



Incumbent of TVorthenbury, in the County of Flint, who was ejected therefrom by the Act of Uniformity in 1662.



SARAH LUPTON SWANWICK, A descendant in the seventh degree.

JAMES EDMUND JONES, B.A., A descendant in the eighth degree.


TORONTO, CANADA: The Brovvn-Searle Printing Co.


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163 i-i 696 PREFACE TO EDITION OF 1844.

Compiled by Sarah Lawrence, a Descendant in the Fifth Degree.

THE annexed tables of the Descendants of the Rev. Philip Henry are founded upon a genealogical tree, drawn up originally about fifty years ago by Mr. Matthew Witton, one of the descendants of that excellent man, a copy of which was made, some years ago, by a friend for the editor. Having availed herself of the several opportunities of communication with different branches of the family which have occurred during the long period that has elapsed since the original document came into her possession, to make such additions as were from time to time needful, she is induced to print a few copies for the benefit of such of the descendants as may desire to possess one ; in the

belief that a reverential regard for the memory of our forefathers, where it is founded on the intrinsic qualities of the mind and character, rather than on the adventitious circumstances of rank and position — on what they have been, rather

than what they have possessed, can scarcely fail to exert a valuable moral in- fluence on the minds of their descendants. The editor prefixes a summary of the life of the head of the family, which was drawn up by the gentleman, (Mr. Witton) who originally made out the tree, which was ingeniously arranged, so as to compose the trunk, whilst the names of the different children diverged off in the form of branches. As these however had become, in the lapse of so

many years, too heavily laden with names, to admit of their retention in their original form, a different mode of arrangement has been adopted, and one which it is believed will prove more convenient for reference.

The following works (from the first of which the summary here given is taken) may be consulted as throwing additional light on the family history :

1. — Life of Philip Henry by his son, ; an enlarged edition of this has been published within the last few years by Sir John Bickerton Williams.

2. —The Life of Matthew Henry by Mr. Tong, and one also by Sir J. B. Williams.

3. —The Life of Mrs. Savage (P. Henry's eldest daughter) by Sir J. B. Williams, to which is added a memoir of Mrs. Hulton and one of Mrs. Radford by Rev. M. Henry.

The editor has been anxious to render this little work as complete and cor- rect as possible ; but fears that, in spite of all her care, some omissions and errors will be found ; for any such, she must entreat the reader's candid indulgence.


JOHN HENRY, father to Philip, was the son to Henry Williams of Brittons- Ferry, near Swansea ; according to the custom then prevalent in Wales, to make the christian name of the father the surname of the son. John

Henry was first Gentleman to the Earl of Pembroke, and afterwards page to

James II., when Duke of York. He married Mrs. Magdalen Rochdale of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, Westminster, a virtuous, pious gentlewoman, and one that feared God above many. She died March 6th, 1645, leaving behind, her son Philip and five daughters. A little before her death she had this saying, "My head is in Heaven and my heart is in Heaven, it is but one step more and I shall be there too."

Philip Henry was born at , Westminster, 1631 ; named Philip, by Philip, Earl of Pembroke, who, with James, Earl of Carlisle, and the Countess of Salisbury, were his sponsors. He was chosen in 1647 from , to Christ Church, Oxford. In 1651, B.A.; in 1652, M.A. He preached his first sermon at Hincksey, in Oxfordshire, Jan. 1653. In this year he removed to Worthenbury, a small town in the detached portion of Flintshire, about eight miles from Whitchurch, to be Chaplain to Judge Puleston, whose Lady was emi- nent for wisdom, piety and learning, above most of her sex. In 1657 he was ordained by the nearest class of acting Presbyters in the north of . In 1659, presented to the living of Worthenbury; in this year Judge Puleston died, and Philip Henry's interest in that family died with him. April 26th, 1660, he married Katharine, only daughter of Daniel Matthews, Esq., of Broad-Oak, near Whitchurch, by whom he had a competent estate, which supported him when he was ejected in 1662, and enabled him to assist others, in which he sowed plenti- fully, saying, "it is more blessed to give than to receive." The maiden name of Mrs. Henry's mother was Sarah Benyon, originally ap Einion, as appears by a short table of her descent from that family inserted at the end of the volume. On being ejected from Worthenbury in 1662, he removed to Broad-Oak. From this time till 1666 he endured great persecution. In 1667 he removed to Whit- church and on the following year back to Broad-Oak again. In 1674 he set up a week-day lecture there, which was continued for about eighty years. In 1685 he, with Mr. Owen, held a public disputation with Lloyd, bishop of St. Asaph and Mr. Dodwell at . In 1685 he with many others was committed to Chester Castle, where he remained three weeks. Nevertheless in May, 1688, he was nominated a Justice of the Peace for Flintshire, but declined acting. On Lord's Day, June 21st., 1696, he preached as usual. On Tuesday the 23rd, he was seized with a fit of stone and colic; and after about sixteen hours' illness he departed June 24th., 1696. He took an affectionate leave of his wife, with a

thousand thanks for all her care and tenderness ; and, like dying Jacob, said to his son, "The Lord bless you and grant that you may do worthily in your gener- ation, and be more serviceable to the church of God than I have been." His

last words were, " Oh death where is thy ? " the last word was lost in death. He was buried in Whitchurch Church, June 27th, where is a monument, erected by his son-in-law, Dr. Tylston, of Chester, on which is inscribed an epitaph. His funeral sermon was preached by his friend Mr. Talents, of Shrewsbury. Kath-

arine Henry, his wife, died in 1703. His usual compliment to his children when

settling, was, " I wish you all holiness, and then, there is no doubt that you will

have all happiness."


During the fifty-five years that have elapsed since the publication by Miss

Sarah Lawrence of a list of the descendants of Philip Henry it would have been impossible without continuous and systematic effort to keep a complete record of the various branches of the family. The fair-sized volume filled by the enumer- ation of the descendants of his great-great-grandson, John Swanwick, indicates

that the task of obtaining a complete list of all the descendants of Philip Henry

at the present day would be almost too extensive an undertaking. If it had

been possible to obtain such a list, the person best qualified to have done so was

the Rev. Matthew Henry Lee, vicar of Hanmer, Flintshire, who in 1882 collected and published "The Diaries and Letters of Philip Henry."* The original diaries and letters are the prized possessions of a large number of persons belonging to different branches of the family.

It is remarkable that in 1844 when facilities for postal communication were

so scanty, Miss Lawrence was able to collect so complete and correct a list. The compilers of the present edition hope that now when the ends of the world

are so much nearer together, it may be possible to gather material for a future and more extended edition not confined to the Swanwick branch. Some ma-

terial is already in hand.

Opposite page 50 will be found a table, the result of researches of Edward Filliter, Esq. The descendants of the brothers of Joseph Swanwick must surely

have died out, or the search in the city directories described on page 1 2 would have resulted differently.

To any who may apply for a grant of arms the following facts may prove inter- esting and of value. Philip Henry had, as his seal, chequers, with a fleur-de-lis

for crest, and Matthew Henry bore three battle-axes ppr. per fess upon a field,

gules. But neither these nor the Swanwick "sable, 3 swans argent" are to be found in " Burke's Armorial" or in the Heralds' College of Arms. The Swan- wick arms appear in an old pedigree of an ancient Swanwick family contained in a manuscript at the British Museum. Mr. Carter who has written some articles on the Swanwick family in "The Midland Antiquary," says that Randal Holme, an ancient and eminent genealogist of Cheshire, gives as the arms of Henry de Swan-

wirke— "sable, 3 swans argent" and he adds that "these arms were probably

Keegan Paul, Trench & Co., i, Paternoster Row, . 4

ancient arms but were not allowed by the Heralds, and the Swanwicks at various times used other coats; but none the less any of the Cheshire and Shropshire

Swanwicks who may hereafter apply for a grant of arms should seek to have it

founded on these bearings whose simplicity is strong evidence of their antiquity."

It would have been interesting to have collected for this edition brief sketches of the different members of the family, but time and opportunity have sufficed only for gathering the few biographical notes which are here appended.

In view of the possibility of a third edition being hereafter desired, it is hoped

that all who are in possession of any items of interest will communicate them to the compilers without delay, and will notify them of any necessary or desirable additions or corrections.

The arrangement finally adopted seemed the most convenient, and to

the following features of it attention is specially invited. For the names of each generation a different type is employed. The last four generations, in their order, are marked as follows :—

i ; a; (i) ; and (a), and so on respectively, the columns being correspondingly indented.

The heads of the different families are set out on page 14. The names

throughout are not printed closely, and a wide margin is left, in order that the record may be more conveniently annotated as the years roll by. So far as possible the compilers have endeavored to obtain correct addresses together with such other information as might facilitate inter -communication, hoping thus to make the book a sort of vade mecum. Members of the family who happen to travel may find therein convenient guidance, should they wish to verify by personal experience the reputation for clannishness and hospitality which has always distinguished the Swanwick family. The compilers regret that a larger number of photogravures are not inserted.

In any future edition, however, it might be possible to enlarge the collection, al- though this would involve much additional labor and expense.

Great pains have been taken to make the subjoined genealogical lists as

complete and as correct as possible. If any success has heen achieved it is due to the kindly interest taken in the compilation by a large number of the persons mentioned therein. If any errors or omissions are observed, the compilers will

esteem it a favor if such are promptly pointed out and forgiven. While the

record was in course of preparation, and while it was in the press, changes oc- curred which the compilers were unable to correct in type. Many suggestions and corrections were received only at the last moment. Each copy of the book will before delivery be carefully corrected up to date, so that subscribers may have as true a record as possible.

Special thanks are due and are hereby presented to the following persons :

Filliter, Mrs. Frances Alfred J. Boult, Cedric R. Boult, Louis H. Boult, Edward Garrett, Rev. Alex. Gordon, Mrs. Eliza Lucy Hunter, Miss Susan Katharine Hutton, Barton Hutton, Darnton Hutton, Rev. and Mrs. D. D. Jeremy, Rev. Septimus Jones, Mrs. Arnold Lupton, W. N. Ponton, Miss Hannah T.

Swanwick, J. Alfred Swanwick, Frank Swanwick, and Arthur Wicksteed. 5 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES.

" He believed ill of no one, and never dreamed of imputing' im- proper motives, so absolutely unconscious was he in his own integrity."

'Twas thus that an aged man spoke of the writer's grandfather, William Hutton.

Fortunate is the man who is thus taught to think of his forefathers. If in early

years one is imbued with veneration for the integrity of his ancestors, it is little wonder that as he grows older the tracing of his ancestry becomes a fascination to him. My father's generation always spoke of as " the Old Country," and a journey thither was called "going home." We of our generation were never allowed to forget those whom our fathers or grandfathers left behind them when they journeyed forth into the further parts of the great Empire, "vaster than has been."*

In 1 83 1 the late William Hutton (p. 20) and his family removed to Canada. At that time, and for many years thereafter communication between Canada and Great Britain was slow and difficult. Other branches of the family removed to the United States of America, to New Zealand, and to various distant lands. Under ordinary circumstances where no such family centres continued to exist as 'Fairfield' at Glasnevin, Dublin, their common origin would have soon been forgotten- In 1856 the Rev. Joseph Hutton died aged 90 years, and in 1864 Mary Swan- " wick Hutton, his wife, aged 96, (p. 14) but Fairfield" still continued to be a shrine for family pilgrims who journeyed thereto show their devotion to as sweet a woman " as ever God breathed the breath of life into, "Aunt Mary " or "Cousin Mary

Hutton. (p. 16). It was my privilege in 1886 to spend two weeks at " Fairfield," where ninety-

four years sat so lightly on my old Aunt's head, that it was indeed a merry visit. As she presented in a highly developed form a beautiful type of womanhood

frequently recurring in the different branches of the family, the following remin- iscences may prove interesting in themselves, and may also serve to call to mind other loved ones.

Barton Hutton (see p. 20) is perhaps best qualified to describe this dear old " " lady, for he lived at Fairfield when he was a boy. He writes : "It was what authors would call 'a home of ancient peace,' not depressed by ennui nor ruffled

by a shadow of ill humour. During all the thirty years I knew her I cannot re- member Aunt Mary once out of temper, though my brother and I must often have

been very tiresome. Servants used to stay there till they were superannuated. Those whom you found there were successors of a trio who were old when I was a child. Visitors used to say that not even a tea-cup was ever broken at Fairfield, where they saw the old cups of Dr. Johnson's time made without handles, brought on the tea table In the main her mind seemed to be occupied by senti-

ment, tender but not sad, and rarely expressed in words, but no doubt the source of her many loving actions. On one occasion when over seventy years of age, hearing of a prime favorite of hers, Miss Fanny Boult, of , being near

her death, she suddenly left Fairfield without a word to anyone and travelled to

f " We hold a vaster Empire than has been," (from a poem by Lewis Morris) is the superscription upon the Canadian Imperial penny stamp issued upon the inauguration of Imperial penny postage on Christmas day,

~...»fu*u& DEPARTMENT —


Liverpool by herself, arriving just in time to say goodbye. I suppose she had not been out of County Dublin before that since the days of stage coaches, and was quite unequal to such an effort. Nothing but her profound appreciation of a character as genuine as her own and as unselfish, could explain it. Excepting this, I fear I cannot recall for you any characteristic anecdote of her or of Fairfield life. Perhaps, because the whole life there was so uniformly character- istic of genuine goodness and happiness of an uneventful kind. " I remember, however, one incident of a letter written and posted by me when a boy, concerning a " row " got into at school which Aunt Mary thought would be to my prejudice in some way and ought to have been differently expressed. So she started off by herself, induced the postmistress of Glasnevin, whom she knew, to give up the letter (thereby no doubt committing some very illegal act) and destroyed it, getting me to write another. Yet a more tender conscience I suppose never existed. I daresay the postmistress presumed that she could do no wrong."

" Fairfield " was built in the early seventeenth century style, when Glasnevin used to be affected by Addison Parnell the poet, and others, and also by Dean f Delany and his guest Dean Swift, who is said to have there written some of Drapier's letters.

From the landing, half way up the stairs, one looked out on a garden as old fashioned as the house and its occupants. Mulberry trees ever so old, even in Aunt Mary's childhood, a yew tree hedge known to travellers as one of the high- est and finest in the world, hazel trees planted by her own hand, grown from nuts she brought from her grandfather's home at Wem, Shropshire, these and other objects of interest the charming hostess lingered upon the landing to point out. Playfully after each meal would the old lady draw attention to these, pausing for breath beside the old fashioned casement, never so indis- creet as to admit her real object in thus breaking her journeys to the sittingroom. On the other side of the house stood the row of magnificent elms. Within a few rods of her brother William Hutton's homestead, near Belleville, Ontario, still stands part of a monster elm which in the early part of this century attracted him to that spot as it reminded him of " Fairfield."

In 1886 it was found necessary to cut down the Fairfield elms. This was a great grief to Aunt Mary, but her sunny disposition appeared even when she spoke of that catastrophe. Her old servant Kate, whose attachment to her mistress was delightful to behold, was standing near, when the old lady remarked :

" I had to get those fine old elms cut down, for they were getting very rotten. If one had fallen and killed Kate," (this very seriously), " why that wouldn't have mattered ; but if one had fallen and killed me, that would have been a dreadful loss." On another occasion she begged me " not to go near the Jeremys. They have scarletina there. There are eleven children at my lodge gate house. It would not matter about them, but it would be dreadful if you brought it to me." This, said with a mock solemnity and followed by a merry chuckle, was a tempta- tion to give her a heartier hug than her frail body would sustain. 7

A barer house it would have been hard to find. Aunt Mary, in her attempts to give a present or a souvenir to every relative that visited her, had well nigh stripped her dwelling. Her nature was as generous as it was serene.

One day as I walked with her through the rooms of the old house, she searched for something to give me; but alas "the cupboard was bare.'' Leaning on my arm she chatted merrily. Pointing to a cupboard over a door-way, she said, as she lovingly patted my arm with her left hand, "and there, my dear, is where we store old lumber and useless old things, — like your head my dear." She showed me a window pane on which a domestic had scratched, " Tender, slender, very young, An ugly face but pleasing tongue." —Mary Kirkpatrick, ijbj. Aunt Mary's father "Joseph" and mother "Mary" had an Irish coach- man of whom she told the following story. If kept waiting too long on a cold night when his master and mistress were at some evening entertainment, he used in those laxer days to fortify himself somewhat too strongly by imbibing warmth. On one occasion they found him somewhat incapacitated, so they put him inside the family coach while they mounted the driver's seat. The hilarious passenger, good Roman Catholic as he was, kept shouting as the carriage rattled home, " Joseph and Mary have mercy on us." The sin was soon forgiven this pious servant. Aunt Mary was one day taking her mid-day doze. As she used to rise early and breakfast at eight, it was a wonder she did not doze oftener. [As an early riser she followed the example of her mother who lived till she was 96. Her

Aunt, Mrs. Drennan, always breakfasted in bed, and also lived till nearly a century old, both systems answering equally well.] The floors of the ancient house were wont to creak most inconsiderately, so that the house was almost burglar proof.

