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Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper Newspapers


The Grizzly, February 15, 1994

Erika Compton Ursinus College

Hope Rinehimer Ursinus College

Alina C. Morawski Ursinus College

Amanda Finch Ursinus College

Cynthia Babcock Ursinus College

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Recommended Citation Compton, Erika; Rinehimer, Hope; Morawski, Alina C.; Finch, Amanda; Babcock, Cynthia; Lampe, Barb; Leiser, Mark; Scoville, Satsuki; Crowers, Kelly; Woll, Fred; Richter, Richard P.; Rubin, Harley David; Mastrangelo, Tom; Markowski, Ed; Diamond, Jen; Zelley, Elaine; and Siggelakis, T. J., "The Grizzly, February 15, 1994" (1994). Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper. 330. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/330

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Erika Compton, Hope Rinehimer, Alina C. Morawski, Amanda Finch, Cynthia Babcock, Barb Lampe, Mark Leiser, Satsuki Scoville, Kelly Crowers, Fred Woll, Richard P. Richter, Harley David Rubin, Tom Mastrangelo, Ed Markowski, Jen Diamond, Elaine Zelley, and T. J. Siggelakis

This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/330 2 e To live is to love. Volume 16 Issue 12 - Ludwig Boerne February 15, 1994 Pledging Meeting: First in a Series Berry Announces Plans for Candidacy Does hazing include events such educational experts into the pledging BY HOPE RINEHIMER BY ERIKA COMPTON effectively with counties, boroughs as wall shows or dressing up? process that might help to better Of the Grizzly News Editor and townships." According to many national develop and bond the pledges. Berry would like to see more On February 9 at 7: 30 pm, the organizations any activity that Outward Bound was briefly Dr. Nicholas Berry, professor of control over regional development, first town meeting on pledging was singles out a member of the group discussed. The second part of this politics and chair of the politics open space and recreation, school held. The purpose of this gathering is hazing. This statement brought plan would take pledges off campus department, announced on systems, and transportation. He was to bring members of each of the great controversy to the meeting. and away from those who are not Thursday at the Perkiomen believes that communi tie are Greek organizations together with First the point was brought up that pledging. The last part of this plan Hotel his plans to run for State supposed to people with the Pledging Study Group to discuss Ursinus only has one national includes a shifting of priorities from Representative of the 150th Dlstrict one another, but the ones m the area the pledging concept here at U rsinus organization, APO, and that because pledging to classwork. Possibly if of Pennsylvania. are becoming disconnected. Proper and possibly to begin to develop a we area small, private school many the pledging period was extended Berry will represent just under management of these factor wlll new program that complies with national rules should not concern and only consisted of weekends 27,000 registered voters in the help to reconnect the community, PA state law. us. Another point that was made grades would not drop during the district. The main issue of his and neighbors will no longer be Most of the discussion at this concerning wall shows was that week. campaign is community and growth aliens. .. I plan to get the legislature first meeting focused on the they are a time for one to lose The second proposal was sort of development. to make the right laws for problems with pledging, shyness and express oneself, and a spin off of the first. It includes a Berry feels that the community is community development. We must interpretation of the hazing law, oftentimes it is the strongest shorter pledging program with no growing at an uncontrollable rate, plan, manage, work together, and and alternate pledging plans. members of the group which are days off, all members of the group and it is causing major hassles for save our communities. " said Berry. Problems with pledging as it singled out. doing things together on campus to many people. The major problem Berry has been involved in public stands now was the first topic The last part of the meeting was cut down on dangerous activities, is the amount of traffic in the area. service for close to 30 year , since discussed. Certain visible activities, used to discuss alternate plans which an alumni adviser to keep things on There is more and more traffic on he was Chair of the Ci tizens Slate of such as wall shows and line-ups, would include safe, bonding track, training for all members prior Main Street every day. Independent and Democratic are disturbing to the campus activities, and might preserve some to pledging, and a balance of ritual, At the intersection of Routes 29 Candidates for City Council in community, while less visible traditions while creating new ones. charitable, social, and scholarship and Main Street there are daily 1967. He served as Mayor of the activities including illegal use of The pledging plans that follow are activi ties. backups. There are no pedestrians, City of Mount Vernon, Iowa. He drugs and alcohol and forced only in the discussion stage and no Many ideas were left for a closed hotel, and another boarded was also a District Comnuttee- consumption of foods may be fmal proposals have been made. discussion until the next meeting to up restaurant further up the street. person for the Democratic Party in dangerous to the participants The first plan includes three parts. be held this week. "It's not very attractive," said Skippack for nme year . themselves. The first step would be to bring Berry, "The state agencies and state re resentatives are not working Ursinus Given Laboratory Glassware as Gift Budgeted Funds Now Free For Other Uses

U rsinus College this month Ren elaer, N. Y., to Upper received nearly $25,000 worth of Providence Township, Pa. "It new laboratory glassware from would have taken us several years Sterling Winthrop Pharmaceuticals to use up the glas ware at our normal Research Division (SWPRD). Six rate of consumption," said Boyle.

pallets of glassware delivered to lOUr inus t on the other hand, will Ursinus included cylinders, f1a ks. be able to u e the glassware right petri dishes, beakers. tubing. away. pipettes. and funnel '. The gla ' ware For Dr. Victor Tortorelli, chair will be used by tudents in the of the U rsinus ~hemjstry chemistry and biology departments. department, the gift means that some .. We're very happy to be making budgeted fund ~ , which would have this donation to Ur-inus College," been spent on glassware, may now said Jim Boyle. ~'si tant director. be spent on other needed materials materials management, SWPRD. and upplies .. "We'remostgrateful who explained that the gift create for the generosity of Sterling a · 'win-win" situation for both Winthrop," said Tortorelli, adding Sterling Winthrop and U rsinus. that some of the items given by the Sterling Winthrop will be gaining pharmaceutical company were valuable storage space in it Oaks, • 'specialty pieces that students

Pa. t warehouse, Boyle explained. might never have encountered while The warehouse became filled to undergraduates. ' , capacity last year following the Dr. Victor J. Tortorelli inspects some of the new glassware given to Ursinus College by move of the company's research Sterling Winthrop. and development operations from Page 2 The Griz:t1y News February 15, 1994 AIRBAND to Roving Reporter

