VOL. K, NO. y KENDALl PARK, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 19G7 Not over 75 per cent advefti»in Ne\vsstan(i IOC pei’ copy

ttiiiiiimimiiiiMiiinmiHmimiuiiimimiimiiiwiiiimiHimiHiiMe David Greene Is Named As Fired

A panel of five judges announced committee planning that city's Out­ Richard J. Hughes and the South ill4 this week that it had selected David standing Young Man Award pro­ Brunswick Citizens for Rep. Ed­ M. Greene, 34, of 23 Woodbine gram. ward Patten , He was also a Road, Kendall Park, as South Mr. Greene has been active In member of the South Brunswick Brunswick's "Outstanding Young the Democratic Party'and was Citizens for Kennedy organiza­ Special Election Man of the Year". chairman of the Constitution and tion. ■ The award, sponsored by the Bylaws Committee in the South A member of the New Bruns­ Say s Verosloff South Brunswick Jaycees, will be Brunswick Democratic Club, of wick, Middlesex County, New Jer­ To Settle Pact formally presented at a banquet which he has been a meinber since sey, .-\merican Bar Association, Not Authorized in Mr. Greene''s honor on Satur­ 1961. Mr. Greene was admitted to prac­ With Authority day, March 18, at the Prlnpeton He was a chairman of both the tice law before the Supreme Court To Offer Plan Inn, Princeton. South Brunswick Citizens for Gov. (See GREENE, back page) A special election on a service Mr. Greene is a lawyer with contract between the South Bruns- the David M. Greene law firm in with Township Committee and the New Brunswick and has been the In a unanimous yote Tuesday M im ic a l Utilities Authority has South Brunswick townshlpattorney night, the South Brunswick Board been scheduled for April 14, since early last year. He was of Health fired Irving Verosloff, The date was set last Thprs- also township attorney in 1962 the attorney representing it in by the Township Committee In and 19iW. its odor problem suit against the response to a petltlonslgnedby 621 He was selected from nine nom­ Municipal Utilities Authority, township property owners protest­ inees by judges John J. Dineen,. The action was taken, said board ing the contract and demanding JemeS D. Jones, Joseph S. Kim- member E.T. Kornegay, who made a referendum. son, Andrew s. Jt^nson aikl Abra­ the motion for the removal, be­ The decision to hold the elec­ ham Dobin; His selection was cause Mr. Verosloff "acted on his tion was made the previous Tues- based .largely on civic activities own" in the case and not accord­ ^ y by the committee, but time during 1966. ing to the direction of the board. was given to township attorney In'1966, Mr. Greene was presi­ The suit in question was in­ David Greene to Investigate the dent for the second, consecutive stituted by the board in 1964 and legal recgiirements for setting the year, of the Raritan Valley Com­ was aimed at forcing the authority to solve the odor problem caused date. munity Services Council and for Tuesday's decision reversed an the third year was a member of by the Kendall Park sewerage action taken by the committee's the board of directors of the Mid­ treatment plant. Mr. Verosloff Democratic majority during a still dlesex County Tuberculosis and had been representing the board earlier meetihg when they had de­ Health League. on the case since it began. cided to challenge the legality of He was Chairman of the Social Mr. Verosloff was not«)iresent the petition. Services Coordinating Committee when the board voted on his re­ At the meeting, the township of the South Bruns wick Community moval, having left the building., clerk, Elbert Pierson, had been Council during 1965 and 1966 and immediately after a lengthy authorized In a 3-1 vote to sue for last year was the chairman oi the closed-door session with the a court ruUng on the petition's South Brunswick sustaining mem­ board. The board members indicated legality. bership drive for the Rarttan Val­ Coming back to last .^^rsday, ley Girl Scout Council. the action was based primarily on Mr, Greene reported to com- A member of' the Jaycees him­ moves made by the attorney dur­ miUee that April 11 wa« the earl­ self, Mr. Greene was the chair­ ing a Feb. 10 hearing on the suit iest possible date an election could man of the recent Jaycees'Inter­ against the authority, when he asked Superior Court Judge Frank be held, but April 14 was more national Brotherhood WOek pro­ J. Kingfteld to order the authority' ; by James Bemiss) convenient to the Board of Ed­ gram. He is also a member of ucation. Schools are. used in sev­ the Greenbrodk School PTA. to adopt the "Westbrook plan.” BALLET LEAP by Jamesburg's Tony Van Zino, .35, fails to preveht the John Westbrook is a member Vikings' Tom Trent from adding two more points to his team*^s score. eral districts as polling places. He has j^rformed legal serv­ The service contract Is de­ ices for the Christ the King Evan­ of the authority who has opfwsed signed to entance the authority's gelist Lutheran Church in Kendall that body's plan,j.o solve the odor financial position by having tl» Park, for the Kendall J'ark Jew­ problem by adopting the extensive Project lA . Instead, Mr. West­ Township Committee guarantee to ish Community Center and for Vikings Blast brook advocates running a sewer make up any deficit experienced the South Brunswick Community by the authority. It also pro­ Blood Bank. line to the existing lines of Pro­ ject n, located in the eastern part Jamesburg vides for the mandatory repayment Before becoming a member of of the township. to the township If such a deficit the South Brunswick Jaycees, Mr. In the same motion that re­ every occurs. Greene had been a. member of moved Mr. Verosloff, the board In Final Game That same evening, last Thurs­ the New Brunswick Jaycees and in appointed New Brunswick attorney day, that Is, the authorityan- 1961 was elected president of ttat In their final game of the season Joseph Burns to the case. Earlier iicmnced at its meeting t.hat U.11 .'■'.apter. Ironically, one of his Friday, the South Brunswick High the same evening, Mr. Burns was Project lA contractors had ex­ first duties there was to head a Mr. and Mrs. David M. Greene oi Kendall Park School Vikings routed Jamesburg appointed regular attorney for the tended their bid deadlines to April High School 97-60 on the winner's board. court. 4. In another motion by Mr. Kor­ Project IA Is the'authority's Buddy Rose broke three school negay, again passed unanimously, records In leading the Vikings to plan to solve the Kendall Park Hearing On Route 2 7 Bridge Mr, Burns was authorized to con­ sewerage treatment plant odor the win, Including making a total vey to the court that the board of 20 field goals In a single game. problem by converting the pWnt "does hot have any particular plah The six-foot, four-inch junior to a pumping station, running a with regards to the odor prob­ sewer line from Ken^ll Park to also surpassed last year's game Near Kingston Set March 28 lem," scoring record set by Mike Toth Kingston and extending water'and Mr. Kornegay added, however, sewer lines to Brunswick Acres when he accounted for 51 points - that the board was "In no way lax and other parts of the township. The tong-needed new bridge on about 1,000 feet south of the exist - : 12 higher than Toth's record. His the present Route 27 will be ac­ In its desire to get the problem Route 27 across the Millstone Riv­ season tally of 391 points was One of the contractors, Remsco ing bridge the road willswingabout ; cessible to local property owners. solved, but it is not our job to er is drawing nearer to reality. also a new record. .Associates Inc., said their $349,- 150 feet west of the span and then j In the process of the realignment tell (the authority) how to solve After a field goal and a free 700 bid might have to be increased The Department of Transporta­ return to Its original alignment ; the River Road Intersection in tion announced Tuesday that a it." toss gave Jamesburg a 3-0 lead, a maximum of $7,000 due to the approximately 500 feet north of the ; Princeton Township will be rebuilt Mr, Burns assured the board hearing on the proposed realign­ John Bailey and Rose scored for present canal Bridge. and regraded with acceleration and members that he would discuss in (See VOTE, back page) ment of the highway and two new the Vikings to make It 6-3 and the The stone, barrel-arched bridge ! deceleration lanes provided on advance with them any significant spans would be held at 10:30 a. m. home team led the rest of the was built about 1790, Pedestrian | Route 27. action he planned to take In court. - 0- on Tuesday, March 28, at the way. access to it will be maintained; •Construction cost for the re­ This apparently was another area Princeton Township Municipal South Brunswick romped In the from the Princeton Township side I aligned road and the two spans is of contention between the board Building, Route 206 and Valley middle periods,'topping James- of the river. North of the bridge, i estimated at about $750,000, and Mr, Verosloff. Police Report Road. , biirgh 23-15 and 31-17. Rose In other matters, the board heard Officials and residents of tailed 13 and 25 points In the; a report from health officer Arthur Princeton, Franklin .and South two sessions. 1 Bartolozzl that more than 50 Brunswick townships are invited. Route 1 Stiidy^ \ew Zones South Brunswick continued Us I dolls, described asextreinfilji-dan- rout by outscorlng Jamesburg 27- j The Improvement will be under-. (See BOARD, bacl^^ge) 19 In the final period. Rose h ^ ! In Burglarit taken as part of the "spot safety For Apartments Considered nine points In the session. ; ‘8 improvement program" and will consist of elimination of- the haz­ - 0- No one but Rose scored more j ■ South Brunswick f»H ce reported A new contract between the South a study of the Turnpike exit 8-A. ardous curve and the Installation than six points for the Vikings, j this week that an increase in bur­ Brunswick Planning Board and its Mr. Jarm er said the 8-A study Re tlie unorthtxlox aritiim e'ic -•t»T!ie been i'roken into several times N«‘a|r Kingston higher. Central Post's reptinci, whof.iiled since the first of the year, result­ ing in 'a total loss of approxl- - .A ' third of the gifts to the to remove the $176.;36 -it; this m itely $100, all in cash. Is ruriu'd Dfmii .Amiu.il Capital Fund Appe.il came vear's school taxes. tS'iR'cted in On one recent occasion, a Ken­ troni out.side rrincetoi, Borough D ecend'er. from-V.is -U':'’ ractions. i lie api'licauon fbrapi oposed dall Park resident returned to her .m3 Township. Indic.itins aware­ s ■ -O. ■ 848 - unii garden apartment de- 'home, which had been locked, and ness that ttie hospit.il i.-i, ,i ■ .m - velopntent near Kingston was confronted a pair of burglars-, who ir.unity medical health a i r.tei ;ot turned down last Tliursda,'.'i>y the ^ W eekt'iid fled, in the act. She reported .a theft persons within an eigl t ti' Iv-m.ile Ftanklin Township Council in a 3-4 of $173 in cash. radius. vote. . . TWO weeks ago, another Kendall T he application, sub.n;itted lyv - The first', aijr.ua; ,ipi>ial \ \ e a t I u M ’ brought gifts from 753new donors. P.irk '.vom.in nearly h.id her house Ma-.o S. Sisler, was tor a w.iri- I-or tlie nrst week ■'i ' on Attorney Ralph $. M a son w'as Mowt. up wtien theives turned on ■aiu'e to consm tci the aptirtmeni i'ecar., th.ere is :\i r. w:. of ttie kitchen range gas jets after con-plex on a 73-acre tract oi: elected to tite 17-mer. ber iioardrf snow in the fiv>--iiay fnrei .uSt re- trustees and re-elected were Iir. steatii.e.-only liquor. The woman Roiit(> 27. The. proposal also Gon- ■ieased t-y the ■Tren.toi; '.veaibe: had returned hon.e just in time lioiiert S Garl'er, Frank I .T.iplin, tainisl an eight-acre shopping cen­ I'ure.ui or. Wednestia-. ■; oi i.ina. to turn the jets off. James Carey .tnd Samuel Froth- ter. Oificialhv. the " moi'. says ten - Othi-r reixm s include t reak- ingham. . I'hursda'.'s action by thecouncil peratures will avei-.o; i've. ti.t in i! C.bnstat te School and sever.il Three [>e: sons were cited ! y ovei titles a prior recomniendri- season normal-o: 37 ti mmV Ahm- incidents involving .dtempted tioi! bf tite. Board of Adjustment B'o.ird Presid.--n>' C.ecrce W. Con- -d.ii'. Put r.ut: is exp-t'o' burgl.-.r.tc-.> when resiriei t ' -vere' for appt ova.l. (Set HOSPITAL, back page'- at )-<:>n ► -■ let pine. nl o l 2 , .inti [ocalion ol new _br id of. KM a Fitzgerald \Museum Shows (Collection To \lake First Trio To Play At Next Door The Losln* Blues, an unusu­ Presbyterian Church un Saturday, L

I Proniolu(i In \F r ? It' V\|> 1liU 1' t'l Ke-i-'er! h . W.tit. m'-;' V .r. and Mr--. Keiine'h r . W.iir -jf ; i ii : intiiia '- I f .l in Genrge.s .Road, Dayior., has. been 1 i'i< i .1, ill- U '.' ..priin oted to .i irm .ir. .second cl.i.ss • V d !c, i ' iih I nil',■1 'In hn in tlie C..S. Air f orce. '(■ ■ ;:;i .i ii . tWi". i‘ .ll 1 U11)|C I .'\in:..in ':W,iit, ,i freu'!;t i.raf- i;* daily flight connections at Kennedy and Newark Airports ; fn ' spec la-list ,it W alker Aj- 1-., N. ' i I ip ia i \ nHl ,i(,- ! i.v a me: ■ d the Sfi it*n3i a.ir ■ill'll!; ih lili i-lni) Ic o n .!’. Hid. .o.idtiahe c,f j Bruns’wick Hir! .s'chcol, !;e atteiided iF.i.sterr. New \lexfcr, ft;iv.*rsity.

