * Denotes Head or Acting Head of Department Mr L Harding MA (Oxon) English and Media Studies (Continued) Modern Foreign Languages Mr CR Jenkins MA (Roehampton Institute)* Mr JP Aust BA (UEA) Mr S Kilmore BA (Teesside) Srta MB Bustamante Law Degree (Santander)* Miss J Monger BA (Essex) Mrs B Faulks BA (OU) Ms A Nicola BA (Kent) Mr J Fenn MA (Lond, Warburg Institute) Miss L Sherman MA (Loughborough) Ms S Picquart BA (Sorbonne) Music Extended Project Qualification Mr M Hallas BMus (Royal Holloway)* Mrs V Evagora MTheol (St Andrews) ThM Mr J Harrison (Princeton USA), FCIEA* Mr JE Rayfield B Mus (Birmingham) Mr L Harding MA (Oxon) Mr K Nielsen BA (Ottawa) Philosophy, Religion & Ethics (PRE) Revd JC Perris BSc (Surrey) Geography Mrs AL Perry BA (York)* Mr MG Buckland BSc (Leeds) MA (Kings, Lond) Mrs FRH Richards BA (Lancaster) Mr R Wildsmith BSc (Hull) FRGS* Mrs HL Washer BA (Hull) Mr MI Yeabsley BSc (Dunelm) Physical Education Mr DL Breeze BA (Leeds Met)* History and Politics Mr GL Cornock BA (Southampton Solent) Ms LT Davies BA (Wales), Dip SEN (Wales) Mrs AC Evans BA (Leeds Met) Mr BE Frais BA (Leeds)* Mr JA Fleet BSc (Loughborough) Revd PS Green BA (Manchester Met) Mrs LM Gall BEd (West London Inst) Mr JR Kerslake BA (Birmingham) Miss LOW Jones BA (Reading) Mr LJ Kirsten BA (Stellenbosch) Mr AP Stephenson BA (Loughborough) Mr L Sarsons MA (Lond, Birkbeck) Mr AP Stephenson BA (Loughborough) Psychology Mrs A Tekin BA (Herts) Mrs V Evagora MTheol (St Andrews) ThM (Princeton USA), FCIEA* Life Matters Mr LJ Kirsten BA (Stellenbosch) Mr JP Aust BA (UEA) Head of Science Mr D Bedford BSc (Loughborough) Mr AT Shead BSc (Auckland)* Miss NE Brewer MA (UCL) Miss KF Cooke BA (Exeter) Biology Miss EC Gratton BA (Western Ontario) Dr AD Camenzuli MSc (Bath)* Mr S Kilmore BA (Teesside) Mrs R Kirsten MA (Oxon) MSc (Stellenbosch) Mrs R Kirsten MA (Oxon) MSc (Stellenbosch) Mrs SD Pandya MSc (Imperial) Revd JC Perris BSc (Surrey) Dr PJ Reid PhD (Nottingham) Mrs AL Perry BA (York) Mrs SH Wilson BSc (Imperial) Mrs FRH Richards BA (Lancaster) Chemistry Miss L Sherman MA (Loughborough)* Mr K Nielsen BA (Ottowa) Mr MI Yeabsley BSc (Dunelm) Dr DJ Paterson MChem (Exe) MEd (Cantab) DPhil (Oxon), CSiTeach Mathematics Mr AT Shead BSc (Auckland)* Mr CB Doidge BSc (Kings, Lond) Mr AD Stewart BSc (Northumbria) Miss CJ Fulford BSc (Bristol)* Mr M Harte BSc (Sheffield) Physics Mr RS Hurst BSc (Kings, Lond) Mrs R Kirsten MA (Oxon) MSc (Stellenbosch) Dr F Mepham BSc (Hatfield), MSc (Hatfield), PgDip (Napier) Mr E Mamane BSc (UAL) Mrs EE Murray MA (Oxon) Mr K Nielsen BA (Ottowa) Mr T Riley BSc (Bangor) Mrs SD Pandya MSc (Imperial) Ms H Southgate BSc (Middx) MA (UCL) Mr S Pennycook BSc (Nottingham) Mr P Yfantoudas MSc (Brunel) Mr IR Webber BSc (Kings Lond)* Mr AM Williams BSc (Loughborough) MA (Ed) (Chichester)

