ABSTRACT. Charles Johnson Maynard (1845-1929) INTRODUCTION was a self-educated naturalist, teacher, and dealer in natural histOlY specimens and materials who con­ The family Cerionidae comprises a ducted extensive field work throughout FIOlida, the group of terrestrial pulmonate gastropods Bahamas, and the Cayman Islands. He published that are endemic to the tropical western prolifically on the fauna, flora, and anthropology of these areas. His publications included descriptions of Atlantic, ranging from southern Florida 248 of the 587 validly proposed species-level taxa throughout the Bahamas, Greater Antilles, within Cerionidae, a family of terrestrial gastropods Cayman Islands, western Virgin Islands, endemic to the islands of the tropical western Atlan­ and the Dutch Antilles, but are absent in tic. After his death, his collection of Cerionidae was purchased jOintly by tlle Museum of Comparative Zoo Jamaica, the Lesser Antilles, and coastal ology (MCZ) and the United States National Muse· Central and South America. These snails um, with the presumed primmy types remaining at are halophilic, occurring on terrestrial veg­ the MCZ and the remainder of the collection divided etation' generally witllin 100 m of the between these two museums and a few other insti­ shore, but occasionally 1 km or more from tutions. In this work, we provide 1) a revised collation of Maynard's publications dealing with Cerionidae, 2) the sea, presumably in areas where salt a chronological listing of species-level taxa proposed spray can reach them from one or more in these works, 3) a determination of the number and directions (Clench, 1957: 121). Cerionid status of name-bearing type specimens for each taxon snails generally occur in dense but patchy within the context of the most recent edition of the populations, often with 10,000 or more in­ International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, and 4) when necessary, the selection of a lectotype (for dividuals. They can be conspicuously 185 taxa) or the designation of a neotype (for eight abundant when living on open vegetation taxa) from among specimens in these museums to and less so when living in leaf litter. Al­ resaict the name-healing type for each taxon to a though individual populations tend to be single specimen, which is illustrated. Type material fairly uniform in the size and morphology could not be located for three ofthe 248 species-level taxa proposed by Maynard. In these instances, neo­ of their shells, size, shape, color, and in­ types are proposed to make these three taxa objective ternal as well as external sculpture of the junior synonyms of otller taxa. Saict application of shell vary enormously among populations. the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature Such variation is evident not only through­ contradicts the authorship, publication date, and type status of nalne-bearing types for a signiBcant number out the range of Cerionidae, but even of Maynard's taxa that had been previously reported among neighboring populations separated in the literature. by less than 100 m. This lavish yet geo­ graphically circumscribed diversity has led to an extensive body of literature dealing 1 Department of Invertebrate Zoology, MRC 163, with cerionids. Much ofthe early work was National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian primarily taxonomic and focused on pars­ Institution, Washington, DC 20560. ing the various phenotypes among roughly 2 Curatorial Associate, Malacology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford 600 nominal species and nearly two dozen Street, Cambridge, 02138-2902. genus-level taxa. More recent research,

Bull. Mus. Camp. Zool., 158(7): 367-528, September, 2007 367 368 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

particularly the work of Mayr, Gould, ies." Maynard's writings on the Cerionidae Woodruff, and Goodfriend, as well as their were confined to eight publications, sev­ students and collaborators (see Woodruff, eral of which appeared in multiple parts 1978, for an overview), addressed more (Table 1). Six of these publications contain basic biological questions: among them, descriptions of new taxa, and a seventh the origins as well as the geographic and contains a nomen nudum. One is an ad­ temporal stability of morphological and ge­ vertisement. netic diversity and the dynamics of hybrid Although Maynard's publications are zones and biogeographic patterns, both rare, specimens of the majority of his taxa Holocene and Recent. Yet, as noted by are not. In his undated sales catalog, May­ Woodruff (1978: 224), "the evolutionary nard (1924b?) mentioned having 200,000 importance of these remarkable specimens of Cerion, whereas the supple­ has been buried under an all but impen­ ment to this catalog noted that an addi­ etrable taxonomic thicket." tional 44,000 specimens, representing 30 Much of the breadth and a substantial species, were collected in 1924. Nearly all amount of the impenetrability of this "tax­ of Maynard's species descriptions mention onomic thicket" can be attributed to the the number of specimens examined. In his work of Charles Johnson Maynard (1845­ description of Strophia extensa, as an ex­ 1929), who published 248 of the 587 val­ treme example, Maynard (1924c: 2-3) idly proposed species-level taxa (excluding commented that 23,000 specimens were obvious typographical errors), and seven of collected, of which only about 3,000 were the 23 genus-level taxa within Cerionidae. liVing. Maynard was a self-educated naturalist Shortly after Maynard's death (October and teacher who conducted extensive field 15, 1929), his daughter offered his large work throughout Florida, the Bahamas, collection of Cerion for sale to the Muse­ and the Cayman Islands (Abele, 2002; um of Collective Zoology (MCZ). Turner French, 1930; Johnson, 1930; Townsend, (1957: 151) reported that, "As the collec­ 1930; Turner, 1957). His bibliography con­ tion was so large, and the specimens so sists of 277 publications (Batchelder, numerous, it was decided to buy it jointly 1951), the overwhelming majority on with the United States National Museum birds, but includes works on butterflies, [USNM, now the National Museum of sponges, land snails, and many other areas Natural History, Smithsonian Institution] of natural history and anthropology. Batch­ for $500. The collection was divided elder (1951: 227) pOinted out that many of equally between the two institutions, with Maynard's publications, including all of his the holotypes being retained at the MCZ. work on Cerionidae, were "not only the A few duplicate sets of the larger series of work of his active mind but of his own Maynard's types were sold to various insti­ hands. He took pride in setting the type, tutions, so that much of Maynard's type making wood-cuts, drawing lithographs, material is now well distributed." Records and doing the press work." at the MCZ (Mollusk Department Acces­ Maynard's publications were printed in sion file 766) indicate that 475 lots of limited numbers and most are very rare. "mostly cerions from the Maynard collec­ For example, the prospectus on the inside tion, including all of his species" were pur­ front covers of each of the 12 parts of his chased by Dr. T. Barbour for the Museum Contributions to the History of the Cer­ and were received in the Mollusk Depart­ ionidae with Descriptions of Many New ment in October 1931. These were as­ Species and Notes on Evolution in Birds Signed catalog numbers ranging from and Plants (1919-26; hereafter Contribu­ MCZ 76001 to 76475. Specimens with tions to the History of the Cerionidae) these catalog numbers were in Maynard's states, "The edition will consist of 150 cop- collection at the time of his death. Com- THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNAHD· Harasewych et al. 369

menting on the condition ofthe collection, contradicted. By way of example, the mig­ Turner (1957: 151) wrote "the collection, inal description of Strophia scripta May­ at the time it was sold, was in rather sad nard, 1896 (p. 4), provided a detailed de­ shape, for the cabinet drawers had warped scription that lists "size of type, 1.30 by and once pulled open could not be closed. 047" and identifies the illustration of a sin­ The top drawers of the cabinets became a gle specimen as "fig. 3, front, fig. 4, side parade ground for pigeons, and their drop­ view of type." According to Article 73.1.1 pings cemented the shells together in a (ICZN, 1999: 79), this specimen would be solid mass! After transferring the collec­ the holotype. However, earlier in the same tion in its original drawers to the MCZ, publication, Maynard (1896: 1) states, each lot was sorted, cleaned and properly "The first portion of the present install­ labeled-a truly gigantic task." ment of this monograph is based upon Because Maynard was a dealer and col­ specimens belonging to the MCZ which I lector who for decades sold or exchanged have been permitted to examine.... I specimens to support his research and ex­ have returned the types figured to the Mu­ peditions, an unquantified amount of type seum, but have retained a set of co-types material was also distributed during his in my own collection." This indicates that lifetime. A series of cerions was donated the figured specimen returned to the MCZ by Maynard to the MCZ in 1895 and was and the specimen retained by Maynard for catalogued with the numbers MCZ 10242 his own collection are syntypes because to 10360. Correspondence and invoices in they can be considered expressly designat­ the Smithsonian Archives indicate that Dr. ed as such in the original publication (Ar­ Paul Bartsch purchased for the National ticle 73.2.1, ICZN, 1999: 81). Museum of Natural History specimens Most of the taxon descriptions pub­ representing 121 of Maynard's species lished in Maynard's first work on the Cer­ "from their type localities" in 1923 ionidae, the Monograph ofthe Genus Stro­ (USNM 359387-359518), and an addition­ phia, a Group of Tropical and Sub-Tropi­ al57 specimens in 1925. Another series of cal Land Shells that appeared in seven is­ Maynard's cerion specimens, originally in sues of the Contributions to Science the collections of the Society of (1889-96), were exemplary for the peliod. Natural History, was transferred to the Each included a detailed description and MCZ in February 1930 and bear the cat­ illustrations (usually with two views), pro­ alog numbers MCZ 39713-39719. Al­ vided dimensions of the "type" or "types," though many of Maynard's taxa are rep­ as well as of the largest and smallest spec­ resented in museum collections, particu-­ imens, and had sections with observations larly in the eastern United States, the type on variation within the taxon and on its status of many, if not most, of these spec­ distribution and habitats. imens was undetermined or incorrectly la­ In contrast, taxonomic descliptions in beled at the time of this writing. most subsequent publications (e.g., May­ Although Turner (1957: 151) reported nard, 1913a,b,c, 1919-26 [Contributions tllat the holotypes of Maynard's taxa were to the History of the Cerionidae], retained at the MCZ, it is far from clear 1924b?,c; Maynard and Clapp, 1914, how many and which of Maynard's taxa are 1915) were VelY brief and written in tele­ based on holotypes and which on syntypes. graphic style. Some were later supple­ If application of the International Code of mented with more detailed descriptions of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) is re­ the shell and anatomy (Maynard, 1924a, stricted to the descriptions of individual 1925, 1926). Each intended taxonomic de­ species, one conclusion can be reached. If scription typically included a measurement other portions of the original publication and gave the number of specimens exam­ are considered, this conclusion could be ined but did not contain any version of the 370 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7


Maynard, C. J. 1889-96. Monograph of the Genus Strophia, a group of tropical and sub-tropical land shells. Contributions to Science, 1(1, April 1889): 1-29, pis. 1-2; 1(2, July 1889): 68~79, pI. 7; 1(3, October 1889): 125-135, pI. 16; 1(4, JanuaIY 1890 [dated "January, 1889" on page 1]): 188-197; 2(1 [July 1893 on cover, November 1893 on page 1]): 1--48; 2(2 [November 1894 on cover]): 49-104; 2(3 [December 1894 on cover]): 105-152; 2(4 [December 1894 on cover]): 153-200; 3(1, March 18(6): 1--40, pIs. 1-7. (Privately published, Newtonville, Massachusetts) Maynard, C. J. 1913. Descriptions of some species of the family Cerionidae. Records of Walks and Talks with Nature. AppendiX to Volume 5: 177-200 (illustrations on paper covers; pp. 177-182 are dated JanuaIY 1913; pp. 183-200, FebruatY 1913. Footnote on p. 186: "Pages 183-186 were issued Feb. 1, 1913." Footnote on p. 199: "Pages 187-199 were issued Feb. 9, 1913." Text is complete on p. 199. Page 200 contains figures of three species reproduced from Contributions to Science). (Ptivately published, 'Nest Newton, Massa­ chusetts) Maynard, C. J. 1914. A species of land shell of the family Cerionidae redescribed. Records of vValks and Talks with Nature. AppendiX to Volume 6: 177-179 [illustrations on paper covers]. [Dated May 1914 at top of each page, but footnote on p. 179 states "Actual date of publication of sheet, Aug 18, 1914."] (Privately published, Newtonville, Massachusetts) Maynard, C. J., and N. A. Clapp. 1914-15. Descriptions of new Strophias. Records of vValks and Talks with Nature. Appendix to Volume 6: 180 [August 18, 1914], 179 bis, 180 bis, 181, 182 [Februmy 8, 1915]. [Page 180 has same date as Maynard, 1914; footnote on p. 182 states, "Actual date of publication, Feb. 8, 1915."] (Privately published, Newtonville, Massachusetts) Maynard, C. J. 1919. A New Book on Evolution. Contributions to the History of Cerionidae. 4 unnumbered pp. (Plivately published, Newtonville, Massachusetts) Note: This is a four-page advertisement for the Contributions to the History ofthe Cerionidae [see below] that provided a brief description of the intended work, which was to contain "upward of 400 pages, and over 20 plates of shells, birds, etc" and be limited to 150 copies. Versions with either plain or hand-colored plates were advertised. This advertisement was bound within the covers of Number 1 of Contributions to the History ofthe Cerioniclae in the ANSP copy, with a Library Stamp dated October 22, 1919. Batchelder (1951: 256) noted, "Issued first perhaps in 1921, reprinted, most of it verbatim, but with some changes, in 1924." Maynard, C. J. 1919-26. Contributions to the history of the CeriOl1..idae with descriptions of many new species and notes on evolution in birds and plants. Records of Walks and Talks with Natme. Appendix to Volume 10. I[October 16, 1919]: 1-24, pis. 5, 6 [illustrations on paper covers]; 2[Novembcr 6, 1919]: 25--52, pis. 7, 8 [illustrations on paper covers]; 3[December 31, 1919]: 53-68, pIs. 9, 10 [illustrations of paper covers]; 4[FebruatY 29, 1920]: 69--80, pIs. 10*, 11 [illustrations on paper covers]; 5[April 8, 1920]: 81-92, pIs. 12, 13 [illustrations on paper covers]; 6[July 10, 1920]: 93-110, pis. 14-19 [illustrations on paper covers]; 7[September 30, 19201: 111-126, pIs. 1--4, 20-25 [illustrations on paper covers]; 8[May 2, 1921]: 127-138, pIs. 26-33 [illustrations on paper covers]; 9[July 15, 1921]: 139-154, pIs. 34-37 [illustrations on paper covers]; 10[October 25, 1924]: 155-170, pIs. 38-39 [illustrations on paper covers]; U[July 18, 1925]: 171­ 194, pis. 40--41 [illustrations on paper covers]; I2[March (10 printed, ovetwritten in ink to 24) 1926]: 195­ 218, pIs. 42--43 [illustrations on paper covers]. (Privately published, Newtonville, Massachusetts) Note: Collations and dates of individual parts of this work are based on copies in the libraries of the Smithsonian Institution and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, which were bound as issued. The dates and the apportionment ofpages, especially of plates to the individual numbers, differ considerably from the collation given in Batchelder (1951: 254-256), which, like tile copies in the libraries of the MCZ mid Mr. Richard Goldberg, have the plates in numerical order. The collation of this work in the librmy of the Field Museum of Natural history differs in that 1) pages 49-52 are bound with number 3 instead of number 2; 2) number 3 is dated (in pencil) December 4 instead of December 31; 3) plates 40 and 41 are bound between the back cover of number 10 and the front cover of number 11, rather than within the covers of number 11. Publication dates are based on: "Number 1 Published Oct. 6 1919" printed on front cover. * "Number 2 Published Nov. 6 1919" printed on front cover. " "Number 3 Published Dec. 31 1919" printed on front cover but numbers in bold handwritten in ink. THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD' Harasewych et ttl. 371


"Number 4 Date of issue on last page." printed on front cover. Footnote on p. 80, "No.4. Pages 69-80, inclusive. issued Feb. 29, 1920." "Number 5 Date of issue on last page." printed on front cover. Footnote on p. 92, "No.5. Pages 81-92, inclusive. issued April 8, 1920." "Number 6 Date of issue on last page." printed on front cover. Footnote on p. 110, "No.6. Pages 93­ 110, inclusive. issued July 10, 1920." "Number 7 Date of issue on last page." printed on front cover. Footnote on p. 126, "No.7. Pages 111­ 126, inclusive. issued Sept. 30, 1920." "Number 8 Date of issue on last page." printed on front cover. Footnote on p. 138, "No.8. Pages 127­ 138, inclusive. Issued May 2, 1921." "Number 9 Date of issue on last page." printed on front cover. Footnote on p. 154, "No.9. Pages 139­ 154, inclusive. issued July 15, 1921." "Number 10 Date of issue on last page." printed on front cover. Footnote on p. 170, "No. 10. Pages 155­ 170, inclusive. issued Oct. 25, 1924." "Number 11 Date of issue on last page." p"inted on front cover. Footnote on p. 194, "No. 11. Pages 171­ 194, inclusive. Issued July 18, 1925." "Number 12 Date of issue on last page." printed on front cover. Footnote on p. 218, "No. 12. Pages 195­ 218, inclusive. Issued March 10 [overwritten in ink to 24], 1926." Maynard, C. J. [Undated, referred to herein as 1924b?]. Catalogue of Specimens of the Family Cerionidae for Sale by Charles J. Maynard Containing Many New Species. Paper cover and 8 unnumbered pages. (Privately published, Newtonville, Massachusetts) Note: Batchelder (1951: 256) listed 1920 as the date for this work, whereas Clench (1957: 169) cited a six­ page catalog with identical title as published in 1924. Maynard began advertising specimens and publications in The Nautilus, beginning in July 1920 and continued until October 1929 (volume 34, number 1, through volume 43, number 2), the advertisements appearing at the top of the inside front cover. Beginning July 1921 and continuing until Maynard's death (October 15, 1929), these advertisements offered a "Catalog of Cerion for sale now ready, over 100 species." The inside front paper cover oftile Catalog in tile Smitllsonian Institution's libraly lists "Appendix to Records Vol. X, 1921," and several taxa described in 1921 are offered for sale in this catalogue. Also listed [page 3] is Strophiops albicostata, the description of which appears in the supplement to this catalog (dated December 10, 1924). These data suggest that the catalog first ap­ peared on or before July 1921 but that it might have undergone periodic revision and updating, the last appearing on or before December 10, 1924. The copy in the Academy of Natural Sciences Library is hand dated "1921," but tile LibraJy Stamp reads JanuaIY 31, 1929. Maynard, C. J. 1924 [10 December]. Supplement to Sale Catalogue of Cerionidae with Descriptions of New Species Collected in the Bahama Islands in Summer of 1924. pp. 1-6. [Footnote on p. 6 "Issued December 10, 1924] (Privately published, Newtonville, Massachusetts) * Asterisk denotes a date different from that cited by Batchelder (1951: 254). word "type" in the description or in figure tions published in Contributions to the captions for those taxa that were illustrat­ History ofthe Cerionidae under the head­ ed. International Code of Zoological N0­ ing "Typical Specimens," Maynard wrote, menclature Article 73.2 (1999: 81) states It has long been the custom with naturalists when that, "for a nominal species-group taxon describing new species to select some individual established before 2000 all specimens of specimen that as nearly as possible combines all of the type series are automatically syntypes tile characters which are possessed by the species if neither a holotype nor a lectotype has of which it is a member. This specimen is called a type. As will be seen, however, by the previous re­ been fixed." Thus, most of Maynard's taxa marks and the matter which follows, that groups published after 1896, including the taxa of occur in all species composed of members which Maynard and Clapp, can be considered as have similar characters. From some one of tllese being typified by multiple syntypes (23,000 groups tire type must be selected. This is usually selected in the species described in this volume, syntypes in the case of Strophia extensa from the group that has the largest number ofspec­ Maynard, 1924; see above). imens. This group I have called typical. (Maynard, In the preamble to the species descrip- 1919b: 43--44) 372 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

This indicates that Maynard understood tion at the time of Maynard's death (see the concept of type specimen and defined above; Turner, 1957: 151), it is entirely it explicitly. Maynard based his taxonomic possible that specimens or labels moved descriptions on characteristics of popula­ within the drawers. vVhen such specimens, tions, then selected as «type" an individual or one of such specimens, can be reason­ that «as nearly as possible combines all of ably construed as approximating the pub­ the characters possessed by the species of lished measurements or, for taxa that are which it is a member." This differs con­ illustrated, the original illustration, even ceptually from the definition of Holotype, though neither are associated with the which is «the single specimen upon which term «type" within the publication, these a new nominal species group taxon is specimens are designated as the lectotypes based" (Article 73.1, ICZN, 1999: 79). for their respective species-level taxa here­ Maynard's statement that "this [the in. type] is usually selected in the species de­ Many researchers have conjectured that scribed in this volume" not only excludes perhaps only 10-20% of the species-level species not described in that volume (i.e., taxa within Cerionidae will eventually be Maynard, 1913a, b, c, 1924b, c; Maynard found to represent valid species (e.g., and Clapp, 1914, 1915) but does not spec­ Clench, 1957: 121; Turner, 1957: 152; ify for which of the species in Maynard Woodruff, 1978: 235). The determination (1919-26) such specimens were selected. of whether the nomina proposed by May­ Even with no mention of the term nard represent valid species, subspecies, «type" in the original descriptions, many of demes, or distinctive combinations of al­ the specimens now in the collections of leles is beyond the scope of this work the MCZ that are derived from the May­ Rather, our objective here is to enumerate nard collection are labeled «Holotype" and chronologically and in order of publication are accompanied by a slip of paper, appar­ all of the species-level taxa within the fam­ ently in Maynard's handwriting, that in­ ily Cerionidae that were validly proposed cludes the term «type." These labels also by Maynard, either individually or in col­ contain the plate and figure numbers for laboration with Clapp; to determine the the illustrations of the taxon in Maynard dates on which each of these taxa became (1919-26) in the same handwriting and available; and to locate and to restrict the the same ink, suggesting that the slips name-bearing type for each taxon to a sin­ were Wlitten at the time of preparation of gle specimen, when necessary by the se­ the plates for this work Such labels can be lection of a lectotype or designation of a construed as evidence that Maynard con­ neotype. As noted in ICZN Article 61.1 sidered these specimens to be the types of (1999: 63), «The fixation of a name-bear­ their respective taxa, some of which had ing type of a nominal taxon provides the been published years or decades earlier objective standard of reference for the ap­ than their illustrations. However, it is not plication of the name it bears." Providing possible to interpret them as holotype des­ objective standards for all of Maynard's ignations within the Code, which states taxa is a necessary first step toward prun­ that "the holotype of a new nominal spe­ ing the "all but impenetrable taxonomic cies-group taxon can only be fixed in the thicket" that has been a hallmark of, and original publication by the original author" an impediment to, studies of the Celioni­ (Article 73.1.3, ICZN, 1999: 79). dae. In the vast majority of cases, these «type" labels accompany a single speci­ MATERIALS AND METHODS men, but in over a dozen cases, they ac­ The publications listed in Table 1 were company a lot containing multiple speci­ surveyed for descriptions of species-level mens. Given the condition of the collec- taxa. The species-level taxa are listed chro- THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOH SO MAY AIm· Hamsewych et al. 373

nologically according to the date the taxa Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP), the became available and in order of publica­ Field Museum of Natural History tion to the extent possible. For cases in (FMNH), Florida Museum of Natural which a taxon name appeared only on a History (FLMNH), and Museum of Bio­ plate caption but not in the text, it is listed logical Diversity, The Ohio State Univer­ at the end of the taxa published in the sity (OSU). When necessary, a lectotype is same issue or on the same date. This list selected or a neotype is designated from was compared with similar compilations in among specimens in these museums to re­ Batchelder (1951) and in Clench's (1957) strict the name-bearing type for each taxon catalog of the Cerionidae. We do not in­ to a single specimen. This is followed by clude misspellings of Maynard's taxa by measurements of the single name-bearing subsequent authors (e.g., Batchelder, type, the type locality for the taxon, and 1951; Clench, 1957; Pilsbry, 1901-02) or remarks pertaining to the taxon. Images of Maynard's uses or misspellings ofother au­ the apertural and right lateral views are thors' taxa. Maynard's not infrequent mis­ also included. spellings of his own taxa, likely introduced Comparisons with published measure­ when he set the type, are reconciled, usu­ ments and figures have been made when ally with the accepted spelling of the taxon selecting or verifying primary type speci­ (see however, S. nivia, taxa 26 and 72), and mens (Recommendation 74B, ICZN, are also included in the alphabetical index 1999: 83). It should be noted from the on­ of Maynard's taxa. set that some variation is to be expected Each validly introduced taxon is num­ in measurements of length and far more bered sequentially and is followed by one in measurements of width, as these de­ or more citations, including the valid taxon pend not only on the accuracy of the in­ description (in bold), which for several strument used (ruler vs. digital caliper), taxa differs from the intended taxon de­ but also on how the measurements were scription. Also included are details ofspec­ made (length measured parallel to the axis imens associated with the term "type" of coiling vs. maximum length; width of within the intended taxon description, the cylindrical portion of the shell vs. max­ published measurements, and the number imum width including flaring aperture). of specimens examined. Even the best of Maynard's illustrations, The number and the status of name­ while generally adequate for distinguishing bearing type specimens for each taxon are taxa, are rarely precise enough to differ­ determined within the context of the most entiate among the often numerous speci­ recent edition of the ICZN (1999). This mens in the type series. Turner (1957: determination is based on information in 140) quoted from Maynard's unpublished the original description, other portions of autobiography, "When I was a child I took the same publication, subsequent publi­ a great liking to the art of wood engraving. cations, and works ofother authors, as well Not because I had ever seen any of the as on specimens traceable to Maynard's work done, for I had not, but with the idea collection now in the collections of the in mind that I should like the work, I con­ MCZ. Several of Maynard's taxa were not sulted a neighbor who was a wood engrav­ represented in his collection when it er. After questioning me as to my ability reached the Museum, as confirmed by an to make drawings and after not finding me examination of the MCZ catalog. For these at all profiCient in that art, he said em­ taxa, efforts were made to locate speci· phatically that I would not succeed as an mens traceable to Maynard in the collec­ engraver, so I abandoned that project." tions of the MCZ and the National Mu­ Turner went on to write "It is interesting seum of Natural History, Smithsonian In­ to see that in later years he made all of his stitution (USNM), Academy of Natural own illustrations and wood engravings, as 374 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

well as hand coloring many of his plates. nard (1920d: 113) again confirmed that These illustrations are remarkably well new species "should be credited to May­ done considering his complete lack of nard and Clapp." However, it is clear that training." Maynard retained authorship of the work Contributions to the History ofthe Cer­ in the preface (Maynard, 1919a: 1). He ionidae, published in 12 numbers between subsequently (Maynard, 1924c: 1) referred 1919 and 1926, presents a variety of no­ to this work as "my Contributions to the menclatural complexities for several of the History ofthe Cerionidae began in 1919." taxa proposed within its pages. Most in­ Thus, the authorship of taxa proposed in volve the consequences of unintended no­ Part Two should be cited as Maynard and menclatural acts upon the authorship of Clapp in Maynard, 1920-25. Taxa inadver­ the taxa, the dates on which names be­ tently introduced in other portions of this came available, and the detennination of work are attributed to Maynard, unless their primary types. Strict interpretation there was an indication to the contrary within the context of the International (e.g., taxon name followed by "M. & C." Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN, in the figure caption). 1999) clearly contradicts the authors' in­ The first six issues of Contributions to tentions in most of these cases. the History of the Cerionidae and a por­ In the preface to this work, Maynard tion of the seventh (Maynard, 1919a­ (1919a: 1) stated that he had "written Parts 1920d) comprise Part One and contain ex­ One and Three and the descriptions ofthe tensive notes on Cerionidae, including animals and their habitats in Part Two, but comments on the age and ecology of living that the descriptions of the shells in this and fossil Cerions, postulated laws govern­ part have been written with the collabo­ ing the evolution of the family, and a list ration of Mrs. William F. [Nellie A.] of characteristics deemed useful for differ­ Clapp, and the names of new species entiating groups or species. Unfortunately, should be credited to us jOintly." Part One Maynard used the names of several of the is explicitly delimited as spanning pages 3­ taxa intended to be described in Part Two 112, but also included figures 1-89, and of this work to illustrate particular mor­ was published with plates 5-10, 10", and phological features. These names often ap­ 11-19. Part Two is labeled as beginning on peared in figure captions or in conjunction page 113 and would appear, on the basis with references to illustrations that would be published later, but still before the in­ of content and style, to end on page 153. tended taxon descriptions. In some cases, It contains one map and no figures and this resulted in the creation of nomina includes plates 1-4 and 20-37 but also re­ nuda, in others, to inadvertent but nomen­ fers to illustrations on plates 38-48. Plates claturally valid species descriptions. Al­ 38-43 were published later, together with though these inadvertent species descrip­ the text portions of Part Three, whereas tions rarely alter the intended concept of plates 44-48 were never published. What the taxon, they do affect the date, author­ appear, on the basis of content and style, ship, and type designations for these taxa. to be continuations of Part One span pages Supplemental information for each of 154-163 and 178-180. A more detailed Maynard's Cerion taxa, including the text of "Description of Species" that begins on the original deSCription and images of the page 164 and, except for pp. 178-180, primary types in color, can be found on the continues until the last page (p. 218), is Cerion website ( presumed to be Part Three, although it is cerion). nowhere identified as such. It would ap­ pear that Maynard intended to publish ad­ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ditional text and plates. We are grateful to Paul Callomon at the In the introduction to Part Two, May- Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- THE GERTON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 375

phia and to Jochen Gerber of the Field not been corrected. Type localities are also Museum of Natural History for loan of provided as originally published, with sup­ specimens from the collections in theil~ plemental information included in square care and for research into the collations of brackets. Maynard's publications housed in the li­ braries of their institutions. We thank Taxon 1. Strophia pannosa Maynard, Richard Goldberg for information on the 1889a [April]: 10-11, pI. 1, figs. 2, collation of his copy of Maynard's Contri­ 13, pI. 2, figs. 1, IB, Ie, ID. Exam­ butions to the History of the Ce1'ionidae. ined 400 specimens. Original descrip­ Richard E. Petit, Philippe Bouchet, and tion lists sizes of two "types" given as Stephen Cairns kindly provided helpful 1.27 by .57 and 1.23 by .50 [inches; 32.3 discussions and opinions on the interpre­ by 14.5 and 31.2 by 12.7 mm]. Caption tation of the International Code of Zoo­ to plate 2, figure 1 states "Strophia pan­ logical Nomenclature in numerous in­ nosa, front view of type shell." stances. We are grateful to the editor and Type Material. The original description especially to the referees, Richard E. Petit, provided measurements for two "type" Alan Kabat, and Rudiger Bieler, for their specimens, which are thus syntypes. One considerable efforts and for the many im­ of these syntypes was illustrated. The re­ provements that they have suggested. This maining 398 specimens are, according to research was supported in part by NSF Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expressly Grant EAR 0106936 to Goodfriend, excluded from the type series. Therefore, Gould, and Harasewych. there can be no paratypes, and any speci­ THE CERtON TAXA OF mens labeled as such are mislabeled. CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD Clench (1964: 368, pI. 63, fig. 1) designat­ ed and figured as lectotype MCZ 246343, All species-level taxa within the family noting, "In several cases Maynard failed to Cerionidae that were validly proposed by select a holotype, so lectotypes have been Maynard, either individually or in collab­ selected here which agree as closely as can oration with Clapp, are listed chronologi­ be determined with his descriptions and cally according to the date the taxa became measurements" (Clench, 1964: 370). This available and in order of publication to the lectotype approximates the measurements extent possible. In cases in which a taxon of the smaller of the two syntypes. The re­ name appeared only on a plate caption but maining syntype became the paralecto­ not in the text, it is listed at the end of the type. taxa published in the same issue or on the Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.0 same date. An alphabetical listing of the mm, diameter (excluding lip) 13.1 mm; ap­ taxa (as well as their misspellings) is pro­ erture height (including lip) 11.6 mm, ap­ vided in the index at the end of this work erture width (including lip and peristome) Each validly introduced taxon is num­ 10.1 mm. bered sequentially and is followed by one Type Locality. West end of Little Cay­ or more citations, including the valid taxon man, Cayman Islands. description (in bold), which for several Remarks. Clench (1964: 368) regarded taxa differs from the intended taxon de­ tllis taxon as a valid species and provided scription. Also included are details ofspec­ an extensive synonymy. imens associated with the term "type" within the intended taxon description, Taxon 2. Strophia levigata Maynard, published measurements, and the number 1889a [April]: 12-13, pI. 2, figs. 2, of specimens exarnined. These details are 2B. Examined 150 specimens. Original provided as they appeared in the original description lists sizes of two "types" giv­ publications and typographical errors have en as 1.25 by .52 and 1.15 by .48 [inch- 376 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

es; 31.8 by 13.2 and 29.2 by 12.2 mm]. provided measurements for two "type" Cartion ~o plate 2, figure 2, "Strophia specimens, which are thus syntypes. One leVlgata, front view of type shell." of these syntypes was illustrated. The re­ m~ning 2,998 specimens are, according to Type Material. The original description Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expressly provided measurements for two "type" excluded from the type series. Therefore, specimens, which are thus syntypes. One tllere can be no paratypes, and any speci­ of these syntypes was illustrated. The re­ mens labeled as such are mislabeled. maining 148 specimens are, according to Clench (1964: 368, pI. 63, fig. 3) listed and Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expressly figured as Holotype MCZ 76067. This excluded from the type series. Therefore, specimen, which is closer to the larger syn­ there can be no paratypes, and any speci­ type in length and to the smaller syntype mens labeled as such are mislabeled. in width, cannot be the holotype, as two Clench (1964: 368, pI. 63, fig. 2) designat­ syntypes had been listed. Clench's listing ed and figured as lectotype MCZ 247021 cannot be accepted as a lectotype desiK" noting, "In several cases Maynard failed t~ nation. Article 74.5 (ICZN, 1999: 83) select a holotype, so lectotypes have been states, "When the original work reveals selected here which agree as closely as can that the taxon had been based on more be determined with his descriptions and than one specimen, a subsequent use of measurements" (Clench, 1964: 370). This the term


9 8

11 10 Strophia festiva Maynard, 1889. Lectotype MCZ 247023. Fields along path, near center of Little Cayman, Cayman Islands. Taxon 6. Strophia picta Maynard, 1889. Lectotype MCZ 247019. West end of Litlle Cayman, Cayman Islands. Taxon 7. Strophia Iineota Maynard, 1889. Lectotype MCZ 246346. South side of Little Cayman, Cayman Islands. Taxon 8. Strophia copia Maynard, 1889. Lectotype MCZ 76065. West end of Cayman Brae, Cayman Islands. Taxon 9. Strophia parva Maynard, 1889. Lectotype MCZ 246423. West end of Cayman Brae, Cayman Islands. Taxon 10. Strophia glaber Maynard, 1889. Lectotype MCZ 246344. West end of Cayman Brae, Cayman Islands. Taxon 11. Strophia nana Maynard, 1889. Lectotype MCZ 246737. West end of Little Cayman, Cayman Islands, near intersection 01 two paths. Taxon 12. Strophia nuda Maynard, 1889. Lectotype MCZ 356977. Near Clarence Harbor, Long Island, Bahamas. 378 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

mm]. Caption to plate 2, figure 4, "Stro­ mens labeled as such are mislabeled. pilla acuta, front view of type shell." Clench (1964: 368, pI. 63, fig. 5) designat­ ed and figured as lectotype MCZ 247023, Type Material. The original description noting, "In several cases Maynard failed to provided measurements for two "type" select a holotype, so lectotypes have been specimens, which are thus syntypes. One selected here which agree as closely as can of these syntypes was illustrated. The re­ be determined with his descriptions and maining 498 specimens are, according to measurements" (Clench, 1964: 370). This Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expressly specimen approximates the smal~e~ of the excluded from the type series. Therefore, two syntypes in length. The remammg syn­ there can be no paratypes, and any speci­ type became the paralectotype. mens labeled as such are mislabeled. Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.7 Clench (1964: 368, pI. 63, fig. 4) designat­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.3 mm; ap­ ed and figured as lectotype MCZ 247022, erture height (including lip) 12.1 mm, ap­ noting, "In several cases Maynard failed to erture width (including lip and peristome) select a holotype, so lectotypes have been 10.2 mm. selected here which agree as closely as can Type Locality. Fields along path, near be determined with his descriptions and center of Little Cayman, Cayman Islands. measurements" (Clench, 1964: 370). This Remarks. Clench (1964: 368) regarded specimen approximates the narrow~r. of this taxon as a synonym of Cerion pannos­ the two syntypes in width. The remammg um (Maynard, 1889). syntype became the paralectotype. Lectotype Measw-ements. Length 22.2 Taxon 6. Strophia picta Maynard, 1889a mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.2 mm; ap­ [April]: 18-20, pI. 2, figs. 6, 6B. Ex­ erture height (including lip) 8.6 mm, ap­ amined 75 specimens. Sizes of two erture width (including lip and peristome) "types" given as .96 by .40 and .86 by 7.2 mm. .39 [inches; 24.4 by 10.2 and 21.8 by 9.9 Type Locality. Field inland from the mm]. Caption to plate 2, figure 6, "Stro­ south coast of Little Cayman, Cayman Is­ phia picta, front view of type shell." lands. Remarks. Clench (1964: 368) regarded Type Material. The original description this taxon as a synonym of Cerion pannos­ provided measurements for two "type" um (Maynard, 1889). specimens, which are thus syntypes. One of these syntypes was illustrated. The re­ Taxon 5. Strophia festiva Maynard, maining 73 specimens are, according to 1889a [April]: 17-18, pI. 2, figs. 5, Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expressly 5B, C. Examined 22 specimens. Sizes excluded hom the type series. Therefore, of two "types" given as 1.20 by .50 and there can be no paratypes, and any speci­ 1.18 by .48 [inches; 30.5 by 12.7 and mens labeled as such are mislabeled. 30.0 by 12.2 mm]. Caption to plate 2, Clench (1964: 368, pI. 63, fig. 6) designat­ figure 5, "Strophia festiva, hont view of ed and figured as lectotype MCZ 247019, type shell." noting, "In several cases Maynard failed to Type Material. The original desc?ptio~ select a holotype, so lectotypes have been provided measurements for two type selected here which agree as closely as can specimens, which are thus syntypes. One be determined with his descriptions and of these syntypes was illustrated. The re­ measurements" (Clench, 1964: 370). This maining 20 specimens are, according to specimen approximates the larg~r. of the Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expressly two syntypes in length. The remmmng syn­ excluded from the type series. Therefore, type became the paralectotype. there can be no paratypes, and any speci- Lectotype Measurements. Length 24.4 THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 379

mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.9 mm; ap­ ties. The label accompanying the lectotype erture height (including lip) 9.3 mm, ap­ gives the locality as "S.E. side of Little erture width (including lip and peristome) Cayman Id., Cayman Ids:' 7.8 mm. Remarks. Clench (1964: 368) regarded Type Locality. West end of Little Cay­ this taxon as a synonym of Cerion pannos­ man, Cayman Islands. um (Maynard, 1889). Remarks. Clench (1964: 368) regarded this taxon as a synonym of Cerion pannos­ Taxon 8. Strophia copia Maynard, 1889a um (Maynard, 1889). [April]: 22-24, pI. 1, figs. 1, 3, 7-12, pI. 2, figs. 8, 8B. Examined 10,000 Taxon 7. Strophia lineota Maynard, specimens. Sizes of two "types" given as 1889a [April]: 20-22, pI. 2, figs. 7, .90 by .40 and .95 by .40 [inches; 22.9 7B. Examined 1,000 specimens. Sizes of by 10.2 and 24.1 by 10.2 mm]. Caption two "types" given as 1.04 by .40 and .98 to plate 2, figure 8, "Strophia copia, by .42 [inches; 26.4 by 10.2 and 24.9 by front view of type shell." 10.7 mm]. Caption to plate 2, figure 7, Type Material. The original description "Strophia lineota, front view of type provided measurements for two "type" shell." specimens, which are thus syntypes. One of these syntypes was illustrated. The re­ Type Material. The original description maining 9,998 specimens are, according to provided measurements for two "type" Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expressly specimens, which are thus syntypes. One excluded from the type series. Therefore, of these syntypes was illustrated. The re­ there can be no paratypes, and any speci­ maining 998 specimens are, according to mens labeled as such are mislabeled. Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expressly Clench (1964: 368, pI. 63, fig. 8) designat­ excluded from the type series. Therefore, ed and figured as lectotype MCZ 76065, there can be no paratypes, and any speci­ noting, "In several cases Maynard failed to mens labeled as such are mislabeled. select a holotype, so lectotypes have been Clench (1964: 368, pI. 63, fig. 7) designat­ selected here which agree as closely as can ed and figured as lectotype MCZ 246346, be determined with his descriptions and noting, "In several cases Maynard failed to measurements" (Clench, 1964: 370). This select a holotype, so lectotypes have been specimen approximates the smaller of the selected here which agree as closely as can two syntypes in length. The remaining syn­ ~md be determined with his descriptions type became the paralectotype. measurements" (Clench, 1964: 370). This Lectotype Measurements. Length 22.2 specimen approximates the larger of the mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.6 mm; ap­ two syntypes in length. The remaining syn­ erture height (including lip) 9.0 mm, ap­ type became the paralectotype. erture widtl1 (including lip and peIistome) Lectotype Measurements. Length 26.1 7.6 mm. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.3 mm; ap­ Type Locality. West end of Cayman erture height (including lip) 11.0 mm, ap­ Brac, Cayman Islands. erture width (including lip and peristome) Remarks. Clench (1964: 368) regarded 9.0 mm. this taxon as a synonym of Cerion pannos­ Type Locality. Coconut grove, south um (Maynard, 1889). Hummelinck (1980: side of Little Cayman, Cayman Islands. 59) recognized it as a distinct species. Maynard (1889a: 21) noted that this taxon was also found near the boat landing on Taxon 9. Strophia parva Maynard, 1889a Cayman Brac, but was probably intro­ [April]: 24-25, pI. 2, figs. 9, 9B. Ex­ duced there from Little Cayman. Clench amined about 1,000 specimens. Sizes of (1957: 151, 1964: 368) listed both locali- two "types" given as .60 by .30 and .63 380 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

by .32 [inches; 15.2 by 7.6 and 16.0 by there can be no paratypes, and any speci­ 8.1 mm]. Caption to plate 2, figure 9, mens labeled as such are mislabeled. "Strophia parva, front view of type Clench (1964: 368, pI. 63, fig. 10) desig­ shell." nated and figured as lectotype M CZ 246344, noting, "In several cases Maynard desc~~ptiOl~ Type Material. The original failed to select a holotype, so lectotypes provided measurements for two type have been selected here which agree as specimens, which are thus syntypes. One closely as can be determined with his de­ of these syntypes was illustrated. The re­ scriptions and measurements" (C~ench, maining 998 specimens are, according to 1964: 370). This specimen approxlmates Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expressly the larger of the two syntypes in length. excluded from the type series. Therefore, The remaining syntype, MCZ 39715, be­ there can be no paratypes, and any speci­ came the paralectotype. mens labeled as such are mislabeled. Lectotype Measurements. Length 17.6 Clench (1964: 368, pI. 63, fig. 9) designat­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 7.7 mm; ap­ ed and figured as lectotype MCZ 246423, erture height (including lip) 6.3 mm, ap­ noting, "In several cases Maynard failed to erture width (including lip and peristome) select a holotype, so lectotypes have been 5.9 mm. selected here which agree as closely as can Type Locality. West end of Cayman be determined with his descriptions and Brac, Cayman Islands. measurements" (Clench, 1964: 370). Tllis Rm1wrks. Clench (1964: 368) regarded specimen approximates the larg~r. of the this taxon as a synonym of Cerion pannos­ two syntypes in length. The remmmng syn­ um (Maynmod, 1889). type became the paralectotype. Lectotype Measurements. Length 19.1 Taxon 11. Strophia nana Maynard, mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.0 mm; ap­ 1889a [April]: 27-29, pI. 2, figs. llA, erture height (including lip) 7.8 mm, ap­ B, C, D. Examined 2,000 specimens. erture width (including lip and peristome) Sizes of two "types" given as .62 by .25 6.6 mm. and .60 by .18 [inches; 15.7 by 6.4 and Type Locality. West end of Cayman 15.2 by 4.6 mm]. Caption to plate 2, fig­ Brac, Cayman Islands. ure 11, "Strophia nana, A, front view of Remarks. Clench (1964: 368) regarded type shell." this taxon as a synonym of Cerion pannos­ um (Maynard, 1889). Type Material. The original descl:~ptio?, provided measurements for two type Taxon 10. Strophia glaber Maynard, specimens, which are thus syntypes. One 1889a [ApliI]: 25-26, pI. 2, figs. 10, of these syntypes was illustrated. The re­ lOB. Examined 16 specimens. Sizes of maining 1,998 specimens are, according to two "types" given as .62 by .33 and .65 Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expressly by .30 [inches; 15.7 by 8.4 and 16.5 by excluded from the type series. Therefore, 7.6 mm]. Caption to plate 2, figure 10, there can be no paratypes, and any speci­ "Strophia glaber, front view of type mens labeled as such are mislabeled (e.g., shell." Hummelinck, 1980, pI. 11, figs. g-k). Type Material. The original descl:~ptio?, Clench (1964: 373, pI. 63, fig. 14) desig­ provided measurements for two type n"ated and figured as lectotype MCZ specimens, which are thus syntypes. One 246737, noting, "In several cases Maynard of these syntypes was illustrated. The re­ failed to select a holotype, so lectotypes maining 14 specimens are, according to have been selected here which agree as Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expressly closely as can be determined with his de­ excluded from the type series. Therefore, scriptions and measurements" (Clench, THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 381

1964: 370). This specimen approximates of the lots matched Maynard's published the smaller of the two syntypes in length. measurements exactly, although the largest The remaining syntype became the para­ specimen [24.9 by 9.7 mm] came closest lectotype. to the measurements of the larger of the Lectotype Measurements. Length 14.4 two syntypes listed by Maynard. When the mm, diameter (excluding lip) 5.4 mm; ap­ ratios of length to width were computed erture height (including lip) 5.2 mm, ap­ and compared with ratios of published erture width (including lip and peristome) type measurements, this same specimen 4.1 mm. matched to within 1%. Type Locality. West end of Little Cay­ None of the remaining specimens came man, Caynlan Islands, near intersection of as close to matching either the linear mea· two paths. Maynard (1889a: 28) noted "the surements or the length to width ratio of Dwarf Strophias [Strophia nana] occur in the other type, although the single speci­ a space which is only five or six yards wide men in MCZ 39713 came within 5%. A by twenty long ... I consider that this spe­ specimen in MCZ 76267 sectioned to ex­ cies has the most restricted range of any pose the columellar axis comes closest to with which I am acquainted." the measurements given for the "other Remarks. Clench (1964: 373) regarded specimen." The largest specimen (24.9 this taxon to be a valid species. mm) from MCZ 76267 was therefore se­ lected as the lectotype and recatalogued as Taxon 12. Strophia nuda Maynard, MCZ 356977. The specimen in MCZ 1889a [April]: 29, pI. 2, figs. 12, 12B. 39713 becomes the paralectotype. The re­ Examined three specimens. Sizes oftwo maining specimen is, according to Article "types" given as 1.00 by .39 and .82 by 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expresslyexclud­ .32 [inches; 25.4 by 9.9 and 20.8 by 8.1 ed from the type smies. Therefore, there mm]; other specimen .89 by .38 [inches; can be no paratypes and any specimens la­ 22.6 by 9.6 mm]. Caption to plate 2, fig­ beled as such are mislabeled. ure 12, "Strophia nuda, front view of Lectotype Measurements. Length 24.9 type shell." mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.7 mm; ap­ erture height (including lip) 8.7 mm, ap­ Type Material. The original description erture widtll (including lip and peristome) provided measurements for two "type" 7.3 mm. specimens, which are thus syntypes. One Type Locality. Near Clarence Harbor, of these syntypes was illustrated. Of the Long Island, Bahamas. three lots at the MCZ that were possible types [MCZ 39713, MCZ 76267, MCZ, Taxon 13. Strophia ianthina Maynard, 87985], one, MCZ 76267, contained six 1889a [April], pI. 2, figs. 13, 13B. Cap­ specimens, the other two lots have one tion to plate 2, figure 13, "Strophia ian­ specimen each. Maynard (1889a: 29) thina, front view of type shell"; Maynard, wrote, "... I have only three of this sin­ 1889b [July]: 69-70. Text noted 300 spec­ gular Strophia ..." Nevertheless, MCZ imens examined. Sizes of two "types" giv­ 76267 contains Maynard's label with the en as 1.15 by .37 and 1.00 by .36 [inches; term "type," and a later MCZlabel that is 29.2 by 9.4 and 25.4 by 9.1 mm]. annotated on the back, "Only three spec­ imens in original series given by May­ Nomenclatural Remarks. The illustra­ nard-He has apparently added to tions (Maynard, 1889a, pI. 2, figs. 13, 13B) them!!!" and caption were published prior to the The length and width of each of the text. The taxon thus dates from the pub­ specimens in each of these three lots were lication of the name in the caption accom­ measured. None of the specimens in any panying the illustrations, not from the sub- 382 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

sequently published text (Article 12.2.7, palida, front view of type shell." Stro­ ICZN, 1999: 17). phia pallida Maynard, 1889b [July]: 70­ Type Material. The specimen represent­ 71. Text noted 25 specimens examined ed in the figure was identified as the "type and mentioned the sizes of two "types" shell" and is therefore the holotype (Arti­ given as 1.03 by .36 and 1.03 by .33 cle 73.1.4, ICZN, 1999: 80). Although [inches; 26.2 by 9.1 and 26.2 by 8.4 there was no mention of other specimens mm]. in the plate caption, the remaining 299 specimens enumerated in the text portion Nomenclatural Remarks. The illustra­ published 3 months later were likely avail­ tions [pI. 2, figs. 14, 14B] and caption were able to Maynard at the time the plate was published prior to the text. The taxon thus prepared and are thus part of the type se­ dates from the publication of the name in ries [Article, ICZN, 1999: 76], the caption accompanying the illustrations, serving as paratypes of Strophia ianthina. not from the subsequently published text There was no specimen labeled "Holo­ (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: 17). type" at the MCZ. Lot number MCZ Type Material. The specimen represent­ 39714 contains one specimen labeled ed in the figure is identified as tlle "type "paratype," and MCZ 10317 contained two shell" and is therefore the holotype (Arti­ adult specimens, also labeled "paratypes." cle 73.1.4, ICZN, 1999: 80). Although The larger of these two specimens closely there was no mention of other specimens approximates the figured specimen in size in the plate caption, the remaining 24 and proportions. This is here considered specimens enumerated in the text portion to be the figured specimen and therefore published 3 months later were likely avail­ the holotype. able to Maynard at the time the plate was Holotype Measurements. Length 27.6 prepared and are tlms part of tlle type se­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.1 mm; ap­ ries [Article, ICZN, 1999: 76], erture height (including lip) 9.8 mm, ap­ serving as paratypes of Strophia palida. erture width (including lip and peristome) Lot number MCZ 76250 contained two 8.1 mm. specimens, one adult and the other juve­ Type Locality. Between southern shore nile, as well as multiple labels that state of Inagua [Bahamas] and the extensive salt "type," "Holotype," and "paratype." The lake about 25 miles from Mathewstown. adult specimen is a close approximation to Remarks. Application of Article 12.2.7 the illustration and is here considered to (ICZN, 1999: 17) does not alter the au­ be the figured specimen and therefore the thorship of this taxon, but accelerates its holotype. The juvenile specimen is a para­ publication by 3 months. Clench (1959: type. 45) listed this taxon as a synonym of Cer­ Holotype Measurements. Length 26.1 ion (Diacerion) rubicundum (Menke, mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.8 mm; ap­ 1829). erture height (including lip) 8.7 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) Taxon 14. Strophia palida Maynard, 6.9 mm. 1889a [April], pI. 2 figs. 14, 14B. Type Locality. In cultivated fields on Caption to plate 2, figure 14, "Strophia slopes of hills bordering the southern


Figures 13-24. Taxon 13. Strophia Ianthina Maynard, 1889. Holotype MCl 10317. Between southern shore of Inagua [Baha­ mas) and the extensive salt lake about 25 miles from Mathewstown. Taxon 14. Strophia palida Maynard, 1889. Holotype MCl 76250. Hills bordering the southern shore of Inagua, Bahamas, 15-20 miles from Mathewstown. Taxon 15. Strophia perplexa Maynard, 1889. Holotype MCl 246345. About 2 miles from the western end of Cayman Brae, Cayman Islands. Taxon 16. Strophla mtela Maynard, 1889. Holotype MCl 247020. Path, west end of Little Cayman, Cayman Islands. Taxon 17. Strophia THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 383

1 em



23 24 alba Maynard, 1889. Holotype MCl 76150. West coast of Rum Cay, Bahamas, near salt pond. Taxon 18. Strophla lentiginosa Maynard, 1889. Holotype MCl 83132. Interior of Rum Cay, Bahamas. Taxon 19. Strophia fusca Maynard, 1889. Holotype MCl 76069. West end of Little Cayman, Cayman Islands. Taxon 20. Strophia inflata Maynard, 1889. Holotype MCl 76400. Salina Point, Auklin Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 21. Strophia dal/ii Maynard, 1889. Holotype MCl 76294, Inagua. Taxon 22. Strophia brownei Maynard, 1889. Neotype USNM 58085. Rum Key, Bahamas, near the north side. Taxon 23. Strophia viola Maynard, 1889. Holotype MCl 76407. Type locality not pUblished, but Inagua, Bahamas, on the original label. Taxon 24. Strophia orbi­ cularia Maynard, 1889. Holotype MCl 76408. Inagua, Bahamas. 384 Bulletin Museum of Comparat'ive Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

shore of Inagua [Bahamas], 15-20 miles Remarks. Clench (1964: 368) regarded from Mathewstown. this taxon as a synonym of Cerion pannos­ Remarks. Application of Article 12.2.7 um (Maynard, 1889). (ICZN, 1999: 17) does not alter the au­ thorship of this taxon but accelerates its Taxon 16. Strophia nitela MaY11ard, 1889b publication by 3 months. The publication [July]: 73-74, pI. 7, figs. 16, 16A, text of the plate and its caption, on which the figs. 8A, B [plate colored and text fig­ taxon name is spelled palida (one "1") pre­ ures uncolored, otherwise identical]. ceded the publication of the text, in which Examined 300 specimens. Size of type the taxon name is spelled pallida (two given as 1.10 by .50 [inches; 27.9 by 12.7 'T's). mm]. Caption to plate 7, figure 16, Although it seems clear that Maynard "Strophia nitela, front view oftype shell; intended the taxon to be known as pallida, 16A, left side of same individuaL" it is not possible to consider palida as an Type Material. The original description "incorrect original spelling" within the provided measurements for a single "type" confines of Article 32.5.1 (ICZN, 1999: 39) specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ because there is no clear evidence to sug­ trated. The remaining 299 specimens are gest an alternative spelling within the orig­ paratypes. Clench (1964: 368, pL 63, fig. inal publication itself. This taxon was listed 12) designated and figured as lectotype as S. pallida by Clench (1957: 156). MCZ 247020. This specimen is here con­ Clench (1959: 45) included this taxon [as sidered to be the Oliginally designated ho­ pallidal in the synonyn1Y of Cerion (Di­ lotype. acerion) rubicundum (Menke, 1829). Holotype Measurements. Length 27.5 Taxon 15. Strophia perplexa Maynard, mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.8 mm; ap­ 1889b [July]: 71-72, pI. 7, figs. 15, erture height (including lip) 11.1 mm, ap­ lAa, text figs. 7A, B [plate and text fig­ erture width (including lip and peristome) ures identical]. Examined 300 speci­ 9.2 mm. mens. Size of type given as .90 by .40 Type Locality. Margins of path, west [inches; 22.9 by 10.2 mm]. Caption to end of Little Cayman, Cayman Islands. plate 7, figure 15, "Strophia perplexa, Remarks. Clench (1964: 368) regarded front view of type shelL" this taxon as a synonym of Cerion pannos­ um (Maynard, 1889). Type Material. The original description provided measurements for a single "type" Taxon 17. Strophia alba Maynard, 1889b specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ [July]: 74-75, pI. 7, figs. 17, 17A, B, trated. The remaining 299 specimens are text figs. 9A, B, text fig. 11 (sic) (11 paratypes. Clench (1964: 368, pL 63, fig. in caption, 10 on figure) [plate and 11) designated and figured as lectotype text figures identical]. Examined 250 MCZ 246345. This specimen is here con­ specimens. Size of "type" given as 1.42 sidered to be the originally designated ho­ by .55 [inches; 36.1 by 14.0 mm]. Cap­ lotype. tion to plate 7, figure 17, "Strophia alba, Holotype Measurements. Length 23.7 front view of type shell; 17a, left side of mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.2 mm; ap­ same individuaL" erture height (including lip) 9.2 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Material. The original description 7.9 mm. provided measurements for a single "type" Type Locality. Cayman Brae, [Cayman specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ Islands] barren rocky section about 2 miles trated. The remaining 249 specimens are from the western end of the key 1,4 mile paratypes. There was no specimen labeled from the south shore. "Holotype" at the MCZ. Lot MCZ 76150 THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 385

was labeled "Paratypes" and contained Holotype Measurements. Length 30.9 four specimens: two intact adults, a sec­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 14.2 mm; ap­ tioned adult, and a juvenile. The largest erture height (including lip) 13.4 mm, ap­ intact shell is 33.0 by 14.0 mm. Although erture width (including lip and peristome) this is shorter than the published length of lOA mm. the type, it does match closely the size and Type Locality. Interior of Rum Cay [Ba­ proportions of the figured specimen, hamas]' which the caption identifies as the type. Remarks. Clench (1934: 208) regarded This specimen (MCZ 76150) is here con­ S. lentiginosa to be the senior synonym of sidered to be the originally designated ho­ S. alba Maynard, 1889 (Taxon 17), and of lotype. Paratypes include MCZ 356978 S. brownei Maynard, 1890 (Taxon 22). (three remaining specimens from MCZ 76150), MCZ 39718 (one specimen), MCZ Taxon 19. Strophia fusca Maynard, 10243 (two specimens), and USNM 1889b !July]: 77-78, pI. 7, figs. 19, 420067 (nine specimens). 19a, text figs. 12A, B [plate colored Holotype Measurements. Length 33.0 and text figures uncolored, othelwise mm, diameter (excluding lip) 14.0 mm; ap­ identical]. Examined 46 specimens. Size erture height (including lip) 12.6 mm, ap­ of type given as 1.25 by .45 [inches; 31.8 erture width (including lip and peristome) by 1104 mm]. Caption to plate 7, figure 10.2 mm. 19, "Strophia fusca, front view of type Type Locality. West coast of Rum Cay shell; 18a, left side of same individual." [Bahamas], near salt pond. Remarks. Clench (1934: 208) listed this Type Mate1ial. The original description taxon as a junior synonym of Cerion len­ provided measurements for a single "type" tiginosum (Maynard, 1889). specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ trated. The remaining 45 specimens are Taxon 18. Strophia lentiginosa Maynard, paratypes. Clench (1964: 368, pl. 63, fig. 1889b !July]: 75-76, pI. 7, figs. 18, 13) listed and illustrated MCZ 76069 as 18a, text figs. 11a, b [plate colored, the holotype. This specimen is the origi­ text figures uncolored, otherwise iden­ nally designated holotype. tical]. Examined 150 specimens. Size of Holotype Measurements. Length 28048 types [sic] given as 1.23 by .54 [inches; mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.51 mm; 31.2 by 17.7 mm]. Caption to pl. 7, fig. aperture height (including lip) 10.41 mm, 18, "Strophia lentiginosa, front view of aperture width (including lip and peri­ type shell; 18a, left side of the same in­ stome) 8.97 mm. dividual." T,1Jpe Locality. West end of Little Cay­ man, Cayman Islands. Type Mate1ial. The original description Remm-ks. Clench (1964: 368) regarded provided a Single set of measurements, but this taxon to be a synonym of Cerion pan­ states "types" rather than type. This is pre­ nosum (Maynard, 1889). sumed to be a typographical error, with the measurements applying to a Single Taxon 20. Strophia inflata Maynard, specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ 1889b !July], pI. 7, figs. 21, 21a. Cap­ trated. The remaining 149 specimens are tion to plate 7, figure 21 "Strophia infla­ paratypes. Clench (1934: 209, pl. 2, fig. D) ta, front view of type shell; 21a, left side listed and illustrated MCZ 83132 as the of same individual"; Maynard, 1889c holotype. This specimen is the originally [October]: 126-127, text fig. 30A, B deSignated holotype. Paratypes include: [plate colored and text figures unco­ MCZ 10294, one paratype; MCZ 86701, lored, otherwise identical]. Text noted one paratype; MCZ 76073, 13 paratypes. 25 specimens examined. Size of "types" 386 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

