For the fiscal year ended

March 31, 2007

Pursuant to section 36 of the

Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act (2002) List of Schedules

Schedule A Member Salary and Pay Indemnities

Schedule B Travel and Living Allowances

Schedule C Constituency Office and Operating Expenses Legislative Assembly of Nunavut Schedule A - Member Salary and Pay Indemnities Members of the 2nd Legislative Assembly For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2007

MLA Ministerial Speaker Extra Committee Other Northern Total Constituency Member Indemnity Indemnity Indemnity Duties Indemnity Payments Allowance Pay Indemnity MAPSALAK, Steve 68,543 3,438 5,364 18,013 95,358 TAPARDJUK, Louis 68,543 59,005 14,689 142,237 ARVIAT ALAGALAK, David 68,543 3,437 4,184 17,371 93,535 BAKER LAKE SIMAILAK, David 68,543 59,005 11,795 139,343 CAMBRIDGE BAY PETERSON, Keith 68,543 8,678 16,221 93,442 HUDSON BAY KATTUK, Peter 68,543 5,514 16,695 90,752 TOOTOO, Hunter 68,543 6,876 4,855 12,108 92,382 PICCO, Edward 68,543 59,005 12,108 139,656 OKALIK, Paul 68,543 70,096 12,108 150,747 KUGLUKTUK EVYAGOTAILAK, J A 68,543 6,322 5,189 18,135 98,189 NETSER, Patterk 68,543 59,005 14,957 142,506 AGLUKKAQ, Leona 68,543 59,005 12,108 139,656 PANGNIRTUNG KILABUK, Peter 68,543 46,966 639 15,475 131,624 BARNABAS, Levi 68,543 5,569 5,937 20,636 100,685 RANKIN NORTH CURLEY, Tagak 68,543 3,438 3,850 15,233 91,064 RANKIN SOUTH - W. C. BROWN, Levinia 68,543 64,551 12,108 145,202 AKESUK, Olayuk 68,543 59,005 12,108 139,656 NUTARAK, Jobie (to April 21/2006) 5,273 3,404 66,684 2,682 78,043 ARVALUK, James (from Oct 16, 2006) 31,635 2,215 8,045 41,895 ARREAK, James 68,543 5,739 660 4,985 18,905 98,832 Legislative Assembly of Nunavut Schedule B - Travel and Living Allowances Members of the 2nd Assembly For the Fiscal Year ended March 31, 2007

Travel and Living Allowances Constituency Member Constituency Committee Session Other Business AKULLIQ MAPSALAK, Steve 10,043 2,495 5,885 AMITTUQ TAPARDJUK, Louis 19,936 5,291 ARVIAT ALAGALAK, David 9,931 2,156 5,798 BAKER LAKE SIMAILAK, David 9,843 5,711 CAMBRIDGE BAY PETERSON, Keith 9,885 3,607 6,135 467 HUDSON BAY KATTUK, Peter 9,797 2,743 5,619 1,204 IQALUIT CENTRE TOOTOO, Hunter 10,023 2,651 4,078 154 IQALUIT EAST PICCO, Edward 10,379 260 3,086 IQALUIT WEST OKALIK, Paul 9,883 3,968 KUGLUKTUK EVYAGOTAILAK, J A 6,609 2,131 6,264 NANULIK NETSER, Patterk 14,751 4,296 NATTILIK AGLUKKAQ, Leona 18,991 3,864 PANGNIRTUNG KILABUK, Peter 9,819 453 5,794 1,826 QUTTIKTUQ BARNABAS, Levi 9,604 3,541 6,717 RANKIN NORTH CURLEY, Tagak 9,137 1,562 3,785 RANKIN SOUTH - W. C. BROWN, Levinia 23,985 3,640 SOUTH BAFFIN AKESUK, Olayuk 14,024 3,971 TUNUNIQ NUTARAK, Jobie (to April 21/2006) 00 ARVALUK, James (from Oct 16, 2006) 4,649 1,234 4,957 438 UQQUMMIUT ARREAK, James 9,905 1,878 5,729 730 #REF! 0 Legislative Assembly of Nunavut Schedule C - Constituency Office & Operating Expenses Members of the 2nd Assembly For the Fiscal Year ended March 31, 2007