18 |19 Governors and Staff

ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Admissions Coordinator Mrs SE Mascall Designated Safeguarding Lead Revd PS Green BA (Manchester Met) Marketing Manager Mrs HD Sherman Chaplain Revd JC Perris BSc (Surrey) Development and OA Manager Librarian Mrs AE Saffery Mr AJ Nelson BA (NUI) MA (Lond) DLIS ALA PG Dip Journ Development and OA Assistant Examinations Officer Mrs JA Wilkie Mr TA Ford BA (Manchester) Application Support Analyst & Trainer Head of Activities Mrs S Di Pinto BA (Reading) Mrs AL Perry BA(York) Human Resources Manager Director of Sport Mrs DL Clarke CIPD ASSOC Mr AP Stephenson BA (Loughborough) Human Resources Officer Head of PSHE Mrs LC Rose MCIPD Miss L Sherman MA(Loughborough) Deputy Heads’ Secretary Contingent Commander CCF Ms A Jenkins Mr LM Flindall BA (Kingston University Business School) School Secretary Head of UCAS Mrs CA Hurst Mrs V Evagora MTheol (St Andrews) ThM (Princeton USA), FCIEA Common Room Secretary Head of Learning Support Mrs S Ridley Ms HJ Southgate BSc (Middx), MA (UCL) Music Administrator Head of Teacher Development Ms E Durkin Miss EJ Lang MA (Beds) Science Technical Support Careers Coordinator Miss V Miller BEng () Mrs A Tekin BA (Herts) Mrs D Pfeiffer BSc (OU) Mrs O Tabas BSc (Roehampton) EAL Coordinator Mrs A Morgan BA (Leeds) Art Technical Support Miss JM Silver BA (Beds) OTHER KEY STAFF Design Technology Technician Head of Technology Mrs J Isaac-Lewis Mr C Cochrane Ms J Shadbolt Head of Estates Health Centre Mr A Albon Mrs J Carr RGN PA to Headmaster Miss A Seddon LLB RGN BSc (Middx) Mrs C Angove BA (Lond, Birbeck) Sports Centre & Lettings Manager PA to Head of Senior School Mr AL Dawson [OA] Mrs SR Tomlins Graduate Resident Assistants Bursary Secretary Miss A McMahon BSc (Chicester) Miss A Choudhury LLB (Beds) Mr L Parr BSc (Cardiff Metropolitan)

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you run a coach service? Can I have a copy of past Entrance papers? Yes, we currently run ten bus routes picking Yes, these are available on the website. up across North London and surrounding areas from 7.25am. For further details see next page. Can we be offered a Reserved Place before the exam at 11+ / 13+? How far in advance do I need to Reserved places are only offered if you are register my son /daughter? willing to commit yourself to Aldenham and no Ideally by the term before the entrance other independent school, a school report has exam takes place. This enables us to obtain been obtained and you have been interviewed references and interview your child before the by the Headmaster or Senior School Head. We exam. Late applications can be accepted but would then be in a position to offer a Reserved may have to be placed on a waiting list. Place, if it is felt Aldenham to be the right school for your child. It is a two way Do I need to come for interview if commitment. Your child would still sit the I have been to an Open Morning? entrance exam in the normal way to confirm If Aldenham is your first choice school, the the place. Headmaster likes to meet you and your child personally. This should be during the How do I apply for a scholarship? academic year preceding the date of entry. You need to write in separately or put a note on the application form specifying the Do I need to meet the Headmaster? particular scholarship for which you wish your The Headmaster or Senior School Head like to child to be considered. see all prospective pupils and their parents if possible. We are seeking a bursary,how do we apply for this? Why can’t my son /daughter come at Please indicate in the space provided on the 11+ if he / she is at a 13+ Prep School? Registration Form if you are looking for a Unless there is a specific reason, pupils should bursary. Bursaries are limited i n number and stay at their Prep School until they are 13. This are strictly means tested. An additional gives them the responsibility and advantages interview is given to bursary candidates. of being a senior member of their school which is an important part of their development. Do you cater for pupils with learning Martineau’s House was primarily opened difficulties? for pupils from schools which finish at 11+. We have an excellent good Learning Support Department. However, pupils do need to be When does the Entrance Exam take place? able to cope in the normal classroom 11+ and 13+ – entrance exams in early January. situation; they are not taught separately, but 16+ – pupils are primarily taken on predicted have extra tuition as and when necessary. results, reports from current school and interview. How co-educational is Aldenham now? Around one third of the pupils are girls and two What does the Entrance Exam consist of? thirds are boys. 13+ – English, Maths, a Modern Foreign Language (French, Spanish), Science and Verbal Reasoning. 11+ – English, Maths and Verbal and Non- Verbal Reasoning.