[sic] given as .90 by .35 [inches; 22.9 by by 10.7 mm]. Caption to plate 16, figure 8.9 mm]. 1b*, "Strophia dalli, right hand figure, front view of type; left, right view of Type Material. The specimen represent­ SaIne." ed in the figure is identified as the "type shell" and is therefore the holotype (Arti­ Type Material. The original description cle 73.1.4, ICZN, 1999: 80). Although provided measurements for a single "type" there was no mention of other specimens specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ in the plate caption, the remaining 24 trated. The remaining 24 specimens are specimens enumerated in the text portion paratypes. N 0 speci~en labeled as the ho­ published 3 months later were likely avail­ lotype was found at the MCZ. Lot MCZ able to Maynard at the time the plate was 76294 was labeled "Paratype" and con­ prepared and are thus part of the type se­ tained three adult specimens together with ries [Article, ICZN, 1999: 76], a note in Maynard's hand containing the serving as paratypes of Stmphia inflata. term "type." Of the three specimens only Lot MCZ 76400, labeled "Holotype," con­ one closely approximates both the mea­ taining a single specimen that closely ap­ surements (including proportions) and the proximates the original figure, and accom­ figures. This specimen is here considered panied by a note in Maynard's handwrit­ to be the originally designated holotype. ing, is here recognized as the holotype. The remaining two specimens (now M CZ Holotype Measurements. Length 22.9 356979) ;md a single specimen (MCZ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.2 mm; ap­ 39707) are paratypes. erture height (including lip) 8.5 mm, ap­ Holotype Measurements. Length 30.0 erture width (including lip and peristome) mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.7 mm; ap­ 7.5 mm. erture height (including lip) 10.4 mm, ap­ Type Locality. Salina Point, Auklin erture width (including lip and peristome) [Acklins] Islands, Bahamas. 8.6 mm. Remarks. Application of Article 12.2.7 Type Locality. Maynard (1889c: 135) (ICZN, 1999: 17) does not alter the au­ wrote, "The first specimen of Dall's Stro­ thorship of this taxon but accelerates its phia that I ever saw, I found in my Baham­ publication by 3 months. Maynard (1889c: ian collection of shells, but unfortunately 127) noted that the specimens on which labeled so that it was uncertain whether it he based this taxon were hom the collec­ came from Inagua or not. Later I found a tion of the Boston Society of Natural His­ few of this species in the collection of Mr. tory. Maynard (1919b, pI. 8, figs. 5, 6) reil­ James A. Southwick, but again I was un­ lustrated the holotype. Clench (1963: 408) fortunate in not getting the locality. It was included this taxon in the synonymy of only upon receiving a series of the Smith­ Cerion (Multistrophia) marmoratum sonian Strophias, kindly fOlwarded to me (Pfeiffer, 1847). by Dr. Dall, that I found this species la­ beled as coming from Inagua." Taxon 21. Strophia dallii Maynard, Remarks. Clench (1934: 217) reported 1889c [October]: 128-135, pI. 13, on specimens from Sheep Cay, western figs. 23, 23a [plate labeled as pI. 16, Great Inagua, but commented that these but there are no plates 13-15, two differed from Maynard's types. Clench figs. each IB* on plate], text figs. 32, (1959: 46) recognized this taxon as Cerion A, 0, e, fig. 33 [plate colored, text fig­ (Diacerion) dalli (Maynard, 1889). ures uncolored, otherwise identical ex­ cept that text figure has band d la­ Taxon 22. Stmphia brownei Maynard, beled]. Examined 25 specimens. Size of 1889c [October], pI. 16, figs. 4A, B. type given as 1.20 by .42 [inches; 30.5 Caption to plate 16, figure 4A, "Strophia THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 387

brownei, front view of type shell; 4B, identification or verification. A survey of right side of same"; Maynard, 1890 [Jan­ the collections at the Academy of Natural uary]: 196-197, text fig. 53c, d [text fig­ Sciences in Philadelphia revealed that they ures uncolored, otherwise identical to did not contain any specimens of Cerion figures on pI. 16]. Text noted 25 speci­ brownei nor any specimens from Rum Cay mens examined. Size of type given as that came from Browne. 1.10 by .50 [inches; 27.9 by 12.7 mm]. Two specimens in the USNM collec­ tions (USNM 58085) are annotated "S. Type Material. The illustrations and brownei Maynard fide Maynard." These caption were published prior to the text. specimens were collected by Rawson on The taxon thus dates from the publication Rum Key and catalogued [as Pupa mumia of the name in the caption accompanying Brug.] on February 4, 1886, well before S. the illustrations, not from the subsequent­ brownei was published. However, a sub­ ly published text (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, sequent annotation on the label indicated 1999: 17). The specimen represented in that Maynard had identified one of these the figure is identified as the "type shell" specimens as Strophia brownei. This spec­ and is therefore the holotype (Article imen (USNM 58085) is here designated as 73.1.4, ICZN, 1999: 80). Although there the neotype of Strophia brownei to pro­ was no mention of other specimens in the vide an objective standard of reference for plate caption, the remaining 24 specimens this species-group taxon that is consistent enumerated in the text portion published with Maynard's concept orit. The remain­ 3 months later were likely available to ing specimen (now USNM 1093788) is not Maynard at the time the plate was pre­ S. brownei and is not a type. pared and are thus part of the type series Neotype Measurements. Length 27.8 [Article, ICZN, 1999: 76] serving mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.8 mm; ap­ as paratypes of Strophia brownei. Maynard erture height (including lip) 11.5 mm, ap­ noted (1890: 197) that the specimens were erture width (including lip and peristome) from the collection of Mr. Frank C. Browne 8.9 mm. and commented that he [Maynard] saw a Type Locality. Rum Key [Bahamas] number of specimens as he rode along the near the north side. road and "fully intended to collect them as Remarks. Application of Article 12.2.7 I returned, but when I passed the place in (ICZN, 1999: 17) does not alter the au­ the evening, darkness prevented me from thorship of this taxon but accelerates its securing any, and I did not have the op­ publication by 3 months (£i'om 1890 to portunity of visiting the locality again." 1889). Clench (1934: 208) listed this taxon This species was not listed for sale in May­ as a synonym of Cerion lentiginosum nard's catalog. (Maynard, 1889). The MCZ Mollusk catalog shows that two "paratypes" of Strophia brownei were Taxon 23. Strophia viola Maynard, 1889c present in Maynard's collection at the time [October], pI. 16, figs. 5A, B [no de­ of his death and that these specimens had scription or mention in text]. Caption to been catalogued as MCZ 76288. These plate 16, figure 5A, "Strophia viola, hont specimens could not be located in the view of type; 5B, right side of same." MCZ collection, despite repeated search­ Type Material. The caption to the fig- es. It is possible that most of the speci­ ures identified a single type specimen, the mens on which Maynard based his de­ holotype. Because no other specimens scription were returned to Browne. In an were mentioned, there are no paratypes. unsigned obitmuy of Francis C. Browne, Clench (1959, pI. 1, fig. 2) illustrated this PilsblY (1901: 132) commented that Browne holotype, MCZ 76407, as Cerion rubicun­ had frequently sent him specimens for dum viola (Maynard, 1889). 388 Bulletin Museum, of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

Holotype Measurements. Length 16.6 Holotype Measurements. Length 22.7 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 7.1 mm; ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.1 mm; ap­ erture height (including lip) 6.4 mm, ap­ erture height (including lip) 8.1 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture width (including lip and peristome) 5.2mm. 6.2 mm. Type Locality. Clench (1957: 168) noted Type Locality. Clench (1957: 155) noted "no locality given, but Inagua, Bahamas on "Inagua, Bahamas, label on type speci­ original label." mens." Remarks. Pilsbry and Vanatta (1896: Remarks. Pilsbry and Vanatta (1896: 328) listed this taxon as an undescribed 328) listed this taxon as an undescribed species, whereas Pilsbry (1902: 281) re­ species. Clench (1933: 99) listed this taxon garded this as an unrecognizable form. as a synonym of Cerion bryanti Pfeiffer Clench (1933: 99) considered this to be a and later (Clench, 1959: 45) of C. (Di­ valid species related to Cerion bryanti acerion) rubicundum (Menke, 1829). Pfeiffer. Later, Clench (1959, pI. 1, fig. 2) reduced this taxon to a subspecies, C. rub­ Taxon 25. Strophia curtissii Maynard, icundum viola (Maynard, 1889). 1894a [December]: 107-112, text figs. 33A, B, C, D, fig. 40a (map). Ex­ Taxon 24. Strophia orbicularia Maynard, amined 2,000 specimens. Size of type 1889c [October], pI. 16, figs. 6A, B .98 by .40 [inches; 24.9 by 10.2 mm]. [no description or mention in text]. Caption to text figure 33, "Strophia cur­ Caption to plate 16, figure 6A, "Strophia tissii. ... B, side view of type; C, front orbicularia, front view of type; 6B, right view of same." side of same." Type Material. The original description Type Material. The caption to the fig­ provided measurements for a single "type" ures identified a single type specimen, the specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ holotype. Because no other specimens tJ·ated. No specimen was labeled "Holo­ were mentioned, there are no paratypes. type" at the MCZ. Lot number MCZ Clench (1959: 45) listed MCZ 76408 and 10274 was labeled "Paratype" and con­ MCZ 76409 as "type specimens." Lot tained two specimens. The smaller of MCZ 76408 is labeled "holotype," closely these specimens approximates the pub­ approximates the illustration, and contains lished measurements within 3% and more a note in Maynard's hand containing the closely resembles figure 33C than 33B. term "type." This specimen is recognized Unlike the remaining specimen (now as the originally designated holotype. The MCZ 356980), it has a minute lower tooth remaining specimen MCZ 76409 is not a and lacks an upper tooth, as specified in paratype because it was not mentioned in the description (p. 108). This specimen the original description. (MCZ 10274) is here considered to be the

Figures 25-36. Taxon 25. Strophia curtissii Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCl 10274, cemetery east of Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 26. Strophia curtissii nivia Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCl 010279. Banyan tree near ruin in the cemetery where S. curtissii is found [large cemetery east of Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas]. Taxon 27. Strophia thorndikei Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCl 76086. West of main path in cemetery east of Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 28. Strophia cinerea Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCl 76254. Hog Island [Paradise Island], along the shore of Middle Bay, on the south side of the Key, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 29. Strophia cinerea robusta Maynard, 1894. Neotype MCl 356982. North side of Hog Island [Paradise Island], directly back of the beach, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 30. Strophia cinerea tracta Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCl 76081. Field near the extreme eastern point of Hog Island [Paradise Islandj, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 31. Strophia cinerea mutata Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCl 76279. Northern shore of the western half of Long Key, about 1 mile east of Hog Island [Paradise Island], New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 32. Strophia a/bea Maynard, 1894. Holotype Mel 10242. South side of Spruce Key, due north of Long Key, about 1 mile THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD' Harasewych et al. 389

1 em I 27


east of Hog Island [Paradise Island], New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 33. Strophia coryi Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCZ 76079. Along bay on the extreme west end of New Providence Island, Bahamas, also on Spruce Key, N of Long Key, 1 mile east of Hog Island [Paradise Island], New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 34. Strophia ritchiei Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCZ 76077. Highburn Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 35. Strophia grayi Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCZ 118169. Hill at northern end of Highburn Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 36. Strophia grayi gigantea Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCZ 10290, Hillside, middle part of Highburn Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. 390 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

originally designated holotype. How many [catalogued as MCZ 76097 "Paratypes"] of the remaining 1,999 specimens are that contained in excess of 200 specimens, paratypes is uncertain (see Remarks). as well as handwritten labels dated 1891 Holotype Measurements. Length 25.2 and 1897. These labels indicate that the mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.9 mm; ap­ majority of the specimens were added af­ erture height (including lip) 9.4 mm, ap­ ter the taxon was described. There was no erture width (including lip and peristome) single, segregated specimen labeled "Ho­ 7.6 mm. lotype" either in the collection or the cat­ Type Locality. "The type form occurs in alog. Lot MCZ 10279 contained two spec­ the large cemetery to the eastward of Nas­ imens labeled "paratype" and had been sau, [New Providence Island, Bahamas] on purchased from Maynard in 1895. One of the western side of a path which crosses these specimens matches the figure of the the grounds [map, fig. 40a]" (Maynard, holotype in having a columellar tooth, 1894a: 109). which is not evident in the remaining Remarks. Maynard (1894a: 109) distin­ specimen. This specimen is considered to guished five forms [Nos. 1-5] without be the holotype. Lot number USNM naming them. The type series is defined 420034 contains 100 specimens. Lot num­ (Article 72.4.1, ICZN, 1999: 76) as "all the ber MCZ 10280 contained two specimens specimens included by the author in the labeled "paratype" and are accompanied new nominal taxon, except any that the au­ by a label indicating "Form No.2," which thor expressly excludes from the type se­ excludes these specimens from the type ries, or refers to as distinct variants (e.g., series (see Remarks). by name, letter, or number)." Thus, spec­ Holotype Measumments. Length 23.7 imens representing forms No. 1-5 are not mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.5 mm; ap­ paratypes of Strophia curtissii. Clench erture height (including lip) 8.6 mm, ap­ (1957: 142) followed Pilsbry (1902: 256) in erture width (including lip and peristome) listing this taxon as a synonym of Cerion 7.0 mm. varlum (Bonnet, 1864). Gould and Wood­ Type Locality. Banyan tree near ruin in ruff (1986: 476) regarded this taxon to be the cemetery where S. curtissii is found "intermediate" between Cerion glans [large cemetery eastward of Nassau, New (Kuster, 1844) and C. gubernatorium Providence Island, Bahamas]. (Crosse, 1869). Remarks. The taxon name originally ap­ peared as Stmphia curtissii nivea in the Taxon 26. Strophia curtissii nivia May­ heading of the original description, but as nard, 1894a [December]: 112-116 S. curtissii nivia in the caption to the fig­ [nivea in text], fig. 34A [nivia in cap­ ure within the body of the description. tion]. Examined 40 specimens. Size of Maynard (1913b: 186) described S. varla­ type .90 by .37 [inches; 22.9 by 9.4 mm]. nivia as "Intermediate between varia and Caption to text figure 34A, "Strophia nivia." vVith this use of nivia, Maynard curtissii nivia, front view of type." (1913b: 186) acted as the First Revisor of spellings [Article 24.2.4, ICZN, 1999: 30­ Type Material. The original description 31] and fix:ed the spelling of this species as provided measurements for a single "type" nivia. Stmphiops nivia again appeared in specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ Maynard (1921b: 148) and in Maynard's trated. How many of the remaining 39 [1924b?] sales catalog. The spelling "ni­ specimens are paratypes is uncertain (see vea" appeared with a citation to the orig­ Remarks). An examination of the collec­ inal description in Maynard (1920a: 79). tions and catalog at the MCZ revealed Oddly, Maynard (1913b: 186) described S. that, at the time of his death, Maynard's nivia as a new taxon while incorrectly list­ collection contained one lot of this taxon ing the preceding taxon, S. varia-nivia as THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 391

previously described. This is almost cer­ type. Lot number USNM 419958 contains tainly an error in typesetting. Strophiops 200 paratypes. How many of the remain­ nivia Maynard (1913) is a junior secondary ing 1,799 specimens, are paratypes is un­ homonym of Strophia curtissii nivia May­ certain (see Remarks). nard (1894) as well as an objective junior Holotype Measurements. Length 18.9 synonym because they have the same type mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.1 mm; ap­ specimen [see Taxon 72]. erture height (including lip) 7.9 mm, ap­ Maynard (1894a: 113) distinguished two erture width (including lip and peristome) forms [Nos. 1 and 2] without naming 6.2 mm. them. The type series is defined in Article Type Locality. West of main path in 72.4 (ICZN, 1999: 76) as «all the speci­ cemetery eastward of Nassau (map, fig. mens included by the author in the new 40t) [New Providence Island, Bahamas]. nominal taxon, ... except any that the au­ Remarlcs. Maynard (1894a: 117-118) thor expressly excludes from the type se­ distinguished five forms [Nos. 1-5] with­ ries, or refers to as distinct variants (e.g., out naming them. He illustrated form No. by name, letter, or number)." Thus, spec­ 3 (fig. 34B) and form No.4 (fig. 34C). imens representing forms No.1 or 2 are Specimens representing forms No. 1-5 are not paratypes of Strophia curtissii nivia. In not paratypes of Strophia thorndilcei [Ar­ his discussion of S. nivia, Maynard (1921b: ticle 72.4, ICZN, 1999: 76]. This taxon was 148) provided larger measurements (1.00 figured by Manard (1919b: 47, fig. 8 as S. by .40 [inches; 25.4 by 10.2 mmJ), listed thorndikeii Mayn.). Maynard (1921b: 146) 829 specimens rather than the 40 in the prOvided descriptive notes, including ref­ original description, and included citations erence to a color illustration (plate 8, fig. to illustrations (plate 44, figs. 3, 4) that 10) published in 1919, and commented were never issued. that the taxon was represented by 2,500 Clench (1957: 155) listed this taxon as specimens, at least 500 of which presum­ nivea and considered nivia an error for ni­ ably were collected after the taxon was de­ vea. Gould and Woodruff (1986: 476) re­ scribed. Maynard (1924c: 6) listed S. garded this taxon to be «intermediate" be­ thorndilcei as extinct in 1913 because of tween Cerion glans (Kuster, 1844) and C. burning of vegetation prior to cultivation. gubernatorium (Crosse, 1869). Gould and Woodruff (1986: 476) regarded this taxon to be «intermediate" between Taxon 27. Strophia thorndilcei Maynard, Cerion glans (Kuster, 1844) and C. gub­ 1894a [December]: 116-119, text ernatorium (Crosse, 1869). figs. 34B, C, D, fig. 40t (map). Ex­ amined 2,000 specimens. Size of type Taxon 28. Strophia cinerea Maynard, .70 by .30 [inches; 17.8 by 7.6 mm]. 1894a [December]: 119-121, text Caption to text fig. 34D, "Strophia figs. 35A, B, fig. 40e (map). Examined thorndikei, front view of type." 2,000 specimens. Size of type 1.15 by .45 [inches; 29.2 by 11.4 mm]. Caption T.lfpe Material. The original description to text figure 35, «B, front view of type. provided measurements for a Single «type" A, side view of same." specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ boated. Lot number MCZ 76086 contains Type Material. The original description a Single specimen labeled "Holotype," provided measurements for a single «type" which is 6% larger than Maynard's pub­ specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ lished length but otherwise approximates trated. Lot number MCZ 76254 contains the figure of the type and includes May­ a single specimen labeled "Holotype," nard's original label annotated «type." This which is within 5% of the published mea­ specimen is here recognized as the Holo- surements and includes Maynard's original 392 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

label annotated "type." This specimen is the neotype. How many of the remaining here recognized as the Holotype. Lot 74 specimens are paratypes is uncertain number USNM 420076 contains 200 para­ (see Remarks). types. How many of the remaining 1,799 Neotype Measurements. Length 29.0 specimens are paratypes is uncertain (see mm, diameter (excluding lip) 13.0 mm; ap·· Remarks). erture height (including lip) 11.3 mm, ap­ Holotype Measurements. Length 28.0 erture width (including lip and peristome) mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.3 mm; ap­ 8.4 mm. erture height (including lip) 9.4 mm, ap­ Type Locality. North side of Hog Island erture width (including lip and peristome) [Paradise Island], directly back of the 7.6 mm. beach (map, fig. 40f) [New Providence Is­ Type Locality. Hog Island [Paradise Is­ land, Bahamas]. land], along the shore of Middle Bay, on Remm-ks. Maynard (1894a: 123) distin­ the south side of the key (map, fig. 40e) guished a small form [No.1] without nam­ [New Providence Island, Bahamas]. ing it. Lot MCZ 10260 contained two Remarlcs. Maynard (l894a: 120-121) specimens labeled form No.!. Specimens distinguished three forms [Nos. 1-3] with· representing this form are not paratypes of out naming them. Specimens representing Strophia cinerea robusta [Article 72.4, forms No. 1-3 are not paratypes of Stro­ ICZN, 1999: 76]. Gould and Woodruff phia cinerea [Article 72.4, ICZN, 1999: (1986: 475) regarded this taxon to be a 76]. Maynard (1921b: 144; 1925, pI. 40, synonym of Ce-rion glans (Kuster, 1844). figs. 3, 4) noted 2,500 specimens, which must have included subsequent collec­ Taxon 30. Strophia cinerea tracta May­ tions, and provided new, colored illustra­ nard, 1894a [December]: 123-125, tions for this taxon. text fig. 37A, fig. 40g (map). Examined 300 specimens. Size of type 1.05 by .45 Taxon 29. Strophia cinerea robusta May­ [inches; 26.7 by 11.4 mm]. Caption to nard, 1894a [December]: 121-123, text figure 37A, "Strophia cinerea tracta, text figs. 36 A, B, fig. 40£ (map). Ex­ front view of type." amined 75 specimens. Size of type 1.12 by .55 [inches; 28.4 by 14.0 mm]. Cap­ Type Material. The original description tion to text figure 36, "Strophia cinerea provided measurements for a single "type" robusta. A, front view, B, side view, of specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ type." trated. Lot number MCZ 76081 contains a single specimen labeled "Holotype," Type Material. The original description closely matches Maynard's published provided measurements for a single "type" length and figure of the type, and includes specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ Maynard's original label annotated "type." trated. There is no specimen labeled "Ho­ This specimen is here recognized as the lotype" at the MCZ. An examination ofthe Holotype. Lot number USNM 420042 MCZ catalog showed that no representa­ contains paratypes. How many of the re­ tives of this taxon were present in May­ maining specimens are paratypes is uncer­ nard's collection when purchased from his tain (see Remarks). daughter. Lot number MCZ 10259 was la­ Holotype Measurements. Length 26.9 beled "Paratype" and contained two spec­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.0 mm; ap­ imens that were acquired from Maynard erture height (including lip) 9.6 mm, ap­ in 1895. The specimen in MCZ 10259 that erture width (including lip and peristome) more closely matches the published fig­ 8.4 mm. ures and measurements was recatalogued Type Locality. Field near the extreme as MCZ 356982 and is here designated as eastern point of Hog Island [Paradise Is- THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 393

land] (map, fig. 40g) [New Providence Is­ guished a Single form [No.1] without land, Bahamas]. naming it. Specimens representing this Remarks. Maynard (1894a: 124-125) form are not paratypes of Strophia cinerea distinguished five forms [Nos. 1-5] with­ mutata [Article 72.4, ICZN, 1999: 76]. out naming them. Specimens representing Maynard (1921b: 146) listed this taxon as forms No. 1-5 are not paratypes of Stro­ a full species and referred to a previously phia cinerea tracta [Article 72.4, ICZN, published [1920a, pI. 10*, fig. 4] colored 1999: 76]. Maynard (1921b: 144-145) list­ illustration but noted a different locality ed this taxon as a full species, and provided (Atoll Island) and a higher number of new, colored illustrations (Maynard, 1925, specimens (200). pIs. 40, figs. 7, 8). Clench (1957: 165) fol­ lowed Pilsbry (1902: 253) in synonymizing Taxon 32. Stmphia albea Maynard, this taxon under Cerion varium (Bonnet, 1894a [December]: 128-129, text 1864), whereas Gould and Woodruff figs. 38A, B. Examined 40 specimens (1986: 475) considered it to be a synonym [only three living specimens]. Size of of C. glans (Kuster, 1844). type 1.00 by .36 [inches; 25.4 by 9.1 mm]' Caption to text figure 38, "Stro­ Taxon 31. Strophia cinerea mutata May­ phia albea. A, front view, B, side view, nard, 1894a [December]: 125-128, of type." text fig. 37B, fig. 40h (map). Exam­ ined 100 specimens. Size of type 1.15 Type Material. The original description by .40 [inches; 29.2 by 10.2 mm]. Cap­ prOvided measurements for a Single "type" tion to text figure 37B, "Strophia cinerea specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ mutata, front view of type." trated. The remaining 39 specimens are paratypes. No specimen was labeled "Ho­ Type Material. The original description lotype" at the MCZ. An examination ofthe provided measurements for a single "type" MCZ catalog showed that no representa­ specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ tives of this taxon were present in May­ trated. Lot number MCZ 76279 contains nard's collection when purchased from his a single specimen labeled "Holotype," daughter. Lot MCZ 10242 was labeled which is 11% shorter than Maynard's pub­ "Paratype" and contained two specimens lished length and slightly wider but ap­ that were acquired from Maynard in 1895. proximates the figure of the type and con­ One of these specimens approximates the tains Maynard's original label annotated length in the original description to within "type." This specimen is here recognized 3% and agrees with the generalized illus­ as the Holotype. Lot number USNM tration (more fig. 38B than 38A). This 420132 contains paratypes. How many of specimen is considered to be the Holo­ the remaining specimens are paratypes is type. The remaining specimen has been uncertain (see Remarks). recatalogued as MCZ 356983. Maynard Holotype Measurements. Length 26.0 (1921b: 139) listed 590 specimens, indi­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.0 mm; ap­ cating that 550 specimens had been add­ erture height (including lip) 9.7 mm, ap­ ed. Some of the 100 specimens of USNM erture width (including lip and peristome) 420097 may be paratypes. 8.0 mm. Holotype Measurements. Length 26.0 Type Locality. Northern shore of the mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.1 mm; ap­ western half of Long Key, about 1 mile erture height (including lip) 9.0 mm, ap­ east of Hog Island [Paradise Island] (map, erture width (including lip and peristome) fig. 40h) [New Providence Island, Baha­ 6.8 mm. mas]. Type Locality. South side of Spruce Key, Remarks. Maynard (1894a: 126) distin- due north of Long Key, about 1 mile E of 394 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

Hog Island [Paradise Island] [New Provi­ erture width (including lip and peristome) dence Island, Bahamas]. 7.9mm. Remarks. The identical illustration ap­ Type Locality. Along bay on the extreme pears in Maynard (1913c: 200) as Stro­ west end of New Providence Island, Ba­ phiops albea Mayn. and again in a colored hamas, also on Spruce Key, N of Long version (Maynard, 1919c, pI. 10, figs. 1, 2 Key, 1 mile E of Hog Island [Paradise Is­ [lower row]). The taxon was redescribed in land] [New Providence Island, Bahamas]. Maynard (1921b: 139) on the basis of ex­ Remarks. Maynard (1894a: 131-132) amination of 590 specimens. It appeared distinguished five forms [Nos. 1-5] with­ twice in the sales catalog (Maynard, 1924b: out naming them. Specimens representing [6] and [7]), the first time correctly (from forms No. 1-5 are not paratypes of Stro­ Spruce Key), the second time from Rum phia coryi [Article 72.4, ICZN, 1999: 76]. Key, an error for alba. Clench (1957: 165) This taxon was subsequently reillustrated followed Pilsbry (1902: 253) in synonymiz­ (Maynard, 1919b, fig. 18, pI. 7, figs. 9, 10). ing this taxon under Ceron varium Bon­ Clench (1934: 214, 1952: 108) listed this net, 1864. Gould and Woodruff (1986: taxon as a form of Cerion glans (Kuster, 474) had examined "paratypes" (presum­ 1844). ably MCZ 10242) and synonymized this taxon with C. glans (Kuster, 1844). Taxon 34. Strophia ritchiei Maynard, 1894a [December]: 135-138, text Taxon 33. Strophia coryi Maynard, figs. 41A, B. Examined 1,000 speci­ 1894a [December]: 129-135, text mens. Size of type 1.37 by .57 [inches; figs. 39A, B. Examined 2,000 speci­ 34.5 by 14.5 mm]. Caption to text figure mens. Size of type 1.00 by .40 [inches; 41, "Strophia ritchiei, A, front; B, side 25.4 by 10.2 mm]. Caption to text figure view of type." [Illust.ration repeated on 39, "Strophia coryi, A, front view, B, back cover of Maynard (1913) and tlle side view, of type." The same figures ap­ front covers of Maynard (1920a-1924a) pear (Maynard, 1913c: 200) as Stro­ as Strophiops rltchiei Mayn.] phiops coryi Mayn. Type Material. The original description Type Material. The original description provided measurements for a Single "type" provided measurements for a single "type" specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ trated. Lot number MCZ 76077 contains trated. Clench (1934: 214) mentioned ex­ a Single specimen labeled "Holotype," amining type specimens but did not fur­ which is within 0.1 mm of Maynard's pub­ ther identify them. Lot number MCZ lished measurements, approximates the 76079 contains a Single specimen labeled figure of the type, and contains Maynard's «Holotype," which is 6% shorter and original label annotated "type." This spec­ slightly wider than Maynard's published imen is here recognized as the Holotype. measurements but approximates the figure Lot number USNM 419967 contains 500 of the type and contains Maynard's original paratypes. How many of the remaining label annotated "type." This specimen is 499 specimens are paratypes is uncertain here recognized as the Holotype. Lot (see Remarks). number USNM 419983 contains 100 para­ Holotype Measurements. Length 34.6 types. How many of the remaining 1,899 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 14.6 mm; ap­ specimens are paratypes is uncertain (see erture height (including lip) 13.17 mm, ap­ Remarks). erture widtll (including lip and peristome) Holotype Measurements. Length 23.9 10.12 mm. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.4 mm; ap­ Type Locality. Highburn Key [Exuma erture height (including lip) 9.2 mm, ap- Group, Bahamas]. THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 395

Remarlcs. Maynard (1894a: 136-137) 14.0 mm]. Caption to text figure 44A, distinguished four forms [Nos. 1-4] with­ "Strophia grayi gigantea." out naming them. Specimens representing forms No. 1-4 are not paratypes of Stro­ Type Material. The original description phia ritchiei [Article 72.4, ICZN, 1999: provided measurements for a single "type" 76]. The name was misspelled as S. ritchei specimen, but the illustrated specimen was (Maynard, 1920a: 75). not referred to as type. The measurements are considered to designate a holotype. No Taxon 35. Strophia grayi Maynard, specimen labeled holotype could be found 1894a [December]: 138-141, text at the MCZ. Two specimens of MCZ figs. 42A, B. Examined 700 specimens. 10290 were labeled "paratype." The larger Size of type 1.25 by .47 [inches; 31.8 by of these specimens approximates the 17.8 mm]. Caption to text figure 42, length and width in the original descrip­ "Strophia grayi, A, front; B, side view of tion to within 4%. This specimen is con­ type." sidered to be the Holotype. The remaining specimen (now MCZ 356984) is a para­ Type Material. The original description type. How many of the remaining 48 spec­ provided measurements for a single "type" imens are paratypes is uncertain (see Re­ specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ marks). trated. Lot number MCZ 118169 contains Holotype Measurements. Length 38.1 a single specimen labeled "co-type." This mm, diameter (excluding lip) 14.4 mm; ap­ specimen approximates the published erture height (including lip) 12.6 mm, ap­ length (within 5%) and is a reasonable ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) proximation of the original illustration. It 9.9 mm. is accompanied by a label identifying it as Type Locality. Hillside, middle part of a co-type, initialed by Maynard and dated Highburn Key [Exuma Group], Bahamas. "12/14115," indicating that the label was Remarlcs. Maynard (l894a: 139-141) added after the description of the species. distinguished a single form [No.1] without This specimen is here recognized as the naming it. Two specimens of MCZ 10291 Holotype. Lot number USNM 420101 were labeled "paratype." However, May­ contains 100 paratypes. How many of the nard's printed label, which accompanies remaining 599 specimens are paratypes is these two specimens, identifies them as uncertain (see Remarks). form No.1. Specimens representing this Holotype Measurements. Length 30.5 form are not paratypes of Strophia grayi mm, diameter (excluding lip) 13.0 mm; ap­ gigantea [Article 72.4.1, ICZN, 1999: 76]. erture height (including lip) 11.0 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) Taxon 37. Strophia grayi pumilia May- 9.1 mm. nard, 1894a [December]: 143-144, Type Locality. Hill at northern end of text fig. 44B. Examined 50 specimens. Highburn Key [Exuma Group], Bahamas. Size of type .90 by .42 [inches; 22.9 by Remarks. Maynard (1894a: 139-141) 10.7 mm]. Caption to text figure 44B, distinguished three forms [Nos. 1-3] with­ "Strophia grayi pumilia." out naming them and illustrated form No. 3 (fig. 43A). Specimens representing forms Type Material. The original description No. 1-3 are not paratypes of Strophia gra­ provided measurements for a single "type" yi [Article 72.4, ICZN, 1999: 76]. specimen, but the illustrated specimen was not referred to as a type. The measure­ Taxon 36. Strophia grayi gigantea May­ ments are sufficient to designate a holo­ nard, 1894a [December]: 141-143, type. No specimen was labeled "Holotype" text fig. 44A. Examined 50 specimens. at the MCZ. The MCZ collections contain Size of type 1.56 by .55 [inches; 39.6 by two lots of Strophia grayi pumilia, both 396 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

labeled "paratype." One, MCZ 76325, tated "type." One specimen is gray, has a contains 12 specimens, the other, MCZ red "Holotype" label affixed to it, and con­ 10292, contains two specimens. Although forms to the published figure as well as the none match the measurements precisely, measurements given for "the type." The the larger of the two specimens in MCZ original catalog entry at the MCZ listed 10292 comes closest to approximating the only one specimen and referred to it as the size (within 5%) and proportions (within "holotype." The gray, labeled specimen is 1%) of the measurements as well as the here recognized as the holotype. The other illustration. This specimen is regarded as dark brown specimen is a paratype and has the originally designated Holotype, the re­ been recatalogued as MCZ 356986. Lot maining specimen (now MCZ 356985) is USNM 420021 contains 30 paratypes. a paratype. The remaining 48 specimens Holotype Measurements. Length 29.0 are paratypes. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.2 mm; ap­ Holotype Measurements. Length 23.7 erture height (including lip) 9.9 mm, ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.1mm; ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture height (including lip) 8.9 mm, ap­ 8.3 mm. erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Locality. U Key [Exuma Group], 7.9 mm. Bahamas, single specimen tentatively Type Locality. South of deep gorge, identified as this species on Pimlico Key. middle part of Highburn Key [Exuma Remarlcs. This taxon was misspelled as Group], Bahamas. S. eburnea (Maynard, 1920a: 74, 78). Remarks. The taxon appeared as "Stro­ phia gray! pumilia" in the original descrip­ Taxon 39. Strophia elongata Maynard, tion and as Stmphia grayi pumilia in the 1894a [December]: 148-150 [pages figure caption but as pumilla in the index. printed out of order], text figs. 46A, B. Examined 25 specimens. Size of type Taxon 38. Stmphia eburnia Maynard, 1.33 by .50 [inches; 33.8 by 12.7 mm]. 1894a [December]: 144-148 [pages Caption to text figure 46, "Strophia printed out of order], text figs. 45A, B. elongata, A, front B, side view." Examined 100 specimens [12 collected living, p. 147]. Size of type 1.15 by .45 Type Material. The original description [inches; 29.2 by 11.4 mm]. Caption to provided measurements for a single "type" text figure 45, "Strophia eburnia, A, specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ front view, B, side view of type." trated. The remaining 24 specimens are paratypes. There are no specimens of S. Type Material. The original description elongata in the collections of the MCZ, provided measurements for a Single "type" nor were there any entries corresponding specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ to this taxon in the MCZ catalog either trated. The remaining 99 specimens are during Maynard's life or among the spec­ paratypes. Lot MCZ 76224 was labeled imens purchased from his estate. Although "syntypes" and contained two specimens, it seems probable that Maynard retained as well as Maynard's original label anno- the holotype in his collection, it might not

Figures 37-48. Taxon 37. Strophia grayi pumilia Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCZ 10292. South of deep gorge, middle part of Highburn Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 38. Strophia eburnia Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCZ 76224. U Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 39. Strophia e/ongata Maynard, 1894. Neotype FMNH 42208. Key, 1 mile north of U Key at Allen's Harbor, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 40. Strophia negleeta Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCZ 76376. One mile west of Fort Charlotte, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 41. Strophia neg/eeta agava Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCZ 76103. Sisal fields west of Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 42. Strophia carlotta Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCZ 10249. At the foot of the hill (north side) on which stands Fort Charlotte, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 43. Strophia glans THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES }OI·INSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 397

1 em



grisea Maynard, 1894. Holotype Mel 356674. Fields north of Fresh Creek, about 1 mile from the settlement, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 44. Strophia regula Maynard, 1894. Neotype MCl 10299. Fields on both sides of Fresh Creek, near the settlement, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 45. Strophia bimarginata Maynard, 1894. Neotype USNM 420095. Green Key, east coast of Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 46. Strophia bimarginata cera Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCl 76379. Green Key, east coast of Andros, Ba­ hamas. Taxon 47. Strophia pilsbryi Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCl 10297. Eastern half of Goat Key, Middle Bight, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 48. Strophia pilsbryi evolva Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCl 76383. Western end of Goat Key, Middle Bight, Andros, Bahamas. 398 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

have been labeled prominently. At least were abundant and that "all gathered in some specimens of tllis taxon would have this locality were typical." MCZ 76376 been retained at the MCZ had tlley been contains a Single specimen labeled "Ho­ recognizably labeled in Maynard's collec­ lotype" that approximates the measure­ tion. Nor was this taxon present among the ments and illustration of this taxon and is material sent to USNM after the acquisi­ accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand tion of Maynard's collection. The Field with the term "type" that includes refer­ Museum of Natural History has two spec­ ences to figures published after this spe­ imens (FMNH 42208) that were collected cies was described. This specimen is here by Maynard in 1893 and are paratypes. recognized as the holotype. Because the holotype is clearly lost, the Holotype Measurements. Length 22.60 better preserved FMNH specimen, which mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.2 mm; ap­ also more closely approximates the mea­ erture height (including lip) 9.32 mm, ap­ surements and illustration, is deSignated as erture width (including lip and peristome) the neotype to provide an objective stan­ 8.44 mm. dard of reference for this species-group Type Locality. One mile west of Fort taxon that is consistent with Maynard's Charlotte, New Providence Island, Baha­ original concept of it. This neotype retains Inas. FMNH 42208, whereas the remaining Remarks. Maynard (1894a: 151-152) specimen, a paratype, was recatalogued as commented that the field had been con­ FMNH 303191. verted to agave cultivation and that after 9 Neotype Measurements. Length 34.3 years, S. neglecta "no longer exists," having mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.2 mm; ap­ been replaced by S. neglecta agava. This erture height (including lip) 11.2 mm, ap­ taxon was illustrated as Strophiops neglec­ erture width (including lip and peristome) ta (Maynard, 1913a: 177, 1919a: 4, fig. 3, 8.7 mm. pI. 5, figs. 4, 5). Maynard (1921b: 142) Type Locality. Key, 1 mile north of U gave the number of specimens as 500 and Key at Allen's Harbor [Exuma Group], Ba­ commented that it was probably extinct. hamas. Maynard (1924c: 6) listed S. neglecta as Renwrlcs. Maynard (1894a: 149) noted extinct in 1913 from the burning of vege­ that no living specimens were found, and tation prior to cultivation. commented that the site had been inhab­ ited by Lucayan Indians. Taxon 41. Strophia neglecta agava May­ nard, 1894a [December]: 152, Taxon 40. Strophia neglecta Maynard, 1894b [December]: 153-154, text 1894a [December]: 148-150 [pages figs. 48A, B. Examined 500 specimens. printed out of order], text figs. 46A, B. Size of type as 1.21 by .47 [inches; 30.7 Number of examined specimens not by 17.8 mm]. Caption to text figure 48, provided. Size of type .92 by .45 [inches; "Strophia neglecta agava, A, front, B, 23.4 by 11.4 mm]. Caption to text figure side view of type." 45, "Strophia neglecta, A, front view, B, side view of type." Type Material. The original description prOvided measurements for a Single "type" Type Material. The original description specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ provided measurements for a Single "type" trated. Lot MCZ 76103, which is labeled specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ "Holotype" and contains a Single specimen b'ated. Although the number of specimens accompanied by a note in Maynard's hand­ examined was not mentioned in the de·· writing with the term "type," is here rec­ sCliption, Maynard (1894a: 151) diseussed ognized as the Holotype (despite the 5% variation in this taxon and noted that they difference in length). The remaining 499 THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Hamsewych et al. 399

specimens, including MCZ 76104 and erture height (including lip) 8.7 mm, ap­ MCZ 10296, are paratypes. erture width (including lip and peristome) Holotype Measurements. Length 29.2 7.6 mm. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.6 mm; ap­ T.1Jpe Locality. At the foot of the hill erture height (including lip) 11.7 mm, ap­ (north side) on which stands Fort Char­ erture width (including lip and peristome) lotte, New Providence Island, Bahamas. 9.6 mm. Remarks. Maynard (1894b: 156) distin­ Type Locality. Sisal fields west of Nas­ gUished two forms [Nos. 1 and 2] without sau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. naming them. Two specimens of MCZ Remarks. Originally proposed as a sub­ 10250 are labeled form No.1, whereas species, this taxon was elevated to a full MCZ 10251 contains four specimens la­ species by Maynard (1913c: 191). The beled form No.2. SpeCimens representing original illustration was subsequently re­ forms No. 1 and 2 are not paratypes of published as Strophiops agava (Maynard, Strophia carlotta [Article 72.4, ICZN, 1913c: 200, 1919c, fig. 24, 1920c: 104, fig. 1999: 76]. Maynard (1913c: 192) recog­ 87, pI. 19, fig. 20 [apertural view only]). nized tllat this is a synonym of S. glans Clench (1957: 136) considered this taxon (Kuster, 1844), as did Gould and Woodruff to be a synonym ofCerion coryi (Maynard, (1986: 474). 1894). Gould and Woodruff (1986: 474) had examined the holotype and synony­ Taxon 43. Strophia glans grisea Maynard, mized it with C. glans (Kuster, 1844). 1894b [December]: 159-161, text figs. 51A, B. Examined 200 specimens. Taxon 42. Strophia carlotta Maynard, Size of type 1.10 by .45 [inches; 27.9 by 1894b [December]: 154-156, text 11.4 mm]. Caption to text figure 48, figs. 49A, B. Examined 1,000 speci­ "Strophia glans grisea, A, front view of mens. Size of type .85 by .40 [inches; type, B, margin of same." 21.6 by 10.2 mm]. Caption to text figure 49, "Strophia carlotta, A, front, B, side Type Material. The original description view of type." prOvided measurements for a single "type" specimen, tlle holotype, which was illus­ Type Material. The original description b'ated. A search of the MCZ catalog indi­ prOvided measurements for a single "type" cated that only one lot containing 222 specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ specimens was present in Maynard's col­ trated. How many of the remaining 999 lection at the time it was acquired from specimens are paratypes is uncertain (see his daughter. This lot, MCZ 76085, was Remarks). Lot MCZ 10249 was labeled catalogued as "paratypes" and did not con­ "paratype" and contained two specimens tain a label in Maynard's handwriting. tllat were acquired from Maynard in 1895. These specimens were compared against One of these specimens closely resembles the published measurements and illustra­ the illustration, but both length and width tion. Although none matched exactly, a are exactly 1 mm longer tllan the pub. Single specimen was identified that most lished measurements. This specimen is closely approximated the figures and mea­ considered to be tlle figured specimen and surements. This specimen is considered to the originally deSignated holotype. The re­ be the originally deSignated holotype and maining specimen, a paratype, was reca­ has been recatalogued as MCZ 356674. talogued as MCZ 356987. There were no Holotype Measurements. Lengili 27.3 MCZ catalog entries for this taxon in the mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.6 mm; ap­ material from Maynard's estate. erture height (including lip) 11.2 mm, ap­ Holotype Measurements. Length 22.6 erture width (including lip and peristome) mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.2 mm; ap- 9.6 mm. 400 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

Type Locality. Fields north of Fresh Type Locality. Fields on both sides of Creek, about 1 mile from the settlement Fresh Creek, near the settlement Andros, Andros, Bahamas. Bahamas. Remarks. Maynard (1894b: 161) noted Remarks. Maynard (1894b: 162) report­ that this taxon was also found south of the ed that this taxon is known only from shells creek and that these specimens "were un­ inhabited by hermit crabs and suggested doubtedly transplanted from the north that the species is extinct. Maynard side through tlle agency of the inhabitants, (1919c: 68, caption to fig. 30*, 1921a: 131, who pass from one set of fields to the oth­ 1924?: [7]) referred to this taxon as S. reg­ er, carrying with them the plants of the ular. casava on which the Strophias frequently occur." Taxon 45. Strophia bimarginata Maynard, 1894b [December]: 164-168, text Taxon 44. Strophia regula Maynard, figs. 53A, B, C, D. Examined 2,000 1894b [December]: 161-164, text specimens. Size of type 1.50 by .60 figs. 52A, B. Examined 50 specimens. [inches; 38.1 by 15.2 mm]. Caption to Size of type 1.50 by .60 [inches; 38.1 by text figure 53, "Strophia bimarginata. A, 15.2 mm]. Caption to text figure 52, front view; B, side view of type." "Regular Strophia. A, side, B, front view Type Material. The original description of type." provided measurements for a Single "type" Type Material. The original description specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ provided measurements for a Single "type" trated. How many of the remaining 1,999 specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ specimens are paratypes is uncertain (see trated. The remaining 49 specimens are Remarks). No specimen labeled holotype paratypes. A review of the MCZ catalog could be found at the MCZ. Lot MCZ revealed that Maynard's collection con­ 10246 contains two specimens labeled tained one lot of 25+ specimens [MCZ "paratype." Neither of these specimens 76381] that had been catalogued as "para­ matches the measurements nor has the types." Neither this lot nor any Single spec­ "double margin" evident in figure 53B. imen identified as the holotype could be The holotype is presumed to be lost. Lot found at the MCZ. Lot MCZ 10299 con­ USNM 420095 contains over 200 para­ tained two specimens labeled "paratype" types. A specimen that closely approxi­ that had been purchased from Maynard in mates the measurements and the pub­ 1895. Both specimens have damage, indi­ lished figures is here deSignated as neo­ cating they had been occupied by hermit type to prOvide an objective standard of crabs, but neither closely matched the fig­ reference for this species-group taxon that ure or published measurements of the ho­ is consistent with Maynard's concept of lotype. The less damaged specimen retains this taxon. This specimen retains USNM MCZ 10299 and is here designated as the 420095. The remaining paratypes have neotype of Strophia regula to prOvide an been recatalogued under USNM 1093843. objective standard of reference for this Other paratypes include MCZ 76105 (202 species-group taxon that is consistent with specimens), MCZ 10244 (two specimens), Maynard's concept of it. The remaining and MCZ 10245 (two specimens). specimen, a paratype, has been recata­ Neotype Measurements. Length 27.5 logued as MCZ 356988. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.4 mm; ap­ Neotype Measurements. Length 33.3 erture height (including lip) 8.9 mm, ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 14.4 mm; ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture height (including lip) 12.5 mm, ap­ 7.4 mm. erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Locality. Green Key, east coast of 10.5 mm. Andros, Bahamas. THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Hamsewych et al. 401

Remarks. Maynard (1894b: 167) distin­ Maynard in 1895. One of these specimens guished two forms [Nos. 1 and 2] without velY closely matches the published mea­ naming them. He reported that form No. surements and figures of the holotype. 1 also occurs on Little Galden Key. Spec­ This specimen is considered to be the imens representing forms No.1 and 2 are originally deSignated holotype. The other not paratypes of St-rophia bimarginata [Ar­ specimen has been recatalogued as MCZ ticle 72.4, ICZN, 1999: 76]. 356989. Holotype Measurements. Length 27.3 Taxon 46. St-rophia bimarginata cera May­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.4 mm; ap­ nard, 1894b [December]: 168-170, erture height (including lip) 10.1 mm, ap­ text figs. 54A, B. Examined nine spec­ erture width (including lip and peristome) imens. Size of type 1.00 by .40 [inches; 8.8 mm. 25.4 by 10.2 mm]. Caption to text figure Type Locality. Eastern half of Goat Key, 54, "Strophia bimarginata cera. A, front Middle Bight, Andros, Bahamas (map, fig. [sic, margin]; B, margin [sic, front] of 56, f). type." Remarks. Maynard (1894b: 171) dis­ Type Material. The original description cussed a Single form but did not distin­ provided measurements for a Single "type" guish it with either a name or number. specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ trated. Lot MCZ 76379, which is labeled Taxon 48. Strophia pilsbryi evolva May­ "Holotype" and contains a single specimen nard, 1894b [December]: 173-175, accompanied by a note in Maynard's hand­ text figs. 57A, B, C. Examined 70 spec­ writing with the term "type," is here rec­ imens. Size of type 1.12 by .43 [inches; ognized as the holotype. The remaining 28.4 by 10.9 mm]. Caption to text figure eight specimens, including MCZ 76380 5, "Strophia pilsbryi evolva. A, front and MCZ 10248, are paratypes. view, B, side view of type." Holotype Measurements. Length 24.8 Type Material. The original description mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.5 mm; ap­ provided measurements for a Single "type" erture height (including lip) 9.1 mm, ap­ specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ erture width (including lip and peristome) trated. Lot MCZ 76383 contains a Single 7.0 mm. specimen labeled "Holotype" that closely Type Locality. Green Key, east coast of approximates the illustration and the mea­ Andros, Bahamas. surements of this taxon. This specimen is Taxon 47. Strophia pilsbryi Maynard, recognized as the holotype. The remaining 1894b [December]: 170-172, text 69 specimens are paratypes. figs. 55A, B, text fig. 56 (map). Ex­ Holotype Measurements. Length 28.4 amined 125 specimens. Size of type as mm, diameter (excluding lip) U.S mm; ap­ 1.07 by .45 [inches; 27.2 by 11.4 mm]. erture height (including lip) 10.7 mm, ap­ Caption to text figure 55, "Strophia pils­ erture width (including lip and peristome) bryi. A, front, B, side view, of type." 9.0 mm. Type Locality. Western end of Goat Type Material. The original description Key, Middle Bight, Andros, Bahamas prOvided measurements for a Single "type" (map, fig. 56,*). specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ trated. The remaining 124 specimens are Taxon 49. St-rophia restricta Maynard, paratypes. No specimen labeled holotype 1894b [December]: 175-177, text could be found at the MCZ. Lot MCZ figs. 58A, B (map, p. 172, fig. 56). Ex­ 10297 contained two specimens labeled amined 75 specimens. Size of type .75 "paratypes" that had been obtained from by .32 [inches; 19.1 by 8.1 mm]. Caption 402 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

to text figure 58, "Strophia restricta. A, [inches; 28.5 by 12.8 mm]. Caption to front, B, side view." text figure 59, "Strophia eximia. A, front, B, side view of type." Type Material. The original description provided measurements for a Single "type" Type Material. The original description specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ provided measurements for a Single "type" trated. There is no specimen at the MCZ specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ labeled "holotype." MCZ 76384 contained trated. Lot MCZ 76243 contains a Single 33 specimens and labels stating "para­ specimen labeled "Holotype" and closely type," as well as six handwritten labels, approximates the published measurements seemingly by Maynard. All bear the taxon and figure. A scrap of cardboard labeled name, one contains the term "types," the "type" by Maynard accompanies this spec­ remainder are numbered 1, 3, 4, 5, 7. imen, which is here recognized as the ho­ None of the specimens match the pub­ lotype. Lot USNM 420038 contains 15 lished measurements. However, neither do paratypes. How many of the remaining the published illustrations. The specimen 984 specimens are paratypes is uncertain most closely resembling the measure­ (see Remarks). ments, figures, and proportions is consid­ Holotype Measurements. Length 28.8 ered to be the Holotype. The remaining mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.3 mm; ap­ 32 specimens have been recatalogued as erture height (including lip) 11.1 mm, ap­ MCZ 356990. erture width (including lip and peristome) Holotype Measure111,ents. Length 20.2 8.9 mm. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.3 mm; ap­ Type Locality. "Procured by Mr. Curtiss erture height (including lip) 7.4 mm, ap­ in Nassau, from a creole who brought erture width (including lip and peristome) them from Cat Island." 6.6 mm. Remarks. Maynard (1894b: 179) distin­ Type Locality. Western end of Goat gUished a Single form [No.1] without Key, Middle Bight, Andros, Bahamas naming it. Specimens representing this (Maynard, 1894b, fig. 56, n form [No.1] are not paratypes of Strophia Remarks. Maynard (1894b: 177) report­ eximea [Article 72.4, ICZN, 1999: 76]. ed that this taxon was "confined to a Single This taxon serves as the type species of the tree and the bushes that come in contact genus Multistrophia Maynard, (1894b: with it." Maynard (1894b: 176) distin­ 179) and is later (Maynard, 1920a: 69, guished a Single form [No.1] without 1920d: 126) included within Multicostata naming it. Specimens representing this (likely errors for Multistrophia). form [No.1] are not paratypes of Strophia restricta [Article 72.4, ICZN, 1999: 76]. Taxon 51. Strophia agrestina Maynard, Two specimens of MCZ 10301 are labeled 1894b [December]: 179-182, text form No. 1 and therefore are not para­ figs. 60A, B, C. Examined 1,000 spec­ types. imens. Size of type .87 by .35 [inches; 22.1 by 8.9 mm]. Caption to text figure Taxon 50. Strophia eximea Maynard, 60, "Strophia agristina. A, front, B, side 1894b [December]: 177-179, text view of type." figs. 59A, B, 61A, B. Examined 1,000 speCimens. Size of type as 1.12 by .45 Type Material. The original description

Figures 49-60. Taxon 49. Strophia restricta Maynard, 1894. Hoiotype MCl 76384. Western end of Goat Key, Middle Bight, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 50. Strophia eximea Maynard, 1894. Holotype MCl 76243. Cat Island, Bahamas. Taxon 51. Strophla agres/ina Maynard, 1894. Holotype Mel 76083. South side of New Providence Island, Bahamas, opposite Nassau. Taxon 52. THE CEHION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Hamsewych et al. 403

1 em I 49


Strophia scripta Maynard, 1896. Lectotype MCl 10332. Cardenas, Cuba. Taxon 53. Strophia scripta obliterata Maynard, 1896. Lectotype 10335. Matanzas, Cuba, rocks close to the sea. Taxon 54. Strophia fastigala Maynard, 1896. Lectotype MCl 10314. Matanzas, Cuba. Taxon 55. Strophia eurystoma Maynard, 1896. Lectotype MCl 10312. Havana, Cuba. Taxon 56. Strophia eurystoma ignota Maynard, 1896. Lectotype MCl 10313. Havana, Cuba. Taxon 57. Strophia marmorata po/ita Maynard, 1896. Lectotype MCl 189792. Cabo Cruz, Cuba. Taxon 58. Strophia media Maynard, 1896. Lectotype MCl 10323. Cuba. Taxon 59. Strophia ferruginea Maynard, 1896. Lectotype MCZ 76230. Washed up by the tide near Jeremie, southwestern Haiti. Taxon 60. Strophia obsGura Maynard, 1896. Lectotype MCZ 76411. Cayo Birde del Norte, Cuba. 404 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

provided measurements for a single "type" Examined 29 specimens. Size of type specimen, the holotype, which was illus­ 1.30 by .47 [inches; 33.0 by 11.9 mm]. trated. Lot number MCZ 76083 contains Description noted, "Plate 1, fig. 3, front, a single specimen labeled "holotype," as fig. 4, side view of type." well as a label with the term "Type" in Maynard's hand. It approximates the orig­ Type Material. The original description inal measurements and illustration and is provided measurements for a Single "type" here recognized as the Holotype. Lot specimen, which was illustrated. Maynard number USNM 420134 contains 200 para­ (1896: 1) stated that he returned this fig­ types. How many of the remaining 799 ured type specimen to the MCZ but re­ specimens are paratypes is uncertain (see tained a co-type in his collection. Thus, Remarks). these two specimens comprise the syntype Holotype Measurements. Length 22.8 series. Lot number MCZ 10332 contained mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.2 mm; ap­ two specimens labeled "holotype." The erture height (including lip) 8.9 mm, ap­ larger of the two specimens very closely erture width (including lip and peristome) approximates the originally published 7.2 mm. measurements and illustrations and is the Type Locality. South side of New Prov­ figured specimen Maynard returned to the idence Island, Bahamas, opposite Nassau. MCZ. This specimen is here deSignated as Remarks. The taxon name originally ap­ the lectotype to provide an objective stan­ peared as Strophia agrestina in the head­ dard of reference for this species-group ing of the original description, but as S. taxon that is consistent with Maynard's agristina in the caption to the figure within original concept of it. It is unclear whether the body of the description. The name ap­ the smaller specimen [25.8 by 9.2 mm] is peared as S. agrestina in Maynard (1919b: the syntype retained by Maynard and re­ 50, figs. 17, 17a, 1921b: 150, 1924c: 6) but acquired by the MCZ after his death or as S. agsestina in Maynard (1919b, pI. 7, one of the 27 remaining, originally men­ figs. 11-13). tioned specimens, which, according to Ar­ Maynard (1919b: 50) acted as the First ticle 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77) are expressly Revisor of spellings [Article 24.2.4, ICZN, excluded from tlle type series. There are 1999: 30-31], fixing the spelling as agres­ no paratypes for this taxon, and any spec­ tina. imens labeled as such are mislabeled. Lots Maynard (1894b: 179) distingUished MCZ 26498 (six specimens) and MCZ three forms [Nos. 1-3] without naming 76176 (five specimens) have no status as them. Specimens representing forms No. types. 1-3 are not paratypes of Strophia agresti­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 32.5 na [Article 72.4, ICZN, 1999: 76]. May­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.9 mm; ap­ nard (1921b: 150) noted slightly larger erture height (including lip) 11.0 mm, ap­ measurements .90 by .35 [inches; 22.9 by erture width (including lip and peristome) 8.9 mm], reported a larger number (2,000) 9.1 mm. of specimens, presumably from subse­ Type Locality. Cardenas, Cuba. quent collections, and cited previously Remarks. Maynard (1896: 4) distin­ published illustrations (Maynard, 1919b: gUished a Single form [No.1], compOSing 52, figs. 17, pI. 7, figs. 11-13). Maynard 20% of the sample, without naming it. (1924c: 6) listed S. agrestina as extinct in Maynard (1919b, pI. 7, figs. 3, 4) reillus­ 1924 from the burning of vegetation prior trated this taxon. to cultivation. Taxon 53. Strophia scripta obliterata May­ Taxon 52. Strophia scripta Maynard, nard, 1896 [March]: 5-6, pI. 1, figs. 1896 [March]: 3-4, pI. 1, figs. 3, 4. 5, 6. Examined 102 specimens. Size of THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 405

type 1.08 by .40 [inches; 27.4 by 10.2 tained a co-type in his collection. Thus, mm]. Description noted, "Plate I, fig. 5, these two specimens compose the syntype front, fig. 6, side view of type." series. Lot MCZ 10314 contains a single specimen labeled "Holotype," with one la­ Type Material. The or~ginal.desc~~ptio~ bel annotated "id. C. J. Maynard" and an­ prOvided measurements for a smgle type other with the word "type," initialed by specimen, which was illustrated. Maynard Maynard. Another lot, MCZ 76293, con­ (1896: 1) stated that he returned this fig­ tains a Single specimen and was labeled ured type specimen to the MCZ but re­ "Paratype." Although neither specimen tained a co-type in his collection. Thus, closely matches the published measure­ these two specimens compose the syntype ments, the specimen in MCZ 10314 is series. Lot MCZ 10335, which was labeled closer and approximates the illustration of "holotype," contains a Single specimen ac­ the type. This is the specimen returned to companied by a note in Maynard's hand­ the MCZ by Maynard and is here deSig­ writing identifying the taxon and the term nated as the lectotype to provide an ob­ "type." This specimen, which closely jective standard of refe~ence f~r this s~e­ matches the published measurements and cies-group taxon that IS conSIstent WIth figures, is here designated as the lectotype Maynard's concept of this taxon. The sec­ to provide an objective standard of refer­ ond specimen (MCZ 76293) was part of ence for this species-group taxon that is Maynard's collection at the time of his consistent with Maynard's original concept death and is the co-type that he retained. of it. The remaining 100 specimens, in­ It becomes the sole paralectotype. The re­ cluding MCZ 26502, MCZ 26503, MCZ maining 60 specimens (including MCZ 26504, and MCZ 26505, are, according to 10314, MCZ 76293, MCZ 26513, and Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expressly MCZ 26515) are, according to Article excluded from the type series. Therefore, 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), expresslyexclud­ there can be no paratypes, and any speci­ ed from the type series. Therefore, there mens labeled as such are mislabeled. can be no paratypes, and any specimens Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.5 labeled as such are mislabeled. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.1 mm; ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.7 erture height (including lip) 9.2 mm, ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.8 mm; ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture height (including lip) 10.4 mm, ap­ 7.3 mm. erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Locality. Matanzas, Cuba, rocks 8.8 mm. close to the sea. Type Locality. Maynard (1896: 7) wrote, Remarks. Maynard (1896: 4) distin­ "This species I found in the collection in guished five forms [Nos. 1-5] without the same tray with the shells which I have naming them. named S. scripta oblitemta, therefore it is Taxon 54. Strophia Jastigata Maynard, to be presumed that they came from Ma­ 1896 [March]: 6-7, pI. 2, figs. 1, 2. tanzas, Cuba, but as the shells of S. Jasti­ Examined 62 specimens. Size of type gata are deeply stained with a red earth of 1.20 by .40 [inches; 30.5 by 10.2 mm]. which those of S. s. oblitemta bear no Description noted, "Plate II, fig. 1, trace, it is evident that they did not come front, fig. 2, side view of type." from "rocks close to the sea" as did the others, but probably from some neighbor­ Type Material. The original description ing field. Another lot was labeled Punte provided measurements for a Single "type" Goade, Matanzas, and still another lot specimen, which was illustrated. Maynard Chorrea." Clench (1957: 145) listed the (1896: 1) stated that he returned this fig­ type locality as "Matanzas [Havana] ured type specimen to the MCZ but re- Cuba." The lectotype is from Matanzas, 406 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