I had to pass for some purpose through the room in which Aunt Mary was lying, and took off my boots so that my passage might be less noisy. At a critical moment, however, the floor creaked and woke the old lady. She raised her head upon her hand and with mock solemnity thus rebuked me. " You noisy boy," she said, shaking her finger at me, " you wake all Dublin with your noise." " You conceited old lady," I retorted, glad of an opportunity to start Aunt Mary into repartee, at which she was never beaten, " You seem to imagine that you are all Dublin." The old lady, with an assumed air of great importance sat upright upon the sofa, and referring to the fact that " Fairfield " was a little distance out of Dublin, retorted (with that merry, appreciative chuckle of hers, which of itself would have endeared her to her companion), "That's very good, but I would have you know that I am beyond Dublin." Those who knew not the lovely woman I have thus inadequately described, yet wjjl recall from what I have here set down, some saintly woman, the memory of whose face and life is an inspiration and a spur to a higher holier life. " The light upon her face " Shines from the windows of another world. " Saints only have such faces."*

" Long-fellow. " Michael Angelo." — ; ;

" One of my earliest recollections is of such a face, that of my " Aunt Annie Ponton. Surely a pride of ancestry and of family that serves only to increase one's longing to do and to be something better and more like those whom one

has learned to love and revere has in it nothing priggish or ignoble. To trace one's descent from the Reverend Philip Henry and to spend time and labor in doing so, may seem a foolish toil to those who know not and care not who their great grandfather was or to those who trace their origin from royal ancestry.

But a descent from such an eminent and truly admirable Christian as Philip

Henry can never fail to be of interest to those whose family pride is like that of the greatest poet of the home and of the domestic affections, who declared

" My boast is not that I deduce my birth " From loins enthroned and rulers of the earth; " But higher far my proud pretensions rise, " The son of parents passed into the skies." t

Religious history is soon forgotten, and so Philip Henry is now little known

to a generation that is still familiar with the work of his great son, the commen- tator, Mathew Henry.

It is interesting to read the latter's notes on Titus, chap. III., v. 9. " But avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." "There are needful questions to be discussed and cleared, such as make

for improvement in useful knowledge ; but idle and foolish enquiries tending neither to God's glory nor the edification of men, these must be shunned. And genealogies of the gods say some, that the heathen poets made such noise about

or rather those that the Jews were so curious in : some lawful and useful

enquiries might be made into these things, to see the fulfilling of the scriptures in

some cases, and especially in the descent of Christ the Messiah ; but all that served to pomp only and to feed vanity, in boasting of a long pedigree and much more such as the Jewish teachers were ready to busy themselves in and trouble their hearers with even since Christ was come, and that distinction of families

and tribes had been taken away, as if they would build again that polity which

now is abolished; these Titus must withstand as foolish and vain."

Perhaps the most famous passage in Matthew Henry's commentary is his note on Genesis, chap. II., v. 21. " The woman was made out of a rib out of the side of Adam ; not made out of his head to top him, not out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved." Philip Henry's wife was a beautiful character, and indeed her personality adds much to the charm of his biography. The following interesting anecdote is related of her. Her father was much opposed to her marriage, urging that although Mr. Henry was a gentleman and a scholar, and an excellent preacher, he was quite a stranger and it was not even known where he came from.

" True," replied Miss Matthewes, " but I know where he is going to, and I should like to go with him."

t Cowper. " On the receipt of my Mother's Picture." 9

One of Philip Henry's descendants, Mr. John Ireland, editor of Hogarth's works, was introduced to Dr. Johnson as a descendant of Philip Henry, on which that great man remarked, in his emphatic manner, — * "Sir, you are descended from a man whose genuine simplicity and unaffected piety would have done honour to any sect of Christians, and as a scholar he must have had uncommon acquirements when Busby boasted of having been his

tutor." t

One is inclined to regard the nonconformists of the time of Charles II. as somewhat narrow-minded in their religious zeal. And lest the reader might be tempted to think that the pre-eminent nonconformist Henry was prone to think

all damned who were not of his mind in religious matters, I cite a passage from

his diary :

" In those things wherein all the people of God are agreed I will spend my

zeal ; and wherein they differ I will endeavor to walk according to the light that God hath given me, and charitably believe that others do so too." Those of us

who are tolerant are hardly aware that at times ours is the greatest intolerance in the world when we feel and express our impatience at the narrow mindedness of an intolerant man. In proportion let us admire and esteem broad-mindedness.

We read with satisfaction John Wesley's i comments on " the disputatious temper of some as to opinions and externals." He adds, " But I do not include

that venerable man Mr. Philip Henry nor any that were of his spirit, in this

number. I know they abhorred contending about externals. Neither did they

separate themselves from the church. They continued therein till they were driven out, whether they would or not."

An example of Philip Henry's broad-mindedness is related in a short

biography of him, published by the Religious Tract Society : " One day when he and many of his followers were at Whitewell Chapel, the

clergyman tried to prove in his sermon that all dissenters were in a state of damnation. When Henry was about to preach in the afternoon he said, 'perhaps some of you expect me to answer the severe charge that has been brought

against us ; but truly I have something else to do,' and then he preached to them Jesus Christ and Him crucified. With his large liberal heart he could neither

bear narrowness of mind in others, nor allow it in himself."

It is remarkable that the life of the incumbent of a small living in Flintshire, whose mouth was stopped and public work suspended for some of the best years

of his life should still be remembered, when thousands of others of his day and generation are forgotten. His descendants have never ceased to remember with pride the simple piety, true orthodoxy, and high attainments of their common

ancestor. If anyone is industrious enough to count the number of persons

named " Philip Henry" in the genealogical list now published, he will be satisfied that even to the present day men boast of a lineage, noble in a true sense.

Miss Anna Swanwick, (seep. 27), the most eminent person of any of those now living, mentioned in these pages, told me of an interesting petition presented to Parliament by Lord Macaulay, and signed by no descendants of

*Sir J. B. William's life of Philip Henry, p. 9. t Philip Henry was born a century before John Wesley

t There is a portrait of Busby with his favorite pupil at Christchurch, Oxford. 10

Philip Henry. Through the kind researches of the Rev. D. D. Jeremy, * I am able to give full particulars and to relate the events which led' to its presentation. Soon after the restoration of Charles II. the "Act of Uniformity" was renewed, which required the ministers of the to " give their consent and assent " to everything contained in the Prayer-book. The result was that 2000 of the clergy (about one-fifth of the entire number) refused and were ejected from their livings on St. Bartholomew's Day, 1662.! Many of these ejected ministers carried their people with them and formed congregations, thenceforth designated as the " English Presbyterians." These ministers and their followers though at first differing little from the Established Church, had no written or fixed creed. They held together by sympathies and agreements which were not defined. This was one of their leading characteristics and was not accidental. In course of time they built meeting houses and became possessed of considerable endowments, J but they deliberately avoided binding their succes- sors by the insertion of creeds in the trust deeds of their chapels. These "English Presbyterians" thus became a free religious community, and in the exercise of their freedom some of them gradually passed through various phases of faith, exchanging Calvinism for Armenianism and Armenianism for Arianism,

and passing from Arianism to Modern . § About 1835 dissenters who considered themselves more orthodox began to question the right of some of the congregations to their Meeting Houses and en- dowments on the ground that the latter did not hold the same views as the founders of the trusts. After long litigation " Lady Hewley's Fund " was wrest-

ed from the persons to whose control it had passed. Thereupon legislation was applied for, and Sir Robert Peel, though not in the least sympathizing with the religious views of the petitioners, introduced into parliament the " Dissenters'

Chapel Bill" which was passed and put a stop to all litigation in July, 1844. The

act provides that where there is no express statement in a chapel trust deed as to the doctrine for which the chapel was to be employed, 25 years undisturbed en- joyment shall be conclusive in favor of the congregation in possession.

The following is a copy of the petition referred to. The humble petition of the Undersigned, Members of the Presbyterian De- nomination, being Descendants of Philip and Matthew Henry, Sheweth, That your petitioners are lineally descended from the learned and pious Philip Henry, M.A., who was ejected by the Act of Uniformity in the year of our Lord, 1662, from the Incumbency of Worth ingbury, in the county of Flint, and who greatly contributed by his laborious ministry, both public and private, to collect those non-conformist societies which afterwards became known by the designation of " English Presbyterians."

y Mr. Jeremy (p. 19) was for many years minister of "the Eustace Street Meeting-house," Dublin, of which my great-grandfather, Rev. Joseph Hutton, was minister for over sixty years. " t Cf. Philip Henry's will Witness my hand and seal this 24th day of August, 1695, being the day of the year of which I was born, '631, and also the day of the year in which, by law, I died, as did also near two thousand other faithful ministers of Jesus Christ, 1662." " " his I In the dedication of the fourth edition of the Rev. Joseph Hutton's Family Prayers congregation is spoken of as "The Presbyterian Congregation Assembling in Eustace Street Meeting-house, Dublin." This meeting-house is well endowed. § To a person unlearned in theology such differences appear to be mere matters of terms and not of sub- stance, if he reads such prayers as those contained in the book written by the Rev. Joseph Hutton, for it would be difficult to imagine language and thought more suited to the feelings and beliefs of all Christians than this collection exhibits. 11

That your petitioners are also collaterally descended from the Rev. Mat- thew Henry, son of the above named Philip Henry, well known by his public preaching among the early non-conformists of England and to a wider circle by his learned and laborious Commentary on the Scriptures That your petitioners and their ancestors from the times of the said Philip

and Matthew Henry to the present day have been wont to worship in the chapels and meeting-houses called Presbyterian in an unbroken succession

of generations without let or hindrance from any parties whatsoever. That some of your petitioners sustain the office of Christian ministers

among the afore-named societies and in this respect follow in the steps of their fathers for several generations, and others of your petitioners have been appointed Trustees of various of the afore-named Meeting- houses by regular appointment at the hands of their predecessors.

That nevertheless they understand that if recent decisions of the

highest Courts of Law shall remain in force they will be endangered in the continuance of their worship in these their wonted places of assembly and will be liable to be ejected at the suit of any stranger from chapels with some one or other of which they and their ancestors have remained connected for a period approaching to 200 years and where alone they find a form of worship carried on which accords with their convictions of God's sacred truth. That they have therefore heard with the liveliest satisfaction and gratitude that a bill has already received the sanction of the Right Honor-

able the House of Lords, the purpose of which is to confirm themselves and others situated like themselves in the possession of their present places of worship, and they humbly petition your Honourable House to

bestow upon that bill your further sanction, that it may with all con- venient speed become the law of the land, and thus the minds of your Petitioners may be relieved from much anguish and distress, the con- sequence of their present uncertain tenure of their Houses of Prayer and places of interment which have become endeared to them by so many cherished associations.

And your Petitioners will ever pray.

(Sgd.) Robert Hyde Greg, M.P. (Sgd.) , B.A. (Sgd.) Hannah Mary Thom, Etc., Etc., Etc.

It is interesting to note that although the Rev. Joseph Hutton and his son, the Rev. Joseph Hutton, remained " English Presbyterians," the Rev. Joseph Henry Hutton, his grandson, joined the established church, and four great grand- sons were ordained clergymen of the Church of England.

His grandson, Richard Holt Hutton, (p. 18) was at first a Unitarian, but after- wards joined the Church of England as a follower of Maurice. Of him it has been " written : Through a period of great intellectual and religious disquietude he made a splendid use of the vantage ground afforded by the pages of a prominent 12

secular journal * for the defence of the Christian faith. It would be hard to point to any one Christian apologist to whom we owe more than we do to the

1 man who used ' The Spectator" as a bulwark against the agnostic and material-

istic thought of our times." Details of the longevity of different members of the family will no doubt be

of interest. Mr. John Swan wick, [p. 45] the oldest member on 'Change in Man- chester, at the age of ninety-one goes every day to his office, thirteen miles, and

is still an alert member. A fall which broke two ribs when he was ninety kept him from business five weeks only. At eighty-six years of age Miss Anna Swan- wick takes an active part in public functions and delivers addresses on literary subjects. At eighty-nine years of age her sister, Mrs. Henry Bruce, presides over her household and entertains her stream of visitors with the same striking dignity and grace as she did twenty years ago. At ninety-two Mrs. Andrews, of

Comber, Ireland, [p. 24] preserves her fine figure, and still travels and enjoys her daily walks. At ninety-two Miss Hannah Swanwick of Chester, 111., [p. 29] states in youthful handwriting that with her sister aged eighty-six she attends to the wants of an invalid, and walks up and down stairs many times a day. At

eighty-seven years of age Mrs. Thomas Swanwick, of Manchester, [p. 44] though partially paralyzed, retains her mental vigor and flow of spirits. In 1898, she entertained the writer for several hours with her quaint humor and anecdotal

talk. Bearing in mind her great age and her light-hearted disregard of her own

infirmities, one cannot fail to enjoy the humour of the following :

"Once when I was young," she said, "we were to have a party, which was to us an unusual and eagerly looked for event. My aunt was very old, nearing her

hundredth birthday, which it was hoped she would survive in order to raise the Swanwick record for longevity. Imagine our vexation when the sudden death of the old lady prevented our party, and did not even give us the satisfaction of being able to boast of a hundred year old Swanwick." And this was told with

a merry chuckle which is not the only characteristic that reminds one of her cousin, the late Mary Hutton of "Fairfield."

In the following genealogical lists the orthodox method of naming the sons first

and the daughters next is not followed, but each person is named in order of seni-

ority. This is not only fitting in these days of the equality of man and woman, but

moreover is due to the women of the Swanwick family, for they, rather than the men, have kept the family tree alive. In the directories of eighty-three of the principal English speaking cities of the world, aggregating over nineteen million in- habitants, the name of Swanwick by actual count occurs only twenty-five times.

In the "Life of Philip Henry" it is recorded that "in the spring and sum- mer of 1673 ne preached over the parable of the Prodigal Son in about forty

sermons." In these random biographical notes it would be unwise to try and emulate such a power of expansion. The foregoing remarks must not therefore be considered an attempt to do more than suggest the subjects of which they treat. Each reader will from the archives of his family history add incidents and details that are for obvious reasons unrecorded here. James Edmund Jones. Toronto, Ont., June, 1899.

' The London "Spectator" of which he was editor from i8bi to 1897. Ancestors and Descendants of Philip Henry— 7560-/776. 13

Henry Williams, of Britton Ferry, Glamorganshire, Wales, m. —


John Henry, b. 1590, d. 1651, m. Magdalen Rochdale, who d. 1645. Ac- cording- to the Welsh custom he took his father's christian name for

his own surname.

Issue (amongst others)

Philip Henry

24th, at b. Aug. 24th, 1631, in Whitehall, London ; d. June 1696, Co. Salop; m. Broad Oak, Cheshire ; buried at Whitchurch,

26th April, 1660, Katharine Matthewes, b. 1629; d. 25th May, 1707

Issue (amongst others)

at Sarah Henry, b. Aug. 7th, 1664 ; d. 1752; m. 28th March, 1687, Whitewell Chapel, Broad Oak, Cheshire, John Savage, of Wren- bury W7 ood, near Nantwich, Cheshire, Farmer and Land Agent, b.

see her life written by Sir 165 1 ; d. 1729. For further particulars,

J. B. Williams.

Issue (amongst others)

Sarah Savage, b. 1688, m. William Lawrence of the Moat House near

Wem, Shropshire, who d. 1737.

Issue (amongst others)

Elizabeth Lawrence, m. 1735 Joseph Swanwick, mercer, Wem; b.

171 1, d. 1769.


John Swanwick, of Wem, Shropshire, b. at Wem, 2nd Dec, 1736; d.

at Chester, 7th July, 1810, m. 19th July, 1763, Mary Hincks, (daughter of Thomas Hincks, and grand-daughter of John Hulton,

of Chester); b. 6th June, 1741, d. 23rd April, 1822. 14 The Descendants of Philip Henry— Swa?nvick Branch

John Swanwick Mary Hincks Issue

i. Frances Swanwick, b. 18th Oct., 1764 ; m. John Nichoiis, of Chester, 8th Nov. 1784. See page 15.

2. Elizabeth Swanwick, b. 1766; d. single, 1784.

3 . Mary Swanwick, b. 5th May, 1767; d. Nov. 1864; m. 26th May, 1788, Rev. Joseph Hutton, M.A., Trinity College, Dub- lin, Presbyterian Minister of Eustace St. Congregation, Dublin. Lived first at Summer Hill, Dublin. Moved to " Fairfield," Glasnevin, Dublin, in 1825. Author of "Family Prayers," etc.; b. 1765; d. 1856. See page 16.

4 . Susannah Swanwick, b. 9th Feb. 1769; m. 12th June, 1789, William Hincks, of , Eng. See page 23.

5. Sarah Swanwick, b. 14th Aug. 1770 ; d. about 1867 ; m. 3rd Feb., 1800, Wm. Drennan, M.D., of Dublin. See page 24.

6. John Swanwick, b. 31st Jan., 1772; d. 1830. A merchant

at Liverpool ; m. 18th June, 1806, Hannah Hilditch, who died 1856. See page 27.

7. Thomas Swanwick, b. 1773; d. 1829. Emigrated to Am- erica in 1817, where he became a merchant and afterwards a farmer at Kaskaskia, State of Illinois, U. S. A.; m. 8th Nov., 1798, Hannah Thornthwaite, who died 1838. See page 29.

8. Bithia Swanwick, b. 2nd ; d. 8th May, June, 1775 1819 ; m. at Wem, 16th April, 1800, John Wicksteed, b. 1774, d. 1837; a starch manufacturer of Shrewsbury. See page 35.

9. Joseph Swanwick, a manufacturer of Chester; b. 18th May, 1777; d. 1841; m. 13th Nov., 1800, Hannah Wicksteed, (who died 1848), sister of John Wicksteed, who m. Bithia Swan- wick. See page 42.

10. Edward Swanwick, b. 1779; d. 1780.

11. Edward Swanwick, b. 1781. A corn merchant of Dublin

and Manchester ; m. Sarah McClean, 1807. See page 45.

2nd, 1806, Francis 12. Anne Swanwick, b. 1783 ; m. Dec. Boult, accountant, of Liverpool. See page 47. Nicholls Branch. 15

Frances Swanwick ) [«—"«•« John Nicholls


1. flary NlCnOllS, who married Thomas Thornthwaite, in 1817.


a. William Henry Thornthwaite, b. 1819; d. 1874.

b. Thomas Swanwick Thornthwaite.