Help Local BY CYNTHIA BABCOCK & BARB LAMPE Of the Grizzly BY SATSUKI SCOVILLE ;International : : '. ". Special to the Griuly The administration recently fonned a committee to examine .. .0.·:·· . pledging and its goals. How do you about administration Tabitha Buckingham likes sports, trying to change pledging? &ti'The States is planning a proposal to NATO that would give U~ted video games, and "Home the Bosnian SerbsQne week to lift their siege of Sarajevo. If the Serbs Improvement". She dreams ofgoing Jim Kais - Senior - Delta Pi Sigma do not comply, they would face air strikes by allied forces. The to Florida State University and of ~ do not. feel as though pledging needs to be drastically changed. There ~~t~n Administration is hoping to link the ultimatum to future peace one day meeting Shaq O'Neal. She IS nothing that a pledge does now that I wouldn't do myself (for a uutlatives. isn't too different than any other second time). young high school sophomore, but - Jean-Bertrand Aristide, ousted president of Haiti, has threatened to she is. Tabitha was diagnosed with Andria Deatline - Junior - Independent revoke a treaty with the United States on repatriating Haitian refugees. cancer not too long ago. A cordoma I do not believe that the administration should get involved with The 1981 treaty permits the U.S. Coast Guard to intercept Haitian tumor had been found growing at pl~~in~ activities. I think that the administration should put enough vessels in international waters, search the ship, and return any the base of her neck. The medical faith m Its students (especially the Greeks) that they know what is best occupants who do not qualify for refugee status back to Haiti. technicalities are unimportant, what for their pledges. matters is Tabitha's life. National : Due to extensive surgery and the Melanie Williams - Sophomore - Tau Sigma Gamma severity of her condition, steel rods Pledging should not be touched. It is full oftraditions that administration - The Congressional Budget Office reported last week that while now replace most of the in ~~u~d not unders~d. Pledging is the only way to bring unity and President Clinton's health care proposal would slow the growth of her neck, and to help the post­ If It IS changed, slsterhoodlbrotherhood will not be the same. national health spending, ~ey underestimated the premiums needed operative healing process, she must to pay for the President's plan. They said the plan would increase be restrained in a halo for the next Brian Wilson - Junior - Pi Omega Delta Federal budget deficits through the year 2000. several months. Tabby's activities Pledging is something that administration does not understand. have become limited. She must Therefore, it should be left alone. - President ~Iinton announced his plans for a national drug strategy avoid anything that could cause a that calls for mcreased treatment of 140,000 addicts both on the street sudden impact on her head and neck Jennifer Helverson - Sophomore - Independent and in prison. The 1995 plan) which Clinton calls "tough as well as region. This means eliminating Pledging involves tradition of fraternities/sororities that the caring", will push drug treatment spending to a record $13.2 billion. many of the sports in which Tabby administration is unable to understand. Pledging should not be altered had excelled. by ~minis.tration. If a certain Greek organization sees fit to change Local : ., their pledgtng, then they should do so. But administration should not ~ Although this all sounds very be able to tell them what is and what is not "proper" pledging. dismal and depressing, Tabby is - Convinced they would be unable to re--sign pitcher Teny Mulholland I• not alone. She has the support of if he became a free agent next fall, the Phillies traded the 30-year-old her loving family. Her father, Bill, Trina Petroski - Junior - Phi Alpha Psi left-hander to the New York Yankees for pitcher Bobby Munoz and had recently enrolled at Ursinus. I think that the administration has an obligation to act in the best two minor league prospects. Mulholland went 12-9 for the Phillies However, as Tabby's condition interest of the shcool - but sometimes I question whether they really last season with a 3.25 ERA. grew in severity, he was forced to care a~ut the students or if it is just a matter of good press and not only give up his business but reputation. also to take a leave of absence from Northeast Still Being Hit by Ursinus. He gave up everything in Matt Cordes - Senior - Alpha Phi Omega order to work double shifts to get I understand that the administration feels a need to have a hand in the money to pay for Tabby's way everything is run, but there is something to be said for tradition. Winter To sterilize pledging in the way they want to would be to eliminate a chemotherapy, a treatment she lot of what makes Greek life so beneficial. BY MARK LEISER desperately needs. of snow more than normal, while Mrs. Buckingham has devoted Of the Grizzly Nick Baccino & Dan Greene - Seniors - Beta Sigma Lambda Fargo, North Dakota and all of her time to being at home with I believe that this new, stricter pledging shows an utter lack of trust The Delaware Valley is not the Charleston, West Virginia are not Tabby. On top of Tabby' s medical and respect for Greek life. Moreover, if a pledge dies, it is on Dean only region being blasted by winter far behind at thirty-five and thirty­ expenses and those that normally Kane's ass! storms. Cities as far west as Fargo, one inches above normal, accompany raising a family, the North Dakota and as far south as respectively. Buckinghams are also putting their Mark Leiser - Sophomore - Independent Louisville, Kentucky are reporting People everywhere are trying to two older daughters through I feel that the administration has every right to monitor pledging IF record snow falls and low cope with the bitter cold college. they think there are illegal or dangerous activities taking place. temperatures this season. temperatures, but just mere Because they are a few months However, they must realize that we are in college now, and that Some of the more interesting facts exposure to the air is enough to late paying their rent, their students here should be responsible enough to make choices as to what of this winter are : pose serious risks. Before the storm apartment complex met to decide is right and wrong. - New York City'S snow-fighting on Friday, the death toll had risen whether or not they should be budget reached dangerously low to 140 people. These cases include allowed to stay. Luckily the vote Kathy Tatsis - Senior - Independent levels in mid-January, even before everything from frost-bite to falls was in their favor. What about next I think tha~ ~f ch~ge is going to come, and if it is going to be the major storms arrived. to traffic accidents . . time? successful, It IS gomg to have to take equal participation ofGreeks and - Icebreakers in the Great Lakes There doesn't appear to be an end The Buckinghams are in need of the administration. If Greeks don't want to change, then all of the have freed more vessels this year in sight as forecasters seem to feel assistance. Tabby needs our help. administration's efforts will be a flop. Know what I mean? than in the past three winters that these conditions could continue Although Tabby is limited combined. into the end of this week. So, the physically, she knows no other Satsuki Scoville - Senior - Independent - The nation's rock salt suppliers next time you slip on the ice or your limits. She is no different than any It seems that the committee that was formed to look into pledging has have already shipped out one car battery goes dead, try not to one of us: Now, she is counting on a balanced group of people who will hopefully come to a consensus million pounds more than during think about those fortunate people us to help make a difference in her all of last winter. in Washington State and Oregon about pl~~in2 tJ:tat ~tis~es all ~volved. If Greek organizations feel life. that admmlstratlon IS mterfenng":'y reevaluating the pledging Snowfall amounts continue to soar who are experiencing on of their Editors Note: All AIRBAND system, then perhaps that is an indication that a change is needed. and records continue to be broken. mildest winters on record. proceeds will go the Buckingham Boston has received thirty-six inches family. It will be held Feb. 18. PROFESSOR PROFILE:'