Cuba, which is the type locality (Article MCZ, seven from another source] listed 76.2, ICZN, 1999: 87). in the descliption of form No.1 of Stro­ Remarks. Maynard (1896: 7) distin­ phia eurystoma, but none measured. gUished a single form [No.1] without naming it. Type Material. Maynard (1896: 1) stated that he returned figured type specimens to Taxon 55. Strophia eurystoma Maynard, the MCZ and retained a co-type in his col­ 1896 [March]: 7-9, pI. 2, figs. 3, 4. lection. Because this taxon was not figured, Examined 21 specimens. Size of typical there is no indication that type material specimen 1.35 by .40 [inches; 34.3 by was deSignated. The original description 10.2 mm]. Description noted, "Plate II, lists a total of nine specimens, which are fig. 3, front, fig. 4, side view of type." all syntypes. Lot MCZ 10313 contains a Single specimen labeled "Holotype," with Ttjpe Material. The original description the label annotated "id. by C. Maynard." pro~rided J. measurements for a Single "type" This specimen is here deSignated as the specimen, which was illustrated. Maynard lectotype to prOvide an objective standard (1896: 1) stated that he returned this fig­ of reference for this species-group taxon ured type specimen to the MCZ but re­ that is consistent with Maynard's concept tained a co-type in his collection. Thus, of this taxon. The remaining eight speci­ these two specimens compose the syntype mens, including the three specimens in series, The remaining 19 specimens are, MCZ 76228, become paralectotypes. according to Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: Lectotype Measurements. Length 35.9 77), expressly excluded from the type se­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.6 mm; ap­ ries. Therefore, there can be no paratypes, erture height (including lip) 11.3 mm, ap­ and any specimens labeled as such are erture width (including lip and peristome) mislabeled. Lot MCZ 10312 contains a 9.3 mIn. Single specimen labeled "Holotype," with Type Locality. Havana, Cuba. the label annotated "id. C. J. Maynard." Remarks. Maynard (1896: 8-9) distin­ This specimen matches closely the mea­ gUished a Single form [No.1] and noted surements and figures of the specimen that the typical form is stained by red identified as the type. It is here deSignated ochraceous earth, whereas form No.1 is as the lectotype to prOvide an objective stained by brown earth or without staining. standard of reference for this species­ On this basis, Maynard supposed that the group taxon that is consistent with May­ two did not occur together. He wrote (p. nard's concept of this taxon. 9), "Should this prove true, form No. 1 Lectotype Measurements. Length 34.4 must take subspecific rank, in which case mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.5 mm; ap­ it may be called Strophia eurystoma ig­ erture height (including lip) 12.6 mm, ap­ nota." erture width (including lip and peristome) 10.5 mm. Taxon 57. Strophia m.armorata polita Type Locality. Havana, Cuba. Maynard, 1896 [March]: 14-15, pI. Rel1ulrks. Maynard (1896: 8-9) distin­ 3, figs. 3, 4. Examined 25 specimens. guished a single form [No.1], which he Size of type 1.05 by .45 [inches; 26.7 by provisionally named Strophia eurystoma 11.4 mm]. Description noted, "Plate III, ignota (see below). The taxon name also fig. 3, front, fig. 4, side view of type." appeared as S. eryrostoma (Maynard, 1919c: 54). Type Material. The original description provided measurements for a single "type" Taxon 56. Strophia eurystoma ignota May­ specimen, which was illustrated. Maynard nard, 1896 [March]: 8-9. Not illus­ (1896: 1) stated that he returned this fig­ trated. Nine specimens [two from the ured type specimen to the MCZ but re- THE C};RION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et aI. 407

tained a co-type in his collection. Thus, the label annotated "ex. C. J. Maynard." these two specimens compose the syntype This specimen matches closely the mea­ selies. The remaining 23 specimens are, surements and figures of the specimen according to Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: identified as the type. It is here deSignated 77), expressly excluded from the type se­ as the lectotype to provide an objective ries. Therefore, there can be no paratypes, standard of reference for this species­ and any specimens labeled as such are group taxon that is consistent with May­ mislabeled. Lot MCZ 189792 contains a nard's concept of this taxon. Lot number single specimen labeled "Holotype" and MCZ 76225 contains two specimens la­ matches both the published measurements beled "paratype." The MCZ catalog num­ of the type and its illustration. This spec­ ber indicates that these specimens were imen has a hole in the dorsal surface of among those purchased from Maynard's the final whorl that reveals the details of daughter after his death. The dead speci­ the columellar and apertural teeth. This men is lil

type to provide an objective standard of Maynard's concept of this taxon. Lots reference for this species-group taxon. MCZ 10329 and MCZ 76410 each contain Lectotype Measurements. Length 21.46 a specimen labeled "paratype." Lot num­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.25 mm; ap­ ber MCZ 10329 is the specimen that May­ erture height (including lip) 8.61 mm, ap­ nard returned to MCZ during his lifetime. erture width (including lip and peristome) It was labeled "type" by Maynard but ap­ 6.73 mm. proximates the published measurements Type Locality. "Washed up by the tide and figure less closely than the lectotype. near Jeremie, Cote de Fer." Maynard This specimen came from Cayo Piedras (1896: 21) noted that "Jeremie is in Hayti, del Norte rather than Cayo Birde del Nor­ on the southwest portion," and that "Cote te. It is here considered one of the two de Fer" refers to iron shore. original syntypes and becomes a paralec­ totype. Lot MCZ 76410 is from Cayo Bir­ Taxon 60. Strophia obscura Maynard, de del Norte and is likely one of the re­ 1896 [March]: 21-22, pI. 3, figs. 5, 6. maining 48 specimens without type status. Examined 50 specimens. Size of type Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.9 1.10 by .42 [inches; 27.9 by 10.7 mm]. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.1 mm; ap­ Description noted, "Plate III, fig. 5, erture height (including lip) 11.4 mm, ap­ front, fig. 6, side view of type." erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Material. The original description 9.6 mm. prOvided measurements for a Single "type" Type Locality. Cayo Birde del Norte, specimen, which was illustrated. Maynard Cuba. (1896: 1) stated that he returned this fig­ Remarks. Maynard (1896: 22) distin­ ured type specimen to the MCZ but re­ guished a form [No.1] compOSing 20% of tained a co-type in his collection. Thus, the the sample without naming it. Specimens two specimens compose the syntype se­ representing this form are not paratypes of ries. The remaining 48 specimens are, ac­ Strophia obscura [Article 72.4, ICZN, cording to Article 72.4.6 (ICZN, 1999: 77), 1999: 76]. expressly excluded from the type series. Taxon 61. Strophia faxoni Maynard, 1896 Therefore, there can be no paratypes, and [March]: 32-34, pI. 7, figs. 1, 2. S. any specimens labeled as such are misla­ faxsoni Maynard, 1920a: 73. Examined beled. Lot number MCZ 76411 contains a two speCimens. Size of type 1.12 by .40 Single specimen labeled "holotype." This [inches; 28.4 by 10.2 mm]. Description specimen matches the length measure­ noted, "Plate VII, fig. 1, front, fig. 2, ment more closely than the width mea­ side view of type." surement and approximates the figures of the specimen identified as the type. It is Type Material. The original description here deSignated as the lectotype to provide prOvided measurements for a single "type" an objective standard of reference for this specimen, which was illustrated. Maynard species-group taxon that is consistent with (1896: 1) stated that he returned this fig-

Figures 61-73. Taxon 61. Strophia faxoni Maynard, 1896. Lectotype MCl 184649. Cuba. Taxon 62. Strophia cylindrica May­ nard, 1896. Lectotype MCl 10311, Mathewstown, Inagua, Bahamas. Taxon 63. Strophiops antiqua Maynard. 1913. Lectotype MCl 76114. Eastern Nassau. New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 64. Strophiops primigenia Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76088. Fossil in limestone beneath a sand cliff on the east coast of Salt Key, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 65. Strophiops salinaria Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76089. Salt Key, New Providence Island. Bahamas. Taxon 66. Stro­ phiops larga Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76139. Rose Island opposite Green Key, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 67. Strophiops affinis Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76091. Sandy Key, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 68. Stro­ phiops acceptoria Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76095. Low Bay Key east of Rose Island, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 69. Strophiops cinereavaria Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76395. East end of Hog Island [Paradise Island). New THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et aI. 409

1 em I

Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 70. Strophiops variathorndikeiMaynard, 1913. Lectotype USNM 359502. Cemetery east of Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 71. Strophiops varianivia Maynard 1913. Lectotype MCZ 76392. About Banyan tree in Eastern Cemetery west along Shirley SI. to SI. Paul Quarry, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 72. Strophiops nivia Maynard, 1913. [Not illustrated.] The holotype (MCZ 010279) of Strophia curtissii nivia Maynard, 1894 [Taxon 26), is designated as the lectotype of Strophiops nivia Maynard, 1913, making Strophiops nivia Maynard, 1913, an objective junior synonym and junior homonym of Strophia curtissii nivia Maynard, 1894. Taxon 73. Strophiops rediviva Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCZ 76093. In field just west of SI. Paul Quarry, East Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. 410 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

ured type specimen to the MCZ but re­ es; 27.9 by 10.2 mm]. Description not­ tained a co-type in his collection. Thus, the ed, "Plate VII, fig. 3, front, fig. 4, side two specimens compose the syntype se­ view of type." ries. Clench and Aguayo (1952: 420, pI. 55, fig. 2) listed and illustrated MCZ 184649 Ty?e Material. The Oliginal description as the "holotype." This specimen matches proVIded measurements for a single "type" closely Maynard's published measure­ specimen, which was illustrated. Maynard ments and illustration and is accompanied (1896: 1) stated that he returned this fig­ by two MCZ labels. One label, with MCZ ured type specimen to the MCZ but re­ 10363 crossed out and replaced by tained a co-type in his collection. Thus, 184649, is annotated "Type" and "id. C. J. two specimens compose the syntype Maynard." The other label bears the num­ senes. Of these, MCZ 10311, which was ber MCZ 184649 and is annotated "ex. C. label.ed "Holotype" and contains a Single J. Maynard, Ace. 766" and labeled "Ho­ specImen accompanied by a note in May­ lotype." Article 74.5 (ICZN, 1999: 82-83) nard's handwriting identifying the taxon states, "VVhen the original work reveals but not using the term "type," is here des­ that the taxon had been based on more ignated as the lectotype to provide an ob­ j~ctive than one specimen, a subsequent use of standard of reference for this spe­ the term "holotype" does not constitute a CIeS-group taxon that is consistent with valid lectotype designation unless the au­ Maynard's original concept of it. The un­ thor, when wrongly using that term, ex­ specified number of additional specimens pliCitly indicated that he or she was se­ are, according to Article 72.4.6 (ICZ , lecting from the type selies that particular 1999: 77), expressly excluded from the specimen to serve as the name-bearing type series. Therefore, there can be but type." Thus, there is no holotype for this one paralectotype. taxon, nor can Clench and Aguayo's treat­ Lectotype Measurel1wnts. Length 27.2 ment of MCZ 184649 be considered a lec­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.8 mm; ap­ totype designation. This specimen [MCZ erture height (including lip) 9.0 mm, ap­ 184649] is here designated as the lectotype erture width (including lip and peristome) to provide an objective standard of refer­ 7.7 mm. ence for this species-group ta'(on that is Type Locality. Mathewstown, Inagua consistent with Maynard's original and [Bahamas], from town border to salina. Clench and Aguayo's subsequent concepts Remarks. Maynard (1896: 35) distin­ of this taxon. gUished four forms [Nos. 1-4] without Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.9 naming tllem. Maynard (1919b, fig. 13, pI. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.2 mm; ap­ 7, figs. 1,2) reillustrated this taxon. Clench erture height (including lip) 9.6 mm, ap­ (1959: 45) listed this taxon as a synonym erture width (including lip and pelistome) of Cerion (Diacerion) rubicundwn (Men­ 8.5 mm. ke, 1829) but did not select a lectotype. Type Locality. Cuba. Taxon 63. Strophiops antiqua Maynard, Remarks. Maynard (1896: 34) com­ 1913b [February 1]: 183-184 [not il­ mented that "Although these specimens lustrated in original publication]. Ex­ were Simply labeled 'Cuba: I have no amined 375 specimens. Size given as doubt but what they came from the neigh­ 1.25 by .50 [inches; 31.8 by 12.7 mm], borhood of Gibara, Cuba." but the term "type" was not used. Taxon 62. Strophia cylindrica Maynard, Type Material. The original description 1896 [March]: 34-36, pI. 7, figs. 3,4. did not distinguish among the 375 speci­ Number of specimens examined not mens examined, and there was no mention specified. Size of type 1.10 by .40 [inch- of type matelial in the other parts of this THE GERTON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 411

publication. Thus, all 375 specimens are in Maynard's hand identifYing the speci­ syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76114 con­ mens as "typical," but none use the word tains a single specimen labeled "holotype." "type" nor refer to the subsequently pub­ Although the width of this specimen lished illustrations. A large specimen that matches the published measurement, the approximates the published measurements length differs by nearly 10%. The speci­ and subsequently published illustration is men is here designated as the lectotype to selected as the lectotype to provide an ob, provide an objective standard of reference jective standard of reference for this spe· for this species-group taxon that is consis­ cies-group taxon tllat is consistent with tent with Maynard's original concept of it. Maynard's concept of it. The remaining 55 The remaining 374 specimens, including specimens were recatalogued as MCZ MCZ 76115 and MCZ 117863, become 356992 and are paralectotypes. paralectotypes. Lectotype Measurements. Length 35.0 Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.0 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.4 mm; ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.7 mm; ap­ erture height (including lip) 11.2 mm, ap­ erture height (including lip) 11.1 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture width (including lip and peristome) 9.7mm. 9.9 mm. Type Locality. Fossil in limestone be­ Type Locality. Eastern Nassau [New neath a sand cliff on the east coast of Salt Providence Island, Ballamas]. Fossil. May­ Key, New Providence Island, Bahamas. nard's handwritten note accompanying the Remarks. Maynard (1913b: 184) consid­ type specimen states "crab holes, Water­ ered this to be the ancestor of all the spe­ loo." cies in the "Primigenia Group" [an "aggre­ Remarks. Maynard (1913b: 183-184) gate of species" sensu Article lOA (ICZN, surmised that, "Neither this nor the above 1999: 9) ratller than a genus-group taxon]. [So agassizii] appear to be ancestors of any Strophiops primigenia was subsequently living form thus discovered." Maynard illustrated (Maynard, 1924a, pI. 39, figs. 3, (1921b: 151) reported 400 specimens and 4). Maynard (1921b: 142) prOVided slightly provided citations to illustrations (pI. 47, smaller measurements and a different lo­ figs. 3, 4) that were never issued. Gould cality (east of Rose Island). Gould and and Woodruff (1986: 480) reported ex­ Woodruff (1986: 481) doubted that this amining the "holotype" and provisionally taxon was truly a fossil, and regarded it to considered this taxon to be a synonym of be a synonym of Cerion glans (Kuster, Cerion agassizii Dall, 1894. 1844).

Taxon 64. Strophiops primigenia May­ Taxon 65. Strophiops salinaria Maynard, nard, 1913b [February 1]: 184 [not 1913b [February 1]: 184 [not illus­ illush'ated in original publication]. Ex­ trated in original publication]. Exam­ amined 100 specimens. Size given as ined 500 specimens. Size given as 1.35 1.50 by .50 [inches; 38.1 by 12.7 mm], by 045 [inches; 34.3 by 1104 mm], but but the term "type" was not used. the term "type" was not used. Type Material. The original description Type Material. The original description did not distinguish among the 100 speci­ did not distinguish among the 500 speci­ mens examined, and there was no mention mens examined, and there was no mention of type material in the other parts of this of type material in the other parts of this publication. Thus, all 100 specimens are publication. Thus, all 500 specimens are syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76088 con­ syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76089 con· tained 56 specimens and was labeled tains a single specimen that was cata­ "paratype." This lot also contained labels logued as the "Holotype" and that was il- 412 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

lustrated by Gould and Woodruff (1978, publication. Thus, all 20 specimens are fig. 2) and captioned "holotype." Gould syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76139 con­ and Woodruff's caption cannot be accept­ tains a Single specimen labeled "holotype." ed as a lectotype designation, as Article This lot also contains a label in Maynard's 74.5 (ICZN, 1999: 83) states, "When the hand with the term "type," which includes original work reveals that the taxon had references to illustrations (Maynard, 1925, been based on more than one specimen, a pI. 41, figs. 3, 4) that were published 12 subsequent use of the term 'holotype' does years after the species was described. This not constitute a valid lectotype designation specimen approximates the subsequently unless the author, when wrongly using that published measurements and is tlle spec­ term, expliCitly indicated that he or she imen figured in 1925 [a repaired break on was selecting from the type series that par­ the apertural surface is present in both fig­ ticular specimen to serve as the name­ ure and specimen]. It is here designated bearing type." This specimen is here des­ as the lectotype to provide an objective ignated as the lectotype to provide an ob­ standard of reference for this species­ jective standard of reference for this spe­ group taxon that is consistent with May­ cies-group taxon that is consistent with nard's concept of this taxon. The remain­ Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ ing 19 syntypes, including MCZ 76140, maining 499 specimens, including MCZ become paralectotypes. 76090 and USNM 420055 (15 specimens), Lectotype Measurements. Length 32.1 become paralectotypes. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.8 mm; ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 30.5 erture height (including lip) 12.0 mm, ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.9 mm; ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture height (including lip) 10.2 mm, ap­ lOA mm. erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Locality. Rose Island opposite 804 mm. Green Key [New Providence Island, Ba­ Type Locality. Living all over Salt Key hamas]. [New Providence Island, Bahamas], and Remarks. Maynard (1921b: 145) proVid­ thousands dead in the sand cliff at the east ed measurements 1.35 by .52 [inches; 34.3 end. by 13.2 mm] and references to subse­ Remarks. Maynard (1921b: 144, 1925, quently published illustrations but listed a pI. 40, figs. 1, 2) published larger dimen­ slightly different locality, "West shore of sions of 1.45 by 045 [inches; 36.8 by 11.4 Hog Island opposite Green Key," and not­ mm] and illustrations of this taxon. Gould ed 25 specimens, some perhaps subse­ and Woodruff (1986: 475) regarded this quently collected. Gould and Woodruff taxon to be a synonym of Cerion glans (1986: 475) regarded this taxon to be a (Kuster, 1844). synonym of Cerion glans (Kuster, 1844).

Taxon 66. Strophiops larga Maynard, Taxon 67. Strophiops affinis Maynard, 1913b [February 1]: 184; Maynard, 1913b [February 1]: 184-185 [not il­ 1921b: 145; Maynard, 1925, pI. 41, figs. lustrated in original publication]. Ex­ 3, 4. Examined 20 specimens [not illus­ amined 300 specimens. Size given as trated in original publication). No mea­ 1.15 by 60 [sic .60] [inches; 29.2 by 15.2 surements included in original descrip­ mm], but the term "type" was not used. tion. Type Material. The original description Type Material. The original description did not distinguish among the 300 speci­ did not distinguish among the 20 speci­ mens examined, and there was no mention mens examined, and there was no mention of type material in the other parts of this of type material in the other parts of this publication. Thus, all 300'specimens are THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Hamsewych et al. 413

syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76091 con­ imens. One of the specimens approximates tains a single specimen labeled "holotype." the measurements and subsequent figure This lot also contains a label in Maynard's [Maynard, 1925, pI. 41, figs. 5, 6] and is hand with the term "Type" that includes here selected as the lectotype to provide references to illustrations (pI. 44, figs. 7, an objective standard of reference for this 8), which were never published. This spec­ species-group taxon that is consistent with imen is here deSignated as the lectotype to Maynard's concept of this taxon. The re­ provide an objective standard of reference maining 199 syntypes became co-mingled for this species-group taxon that is consis­ with additional specimens (see Remarks), tent with Ma)'l"lard's concept of this taxon. so it is unclear which of the specimens in The remaining 229 syntypes, including MCZ 76096 (223 specimens) and USNM MCZ 76092, become paralectotypes. 420075 (1l0 specimens), are paralecto­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 30.9 types. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.3 mm; ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 25.4 erture height (including lip) 11.4 mm, ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.6 mm; ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture height (including lip) 9.4 mm, ap­ 9.4 mm. erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Locality. The original description 7.8 mm. listed this taxon as occurring on Sandy and Type Locality. Low Bay Key east of Green Keys [New Providence Island, Ba­ Rose Island [New Providence Island, Ba­ hamas], living under different environ­ hamas]. ments on each. Because the lectotype is Remarks. Maynard (1921b: 145) noted a from Sandy Key, the type locality is re­ larger size (1.00 by .40 [inches]), a larger stricted to Sandy Key (Article 76.2, ICZN, number (528) of specimens, likely the re­ 1999: 87). sult of subsequent collections, and provid­ Remarks. Maynard (1921b: 144) provid­ ed references to figures (pI. 41, figs. 5, 6) ed slightly different measurements [1.20 that were issued in 1925. Gould and by .57 inches; 30.5 by 14.4 mm] and a ref­ Woodruff (1986: 474) had examined the erence to figures [pI. 44, figs. 5, 6; these "Holotype" and synonymized this taxon figure numbers differ from those on the witl"l Cerion glans (Kuster, 1844). label accompanying the lectotype] that were never published. Gould and Wood­ Taxon 69. Strophiops cinereavaria May­ ruff (1986: 474) had examined the "Ho­ nard, I9I3b [February 1]: 185 [not lotype" and synonymized this taxon with illustrated in original publication]. Ex­ Cerion glans (Kuster, 1844). amined 614 specimens. No _measure­ ments included in descliption. Taxon 68. Strophiops acceptoria May­ nard, I9I3b [February 1]: 185 [not Type Material. The original description illustrated in original publication]. Ex­ did not distinguish among the 614 speci­ amined 200 specimens. Size given as .94 mens examined, and there was no mention by .36 [inches; 23.9 by 9.1 mm], but the of type material in the other parts of this term "type" was not used. publication. Thus, all 614 specimens are syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76395 con­ Type Material. The original descliption tained five specimens labeled "paratype." did not distinguish among the 200 speci­ Examination of the MCZ catalog revealed mens examined, and there was no mention that no Single specimen identified as a type of type material in the other parts of this was present in Maynard's collection when publication. Thus, all 200 specimens are it was acqUired from his daughter. Because syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76095 was la­ neither measurements nor illustrations beled "Holotype," but contained two spec- were ever published for this taxon, one of 414 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

the five specimens, the best preserved un­ ed to serve as the lectotype to provide an damaged adult, is selected to be the lec­ objective standard of reference for this totype to provide an objective standard of species-group taxon that is consistent with reference for this species-group taxon. The Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ remaining specimens, recatalogued as maining three specimens, recatalogued as MCZ 356476, become paralectotypes. USNM 1093789, become paralectotypes. Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.1 Lectotype Measurements. Length 19.1 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.9 mm; ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.4 mm; ap­ erture height (including lip) 11.0 mm, ap­ erture height (including lip) 7.4 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture width (including lip and peristome) 9.9 mm. 6.4 mm. Type Locality. East end of Hog Island Type Locality. Cemetery east of Nassau [Paradise Island] [New Providence Island, [New Providence Island, Bahamas]. Bahamas]. Remarks. Following Article Remarks. The taxon name originally ap­ (ICZN, 1999: 40) dle hyphen is removed peared as S. cinerea-vara, but was used as from varia-thorndikei and the taxon be­ S. cinerea-varia on the follOwing page. A comes variathorndilcei. A label accompa­ correction was published (Maynard, nying the lectotype stated, "on an isolated 1913c: 199) in which Maynard acted as the grass plot, now extinct. 1915." Gould and First Revisor of spellings [Article 24.2.4, Woodruff (1986: 478) regarded this taxon ICZN, 1999: 30-31]' seleCting ci'neria-var­ to be a synonym of Cerion gubernatorium ia to be the correct spelling. FollOwing Ar­ (Crosse, 1869). ticle (ICZN, 1999: 40), the hy­ phen is removed and the taxon becomes Taxon 71. Strophiops varianivia Maynard cinereavaria. Gould and Woodruff (1986: 1913b [February I]: 186 [not illus­ 474) reported examining "paratypes" and trated in original publication]. Number synonymized this taxon with Cerion glans of specimens examined not speCified. (Kuster, 1844). No measurements included in descrip­ tion. Taxon 70. Strophiops variathorndikei Maynard, 1913b [February I]: 186 Type Material. The original deSCription [not illustrated in original publication]. did not specify the number of specimens Number of specimens examined not examined, which are all syntypes. No spec­ specified. No measurements included in imen labeled holotype could be found at description. the MCZ. Lot MCZ 76392 contained 22 mostly juvenile specimens labeled "para­ Type Material. The original description types." One of dle adult specimens in dlis did not specify the number of specimens lot is selected as the lectotype to provide examined, which are all syntypes. This tax­ an objective standard of reference for this on was not represented in the collections species-group taxon that is consistent with of MCZ, nor was it present in Maynard's Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ collection at the time it was acquired from maining 21 specimens, recatalogued as his daughter, as revealed by an examina­ MCZ 356675, become paralectotypes. tion of the MCZ catalog. The USNM cat­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 19.6 alog revealed that USNM 359502 con­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.0 mm; ap­ tained four syntypes that Bartsch had pur­ erture height (including lip) 8.0 mm, ap­ chased from Maynard. Because neither erture width (including lip and peristome) measurements nor illustration were pub­ 6.6 mm. lished, one of the specimens in this lot, a Type Locality. About Banyan tree in well-preserved undamaged adult, is select- Eastern Cemetery west along Shirley St. THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNAHD· Harasewych et al. 415

to St. Paul Quarry [Nassau, New Provi­ mvUl as an error for S. nivea Maynard, dence Island, Bahamas]. 1894, rather than as a separately described Remarks. The first use of this name was taxon. in the form of a citation, as if it were pre­ viously published. See remarks under Taxon 73. Strophiops rediviva Maynard, Strophia curtissii nivia [Taxon 26]. Follow­ 1913c [February 9]: 187; Maynard, ing Article (ICZN, 1999: 40) the 1921b: 144; Maynard, 1925, pI. 40, figs. hyphen is removed from varia-nivia and 5, 6 [not illustrated in original publica­ the taxon becomes varianivia. Gould and tion]. Examined 500 specimens. No Woodruff (1986: 478) regarded this taxon measurements included in description. to be a synonym of Cerion gubernatoriU1n Type Material. The original description (Crosse, 1869). did not distinguish among the 500 speci­ mens examined, and there was no mention Taxon 72. Strophiops nivia Maynard, of type material in the other parts of this 1913b [February 1]: 186 [not illus­ publication. Thus, all 500 specimens are trated in original publication]. Exam­ syntypes. Lot MCZ 76093 was labeled ined 829 specimens. No measurements "Holotype" but contained two specimens included in description. See remarks and a label written by Maynard that con­ under Strophia curtissii nivia Maynard, tains the name of the taxon, the word 1894 [Taxon 26]. "type," and "Plate 40 figs. 5 6." The spec­ imen that closely resembles the published Nomenclatural Rernarks. This taxon was illustration is here selected as the lectotype described as new, appearing as "S. nivia to provide an objective standard of refer­ new," whereas the preceding taxon, S. var­ ence for this species-group taxon that is ia-nivia, was incorrectly listed as being consistent with Maynard's concept of this previously described, appearing as "S. var­ taxon. The other specimen, recatalogued ia-nivia Mayn." This is almost certainly an as MCZ 356478, and MCZ 76094 are error in typesetting. Strophiops nivia May­ among the 499 paralectotypes. nard, 1913, is a junior homonym of Stro­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.8 phia curtissii nivia Maynard, 1894. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.1 mm; ap­ Type Material. The nmnber of speci­ erture height (including lip) 10.5 mm, ap­ mens listed in Maynard (1913b: 186, erture width (including lip and peristome) 1919b: 47) was substantially higher than 8.3 mm. the 40 listed in the original description of Type Locality. In field just west of St. S. curtissii nivia (Maynard, 1894: 112). It Paul Quarry, East Nassau [New Provi­ is likely that Maynard added specimens in dence Island, Bahamas]. subsequent field work. The type localities Remarks. Maynard (1921b: 144) noted for both uses of the name are identical ex­ that the taxon was collected in 1897 but cept for phrasing, and only one series of was extinct in 1921. Maynard (1924c: 6) specimens bearing the name nivia was listed S. rediviva as extinct in 1913 from present in Maynard's collection at the time the burning of vegetation prior to cultiva­ it was acquired from his daughter. The ho­ tion. Maynard (1925, pI. 40, figs. 5, 6) pro­ lotype of Strophia curtissii nivia Maynard, vided colored illustrations for this taxon. 1894 (MCZ 10279), is here deSignated as Gould and Woodruff (1986: 476) regarded the lectotype of Strophiops nivia Maynard, this taxon to be "intermediate" between 1913, making Strophiops nivia Maynard, Cerion glans (Kuster, 1844) and C. gub­ 1913, both a junior secondary homonym ernatorium (Crosse, 1869). and an objective junior synonym of Stro­ phia curtissii nivia Maynard, 1894. Taxon 74. Strophiops variapurpurea May­ Remarks. Clench (1957: 155) listed S. nard, 1913c [February 9]: 188 [not 416 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

illustrated in original publication]. Ex­ Taxon 75. Strophiops purpurea Maynard, amined 59 specimens. No measure­ 1913c [February 9]: 188-189; May­ ments included in descIiption. nard, 1921b: 150 [not illustrated in orig­ inal publication]. Examined 50 speci­ Type Material. The original description mens. Size given as 1.05 by .40 [inches; did not distinguish among the 59 speci­ 26.7 by 10.2 mm], but the term "type" mens examined, and there was no mention was not used. of type material in the other parts of this publication. Thus, all 59 specimens are Type Material. The original description syntypes. No specimen labeled "Holotype" did not distinguish among tlle 50 speci­ could be found at the MCZ. Lot MCZ mens examined, and there was no mention 76286 contained 15 specimens labeled of type material in the other parts of this "paratypes." One of these specimens, a publication. Thus, all 50 specimens are well-preserved undamaged adult, was se­ syntypes. Lot MCZ 76108 contains a single lected as the lectotype to provide an ob­ specimen labeled "Holotype." This lot also jective standard of reference for this spe­ contains a label in Maynard's hand with cies-group taxon that is consistent with the term "type" that includes references to Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ illustrations (pI. 46, figs. 2, 3) that were maining 58 specimens, including the 14 never published. This specimen is here specimens recatalogued as MCZ 356676, deSignated as the lectotype to provide an become paralectotypes. objective standard of reference for this Lectotype Measurements. Length 23.4 species-group taxon that is consistent with mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.1 mm; ap­ Maynard's concept of this taxon. The re­ erture height (including lip) 8.9 mm, ap­ maining 49 syntypes become paralecto­ erture width (including lip and peristome) types. Lot MCZ 76107 contains 92 speci­ 7.5 mm. mens, indicating that at least 43 were col­ Type Locality. From the termination of lected after the taxon was described. Bay Street east to the Creek Settlement Lectotype Measurements. Length 26.1 [Nassau, New Providence Island, Baha­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.3 mm; ap­ mas]. erture height (including lip) 10.1 mm, ap­ Remarks. FolloWing Article erture width (including lip and peIistome) (ICZN, 1999: 40), the hyphen is removed 8.4 mm. from varia-purpurea and the taxon be­ Type Locality. Creek Settlement, east comes variapurpurea. Gould and Wood­ about 1 mile along the shore [Nassau, New ruff (1986: 478) regarded this taxon to be Providence Island, Bahamas]. a synonym of Cerion gubernatorium Remarks. Maynard (1919a: 24) mis­ (Crosse, 1869). spelled the name as S. purpura. Maynard

Figures 74-86. Taxon 74. Strophiops variapurpurea Maynard, 1913. Lectotype 76286. Found from the termination of Bay Street east to the Creek Settlement, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 75. Strophiops purpurea Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76108. Creek Settlement, east about 1 mile along the shore, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 76. Strophiops macularia Maynard, 1913. Lectotype 76127. South shore New Providence Island, Bahamas, from west side of first sound west 2 miles to a salina and northward along an old disused road running from the beach to Fox Hill, 1 mile. Taxon 77. Strophiops rufimaculata Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76126. South shore of New Providence Island, Bahamas, from west side of salina to Sound Point, 2 miles. Taxon 78. Strophiops delicata Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCZ 76099. South Key off Sound Point, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 79. Strophiops ultima Maynard, 1913. Lectotype 76154. Southwest Key, New Providence Isiand, Bahamas. Taxon 80. Strophiops avita Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76394. Silver Key just west of Nassau Bar, New Providence Island, Bahamas, under a bed of limestone a foot thick, embedded in an ancient red soil. Taxon 81. Strophiops vetusta Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 117930. Fossil in the limestone of the three Silver Keys off Nassau Bar and of the Pimlico Keys off Eleuthera, Bahamas. Taxon 82. Strophiops argentia Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCZ 76120. Living THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 417

1em I 74

on the three Silver Keys, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 83. Strophiops agavaneg/ecta Maynard, 1913. [Not illustrated.] The holotype (MCZ 76103) of Strophia neg/ecta agava Maynard, 1894 [Taxon 41], is designated as the neotype of Strophiops agavaneg/ecta Maynard, 1913, making Strophiops agavaneg/ecta Maynard, 1913, an objective junior synonym of Strophia neg/ecta agava Maynard, 1894. Taxon 84. Strophiops oberho/seri Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCZ 76124. Southwest Bay, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 85. Strophiops inconsueta Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCZ 76123. Southern portion of Great Pimlico Island, Eleuthera, Bahamas. Taxon 86. Strophiops transitoria Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCZ 117848. Northern portion of Great Pimlico Island, Eleuthera, Bahamas. 418 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

(1921b: 150) reported 705 mostly dead ed slightly smaller measurements (1.10 by specimens collected from the back of a .45 [inches; 27.9 by 11.4 mm]) and re­ sandy beach, just southwest of East Point ported a larger number (2,041) of speci­ Light on New Providence Island and cited mens, presumably from subsequent collec­ illustrations (pI. 46, figs. 2, 3) that were tions. The illustrations cited (pI. 46, figs. 5, never issued. Maynard (1924?) listed this 6) were never issued. Gould and Woodruff taxon as S. purpurea in the catalog, but in (1986: 478) regarded this taxon to be a tlle supplement to the catalog (1924c: 6) synonym of Cerion gubernatorium reported S. "purpura" as extinct in 1924 (Crosse, 1869). from the burning of vegetation prior to cultivation. Gould and Woodruff (1986: Taxon 77. Strophiops rufimaculata May­ 478) regarded this taxon to be a synonym nard, 1913c [February 9]: 189-190; of Cerion gubernatorium (Crosse, 1869). Maynard, 1921b: 150 [not illustrated in original publication]. Examined 325 Taxon 76. Strophiops macularia Maynard, specimens. Size given as 1.25 by .50 1913c [February 9]: 189; Maynard, [inches; 32.8 by 12.7 mm], but the term 1921b: 150 [not illustrated in original "type" was not used. publication]. Examined 325 specimens. Size given as 1.18 by .45 [inches; 30.0 Type Material. The original description by 11.4 mm], but the term "type" was did not distinguish among the 325 speci­ not used. mens examined, and there was no mention of type material in the other parts of this Type Material. The original description publication. Thus, all 325 specimens are did not distinguish among the 325 speci­ syntypes. No specimen labeled "Holotype" mens examined, and there was no mention could be found at the MCZ. Lot MCZ of type material in the other parts of this 76126 contained 136 specimens labeled publication. Thus, all 325 specimens are "Paratypes." Because this taxon was never syntypes. Lot MCZ 76127 contains a Single illustrated, one of the syntypes that most specimen labeled "holotype." This lot also closely approximates the published dimen­ contains a label in Maynard's hand with sions was selected as tlle lectotype to pro­ the tenn "type," which includes references vide an objective standard of reference for to illustrations (pI. 46, figs. 4, 5) that were this speCies-group taxon that is consistent never published. This specimen is here with Maynard's original concept of it. The deSignated as the lectotype to provide an remaining 135 specimens were recata­ objective standard of reference for tllis logued as MCZ 356474 and are among the species-group taxon that is consistent with remaining 324 syntypes that become par­ Maynard's concept of this taxon. The re­ alectotypes. maining 324 syntypes, including MCZ Lectotype Measurements. Length 32.2 76128, become paralectotypes. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.6 mm; ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.4 erture height (including lip) 12.6 mm, ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.0 mm; ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture height (including lip) 10.5 mm, ap­ 11.1 mm. erture widtll (including lip and pelistome) Type Locality. South shore of New 8.4 mm. Providence [Island, Bahamas] from west Type Locality. South shore New Provi­ side of salina to Sound Point, 2 miles. dence [Island, Bahamas] from west side of Remarks. Maynard (1921b: 150) cited il­ first sound west 2 miles to a salina and lustrations (pI. 46, figs. 7, 8) that were nev­ northward along an old disused road run­ er issued. Gould and Woodruff (1986: 478) ning from the beach to Fox Hill, 1 mile. regarded this taxon to be a synonym of Remarks. Maynard (1921b: 150) provid- Cerion gubernatorium (Crosse, 1869). THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNAHD • Harasewych et al. 419

Taxon 78. Stmphiops delicata Maynard, Type Material. The original deSCription 1913c [February 9]: 190; Maynard, did not specify the number of specimens 1921b: 151 [not illustrated in original examined, which are all syntypes. Lot publication]. Examined 107 specimens. MCZ 76154 was labeled "Holotype" and Size given as 1.10 by .35 [inches; 27.9 contains a single specimen accompanied by 8.9 mm], but the term "type" was not by a note in Maynard's handwriting iden­ used. tifYing the taxon and containing the term "type" as well as the notation "Plate 45 Type Material. The original description figs. 1-2." The illustrations were never did not distinguish among the 107 speci­ published, nor were illustrations men­ mens examined, and there was no mention tioned in the subsequent treatment of the of type material in the other parts of this taxon (Maynard, 1921b: 151). This speci­ publication. Thus, all 107 specimens are men (MCZ 76154) approximates the pub­ syntypes. Lot MCZ 76099 was labeled lished measurements and is here deSignat­ "holotype" but contains two specimens ac­ ed as the lectotype to provide an objective companied by a note in Maynard's hand­ standard of reference for this species­ writing identifying the taxon and contain­ group taxon that is consistent with May­ ing the term "types (2)," as well as the no­ nard's original concept of it. It is not clear tation "Plate 46 figs. 9-10." Both speci­ how many of the subsequently mentioned mens are nearly identical in 200 specimens were available to Maynard measurements. One specimen (MCZ at the time he described this taxon. Lot 76099) is here selected as the lectotype to MCZ 76153 contains 523 specimens, most provide an objective standard of reference of which could not have been part of the for this species-group taxon that is consis­ type series. tent with Maynard's original concept of it. Lectotype Measurenwnts. Length 25.1 The other specimen was recatalogued as mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.2 mm; ap­ MCZ 356477 and is among the remaining erture height (including lip) 9.8 Hun, ap­ 106 syntypes, including MCZ 76100, erture width (including lip and peristome) which become paralectotypes. 8.1 mm. Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.6 Type Locality. No locality was men­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.8 mm; ap­ tioned in tlle original publication. Maynard erture height (including lip) 10.3 mm, ap­ (l921b: 151) reported the locality as erture width (including lip and peristome) Southwest Key, New Providence Island, 8.5 mm. Bahamas. This is also the data accompa­ Type Locality. South Key off Sound nying the lectotype. Point [New Providence Island, Bahamas]' Remarks. Maynard commented that this Remarks. Maynard (1921b: 150) cited il­ is "another fine example of recession with lustrations (pI. 46, figs. 9, 10) that were four species intervening between it and never issued. Gould and Woodruff (1986: the species it mimics, two of them white!" 478) regarded this taxon to be a synonym Gould and Woodruff (1986: 474) had ex­ of Cerion gubernatorium (Crosse, 1869). amined "paratypes" and synonymized this taxon with Cerion glans (Kuster, 1844). Taxon 79. Strophiops ultima Maynard, 1913c [February 9]: 190; Maynard, Taxon 80. Strophiops avita Maynard, 1921b: 151 [not illustrated]. Number of 1913c [February 9]: 190 [not illus­ specimens examined not specified b'ated in original publication]; Maynard, [Maynard, 1921b: 151, mentioned 200 1914a: front cover; Maynard, 1914b: specimensJ. Size given as .95 by .40 front cover; Maynard, 1921a: 138; May­ [inches; 24.1 by 10.2 mm], but the term nard, 1921b, pI. 35, figs. 1, 2. Examined "type" was not used. 50 specimens. Size given as 1.10 by .45 420 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

[inches; 27.9 by 11.4 mm], but the term trated in original publication]; Maynard, "type" was not used. 1921a: 138; Maynard, 1921b, pI. 35, figs. 3, 4. Examined 200 specimens. Size giv­ Type Material. The original description en as 1.25 by .50 [inches; 31.8 by 12.7 did not distinguish among the 50 speci­ mm], but the term "type" was not used. mens examined, and there was no mention of type material in the other parts of this Type Material. The original description publication. Thus, all 50 specimens are did not distinguish among the 200 speci­ syntypes. Lot MCZ 76394 was labeled mens examined, and there was no mention "Holotype" and contains a single specimen of type material in the other parts of this accompanied by a note in Maynard's hand­ publication. Thus, all 200 specimens are writing identifying the taxon and contain­ syntypes. Lot MCZ 117930 was labeled ing the term "type." It is within 7% of the "co-type" and contains a single specimen measurements included in the original de­ accompanied by a note in Maynard's hand­ scription and approximates the subsequent writing dated "10/9/14," identifying the illustration of this species on the front cov­ taxon and containing the term "co-type." ers of Maynard (1914a,b), more so than This specimen is Significantly (14%) short­ the later illustration (Maynard, 1921b, pI. er than the measurements included in the 35, figs. 1, 2), which has a more conical original description but approximates the spire. This specimen (MCZ 76394) is here subsequent illustration of this species designated as the lectotype to provide an (Maynard, 1921b, pI. 35, figs. 3, 4). This objective standard of reference for this specimen (MCZ 117930) is here designat­ species-group taxon that is consistent with ed as the lectotype to provide an objective Maynard's original concept of it. The orig­ standard of reference for this species­ inal description states that 50 specimens group taxon that is consistent with May­ were examined; thus, the remaining 49, in­ nard's original concept of it. The remain­ cluding MCZ 76141, become paralectoty­ ing 199 syntypes, including MCZ 76129, pes. However, Maynard, 1921a (p. 138), become paralectotypes. Maynard (1921a: lists 55 specimens, some possibly subse­ 138) listed 265 specimens, some possibly quently collected. subsequently collected. Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.6 Lectotype Measurements. Length 26.8 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.2 mm; ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.2 mm; ap­ erture height (including lip) 12.2 mm, ap­ erture height (including lip) 11.2 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture width (including lip and peristome) 10.1 mm. 9.6 mm. Type Locality. Silver Key just west of Type Locality. Fossil in the limestone of Nassau Bar [New Providence Island, Ba­ the three Silver Keys off Nassau Bar [New hamas]. Found under a bed of limestone Providence Island], and of the Pimlico a foot thick embedded in an ancient red Keys off Eleuthera [Bahamas]. The label soil. accompanying the lectotype states Silver Remarks. Maynard (1913c: 190) opined Key, thus restricting the type locality. that this was "undoubtedly the oldest fossil Remarks. Clench (1952: 110) listed this Strophia yet found in the Bahamas." taxon as a junior synonym of Cerion in­ Gould and Woodruff (1986: 474) synony­ consuetum (Maynard, 1913). Gould and mized this taxon with Cerion agassizii Woodruff (1986: 482) listed this taxon as a Dall, 1894, but noted that the "Holotype" synonym of C. glans (Kuster, 1844). resembled C. glans (Kuster, 1844). Taxon 82. Strophiops argentia Maynard, Taxon 81. Strophiops vetusta Maynard, 1913c [February 9]: 191 [not illus­ 1913c [February 9]: 191 [not illus- trated in original publication]. S. ar- THE CERTON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 421

gntea Maynard, 1921a: 138; Maynard, Taxon 83. Strophiops agavaneglecta May­ 1921b: 139, pI. 35, figs. 5, 6 [So argentea nard, 1913c [February 9]: 192 [not in plate caption]. Examined 400 speci­ illustrated]. Examined 150 specimens. mens. Size given as 1.20 by .45 [inches; No measurements prOVided. 30.5 by 11.43 mm], but the term "type" was not used. Type Material. The original description did not distinguish among the 150 speci­ Type Material. The original description mens examined, and there was no mention did not distinguish among the 400 speci­ of type material in the other parts of this mens examined, and there was no mention publication. Thus, all 150 specimens are of type material in the other parts of this syntypes. This taxon was not represented publication. Thus, there is no holotype for in the collections of MCZ, nor was it pre­ this taxon, and the species is based on 400 sent in Maynard's collection at the time it syntypes. Lot MCZ 76120 was labeled was acquired from his daughter, as re­ "Holotype" and contained a Single speci­ vealed by an examination of the MCZ cat­ men accompanied by a note in Maynard's alog. This taxon was not among the ma­ handWriting that identified the taxon and terial purchased for the USNM collections contained a reference to subsequently either dUring Maynard's lifetime or from published illustrations (Maynard, 1921b, his estate. Searches of the collections and! or databases of The Academy of Natural pI. 35, figs. 5, 6) but did not include any Sciences of Philadelphia, The Field Mu­ form of the word "type." This specimen is seum of Natural History, The Florida Mu­ here designated as the lectotype to provide seum of Natural HistOlY, and The Muse­ an objective standard of reference for this um of Biological Diversity, The Ohio State speCies-group taxon that is consistent with University, failed to uncover a single spec­ Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ imen catalogued under this name. This maining 399 syntypes (including MCZ taxon was never illustrated, nor did it ap­ 76121, MCZ 118064, and USNM 419999) pear in any of Maynard's subsequent pub­ become paralectotypes. lications or catalogs. The description is Lectotype Measu-rements. Length 30.1 limited to the statement "Intermediate be­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.5 mm; ap­ tween agava and neglecta." [Strophia aga­ erture height (including lip) 10.3 mm, ap­ va was originally proposed as a subspecies erture width (including lip and peristome) of S. neglecta.] No specimens bearing the 9.5 mm. name Strophiops agavaneglecta could be Type Locality. Living on the three Silver located in museums, nor could this taxon Keys [New Providence Island, Bahamas]. be identified on the basis of its limited de­ Remarks. Maynard (1913c: 150) noted scription. The holotype of Stmphia neglec­ "Silver Key, the most western ofthe group, ta agava Maynard, 1894 (MCZ 76103), is is remarkable as having been the home of here deSignated as the neotype of Stro­ three, quite closely allied and evidently phiops agavaneglecta Maynard, 1913, to successive species of Strophias, represen­ provide an objective standard of reference tatives of the three distinct geological pe­ for this speCies-group taxon. Strophiops riods." This taxon name was misspelled as agavaneglecta Maynard, 1913, becomes an S. argntea in Maynard, 1921a (p. 138), and objective junior synonym of Strophia neg­ as S. argentea in captions (Maynard, lecta agava Maynard, 1894. 1919c,fig. 26, 1921b,pI.35,figs. 5, 6) and Type Locality. Maynard (1913c: 192) the sales catalog (Maynard, 1924?: [4]). defined the type locality of S. agavane­ Gould and Woodruff (1986: 474) listed glecta to be the eastern portion of the this taxon as a synonym of Cerion glans range of S. agava [fields west of Nassau, (Kuster, 1844). New Providence Island, Bahamas]' With 422 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

the neotype designation, the type locality 2) noted that this taxon was the same size of S. agava becomes the type locality of S. as S. coryi (i.e., 1.00 by .40 [inches; 25.4 agavaneglecta (Article 76.3, ICZN, 1999: by 10.2 mm]) and provided colored illus­ 87). trations. Gould and Woodruff (1986: 474) Remark.s. Following Article synonymized this taxon with Cerion glans (ICZN, 1999: 40), the hyphen is removed (Kuster, 1844). from agava-neglecta and the taxon be­ comes agavaneglecta. Gould and vVoodruff Taxon 85. Stmphiops inconsueta May­ (1986: 474) synonymized this taxon with nal'd, 1913c [February 9]: 193-194 Cerion glans (Kuster, 1844). [not illustrated in original publication]; Maynard, 1920a, pI. 11, fig. 1; Maynard, Taxon 84. Stmphiops obe1-holseri May­ 1921b: 142; Maynard, 1924a, pI. 39, figs. nard, 1913c [February 9]: 193 [not 1, 2. Examined 675 specimens. Size giv­ illustrated in original publication]; May­ en as 1.27 by .50 [inches; 32.3 by 12.7 nard, 1920c, fig. 86; Maynard, 1921b: mm], but the term "type" was not used. 140, pI. 37, figs. 1, 2. Examined 220 specimens. No measurements provided Type Material. The original description in original description. did not distinguish among the 675 speci­ mens examined, and there was no mention Type Material. The original description of type material in the other parts of this did not distinguish among the 220 speci­ publication. Thus, all 675 specimens are mens examined, and there was no mention syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76123 con­ of type material in the other parts of this tains a Single specimen labeled "Holotype" publication. Thus, all 220 specimens are and a label in Maynard's hand with the syntypes. Lot MCZ 76124 contains a single term «type," which includes references to specimen labeled «holotype." This lot also subsequently published figures (Maynard, contains a label in Maynard's hand with 1924a, pI. 39, figs. 1, 2). This speCimen, the term <'Type" that includes references which approximates the measurements in to subsequently published illustrations the original description and the subse­ (Maynard, 1921b, pI. 37, figs. 1, 2), which quently published illustrations, is here des­ the specimen approximates. This specimen ignated as the lectotype to provide an ob­ is here deSignated as the lectotype to pro­ jective standard of reference for this spe­ vide an objective standard of reference for cies-group taxon that is consistent with this species-group taxon that is consistent Maynard's concept of tl1is taxon. The re­ with Maynard's concept of this taxon. The maining 674 syntypes, including MCZ remaining 219 syntypes, including MCZ 76122, MCZ 177994 (one specimen), and 76125 and MCZ 117655, become paralec­ USNM 420051 (75 specimens), become totypes. paralectotypes. Lectotype Measurements. Length 26.4 Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.9 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.6 mm; ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 13.7 mm; ap­ erture height (including lip) 9.7 mm, ap­ erture height (including lip) 11.6 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture width (including lip and pelistome) 8.6 mm. 11.0 mm. Type Locality. Southwest Bay, New Type Locality. Southern portion of Providence [Island, Bahamas], near the Great Pimlico [Island, Eleuthera, Baha­ landing. mas]' Remarks. This taxon was first illustrated Remarks. Clench (1952: 110) consid­ (Maynard, 1920c, fig. 86) as an example of ered this taxon to be a valid species and Maynard's "Law of SpeCific Reincarna­ the senior synonym of S. vetusta Maynard, tion." Maynard (1921b: 140, pI. 37, figs. 1, 1913 (see Taxon 81). THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 423

Taxon 86. Strophiops transitoria May­ Taxon 87. Strophiops uniformis Maynard, nard, 1913c [February 9]: 194; May­ 1913c [February 9]: 194 [not illus­ nard, 1921b: 141, pI. 37, figs. 9, 10 [not trated in original publication]; Maynard, illustrated in original publication]. Ex­ 1921b: 141; Maynard, 1924a, pI. 38, figs. amined 250 specimens. Size given as .90 1, 2. Examined 760 specimens. Size giv­ by .35 [inches; 22.9 by 8.9 mm], but the en as 1.15 by .45 [inches; 29.2 by 11.4 term "type" was not used. mm], but the term "type" was not used.

Type Material. The original description Type Material. The original description did not distinguish among the 250 speci­ did not distinguish among the 760 speci­ mens examined, and there was no mention mens examined, and there was no mention of type material in the other parts of this of type material in the other parts of this publication. Thus, all 250 specimens are publication. Thus, all 760 specimens are syntypes. Lot MCZ 117848 contains a sin­ syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76117 con­ gle specimen labeled "syntype," whereas tains a single specimen labeled "Holotype" MCZ 76119 contained 116 specimens la­ that approximates the measurements in beled"paratype." All are syntypes, and the original description and the subse­ most appear to be dead collected. Of quent illustration in Maynard (1924a, pI. these, the sequestered specimen (MCZ 38, figs. 1, 2). This lot also contains a label 117848), which roughly approximates the in Maynard's hand with the term "Type" measurements and subsequent illustration, that includes references to these figures. is here deSignated as the lectotype to pro­ This specimen is here deSignated as the vide an objective standard of reference for lectotype to provide an objective standard this species-group taxon that is consistent of reference for this species-group taxon with Maynard's concept of this taxon. The that is consistent with Maynard's concept remaining 249 syntypes, including the 116 of this taxon. The remaining 759 syntypes, specimens in MCZ 76119, become para­ including MCZ 76118, MCZ 117851, and lectotypes. USNM 420052 (30 specimens), become Lectotype Measurements. Length 23.2 paralectotypes. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.6 mm; ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.5 erture height (including lip) 9.1 mm, ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.1 mm; ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture height (including lip) 10.9 mm, ap­ 7.8 mm. erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Locality. Northern portion of 9.9 mm. Great Pimlico [Island, Eleuthera, Baha­ T,1fpe Locality. Little Pimlico [Island, mas], ranging almost into the area occu­ Eleuthera, Bahamas]. pied by the foregoing species [So incon­ Remarlcs. Maynard (1921b: 141, 1924a, sueta]' pI. 38, figs. 1, 2) subsequently added de­ Remarks. Maynard considered this tax­ scriptive notes and illustrated this taxon. on to be "In the last stage of its specific Clench (1952: 110) listed this as a valid life" with "only 15 of 250 specimens living, species but did not mention type speci­ 10 of these young. Both species [So incon­ mens. sueta and S. transitoria] living upon the Taxon 88. Strophiops hyattii Maynard, same food and under the same environ­ 1913c [February 9]: 194-195 [not il­ ment." Maynard (1921b: 141, pI. 37, figs. lustrated in original publication]; May­ 9, 10) subsequently added descriptive nard, 1921b: 142; Maynard, 1926, pI. 42, notes and illustrated this taxon. Clench figs. 1, 2. Examined 600 specimens. (1952: 110) listed this taxon as a synonym Measurements not provided. of Cerion un~forme (Maynard, 1913) (see below). Type Material. The original description 424 Bulletin Museum of Compamtive Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

did not distinguish among the 600 speci­ did not distinguish among the 50 speci­ mens examined, and there was no mention mens examined, and there was no mention of type material· in the other parts of this of type material in the other parts of this publication. Thus, all 600 specimens are publication. Thus, all 50 specimens are syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76133 con­ syntypes. This taxon was not represented tains a single specimen labeled "holotype." in the collections of the MCZ, nor was it No measurements were provided in the . present in Maynard's collection at the time original deSCription, but this specimen ap­ it was acquired from his daughter, as re­ proximates the measurements (1.10 by .45 vealed by an examination of the MCZ cat­ [inches; 27.9 by 14.0 mm]) and illustration alog. Three syntypes of this taxon, which in Maynard (1921b: 142, 1926, pI. 42, figs. Bartsch purchased from Maynard in 1923, 1, 2) [as S. hyatiii]. This lot also contains were located in the USNM collection. Of a label in Maynard's hand with the term these, the best preserved specimen "type," which includes references to these (USNM 359439) is selected as the lecto­ figures. This specimen is here designated type. The 49 syntypes, including the two as the lectotype to provide an objective specimens in USNM 359438, become par­ standard of reference for this species­ alectotypes. group taxon that is consistent with May­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.7 nard's concept of this taxon. The remain­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 13.6 mm; ap­ ing 599 syntypes, including MCZ 76134, erture height (including lip) 13.5 mm, ap­ MCZ 118036 (one specimen), and USNM erture width (including lip and peristome) 419973 (75 specimens), become paralec­ 11.1 mm. totypes. Type Locality. Fossil on Great Pimlico Lectotype Measurements. Length 26.3 [Island, Eleuthera, Bahamas]. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.0 mm; ap­ Remarks. Following Article erture height (including lip) 9.8 mm, ap­ (ICZN, 1999: 40), the hyphen is removed erture width (including lip and peristome) from vetusta-praedevina and the taxon be­ 9.3 mm. comes vetustapraedevina. Also reported Type Locality. Bar Bay Settlement, Cur­ from Upper Fleming and the Silver Keys. rent Island [Eleuthera, Bahamas]. Clench (1952: 110, 1957: 167) listed this Remarks. Clench (1952: 109) listed this taxon as a synonym of Cerion inconsuetum taxon as a valid species. (Maynard, 1913). Taxon 89. Strophiops vetustapraedevina Taxon 90. Strophiops praedivina May­ Maynard, 1913c [February 9]: 195 nard, 1913c [February 9]: 196 [not [not illustrated]. Examined 50 speci­ illustrated in original publication]; May­ mens. Size given as 1.15 by .48 [inches; nard, 1921b: 141, pI. 37, figs. 5, 6. Ex­ 29.2 by 12.2 mm], but the term "lype" amined 100 specimens. Size given as was not used. 1.05 by .45 [inches; 26.7 by 11.4 mm], Type Material. The original description but the term "type" was not used.