Frances Nicholls.

3. Sarah Nicholls, who married, 1810, George Holland, of Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire.


a. George Jarvis Holland.

b. Charlotte Holland.

c. Jane Holland, d. single.

d. Mary Helena Elizabeth Holland, m. 1840, her cousin, Edward Swanwick Boult.


(1) Edward Lillingston Boult, d. single, 1896.

(2) Campbell Holland Boult, d. single.

(3) Philip Henry Boult.

(4) Francis George Boult.

e. John Campbell Holland. 6

1 Descendants of Philip Henry.

Mary Swanwick See Page 14. Rev. Joseph Hutton


1. Joseph, see infra.

2. Johtl, a merchant in London, d. unmarried, April, 1868.

3. Mary, d. unmarried at " Fairfield," Glasnevin, Dublin, Nov. 26, 1887, aged 95.

4. Edward, see page 19.

5. Henry, see page 20.

6. Daniel, see page 20.

7. William, see page 20.

8. Mira, m. John Edward Brennan, M.D. No issue.

i- Joseph Hutton, Rev. LL.D.

Trin. Coll., Dublin. Also studied at Univ. of Glasgow. Unitarian

Minister of , Leeds ; afterwards of Carter Lane, Lon- don, and at Derby. Author of numerous theological works, including

"Personal Duties and Social Relations"; b. 1 1 th June 1790; m. 24th

July, 181 7, Susannah Grindal Holt; d. 28th Mar. i860.


a. /IDarp Ellja IbUttOn, b. 1820; d. unmarried, 1868.

b. Susan Ikatbavtne Ibutton, b. 1821; d. 1832.

c. ^osepb Ibenrp fmtton, see page 18.

d. S0bn IbUttOtX, see page 17.

e. "IRiCbarfc DOlt IbUttOn, see page 18. / Sarab Ellen Ibutton, see page 18.

c JOSepb t)enr^ UDUttOn (1Re\\) b. 1822. At first a Unitarian as Master of Hove House, Minister ; succeeded Mr. Mallison Unitarian School, Brighton. Joined the Church of England in 1876, and now Rector of West Heslerton, . m. (1st) Mary Mottram, 1855. Maurice Hutton, M.A. (Oxon) Sometime Fellow of Merton Coll.. OxtorJ.

^see page 17.)

Bertram Hutton. Josephine Hutton, Gerard Hutton. Alfred, Margaret. Dorothy and Kate Hutton Katf Freeman, Mrs. John Hittos, John Hutton, Rev. Joseph H. Hutton and Mrs. J. H. Hutton Rocer and Dick Hutton Jack Hutton

(*ee pages 17, 18 and 19)

Hutton Branch. 17


(1) Maurice Hutton, n. A., (Oxon). b. 8th Oct. 1856. Prof. Greek Univ. of Toronto, Canada; m. 1885, Annie Mar- garet McCaul, daughter of Rev. John McCaul, LL.D., President of Univ. of Toronto.


(a) Guy Maurice Hutton, b. I 88 7.

(b) Marjorie Ruth Hutton, b. I 89 O

(c) Mary Joyce Hutton, b. 1893^

(2) Blanche Hutton, b. 1857; d. unmarried, 1882.

(3) Alfred Jevons Hutton, (Rev.) b. 1859. A Church of Eng. Clergyman, St. Augustine's Vicarage, Kimberley, South

Africa; m. April nth, 1896, Lilian Leach, daughter of S. Leach, of Manchester. CD That. G&4*

(4) William R. Hutton, (Rev.) b. 1 861 ; d. unmarried, 1893.

(5) Gerard Hottram Hutton, (Rev.) b. 30th July 18635 m. 4th June, 1896, Evelyn Jowers, daughter of Dr. Jowers, of Brighton; Rector, Thormanby, Easingwold, Yorkshire. See p. 51 (6) Mary Susan Hutton, b. 1865; d. unmarried, 1891.

(7) Hargaret Friend Hutton, b. 1867; d. unmarried, 1895.

(8) Arthur Bertram Hutton, b. 13th May, 1869. Rector of Pitsea, Essex; m. 1898, his cousin Mary Josephine

Hutton. (p. 18.)

Issue of Joseph Henry Hutton

By his second wife, Clara M. Barwick, of Brighton.

(9) John Henry Hutton, b. 27th June, 1885.

(10) Roger Barwick Hutton, b. 26th Jan., 1887.

(it) Dorothy Frances Hutton, b. 8th Aug., 1888.

(12) Richard Hutton, b. 1891. d. Sofon Mutton, b. 12th Mar. 1824; d. 16th Dec. 1894. An engineer, granite quarry owner, and reviewer to The Spectator. Lived at various places, including Buxton, Carnarvon, Nevin,. Eastbourne, Edgmond near Newport, and Manchester. Mar- ried (1st), 21st Sept. 1847, Elizabeth Malin, daughter of William Malin of Parkfield, Derby. Married (2nd), 8th Jan. 1862, Lucy- Anne Jevons, daughter of Thomas Jevons of Liverpool. 8

1 Descendants of Philip Henry.

Issue by Elizabeth Malin.

(i) Edward Halin Hutton, M.A., (Oxon.) b. 30th July, 1848,

A solicitor ; now Registrar of the Supreme Court, Gibral- tar. Married, 1890, Ethel Johns of Ringwood, Hants.

(2) Susan Katharine Hutton, b. 30th Aug., 1850. Authoress of "Dessie Fennimore," and other stories. Now living at Cowden, Kent.

(3) Henry Richmond Hutton, M.A., (Cantab.), and M.B. Physician, at Breeze Hill, Bowdon, Cheshire; m. 1894 Evelyn Mary daughter of Fereday Smith of Grovehurst Pembry, Tunbridge Wells, formerly manager of the Bridge-

water Trust, ManchesterJSee p. b\

(4) Mira Stansfeld Hutton, b. 1855 • m. 1878, Rev. C. E. Graham-Jones, M.A. (Oxon.), a Church of Eng-. clergy- man of Newton Moor, Cheshire, later of Banbury, later of Cowden, Kent, also a descendant of Rev. Philip Henry. Issue

(a) Agnes Dorothea Graham-Jones, b. I 8th June, 1879.

(b) John Lawrence Qraham-Jones, b. 2 1 St August, 1880. (c) Katharine Winifred Qraham-Jones, b. 30th August, 1884. (d) Edward Christopher Graham-Jones, b. 4th August, 1887.

(e) Elizabeth Mira Graham-Jones, b. 23rd May, 1 894.

(f) Richard Hutton Graham-Jones, b. I 7th August, 1 895.

(5) Richard Holt Hutton, b. 24th Mar., 1858. A financial agent at Colorado Springs, U.S.A. See p. 51

Issue of John Hutton by Lucy A. Jevons.

(6) Thomas Qrindal Hutton, b. 26th Dec. 1862, d. 1875.

(7) Mary Josephine Hutton, b. 9th Oct., 1867, m. 1898, her cousin Rev. A. Bertram Hutton. (p. 17.)

b. d. th Sept., At . e. lRicbar5 Iboltfmtton, 1826, 9 1897. first a Unitarian Minister, but joined the Church of England " as a follower of F. D. Maurice. Editor of ;t The Spectator

from 1 86 1, and also proprietor. Author of "Theological and

Literary Essays," " Sketches in Parliament," " Aspects of Religious and Scientific Thought," * " Contemporary Thought "* and Thinkers etc. Married, 1851, (1st. ) Anne Mary

Roscoe (daughter of Wm. Roscoe), who died 1853 ; m. 1858, (2nd.) Eliza Roscoe, (daughter of Robert Roscoe,) who died 1897. No issue. See his "Life," Oliver & Boyd, London.

/. Sarab Ellen Ibutton, b. 1829, d. 1890, m. iSssjames Freeman of Norwich, who died 1890.

*• McMillan Co., London. ^f—

Hutton Branch. 19


(1) Henry Holt Freeman, b. 1856. An architect by pro-

fession ; now Clerk of Council at Deloraine, Tasmania ;

m. 1896, Ellen Eliza Auchenlech. See p. 51

(2) Ellen Freeman, b. 1859, m - 1890, George Lindesay Turnbull, M.D., 76, Ladbroke Grove, London, Eng.


(a) Ellen Mary Turnbull, b. April, 1891.

(b) Margaret Katharine Turnbull, b. Sept., 1 892

(3) Joseph Hutton Freeman, b. 1863. Assistant Secretary City Eng. Carpenters' Guild, London, ; m. Edith Helen

Grundy, 1895.Se* p. 51


(a) James Edward Hutton Freeman, b. I 896.

(b) Barbara Helen Freeman, b. 1897.

(4) Katharine Maria Freeman, b. 28th Oct., 1865. Lives at Heslerton, Yorkshire. West See p. 51

4. Edward Hutton, M.D., of Dublin, m. (ist.) Ann Luccock, of Leeds, (2nd.) Maria Bruce, daughter of the Rev. Wm. Bruce, D.D.,

of Belfast ; issue two children, d. in infancy; (3rd.) Maria Greer, " daughter of Joseph Greer, J. P. of The Grange," Co. Tyrone, issue, one child, d. in infancy.

Issue by Anne Luccock

b. a. Httne SwanwiCft "IbUttOn, 30th May, 1827 ; m. Rev.

D. D. Jeremy, Unitarian Minister, formerly of Dublin, now 73, Wharton Road, West Kensington, London. "** P- ^ J


(1) Kate Jeremy, b. 18th Feb. 1863.

Set 51 (2) Maud Ethel Jeremy, b. 1865. p "

(3) Alfred Hutton Jeremy, b. 1867. Surgeon R.N.

(4) John Edward Jeremy, b. 1869. A solicitor.

b. BarntOU IbUttOn, b. 2nd June, 1828. A civil engineer. Retired, living at 14, Terrace, Regent's Park

1 &i S* - London ; m. Anne Greer. P- Descendants of Philip Henry.

c. jfranceS IHUttOn, d. unmarried.

5. Henry Hlltton, Q. C, Chairman (Judge) of Carlow and Ros- common Quarter Sessions; d. April 1859; m. Anne Elizabeth English, of Philadelphia, who d. at Ashover, Derbyshire, in 1889.


a. Elisabetb "Button, d. aged 12.

b. Ibenrs "Button, d. aged ^4.

c. BOitb IbUttOn, d. aged 18.

6. Daniel Hlltton. wine merchant, Dublin, d. 4th April, 1856, Marianne Barton, (who d. Oct. daughter of John aged 55 ; m. 1843), Barton of Stonehouse, Co. Dublin, Govr. Bank of Ireland.


a. 1R0bert 30Sepb IbUttOn, 1st Gold Medalist and 2nd Silver Medalist, Trin. Coll., Dublin. A civil engineer, d. at Plate River, Argentine Republic, nth Sept., 1890, aged 48.

b. $Obn Barton IbUttOn, barrister, m. Caroline Goddard, and settled at Port of Spain, Trinidad.


a (1) Philip Henry Goddard Hutton, b. 22nd Oct. 1873; cocoa planter.

Oct. (2) Marian Swanwick Hutton, b. 20th 1877.

(3) Caroline Ida Hutton, b. 29th Nov., 1878.

b. 1 8th March, 1881. (4) Patricia Culley flalkin Hutton, 5th Oct. 1882. (5) Andrea Barton Lewis Hutton, b.

(61 Mira Hutton, d. in childhood.

of 7. William Hutton, b. 1801, d. 1861; m. Frances McCrea Strabane, Ireland, who d. 1873. Settled at Belleville, Ontario, Canada, in 1831 as a farmer; afterwards Deputy Minister of Agricul- of Education and first Warden ture ; also Assistant Superintendent of the County o( Hastings.


m. 24th May, a. Hlina "IbUttOn, b. 1826, d. 25th May, 1888; 1852, James W. Ponton, Deputy Registrar of Deeds at Belleville, who d. 5th Aug. 189.3. Mary Swanwick Morton Anna Ponton Eliza Bruck Jones (see page 21) (see page 20) (see page 21)

From a photograph by J. E.Jones. The Hutton Homestead, "Sidney Cottage," Near Belleville, Ontario, where William Hutton settled in 1831. (see page 20)


Hutton Branch.


(i) Frances Ponton, died young.

(2) William Nisbet Ponton, H. A., (Lieut. Col.) of Belle- ville, Barrister; to. 1883, May E. Sankey.


(a) Henry Hutton Ponton, b. I#th Sept. 1 884.

(b) Eleanor May Ponton, t>. IOth Oct. 1 886.

(c) Gerald Mungo Ponton, b. 8th Mar. 1 888.

(d) Richard Douglas Ponton, b. 3rd Oct. I 889.

(e) Anna Swanwick Ponton, b. 8th Oct. I 89 1

(3) Grace Nisbet Ponton, of Belleville.

(4) Douglas Ponton, b. 21st Oct. 1858, Inspector of Trust & Loan Co., of Toronto, Out.; m. 1880, 1st, Mary Isabel

Ruttan of Cobourg, Ont. ; m. 11 Apl. 1894, 2nd, Lizzie Leslie.

Issue by Mary Isabel Ruttan.

(a) James Douglas Ponton, b. 2nd Nov., 1 883.

Issue by Lizzie Leslie.

(b) Hary Swanwick Ponton, b. 6th Jan. 1895.

(c) Grace Ponton, b. IOth Feb. I 898.

(5) Augustine Ponton, d. unm. 8th July, 1888.

(6) Anna Josephine Ponton, lives at Belleville, Ont. b. ^OSCpb MUttOU, barrister, Belleville, Ont. Died single, aged 28.

So c. flDan? SwanvvicK Mutton, b. 20th Jan. i8#$; m. 1869, Benjamin Morton of Toronto, Ont., Loan Co. Manager. d. Frances Mutton, d. unm. 1861, aged 28. e. Sarah Mutton, d. unm. 1859.

/. lElisa Bruce Mutton, b. 3rd Nov. 1835, m. 28th April, 1862, Rev. Septimus Jones, M.A., Church of Eng. clergyman, formerly of Belleville, now of Toronto, Out., who was b. 4th June, 1830. Descendants of Philip Henry.


(i) Esther Fannie Jones, of Toronto.

(2) Jones, d. aged 3.

(3) James Edmund Jones, B.A. (Univ. of Toronto,) of Toronto, barrister; b. 24th June, 1866. One of the compilers of this book. Married, 30th March, 1898, Emilie Florence Hooper of Toronto, daughter of Charles Edward Hooper.


(a) flabyn Isabel Swanwick Jones, b. 22nd Feb., 1 899.

(4) Joseph Hutton Jones, d. 1870, aged 2.

(5) Benjamin florton Jones, b. 4th Dec, 1870, barrister,

> ' ' living at Cdiborne, Ont.

(6) Kathleen Jones.

b. 5th (7) Henry Septimus Jones, March, 1874 ; engaged in timber trade at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.

(8) Anna Edith Jones. Hincks Branch 23

Susannah Swanwick)

William Hincks j


1. John Swanwick Hincks, b. 1808, d. 1886; a solicitor residing at Clapham, London ; m. 1837, Eliza Cooper, who died 1895.


a. Xawrence Militant Ibincfes, d. 1847.

b. Eltsa XOUtSa IbtnCRS, b. 1839, d. 1879. Married Ber- nard Lewis, of Springdale.Macaulay Road, Clapham, London. Seep. 51 Issue

(1) Percy Edward Lewis.

(2) Jessie Lewis, m. Lindsey Clennell, son of Walter Cash

Clennell, also a descendant of Rev. Philip Henry. Seep. 51

(3) Walter Bernard Lewis,

(4) Edith Isabel Lewis.

(5) Ethel Mary Lewis.

(6) Winnifred Ellen Lewis.

(7) Florence Emma Lewis.

(8) Frederick Hincks Lewis.

c 50bn jfrefcertCK fmtCKS, b. i8 4 r; of i, Cambridge Villas, Stanley Road, Teddington, Middlesex; m. 1871, Sarah

Robinson, who d. 1 891. See p. 51

(1) Reginald Noton Hincks.

d. b. is d. 1S60. TKHalter Bremtan IbincRs, 43 ,

e. jf ratlCtS COOper "IbtltCRS, of Manor Road, Stoke New- ington, London; m. 1879. His wife died 1893.


(1) Cyril Malcolm Hincks, b. 1881.

(2) Walter flalcolm Hincks, b. 1884. 24 Descendants of Philip Henry.

Sarah Swanwick) > See Page 14. William Drennan)


1. William Lenox Drennan, m. Letitia Gaiioway.see p. 51


a- William H)tennan m. Miss Woodhouse. Many child- ren living at the CapeSer j

b. $obn Gallowap Drennan. s«* :

c. Ubomas Ibamilton Drennan died young.

2. Lenox Drennan. See p. 53

3. Sarah Drennan, see infra.

4. John Swanwick Drennan, see page 25.

3. Sarah Drennan, b. 10th April, 1807 ; m. 25th August, 1826,

John Andrews, Esq., J. P., a merchant of Comber, Co. Down, Ire- land, who was b. 15th Nov., 1792, and d. 13th May, 1864.


a. Sarab Hntoews, d. aged 2 .

b. JameS HnfcreWS, Esq., J.P., d. 7th Feb., 1882. A mer- chant at Comber. Married 21st Mar. 1863, Mary Catherine Andrews.


(1) Amy Andrews, d. unm. 1894.

(2) Herbert William Andrews. A farmer at Comber, m. 28th Sept. 1893, Cecilia Coombe.


(a) Louisa Mary Andrews.

(b) Harguerite Amy Andrews.

(3) Arthur flacdonald Andrews, a solicitor at Comber; m. Sarah Black, 27th Jan. 1896. Drennan Branch. 25


(a) Harold James Andrews.

