The Local Perspective on the Hubble Problem W. D’Arcy Kenworthy†, Dan Scolnic ‡, Adam Riess† † Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University ‡ Department of Physics, Duke University Based on work published in ApJ DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab0ebf arXiv:1901.08681 W. D’Arcy Kenworthy,
[email protected] 1 Johns Hopkins University Hubble Problem Today Figure Source: Verde et al 2019 W. D’Arcy Kenworthy,
[email protected] 2 Johns Hopkins University Can a Void solve the Hubble Problem? • Under-density increases local Hubble constant δH0/H0 = − f(ΩM)/3 × δρ/ρ ≈ − 1/6 × δρ/ρ Grey, underdense region will expand more quickly than black background W. D’Arcy Kenworthy,
[email protected] 3 Johns Hopkins University Can a Void solve the Hubble Problem? 6 Wu and Huterer • SH0ES cuts at low redshift • Theoretical effect on SH0ES is 0.48% • Peculiar velocity corrections Hloc Figure 3. Sample variance in ∆ 0 from our simulations, compared to P16 and R16 error bars (assuming P16 is the true global value). The blue histogram shows 3240 rotations of SN coordinate system from 512 subvolumes in the Dark Sky simulations, corresponding to 1.5 million SN-to-haloSimulated coordinate system configurations. realizations The green, slightly more jagged, of histogram SH0ES shows the results - of a particularly ⇠ Hloc σ underdense subvolume with a high ∆ 0 at the 2- level relative to all subvolumes. The two histograms are separately normalized. Note that the sample variance in Hloc is much smaller than the di↵erence between R16 and P16 measurements. like H00 measurements affected by Contributions to rms variance in Hloc [km/s/Mpc] local structure from0 Wu and + box-to-box, 3D matching, weighted by all halos, + + 3240 rotations, weighted by mag err Source of scatter: nSN z nhalo z no weightingHuterer,( )/ (2017) no weighting (equation 5) Cumulative 0.12 0.38 0.42 0.31 σ (0.023 < z < 0.15): 4 Hloc W.