Figures 87-99. Taxon 87. Strophiops uniformis Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76117. Little Pimlico Island, Eleuthera, Baha­ mas. Taxon 88. Strophiops hyattii Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76133. Bar Bay Settlement, Current Island, Eleuthera, Ba­ hamas. Taxon 89. Strophiops vetustapraedevina Maynard, 1913. Lectotype USNM 359439. Fossil on Great Pimlico Island, Eleuthera, Bahamas. Taxon 90. Strophiops praedivina Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76346. Upper Fleming Key, 20 miles NE of New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 91. Strophiops praedivinauniversa Maynard, 1913. [Not illustrated.] The lectotype (MCl 76287) of Strophiops universa Maynard, 1913 [Taxon 92], is designated as the neotype of Strophiops praedivinauniversa Maynard, 1913, making Strophiops praedivinauniversa Maynard, 1913, an objective junior synonym of Strophia universa May­ nard, 1913. Taxon 92. Strophiops universa Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76287. Fossil on Green Key, Rose Island, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 93. Strophiops exigua Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCZ 76357. Southern portion of Fleming THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et ai. 425

1cm I


97 Key, 20 miles NE of New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 94. Strophiops multa Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76354. Northern portion of Fleming Key, 20 miles NE of New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 95. Sfrophiops oblilerafa Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76334. Booby Rock, 16 miles NE of New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 96. Strophiops ornatula Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76343. Current Selllement, Eleuthera, Bahamas. Taxon 97. Strophiops ornatulaclappiiMaynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 117738. North of the Current Selliement, Eleuthera, Bahamas. Taxon 98. Strophiops clappii Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76344. Salina, north of the Current Selllement, Eleuthera, Bahamas. Taxon 99. Strophiops ornatularufina Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 118095. South of the Current Selliement, Eleuthera, Bahamas. 426 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

Type Material. The original description in the collections of the M CZ, nor was it did not distinguish among the 100 speci­ present in Maynard's collection at the time mens examined, and there was no mention it was acquired from his daughter, as re­ of type material in the other parts of this vealed by an examination of the MCZ cat­ publication. Thus, all 100 specimens are alog. This taxon was not among the ma­ syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76346 con­ terial purchased for the USNM collections tains a single specimen labeled "holotype." either during Maynard's lifetime or from This lot also contains a label in Maynard's his estate. Searches of the collections and! handwriting with the name of the taxon or databases of The Academy of Natural and the term "type." This specimen is here Sciences of Philadelphia, The Field Mu­ designated as the lectotype to provide an seum of Natural History, The Florida Mu­ objective standard of reference for this seum of Natural History, and The M use­ species-group taxon that is consistent with um of Biological Diversity, The Ohio State Maynard's concept of this taxon. The re­ University, failed to uncover a single spec­ maining 99 syntypes, including MCZ imen catalogued under this name. This 76347 (62 specimens), become paralecto­ taxon was never illustrated, nor did it ap­ types. pear in any of Maynard's subsequent pub­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.7 lications or catalogs. The description is mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.2 mm; ap­ limited to the statement "Intermediate be­ erture height (including lip) 10.4 mm, ap­ tween pdrmivina [sic] and universa, but erture width (including lip and peristome) inclined to be more like the latter." No 8.9 mm. specimens bearing the name Strophiops Type Locality. Upper Fleming [Key, 20 praedivinauniversa could be located in miles NE of New Providence Island, Ba­ museums, nor could this taxon be identi­ hamas]. fied on the basis of its limited description. Remarks. A fossil taxon also reported The lectotype of Strophiops universa May­ from Lower Fleming and Great Pimlico. nard, 1913 (MCZ 76287), is here desig­ Maynard (1921b: 141, pI. 37, figs. 5, 6) nated as the neotype of Strophiops prae­ subsequently provided illustrations and a divinauniversa Maynard, 1913, making different measurement (1.08 by .55 [inch­ Strophiops praedivinauniversa Maynard, es; 27.4 by 14.0 mm]) and reported only 1913, an objective synonym of Strophia 55 specimens. The taxon is spelled prae­ universa Maynard, 1913. divina in the original description and sub­ Type Locality. Maynard (1913c: 194) sequent plate caption, but as in predivina noted that S. praedivinauniversa occurred Maynard (1921b: 141) and in the sales cat­ on Upper Fleming [Key, 20 miles NE of alog (Maynard, 1924?: [6]). Clench (1952: New Providence Island, Bahamas], both 109) listed this taxon as a synonym of Cer­ living and fossil. Although S. universa was ion exiguum (Maynard, 1913). reported from Upper Fleming, Great Pim­ Taxon 91. Strophiops praedivinauniversa lico, and the northern end of Rose Island, Maynard, 1913c [February 9]: 196 the type locality of S. universa, and there­ [not illustrated]. Examined 25 speci­ fore of S. praedivinauniversa, is Green mens. Measurements not provided. Key, New Providence Island, Bahamas, per Article 76.3 (ICZN, 1999: 87). Type Material. The original description Remarks. Following Article did not distinguish among the 25 speci­ (ICZN, 1999: 40), the hyphen is removed mens examined, and there was no mention from praedivina-universa and the taxon of type material in the other parts of this becomes praedivinauniversa. Clench publication. Thus, all 25 specimens are (1952: 109) listed this taxon as a synonym syntypes. This taxon was not represented of Cerion exiguum (Maynard, 1913). THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et aZ. 427

Taxon 92. Strophiops universa Maynard, ditional specimens or whether the number 1913c [February 9]: 196 [not illus­ is a typographical error. Clench (1952: trated in original publication]; Maynard, 110) listed this taxon as a synonym of Cer­ 1921b: 140, pI. 37, figs. 3, 4. Examined ion uniforme (Maynard, 1913). 30 specimens. Size given as .55 by .32 [inches; 14.0 by 8.1 mm], but the term Taxon 93. Strophiops exigua Maynard, "type" was not used. 1913c [February 9]: 196 [not illus­ trated in original publication]; Maynard, Type Material. The original description 1921b: 141; Maynard, 1924a, pI. 38, figs. did not distinguish among the 30 speci­ 3, 4. Examined 1,000 specimens. Size mens examined, and there was no mention given as 1.30 by 50 [sic .50] [inches; 33.0 of type material in the other parts of this by 12.7 mm], but the term "type" was publication. Thus, all 30 specimens are not used. syntypes. MCZ 76287, labeled "Paratype," con­ Type Material. The original description tained 26 specimens (many fragmentary), did not distinguish among the 1,000 spec­ of which one was sequestered, together imens examined, and there was no men­ with a label in Maynard's handwriting with tion of type material in the other parts of the taxon name and "Plate 37, figs. 3-4." this publication. Thus, all 1,000 specimens The sequestered specimen closely approx­ are syntypes. Lot MCZ 76357 contains a imates the subsequently published illustra­ single specimen labeled "Holotype." This tion and published width measurement. specimen approximates the measurements The published length measurement is ei­ in the original description and the illustra­ ther in error, or incorporates length mea­ tion in Maynard (1921b: 141, 1924a, pI. surements of fragmentary specimens. The 38, figs. 3, 4). This lot also contains a label sequestered specimen is here designated in Maynard's hand with the term "type," as the lectotype to provide an objective which includes references to these figures. standard of reference for this species­ This specimen is here designated as the group taxon that is consistent with May­ lectotype to provide an objective standard nard's concept of this taxon. The remain­ of reference for this species-group taxon ing 25 specimens, recatalogued as MCZ that is consistent with Maynard's concept 356475, are among the 29 syntypes that of this taxon. The remaining 999 syntypes, become paralectotypes. including MCZ 76356 (171 specimens), Lectotype Measurements. Length 18.9 MCZ 117837 (1 specimen), and USNM mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.2 mm; ap­ 420011 (250 specimens), become paralec­ erture height (including lip) 8.2 mm, ap­ totypes. erture width (including lip and peristome) Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.3 6.3 mm. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.6 mm; ap­ Type Locality. Fossil on Green Key erture height (including lip) 10.7 mm, ap­ [New Providence Island, Bahamas]. erture width (including lip and peristome) Rel1wrks. Also reported from Upper 9.1 mm. Fleming, Great Pimlico, and northern end Type Locality. Southern portion of of Rose Island. Maynard (1913c: 196) sur­ Fleming Key [20 miles NE of New Prov­ mised that "The wide range of this little idence Island, Bahamas]. species suggests that the islands on which Remarks. This taxon was reported from it is now found were once connected." living specimens, which were abundant, Maynard (1921h: 140, pI. 37, figs. 3, 4) and from fossils in the limestone, which subsequently provided illustrations of this were rare. Maynard (1921b: 141, 1924a, taxon and listed 50 specimens examined. pI. 38, figs. 3,4) provided descriptive notes It is unclear whether he later collected ad- and illustrations of this taxon. Clench 428 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

(1952: 109) listed this taxon as a valid spe­ Taxon 95. Strophiops obliterata Maynard, cies. 1913c [February 9]: 197 [not illus­ trated in original publication]. Exam­ Taxon 94. Strophiops multa Maynard, ined 812 specimens. Size given as 1.15 1913c [February 9]: 197 [not illus­ by .30 [inches; 29.2 by 7.6 mm], but the trated in original publication]; Maynard, term "type" was not used. 1921b: 141; Maynard, 1924a, pI. 38, figs. 5, 6. Examined 964 specimens. Size giv­ Type Material. The original description en as 1.10 by .40 [inches; 27.9 by 10.2 did not distinguish among the 812 speci­ mm], but the term "type" was not used. mens examined, and there was no mention of type material in the other parts of this Type Material. The original description publication. Thus, all 812 specimens are did not distinguish among the 964 speci­ syntypes. There were no specimens of S. mens examined, and there was no mention obliterata Maynard, 1913, in the collec­ of type material in the other parts of this tions of the MCZ, nor were there any en­ publication. Thus, all 964 specimens are tries corresponding to this taxon in the syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76354 con­ MCZ catalog either during Maynard's life tains a single specimen labeled "Holo­ or among the specimens purchased from type." This specimen approximates the his estate. Maynard and Clapp (1915: 191) measurements in the original description recognized that S. obliterata Maynard, (within 5%) and the illustration in May­ 1913, was a homonym of Strophia scripta obliterata Maynard, 1896, and proposed nard (1924a, pI. 38, figs. 5, 6). This lot also the replacement name Strophiops sula contains a label in Maynard's hand with [Taxon 105]. Lot number MCZ 76334 con­ the term "type," which includes references tains a single specimen labeled as the "Ho­ to these figures (as pI. 38, figs. 7, 8). This lotype" of S. sula. Because Strophiops ob­ specimen is here designated as the lecto­ literata Maynard, 1913, was based on 812 type to provide an objective standard of syntypes, this specimen is here designated reference for this species-group taxon that as the lectotype of Strophiops obliterata is consistent with Maynard's concept of Maynard, 1913, and consequently [Article this taxon. The remaining 963 syntypes, in­ 72.7, ICZN, 1999: 78] its replacement cluding MCZ 76355 and MCZ 118069, be­ name, Strophiops sula Maynard and come paralectotypes. Clapp, 1915. Lots MCZ 76335 (170 spec­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.9 imens) and USNM 420096 (125 speci­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.8 mm; ap­ mens) contain numerous specimens la­ erture height (including lip) 10.6 mm, ap­ beled as paralectotypes of S. sula. These erture width (including lip and peristome) specimens are paralectotypes of S. obliter­ 9.0 mm. ata Maynard, 1913, as well as of its re­ Type Locality. Northern portion of placement name S. sula. Fleming Key [20 miles NE of New Prov­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.8 idence Island, Bahamas]. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.4 mm; ap­ Remarks. Maynard (1921b: 141, 1924a, erture height (including lip) 12.3 mm, ap­ pI. 38, figs. 5, 6) provided additional de­ erture width (including lip and peristome) scriptive notes and illustrations of this tax­ 10.1 mm. on. Clench (1934: 214) initially considered Type Locality. Booby Rock [16 miles this to be a valid species, but later (1952: NE of New Providence Island, Bahamas]. 109) listed this taxon as a synonym of Cer­ Remarks. Although the taxon was never ion exiguum (Maynard, 1913). Gould and illustrated as S. obliterata Maynard, 1913, Woodruff (1986: 474) synonymized this Maynard (1921b: 142, 1924a, pI. 38, figs. taxon with C. glans (Kuster, 1844). 7, 8) subsequently published additional THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 429

notes and illustrations of S. sula. Gould Type Locality. Current Settlement and Woodruff (1986: 474) listed both S. [Eleuthera, Bahamas]. obliterata Maynard, 1913, and S. sula Remarks. This taxon was later illustrated Maynard and Clapp, 1915, as synonyms of (Maynard, 1919a, pI. 6, fig. 3, 1919b, fig. Cerion glans (Kuster, 1844). 11). Clench (1934: 217) reported that Cer­ ion ornatula "is an absolute synonym" of Taxon 96. Strophiops ornatula Maynard, C. laeve (Plate, 1907) on the basis of com­ 1913c [February 9]: 197-198 [not il­ parisons of type material. lustrated in original publication]; May­ nard, 1919a, pI. 6, fig. 4; Maynard, Taxon 97. Strophiops ornatulaclappii 1919b, fig. 11. Examined 3,528 speci­ Maynard, 1913c [February 9]: 198 mens. Size given as 1.15 by .30 [inches; [not illustrated in original publication]; 29.2 by 7.6 mm], but the term "type" Maynard, 1921b: 153. Examined 50 was not used. specimens. Measurements not provided. Type Material. The original description Type Material. The original description did not distinguish among the 3,528 spec­ did not distinguish among the 50 speci­ imens examined, and there was no men­ mens examined, and there was no mention tion of type material in the other parts of of type material in the other parts of this this publication. Thus, all 3,528 specimens publication. Thus, all 50 specimens are are syntypes. Clench (1934: 217) men­ syntypes. There were no entries for this tioned comparing the types of Cerion or­ taxon in the MCZ catalog, indicating that natula (Maynard) and C. laeve Plate, but this taxon was not represented in May­ did not specify the sort of type, nor the nard's collection at the time of his death. repository or catalog number of the type Lot number MCZ 117738 contained nine lot. Later, Clench (1952: 112) listed MCZ specimens from the collection of N. A. 76343 as the holotype of C. ornatula. This Clapp, Maynard's collaborator and co-au­ lot contains a single specimen labeled thor. Because neither measurements nor "Holotype" that approximates the pub­ illustration were published, an adult spec­ lished length but not the width and is sim­ imen is selected to serve the lectotype to ilar to the subsequently published illustra­ provide an objective standard of reference tion of this taxon (Maynard, 1919a, pI. 6, for this species-group taxon that is consis­ fig. 4). This specimen, which is accompa­ tent with Maynard's original concept of it. nied by a label in Maynard's hand that in­ The remaining eight specimens were re­ cludes the term "type" and references to catalogued as MCZ 356993 and are among these illustrations, cannot be a holotype, the 49 syntypes that become paralecto­ nor can Clench's listing be accepted as a types. lectotype designation (Article 74.5, ICZN, Lectotype Measurements. Length 20.3 1999: 83). This specimen is here designat­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.3 mm; ap­ ed as the lectotype to provide an objective erture height (including lip) 7.9 mm, ap­ standard of reference for this species­ erture width (including lip and peristome) group taxon that is consistent with May­ 6.5 mm. nard's original, or at least subsequent con­ Type Locality. Living just north of the cept of it. The remaining 3,527 syntypes, Current Settlement [Eleuthera, Bahamas]. including MCZ 76342 and USNM 420137 Remarks. Following Article (400 specimens), become paralectotypes. (ICZN, 1999: 40), the hyphen is removed Lectotype Measurements. Length 22.4 from ornatula-clappii and the taxon be­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.0 mm; ap­ comes ornatulaclappii. Clench (1952: 111) erture height (including lip) 8.9 mm, ap­ listed this taxon in the synonymy of Cerion erture width (including lip and peristome) laeve Plate, 1907, citing it as a nomen nu­ 7.1 mm. dum. 430 Bttlletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

Taxon 98. Strophiops clappii Maynard, Taxon 99. Strophiops ornatularufina May­ 1913c [February 9]: 198 [not illus­ nard, 1913c [February 9]: 198 [not trated in original publication]; Maynard, illusti'ated in original publication]. Ex­ 1919a, fig. 10, pI. 6, fig. 5; Maynard, amined 50 specimens. Measurements 1921b: 153, pI. 48, fig. 6 [plate never not provided. issued]. Number of specimens exam­ ined not given, but Maynard (1913c: Type Material. The original description 198) stated the fields contained uabso­ did not distinguish among the 50 speci­ lutely millions of dead shells of this mens examined, and there was no mention [species]." Size given as .50 by .20 [inch­ of type material in the other parts of this es; 12.7. by 5.1 mm], but the term utype" publication. Thus, all 50 specimens are was not used. Maynard (1921b: 153) syntypes. There were no entries for tllis listed 2,000 specimens. taxon in the MCZ catalog, indicating that this taxon was not represented in May­ Type Material. The original description nard's collection at the time of his death. did not proVide the number of specimens Lot number MCZ 118095 contains a sin­ examined, nor is there mention of type gle specimen from the collection of N. A. material in the other parts of this publi­ Clapp, Maynard's collaborator and co-au­ cation. Thus, there are an unspecified thor. This specimen, one of the 50 syn­ number of syntypes, but not more than the types, is here designated as the lectotype 2,000 specimens mentioned by Maynard to provide an objective standard of refer­ (1921b: 153). Clench (1952: 112) listed ence for this species-group taxon that is MCZ 76344 as the uHolotype." Lot MCZ consistent with Maynard's original concept 76344 was labeled uholotype" and accom­ of it. The remaining 49 syntypes become panied by a note in Maynard's handwriting paralectotypes. identifying the taxon and containing the Lectotype Measurements. Length 19.5 term uType" as well as references to both mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.2 mm; ap­ published and unpublished illustrations. erture height (including lip) 7.5 mm, ap­ This specimen is nearly identical to the erture width (including lip and peristome) published illustration and measurements. 6.9 mm. It is here selected as the lectotype to pro­ Type Locality. South of the Current Set­ vide an objective standard of reference for tlement [Eleuthera, Bahamas]. this species-group taxon that is consistent Remarks. Following Article with Maynard's original concept of it. The (ICZN, 1999: 40), the hyphen is removed remaining 1,999 syntypes, including MCZ from ornatula-rufina and the ta;mn be­ 76345 and MCZ 21128, become paralec­ comes ornatularufina. totypes. Taxon 100. Strophiops rufina Maynard, Lectotype Measurements. Length 12.6 1913c [February 9]: 198 [not illus­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 5.1 mm; ap­ trated]; Maynard, 1924a: 153, pI. 48, erture height (including lip) 4.4 mm, ap­ figs. 9, 10 [plate never published]. Ex­ erture width (including lip and peristome) amined 20 specimens. Size given as .75 3.8 mm. by .40 [inches; 19.0 by 10.2 mm], but Type Locality. Living on a salina north the term utype" was not used. of the Current Settlement [Eleuthera, Ba­ hamas]. Type Material. The original description Remarks. This taxon was illustrated by did not distinguish among the 20 speci­ Maynard (1919a, fig. 10, pI. 6, fig. 5 [as mens examined, and there was no mention clappi]). Clench (1952: 111) listed this tax­ of type material in the other parts of this on in the synonymy of Cerion laeve Plate, publication. Thus, all 20 specimens are 1907. syntypes. Lot MCZ 76304 contains a single THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 431

specimen labeled "Holotype" that roughly Lectotype Measurements. Length 25.6 approximates the measurements of this mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.3 mm; ap­ taxon. It is accompanied by a label in May­ erture height (including lip) 9.3 mm, ap­ nard's hand with the term "type," which erture width (including lip and peristome) includes references to figures that were 8.1 mm. never published. This specimen is here Type Locality. West shore of Eleuthera designated as the lectotype to provide an [Ballamas] near the Current Settlement, objective standard of reference for this living on rocks close by the sea. species-group taxon that is consistent with Remarks. Maynard (1913c: 199) noted, Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ "Some individuals appear to mimic species maining 19 syntypes, including MCZ unlmown to me. The most remarkable re­ 76303, become paralectotypes. cessional species that I have thus far found Lectotype Measw-ements. Length 19.2 as, all things considered, it is the most re­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.5 mm; ap­ mote phylogenetically from the species it erture height (including hpj 7.9 mm, ap­ mimics." Clench (1952: 109) listed this tax­ erture width (including lip and peristome) on as a synonym of Cerion hyattii (May­ 6.9 mm. nard, 1913). Type Locality. Rare south of the Cur­ rent Settlement [Eleuthera, Bahamas]. Taxon 102. Strophiops helena Maynard, Remarks. Clench (1952: 109) listed this 1914 [August 18]: 177-179, figs. 8A, taxon as a synonym ofCerion hyattii (May­ n, C, D. Examined 1,000 specimens. nard, 1913). Size given as .92 by .43 [inches; 23.4 by 10.9 mm], but the term "type" was not Taxon 101. Strophiops tabida Maynard, used in connection with tlle measure­ 1913c [February 9]: 199 [not illus­ ments. Caption to text fig. 8, "STRO­ trated in original publication]; Maynard, PHIOPS HELENA: A, front. B, side 1921b: 152 [as tibida], pi. 44, figs. 9, 10 view of type; c, front of aperture of type [illustrations never published]. enlarged X 2; D, margin of senescent specimen X 2." Type Material. Because the original de­ Type Material. The original description scription did not mention the number of identifies a single type specimen, the ho­ specimens examined, this taxon is based lotype, in the figure captions. Lot MCZ on an unspecified number of syntypes. 76216 contains a single specimen labeled Maynard (1921b: 152) subsequently re­ "Holotype." This specimen is accompa­ ported 100 specimens examined and gave nied by a label in Maynard's hand contain­ the size as 1.00 by .40 [inches; 25.4 by 10.2 ing the term "Type" and also giving the mm]. Lot MCZ 76024 contains a single correct species number and plate number specimen labeled "Holotype" that closely but incorrect volume and page for this tax­ approximates the subsequently published on in Maynard (1921b: 131, pi. 7, figs. 5­ measurements for this taxon. This lot also 8). Specimen MCZ 76216 is the originally contains a label in Maynard's hand Witll designated holotype of Strophiops helena the term "Type" that includes references Maynard, 1914. The remaining 999 spec­ to illustrations that were never published. imens, including MCZ 76203 (231 speci­ This specimen is here designated as the mens) and USNM 419990 (100 speci­ lectotype to provide an objective standard mens), are paratypes. of reference for tllis species-group taxon Holotype Measumments. Length 22.6 that is consistent with Maynard's concept mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.1 mm; ap­ of this taxon. The remaining syntypes erture height (including lip) 8.4 mm, ap­ (:599), including MCZ 76025, become erture width (including lip and peristome) paralectotypes. 7.8 mm. 432 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

Type Locality. Fields directly south of erture 'vvidth (including lip and peristome) Fresh Creek, Andros [Bahamas]. 8.5 mm. Rema·rks. Maynard (1919b, pI. 7, figs. 5- Type Locality. Occurs as a fossil in the 8) re-illustrated this taxon. rock on the south shore of Hog Island [ = Paradise Island, Nassau, New Providence Taxon 103. Strophiops thompsoni May­ Island, Bahamas]. nard and Clapp, 1915 [February 8]: Remarks. Maynard (1921b: 139, pI. 35, 179 bis [not illustrated in original pub­ figs. 9, 10) provided additional descriptive lication]; Maynard, 1921b: 139, pI. 35, information and illustrations, noting 370 figs. 9, 10. Examined 20 specimens. Size specimens in his collection. Gould and given as 1.05 by .45 [inches; 26.7 by 11.4 Woodruff (1986: 482) provisionally attri­ mm], but the term "type" was not used. buted this taxon to Cerion glans (Kuster, Type Material. The original description 1844). did not distinguish among the 20 speci­ Taxon 104. Strophiops morula Maynard mens examined, and there was no mention and Clapp, 1915 [February 8]: 179 of type material in the other parts of this bis-180 bis [not illustrated in original publication. Thus, all 20 specimens are publication); Maynard, 1921b: 139, pI. syntypes. Lot MCZ 76186 contains a single 36, figs. 1, 2. Neither the number of specimen labeled "Holotype." This speci­ specimens examined nor measurements men closely approximates the measure­ are provided in the original description. ments in the original description and the subsequent illustrations (Maynard, 1921b, Type Material. The original description pl. 35, figs. 9, 10) and is accompanied by did not specify the number of specimens a label in Maynard's hand containing the examined. In the subsequent monograph, term "Type" that refers to the published Maynard (1921b: 139, pI. 36, figs. 1,2) list­ figures. This specimen is here designated ed 60 specimens. The size of the syntype as the lectotype to provide an objective lot is uncertain, but does not exceed 60 standard of teference for this species~ syntypes. The original description provid­ group taxon that is consistent with May­ ed neither measurements nor illustration nard's original concept of it. Lot MCZ but stated that there were 10 whorls, with 76187 contains 264 specimens (most dam­ 23 costae on the unal whorl. Lot number aged, incomplete, or juvenile) and was la­ MCZ 76017 contains a single specimen la­ beled "paratype." Because Maynatd added beled "Holotype." This specimen consists specimens after publishing the descrip­ of nine whorls but has 23 costae on the tion, it is not clear which 19 of the 264 final whorl. This specimen is accompanied specimens are paralectotypes. by a label in Maynard's hand with the tenn Lectotype Measurements. Length 25.7 "type," which includes references to the mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.3 mm; ap­ subsequently published figures. However, erture height (including lip) 10.0 mm, ap- it does not closely match either the figures

Figures 10(}--113. Taxon 100. Strophlops ruflna Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76304. South of the Current Settlement Eleuth­ era. Bahamas. Taxon 101. Strophlops tablda Maynard, 1913. Lectotype MCl 76024. Near the Current Settlement, west shore of Eleuthera, Bahamas. Taxon 102. Strophlops helena Maynard. 1914. Holotype MCl 76216. Fields directly south of Fresh Creek, Andros. Bahamas. Taxon 103. StrophlOps thompsonl Maynard and Clapp. 1915. Lectotype MCl 76186. Fossil, south shore of Hog Island [Paradise Island], Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 104. Strophlops morula Maynard and Clapp, 1915. Lectotype MCl 76017. Spruce Key, 4 miles E of Nassau, New Providence Island. Bahamas. TaXOn 105. Strophiops sula Maynard and Clapp, 1915. [Not illustrated.] Replacement name for Strophlops obliterata Maynard, 1913 [Taxon 95], a junior homonym of S. scripta obI/terata Maynard, 1896 [Taxon 53J. The type specimens and type locality ot S. obI/terata Maynard. 1913 are also the type specimens and type locality of S. sula Maynard and Clapp, 1915. Taxon 106. Strophiops hasternia Maynard and Clapp, 1915. Lectotype MCZ 76157. West end of Booby Rock. 16 miles NE of New Providence Island. Bahamas. THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 433

1 em


Taxon 107. Strophiops eaerulea Maynard and Clapp, 1915. Lectotype MCZ 76308. Field north of Ft. Charlotte, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 108. Strophiops devereuxi Maynard and Clapp, 1915. Lectotype MCZ 76137. Devereux Estate west end of New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 109. Strophiops praedieta Maynard and Clapp, 1915. Lectotype MCZ 76393. Great Pimlico Island, Eleuthera, Bahamas. Taxon 110. Strophiops prisea Maynard and Clapp, 1915. Lectotype 76353. Fossil in the rocks on east end of Salt Key, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 111. Strophiops tenui Maynard and Clapp, 1915. Lectotype MCZ 76350. East end of New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 112. Strophiops fulminea Maynard and Clapp, 1915. Lectotype MCZ 76276. Rocky shore east of Ft. Winton, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 113. Stro­ phiops longidentata·Maynard, 1919. Nomen nudum. [Not illustrated.] 434 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

or the measurements in the monograph. 1924a, pI. 38, figs. 9, 10. Examined 200 This specimen is here designated as the specimens. Measurements not provided. lectotype to provide an objective standard Type Material. The original description of reference for this species-group taxon did not distinguish among the 200 speci­ that is consistent with Maynard's original mens examined, and there was no mention concept of it. The remaining syntypes of type material in the other parts of this (:s59), including MCZ 76018, become publication. Thus, all 200 specimens are paralectotypes. syntypes. No specimen labeled "Holotype" Lectotype Measurements. Length 21.6 was located at the MCZ. An examination mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.8 mm; ap­ of the MCZ catalog revealed tllat no spec­ erture height (including lip) 7.7 mm, ap­ imen identified as "type" was present in erture width (including lip and peristome) Maynard's collection at the time of its sale. 5.7 mm. Lot number MCZ 76157 contained 27 Type Locality. Spruce Key [4 miles E of specimens labeled "parat:ypes" together Nassau, New Providence Island, Baha­ with a note in Maynard's handwriting list­ mas]. ing the taxon name and locality, but lack­ Remarks. Semi-fossil. Maynard (1921b: ing the word "type" or references to the 139, pI. 36, figs. 1, 2) provided additional illustrations. Gould and Woodruff (1986: descriptive information, including mea­ 474) reported examining "paratypes" but surements [1.10 by .50 inches; 27.9 by did not see a "holotype." One of these 12.7 mm] as well as illustrations. Gould specimens, which most closely matches and Woodruff (1986: 474) synonymized Maynard's only illustration of this taxon in this taxon with Cerion glans (Kuster, size and proportions, is here designated as 1844). the lectotype to provide an objective stan­ Taxon 105. Strophiops sula Maynard and dard of reference for this species-group Clapp, 1915 [February 8]: 180 bis. taxon that is consistent with Maynard's Replacement name for Strophiops obli­ concept of it. The remaining 26 specimens terata Maynard, 1913 [Taxon 95], a ju­ were recatalogued as MCZ 356994 and are nior secondary homonym of Strophia among the 199 syntypes that become par­ scripta obliterata Maynard, 1896 [Taxon alectotypes. 53]. Lectotype Measurements. Lengtll 27.9 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.6 mm; ap­ Type Material. The type specimens and erture height (including lip) 11.2 mm, ap­ type locality of S. obliterata Maynard, 1913 erture width (including lip and peristome) [Taxon 95], are also the type specimens of 9.6 mm. S. sula Maynard and Clapp, 1915. Type Locality. West end of Booby Rock Remarks. Strophiops obliterata May­ [16 miles NE of New Providence Island, nard, 1913, was not illustrated, nor was S. Bahamas] by a low place over which the sula Maynard and Clapp, 1915, at the time sea frequently breaks. of its publication. Maynard (1921b: 142, Remarks. Gould and Woodruff (1986: 1924a, pI. 38, figs. 7, 8) subsequently pub­ 474) syn0nymized this taxon with Cerion lished additional notes and illustrations of glans (Kuster, 1844). S. sula. Gould and Woodruff (1986: 474) synonymized this taxon with Cerion glans Taxon 107. Strophiops caerulea Maynard (Kuster, 1844). and Clapp, 1915 [February 8]: 181 [not illustrated in Oliginal publication]; Taxon 106. Strophiops hestemia Maynard Maynard, 1921b: 140, pl. 36, figs. 7, 8. and Clapp, 1915 [February 8]: 180 Examined 50 specimens. Size given as bis [not illustrated in original publica­ .92 by .40 [inches; 23.4 by 10.2 mm], tion); Maynard, 1921b: 142; Maynard, but the term "type" was not used. THE CERTON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 435

Type Material. The original descliption beled «Holotype" that approximates the did not distinguish among the 50 speci­ measurements and subsequently pub­ mens examined, and there was no mention lished illustration of this taxon and is ac­ of type material in the other parts of this companied by a label in Maynard's hand publication. Thus, all 50 specimens are with the term «type," which includes ref­ syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76308 con­ erences to the figures. This specimen is tains a single specimen labeled «Holotype" here deSignated as the lectotype to provide that approximates the illustration and the an objective standard of reference for this measurements of this taxon and is accom­ species-group taxon that is consistent with panied by a label in Maynard's hand with Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ the term «type," which includes references maining syntypes (::5163), including MCZ to subsequently published figures. This 76138 and MCZ 117730 (one specimen), specimen is here designated as the lecto­ become paralectotypes. type to provide an objective standard of Lectotype Measurements. Length 20.9 reference for this species-group taxon that mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.7 mm; ap­ is consistent with Maynard's original con­ erture height (including lip) 8.4 mm, ap­ cept of it. The remaining 49 syntypes be­ erture width (including lip and peristome) come paralectotypes. 6.9mm. Lectotype Measurements. Length 22.8 Type Locality. Devereux Estate west mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.1 mm; ap­ end of New Providence [Island, Bahamas]. erture height (including lip) 9.0 mm, ap­ Remarks. This taxon was later listed as erture width (including lip and peristome) S. deveruxi (Maynard, 1921b: 140) and S. 7.5mm. devereuaxi (Maynard, 1924?: [7]) and il­ Type Locality. In field N of Ft. Char­ lustrated under its correct original spelling lotte, Nassau [New Providence Island, Ba­ (Maynard, 1921b, pI. 36, figs. 9, 10). Gould hamas]. and Woodruff (1986: 475) synonynlized Remarks. Maynard considered this tax­ this taxon with Cerion glans (Kuster, on to be extinct at the time it was de­ 1844). scribed. This taxon was subsequently illus­ trated (Maynard, 1921b, pI. 36, figs. 7, 8). Taxon 109. Strophiops praedicta Maynard Gould and Woodruff (1986: 474) synony­ and Clapp, 1915 [February 8]: 181 mized this taxon with Cerion glans (Kus­ [not illustrated]. Number of specimens ter, 1844). not specified; measurements not provid­ ed. Taxon 108. Strophiops devereuxi May­ nard and Clapp, 1915 [February 8]: Type Material. The original description 181 [not illustrated in original publica­ did not specify the number of specimens tion]; Maynard, 1921b: 140, pI. 36, figs. examined. This taxon does not appear in 9, 10. Unspecified number of specimens any of Maynard's subsequent publications examined. Size given as .85 by .40 [inch­ or catalogs. The size of the type series is es; 21.6 by 10.2 mm], but the term uncertain. An examination of the MCZ «type" was not used. catalog revealed that no specimen identi­ fied as "type" was present in Maynard's Type Material. The oliginal descliption collection at tlle time of its sale. Lot MCZ did not specifY the number of specimens 76393 contains 91 specimens (many dam­ examined. In the subsequent monograph, aged, incomplete, or juvenile) and was la­ Maynard (1921b: 140) lists 164 specimens. beled "paratype." Because no characteris­ The size of the syntype lot is uncertain but tics were provided by which an individual does not exceed 164 syntypes. Lot number specimen could be identified, a large, ma­ MCZ 76137 contains a single specimen la- ture, complete specimen is selected from 436 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

the syntype series to serve as lectotype to Type Locality. Fossil in the rocks on east provide an objective standard of reference end of Salt Key [New Providence Island, for this species-group taxon. The remain­ Bahamas]. ing 90 specimens were recatalogued as Remarks. Maynard (1921b: 143, 1924a, MCZ 356995 and are paralectotypes. pI. 39, figs. 5, 6) noted 15 specimens and Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.5 provided illustrations for this taxon. Gould mm, diameter (excluding lip) 13.4 mm; ap­ and Woodruff (1986: 482) synonymized erture height (including lip) 11.3 mm, ap­ this taxon with Cerion glans (Kuster, erture width (including lip and peristome) 1844). 10.0 mm. Type Locality. Great Pimlico [Island, Taxon 111. Strophiops tenui Maynard Eleuthera, Bahamas]. and Clapp, 1915 [February 8]: 182 Remarks. Fossil in the rocks. Clench [not illustrated in original publication]; (1952: 110) listed this taxon as a synonym Maynard, 1921b: 149-150, pI. 46, figs. of Cerion uniforrne (Maynard, 1913). 1, 2 [pI. 46 was never issued]. Unspec­ ified number of specimens examined. Taxon 110. Strophiops prisca Maynard Size given as .70 by .33 [inches; 17.8 by and Clapp, 1915 [February 8]: 182 8.4 mm], but the term "type" was not [not illustrated in original publication]; used. Maynard, 1921b: 143; Maynard, 1924a, pI. 39, figs. 5, 6. Unspecified number of Type Material. The original description specimens examined. Size given as 1.15 did not specify the number of specimens by .45 [inches; 29.2 by 11.4 mm], but examined. In the subsequent monograph, the term "type" was not used. Maynard (1921b: 150) lists 600 specimens. The size of the syntype lot is uncertain, Type Material. The original description but does not exceed 600 syntypes. Lot did not specifY the number of specimens MCZ 76350 contains a single specimen la­ examined. In the subsequent monograph, beled "Holotype" that approximates the Maynard (1921b: 143) lists 15 specimens. measurements of this taxon. This speci­ The size of the syntype lot is uncertain but men is accompanied by a label in May­ does not exceed 15 syntypes. Lot MCZ nard's hand with the term "type," which 76353 contains a single specimen labeled includes references to illustrations that "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ were never published. This specimen is surements of this taxon as well as the sub­ here designated as the lectotype to provide sequently published illustrations. This an objective standard of reference for this specimen is accompanied by a label in species-group taxon that is consistent with Maynard's hand with the term "type," Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ which includes references to these illustra­ maining syntypes (::;599), including MCZ tions. This specimen is here designated as 76351, become paralectotypes. the lectotype to provide an objective stan­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 17.6 dard of reference for this species-group mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.5 mm; ap­ taxon that is consistent with Maynard's erture height (including lip) 7.8 mm, ap­ original concept of it. The remaining syn­ erture width (including lip and peristome) types (::;14), including MCZ 76352, be­ 6.8mm. come paralectotypes. Type Locality. Isolated on a portion of Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.3 shore on east end of New Providence [Is­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.7 mm; ap­ land, Bahamas]. erture height (including lip) 10.7 mm, ap­ Remarks. Maynard and Clapp (1915: erture width (including lip and peristome) 182) considered this taxon to be extinct at 7.9 mm. the time it was described, but later, May- THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSO MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 437

nard (1921b: 149-150) wrote that they Taxon 113. Strophiops longidentata May­ were common along a short reach of shore nard, 1919a [October 16]: 24 [nomen just west of East Point Light, New Provi­ nudum]. dence, and that 600 specimens were col­ lected, chiefly dead. Gould and Woodruff Remarks. Not listed in Clench (1957). (1986: 477-478) synonymized this taxon Taxon 114. Strophiops peravita Maynard, with Gerion gubernatorium (Crosse, 1919b [November 6]: 47; Maynard, 1869). 1920d [September 30], pI. 1, figs. 1, 2 Taxon 112. Strophiops fulminea Maynard [captioned "S. perantiqua M. & C."]. and Clapp, 1915 [February 8]: 182 Nomenclatural Remarks. The binomen [not illustrated in original publication]; Strophiops peravita was used by Maynard Maynard, 1921b: 149. Examined 1,000 (1919b: 47) as a example of a species with specimens. Measurements not prOvided. a conically tapering shell and was accom­ Type Material. The Oliginal descliption panied by a reference to subsequently did not distinguish among the 1,000 spec­ published figures (Maynard, 1920d, pI. 1, imens examined, and there was no men­ figs. 1, 2) that were captioned "S. peran­ tion of type matelial in the other parts of tiqua M. & c." Article 10.1.1 (ICZN, this publication. Thus, all 1,000 specimens 1999: 9) states that if publication of the are syntypes. Lot MCZ 76276 was labeled data relating to a new nominal taxon or a "hololype," but contains three specimens nomenclatural act is interrupted and con­ and a label in Maynard's hand containing tinued at a later date, the name or act be­ the term "Type" as well as plate and figure comes available only when the require­ numbers (pI. 45, figs. 9, 10) for illustra­ ments of the relevant Articles have been tions of this taxon that were never pub­ met. Strophiops peravita became available lished. The specimen that most closely ap­ on November 6, 1919, on the basis of the proximates the subsequently published publication of the meager descliption, measurements (Maynard, 1921b: 149) is which was adequate to meet the require­ here designated as the lectotype. The re­ ments of the relevant article [Article 12.1, maining two specimens, recatalogued as ICZN, 1999: 16], rather than from the lat~ MCZ 356996, MCZ 76277 (262 speci­ er publication of the captioned figure. Au­ mens), and USNM 420088 (50 speci­ thorship is attributed to Maynard, the sole mens), are among the 999 syntypes that author of the description, rather. than to become paralectotypes. Maynard and Clapp, as specified in the Lectotype Measurements. Length 25.2 caption to the subsequently published il­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.7 mm; ap­ lustrations. Ironically, this is the only time erture height (including lip) 9.4 mm, ap­ that Maynard used the binomen Stro­ erture width (including lip and peristome) phiops peravita. It is a lapsus calami be­ 8.2 mm. cause Maynard used the name Strophiops Type Locality. Very common on rocky perantiqua in two prior references (May­ shore east of Ft. Winton, New PrOvidence nard, 1919a [October 16]: 15, 1919b [No­ [Island, Bahamas]. vember 6]: 31; in both instances as a no­ Remarks. In the original description, men nudum) and one subsequent refer­ Maynard noted that nearly all were dead ence (Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, in 1913. Later, Maynard (1921b: 149) pro­ 1920d [September 30]: 115, map 1, 2, pI. vided measurements (1.00 by .40 [inches; 1, figs. 1, 2) to this. taxon. The figure re­ 25.4 by 10.2 mm]); listed 2,000 specimens, ferred to in the inadvertent description of likely by subsequent collection; and ref­ S. peravita is the identical figure refer­ erenced illustrations (pI. 45, figs. 5, 6) that enced in the intended description of this were never issued. taxon [as Strophiops perantiqua], in which 438 Bulletin Museum of Compamtive Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

it was noted that it was "contemporary within the confines of Article 32.5.1 with S. avita Mayn." (ICZN, 1999: 39) because there is no clear Type Material. The description of S. evidence to suggest an alternative spelling peravita did not specify the number of within the original publication itself. The specimens examined but included a ref­ name S. peravita did not appear in the erence to a subsequently published figure Batchelder (1951) compilation of May­ of a single specimen. The 25 specimens nard's taxa, nor in Clench's (1957) catalog mentioned in the intended description of of Gel'ion taxa. The lectotype of S. peravita this taxon (as S. perantiqua Maynard and is also the lectotype of Strophiops peran­ Clapp in Maynard, 1920d: 115) were avail­ tiqua Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, able to Maynard in 1919 and are thus part 1920, which is a junior objective synonym of the type series [Article, ICZN, of S. peravita [see Taxon 139, below]. 1999: 76]. Strophiops peravita is thus based on 25 syntypes. Lot number MCZ Taxon 115. Strophiops scalarifonnis May­ 187537 contains a single specimen that nard, 1919b [NovelDber 6]: 47-48; closely matches the illustration mentioned Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d in the taxon description. This specimen is [September 30]: 116, map 1, 3, pI. 1, here designated as the lectotype to provide figs. 5, 6 [captioned "S. scalarifonnis M. an objective standard of reference for this & C."]. Examined 50 specimens. Size species-group taxon that is consistent with given as 1.20 by .45 [inches; 38.1 by 11.4 Maynard's Oliginal concept of this taxon. mm], but the term "type" was not used. The remaining 24 syntypes become para­ lectotypes. Nomenclatural Remarks. Maynard Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.9 (1919b: 48) first used the binomen Stro­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 14.7 mm; ap­ phiops scalarifonnis as a example of a spe­ erture height (including lip) 11.1 mm, ap­ cies with a turreted shell and included a erture width (including lip and peristome) reference to subsequently published fig­ 9.5 mm. ures (Maynard, 1920d, pI. 1, figs. 5, 6) that Type Locality. Found fossil in red earth were captioned "S. scalarifonnis M. & C." near west coast of Great Guana Key [Ex­ Article 10.1.1 (ICZN, 1999: 9) states that umas, Bahamas], about 1 mile from south­ if publication of the data relating to a new ern end (see Maynard, 1920d: 117, map 1, nominal taxon or a nomenclatural act is in­ location 2 [from the intended taxon de­ terrupted and continued at a later date, scription of Strophiops perantiqua]). May­ the name or act becomes available only nard (1924a: 164) described in detail the when the requirements of the relevant Ar­ locality in which these fossils were collect­ ticle have been met. Strophiops scalarifor­ ed. mis became available on November 6, Remm-ks. Although it seems clear that 1919, on tlle basis ofthe publication ofthe Maynard intended the taxon to be known meager description, which was adequate as perantiqua, it is not pOSSible to consider to meet the requirements of the relevant peravita as an "incorrect original spelling" articles [Article 12.1, ICZN, 1999: 16],

Figures 114-125. Taxon 114. Strophiops peravita Maynard, 1919. Lectotype MCl 187537. Fossil in red earth near west coast of Great Guana Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas, about 1 mile from southern end. Taxon 115. Strophiops scalariformis Maynard, 1919. Lectotype MCl 76180. Limited area near beach Great Guana Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 116. Strophiops inornata Maynard, 1919. Lectotype MCl 76049. North side of Bell Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 117. Strophiopscaprana Maynard, 1919. Lectotype MCl 76386. North Goat Key off Fresh Creek, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 118. Strophiops lobata Maynard, 1919. Lectotype MCl 76207. Eastern Soldier Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 119. Strophiops variata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1919. Lectotype MCl 76270. Crab Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 120. Strophiops recessa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1919. Lectotype MCl 76135. Southern portion of Stocking Island, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 121. THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNAHD • Harasewych et al. 439

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Strophiops palmata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1919. Lectotype MCZ 76179. East and west sides of Wax Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 122. Strophiops agricola Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1919. Lectotype MCZ 76004. Farmer's Key which lies about 1 mile southwest of the southern end of Great Guana Key, Exurna Group, Bahamas. Taxon 123. Strophiops elegantissima Maynard, 1919. Lectotype MCZ 76375. Norman's Pond Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 124. Strophiops arbusta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1919. Lectotype MCZ 76273. Guana Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 125. Stro­ phiops aspera Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76176. Among dwarf palms in an area about 300 yards long by some 150 wide along the third beach north of south end of Great Guana Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. 440 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

rather than from the later publication of 1920b [April 8]: 87; Maynard, 1920c the captioned figure. Authorship is attri­ [July 10], fig. 73, pI. 17, fig. 2; Maynard, buted to Maynard, the sole author of the 1920d [September 30]: 112; Maynard description, rather than to Maynard and and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Septem­ Clapp, as specified in the caption to the ber 30]: 126, pI. 3, figs. 11-13. Exam­ subsequently published illustrations. ined 1,060 specimens. Size given as 1.12 Type Material. The description of S. by .45 [inches; 28.4 by 11.4 mm], but scalariformis did not specify the number the term "type" was not used. of specimens examined, but included a reference to a subsequently published fig­ Nomenclatural Remarks. Maynard ure of a single specimen. The 50 speci­ (1919b: 49) first used the binomen Stro­ mens mentioned in the intended descrip­ phiops inornata as a example of a taxon in tion of this taxon (Maynard and Clapp in which the ultimate whorl and aperture are Maynard, 1920d: 116) were likely available contracted, and included a reference to to Maynard in 1919 and are thus part of subsequently published figures (Maynard, the type series [Article, ICZN, 1920d, pI. 3, figs. 11-13) that were cap­ 1999: 76]. Strophiops scalariformis is thus tioned "S. inornata." Article 10.1.1 (ICZN, based on 50 syntypes. In a subsequent and 1999: 9) states that if publication of the more detailed deSCription of this taxon, data relating to a new nominal taxon or a Maynard (1924a: 165) included the state­ nomenclatural act is interrupted and con­ ment "dimensions of type .45 by 1.20 tinued at a later date, the name or act be­ [inches; 11.4 by 30.5 mm], aperture .34 comes available only when the require­ [inches; 8.6 mm]." This is regarded as a ments of the relevant Articles have been lectotype designation, and the remaining met. Strophiops inornata became available 49 specimens became paralectotypes. on November 6, 1919, on the basis of the Clench and Aguayo (1952: 430, pI. 56, fig. publication of the meager description, 2) listed and illustrated MCZ 76180 as the which was adequate to meet the require­ "holotype," presumably on the basis of ments of the relevant articles [Article 12.1, Maynard's handwritten label using the ICZN, 1999: 16], rather than from the lat­ term "type" that accompanied the speci­ er publication of the captioned figure. Au­ men. This specimen is the lectotype des­ thorship is attributed to Maynard, the sole ignated by Maynard. author of the description. Lectotype Measurements. Length 30.0 Before the publication of plate 3, May­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.3 mm; ap­ nard (1920b [April 8]: 87) again used the erture height (including lip) 10.3 mm, ap­ name S. inornata as an example of mor­ erture width (including lip and peristome) phological reversion follOwing shell dam­ 9.2mm. age and cited a figure of a different spec­ Type Locality. Found in a limited area imen (Maynard, 1920c [July 10], fig. 73) near beach [Great Guana Key, Exuma that was reproduced in color (Maynard, Group, Bahamas] (see Maynard, 1920d: 1920c, pI. 17, fig. 2). In the next issue, 117, map 1, location 3). Maynard (1924a: Maynard (1920d [September 30]: 112) 165) described in detail the locality in published a correction stating that figure which these fossils were collected. numbers 72 and 73, as well as plate 17, Remarks. Clench and Aguayo (1952) figures 1 and 2, were transposed and that considered Cerion scalariforme to be a the figures 73 and plate 17, figure 2, are synonym of Cerion asperum (Maynard and actually S. salinaria, whereas figures 72 Clapp, 1920). and plate 17, figure 1, represent S. inor­ nata. Taxon 116. Strophiops inornata Maynard, Type Material. The description of Stro­ 1919b [November 6]: 49; Maynard, phiops inornata did not specify the num- THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 441

ber of specimens examined but included a figure (Maynard, 1919c, fig. 19) that was reference to a subsequently published fig­ captioned "S. capraia M. & C." A colored ure of a single specimen. The 1,060 spec­ version of this figure, also labeled S. ca­ imens mentioned in the intended descrip­ praia, was published (Maynard, 1920c, pI. tion of this taxon (Maynard and Clapp in 17, fig. 3). Article 10.1.1 (ICZN, 1999: 9) Maynard, 1920d: 126) were likely available states that if publication of the data relat­ to Maynard in 1919 and are thus part of ing to a new nominal taxon or a nomen­ the type series [Article, ICZN, clatural act is interrupted and continued at 1999: 76]. Strophiops inomata is thus a later date, the name or act becomes based on 1,060 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76049 available only when the requirements of was labeled "Holotype" but contained the relevant Articles have been met. Stro­ three specimens. Of these, one has an off­ phiops caprana became available on No­ set final whorl and clearly matches the fig­ vember 6, 1919, on the basis of the pub­ ures cited in the inadvertent as well as the lication of the meager description, which intended taxon deSCription (Maynard and was adequate to meet the requirements of Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [September 30]: the relevant articles [Article 12.1, ICZN, 126, pI. 3, figs. 11-13). This specimen is 1999: 16], rather than from the later pub­ deSignated to be the lectotype of Stro­ lication of the captioned figure. Author­ phiops inomata Maynard, 1919, to provide ship is attributed to Maynard, the sole au­ an objective standard of reference for this thor of the description, rather than to species-group taxon that is consistent with Maynard and Clapp as speCified in the Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ caption to the subsequently published il­ maining two specimens were recatalogued lustrations. as MCZ 357001 and together with MCZ Type Material. The description of Stro­ 76050, MCZ 118190, and USNM 420056, phiops caprana did not specifY the num­ become paralectotypes. ber of specimens examined but included a Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.9 reference to a subsequently published fig­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 13.7 mm; ap­ ure of a single specimen. The 1,620 spec­ erture height (including lip) 11.6 mm, ap­ imens mentioned in the intended descrip­ erture width (including lip and peristome) tion of this taxon (Maynard and Clapp in 11.0 mm. Maynard, 1921a: 131) were likely available Type Locality. North side of Bell Key to Maynard in 1919 and are thus part of [Exuma Group, Bahamas]' the type series [Article, ICZN, 1999: 76]. Strophiops caprana is thus Taxon 117. Strophiops caprana Maynard, based on 1,620 syntypes. The specimen il­ 1919b [Novelllber 6]: 52. Strophiops lustrated in the originally referenced figure capraia Maynard and Clapp in May­ (Maynard, 1919c, fig. 19) could not be nard, 1919c [December 31], fig. 19; identified at the MCZ. Maynard clearly re­ Maynard, 1920c, pI. 17, fig. 3; Maynard garded a different specimen to be the and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: 131, pI. "Type" of Strophiops capraia. Lot MCZ 28, figs. 7, 8. Examined 1,620 speci­ 76386 was labeled "Holotype" but con­ mens. Size given as 1.12 by .47 [inches; tains two specimens. One ofthe specimens 28.4 by 17.8 mm], but the term "type" approximates the measurements and fig­ was not used. ures in the intended taxon deSCription and is here selected as the lectotype to provide Nomenclatural Remarks. The binomen an objective standard of reference for this Strophiops caprana was first used by May­ species-group taxon that is consistent with nard (1919b: 52) as an example of a spe­ Maynard's concept of this taxon. The re­ cies with a thick margin, and accompanied maining specimen, recatalogued as MCZ by a reference to a subsequently published 356997, MCZ 76215, and USNM 420060, 442 Bulletin Museum of Compamtive Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

are among the 1,619 syntypes that become rupted and continued at a later date, the paralectotypes. name or act becomes available only when Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.9 the requirements of the relevant Articles mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.2 mm; ap­ have been met. Strophiops lobata became erture height (including lip) 10.4 mm, ap­ available on November 6, 1919, on the ba­ erture width (including lip and peristome) sis of the publication of the meager de­ 8.9 mm. scription, which was adequate to meet the Type Locality. North Goat Key off requirements of the relevant articles [Ar­ Fresh Creek [Andros, Bahamas]. ticle 12.1, ICZN, 1999: 16], ratller than Remarks. This taxon has been the victim from the later publication of the captioned of multiple lapsus calami, having been figure. Authorship is attributed to May­ spelled caprana in the unintended original nard, the sole author of the description, description (Maynard, 1919b: 52), capraia rather than to Maynard and Clapp, as in text and figure captions (Maynard, specified in the caption to the subsequent­ 1919c,fig. 19, 1920b: 81, 1920c,pI. 17, fig. ly published illustrations. 3) and in the intended taxon description Type Material. The unintended taxon (Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: description of Strophiops lobata did not 131, pI. 28, figs. 7, 8), and cap-ria (May­ specify tlle number of specimens exam­ nard, 1924b?: [3]) in the sales catalog. Al­ ined but included a reference to a subse­ though it seems clear that Maynard in­ quently published figure of a single spec­ tended the taxon to be known as capraia, imen. The 925 specimens mentioned in it is not possible to consider caprana as an the intended description of this taxon "incorrect original spelling" within the (Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: confines ofArticle 32.5.1 (ICZN, 1999: 39) 134) were likely available to Maynard in because there is no clear evidence to sug­ 1919 and are thus part of the type series gest an alternative spelling within the orig­ [Article, ICZN, 1999: 76]. Stro­ inal publication itself. This taxon was also phiops lobata is tllUS based on 925 syn­ listed as S. capraia by Clench (1957: 139). types. The specimen illustrated in figure 20 could not be identified at the MCZ. Taxon 118. Strophiops lobata Maynard, Maynard clearly regarded a different spec­ 1919b [November 6]: 52; Maynard imen to be the "Type" of Strophiops lob­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1919c [Decem­ ata. Lot MCZ 76207 contains a single ber 31J, fig. 20; Maynard, 1920b: 81; specimen labeled "Holotype" that approx­ Maynard, 1920c, fig. 64, pI. 14, fig. 4; imates the illustration and the measure­ Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: ments of this taxon in the intended taxon 134, pI. 31 [erroneously listed as pI. 30J, description and is accompanied by a label figs. 7, 8. Examined 925 specimens. Size in Maynard's hand with the term "type," given as 1.11 by.45 [inches; 30.5 by 11.4 which includes references to these figures. mm], but the term "type" was not used. This specimen is here designated as the lectotype to provide an objective standard Nomenclatural Remarks. The binomen of reference for tllis species-group taxon Strophiops lobata was used by Maynard that is consistent with Maynard's original (1919b: 527) as an example of a species concept of it. The remaining specimens, with a thickened and lobed margin and in­ including MCZ 76208 and USNM 420147, cluded a reference to a subsequently pub­ are paralectotypes. lished figure (Maynard, 1919c, fig. 20) tllat Lectotype Measurements. Lengtll 29.1 was labeled "S. lobata M. & C." Article mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.9 mm; ap­ 10.1.1 (ICZN, 1999: 9) states that if pub­ erture height (including lip) 11.4 mm, ap­ lication of the data relating to a new nom­ erture width (including lip and peristome) inal taxon or a nomenclatural act is inter- 8.9 mm. THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 443

Type Locality. Eastern Soldier Key, Ber­ from among the 1,132 specimens men­ ry Islands, Bahamas. tioned in the intended deSCription of this Remarks. Maynard (1920b: 81) again taxon (Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, used the name S. lobata prior to the in­ 1921a: 134) that were available to him at tended description of the taxon, referenc­ the time. All 1,132 specimens are thus part ing a subsequently published figure (May­ of the type series [Article, ICZN, nard, 1920c, fig. 64) that was identical to 1999: 76], and Strophiops lobata is based figure 20 but captioned "5. caduca M. & on 1,132 syntypes. None of the figured C." A colored version of figures 20 and 64 specimens could be identified at the MCZ. (Maynard, 1920c, pI. 14, fig. 4) is cap­ Maynard clearly regarded a different spec­ tioned "S. caduca." Maynard (1920d: 112) imen to be the "Type" of Strophiops var­ published corrections, stating that the cap­ iata. Lot MCZ 76270 contained two spec­ tions to figures 64 and pI. 14, fig. 4, should imens in a lot labeled "Holotype," one read lobata not caduca. smooth, with weak costae limited to tlle final whorl, the other with strong costae Taxon 119. Strophiops variata Maynard over the entire shell. The smooth speci­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1919c [De­ men, which more closely agrees with the cember 31]: 55, figs. 27,28; Maynard, intended taxon deSCription and figures, is 1920a: 77, 78, fig. 54; Maynard, 1920c, here deSignated as the lectotype to provide pI. 14, fig. 5; Maynard and Clapp in an objective standard of reference for this Maynard, 1921a: 134, pI. 32, figs. 1, 2. species-group taxon that is consistent with Examined 1,132 specimens. Measure­ Maynard's original concept of it. The ments not provided. strongly costate specimen was recata­ Nomenclatuml Remarks. The binomen logued as MCZ 356998. It and the re­ Strophiops variata was used by Maynard maining specimens, including MCZ (1919c: 55, figs. 27, 28) as an example of 76271, MCZ 118258, and USNM 420123, a taxon witll margins malformed after in­ are paralectotypes. corporation of a limestone granule in the Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.3 peristome and accompanied by figures of mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.7 mm; ap­ three specimens labeled "S. variata M. & erture height (including lip) 10.7 mm, ap­ c." The association of a new species group erture width (including lip and peristome) name with an illustration of the taxon be­ 8.8 mm. ing named before 1931 makes the name Type Locality. Crab Key, Berry Islands, Strophiops variata Maynard and Clapp in Bahamas. Maynard, 1919c [December 31]: 55, figs. Remarks. Other uses of the binomen 27, 28, available (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, prior to its intended original description 1999: 17) plior to the intended description include Maynard (1920a: 77, 78, fig. 54, of this species (Maynard and Clapp in 1920c, caption to pI. 14, fig. 5). Maynard, 1921a [May 2]: 134, pI. 32, figs. 1, 2). Taxon 120. Strophiops recessa Maynard Type Material. Maynard's (1919c: 55­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1919c [De­ 56) first use of the name S. va'nata was as cember 31]: 57, figs. 29A, B; May­ an example of a deformation that could oc­ nard, 1920c, pI. 17, fig. 6; Maynard and cur in some specimens after incorporation Clapp in Maynard, 1920d: 122, pI. 24, of a limestone granule in the peristome. figs. 2, 3. Examined 1,147 specimens. He mentioned that this produced a pro­ Size given as 1.15 by .45 [inches; 29.2 tuberance in a total of six specimens of S. by 11.4 mm], but the term "type" was variata and illustrated portions of three of not used. the malformed specimens. It is likely that Nomenclatural Remarks. Maynard the six deformed specimens were selected (1919c: 57, figs. 29A, B) first used the bi- 444 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

nomen Strophiops recessa as an example erture width (including lip and peristome) of a species that has an enlarged, ear-like 8.1 mm. frontal bar encroaching on the umbilicus Type Locality. Southern portion of and included illustrations (figs. 29A, B) Stoclting Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. captioned "S. recessa M. & C." The asso­ Remarks. It is not surprising that, after ciation of a new species group name with Maynard's death, the specimens labeled as an illustration of the taxon being named "types" by Maynard were the ones to be before 1931 makes the name Strophiops segregated at the MCZ, while the many recessa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, remaining specimens were dispersed 1919c (p. 57, figs. 29A, B), available on among MCZ, USNM, and other institu­ December 31, 1919 (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, tions (Turner, 1957: 151). Given the qual­ 1999: 17), prior to the intended descrip­ ity of Maynard's illustrations, it is unlikely tion of this species (Maynard and Clapp in that the initially illustrated specimen could Maynard, 1920d: 122, pI. 24, figs. 2, 3). ever be discerned unambiguously from Type Material. The description of Stro­ among the large number of remaining phiops recessa did not specify the number specimens, even if it were present among of specimens examined but included fig­ them. ures of a single specimen. The 1,147 spec­ imens mentioned in the intended descrip­ Taxon 121. Strophiops palmata Maynard tion of this taxon (Maynard and Clapp in and Clapp in Maynard, 1919c [De­ Maynard, 1920d: 122) were likely available celliber 31]: 59-60, 64, figs. 32, 32*, to Maynard at the time and are thus part 33, 34A-D, 35, [35]B, pI. 10, figs. I, of the type series [Article, ICZN, 2,8; Maynard, 1920a: 76, 77; Maynard, 1999: 76]. Strophiops recessa is based on 1920b, fig. 58, pI. 12, fig. 2; Maynard, 1,147 syntypes. 1920c: 86, fig. 67, pI. 14, fig. 2, fig. 71, The originally illustrated specimen pI. 16, figs. 4, 5; Maynard and Clapp in (Maynard, 1919c, figs. 29A, B) could not Maynard, 1920d: 120, pI. 21, figs. 6, 7; be identified at the MCZ. Maynard clearly Maynard, 1926: 203-212. Examined regarded a different specimen to be the 3,422 specimens. Size given as 1.25 by "Type" of Strophiops recessa. Lot MCZ .45 [inches; 31.8 by 11.4 mm], but the 76135 contained a single specimen labeled term "type" was not used. "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ surements and illustration of this taxon in Nomenclat-ural Remarks. The binomen the intended description (Maynard and Strophiops palmata was first used by May­ Clapp in Maynard, 1920d: 122, pI. 24, figs. nard (1919c: 59--60, 64, figs. 32, 32*, 33, 2, 3) and is accompanied by a label in 34A-D, 35, [35]B, pI. 10, figs. 1, 2, 8) to Maynard's hand with the term "type," illustrate pathological duplication and/or which includes references to the figures. migration of teeth within the shell aper­ This specimen (MCZ 76135) is here des­ ture after shell damage. Portions of at least ignated as the lectotype of Strophiops re­ six different specimens are illustrated in cessa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, these figures, ofwhich figures 32, 32*, and 1919, to provide an objective standard of 33 and pI. 10, figs. 1, 2, and 8, are cap­ reference for this species-group taxon that tioned "S. palmata M & c.," whereas fig­ is consistent with Maynard's original con­ ures 34A-D, 35, and 35B are captioned cept of it. The remaining specimens, in­ "S. palmata." The association of a new cluding MCZ 76136, MCZ 118346, and species group name with an illustration of USNM 420106, are paralectotypes. the taxon being named before 1931 makes Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.9 the name Strophiops palmata Maynard mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.3 mm; ap­ and Clapp in Maynard 1919c (pp. 59-60, erture height (including lip) 10.3 mm, ap- 64, figs. 32, 32*, 33, 34A-D, 35, [35]B, pI. THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 445