(4) Eileen Lucy Andrews.

(5) Henry Percy Andrews, of Belfast.

(6) Cecil Frank Andrews, of Belfast.

c. TKIlilliam 3>rennan Hnftrews, Rt. Hon., p.c, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Ireland. Lives at 51, Lower Leeson St., Dublin; m. Eliza Galloway, 1857. No issue.

d. Sarab Bnfcrews, d. unm. 1845.

e. 3-Obn HnDrCWS, Esq., J.P. A merchant at Maxwell Court, Comber. Married Annie Andrews, 1868.


(1) flary Andrews, d. unm. 1885.

(2) Eva Andrews.

(8) John Drennan Andrews.

(4) Ethel Andrews.

(5) William Isaac Lennox Andrews.

f- XTbOmaS HltDreWS. A merchant at Ardara, Comber. Married Eliza Pirrie, 1870.


(1) John Miller Andrews. A merchant at Comber.

(2) Thomas Andrews, Engaged in shipbuilding at Belfast.

(3) Eliza nontgomery Andrews.

(4) James Andrews.

(5) William Andrews.

g- jfraUCeS HnfcreWS, b. 19th Feb., 1850. Married 3rd April, 1878, Edmund William Garrett, barrister, Ardeevin, College Road, Epsom.


(1) Henry Grimshaw Qarrett.

(2) Sarah Drennan Qarrett.

(3) Anne Neilson Qarrett. (4) Emma Frances Qarrett.

(5) John Edmund Qarrett.

4 John Swanwick Drennan, H. D., of Dublin, m . Emma, daughter of the Rev. William Hincks. 26 Desce?ida?its of Philip Henry.


&3 a. flDail? Dretman, m. Adam Duffin.gee p-


(i) Ruth Duffin, b. 1877.

(2) Olive Lenox Duffin.

(3) Dorothea Haria Duffin. (4) Charles Edmund Duffin.

(5) Emma Sylvia Duffin. (6) John Terence Duffin.

(7) Celia Duffin.

(8) Helen Duffin.

(9) Sylvia Hay Duffin, b. 1892.

b. Sarab Swamvicfe Drennan, of Belfast.

c MUliam DrennaU. Married M. S. D. Taylor.

From a photograph taken in i8(/S bv Miss .1/. /.. Bruce. Mary Swanwick Bruce

(see page 271


John Swanwick Branch. 27

John Swanwick See Page 14. Hannah Hilditch


« Mary Swanwick. See below.

2. Catharine Swanwick, b. iSn, d. 1883. a poetical writer of some merit.

3. Anna Swanwick, LL.D. (honoris causa) Univ. of Aberdeen ; 23, Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park, London, b. 1813. Translator of Goethe's "Faust," "Iphigenia," " Tasso," and "Egremont " " Schiller's Jungfrau von Orleans," ; Aeschylus' Dramas. Authoress of " Poets the Interpreters of their Age," etc.

1. flary Swanwick, b. 4th May, 1810; m. 1835, Henry Bruce, a West Indian merchant, who died 1864. Lived at Tavistock Square, London, then at Erskine House, Hampstead, and now at 28, Hyde Park Sq., London. Authoress of "Scripture Sonnets," * etc.


a. Huua /JDarta Bruce, d. unmarried.

b. ]£mil£ Bruce.

c ffiCUH? /IDlCbaCl BrUCe, b. 12th April, 1839. Lives in South America, unmarried.

d- HleiaUfcer BrUCC, a physician, d. single 1868.

e. /iDar\? Xcuisa Bruce.

/• William Wallace Bruce, b. 18th Jan. is4 6, Major of the Artists Corps of Volunteers, a merchant in London, m. at Leicester, 23rd July, 1885, Agnes Mabel, daughter of T. F.

Johnson, J. P., of Brookfield, Leicester.


(1) Marjorie Bruce, b. 3rd August, 1886.

(2) Geraldine Bruce, b. 16th August, 1887.

(3) Rosalind Bruce, b. 22nd February, 1890.

(4) Eileen^ruce, b. 12th October 1891.

g- Clara BrilCe, m - 1869, her second cousin Russell Swan- wick (son of Frederick Swanwick,) of Royal Agricultural Col- lege Farm, Cirencester, Gloucestershire.

H. K. Lewis, Gower St., London. 28 Descendants of Philip Henry.


(i) Bruce Swanwick, b. 1870.

(2) Eric Drayton Swanwick, b. 1871, a solicitor, Chesterfield, England.

(3) Hilda Hary Swanwick, b 1881. 53

(4) Russell Kenneth Swanwick, b. 1885.

b. (5) Frederick Bertrand Swanwick, 1887.

h. ikatbartne Bruce. From a photograph taken in 188;.

Miss Susan Swan wick. Mrs. Wm. Swan wick. Mrs. Morrison. Miss Hannah Swanwick. Mrs. Baker. ALL OF CHESTER, ILL., AND ALL OF THE SAME HOUSEHOLD.* (see page 29)

» Mrs. William Swanwick died in 1891, aged 82. The present combined ages of the four surviving sisters are 362 years.

Thomas Swanwick Branch. 29

Thomas Swanwick ) c \ See page 14.

Hannah Thornthwaite j


i- merchant at Ches- John Swanwick, b. 1799, d - unm - l88 °- A

ter, 111., U.S.A.

2. Thomas Swanwick, b. 1802, d. unm. 1876. A physician at

Kaskaskia, 111.

3 William Thornthwaite Swanwick, b. 1804, d. 1835. A farmer at Kaskaskia; m. 1829, Mary Matilda Conn. Issue, see page 30.

4- Elizabeth Swanwick, t>. 1805; m. 1861, d. j. Baker, a u. s.

Senator and Solicitor at Alton, 111., who died 1869. No issue.

Now living at Chester, 111.

5- Hannah Swanwick, b. 1806. Now living at Chester, 111.

6. Huddart Swanwick, d. in infancy.

merchant and farmer 7. Francis Swanwick, b. 1809, d. 1883. A at Oswego, Kansas. Mar. twice; ist wife, Julia R. Bond; 2nd wife, Mary Douglas. Issue, see page 31.

8. Mary Swanwick, b. 1810, d. 1838. Mar. 1830, Lewis Mor-

rison, a physician, Covington, 111., who subsequently married her

younger sister, Sarah. Issue, see page TjZ-

9. Susan Swanwick, b. 1813. Living at Chester, 111.

10. Jonathan Joseph Swanwick, b. 1814, d. 1891. a farmer

at Swanwick, 111.; m. 1853, Eliza A. Conn.


a. lElisa Sena Swanwicft, b. 1854, d. unm. 1885.

b. Ibannaf) Tl. SwaUWiCfe, b. 1856. Lives at Chester, Illinois.

c Josepb Milliam Swanwick, b. 1858. a lawyer, 147 W. 31st Street, Los Angeles, Cal.; m. 1894, Henrietta St. Barbe English.

d. ;JfrefceriCfe SwaUWiCfe, d. in infancy. 3° Descendants of Philip Henry.

ii. Sarah Swaiiwick, b. 1815, m. 1841, Lewis Morrison, her de- ceased sister Mary's husband. Living at Chester, 111. Issue, see P age 33.

3 . William Thornthwaite Swanwick, m. Mary Matilda Conn.


a- UbOinaS SwanVVtCft, b. 1829, d. 1883. A clerk at Chester, 111.; m. Elizabeth Brice, 1856.


(1) William Conn Swanwick, b. April, 1858. Living at

mLj-j-fi. Maple Av€ ., Carthage, Mo. A bridge contractor.

(2) Thomas Swanwick, b. and d. i860.

(3) nary Brice Swanwick, b. July, 1862. Lives at w-u Sr-Mapie Ave., Carthage, Mo.

(4) Frances Herriot Swanwick, b. May 1866. Lives at nn SHVfapie Ave., Carthage, Mo.

b. Curtis donn Swanwicfe, b. 1831, a. 1874. a physi-

cian at Campbell Hill, 111.; m. Louisa A. Bishop, Feb. 1868.


(1) Elizabeth Swanwick, d. in infancy.

(2) John Swanwick, b. 1870. A farmer living at Campbell

Hill, 111.

(3) Mary Frances Swanwick, d. aged 6.

(4) Louisa A. Swanwick, b. 1873. Living at Campbell

Hill, 111.

a. c XPdlUliam Z. Swanwicfe, b. 1833, i8 97 . a mill owner.

d. b. - Frances jBrarfc Swanwicft, 1834, m - l86 5> Rev

J. R. W. Sloane, D.D., a Presbyterian clergyman of Alle- ghany, Pa., who a. 1886. Now lives at Bellevue, Pa.


(1) Renwick Thompson Sloane, b. 28th Feb., 1866. In business at Brown's Valley, Minnesota.

(2) nary Frances Sloane, aiea in infancy.

(3) Margaret Matilda Sloane, b. 6th Aug., 1869. Living at Bellevue, Pa. Thomas Swanwick Branch. ^

(4) Joseph Curtis Sloane, b. 22nd Oct., 1873. A master at Delancey School, Phila., Pa.

(5) Caroline Swanwick Sloane, b. 25th Oct., 1877. A student at Brynmawr College, Pa.

7. Francis Swanwick.

Issue by First Wife, Julia R. Bond.

a. MilliaiU SwailWiCft, b. 30th May, 1836. A farmer now living at 826, N. Union St., Grand Rapids, Mich. ; m.

1 st Jan., 1 86 1, Harriet Newell Yost.


Several children ; died in infancy.

(1) Morrison Swanwick, b. 20th July, 1865. A printer at 144, W. 10th St., New York; m. 23rd Aug., 1896, Stella Farnham.See p. 53


(a) Ada May Swanwick, b. 23rd May, I 897.

(2) Chester Yost Swanwick, b. 21st April, 1867. Lives at 306, Jackson St., Grand Rapids, Mich.; m. 24th Nov., 1892, Lucy E. Tobin.


(a) Aline Jane Swanwick, b. 2nd Feb. I 894.

(3) Frank Swanwick, b. 13th June, 1869. A clerk living at 178, Gladys Ave., Chicago; m. Nov. 1897, Marie Helena McDermotte.

(4) Frederick TuthiJI Swanwick, b. 4th Nov., 1871. A broker living at 178, Gladys ave., Chicago.

(5) Curtis Conn Swanwick, b. 31st Aug. 1876. P« 58

(6) Harriet VVilhelmina Swanwick, b. 10th Feb., 1878.

b. EmtlP SwaTtWfcJ?, d. young.

c /IDarp SwatXWiCft. d. 1865; m. 1859, her cousin Thomas Swanwick Morrison, a farmer at Newton, Kansas.


(1) Francis Swanwick Morrison, b. 5th April, 1861. In business at Newton, Kansas; m. 19th Nov., 1890, Susan Layne. 3 2 Descendants of Philip Henry.


(a) Mary Morrison, b. 1 6th Aug., 1 89 1.

(b) Hannah Morrison, b. 28th Sept., 1 893.

(c) Etna Morrison, b. 3rd Dec. , 1 895.

(d) Thomas Layne Horrison, b. 9th April, 1898.

(2) Hannah Swan wick Morrison, b, 12th Nov., 1864, d. 28th Nov., 18^4.

d> *»/. ^and h, Achsah, d. in 1855; Thomas Shadrach, Julia, Joseph and Francis d. in infancy.

7 Francis Swanwick.

Issue by Second Wife, Mary Douglas.

i- b. a grain merchant at Shel- 3-ObU 5wanWfCfe t 1852, don, Mo.; m. Alice PigC'1877.


(1) nary Swanwick, b. 1878.

(2) John Swanwick, b. 1880.

(3) Elizabeth Swanwick, b. 188$.

(4) Helen Smith Swanwick, b. 1889.

(5) Francis Swanwick, b. 1892.

j- Jrtelen 5). SwattWfCfe, b. 1856, m. 1877, D. P. Leaird,

a druggist at Chester, 111. p. 53


(i) Helen Swanwick Leaird, b. 1878.

(2) Son, died in infancy.

k. UbOmtbWaite SwaUWiCft, b. i860. A farmer at Oswego, Kansas, m. 1893, Mary Stone.


(1) Cornelia Swanwick, b. 189$-

(2) Helen Swanwick, b. 1895.

(3) flarie Swanwick, b. 1897. Thomas Swanwick Branch. 33

/. BrCbtbalfc 3D. SwanWtCfe, b. i86*. Registrar of Deeds at Oswego, Kansas.

m. B. XtttCOln SwaUWiCh, b. 1865. A farmer at Os- wego, Kansas, m. 1897, Lola Lake.

8. Mary Swanwick, m. Lewis Morrison, who subsequently, in 1841, married her younger sister, Sarah.


a. Ttbomas Swanwick flDorrtson, b. 1832. a farmer at Newton, Kansas, m. June, 1859, Mary Swanwick, his cousin. Issue as before stated. See page 31.

b. b. livin ]£li3a /IDOrriSOn, 1835 ; g at Chester, 111.

c. Sitme^ Bvcc3C /IDorrison, b. 1838, d. 1852.

11. Sarah Swanwick, m. Lewis Morrison, who died in 1856.


a. £usannabAflDorrison, b. 1842, m. 1865, g. h. Tate, a merchant at Lakin, Kansas.


b. (1) Sarah Lucinda Tate, 1866. Lives at^ Rrry ville, Mo .

(2) Susannah Achsah Tate, b. 1868. Lives at Lakin, Kansas.

(3) George Henry Tate, jr. b. 1869. A merchant at Lakin,

Kansas ; m. 1894, Lenora Boylan.


(a) James Noell Tate, 1). 26th Jan., 1897.

(4) Elizabeth Morrison Tate, b. 1871. Lives at Lakin, Kan.

(5) John Edmund Tate, b. 1874. A merchant at Lakin, Kan.

(6) Sidney Swanwick Tate, b. 1876. An attorney at Lakin, Kansas.

(7) Ethel Hutton Tate, b. 1878. A teacher at Lakin, Kansas.

(8) James Noell Tate, b. 1 1882, d. 1887.

(9) Olivia Frances Tate, b. 1885.

b. JEli^sabetb^/IOorriSOn, b. 1843, m. Julian Carter, 1866. Descendants of Philip Henry.


(i) Louis florrison Carter, d. at the age of 3.

c XeWlS TDW. /IDorriSOn, b. 1845. A farmer at Chester, 111.; m. Kate Maxwell, 1870.


(1) Anna naxwell riorrison, b. 1871, m. 1898, Edward Gale, Methodist clergyman, Island Pond, Vt.

(2) Son, died in infancy.

d. ^OSepb SwanwlCK /IDorriSOn, b. 1848. In business

at Chester, 111. ; m. 1870, Ada Mitchell.


(1) Henry Lewis Morrison, b. 1871. In business at Chester,


(2) Josephs, riorrison, b. 1874. A surgeon dentist at

Chester, 111.

(3) Ada M. riorrison, b. 1876.

(4) Jennie riorrison, b. 1879, d. 1884.

b. (5) William Streeter riorrison, 1881 . Lives at Chester,


(6) Daniel Ford Morrison, b. 1883.

(7) Lewis Bryan florrison, b. 1886.

(8) Myra Matilda Morrison, b. 1888.

e. James 3". /IfoorriSOn, b. 1850. An attorney at Chester.

/. TKililliam tfrancis /l&orrison, b. 1853. a real estate broker at 138, Byers street, Denver, Colorado; m. 1887, Nellie Anderson.


(1) Eloise florrison, b. 1889.

(2) Dorothy Morrison, b. 1890. g- 3obn Ibenrp Morrison, b. 1855, d. 1897. A civil engineer at Columbus, Ohio; m. 1888, Mary Babcock.


(1) Agnes riorrison, b. 1893. Living at St. Paul, Minnesota. Mrs. John Tvlston Wicksteed, Sr..

d. 1869, (see page .;.,.)


of New Zealand, John Tylstox Wicksteep. Jr., of New Zealand, Arthur Wicksteed, d. 1877, (see page ;; (see page ,vS>

Wicksteed Branch. 35

Bithia Swanwick See Page 14. John Wicksteed


1. Bithia Wicksteed, b. 1801, d. unm. in 1879, at Tetbury, Gloucestershire.

2. John Tylston Wicksteed, see infra.

3- Joseph Hartley Wicksteed, b. 1803. Drowned in Loch Katrine, in 1824.

4- Arthur Wicksteed, b. 1805, d. 1807.

5- Thomas Wicksteed, see page 36.

6. Edward Wicksteed, i>. 1807, d. 1809.

7- William Wicksteed, b. andd. 1809.

8 Charles Wicksteed, see page 37.

9- Frances Wicksteed, b. 1812, d. 1832; unmarried.

10 Frederick Wicksteed, see page 40.

11 Elizabeth Wicksteed, seepage^//.

2. John Tylston Wicksteed, j.p. of N. z., b. 1802, d. i860, m. 1833, Emma Ancilla Barton (also a descendant of Philip Henry) who was b. 1809, d. 1869. Editor of London Spectator for nine years. Emigrated to New Zealand in 1840, became agent at Tar- anaki for N. Z. Co. and afterwards editor and proprietor of Wan- ganui Chronicle. Issue

a. SobW ZvlStOW MiCfeSteefc. See infra.

b. Hrtblir WiCfeSteefc. See page 36.

a. 5obn Alston TCIUcfesteefc, b. 1835, d. 1877 m. ; 1866, Isabella Eliza Campbell, daughter of Capt. M. Camp, bell, of N.Z., J.P. of Wiritou, Wanganui, N.Z.


(1) Stewart Tylston Wicksteed, Government insurance agent, Timaru, Canterbury, N.Z., b. 10th Feb. 1867.

