15 GREAT AUSTRIAN ECONOMISTS EDITED WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY RANDALL G. HOLCOMBE LUDWIG VON MISES INSTITUTE AUBURN, ALABAMA COVER PHOTOGRAPHS 1. Murray N. Rothbard 2. Frank A Fetter 3. Frederic Bastiat 4. EA Hayek 5. Murray Rothbard and Henry HazIitt 6. Ludwig von Mises 7. EA Hayek and Ludwig von Mises 8. Philip Wicksteed 9. Henry HazIitt 10. Diego de Covarrubias 11. Eugen von BOhm-Bawerk 12. Jean-Baptiste Say 13. AR.J. Turgot 14. Carl Menger 15. BOhm-Bawerk as Austrian Finance Minister 16. WIlhelm Ropke 17. William Hutt 18. Carl Menger (No known picture of Richard Cantillon exists.) For photographs on the cover and throughout the book, many thanks to the Austrian National library, The Bartley Institute, Cambridge University library, Henry HazIitt, The Carl Menger Papers in the Special Collections Library at Duke University, Margit von Mises, Princeton University, JesUs Huerta de Soto, JoAnn Rothbard, and the University ofVienna. 15 The painting of Covarrubias is by El Greco. Copyright © 1999bytheLudwigvonMises Institute. All rights reserved under International and Pan-AmericanCopyright Conventions. Nopart ofthisbook maybe reproduced ortransmitted in any form orby any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information stor age and retrieval system, withoutpriorpermissioninwriting from thepublisher. All inquiries shouldbeaddressed tothe LudwigvonMises Institute,518 West Magnolia Avenue, Auburn, Alabama36832;
[email protected]. ISBN: 0-945466-04-8 CONTENTS Introduction: TheAustrianSchoolPastand Present Randall G. Holcombe v 1. Juande Mariana: The Influence ofthe SpanishScholastics Jesus Huerta de Soto 1 2. Richard Cantillon:TheOrigin ofEconomicTheory Mark Thornton. ........................................ .. 13 3. A.R.J. Turgot: Brief, Lucid,and Brilliant Murray N. Rothbard.