10, figs. 1, 2, 8), available (Article 12.2.7, erture height (including lip) 10.3 mm, ap­ ICZN, 1999: 17) plior to the intended de­ erture width (including lip and peristome) scription of this species (Maynard and 7.7mm. Clapp in Maynard, 1920d: 120, pI. 21, figs. Type Locality. East and west sides of 6, 7). Wax Key [Exuma Group, Bahamas]. Maynard (1920a: 76, 77) again used S. Remarks. It is not surprising that, fol­ palmata as an example of a taxon that ag­ lowing Maynard's death, the specimens la­ glutinates sand,· citing a subsequently pub­ beled as "types" by Maynard were the lished illustration of another specimen ones to be segregated at the MCZ, while (Maynard, 1920b, fig. 58, pI. 12, fig. 2). the many remaining specimens were dis­ Additional damaged specimens are illus­ persed among MCZ, USNM, and other in­ trated (Maynard, 1920c: 86, fig. 67, re­ stitutions (Turner, 1957: 151). The anom­ peated on pI. 14, fig. 2, fig. 71, repeated alies in dentition make the six illustrated on pI. 16, figs. 4, 5). All of these uses of specimens distinctive, yet they were not the name preceded the intended original found in the collections of either MCZ or description of Strophiops palmata. USNM. Maynard (1920d: 120) reported Type Material. The description of Stro­ this taxon to be very abundant on palm phiops palmata did not specify the num­ fronds and under them. Maynard (1926: ber of specimens examined, but included 203-212) provided additional, detailed in­ figures of portions of six specimens. The formation on the animals and anatomy, 3,422 specimens mentioned in the intend­ noting that 2,683 specimens were collect­ ed description of this taxon (Maynard and ed in 2 or 3 hours. Clapp in Maynard, 1920d: 120) were likely available to Maynard at the time, and are Taxon 122. Strophiops agricola Maynard thus part of the type series [Article and Clapp in Maynard, 1919c [De­, ICZN, 1999: 76]. Strophiops re­ ceIllber 31]: 64, figs. 35C, D; May­ cessa is based on 3,422 syntypes. None of nard, 1920d, pI. 22, figs. 6, 7; Maynard, the six initially figured specimens could be 1924c: 1. Examined 80 specimens. Size identified at the MCZ. Maynard clearly re­ given as 1.15 by.40 [inches; 29.2 by 10.2 garded a different specimen to be the mm], but the term "type" was not used. "Type" of Strophiops palmata. Lot MCZ 76179 contains a single specimen labeled Nomenclatural Remarks. The first use of "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ the binomen Strophiops agricola appeared surements and illustration of this taxon in in a discussion of the occasional appear­ the intended description (Maynard and ance of a tooth-like concretion along the Clapp in Maynard, 1920d: 122, pI. 24, figs. shell margin (Maynard, 1919c, figs. 35C, 2, 3) and is accompanied by a label in D, p. 64). The caption to the figures, Maynard's hand with the term "type," which illustrate the malformed aperture of which includes references to the figures. a specimen (fig. 35C) as well as an enlarge­ This specimen (MCZ 76179) is here des­ ment of the concretion (fig. 35D), reads ignated as the lectotype of Strophiops pal­ "5. agricola M & C.," establishing the au­ mata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, thm'ship of the taxon as Maynard and 1919, to provide an objective standard of Clapp in Maynard. The association of a reference for this species-group taxon that new species group name with an illustra­ is consistent with Maynard's original con­ tion of the taxon being named before 1931 cept of it. The remaining 3,415 specimens, makes the name Strophiops agricola May­ including MCZ 76178, MCZ 118352, and nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1919c (figs. USNM 420024, are paralectotypes. 35C, D), available (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.6 1999: 17) prior to the intended description mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.0 mm; ap- of this species (Maynard, 1924c: 1). The 446 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

name was next used in the caption to il­ 1920b, fig. 60, pI. 13, fig. 2; Multistro­ lustrations (Maynard, 1920d, pI. 22, figs. 6, phia elegantissinLa Maynard and Clapp 7) published 4 years before the intended in Maynard, 1920d: 126, pI. 25, figs. 1, description. 2. Unspecified number of specimens ex­ Type Material. Only a single specimen amined. Size given as 1.25 by .50 [inch­ was referred to in the inadvertent descrip­ es; 31.8 by 12.7 mm], but the term tion of Strophiops agricola. The intended "type" was not used. taxon description (Maynard, 1924c: 1) mentioned 80 specimens. It is likely that Nomenclatural Remarks. The binomen at least some if not all of these were avail­ Strophiops elegantissima was first pub­ able to Maynard in 1919. Strophiops agri­ lished by Maynard (1919c: 64, figs. 36A­ cola is thus based on :::;80 syntypes. D) together with illustrations labeled "S. Neither of the figures on which the tax­ elegantissima." The text provided detailed on is based shows an entire specimen; descriptions of dentition stated to be a rather, they provide details of a concretion specific character in S. elegantissi171a. The on a portion of the outer lip. An exami­ name Strophia elegantissima Maynard be­ nation of the 49 specimens in MCZ 76004 comes available on December 31, 1919 that were labeled "paratypes" uncovered (Articles 12.1 and 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: 17), the originally illustrated specimen (May­ prior to the intended description of the nard, 1919c, fig. 35). This specimen is here taxon as Multicostata elegantissima May­ designated as the lectotype. The remaining nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d (p. specimens were recatalogued as MCZ 126, pI. 25, figs. 1, 2). Because figures 356999 and together with MCZ 76003 and 36A-D are captioned "S. elegantissima," MCZ 118252 are among the :::;79 speci­ the taxon must be attributed to Maynard mens that become paralectotypes. rather than to Maynard and Clapp, as cit­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.0 ed by Clench (1957: 144). The name S. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.7 mm; ap­ elegantissima was again used by Maynard erture height (including lip) 9.1 mm, ap­ (1920a: 80) as an example of a taxon with erture width (including lip and peristome) color banding, citing a subsequently pub­ 7.5 mm. lished illustration (Maynard, 1920b, fig. Type Locality. Farmer's Key which lies 60, identical image colored on pI. 13, fig. about 1 mile southwest of the southern 2, both captioned "S. elegantissima M. & end of Great Guana Key, Exuma Group, C."). Bahamas. Type Material. The description of Stro­ Remarks. Maynard clearly regarded a phiops elegantissima did not specify the different specimen to be the "Type" of number of specimens examined but in­ Strophiops agricola. Lot MCZ 76003 con­ cluded figures of portions of a Single spec­ tains a single specimen labeled "Holotype" imen. The number of specimens examined that approximates the subsequent illustra­ was not specified in the intended descrip­ tions (Maynard, 1920d, pI. 22, figs. 6, 7) tion of this taxon (MayTlard and Clapp in and the measurements in the intended de­ Maynard, 1920d: 126). Although these scription (Maynard, 1924c: 1). This speci­ were likely available to Maynard in 1919 men, a paralectotype, is accompanied by a and are part of the type series [Article label in Maynard's hand with the term, ICZN, 1999: 76], the number of "type," which includes references to the syntypes is unclear. The initially illustrated previously published plates. specimen could not be located at the MCZ. Maynard clearly regarded a differ­ Taxon 123. Strophiops elegantissima May­ ent specimen to be the "Type" of Stro­ nard, 1919c [DeceIllber 31]: 64, Rgs. phiops elegantissima. Lot MCZ 76375 36A-D; Maynard, 1920a: 80; Maynard, contains a Single specimen labeled "Ho- THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 447

lotype" that approximates the measure­ of a species that lacked an upper [colu­ ments and illustration of this taxon in the mellar] tooth. The figure was captioned "S. intended description (Maynard and Clapp arbusta M. & c." This illustration was lat­ in Maynard, 1920d: 126, pI. 25, figs. 1, 2) er reproduced in color (Maynard, 1920c, and is accompanied by a label in May­ pI. 16, fig. 6). The association of a new nard's hand with the term "type," which species group name with an illustration of includes references to the figures. This the taxon being named before 1931 makes specimen (MCZ 76375) is here designated the name Strophiops arbusta Maynard and as the lectotype of Strophiops elegantissi­ Clapp in Maynard (1919c: 65, fig. 38) ma Maynard, 1919, to provide an objective available (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: 17) standard of reference for this species­ prior to the intended description of this group taxon that is consistent with May­ species (Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, nard's original concept of it. The remain­ 1921a: 133, pI. 30, figs. 5, 6). Maynard ing specimens, including MCZ 76183, (1920a: 74, figs. 49A, B) again used the MCZ 118239, and USNM 420105, are name in conjunction with figures before paratypes. the intended introduction of the taxon. Lectotype Measurements. Length 32.3 These illustrations were later reproduced mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.1 mm; ap­ in color (Maynard, 1920b, pI. 12, figs. 4, erture height (including lip) 10.8 mm, ap­ 5). erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Material. The description of Stro­ 8.7mm. phiops arbusta did not specify the number Type Locality. Norman's Pond Key [Ex­ of specimens examined but included a fig­ uma Group, Bahamas]. ure of a single specimen. The 2,454 spec­ Remarks. It is not surprising that after imens mentioned in the intended descrip­ Maynard's death the specimens labeled as tion of this taxon (Maynard and Clapp in "types" by Maynard were the ones to be Maynard, 1921a: 133) were likely available segregated at the MCZ while the many re­ to Maynard at the time and are thus part maining specimens were dispersed among of the type series [Article, ICZN, MCZ, USNM, and other institutions 1999: 76]. Strophiops arbusta is based on (Turner, 1957: 151). Although Maynard's 2,454 syntypes. The originally illustrated illustrations (Maynard, 1919c, figs. 36A-D, specimen (Maynard, 1919c, fig. 38) could 1920b, fig. 60, pI. 13, fig. 2, 1920d: 126, not be identified at the MCZ. Maynard pl. 25, figs. 1, 2) are of sufficient quality to clearly regarded a different specimen to be conclude that the shells figured are differ­ the 'Type" of Strophiops arbusta. Lot ent specimens, we have not been able to MCZ 76273 contains a single specimen la­ match the earliest figure with any of the beled "Holotype" that approximates the il­ specimens available to us. lustration more than the measurements of this taxon and is accompanied by a label Taxon 124. Strophiops arbusta Maynard in Maynard's hand with the term "Holo­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1919c [De­ type" added later. This specimen is here cember 31]: 65, fig. 38; Maynard, designated as the lectotype to provide an 1920a: 74, fig. 49; Maynard and Clapp objective standard of reference for this in Maynard, 1921a: 133, pI. 30, figs. 5, species-group taxon that is consistent with 6. Examined 2,454 specimens. Size giv­ Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ en as 1.24 by .48 [inches; 30.5 by 11.4 maining specimens, including MCZ mm], but the term "type" was not used. 76272, USNM 419968, and USNM 420027, are paralectotypes. Nomenclatural Remarks. The binomen Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.8 Strophiops arbusta was first published by mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.0 mm; ap­ Maynard (1919c: 65, fig. 38) as an example erture height (including lip) 10.4 mm, ap- 448 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

erture width (including lip and peristome) 12.1, ICZN, 1999: 16], rather than from 8.6 mm. the later publication of the captioned fig­ Type Locality. Guana Key, Berry Is­ ure. Authorship is attributed to Maynard, lands, Bahamas. the sole author of the description. Remarks. It is not surprising that, after Type Material. The description of S. as­ Maynard's death, the specimens labeled as pera did not specify the number of speci­ "types" by Maynard were the ones to be mens examined, but included a reference segregated at the MCZ, while the many to a subsequently published figure of a sin­ remaining specimens were dispersed gle specimen. The 1,500 specimens men­ among MCZ, USNM, and other institu­ tioned in the intended description of this tions (Turner, 1957: 151). Given the qual­ taxon (Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, ity of Maynard's illustrations, it is unlikely 1920d: 116) were likely available to May­ that the initially figured specimen could nard at the time he wrote the unintended ever be discerned unambiguously from species description and are thus part ofthe among the large number of remaining type series [Article, ICZN, 1999: specimens, even if it were present among 76]. Strophiops aspera is therefore based them. on 1,500 syntypes. The figured specimen (Maynard, 1920b, fig. 57) could not be Taxon 125. Strophiops aspera Maynard, recognized at the MCZ. Maynard clearly 1919a [October 16]: 14 [nomen nu­ regarded a different specimen to be the dum]; Maynard, 1920a [February "Type" of Strophiops aspera. Lot MCZ 29]: 77; Maynard and Clapp in May­ 76176 contains a single specimen labeled nard, 1920b [April 8]: 89, fig. 57, pI. 12, "Holotype" that, at best, approximates the fig. 1; Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, measurements and illustrations of this tax­ 1920d: 116; maps 1, 4, pI. 1, figs. 9, 10. on in the intended description. This spec­ Examined 1,500 specimens. Size given imen is accompanied by a label in May­ as 1.06 by .30 [inches; 26.9 by 7.6 mm], nard's hand with the term "type," which but the term "type" was not used. includes references to the figures on plate Nomenclatural Remarks. Maynard 1. Clench and Aguayo (1952: 430, pI. 56, (1919a: 14) first introduced the binomen fig. 1) illustrated this specimen as the "Ho­ Strophiops aspera as a nomen nudum. He lotype" of Cerion asperum. Article 74.5 again (Maynard, 1920a: 77) used this taxon (ICZN, 1999: 82) states, "When the orig­ name as an example of a species in which inal work reveals that the taxon had been the animal gathered grains of carbonate based on more than one specimen, a sub­ sand and fastened them to outer and inner sequent use of the term 'holotype' does surfaces of the shell, citing a subsequently not constitute a valid lectotype designation published illustration (Maynard, 1920b, unless the author, when wrongly using that fig. 57) captioned "S. aspera M & c." Ar­ term, explicitly indicated that he or she ticle 10.1.1 (ICZN, 1999: 9) states that if was selecting from the type series that par­ publication of the data relating to a new ticular specimen to serve as the name­ nominal taxon or a nomenclatural act is in­ bearing type." Thus, Clench and Aguayo's terrupted and continued at a later date, treatment of MCZ 76176 can not be con­ the name or act becomes available only sidered a lectotype designation. This spec­ when the requirements of the relevant Ar­ imen (MCZ 76176) is here designated as ticles have been met. Strophiops aspera the lectotype of Strophiops aspera May­ became available on February 29, 1920, on nard, 1920, to provide an objective stan­ the basis of the publication of the descrip­ dard of reference for this species-group tion, which was adequate to meet the re­ taxon that is consistent with Maynard's quirements of the relevant articles [Article original, and Clench and Aguayo's subse- THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD' Harasewych et al. 449

quent, concepts of it. The remaining spec­ pressions in their surface sculpture but imens are paralectotypes. noted explicitly that this was not a speCific Lectotype Measurements. Length 24.8 character. This use was a nomen nudum, mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.6 mm; ap­ but included a reference to a subsequently erture height (including lip) 7.6 mm, ap­ published illustration (Maynard, 1920b, erture width (including lip and peristome) fig. 55, identical illustration colored on pI. 7.0 mm. 12, fig. 3, both captioned "S. fruticosa M. Type Locality. Among dwarf palms in an & C."). The association of a new species area about 300 yards long by some 150 group name with an illustration of tlle tax­ wide along the third beach N of the Send on being named prior to 1931 makes the of [Great Guana] key [Exuma Group, Ba­ name Strophiops fruticosa Maynard and hamas]. Clapp in Maynard, 1920b (fig. 55, pI. 12,· Remarks. It is not surprising that, after fig. 3), available (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, Maynard's death, the specimens labeled as 1999: 17) prior to the intended description "types" by Maynard were the ones to be of this species (Maynard and Clapp in segregated at the MCZ, while the many Maynard, 1920d: 125, pI. 20, figs. 3, 4). remaining specimens were dispersed Type Material. Although the unintended among MCZ, USNM, and other institu­ description of Strophiops fruticosa makes tions (Turner, 1957: 151). Given the qual­ reference only to a Single specimen shown ity of Maynard's illustrations of this spe­ in figure 55, it is likely that the 1,040 spec­ cies, it is unlikely that the initially figured imens mentioned in the intended descrip­ specimen, shown only in right lateral view, tion of this taxon (Maynard and Clapp in could ever be discerned unambiguously Maynard, 1920d: 125) were available to from among the large number of speci­ Maynard at the time and are thus part of mens. Maynard (1920d: 116) reported this the type series [Article, ICZN, taxon to be abundant, but mostly dead. 1999: 76]. Strophiops fruticosa is based on Out of 1,500 specimens collected, only 70 1,040 syntypes. were living. Maynard (1924a: 167) contra­ The specimen illustrated in Maynard dicted this number, stating that of 953 col­ (1920b, fig. 55, pI. 12, fig. 3) could not be lected, 70 were living, and provided more located at the MCZ. Maynard clearly re­ detailed descriptions of the shell, ecology, garded a different specimen to be the and anatomy of this taxon. Clench and ''Type'' of Strophiops fruticosa. Lot MCZ Aguayo (1952) considered Cerion asperum 76239 contains a Single specimen labeled to be a valid species and the senior syno­ "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ nym of Strophiops scalariformis. surements and illustration of this taxon in the intended description (Maynard and Taxon 126. Strophiops fruticosa Maynard, Clapp in Maynard, 1920d: 125, pI. 20, figs. 1920a [February 29]: 77 [nomen nu­ 3, 4) and is accompanied by a label in dum]; Maynard and Clapp in May­ Maynard's hand with the term "type," nard, 1920b [April 8], fig. 55, pI. 12, which includes references to the figures. fig. 3; Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, This specimen (MCZ 76239) is here des­ 1920d: 125, pI. 20, figs. 3, 4. Examined ignated as the lectotype of Strophiops fru­ 1,040 specimens. Size given as 1.25 by ticosa Maynard, 1920, to provide an objec­ .45 [inches; 31.8 by 11.4 mm], but tlle tive standard of reference for this species­ term "type" was not used. group taxon that is consistent with May­ nard's original concept of it. The Nomenclatural Remarks. Maynard remaining specimens, including MCZ (1920a: 77) first introduced the binomen 76240, MCZ 118290, and USNM 420099, Strophiops fruticosa as one of two exam­ are paralectotypes. ples of a taxon that occasionally has de- Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.3 450 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.5 mm; ap­ casionally had depressions in its surface erture height (including lip) 10.5 mm, ap­ sculpture, but noted explicitly that this was erture width (including lip and peristome) not a specific character. This use, also a 8.8 mm. nomen nudum, included a reference to a Type Locality. Bush Key [Exuma subsequently published illustration (May­ Group, Bahamas]. nard, 1920b, fig. 56, captioned "5. caduca Remarks. It is not surprising that, fol­ M. & C."). The association of a new spe­ lowing Maynard's death, the specimens la­ cies group name with an illustration of the beled as "types" by Maynard were the taxon being named before 1931 makes the ones to be segregated at the MCZ, while name Strophiops caduca Maynard and the many remaining specimens were dis­ Clapp in Maynard, 1920b (fig. 56), avail­ persed among MCZ, USNM, and other in­ able (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: 17) prior stitutions (Turner, 1957: 151). Given the to the intended description of this species quality of Maynard's illustration of a dorsal (Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: view of the single shell, it is unlikely that 133, pI. 30, figs. 9, 10). Maynard (1920b: this specimen could ever be discerned un­ 82) again used the binomen citing figures ambiguously from among the large num­ (Maynard, 1920c, fig. 61A) of a different ber of remaining specimens, even if it specimen, captioned "5. caduca." The bi­ were present among them. nomen "S. caduca M. & C." appears in the Maynard (1920d: 125) reported this tax­ caption to figure 64 (Maynard, 1920c), on to be common on the ground or about which is identical to figure 20 (Maynard, the bases of bushes. 1919c), captioned "S. lobata M. & C." A colored version of figures 20 and 64 (May­ Taxon 127. Strophiops caduca Maynard, nard, 1920c, pI. 14, fig. 4) is captioned "S. 1919b [November 6]: 35 [nomen nu­ caduca." Maynard (1920d: 112) published dum]; Maynard, 1920a [February 29]: corrections, stating that the captions to fig­ 77 [nomen nudum]; Maynard and ures 64 and pI. 14, fig. 4, should read lob­ Clapp in Maynard, 1920b [April 8], ata not caduca. fig. 56, 82; Maynard, 1920c, figs. 61A, Type Material. Although the unintended 64, pI. 14, fig. 4 [see Nomenclatural Re­ description of Strophiops caduca makes marks], pI. 15, fig. 4; Maynard and reference only to a single specimen shown Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: 133, pI. 30, in figure 56, it is likely that the 1,278 spec­ figs. 9, 10. Examined 1,278 specimens. imens mentioned in the intended descrip­ Size given as 1.00 by .45 [inches; 25.4 tion of this taxon (Maynard and Clapp in by 11.4 mm], but the term "type" was Maynard, 1921a: 133) were available to not used. Maynard at the time, and are thus part of Nomenclatural Remarks. The binomen the type series [Article, ICZN, Strophiops caduca first appeared as a no­ 1999: 76]. Strophiops caduca is based on men nudum (Maynard, 1919b: 35). May­ 1,278 syntypes. nard (1920a: 77) again used this binomen The specimen illustrated in Maynard, as one of two examples of a taxon that oc- 1920b (fig. 56), could not be identified at

Figures 126-137. Taxon 126. Strophiops fruticosa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 76239. Bush Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 127. Strophiops caduca Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 76366. West side of Cabbage Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 128. Strophiops persuasa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 76189. Along shore north of Fresh Creek, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 129. Strophiops santesoni Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 358073. Along northern shore of New Providence Island, west of Nassau from second mile post to beyond the fourth. Taxon 130. Strophiops inconstans Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 76341. West side of Bird Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 131. Strophiops plebeia Maynard, 1920. Lectotype USNM 420125. Lignumvitae Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 132. THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 451

1 em I


Strophiops cana Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76374. Fortune Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 133. Strophiops terrila Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76396. Methodist churchyard and vicinity, Sherley Street, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 134. Strophiops albolabra Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76255. Great Harbor Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 135. Strophiops fragi/is Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76166. Second westernmost Brigadier Key, Great Exuma, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 136. Strophiops latonia Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76314. SI. Paul's Quarry off West Sherley St., Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 137. Strophiops mariae Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76204. Maria Key near Little Exuma, Exuma Group, Bahamas. 452 Bulletin Museum of Compamtive Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

the MCZ. Maynard clearly regarded a dif­ nard, 1920b, fig. 59*, pI. 13, fig. 1) cap­ ferent specimen to be the "Type" of Stro­ tioned "S. persuasa M. & c." was pub­ phiops caduca. Lot MCZ 76366 contains a lished. The association of a new species single specimen labeled "Holotype" that group name with an illustration of the tax­ approximates the illustration more than on being named before 1931 makes the the measurements of this taxon in the in­ name Strophiops persuasa Maynard and tended taxonomic description (Maynard Clapp in Maynard, 1920, available (Article and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: 133, pI. 30, 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: 17) prior to the in­ figs. 9, 10) and is accompanied by a label tended description of this species (May­ in Maynard's hand with the term "type," nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: 131, which includes references to the figures on pI. 28, figs. 7, 8). The name next appeared plate 30. This specimen is here designated (Maynard, 1920d: 112) in a text correction as the lectotype to provide an objective [see nomenclatural remarks under S. san­ standard of reference for this species­ tesoni, Taxon 129]. group taxon that is consistent with May­ Type Material. Although the unintended nard's original concept of it. Maynard's re­ description of Strophiops persuasa makes maining specimens, including MCZ 76365 reference only to a single specimen illus­ and USNM 420005, are paralectotypes. trated in figure 59*, it is likely that the Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.4 2,428 specimens mentioned in the intend­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.8 mm; ap­ ed description of this taxon (Maynard and erture height (including lip) 10.3 mm, ap­ Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: 131) were avail­ erture width (including lip and peristome) able to Maynard at the time and al'e thus 8.7 mm. part of the type series [Article, Type Locality. West side of Cabbage ICZN, 1999: 76]. Strophiops persuasa is Key [Berry Islands], Bahamas. based on 2,428 syntypes. The specimen Remarks. It is not surplising that, after figured both in figure 59* and on plate 13, Maynard's death, the specimens labeled as figure 1, could not be located at the MCZ. "types" by Maynard were the ones to be Maynard clearly regarded a different spec­ segregated at the MCZ, while the many imen to be the "Type" of Strophiops per­ remaining specimens were dispersed suasa. Lot MCZ 76189 was labeled "Ho­ among MCZ, USNM, and other institu­ lotype" but contained two specimens. The tions (Turner, 1957: 151). Given the qual­ larger of these specimens approximates ity of Maynard's illustrations of the dorsal the subsequently published measurements view of the shell, it is unlikely that this and figures and is here selected as the lec­ specimen could ever be discerned unam­ totype to provide an objective standard of biguously from among the large number reference for this species-group taxon that of remaining specimens, even if it were is consistent with Maynard's concept of present among them. this taxon. The remaining specimen was recatalogued as MCZ 357000 and, togeth­ Taxon 128. Strophiops persuasa Maynard er with MCZ 76188 and USNM 420124, and Clapp in Maynard, 1920b [April are among the 2,427 specimens that be­ 8], fig. 59*, pI. 13, fig. 1; Maynard, come paralectotypes. 1920d: 112; Maynard and Clapp in Lectotype Measurements. Length 25.8 Maynard, 1921a: 131, pI. 28, figs. 9, 10. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.8 mm; ap­ Examined 2,428 specimens. Size given erture height (including lip) 8.9 mm, ap­ as .98 by .40 [inches; 24.9 by 10.2 mm], erture width (including lip and peristome) but the term "type" was not used. 7.9mm. Type Locality. Along shore north of Nomenclatural Remarks. This taxon be- Fresh Creek, Andros, Bahamas. came available when an illustration (May- Remarks. It is not surprising that, after THE CERIGN TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 453

Maynard's death, the specimens labeled as dum. However, it does include a reference "types" by Maynard were the ones to be to a subsequently published illustration segregated at the MCZ, while the many (Maynard, 1920c, fig. 62) that was cap­ remaining specimens were dispersed tioned "S. santesoni." Because the publi­ among MCZ, USNM, and other institu­ cation of the association of a new species tions (Turner, 1957: 151). Given the qual­ group name (Maynard, 1920a: 81) with an ity of Maynard's illustration of an apertural illustration (Maynard, 1920b, fig. 62) of view, it is unlikely that this specimen could the taxon being named before 1931 was ever be discerned unambiguously from interrupted, the name Strophiops sante­ among the large number of specimens, soni became available only when the re­ even if it were present among them. quirements of the relevant Articles (Arti­ cles 10.1.1 and 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: 9,17) Taxon 129. Strophiops santesoni Maynard, have been met. The name Strophiops san­ 1920a [February 29]: 80, 81 [nomen nu­ tesoni Maynard, 1920, became available dum]; Maynard, 1920b [April 8], fig. 59; July 10, 1920, on publication of figure 62, Maynard, 1920c [July 10], fig. 62, pI. prior to the intended descIiption of this 15, fig. 5 [both of sinistral speci­ species (Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, men]; Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b: 139, pI. 36, figs. 3, 4, pI. 15, fig. 5). 1921b: 139, pI. 36, figs. 3, 4, pI. 15, fig. Because of Maynard's unintended taxo­ 5. Examined 1,964 specimens. Size giv­ nomic act, both the date of publication en as 1.20 by .47 [inches; 30.5 by 11.9 and the authorship of Strophiops santesoni mm], but the term "type" was not used. were altered. Type Material. The unintended descrip­ Nomenclatural Remarks. Maynard tion linked the binomen Strophiops san­ (1920a: 80) first used the binomen Stro­ tesoni with a figure of a single sinistral phiops santesoni in error as one of three specimen illustrated in Maynard, 1920c taxa that, in rare cases, can have a shell (fig. 62, pI. 15, fig. 5). Maynard (1920b: 81) encircled by a band of color. Because this noted that sinistrality is very rare in Cer­ character is not diagnOStic of S. santesoni, ion, and only two have been found, "one this passage cannot be considered a de­ in S. santesoni." This clearly indicates that scription of the taxon and the use is a no­ he had multiple specimens of C. santesoni, men nudum. This use also includes a of which one was sinistral, and suggests clearly incorrect reference to a subse­ that the 1,964 specimens mentioned in the quently published figure (Maynard, 1920b, intended descIiption of this taxon (May­ fig. 59) that was captioned "S. nuda nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: 139) Mayn." Earlier on the same page is anoth­ were available to him at the time and are er reference to figure 59 that correctly re­ thus part of the type series [Article fers to it as S. nuda. Maynard (1920d: 112), ICZN, 1999: 76]. Strophiops san­ published a correction to the first use on tesoni is thus based on 1,963 syntypes. Lot page 80, stating "for santesoni read per­ MCZ 76237 contained 216 specimens la­ suasa." This statement makes it clear that beled "paratypes," among them the illus­ the intended figure reference was figure trated sinistral specimen, which is here 59* (Maynard, 1920b), which is captioned designated as the lectotype and has been "S. persuasa M. & C. X2, banded below recatalogued as MCZ 358073. Maynard suture." The next use of the name S. san­ clearly regarded a different specimen to be tesoni appeared in a discussion of sinis­ the "Type" of Strophiops santesoni. Lot trality in CeIions (Maynard, 1920a: 81). MCZ 76238 contains a Single specimen la­ Again, the text notes that tl1is rare char­ beled "Holotype" that resembles the illus­ acter is present in both S. santesoni and S. tration in the intended description, but inconstans, and the use is a nomen nu- differs substantially from the measure- 454 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

ments. This specimen is accompanied by specimen published in the follOwing issue a label in Maynard's hand with the term (Maynard, 1920c, fig. 63). The identical "t.ype," which includes references to the image appeared in color in the later issue figures on plate 36. Maynard's remaining (Maynard, 1920c, pI. 15, fig. 6). Both il­ 1,962 specimens of S. santesoni, including lustrations were captioned "S. inconstans." MCZ 76237, MCZ 76238, USNM 420028, The use of S. inconstans in Maynard USNM 419959, and USNM 419964, are (1920b: 81) is a nomen nudum. For names paralectotypes. published before 1931, the association of Lectotype Measurements. Length 23.5 a new species group name with an illus­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.2 mm; ap­ tration is sufficient to make the species erture height (including lip) 9.7 mm, ap­ group name available [Article, erture width (including lip and peristome) ICZN, 1999: 17]. Because of Maynard's 7.9 mm. unintended taxonomic act, the binomen Type Locality. Along northern shore of Strophiops inconstans became available on New Providence [Island] west of Nassau July 10, 1920, with Maynard as the author. from second mile post to beyond the The intended description of this taxon was fourth. published in the subsequent issue (May­ Remarlcs. It is not surprising that, after nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d: 119, Maynard's death, the specimens labeled as pI. 3, figs. 7, 8) and was based on a dextral "t.ypes" by Maynard were the ones to be specimen. segregated at the MCZ, while the many Type Material. Although inadvertently, remaining specimens were dispersed this taxon is based on a sinistral specimen among MCZ, USNM, and other institu­ illustrated in Maynard, 1920c (fig. 63, pI. tions (Turner, 1957: 151). Fortunately, the 15, fig. 6). It is W

mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.2 mm; ap­ Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: 131, pI. 28, figs. erture height (including lip) 7.6 mm, ap­ 7, 8). erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Material. Although the unintended 7.9 mm. description of Strophiops plebea makes T,1Jpe Locality. West side of Bird Key reference only to a Single decollated spec­ [Exuma Group, Bahamas]. imen illustrated in figure 66, it is likely that Remarks. It is not surprising that, after the 1,500 specimens mentioned in the in­ Maynard's death, the specimens labeled as tended description of this taxon (Maynard "types" by Maynard were the ones to be and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: 130) were segregated at the MCZ, while the many available to Maynard at the time and are remaining specimens were dispersed thus part of the type series [Article among MCZ, USNM, and other institu­, ICZN, 1999: 76]. Strophiops ple­ tions (Turner, 1957: 151). Fortunately, the bea is based on 1,500 syntypes. sinistral specimen was retained among the In a search for the specimen illustrated material at the MCZ and was easily rec­ in figure 66, examination of large series of ognized. Maynard (1920d: 119) reported this taxon from the Maynard collection Strophiops inconstans to be common on now at the MCZ and USNM revealed over cacti. Maynard (1925: 185-194) provided 25 decollated specimens. About a third of additional information on the anatomy, these specimens could be excluded from habitat, and morphology of this taxon. consideration on the basis of the degree of decollation or the presence of other dam­ Taxon 131. Strophiops plebeia Maynard, age undocumented in the illustration. The 1920b [April 8]: 85 [nomen nudum]. majority of decollated specimens, however, Strophiops plebea Maynard 1920c all resembled the illustration to a similar LJuly 10], fig. 66, pI. 14, fig. 1. Stro­ degree, and we are not able to match any phiops plebia Maynard and Clapp in one of them to the illustration with any Maynard, 1921a [May 2]: 130, pI. 28, degree of certainty. figs. 3, 4. Examined 1,500 specimens. Maynard clearly regarded a different Size given as 1.20 by .40 [inches; 30.5 specimen to serve as the "Type" of Stro­ by 11.4 mm], but the term "type" was phiops plebea. Lot MCZ 76401 was la­ not used. beled "Holotype," but contained two spec­ imens, neither a close match to the figures Nomenclatural Remarks. This binomen or measurements in the intended taxon was first used by Maynard (1920b: 85) [as description. Nor were any labels in May­ plebeia] as an example of a fairly common­ nard's handwriting present. Lot USNM ly decollated species [80 of 1,500 speci­ 420125 contained numerous specimens mens] and included a reference to an il­ from among the 1,500 syntypes. A speci­ lustration of an apertural view of a shell men that closely approximates the illustra­ published in the following issue (Maynard tions and measurements published togeth­ 1920c, fig. 66, pI. 14, fig. 1). Both the text er with the intended taxon description was illustration and the identical colored figure selected as a lectotype (USNM 420125) to were captioned "S. plebea." The April 8, provide an objective standard of reference 1920, use as plebeia is a nomen nudum. for this species-group taxon that is consis­ The association of a new species group tent with Maynard's original concept of it. name with an illustration of the taxon be­ The remaining specimens were recata­ ing named before 1931 makes the name logued as USNM 1093795, and together Strophiops plebea Maynard (1920c, fig. 66, with MCZ 76401 and MCZ 76169, are pI. 14, fig. 1) available (Article 12.2.7, paralectotypes. ICZN, 1999: 17) prior to the intended de­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 30.9 scription of this species (Maynard and mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.3 mm; ap- 456 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

erture height (including lip) 10.3 mm, ap­ ICZN, 1999: 17) on July 10, with the pub­ erture width (including lip and peristome) lication of figures 69 and 76, the first cap­ 8.7mm. tioned "S. cana M & C" and the second Type Locality. Lignumvitae Key, Berry "S. cana," prior to the intended descrip­ Islands, Bahamas. tion of this species (Maynard and Clapp in Remarks. This taxon has been the victim Maynard, 1921a: 137). of multiple lapsus calami, having been Type Material. In addition to the two spelled plebeia when first used as a nomen damaged specimens of Strophiops cana nudum, plebea in the unintended, but val­ that were illustrated in figures 69 and 76 id description, and plebia in the intended (as well as the colored versions of these taxonomic description, as well as in a sub­ figures, pI. 15, fig. 1, pl. 17, fig. 5), it is sequent listing in the sales catalogue (May­ likely that the 760 specimens mentioned nard, 1924?: 3). Article 32.5.1 (ICZN, in the intended description of this taxon 1999: 39) dictates that the spelling plebea (Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: be used for this taxon because there is no 137) were available to Maynard at the time clear evidence to suggest an alternative and are thus part ofthe type series [Article spelling within the original publication it­, ICZN, 1999: 76]. Strophiops self. Strophiops plebea Maynard, 1920, has cana is based on 760 syntypes. Neither of a different spelling, authorship, and date the specimens illustrated in figures 69 and of publication from that cited by Clench 76 could be located at the MCZ. Maynard (1957: 158). clearly regarded a different specimen to be the "Type" of Strophiops cana. Lot M CZ Taxon 132. Strophiops cana Maynard, 76374 contains a Single specimen labeled 1920b [April 8]: 86, 88 [nomen nudum]; "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, surements ofthis taxon in the intended de­ 1920c Uuly 10], figs. 69, 76, pI. 15, scription (Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, fig. 1, pI. 17, fig. 5; Maynard and 1921a: 137) and the subsequently pub­ Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May 2]: 137; lished illustrations (Maynard, 1921b, pI. 1921b [July 15], pI. 34, figs. 3, 4. Ex­ 34, figs. 3, 4) and is accompanied by a la­ amined 760 speCimens. Size given as bel in Maynard's hand with the term 1.10 by .45 [inches; 27.9 by 11.4 mm], "type" that includes references to the fig­ but the term "type" was not used. ures. This specimen (MCZ 76374) is here designated as the lectotype of Strophiops Nomenclatural Remarks. The binomen cana Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, Strophiops cana was first used by Maynard 1920, to provide an objective standard of (1920b: 86, 88) in a discussion of shell re­ reference for this species-group taxon that pair after severe damage and referred to is consistent with Maynard's original con­ subsequently published illustrations (May­ cept of it. The remaining specimens, in­ nard, 1920c, figs. 69, 76, pI. 15, fig. 1, pI. cluding MCZ 76373, MCZ 118217, and 17, fig. 5) of damaged specimens of S. USNM 420091, are paralectotypes. cana as examples of snails surviving crush­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.3 ing predation, noting that color change oc­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.5 mm; ap­ casionally accompanied shell repair. The erture height (including lip) 10.1 mm, ap­ appearances of S. cana in the text (May­ erture width (including lip and peristome) nard, 1920b: 86, 88) are as a nomen nu­ 8.9mm. dum. The association of a new species Type Locality. Fortune Key, Berry Is­ group name with an illustration of the tax­ lands, Bahamas. on being named before 1931 made the Remarks. It is not surprising that, after name Strophiops cana Maynard and Clapp Maynard's death, the specimens labeled as in Maynard, 1920, available (Article 12.2.7, "types" by Maynard were the ones to be THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Hamsewych et al. 457

segregated at the MCZ, while the many scription and the subsequently published remaining specimens, possibly including illustrations. It is accompanied by a label those in figures 69 and 76, were dispersed in Maynard's hand with the term "type," among MCZ, USNM, and other institu­ that includes references to the figures. tions (Turner, 1957: 151). This specimen is here designated as the lectotype to provide an objective standard Taxon 133. Strophiops territa Maynard, of reference for this species-group taxon 1920c [July 10], fig. 70*, pI. 15, fig. that is consistent with Maynard's original 2; Maynard, 1920d: 112; Maynard and concept of it. The remaining 392 speci­ Clapp in Maynard, 1921b: 147; May­ mens, including MCZ 76316 and USNM nard, 1926, pI. 43, figs. 5, 6. Examined 419995, are paralectotypes. 393 specimens. Size given as .94 by .40 Lectotype Measurements. Length 23.4 [inches; 23.9 by 10.2 mm], but the term mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.3 mm; ap­ "type" was not used. erture height (including lip) 9.3 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) Nomenclatural Remarks. The binomen 8.1 mm. Strophiops territa was first used by May­ Type Locality. Methodist Churchyard nard (1920c, fig. 70*, pI. 15, fig. 2) in the and vicinity [Sherley Street, Nassau, New caption to a figure of an apertural view of Providence Island, Bahamas]. a crushed and repaired shell. Figure 70* Remarks. It is not surprising that, after and the identical colored image on plate Maynard's death, the specimens labeled as 15, figure 2, are both captioned "S. territa "types" by Maynard were the ones to be M."; the authorship of the taxon is restrict­ segregated at the MCZ, while the many ed to Maynard. The association of a new remaining specimens, possibly including species group name with an illustration of the damaged specimen in figure 70*, were the taxon being named before 1931 makes dispersed among MCZ, USNM, and other the name Strophiops territa Maynard, institutions (Turner, 1957: 151). Gould and 1920c (fig. 70*, pI. 15, fig. 2), available (Ar­ Woodruff (1986: 476) regarded this taxon ticle 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: 17) on July 10, to be an "anomalously located species at­ 1920, prior to the intended description of tributable to Cerion glans." this species (Maynard and Clapp in May­ nard, 1921b: 147). Taxon 134. Strophiops albolabra Maynard, Type Material. Although the unintended 1919b [November 6]: 25 [nomen nu­ description of Strophiops territa makes dum]; Maynard, 1920b [April 8]: 87, 88 reference only to a single damaged speci­ [nomina nuda]; Maynard, 1920c [July men shown in figure 70*, it is likely that 10], figs. 74a, b, 75, 77, pI. 16, figs. the 393 specimens mentioned in the in­ 1-3, pI. 17, fig. 4; Maynard and Clapp tended description of this taxon (Maynard in Maynard, 1921a [May 2]: 129-130, and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b: 147) were pI. 27, figs. 3, 4. Examined 4,560 spec­ available to Maynard at the time and are imens. Size given as 1.30 by .50 [inches; thus part of the type series [Article 33.0 by 12.7 mm], but the term "type", ICZN, 1999: 76]. Strophiops ter­ was not used. rita is based on 393 syntypes. The speci­ men illustrated in figure 70* could not be Nomenclatural Remarks. The binomen located at the MCZ. Maynard clearly re­ Strophiops albolabra first appeared as a garded a different specimen to be the nomen nudum (Maynard, 1919b: 25). "Type" of Strophiops territa. Lot MCZ Maynard (1920b: 87, 88) discussed shell 76396 contains a single specimen labeled repair in this species prior to its intended "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ description and included citations to illus­ surements ofthis taxon in the intended de- trations of four broken specimens that 458 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

were published in the following issue 1921a, pI. 27, figs. 3, 4). This specimenis (Maynard, 1920c [July 10], figs. 74a, b, 75, here deSignated as the lectotype of Stro­ 77). These same figures were reproduced phiops albolabra to provide an objective in color in the same issue (Maynard, standard of reference for this species­ 1920c, pI. 16, figs. 1-3, pI. 17, fig. 4). The group taxon that is consistent with May­ appearances of the taxon name in the text nard's original concept of it. The remain­ are as a nomen nudum. ing 4,559 specimens are paralectotypes. The association of a new species group Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.7 name with an illustration of the taxon be­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.4 mm; ap­ ing named before 1931 makes the name erture height (including lip) 11.0 mm, ap­ Strophiops albolabra Maynard, 1920c erture width (including lip and peristome) (figs. 74a, b, 75, 77, pI. 16, figs. 1-3, pI. 9.1 mm. 17, fig. 4), available (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, Type Locality. Great Harbor Key [Berry 1999: 17) on July 10, 1920, prior to the Islands, Bahamas]. intended description of this species (May­ Remarks. It is not surprising that, after nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: 129­ Maynard's death, the specimens labeled as 130). Because the illustrations were cap­ "types" by Maynard were the ones to be tioned "S. albolabra," the taxon must be segregated at the MCZ, while the many attributed to Maynard rather than May­ remaining specimens were dispersed nard and Clapp as cited by Clench (1957: among MCZ, USNM, and other institu­ 137). tions (Turner, 1957: 151). The four severe­ Type Material. Although the unintended ly damaged syntypes would be easily rec­ description of Strophiops albolabra illus­ ognizable, yet could not be found in the trated four broken specimens, it is likely collections of the MCZ and might have that these were selected from among the been discarded, especially since in excess 4,560 specimens mentioned in the intend­ of 4,000 specimens were available. ed description of this taxon (Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a: 130) that were Taxon 135. Strophiops fragilis Maynard, available to Maynard and are part of the 1920b [April 8]: 91, 92 [nomen nudum]; type seIies [Article, ICZN, 1999: Maynard, 1920c [July 10], figs. 81, 76]. Strophiops albolabra is based on 82, pI. 18, figs. 4, 5; Maynard and 4,560 syntypes. Over a thousand speci­ Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May 2]: 128, mens contained in MCZ 76241, MCZ pI. 26, figs. 3, 4. Examined 200 speci­ 118211, USNM 420023, and USNM mens. Size given as 1.00 by .40 [inches; 420098 were examined. Only two exhibit­ 25.4 by 10.2 mm], but the term "type" ed Significant shell damage but did not was not used. correspond to any of the four figured syn­ types. These four syntypes are lost because Nomenclatural Remarks. Maynard it is unlikely that badly damaged speci­ (1920b: 91-92) used the binomen Stro­ mens would have been selected for sale or phiops fragilis prior to its intended de­ exchange by Maynard. Maynard clearly re­ scription as an example of his "Law of In­ garded a different specimen to be the dividual Reincarnation" and referenced "Type" of Strophiops albolabra. Lot MCZ subsequently published illustrations (May­ 76255 contains a single specimen labeled nard, 1920c, figs. 81, 82) representing ap­ "Holotype" that approximates the illustra­ ertural views of two different specimens tion more than the measurements of this that were reproduced in color (Maynard, taxon and is accompanied by a label in 1920c, pI. 18, figs. 4, 5)..Article 10.1.1 Maynard's hand with the term "type," (ICZN, 1999: 9) states that if publication which includes references to the figures in of the data relating to a new nominal taxon the intended taxon description (Maynard, or a nomenclatural act is interrupted and THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 459

continued at a later date, the name or act this species-group taxon that is consistent becomes available only when the require­ with Maynard's original concept of it. The ments of the relevant Articles have been remaining syntypes become paralecto­ met. Thus, the first uses of the name types. (Maynard, 1920b: 91-92) were nomina Lectotype Measurements. Length 25.5 nuda. The association of a new species mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.2 mm; ap­ group name with an illustration of the tax­ erture height (including lip) 9.4 mm, ap­ on being named before 1931 makes the erture width (including lip and peristome) name Strophiops fragilis Maynard, 1920c 8.1 mm. (figs. 81, 82, pI. 18, figs. 4, 5), available Type Locality. Second westernmost (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: 17) on July Brigadier Key, Great Exuma [Exuma 10, 1920, prior to the intended description Group, Bahamas]. of this species (Maynard and Clapp in Remarks. Maynard (1920c: 92) com­ Maynard, 1921a: 128). As the illustrations mented that five specimens of S. fragilis were captioned "S. fragilis," the taxon were indistinguishable from S. nuda [from must be attributed to Maynard rather than Clarence Harbor, Long Island, Bahamas]. Maynard and Clapp as cited by Clench (1957: 146). Taxon 136. Strophiops latonia Maynard, Type Material. Two different specimens 1920c [July 10]: 95, fig. 84, pI. 18, of S. fragilis were illustrated (Maynard, fig. 1; Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920c, figs. 81, 82, pI. 18, figs. 4, 5). One 1921b [July 15]: 147-148; Maynard and (fig. 81, pI. 18, fig. 4) was reported to Clapp in Maynard, 1926 [March 24], pI. closely resemble S. agrestina (figs. 80, pI. 43, figs. 7, 8. Examined 600 specimens. 18, fig. 3) the other (fig. 82, pI. 18, fig. 5) Size given as 1.10 by .42 [inches; 27.9 was described as indistinguishable from S. by 10.7 mm], but the term "type" was nuda (fig. 83, pI. 18, fig. 6). These two not used. specimens were selected from the 200 specimens mentioned in the intended de­ Nomenclatural Remarks. The binomen scription of this taxon (Maynard and Clapp Strophiops latonia was used prior to its in­ in Maynard, 1921a: 128) that were avail­ tended description (Maynard, 1920c: 95, able to Maynard and are part of the type fig. 84) as an example of the "Law of Spe­ series [Article, ICZN, 1999: 76]. cific Reincarnation." The figure was repro­ Strophiops territa is based on 200 syn­ duced in color (Maynard, 1920c, pI. 18, types. Lot MCZ 76166 contains a single fig. 1). The association of a new species specimen labeled "Holotype" that is ac­ group name with an illustration of the tax­ companied by a label in Maynard's hand on being named before 1931 makes the with the term "type," which includes ref­ name Strophiops latonia available (Article erences to the figures in the intended de­ 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: 17) at the time of scription (pI. 26, figs. 3, 4). Although this publication of the illustrations (July 10, specimen closely matches the measure­ 1920) rather than on July 15, 1921, when ments provided in the subsequent descrip­ the intended original description was pub­ tion, it more closely resembles one of the lished. As these illustrations were cap­ two illustrations (Maynard, 1920c, fig. 81, tioned "S. latonia," the taxon is attributed pI. 18, fig. 4) on which the taxon is based to Maynard, rather than Maynard and than it does the subsequent illustration in Clapp, as cited by Clench (1957: 150). the intended description. In our view, it is Type Material. Although the unintended probable that this specimen served as the description of Strophiops latonia is based basis for both illustrations. This specimen on the illustration of a single specimen (fig. is here designated as the lectotype to pro­ 84), it is likely that the 600 specimens vide an objective standard of reference for mentioned in the intended description of 460 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

this taxon (Maynard and Clapp in May­ [96 smooth and 120 costate]. Size given nard, 1921b: 148) were available to May­ as 1.10 by .40 [inches; 27.9 by 10.2 nard at the time and are thus part of the mm], but the term "type" was not used. type series [Article, ICZN, 1999: 76]. Strophiops laton'ia is therefore based Nomenclatural Rema·rks. The taxon on 600 syntypes. The specimen shown in name Strophiops mariae was first used and figure 84 could not be located at the MCZ. figured by Maynard (1920c: 96, fig. 88) as Maynard clearly regarded a different spec­ an example of his "Law of Specific Rein­ imen to be the "Type" of Strophiops la­ carnation" earlier than the intended de­ tonia. Lot MCZ 76314 contains a single scription of the species. The association of specimen labeled "Holotype" that approx­ a new species group name with an illus­ imates the measurements of this taxon in tration of the taxon being named before the intended description (Maynard, 1931 makes the name Strophiops mariae 1921b: 147-148) and the subsequently available (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: 17) published illustrations (Maynard, 1926, pI. prior to the intended description of iliis 43, figs. 7, 8) and is accompanied by a la­ species (Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, bel in Maynard's hand with the term 1921a: 128). The illustrations referenced "type," which includes references to the in the intended description were pub­ figures. This specimen (MCZ 76314) is lished in ilie previous issue (Maynard, here designated as the lectotype of Stro­ 1920d, pI. 24, fig. 10, pI. 25, fig. 5) and phiops latonia Maynard, 1920, to provide depict two different specimens. Because an objective standard of reference for this figure 88 is captioned "S. mariae M & C.," species-group taxon that is consistent with the taxon is attributed to Maynard and Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ Clapp in Maynard and dates from July 10, maining specimens, including MCZ 76315 1920. and USNM 420146, are paralectotypes. Type Material. Although the unintended Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.1 descliption of Strophiops mariae is based mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.8 mm; ap­ on the illustration of a single specimen (fig. erture height (including lip) 9.6 mm, ap­ 88), it is likely that ilie 216 specimens erture width (including lip and peristome) mentioned in ilie intended description of 8.0 mm. this taxon (Maynard and Clapp in May­ Type Locality. St. Paul's Quarry offWest nard, 1921a: 128) were available to May­ Sherley Street, Nassau [New Providence nard at the time and are thus part of the Island, Bahamas]. type series [Article, ICZN, 1999: Remarks. Maynard (1924c: 6) listed S. 76]. Strophiops mariae is therefore based latonia as extinct in 1924 from tlle burning on 216 syntypes. The specimen shown in of vegetation prior to cultivation. Gould figure 84 could not be located at the MCZ. and Woodruff (1986: 476) regarded this Lot MCZ 76204 contains 120 specimens taxon to be "intermediate" between Cer­ and was labeled "Paratypes." Of these 120 ion glans. (Kuster, 1844) and C. guberna­ specimens, two were sequestered in glass torium (Crosse, 1869). vials and labeled as figured specimens. One of the labels in Maynard's handWlit­ Taxon 137. Strophiops mariae Maynard ing associated with the smooth specimen and Clapp in Maynard, 1920c [July illustrated on plate 25, figure 5, states "Fig. 10]: 96, fig. 88; Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ 88." This specimen, which retains the tember 30], pI. 24, fig. 10 [apertural number MCZ 76204, is here designated as view of costate specimen], pI. 25, fig. 5 the lectotype of Strophiops mariae May­ [left lateral view of smooth specimen]; nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920, to pro­ Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a vide an objective standard of reference for [May 2]: 128. Examined 216 specimens this species-group taxon that is consistent THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 461

with Maynard's original concept of it. The illustration of a Single specimen (fig. 89). remaining 119 specimens were recata­ It is likely that this was one of 1,052 spec­ logued as MCZ 357002 and, together with imens mentioned in the intended descrip­ MCZ 118193, are among the 215 speci­ tion of this taxon (Maynard and Clapp in mens that become paralectotypes. Maynard, 1921b: 149) that were available Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.8 to Maynard at the time and are thus part mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.1 mm; ap­ of the type series [Article, ICZN, erture height (including lip) 9.7 mm, ap­ 1999: 76]. Strophiops repetita is therefore erture width (including lip and peristome) based on 1,052 syntypes. No specimen la~ 8.0 mm. beled as the "Holotype" of Strophiops re­ Type Locality. Maria Key near Little Ex­ petita was catalogued at the MCZ. Lot uma [Exuma Group, Bahamas]. MCZ 76336 contained 198 specimens and was labeled "Paratypes." A single speci­ Remarks. Maynard (1920c: 96) noted men was sequestered in a vial and labeled that the species S. mariae closely resem­ "figured." This specimen closely approxi­ bles S. repetita from Nassau, New Provi­ mates both the illustration in figure 89 and dence Island. the measurements in the intended de­ scription. Also present was a label in May­ Taxon 138. Strophiops repitita Maynard, nard's handwriting referring to "Fig 89" 1919b: 36 [nomen nudum]; S. repetita and "Plate 45 figs 5-6." This label indi­ Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, cates that the sequestered specimen is that 1920c [July 10]: 96, fig. 89; Maynard in figure 89, as well as the specimen that and Capp in Maynard, 1921b [July 15]: Maynard regarded as the "type" because 149, pI. 45, figs. 5, 6 [pI. 45 was never he planned to illustrate it as part of the issued]. Examined 1,052 specimens. intended taxon description. This speci­ Size given as 1.10 by .40 [inches; 27.9 men, which retains the number MCZ by 10.2 mm], but the term "type" was 76336 is here deSignated as the lectotype not used. of Strophiops repetita Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920, to provide an objective Nomenclatural Remarks. The binomen standard of reference for this species~ S. repitita first appeared as a nomen nu­ group taxon that is consistent with May­ dum (Maynard, 1919b: 36). The name was nard's original concept of it. The remain~ used as S. repetita (Maynard, 1920c: 96, ing 197 specimens were recatalogued as fig. 89) prior to the intended taxon de~ MCZ 357003 and are among the remain­ scription as an example of Maynard's "Law ing 1,051 specimens that become paralec­ of Specific Reincarnation." The association totypes. Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.3 of a new species group name with an il­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.4 mm; ap­ lustration of the taxon being named before erture height (including lip) 9.3 mm, ap~ 1931 makes the name Strophiops repetita erture width (including lip and peristome) Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920, 8.0mm. available (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: 17) Type Locality. Old fields off Kemp's prior to the intended description of this Road, East Nassau [New Providence Is­ species (Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, land, Bahamas]. 1921b: 149). The caption to figure 89 Remarks. The spelling Strophiops repi­ reads "S. repetita M & c.," establishing tita appeared only as a nomen nudum the authorship as Maynard and Clapp in (Maynard, 1919b: 36). Both the unintend­ Maynard, 1920. ed and the intended taxon descriptions Type Material. The unintended descrip­ used the spelling S. repetita. The sales cat­ tion of Strophiops repetita is based on the alog (Maynard, 1924b?: [4]) used the spell~ 462 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

ing repitita, but its supplement (Maynard, tion, which references the same illustra­ 1924c: 6) listed S. repetita as nearly extinct tions. The taxon S. perantiqua dates from (only three specimens) in 1924 from the the intended species description (Maynard burning of vegetation prior to cultivation. and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d: 115, pl. 1, Gould and Woodruff (1986: 477) regarded figs. 1, 2), as cited by Clench and Aguayo this taxon to be a synonym of Cerion gub­ (1952). Strophiops perantiqua is an junior ernatorium (Crosse, 1869). objective synonym of Strophiops peravita Maynard, 1919, because they share the Taxon 139. Strophiops perantiqua May­ same type series, including the same lec­ nard, 1919a [October 16]: 15 [nomen totype [see Taxon 114]. nudum]; Maynard, 1919b [November Type Material. The taxon description by 6]: 31 [nomen nudum]; Maynard and Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d (p. Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Septem­ 115) did not distinguish among the 25 ber 30]: 115, pI. 1, figs. 1, 2, map 1, specimens examined. In the preamble to 2 [published as map 1, 1]. Examined 25 the taxonomic portion to this publication, specimens. Size given as 1.25 by .60 Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that [inches; 31.8 by 15.2 mm], but the term types were selected. However, there was "type" was not used. no indication in the original description or Nomenclatural Remarks. Maynard's in any of Maynard's publications to asso­ (1919a: 15) first use of this binomen was a ciate a single specimen with the term nomen nudum. Maynard (1919b: 31) again "type." Clench and Aguayo (1952: 440, pI. used this name, this time along with a ref­ 55, fig. 6) listed and illusb"ated MCZ erence to illustrations that were issued lat­ 187537 as the "holotype," but the speci­ er (Maynard, 1920d, pI. 1, figs. 1, 2), to­ men is not accompanied by Maynard's la­ gether with the intended taxon descrip­ bel. Article 74.5 (ICZN, 1999: 82) states, tion. The second use of the name in 1919 "When the original work reveals that the was again a nomen nudum. Article 10.1.1 taxon had been based on more than one (ICZN, 1999: 9) states that if publication specimen, a subsequent use of the term of the data relating to a new nominal taxon 'holotype' does not constitute a valid lec­ or a nomenclatural act is interrupted and totype designation unless the author, when continued at a later date, the name or act wrongly using that term, explicitlyindicat­ becomes available only when the require­ ed that he or she was seleCting from the ments of the relevant Articles have been type series that particular specimen to met. Thus, the name S. perantiqua be­ serve as the name-bearing type." Thus, comes available on September 30, 1920, tllere is no holotype for this taxon, nor can upon publication of the illustrations but Clench and Aguayo's treatment of MCZ does not have priOlity over the simulta­ 187537 be considered a lectotype deSig­ neously published intended taxon descrip- nation. The species is based on 25 syn-

Figures 138-150. Taxon 138. Strophiops repetita Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76336. Old fields off Kemp's Road, East Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 139. Strophiops perantiqua Maynard and Clapp in May" nard, 1920. [Not illustrated.] The binomen Strophiops perantiqua is an objective junior synonym of Strophiops peravita Maynard, 1919 [Taxon 114], as the lectotype of Strophiops peravita is also the lectotype of S. perantiqua. Taxon 140. Strophiops processa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76148. In area just south of the third beach north of the south end of Great Guana Key Exumas, Bahamas. Taxon 141. Strophiops mutatoria Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76234. Northwest of small pond near south end of Great Guana Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 142. Strophiops mitra Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 187538. Back of fourth beach from south end of Great Guana Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 143. Strophiops intentata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76305. Small area east or tract 5 just south of the third beach north of the south end of Great Guana Key, Exumas, Bahamas. Taxon 144. Strophiops prognata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76163. Between small pond and beach, southern end of Great Guana Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 145. Strophiops extrema Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 463

