Legislative Assembly Hansard 1977
Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 1977 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 498 Papers [13 SEPTEMBER 1977] Valuation of Land Act, &c., Bill Secretary, Queensland La:w Society Incorporated, under the Legal Assist ance Act 1965-1975, for the year 1976-77. MINISTERIAL STATEMENT DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY; MINISTER FOR PRIMARY INDUSTRIES Hon. J. BJELKE·PETERSEN (Barambah -Premier) (11.5 a.m.): I desire to inform the House that in connection with the overseas visit of the Minister for Primary Industries, the Deputy Governor, for and on behalf of His Excellency the Governor, by virtue of the provisions of the Officials in Parliament Act 1896--1975, authorised and empowered the Honourable Kooneth Burgoyne Tomkins, M.L.A., Minister for llmds, Forestry, Nat ional Parks and Wtldlife Service, to perform and exercise all or any of the duties, powers and authorities imposed or conferred upon the Minister for Primary Industries by any TUESDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 1977 Act, rule, practice or ordinance on and from 9 September 1977, and until the return to Queensland of the Honourable Victor Bruce Sullivan, M.L.A. Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. E. H. Houghton, I lay upon the table of the House a copy Redcliffe) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. of the Queensland Government Gazette of 10 September 1977 notifying this arrange ment. PAPERS Whereupon the honourable gentleman The following papers were laid on the laid the Queensland Government Gazette on table, and ordered to be printed:- the table. Reports- Commissioner of Land Tax, for the year 1976-77.
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