Medieval Europe: Fact not Fiction Hist 2533 Harley MS 4399, f. 22r Dr. Jennifer MacDonald Office: BAC 443 Office Hours: Tuesdays 2-4, Fridays 1:40-3:40 Email:
[email protected] Phone: (902) 585-1243 Course Description: King Arthur? Richard the Lionheart? Flat earth? Inquisition? Study the real stories of disaster and renewal. Learn about Germanic migrations, development of kingdoms, feudalism, urbanisation, art, architecture, and learning. Discuss religious vitality and conflict as the Christian Church expanded, changed, and clashed with kingdoms, heretics and other religions. Course Objectives: In this course, you will gain new insights into the Middle Ages and this will help you have a greater understanding of the medieval people and how they lived. This course will make heavy use of primary sources and you will thus improve your ability to work with historical documents. You will think about how historians can use various types of sources when evaluating the past. This course will give you a solid foundation for European studies. Marking Scheme Assignment Date Due Weight Record your mark Participation Continuously 5% Primary Source sign up September 20 2% Primary Source Analysis October 4 20% Midterm October 16 15% Optional Primary Analysis Rewrite November 1 Essay December 1 30% Exam In exam period 28% Page 1 of 10 Textbooks Rosenwein, B. Reading the Middle Ages. 2nd ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. (History) Rosenwein, B. A Short History of the Middle Ages. 4th ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. (Reader) Readings and Schedule The reading schedule is a guideline. Topics will be covered in roughly this order, but topics may carry on into the next day(s) depending on this class’s interests.