1 em

140 141

Lectotype MCZ 76146. Near well, at extreme south end of Great Guana Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 146. Strophiops imperfecta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76313. Near well on south end of Great Guana Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 147. Strophiops progressa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76197. Near Black Point, north end of Great Guana Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 148. Strophiops cycfura Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76045. Bitter Guana Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 149. Strophiops dissimifa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76057. East Cistern Key, Exurna Group, Bahamas. Taxon 150. Strophiops veta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76221. Strout's [Stroud's] Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. 464 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

types. Of these, MCZ 187537 (the lecto­ bel accompanying the specimen with the type of Strophiops peravita [Taxon 114]), term "typical." Article 74.5 (ICZN, 1999: which closely approximates the published 82) states, "When the original work reveals measurements and clearly matches the that the taxon had been based on more published illustrations, is here designated than one specimen, a subsequent use of as the lectotype of Strophiops perantiqua the term 'holotype' does not constitute a to provide an objective standard of refer­ valid lectotype designation unless the au­ ence for this species-group taxon that is thor, when wrongly using that term, ex­ consistent with Maynard's original and plicitly indicated that he or she was se­ Clench and Aguayo's subsequent concepts lecting from the type series that particular of this taxon. The remaining 24 syntypes specimen to serve as the name-bearing become paralectotypes. type." Thus, there is no holotype for this Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.9 taxon, nor can Clench and Aguayo's treat­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 14.7 mm; ap­ ment of MCZ 76148 be considered a lec­ erture height (including lip) 11.1 mm, ap­ totype designation. The species is based on erture width (including lip and peristome) either 300 or 122 syntypes. Of these, MCZ 9.5 mm. 76148 is here designated as the lectotype Type Locality. Found fossil in red earth to provide an objective standard of refer­ near west coast of Great Guana Key [Ex­ ence for this species-group taxon that is umas, Bahamas], about 1 mile from south­ consistent with Maynard's original and ern end. Clench and Aguayo's subsequent concepts Remarks. Maynard (1924a: 164) de­ of this taxon. The remaining 121 or 299 sClibed in detail the locality in which these syntypes become paralectotypes. fossils were collected. Clench and Aguayo Lectotype Measurements. Length 24.4 (1952) considered Cerion perantiquum to mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.8 mm; ap­ be a hybrid between the "scalarinum ele­ erture height (including hp) 8.5 mm, ap­ ment and a member of the glans com­ erture width (including lip and peristome) plex." 7.5 mm. Type Locality. In area just S of the third Taxon 140. Strophiops processa Maynard beach north of the south end of Great and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ Guana Key [Exumas, Bahamas]. tember 30]: 116, pI. 1, figs. 7, 8, map Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 116) report­ 1,5. Examined 300 specimens. Size giv­ ed that this taxon was rather common, but en as .85 by .35 [inches; 26.9 by 7.6 all 300 specimens collected were dead. mm], but the term "type" was not used. Maynard (1924a: 168) later contradicted this number, stating that 122 specimens Type Material. The original deSCription were collected. Clench and Aguayo (1952: did not distinguish among the 300 speci­ 431) considered this taxon to be a subspe­ mens examined. Later, Maynard (1924a: cies of Cerion asperum (Maynard, 1920). 168) wrote that only 122 were collected. In the preamble to the taxonomic portion Taxon 141. Strophiops mutatoria May- to this publication, Maynard (1919b: 43­ nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d 44) speCified that types were selected. [September 30]: 116, pI. 1, figs. 3, 4, However, there was no indication in the map 1, 6; Maynard, 1924a: 170. Ex­ original description or in any of Maynard's amined 500 specimens. Size given as publications to associate a single specimen 1.00 by .26 [inches; 25.4 by 6.6 mm], with the term "type." Clench and Aguayo but the term "type" was not used. (1952: 431, pl. 56, fig. 3) listed and illus­ b'ated MCZ 76148 as the "holotype," pre­ Type Material. The original description sumably on the basis of a handwritten la- did not distinguish among the 500 speci- THE CERTON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 465

mens examined. Later, Maynard (1924a: types were selected. However, there was 170) wrote that 627 were collected. In the no indication in the original description or preamble to the taxonomic portion to this in any of Maynard's publications to asso­ publication, Maynard (1919b: 43-44) ciate a single specimen with the term specified that types were selected. How­ "type." Thus, there is no holotype for this ever, there was no indication in the origi­ taxon, and the species is based on 75 syn­ nal deSCription or in any of Maynard's pub­ types. Of these, MCZ 187538, which was lications to associate a single specimen labeled "Holotype" and contains a single with the term "lype." Thus, there is no ho­ specimen, is here designated as the lecto­ 10lype for this taxon, and the species is type to provide an objective standard of based on 500 or 627 syntypes. Of these, reference for this species-group taxon. The MCZ 76234 was labeled "Holotype­ remaining 74 syntypes become paralecto­ command." and contains a single specimen types. accompanied by a note in Maynard's hand­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.2 writing with the term "type." This speci­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 13.7 mm; ap­ men is here deSignated as the lectotype to erture height (including lip) 12.2 mm, ap­ provide an objective standard of reference erture width (including lip and peristome) for this species-group taxon that is consis­ 9.9 mm. tent with Maynard's original concept of it. Type Locality. Back of fourth beach The remaining 499 or 626 syntypes be­ from south end of Great Guana Key [Ex­ come paralectotypes. uma Group, Bahamas], under fallen palm Lectotype Measurements. Length 25.9 fronds. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 7.4 mm; ap­ Remarks. Maynard (1924a: 170) prOvid­ erture height (including lip) 7.6 mm, ap­ ed supplemental information on the shell, erture width (including lip and peristome) animal, anatomy, and habitat. 6.4 mm. Type Locality. In area south of last Taxon 143. Strophiops intentata Maynard [Strophiops processa = area just south of and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ the third beach north of the south end of tember 30]: 118, pI. 2, figs. 6, 7, map Great Guana Key, Exuma Group, Baha­ I, 7; Maynard, 1925: 171. Examined mas]. 256 specimens. Size given as .75 by .30 Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 116) report­ [inches; 19.1 by 7.6 mm], but the term ed this taxon to be common, but all 500 "type" was not used. specimens examined were collected dead. Later, Maynard (1924a: 170) reported that Type Material. The original description 623 specimens were collected dead, of did not distinguish among the 256 speci­ which two were fossilized. mens examined. Later, Maynard (1925: 171) wrote that 239 were collected. In the Taxon 142. Strophiops mitra Maynard preamble to the taxonomic portion to this and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ publication, Maynard (1919b: 43-44) tember 30]; 118, pI. 2, figs. 4, 5, map specified that types were selected. How­ I, 1. Examined 75 specimens. Size giv­ ever, there was no indication in the origi­ en as 1.25 by .50 [inches; 31.8 by 12.7 nal deSCription or in any of Maynard's pub­ mm], but the term "type" was not used. lications to associate a Single specimen with the term "type." Clench and Aguayo, Type Material. The original description (1952: 431, pI. 56, fig. 4) identified and did not distinguish among the 75 speci­ illustrated MCZ 76305 as "holotype," pre­ mens examined. In the preamble to the sumably on the basis of a handwritten la­ taxonomic portion to this publication, bel identifYing a type specimen. Article 4.5 Maynard (1919b: 43---44) specified that (ICZN, 1999: 82) states, "When the orig- 466 Bulletin Museum of Compamtive Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

inal work reveals that the taxon had been taxonomic portion to this publication, based on more than one specimen, a sub­ Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that sequent use of the term 'holotype' does types were selected. However, there was not constitute a valid lectotype designation no indication in the original description or unless the author, when wrongly using that in any of Maynard's publications to asso­ term, explicitly indicated that he or she ciate a Single specimen with the term was selecting from the type series that par­ "type." Thus, there is no holotype for this ticular specimen to serve as the name­ taxon, and the species is based on 300 syn­ bearing type." Thus, there is no holotype types. Of tllese, MCZ 76163, which was for this taxon, nor can Clench and labeled·"Holotype" and contains a single Aguayo's treatment of MCZ 76305 be con­ specimen accompanied by a note in May­ sidered a lectotype designation. The spe­ nard's handwriting with the term "type," is cies is based on 256 or 239 syntypes. Of here designated as the lectotype to provide these, MCZ 76305 is here deSignated as an objective standard of reference for this the lectotype to provide an objective stan­ species-group taxon that is consistent with dard of reference for this species-group Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ taxon that is consistent with Maynard's maining 299 syntypes become paralecto­ original and Clench and Aguayo's subse­ types. quent concepts of it. The remaining 255 Lectotype Measurements. Length 22.9 or 238 syntypes become paralectotypes. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.8 mm; ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 20.3 erture height (including lip) 9.0 mm, ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.4 mm; ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture height (including lip) 7.3 mm, ap­ 7.6 mm. erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Locality. Common in area be­ 6.8 mm. tween a small pond P [map 1, 8, p. 117] Type Locality. Ratller common in a and beach. [Southern end of Great Guana small area east of tract 5 [ = type locality Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas.] of Strophiops processa = area just south Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 118) report­ of the third beach north of the SOUtll end ed that all 300 specimens were collected of Great Guana Key, Exumas, Bahamas]. dead, but were more recent than Stro­ Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 118) report­ phiops intentata. Maynard (1924: 171­ ed that all of the 256 specimens were col­ 172) added some additional information, lected dead and some were very old. May­ but did not mention the number collected. nard (1925: 170) reported that 239 speci­ mens were collected. Clench and Aguayo Taxon 145. Strophiops extrema Maynard (1952: 431) listed this taxon in the synon­ and Clapp in Maynard, I920d [Sep­ ymy of Cerion asperum processum (May­ tember 30]: 1I8, pI. 3, figs. 1, 2 [these nard and Clapp, 1920) [Taxon 140]. figures are cited in the original descrip­ tion but captioned "5. impe1jecta"], pI. Taxon 144. Strophiops prognata Maynard 2, figs. 10, II [these figures are not cit­ and Clapp in Maynard, I920d [Sep­ ed in the original description but are tember 30]: 1I8, pI. 2, figs. 8, 9, map captioned "S. extrema M. & C."], map I, 8; Maynard, 1924: 171-172. Exam­ I, 9; Maynard, 1924: 173. Examined ined 300 specimens. Size given as .92 by 150 specimens. Size given as 1.05 by .49 .40 [inches; 23.4 by 10.2 mm], but the [inches; 26.7 by 12.4 mm], but the term term "type" was not used. "type" was not used. Type Material. The original description Type Material. The original descIiption did not distinguish among the 300 speci­ did not distinguish among tlle 150 speci­ mens examined. In the preamble to the mens examined. In the preamble to the THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et ai. 467

taxonomic portion to this publication, mens examined. In the preamble to the Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that taxonomic portion to this publication, types were selected. However, there was Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that no indication in the original description or types were selected. However, there was in any of Maynard's publications to asso­ no indication in the original deSCription or ciate a single specimen with the term in any of Maynard's publications to asso­ "type." Thus, there is no holotype for this ciate a single specimen with the term taxon, and the species is based on 150 syn­ "type." Thus, there is no holotype for this types. Of these, MCZ 76146, which was taxon, and the species is based on two syn­ labeled "Holotype" and contains a single types. Of these, MCZ 76313, which was specimen accompanied by a note in May­ labeled "Holotype" and contains a single nard's handwriting with the term "type," is specimen accompanied by a note in May­ here designated as the lectotype to provide nard's handwriting with the term "type" is an objective standard of reference for this here designated as the lectotype to provide species-group taxon that is consistent with an objective standard of reference for this Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ species-group taxon that is consistent with maining 149 syntypes become paralecto­ Maynard's original concept of it. The other types. syntype become a paralectotype. Lectotype Measurements. Length 25.9 Lectotype Measumments. Length 27.7 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.3 mm; ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.6 mm; ap­ erture height (including lip) 9.6 mm, ap­ erture height (including lip) 10.4 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture width (including lip and peristome) 7.7mm. 9.8 mm. Type Locality. Found in vicinity of well Type Locality. Near well, on south end at extreme south end of [Great Guana] of Great Guana Key [Exuma Group, Ba­ Key [Exuma Group, Bahamas]. hamas]. Remarks. Maynard and Clapp in May­ Remarks. Maynard and Clapp in May­ nard (1920d: 118) erred in citing the nard (1920d: 118) erred in citing the wrong illustrations in their original de­ wrong plate number but the correct figure scription. The illustrations were correctly numbers in their description of this taxon. captioned and published at the same time The illustrations were correctly captioned as the description. Clench (1957: 145) cor­ and published at the same time as the de­ rected this error. Maynard (1920d: 118) scription. Clench (1957: 148) corrected reported that all 150 specimens were col­ this error. Maynard (1920d: 119) reported lected dead and were of about the same this taxon to be fossil, embedded in rock. age as Strophiops prognata, with some specimens showing reddish markings. Taxon 147. Strophiops progressa Maynard, Maynard (1924: 173) added ecological in­ 1919b [November 6]: 32,34,35 [nonem formation and confirmed that 150 speci­ nudum]; Maynard and Clapp in May­ mens were collected. nard, I920d [September 30]: 119, pI. 2, figs. 1-3. Examined 1,738 spec­ Taxon °146. Strophiops imperfecta May­ nard and Clapp in Maynard, I920d imens. Size given as 1.15 by .45 [inches; 29.2 by 11.4 mm], but the term "type" [September 30]: 118-119, pI. 1 [sic, actually 3], figs. 1, 2, map 1, 10. Ex­ was not used. amined two specimens. Size given as Type Material. The original description 1.05 by .40 [inches; 26.7 by 10.2 mm], did not distinguish among the 1,738 spec­ but the term "type" was not used. imens examined. In the preamble to the Type Material. The original deSCription taxonomic portion to this publication, did not distinguish among the two speci- Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that 468 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

types were selected. However, there was in any of Maynard's publications to asso­ no indication in the original description or ciate a single specimen with the term in any of Maynard's publications to asso­ "type." Thus, there is no holotype for this ciate a single specimen with the term taxon and the species is based on 4,422 "type." Thus, there is no holotype for this syntypes. Lot MCZ 76045 contains a single taxon, and the species is based on 1,738 specimen labeled "Holotype" that approx­ syntypes. Lot MCZ 76197 contains a single imates the measurements and illustration specimen labeled "Holotype" that approx­ of this taxon and is accompanied by a label imates the measurements and illustration in Maynard's hand with the term "type," ofthis taxon and is accompanied by a label which includes references to the figures. in Maynard's hand with the term "type," This specimen is here designated as the which includes references to the figures. lectotype to provide an objective standard This specimen is here designated as the of reference for this species-group taxon lectotype to provide an objective standard that is consistent with Maynard's original of reference for this species-group taxon concept of it. The remaining 4,421 syn­ that is consistent with Maynard's original types, including MCZ 76046, MCZ concept of it. The remaining 1,737 syn­ 118235, and USNM 419949 (500 speci­ types, including MCZ 118179 and USNM mens), become paralectotypes. 419947 (100 specimens), become paralec­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.8 totypes. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.6 mm; ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.6 erture height (including lip) 10.3 mm, ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.1 mm; ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture height (including lip) 11.4 mm, ap­ 8.9 mm. erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Locality. Bitter Guana [Key, Exu­ 10.0 mm. rna Group, Bahamas]. Type Locality. Near Black Point, north Remarks. This binomen fint appeared end of Great Guana Key [Exuma Group, as a nomen nudum (Maynard, 1919a: 24, Bahamas]. 1919b: 25). Maynard (1925: 181-185) pro­ Remarks. This binomen appeared as a vided additional anatomical information on nomen nudum (Maynard, 1919b: 32, 34, this taxon and noted that he collected 82 35) before its deSCription. specimens from a single lily plant.

Taxon 148. Strophiops cyclura Maynard, Taxon 149. Strophiops dissimila Maynard 1919a [October 16]: 24 [nomen nu­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ dum]; Maynard, 1919b [November 6]: tember 30]: 119, pI. 24, figs. 8, 9. Ex­ 25 [nomen nudum]; Maynard and amined 86 specimens. Measurements Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Septem­ not provided. ber 30]: 119, pI. 3, figs. 3-5; Maynard, 1925: 181-185. Examined 4,422 speci­ Type Material. The original description mens. Size given as 1.10 by .40 [inches; did not distinguish among the 86 speci­ 27.9 by 10.2 mm], but the term "type" mens examined. Maynard (1926: 195) re­ was not used. ported that 275 specimens were collected. Presumably 189 of these specimens were Type Material. The original description collected after the taxon was described. In did not distinguish among the 4,422 spec­ the preamble to the taxonomic portion to imens examined. In the preamble to the this publication, Maynard (1919b: 43-44) taxonomic portion to this publication, speCified that types were selected. How­ Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that ever, there was no indication in the origi­ types were selected. However, there was nal description or in any of Maynard's pub­ no indication in the original description or lications to associate a single specimen THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 469

with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ ures. This specimen is here deSignated as lotype for this taxon, and the species is the lectotype to provide an objective stan­ based on 86 syntypes. Of these, MCZ dard of reference for this species-group 76057, which was labeled "Holotype" and taxon that is consistent with Maynard's contains a single specimen accompanied original concept of it. The remaining 79 by a note in Maynard's handwriting iden­ syntypes become paralectotypes. tifYing the taxon but not using the term Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.4 "type," is here deSignated as the lectotype mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.2 mm; ap­ to provide an objective standard of refer­ erture height (including lip) U.5 mm, ap­ ence for this species-group taxon that is erture width (including lip and peristome) consistent with Maynard's original concept 8.9 mm. of it. The remaining 85 syntypes, which Type Locality. Strout's [Stroud's] Key might have been co-mingled with 189 sub­ [Exuma Group, Bahamas]. Fossil in cliff sequently collected non-type specimens, on west side. become paralectotypes. Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 120) report­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.4 ed this taxon to be the immediate ancestor mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.7 mm; ap­ of S. stroutii. erture height (including lip) 11.2 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) Taxon 151. Strophiops stroutii Maynard, 8.9 mm. 1919a [October 16]: 15 [nomen nu­ Type Locality. East Cistern Key [Exuma dum]; Maynard, 1919b [November 6]: Group, Bahamas]. 35 [nomen nudum]; Maynard and Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 119) report­ Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Septem­ ed this taxon to occur on palm fronds and ber 30]: 120, pI. 21, figs. 1, 2; May­ bushes. nard, 1926: 198-203. Examined 1,951 specimens. Measurements not provided. Taxon 150. Strophiops veta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Septem­ Type Material. The original deSCription ber 30]: 120, pI. 21, figs. 3, 4. Ex­ did not distinguish among the 1,951 spec­ amined 80 specimens. Size given as 1.25 imens examined. In the preamble to the by .50 [inches; 31.8 by 12.7 mm], but taxonomic portion to this publication, the term "type" was not used. Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that types were selected. However, there was Type Material. The original description no indication in the original description or did not distinguish among the 80 speci­ in any of Maynard's publications to asso­ mens examined. In the preamble to the ciate a single specimen with the term taxonomic portion to this publication, "type." Thus, there is no holotype for this Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that taxon, and the species is based on 1,951 types were selected. However, there was syntypes. Lot MCZ 76130 contains a single no indication in the original description or specimen labeled "Holotype" that approx­ in any of Maynard's publications to asso­ imates the illustration of this taxon [no ciate a single specimen with the term measurements were published] and is ac­ "type." Thus, there is no holotype for this companied by a label in Maynard's hand taxon, and the species is based on 80 syn­ with the term "type," which includes ref­ types. Lot MCZ 76221 contains a single erences to the figures. This specimen is specimen labeled "Holotype" that approx­ here deSignated as the lectotype to prOvide imates the illustration and the measure­ an objective standard of reference for this ments of this taxon and is accompanied by species-group taxon that is consistent with a label in Maynard's hand with the term Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ "type" that includes references to the fig- maining 1,951 syntypes, including MCZ 470 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

76131, MCZ 76132, MCZ 118195, USNM lotype" or accompanied by a label in May­ 420000 (200 specimens), and USNM nard's hand could be found, a specimen, 420122 (200 specimens), become paralec­ USNM 420093, that most closely approx­ totypes. imates the published measurements and Lectotype Measurements. Length 30.3 figure is here designated as lectotype from mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.2 mm; ap­ a large syntype lot at USNM to provide an erture height (including lip) 10.3 mm, ap­ objective standard of reference for this erture width (including lip and peristome) species-group taxon. The remaining 599 8.3 mm. syntypes, including MCZ 76214, MCZ Type Locality. Maynard (1920d: 120) 118243, and USNM 1093792, become and Clench (1957: 164) listed this taxon as paralectotypes. occurring on Little Strout [Stroud], Strout Lectotype Measurements. Length 24.2 [Stroud], East and West Hawksbill and mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.9 mm; ap­ Cistern Keys [Exuma Group, Bahamas]. erture height (including lip) 8.6 mm, ap­ The lectotype is from Strout [Stroud] Key. erture width (including lip and peristome) Remarks. Maynard (1919a: 15, 1919b: 7.4 mm. 35) twice introduced this binomen as a no­ Type Locality. Wax Key [Great Exuma men nudum. Maynard (1926: 198-203) Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas]. provided additional data on the basis of Remarks. Maynard (1926: 213-218) dissections and noted that this was one of provided additional data on shell mor­ a very few taxa that occurred on more than phology and anatomy. a single key. Taxon 153. Strophiops degenis Maynard Taxon 152. Strophiops palmata minuta and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, tember 30]: 120-121, pI. 4, figs. 6, 7. 1920d [September 30]: 120, pI. 21, Examined 34 specimens. Size given as fig. 5. Examined 600 specimens. Size 1.10 by .45 [inches; 27.9 by 11.4 mm], given as .95 by .40 [inches; 24.13 by 10.2 but the term "type" was not used. mm], but the term "type" was not used. Type Material. The original deSCription Type Material. The original description did not distinguish among the 34 speci­ did not distinguish among the 600 speci­ mens examined. In the preamble to the mens examined. In the preamble to the taxonomic portion to this publication, taxonomic portion to this publication, Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that types were selected. However, there was types were selected. However, there was no indication in the original description or no indication in the original description or in any of Maynard's publications to asso­ in any of Maynard's publications to asso­ ciate a single specimen with the term ciate a single specimen with the term "type." Thus, there is no holotype for this "type." Thus, there is no holotype for this taxon, and the species is based on 34 syn­ taxon, and the species is based on 600 syn­ types. Lot MCZ 76404 contains a single types. Because no specimen labeled "Ho- specimen labeled "Holotype" tllat approx-

Figures 151-162. Taxon 151. Strophiops stroutiiMaynard and Clapp in Maynard. 1920. Lectotype MCl 76130. Strout[Stroudj, Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 152. Strophiops palmata minuta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype USNM 420093. Wax Key, Great Exuma Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Taxon 153. Strophiops degenis Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 76404. Harvest Key, Harvey Cay, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Taxon 154. Strophiops sampsoni Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76235. North beach of Sampson's Key, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Taxon 155. Strophiops tenUGostata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 76194. South Beach of Sampson's Key, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Taxon 156. Strophiops fulvia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 76159. East side of Pipe Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 157. Strophiops inquita Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76182. Fowl THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et aI. 471

1 em

Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 158. Strophiops cervina Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76047. Refuge Key, east of Norman's Pond Key, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Taxon 159. Strophiops pulla Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76217. Key opposite Roseville, Great Exuma, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Taxon 160. Strophiops caerules­ cens Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76198. Key north of key opposite Roseville, Great Exuma, Bahamas. Taxon 161. Strophiops nebula Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76039. First key north of Stocking Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Taxon 162. Strophiops exorta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76405. Interior of Refuge Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. 472 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

imates the illustration and the measure­ been recatalogued as MCZ 357004. The ments of this taxon and is accompanied by remaining 1,539 syntypes, including MCZ a label in Maynard's hand with the term 357004, MCZ 76236, MCZ 118237, and "type," which includes references to the USNM 420090 (100 specimens), become figures. This specimen is here designated paralectotypes. as the lectotype to provide an objective Lectotype Measurements. Length 30.4 standard of reference for this species­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.6 mm; ap­ group taxon that is consistent with May­ erture height (including lip) 10.4 mm, ap­ nard's original concept of it. The remain­ erture width (including lip and peristome) ing 33 syntypes become paralectotypes. 8.4 mm. Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.0 Type Locality. North beach of Samp­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.1 mm; ap­ son's Key [Exuma Cays, Bahamas]. erture height (including lip) 9.4 mm, ap­ Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 121) report­ erture width (including lip and peristome) ed this taxon was common on palms. 7.6 mm. Type Locality. Harvest Key [Harvey Taxon 155. Strophiops tenucostata May­ Cay, Exuma Cays, Bahamas]. nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 121) report­ [September 30]: 121, pI. 4, figs. 3 ed this taxon as occurring very scattered [sic, actually 8], 9. Examined 112 spec­ on palms, bushes, and rocks. imens. Measurements not provided.

Taxon 154. Strophiops sampsoni Maynard Type Material. The original description and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ did not distinguish among the 112 speci­ tember 30]: 121, pI. 4, figs. 1, 10. Ex­ mens examined. In the preamble to the amined 1,540 specimens. Size given as taxonomic portion to this publication, 1.20 by .50 [inches; 30.5 by 12.7 mm], Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that but the term "type" was not used. types were selected. However, there was no indication in this or any of Maynard's Type Material. The original description publications to associate a single specimen did not distinguish among the 1,540 spec­ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ imens examined. In the preamble to the lotype for this taxon, and the species is taxonomic portion to this publication, based on 112 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76194 Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ types were selected. However, there was lotype" that matches the illustrations of no indication in this or any of Maynard's this taxon and is accompanied by a label publications to associate a single specimen in Maynard's hand with the term "type." with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ This specimen is here designated as the lotype for this taxon, and the species is lectotype to provide an objective standard based on 1,540 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76235 of reference for this species-group taxon was labeled "Holotype" but contains two that is consistent with Maynard's original syntypes, one ofwhich matches closely the concept of it. The remaining 111 syntypes, published dimensions and illustration of including MCZ 76195, become paralecto­ this taxon and is accompanied by a label types. in Maynard's hand with the term "type," Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.5 which includes references to the figures. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.0 mm; ap­ This specimen is here designated as the erture height (including lip) 9.9 mm, ap­ lectotype to provide an objective standard erture width (including lip and peristome) of reference for this species-group taxon 7.9 mm. that is consistent with Maynard's original Type Locality. South Beach of Samp­ concept of it. The other specimen has son's Key [Exuma Cays, Bahamas]. THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 473

Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 121) report­ tember 30]: 121, pI. 4, figs. 2, 3 [fig­ ed this occurred on palms but was not very ure caption as S. inquieta]. Neither the common. number of specimens nor the measure­ ments are provided. Taxon 156. Strophiops fulvia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ Type Material. The original description tember 30]: 121, pI. 4, figs. 4, 5. did not distinguish among the unspecified Number of specimens examined not number of specimens examined but noted given. Size given as 1.15 by .40 [inches; that this taxon was found in 11 small iso­ 29.2 by 10.2 mm], but the term "type" lated groups, indicating, at a minimu~, 11 was not used. syntypes. In the preamble to the taxonom­ ic portion to this publication, Maynard Type Material. The original deSCription (1919b: 43-44) specified that types were did not specify the number of specimens selected. However, there was no indication examined but noted that they were com­ in this or any of Maynard's publications to mon. In the preamble to the taxonomic associate a Single specimen with the term portion to this publication, Maynard "type." Thus, there is no holotype for this (1919b: 43-44) specified that types were taxon, and the species is based on 11 or selected. However, there was no indication more syntypes. Lot MCZ 76182 contains in this or any of Maynard's publications to 14 adult specimens and a juvenile and was associate a single specimen with the term labeled "Paratype." No labels by Maynard "type." Thus, there is no holotype for this accompany this lot. The specimen that taxon, and the species is based on an un­ most closely resembles the illustrations in determined number of syntypes. Lot MCZ size and proportion and in the visibility of 76159 contains a Single specimen labeled a weak columellar tooth is selected as lec­ "Holotype" that matches closely the pub­ totype. The remaining 13 adults and ju­ lished dimensions and illustration of this venile, recatalogued as MCZ 357005, are taxon and is accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand with the term "type," paralectotypes. Lectotype Measurements. Length 30.6 which includes references to the figures. This specimen is here designated as the mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.4 mm; ap­ lectotype to provide an objective standard erture height (including lip) 10.8 mm, ap­ of reference for this species-group taxon erture width (including lip and peristome) that is consistent with Maynard's original 9.1 mm. concept of it. The remaining syntypes, in­ Type Locality. Fowl Key [Exuma cluding MCZ 76158, MCZ 118223, and Group, Bahamas]. USNM 420039 (100 specimens), become Remarks. The taxon name originally ap­ paralectotypes. peared as Strophiops inquita in the head­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.5 ing of the original description, but as S. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.4 mm; ap­ inquieta in the caption to the figures in the erture height (including lip) 9.9 mm, ap­ plate. The spellings inquita and inquieta erture width (including lip and peristome) are thus different original spellings. May­ 7.6 mm. nard never referred to this taxon again, Type Locality. On the east side of Pipe and it was not listed in his catalog. Clench Key [Exuma Group, Bahamas]. (1957: 149) listed this taxon as inquita, but Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 121) report­ cannot be considered the First Revisor ed this taxon to be common beneath palm [Article 24.2.3, ICZN, 1999: 30] because fronds. he did not list both original spellings. Stro­ phiops inquita is here formally selected as Taxon 157. Strophiops inquita Maynard the correct original spelling. Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep- (1920d: 121) reported that this taxon was 474 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

nearly exterminated by cultivation when Remarks. Maynard's (1919a: 21) first use he encountered it in 1915. of this binomen was a nomen nudum. Lat­ er (1920d: 121), he reported this taxon to Taxon 158. Strophiops cervina Maynard, be exceedingly abundant on palms, bush­ 1919a [October 16]: 21 [nomen nu­ es, and small trees. dum]; Maynard and Clapp in May­ nard, 1920d [September 30]: 121, Taxon 159. Strophiops pulla Maynard pI. 22, figs. 8,9. Examined 3,480 spec­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ imens. Size given as 1.30 by .47 [inches; tember 30]: 122, pI. 23, figs. 3, 4. Ex­ 33.0 by 11.9 mm], but the term "type" amined 1,572 speCimens. Size given as was not used. 1.05 by .45 [inches; 26.7 by 11.4 mm], but the term "type" was not used. Type Material. The original description T.1fpe Material. The original description did not distinguish among the 3,480 spec­ did not distinguish among the 1,572 spec­ imens examined. In the preamble to the imens examined. In the preamble to the taxonomic portion to this publication, taxonomic portion to this publication, Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that types were selected. However, there was types were selected. However, there was no indication in this or any of Maynard's no indication in this or any of Maynard's publications to associate a Single specimen publications to associate a Single specimen with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is lotype for this taxon, and the species is based on 3,480 syntypes. Perusal of the based on 1,572 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76217 MCZ catalog indicated that no specimen contains a Single specimen labeled "Ho­ identified by Maynard as "type" could be lotype" that apprOximates the measure­ recognized in his collection when it ments and illustration of this taxon and is reached MCZ. Lot MCZ 76047 comprised accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand 158 specimens that were labeled "para­ with the term "type," which includes ref­ types." Segregated in a vial were two spec­ erences to the figures. This specimen is imens, a juvenile and a transversely broken here deSignated as the lectotype to provide adult shell, together with a label referring an objective standard of reference for this to "fig. 124a," which was never published. species-group taxon that is consistent with A specimen matching the published mea­ Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ surements and approximating the illustra­ maining 1,571 syntypes, including MCZ tions was selected as lectotype to provide 76218 and USNM 419948 (100 speci­ an objective standard of reference for this mens), become paralectotypes. species-group taxon that is consistent with Lectotype Measurements. Length 26.6 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.0 mm; ap­ Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ erture height (including lip) 9.8 mm, ap­ maining 157 specimens were recatalogued erture width (including lip and peristome) as MCZ 357006. These and MCZ 118251 8.2 mm. and USNM 419938 are among the 3,479 Type Locality. Key opposite Roseville, syntypes that become paralectotypes. Great Exuma, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Lectotype Measurements. Length 33.0 Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 122) report­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.9 mm; ap­ ed this taxon to be common on bushes. erture height (including lip) 11.1 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) Taxon 160. Strophiops caerulescens May­ 8.6 mm. nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d Type Locality. Refuge Key (east of Nor­ [September 30]: 122, pI. 22, fig. 10, man's Pond Key) [Exuma Cays, Bahamas]. pI. 23, fig. 5. Examined 2,000 speci- THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 475

mens. Size given as 1.30 by .50 [inches; by 11.2 mm], but the term "type" was 33.0 by 12.7 mm], but the term "type" . not used. was not used. Type Material. The original description Type Material. The original description did not distinguish among the 250 speci­ did not distinguish among the 2,000 spec­ mens examined. In the preamble to the imens examined. In the preamble to the taxonomic portion to this publication, taxonomic portion to this publication, Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that types were selected. However, there was types were selected. However, there was no indication in this or any of Maynard's no indication in this or any of Maynard's publications to associate a single specimen publications to associate a single specimen with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is lotype for this taxon, and the species is based on 250 syntypes. of these, MCZ based on 2,000 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76198 76039, which was labeled "Holotype" and contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ contains a single specimen accompanied lotype" that approximates the measure­ by a note in Maynard's handwriting with ments and illustration of this taxon and is the term "type," is here deSignated as the accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand lectotype to provide an objective standard with the term "type," which includes ref­ of reference for this species-group taxon erences to the figures. This specimen is that is consistent with Maynard's original here deSignated as the lectotype to provide concept of it. The remaining 249 syntypes an objective standard of reference for this become paralectotypes. species-group taxon that is consistent with Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.7 Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.5 mm; ap­ maining 1,999 syntypes, including MCZ erture height (including lip) 10.8 mm, ap­ 76199, MCZ 118268, MCZ 357007 and erture width (including lip and peristome) USNM 419965 (300 specimens), become 9.3 mm. paralectotypes. Type Locality. First key north of Stock­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 33.0 ing Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 13.3 mm; ap­ Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 122) report­ erture height (including lip) 11.4 mm, ap­ ed this taxon to be rather uncommon on erture width (including lip and peristome) palms. 10.0 mm. Taxon 162. Strophiops exorta Maynard Type Locality. Key north ofkey opposite and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ Roseville, Great Exuma, Bahamas. tember 30]: 122, pI. 24, figs. 4, 5. Ex­ Rernarks. Maynard (1920d: 122) report­ amined nine specimens. Size given as ed this taxon to be common, chiefly on .90 by .35 [inches; 22.9 by 8.9 mm], but palms. Clench (1934: 214) noted that he the term "type" was not used. compared specimens from Strachan, Salt­ water Pond, and Clem Cays off Clarence­ Type Material. The original description town, Long Island, with the type specimen did not distinguish among the nine speci­ of Cerion caerulescens from Exuma and mens examined. In the preamble to the thought the differences to be only colonial. taxonomic portion to this publication, Maynard (191gb: 43-44) specified that Taxon 161. Stmphiops nebula Maynard types were selected. However, there was and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's tember 30]: 122, pI. 23, fig. 10, pI. publications to associate a single specimen 24, fig. 1. Examined 250 specimens. with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ Size given as 1.20 by .44 [inches; 30.5 lotype for this taxon, and the species is 476 B~lletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

based on nine syntypes. Lot MCZ 76405 based on 132 syntypes. Of these, MCZ contains a single specimen labeled «Ho­ 76031, which was labeled «Holotype" and lotype" that approximates the illustration contains a single specimen accompanied and the measurements of this taxon and is by a note in Maynard's handwriting with accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand the term «type," is here designated as the with the term «type," which includes ref­ lectotype to provide an objective standard erences to the figures. This specimen is of reference for this species-group taxon here designated as the lectotype to provide that is consistent with Maynard's original an objective standard of reference for this concept of it. The remaining 131 syntypes species-group taxon that is consistent with become paralectotypes. Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 33.4 maining eight syntypes become paralecto­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 13.3 mm; ap­ types. erture height (including lip) 11.4 mm, ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 23.1 erture width (including lip and peristome) mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.0 mm; ap­ 9.23 mm. erture height (including lip) 8.8 mm, ap­ Type Locality. First key north ofLeward erture width (including lip and peristome) Stocking Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. 7.8 mm. Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 123) report­ Type Locality. Interior of Refuge Key, ed this taxon to occur beneath palm Exuma Group, Bahamas. fronds. Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 122) report­ ed this taxon to be limited to a small col­ Taxon 164. Strophiops exaspemta May­ ony of nine specimens. nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [September 30]: 123, pI. 23, figs. 1, Taxon 163. Strophiops cylindriata May­ 2. Examined 572 specimens. Size given nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d as 1.27 by .47 [inches; 32.3 by 11.9 [September 30]: 123, pI. 23, figs. 8, mm], but the term «type" was not used. 9. Examined 132 specimens. Size given Type Material. The original description as 1.35 by .50 [inches; 34.3 by 12.7 did not distinguish among the 572 speci­ mm], but the term «type" was not used. mens examined. In the preamble to the Type Material. The original description taxonomic portion to this publication, did not distinguish among the 132 speci­ Maynard (1919b: 43--44) speCified that mens examined. In the preamble to the types were selected. However, there was taxonomic portion to this publication, no indication in this or any of Maynard's Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that publications to associate a single specimen types were selected. However, there was with the term «type." Thus, there is no ho­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's lotype for this taxon, and the species is publications to associate a single specimen based on 572 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76041 with the term «type." Thus, there is no ho­ contains a single specimen labeled «Ho­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is lotype" that approximates the illustration

Figures 163--174. Taxon 163. Sfrophiops cylindriafa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76031. First key north of Leward Stocking Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 164. Sfrophiops exasperafa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76041. Northeast point, Key east of Anna's Tract, Great Exuma, Bahamas. Taxon 165. Sfrophiops crassa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76220. East Hill, Little Norman's Key, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Taxon 166. Strophiops normanii Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76248. West Hill, Little Norman's Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 167. Sfrophiops semipolifa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76033. Third key southeast of RoseVille, Great Exuma, Bahamas. Taxon 168. Sfrophiops accuminator Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76349. Long Key, Long Cay, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 169. Sfrophiops navalis Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCZ 76035. South end of Ship Channel Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 170. Sfrophiops valida THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et aI. 477

Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 76043. Near well on west coast of Ship Channel Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 171. Strophiops genetiva Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 76037. On south end of Ship Channel Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 172. Strophiops marmorosa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 76185. Well Key, a little north of Leward Stocking Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 173. Strophiops pusilla Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 76053. Key near Long Rock, Great Exuma, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 174. Strophiops inexpecta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype Mel 76307. Fossil in soft rock next to westernmost Brigadier Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. 478 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

and the measurements of this taxon and is Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand maining 399 syntypes, including MCZ with the term "type," which includes ref­ 76219 and USNM 420007 (100 speci­ erences to the figures. This specimen is mens), become paralectotypes. here designated as the lectotype to provide Lectotype Measurements. Length 32.3 an objective standard of reference for this mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.8 mm; ap­ species-group taxon that is consistent with erture height (including lip) 11.4 mm, ap­ Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ erture width (including lip and peristome) maining 571 syntypes, including MCZ 9.6mm. 76042, MCZ 118234, and USNM 420006 Type Locality. East Hill, Little Nor­ (75 specimens), become paralectotypes. man's Key, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Lectotype Measurements. Length 32.7 Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 123) report­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.5 mm; ap­ ed this taxon to occur not very commonly elture height (including lip) 11.3 mm, ap­ at the base of shrubbery. erture width (including lip and peristome) 8.6 mm. Taxon 166. Strophiops normanii Maynard Type Locality. Northeast point, leeyeast and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ of Anna's Tract, Great Exuma, Bahamas. telTIber 30]: 123, pI. 21, fig. 8, pI. 20, Remarks. Maynard (1920d: 123) report­ fig. 5 [as normandi]. Examined 400 ed this taxon to occur in a small area on specimens. Size given as 1.25 by .38 [inches; 31.8 by 9.7 mm], but the term shrubs. "type" was not used. Taxon 165. Strophiops crassa Maynard Type Material. The original description and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ did not distinguish among the 400 speci­ telTIber 30]: 123, pI. 21, figs. 9, 10. mens examined. In the preamble to the Examined 400 specimens. Size given as taxonomic portion to this publication, 1.37 by .50 [inches; 34.8 by 12.7 mm], Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that but the term "type" was not used. types were selected. However, there was no indication in this or any of Maynard's Type Material. The original description publications to associate a single specimen did not distinguish among the 400 speci­ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ mens examined. In the preamble to the lotype for this taxon, and the species is taxonomic portion to this publication, based on 400 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76248 Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ types were selected. However, there was lotype" that approximates the measure­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's ments and illusb'ation of this taxon and is publications to associate a single specimen accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ with the term "type," which includes ref­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is erences to the figures. This specimen is based on 400 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76220 here deSignated as the lectotype to provide contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ an objective standard of reference for this lotype" that approximates the illustration species-group taxon that is consistent with and the measurements of this taxon and is Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand maining 399 syntypes, including MCZ with the term "type," which includes ref­ 76249 and USNM 420094 (100 speci­ erences to the figures. This specimen is mens), become paralectotypes. here deSignated as the lectotype to provide Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.3 an objective standard of reference for this mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.7 mm; ap­ species-group taxon that is consistent with erture height (including lip) 11.5 mm, ap- THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD' Harasewych et al. 479

erture width (including lip and peristome) concept of it. The remaining 384 syntypes, 9.1 mm. including MCZ 76034 and MCZ 118254, Type Locality. West Hill, Little Nor­ become paralectotypes. man's Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Lectotype Measurements. Length 34.2 Remarks. The taxon name originally ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 14.0 mm; ap­ peared as Strophiops normanii in the erture height (including lip) 11.7 mm, ap­ heading of the original description, but as erture width (including lip and peristome) S. normandi in the caption to the figures 9.7 mm. in the plate. The spellings normanii and Type Locality. Third key southeast of normandi are thus different original spell­ Roseville, Great Exuma, Bahamas. ings. Maynard never referred to this taxon again, and it was not listed in his catalog. Taxon 168. Strophiops acuminata May­ Clench (1957: 155) listed this taxon as nor­ nard, 1920b [April 8]: 84 [nomen nu­ mnnii, but cannot be considered the First dum]. 5trophiops accuminator May­ Revisor [Article 24.2.3, ICZN, 1999: 30] nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d because he did not list both original spell­ [September 30]: 124, pI. 3, fig. 6 [ju­ ings. Strophiops norrnanii is here formally venile specimens], pI. 20, figs. I, 2 [5. selected as the correct original spelling. accumulata on pI. 20]. Examined 1,500 Maynard (1920d: 123) reported this taxon specimens. Size given as 1.15 by .47 to occur on the ground, with few living [inches; 29.2 by 11.9 mm]' but the term and many dead specimens. "type" was not used.

Taxon 167. Strophiops semipolita May­ Type Material. The original description nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d did not distinguish among the 1,500 spec­ [September 30]: 123, pI. 23, figs. 6, imens examined. In the preamble to the 7. Examined 385 specimens. Size given taxonomic portion to this publication, as 1.30 by .50 [inches; 33.0 by 12.7 Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that mm], but the term "type" was not used. types were selected. However, there was Type Material. The original description no indication in this or any of Maynard's did not distinguish among the 385 speci­ publications to associate a single specimen mens examined. In the preamble to the with the term "type." Thus, tllere is no ho­ taxonomic portion to this publication, lotype for this taxon, and the species is Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that based on 1,500 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76349 types were selected. However, there was contains a Single specimen labeled "Ho­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's lotype" that approximates the measure­ publications to associate a Single specimen ments and illustration of this taxon and is with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand lotype for this taxon, and the species is with the term "type," which includes ref­ based on 385 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76033 erences to the figures. This specimen is contains a Single specimen labeled "Ho­ here deSignated as the lectotype to provide lotype" that approximates the illustration an objective standard of reference for this and the measurements of this taxon and is speCies-group taxon thatjs consistent with accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ with the term "type," which includes ref­ maining 1,499 syntypes, including MCZ erences to subsequently published figures. 76348 and USNM 420062 (100 speci­ This specimen is here designated as the mens), become paralectotypes. lectotype to provide an objective standard Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.0 of reference for this species-group taxon mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.5 mm; ap­ that is consistent with Maynard's original erture height (including lip) 9.7 mm, ap- 480 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

erture width (including lip and peristome) here designated as the lectotype to provide 7.4 mm. an objective standard of reference for this Type Locality. Long Key [Long Cay, Ex­ species-group taxon that is consistent with uma Group, Bahamas]. Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ Remarks. The taxon name Strophiops maining 1,069 syntypes, including MCZ acuminata first appeared as a nomen nu­ 76036, MCZ 118226, and USNM 420015 dum (Maynard, 1920b [April 8]: 84). The (50 specimens), become paralectotypes. next to appear was S. accuminator in the Lectotype Measurements. Length 30.9 heading of the original description, but as mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.3 mm; ap­ S. accumulata in the caption to the figures erture height (including lip) 11.4 mm, ap­ in one of two plates. The spellings accu­ erture width (including lip andperistome) minator and accumulata are thus different 9.2 mm. original spellings. Maynard (1924b?: [3]) Type Locality. South end of Ship Chan­ listed the taxon as acuminator [one c] in nel Key [Exuma Group, Bahamas]. his catalog. Clench (1957: 136) listed this Remarks. The binomen S. navalia ap­ taxon as accuminator, but cannot be con­ peared twice as a nomen nudum (May­ sidered the First Revisor [Article 24.2.3, nard, 1919b [November 6]: 32, 35). ICZN, 1999: 30] because he did not list both original spellings. Strophiops accu­ Taxon 170. Strophiops valida Maynard minator is here formally selected as the and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ correct original spelling. tember 30]: 124, pI. 22, figs. I, 2. Ex­ amined 400 specimens. Size given as Taxon 169. Strophiops navalia Maynard, 1.20 by .55 [inches; 30.5 by 14.0 mm], 1919b [November 6]: 32 [nomen nu­ but the term "type" was not used. dum]; Maynard, 1919b [November 6]: 35 [nomen nudum]. Strophiops navalis Type Material. The original description Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, did not distinguish among the 400 speci­ 1920d [September 30]: 124, pI. 20, mens examined. In the preamble to the figs. 8-10. Examined 1,070 specimens. taxonomic portion to this publication, Size given as 1.25 by .50 [inches; 31.8 Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that by 12.7 mm], but the term "type" was types were selected. However, there was not used. no indication in this or any of Maynard's Type Material. The original deSCription publications to associate a single specimen did not distinguish among the 1,070 spec­ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ imens examined. In the preamble to the lotype for this taxon, and the species is taxonomic portion to this publication, based on 400 syntypes. MCZ 76043 con­ Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that tains a single specimen labeled "Holotype" types were selected. However, there was that approximates the measurements and no indication in this or any of Maynard's the illustration for this taxon and is accom­ publications to associate a single specimen panied by a label in Maynard's hand with with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ the term "type," which includes references lotype for this taxon, and the species is to the figures. This specimen is here des­ based on 1,070 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76035 ignated as the lectotype to provide an ob­ contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ jective standard of reference for this spe­ lotype" that approximates the measure­ cies-group taxon that is consistent with ments and illustration of this taxon and is Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand maining 399 syntypes, including MCZ with the term "type," which includes ref­ 76044, become paralectotypes. erences to the figures. This specimen is Lectotype Measurements. Length 30.3 THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 481

mm, diameter (excluding lip) 14.1 mm; ap­ of reference for this species-group taxon erture height (including lip) 11.9 mm, ap­ that is consistent with Maynard's original erture width (including lip and peristome) concept of it. The remaining 399 syntypes 10.4 mm. become paralectotypes. Type Locality. Near well on west coast Lectotype Measurements. Length 38.6 of Ship Channel Key [Exuma Group, Ba­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 14.5 mm; ap­ hamas]. erture height (including lip) 12.3 mm, ap~ Remarks. Because Strophiops is consid­ erture width (including lip and peristome) ered to be a subgenus of Cerion in current 10.0 mm. classifications, Strophiops valida Maynard Type Locality. On south end of Ship and Clapp in Maynard, 1920, is a junior Channel Key [Exuma Group, Ballamas]. secondary homonym of Cerion (Maynm-­ Remarks. The binomen S. genitiva first dia) columna var. valida Pilsbry and Van­ appeared as a nomen nudum (Maynard, atta, 1895. In our view, it is likely that fu­ 1919b [November 6]: 32, 35). The taxon ture research will identify a synonym for name was spelled genitiva in the original Strophiops valida Maynard and Clapp in description and genetiva on the plate cap­ Maynard, 1920 [Article 60.2, ICZN, 1999: tion, which was published together with 62], and that establishing a replacement the text; thus, both names are different name would only create an additional syn­ original spellings. Maynard (1924b?: [7]) onym. listed the taxon as genetiva in his catalog, thus serving as the First Revisor of spell­ Taxon 171. Strophiops genitiva Maynard, ings [Article 24.2.4, ICZN, 1999: 30-31] 1919b [November 6]: 32, 35 [nomen and fixing the spelling as genetiva. Clench nudum]. Strophiops genetiva Maynard (1957: 146) listed this species as genitiva. and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ tember 30]: 124 [genitiva in text], pI. Taxon 172. Strophiops marmorosa May- 22, figs. 3, 4 [genetiva on plate]. Ex­ nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d amined 400 specimens. Size given as [September 30]: 125, pI. 24, figs. 6, 1.50 by .60 [inches; 38.1 by 15.2 mm], 7. Unspecified number of specimens ex­ but the term "type" was not used. amined. Size given as 1.30 by .47 [inch­ es; 33.0 by 11.9 mm], but the term Type Material. The original description "type" was not used. did not distinguish among the 400 speci­ mens examined. In the preamble to the Type Material. The original description taxonomic portion to this publication, did not distinguish among the unspeCified Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that number of specimens examined, but noted types were selected. However, there was that this taxon was not common. The taxon no indication in this or any of Maynard's is listed for sale in Maynard's (1924b?: [6]) publications to associate a single specimen catalog, indicating that more than one with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ specimen was at hand. In the preamble to lotype for this taxon, and the species is the taxonomic portion to this publication, based on 400 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76037 Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ types were selected. However, there was lotype" that approximates the illustrations no indication in this or any of Maynard's and measurements of this taxon. This publications to associate a single specimen specimen is accompanied by a label in with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ Maynard's hand with the term "type," lotype for this taxon, and the species is which includes references to the figures. based on an uncertain number ofsyntypes. This specimen is here designated as the Lot MCZ 76185 contains a single speci­ lectotype to provide an objective standard men labeled "Holotype" that approximates 482 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

the measurements and the illustration for 1999: 76]. Strophiops pusilla is based on this taxon and is accompanied by a label 700 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76053 contains a in Maynard's hand with the term "type," single specimen labeled "Holotype" that which includes references to the figures. approximates the illustration more than This specimen is here designated as the the subsequently published measurements lectotype to provide an objective standard of this taxon and is accompanied by a label of reference for this species-group taxon in Maynard's hand with the term "type," that is consistent with Maynard's original which includes references to the figures. concept of it. The remaining syntypes, in­ This specimen is here designated as the cluding MCZ 76184, MCZ 118242, and lectotype. The remaining 699 specimens, USNM 419944 (25 specimens), become including MCZ 76054 and USNM 420133, paralectotypes. are paralectotypes. Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.8 Lectotype Measurements. Length 26.6 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.4 mm; ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.0 mm; ap­ erture height (including lip) 10.6 mm, ap­ erture height (including lip) 9.8 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture width (including lip and peristome) 8.1 mm. 8.2 mm. Type Locality. Well Key, a little north of Type Locality. Key near Long Rock, Leward Stocking Key [Exuma Group, Ba­ Great Exuma [Exuma Group, Bahamas]. hamas]. Remarlcs. Maynard (1921a: 127) report­ ed that of 700 specimens examined, only Taxon 173. Strophiops pusilla Maynard 12 were living. and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ tember 30], pI. 22, fig. 5; Maynard Taxon 174. Strophiops inexpecta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May 2]: and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ 127. Examined 700 specimens. Size giv­ tember 30], pI. 25, figs. 3, 4; Maynard en as .70 by .30 [inches; 17.8 by 7.6 and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May 2]: mm], but the term "type" was not used. 127. Unspecified number of specimens examined. Size given as 1.06 by .45 Nomenclatural Remarks. The captioned [inches; 29.9 by 11.4 mm], but the term illustration (Maynard 1920, pI. 25, fig. 5) "type" was not used. was published before the text. The taxon thus dates from the publication of the Nomenclatural Remarks. The captioned name in the caption accompanying the il­ illustrations (Maynard 1920, pI. 25, figs. 3, lustrations, not from the subsequently 4) were published before the text. The tax­ published text (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: on thus dates from the publication of the 17). The date of publication is September name in the caption accompanying the il­ 30, 1920. Plate 22 was issued as part of lustrations, not from the subsequently "Part Two" of the Contributions to the published text (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: History of Cerionidae; therefore, author­ 17). The date of publication is September ship of this taxon is attributed to Maynard 30, 1920. Plate 25 was issued as part of and Clapp. "Part Two" of the Contributions to the Type Material. Although the figure cap­ History of Cerionidae; therefore, author­ tion refers only to the single specimen il­ ship of this taxon is athibuted to Maynard lustrated, it is likely that the 700 speci­ and Clapp. mens mentioned in the intended descrip­ Type Material. There was no mention of tion of this taxon (Maynard and Clapp in other specimens in the plate caption, and Maynard, 1921a: 127) were available to the text portion published 7 months later Maynard at the time and are thus part of did not specify the number of specimens the type series [Article, ICZN, that might have been available to Maynard THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 483

at the time the plate was prepared. The ship of this taxon is attributed to Maynard type series of Strophiops inexpecta likely and Clapp in Maynard. consists of multiple specimens [Article Type Material. There was no mention of, ICZN, 1999: 76J, but the number other specimens in the plate caption, and is not known. There was no specimen la­ the text portion published 7 months later beled "Holotype" at the MCZ. Lot MCZ did not specify the number of specimens 76307 contains 9 specimens and was la­ that might have been available to Maynard beled "Paratypes." This lot contains a label at the time the plate was prepared. The in Maynard's hand that does not include type series of Strophiops fitzgeraldi likely the term "type" but does include refer­ consists of multiple specimens [Article ences to the figures. Only one of these, ICZN, 1999: 76], but the number nine specimens is complete enough to is not known. Lot MCZ 76051 contains a match the illustration, although it does single specimen labeled "Holotype" that have some minor damage along the colu­ approximates the illustrations and is within mella that is not represented in the figure. a half millimeter of the subsequently pub­ This specimen is the figured specimen and lished measurements of this taxon. This is here designated as the lectotype. The specimen, which is accompanied by a label remaining specimens were recatalogued as in Maynard's hand with the term "type" MCZ 357008. These and MCZ 118187 are that includes references to the figures, is among the unspecified number of paralec­ here designated as the lectotype. totypes. Lectotype Measurements. Length 22.4 Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.1 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.9 mm; ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.0 mm; ap­ erture height (including lip) 8.2 mm, ap­ erture height (including lip) 10.1 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture width (including lip and peristome) 7.7 mm. 8.9 mm. Type Locality. North end of Little Ex­ Type Locality. Fossil in soft rock next to uma [Exuma Group, BahamasJ, on the westernmost Brigadier Key [Exuma Fitzgerald Estate. Group, Bahamas]. Taxon 176. Strophiops adumbra Maynard Taxon 175. Strophiops fitzgeraldi May­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d [Sep­ nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920d teIllber 30], pI. 25, figs. 10, 11; May­ [SepteIllber 30], pI. 25, figs. 6, 7; nard, 1924c [10 December]: 2. Exam­ Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a ined 79 specimens. Size given as .75 by [May 2]: 127. Unspecified number of .30 [inches; 19.1 by 7.6 mmJ, but the specimens examined. Size given as .85 term "type" was not used. by .37 [inches; 21.6 by 9.4 mmJ, but the term "type" was not used. Nomenclatural Remarks. The captioned illustrations (Maynard, 1920d, pI. 25, figs. Nomenclatural Remarks. The captioned 10-11) were published before the text. illustrations (Maynard 1920, pI. 25, figs. 6, The taxon thus dates from the publication 7) were published before the text. The tax­ of the name in the caption accompanying on thus dates from the publication of the the illustrations, not from the subsequent­ name in the caption accompanying the il­ ly published text (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, lustrations, not from the subsequently 1999: 17). Plate 25 was published in "Part published text (Article 12.2.7, ICZN, 1999: Two" of the Contributions to the History 17). The date of publication is September of the Cerionidae; therefore, the author­ 30, 1920. Plate 25 was issued as a part of ship of this taxon is attributed to Maynard "Part Two" of the Contributions to the and Clapp in Maynard. History of Cerionidae; therefore, author- Type Material. There was no mention of 484 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

other specimens in the plate caption, but Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that it is likely that the 79 specimens referred types were selected. However, there was to in the text portion published 7 months no indication in this or any of Maynard's later were available to Maynard at the time publications to associate a single specimen the plate was prepared. The type series of with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ Strophiops adumbra thus consists of 79 lotype for this taxon, and the species is specimens [Article, ICZN, 1999: based on 150 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76298 76] that are syntypes. Lot MCZ 76029 contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ lotype" that approximates the illustration lotype" that closely matches the illustra­ and the measurements of this taxon and is tions and the subsequently published mea­ accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand surements of this taxon. This specimen is with the term "type," which includes ref­ accompanied bya label in Maynard's hand erences to the figures. This specimen is with the term "type," which includes ref­ here designated as the lectotype to provide erences to the figures. This specimen is an objective standard of reference for this the figured specimen and is here desig­ species-group taxon that is consistent with nated as the lectotype. The remaining 78 Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ specimens are paralectotypes. maining 149 syntypes, including MCZ Lectotype Measurements. Length 19.1 76297 and MCZ 118183 (one specimen), mm, diameter (excluding lip) 7.6 mm; ap­ become paralectotypes. erture height (including lip) 7.2 mm, ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 22.6 erture width (including lip and peristome) mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.9 mm; ap­ 5.7mm. erture height (including lip) 8.1 mm, ap­ Type Locality. North side of a small key erture width (including lip and pelistome) just soutll of Green Turtle Cut and north 6.4 mm. of Great Exuma. Type Locality. Muddy Point Key, Great Remarks. Maynard (1924c: 2) reported Exuma [Exuma Group, Bahamas]. that all of the specimens were dead col­ Remarks. The taxon name appears as lected but that some were fresh. transmutata in the text and transimutata on the plate, both names were published Taxon 177. Stmphiops transmutata May­ on the same date and are different original nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a spellings. Maynard (1924b?: [6]) listed this [May 2]: 127, pI. 26, figs. 1,2 [figures taxon as transmutata, acting as the First labeled S. transimutata]. Examined 150 Revisor of spellings [Article 24.2.4, ICZN, specimens. Size given as .95 by .35 1999: 30-31]. Maynard (1921a: 127) re­ [inches; 24.1 by 8.9 mm], but the term ported that most of the specimens collect­ "type" was not used. ed were dead. Type Material. The original description did not distinguish among the 150 speci­ Taxon 178. Stmphiops similaria Maynard mens examined. In the preamble to the and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May taxonomic portion to this publication, 2]: 128, pI. 25, figs. 5, 6. Examined

Figures 175-186. Taxon 175. Strophiops fitzgeraldi Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 76051. North end of Little Exuma, Exuma Group, Bahamas, on the Fitzgerald Estate. Taxon 176. Strophiops adumbra Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920. Lectotype MCl 76029. North side of a small key just south of Green Turtle Cut and north of Great Exuma. Taxon 177. Strophiops transmutata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. lectotype MCl 76298. Muddy Point Key, Great Exuma, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 178. Strophiops simi/aria Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. lectotype MCl 76055. Westernmost Brigadier Key, Great Exuma, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 179. Strophiops f1amea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. lectotype MCl 76155. Southwest Point of Great Exuma, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 180. Strophiops proavita Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76143. Fossil in cliff at north end of Goat Key, Great Harbor, THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et ai. 485

1 em

Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 181. Strophiops interea/aria Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76160. Fossil in cliff at north end of Goat Key, Great Harbor, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 182. Strophiops profunda Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76145. Fossil in cliff at north end of Goat Key, Great Harbor, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 183. Strophiops mixta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76175. Bonds Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 184. Strophiops reliqua Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76206. Holmes' Key, Bahamas. Taxon 185. Strophiops aviaria Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76171. Bird Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 186. Strophiops eonfusa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype USNM 420009. Little Harbor Key, Bahamas. 486 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

210 specimens. Original description Maynard (1919b: 43--44) speCified that states "size of last" [ = S. fragilis = 1.00 types were selected. However, there wa,s by .40 (inches; 25.4 by 10.2 mm)]. no indication in tlllS or any of Maynard s publications to associate a Single specimen descriptio~ Type Material. The original with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ did not distinguish among the 210 specI­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is mens examined. In the preamble to the based on 340 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76155 taxonomic portion to this publication, contains a Single specimen labeled "Ho­ Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that lotype" tl1at closely approximates the illus­ types were selected. However, there wa,s tration and the measurements of this tax­ no indication in this or any of Maynards on. This specimen is accompanied by a la­ publications to associate a single specimen bel in Maynard's hand with the term with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ "type," which includes .references . to the lotype for this taxon, and the species is figures. This specimen IS here deSIgnated based on 210 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76055 as the lectotype to provide an objective contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ standard of reference for this species­ lotype" that approximates the illustration group taxon that is consis~ent with M~y­ more than the measurements of this taxon nard's original concept of It. The remam­ and is accompanied by a label in May­ ing 339 syntypes, including MCZ 76156 nard's hand with the term "type," which and MCZ 118184 (one specimen), become includes references to the figures. This paralectotypes. specimen is here designated as the lecto­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 25.1 type to provide an objective standard of mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.1 mm; ap­ reference for this species-group taxon that erture height (including lip) 9.3 mm, ap­ is consistent "vith Maynard's original con­ erture width (including lip and peristome) cept of it. The remaining 209 syntypes, in­ 8.1 mm. cluding MCZ 76056, become paralectoty­ Type Locality. Southwest Point of Great pes. Exuma [Exuma Group, Bahamas]. Lectotype Measurements. Length 25.8 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.8 mm; ap­ Remarks. Maynard (1921a: 128) report­ erture height (including lip) 9.2 n~m, ap­ ed that of 340 specimens, only 38 were erture width (including lip and penstome) living. 7.5 mm. Taxon 180. Strophiops proavita Maynard Type Locality. Westernmost Brigadier and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May Key, Great Exuma [Exuma Group, Baha­ 2]: 129, pI. 26, figs. 9, 10. Examined mas]. 40 specimens. Size given as 1.40 by .55 Remarks. Maynard (1921a: 128) report­ [inches; 35.6 by 14.0 mm], but the term ed that most of the specimens collected "type" was not used. were dead. Type Material. The original descriptio~ Taxon 179. Strophiops Jlamea Maynard did not distinguish among the 40 speCI­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May mens examined. In the preamble to the 2]: 128, pI. 25, figs. 8, 9. Examined taxonomic portion to this publication, 340 specimens. Size given as 1.00 by .40 Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that [inches; 25.4 by 10.2 mm], but the term "type" was not used. types were selected. However, there wa,s no indication in this or any of Maynards Type Material. The original descriptio~ publications to associate a Single specimen did not distinguish among the 340 specI­ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ mens examined. In the preamble to the lotype for tl1is taxon, and the species is taxonomic portion to this publication, based on 40 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76143 THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 487

contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ is consistent with Maynard's original con­ lotype" that does not closely approximate cept of it. The remaining 59 syntypes, in­ either the illustrations or the measure­ cluding MCZ 76161, become paralectoty­ ments of this taxon. This specimen is ac­ pes. companied by a label in Maynard's hand Lectotype Measurements. Length 35.8 with the term "type," which includes ref­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 14.5 mm; ap­ erences to the figures. This specimen is erture height (including lip) 13.7 mm, ap­ here designated as the lectotype to provide erture width (including lip and peristome) an objective standard of reference for this 11.3 mm. species-group taxon that is consistent with Type Locality. Fossil in cliff at north end Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ of Goat Key, Great Harbor [Berry Islands, maining 39 syntypes, including MCZ Bahamas]. 76144 and MCZ 118257, become paralec­ totypes. Taxon 182. Strophiops profunda Maynard Lectotype Measurements. Length 32.3 and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.9 mm; ap­ 2]: 129, pI. 27, figs. 1, 2. Examined erture height (including lip) 12.1 mm, ap­ 115 specimens. Size given as 1.15 by .45 [inches; 29.2 by 11.4 mm], but the term erture width (including lip and peristome) "type" was not used. 10.3 mm. Type Locality. Fossil in cliffat north end Type Material. The original description of Goat Key, Great Harbor [Berry Islands, did not distinguish among the 115 speci­ Bahamas]. mens examined. In the preamble to the taxonomic portion to this publication, Taxon 181. Strophiops intm'calaria May­ Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a types were selected. However, there was [May 2]: 129, pI. 26, figs. 7, 9. Ex­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's amined 60 specimens. Size given as 1.30 publications to associate a single specimen by .50 [inches; 33.0 by 12.7 mm], but with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ the term "type" was not used. lotype for this taxon, and the species is based on 115 syntypes. Lot number MCZ Type Material. The original description 76145 was labeled "paratype," contained did not distinguish among the 60 speci­ two specimens, and was accompanied by a mens examined. In the preamble to the label in Maynard's hand with the term taxonomic portion to this publication, "type," which includes references to the Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that figures. Neither specimen matches closely types were selected. However, there was the published measurements. The speci­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's men that more closely approximates the il­ publications to associate a single specimen lustrations is here designated as the lec­ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ totype to provide an objective standard of lotype for this taxon, and the species is reference for this species-group taxon that based on 60 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76160 is consistent with Maynard's original con­ contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ cept of it. The other specimen was reca­ lotype" that approximates the illustration talogued as MCZ 357009. It is one of the more than the measurements of this taxon remaining 114 syntypes that become par­ and is accompanied by a label in May­ alectotypes. nard's hand with the term "type," which Lectotype Measurements. Length 32.0 includes references to the figures. This mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.7 mm; ap­ specimen is here designated as the lecto­ erture height (including lip) 11.2 mm, ap­ type to provide an objective standard of erture width (including lip and peristome) reference for this species-group taxon that 9.4 mm. 488 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

Type Locality. Fossil in cliffat north end 192 specimens. Size given as 1.16 by .40 of Goat Key, Great Harbor [Berry Islands, [inches; 31.8 by 12.7 mm], but the term Bahamas]. "type" was not used.