GREEKS fI CLUBS Tom Whalen EARN 1IO"agie Rous~ $SO • $250 BY AMANDA FINCH that the people are as nice as Rt. 29 & Main Street • Collegeville, PA 19426 • 454-1091 FOR YOURSELF Sp:!cial to the Grizzly anywhere he's been--and ~hat' s an plus up to $500 for your club! awfullotofplaces. He has travelled This fundraiser costs nothing Well, hello out there fellow all over the United States, as well as and lasts one week. Call now Ursinians. Asoflate, the paper has New Zealand, Mexico, French THURSDAY IS been getting bigger and better with Polynesia, the Bahamas, and and receive a free gift. an addition here and an addition Russia. He also said that U rsinus 1-800-932-0528, Ext. 65. WING NIGHT there, so.. .it's time for yet another was a truly unklu~ place with new column. students who give a lot to their ,.SPRING BREAK 7 ""' 25~ a wing or I hope to keep all ofyou culturally work and are very cool to hang out Nights From $299 consciencious readers up to date with. $7.00 ALL U CAN EAT with the happenings of the Pro­ His only complaints about our Includes: Air, Hotel, Theater Group, Communication side of the continent were that there Transfers, Parties, & from 6-9 p.m. Arts Department, and other weren·t enough open spaces, and More! interesting cultural things in the he added that' 'the whole ice deal is B.Y.O.B. Ursinus world. So, if anyone out a real pain. " *NASSAU*PARADISE there in Readerland has a hot item Dr. Whalen is an extremely ISLAND *CANC UN* Get 15% off any order with Ursin us College I.D. to make the campus aware of, let approachable guy who wants to me know and I'll get my pen in become an active member of our *JAMAICA* hand. For now, I'd like to present Ursinus Community. His door is *SAN JUAN* a profile of a new professor on always open to any student who campus as of last semester-- Dr. wants to chat, hang out, play pick­ Organize a small Tom Whalen. up, or develop a gender studies group - Earn FREE .~---~ 1/2 Price Tom i:, a professor in our program. His philosophy on life-­ Trip plus I 0 ,,/ Sale Commun; '~ation Arts department "You've got to always be who came to us from Denver, thinking, " is reflected in his I commissions! tleH't\1~ - Colorado. He worked towards his ultimate goal, which is to run an II l-800-GET-SUN-l k Ph.D. at the University of Denver education center which, seems to ~He~ er- \.. ~ while simultaneously teaching at already be in the works. Regis College, a local Denver As for the student body at Ursinus, Free Trips and Money! Community College, and a prisoner Whalen said, "I think they are very THE JEANS 0 SNEAKER PLACE Individuals and student education program. He ventured in motivated [not lazy, guys] but All Clothing and Shoes 50% off the Collegeville direction on the reserved group of students. " organizations wanted to (Except new arrivals) So there you have it, one of the reccomendation of a cone~~, as FEATURING A VARIETY OF wen as having a desire to teach at a three new professors in our Com. promote the Hottest DENIM\V ARE AND ACCESSORIES, sma:! liberal arts college with a Arts Dept. I encourage you to stop Spring Break hiking boots, vests, jackets, nannels, skirts, pants & Inore goo1 B.cademic background--yep, by and give him a big Ursinus Destinations, call the u£. "hello," and I'll be bringing two that'J NIKE REEBOK CONVERSE UNION B.4Y CHAMPION' I asked Whalen what he thought more new face~ m your doorstep in nation's leader. Inter­ A1RWALK & THAT'S NOT ALL!! of his first taste of the East Coast the next few weeks. Until then, Campus Programs. and what it had to offer. He said keep on pledging, I mean plugging. The Place for A Good Price & A Good 'Fit 1-800-327-6013 Located in Redner's Shopping Celller The Power of the Postcard

BY ALINA C. MORAWSKI to "send a postcard" . postcard to: came to me from a postcard time and having a pencil and paper Special 10 lhe Griuly People always ask me "How did NBC Tickets response. I sent it to the address close by to take down the important you get tickets?" I thought it would The Conan 0 'Brien Show given at the end of the show. Some facts. In the last year I have enjoyed be a service to everyone who is 30 Rockefeller Plaza people send hundreds of postcards Always remember to follow the using the power of the poastcard. I interested to print what information New York, New York 10112 for a chance, So I was rather directions you are given. Some have seen the we Night with I do have in The Griuly. Here it The wait for these tickets is about fortunate to get in with just one places will disqualify you if you David L£tI~rmar; and COllan IS ••• a month, but they, too, are free. attempt. Even though I didn't make send too many postcards. Many O'Brien shows, featuring such For tickets to Leltennan, send a Standby tickets are given out at the cuts, I had a blast. places will DOt accept letters; you gues!s as Joe Pesci, Jaimie Lee postcard to: 4: 15 on taping days at the studio, As for the Phillies, I won a chance should always send postcards and Curtis and the DOW popular band, Ed Sullivan Theatre up to four per person. to buy these in-demand tickets by supply the following information: The Indians, as guests. I had 1697 Broadway ''fhe NBC address given above sending my name in to Veterans your request, your name, address, tickets for the Phillies Pennant New York, New York 10019 can also be used in August (only) Stadium. I followed the specific phone number and age. games and the World Series, and It may take as loog as four months, for Saturday Night Live and instructions to send only one card Best wishes, and I hope you just this last semester I tried out but the tickets are free. Standby Seinfeld. Both shows are free. per address, but I also used the have as many great chances and (unsuccessfully) for the Jeopardy! tickets are also free. To get them, You can request specific dates addresses of four close frien~. experiences as I have had by using College Tournament. I was able to be at the Sullivan Theatre at the for Conan O'Brien, but the show Only one of my friends recieved a the power of the postcard. seize all these great opportunities above address at noon on the day of cannot guarantee that you will get letter, but that was all it took to get not because I knew the right people, taping. They hand these tickets out them. me there. The address was but rather because I always have my one per person. The chance to try out for the announced on Channel 6. This was ears alert and eyes open for a chance For Conan O'Brien, send a J~opardy! College Tournament just a matter oftuning in at the right Page4 The Grizzly February 15, 1994 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Features • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GALA Retools Sgt. Grizz •.• Nothing

