Gulf News is a leading English news publisher in the United Arab . Gulf News prides itself in bringing to light important conversations around topics that are relevant to our everyday lives.

With the education industry being one of the most impacted due to Covid-19, and also being one of the most increasingly progressive industries in the post-Covid scenario, Gulf News wished to organize a set of webinars to discuss the insights from the industry.

The objective of the webinars was to make graduates aware of the shift in the industry and the steps they can take to make themselves industry-ready.


With online webinars being an important touchpoint for various industries to reach out to relevant audiences, Gulf News wished to organize a webinar that would reach out to the target group they wished to cater to.

Gulf News wanted a virtual events platform that had a seamless user experience and at the same time provided custom branding to them with multiple features.

They approached Nunify with certain requirements which needed to be fulfilled, mainly

• A virtual events platform that had a seamless user experience

• Custom branding showcase on the virtual events platform

• Distribution of integrated registration emailers prior to the event

• Availability of the webinar’s recording

• Deep analysis of the data collected post-event

1 of 5 About the Speakers

Dr. Hussein M Elmehdi Dean of Academic Support Services University of Dr. Michael Kloep Senior Lecturer, Head of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Business Excellence, Head of the Careers and Employability Service, Middlesex University Mr. Raj Kapoor Director of Student Recruitment, American University in Mr. Zawahir Siddique Department Head of Blended Learning, Westford University College Ms. Keary Shandler Program Coordinator and Faculty, Undergraduate Business, Murdoch University Ms. Noni Edwards Moderator at Gulf News Prof. Hossam Hamdy Chancellor of Gulf Medical University

Nunify’s Strategy

Nunify deployed a dedicated project manager for the webinars to be conducted by Gulf News.

The manager understood the needs of Gulf News and created a strategy to identify and manage the issues that were there to shift the conference to an online platform.

Nunify provided Gulf News with a custom-branded webinar. Nunify’s aim was to provide a seamless user-experience that would benefit the organizer of the webinar, while ensuring quality user experience on a new platform.

2 of 5 Key Webinar Deliverables

Custom-Branded Webinar Webinar page with customized Gulf News branding, including logo, cover, and brand colours.

Registration & Emailers Integrated registrations and emailers were sent out by Nunify to build event awareness and initiate conversions at the same time.

Nunify Live Stream with stream to Facebook Integrated the feature of live-streaming to social media platforms in order to capture the audience of the social media platform. The webinar that was conducted on the Nunify platform was streamed live on the Gulf News Facebook page.

Interactive Webinar Room Interactive rooms during the webinar were created for the attendees to ask questions and converse with the hosts.

Sponsored Spaces Sponsored Spaces were created for the event sponsors to access and interact with the attendees.

Virtual Booth w/Chatbot Booths and chatbots were incorporated for increasing the convenience for the users. People could share their queries and they could be guided for the same.

3 of 5 Key Impact Metrics

50% 842 Email Open Rate Registrations 20% higher than the industry standard

387 13322 Live Attendees Viewed Minutes across 3.5 hours

Attendee Engagement Metrics

1432 464 Reactions Poll Responses

121 73 Public Chat Messages Questions to Speakers

4 of 5 Student Testimonial

“I had come to know about these webinars through an email and had registered instantly for them. The sessions provided great insights and how the impact of Covid-19 would be shaping the education patterns in the time ahead. The interactive nature of the webinar through chats and polls was a unique experience!”

About Us nunify™ is an all-in-one webinar & virtual event management platform – a turn-key DIY solution accessible 24×7 to broadcast, network and engage. nunify™ lets you host online events like webinars, live conferences, product launches, virtual meetings, & online training with ease.

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