22 |23 Transport Routes

Time AM Time PM* Time PM* Tues -Thurs Mon & Fri 17 :30 16 :30 Route 1 - Hearn’s/Venture Rickmansworth: Homestead Road, opposite LT/BR Station 07:30 18:38 17:41 : Outside Croxley LT Station 07:38 18:29 17:32 Watford: Two Bridges bus stop on dual carriageway (Watford Rd) towards Watford (am only) 07:41 Watford (L): Bus stop (lay-by) Watford Road opposite The Harvester (pm only) 18:16 17:22 Watford (L): Town Hall roundabout, next to the Library 07:48 18:09 17:11

Route 2 - MET Brookmans Park: Outside Brookmans Park Hotel 07:15 18:40 17:39 : High Street, lay-by opposite Bus Garage. 07:20 18:33 17:35 Hadley Green: Great North Road, bus stop before the junction with Wagon Road 07:25 18:28 17:27 Hadley Green: Great North Road, junction of Dury Road. 07:27 18:25 17:24 High Barnet: High Street, outside Toy Galaxy, Bus Stop D 07:30 18:22 17:22 Arkley: Barnet Road, outside The Arkley Public House 07:37 18:18 17:17 Arkley: Barnet Road, bus stop outside The Gate Public House 07:40 18:15 17:14 Stirling Corner: Furzehill Road bus stop before Ashley Drive 07:43 18:01 17:06 (L): Road, outside The Alfred Arms 07:55 17:58 17:03 MINIBUS – Aldenham Transport AM ONLY. MET will do return journey Theobald Street: Bus stop after Anthony Road adjacent to Crescent 07:56 17:55 17:00 Theobald Street: Bus Stop between Gateshead Road and Beech Drive (pm only) 17:54 16:59 (L): Bus stop in High Street opposite The Red House Surgery (am only) 08:05 Radlett (L): Bus stop opposite 2-3 Theobald Street (pm only) 17:51 16:55

Route 3 – Hearn’s/Venture Cockfosters: Local train station 07:15 18:34 17:34 Cockfosters: Cat Hill, bus stop near Mansfield Avenue 07:18 18:30 17:30 East Barnet Village: Bus stop outside Co-Op 07:20 18:28 17:28 Lyonsdown Road: Opposite Hasluck Gardens 07:23 18:25 17:25 Totteridge: Totteridge and Whetstone LT Station 07:33 18:13 17:13 Totteridge Village: The Orange Tree Public House 07:36 18:10 17:10 Totteridge: Grange Avenue Bus Stop 07:38 18:08 17:08 Totteridge Common: St Edwards College 07:41 18:05 17:05 Mill Hill: Lawrence Street, bus stop U opposite junction with Uphill Road. 07:45 18:00 17:00

Route 4 - MET Wembley: Asda Car Park, Bus Stop S 07:15 18:37 17:40 Wembley Park Drive: Bus stop N junction Wembley Hill Road 07:20 18:30 17:33 Preston Road: Bus stop before roundabout at Woodcock Hill/Preston Hill. 07:24 18:25 17:25 Kingsbury: The Mall, outside Fire/Ambulance Station 07:30 18:20 17:20 Queensbury: Honeypot Lane, opposite Morrisons 07:35 18:15 17:15 Canons Park (L): Honeypot Lane, bus stop opposite Bramble Close. 07:38 18:05 17:07 Stanmore (L): London Road, lay-by opposite LT Station. 07:50 18:00 17:02 (L): Bus stop outside Roberts Sweet Shop (pm only) 17:50 16:50