BY KELLY CROWERS improve and strengthen the view of campus one on which ALL students, Special to the Grizzly the entire campus towards not onI y regardless of their sex, race, age, .But the Bear Facts homosexuality, but all diverse and/or sexual orientation can live, 2-4-94 at 1:30 pm: Security responds to the Quad after being GALA (Gay and Lesbian groups. The group is dedicated to socialize and learn together. advised of two femaJes SOliciting perfume at this location. Both Association) has changed its name the education and acceptance of all We are inviting the entire Ursinus actors (ughht) were ad~ of the rules and regulations regarding and its philosophy. The acronym people, lifestyles and views. community to attend the next solicitation on campus as well as the CollegeviUe borough. Both GALA now stands for Gay and The atmosphere on the U rsinus meeting of GALA. Please come were escorted ftom the Quad by Security and advised that iffoun~ Lesbian and Allies. The new campus tends to be very closed­ out and bring your ideas and an on campus again, arrests' would be made,,: philosophy, "Straight Not minded and not a place where open mind. Help make U rsinus a Narrow, " now welcomes not only homosexual students feel true liberal arts college. SECURITY WANTS TO THANK ALLTHE STUDENTS IN'1'JIE. homosexual men and women, but comfortable i:>eing "out." Don't forget Tom Paniccia, a QUAD 'THAT ASSISTED .IN THE' LOCATING OF THE also heterosexual men and women. The new philosophy of GALA is speaker on gays in the military, SOUCrrORS .o. YOUR-QUICl( REs.PONSE IN NOTIFYiNG The objective of the group is to one that will attempt to make this tonight in the Olin Auditorium. SECURITY ALLOWED OFFICERS TO APPREHEND -THE ,JNDIVIPUALS IN\fOLVEQ IN THIS IN THIS ~CIDENT. ,. Fitness .-! :.' . : 'L . ;.0:" ; ~ What Fred Said 2-5-94 at 1 :30 am: Security is diSpi.tched to a suite in Reu.rt that . Forum was holding a socle1event when a disturlJailce brokeout. A student at Ursinus and an-Alumnus had an altercation at this location. JU~. ' BYFREDWOLL people makes me mad." Cynthia BY ELAINE ZELLEY _ Collegeville Police, and Secu?ty ~ iilvestigatin, the incident., ", . Babcock, also a senior, said that Of The Grizzly Of the Grizzly • "!: she felt that Valentine's Day was A NUMBER QF STUDENTS HAVB BEEN PARKING It's that time of year again (sorry over-emphasized, saying, "Why Like most of the U rsinus student ,ILLEGALLY ON THE HTRINrrY CHURCH" PARKINoLOt for the cliche Dr. Volkmer). Love should there only be one day when population, you're sick-congested, . AS WELL AS HMARZELLA" LOT. ' BOTII AREAS: ARE is ira· the air. No, I'm not talking your boyfriend or girlfriend has to coughing, sneezing, wheezing or POSTED THAT ILLEGAL~ARKING < AT · THESELOCATIONS about pledging. I'm talking about be nice to you? It should be every feverish. Yet, despite the fact that MA YltESULTIN YOUR VEHICLEBE,INGTOWED •.• Pt.a.ASB Valentine's Day. On Monday, day." Kraig Bano, famous senior, we rna y be feeling under the REFRAIN ,.FROMPAJUONG ON THESE LOTS. February 14th, sweethearts all over and my roommate, was quoted as weather, many of us persist on, the place will be giving each other saying "It's pointless. 1 haven't pushing ourselves to the limit. And 2--6-94 ~t 11:20 pm: Security"is adv~that unknOwn persoo(s) . "Valentines. " The question is; enjoyed a Valentine's Day since for those ofus who regularly engage removed a sculpture from its·base near Fettetolf~ The incideitis why? Call me a bitter, cynical old sophomore year in high school. in fitness activities, either playing a under investigation •.. man if you will (I will), but I don't And that's only because I got sport or on our own, we may find really like this holiday. I think it's (censored) and a balloon. ,. And that cold or no cold, we try to 2-7-94 at 12:41 am: Security respond!; to a suite in Reimert after stupid. 1 mean, what's the point? If finally Nick Humphrey, freshman continue our workout schedule. being advised of an unWanted guest at this location. The individual you have someone who's your and known Casanova, mournfully However, just how smart is this? was taken from Reimert and, escorted· off campus by Security and girl friend (unlike me) or boyfriend, replied, "It used to be my favorite According to David Nieman, advise(lnot to.return to the college. The·incident has been. turned you're obligated to spend money holiday, but this year it won't. associate professor of Health over to the Office of Residence Life. . you don't have on that person, or because I just broke up with my Leisure and Exercise Science at .you'll get in trouble. And if you do girlfriend. " Appalachian State University in REMINDER: ALL 'VISITORS ON CAMPUS MUST BE ~ ~? :.: ":.;-. - ' - • , ... have money, you're obligated to So am I justified here or what? 1 Boone, N. C., when sick with a "REGISTERED W111I THE 'SECtJRlTY DEPARTMENT ·AND get them something traditional, like could only find one person who cold, it is best to lower the intensity MUST BE wiTH mm HOSTIHOSTESSAT ALL TIMES. AS · a heart-shaped box of chocolates or actually liked Valentine's Day. Joy of exercise and keep your heart rate AHQST/HOSTESS, YOU ARE' RESPONSIBLE "FORmE something. Then there's the O'Grady, senior, giggled when I below 60 percent. This is because VISITORS' ACTIONS!! ' -. potential for real trouble, because asked, and replied that "Yes, when we exert ourselves beyond 60 -, -)- .- because I have a special someone. " percent of our maximal heart rate, if you're a guy, you might be 2-7-94 at 5:10 pm: The College~Po1ice Departnlent and we increase the production of the implying that your girlfriend is fat. So what's my point? 1 don't Security respon4ed to MainS, after receiVingadispatchofanobjeef ' know. I don't often have one. stress hormone epinephrine, which Bang. You're dead. There isn't being thrown from ~ vehicle which stntck a pedestrian. The is associated with a decrease in quite the same onus on the girl. She Harley David Rubin seems to think pedestrian mVQlvedwas an Ursinus student. The 8ssaUant b8s been. immunity. can get ~er sweetheart anything she that Valentine' s Day is a conspiracy identified and wiUbe cited by the Collegeville .PD. wants. Lord help him if she gets created by greeting card companies. If mildly sick, according to Nieman, we do not need to change him something, and then she doesn't I don't know. Like maybe Hallmark 2-8-94 at 1:05 pm:" A student reports to.SecUritY , thatanotange our activity or skip practice, we like what he got her (if anything). executives all got together and sent couch was removed from the second tloot of Reimert balconyarea. simply need to do our routine at a Then of course, there are those out subliminal messages saying, According to the complainant, the three seated couch was puU)n .d.le lowered intensity. tragic people (like me), who don't , 'You will buy cheesy cards. ' , over balcony outside .suite 207 . beca~ of_tullction),eingheI4 : ili~te It is also noted that exercisers have a Valentine. Personally, I and over. Of course, Harley also 206 on 215/94. TIre couch Wasremov~Cr()D , the . c;!h~ •. Thestuden~ . should not workout at all with a don't really care. As I've stated, I thinks that rooting for the would appreciate thecouch·,~ . to~ce, 206 .. think that it's a stupid holiday Cowboys can give you prostate fever above 101 degrees or during anyway. But from what I cancer. So you'll have to formulate the acute phases (severe congestion, understand, Valentine's Day can your own opinions on this one. But chills, coughing, exhaustion) of a be pretty depressing for some it seems that for such an anticipated virus. This applies for skiers as people. Maybe they recently broke holiday, Valentine's Day isn't that well, who should remain fireside or up from a relationship, or maybe it happy an occasion for many people. in bed -rather than on the slopes just brings back bad memories. I That's too bad. But not to worry, when experiencing acute viral asked some people about it, guys because Tuesday, February 15th, symptoms. In fact, fatal arrhythmias and girls, and was surprised by the is a holiday that I do like. Tuesday have been reported with otherwise number of people that said that is Fastnacht's Day. That means a healthy mili tary recruits who engage they didn't like it either. Jen Wolf, whole lot of donuts. And I like in heavy physical training during donuts. a senior, stated that, "Seeing happy ConI .. on nexl page.•• February 15, 1994 The Grizzly PageS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Forum ... ConI. from page 4 Features the acute stage of a viral illness. Individuals taking medication, especially Roscoe MQcfeA Menf~' Note "@~ antibiotics, should also take caution when to ~ exerclsmg. According to Cardiologist James Rippe, M. D., certain medicines do not allow the body to sweat normally. As with a viral-induced fever, this could cause internal body temperature to rise, which, in tum, strains the heart. If sick with a cold, your best bet is to listen to your body. If you must exercise, train or attend practice, proceed with caution and consult a physician. Some "Under The Weather" Exercise Tips 1. During the first days of a cold, keep heart rate below 60 percent. 2. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and fluids. 3. Eat balanced meals, especially fruits and veggies. 4. Do not attempt to diet or restrict calories while sick. 5. Go slowly, especially at higher altitudes. 6. Sleep. 7. Listen to the warning signs that your body sends. The Origin of Saint Valentine's Day Saint Valentine's Day, believe it or not, began in possibly the most unromantic way. Saint Valentine, the BishopofTerni, was an early Christian martyr commonly regarded as the patron saint of lovers. He was said to have been executed on February 14, about the year 269. The interesting part is there was possibly another Saint Valentine of Rome who w'\s said to have been executed on the same day. Whether both of these saints existed is not known for sure. Early records indicate that they were beheaded on the Plamenian Way, one near Rome and the other in Terni. However, there may have only 489·4554 been one Valentine who perhaps was taken from one city to the other for the execution. Serving: Ursinus College 4015 Germantown Pike The traditional exchange of "valentines," or love­ tokens which appeared in the late Middle Ages had most probably only an accidental connection with St. Valentine and owed its origin rather to the conventional medieval belief, held generally in France and England, that it was at the start of the second fortnight of the second month that the birds began to mate. "Por this was on seynt Valentyne's day," wrote Chaucer, "when every foul $8" $1 cometh there to chese his mate." Sf" " Be an editor!! SEMESTER SPECIAL! THICK-N-THIN! DOUBLE DEAL! • ANY THIN CRUST OR ORIGINAL BUY 1 MEDIUM DEEP DISH AND BUY 2 LARGE ORIGINAL Editor positions for the 1994-95 year are HAND-TOSSED PIZZAI • ANY SIZE! 1 MEDIUM THIN CRUST! HAND-TOSSED OR ADDITIONAl. TOPPINGS S 20 THIN CRUST PIZZAS! available for The Griu.ly, The Lantern, and • ANY OF YOUR FAVORITE TOPPINGS! FOR BOTH PIZZAS The Ruby. If interested, pick up an No Coupon Necessary 2UNSUN Expires 6/26194 application in Dr. Volkmer's office (Olin 313) as soon as possible. Deadline for applications is March 4, 1994. Experience preferred but NOT necessary. I------EZ-CARD, BOX 16516, ATLANTA, GA 30321 I Do You Want VISA & MasterCard Credit Cards? i • Now you can have two of the most recognized and accepted credit cards In the wortd ... Vlsa8 and MasterCard8 : YES! IwantVlSA8/MASTERCARD8CredIt : credit cards. .... ln your name." EVEN IF YOU ARE NEW IN I Cardsapproved lnune