(2) Helen Emma Wicksteed, b. 27th June, 1869, m. 9th Sept. 1892, Thomas Charles Jones (b. 14th Dec. 1866), son of Morton Jones, J. P., of Wanganui, N. Z. Clerk in Native Land Court. 36 Descendants of Philip Henry.


(a) Margaret Hazelwood Jones, t>. 27th June, 1893. (b) Katherine Isabel Jones, b. 8th July, 1895. (a) Brian Stannus Jones, b. 27th Jan.. 1897.

(3) Robert Hartley Wicksteed, b. nth July, 1871. Now living at Waipiro, East Coast, North Island, N. Z.

(4) Frederick Wicksteed, b. 19th Sept. 1873. Now living at Waipiro.

(5) Alice Mary Wicksteed, b. 27th Mar., 1875. Now livin g at Timaru, Canterbury, S. Island, N.Z.

b. Hrtblir TlXHtCfeSteefc, of Katikara, Wanganui, N. Z., b. 1837, m. 1863, Louisa Adelaide Harrison, daughter of

Henry Shafto Harrison, J. P., M.P., of Warrengate, Wanganui, N. Z., auditor of Province of Wellington and



(1) Shafto Harrison Wicksteed, b. 1864, m. 18th May, 1894, Norah West, of Taranaki, N.Z., at Hokianga, N Z.


(a) Dorothy Wicksteed. b. 27th June, 1865,

(b) Harold Barton Wicksteed b. 23rd April, 1 897.

(c) Charles , b. I 898 at Taranaki, N.Z.

(2) John Barton Wicksteed, b 1866, d. 1868.

b. (3) Arthur Herbert Wicksteed, 1868. A farmer now living at Purangi, Taranaki, N.Z.

(4) Andrew Swanwick Wicksteed, b. 1869. A farmer, now living at Ratapiko, Tariki Road, Taranaki, N.Z.

(5) nary Bell Wicksteed, b. 1870. Living at Katikara, Wanganui, N.Z.

(6) Lucy Agnes Wicksteed. b. 1872. Living at Katikara.

(7) Lupton Arnold Wicksteed, b. 1875. Living at Katikara.

(8) Louisa Julia Wicksteed, b. 1877, d. 1883.

5. Thomas Wicksteed, civil engineer, b. 1806, d. 1871 ; m. 1829, Eliza Barton, (also a descendant of Philip Henry), sister of Emma

Ancilla Barton, who married John T. Wicksteed (see p. 35). Rkv. Charles Wicksteed, B.A.

(see page 37)

F\kv. Philip Henry Wicksteed, MA (Lond

(see page jg)

Wicksteed Branch. 37

Issue Edward a. JSttbia TKUcfeSteefc, b. 1831, d. 1874; m. 1857, Filliter, b. 1825, a civil engineer, retired, now living at Hamp- stead, London.


(1) Mary Cogan Filliter, b. 1858, d. i860.

(2) Katherine Filliter, b. 1859.

(3) Bithia flay Filliter, b. i860.

b. 1862. (4) Edward Roland Filliter,

b. (5) Beatrice Filliter, 1863.

(6) Edith Frances Filliter, b. 1867.

b. i8 d. unm. in 1884. b. ftatberine Miefesteec-, 33 , c /IDatP 1UiCk5teC5, b. and d. in 1834. Now living at b. . d. flDarg ff ranees MicKsteefc. i8 35 Tunbridge Wells, England.

b. 1S40; a schoolmaster in e. Hrtblir BtMen TKHiCfeSteeC> t South Australia; m. 1866. Lucy Barton of Adelaide, S.A.


(1) Eliza Wicksteed.

(2) Thomas Barton Wicksteed.

(3) Frances Felicite Wicksteed. (4) Frederick Duncan Wicksteed.

W. W. Hunter (Bank /. 3EU5a OLllCV lUiCfcSteefc, m. Manager at Ossett, Yorkshire, who retired to Stainforth, near , where he died in 1891). No issue.

of Charles Wicksteed, b. 1810, d. 1885, a Unitarian Minister Leeds and Liverpool; m. 1837, Jane Lupton, of Leeds.


a. lEllen MtCfcSteeC', died in infancy.

b. Janet TKHiCfeSteeCs see page 38.

c Clara KUefcsteeD, see page 3 8. page d. sosepb ibartlep 1Uicftstee&, see 38.

see page . e. pbilip ffienrv? latcksteefc, 39

/ Bnne TKIUcfesteefc, see page 39 . 38 Descendants of Philip Henry.

g. Cbarles Micfesteefc, see page 39 .

h. TTbomas Stretton TtflUcfesteefc), b. 1849. Lives at Croydon Grove, Croydon, near London.

* Sobn Hamilton Wicfesteefc. b. [851 at Leeds, d. Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony. A civil engineer.

j. Cbarlotte Blicia TKtticftsteeb, see page 40.

b. 3-anet MiCfeSteefc, b. 1840, m. 1867, Arthur Lewis, 17, Sylvester Road, Hackney, London. Authoress of "The Master of Riverswood" etc.


(1) Annie Adelaide Lewis, b. 1868; m. 1897, Thomas Eg- glesfield, "The Shrubbery," Stamford Hill, London.


(a) A daughter.

(2) Alfred Hartley Lewis, b. i860. b. (3) Ernest Arthur Lewis, 1872. A. c. Clara TOcfeSteet), b. 1841, m. 1867, Rev. R. Arm- strong, Unitarian Minister, Liverpool.

Issue See p editor, b. (1) George Armstong, of Bradford, a newspaper 1870; m. Katharine Clarke. Set


(a) Richard Acland Armstrong, b. 24th Dec, 1896.

b. a school teacher at Sao (2) Charles W. Armstrong, 1871 ; Paulo, Brazil. Seep. b. a solicitor at Bir- (3) Richard Harold Armstrong, [876;

mingham. See j

electrical student. (4) F. Edwin Armstrong, b. 1879: an mechanical d. ^OSepb Ibartlep WlCfeStee?), b. 1842, a engineer, living at the "The Croft," Weetwood, Leeds; m. 1885, Mary Hancock, of Lurgan, Ireland.


(1) iiary Cicely Wicksteed, b. 1886.

(2) Lucy Rosamond Wicksteed, b. 1887. b. 1889. (3) Nesta Frances Charlotte Wicksteed, b. (4) Elizabeth Hamilton Wicksteed, 1893. Wicksteed Branch. 39

e- pbllip Menn? MlCkSteeC), /ID.B., b. 1S44. A Uni- tarian Minister, formerly of Bix, Bottom Farm; m. 1867, Emily Solly; for many years minister at Little Portland Street Chapel, London.


(1) Mabel Wicksteed, b. 1868, m. 1896, Roger Bernard

Lawrence, a barrister at Liverpool. See p. 54


(a) Philip Henry Lawrence, b. 13th Nov., 1897.

(2) Joseph Hartley Wicksteed, b. 1870, a Unitarian Min- ister at Padiham, Lancashire, m. Ethel Robinson. S<

(3) A. Rebecca Wicksteed, b. 1871. P. (4) Dora Wicksteed, b. 1873, m. 1896, John Kuenen, Prof, of Physics, Dundee.


(a) Mary Kuenen.

(5) Alexander Wicksteed, b. 1875. A school teacher. (6) Arthur Samuel Wicksteed, b. 1877, a shipbuilder's ap- prentice at Henderson's, Glasgow.

(7) Jane Monora Wicksteed, b. 1881.

(8) Ellen Maria Wicksteed, b. 1883.

/. Hntie MiCftStee&, b. 1846, m. 1875, Francis Jones, Librarian, Dr. Williams' Library, Gordon Square, London.


(1) Philip Jones, b. 1876. Art student. ' ee p " (2) Stephen Jones, b. 1880. & See p. ^ (3) Rachel Jones, b. 1881. (4) Hargaret Jones, b. 1887, d. 1888.

g- GbarlCS TTCUCfcSteefc, b. 1847. A mechanical engineer, Bryn Hafod, Kettering; m. 1877, Mary Jean Gibb.


(1) Arnold Wicksteed, b. 1S78. A mechanical engineer living at Bryn Hafod, Kettering.

(2) Ralph Wicksteed, b. 18S1, living at Bryn Hafod, Ket- tering.

(3) Hilda Wicksteed, b. 1884.

i. JObn ^Hamilton MtCftSteefc, b. 1851, at Leeds; d. 1881, at Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony. A civil engineer. 4-0 Descendants of Philip Henry.

b. m - l88o J. Cbarlotte Blicia Micfesteefc, 1855, > Richard Roscoe, solicitor, since deceased. Now living at 8, Bedford Row, London. See p- 54


(i) Alice Roscoe, b. 1883.

(2) Charles Roscoe, b. 1885.

(3) William Roscoe, b. 1888.

(4) Arthur Roscoe, b. 1890.

10 Frederick Wicksteed, b. 1813, at Shrewsbury, d. 1877, at Adelaide, South Australia. Emigrated to South Australia about

1837. At first, clerk in auctioneering firm of " Bentham, Neals & Co.," then partner in "Sampson, Wicksteed & Co." Married 1847, Emma Kell, b. 1827, d. 1880, twin daughter of Thomas Smith Kell, of Willunga, S.A., formerly of Lewes, England.


a. TIbomas tfrefcericfe Wicfesteefc, b. 3 ist March, 1848. Private Sec. Agent General for South Australia; London, m.

Julia Matthews, who was b. 2nd July, 1849. >< p. 54


(1) Mary Matthews Wicksteed, b. 6th May, 1871, m. 1897, Victor Hamel-Smith, of Croydon, Surrey.


(a) Lionel Frederic Hamel-Smith, b. 9th May, 1898.

(2) Archie Frederic Wicksteed, b. 19th Oct., 1872. p. 54

(3) Emma Harriet Wicksteed, b. 27th Feb., 1876.

(4) Charles Kell Wicksteed, b. 1 ith Aug., 1878.

(5) Hugh Maclntyre Wicksteed, b. nth May, 1882. (6) Geoffrey Hawkes Wicksteed, b. nth May, 1882, d. 19th Dec, 1893.

(7) Dorothy Poole Wicksteed, b. 31st Dec, 1885.

b. IbUCjb IRCll IKIUcfeSteefc, b. 25th May, 1849, d. unm.

c. H)orotbs /liiarp Wicfesteefc, b. 12th May, 1850.

d. b. 7th Nov., Xionel Swanwick/ MiCr;stce& t 185), d. unm.

*. William polbill MicMsteet), b. 10th Feb., 1853, m. 1879 Mary Pierce, who was b. ioth Jan. 1854. John Swan wick Hincks

(see page 23)

Arnold Lupton, M.I.C.E.

(see page 41)

Wicksteed Branch. 41


(1) Olive Mary Wicksteed, b. 2nd April, 1882. (2) Royston Pierce Wicksteed, b. June, 1883.

/• b. IRatbaniel Xewes Tfflicfcsteefc, andd. is 54 .

g- Alston Cbarles TMUcMsteefc, b. 2nd Sept., 1855.

h. IbattleV? 30bn TWUcfeStee&A 1 Jan., 1857, m. Anna

, d. 1896. No issue.

*'• Hnftrew /IbacUnt^re llClicfistect), i). 22nd Aug., 1858.

/• pbilip Ibenrp Micfesteefc, b. 15th Feb., i860, d. 1876, unmarried.

k. Bmma Frances XHHicfisteeD, b. 31st May, 1861.

1. Xewes t>a^es Micfesteefc, b. 7 th Oct., 1862.

m. ikatbarine Ifcelt TRIUcfesteefc, b. 8th Oct., 1864.

n. Constantia JEmilp Micfcsteefc, b. 23rd July, 1866.

o- Bessie Xupton "Caicfesteefc, b. 5 th Nov., 1868, m. 1897, Douglas Henderson, of Perth, W.A.

p- Bentbam IReales TlOiefesteefc, b. 1870, d. 1890, unm,

11 Elizabeth Wicksteed, b. 1814, d. i8 99; m . 1841, Arthur Lupton, of Leeds.


a. E&itb Xupton, b. i843 .

b. lE&Warfc b. i8 HrtbUU XliptOn, 44 , a manufacturer of worsted goods, formerly at Bradford, Yorkshire, now at Phila- delphia, U.S.A.

c HrUOtt XliptOn, b. i84 6. Till 1898 Prof, of Mining Engineering at Yorkshire College, Leeds ; member of Insti- tution of Civil Engineers. Married, 188^, Jessie Ramsden, of Leeds. Now living at Shirebrook, near Mansfield, England.

d. Ibarra Xupton, b. is 49 .

e. /IDOUntfCrfc XuptOU, b. 185 1, d. unm., 1890.

f. ©ItVer b. XuptOU, 1S53 ; a worsted manufacturer, and partner of his brother Edward Arthur. Living at Shire Oak Road, Pleadingly, Leeds ; m. 1891, Margaret Colfox, of Brid- port, Dorsetshire.


(1) Kathleen b. Lupton, i8g4 . (2) Arthur Lupton, b. 1897. 42 Descendants of Philip Henry.

Joseph Swanwick ) SeePage , 4

Hannah Wicksteed )


i Joseph Wicksteed Swanwick, see infra.

2. Edward Hincks Swanwick, d. unm. about 1875

3 Henry Swanwick, see page 43.

4. Frederick Swanwick, b. 1810, d. 1885; m - l84° Elizabeth Drayton of Leicester, who d. 1893. A civil engineer who retired and lived at Whittington, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, Eng. See his "Life" Smith. by Rev. J. Frederick


a. /Il>an? Swanwick, of Whittington.

his cousin, Bruce. b. IRUSSell SwanWiCk, m. second Clara See page 27.

5 Frances Hulton Swanwick, seepage 44.

1. Joseph Wicksteed Swanwick, of Bury, Lancashire, m. Mary Anne ffoulkes.


a. /IDai'P Bnite ffOUlkeS SwaUWiCft, d. in infancy.

b. ibannab ffoulkes Swanwick, d. unmarried.

c. 3osepb ffoulkes Swanwick.

d. Blisabetb ffoulkes Swanwick, d. young.

e. Bli^abetb ffoulkes Swanwick, see infra. / TIbomas ffoulkes Swanwick, emigrated to u.s.a., where he married.

g- jfreOeriCk ffOUlkeS SwanwiCk, emigrated to Aus- tralia, where he married.

h. SiOne\? ffOUlkeS SwanWiCk, died unm. in Australia.

Frederick Hart- e. lEU^abetb ffOUlkeS SwanWiCk, m. ley, farmer and land steward, Low Hall, , Yorkshire, Eng. Joseph Swanwick Branch. 4-.


(1) Richard Swanwick Hartley, Chaplain R.N.,m. Georgina St. Aubyn.


(a) Diana Hartley.

(b) Frederic St. Aubyn Hartley.

(c) Richard St. John Hartley.

(2) riarion Jessie Hartley.

(3) Frederick Arthur Hartley.

(4) Henry Percy Hartley.

(5) Minnie Constance Hartley, m. John Growse.


[3.) Mariorie Growse. (b) John Hartley Growse.

(6) Amy Elizabeth Hartley, m. Edward Binns.


(a) Hilda .Margaret Binns.

(7) Reginald Ernest Hartley, d. young.

(8) Thomas Sidney Hartley, Surgeon R. N.

(9) Ethel Alice Hartley. (10) Alfred Horace Hartley, d. young.

2. Edward Hincks Swanwick, d. unm. about 1875.

3- m. Henry Swanwick, 1S35, Anna Maria Weygand, d. 1870, at Newark, N. J., U.S.A.

Issue « jKenrv Sosepfo Swanwick.

b. i£fcwar<> KHe$gant> Swanwick, died. unm. of camp fever in American Civil War, at Fair Oaks, Harrison's Land- ing, on River Potomac.

c /n>an? Hnne jfrances Swanwick, m. Risker. d. William jfrefcetick Swanwick.

e. SRannab IRatbarine Swanwick, m. Campbell. / Ztbomas Hansen Swanwick.

g. TRobcrt Xowell Swanwick.

h. Cbarles Stevens Swanwick, b. 1856, d. 1857. 44 Descendants of Philip Henry.

5- Frances Hulton Swanwick, b. 1812, m. 1842, her cousin Thomas Swanwick, an American merchant of Manchester, England,

who died 1896. (page 45.)


a. Sarab Xupton Swanwick, 12, Amherst St., withing- ton, Manchester; one of the compilers of this work.

b. Herbert TCHickstccfc Swanwick, b. 1845- Teacher of Singing, Dublin, Ireland.

c. }£nstacc flDcGlcan Swanwick, b. 1848. a physician, West Hartlepool, Durham, England, m. 1877, Edith Dodds.


(1) Eustace Hinton Swanwick, b. 1879. An apprentice to a machine tool maker at Leeds.

(2) Reginald Swanwick, b. 1881. A medical student.

(3) riargaret Swanwick, b. 1882.

(4) Geoffrey Swanwick, b. 1884.

(5) Lionel Temple Swanwick, b. 1886.

(6) Anna Swanwick, b. 1888.

d. TIbomas Swanwick.

e. tfrefcerick XTcrtins Swanwick, /ID-2L, (Trin. Coll., Cambridge), b. 1851. Lecturer on Mathematics, Owens College, Manchester; m. 1888, Helen M. Sickert, a disting- uished graduate of Girton College, Cambridge. 1

From a photograph taken in iSgSby J. E. Jones. Katharine Swanwick Ida Swanwick

Mrs. J. Alfred Swanwick Edith Swanwick Margaret Swanwick

(see page 45.

Jambs Edmund Jones. B.A. E. Florence Jones

(see page 22) ise> page 22)

Edward Swanwick Branch. 45

Edward Swanwick ) \ See Page 14.