Taxon 183. Strophiops mixta Maynard Type Material. The original description and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May did not distinguish among the 192 speci­ 2]: 130, pI. 27, figs. 5, 6. Examined mens examined. In the preamble to the 1,005 specimens. Size given as 1.26 by taxonomic portion to this publication, .45 [inches; 32.0 by 11.4 mm], but the Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that term "type" was not used. types were selected. However, there was no indication in this or any of Maynard's Type Material. The original description publications to associate a single specimen did not distinguish among the 1,005 spec­ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ imens examined. In the preamble to the lotype for this taxon, and the species is taxonomic portion to this publication, based on 192 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76206 Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ types were selected. However, there was lotype" that approximates the illustration no indication in this or any of Maynard's and the measurements of this taxon and is publications to associate a single specimen accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ with the term "type," which includes ref­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is erences to the figures. This specimen is based on 1,005 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76175 here designated as the lectotype to provide contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ an objective standard of reference for this lotype" that closely approximates the mea­ species-group taxon that is consistent with surements and illustration of this taxon Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ and is accompanied by a label in May­ maining 191 syntypes, including MCZ nard's hand with the term "type," which 76205, become paralectotypes. includes references to the figures. This specimen is here designated as the lecto­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.4 type to provide an objective standard of mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.0 mm; ap­ reference for this species-group taxon that erture height (including lip) 11.4 mm, ap­ is consistent with Maynard's original con­ erture width (including lip and peristome) cept of it. The remaining 1,004 syntypes, 9.4 mm. including MCZ 76174, MCZ 11$215, and Type Locality. Holmes' Key [SW Grand USNM 420115 (100 specimens), become Bahama Island, Bahamas]. paralectotypes. Remarks. The taxon name appears as re­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 32.0 lequa in the text and reliqua on the plate, mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.2 mm; ap­ both published on the same date and both erture height (including lip) 11.3 mm, ap­ different original spellings. Maynard erture width (includinglip and peristome) (1924b?: [7]) listed this taxon as S. reliqua, 10.1 mm. acting as the First Revisor of spellings [Ar­ Type Locality. Bonds Key [Berry Is­ ticle 24.2.4, ICZN, 1999: 30-31]. .Clench lands, Bahamas]. (1957: 160) listed thi~ taxon as S. relequa. Remarks. Maynard (1921a: 130) report­ ed that this taxon was common on palms. Taxon 185. Strophiops aviaria Maynard and Clapp in.Maynard, 1921a [May Taxon 184. Strophiops reliqua Maynard 2]: 130, pI. 27; figs. 9, 10. Examined and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May 534 specimens. SizeWven as 1.16 by .40 2]: 130 [as relequa in text], pI. 27, figs. [inches; 31.8 by 12.7'nim], but the term 7, 8 [as S. reliqua on plate]. Examined "type" was not used. I' '., THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 489

Type Material. The original description based on 1,272 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76324 did not distinguish among the 534 speci­ contains three specimens and was labeled mens examined. In the preamble to the "Holotype." MCZ 118205 contains a single taxonomic portion to this publication, specimen and was labeled "paratype." Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that None of these closely approximates the types were selected. However, there was measurements or illustration of this taxon. no indication in this or any of Maynard's A syntype, USNM 420009, that more publications to associate a single specimen closely matches the measurements in the with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ original descriptions and conforms to the lotype for this taxon, and the species is first illustration [pI. 28, figs. 1, 2] is here based on 534 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76171 designated as the lectotype to provide an contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ objective standard of reference for this lotype" that closely approximates the mea­ species-group taxon. The remaining 1,271 surements and illustration of this taxon syntypes, including MCZ 76168, MCZ and is accompanied by a label in May­ 76324, MCZ 118205, and USNM nard's hand with the term "type," which 1093790, become paralectotypes. includes references to the figures. This Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.7 specimen is here designated as the lecto­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.7 mm; ap­ type to provide an objective standard of erture height (including lip) 11.3 mm, ap­ reference for this species-group taxon that erture width (including lip and peristome) is consistent with Maynard's original con­ 8.6 mm. cept of it. The remaining 533 syntypes, in­ Type Locality. Little Harbor Key [Berry cluding MCZ 118206, MCZ 76170, and Islands, Bahamas]. USNM 419942, become paralectotypes. Remarks. This taxon appears twice in Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.2 the same publication: once on page 130 mm, diameter 12.0 (excluding lip) mm; ap­ (pI. 28, figs. 1, 2), then again on page 136 erture height (including lip) 10.5 mm, ap­ (pI. 34, fig. 1, 2) [the second illustration erture width (including lip and peristome) appeared in the follOwing issue dated July 8.6mm. 15, 1921]. The descriptions differ (size, Type Locality. Bird Key, Berry Islands, number of costae) but have the same type Bahamas. locality and list the same number of spec­ imens examined. The figures are similar Taxon 186. Strophiops confusa Maynard but do not represent the same specimen. and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May The taxon originates from the first descrip­ 2]: 130, pI. 28, figs. I, 2, and 136, pI. tion (p. 130, pI. 28, figs. 1, 2). The second 34, figs. 1, 2 [see Remarks]. Examined appearance of this taxon in the same issue 1,272 specimens. Size given as 1.20 by is likely a lapsus on the part of Maynard. .45 [inches; 30.5 by 11.4 mm], but the It is listed twice in the sales catalog (May­ term "type" was not used. nard, 1924?: [3] nos. 63 [as coufusa] and 94, both from Little Harbor). Type Material. The original description did not distinguish among the 1,272 spec­ Taxon 187. Strophiops candida Maynal'd imens examined. In the preamble to the and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May taxonomic portion to this publication, 2]: 131, pI. 28, figs. 5, 6. Examined 68 Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that specimens. Size given as 1.25 by 0.50 types were selected. However, there was [inches; 31.8 by 12.7 mm], but the term no indication in this or any of Maynard's "type" was not used. publications to associate a single specimen with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ Type Material. The original description lotype for this taxon, and the species is did not distinguish among the 68 speci- 490 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

mens examined. In the preamble to the types were selected. However, there was taxonomic portion to this publication, no indication in this or any of Maynard's Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that publications to associate a single specimen types were selected. However, there was with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's lotype for this taxon, and the species is publications to associate a single specimen based on 2,008 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76173 with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ contains 179 syntypes [labeled "para­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is types"], including a segregated specimen based on 68 syntypes. Lot number MCZ that approximates the figures and mea­ 76151 contains a single specimen labeled surements listed in the original descrip­ "Holotype" that approximates the illustra­ tion. The segregated specimen is here se­ tion and the measurements of this taxon lected as the lectotype to provide an ob­ and is accompanied by a label in May­ jective standard of reference for this spe­ nard's hand with the term "type," which cies-group taxon that is consistent with includes references to the figures. This Maynard's concept of this taxon. The re­ specimen is here designated as the lecto­ maining 178 specimens were recatalogued type to provide an objective standard of as MCZ 357010 and are among the 2,007 reference for this species-group taxon that syntypes, including USNM 420126 (150 is consistent with Maynard's original con­ specimens), that become paralectotypes. cept of it. The remaining 67 syntypes, in­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 33.7 cluding MCZ 76152 and MCZ 118200, be­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.9 mm; ap­ come paralectotypes. erture height (including lip) 11.9 mm, ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 30.5 erture width (including lip and peristome) mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.5 mm; ap­ 10.2 mm. erture height (including lip) 11.6 mm, ap­ Type Locality. Great Srirrup Key [Ba­ erture width (including lip and peristome) hamas]. 10.2 mm. Type Locality. East Marketfish Key Taxon 189. Strophiops balaena Maynard [Berry Islands, Bahamas]. and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May 2]: 132 [as balaene], pI. 29, figs. 3, 4 Taxon 188. Strophiops primordia May­ [as S. balaena]. Examined 765 speci­ nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a mens. Size given as 1.20 by .40 [inches; [May 2]: 132, pI. 29, figs. I, 2. Ex­ 30.5 by 10.2 mm], but the term "type" amined 2,008 specimens. Size given as was not used. 1.35 by .50 [inches; 34.3 by 12.7 mm], but the term "type" was not used. Type Material. The original description did not distinguish among the 765 speci­ Type Material. The original description mens examined. In the preamble to the did not distinguish among the 2,008 spec­ taxonomic portion to this publication, imens examined. In the preamble to the Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that taxonomic portion to this publication, types were selected. However, there was Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that no indication in this or any of Maynard's

Figures 187-198. Taxon 187. Strophiops candida Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCZ 76151. East Marketfish Key, Bahamas. Taxon 188. Strophiops primordia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCZ 76173. Great Srirrup Key, Bahamas. Taxon 189. Strophiops balaena Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCZ 76190. Whale Key, Bahamas. Taxon 190. Strophiops porcina Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCZ 76193 Frazar's Hog Key, Bahamas. Taxon 191. Strophiops obtusa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCZ 76213. Cat Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 192. Strophiops albata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCZ 76256. Hog Cay, 4 miles NW of Morgan's Bluff, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 193. Strophiops Morea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype USNM TI-IE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 491

420058. South border of Guana Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 194. Strophiops rara Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76023. West side of Cabbage Key, Bahamas. Taxon 195. Strophiops SGutata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype USNM 420100. Petit Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 196. Strophiops procliva Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76210. Goat Key, Great Harbor, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 197. Strophiopsjenneyi Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76012. Anderson's Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 198. Strophiops travellii Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76363. Bridgewater Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. 492 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

publications to associate a single specimen Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ types were selected. However, there was lotype for this taxon, and the species is no indication in this or any of Maynard's based on 765 syntypes. Lot number MCZ publications to associate a single specimen 76190 contains a single specimen labeled with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ "Holotype" that approximates the illustra­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is tion more than the measurements of this based on 2,305 syntypes. Lot number taxon and is accompanied by a label in MCZ 76193 contains a single specimen la­ Maynard's hand with the term "type," beled "Holotype" that approximates the il­ which includes references to the figures. lustration more than the measurements of This specimen is here deSignated as the this taxon and is accompanied by a label lectotype to provide an objective standard in Maynard's hand with the term "type," of reference for this species-group taxon which includes references to the figures. that is consistent with Maynard's original This specimen is here designated as the concept of it. The remaining 764 syntypes, lectotype to provide an objective standard including MCZ 76191, MCZ 118213, and of reference for this species-group taxon USNM 419943 (200 specimens), become that is consistent with Maynard's original paralectotypes. concept of it. The remaining 2,304 syn­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 30.2 types, including MCZ 76192 and USNM mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.38 mm; 420012 (150 specimens), become paralec­ aperture height (including lip) 11.4 mm, totypes. aperture width (including lip and peri­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.3 stome) 9.1 mm. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.9 mm; ap­ Type Locality. Whale Key [Berry Is­ erture height (including lip) 11.4 mm, ap­ lands, Bahamas]. erture width (including lip and peristome) Remarks. The name of this taxon is 9.5 mm. spelled as balaene in the original descrip­ Type Locality. Frazar's Hog Key [Beny tion, balaena in the plate caption, and bal­ Islands, Ballamas]. anae in Maynard's (1924b?: [4]) sales cat­ alog. The spellings balaene and balaena Taxon 191. Strophiops obtusa Maynard are different original spellings, whereas and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May balanae is a subsequent lapslls calami. 2]: 132, pI. 29, fIgs. 9, 10. Examined Clench (1957: 138) listed this taxon as ba­ 1,500 specimens. Size given as 1.10 by laena but cannot be considered the First .45 [inches; 27.9 by 11.4 mm], but the Revisor [Article 24.2.3, ICZN, 1999: 30] term "type" was not used. because he did not list both original spell­ ings. Strophiops balaena is here formally Type Material. The original deSCription selected as the correct original spelling. did not distinguish among the 1,500 spec­ imens examined. In the preamble to the Taxon 190. Strophiops porcina Maynard taxonomic portion to this publication, and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that 2]: 132, pI. 29, fIgs. 7, 8. Examined types were selected. However, there was 2,305 specimens. Size given as 1.15 by no indication in this or any of Maynard's .45 [inches; 29.2 by 11.4 mm], but the publications to associate a single specimen term "type" was not used. with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is Type Material. The original deSCription based on 1,500 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76213 did not distinguish among the 2,305 spec­ contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ imens examined. In the preamble to the lotype" that approximates the illustration taxonomic portion to this publication, more than the measurements of this taxon THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 493

and is accompanied by a label in May­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.8 nard's hand with the term "type," which mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.1 mm; ap­ includes references to the figures. This erture height (including lip) 10.8 mm, ap­ specimen is here designated as the lecto­ erture width (including lip and peristome) type to provide an objective standard of 8.9 mm. reference for this species-group taxon that Type Locality. "Hog Key near Morgan's is consistent with Maynard's Oliginal con­ Bluff." Clench (1957: 136) clarified the cept of it. The remaining 1,499 syntypes, type locality as Hog Cay [4 miles NW of] including MCZ 76212, MCZ 118216, and Morgan's Bluff [Andros, Bahamas]. USNM 420102 (500 specimens), become Remarks. See also Strophiops albata paralectotypes. Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.1 [Taxon 215], and Strophiops vagabunda mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.2 mm; ap­ Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1925 erture height (including lip) 10.5 mm, ap­ [Taxon 248]. erture width (including lip and peristome) 9.1 mm. Taxon 193. Strophiops litorea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May Type Locality. Cat Key, Berry Islands, 2]: 133, pI. 30, figs. 7, 8. Examined Bahamas. 500 specimens. Measurements not pro­ Taxon 192. Strophiops albata Maynard vided. and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May Type Material. The original description 2]: 132-133, pI. 30, figs. 3, 4. Exam­ did not distinguish among the 500 speci­ ined 60 speCimens. Size given as 1.08 by mens examined. In the preamble to the .45 [inches; 30.5 by 11.4 mm], but the taxonomic portion to this publication, term "type" was not used. Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that types were selected. However, there was Type Material. The original description no indication in this or any of Maynard's did not distinguish among the 60 speci­ publications to associate a single specimen mens examined. In the preamble to the with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ taxonomic portion to this publication, lotype for this taxon, and the species is Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that based on 500 syntypes. Lot number MCZ types were selected. However, there was 76370 was labeled "holotype," but contains no indication in this or any of Maynard's two specimens, neither of which closely publications to associate a single specimen match the published figure. A lectotype, with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ USNM 420058, that more closely approx­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is imates the figure is here selected from a based on 60 syntypes. Lot number MCZ large syntype lot at USNM to prOvide an 76256 contains a single specimen labeled objective standard of reference for this "Holotype" that approximates the illustra­ speCies-group taxon that is consistent with tion and less so the measurements of this Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ taxon. It is accompanied by a label in May­ maining 499 syntypes, including MCZ nard's hand with the term "type," which 76369, MCZ 76370, and USNM 1093791, includes references to the figures. This become paralectotypes. specimen is here deSignated as the lecto­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 34.0 type to provide an objective standard of mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.4 mm; ap­ reference for this species-group taxon that erture height (including lip) 11.1 mm, ap­ is consistent with Maynard's original con­ erture width (including lip and peristome) cept of it. The remaining 59 syntypes, in­ 9.9 mm. cluding MCZ 76257, become paralecto­ Type Locality. South border of Guana types. Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. 494 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

Taxon 194. Strophiops rara Maynard and Type Material. The original description Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May 2]: did not distinguish among the 1,690 spec­ 133, pI. 31, figs. 1, 2. Examined 10 imens examined. In the preamble to the specimens. Size given as 2.25 [sic, 1.25] taxonomic portion to this publication, by .52 [inches; 31.8 by 13.2 mm], but Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that the term "type" was not used. types were selected. However, there was no indication in this or any of Maynard's Type Material. The original description publications to associate a Single specimen did not distinguish among the 10 speci­ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ mens examined. In the preamble to the lotype for this taxon, and the species is taxonomic portion to this publication, based on 1,690 syntypes. Ofthe specimens Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that at the MCZ, none were found labeled "ho­ types were selected. However, there was lotype," and only a single specimen (MCZ no indication in this or any of Maynard's 118208) labeled "paratype" was located. A publications to associate a single specimen lectotype, USNM 420100, selected to with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ most closely approximate the illustration lotype for this taxon, and the species is and published measurements of this taxon, based on 10 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76023 is here deSignated to provide an objective contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ standard of reference for this species­ lotype" that approximates the illustration group. The remaining 1,689 syntypes, in­ and the inferred measurements (see Re­ cluding MCZ 76211, MCZ 118208, and marks) of this taxon and is accompanied USNM 1093793, become paralectotypes. by a label in Maynard's hand with the term Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.4 "type," which includes references to the mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.7 mm; ap­ figures. This specimen is here designated erture height (including lip) 10.8 mm, ap­ as the lectotype to provide an objective erture width (including lip and peristome) standard of reference for this species­ 9.8 mm. group taxon that is consistent with May­ Type Locality. Petit Key [Berry Islands], nard's original concept of it. The remain­ Bahamas. ing nine syntypes, including MCZ 76402 (one specimen), become paralectotypes. Taxon 196. Strophiops procliva Maynard Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.6 and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May mm, diameter (excluding lip) 13.5 mm; ap­ 2]: 134, pI. 31, figs. 5, 6. Examined erture height (including lip) 11.6 mm, ap­ 145 speCimens. Size given as 1.10 by .45 erture width (including lip and peristome) [inches; 27.9 by 11.4 mm], but the term 10.6 mm. "type" was not used. Type Locality. West side of Cabbage Key [Berry Islands], Bahamas. Type Material. The original description Remarks. Fossil, embedded in rock. The did not distinguish among the 145 speci­ length measurement provided, 2.25 inch­ mens examined. In the preamble to the es, is likely a typographical error. The il­ taxonomic portion to this publication, lustrated lectotype corresponds to a mea­ Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that surement of 1.25 inches. types were selected. However, there was no indication in this or any of Maynard's Taxon 195. Strophiops scutata Maynard publications to associate a Single specimen and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ 2]: 133-134, pI. 31, figs. 3, 4. Exam­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is ined 1,690 specimens. Size given as based on 145 syntypes. Lot number MCZ larger, 1.17 by .50 [inches; 30.5 by 12.7 76210 contains a Single specimen labeled mm], but the term "type" was not used. "Holotype" that approximates the illustra- THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 495

tion and the measurements of this taxon Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.1 and is accompanied by a label in May­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.6 mm; ap­ nard's hand with the term "type," which erture height (including lip) 11.1 mm, ap­ includes references to the figures. This erture width (including lip and peristome) specimen is here deSignated as the lecto­ 9.3 mm. type to prOvide an objective standard of Type Locality. Anderson's Key, Beny Is­ reference for this species-group taxon that lands, Bahamas. is consistent with Maynard's original con­ cept of it. The remaining 144 syntypes, in­ Taxon 198. Strophiops travellii Maynard cluding MCZ 76209, become paralecto­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May types. 2]: 135 [as travelii], pI. 32, figs. 3, 4 Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.6 [as travellii]. Examined 3,416 speci­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.9 mm; ap­ mens. Size given as 1.35 by .45 [inches; erture height (including lip) 9.5 mm, ap­ 34.3 by 11.4 mm], but the term "type" erture width (including lip and peristome) was not used. 7.9 mm. Type Locality. Goat Key, Great Harbor, Type Material. The original description Berry Islands, Bahamas. did not distinguish among the 3,416 spec­ imens examined. In the preamble to the Taxon 197. Strophiops jenneyi Maynard taxonomic portion to this publication, and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that 2]: 134, pI. 31, figs. 9, 10. Examined types were selected. However, there was 1,131 specimens. Size given as 1.15 by no indication in this or any of Maynard's .40 [inches; 30.5 by 10.2 mm], but the publications to associate a single specimen term "type" was not used. with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is Type Material. The original description based on 3,416 syntypes. Lot number did not distinguish among the 1,131 spec­ MCZ 76363 contains a single specimen la­ imens examined. In the preamble to the beled "Holotype" that approximates the il­ taxonomic portion to this publication, lustration and the measurements of this Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that taxon and is accompanied by a label in types were selected. However, there was Maynard's hand with the term "lype," no indication in this or any of Maynard's which includes references to the figures. publications to associate a Single specimen This specimen is here deSignated as the with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ lectotype to provide an objective standard lotype for this taxon, and the species is of reference for this species-group taxon based on 1,131 syntypes. Lot number that is consistent with Maynard's original MCZ 76012 contains a Single specimen la­ concept of it. The remaining 3,416 syn­ beled "Holotype" that approximates the il­ types, including MCZ 76364, MCZ lustrations and measurements of this taxon 118198, and USNM 419946 (200 speci­ and is accompanied by a label in May­ mens), become paralectotypes. nard's hand with the term "type," which Lectotype Measurements. Length 33.9 includes references to the figures. This mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.9 mm; ap­ specimen is here deSignated as the lecto­ erture height (including lip) 11.3 mm, ap­ type to prOvide an objective standard of erture width (including lip and peristome) reference for this species-group taxon that 9.1 mm. is consistent with Maynard's original con­ Type Locality. Bridgewater Key, Berry cept of it. The remaining 1,130 syntypes, Islands, Bahamas. including MCZ 76103 and USNM 419985 Remarks. The tax:on name appeared as (75 specimens), become paralectotypes. S. travelii in the heading of the original 496 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

description and S. travellii in the figure erture width (including lip and peristome) caption. By listing this taxon as S. travellii 9.8mm. in the sales catalog, Maynard (1924b?: [3]) Type Locality. Cliffs on Cabbage Key, acted as the First Revisor of spellings [Ar­ Berry Islands, Bahamas. ticle 24.2.4, ICZ T, 1999: 30-31]' fixing the spelling as travellii. Clench (1957: 165) Taxon 200. Stmphiops lenticularia May­ listed this taxon as S. travelii in his catalog. nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May 2]: 135, pI. 32, 6gs. 9, 10. Ex­ Taxon 199. Strophiops picturata Maynard amined 325 speCimens. Size given as and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May 1.19 by .40 [inches; 30.2 by 10.2 mm], 2]: 135, pI. 32, 6gs. 7, 8. Examined but the term "type" was not used. eight specimens. Size given as 1.25 by .55 [inches; 31.8 by 14.0 mm], but the Type Material. The original description term "type" was not used. did not distinguish among the 325 speci­ mens examined. In the preamble to the Type Material. The original description taxonomic portion to this publication, did not distinguish among the eight spec­ Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that imens examined. In the preamble to the types were selected. However, there was taxonomic portion to this publication, no indication in this or any of Maynard's Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that publications to associate a single specimen types were selected. However, there was with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's lotype for this taxon, and the species is publications to associate a Single specimen based on 325 syntypes. Lot number MCZ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ 76362 contains a Single specimen labeled lotype for this taxon, and the species is "Holotype" that closely approximates the based on eight syntypes. Lot number MCZ illustration and less so the measurements 76019 contains a Single specimen labeled of this taxon. It is accompanied by a label "Holotype" that approximates the illustra­ in Maynard's hand with the term "type," tion and the measurements of this taxon which includes references to the figures. and is accompanied by a label in May­ This specimen is here deSignated as the nard's hand with the term "type," which lectotype to prOvide an objective standard includes references to the figures. This of reference for this species-group taxon specimen is here deSignated as the lecto­ that is consistent with Maynard's original type to prOvide an objective standard of concept of it. The remaining 324 syntypes, reference for this species-group taxon that including MCZ 76361, become paralecto­ is consistent with Maynard's original con­ types. cept of it. The remaining seven syntypes Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.0 become paralectotypes. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.6 mm; ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.9 erture height (including lip) 9.7 mm, ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 13.6 mm; ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture height (including lip) 11.4 mm, ap- 8.3 mm.

Figures 199-210. Taxon 199. Strophiops picturata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76019. Cliffs on Cabbage Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 200. Strophiops tenlicutaria Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76362. Staniard Creek, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 201. Strophiops stupida Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76281. North Key, Staniard Creek, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 202. Strophiops columbiana Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76339. Pigeon Key, Staniard Creek, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 203. Strophiops carnale Maynard and Ciapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76299. West of Morgan's Biuff, Staniard Creek, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 204. Stro­ phiops panda Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCZ 76269. Saddle-Back Key, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 205. THE GERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD' Harasewych et al. 497

1 em

Strophiops creseentia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76385. Calabash Key, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 206. Strophiops thayeri Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76367. East end of Thompson's Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 207. Strophiops sylvatiea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76371. Chub Point Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. Taxon 208. Strophiops ralla Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76301. Joulter Keys, Andros, Bahamas. Taxon 209. Strophiops rosacea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76246. West Silver Key, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 210. Strophiops angustoeostata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76295. Fossil on Lower Fleming, Eleuthera, Bahamas. 498 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

Type Locality. Staniard Creek, Andros, Type Material. The original description Bahamas. did not distinguish among the 900 speci­ mens examined. In the preamble to the Taxon 201. Strophiops stupida Maynard taxonomic portion to this publication, and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that 2]: 135, pI. 33, figs. 1, 2. Examined types were selected. However, there was 266 specimens. Size given as 1.00 by.45 no indication in this or any of Maynard's [inches; 25.4 by 11.4 mm], but the term publications to associate a single specimen "type" was not used. with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is Type Material. The original description based on 900 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76339 did not distinguish among the 266 speci­ contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ mens examined. In the preamble to the lotype" that approximates the illustration taxonomic portion to this publication, and the measurements of this taxon and is Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand types were selected. However, there was with the term "type," which includes ref­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's erences to the figures. This specimen is publications to associate a single specimen here designated as the lectotype to provide with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ an objective standard of reference for this lotype for this taxon, and the species is species-group taxon that is consistent with based on 266 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76281 Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ contained 45 specimens and was labeled maining 899 syntypes, including MCZ "paratJ'Pe." The only slip of paper in May­ 76338 and USNM 420054 (75 specimens), nard's handwriting gave the locality data become paralectotypes. but made no mention of types. Of these, Lectotype Measurements. Length 23.3 a single specimen that most closely ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.2 mm; ap­ proximated the published illustrations and erture height (including lip) 9.0 mm, ap­ measurements is here designated as the erture width (including lip and peristome) lectotype (MCZ 76281) to provide an ob­ 7.5 mm. jective standard of reference for this spe­ Type Locality. Pigeon Key, Staniard cies-group taxon that is consistent with Creek, Andros, Bahamas. Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ Taxon 203. Strophiops carnale Maynard maining 44 specimens were recatalogued and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May as MCZ 357011 and are among the 265 2]: 136, pI. 33, figs. 5, 6. Examined syntypes that become paralectotypes. 266 specimens. Size given as .90 by .35 Lectotype Measurements. Length 24.9 [inches; 22.9 by 8.9 mm], but the term mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.7 mm; ap­ "type" was not used. erture height (including lip) 9.3 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Material. The original description 8.1 mm. did not distinguish among the 266 speci­ Type Locality. North Key, Staniard mens examined. In the preamble to the Creek, Andros, Bahamas. taxonomic portion to this publication, Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that Taxon 202. Strophiops columbiana May­ types were selected. However, there was nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a no indication in this or any of Maynard's [May 2]: 136, pI. 33, figs. 3, 4. Ex­ publications to associate a single specimen amined 900 specimens. Size given as .92 with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ by .40 [inches; 23.4 by 10.2 mm], but lotype for this taxon, and the species is the term "type" was not used. based on 266 syntypes. Lot number MCZ THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 499

76299 contains a single specimen labeled reference for this speCies-group taxon that "Holotype" that approximates the illustra­ is consistent with Maynard's original con­ tion and the measurements of this taxon cept of it. The remaining 71 syntypes, in­ and is accompanied by a label in May­ cluding MCZ 76268, become paralecto­ nard's hand with the term "type," which types. includes references to the figures. This Lectotype Measurements. Length 26.0 specimen is here designated as the lecto­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.2 mm; ap­ type to provide an objective standard of erture height (including lip) 9.8 mm, ap­ reference for this species-group taxon that erture width (including lip and peristome) is consistent with Maynard's original con­ 8.5 mm. cept of it. The remaining 265 syntypes, in­ Type Locality. Saddle-Back Key, An­ cluding MCZ 76300, become paralecto­ dros, Bahamas. types. Lectotype Measurements. Length 23.2 Taxon 205. Strophiops crescentia May­ mm, diameter (excluding hp) 8.9 mm; ap­ nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a erture height (including lip) 8.8 mm, ap­ [May 2]: 136, pI. 33, figs. 9, 10. Ex­ amined 240 specimens. Size given as .95 erture width (including lip and peristome) by .40 [inches; 24.1 by 10.2 mm], but 7.5 mm. the term "type" was not used. Type Locality. West of Morgan's Bluff, Staniard Creek, Andros, Bahamas. Type Material. The original description Remarks. Clench (1957: 140) lists the did not distinguish among the 240 speci­ type locality as 1 mile west of Morgan's mens examined. In the preamble to the Bluff. taxonomic portion to this publication, Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that Taxon 204. Strophiops panda Maynard types were selected. However, there 'Yas and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May no indication in this or any of Maynard's 2]: 136, pI. 33, figs. 7, 8. Examined 72 publications to associate a single specimen specimens. Size given as .98 by .45 with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ [inches; 24.9 by 11.4 mm], but the term lotype for this taxon, and the species is "type" was not used. based on 240 syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76385 contains a Single specimen labeled Type Material. The original description "Holotype" that approximates the illustra­ did not distinguish among the 72 speci­ tion and the measurements of this taxon mens examined. In the preamble to the and is accompanied by a label in May­ taxonomic portion to this publication, nard's hand with the term "type," which Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that includes references to the figures. This types were selected. However, there was specimen is here deSignated as the lecto­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's type to provide an objective standard of publications to associate a Single specimen reference for this species-group taxon that with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ is consistent with Maynard's original con­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is cept of it. The remaining 239 syntypes, in­ based on 72 syntypes. Lot number MCZ cluding MCZ 76260, become paralecto­ 76269 contains a Single specimen labeled types. "Holotype" that approximates the illustra­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 24.5 tion and the measurements of this taxon mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.2 mm; ap­ and is accompanied by a label in May­ erture height (including lip) 9.4 mm, ap­ nard's hand with the term "type," which erture width (including lip and peristome) includes references to the figures. This 7.9 mm. specimen is here deSignated as the lecto­ Type Locality. Calabash Key, Andros, type to provide an objective standard of Bahamas. 500 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

Taxon 206. Strophiops thayeri Maynard Berry Islands. This specimen was not the and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May same species, nor is there any mention of 2]: 137; Maynard, 1921b [July 14], pI. Cabbage Key in the description of Cerion 34, figs. 5, 6 [as thayerii in figure cap­ thayeri. This specimen is likely mislabeled tion]. Examined 2,876 specimens. Size and/or miscatalogued. given as 1.35 by .40 [inches; 34.3 by 10.2 mm], but the term "type" was not used. Taxon 207. Strophiops sylvatica Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May Type Material. The original description 2]: 137; Maynard, 1921b [July 15], pI. did not distinguish among the 2,876 spec­ 34, figs. 7, 8. Examined 1,500 speci­ imens examined. In the preamble to the mens. Size given as 1.12 by .47 [inches; taxonomic portion to this publication, 28.4 by 11.9 mm], but the term "type" Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that was not used. types were selected. However, there was Type Material. The original description no indication in this or any of Maynard's did not distinguish among the 1,500 spec­ publications to associate a single specimen imens examined. In the preamble to the with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ taxonomic portion to this publication, lotype for this taxon, and the species is Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that based on 2,876 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76367 types were selected. However, there was contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's lotype" that approximates the illustration publications to associate a Single specimen and the measurements of this taxon and is with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand lotype for this taxon, and the species is with the term "type," which includes ref­ based on 1,500 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76371 erences to the figures. This specimen is contains a Single specimen labeled "Ho­ here designated as the lectotype to provide lotype" that approximates the measure­ an objective standard of reference for this ments and the subsequently published il­ species-group taxon that is consistent with lustration and is accompanied by a label in Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ Maynard's hand with the term "type," maining 2,875 syntypes, including MCZ which includes references to the figures. 76368, USNM 420010 (50 specimens), This specimen is here designated as the and USNM 420092 (400 specimens), be­ lectotype to provide an objective standard come paralectotypes. of reference for this species-group taxon Lectotype Measurements. Length 30.0 that is consistent with Maynard's original mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.8 mm; ap­ concept of it. The remaining 1,499 syn­ erture height (including lip) 9.7 mm, ap­ types, including MCZ 76372, MCZ erture width (including lip and peristome) 118119, and USNM 420004 (100 speci­ 8.1 mm. mens), become paralectotypes. Type Locality. East end of Thompson's Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.4 Key, Berry Islands, Bahamas. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.7 mm; ap­ Remarks. The taxon name appeared as erture height (including lip) 9.8 mm, ap­ S. thayeri in the heading of the original erture width (including lip and peristome) description and S. thayerii in the figure 8.8 mm. captions, which were published in a later Type Locality. Chub Point Key, Berry issue than the text. This taxon was listed Islands, Bahamas. as S. thayerii in the sales catalog (May­ nard, 1924b?: [3]). Clench (1957: 165) list­ Taxon 208. Strophiops ralla Maynard and ed this taxon as S. thayeri in his catalog. Clapp in Maynard, 1921a [May 2]: Lot MCZ 118209 has a Single specimen 137; Maynard, 1921b [July 15], pI. 34, labeled "Paratype," from Cabbage Key, figs. 8, 9. Examined 65 specimens. Size THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 501

given as 1.20 by .47 [inches; 30.5 by 11.9 lotype for this taxon, and the species is mm], but the term "type" was not used. based on 1,759 syntypes. No specimen la­ beled "Holotype" was located at the MCZ, Type Material. The original description nor had any been catalogued as such in the did not distinguish among the 65 speci­ material from Maynard's collection. mens examined. In the preamble to the MCZ 76246 contains 159 paratypes, of taxonomic portion to this publication, which one was segregated in a vial and la­ Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that beled "figured." This specimen approxi­ types were selected. However, there was mates the published figure and measure­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's ments and is here designated as the lec­ publications to associate a Single specimen totype to provide an objective standard of with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ reference for this speCies-group taxon. The lotype for this taxon, and the species is remaining 158 specimens were recata­ based on 65 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76301 logued as MCZ 356678, and, together with contains a Single specimen labeled "Ho­ MCZ 76246, USNM 419966 (100 speci­ lotype" that approximates the measure­ mens), and USNM 420026 (100 speci­ ments and subsequently published illustra­ mens), are among the 1,758 syntypes that tions of this taxon and is accompanied by become paralectotypes. a label in Maynard's hand with the term Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.1 "type," which includes references to these mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.7 mm; ap­ figures. This specimen is here deSignated erture height (including lip) 10.0 mm, ap­ as the lectotype to provide an objective erture width (including lip and peristome) standard of reference for this species­ 9.1 mm. group taxon that is consistent with May­ Type Locality. West Silver Key, Nassau, nard's original concept of it. The remain­ New Providence Island, Bahamas. ing 64 syntypes, including MCZ 76302 and MCZ 118356, become paralectotypes. Taxon 210. Strophiops angustocostata Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.4 Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.9 mm; ap­ 1921b [July 15]: 141, pI. 37, figs. 7, erture height (including lip) 10.8 mm, ap­ 8. Examined eight specimens. Size giv­ erture width (including lip and peristome) en as 1.05 by .55 [inches; 26.7 by 14.0 8.3 mm. mm], but the term "type" was not used. Type Locality. Joulter Keys, Andros, Ba­ hamas. Type Material. The original description did not distinguish among the eight spec­ Taxon 209. Strophiops rosacea Maynard imens examined. In the preamble to the and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b [July taxonomic portion to this publication, 15]: 139, pI. 35, figs. 7, 8. Examined Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that 1,759 specimens. No measurements types were selected. However, there was prOvided. no indication in this or any of Maynard's publications to associate a Single specimen Type Material. The original deSCription with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ did not distinguish among the 1,759 spec­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is imens examined. In the preamble to the based on eight syntypes. Lot MCZ 76295 taxonomic portion to this publication, contains a single specimen labeled "Para­ Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that type" that approximates the length mea­ types were selected. However, there was surement and illustrations of this taxon no indication in this or any of Maynard's and is accompanied by a label in May­ publications to associate a Single specimen nard's hand that includes references to the with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho- figures but does not contain the term 502 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

"type." This specimen is here designated ments and later illustrations of this taxon as the lectotype to provide an objective and is accompanied by a label in May­ standard of reference for this species­ nard's hand with the term "type," which group taxon that is consistent with May­ includes references to the figures. This nard's original concept of it. The remain­ specimen is here designated as the lecto­ ing seven syntypes become paralectotypes. type to provide an objective standard of Lectotype Measurements. Length 26.5 reference for this species-group taxon that mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.6 mm; ap­ is consistent with Maynard's original con­ erture height (including lip) 10.5 mm, ap­ cept of it. The remaining 299 syntypes, in­ erture width (including lip and peristome) cluding MCZ 76360 and MCZ 118274, be­ 9.5 mm. come paralectotypes. Type Locality. Fossil on Lower Fleming Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.7 [Eleuthera, Bahamas]. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.3 mm; ap­ Remarks. Clench (1952: 109) listed this erture height (including lip) 10.3 mm, ap­ tax:on as a synonym of Cerion exiguum erture width (including lip and peristome) (Maynard, 1913). 8.1 mm. Type Locality. Cliffs on east side of Rose Taxon 211. Strophiops crassalabra May­ Island, opposite Low Bay Key, New Prov­ nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b idence Island, Bahamas. Uuly 15]: 143; Maynard, 1924a [Octo­ Remarks. Misspelled as S. crassilabra in ber 25], pI. 39, figs. 7, 8 [figures pub­ the sales catalog (Maynard, 1924c?: [6]). lished with the label S. crassamarga). See also Strophiops crassamarga [Taxon Examined 300 specimens. Size given as 233). Gould and Woodruff (1986: 481) re­ 1.15 by .40 [inches; 29.2 by 10.2 mm], ported that they had seen the "Holotype" but the term "type" was not used. and synonymized Cerion crassalabra y;ith Type Material. The original description C. glans (Kuster, 1844). did not distinguish among the 300 speci­ Taxon 212. Strophiops angustalabra May­ mens examined. In the preamble to the nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b taxonomic portion to this publication, Uuly 15]: 143-144; Maynard, 1924a Maynard (1919b: 43--44) speCified that [October 25], pI. 39, figs. 9, 10. Exam­ types were selected. However, there was ined 500 specimens. Size given as .95 by no indication in this or any of Maynard's .45 [inches; 24.1 by 11.4 mm], but the publications to associate a single specimen term "type" was not used. with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is Type Material. The original description based on 300 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76359 did not distinguish among the 500 speci­ contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ mens examined. In the preamble to the lotype" that approximates the measure- taxonomic portion to this publication,

Figures 211-222. Taxon 211. Strophiops crassa/abra Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76359. Cliffs on easl side of Rose Island, opposite Low Bay Key, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 212. Strophiops angusta/abra May­ nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76329. Low cliffs on west side of Rose Island, opposite Green Key, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 213. Strophiops palidu/a Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76274. Extreme east end of Hog Island [Paradise Island], New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 214. Strophiops saxitina Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76326. Hog Island [Paradise Island), east of Three Bays on rock of shore, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 215. Strophiops a/bata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76258. Southern end of Rose Island, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Strophiops vagabunda Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1925 ITaxon 2481, is a new name for S. a/bata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921, not S. a/bata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921 [Taxon 192J. Taxon 216. Strophiops mobile Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76309. Extreme west end of Rose Island, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 217. Strophiops har/bennetli Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOH SO MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 503


1921. Lectotype MCZ 76001. Poters Key, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 218. Strophiops oscula Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCZ 76333. Old Thompson Place, off East Bay Street, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 219. Strophiops eratica Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCZ 76387. Near Fox Hill Village, New Prov­ idence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 220. Strophiops castra Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCZ 76388. Field west of Williams Street, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 221. Strophiops rubiginosa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCZ 76006. Field east of Methodist Church on Sherley Street, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 222. Strophiops migratoria Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCZ 76312. Grounds directly about Methodist Sunday School building, Sherley Street, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. 504 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ types were selected. However, there was lotype for this taxon, and the species is no indication in this or any of Maynard's based on 1,054 syntypes. Lot number publications to associate a single specimen MCZ 76274 contains a Single specimen la­ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ beled "Holotype" that approximates the lotype for this taxon, and the species is measurements and later illustrations of based on 500 syntypes. Lot number MCZ this taxon and is accompanied by a label 76329 contains a Single specimen labeled in Maynard's hand with the term "type," "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ which includes references to the figures. surements and subsequently published il­ This specimen is here deSignated as the lustrations of this taxon and is accompa­ lectotype to provide an objective standard nied by a label in Maynard's hand with the of reference for this species-group taxon term "type," which includes references to that is consistent with Maynard's Original these figures. This specimen is here des­ concept of it. The remaining 1,053 syn­ ignated as the lectotype to provide an ob­ types, including MCZ 76275 and USNM jective standard of reference for this spe­ 419991 (250 specimens), become paralec­ cies-group taxon that is consistent with totypes. Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.8 maining 499 syntypes, including MCZ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.7 mm; ap­ 76328 and MCZ 118269, become paralec­ erture height (including lip) 9.6 mm, ap­ totypes. erture width (including lip and peristome) Lectotype Measurements. Length 24.2 7.4 mm. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.0 mm; ap­ Type Locality. Extreme east end of Hog erture height (including lip) 10.0 mm, ap­ Island [Paradise Island, New Providence erture width (including lip and peristome) Island, Bahamas]. 8.1 mm. Remarks. Gould and Woodruff (1986: Type Locality. Low cliffs on west side of 475) reported that they had seen the "Ho­ Rose Island, opposite Green Key, New lotype." These authors synonymized Stro­ Providence Island, Bahamas. phiops palidula with Cerion glans (Kuster, Remarks. Gould and Woodruff (1986: 1844). 481) reported that they had seen the "Ho­ lotype" and synonymized Cerion angustal­ Taxon 214. Strophiops saxitina Maynard abra with C. glans (Kuster, 1844). and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b [July 15]: 145; 1925 [July 18], pI. 41, figs. 1, Taxon 213. Strophiops palidula Maynard 2. Examined 100 specimens. Size given and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b [July as .76 by .35 [inches; 19.3 by 8.9 mm], 15]: 145; Maynard, 1925 [July 18], pI. but the term "type" was not used. 40, figs. 9, 10. Examined 1,054 speci­ mens. Size given as 1.10 by .40 [inches; Type Material. The original description 27.9 by 10.2 mm], but the term "type" did not distinguish among the 100 speci­ was not used. mens examined. In the preamble to the taxonomic portion to this publication, Type Material. The original deSCription Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that did not distinguish among the 1,054 spec­ types were selected. However, there was imens examined. In the preamble to the no indication in this or any of Maynard's taxonomic portion to this publication, publications to associate a Single specimen Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ types were selected. However, there was lotype for this taxon, and the species is no indication in this or any of Maynard's based on 100 syntypes. Lot number MCZ publications to associate a Single specimen 76326 was labeled "Hololype" but con- THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 505

tains two specimens and is accompanied publications to associate a Single specimen by a label in Maynard's hand with the term with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ "type," which includes references to the lotype for this taxon, and the species is figures. The specimen that more closely based on 72 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76258 approximates the measurements and later contains a Single specimen accompanied illustrations of this taxon is here designat­ by two MCZ labels that refer to this spec­ ed as the lectotype (MCZ 76326) to pro­ imen as the holotype of Strophiops vaga­ vide an objective standard of reference for bunda, a replacement name for the pre­ this species-group taxon that is consistent occupied S. albata (see Remarks). A label with Maynard's original concept of it. The in Maynard's hand contains the name S. other specimen was recatalogued as MCZ vagabunda and the term "type" and in­ 357012. It and MCZ 76327 are among the cludes references to the figures. This spec­ remaining 99 syntypes that become para­ imen is here deSignated as the lectotype of lectotypes. S. albata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, Lectotype Measurements. Length 19.4 1921h, and also [Article 72: 7, ICZN, mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.8 mm; ap­ 1999: 78] its replacement name Strophiops erture height (including lip) 7.6 mm, ap­ vagabunda Maynard and Clapp in May­ erture width (including lip and peristome) nard, 1925, to prOvide an objective stan­ 6.3 mm. dard of reference for this species-group Type Locality. Hog Island, east ofThree taxon that is consistent with Maynard's Bays on rock of shore, New Providence Is­ original concept of it. The remaining 71 land, Bahamas. syntypes, including MCZ 76256 and MCZ Remarks. The plate containing the illus­ 76257, become paralectotypes of S. albata trations of this taxon was issued 4 years Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b, after the publication of the description. and consequently [Article 72: 7, ICZN, Gould and Woodruff (1986: 481) consid­ 1999: 78] its replacement name Strophiops ered this taxon to be a synonym of Cerion vagabunda Maynard and Clapp in May­ glans (Kuster, 1844). nard,1925. Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.0 Taxon 215. Strophiops albata Maynard mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.2 mm; ap­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b I)uly erture height (including lip) 10.3 mm, ap­ 15]: 145; Maynard and Clapp in May­ erture width (including lip and peristome) nard, 1925 [July 18], pI. 41, figs. 7, 8 8.8mm. [the figures are labeled S. vagabunda] Type Locality. Southern end of Rose Is­ [junior primary homonym of S. albata land, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a; Remarks. The binomen Strophiops al­ S. vagabunda Maynard and Clapp in bata had been previously proposed by Maynard, 1925 (Taxon 248), is the next Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921 available name]. Examined 72 speci~ ([May 2]: 132~133, pI. 30, figs. 3, 4) (see mens. Size given as 1.10 by .45 [inches; Taxon 192). The second description of S. 27.9 by 11.4 mm], but the term "type" albata cites different measurements, a dif­ was not used. ferent number of specimens examined, and a different type locality and refers to Type Material. The original description an illustration of a different specimen in­ did not distinguish among the 72 speci­ tended to serve as the type. Strophiops al­ mens examined. In the preamble to the bata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, taxonomic portion to this publication, 1921b, is a junior primary homonym of Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that Strophiops albata Maynard and Clapp in types were selected. However, there was Maynard, 1921a. Maynard (1925, pl. 41, no indication in this or any of Maynard's figs. 7, 8) apparently recognized the hom- 506 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

onymy and captioned the subsequently Type Locality. Extreme west end of published illustrations S. vagabunda. As Rose Island, New Providence Island, Ba­ noted by Clench (1957: 166), Stmphiops hamas. vagabunda Maynard, 1925, is a next avail­ Remarks. The figures cited in the orig­ able name for S. albata Maynard and inal description were issued 4 years later. Clapp in Maynard, 1921b, not S. albata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a. Taxon 217. Strophiops hart-bennetii May­ Gould and Woodruff (1986: 474) errone­ nard, 1919b [November 6]: 36 [nomen ously reported S. albata Maynard and nudum]. Stmphiops hartbennetii May­ Clapp in Maynard, 1921b, to be a nomen nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b nudum and considered S. vagabunda to be (July 15]: 146 [as hart-bennetii-see a synonym of Cerion glans (Kuster, 1844). Remarks]; Maynard and Clapp in May­ nard, 1926 [March 24], pI. 42, figs. 3, 4 Taxon 216. Stmphiops mobile Maynard [as hart-benettii]. Examined 500 speci­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b (July mens. Size given as .80 by .32 [inches; 15]: 146; Maynard and Clapp in May­ 20.3 by 8.1 mm], but the term "type" nard, 1925 [July 18], pI. 41, figs. 9, 10. was not used. Examined 61 specimens. Size given as 1.00 by .40 [inches; 25.4 by 10.2 mm], Type Material. The original description but the term "type" was not used. did not distinguish among tlle 500 speci­ mens examined. In the preamble to the Type Mdterial. The Oliginal description taxonomic portion to this publication, did not distinguish among the 61 speci­ Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that mens examined. In the preamble to the types were selected. However, there was taxonomic portion to this publication, no indication in this or any of Maynard's Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that publications to associate a single specimen lypes were selected. However, there was with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's lotype for this taxon, and the species is publications to associate a single specimen based on 500 syntypes. Lot number MCZ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ 76001 contains a single specimen labeled lotype for this taxon, and tlle species is "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ based on 61 syntypes. Lot number MCZ surements and later illustrations of this 76309 contains a single specimen labeled taxon and is accompanied by a label in "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ Maynard's hand with the term "type," surements and later illustrations of this which includes references to the figures. taxon and is accompanied by a label in This specimen is here deSignated as the Maynard's hand with the term "type," lectotype to provide an objective standard which includes references to the figures. of reference for this species-group taxon This specimen is here deSignated as the that is consistent with Maynard's original lectotype to provide an objective standard concept of it. The remaining 499 syntypes, of reference for this species-group taxon including MCZ 76002, MCZ 118271, and that is consistent with Maynard's original USNM 420022 (50 specimens), become concept of it. The remaining 60 syntypes, paralectotypes. including MCZ 76310, become paralecto­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 20.9 types. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.4 mm; ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 25.8 erture height (including lip) 7.4 mm, ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.6 mm; ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture height (including lip) 9.7 mm, ap­ 5.7mm. erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Locality. Poters Key [New Provi­ 7.8 mm. dence Island, Bahamas]. THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et ai. 507

Remarks. The binomen first appeared as Type Locality. Old Thompson Place off a nomen nudum (Maynard, 1919b: 36). East Bay Street, Nassau [New Providence The taxon name is spelled hart-bennetii in Island, Bahamas]. the original description, on the handwrit­ Remarks. The illustrations were issued ten label, and in the sales catalog (May­ nearly 5 years after the original description nard, 1924?: [6]). The plate, with the spell­ was published. Gould and Woodruff ing hart-benettii, was issued 6 years later (1986: 476) regarded this taxon to be "in­ and is considered a subsequent misspell­ termediate" between Cerion glans (Kuster, ing. According to Article (ICZN, 1844) and C. gubernatorium (Crosse, 1999: 40), the taxon name is hartbennetii 1869). because hyphens are to be removed. Taxon 219. Strophiops eratica Maynard Taxon 218. Strophiops oscula Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b Uuly and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b Uuly 15]: 147; Maynard and Clapp in May­ 15]: 146; Maynard and Clapp in May­ nard, 1926 [March 24], pI. 42, figs. 7, 8. nard, 1926 [March 24], pI. 42, figs. 5, 6. Examined 14 specimens. Size given as Examined 442 specimens. Size given as .90 by .35 [inches; 22.9 by 8.9 mm], but 95 by 35 [sic = .95 by .35] [inches; 24.1 the term "type" was not used. by 8.9 mm], but the term "type" was not used. Type Material. The original description did not distinguish among the 14 speci­ Type Material. The original description mens examined. In the preamble to the did not distinguish among the 442 speci­ taxonomic portion to this publication, mens examined. In the preamble to the Maynard (1919b: 43-44) speCified that taxonomic portion to this publication, types were selected. However, there was Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that no indication in this or any of Maynard's lypes were selected. However, there was publications to associate a single specimen no indication in this or any of Maynard's with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ publications to associate a single specimen lotype for this taxon, and the species is with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ based on 14 syntypes. Lot number MCZ lotype for this taxon, and the species is 76387 contains a single specimen labeled based on 442 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76333 "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ surements and later illustrations of this lotype" that approximates the measure­ taxon and is accompanied by a label in ments and later illustrations of this taxon Maynard's hand with the term "type," and is accompanied by a label in May­ which includes references to the figures. nard's hand with the term "type," which This specimen is here designated as the includes references to the figures. This lectotype to provide an objective standard specimen is here designated as the lecto­ of reference for this species-group taxon type to provide an objective standard of that is consistent with Maynard's original reference for this species-group taxon that concept of it. The remaining 13 syntypes is consistent with Maynard's original con­ become paralectotypes. cept of it. The remaining 441 syntypes, in­ Lectotype Measurem.ents. Length 23.7 cluding MCZ 76332 and USNM 420116 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.5 mm; ap­ (100 specimens), become paralectotypes. erture height (including lip) 9.1 mm, ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 23.8 erture width (including lip and peristome) mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.0 mm; ap­ 7.3 mm. erture height (including lip) 8.3 mm, ap­ Type Locality. Near Fox Hill Village, erture width (including lip and peristome) New Providence Island, Bahamas. 7.1 mm. Remarks. The illustrations were issued 508 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

nearly 5 years after the original description en as .85 by .28 [inches; 21.6 by 7.1 was published. Gould and Woodruff mm], but the term "type" was not used. (1986: 477) regarded this taxon to be typ­ Type Material. The original description ical of coastal Cerion gubernatorium did not distinguish among the 385 speci­ (Crosse, 1869). mens examined. In the preamble to the Taxon 220. Strophiops castra Maynard taxonomic portion to this publication, and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b Guly Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that 15]: 147; Maynard and Clapp in May­ types were selected. However, there was nard, 1926 [March 24], pI. 42, figs. 9, no indication in this or any of Maynard's 10. Examined 14 specimens. Size given publications to associate a single specimen as 1.12 by .42 [inches; 28.4 by 10.7 with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ mm], but the term "type" was not used. lotype for this taxon, and the species is based on 385 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76006 Type Material. The original description contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ did not distinguish among the 14 speci­ lotype" that differs substantially from the mens examined. In the preamble to the published measurements for this taxon but taxonomic portion to this publication, approximates the later illustrations and is Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that accompanied by a label in Maynard's hand types were selected. However, there was with the term "type," which includes ref­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's erences to the figures. This specimen is publications to associate a single specimen here designated as the lectotype to provide with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ an objective standard of reference for this lotype for this taxon, and the species is species-group taxon that is consistent with based on 14 syntypes. Lot number MCZ Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ 76388 contains a single specimen labeled maining 384 syntypes, including MCZ "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ 76007, MCZ 356679, and USNM 420089 surements and later illustrations of this (50 specimens), become paralectotypes. taxon and is accompanied by a label in Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.7 Maynard's hand with the term "type," mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.3 mm; ap­ which includes references to the figures. erture height (including lip) 9.5 mm, ap­ This specimen is here designated as the erture width (including lip and peristome) lectotype to provide an objective standard 7.8 mm. of reference for this species-group taxon Type Locality. Field east of Methodist that is consistent with Maynard's original Church on Sherley Street, Nassau [New concept of it. The remaining 13 syntypes Providence Island, Bahamas]. become paralectotypes. Remarks. The illustrations were issued Lectotype Measurements. Length 24.7 nearly 5 years after the taxon description mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.9 mm; ap­ was published. Gould and Woodruff erture height (including lip) 8.7 mm, ap­ (1986: 476) regarded this taxon to be "in­ erture width (including lip and peristome) termediate" between Cerion glans (Kuster, 7.3 mm. 1844) and C. gubernatorium (Crosse, Type Locality. Field west of Williams 1869). Street, Nassau [New Providence Island, Bahamas]. Taxon 222. Strophiops migratoria May­ nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b Taxon 221. Strophiops rubiginosa May­ Guly 15]: 147; Maynard and Clapp in nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b Maynard, 1926 [March 24], pI. 43, figs. Guly 15]: 147; Maynard and Clapp in 3,4. Examined 75 specimens. Size given Maynard, 1926 [March 24], pI. 43, figs. as 1.10 by .40 [inches; 27.9 by 10.2 1, 2. Examined 385 specimens. Size giv- mm], but the term "type" was not used. THE GERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et ai. 509

Type Material. The original description mens examined. In the preamble to the did not distinguish among the 75 speci­ taxonomic portion to this publication, mens examined. In the preamble to the Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that taxonomic portion to this publication, types were selected. However, there was Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that no indication in this or any of Maynard's types were selected. However, there was publications to associate a single specimen no indication in this or any of Maynard's with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ publications to associate a single specimen lotype for this taxon, and the species is with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ based on 575 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76318 lotype for this taxon, and the species is contains a single specimen labeled "Ho­ based on 75 syntypes. Lot number MCZ lotype" that approximates the measure­ 76312 contains a single specimen labeled ments and later illustrations of this taxon "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ and is accompanied by a label in May­ surements and later illustrations of this nard's hand with the term "type," which taxon and is accompanied by a label in includes references to the figures. This Maynard's hand with the term "type," specimen is here deSignated as the lecto­ which includes references to the figures. type to provide an objective standard of This specimen is here deSignated as the reference for this species-group taxon that lectotype to provide an objective standard is consistent with Maynard's original con­ of reference for this species-group taxon cept of it. The remaining 574 syntypes, in­ that is consistent with Maynard's original cluding MCZ 76317 and USNM 420025 concept of it. The remaining 74 syntypes, (200 specimens), become paralectotypes. including MCZ 76311, become paralecto­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 26.3 types. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.6 mm; ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 27.8 erture height (including lip) 9.3 mm, ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.2 mm; ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture height (including lip) 9.9 mm, ap­ 8.1 mm. erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Locality. In field east of Mackey 8.2mm. Street, Nassau [New Providence Island, Type Locality. Grounds directly about Bahamas]' Methodist Sunday School bUilding, Sher­ Remarks. The illustrations of this taxon ley Street, Nassau [New Providence Is­ were issued nearly 5 years after the origi­ land, Bahamas]' nal description was published. Gould and Remarks. The illustrations were issued Woodruff (1986: 476) regarded this taxon nearly 5 years after the original description to be "intermediate" between Cerion glans was published. Gould and Woodruff (Kuster, 1844) and C. gubernatorium (1986: 476) regarded this taxon to be "in­ (Crosse, 1869). termediate" between Cerion glans (Kuster, 1844) and C. gubernatorium (Crosse, Taxon 224. Strophiops reincarnata May- . 1869). nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b Uuly 15]: 148, pI. 44, figs. 1, 2 [pI. 44 Taxon 223. Strophiops mayoi Maynard was never issued]. Examined 176 spec­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b Uuly 15]: 148; Maynard and Clapp in May­ imens. Size given as 1.12 by .40 [inches; 28.4 by 10.2 mm], but the term "type" nard, 1926 [March 24], pI. 43, figs. 9, 10. Examined 575 specimens. Size given was not used. as 1.03 by .40 [inches; 26.2 by 10.2 Type Material. The original description mm], but the term "type" was not used. did not distinguish among the 176 speci­ Type Material. The original deSCription mens examined. In the preamble to the did not distinguish among the 575 speci- taxonomic portion to this publication, 510 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that Taxon 225. Strophiops fincastlei Maynard types were selected. However, there was and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b [July no indication in this or any of Maynard's 15]: 148, pI. 44, figs. 5, 6 [pI. 44 was publications to associate a single specimen never issued]. Examined 150 specimens. with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ Size given as .85 by .47 [inches; 21.6 by lotype for this taxon, and the species is 11.9 mm], but the term "type" was not based on 176 syntypes. Lot number MCZ used. 76322 contains a single specimen labeled "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ Type Material. The original description surements and later illustrations of this did not distinguish among the 150 speci­ taxon and is accompanied by a label in mens examined. In the preamble to the Maynard's hand with the term "type," taxonomic portion to this publication, Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that which includes references to the figures. types were selected. However, there was This specimen is here designated as the no indication in this or any of Maynard's lectotype to provide an objective standard publications to associate a Single specimen of reference for this species-group taxon with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ that is consistent with Maynard's original lotype for this taxon, and the species is concept of it. The remaining 175 syntypes, based on 150 syntypes. Lot number MCZ including MCZ 76321, become paralecto­ 76015 contains a Single specimen labeled types. "Holotype" that approximates the mea­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.5 surements of this taxon and is accompa­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.9 mm; ap­ nied by a label in Maynard's hand with the erture height (including lip) 9.9 mm, ap­ term "type," which includes references to erture width (including lip and peristome) the unpublished figures. This specimen is 8.2 mm. here deSignated as the lectotype to provide Type Locality. Near Ocean Hole E of an objective standard of reference for this Mackey Street, Nassau [New Providence species-group taxon that is consistent with Island, Bahamas]. Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ Rernarks. The illustrations of this taxon maining 149 syntypes, including MCZ were never issued. Gould and Woodruff 76016 and MCZ 118102, become paialec­ (1986: 476) regarded this taxon to be an totypes. "anomalously located species attributable Lectotype Measurements. Length 21.7 to Cerion glans." mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.5 mm; ap-

Figures 223-236. Taxon 223. Strophiops mayoi Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76318. Field east of Mackey Street, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 224. Strophiops reincarnata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76322. Near Ocean Hole east of Mackey Street, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 225. Strophiops fincastlei Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76015. Vicinity of Fort Fincastle, West Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 226. Strophiops novita Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76319. In park west of Fort Montague, East Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 227. Strophiops phoenecia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76330. Waterloo, East Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 228. Stro­ phiops muralia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. [Not illustrated.] Lectotype MCl 76389. In walls at East Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 229. Strophiops rosea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. The type of Cerion (Maynardia) agassizii Dall, 1894, is designated as the neotype of Strophiops rosea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921, making Strophiops rosea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921, an objective junior synonym of Cerion (Maynardia) agassizii Dall, 1894. Taxon 230. Strophiops gigantea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Holotype MCl 76244. In wall on Village Road, near Sherley Street, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Strophiops ajax Maynard, 1924 [Taxon 246), is a replacement name for this taxon, a homonym of Strophia grayi gigantea Maynard, 1894 [Taxon 36). Taxon 231. Strophiops leva Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76337. In rock above Queen's Staircase, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 232. Strophiops flacida Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Lectotype MCl 76397. In rock above Queen's Staircase, Nassau, THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOH SON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 511

1 em


New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 233. Strophiops crassamarga Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1924. [Not illustrated.] Strophiops crassamarga has the same type specimens and type locality and is an objective junior synonym 01 Strophiops crassalabra Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921 [Taxon 210]. Taxon 234. Strophiops extranea Maynard, 1924. Holotype MCZ 76142. Roseville Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 235. Strophiops albicostata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1924. Lectotype MCZ 76109. Long Key southeast 01 Highbum Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 236. Strophiops extensa Maynard, 1924. Lectotype MCZ 76008. Churchyard of the Baptist Chapel on St. James St., East Nassau, New Providence Island, Ba­ hamas. 512 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

erture height (including lip) 8.0 mm, ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.2 mm; ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture height (including lip) 8.6 mm, ap­ 6.3 mm. erture width (including lip and peristome) Type Locality. Vicinity of Fort Fincastle, 6.9 mm. West Nassau [New Providence Island, Ba­ Type Locality. In park west of Fort hamas]' Montague, East Nassau [New Providence Remarks. This taxon was never illustrat­ Island, Bahamas]. ed. In the original description, Maynard Remarks. This taxon, which first ap­ noted that many of the 150 specimens peared as a nomen nudum (Maynard, were dead and later (1924c: 6) listed S. 1919b: 36), was never illustrated. Maynard fincastlei as extinct in 1924 because of the (1924c: 6) listed S. novita as nearly extinct burning of vegetation prior to cultivation. (only one specimen) in 1924 from the Gould and Woodruff (1986: 476) regarded burning of vegetation prior to cultivation. this taxon to be "intermediate" between Gould and Woodruff (1986: 476) regarded Cerion glans (KUster, 1844) and C. gub­ this taxon to be "intermediate" between ernatorium (Crosse, 1869). Cerion glans (Kuster, 1844) and C. gub­ ernatorium (Crosse, 1869). Taxon 226. Strophiops novita Maynard, 1919b [November 6]: 36 [nomen nu­ Taxon 227. Strophiops phoenicia Maynard, dum]; Maynard and Clapp in May­ 1919b [November 6]: 36 [nomen nu­ nard, 1921b ijuly 15]: 148, pI. 45, dum]. S. phoenecia Maynard and figs. 1, 2 [pI. 45 was never issued]. Ex­ Clapp in Maynard, 1921b ijuly 15]: amined 251 specimens. Size given as .90 149, pI. 45, figs. 3, 4 [pI. 45 was never by .35 [inches; 22.9 by 8.9 mm], but the issued]; Maynard, 1924b?: [4]; Maynard, term "type" was not used. 1924c: 6. Examined 1,550 specimens. Size given as .85 by .33 [inches; 21.6 by Type Material. The original description 8.4 mm], but the term "type" was not did not distingUish among the 251 speci­ used. mens examined. In the preamble to the taxonomic portion to this publication, Type Material. The original description Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that did not distingUish among the 1,550 spec­ types were selected. However, tllere was imens examined. In the preamble to the no indication in this or any of Maynard's taxonomic portion to this publication, publications to associate a Single specimen Maynard (1919b: 43--44) specified that with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ types were selected. However, there was lotype for tllis taxon, and the species is no indication in this or any of Maynard's based on 251 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76319 publications to associate a Single specimen contains a Single specimen labeled "Ho­ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ lotype" that approximates the measure­ lotype for this taxon, and the species is ments of this taxon and is accompanied by based on 1,550 syntypes. Lot MCZ 76330 a label in Maynard's hand with the term contains a Single specimen labeled "Ho­ "type," which includes references to the lotype" that approximates the measure­ unpublished figures. This specimen is here ments and later illustrations of this taxon deSignated as the lectotype to provide an and is accompanied by a label in May­ objective standard of reference for this nard's hand with the term "type," which speCies-group taxon that is consistent with includes references to the figures. This Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ specimen is here deSignated as the lecto­ maining 250 syntypes, including MCZ type to prOvide an objective standard of 118104, become paralectotypes. reference for this species-group taxon that Lectotype Measurements. Length 23.0 is consistent with Maynard's original con- THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 513

cept of it. The remaining 1,549 syntypes, is consistent with Maynard's original con­ including MCZ 76331, MCZ 118156, and cept of it. The remaining three syntypes USNM 420059 (50 specimens), become become paralectotypes. paralectotypes. Lectotype Measurements. Length 26.4 Lectotype Measurements. Length 22.2 mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.1 mm; ap­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.6 mm; ap­ erture height (including lip) 10.5 mm, ap­ erture height (including lip) 7.9 mm, ap­ erture width (including lip and peristome) erture width (including lip and peristome) 8.9 mm. 6.2 mm. Type Locality. In walls at East Nassau, Type Locality. Waterloo, East Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. New Providence Island, Bahamas. Remarks. Gould and Woodruff (1986: Remarks. The binomen S. phoenicea 481) examined the "Holotype" of this tax­ first appeared as a nomen nudum (May­ on and attributed it to the synonymy of nard, 1919b: 36). The taxon description Cerion agassizii Dall, 1894. used the spelling S. phoenecia, as did the sales catalog (Maynard, 1924b?: [4]). May­ Taxon 229. Strophiops rosea Maynard nard (1924c: 6) listed S. phoenecia as ex­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b Uuly tinct in 1924 from the burning of vegeta­ 15]: 151, pI. 48, figs. 9, 10 [pI. 48 was tion prior to cultivation. Gould and vVood­ never issued]. Examined one specimen. ruff (1986: 477) regarded this taxon to be Size given as .73 by .36 [inches; 18.5 by a synonym of Cerion gubernatorium 9.1 mm], but the term "type" was not (Crosse, 1869). used.