the College required students to CHOICES: An alumnus who give priority to attending the events. selVed on our Board of Directors Attendance cards were distributed and is now retired continues to at the start of each semester to all receive in the mail copies of The "Attending and studying for classes students; they turned them in at the GriZZly and the campus Gazette. door when an event took place (we He recently wrote to tell me of an called it "The Forum") and their impression he received from the . . . should always be the first semester record in the Registrar's reports from campus: Office was duly noted. While "After months of faithfully faculty and students alike came to scanning the Gazette and weekly choice, no matter how many events see this asa "Mickey Mouse" way calendar, the overwhelming to induce interest, it had the virtue impression I have is that the staff offocusing attention on the visitors' and faculty are running around like are scheduled. " ideas. It was one way to encourage scurrying mice providing for the a discourse across the campus. entertainment, Entertainment, Now students are responsible for ENTERTAINMENT of the making their own choices about students, filling every ticking intended to entertain but to educate. Noone student could attend all yesterday. Whatever the motive attending campus events. Our alum­ minute of the clock with something Moreover, the campus community, or most of the functions on the for that nostalgic impulse, it seemed critic and I would concur that to do or watch or listen to when not for better or worse, is no longer the College calendar while doing a to call for contrasts between the attending and studying for classes locked in on TV. I wonder, when tight island it was in earlier years. responsible job of studying. To the way we do our educational work and doing research should always do they study or attend classes?" While it is still a small community, best of my knowledge, no student today and the way it was done in the be the first choice no matter how He had a point, I thought. Given it is made up of students, faculty, attempts to do such a thing. Each past. Our alum-critic's comment many events are scheduled. the first priority for students--hard and staff with a broad range of picks and chooses according to certainly affords us an opportunity study in course work--the College interests. This is the consequence interest and preference. to see a contrast between a rich list should make it clear that other of efforts to make the College less When the 125th Anniversary ofcampus events today with a fairly experiences almost always are parochial and more diverse. The committee was thinking about ways sparse one in his student days and secondary. programming of activities and to celebrate, the students on the mme. • • • President Richter's columnappetm However, much on the crowded speakers for this kind of campus committee requested that we in some Not many years ago, when serious weekly in Tht Grizzly. schedule of the College is not inevitably leads to a broader menu. way tell the story of the Ursinus of outside speakers visited campus,