Sarah McClean j


1. John Swanwick, see infra.

2. Edward Swanwick, d. unmarried.

3. Mary Swanwick, d. unmarried.

4. Sarah Swanwick, d. unmarried.

5. Thomas Swanwick, b 1815, m. his cousin F. H. Swanwick- See page 44.

6. Fanny Swanwick, see page 46.

7. Eliza Swanwick, see page 46.

1. John Swanwick, b. nth May, 1808, a cotton yarn agent of Man- chester. Lives at Lymm, Cheshire; m. 1836, Emma Ryland, who d. 1885. Issue

a. Sobn Hlfret> Swanwicft, b. 28th Feb., 1843. A cotton merchant of Manchester. Lives at " High Bank," Lymm, Cheshire, m. 1870, Anna Gatey. ~


(1) Ida Swanwick, b. 2nd Sept., 1871.

(2) Edith flary Swanwick, b. 1st May, 1874.

(3) Katharine Anna Swanwick, b. 26th Nov., 1878.

(4) Emma Margaret Swanwick, b. 2nd Aug., 1880.

b. J6bitb £mma SwanWlCft, b. 1847, m - 1873, Thomas Worthington, an architect, of Alderley Edge, nr. Manchester.


(1) Margaret Dora Worthington, b. 1874.

(2) Alice nildred Worthington, b. 1876.

(3) Claude Swanwick Worthington, b. 1877, of Alderley Edge. An assistant to a calico printer.

(4) Thomas Ryland Worthington, b. 1879.

(5) Amy Beatrice Worthington, b. 1881.

(6) John Hubert Worthington, b. 1886. 46 Descendants of Philip Henry.

c. ibelen /IDcGlean Swanwtcfc, d. unm, aged 26.

d. ]£tUCSt SwaUWtCft. b. 1851. A cotton cloth agent of Southport; m. 1880, Eva Newman.

6. Fanny Swanwick, b. 1810, d. 1882; m. 1850, Rev. Francis E. Millson, of Halifax, Eng. 54


a. Brnolfc fllMUson, b. 1851. 54

b. flDariOn /IDUlSOn, b. 185$? d. 1887; m. 1879, Robert Edleston, of Sowerby Bridge, woollen manufacturer, who died 188^- ISSUE

(1) Robert Edleston, b. 1880, of Ilkley, Yorkshire.

(2) narian Edleston, b. 1882.

(3) Frances Edleston, b. 188^.

c /IDira /IDtllSOn, b. 185^, of Ilkley, Yorkshire.

d. Blvan flDWSOn, flfo.B,, d, i860, d. 1896. Employed in Colonial Office Service. Married, 1891, Mary Cameron.


(1) Alvan Ewen Millson, b. 1892; now living at Ilkley, Yorkshire.

7- EllZa Swanwick, m. 1854, Henry Hutton of Dublin, who died 1879.


a- /IDatp IbUttOU, m - William Wilkins, head-master of the Erasmus School for Boys, 40, Harcourt Street, Dublin. 54


(1) riaurice Arthur Charles Wilkins, b. 1885.

(2) Edgar Henry Wilkins, b. 1887. b. (3) Beatrice Una Wilkins, 1890. (4) Lucy riab Wilkins, b. 1895.

now living at Rome b. /IDartal .IbUttOlt, " c. lEUsa^fmtton, " .

d. Bmilp Dutton, Mary Hutton Wilkins (see page 46)

Maurice A. C. Wilkins Beatrice I". Wilkins Lucy M. Wilkins Edgar H. Wu kins (see page 461 (see page 46) (see pagfe 46) \|M U Fra.sxis Bollt

(see page 47)


Bon It Branch 47

Anne Swanwick See Page 14. Francis Boult


1. Francis Boult, see infra.

2. Swinton Boult, seepage 48.

3. Edward Swanwick Boult, b. 6th Feb., igio, d. 22nd Jan.,

1861, m. 17th Sept., 1840, M. H. E. Holland. See page 15.

4. nary Boult, d. unm. 7th April, 1881.

5. Charles Boult, see page 49.

6. Anne Boult, d. unm. 16th Nov., 1866.

7 Joseph Boult, d. unm. 9th Aug., 1894.

8. Frances Susan Boult, d. unm. 8th June, 1870.

1. Francis Boult, a ship broker and owner, b. ist Dec., 1807, d. 29th Mar., 1886; m. 17th Mar., 1845, Ellen Grundy, b. 1815, who died iSth Dec, 1894.


a. JfraUCtS IbarOlD JBOUlt, d. unm. 30th July, 1872.

b. HlftCD JUliUS JBOUlt, b. 3rd Jan., 1848. An engineer, living at " The Firs," Warwick Road, NewBarnet, Herts. ;m. 24th Aug., 1880, Frances Sarah Louisa Morton.


(1) Eric Boult, b. 5th July, 1 88 1

(2) Winifrid Louisa Boult, b. 9th June, 1884.

(3) Charles Valentine Boult, b. 14th Feb., 1886.

c. WilfriD Swauwicfc iJBoult, b. 3 rd Aug., 1850. a civil engineer, Sudbury, Beechcroft Road, Upper Tooting, London, 3.W.

d. ]£5oar SwaUWtCK 360lUt, d. young, 27th April, 1865.

e. CeDviC IRaU^al JBOUlt, merchant, of Liverpool, living at

Brooke House, Blundellsands ; m. 17th April 1881, Kath- f arine Florence Barman.


(1) Olive Isabel Boult, b. 5th May, 1882.

(2) Adrian Boult, b. 8th April, 1889. 48 Descendants of Philip Henry.

/ tmbert IReinirieo Boult, b. i 4 th Feb., 1855. Lives at Dover, Tasmania.

g. Jsllen 2£Y>a BOUlt, b. 21st Dec, 1856. Lives at Mild- may House, Blackburne Place, Liverpool.

2. Swinton Boult, b. 3rd Dec, 1808, d. 8th July, 1876. Managing Director and Actuary of the Liverpool, London and Globe Ins. Co. at Liverpool, m. 3rd May, 1833, Maria Ann Grundy, b. 1809,

d. 1 87 1, eldest child of Rev. John Grundy (1 782-1843) by Ann (1780-1855) daughter of John Hancock.

a. Ibenrp Boult, b. and d. 1834.

b. SwintOn 1benr\> BOUlt, /ll>.£L, barrister, Liverpool, b. 27th May, 1835.

c jfreOeriC IbaUCOCfe BOUlt, u, Waverley Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool, b. 27th Nov., 1836, m. 9th April, 1863, Harriet Katinka Johanna Louisa Behrens, b. 25th Nov., 1839.


b. 9th Feb., (1) Florence Lilian Boult, 1864.

(2) Charles Andrew Swinton Boult, b. 8th Feb., 1866, m. 3rd Feb., 1889, Gertrude Selina Tubby, youngest daughter of Oliver Tubby, Esq., Lowestoft.


(a) Howls Swinton Boult, b. 22lldNov. I 889.

(b) Charles Frederick Swinton Boult, b. 2 I St Aug., 1892,

d. 30th Jan. 1 893.

(c) Gertrude Lilian Pamela Boult, b. 30th Nov., I 893.

19th (3) John William Swinton Boult, b. Feb., 1868.

(4) Alice Nora Boult, b. 5th Sept., 1869. 25th Oct., (5) Hugh Frederic Swinton Boult, b. 1870.

(6) Gordon Swinton Boult, b. 21st April, 1872. In the Natal Mounted Police, Maritzburg, Natal.

a marine insurance offi- (7) Francis Oswald Swinton Boult, cial in London, b. 17th July, 1873.

(8) Constance Emily Boult, Ik 1st Nov., 1874.

b. 14th (9) Reginald Conrad Swinton Boult, July, 1876.

d. lErnest Boult, b. 29th April, 1838, m. 1896.

e. Maltet BOUlt, ?f Vancouver, B.C., b. 15th April, 1841, m. 9th May 1866, Lucy Louisa Schofield, who was b. gth May, 1844, and d. 1882. Bou It Branch. 4 g


(i) Walter Lionel Boult, b. 1867, m. 24th July, 1898, Jose- phine Sherwood, b. 19th Nov. 1878. A merchant in Vancouver. Issue

(a) Alfred Walter Boult, 1). I St July, I 899.

(2) George Arthur Boult, of Vancouver, b. 5th Nov., 1868. (3) Lucy Mabel Boult, b. 21st June, 1870. Joseph Bernard b. (4) Boult, 26th Jan., d. 1 6th March, 1872. (5) Maria flargaret Boult, b. 23rd Feb., 1873. (6) Helen Charlotte Boult, b. 3rd Nov., 1874. (7) James Noel Boult, of Vancouver, b. 25th Dec, 1875. (8) Robert Oscar Boult, of Vancouver, b. 30th March, 1877. (9) Louisa Dorothy Boult, b. 22nd July, 1878. (10) Ernest Gilbert Boult, b. 19th Dec, 1879. A merchant in Vancouver.

('") Emily May Boult, b. 31st May, 1881.

/ 5\?CmeV? jBOUlt, b. 30th Nov., 1842, m. Amelia Sophia Wylde Hutton. Lives at Kenilworth, nr. Kimberlev, Griqua- land West, S. Africa.


( 1 ) Sydney Edie Boult, b. 1 8S4.

(2) Clara Amy Annie Boult, b. 1886.

(3) Zoe Charlotte Boult, b. 1888. (4) John Swinton Boult, b. 1893. (5) Eva Ada Boult, b. 1S97. g. Xawrence MarD jBoult, b. 21st Aug,, 1844; m. 27th March, 1873, Annie Massey, and emigrated to U.S.A., where he died 3rd May, 1893. h Clara flDaria JBoult, b. 21st August, 1846, m. 23rd April, Rev. 1872, Alex. Gordon, M.A., b. gth June, 1841, Prin- cipal of the Unitarian Home Missionary College, Manchester. Issue

(1) Christopher Gordon, b. 30th Aug. 1873; a solicitor Belfast.

(2) Ritchie Gordon, b. 26th Sept., 1875; employed on rail- way, British Bechuanaland. (3) Herbert Gordon, b. 1st Sept., 1877; engineer, Queen's Island, Belfast.

(4) Mary Gordon, b. 30th Nov., 1879. (5) Geoffrey Gordon, b. 15th Oct., 1881. (6) Eustace Gordon, b. 2nd Nov., 1883. 50 Descendants of Philip Henry

i. B fcaU0bter, b. and d. 1848.

5. Charles Boult, b. 24th July, 1811, d. 17th July, 1865; m. 14th June, 1836, Emily Booth. Issue

a. XOUiS IfDCnn? BOUlt, b. 8th March, 1839, m. 1871, Elizabeth Mary Gaskell, b. 17th March, 1844. An insurance

inspector living at 4, Tara Hall Ave., Montreal, P.Q. Issue

(1) (Catherine Ethel Mary Boult, b. nth August, 1873.

(2) Oswald Scott Boult, b. 6th Feb., 1875.

(3) Isabel Boult, b. 1876, d. in infancy.

b. jfranCtS Cecil BOUlt, of Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire,

Eng., b. 9th Oct., 1840, m. 1 st, Helen Gaines Davis, issue,

see below, m. 2nd, Eleanor Fitzgerald ; no issue.

Issue by Helen G. Davis

(1) John Malcomson Boult, emigrated to Australia, where he married.

(2) Mortimer Boult, of Capetown, South Africa.

(3) Percy Boult.

c. GbarleS Elbert BOlllt, b. July 1842, emigrated to Aus- tralia, »vhere he married. No issue.

d. £mUg Bnne Boult, b. Sept., 1843.

e. BlleU BOUlt, b. 1845, m. Walter Bromley, 43, Peel St., The Dingle, Liverpool, Eng.


(1) Albert Austin Bromley, b. 3rd April, 1880.

(2), (3) Bernard and Hay Bromley, twins, b. 25th Feb., 1882. / JEOIUUUO TTerttUS BOUlt, b. 1847, d. unm. in 1888.

g- CarOltue BOUlt, of 43, Peel St., The Dingle, Liverpool, b. 1850.

Trafford, Manchester. h. jf loreUCe BOUlt, b. 1853, of Old s.: e _ Addenda, etc.

Page 17, line 18. Issue of Gerard M. Hutton ; Barbara Grindai Hutton, b. 1898.

Page 18, line 8 et seq. Henry Richmond Hutton, M.A. and M.B. (Cantab.) b. 1853; a physician, at 16, St. John St., Manchester, and at Breeze

Hill, Bowdon, Cheshire ; m. 1894, Evelyn Mary, daughter of G. Fere- day Smith, of Grovehurst Pembury, Tun bridge Wells, formerly manager of the Bridgew iter Trust, Manchester.

line 24. Richard Holt Hutton, b. 24th March, 1858. A member of

the firm of Thurlow, Hutton, Williams & Co., financial agents, at 18, St. Swithin's Lane, London, England, and at Colorado Springs, U.S.A.

Page 19, line 4, Auchenlech should be Auchinleck.

line 10, 1(3), Joseph Hutton Freeman, b. 1863. Assistant-Clerk to The Worshipful Company of Carpenters, Carpenters' Hall, London, E. C; m. 1895, Edith Helen Grundy, daughter of Edward Grundy, of Broughton, Northamptonshire. Lives at the "The Holt," Walton on Thames. Issue

(a) James Edward Hutton Freeman, b. I St June, 1896. (b) Barbara Helen Freeman, b. 15th June, 1897.

(4) Katharine Maria Freeman, b, 28th Oct., 1865. Lives at 76, Ladbroke Grove, London.

line 26. Rev. and Mrs. Jeremy have recently moved to Langworth,

Portmore Park, Weybridge, Surrey. Mrs. J. was b. 1828.

line 29. Maud should be Mary.

line 32. b. SDavntOU IbUttOn, M.A., M.I.C.E., (Member of Insti- tution of Civil Engineers), b. 2nd June, 1829. Lives in Lon- don, England; m. Miss Anna Greer, 4th daughter of Major

Joseph Greer, J. P., D.L., of The Grange, Co. Tyrone, Ireland.

Page 23 line 6. The issue of )Ell3a XOlUSa IbillCfeS and Bernard Lewis

(who m. 1865,) were as follows : Percy E., b. 1866; Jessie, b. 1867, m. 1897, Lindsey Clen- nell of St. Thomas's 5, Square, Hackney, London ; Walter B., b. 1868; EdithL.b. 1870 ; Ethel M., b. 1871 ; Winifred E., b. 1873; Florence E., b. 1874; Nora M., b. and d. 1876; b. Frederick H., 1877 ; Albert Arthur, b. 1879, d. in infancy.

Page 23, line 20. c. 3o\m jJ*VeJ>eriC IbinCfeS now lives at Rocdene, Hampton Hill, Middlesex, Eng.

Page line 1. 24, 3. William Lennox Drennan, b. 1802, d. 1873 ; m 1824, Letitia Galloway, of Dublin. A barrister, of Dublin, .

52 Addenda, etc.


a. MtUiam H>rCUnan, M.I.C.E., b. 15th Feb. 1826, d. 18th Dec. 1898, m. 23rd Oct., 1856, Dorothy Jackson Woodhouse, of London, England. A civil engineer, of East London, Cape Colony. Issue

(1) William Theodore Drennan, C.E., of Capetown, b. 17th Aug. 1857, m. 26th Dec. 1889, Amy Marrianne Bertram.


(a) Kathleen Bertram Drennan, b. I 6th May, 1 89 I. (b) William Andrews Drennan, b. 29th Sept., 1892.

(2) Anne Drennan, 1). 26th Feb., 1 859, m. 19th Sept., 1892, George A. Northcroft, C.E., of The Public Works, Bloomfontain, O.F.S.


(a) Ernest George Drennan Northcroft, b. 27th Jan., 1896.

(b) Nancy Hay Northcroft, b. 29th April, 1899.

(3) Letitia Sarah Drennan, b. iSthJune, 1862, m. Nov., 1883, George Wright, a solicitor, Grahamstown, of Cape Colony, who d. 1892.


(a) Sydney Hope Bailie Wright, b. 22lld Oct., 1884.

(b) George Drennan Wright, b. 14th April, 1 89 I 4th (4) Dora Mary Drennan, b. i ith March, 1864, m. June, 1889, Richard Walter Wright, C.E., Pretoria, S.A.R.


(a) Dorothy Lennox Wright, b. 1 St April, I 89O.

(b) Mona Irvine Wright, b. 23rd Dec, 1891.

(c) Noel Mary Wright, b. 8th June, 1895. (d) James Woodhouse Wright, b. 28th Oct. 1898.

b. nth March, m. 7th March 188 (5) Georgina Alargaret Drennan, 1864, 9 Henry McArthur Blakenay, C.C. and R.M., Tarkastad, Cape Colony.


(a) Dorothy Drennan Blakenay, b. 31st Dec, 1 889.

(b) Charles Drennan Blakenay, b. 28th May, I 892.

(c) Walter Lennox Blakenay, b. 29th June, I 894.

(6) George Woodhouse Drennan, b. 15th Nov. 1865. Battery Manager New Primrose Gold Mine, Germiston, S.A.R.

August, d. 25th Dec, 1889. (7) Walter Lennox Drennan, b. nth 1867, d. 31st Dec, (8) Alfred Thomas Drennan, b. 15th May, 1869, 1874. teller in Standard (9) Arthur John Drennan, b. 2nd August, 1872. A Bank, Johannesburg, S.A.R.

solicitor. b. 3-obn Gallowav? H)rennan, b. 1827, d. unm. 1869. a

c. Ubomas ^Hamilton H>rennan, b. 1831, d. 1846. 1

Addenda, etc. 53

2. Lennox Drennan, b. 25th Feb., 1829, d. Api., 183

Page 26, line 2. Adam Duffin lives at University Square, Belfast, Ireland. Page 27, line 21. d. aieian&er JBruce, m.s., m.b.,b. Sc, f.r.c.s. line 23. f. XKailliam TKflallace Bruce, b. 18th Tan., 1846, Lt. Col. of the Artists Corps of Volunteers, member of London County Council; m. 23rd July, 1885, Agnes Mabel, daughter of T. Fielding Johnson, J. P., of Brookfield, Leicester,

line 32. Insert, (5) Beatrix Bruce, b. 16th Dec. 1894.