FLY ALL THE WAY! Nr'M 'tHiK'rs IMan Mrrlin^ Man'll 8

Hourly flights from Princeton Airport r l.,. K' ' '.- I 1 : 'k “s' Princeton HilD v'e-; i.c ''d u :''!. ’ , ' . : I .'k ■ "7 N ■: t- c’c' !fnd B-, H'c;; |t',i >:■" '-.vill t c i.r-cs.-r/nd. ! y Call for reser vat ions: (2? 2)’6’ 6-I099 ■-;■ V . .Ii.i.c lih-rre AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 19 Chambers Street T H U K S D A Y . m a r c h , THE CEXTit.AL IX ST 2 1967 3 P.AGE FIVE Regional Planning! ilHIiliillliijl iBHlllillBBliill To Be Diwussecl IB B At Area Aleeling B "Hegional Planning and Hon.e B liule" will be the theme o£ the Central Area Chapter, New Jer­ sey Federation of Planning Offl- . d a is, to be held at the Flagpost 1 5 0 0 Itestaurant, .South Brunswick, STAMPS March. 9, at 8 p. m. The meeting *IN ADDITION TO THE STAMPS Y O U l S will be preceded by dinner at 6:30 P. m. IN rOOD FAIR'S BIG STAMP BONANZA! RECEIVE WITH YOUR PURCHASES J g John Beliout, director of the B Urban Studies Center, Kutgers, the B BHBBBBBBBBBBBB IBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB State University, will be the fea- ; tured speakei . FOOD Following Mr, Debout's speech, MERCHANTS panel discussions on specific plan­ ning problems will be moderated BROILERS or iO O FRii CREEN STAMFS by; Norman Tanznian, .Assem­ blyman of Middlesex County; Paul, WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF VanWegen, chairman of The Stony Brook - Millstone Waterdihed .As­ sociation; Jules Marron, director ’ 7 “ or MORE of the Sussex Couiity Department (xcept Cigorettcs. Fresh Milh. of Planning, Conservation and Eco­ Creom or Fair Trode Items nomic Development; and B. Budd COUPON VOID AFTE^ MARCH 4 Chavooshlan, director of the Divi­ Adults Only—One Coupon Per Fomily sion of State and Hegional Planning in the New Jersey Department of SaPERMARKETS Conservation and Economic De­ iii velopment. . The New Jersey Federation of SPLIT OR WHOLE Planning Officials is an organiza­ . f 10 PAK tion comprising municipal offi­ CUT-UP MERCHANTS cials, planning and zoning board ONLY members and laymen. 'k SPECIAL! FREE GRiiN STAMPS • - 0- c HONEYCOMB-GOLD WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF Priru'eUm Offive QT. BOTTLE FYNE SUDS TUMBLERS lb . 3 3 Will Sell NCAA 2 9 LIQUID DETERGENY 11’/ioz. SEMI-SHAM lb. Tourney Tickets ^ COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4 SMALL Adults Only—One Coupon Per Fomily Tickets for the Princeton Uni-; 3V,-LB. AVG. verslty Southern Conferencei ROASTING CHICKENS lb. 35 fjlIiiliiHliiHiliiiiiillDlillilll playoff winner basketball game-' f f l i n i i i i I I I E I the first In the NCAA tourney! WITH BACK OR BREASTS pairings - will lie available through! WITH WING — QUARTERED m m * m i M IMIEIEP m inm niis the Princeton University ticket; CHICKEN LEGS 39 office. MERCHANTS MERCHANTS The gaitie will be played at V ir-; 5 0 COMBINATION glnla Polytechnic Institute,; GREEN STAMPSI FREE GREEN STAMPS 2 in i LAMB SHOULDER CHOPS & NECK FOR STEWING lb. Blacksburg, Va. at 1:30 p. m. 39 M Saturday, March 11, and televised WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OE WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF by WPK (Channel 11)Immediatelyj THIttt 1 -n». 13-ox. CANS - YfLLOW aiN C HUDSON OR TWO PKGS. OF 200 HUDSON following the exhibition liasehalll HARVEST BRAND game between Baltimore and New-; DEL MONTE PEACHES lb. 69 PAPER NAPKINS Y ork. In addition^, stay-at-homes | can hear the game over WHWH, I COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4 The ticket office will reielvej COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4. EXTRA MERCHANTS GREEN STAMPS Adults Only—One Coupon Per Fomily the tickets either Friday or Mon- ! Adults Only—One Coupon Per Fomily day, depending on nialls, accord- ’ 5 0 with EACH ITEM LISTED BELOW Ing tp William Stryker, sports l l i l l i l i l l .Information d^ector of the uni­ versity. "We won’ t know the prices until we seethe tickets," he said. LOOK FOR.THE SPECIAL GREEN STICKER ON CACH PACKAGE — NO COUPONS REQUIRED Blacksburg, 500 miles from ’ Princeton, Is about 35 miles from ’ E D C E m e r c h a n t s m C D E E merchants Koanoke, the nearest airport, I r K B C GREEN STAMPS • BONELiSS SIRLOIN STEAK ^*^sT?Ar rN E C green stamps - 0- WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF • PORTERHOUSE STEAK OR SIRLOIN STEAK WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF jVlHIer .Aleniorial 6-OZ JAR MAXWELL HOUSE S-LB. BOX INTERSTATE — FROZEN n s t a n t c o f f e e (Church Slal€*s ! I . BONELESS BEEF ROAST 3 l b s o r o v e r FRENCH FRIES COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4. Ia€*ntt*n St^rvices COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4 Adults Ordy—One Coupon Per Family Adults Only—One Coupon Per Fomily . OUR HKHEST^ALITY The Miller Memorial Presby- ; STiANDING RIB ROAST terlan Church will be host to the ! fourth In a series of Community ; lliiililiiiiiil MI* ■ ■ ■ I Lenten Services this Sunday, ' . EITHER HALF PORK LOIN ROAST March 5, at 7:30 p.m. O R BREASTS ■ i i l l i l l The Rev. James P. Darroch, i 2'/t LBS. O R O VER minister of the Flr.stPresbyterian , MERCHANTS . FRESH CHICKEN LEGS MERCHANTS Church of Dayton will preach on 5 0 5 0 GREEN STAMPSI FREE GREEN STAMPS "Where Christ Is - There Is In- ! FREE sight". He will lie assisted by the ■ host pastor, the Rev. John H, WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF CHIQUITA^ Golden Ripe WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF Mal'tby. ^ THREE 12-OZ. JARS FOOD FAIR TWO PKGS. (POLY BAG) LIBBY Discussion and refreshment ; •LUEKRRT - SHDUSS ILACKtEnY 0R| will follow the service, with the I FROZEN VEGETABLES Rev. James Mecheii: of Kingston ’ CHERRY PRESERVES and the Rev. Paul Walker of Ken­ COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4. dall Park joining the other min­ COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4. Adults Only—One Coupon Per Fomily isters as a panel. 4^duHs Onl^^One Coupon Per Family lb. - 0- ; BANANAS m ■ iM lU lil Friday (Ju h Plans EXTRA MERCHANTS CREEN STAMPS LunrIuMin Program 5 0 with EACH ITEM LISTED BELOW r n C E MERCHANTS 5 0 MERCHANTS s The Fi lday Club, a senior wom­ 5 0 T K E E GREEN STAMPS! FREE GREEN STAMPS en’ s group of the y WCA, will meet LOOK FOR THE SPECIAL GREEN STIOCER ON EACH PACKAGE — NO COUPONS REQUIRED on Fi lday, March 3, in the lounge WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF of the "Y". Luncheon will be .served at 12:30 1-LB. PKC. OR MORE AMERICAN KOSHER 1-PT. 4-OZ. BOT. (ISc OFF LABEL) p.m. and Mrs. Ruth Thornton, a FRAHKSorKHOCKWURST .TEN POUND BAG OF POTATOES meml>er of the group, will provide (IN SaF-SERVICE DEU DEPT. O N IY} LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC piano music during the luncheon : hour. The program for the af­ COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4. COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4. . THREE POUND BAC^ OF ONIONS ternoon will be presented by Ralph ; AduHs Only—One Coupon Per FomHy Adults Only—One Coupon Per Family Ma.son, attorney, who will speak to the group on legal matters that , . ANY SIZE BAG OF ORANGES concern older people .tnd answer m ■ l\ l i l l i l i i i i :: t :,E': WBS. questions. All older women In the Prince- , 1 n II! iji.ii.ii.li SfS'liSlMUSlRTl® ton are Invited to participate In ! rnmmmiw . ANY SIZE BAG OF GRAPEFRUIT ' the Friday Club, an organization MERCHANTS MERCHANTS sponsored In the YWC.A. Meetings ' GREEN STAMPS are held the first and third Fri­ FREE GREEN STAMPS! . ANY SIZE BAG OF APPLES 100 FREE days of e.ich month. No reser­ WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF vations ,ire necessary. Persons WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF needing, a ride to ;ind ftom : . ANY QUART JAR OF FRUIT SALAD S-LB. MORRELL PRIDE the meetings- may call Mrs. Bran- ; TWC| DOZEN MAYFAIR OR .soh at the "Y” before !1 a.m. the ; CANNED HAM IN SELF-SERVICE DEU DEPT ONLY day of the meeting. FOOD FAIR EGGS STEAK - 0- lb. LARGE lb COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4. COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4 SCALLOPS TENDER 8 9 ‘ SWORDFISH CENTER CUT 8 9 ‘ Adults Only—One Coupon Per Family Adults Only—One Coupon Per Family i-H Club LAKE C IID IiA D W H ITE—PEELED10-o z .$ R 0 9 FRESH (ilotliinv Jiidgiiiv j n i l l l Y I r &DEVEINED cup ■ WHITEFISH CAUGHT * 8 9 ‘ The De.uis Junior Woi'kers 4-ti club was host to .i n.id-winter |uiUUkiUUIi)tiltili»li:uU«.wAixglJLJLT.,T County clothing judging last w-eek ! MERCHANTS p MERCHANTS E D E E MERCHANTS E D E r MERCHANTS M '.it the Pioneer Grange hall InDay- ; 5 0 GREEN STAMPS r llE E GREEN STAMPS 5 0 r K E E GREEN STAMPS g ton. Mrs. Walter M.ixwell-, .sew­ 5 0 FREE GREEN STAMPS S FREE 5 0 ing le.tdei" 'v.is in charge of ar- WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF fHIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF B , rangeniems of the judging. WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF m WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF f-LB REG OR 2-LB. THICK S Girls from the club who con - ' 16 -OZ PKC SLICED SPICED HAM OR § TWO 1 -LB PKGS COLD O CORN TWO QTS KISS ME SWEET OR ' t GAL pleted g.irment.s and h.id the:) N lootti CORR on . INDIAN RIVER IFIorido The Real Thino) ID B A C D N I judged were Kl)t' Laurie SANDWICH BOLOGNA | SILF-SFRVICIFAiU DILI DEPT. ONLY) ^ Setdensteln. Heidi Renk, Lliula (IN SELF-SERVICE DLLI DEPT ONLY! ^ y MARGARINE ORANGE JUICE Terhune. .