Constituency Operations Constituency Constituency Member Budget Spent Balance Base Funding AKULLIQ MAPSALAK, Steve 57,800 51,630 6,170 101,777 AMITTUQ TAPARDJUK, Louis 32,800 28,223 4,577 101,992 ARVIAT ALAGALAK, David 25,600 22,903 2,697 73,052 BAKER LAKE SIMAILAK, David 26,400 26,394 6 67,353 CAMBRIDGE BAY PETERSON, Keith 44,700 34,305 10,395 57,972 HUDSON BAY KATTUK, Peter 28,600 23,475 5,125 68,005 IQALUIT CENTRE TOOTOO, Hunter 20,000 14,270 5,730 79,468 IQALUIT EAST PICCO, Edward 20,000 18,313 1,687 42,618 IQALUIT WEST OKALIK, Paul 20,000 19,450 550 71,577 KUGLUKTUK EVYAGOTAILAK, J A 28,600 19,655 8,945 72,541 NANULIK NETSER, Patterk 38,400 28,325 10,075 90,525 NATTILIK AGLUKKAQ, Leona 40,700 38,111 2,589 108,678 PANGNIRTUNG KILABUK, Peter 21,200 14,406 6,794 74,377 QUTTIKTUQ BARNABAS, Levi 51,000 49,029 1,971 77,152 RANKIN NORTH CURLEY, Tagak 24,300 23,119 1,181 51,276 RANKIN SOUTH - W. C. BROWN, Levinia 33,000 32,703 297 66,561 SOUTH BAFFIN AKESUK, Olayuk 33,600 26,428 7,172 76,286 TUNUNIQ NUTARAK, Jobie (to April 21/2006) 25,000 1,828 23,172 8,990 ARVALUK, James (from Oct 16, 2006) 11,500 4,774 6,726 32,491 UQQUMMIUT ARREAK, James 34,600 31,528 3,072 89,569 #REF! 1,412,261

1,412,261 Notes to Accompany the Report on the Payment of

Indemnities, Allowances and Expenses

For Members of the 2nd Assembly

For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2007

Schedule A - Member Salary and Pay Indemnities

MLA INDEMNITY: This figure is the actual gross annual indemnity based on section 25 of the " LA&EC Act ". For income tax reporting purposes the first $1,000 is tax free pursuant to federal legislation contained in the " Nunavut Act ", Part 1, Section 22. EXTRA DUTIES: Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole; Chairperson of Standing or Special Committee; Chairperson of Regular Caucus and Chairperson of Full Caucus. Amounts are based upon rates from section 26 and 27 and Schedule C of the LA&EC Act . OTHER PAYMENTS: By virtue of section 35 of the LA&EC Act , where the rates of pay of employees of the Public Services Act are globally increased by a certain percentage, the MSB may, by regulation, amend Schedule C by the same percentage. This column includes all retro payments and pay adjustments. NORTHERN ALLOWANCE: Northern Allowance rates for MLAs are at the same rates as GN employees. A lump sum saving option allows MLAs to bank Northern Allowance to be paid out the following March. MLAs may select this option, thus the varied allowances paid. Payments made from the banked allowances appear in this report in the year paid.

Schedule B - Travel and Living Allowances

Allowances are provided to assist Members in carrying out their duties. They cover the cost of accommodation, meals, taxis and incidentals for Members attending Sessions and Standing Committee meetings as well as the cost of allowances for travel for constituency business. Living allowances are not considered part of income . Amounts are net GST.

Allowances are set at the GN per diem if the Assembly pays for the Member's lodging and $250 per day if the Member arranges their own lodging. The column "Other Business" includes allowances paid to the Speaker for representing the Legislature on official functions and the Speaker and other Members attending special functions such as Commonwealth Parliamentary Association events and regional meetings with other Canadian Legislatures. Amounts are net GST.

Schedule C - Constituency Office and Operating Expenses

Constituency operating expenses represent funds reimbursed to Members or paid on their behalf for constituency expenses incurred upon submission of original invoices. Constituency expenses are paid to the maximums per constituency as stated in Schedule B of the LA&EC Act . Expenses are net GST. Members who exceed their constituency operating budget are required to reimburse the consolidated revenue fund through payment or a reduction in a subsequent allowance. Examples of constituency operating expenses include travel and airline costs, telephone, fax and internet, office supplies, newspaper advertising and promotional materials.

Constituency Base Funding includes expenses paid by the Clerk's Office for the set up and maintenance of Member offices. This includes rent, furniture and constituency staff in their communities. Constituency staff expense includes wages, the Nunavut Northern Allowance, vacation pay and related employer costs.


1. Former Tununiq MLA Jobie Nutarak died April 21, 2006. MLA was elected through by-election October 16, 2006. Constituency office lease payments in the Tununiq riding was maintained for the full year. 2. The estate of Jobie Nutarak was also paid the transitional allowance upon his death based upon section 33 of the LA&EC Act. 3. MLA David Simailak elected to be paid the lump sum payout for the Nunavut Northern Allowance benefit. The Iqaluit allowance was paid to him instead of the Baker Lake allowance. The difference was adjusted and is to be paid to him in the new fiscal year. 4. In compliance to MSB decision 02-01-091 the Speaker annually receives a hospitality and entertainment allowance of $1500. Ministers receive a similar allowance