Page 28, line 2. (1) Bruce Swanwick, M.A. (Oxon), b. 1870. (2) Eric Drayton Swanwick, M. A. (Oxon), b. 1871, a solici- tor, Chesterfield, England.

(3) Hilda Mary Swanwick, b. 1879.

Page 30, line 6. a. XTbOinaS SwailWlCft, b. 1829, d. 1883. An account- ant, at Chester, 111.; m. 1856, Elizabeth Brice. Issue (1) William Conn Swanwick, b. April, 1858. A mine owner and operator living at Carthage, Mo.

Page 31, line 12. Morrison Swanwick, b. 20th July, 1865. A proof reader living at 144, W. 10th St., New York.; m. 22nd Aug., 1896, Phoebe Estella Farnham. line 17. Insert, Morrison Swanwick, (adopted,) b. 16th Feb., 1894.

line 24. Frank Swanwick has recently moved to 1415, Madison St., Chicago, line 28. Frederick T. Swanwick has recently moved to 1109, Jack- son Boul., Chicago,

line 29. Curtis C. Swanwick lives at 144, W. 1 oth St., New York,

line 30. Harriet W. Swanwick lives at 826, N. Union St., Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Page 32, line 20. j. ffieleit SwailwiCft, b. 1857, m. i8 77; D. P. Laird, a druggist at Chester, 111. Issue, Helen Laird, b. 1878, and

David P. Laird, b. and d. 1880.

Page 38, line 20, (1) Elinor Acland Armstrong, b. 1868, d. 1874.

(2) George Gilbert Armstrong, of Bolton, Eng., a newspaper

editor, b. 1870 ; m. 1894, Elizabeth Katharine Clark, of Nottingham.

(3) Charles Wicksteed Armstrong, b. 1871. Principal of the Anglo-Brazilian school at Sao Paulo, Brazil.

(4) Richard Harold Armstrong, b. 1874. A solicitor at Birmingham. line 24. (5) Francis Edwin Armstrong, b. 1879 ; an electrical engineer.

Page 39, line 1. fl>bilip Mcnrv? TllliCfcSteefc (b. 25th Oct., 1844), is now living at Sydenham Farm, Tetsworth, Oxon. 54 Addenda, etc.

Issue (i) Clara Mabel Wicksteed, b. ioth Jan., 1869,111. 1896, Roger Bernard Lawrence, a barrister at Liverpool, also a descendant of Philip Henry. Issue

(a) Philip Henry Lawrence,!). 13th Nov. , 1 89 7. (b) Glara Margery Lawrence, 1). IOthJune, 1899. b. 8th a Unitarian (2) Joseph Hartley Wicksteed, June, 1870, Minister at Padiham, Lancashire; m. 1898, Mary Ethel Robinson. Issue (a) Frithiof Garton Wicksteed, b. Ilth June I 899. line 12. (3) Annie Rebecca Wicksteed, b. 1871. b. m. 1896, Johannes Petrus (4) Dora Wicksteed, 1873, Kuenen, Prof, of Physics, Dundee. Issue

(a) Mary Prances Kuenen, b. 23rd May, 1 897. b. A school master. (5) Alexander Wicksteed, 1875. shipbuilder's ap- (6) Samuel Arthur Wicksteed, b. 1877, a prentice at Henderson's, Glasgow. b. d. 1880. (7) Sigurd Tayler Wicksteed, 1879, (8) Jane Honora Wicksteed, b. 1881. b. (9) Ellen Maria Wicksteed, 1883. (10) Philip Henry Wicksteed, b. 1885, d. 1887. Francis Henry /. Butte MtChSteeb, b. 1846, m. 1875, Jones, Librarian, Dr. Williams's Library, Gordon Square, London. Issue

(1) Philip Jones, b. 1876. Art student. in Univ. Coll., (2) Stephen Kay Jones, b. 1880. Student London. b. 1881. (3) Mary Rachel Jones, d. (4) Hargaret Emily Jones, b. 1887, 1888. line 36. Hilda Mary Wicksteed, b. 1884. line 1. /||>rS. 1R0SC0C now lives at 16, Kemplay Road, Hampstead. lives at Farquharson Road, Croydon, Page 40, line 18. T£, jf. WtCfcSteeD 2, Surrey, England, line 33. A. F. Wicksteed lives at 14, Chapel St. Bedford Row, Lond. Page 41, line 14. C. JE. IT&iCfeSteefc lives at Newton Hall, near Leeds. to line 28. /I|>r. ant) /IDrS- BmolD XuptOlt have moved 6, De Grey Road, Leeds. Page 45, line 18. "Anna Gatey" should be " Anna M. Heath Gattey.'' Page 46, line 2. d. Ernest SwanWtCfe, b. 185 1, m. 1880, Eva Neumann. Lives at Southport, Eng.

line 4. Fanny Swanwick, b. 1816, d. 1881. line 7. BmOl&/IDillSOn, b. 1852.

line 21. 7. Eliza Swanwick 1) 1818, m. 1854, Henry Hutton, Page 46, # of Dublin, who died 1878*. Lives at 79, Via Babuino, P. I., Rome, Italy. Issue Wilkins, a. /||>ar\? JHUttOn, b. 1855, m. 1883, William M.A., head master of the Erasmus Smith High School for Boys, 40, Harcourt St., Dublin. o«s





The following list of the descendants of Robert Hutton is founded upon a

genealogical table lent to the writer by J. Barton Hutton, of Trinidad (p. 20), who compiled the same in 1867, chiefly from details furnished by Mary Hutton, of

Fairfield, (p. 16). The memory of the latter, especially as to details of family history, was remarkably correct and retentive. Since then, however, no effort

has been made to continue the record, so that the compilation of a complete list has become very difficult if not impossible. Through the kind assistance, how- ever, of Mrs. John Couch Adams, Mrs. D. D. Jeremy, Major Armstrong, Barton Hutton, Darnton Hutton, Henry Dix Hutton, Lucius O. Hutton and others, the

writer has been able considerably to extend the record. The list is not submitted

as final, but in the hope that those possessed of further useful information will promptly communicate the same to the compiler so that errors may be corrected and omissions supplied.

Through the researches of Darnton Hutton there have been found wills, marriage settlements and other records which not only render much assistance in tracing the family for two generations further back than Robert Hutton himself, but also supply much additional information as to his collateral relatives. But as

the table has not yet been verified and completed in all its details, especially as

to collateral branches, the publication of it is deferred. At present it is sufficient to say that the family appears to have been of Dublin in the lifetime of Robert's father George, and also of his grandfather Thomas, who was married in 1662. Mary Hutton of " Fairfield " used to say that her father claimed descent from an

officer in Cromwell's army who was granted lands in Ireland. If such was his descent, he and his wife Mary Swanwick were both of Nonconformist families. It is fitting for more than one reason that the names of the Huttons and Swan- wicks should be recorded in the same volume. Agreement in religious opinions

brought them very close together ; and further, not to speak of intermarriages, the schools carried on by the clerical members of the Hutton family, where the

Swanwick and Hutton boys grew up together, were potent influences in uniting the two families. The family centre at " Fairfield," Dublin, described at some length in earlier pages of this volume, drew the two families together.

Such particulars of the family of Sarah Hutton (p. 58) as are here set down are for the most part gleaned from Mr. Graves' exhaustive " Life " *of that remark-

able man, Sir William Rowan Hamilton, to which most interesting work the reader is referred for further information concerning one of the greatest men of his time and

also as to the Hutton family in general. He is a standing refutation of the popular theory that precocious boys never rise to eminence in manhood. At four and a half the future inventor of Quaternions was reading Latin, Greek and Hebrew.

' Life of Sir Win. Rowan Hamilton. Knt., LL.D., D.C.L., M.R.I. A., Andrews Prof, of Astronomy in Univ. of Dublin, and Royal Astronomer of Ireland, etc.. etc., by Rev. Robt. P. Graves, M.A.; London, Longmans Green & Co., 3 vols. (1882.) 58

At eight he could speak and declaim in Latin. At thirteen he had acquired almost as many languages as he numbered years. When he was eighteen the Astrono- mer Royal of Ireland said concerning him, " This young man I do not say will be, but is the first mathematician of our age." His permanent position in the scien- tific world like that of John Couch Adams (p. 63) was established before he was thirty. Intermarriage between Huttons and Bruces adds much additional interest to the tracing of collateral relationships. Major Armstrong's book, "The Bruces of Airth and their Cadets " (one of an immense collection relative to the Bruce family in all its branches), is the source from which most of the information on pages 61, 62 and 63 is obtained. Although from time to time branches of the Hutton family have removed from

Dublin, it has always been well represented there. It is interesting to note that by a recent purchase Lucius O. Hutton occupies the same residence as did his great-uncle Henry Hutton, Lord Mayor of Dublin in 1800.

Lest it may seem to some that the following lists are not so extensive as one might expect, the reader's attention is called to the fact that many names of Huttons occur in the Swanwick record. These are not repeated, but references are made to prior pages on which they may be found. Not only is a saving of expense thus effected, but interest is added to the record. At the end of this volume are inserted several blank pages on which might be conveniently entered from time to time such particulars and biographical notes as may serve to continue and enrich the record. This would greatly facilitate the compilation of a third and more extended edition. Here also each possessor of this volume might set down the names of such of his ancestors and collateral relatives as are not in the line of descent from either Robert Hutton or Philip Henry. The amount of correspondence, labor and care involved in compiling these Swanwick and Hutton lists, and in superintending the printing of them has been enormous. The utmost diligence has been observed in collating the information contained in the hundreds of letters received, and references have as far as pos- sible been verified in each case. Frank Stockton, an American humorist, tells of the tribulations of an artist who lingered over the painting of a calf that grew as the artist worked. The compiler has found the same difficulty in bringing his subject exactly down to date and his his labors to a close. He entreats his readers to reflect upon the magnitude of the undertaking and freely forgive any errors or shortcomings that may appear.

A list of names without further information would have been easier to accomplish but in the opinion of most readers such a list would no doubt have been con- sidered a veritable "valley of dry bones."

James Edmund Jones.

Toronto, Canada, June, 1899. ill

Descendants of Robert Hutton. 59

Robert flUttOn, tannery owner, Dublin, Ireland, b. - d. 1779, m. 1742, Sarah Lewis, of Fishertown, Queen's County, who d. 1781. Issue

I-vii Seven Children di ed in childhood.

VIII. Hannah Hutton, b. 1753, m. Thos. Higgins, of Dublin, merchant;

Issue ; Sarah, m. Woods ; Hannah, m. Capt. Colson ; and Mary.

IX. Henry Hutton, b. 1754, d. 1808; alderman, sheriff, and Lord Mayor of Dublin. Issue see below.

X. Robert Hutton, b. 1756 ; m. Marianne Guissand who d. 1837. Issue see p. jg.

XI. John Hutton, b. 1757 ; established the coach factory at Summerhill, Dublin, under the name of " John Hutton & Sons," m. Miss Dix. Issue see p. 59.

XII. Daniel Hutton, 1759 ; m. Miss Edwards. Issue. Sarah (m. Rev. Mr. Hatch, no issue), Eliza and Hannah d. unm. xiii. Sarah Hutton, d. young.

XIV. George Hutton, b. 1762; m. Miss Martha Davis. Issue, Robert, George, (d. unm.,) and Elizabeth (d. unm.) Robert Hutton, Capt. in 5Sth. Regiment, m. Miss Prim. Issue, George Davis (Lieut in 6ist.

Regiment d. unm., 1847); Olympia, (d. unm., 1894,) ; Henry, (Major-

General. Commanded the 30th. Regiment, d. unm., 1894,) ; Robert, (Lieut-Col. 61st. Regiment, d. unm.)

XV. Susannah Hutton, b. 1763,111. Rev. Wm. Bruce, D.D., Belfast. Issue see p. 61.

XVI. Joseph Hutton, (Rev.,) b. 1765 ; m. Mary Swanwick. See p. 16.

IX. Henry Hutton, m. 1st., Miss Barber; 2nd. Miss Olivia Mason.


1. John Hutton, (Rev.,) Rector of Thorpe Arnold, near Melton Mow- bray, Leicestershire, Eng., m. Miss Burton. Issue, see below.

2. Eliza Hutton, m. O'Conor, Milton Hall, County of Ros- common. Issue, see p. 58.

3. Sarah Hutton, m. Johnson. Issue, John, Henry, Higgin- son and Susan.

4. Susan Hutton, m. Guiness.

5. riaria Hutton, m. St. George Gregg. Issue, George, Henry, Maria, (m. — - Feinagle, and settled in Australia), Anne, (m. Corbett, and settled in Eng.,) and Clara (d. unm.)

6. Olivia, m. Tibaudo. 7. Emily.

8. riarianne, m. Capt. Carmichael.

1. John Hutton, m. Miss Burton ; Issue.

a. Henry Hutton, Senr., Chaplain at Calcutta, m. Clara Madden. Issue.

(1) Henry, m. Miss Gordon.

(2) Elizabeth, m. Major Bowles ; Issue, Alice and Emily. 60 Descendants oj Robert Nutton.

(3) Clara, m. Capt. Pakenham ; Issue, Robert, Lygon, and Frederick. (4) Alice, m. Col. Newton, R.H.A. Issue, Rupert, George and Charlotte.

b. Charles Frederick Hutton.

c. Michael Hutton, (Rev.), Rector of Seaton, m. Miss Woodcock. Issue; John, Emily, (m. Lee, Peckleton Hall, near Hinkley,

Leicestershire), and Ellen (m. Rev. J. Barton.)

(/. Edward Hutton, m. . Issue ; Edward and Gertrude.

e. Clement Hutton. f, James Hutton.

g. Thomas Biddulph Hutton, (Rev.), Vicar of Hoyland Swaine, Yorkshire ;

m. twice ; d. 1886.

h. Francis Pierpoint Burton Norman Hutton, (Rev.), Vicar of St. Saviour's,

Leicester ; m. Charlotte, daughter of Dr. Wm. Keal, of Oakham, d.

1883 ; Issue, Charles Frederick, (Rev.), Head Master, Pocklington

School, Yorkshire ; Deborah Mary m. Rev. C. E. Newman, Vicar

of St. Mary's, Northampton, (issue, Frances Mary and John Burton) ; Anna Maria, m. Dr. S. Pantin, (issue, Dorothy and Evelyn) C. ; Margaret Ellen.

i. Wyndham Madden Hutton (Rev.), Vicar of Hungarton ; m. Margaret,

daughter of Rev. John Homan ; d. 1882. Issue, Caroline.

/. Jane Hutton.

2. Eliza Hutton, m. O'Conor. Issue.

a. Henry Hutton O'Conor.

b. John Hutton O'Conor, (Rev.), m. niece of last Lord Aldburgh ; Arch- deacon of Emly and Rector of Littleton, County Tipperary.

Issue, John Dillon O'Conor, Rector of Killevan ; Freda; Nancy; Roderick; William, (m. Miss Coates) Edward, (m. Miss Murphy) ; ; Henry.

c. Sarah O'Conor, m. Heath, County Inspector, Westmeath. Issue, Roderick and Freda. x. Robert Hutton. Issue

1. A son. 2. Sarah Hutton, see below.

3. Mary, d. 1837 ; unm.

4. Susan, m. Rev. Mr. Willey, Moravian Minister ; Issue, John, (m. and emigrated to Australia) (m. ; Joseph ; Julia, Taylor) ;

William ; Mary.

2. Sarah Hutton, b. 1780, d. 1817 ; m. 1800, Archibald Hamilton, a

solicitor of Dublin, b. 1778, d. 1819. Issue ; William, Grace, (d.

unm.) : Archibald, (b. and d. 1804); William Rowan, (see below);

Elizabeth Mary, (the poetess, b. 1807, d. 1851) ; Archibald (d. young);

Sydney Margaret, (b. 181c, living in 1882 in Greytown, Nicaragua) . Sara Susannah, (b. 181 2, d. 181 7); Archianna P. H. (b. 1815, d. unm. i860). William Rowan Hamilton, (Sir) LL.D., Astronomer Royal (Ireland),

b. 1805 ; d. 1865, the mathematician, who invented Quaternions.

Issue, William Edwin, B.A., C.E., b. 1834 ; Archibald Henry, B.A.,

clerk, b. 1835 ; Helen Eliza Amelia, m. Rev. John O'Regan, Arch- deacon of Kildare, (issue, John Wm. Rowan O'Regan, M.A. (Cantab.) b. 29th May, 1870.) John Hutton Branch. 61 xi. John Hutton, m. mssdix. Issue

i. Robert Hutton, M.P., with Daniel O'Connell for Dublin in th Liberal interest. Settled at Putney Park, near London, Eng., m. Miss Crompton, sister of Judge Crompton. Issue Co. Co. Manchester Miss CrOinptOU, Judge, ; m. Holland, of Dumbleton, Gloucestershire ; m - GatberiUO ; £1111113, Lord Lingen d. unm. of ; StamfOlO ; /IDaC^ ; Hlbett, I., Rockwood, Co. Cavan, m. Miss Dundas ; d. , issue, who m. 14th Sept., W. Carrie 1898, H. Halpin, Cavan ;

Hnna ; Xouisa.