Route 5 – Hearn’s/Venture Harrow on the Hill: Headstone Road, outside Ford Dealership 07:15 18:31 17:43 North Harrow: Bus stop outside Tesco Express, Pinner Road 07:22 18:26 17:34 North Harrow: Post Office near the Gym Group 07:25 18:23 17:30 Pinner: Marsh Road, bus stop at the end of West End Avenue 07:27 18:19 17:27 Pinner: Elm Park Road, bus stop at the end of West End Lane 07:30 18:15 17:23 Pinner: Uxbridge Road, junction with Paines Lane 07:33 18:13 17:20 Hatch End: Uxbridge Road, bus stop outside Sea Pebbles Restaurant 07:36 18:11 17:14 Harrow Weald: Uxbridge Road, bus stop near Belsize Rd 07:42 18:06 17:08

Route 6 - MET St James Primary School: Opposite St Lukes Hospital, Woodside Avenue 07:15 18:34 17:35 A1000 (Grt Nrth Rd): Sussex Gardens (am only) 07:20 ReturnJourney: Woodside Avenue: A1000 (Grt Nrth Rd) entrance into Woodside Avenue (pm only) 18:31 17:32 Time AM Time PM* Time PM* Tues -Thurs Mon & Fri 17:30 16:30 Route 6 - MET (cont.) Bishops Avenue: Bus Stop B just into Bishops Avenue 07:22 Return Journey: Opposite bus stop B in Bishops Avenue 18:29 17:30 Hampstead Garden Suburb Market Place: Bus stop outside Medivet on Lyttleton Road (am only) 07:25 Return Journey: Bus stop on Lyttleton Road outside Market Place shops (pm only) 18:26 17:26 Falloden Way: Lay-by near to Brookland Rise bus stop 07:26 18:24 17:25

Route 7 – Hearn’s/Venture Ruislip: Eastcote Road, outside St Martin’s Church 07:15 18:43 17:47 Bury Street: Bus stop north of Ladygate Lane 07:19 18:40 17:43 Ducks Hill Road: Junction of Jackets Lane 07:24 18:35 17:39 Northwood: Rickmansworth Road, bus stop near Dene Road 07:27 18:32 17:34 Green Lane: Bus lay-by outside Grosvenor Gallery 07:31 18:29 17:31 Watford Road: Bus stop, where Sandy Lane joins Watford Road, nearly opposite The Woods 07:32 18:25 17:27 Sandy Lane: Bus lay-by near Westbury Road 07:35 18:21 17:24 Oxhey: (L) Bus stop opposite Oxhey Road and in front of Oxhey Park 07:45 18:16 17:17 Oxhey: (L) Eastbury Road, bus stop opposite St Matthew’s Church 07:55 18:10 17:11 Aldenham Road (L): Bus lay-by near junction with Aldenham Road and The Avenue 07:57 18:04 17:05

Route 8 – Hearn’s/Venture Regents Park Road: Bus Stop between Fitzalan Road and Allandale Avenue 07:20 18:27 17:27 The Quadrant: Outside Hammonds Coach Works in Parson Street 07:30 18:17 17:17 Hendon Hall: Bus Stop outside Hendon hall Hotel Parson Street 07:32 18:15 17:15 Mill Hill: junction of Flower Lane and The Broadway 07:46 18:16 17:18 Edgware (L): Hale Lane, opposite the Petrol Garage (near Harvester) 07:49 18:12 17:12 Edgware (L): Stonegrove, (A5) jct. Cannons Drive 07:55 18:05 17:07

Route 9 – MET : High Street / Midcot Way (Lay-By) 07:15 18:43 18:00 Berkhamsted: King’s Road (lay-by) 07:18 18:39 17:55 Berkhamsted: High Street, Swing Gate Lane Bus Stop by the Esso Petrol Station (am only) 07:21 Berkhamsted: Bus Stop outside Swing Gate Infant School (pm only) 18:37 17:54 Bourne End: Watermill Hotel 07:25 18:35 17:52 Boxmoor: Opposite VP Autoservices 07:28 18:31 17:49 : London Road, opposite Hemel Hempstead Station 07:30 18:28 17:48 Hemel Hempstead: Two Waters, Bus stop opposite Aldi 07:32 18:26 17:46 Apsley: Two Water Road, bus stop opposite McDonalds 07:38 18:24 17:44 Apsley: London Road, Rucklers Lane Bus Stop (HP3 9TD) 07:40 18:22 17:35 : High street / Vicarage Lane Bus Stop (lay-by) 07:42 18:20 17:33 : Opposite Church 07:52 18:15 17:20