^lusan M.ixwell, Patti 4 VOID AFTER MARCH 4. S Bovko. P.itricla i'ow-gln. Carolyn COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4 £ COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4 - COUPON VOID AFTER MARCH 4 ly—One Coupon Per Fomily ,ind !’,i!',:ela Cook, P.unela. Adults Only—One Coupon Per'Fotnily 5 Adultj Only—One Coupon Per Fomily Adults Only —One Coupon Per Family -M.trten,s. -We),d\ V.to .’-ise, Debbie T]rXTnrTT*rT’YT'TnrT'nmnrT^TTrn'nnrTrmrT’TTTrTnrT'T pa ’rrrrirTTTrrrri"nr i i i i > i^rr Hose.i. De.u-.)).) llnickl, I-ileen Perk |H| j. 1 t i i.f.n.in i.i.tii i i.i.i.t.i •ind Pei'or.tl-. Ho’ sten. B NOW IN AN ALL NEW ANNUAL WtNTER SPECIAL "Countryside'' ENOLtSH m AEROSOL SPRAY CONTAINER THIS WEEK! g ] 2 rugs clianed FYNE TEX CBISCO BREAD & BUTTER DISH M for the priei of 1 ^ DINNEBWABE ONE WITH EAQH 3.00 PURCHASE H For dctoilf SHORTENING GLASS CLEANER ENOCH WEDGWOOD NO LIMITS § coll direct 799-1661 NO COUPONS K B f l g no loll by jTUNSTALLi LTD.-*^ , SAME FINE QUALITY 1 5 -0 1 . 1-lb. BUY AS MANY only W WM V g fVt'c pick-vp and t/e/n-erv con BRAND NEW PACKAGE^ 35‘ con 3 9 A DIFFERENT PIECE AS YOU LINE! ^ | ATLANTIC FEATURED EACH WEEK U] Rug and Carpet Cleaning Co. 1337 HomitlOn Ave. Trenton WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Prices A Coupons Not Effective in Wayne. Hoboken. Brick Town, Freehold or Bergen County, ALL PRICES AND COUPONS EFFECTIVE THRU MARCH 4. THE CENTRAL POST THE PR/NCETON PACKET CLASSIFIED OJINDSOR-MIGHTS HERJILD Classified f(a\es Situations Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted-Male Help Wanted-Fern. Help Wanted - Fern, Bargain Mart Bargain Mart

All Cl'issifipd Ad.prtis.lngappears 111 all three newspapers (circula­ WANTFTl house sitting position for r . J. W.iittford i Cl 2 BUHT-In elm trie ovens (GE) all or . part'of sunimer '67. pef, tion irj.rxjOJ, The Princeton Packet, MARKKTING RESTAHCH firm CAI-ETERIA CTU.ITV CRi AIDT, .UA-fNIIF dre.;..se: , l■rll■, rliest, complete witfs I'ven lim er. oven f all or write MarkOlseth, Prince­ The Centr.il Po.st awl Wlndsor- seeks, men oi womenonfulltimeor PLAYTHINGS Princeto! mpliiyment 'vgericy pLiypen, higii chai; , $30 lake.i- all; r.u'ks .uul l-ndl p.m (New). Call ton Ju'idor, 921-8029. Hlpht.s Herald. Ad,s may be n\alled part time ba.sis to conduct un­ Son e c.ifeteri.i experience help­ Formica dine.ite set, '■ cli.iirs, 448-0057 - . $75. cash In or ■telephoned. Deadline for new structured, -prearranged, ' inter­ ful. Nocofiking required. Variety of H.is openif,.' idr -n; dUtiroin-j in­ POSITION'S AVAII .\BI !• S3." Childs desk $6 '\lodern gray ad.s Ls ", p.m. Mondays If-they are T 1"PING done in rny home on IBM views with executive, professional duties, ini luding coffee cart ser­ dividual .IS Pennanent-Ten.pi'rary-Par' '''im.o bedroom .set (bookcase bed', $85; ONT-: AIR COAI PKFS.'^OH on wheels, to lie [iroperly t l.tssifled. Ads re­ electric. Legal experience, thesis, and technical personnel on current vice. Job can lead to permanent; Secietaries. Leg;i! Research .and tal'le.s ,$3. C.ill 201-297-4447. gas type with dual fast hammer. etc. Pick up and deliver. Call ceived on Tuesday liefore noon will financial, econom ic and industrial placement with \-acation and full ' PLBUC RLL.ATIONS - WRITl H General Typists. Stenos, [)lct;i- 1 gener.itoi ga.s type. Call 466- appjf'ai ’Too Date To Classify", 201-257-0356 after 0 p, m, inarketing topics^Dull time apjili- benefits. .Mu.st have own transpor­ phone Operators. Bookkee[)ers, 0242. Ad-s must be cancelled by 5 p.m, cants will receive additional t rain­ tation. Please call 921-9000, ext. to write cduc.ition.il .uid .siieci.il Receptionists. PBX, Key Punch, ing in all aspects of marketing fnews releases and work with .Mond;iy. M.AN TO IXJ gardening, grass cut­ 2069 for api'jointmeht for inter- i NCR Ofier.itors. Prot'f Ke;iders analysis, previous marketing cac- view. edur.itional n.edla. Should l..ive (lixperienced)Mathemat'ici.ins (BS ting, Ca'll 924-9557 tietween MF.XIC AN GI,.\,s.s\V.A|.;I. ; ■POOL T.ABLFS - AAIF or Bruns­ KATK.S are ,?1."0 for four lines or 3 and 5 p. m. perience helpful Imt not necessary. writiiiE .imi puitlic rel.ition or degree) I.al and .\dnv. .Assi.sfants. les.s for one week or, if ordered Neat appearance, good vocabulary Kducatioiial Testing. .Service i, te.ic It i ng exfte r ie nfe. wick, I econditioned or new, cues, Ph(>a.satit w I'eer cases, parts and supplies. Pear! in adv.ince; $1.25 each for two con- and communication skills and in- Princeton, N.J. . •/' 352 Nass.m St. •J'r- Nassau ,s't. ■ .seculi'.c v.eeek.s and $1 per week fiuiring mind are es.sential. Call ; Excellent CBS benefit prograit,:. Biothers, 2925 Brunswick Pike Princeton (1ft. *1), Trenton. 609-882-5550. for three or more consecutive Help Wanted Benson & Benson, Inc. ^24-3.540 An equal opportunitt employer. ■Send resume .md salary require­ Office A Tele, t,our,-; 9-5-924-3726 week.s. Ne-ti increment of four lines for appointment. ments to TiO cenf.s and the same thereafter. ?>loiiday thru Friday Ads iiMV be displayed with white Personnel .Manager space m.ircins .ind/or .iddltlonal ; CREATBT PLAYTHINGS BAILEY'S Di P.ARTAlFNT .STORE HURGURI.AND now Interviewing . .ASSISTANT WANTED-young man, i Box 1100, Princeton, N. J. HUG A l URNITURF AFART, INC. c.ijiltal letters at $2.50 per Inch. WOMAN TODOhoirsework, Idayoi Princeton Shopping Center COOKS & DINiS’G ROO.M .AIDES 20-36, for general plant market Stale Hlcliw.iv 206 S'fXK'i.il discount rate of $2 per for cook - counter help. Apply In 2 half clays per v.eok' in Kendall per.son. Burgurland, Rt. 33, . work, .Appearance and ability to I’ rincptoiT, N.J, inch is •.ivailable to adverti.sers SALKSWO.MFN. New -Colonial Park vicinity. .Must have own Uniforms a Sjiecialty Promotional oppoi tunlties exc,, deal with the public a must. .md runnliu' the same classified display Hightstown, N. J, '' p.irty plan. Very high com - 1 ransportation and refer.ence.s, $12, Free Health andLlfelns., 12 days Drivers license also necessary, D'Y AFANOI? ■id for i:i consecutive weeks or dlf- mi.ssion.s. Will train inexperi­ per 7 hour tlav. Call 201-297- For Nurses. W aitresses, .Maids, vac., 12 holidays and 15 sick days Send resume to P.O. Box 261,. Princeton Sliopping Center tcrent classified display : numbers are r»0 cents extra. LIBRARIAN - .ASSISTANT •Apply: Personnel Office, N| J[. — ------— ------—------Floor Coverings Neuro-Psychiatric Inst. Box 1000, ADMDilSTRATrV'E .ASSISTANT Dr.i|ierie.s .md Bedding TKH.MS: 25 cents Mllinr charge If Chemistry or biological science Princeton, N, J. or tel. G09t-4C6- POLICE OPPORTUNITIES. Posi­ wanted for busy executive in PART-TIME CM- RK AE Tiles .mci Linoleum RUBBER STAAtPS . .td is not paid for within 10 days major, or equivalent to perform 0400.. tion as police officers. Examina­ Princeton, should have' good ac­ ■WA 1-9100 WA 1-9292 School or College address counting and secretarial exptM i- after expiration of ad. 10 per pent routine duties in technical library. tions very soon. Salary $5700 - Profes-iotuI firn: noed- reliable Home. I'lisiness, zip-code qnce. Salary dependent on quali­ \cash discount on classified display Typing es.sential. $6700. Blue Cross, Blue Shield, pers-.tn viiotit 39 hours i '-veek. Rubtier stamps of all kinds and fications. Gall for appointment', ads il bill is paid by the 20th hospitalization, pension, p.iid va­ Gent'ral offirp duties. No P\;>eri- insTOHA' of Northwestern New sizes made to yniir order at; 924-4043. of the following nvoath. Situations Send resume in confidence to; Help Wanted - Male cation. holidays, sick leave. Age enep required. RepF\ to Box -“755. Jersey by Honeyinan. Fout large HINKSON'S Wanted ads .ire payable with or­ (do not apply in person) lim it, 2! - 30, veterans to 34. c, Pryici‘toii P.;icket. illu-straied volumes on .Somerset, 82 Na.ssau St. der. One newspafjer Is not respon­ Applications now available at II you need money but c.imiOl Aloi ris, Hunterdon, Waj ten, and sible for errors not cot rected by JOHNSON & JOHNSON Hightstown Borougli;. P olice De­ work full time, we have the oppor­ Sussex Counties, published in 1927. the advertiser immediateD fol- Research Center partment, Hightstown, Iv, Cecil tunity you need. Pleasant, profi- Price now at $50. Call 448-2424, lowini; tlie first public itlon of the New Brunswick, N.J. 08903 Daley, director of public s:ifety. t;dde. 'Avon Cosm etics. Write, Box MARKET HbSKARCB firm has full Nerod's of Higlif'stowii. SCHOBFR consoletteorgan. wUnut ad. -An equal opportunity employer A'OUNG BUSINESS EXECUTIVE 564,’ PlalDfleld, N, J. or call 201-| time opetiing for typi.st. .Some 725-6014. knowledge of statLstical typing We bif. I'ooks, maps, and letters c;ibinot. 