2. Thomas Hutton, b. 1788, d. 1865, J.P., D.L., city of Dublin. Lived at Elm Park, Co. Dublin. Carried on the coach factory of "John Hutton & Sons," Dublin; m. ist. Miss Ferguson, — no

issue— . 2nd. Miss Margaret Hutton of another family of that name

in Dublin, sister of Hy. Hutton who m. Letitia Hutton, (see p. 16.) a. IRariSSa TROSaVO Mutton, b. 1818; m. Marmion Wilme Savage, clerk of the Privy Council, Dublin Castle, who d. 1872. Author of " Falcon Family " and other noveels. No issue.

b. b. priscilla flDatiloa Mutton, 1819, d. 1882 ; m. 1854, James William Murland, of Dublin, a barrister who d. 1890. Issue

(1) William Murland, b. 5th May, 1855, of Badby, Rugby England, m. 1887, Mary Fitzgerald.


(a) James Gerald Hartin Hurland, b. 27th Jan., 1888. (b) William Sydne> Hurland, b. 29th, May 1890.

(2) Annie Murland, b. i860, d. unm. 1882.

c. Ubomas /IDaiwell Mutton, J. p. city of Dublin, a coachmaker, b. 1821, d. 1896, m. 1858, Annette Myer. Issue

(1) Frank Morris Hutton, of Mountjoy Square, Dublin, b.

23rd Sept., 1859, m. 1 6th March, 1898, Margarite Russell. A coachmaker.

(2) Louisa Hutton, d. in childhood, 1872. (3,4) Noel and Walter Hutton, b. 25th Dec, 1864. Noel, a merchant living at 118, Summerhill, Dublin; Walter, a malster, living at same place.

(5) Hugh Hutton, b. 26th July, 1868; a coachbuilder, 116, Summerhill, Dublin.

(6) Maud Hutton, b. 6th July, 1875. 62 Descendants of Robert Htitton.

d. Militant Xouis Ibutton, b. 1822, d. 1855. a civil engineer at Sydney, Australia; m. 1847, Julia Parker who' d.

1 881. Issue

(1) Hargaret Sophia Mutton, b. 12th Oct., 184S, m. 15th May, 1866, Cecil Plomer Walker, a paymaster, R.N., living at Wilson Grove, Southsea.


(a) riargaret Cecilia Julia Annie Walker, b. 25th June, 1867, m. 3rd June, 1897, William A. Buxton, Kimberly, South Africa.

(b) William Louis Lancelot Walker, b. 26th Jan., 1 871; a Ch. of E. clergyman at Showell, Newport, in the Isle of Wight.

(c) Ida Florence Georgina Walker, 1). 5th May, 1 873. b. (2) Thomas Qlanville Blenerhassett liutton, 1851 ; d. at Mountrath,- Queen's Co., 1888 ; a physician Ireland ; m. 28th Nov., 1876, Dora Boroughs.


(a) DoraHutton, b. Nov.,1887. Lives at Maryborough, I.

(3) Robert Maxwell Bruce Hutton, b. 1853: d. 1877. e. 3o\m Wix Ibutton, b. 1823, d. 1826.

/. Hnnaflbarta "(button, b. 1825, d. unm. i8 53 . g. So \m Wix ibutton, b. 1826, d. 1831. h. jfrancis Ibutton, b. 1828, d. 1831. i. XUCUIS ©CtaVUS IbUttOll, J- P., Co. Dublin. A coach-

builder ; lived first at 8, Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin ; now of

Wyckham, Dundrum, Co. Dublin, Ireland ; m. 3rd May, 1854, Margaret Bruce, daughter of Rev. William Bruce, and grand-

daughter of Susannah Hutton ; Mrs. Hutton d. 29th May, 1898. Issue (1)' Helen riargaret Hutton, b, 13th June, 1855. (2) Arthur William Hutton, b. 9th Dec, 1857; a coach- builder, Chichester St., Belfast, I.; m. 1890, Mary Anne Drummond. Issue (a) riargaret Bruce Hutton, b. I 893.

(3) Alice Hutton, b. 4th Aug., i860; m. 6th June, 1889, Robert Francis Scharff, Ph. D., Keeper of the Natural History Museum, Dublin, living at Tudor House, Dun- drum. Issue

(a) Godfrey Edward Scharff, b. 15th March, 189O. (b) John William Scharff, b. I2th May, 1895.

;. IbOWarO IbUttOU, of Auckland, New Zealand, b. 1832; d. 1894. A captain Frontier Light Horse, South Africa; m. Emma Kenrick. Bruce Branch. 63


(1) George Bertram Hutton, b. 29th Jan., 1859 ; m. 9th Feb., 1887, Lilian Maud Farmer. Lives in New Zealand.


(a, b) Norman Howard Hutton, and Kenneth Murray Hutton, b. 27th Sept., 1887.

(c) Leslie Bertram Hutton, b. 4th Aug., 1 889. (d) Claude Harold Hutton, b. 2nd June, 1892.

(2) Caroline Amy Hutton, b. 14th Dec, i860, of London, England.

3. Laetitia Hutton, m. Henry Hutton, J. P. of Baldoyle Co., Dublin, (brother of Margaret Hutton who m. Thomas Hutton,) a director of various railways in Ireland.


a. b. rdOct., a barrister fteitrg 3Dtl ?RUttOn t 3 1824 ; and Editor of Printed Catalogue, Library, Trinity Col-

lege, Dublin ; m. 30th Oct., 187 1, Adele Sborgi. Issue

(1) Henry Thomas Hutton, b. 19th Feb., 1874.

(2) Laetitia Nina Hutton, b. 16th Dec, 1876. b. SUSan Mutton, b. 15th Sept., 1826.

XV SUSannah HuttOn, m. Rev Dr. Bruce Issue

1. Samuel Bruce, of Thorndale, nr. Belfast; b. 1789, d. [845, m 1832, Annette daughter of James Ferguson, of White Park., Co. Antrim. Issue

a. Militant 1R0bert, b. ist Oct., 1833, Q.C, and Master of the Queen's Bench in Ireland, of Rockford, Co. Dublin and Thorndale, Belfast; m. nth August, 1870, Florence Helen, daughter of Alex. Osborne, of Dorset Sq., London. Issue

(1) Enid, b. nth April, 1872, m. 9th July, 1891, Thomas Stoker, B.C.S.

(2) Lillian Florence, b. 14th April, 1873.

(3) Louie Mary, b. 29th March, 1876, m. Capt. Eugene LeMesurier.

(4) nabel, b. 12th Dec, 1877.

(5) Nigel William, d. in infancy, 1883.

(6) Thomas Robert, b. ist July, 1885.

(7) Reginald James, b. 8th April, 1887. 64 Descendants of Robert Hutton.

b. 3aiUCS, of Benburb, Co. Tyrone, High Sheriff of that

County in 1886, J. P. and D.L.; rri. at Lisburn 4th Jan., 1877s Mary, daughter of William Thompson, M.D., of that place, and widow of George Mitchell. No issue. c. SamUCl, b. 19th Aug., 1838, of Norton Hall, Gloucester- shire, J. P.; m. 17th June, 1878, Louisa Julia, daughter of Sir George Conway Colthurst, Baronet of Ardrum and Blarney Castle, Co. Cork. Issue

(1) flaye Emily, b. 3rd May, 1879.

(2) Geo. James, b. 5th June, 1880.

(3) Robert William Vessey, b. 23rd Jan. 1882.

(4. 5) Nora Alice and Annette Edith, twins b. 13th Jan., 1884.

(6) Patrick Alexander, b. 4th July, 1888.

(7) Jonetta Marjorie.

2. William, (Rev.), of "The Farm," Belfast, b. 1790, d. 1868, m. 1823, Jane Elizabeth, daughter of William Smith, of Barbadoes. He was minister of 1st Presbyterian Congregation at Belfast.


a. TiXHilliam, who succeeded his uncle Halliday in the firm of

Bruce & Symes ; d. in London unm., 1868.

b. SamUCl, d. unm. at Belfast, 1871. c IbeUVg, b. 1839, d. unm. at Belfast, 1889. d. .flDarcjaret, m. Lucius O. Hutton, grandson of John Hutton the coachmaker. See page 60.

e. SUSamiab, of " The Farm," Belfast. /. 3aue 2Eli3abetb. g- J£li3at>etb.

h. /IDarta, m - Herbert D. Derbishire, of Belfast. Issue

(1) Herbert, d. unm. See tablet St. John's Chapel, Cambridge.

(2) Edith, m. S. Sinclair, jun. (3) Hay.

i. Cbarlotte.

3. Elizabeth, m. William Curry, Q.C., M.P., for Armagh, and a Master in Chancery, d. without issue.

4. Emily, m. John Strong Armstrong. Issue

a. William Bruce Brmstrong, of Pirbright Manor, Woking, Major, late 7th Dragoon Guards, author of " The Bruces of Airth and their Cadets," from which most of

regarding this branch of the family is the information obtained ; m. Charlotte Priscilla, daughter of R. A. C. Godwin-Austen,

J. P., D.L., of Shalford House, Surrey. Bruce BrancJi 6=;

b. lEmilV?, d. unm. c. Jobn, d. unm. d. t)enr\>, d. unm. e. 3-HtUeS, Capt. 26th Cameronians, d. unm.

f- IRobert Bruce Hrmstrong, of Edinburgh, author of " The History of Liddesdale " and "The Debatable Land," etc.

5. Maria, m. Ed. Hutton, M.D. See page 19.

6. Halliday, succeeded his uncle Samuel Bruce in the firm of notaries, etc., Bruce & Symes. Lived at Glennageragh House, Co. Dublin, m. 1822, his cousin Anne, daughter of Robert Bruce, of Bristol. Issue

a. TRobert, d. young. b. JEU^abetb, d. young.

c- ]Elt5a, m - John Couch Adams, (who d. 1892,) Fellow of Pembroke College and Lowndean professor of Astronomy

University of Cambridge, discoverer of Neptune ; see memor- ial tablet in . No issue.

d. IRobert, d. young. e. JEmiiy 1RCSe, d. young.

7. Henry, b. 1797, m. Mary Swanwick. Seep. 27.

8. Susannah, d. unm. Index to Surnames

Adams, 65 Gale, 34 Mitchell, 34 Morrison, 29-34 Anderson, 34 Galloway, 24, 25 Andrews, 24, 25 Garrett, 25 Morton, 21, 47 Mottram, 16 Armstrong', 38, 64, 65 Gaskel, 49 Auchinleck, 19 Gattey, 45 Murland, 61 Austen, 64 Gibb, 39 Murphy, 60 Myer, 61 Babcock, 34 Goddard, 20 Baker, 29 Gordon, 49, 59 Neumann, 46 Nicholls, Barber, 59 Graham-Jones, 18 14, 15 Newman, 60 Barman, 47 Greer, 19 Barton, 20, 35-37, 58 Gregg, 59 Newton, 60 Barwick, 17 Growse, 43 Northcroft, 52 Behrens, 48 Grundy, 19, 47, 48 O'Conor, 59, 60 O'Regan, 60 Bertram, .52 Guiness, 59 Osborne, Binns, 43 Guissand, 59 63 Bishop, 30 Halpin, 61 Pakenham, 60 Black, 24 Hamel-Smith, 40 Pantin, 60 Blakenay, 52 Hamilton, 60 Parker, 62 Bond, 29, 31 Hancock, 38, 48 Pierce, 40 Booth, 49 Harrison, 36 P'ggT. 3 2 Boroughs, 62 Hartley, 42, 43 Pirrie, 25 6o 6 Hatch, Ponton, 20, 21 Boult, 14, i5,47-5°>57. > 3 59 Prim, Bowles, 59 Heath, 60 59 Ramsden, Boylan, 33 Henderson, 41 41 Biennan, 16 Henry, 13 Risker, 43 Brice, 30 Higgins, 59 Robinson, 23, 39 Bromley, 50 Hilditch, 14, 27 Rochdale, 13 Bruce, 19, 27, 28, 42, 59, Hincks, 13, 14, 23, 25 Roscoe, 18, 40 62-65 Holland, 15, 47. 61 Russell, 61 21 Burton, 59 Holt, 16 Ruttan, Buxton, 62 Homan, 60 Ryland, 45 Cameron, 46 Hooper, 22 St. Aubyn, 43 21 Campbell, 35, 43 Hunter, 37 Sankey, 61 Carmichael, 59 Hutton, 14, 16-21, 46, 49, Savage, 13, Sborgi, Carter, 33, 34 59"6 5 63 Clark, 38 Jeremy, 19 Scharff, 62 Clennell, 23 Jevons, 17, 18 Schofield, 48 Coates, 60 Johns, 18 Sherwood, 48 Colfox, 41 Johnson, 27, 59 Sickert, 44 Colson, 59 Jones, 18, 2i, 22, 35, 36,39 Sinclair, 64 Colthurst, 64 Jowers, 17 Sloane, 30, 31 Conn, 29, 30 Keal, 60 Smith, 18, 64 Coombe, 24 Kell, 40 Solly, 39 Cooper, 23 Kenrick, 62 Stoker, 63 Corbett, 59 Kuenen, 39 Stone, 32 Crompton, 61 Laird, 32 Swanwick, 13-16, 23, 24, Curry, 64 Lake, 33 27-33. 35. 4 2 -47 59» 65 Davis, 50, 59 Lawrence, 13, 39 Tate, 33 Derbishire, 64 Layne, 31 Taylor, 26, 60 Dix, 59, 61 Leach, 17 Thompson, 64 Dodds, 44 Lee, 60 Thornthwaite, 14, 15, 29 Douglas, 29, 32 LeMesurier, 63 Tibaudo, 59 Drayton, 42 Leslie, 21 Tobin, 31 Drennan, 14, 24-26 Lewis, 23, 38, 59 Tubby, 48 Drummond. 62 Lingen, 61 Turnbull, 19 Duffin, 26 Luccock, 19 Walker, 62 Dundas, 61 Lupton, 37, 41 West, 36 Edleston, 46 McCaul, 17 Weygand, 43 Edwards, 59 McClean, 14, 45 Wicksteed, 14, 35-42 Egglesfield, 38 McCrea, 20 Wilkins, 46 English, 20, 29 McDermott, 31 Willey, 60 Farmer, 63 Madden, 59 Williams, 13 Farnham, 31 Malin, 17, 18 Woodhouse, 24 60 Feinagle, 59 Mason, 59 Woodcock, Ferguson, 61 , 63 Massey, 49 Woods, 59 ffoulkes, 42 Matthewes, 13 Worthington, 45 Filliter, 37 Matthews, 40 Wright, 52 Fitzgerald, 50, 61 Maxwell, 34 Yost, 31 Freeman, 18, 19 Millson, 46 .

JV compliance with your kind request, I have pleasure in forwarding herewith copies of THE DESCENDANTS OF / PHILIP HENRY (SWANWICK BRANCH and THE DESCEND- J ANTS OF ROBERT BUTTON.

It has been a source of great satisfaction to the editors— Miss Sarah

Sioanwick, of Manchester, and the undersigned— to find that there is a

general desire among the members of the family to assist in the compilation

of the work as well as to possess it. Copies of the first edition, pub-

lished in 1844, are the valued possessions of many of the older members,

and, even after the lapse of nearly fifty years, the book is still in request. The compilers of this second edition wouldfain believe that their

work will possess interest and value for many years to come. They have

therefore ventured to print an edition much larger than suffices for the present demand.

It will be a gratification to the compilers if, when acknowledging the

receipt of the work, you will kindly say whether it has met your expecta-

tions, and also indicate any respects in which it might be amended, added

to or othenvise improved in the event of any supplement orfuture edition.

The demandfor a work of this kind, printed simply for private circu-

lation, is necessarily limited, while the expense ofproducing it is about the

same as for an extensive edition. Hence the cost of each copy is so enhanced as to seem at first sight disproportionate

In order, therefore, to meet the outlay incurred, it will be necessary to make the list of subscribers as full and complete as possible.

No effort has been spared to communicate with all who might be expected to be interested in the work, but no doubt there are still many who have not yet been reached.

You would, therefore, confer a particular favour by bringing the book

under the notice of any who you think might wish to possess a copy of it.

Faithfully yours,

Toronto, Canada. 7 J^QAJ^Ut'U^l^C^J^^-^ -

Price, one copy, $2.50 (10 Shillings), Each additional copy, $1.50 (6 Shillings). Please remit bv Post Office Order to Jas. Edmund Jones, Toronto, Canada.


The following blank leaves are inserted to facilitate the continuing of the record and to avoid the disfigurement of the previous printed pages by additions. These

pages will also serve to remind subscribers that in order to perpetuate the roll,

the co-operation of each and all is required.

As to the practical use to be made of this appendix the following suggestions

are submitted :

Number the pages so that to them reference may conveniently be made from any previous printed pages where additions, etc., are required.

Enter births, deaths and marriages promptly as they occur.

Insert newspaper cuttings and particularly obituary notices.

Record achievements and other incidents in the lives of members of the family and keep a general outline of careers.

Some of the space may be used for autographs.

Genealogical lists in tree form may be inserted.

Without ousting the Family Bible a record with original signatures may here be preserved, which might prove convenient and perhaps afford valuable evidence in legal proceedings by way of proving inheritance and otherwise.

Family resemblances and marks of heredity may be noted.

Some pages may be used to preserve a list of addresses of relatives.

Many may wish to introduce other lines of descent with which the family have become connected by intermarriage.

Inside the cover will be found attached a durable envelope which will serve as a handy temporary receptacle for clippings, unmounted photographs, etc. A more extensive collection of photo-gravures would much enhance the interest of any future edition.

These appendices, if punctually and faithfully kepi up to date, will furnish valuable, if not indispensable material for any future edition.

Some provision, however, must be made for gathering at one centre the infor- mation contained in them. If, therefore, as events occur, and at any rate every

Christmas-tide, each subscriber will communicate to the compilers a copy of his entries, valuable assistance will thereby be rendered.