Taxon 228. Strophiops muralia Maynard Type Material. The original description and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b Uuly was based on a Single specimen, the 15]: 151, pI. 47, figs. 5, 6 [pI. 47 was unique holotype, for which measurements never issued]. Examined 4 specimens. were prOvided but for which the illustra­ Size given as 1.05 by .45 [inches; 26.7 tions were never published. The specimen by 11.4 mm], but the term "type" was was not at the MCZ, nor was there any not used. catalog entry for this taxon at the M CZ at the time Maynard's collection was cata­ Type Material. The original description logued. Searches of the collections and/or did not distinguish among the four speci­ databases of the USNM, the Academy of mens examined. In the preamble to the Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, the Field taxonomic portion to this publication, Museum of Natural History, the Florida Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that Museum of Natural History, and the Mu­ types were selected. However, there was seum of Biological DiverSity, Ohio State no indication in this or any of Maynard's UniverSity, failed to uncover a single spec­ publications to associate a Single specimen imen catalogued under this name. May­ with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ nard's original brief description-"Similar lotype for this taxon, and the species is to last [So agassizii Dall] but smaller, .73 based on four syntypes. Lot MCZ 76389 by .36, with 8 instead of 11 whorls, and is contains a Single specimen labeled "Ho­ tinged with dull orange"-is inadequate to lotype" that approximates the measure­ differentiate this taxon from S. agassizii ments and later illustrations of this taxon unambiguously. The holotype of Cerion and is accompanied by a label in May­ (Maynardia) agassizii Dall, 1894 (MCZ IP nard's hand with the term "type." This 113595, Invertebrate Paleontology Collec­ specimen is here deSignated as the lecto­ tion), is here deSignated as the neotype of type to provide an objective standard of Strophiops rosea Maynard and Clapp in reference for this species-group taxon that Maynard, 1921, to provide an objective 514 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

standard of reference for this species­ erture width (including lip and peristome) group taxon. Strophiops rosea Maynard 13.6 mm. and Clapp in Maynard, 1921, becomes a Type Locality. In wall on Village Road, junior objective synonym of Cerion (May­ near Sherley Street, Nassau, New Provi­ nardia) agassizii Dall, 1894. dence Island, Bahamas. Type Locality. Strophiops rosea was ini­ Remarks. Strophiops gigantea Maynard tially described as being from the north­ and Clapp in Maynard, 1921, is a hom­ east end of Rose Island, New Providence onym of Strophia grayi gigantea Maynard, Island, Bahamas (Maynard and Clapp in 1894 [Taxon 36]. Strophiops ajax Maynard, Maynard, 1921: 151). According to Article 1924 [Taxon 246], was proposed as a re­ 76.3 (ICZN, 1999: 87), the type locality of placement name. Gould and vVoodruff Cerion agassizii Dall, 1894, "The calcare­ (1986: 480) attributed this fossil taxon to ous sand-rock at the W. quarry, top of Nas­ Cerion agassizii Dall, 1894. sau Ridge" [New Providence Island, Ba­ hamas], becomes the type locality of Stro­ Taxon 231. Strophiops leva Maynard and phiops rOsea. Clapp in Maynard, 1921b [July 15]: Remarks. The illustrations of this taxon 152, pI. 48, figs. 1, 2 [pI. 48 was never issued]. Examined 12 specimens. Size were never published. Gould and Wood­ given as 1.10 by .50 [inches; 27.9 by 12.7 ruff (1986: 481) mentioned that they had mm]' but the term "type" was not used. not seen the unique holotype of this taxon but considered it to be a "fairly unambig­ Type Material. The original description uous" synonym of Cerion agassizii Dall, did not distinguish among the 12 speci­ 1894, on the basis of the limited descrip­ mens examined. In the preamble to the tion. taxonomic portion to this publication, Maynard (1919b: 43~4) specified that Taxon 230. Strophiops gigantea Maynard types were selected. However, there was and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b [July no indication in this or any of Maynard's 15]: 152, pI. 47, figs. 9, 10 [pI. 47 never publications to associate a Single specimen issued]. Examined one specimen. Size with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ given as 1.75 by .65 [inches; 44.5 by 16.5 lotype for this taxon, and the species is mm], but the term "type" was not used. based on 12 syntypes. Lot number MCZ 76337 was labeled "Paratype" and contains Type Material. The original description 93 specimens, most damaged or incom­ is based on a single specimen, the unique plete, of which one was sequestered. The holotype, for which measurements were labels make no mention of the term prOvided, but for which the illustrations "type," nor is there a reference to plates were never issued. Lot MCZ 76244 con­ or figures. The sequestered specimen, tains a Single specimen accompanied by which is complete and well preserved and two MCZ labels that refer to this specimen had been carefully cleaned of matrix, is as the holotype of Strophiops ajax, a re­ likely the specimen used by Maynard to placement name for the preoccupied S. gi­ prepare the species description. This spec­ gantea (see Remarks). A handwritten label imen is here selected as the lectotype with the specimen contains the name Stro­ (MCZ 76337). The remaining specimens phiops gigantea, with "gigantea" partially were recatalogued as MCZ 357013. The erased and overwritten "ajax." This speci­ original description referred to 12 speci­ men is the holotype both of S. gigantea mens, indicating that Maynard had added and of S. ajax. at least 81 specimens since the species was Holotype Measurements. Length 43.9 described. It is unclear which 11 of the mm, diameter (excluding lip) 17.4 mm; ap­ remaining 92 specimens are paralecto­ erture height (including lip) 17.1 mm, ap- types. THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et aZ. 515

Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.6 Taxon 233. Strophiops crassamarga May­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.7 mm; ap­ nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1924a erture height (including lip) 11.5 mm, ap­ [October 25], pI. 39, figs. 7, 8. erture width (including lip and peristome) 9.0 mm. Nomenclatural Remarks. The binomen Type Locality. In rock above Queen's S. crassam.arga was published in the cap­ Staircase, Nassau, New Providence Island, tion beneath the figures (pI. 39, figs. 7, 8) Bahamas. cited in the original description of Stro­ phiops crassalabra Maynard and Clapp in Taxon 232.Strophiops flacida Maynard Maynard, 1921b (p. 143), and was not and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b [July used subsequently by Maynard, who listed 15]: 152, pI. 48, figs. 3, 4 [pI. 48 was the taxon as S. crassilabra in the sales cat­ never issued]. Examined two specimens. alog (Maynard, 1924b?: [6]). The speCi­ Size given as .98 by .34 [inches; 24.9 by men labeled Strophiops crassamarga on 8.6 mm], but the term "type" was not plate 39 (figs. 7, 8) is the lectotype of Stro­ used. phiops crassalabra [Taxon 211], making Type Material. The original description Strophiops crassamarga Maynard and did not distinguish among the two speci­ Clapp in Maynard, 1924, a junior objective mens examined. In the preamble to the synonym of Strophiops crassalabra May­ taxonomic portion to this publication, nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921. Maynard (1919b: 43-44) specified that Taxon 234. Strophiops extranea Maynard, types were selected. However, there was 1924c [10 December]: 2 [not illus­ no indication in this or any of Maynard's trated]. Examined one specimen. Size publications to associate a single specimen given as 1.17 by .50 [inches; 29.7 by 12.7 with the term "type." Thus, there is no ho­ mm], but the term "type" was not used. lotype for this taxon, and the species is based on two syntypes. Lot number MCZ Type Material. The original description 76397 contains a single specimen labeled stated that this taxon was based on a Single "Holotype" that roughly approximates the fossil found embedded in rock and provid­ published length of this taxon and is ac­ ed its measurements. This taxon is thus companied by a label in Maynard's hand based on a unique holotype. Lot MCZ with the term "type" that refers to the un­ 76142 contains a Single specimen labeled published illustrations. This specimen is "Holotype" that corresponds closely to the here deSignated as the lectotype to provide published measurements and is here con­ an objective standard of reference for this sidered to be the holotype. species-group taxon that is consistent with Holotype Measurements. Length 29.9 Maynard's original concept of it. The other mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.7 mm; ap­ syntype (MCZ 76398) becomes a paralec­ erture height (including lip) 10.8 mm, ap­ totype. erture width (including lip and peristome) Lectotype Measurements. Length 25.4 9.2 mm. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.9 mm; ap­ Type Locality. Roseville Key, Exuma erture height (including lip) 10.1 mm, ap­ Group [Bahamas]. erture width (including lip and peristome) 8.7mm. Taxon 235. Strophiops albicostata May­ Type Locality. In rock above Queen's nard and Clapp in Maynard, 1924b?: [3] Staircase, Nassau, New Providence Island, [nomen nudum]; Maynard, 1924c [10 Bahamas. December]: 2 [not illustrated]. Exam­ Remarks. Gould and Woodruff (1986: ined 1,000 specimens. Size given as 1.36 481) regarded S. flacida to be a "ribby ver­ by .48 [inches; 34.5 by 12.2 mm], but sion" of Cerion agassizii Dall, 1894. the term "type" was not used. 516 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

Nomenclatural Remarks. Strophiops al­ that there was no specimen segregated as bicostata was listed for sale in Maynard's type for this species in Maynard's collec­ (1924b?: [3]) catalog, whereas the descrip­ tion at the time of his death. Lot MCZ tion of this taxon was published in the sup­ 76008 contains 278 specimens labeled plement to this catalog. On page [2] of the "paratypes." Because this species had not catalog, Maynard noted that, "Unless oth­ been figured, nor have any measurements erwise designated, all species should be been published to help select the lecto­ accredited to Maynard and Clapp." Thus, type, an intact, adult, live-collected speci­ Strophiops albicostata Maynard and Clapp men that conforms to the brief description in Maynard (1924b?) is a nomen nudum. is here designated as the lectotype (MCZ The taxon became available as Strophiops 76008) to provide an objective standard of albicostata Maynard on December 10, reference for this species-group taxon. The 1924. remaining 277 specimens were recata­ Type Material. The original description logued as MCZ 352331. These and all oth­ did not distinguish among the 1,000 spec­ er syntypes, including USNM 419996 imens examined. There was no indication (1,500 specimens), become paralectotypes. in this publication to associate a single Lectotype Measurements. Length 31.5 specimen with the term "type." Thus, mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.1 mm; ap­ there is no holotype for this taxon, and the erture height (including lip) 9.8 mm, ap­ species is based on 1,000 syntypes. Lot erture width (including lip and peristome) MCZ 76109 contains a single specimen la­ 7.9 mm. beled "Holotype." This specimen approx­ Type Locality. Churchyard of the Bap­ imates the measurements in the original tist Chapel on St. James Street, East Nas­ description and is here designated as the sau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. lectotype to provide an objective standard Remarks. Maynard (1924c: 2-3) report­ of reference for this species-group taxon. ed this taxon to be "abundant living in the All other syntypes, including, MCZ 76110 church-yard of the Baptist Chapel on St. and USNM 420061 (100 specimens), be­ James St. East Nassau, on the west and come paralectotypes. south side of this street to Kemp's Road, Lectotype Measurements. Length 34.1 but, except about the chapel, many were mm, diameter (excluding lip) 12.9 mm; ap­ dead. 23,000 were collected. But out of erture height (including lip) 11.64 mm, ap­ this number only about 3000 were living." erture width (including lip and peristome) Because the lectotype was a live-collected 9.4 mm. Type Locality. Long Key southeast of specimen, the type locality is here restrict­ Highburn Key [Exuma Group, Bahamas]. ed to the church-yard. Gould and Wood­ ruff (1986: 476) regarded this taxon to be Taxon 236. Strophiops extensa Maynard, "intermediate" between Cerion glans 1924c [10 December]: 2, 3 [not illus­ (Kuster, 1844) and C. gubernatorium trated]. Examined 23,000 specimens. (Crosse, 1869). No measurements provided. Taxon 237. Strophiops sparsa Maynard, Type Material. The original description 1924c [10 December]: 3 [not illus­ did not distinguish among the 23,000 spec­ trated]. Examined "about 280" speci­ imens examined. There was no indication mens. Size given as 1.16 by .45 [inches; in this publication to associate a Single 29.5 by 11.4 mm], but the term "type" specimen with the term "type." Thus, was not used. there is no holotype for this taxon, and the species is based on 23,000 syntypes. An ex­ Type Material. The original description amination of the MCZ catalog revealed did not distinguish among the "about 280" THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 517

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245 Figures 237-248. Taxon 237. Strophiops sparsa Maynard, 1924. Lectotype MCZ 76399. Field at SI. James Corner, East Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 238. Strophiops rufu/a Maynard, 1924. Lectotype USNM 420135. West side of Kemp's Road near the terminus of SI. James SI. and south of that street to SI. James Corner, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 239. Strophiops gracila Maynard, 1924. Lectotype MCZ 76285. Found in and near a cutting through rocks on Soldier's Road about a mile and a half from South Shore, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 240. Strophiops montana Maynard, 1924. Lectotype USNM 420103. Sunnyside Estate East Bay 51. near the house, Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 241. Strophiops clara Maynard, 1924. Lectotype MCZ 76111. Church on the road to Fox Hill from East Bay 51., Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 242. Strophiops livida Maynard, 1924. Lectotype MCZ 76101. On West Bay Street, Nassau, about opposite North Silver Key, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 243. Strophiops minima Maynard, 1924. Lectotype MCZ 76022. 51. James Corner, East Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 244. Stro­ phiops concina Maynard, 1924. Holotype MCZ 76020. SI. James Corner, East Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. Taxon 245. Strophiops pygmea Maynard, 1924. Holotype MCZ 76021. 51. James Corner, East Nassau, New Providence Island, Ba­ hamas. Taxon 246. Strophiops ajax Maynard, 1924. [Not illustrated.) Replacement name for Strophiops gigantea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921 [Taxon 230], not Strophia grayi gigantea Maynard, 1894 [Taxon 36]. The type specimens and type locality of S. gigantea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921 are also the type specimens of S. ajax Maynard, 1924. Taxon 247. Strophiops /eucophera Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1925. Lectotype MCZ 76283. Gray hill at the extreme northern end of Great Guana Key, Exuma Group, Bahamas. Taxon 248. Strophiops vagabunda Maynard, 1925. [Not illustrated.] Replacement name for S. a/bata Maynard and Ciapp in Maynard, 1921b [Taxon 215J, not S. a/bata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921 [Taxon 192J. The type specimens and type locality of Strophiops a/bata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921 (see Taxon 214), are also the type specimens of S. vagabunda Maynard, 1925. 518 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

specimens examined. There was no indi­ trated]. Examined 3,439 specimens. cation in this publication to associate a sin­ Measurements not prOvided. gle specimen with the term "type." Thus, there is no halotype for this taxon, and the Type Material. The original description species is based on "about 280" syntypes. did not distinguish among the 3,439 spec­ imens examined. There was no indication An examination of the MCZ catalog re­ in this publication to associate a single vealed that there was no specimen segre­ specimen with the term "type." Thus, gated as type for this species in Maynard's there is no holotype for this taxon, and the collection at the time of his death. Lqt species is based on 3,439 syntypes. An ex­ MCZ 76399 was labeled "Paratype" and amination of the MCZ catalog revealed contained 174 specimens. As this species that there was no specimen segregated as had not been figured, an intact, adult, live­ type for this species in Maynard's collec­ collected specimen from this lot that most tion at the time ofhis death. Large syntype closely approximates the published mea­ lots are present in the USNM and MCZ surements and conforms to the brief de­ collections. Because this species was never scription is here designated as the lecto­ figured, nor had any measurements been type (MCZ 76399) to provide an objective published to help select the lectotype, an standard of reference for this species­ intact, adult, live-collected specimen that group taxon. The remaining 173 speci­ conforms to the brief description is here mens, which were recatalogued as MCZ deSignated as the lectotype (USNM 357014, are among the "about 280" syn­ 420135) to provide an objective standard types that become paralectotypes. of reference for this species-group taxon Lectotype Measurements. Length 29.3 that is consistent with Maynard's original mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.4 mm; ap­ concept of this taxon. The remaining syn­ erture height (including lip) 10.4 mm, ap­ types, including MCZ 76098 and USNM erture width (including lip and peristome) 1093796, become paralectotypes. 8.9 mm. Lectotype Measurements. Lot USNM Type Locality. Field at St. James Cor­ 420135, length 28.3 mm, diameter (ex­ ner, East Nassau [New Providence Island, cluding lip) 10.7 mm; aperture height (in­ Bahamas]. cluding lip) 10.9 mm, aperture width (in­ Remarks. Maynard (1924c: 3) reported cluding lip and peristome) 8.8 mm. 20 specimens found living in a field at St. Type Locality. On the west side of James Corner, East Nassau, and about 260 Kemp's Road, near the terminus of St. found dead scattered in fields from this James St. [Street] and south of that street point east to the estate called Sunnyside, to St. James Corner, Nassau, New Provi­ but chiefly as shells occupied by hermit dence Island, Bahamas. crabs. Because the lectotype was collected Remarks. Maynard (1924c: 3) noted that living (as evidenced by vestiges of an epi­ of the 3,439 specimens collected, only 649 phragm around the aperture), the type lo­ were living. cality is restricted to the field at St. James Corner, East Nassau, New Providence Is­ Taxon 239. Strophiops gracila Maynard, land, Bahamas. 1924c [10 Decelllber]: 3 [not illus­ Gould and Woodruff (1986: 476) re­ trated]. Examined 61 specimens. Only diameter given as .40 [inches; 10.2 mm]. garded this taxon to be an "anomalously located species attributable to Cerion Type Material. The original description glans." did not distinguish among the 61 speci­ mens examined. There was no indication Taxon 238. Strophiops rufula Maynard, in this publication to associate a single 1924c [10 Decelllber]: 3 [not illus- specimen with the term "type." Thus, THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 519

there is no holotype for this taxon, and the lots are present in the USNM and MCZ species is based on 61 syntypes. An ex­ collections. Because this species had not amination of the MCZ catalog revealed been figured and only the diameter was that there was no specimen segregated as published, an intact, adult, live-collected type for this species in Maynard's collec­ specimen that conforms to the brief de­ tion at the time of his death. Lot MCZ scription is here deSignated as the lecto­ 76285 was labeled "Paratypes" and con­ type (USNM 420103) to provide an objec­ tained 33 specimens. Because this species tive standard of reference for this species­ was never illustrated and only a measure­ group taxon that is consistent with May­ ment for the diameter was published, an nard's original concept of this taxon. The intact, adult, live-collected specimen from remaining syntypes, including MCZ 76113 this lot that most closely approximates the and USNM 1093794, become paralecto­ published diameter and conforms to the types. brief description is here deSignated as the Lectotype Measurements. Number lectotype to provide an objective standard USNM 420103, length 26.4 mm, diameter of reference for this speCies-group taxon. (excluding lip) 9.8 mm; aperture height The remaining 32 specimens, which were (including lip) 9.4 mm, aperture width (in­ recatalogued as MCZ 357015, are among cluding lip and peristome) 7.4 mm. the 60 syntypes that become paralectoty­ Type Locality. Occurs on Sunnyside Es­ pes. tate East Bay St. near the house, Nassau, Lectotype Measurements. Length 26.5 New Providence Island, Bahanlas. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 10.2 mm; ap­ Rernarks. Maynard (1924c: 3-4) noted erture height (including lip) 10.4 mm, ap­ that of the 1,219 specimens collected, only erture width (including lip and peristome) 33 were living. Gould and Woodruff (1986: 8.8 mm. 478) reported that they did not examine Type Locality. Found in and near a cut­ specimens of this taxon but regarded it to ting through rocks on Soldier's Road about be a synonym of Cerion gubernatorium a mile and a half from South Shore, New (Crosse, 1869). Providence Island, Bahamas. Remarks. Gould and Woodruff (1986: Taxon 241. Strophiops clara Maynard, 478) regarded this taxon to be a synonym 1924c [10 December]: 4 [not illus­ of Cerion gubernatorium (Crosse, 1869). trated]. Examined four specimens. Size given as .80 by .35 [inches; 20.3 by 8.9 Taxon 240. Strophiops montana Maynard, mm], but tlle term "type" was not used. 1924c [10 December]: 3, 4 [not illus­ trated]. Examined 1,219 specimens. Type Material. The original description Only diameter given as .35 [inches; 8.9 did not distinguish among the four speci­ mm]. mens examined. There was no indication in this publication to associate a Single Type Material. The original description specimen with the term "type." Thus, did not distinguish among the 1,219 spec­ there is no holotype for this taxon, and the imens examined. There was no indication species is based on four syntypes. Lot in tllis publication to associate a Single MCZ 76111 contains a Single specimen la­ specimen with the term "type." Thus, beled "Holotype" that roughly approxi­ tllere is no holotype for this taxon, and the mates the published measurements for species is based on 1,219 syntypes. An ex­ this taxon. This specimen is here designat­ amination of the MCZ catalog revealed ed as the lectotype to prOvide an objective that there was no specimen segregated as standard of reference for tllis species­ type for this species in Maynard's collec­ group taxon. The remaining three speci­ tion at the time ofhis death. Large syntype mens become paralectotypes. 520 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No. 7

Lectotype Measurements. Length 19.2 Taxon 243. Strophiops minima Maynard, mm, diameter (excluding lip) 8.3 mm; ap­ 1924c [10 Decelllber]: 4 [not illus­ erture height (including lip) 7.8 mm, ap­ trated]. Examined 4 specimens. Size erture width (including lip and peristome) given as .75 by .31 [inches; 19.1 by 7.9 6.5 mm. mm], but the term "type" was not used. Type Locality. About a church on the road to Fox Hill from East Bay St., Nas­ Type Material. The original description sau, New Providence Island, Bahamas. did not distinguish among the four speci­ Remarks. Gould and Woodruff (1986: mens examined. There was no indication 477) considered this taxon to be a syno­ in this publication to associate a single nym of Cerion gubernatorium (Crosse, specimen with the term "type." Thus, 1869). there is no holotype for this taxon, and the species is based on four syntypes. An ex­ Taxon 242. Strophiops livida Maynard, amination of the MCZ catalog revealed 1924c [10 Decelllber]: 4 [not illus­ that there was no specimen segregated as trated]. Examined 795 specimens. Mea­ type for this species in Maynard's collec­ surements not provided. tion at the time of his death. Lot MCZ Type Material. The original description 76022 was labeled "Paratype" and con­ did not distinguish among the 795 speci­ tained three specimens [MCZ catalog lists mens examined. There' was no indication five], all damaged to some degree. The in this publication to associate a single best preserved specimen (lacking a portion specimen with the term "type." Thus, of the protoconch) is here selected as the there is no holotype for this taxon, and the lectotype (MCZ 76022) to provide an ob­ species is based on 795 syntypes. Neither jective standard of reference for this spe­ measurements nor illustration are includ­ cies-group taxon. The remaining two spec­ be~ ed in the original description. Lot MCZ imens, recatalogued as MCZ 357016, 76101 contains a single specimen labeled come paralectotypes. "Holotype" that is accompanied by a label Lectotype Measurements. Length 21.0 in Maynard's hand with the term "type," mm, diameter (excluding lip) 9.6 mm; ap­ which is dated July 27, 1924, presumably erture height (including lip) 8.9 mm, ap­ the date it was collected. This specimen is erture width (including lip and peristome) here designated as the lectotype to provide 7.4 mm. an objective standard of reference for this Type Locality. St. James Corner, East species-group taxon that is consistent with Nassau [New Providence Island, Baha­ Maynard's original concept of it. The re­ mas]. maining 794 specimens, including, MCZ Remarks. From crab hole, with S. con­ 76102 and USNM 420104 (200 specimens cina and S. pygmea. Gould and Woodruff including one sinistral), become paralec­ (1986: 482) considered this taxon to be a totypes. synonym of Cerion gubernatorium Lectotype Measurements. Length 28.5 (Crosse, 1869), but questioned whether it mm, diameter (excluding lip) 11.5 mm; ap­ were truly "fossil" or just long dead. erture height (including lip) 11.7 mm, ap­ Taxon 244. Strophiops concina Maynard, erture width (including lip and peristome) 1924c [10 Decelllber]: 4 [not illus­ 9.7mm. trated]. Examined one specimen. Size Type Locality. On West Bay Street, Nas­ given as .65 by .30 [inches; 16.5 by 7.6 sau, about opposite North Silver Key, New mm], but the term "type" was not used. Providence Island, Bahamas. Remarks. Gould and Woodruff (1986: Type Material. The original description 477) considered this taxon to be a syno­ states that this taxon is lmown from one nym of Cerion glans (Kuster, 1844). specimen, the measurements provided ap- THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 521

plying to the unique holotype (MCZ gigantea Maynard and Clapp, 1921 (see 76020). Taxon 230), are also the type specimen and Holotype Measurements. Length 16.0 type locality of S. ajax Maynard, 1924. mm, diameter (excluding lip) 7.7 mm; ap­ erture height (including lip) 6.6 mm, ap­ Taxon 247. Strophiops leucophera May- erture width (including lip and peristome) nard, 1925 Guly 18]: 181, pI. 52, figs. 6.1 mm. 1, 2 (pI. 52 never published). Examined Type Locality. St. James Corner, East 50 specimens. Size given as .50 by 1.50 Nassau [New Providence Island, Baha­ [inches; 12.7 by 38.1 mm], but the term mas]. "type" was not used. Remarks. From crab hole, with S. min­ Type Material. The original description ima and S. pygmea. Gould and Woodruff did not distinguish among the 50 speci­ (1986: 481) considered this taxon to be a mens examined. There was no indication synonym of Cerion universum (Maynard, in this publication to associate a single 1913). specimen with the term "type." Thus, Taxon 245. Strophiops pygmea Maynard, there is no holotype for this taxon, and the 1924c [10 Decmuber]: 4, 5 [not illus­ species is based on 50 syntypes. Lot num­ trated]. Examined one specimen. Size ber MCZ 76283 contains a single speci­ given as .50 by .25 {inches; 12.7 by 6.4 men labeled "Holotype" that is accompa­ mm], but the term "type" was not used. nied by a label in Maynard's hand with the term "type," which includes references to Type Material. The original description figures that were never published. This states that this taxon is known from one specimen is here designated as the lecto­ specimen, the measurements provided ap­ type to provide an objective standard of plying to the unique holotype (MCZ reference for this species-group taxon that 76021). is consistent with Maynard's original con­ Holotype Measurements. Length 12.2 cept ofit. The remaining 49 specimens be­ mm, diameter (excluding lip) 6.1 mm; ap­ come paralectotypes. erture height (including lip) 4.5 mm, ap­ Lectotype Measurements. Length 32.5 erture width (including lip and peristome) mm, diameter (excluding lip) 13.1 mm; ap­ 4.6 mm. erture height (including lip) 12.0 mm, ap­ Type Locality. St. James Corner, East erture width (including lip and peristome) Nassau [New Providence Island, Baha­ 10.2 mm. mas]. Type Locality. Gray hill at the extreme Remarks. From crab hole, with S. min­ northern end of Great Guana Key, Exuma ima and S. concina. Maynard (1924c: 4) Group, Bahamas. noted that this was the smallest fossil Cer­ Remarks. The published measurements ion known to him. Gould and Woodruff are transposed. Because this taxon was (1985: 481) considered this a synonym of published in "Part Three" of Contribu­ Cerion universum (Maynard, 1913). tions to the History ofthe Cerionidae, the authorship is attributed to Maynard, rather Taxon 246. Strophiops ajax Maynard, than Maynard and Clapp, as listed in 1924c [10 December]: 5. Replace­ Clench (1957: 151). ment name for Strophiops gigantea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921 Taxon 248. Strophiops vagabunda May­ [Taxon 230], not Strophia grayi gigantea nard, 1925 Guly 18], pI. 41, figs. 7, Maynard, 1894 [Taxon 36]. 8 [appears in figure caption only]. Type Material. The type specimen (Ho­ Nomenclatural Remarks. The binomen lotype, MCZ 76244) and type locality of S. Strophiops vagabunda appeared under fig- 522 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

ures cited in the original description of Museum of Comparative Zoology, 128(8): 393­ 414. Strophiops albata Maynard and Clapp in ---. 1964. Land and freshwater Mollusca of the Maynard, 1921b (see Taxon 215), but pub­ Cayman Islands, West Indies. Occasional Papers lished 4 years later. Strophiops albata on Mollusks Museum of Comparative Zoology, Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921b, is 2(31): 345-380, pIs. 61-63. a junior homonym of S. albata Maynard CLENCH, W. J., AND C. G. AGUAYO. 1952. The sca­ larinum species complex (Umbonis) in the genus and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a (see Taxon Cerion. Occasional Papers on Mollusks, Harvard 192). Clench (1957: 166) regarded Stro­ University, 1: 413-440. phiops vagabunda to be a replacement FRENCH, M. V. 1930. Charles J. Maynard. The Flor­ name for S. albata Maynard and Clapp in ida Naturalist, 3: 58. GOULD, S. J., AND D. S. WOODRUFF. 1986. Evolution Maynard, 1921b, not S. albata Maynard and systematics of Cerion (Mollusca: Pulmonata) and Clapp in Maynard, 1921a, but attri­ on New Providence Island: a radical revision. buted authorship to Maynard and Clapp. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural As the figures are captioned "S. vagabun­ History, 182(4): 389-490. da" authorship of the taxon is confined to GOULD, S. J., N. D. YOUNG, AND B. KASSON. 1985. The consequences of being different: sinistral Maynard, 1925. coiling in Cerion. Evolution, 39(6): 1364-1379. Type Material. The type specimens HUMMELINCK, P. W. 1980. Caribbean land molluscs, (Lectotype, MCZ 76258) and type locality Cerion in the Cayman Islands. Uitgaven Natu­ of Strophiops albata Maynard and Clapp urwetenschappelijke Studiekring voor Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen, 1980: 1-67. in Maynard, 1921 (see Taxon 215), are also ICZN. 1999. International Code of Zoological No­ the type specimens and type locality of S. menclature. Fourth ed. London: The Interna­ vagabunda Maynard, 1925. tional Trust for Zoological Nomenclature. xxix + 306 pp. LITERATURE CITED JOHNSON, C. W. 1930. Charles Johnson Maynard. The Nautilus, 43(3): 101-103, 1 pI. ABELE, S. D. 2002. Discovering Charles Johnson MAYNARD, C. J. 1889a [April]. Monograph of the ge­ Maynard, Naturalist and Teacher. Newton, Mas­ nus Strophia, a group of tropical and sub-tropical sachusetts: Jackson Homestead Museum. 30 pp. land shells. Contributions to Science, 1(1): 1-29, BATCHELDER, C. F. 1951. A bibliography of the pub­ pis. 1-2. lished writings of Charles Johnson Maynard ---. 1889b [July]. Monograph of the genus Stro­ [1845-1929]' Journal of the Society for the Bib­ phia. [Continued]. Contributions to Science, liography of Natural HistOlY, 2(7): 227-260. 1(2): 68-79, pI. 7. CLENCH, W. J. 1933. Notes and descriptions of land ---. 1889c [October]' Monograph of the genus mollusks from the Bahama Islands, based mainly Strophia. [Continued]. Contiibutions to Science, upon collections obtained during the Utowana 1(3): 125-135, pI. 16. Expedition of 1932 and 1933. Proceedings of the ---. 1890 [JanualY (dated "Janumy, 1889" on New England Zoological Club, 13: 77-100, pI. 1. page 1)]. Monograph of the genus Strophia. ---. 1934. Notes and descriptions of new Cerions [Continued]. Contributions to Science, 1(4): from Hispaniola and the Bahama Islands, based 188-197. mainly upon collections obtained during the Uto­ ---. 1894a [December]. Monograph of the genus wana Expedition of 1934. Proceedings of the Strophia. [Continued]. Contributions to Science, Boston Society of Natural History, 40(2): 205­ 2(3): 107-152. 218, pis. 1-2. ---. 1894b [December]. Monograph of the genus ---. 1952. Land and freshwater mollusks of Strophia. [Continued]. Contributions to Science, Eleuthera Island, Bahama Islands. Revista de la 2(4): 153-182. Sociedad Malacologia "Carlos de la Torre," 8: --~. 1896 [March]. Monograph of the genus Stro­ 97-116. phia. [Continued]. Contributions to Science, ---. 1957. A catalog of the Cerionidae (Mollusca: 3(1): 1-40, pis. 1-7. Pulmonata). Bulletin of the Museum of Com­ ---. 1913a [January]' Descriptions of some spe­ parative Zoology, 116: 121-169. cies of the family Cerionidae. Records of Walks ---. 1959. Land and freshwater mollusks ofGreat and Talks with Nature, 5(Appendix): 177-182. and Little Inagua, Bahama Islands. Bulletin of ---. 1913b [Februmy 1]. Descriptions of some the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 121(2): species of the family Cerionidae. Records of 29-53, pI. 1. Walks and Talks with Nature, 5(Appendix): 183­ ---. 1963. Land and freshwater Mollusca of the 186. Crooked Island Group, Bahamas. Bulletin of the ---. 1913c [Februaly 9]. Descriptions of some THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 523

species of the family Cerionidae. Records of new species and notes on evolution in birds and Walks and Talks with Nature, 5(Appendix): 187­ plants. Records of Walks and Talks with Nature, 200. 10(10, Appendix): 155-170, text figs. 93-94, pIs. ---. 1914 [August 18]. A species of land shell of 38, 39 the family Cerionidae redescribed. Records of ---. 1924b? [undated]. Catalogue of Specimens Walks and Talks with Nature, 6(Appendix): 177­ of the FaInily Cerionidae for Sale by Charles J. 179 Maynard Containing Many New Species. West ---. 1919a [October 16]. Contributions to the his­ Newton, Massachusetts: Published privately. 8 tory of the Cerionidae with descriptions of many unnumbered pp. new species and notes on evolution in birds and ---. 1924c [December 10]. Supplement to Sale plants. Records of Walks and Talks with Nature, Catalogue of Cerionidae with Descriptions of 10(1, Appendix): 1-24, text figs. 1-3, pIs. 5, 6. New Species Collected in the Bahama Islands in ---. 1919b [November 6]. Contributions to the Summer of 1924. [Footnote on p. 6 "Issued De­ history of the Cerionidae with descriptions of cember 10,1924"] West Newton, Massachusetts: many new species and notes on evolution in Published privately. Pp. 1-6. birds and plants. Records of Walks and Talks ---. 1925 [July 18]. Contributions to the histOly with Nature, 10(2, Appendix): 25--52, text figs. of tlle Cerionidae with descliptions of many new 4-18 [including 13*, 14*, 15*], pIs. 7, 8. species and notes on evolution in birds and ---. 1919c [December 31]. Contributions to the plants. Records of Walks and Talks with Nature, histOlY of the Cerionidae with descriptions of 10(11, Appendix): 171-194, text figs. 95-103, many new species and notes on evolution in maps 2-4, pIs. 40-41. birds and plants. Records of Walks and Talks ---. 1926 [March 24]. Contributions to the his­ with Nature, 10(3, Appendix): 53-68, text figs. tory of the Cerionidae witll descliptions of many 19-42 [including 30*, 32*], pis. 9, 10. new species and notes on evolution in birds and ---. 1920a [FeblUaIy 29]. Contributions to the plants. Records of Walks and Talks with ature, history of the Cerionidae with deSCriptions of 10(12, Appendix): 195-218, text figs. 104-116, many new species and notes on evolution in maps 5-6, pIs. 42, 43. birds and plants. Records of Walks and Talks MAYNARD, C. AND N. A. CLAPP. 1914 [August 18]. with Nature, 10(4, Appendix): 69-80, text figs. J., Descriptions of new Strophias. Records ofWalks 43-53, pIs. 10*, 11. and Talks with Nature, 6(Appendix): 180. ---. 1920b [April 8]. Contributions to the history ---. 1915 [Februaly 8]. Descriptions of new Stro­ of the Cerionidae with deSCriptions of many new phias. Records of Walks and Talks with Nature. species aI'ld notes on evolution in birds and 6(Appendix): 179 bis, 180 bis, 181, 182. plants. Records of Walks and Talks with Nature, [PILSBRY, H. A.] 1901. Francis C. Browne [ObituaIy]. Volume 10(5, Appendix): 81-92, text figs. 55-60 The Nautilus, 14(11): 132. [including 59*], pis. 12, 13. PILSBRY, H. A. 1901-02. Family Cerionidae. Manual ---. 1920c [July 10]. Contributions to the history of the Cerionidae with descriptions of many new of . Ser. 2. Pulmonata. Academy of species and notes on evolution in birds and Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 14: 174-286, plants. Records of Walks and Talks with Nature, pIs. 27-47. 10(6, Appendix): 93-110, text figs. 61-89 [in­ PILSBRY, H. A., AND E. G. VANATIA. 1896. Catalogue cluding 70*], pis. 14-19. of the species ofCerion, with deSCriptions of new ---. 1920d [September 30]. Contributions to the fonTIS. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural history of the Cerionidae with descriptions of Sciences of Philadelphia, (1896): 315-338, pI. 11. many new species and notes on evolution in PLATE, L. 1907. Die Variabilittit und die Artbildung birds and plants. Records of Walks and Talks nach dem Prinzip geographischer Fonnenketten with Nature, 10(7, Appendix): 111-126, text figs. bei den Cerion-Landschnecken del' Ballamas-In­ 90-92, Map 1, pis. 1-4, 20-25. seln. Archiv fur Rassen- und Gesselschafts-Biol­ ---. 1921a [May 2]. Contributions to the history ogie, 4: 433-470, 581-614, pIs. 1-5. of the Cerionidae with descriptions of many new TOWNSEND, C. W. 1930. Charles Johnson Maynard. species and notes on evolution in birds and Bulletin of the Boston Society of Natural History, plants. Records of Walks and Talks with Nature, 54: 1-7, 2 pIs. 10(8, Appendix): 127-138, pIs. 26--33. TURNER, R. D. 1957. Charles Johnson Maynard and ---. 1921b [July 15]. Contributions to the history his work in malacology. Occasional papers on of the Cerionidae with descriptions of many new Mollusks Museum of Comparative Zoology, Har­ species and notes on evolution in birds and vard, 2(21): 137-152, portrait. plants. Records of Walks and Talks with Nature, WOODRUFF, D. S. 1978. Evolution and adaptive ra­ 10(9, Appendix): 139-154, pIs. 34-37. diation of Cerion: a remarkably diverse group of ---. 1924a [October 25]. Contributions to the his­ West Indian land snails. Malacologia, 17: 223­ tOlY of the Cerionidae with deSCriptions of many 239. 524 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

INDEX OF SPECIES-LEVEL TAXA caeru.lea Maynard and Clapp, 1915-Taxon 107 _ 434 acceptoria Maynard, 1913--Taxon 68 413 caerule.scens Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, accuminator Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920-Taxon 160 . _ 474 1920-Taxon 168 479 cana Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920­ a£:cumulata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 456 1920 (misspellingl-Taxon 168 479 Taxon 132 ------­ candida Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, a£:uminata Maynard, 1920 (nomen nuduml- 1921-Taxon 187 _ 489 Taxon 168 479 capraia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1919 acuta Maynard, 1889-Taxon 4 376 (misspeJling)-Taxon 117 _ 441 adumbra Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, caprana Maynard, 1919-Taxon 117 _ 441 1920-Taxon 176 483 capria Maynard, 1924 (misspelling)-Taxon affinis Maynard, 1913-Taxon 67 412 117 _ 441 agava Maynard, 1894--Taxon 41 398 carlotta Maynard, 1894-Taxon 42 _ 399 agavaneglecta Maynard, 1913--Taxon 83 421 ca.-male Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, agrestina Maynard, 1894-Taxon 51 402 1921-Taxon 203 _ 498 agricola Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, castra Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921- 1919-Taxon 122 445 Taxon 220 _ 508 agristina Maynard, 1894 (misspellingl-Taxon cera Maynard, 1894-Taxon 46 _ 401 51 402 cervina Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, agsestina Maynard, 1919 (misspellingl-Taxon 1920-Taxon 158 _ 474 51 402 cinerea Maynard, 1894-Taxon 28 _ 391 ajax Maynard, 1924-Taxon 246 521 cinereavara Maynard, 1913 (incorrect original alba Maynard, 1889-Taxon 17 384 spellingl-Taxon 69 _ 413 albata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard. cinereavaria Maynard, 1913-Taxon 69 413 1921-Taxon 192 493 clappi Maynard, 1919 (rnisspellingl-Taxon 98 albata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921 430 (homonym of Strophia albata Maynard clappii Maynard, 1913--Taxon 98 _ 430 and Clapp in Maynard, 1921 [Taxon 192]; clara Maynard, 1924--Taxon 241 ~ 519 Strophiops vagabunda Maynard and Clapp columbiana Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, in Maynard, 1925 [Taxon 248], is a 1921-Taxon 202 _ 498 replacement name)-Taxon 215 505 concina Maynard, 1924-Taxon 244 _ 520 albea Maynard. 1894--Taxon 32 393 confusa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, albicostata Maynard, 1924--Taxon 235 515 1921-Taxon 186 .. . _ 489 albolabm Maynard, 1920---Taxon 134 457 copia Maynard, 1889-Taxon 8 _ 379 angustalab·ra Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, coryi Maynard, 1894-Taxon 33 _ 394 1921-Taxon 212 502 crassa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, angustocostata Maynard and Clapp in 1920---Taxon 165 ~ _ 478 Maynard, 1921-Taxon 210 501 erassalabra Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, antiqua Maynard, 1913-Taxon 63 410 1921-Taxon 211 _ 502 arbusta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, erassarnarga Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1919-Taxon 124 447 1924-Taxon 233 . _ 515 argentea Maynard, 1919, 1921, 1924? crescentia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, (misspellingl-Taxon 82 420 1921-Taxon 205 _ 499 argentia Maynard, 1913-Taxon 82 420 curtissii Maynard, 1894~Taxon 25 _ 388 argntea Maynard, 1921 (misspellingl-Taxon cyclura Maynard and Clapp in Maynard. 82 420 1920-Taxon 148 _ 468 aspera Maynard, 1920-Taxon 125 448 cylindriata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, aviaria Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920~Taxon 163 _ 476 1921-Taxon 185 488 cylindrica Maynard, 1896-Taxon 62 _ 410 avita Maynard, 1913-Taxon 80 419 dalli Maynard, 1889 (misspellingl-Taxon 21 _ 386 balaena Maynard and Clapp in Maynard. dallii Maynard, 1889-Taxon 21 _ 386 1921-Taxon 189______490 d.egenis Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, balaene Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921 1920-Taxon 153 _ 470 (incorrect original spelling)-Taxon 189 490 delicata Maynard, 1913-Taxon 78 _ 419 balanae Maynard, 1924? (rnisspelling)-Taxon devereuaxi Maynard, 1924? (misspelling)- 189 490 Taxon 108 _ 435 birnarginata Maynard, 1894-Taxon 45 400 devereuxi Maynard and Clapp, 1915~Taxon brownei Maynard, 1889--Taxon 22 386 108 _ 435 caduca Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, deveruxi Maynard, 1921 (rnisspelling)~Taxon 1920---Taxon 127 .______450 108 _ 435 THE CERION TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 525

dissimila Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, hartbennetii Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920-Taxon 149 468 1921-Taxon 217 .. 506 ebumea Maynard, 1920 (misspelling)-Taxon helena Maynard, 1914--Taxon 102 .... __ 431 38 396 hesternia Maynard and Clapp, 1915-Taxon ebumia Maynard, 1894--Taxon 38 396 106 .. .______434 elegantissima Maynard, 1919-Taxon 123 446 hyattii Maynard, 1913-Taxon 88 423 elongata Maynard, 1894-Taxon 39 396 hyatiii Maynard, 1921, 1926 (misspelling)- eratica Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, Taxon 88 .. 423 1921-Taxon 219 507 ianthina Maynard, 1889-Taxon 13 .. 381 eryrostoma Maynard, 1919 (misspelling)- ignota Maynard, 1896--Taxon 56 406 Taxon 55 406 imperfecta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, euryst01na Maynard, 1896--Taxon 55 406 1920-Taxon 146 .. 467 evolva Maynard, 1894--Taxon 48 401 inconstans Maynard, 1920-Taxon 130 454 exasperata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, inconsueta Maynard, 1913-Taxon 85 422 1920-Taxon 164 476 inexpecta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, exigua Maynard, 1913-Taxon 93 427 1920-Taxon 174 482 eximea Maynard, 1894-Taxon 50 402 infiata Maynard, 1889--Taxon 20 .. __.. 385 exorta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, inornata Maynard, 1919-Taxon 116 440 1920-Taxon 162 475 inquieta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, extensa Maynard, 1924-Taxon 236 516 1920 (incorrect original spelling)-Taxon extranea Maynard, 1924-Taxon 234 .______515 157 .. __.. .. 473 extrema Maynard and Clapp in Maynal-d, inquita Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920--Taxon 145 ...... 466 1920-Taxon 157 .. .. 473 fastigata Maynard, 1896--Taxon 54 405 'intentata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, faxoni Maynard, 1896--Taxon 61 408 1920-Taxon 143 465 faxsoni Maynard, 1920 (misspelling)-Taxon intercalaria Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 61 __ .. 408 1921-Taxon 181 487 ferruginea Maynard, 1896-Taxon 59 407 intermedia Maynard, 1889-Taxon 3 376 festiva Maynard, 1889-Taxon 5 __.. 378 jenneyi Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, fincastlei Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921-Taxon 197 495 1921-Taxon 225 510 laTga Maynard, 1913--Taxon 66 .. 412 fitzgeraldi Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, latonia Maynard, 1920-Taxon 136 459 1920-Taxon 175 .. 483 lenticularia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, fiacida Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921-Taxon 200 .. .. 496 1921-Taxon 232 .. 515 lentiginosa Maynard, 1889-Taxon 18 385 fiamea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, leucophera Maynard, 1925-Taxon 247 521 1921-Taxon 179 486 leva Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921- fragilis Maynard, 1920--Taxon 135 458 Taxon 231 514 fruticosa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, levigata Maynard, 1889-Taxon 2 375 1920-Taxon 126 449 lineota Maynard, 1889-Taxon 7 379 fulminea Maynard and Clapp, 1915-Taxon litorea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 112 437 1921-Taxon 193 493 fulvia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, livida Maynard, 1924-Taxon 242 520 1920--Taxon 156 473 lobata Maynard, 1919--Taxon 118 442 fusca Maynard, 1889-Taxon 19 385 longidentata Maynard, 1919 (nomen nudum) genetiva Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, -Taxon 113 .. 437 1920-Taxon 171 .______481 macularia Maynard, 1913-Taxon 76 418 genitiva Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, mariae Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920 (rnisspelling)-Taxon 171 481 1920-Taxon 137 460 gigantea Maynard, 1894--Taxon 36 .. 395 marmorosa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, gigantea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920-Taxon 172 .. 481 1921 (homonynl of Strophia grayi gigantea mayoi Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921- Maynard, 1894 [Taxon 36]; Strophiops Taxon 223 .. 509 ajax Maynard, 1924 [Taxon 246] is a media Maynard, 1896-Taxon 58 .. 407 replacement name)-Taxon 230 514 migratoria Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, glabeT Maynard, 1889-Taxon 10 , 380 1921-Taxon 222 508 gracila Maynard, 1924-Taxon 239 518 minima Maynard, 1924--Taxon 243 520 grayi Maynard, 1894--Taxon 35 . 395 minuta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, grisea Maynard, 1894--Taxon 43 .______399 1920-Taxon 152 470 hartbenettii Maynard, 1926 (misspelling)- mitra Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, Taxon 217 .. 506 1920-Taxon 142 .______465 526 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 158, No.7

mhta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921- pannosa Maynard, 1889-Taxon 1 _ 375 Taxon 183 _ 488 parua Maynard, 1889-Taxon 9 _ 379 mobile Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, perantiqua Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921-Taxon 216 _ 506 1920-Taxon 139 _ 462 montana Maynard. 1924--Taxon 240 _ 519 peravita Maynard. 1919-Taxon 114 __ 437 morula Maynard and Clapp, 1915-Taxon 104 perplexa Maynard, 1889-Taxon 15 __ 384 432 persuasa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, multo. Maynard, 1913--Taxon 94 _ 428 1920-Taxon 128 __ 452 muralia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard. phoenecia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921-Taxon 228 _ 513 1921-Taxon 227 _ 512 mutata Maynard, 1894--Taxon 31 _ 393 phoenicia Maynard, 1919 (nomen nudum)- mutatoria Maynard and Clapp in Maynard. Taxon 227 _ 512 1920-Taxon 141 _ "164 picta Maynard, 1889-Taxon 6 .. __ 378 nana Maynard, 1889-Taxon 11 _ 380 pictumta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, navalia Maynard. 1919 (nomen nudum)- 1921-Taxon 199 _ 496 Taxon 169 _ 480 pilsbryi Maynard, 1894--Taxon 47 _ 401 navalis Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, plebea Maynard. 1920-Taxon 131 _ 455 1920-Taxon 169 _ 480 plebeia Maynard, 1920 (misspelling)-Taxon nebula Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 131 _ 455 1920-Taxon 161 ._ 475 plebia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, neglecta Maynard, 1894-Taxon 40 _ 398 1921(misspelling)-Taxon 131 __ 455 nitela Maynard, 1889-Taxon 16 _ 384 polita Maynard, 1896-Taxon 57 __ 406 niveo. Maynard, 1894 (incorrect original porcino. Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, spelling)-Taxon 26 _ 390 1921-Taxon 190 .... __ 492 nivia Maynard, 1894-Taxon 26 (see Taxon praedicta Maynard and Clapp, 1915-Taxon 72) _ 390 109 __.. ..__ 435 nivia Maynard, 1913-Taxon 72 (see Taxon praedivina Maynard, 1913-Taxon 90 __ 424 26) _ 415 praed-ivina:universa Maynard, 1913--Taxon normandi Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 91 ._ 426 1920 (incorrect original spelling)-Taxon predivina Maynard, 1921 (misspelling)-Taxon 166 _ 478 90 __ 424 normanii Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, primigenia Maynard. 1913-Taxon 64 411 1920-Taxon 166 _ 478 primordia Maynard and Clapp in Maynard. novita Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921-Taxon 188 .. _ 490 1921-Taxon 226 _ 512 prisco. Maynard and Clapp, 1915-Taxon nuda Maynard, 1889-Taxon 12 _ 381 110 __ 436 oberholsed Maynard, 1913-Taxon 84 _ 422 proavita Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, obliterata Maynard, 1896-Taxon 53 _ 404 1921-Taxon 180 __ 486 obliterata Maynard, 1913 (homonym of pmcessa Maynard and Clapp in Maynm'd, Strophia scripta obliterata Maynard, 1896 1920-Taxon 140 .. __ 464 [Taxon 53]; Strophiops sula Maynard and procliva Maynm'd and Clapp in Maynard. Clapp, 1915 [Taxon 105], is a replace- 1921-Taxon 196 _ 494 ment name)-Taxon 95 _ 428 pmfunda Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, obsCttra Maynard, 1896-Taxon 60 ._ 408 1921-Taxon 182 _ 487 obtusa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard. prognata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921-Taxon 191 _ 492 1920-Taxon 144 _ __ 466 orbicularia Maynard, 1889-Taxon 24 __ 388 progressa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, ornatula Maynard, 1913-Taxon 96 __ 429 1920-Taxon 147 __ 467 ornatulaclappii Maynard, 1913-Taxon 97 __ 429 pulla Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920- ornatttlarufina Maynard, 1913-Taxon 99 __ 430 Taxon 159 __ 474 oscula Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, pumilia Maynard, 1894-Taxon 37 __ 395 1921-Taxon 218 __ 507 pumilia Maynard, 1894 (misspelling in the palida Maynard, 1889-Taxon 14 __ 382 index)-Taxon 37 _ 395 palidula Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, purpura Maynard, 1919, 1924 (misspelling)- 1921-Taxon 213 __ 504 Taxon 75 _ 416 pallida Maynard, 1889 (misspelling)-Taxon 14 purpurea Maynard, 1913-Taxon 75 __ 416 382 pusilla Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, palmata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920-Taxon 173 _ 482 1919-Taxon 121 _ 444 pygmea Maynard, 1924-Taxon 245 _ 521 panda Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, mila Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921- 1921-Taxon 204 _ 499 Taxon 208 _ 500 THE CERlON TAXA OF CHARLES JOHNSON MAYNARD· Harasewych et al. 527

rara Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921- stupida Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, Taxon 194 ._.. _ 494 1921-Taxon 201 ._...... _ 498 recessa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, sula Maynard and Clapp. 1915 (new name for 1919-Taxon 120 ._. _ 443 obliterata Maynard, 1913)-Taxon 105 _ 434 rediviva Maynard, 1913-Taxon 73 _..__ 415 sylvatica Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, regula Maynard, 1894-Taxon 44 __ 400 1921-Taxon 207 ._ _ 500 regular Maynard, 1919 (misspelling)-Taxon tabida Maynard, 1913-Taxon 101 _ 431 44 . ._. _ 400 tenucostata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920--Taxon 155 ._. ._. .. _ reincarnata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 472 1921-Taxon 224 __ 509 tenui Maynard and Clapp, 1915-Taxon 111 __ 436 territa Maynard, 1920-Taxon 133 ..._. _ 457 relequa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921 (misspelhng)-Taxon 184 .... _ 488 thayeri Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921-Taxon 206 ..... _ 500 reliqua Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, thayerii Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921-Taxon 184 ._ 488 1921(misspelling)-Taxon 206 ..... _ 500 repetita Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920--Taxon 138 . _ thompsoni Maynard and Clapp, 1915-Taxon 461 103 ._.._.. . ._ _ 432 repitita Maynard and Clapp -in Maynard, 1920 thorndikei Maynard, 1894---Taxon 27 __ _ 391 (nomen nudum)-Taxon 138 .. _. .... 461 thorndikeii Maynard, 1921 (misspelling)- restricta Maynard, 1894---Taxon 49 _ 401 Taxon 27 . ._.... _ 391 ritchei Maynard, 1920 (misspelling)-Taxon 34 tibida Maynard. 1921 (misspelling)-Taxon 394 101 ...... _ 431 ritchiei Maynard, 1894-Taxon 34 __.__ 394 tracta Maynard, 1894---Taxon 30 ._. _ 392 robusta Maynard, 1894-Taxon 29 __ _ 392 transito-ria Maynard, 1913-Taxon 86 _ 423 rosacea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, trans-im-utata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921-Taxon 209 .. 501 1921 (misspelling)-Taxon 177 .._. _ 484 rosea Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921- transmutata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, Taxon 229 ... _ 513 1921-Taxon 177 .._. .... _ 484 rubiginosa Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, travelii Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921-Taxon 221 ._ 508 1921(incorrect original spelling)-Taxon rufimaculata Maynard, 1913-Taxon 77 .. 418 198 .... ._ 495 rufina Maynard, 1913-Taxon 100 ... _ 430 travellii Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, rufitla Maynard, 1924---Taxon 238 ._ 518 1921-Taxon 198 _ 495 salinaria Maynard, 1913-Taxon 65 ... 411 ultirna Maynard, 1913-Taxon 79 _ 419 uniformis Maynard, 1913-Taxon 87 _ sampsoni Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 423 universa Maynard, 1913-Taxon 92 _ 1920-Taxon 154 .._ 472 427 vagabunda Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, santesoni Maynard, 1920-Taxon 129 ._ 453 1925-Taxon 248 ..... _ 521 saxitina Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, valida Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921-Taxon 214 ... _ 504 1920-Taxon 170 _...... _ 480 scala-riformis Maynard, 1919-Taxon 115 438 varianivia Maynard 1913-Taxon 71 ..... _ 414 scripta Maynard, 1896-Taxon 52 _ 404 variapurpurea Maynard, 1913-Taxon 74 _. _ 415 scutata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, variata Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1921-Taxon 195 .... ._ 494 1919-Taxon 119 ...... __ .. _ 443 semipolita Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, variathorndikei Maynard, 1913-Taxon 70 _ 414 1920-Taxon 167 ._. __ 479 veta Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 1920-- simila-ria Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, Taxon 150 . .... _ 469 1921-Taxon 178 ._. _ 484 vetusta Maynard, 1913-Taxon 81 _ 420 sparsa Maynard, 1924--Taxon 237 __ ..... _ 516 vetustapraedevina Maynard, 1913-Taxon stroutii Maynard and Clapp in Maynard, 89 ._. _ 424 1920--Taxon 151 ...... _ 469 viola Maynard, 1889-Taxon 23 .._. _ 387