2 lull keyboards, pedals, h.md built. Connects to hi-fi sys­ BUSIN!: S.S OFl 'lCF.S: The Prince­ A’oung man- with executive ability, helpful but Viot essential. Good sal­ pretaining to New Jersey coii- ton Packet, 300 Wltiierspoon St,, good education and pleasing RF.GISTFRU.) NURSE for t>usy ary, pleasant working conditions. If staml.' and have ttie largest selec­ tem. Excel, cond. .$600. 201-CH SOCIAL DIRECTOR - co-opera­ personality, who is accustomed to 6-0604. P i incetoti. N. J. Tel. 924-3244. internist's office. Pleas;mt work­ interested call Ben.son Benson, tion of history book-s on the State tive swim club needs personable, HOUSEKEEPER for family of 2. The Central Post. 10.AllstonRoad, active contacts with the public. If ing conditions. Call 921-7473 be­ inc;, 924-3540 for appointment. of New Jersey available for sale friendly individual to direct chil­ ^alHied write briefly slating age, Well trained person with years of KendaiD Park, N,J. Tel. 297-- tween 9 .i.m. and 5 p.m.. in tlie state. dren a id adult recreation. Suin- education, business experience, experience reqiiired. Good salary 3434. Windsor-Hights Herald, 138 „ minimum income requirement and for right person. Own transporta­ Maiti .St., Hightstown. N.J. TeL S'*""h tion desirable. 921-7289 or 924- FIRST C 448-3005 ' a003. Kendall Pa.ck. N. J. other pertlpent information. This HAAIIITON GAS DRYER, .ilmost 16TH CENTURY p.iinting-of Saint position is "a permanent one with 2040, i)FPFNDABLF cleaning Woman ■new. It's youi-s for $93. Cail 921- Theres;i for sale. 4' x' 6'. Call a,, nationally known company. No TRENTON wanted. 5 d:i\.s {ler week, tiours, id- 2496. 395-0161. relocations, excellent long - 7, references. .Artistic Hair- range income growth. .All letters NATIONAL, dres.sers, 42 Witherspoon.St., 924- 4875. will be answered. .Address P, O, WANTED - young III an interested SNELLING & SNELLING BANK 1967 SINGER /IG -Z A G . Comsolo A nnouncements Box-#27, North Brunswick, N. J. in learning M.-n's Clothing Busi­ FOR SAI.E: large 34" x 50" wal­ 134 Nas.sau .St Princeton NJ model makes button holes, lancy Member NJ.APEA ness - Experience not necessary- nut desk, seven dr.iwers IncUiding Teller trainee, for Hights­ siitclies. blind hems. $56.85 cash Daily 9 to 5 State qualificatlofis ;ind desired one file drawer, e.xcellent con­ town area offices. .Apply In person or $G. month. C.ill Credit Depart­ RO.SEDALE CHAPEL salary to Box *808, c/o Prince­ dition. $75. Call 924-3358. Flour- COLLEGE POSITIONS in Pennsyl­ to; 1 W\ State St., Trenton. HOUSE WlVIEw - counter food serv ­ ment. 201-254-55"3. •STROGANOFF DINNER See JEAN TA ATX) R 921 2021 ton Packet. escent desk lan^i, $5. vania and . New Jersey; (ai Ph. ice po.sition.s available. Alust be B, .schinidt, as "h o b b y -ch e f BOOKKEEPER Allphase.s \ $125 D. In Sociology and Psychology; .An Equal Opportunity Employer, neat and personable, i-.xcellent Dinner Music ■■ MICROBIOLOGIST QC 116 (11) ph. b, in Statistics and Re­ wages, pleasant .surroundiitgs, full Sat., March U 5 - 7;30 P..M. PERSONNEL .ASST 100 search; Ph.D. or M,A. in (c) So­ DOCTOR'S office w.tnts it.ature or part time. Expeilence not nec­ Adult.s .$2,7;5 Cliildren to 12, $1.50 CORRESPONDENT trainee to 100 ciology, (d) Geography,'(e) Mathe­ essary, .Applv at Buxton's Country Call 921-2247 for tickets at door. EXEC SECY challenge to 100 responsible woman for recep­ matics (f) Latin-Amertcan Spe­ J.ANITOR to clea.i offices show­ tion and 'general office dutie.s, .Shops, m . *206, Rocky Hill. . . Imported and domestic yarn, nee- Cartel Itoad Princeton BOOKKEEPER .ASST to 95 Kt-NMOHL Ci^.VSSIC point, crewel work, rugs and cialist; (g)School Psychologist. All room. etc. in auto dealership. Part Alonday - Friday. Reply to Box SEC A 'Prof atmos ' to 90 TRIG stove. Top oven with slide- . ^....pssorles will be found at: of the above require teaching ex- time or full time. Must I>e sol>er 809, c/o Princeton Packet. GA L FRIDAY life pressure 90 otw i'Uiner top on a cabinet base,^ Iperlence. reliable man. Af^ly at Princeton , SEC Y no steno 87 Wjifie i rhiom e. .$F70. Call 448-. KNITTING SHOP THE PRlNCFTflN Write Colontal Tc.achers .Agency, Motors, Inc., Rt, 206, Princeton. FULI, TIAiF experienced sah*s iSECY some travel 85 1X>G TRAINING CLUB 123 Washington St., Morristown, lady foi dress shop. Please phone A n tiq u es 6 Tulane St. AVA 4-0306 'FIGURE CLERK trainee 76 N. J. 07960. for appointment. 924-<3895. CLERK TATIST gen off 75 tenth .Animal OI>edlence Trial DLSPATCHER lite type 75 :.SERVICEMAN - will train to work WANTED ■ man to work tm po- SWITCH BOARD OPERATOR-' GIRL'S 24” Coluinl'ia bike. Good Sun. M.uch 5 . 8 .'i.in. - 7p,m . TATIST statistics 75 CLEIRK much discretion 70 on farm equipment. All Itenefits, tato farm, Mu.st know how to use EWT (will train) school district. FFR.STOVFR ANTlOFl S comiition. $15. Girl's size2Cana- Pfini'(>trspoon Street Personals la.st through June. Ple.i.se < all 921- WO.MAN WA.NTFDforchei kins.and W.'i 4-3 71" Yardley. P.i., 215-295-6868. inspecting garments in lepufable .MARKET RESEARCH firm has Free medical .md life in.sur.mce, 9000,. ext. 2069 for .qipointnient for openings foi trainees. Exceptional interview. plant. Full 01 part time ein plo-- retiren;enf plan plu.s Soi'i.il Se­ nienf. all ft iiige benefits, iii opportunity to learn all phases Of a l c o h o l ic s ANONYMOUS,HELP curity, 12 v.'ication ciays, 12 holi- person A'erlievsr Cleaners, Tulane busine.ss, oualifled applicants will t^ducatiou.ii Testing Servicf USI-.n Fl'RNITURI of eycr;, de- i p u j PHF .-ASANT.S for spi ing stocking AND rNFORMATION, CALL 009 d.rys ai'id .sfrk d:ivs juM'■^'ear. Tliree •St., Princeton, be ti ained in various phases of r e ­ Priiu etoii. N. J, -scriplion. Tliousd.tiids f..et to land t;ill relea.se. Call now don't' 924-7592. ye.irs exirerience. search. i. e. interviewing (In­ .An equ.il opportunity employer. .browse through. AIw.ivs son,('thing TIIRI-I GUITAR LESSONS idclay. 201-297-91'7. cludes traveling), questionair^e- -Apply; Peiisomiel OfUce, N. J, ditferent - l.ir.gest i i.iR.ctior, in ■ ...... ■ . sign. pie-testing, tabulations, etc. N etiro-rsychiatric Inst, Bo-X 1000, SECURITY MEN, 4 p.m . - 12 D Bucks .County.'Daily,-8:30 to 5:30. ^9. value win, every purch.ise of l o n g ' HAIRED Dachshunds, AKC For appointment call John Kem- Princeton.. N, J. weekda;.s (ex- 12,- 8 a.m . Hightstown atea. .'.11 SFCHDI'A RIFS Clo,sed .Sunday, rdl.son Furniture, ,0 I ;,rring'on's, Rt. *1. Bus. Opportunities DoyIesti'',nt, P.t. „ regi.stered. Chan pion line, t.orn merer at 924-3540. l eptlnc AVed.' ar telephone 609- Inside work. Call collect 201- 452-2659. ..Oiien 9 .i,m._ - 5 p.m.^ c.,ii 737. 2202. .406-0400. 462-4004 after r p.m. Needed for adilitional openings I .Applicant,.-: must li;ive. 1-2 '.vnr.s A V All.ABLE RF.LL'ARLL Truck Driver w.nted, secretarial expel lence v. I'li rood 1 REI' RIG.t RATO'Ij; ;BI- AGM p u p PI! S, 6 weeks old for SUNOCO FHA.NCHBI 11 ABOR.-VTORY TECHNICIAN .- ye.i.r lound it'b. t onmet Sin.irons G4 ti ll ', i'iu r. l\i( luu - >;(le. f all 201-297-4082 after 5:30 Help. Wanted - Fern. .aieno and 1''iJinr .skills. j, , 'bi'- Gl ; sever.il 'oiienings in rese.ircE A Alount Ini., Cr.inburv. N, J. ; . .\B: -ti'iei. p jp.n . Alt'.iern t\# bav .service station, l.tboratorv in Princeton area. Col- Call 3'!"-1770. '-itsl.v,' . m!;, ..m. disp' - 1-, : i-!! Genei'al C.B.S. beneti's. m ,u, . Nf.v -Supidy - .fust ■ Arrived ' Foi this exceptional opportunity lege de-gree inchom istry or biology ] ' . tree.'..: -, v : i-- ore ,.t,.i. Ap.'n; i-nt si/e n-ed refrigera-, rm.D c,, , ,, . call 695-5224, Alt. Sohoen. Or prefot red. i-xyxM'ieivce de'^ir.d le. COAIPTEOI I 1 E Personnel Departn,eni ■" ' h tons. Ideal for .m ai:(E apartme«t.s..(partuient.s, I SALE. Regis ered Ara- w! He, .Sun I'lil Company, Box 126. Write Box *802. c '’t' rrittcetoit C'pi.'i. *! i lan-WC'lsh puny !!,are, 131iands,8 GA I FRIDAY j CREATIVE PL-'UTHINGs I'-'fi'lcier.cif"-.- ,Uj si.'es in stock. Hatboro. P.enna. r.mki't. , ■ ('pportuni;'. in! :: .tii wi!!: dri\c t«. ’ 'il' .6. years old, exi "lli'iit dispxisltion. .isstitt e rc-por.s;: il-rr. fur rin.tn- fnt ersection 01 535 and " i l Riddt-i. ! v inidcjr rider, schooled Exp el tern t-d r. p;.s' to do veiieral H i H G.\s EEID Co. I i.ii ,'.d:r n.ist; fm 11 re- .Hithi.-'o'.'. n, N. .1.' office '.vi't k :iT n.mihi:: '.st.-ed pn.- - . - I A V iitds'or'lC L HULt^towiV, 7 : J. 'Ires.sage.AVouW make top .se.'.r. i, n: n . Pr.'f,,.; •, ■..1th. Ir,- • ■- • ■ .-c 1^ '".'1;, equitsiMon poiiv. Rider has out- gre-s.sive' .imiKu'/urim pl.int. .su'i s:i!.i i 1 "■ ■ bt C .B .s. ' du.'trt.U: ;■ ngiiU't': im ’ kground, Ple.-..';,int su;-;-(.ui;cliim:: ai.v D iil -148- '"33 . 1 iiV't.. Call iftei C p.n.., 201- Opei'.ings Ft'r I .if. grow .'the; ai:- tnis- I'et.etit-. .Ins' 2 n ties ft":; '■•vi'aer tt.'.'.r.'c .; c'pi>:,.s’ ! ib f.e -. Rt'Su:; es of - rM:'i' tc:;, Ple.iSc write ro r.:;E, '..■ -'■ AcroClier;- . Ra-'.'.'.rch (Jl ALIFIKl) FORMER Box *8a.''. '■ o Princi'tc'r. P'.n ket, I .('r.cr.itt'Me- E,,i ., E. ('.t. lb '', 12, !' i !'< 'b'-T ; ■ WI-IAEA!'',\NI I'!, ,\KC papers, \ si.iting (''fR'i’lem.e .tnd s.T.iry de- pi.t N 1 ' I: - y-. ,yPEI f GAT5' ! I f'P,\I SH(..p .md N c'x- P n : N. ,r,. Att: !■;. C. (l.'.t-'.'l. ‘ ■.imi ! : ’ 1,-: 'Alale. 