ST ALBANS DISTRICT COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 2ND OCTOBER 2015 THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 23RD OCTOBER 2015 (COUNCILLOR CALL-IN PERIOD) Information regarding Councillor call-in period and procedure for public consultation. Comments and call-ins may be made on any Advertisement Consent, Listed Building, Conservation Area, Householder, Certificate of Lawfulness (existing), Telecommunication and Planning Applications please e.mail:
[email protected] (Please include the Application No (e.g. "5/2009/1234") in the title of the e.mail) Application No 5/2015/2610 Ward: Ashley Area: C Proposal: Erection of rear conservatory at 8 Longacres St Albans Hertfordshire AL4 0DR Applicant: Agent: Mr & Mrs Jolles 8 Longacres St Britelite Windows Mr Steve Nash Britelite Albans Hertfordshire AL4 0DR House Bircholt Road Parkwood Maidstone Kent ME15 9XY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application No 5/2015/2627 Ward: Ashley Area: C Proposal: Single storey rear extension, garage conversion and alterations to car port to form garage at 19a Marconi Way St Albans Hertfordshire AL4 0JG Applicant: Agent: Mr & Mrs Katarzyna Pawel Ratajczak GK Architects Limited Mr Kryspin Skorek 19a Marconi Way St Albans Vicarage House 58-60 Kensington Church Hertfordshire AL4 0JG Street London W8 4DB