Route 10 – Herts Cars : Park Mount Bus Stop (before railway bridge) 07:15 18:39 17:40 Harpenden: Old Rectory Close (Lay-by) 07:17 18:37 17:38 Harpenden: High Street, The George PH 07:19 18:30 17:32 St Albans: St Albans Girls School 07:26 18:25 17:26 St Albans: St Peters Street, outside Devdas restaurant 07:30 18:18 17:19 St Albans: St Peter’s Street, Waterstones lay-by 07:33 18:11 17:13 St Albans: Abbey Line Railway Station 07:36 18:08 17:10 St Albans: Watling Street, on the corner of Mount Drive – bus stop 07:45 17:59 17:00 Park Street: Park street Lane / War Memorial by Park Mill 07:43 17:50 16:50 Colney Street (L): Hallam Veterinary Practice / Old Parkbury Lane 07:46 17:45 16:45

(L) = Local Charge Time PM* = Please note that timings to these stops depend on traffic.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: School finishes at 17:30. Transport will depart Aldenham approximately at 17:40.

Monday and Friday: School finishes at 16:30. Transport will depart Aldenham approximately at 16:40.

Please note we reserve the right to modify the timetable when necessary

24 |25 How to Find Us

BY TRAIN c) From M1 Junction 5: follow A41 South towards Watford, proceed as in a) above. a) From London the easiest route is from St DO NOT FOLLOW ANY SIGNS TO Pancras International Thameslink to Elstree ALDENHAM VILLAGE. & Borehamwood, taxi for the 5 minute drive to the School. Trains run every 20 minutes d) From London: take M1 to Junction 5, and the journey takes 20-25 minutes. proceed as in (a) above, OR from Apex Corner take the A41 North to the Elstree b) From the North West most InterCity roundabout. Turn right uphill into Elstree trains stop at Watford Junction on the way and left at the traffic lights. Take the 1st into Euston. Aldenham School is a 10 right into Aldenham Road and proceed as in minute taxi ride from Watford. It is (b) left. important that the driver knows you are going to the School and not the village of e) From Radlett: take the A5183 going Aldenham. south towards Edgware. Proceed 1½ miles, turn right into Butterfly Lane, continue until BY TUBE you come to a T-junction, turn right and the School car park is on the right after ½ mile. Jubilee Line to Stanmore and taxi from the station. f) From Borehamwood: from Allum Lane take the A5183 towards Radlett for 1½ BY ROAD miles, turn left into Butterfly Lane and proceed as in (e) above. a) M25 Junction 19: follow A41 South towards Watford. Continue following signs for Aldenham Country Park (approx 7 miles). Turn left towards and at the end of the road turn left and continue along this road for about 1 mile until you reach the School car park on the right, over the brow of a hill.

b) M25 Junction 23: follow A1 to Stirling Corner. A411 to Elstree, across the traffic lights, then 1st right into Aldenham Road. Continue along this road for about 2 miles, the car park is on the right, over the brow of a hill. Map

J21 J22 J6a J21a M25

J6 B556 A5183

Radlett B5378


Roundbush PH A41 J5

LETCHMORE Three HEATH Horseshoes PH BOREHAMWOOD Watford Junction Aldenham Elstree Aerodrome Battleaxes PH A41 Butterfly Lane A5183

Allum Lane Elstree and A1 WATFORD A41 Borehamwood ELSTREE A411 A411 BUSHEY A425 M1 J4 A1 A41 A4008 A4140 A409


26 |27 Whilst the contents of this information book are considered correct at the date of publication and every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information the School cannot and does not accept any liability for this information. It is the responsibility of readers to check the accuracy of relevant facts and opinions given in this information book before entering into any commitment based upon them. The School reserves the right to make alterations in its curriculum, activities and organisation at any time. The School’s regulations and conditions of entry are subject to revision from time to time and a copy of the current conditions is available on request from the Bursar’s office at the School.

©Aldenham School 2019

Aldenham School Elstree Hertfordshire WD 6 3 AJ

Telephone +44 (0)1923 858122

Email enquiries


Part of the Aldenham Foundation