16 n onths old. sem i-tr.lined, .sued. ,’i] 4" Fain e: s juare W. .'it, e-iuti'. 'I'lxg -ttr.ity .n: p lriy e iv T all 448-1611 .liter noon. TFLFPHONE OPERATORS 1 IS T i.N 1' e D i.p i. 2 1-2 W ' 4- '2i V ;'.,'"U!v,N>-i-i- !■ most G :' K- / Vl'KJMSf tJ':m - n .nr ; r ;v' ; mm- -• m C! .(neta'im ; IT' ;■ EaC'! cIC !'• ITIif.-re are n.orethan2 4 classiflcar E>i-;i 1 .'urr.ptE t • • i i • 'i' ..' .p, . '■-r .-r-m '''ir. the cE.ssifiedcl.issified '-ectioti of c ■: H lOH F R SM .A RY :■ r: •.'n Em ' N EE.MNi jrVELST'. .'1 C. i ! T.'. 1 - .-. It, T! (‘ I ovr-.lest .'.rraiiperi.ems o,., L '--I m . . • ! 1 ■ -1 1 !i‘.' i I 1inceton P.icket. .L\‘( 'GF.U'H n' Ea:n '.yt'.ile vou tea:-n. Career post- pp-NCii »o r 'KKEI Pr I (OMEoyitACk: 'ions ca tor A ;.email'- il'!. ‘ a: '.CHIN!' -y (I I •GN' 11 j V t;: f ! J r,i •- I ends ,ind Cl ains II''.: 36-f PEyiGh' Lxceiien' U.t : '. an-; . !ri: r h ; ■-K1I. I ■’. •.S'l A K rtN O .s A I,;\ K Y r N C K K A S K P lor new renapnon? 1 en efit'. 1' .ill .niin.ils Oper.iturs. too j...... ;-r-k- I'- Car>!.s . '.at.'-' S'. : ...... N ■ AtipE': i lei ' lifi-'e. o:ic-i. jjUii' *0. u: :\-o. RfiSI'lrUI AIIII.s . ■ -\.v • i - ■ r M 'I'O, _ -iL-Ol*:. sr-' 'M r : ' :■ j n y on- T 2"4 Me\ liidcr St. G O B .!. .nap Nem .'-Fa ic Inst. Im; •i-,:’ . r r-i ira or -el. ■ ■.-J. I Prim I'ti'i! ■ : r.f!"*': -.iii'-m ’.V. ■( 4-i'll.'id NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY w m: ' ..,.■' : . 8 T g 'N 'T ' E M P L O Y E R HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE

TIiniSDAY, MARCH 2. iy(C

Boats Business Services Bldg. Svcs & Supply j Garden—Landscape: Real Estate For Sale I Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale

l'(* FIBKHGL\S,S boat wUh 3 0 h jj. OBAL PRINCETO.V CERAMIC tiLE OVERLOOKING THE rm’EB ADI EKMAN, CLICK it CO. Kvinnirlf motor.'Windshield, all GARDEN MARKET INC. Executive rancher just listed. 10 SECRETARIAL SERVICE PRINCETON TOWNSHIP. Four HEAL EST.VTE , Llren.sed Real Estate Brokets controls, full cover, ?as tank, minutes from Trenton. Consists of Carnegie Building 21 Nassau St. LINOLEUM AND TILE FLOORS,! B.R.'s.. Panelled Den w/flreplace, 9 Spring Street $3'-.0. C all 448-431C. ■ Landscape a wide entrance hall, large sunken WALLS, ETC. •! laifge modern kitchen, 2 1/2 baths. Phone: 924-0401 --Designer and Contractor-- living room with a 2 way brick 2 Story Fieldstone House - -<9 Now really a COMPLETE Service! Low 40's. 921-9000 (ext. 555) wee!: rooms, 1 bath. Country Location.i EDGAR A. DORMER fireplace, formal dining roorh, ul­ FOR S.VLE prime Princeton Alexander St. days. 921-7690 week ends. No Excellent Buy...... $19,700. j * Executive Secretaries 387 Franklin .Ave. Princeton tra-modern kitchen, laundry room, location. English Tudor. 6 tied- GPUMMAN - OLD TOWN Princeton ^agetjts. * Private^furnished Office rentals 924-0365 22 X 30 recreation t oon, with flag­ room s, 2 baths, on I'eiUltlfully land­ SMOKEH CRAFT 452-2401 7 .Acres with 2 Brick Houses - 4 * 24-hour answering service stone floors and sliding glass doors scaped 1/2 acre. 924-0405, overlooking the Delaware River. 3 rooms in each...... $18,000. Sold' - Rented. $C. fjer day, $11 Related services . . . DOERLER LANDSCAPES large bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, full weekends. $169. and up with pad­ PLUMBING & HEATING basement, 2 car garage. Beau­ 2 Story - Well .shaded, sm all x'ard HOUSE WITH INDUST KIA L ,\C HE- dles. Delaware River maps, $1. ALLEN A STULTS CO. to maintain. 3 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 AGE. .SOITH BRUNSWICK. 201- Autotyping OIL BURNERS We stress a step-by-step prograrr: tifully landscaped with many ma­ following an overall plan. baths, living room with fireplace, 297-3772. •Mailings I Roomy, well-kept .5 bedroom 2 ture trees. Asking $47,700. ABBOTTS CANOl RENTAL J. B. REDDING A SON, INC. dining room , kitchen, attic, full ManuscrijAs- I story situated on a . beautifully Rt. 29, River Road Titusville 234 Nassau St. j * FOUNDATION PLANTING cellar and 2 car garage. Also, Mlmeographing jtreed landscaped lot convenient I PENNINGTON COLONUL 609 - 737 - 3446 Princeton i * SHADE TREES beautiful terrace...... $25,000. Offset Ito shopping and schools, .Asking A quite street In Pennington boro Real Estate For Rent Bea Hunt 924-3716 WA 4-0166 * PLAY AREAS on a medium sized lot with mature j P rice: $32,000. 43 .Veres with 2 Houses - Ex­ 924-3716 * PATIOS shade trees. 4 bedroom Colonial * PRIVACY PLANTING cellent Buy...... $43,000. VANDERMARK ROOFING and i l4 Bedroom rancher, very neat 1 2 1/2 baths, formal living room * FENCING I with basement rec-room , located with fireplace, dining room, cozy SHORT TFb’.M RENTAL - (MAY 1 Sheet Metal. .All work guaranteed.! * WALKS : kitchen with dishwasher and 10 acres with 3 iiedroom hou.se, to 'SEPT. 305 Furnished, 3- t h e s is & m a n u s c r ip t typing. I close to schools and shopping. Autos For Sale . matching refrigerator. Then several out buildings. 1500' of bedroom airconditioned rancher on Experienced, prompt, deptendable,! r.Asklng P rice: $16,500. Gall WA 1-6365 or 921-2034. 924-1221 ^ there is a huge family room with road frontage. $30,000. landscaped half acre neat Law------1______^______choice of 4 type styles including : raised hearth fireplace, full base­ renceville. 30 ft. living room, 1963, 4 door Galaxle, auto, trans., IBM executive. Mrs. DlClcco ; 3 Bedroom 2 story, 2 full baths, ■fenced-in yard, garage, concrete ment, attached garage. Just Building Lot In Hlghtstowti, $2,000. large colonial dining room, elec­ brand new battery, nearly new 89|B-0004. $29,900. tric kitchen, dishwasher, break­ tires, top cond. original owner. ' patio, living room , dining room , Special Services Lots For Sale den. Only , $15,000. New Ranch flou.se - 6 Rooms with fast area. Panelled studip with $750. Call 201-359-3395. BELL MT. SKI AREA 3 bedroom s and 11/2 baths, 1 car fireplace, panelled basement Sprawling stone and frame 3 bed­ garage. Near Schools. . . $17,990. gameroom with fit epUice, an?Tt5ar. ONE AND ONE HALF ACRE ^ l*droom Cape Cod room rancher on over 1 acre. Very Laundt y room-automatic washer, ; WOODED lots in exclusive resi- basemen airf a garap. 1906 RAMBLER Am erican 220. 2 large living room with openbeams 4 Bedroom House - NEW - 2 dryei, freezer. Two-car garage, door sedan, used only 8000 miles. Bldg. Svcs & Supply dential area p-lce ranee 5 000 ' and brick fireplace, dining area, Story - Llvlug room, dining room, shade , trees. $225,/mo Phone BOHREN'S MOVING A STORAGE J S I o m !C all 9llo7lf ’ “ $13,500. Manual shift, radio,heater, padded family room and new wall - wall kitchen^ 2 baths, recreation t ootiij 896-050'8, dash, seat belts-, undercoated. Hlghtstown Road ;3 Bedroom rancher,'living room carpeting, 1 1/2 baths, modern and 1 car garage...... $23,900. Have bought larger cat. $1350. kitchen, large screened patio, BUCHANAN CONSTRUCTION has with fireplace, large eat-in Wteh- HOUSE FOR RENT-3 bedrooms or reasonable offer. Private sale. breezeway, 2 car garage, new Princeton Junction 2 - 11/2 acre lots on Van Kirk ien; all city utilities. For Sale at 6 Room Ranch House In Hights­ at 115 Shapiro Ave., Hlghtstown, Call 201-297-4036. DuPont Tontine Window shades 452-2200 ^Road, Lawrence T^vp, Will build $21,200. aluminum siding. Very nice for town - Near Schools, Full Cellar. N.J, Inquire at 151 Wycoff Ave. Decorator Window Shades to your plans or arrange archi­ $24,900. 10 Years old. .$20,000. Venetian Blinds, also repairs: Local and Long Distance Moving tectural service. Also for sale, ; PRINCETON DE.ANS, 4 Rm. Hungalo-w, Unfur­ 1906 TORONADO comforttron. Air Kirsch Traverse Rods, curtalnrods! Packing and O verseas Shipping TEENAGERS DELIGHT 21 .Acres - Wooded, - Excellent 1.8 acre wooded lot on Carson nished. Couple only. One month condltionei', .AM, FM radio,$3500. Bay window rods. iFor Restoration-minded a 6 bedi Minutes from Pennington on 1/2 Buy. . $11,000. Road, just off Carter Road. $8500. security. Call after 5 (201) 297- ■Moving south. Call 737-2781, Toom English Tudor located In a acre. 4 iiedroom raised ranch of­ Call 896-0321. 0072. O'Brien, DuPont & P ierce Paints ' ‘ fine residential area. Has fers a 16 x 30 living room with 2 Story, 5 Bedroom House - Neat- Wallpapers, matching fabrics. ; enormous possibilities for a large , fireplace, seperate dining room, Schools. 1 1/2 baths, 2 car garage. 1964 PONTIAC Catalina station INCO.ME TAX RETURNS expertly- family sized kitchen, 2 bedrooms, ...... $21,400. wagon low mileage - good con­ prepared also N.Y, State returns i LAWRENCE TWP. lot, Eggerts family, price: $40,500, Estimates, Installations, delivery full ceram ic tile bath. 2nd floor FOR RENT: 2 story Colonial; 4 dition - loaded with equipment. prepared, Isidori Friedman, 23 W,; Crossing Rd. near Ewlngvijle. CRANBURY has (for the kids) 2 huge l>ed- BI-LEVEL - Hamilton Township,; bedrooms; 2 1/2 baths; Fireplace; Call 201-297-9010. SAUMS PAINTS A WALLPAPER Main St., Freehold, 201-462-4116,! Program available for new home room s and their own bath. Full 3 bedrooms, large recreation: living room; family room; formal 4 So. Greenwood .Avenue construction by spring. Let’s talk jFor immediate occupancy a 5bed- basement, panelled breezeway, 2 room , with fireplace, 2 i-ar g a -: dining room; kitchen; patio. Mom - Hopewell, N. J. 08525 it ov er. You can be in by the time j room Cape Cod with 9 acres and car garage. Outside a 16 x 32 ragd, beautifully landscaped, near' gomery Township, (201) CH-9- 1960 2 -d r. sedan, CHEVY. 