Attention Students - The Ursinus CollegeTutoring Servi Censorship Sucks ... heh heh encourages you to register for tutoring immediately. -Society sucks. Heh heh. Commuting students needed as well! --Yean. Heh heh heh. Call x2436 on Tues., Wed., or Thurs. from 3-4:30 p.m. -They're like, blaming it on us. --Cool.

Beavis and Butthead, ladies and Mart ("cool--a chick hangout"). reinforced by B & B at 1:00 can't gentlemen! The most lovable Their futile attempts at meeting stay up until 10:00 to see the show. morons on MTV (other than Pauly, women or even looking at women And the good little boys and girls who is not lovable). Senator Ernest usually end up in the dumper. have had their parents suddenly Hollings (D., South Carolina) A woman who lived in a trailer appear out of the thin air to say "go lovingly refers to them as "Beaver park and had her son burn down to bed before 10:00 so you can't and Buffcoat" and blames them for their trailer (consequently killing watch Beavis & Butthead. " society's ills, then claims never to her young daughter) automatically I have watched almost every have seen the show. blamed B & B. Beavis is the episode of Beavis & Butthead. My For those of you who have never pyromaniac, and since these claims, parents, bless them, have even sat seen "Beavis and Butthead," it is the show has dropped all content through an episode or two. My an animated half-hour show on pertaining to fire from the new younger brothers have watched MTV that features two pubescent episodes. almost as much as I. Not one ofus idiot!; who sit around and watch But startling revelations have has flicked a Bic and torched the videos. They usually rate these recently unfolded. A neighbor has house or another human being. videos with a "this sucks" or "this claimed that the woman never had Is my family better than yours? is cool. " Once in a while, they will cable TV --thus, her son could not Absolutely not. make fun of or worship the rock have seen B & B! This same So what is the answer? I don't stars on the screen, depending if it neighbor described the boy as a know. But I do know that I miss is Vince Neil of MoHey Crue or pyromaniac long before this watching at 1:00. Where's my White Zombie. incident. lighter? Oh that's right, I don't When B & B venture into the More disconcerting is the fact have one. Maybe I'll go to the outside world, it is either to school that B & B has been moved from Maxi-Mart. ("sucks"), their jobs at Burger 1:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Harley David Rubin departsfrom World ("sucks unless we get to weeknights. I suppose the juvenile his sports tripe to comment on break or burn stuff' '), or the Maxi- delinquents whose behaviors were society. February 15, 1994 . S ts The Grir.zJy Page7 ******************** por ******************** NEW TRACK & UC Baseball To Hold FIELD COACHES 4th Annual Baseball Clinic HIRED Area coaches to help instruct