6 cyl., 460-9479 or 924-2040 school starts. Under $20,000 for 4 KEY SHOP ‘ income producing units priced for a I swimming pool with cabana. Many schools and churches. Only $19,000: 5868. r/h. Sell cheap. Call 448-3523. 248 Nassau St. bedroom, 2 bath, full basement [extras too numerous to mention, house and lot. quick sale at $55,000, WA 4-3411 [Asking only $29,900. 2 FAMILY’ dwelling with aluminum 1 — Charles Perpetua, Prop. ! l o t s siding, has two 2-liedroom wpts., | .1957 CHEV. V-8 Belalr sta. wgn. PLUMBING AND HEATING - leaky RICHIP REALTY CO. KEYS MADE I j KARL WEIDEL, INC. full celler, near schools, central- ! HALF OF IX9UBLE house lor rent Very , good cond. Auto, trans., ra­ faucets, humidifiers, water pumps REALTLST REALTOR in Lawrenceville. 7 rooms, newly LOCKS REPAIRED : 125 X 125 — all city utilities-- i REALTOR (Our 52nd year) ly located. Price .... $18,0001 dio. heater. 18 m.p.g. New paint. and appl. installed - James Minish 924-9676 renovated, $115. month. Call 921- g e n e r a l g r in d in g : excellent location. Price: $6,600. $150. 924-636! 201-297-9425 or 609-921-8078. 9703 or 921-6527. Our New Location Apartments for Rent THREE (3) Individual lots (2) co r- 1/2 Acre lots in rural settlng-- Route 69 Pennington, N, J, Call for Information | 1960 MUSTANp - 6 cyl., .shift-O- Opposite Pennington Shopping 'ner lots and one inside lot) 125' $4,000. Listings Wanted | matic, white walls, r/h, only 8,500 Center FABRICS !x 125' minimum si/.e, fully irn- We have buyers for homes with [ miles. Reasonable offer accepted. HOMES A COMMERCIAL BLDGS, Bus. Rentals iproved, ready to build, on Sprlng- Office space and store fronts for 882-3804 737-1500 about 1 to 5 acre lot, or sm all' Call 448-5706. Open dally 9-9 Sunday 1-5 Renew- pealing, cracked, fading DRAPERIES 'crest Drive, one block from new rent. Princeton and Hightstown acreage. ceilings with one application of a c- jhigh school in the finest residential from $150 a month. coust ical spra y. Fast, Economical, SLIP COVERS isection of Hlghtstowti. 9 miles from PRINCETON BORO HAROLD E. STACKHOUSE LARGE spacious office Trailers iPrinceton, priced at $6900 each for Apartments for reni. Furnished REALTOR Building and .Annex, 3500 -sq. SALVADOR DRYWALL TAPING FURNITURE REPAIRS quick sale. Call Ben at (201) 763- lor unfurnished from $122.50 a First offering of this excellent Phone 448-1069 ^ i ^ir conditioned, birch panel- CO. 4289. ______:______; month. I colonial located less than one block 138 S, Main St., Hlghtstown, N .J .: Hng, plenty of parking areas.D ally DEWEY’ S UPHOLSTERY SHOP ! from Nassau Street, The location and Sunday, 10 to 3, Needham., UTILITY TILAILER - made from P. O. Box 323, Cranburv [New Listings Needed. Is tops. The extras Include almost Evenings and Weekends 195$ Dodge pick-up bed. $125. Good (609) 395-1319 Routes 130 & 33, Hlghtstown. Call 6-8 Station Road LOTS FOR SALE, 3 acres oL; I new wall to wall carpeting, air 448-2097 or 395-1671 or 448-1353 | 448-6235. condition. Call (609) 448-27a4j- wooded land at the edge of the Allen & Stults Co., REALTORS conditioning in the beautifully pan- i Sourland Mountains, An unlimited Princeton Junction 106 North Matn St. ; elled fam ily room and a lo v e ly ; view lets you .see the Empire Hightstown, N. J. ; brick patio with a large shade State Building on a clear dav. SW 9-1778 ; tree. The bright sunny living room SPACIOUS TOWN HOUSE IN Call 466-2874. Musical Inst. EMENS & MeVAUGH 609-448-0110 I has a good working fireplacej sep- LAMBERTVILLE DUTCH NECK. For rent store and 7 1 arate dining room with large bay room modern house. Propeit} Plumbing and Heating Contracts ! window, modern kitchen w;lth eating 1st floor; entrance hall l l x l " with situated on about 1/3 acre. ; area, four bedroom s, two and half open stairway to 3rd floor, living Premises can be used as store, RUSSELL H. EMENS office or any commercial enter­ UPHOLSTERING COMFORTABLE AND com i»ct 3 I tiled baths all in Immaculate condi- room 14 x 23, large dining room, prise. Call Trenton, 882-1319, MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. Plano, REPAIRING Real Estate For Sale bedrm. rancher In country village. : tion. The rear yard offers good pri- study, kitchen and pantry. 2nd EDWARD MeVAUGH i larlnet and accordian lessons JOHN RITTER Unusually attractive for the sm all [ vacy with perfect planting, partly floor; 3 very large bedrooms, tile given in Kendall Park by graduate 222 Monmouth St. family. Approximately 10 years, i finished basement, two car ga- bath. 3 rd floor; 3 large fin­ Phone 924-5522 of Eastman School of Music. Call Hlghtstown, N. J. old, modern thru out, floor to ' rage. ished rooms and hath. Grounds are fenced in, nice lawns and 201-207-4475. 448-3541, Cape Cod near Granimer school:. celling fireplace, rec.rrn, in base­ Asking $46,000 Phone 921-8773 ' plantings. Asking...... $32,000 Excellent location for young couple ment, garage, 3/4 acre, 5 min. For Rent— Apts. with children: Home in first class- walk to commuter train, $24,900, ! f THOMPSON REALTY MAURICE M. ELY ______cotiditipn. Four rooms and bath on; i W. BRYCE THOMPSONIV, Broker RENTAL OF MUSICAL INSTRU- ,, ,,, „ PRINCETON the first level. Second floor with •ARE :y o U looking for a medium I 195 Nassau Street, Princeton, N.J, 24 N. Main New Hope, Pa, $ jx RCXDM apartment for rent. MI^-TS. F.:rrington's Music DBPOSAL SERVICE front dormers atid full dormer; priced home in good neighborhood ! . 921-7655 . 215 - 862 - 2828 Heat ;ind hot w;iter included, 19 Center. Rt. #1 circle. Open 9 Planaheadforyourrooflngneed,- Rt, 130 & Half Acre Rd. across the rear. Interior piirtlally with lots of room ? This 7 rm . j Evenings andSunday 1.2 Blackwell .Ave., Hopewell. Call a.m .- 9 p.m. 452-2659. NEW ROOFS REPAIRS Cranbury, N. J,' ■finished for two additional bed-: 2 story frame dwelling is an ex­ I H, Richard Parsells 921-2654 466-3224. 609-395-1389 room s and bath -wflth studding, in­ cellent buy. .All newly renovated. 3 bedrm., 1. 1/2 baths, garage, NEW spacious I bedroon: .ipt. 3 CCX3PER & SCHAFER sulation, wiring and some plumbing; Home and Industry pleasant shaded vard, $25,000, ! HOPEWELL - Restored Colonial elec, appliances, 2 air - con­ 63 Moran Princeton work completed. Fenced yard for Instruction Garbage, Trash, Rubbish Removed with .slate roof. Modern kitchen, FOR SOME outstanding values in ditioners. carpeted. Near 571 &■ WAlnut 4-2063 children. Com'tilnation storm ers, . Hauling of all Types $13,800.! CHOICE BLDG. LOT with a view. laundry room , 1/2 bath, living suburban "Homes for living" .see 535. Call 921-8536. . 2 acre .wooded lot with many dog-. room with now !)rick fireplace, Richardson Realtors ad on the 'la rge TV or dining room , new oak Brooktree Colonial: Very nice con-: WQod andMarge shade trees, fruit Real Estate p:ige of the Wlndsor- Plumbing & Heating Contractor UPHOLSTERY floors. 2nd floor has 4 t)edrooms, dition. Excellent floor plan with; trees and shrubbery planted. Hights Herald. CRANBURY, 96 N. .Main St., 5 COMPLETE IBM. SENSIMATIC, full bath, large attic, full liasement, center h.ill aad foyer. Living room,! Drilled well, driveway, 2 car ga­ room apartment, 2 bedrooms, NCR & STENOGRAPHY MA­ E. SIUWONO SLIP COVERS hot water oil heat, 3 car garage. dining room , kltchet) with eating! rage, all on property at present. porch and 26' garage. Close to CHINES - Free catalog. Fre,e em ­ ! Lots of sh ade, city water. $24,900. area. Panelled family room andj Only $8300. shopping and transportation. 1 j-ear ployment service. Veter.ans Ap­ Bathroom Remodeling DRAPERIES powder room off kitchen offers! lea.se, $125. per month. Call 201- proved New Brunswick Secretarial Our Speciality NEAR HOPEWELL. Do you need convenience for mothers and chil­ E; F. MAY, BROKER 240-8600, 9 - 5 p.m. scltool. '.4' - 3910. Est., 1032. 297-1164 Franklin Park'844-2607 VENETIAN BLINDS dren. Three large Itodrooms, fam­ Blawenburg, N, J, 466-2800 ; extra home for your in-laws or TRANSFERRED AGAIN, just after AH work guaranteed help to pay your aTiorttrage? We have ily tiat!), plus 1/2 batli off master, we completed the improven:em.s in J. J. VETICK 'this 8 acre tract mostly wooded liedioom. Garage aiKl full base­ our new home. Our 2 .story Co­ with 2 good houses. One 7 room lonial has 4 liedrooms and 2 1/2 lawrenceville Road, 1703. 171 Stockton St., Hightstown ment, combination .iluminuir. WE.ST OF FREEHOLD ranch with oil heat aiad 2 baths, baths. The panelled family ■Studio duplex, 3 rooms, between s:n f i .i b l t l d f r s stormi-rs. $23',500. BHIDGI- INSTRUCTIONS. Ex­ rented for $140 month and a Cape room h;*s a raised brick fire­ Princeton and Trenton, Available perienced Corel) te.u'her. Private 488-0095 Cod with 4 Ixedrooms, hot water oil 3-Beilro'oni Brooktree Rancher: The smart couple will adore this place flanked liy bookcases and i March 1. 882-7708 or 883-5.542. and sm.al! ) lass instruction. Rea- CAR PFNTRY ,..M ASONRV heat. -All in good condition. .Ask­ Built four years ago I'ut In Isetter chat ining ranch home on l/2 a c r e . sliding glass doors leading to a souftlde rates. Call AX7-34119-11 condition tliau new. Established Living room kitchen with dining ing price only $27,000, brick patio. Perhaps I'CSt of all APARTMFJNT for rent. 6 room.s, ,\.n'. or 7-9 p.m. Remodeling - New Construction WE’ LL HAUL FOB YOU. C A IL lawn, nicely liuidsc.iped with nu­ area, 3 light airy bedroom s, full it's a short walk to ttie Junction 3,liedroon;s. $125; n:ohfh. Blawen­ Patiii - Sidewalks - Block Work OSCAR WOLFE, REALTOR ANYTIME, (009) 799-1080. , merous shrul)s. Two ceramic tiled basement, hot a.ir heat with oil, .station !ind Maurice Hawk elemen­ burg - Skillnian area. Call 359- Additions Alterations 397-2138 t)aths, .spacious kitchen with large .A-1 condition for only ...$16,900. tary school. Stop by 67 Lillie St., 5131 fron; 9 .i.m. - 5 p.m. Garages - Playrooms - Kitchens Evenings a. Sunday ^ dining area, garbage disposal unit, Princeton Junction, or call 799- Fiilh Insured - Prompt Service 397-3080 466-1297 4 ROOM, unfurnished, 'newl'y C n T A H LESSONS. Folk or. Rock ample cabinets and counter wi.rk BEN ALPEHN, REALTOR 0938 for an appointment. No agents Quality WorkmTmshlp Hunterdtin Countv Mulllple paimed apartment in downtowr. and Roll. Profe.xsional musician, are.i. Full l)asement. attached ga­ 46 N. Main' St. Freehold please. '201 - 297 - 2311 DRESSES custom made for youx Listings Hightstown. Refrigerator. Call g leai s expeifence. Inquireat 882- rage, combination .stormer.s and - Gall 201-462-6464. figure. Dresses, eve. gowns, . '.'?'l9. ' doors. AH city utilities. $22,900. (609) 448-2372. t " • ■ •...... cocktail dresses, etc. Satisfaction guar. Call Maruja, Hopewell 466- GUITAR INSTRUCTION - be­ Two-story near Ptddie G;impus; HOUSE FOR SALE'. 2 la-mip, S.VSSMAN'S 2804, . EAST WINDSOR Township .split ginner.-). After school and even­ First floor offer.s entrance foyer, duplex, stucco, 2 driveways, on FARMS KRIVI: WAY CONSTRUCT ION level. Located in good neighbor­ For Rent—Rooms livin.g ro.nti-.. form al dining roo.m, Hwy. 27. Stop a t '3210 Lincoln ings. Call (201) 297-3102. BLACKTOP AND STALING hood. convenient to shopping area. Hwv. or call 201-297-3723, HOMES STONE AND o n PENETRATION kitchen, f.tniily roon. and 1-ath. 3 bedrcionie. 2 tile biiths, modern ACRE AGE. Second fk>or with three bejdroonis OUITAR, LESSONS - prlv.,te. ex­ kitctien with dishw.isher. disposal, and second bath. Finished roo;'.; on In Bucks County Pennsylvani;, ROO.M E'OH RENT - in fji'ivate pert instructors.Most stx les. Far- Parking Area - T>riveways Bottled Gas .for home and Indus­ Chan.bei.-) xvall o'.'en and range, third floor for. stud', or libixiry. quiet home. Kitchen privllege.s and ri!.)frton's Music Center. Open 9 Fill Pirt - Top Soil try use. H 4. H Feed a. Gas Co. diiiiut: area, living room., base­ NORTH BRUNSWICK Two car garage .'md st-.iidc trees, Ma u r ic e : m . e i.y oUter.s. Workiim won,an or c iil a.ni. - 9 p,n'... Rt. ’•'1 Circle. Call for estimate AX 7-0463 ■ Windsor, N. J. Phone 448-3232, ment with finished recreation $22, 000. 24 N. Main preferred. Call after 7 pj. m. 448- D'ooi’,, central alr-conditloningand Well establi.slied pharmacy, own- New Hope. Pa. 1847. g.iruge. .'\sking $24,500. ej- I'etiring. For a go cetter, won- R.-.nther adjaceat to Piddie Golf deiful opportunity, Wdv. '.vork for 21-5 - 862 - 2828 Course; Central, air-conditioned Business Services N. W. MAUL X SON- STULTS REALTY CO. of.hers'.’ Get in busines.s for your­ FUltNISHED, .single room m down­ seven rooii;s and 2 li-atli.s. The spa­ self. Selling below stock inventory. U. S. Hw>. 130 i Griggs Drp ; Realtor town Hightsto'.vn. Call (609) 448- LIGHT H.AULING, attic, cellars DA 9-4656 cious p;melled fan.ily roou. has a MLS (Multiple Listing Service) 2372. and garages cleaned. Junk haul-d Repair Service fireplace and thel'nop.ine doors 37 North Main St. ■ H-AKRY O. BURGE.SON- HOPEWELL BOROUGH, 5 room, ■ AMS SFCRFTARLU STRYICES i.lectrlca! Powerov awav. Call 448-1911. which provides a lovely .■. ii’w o! the Cratiiiury, N, J. 395-0444 REALTOR t'.ouse and garage for .sale ! y own- ' lo r the I'lerlca’.' jop. you r.,mict ; I lgb.tlng Inslaliations golf course. Atta‘5-1751 or 393-0568 I er near store.s and schools. Call FOR KENT, CALL 924- Handle, in-office. i hi! or home. Industrial Maintenance rare, asphalt d"ive, large h't 150 ROOM 737-0779 after 6 p.rr:. 0104. Typinc. otfsel dupUr.i.fing, ad- ■X 190. ■ . . $35,590. dressiuc, tiaiUm'. bookkeeping, invor.tcfy roht rol.' Ni-LSON ' GLASS x ALUMINUM PIANO TIT-ING - . LEONARD v a n HISL AGENCY KENDALL "PARK.- ‘ bedroom, ■2 STORY HOUSE IN HIGHTS- THREE BFDPOOM split on f>eau- 45 SPRING ST. ■ Realtor Imick from ranch, living-dining TOtVN - 4 iedroon s, livin’ room, tifully -landsmiped lot In River­ \ r n n-D M.yNAGi- mi-.nt .' PRINCr TON ■ , - ReLnil.itinc ■ Repairing'loo i f , ( kto:; St.. Higlustowt., N. J. toon., 2 txatlis, paneled kitchen- dining roon,. ii'ocicrn i'atli and .side near lake. Large llviiig-dln- ■ SI KVK'FS, pec. i ■ . . . WA 4-2880" ROBERT H. -HAM U 7/ j p^ne 418-42-,! fa'miL.-rec room over-looking 30' kUche.i.- All copper plun.bing ;mdTiig room;, panelled . sturly. 2 1/2| M IK H O FS Regi-stered ! Eve:-,mgs .itid Sund.iys patio. Fence*-! in j.-ard, redwood fully insuLtted. '.veil /l.itidscapiad, baths, large porch and n:.tny ex-1 N.;'>.oi Street Princeton : ^AlT(^ GI ASS Me:;.!'er Plimo Technicians Guild,! 448-'’5.57 or 448-1178 pool, stor n’.s, .screens, all appli- fenced m yard 'with 2-c.ir g;ii age tras inrluciina air - conditioning, 92!-68/!,! PIAT'i -.v UTNPO W Gl. ASS In. ■ ■ I . jances. Neat school, bus and shop- aiid attic. (009) 448-3359 anytime. carj-jets .md n any others. No agents 92’. - 7242 Ipinc. Sacrifice $22,500. ! 20L 297- Price $'6,505. ■ i please. $49,500. Please call 921- WORK FOR YOU 4447. 6588. PAGE EIGHT THE CENTRAL TOST THURSDAY, .UARCH 1967 members, John Westbrook, and a Graene member of the Planning Board, Hospital Vote William Nelson, against Project (Continued from page 1) Classified OBITUAHJES (Continued from R.ige 1) LA. , (Continued from page 1) of the , a hUti point exten-sion, depending on labor and The suit has delayed progress in h,is legal career. conM umon cost increases in that on thf project and was the reason over for their voluntary service period. DR. VORIiEES RIGHTMIRE jP. Of Old Bridge and Peter A, He was the defense attorney for for the bid deadline extensions by Real Estate Wanted Too Late to the Hospital: Leslie L. Vlvlanj ;SOUth Brunswick in the landmark .-Another comractcy, -James De- the contractors. bf Princeton: one daughter, Mrs. Jr,, for having served as a Laplaine Inc., saidlt required a Dr. Voorhees .Alvin Rightmlre, Joseph Ruane of Poughkeepsie, case to uphold the validity, of trustee and secreHtfy of the possible increase of $730 on a - 0 - died last Wednesday at his cluster zoning, he has been the 1/2 ACRE or more of land with or 9! N, Y.; one sister, Mrs, Irma Sut­ Princeton Hospital'•orporatlon. at-j^3E970 bid for the same reason, home on Georges Road, Deans, Municipal Utilities .Authority .Argentin.i's 22.834-foot Mt. without:house in Plalnsboro, Non, To Classify cliffe of Reno, Nev,; one brother, Mrs. Charles B. IMMen, who is torney since 1.905 and lie was the -Among all the other compllca- .Aconcagua marks the highest point Jct„ Hlghtstown area. Must be where both hfe and his'father were Wayne of Monterey, Calif, and 14 serving her second term as presi­ no ns involving the authority's af ------^------T------torn, ' Planning Board at torney from 1962 in the Western Hemisphere. rural property. Wlllirig to pay grandchildren. dent of the Women’ s Auxiliary. to 1904. fairs is a suit filed by one of its 815,000 for house, $3500 for lanll. FOR SALE - Gas wall oven and. A graduate of New Brunswick Funeral services were held yes­ Dr. Richard L. Barach "for skill, (Stove, good condition. Reason- High School and the 1905 class .Mr. Greene lias been the area Call coll, 215-045-3641, anytime^ terday from the A.S. Cole Fu­ leadership and cooperation demon­ able offer accepted. Call 201- of the University of Pennsylvania, chairinan for the United Fund except Fri, nite or Sat, (Private; neral Home, Cranbury, Requiem strated during his term as presi­ drive, and he is a past member party). ‘ 297-2090. he was treasurer of the PsiOmega mass was celebrated at St. Paul's dent of the ..Medical and Dental WeA Sp,.iaL ------fraternity and a tiiember of the of the Elks Club anti The Opti­ Church, Princeton. Interment S ta ff the past year. mists. X 1 PART TIME FILM SCA.NNER. A f- Wilbur Lltch Society and the was In St. Paul's Cemetery. Departing from the usual for­ Tuesdays and Wednesdays records committee of the unl- .