AD Davidson praises staff; COURTESY SPORTS University and an All-Big East provide them an opportunity to get team looking forward to success INFO. DEPARTMENT catcher and co-captain, will instruct ajump on spring training. Players players and coaches in the vitally must bring their gloves for they The Ursinus College baseball important position of catching. will be required to participate in aU BY T. J. SIGGELAKIS Mrs. Pulio, are well-qualified and team will present the Fourth Annual Mike's presentation is guaranteed drills. Grizzly Sportswriter come from winning programs. All-Star Baseball Clinic for players, to be informative and helpful to The cost of the clinic is only The season begins after spring ages 12-17, and coaches on players and coaches in all programs. $40.00 for players and coaches This past week, the Ursinus break, but training is already Saturday, Feb. 26, 1993 from 8:30 Rick Moatz, head coach of the attending both sessions and College track team hired a new underway. If you are interested in a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The clinic will Boyertown Senior American Legion registering in advance. Players and head coach along with three coming out for the team, we could be held in Helfferich Hall, the team and Bob Houck, head coach of coaches may attend only one session. assistants. Athletic Director Dr. use talent in the following events: College athletic facility, and will the Shillington Senior American However, registration for the Randy Davidson has said that this the 100; the 200; the 400; the 800; feature two sessions. Practice Legion team and for Boyertown fatemoon hitting session is limited is the best coaching staff in the the 1,500; the 5,000; along with organization, team drills, pitching Bear Cubs Junior Legion coach, to the first 60 players, with players Centennial Conference. hurdles and all of the field events mechanics, infield play, catching will also speak at the clinic. Moatz attending both sessions receiving New head coach Peter Crooke (shot put, discus, javelin, long fundamentals, first base play and has compiled over 400 wins in just priority. The fee for each individual formerly guided the Harriton (pa.) jump, triple jump, and pole vaUlt). outfield play will highlight the six seasons at the helm of the session is $20.00. Registration at High School team to many Both males and females are morning session. Hitting and Boyertown program. He led the the door is $50.00. Coffee, donuts championships. Assistant Coach encouraged. If you are interested, bunting mechanics, featuring Do's Bears to the Pennsylvania State and lunch will be provided. Rick Hess, an U rsinus graduate, please contact one of the captains: and Don'ts, will be offered in the Championship five ofthose six years An Ursinus College Baseball has returned for his second year of T. J. Siggelakisat454-1070, Ryan afternoon. Members ofthe Ursinus and to the World Series Notebook, a compilation of over coaching. Both of the other Savitz at 454-7850, or Eric team will demonstrate proper Championship game in 1988. 22 years of coaching notes and assistantcoaches, Mr. Medinaand Widmaier at 454-0156. technique. Houck is well known for leading drills, will be on sale for only Head Coach Brian Thomas, who the Boyertown Junior Legion Bears $10.00. has over 24 years of successful Cubs to eight of 12 state Checks should be made payable COMING SOON: coaching experience and is championships. He has a to Ursinus College BasebaU and recognized as one of the area's phenomenal Junior Legion record should be sent to the attention of Previews of baseball, excellent teachers of the game, will of 446-47. Coach Thomas at U rsinus College, share with coaches many proven The clinic is designed to help Athletic Department, P.O. Box and helpful tips in all areas of the players and coaches of all levels-­ 1000, Collegeville, Pa., 19426- softball, golf, tennis, and game. Little League, Babe Ruth, Jr. 1000. For more information, Assistant Coach Mike Svanson, American Legion, American Legion contact the College at 489-4111, more--if we get writers! a 1989 graduate of Villanova and Jr. & Sr. High School--and ext. 2251.

Freshman Black Belt Profiled in National Karate Magazine JeaaIf'er Dlamoad Revealed to be hard worker, MiehelieLim Erika ComptoD Ie Melissa Chido Andy Stankus both studies and teaches Mark £eiser . Tbo..... Epler DAVID & explained his views on life, school, In MaUCordes BY HARLEY RUBIN fact, Stankus has continued Craie F.ueber TOM MASTRANGELO and karate. Byrnes' tradition of teaching, and Harlq DaYid Rubia Sports Editors Stankus is currently awaiting instructs yotmger children in karate. Tom Mutraaa. thechance to be nationally ranked at He teaches when he is not working RebecaHeyl Last semester, Grizzly readers the 1994 USA Karate Team Trials out five times a week at the dojo or SeuJoaes discovered the karate champion in (75 kilo), an event that could pursuing his studies at Ursinus. Driea D. WiIIoD their midst. Freshman Andy verywell be a big factor in his Over the summer, he instructs SaIIJ WidIlWl Stankus competed in the USA opportunities at the 1994 World students at a karate camp and trains Karate Federation (USAKF) Championships and the 1995 Pan­ by himself during breaks and after National Championships and in the Am Games. hours. World Cup in Algeria last year. He began his martial arts training It is obvious that there are big Additionally, he isjuggling a double in 1987, at the age of 11, under things in Andy Stankus' future. major in Japanese and economics. Patrick Byrnes. Byrnes, the head We at the Grimy hope to chronicle lOUI_lflll:1m, rep.... the preftous Qlllpal He plans to become a teacher upon instructor of Bushi Karate in all of his accomplishments. ....IIMI'. :Jl... 'U""",,'.W.rIIr. De GrizzI1 is publlthed aad edited finishing school. Hatfield, Pa., has guided Stankus _t' bt;;; lIIId.III.'l:·~"~ 1be .. expressed ia tbepaper are DOt In an article in the February 1994 ever since, and is responsible for :· ...lIIiDiItrlItioID. faculty, or • CJODIeDSUI or the Karate Profiles magazine, Stankus the success achieved by the young was interviewed in depth and black belt. Page 8 The Grizzly February IS, 1994 ********************Sports*******************~ - WRESTLING SPORTS BEAT DESTROYS ALL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY IS Women's vs. Muhlenberg 7:00 PM

COMPETITION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Bears end season at 14-1; ready for Centennial Conference Championships Men's Basketball (JV) at Muhlenberg 6:00 PM Men's Basketball (V) at Muhlenberg 8:00 PM BY ED MARKOWSKI Haverford College forfeited the last ways against host Johns Hopkins. Grizzly Sportswriter four weight classes as UC won 55- The Bears started things off by THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17 O. winning the first five weight classes. Women's Basketball vs. Allentown 7:00 PM The Ursinus College wrestling In the second match, the Bears Torsone decisioned his opponent team travelled to Johns Hopkins defeated Swarthmore 47 -3. After a 7-2 and Guzzo had an 8-2 decision. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18 this weekend, and on the way, forfeit in the 118 lbs. bout, Tom Brian Wilson wrestled to an 11-2 Men's & Women's Swimming at Centennial picked up Swarthmore College for Guzzo (126 lbs.) won an 11-4 major decision, Kirk Holt shut out Conference Championships the quad meet that also included decision to give U rsinus a 9-0 his opponent at 142Ibs., and Mike Haverford College. It was a very advantage. Brian Wilson had a pin Ortman followed with a pin in 1:21. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19 productive weekend, as eight in the I 34-lb. weight class. Already Two decisions at 158 lbs. and Men's & Women's Swimming at Centennial U rsinus wrestlers won all three of winning 6-0, Wilson used a cradle 167 Ibs. gave the Blue Jays their Conference Championships their bouts, and the Bears outscored to finish his opponent in 4:48. only points of the match (Ursinus Wrestling vs. Centennial Conf. Championships 10:00 AM their opponents 137 -9 . Forfeits in the 142- and ISO-lb. losta team point in the IS8-lb. bout Men's Basketball (JV) at Haverford 4:00PM It only took a combined 62 bouts gave the Bears a 27 -0 lead. forunsportsmanlikeconduct). Josh Women's Basketball at Haverford 6:00PM seconds for the team to take a quick Freshman Mike Walters lost a Carter posted a 17 -0 technical fall Men's Basketball (V) at Haverford 8:00 PM 12-0 lead against Haverford close 3-1 bout at 158 lbs. to give in the 177 -lb. bout, and the Bears College. Darren T orsone (118 lbs. ) Swarthmore their only points of the fmished the match with pins by SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 and Tom Guzzo (126 lbs.) pinned match. Don Solomon (167 lbs.) Edens and Shepard to make the Gymnastics at Ithaca 1:00 PM their opponents in : 17 seconds and also used a cradle to dispose of his fmal~ore35~. ~------~ :45 seconds, respectively. The two opponent in 1: 07 . Josh Carter The Bears finished the regular lbs. ) are taking undefeated dual pins were followed by back -to-back followed with a 9-4 decision. Brian season at a stellar 14-1, and look meet records into the Attention!!! championships. Come on down to forfeits at 134 Ibs. and 142 lbs. Edens posted a 19-4 technical fall forward to the inaugural Centennial Writers needed--all sports. Mike Ortman had a 13-3 major and Cameron Shepard had a pin in Conference Championships this Helfferich on Saturday and watch decision at 150 lbs., and Greg the 190-lb. and the heavyweight Saturday, beginning at 10:00 AM an exciting and talented UC Call Harley at 454-0384 or Loebsack won an 8-3 decision at division bouts, respectively. in Helfferich Hall. Both Kirk Holt wrestling team go for it all! Tom at 454-1024 NOW!!! 158 lbs. to round out the action. U rsinus continued their winning (142 Ibs.) and Brian Edens (190 HARLEY'S HAVEN

BY HARLEY DAVID RUBIN at least think I do). The Phillies, here and blows people away as the Jordan said "I'm retired, but I'd proposal for the umpteenth time. The Envy of Editors Everywhere after the trade rumors had died, closer and picks up 30 saves, the like to play in the All-Star game, " After he was forced to propose finally pulled the trigger and dealt deal was a . Mulholland, who commissioner David Stem would again by the judge (Tom's idea), Last Saturday night, a few friends veteran lefthanded pitcher Terry is getting up there in age (30ish in ask "What number do you want?" Sam and Diane decided to give in to and I sat around. We (the legal Mulholland (12-9, 3.25 ERA) to baseballese) was injured last year before Michael could change his the inevitable. ones, that is--Heaven forbid minors the New York Yankees for Bobby and was never the same when he mind. What's inevitable is this week's drinking on this campus) had a few Munoz, Kevin Jordan, and Ryan came back. Plus, Jordan and Karp And Michael. What a story this C.H.O.C.R./"Cheers" Trivia beers, some Dr. Peppers (Amaretto Karp. Munoz is a hard-throwing could be in uni fonn in a year or so guy is. You read here last week that Question: What is printed on the & Coors Extra Gold), and a ton of righthander who could be the next and be solid contributors. Overall, I disapprove of Michael's attempts sign mounted over the copy machine fun on the E-mail "LambdaMoo" David West, the next Mitch a tentative Thumbs Up from here. to play baseball. But sportswriters in Rebecca's office? thing. Williams, or the next Ron Reed. As for the NBA All-Star across the country are now hailing Before I get out of here, I'd like Being a newcomer without an Jordan is a power-hitting second Weekend, 1'd rather be doing naked this as the world's greatest athlete to send out a belated Happy Birthday account (1'mgoing to get one soon), baseman who is an insurance policy butt-slides down icy Main Street. and his return to the sport he truly to News Editor Erika "Straight I simply watched through fuzzy if Mariano Duncan leaves. Karp is 76er Jeff Hornacek won the title of loved. Gag. Let's face facts--even Out of' Compton, who is 69! She eyes as the typist conversed with a finesse pi tcher who won't be best all-around shooter--shocker? if he makes the big club (by some looks great for her age. Ask her people from , New York, ready to contribute for at least a Not here. Another 76er, Dana miracle), he'll have second thoughts about her grandkids. Wisconsin, and other ~enic places. year or two. Barros, competing well in the three­ about the whole thing after his first This truly amazed me. I thought But to deal Mulholland? This point contest? A no-brainer. He look at Randy Johnson's tOO-m.p.h. Harley David Rubin has directed I was on top of the whole computer guy is a bulldog--200 + innings was a great shooter before he came fastball. Look what it did to John 13 major motion pictures, including generation. Just when I was getting every year, thirty-plus starts, ten here. Kruk at the last All-Star game (ha). "Taxi Driver 2: Travis Meets the comfortable with Super Nintendo, complete games, and a nice guy all Why do I sound bitter? Because Wow, am I cynical. You know Gamma House," in which Travis Sega, WordPerfect and PageMaker, around. Did you remember that he I believe that All-Star games suck who else is cynical? Tris "No Bickle returns from the dead to along comes the TelNet, InterNet, donated money every year to open anymore. Baseball--the A L thrashes Hablo" English, who was the first hack unsuspecting sisters in lingerie and the information superhighway. and maintain the public swimming the NL because they draft bigger to get last week's "Cheers" Trivia into bite-size pieces. His next film I suppose I've just become a speed pools for city kids? Or the class act power hitters. Football's Pro Bowl­ Answer: Barfly Tom Babson passed is still being edited, tenlalively titled bump. he was? Or the no-hitter against his -it's in Hawaii, people just get the bar exam (or the" bah exahm" "The Fish That Digested Maybe if you behave yourselves, old team, the San Francisco Giants? jealous and tune out. Hockey--a in Bostonese) and defended Sam in Pittsburgh. " I'll give you my forthcoming E­ Was this a good deal? goal-~oring fiesta. And back to his first case ever. Diane was suing mail address. Probabl y, but I think the deal basketball--possibly the best of Sam for chasing and injuring her On to things I do understand (or hinges on Munoz. If he comes in these, although I believe if Michael after she rejected his marriage ****