\ veteran of r.vo years in the U.S. WANTED TO RENT - four or five jternoon position availatde. Scan-; - 0 - mat of its written annual report, Air Force, from 1956 to 1958, bedropm house, 2 baths. A p p ro x l-ining and measuring photographs the hospital has Issued a four- reaching the rank of first lieuten- Revlon Softint Helen Curtis Tipping mately $150 to $175. a month.:for scientific research project.No: He was a former inember of OTTO T. OLSEN SR. page "Report to the Community" Phone 466-2B31. .experience necessarv. High School South Brunswick Board of ent, he resides in Kendall Park with the Permanents and stressing several phases of its with his wife Elaine, a daughter ______V------'education required. .Apply person-. E'Ju^tion serv ng la years ROCKT’ HILL — Otto T. Olsen patient care services. Sharon, 8, and a son Richard, 4. Color Machine Frosting r.xm rcxorvc, * * I"®' office. j L e s F orre.st^ cIm - He retired from tls Newark Sr., 75, of Canal Road, died Sun­ In addition to brief summaries dental office In 1946 after prac­ He graduated from Rutgers Uni­ ATTEOTION LANDLORDS! Auto-I pfinceton, N. J. An day In Princeton Hospital follow­ by Sir. Conover and Dr. Barach versity. in 1933 and in 1930 he S7.50 $12.50 $15.00 matlon .institute Of Princeton Is opportunity employer, ticing 50 years. and some highlights of the finan­ ing a brief Illness. graduated from Columbia Law Includes shampoo se includes cuf ond set presently compiling a list ofhous- He is survived by his wife, Born in Staten Island, N. Y., cial report, there Is a series of Ing accomddatlons for it's stu­ the former Mabel Earle; two School. .At Rutger.s, he made the he was a resident here since 1932, illustrated articles dtal4||jllng in dean's list several times and be­ dents. If yoM have room and/or nieces, Mrs. LeRoy Walling of He owned and operated, with his detail the horS» dtre pw fram , the itoard faculties and would like to 12 L5TLE ST„ PRINCETON South Belmar and .Mrs. William longed to Scarlet- Key, an honor­ \ckaJ\ of JC n Jjl ParL son Otto Jr., a poultry and grain new imprsyed emerfpney service ary host society. appear on this list, please c a ll: $12,900 Bonner of Sierra Vista, Ariz., farm for the past 35 years. He organlzatj^ kKal progress in Single 0 rooms and bath, 3 tjed- Tickets for the Outstand, 3430 Route 27 Kendall Pork 924-65354 and a great-niece. was a member of Rocky Hill psychlatrlea|iiMi^liBalth care, i rooms on a 32 x 120* lot. This Young Man banquet are now avail­ The. funeral was held at his Reformed Church. plans for de*lapleg a coronary (201) AX 7-1195 ' ■ ihorue has just been redecorat- able from Mickey Hasson, 103 residence Saturday with the Rev. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. care unit and an ai^raisal of the New Road, Kendall Park. PRIVATE PARTY with 5 children jed and is in move-ln condition, James Darroch of the Dayton Pres­ Viva Brinson Olsen; a son, Otto laboratory and radiology (X-ray) desires to buy direct from owi- .Vacant, fast possession. byterian Church officiating. In­ Jr.; two grandchildren; two broth­ units, which *411 be moved into er 5 liedroom or 6 Ijedroom home R. J. CONTI i- CO. 883-1230 terment was in Dayton Cemetery. ers, Howard 6f Lakewood and enlarged quarters now nearing In Johnson Park School area, Oc- Brokers Eves. & Sun. ^82-8018 Arrangements were by the A.S. Theodore of Perkasle, Pa.; two completion. THURSDAY, FRIDAY cu(>ancy .spring or summer. Phone Cole Funeral Home of Crhnbury. nieces and a nephew. The report is t>elng published 466-1672. - - 0 - The- funeral will be held today this week as a supplement to The — •— ...... - ...... — WAREHOUSE RANGE CLEAR- at 2 p. ni. at the Kimble Funeral Princeton packet, and its sister AND SATURDAY : .A NCE. Save upto 35%, Four brands: EUGENE SARKANT Home, 1 Hamilton Ave. The Rey. newspapers. The Central Post, and .RANCH OR SPUT house wanted. ■ to choose from. Buy and save now,' Earl Jabay, Interim pastor of the Windsor-Hights Herald. OF KENDALL PARK Minimum, 3 bedrooms. .Middle pay later. Free hook-up to our gas; Eugene Sarkany, 32, of 14 Daw­ Rocky Hill Reformed Church, will Copies of the "Princeton MARCH 2, 3 ,4 $40's. Call evenings, 921-2470. lines. Call 587 - 8150 and ask, son Drive, Kendall Park, died officiate. Interment will be in Hospital Report to the Commurn for Ernie or Gid.SUBURB.AN PRO­ Friday in Princeton Hospital. Rocky HHl Cemetery. Ity" are also available from the PANE, Rt. 130, Robbinsville. , Born in Budapest, Hungary, Arrangements were made hospital main desk or by written he moved to Kendall park 14 through the Kimble. Funeral Home. request,. Hotels & Motels months ago from Buffalo, N.Y. SEE WHAT YOUR $1 WILL BUY! A graduate - of Princeton Uni­ Public Notices versity, he was an electrical en­ CLARKSVILLE MOTEL gineer. • Notables Laud .S'onCK TfH'i-,l(.soNSlN Mll.n KUt !■, He is survived by his mother,! SAVE UP TO 70 % AND MORE! U. S, Route 1 and Quaker Road OR I'.vritNT.X tN lUjel'H.-U.'- .Mrs. Helen Sukany; and a sister,j .A.sb TO IllKIH HH,.:UIVs ,x \.MI I-i'lrM#-- near American Cyanamld Co. 2, 3, Mrs. Ildlko Olchvary, with whom and 4 room apartments, tastefully he resided. furnished, by week or month. Also II wu are In the militarv nh! vhu<>i | patient In a veterans* hospital anti fJeslre ! Funeral services were held yes­ Dr, ODT^nheimer "rooms and private hath. Commer­ to Wte. or If vou are a renttve or frlenO , terday in Buffalo. Interment was Infants’. Toddlers' Corduroy Crawlers, Reg. 1.99...... Men's cial rate^.452-2233. t»f a per-^on who is In the nillitarv no! .-n t in Elm Lawn Cemetery, Buffalo. Knit Shirts, Reg. 2.99...... Beys' Sport Shirts, Reg. to 2.99... or a patient In a vofetaoN* hospital ''•ho, More than 600 persons came to cist, with tears In his eyes, ac­ you believe, will tJesire to vote In me sp*.»< lal I.ocal arrangements were under .Alexander Hall, Saturday to honor . . M isse s’ Wool Jackets, Weskits, Reg. 9799...... G irls'K nit election to conduct a referendum on S C RANBUR Y — The Infant daugh Dr, Hans Bethe, Cornell profes­ for science." He termed t he choice IN SAID roWNSHIP OF SOUIH BRUNSWICK, i ter of Donald and Alice Geringj sor of Physics, with Oppenheimer of Dr. Oppenheimer as chi^f at Schannel died Feb. 21 in Mercei pursuant to the provisiotis of R, S, ; a pioneer in unlockihg the atom. Los Alamos as a "marvelous" to held on .April 14, kindly write fo i Hospital. Henry DeWolf Smyth, profes­ Too Late the underslCTied at once making' application : D r, one, .Also surviving are four sisters. Mhn’s Sport Shirts, Reg. to $S...... Boys' Wool, Orion Sweaters, lot a Tiiilitary service t»ulloi to be voted in j sor emeritu.s at Princeton Unlver- Mrs, Katherine Oppenheimer said,election to l«e forwarded t« '.tiu, If vo\i are | Reg. to 1.99. . . . .Girls' Orion Sweaters, Reg. to $5...... M isses' Donna, Kathryn, Victoria andCyn-jslty and U. S. Ambassador to the entered.Alexander Hall by a rear in the Millltary service oi atf i patient In a Shirts and Blouses, Reg. to 5.99...... Men’s Famous Dress Shirts, veterans* haspital, stating vour name, age, thla; a brother, Donald J r „ aU International .Atomic Energy door and sat In the front row during To Classify serial number, home address and the address at home, and her grandparents, Commission in Vienna and former Reg. to S5. . . . .Men's Dress Slacks, Reg. 6.99...... at which >t)u are stationed or can I'e found, the service. $2 Carmen Scfhannel of Princieton, U. S. .Airiljassador to Russia, The ceremonies began with the or if \ou (teslre the military service lallot and Mr, and Mrs. Rudolph Ger- for a relative or friend then make an applica­ GMrge F. Kennan,professoral the master recording of Stravinsky's PRNCETON TOWNSHIP tion under oath for a military .service ballot Ing of Trenton, and her great- Institute foi' Advanced Study under "Requiem Cantices" - first played to tie forwarded to him, statin»: In vour applica­ grandmother, Mrs, Susan Michels tion that he Is over the ape of 21 veais, and Dr. OK>enheimer spoke. in Princeton last fiill - and end­ A 5 bedroom, 3 tile bath RANCH. of Trenton. stating hLS name, serial nunil'or, home address The only other speaker was Dr, ed with a recording of Beetho­ Consists of large living room with and the address at which he is stationed or Graveside services were held Oppenheimer’s successor, Dr. ven^ Quartet No. 14 In C Sharp fireplace; dining area; m.odern kit­ can lie found, \ Thursday in St, Paul's Cemetery, Carl Kaysen who said "his death minor, pla.ved by the Jullliarci chen with ample cabinets; huge :an i'e oUalneU U om Princeton, under the direction of Foi ms of application has diminished us all,’' String Quartet. family room with beamed celling; the underst^d. ' the Kimble Funeral Home. Dr". Smyth poignantly re­ Men's Sport Shirts, Reg. to 6.99...... M isse s’ Wool Shirts, Reg. to spacious utility room; large Composer Nicholas Nabokov 6.99...... Girls’ Dresses, Reg. to 8.99...... M isse s’ Wool Bermu­ Date<1; March 1, lt»67. called the days when both men made arrangements for the tape screened porch along rear over- JOHN CANTU had Served on the Atomic Engergy das, Reg. 4.99...... M isses' Boots,Reg. S6. . . . .M isses' Wool, iooklng garden and heated SWIM­ ELBERT Ov PILRNON with Columbia records. Dr, Op- CLERK, SOUTH BRUNSWICK toWN^HlP Commission and the revocation of Corduroy & Stretch Slacks, Reg. to 6.99...... MING POOL. OH h/w heat. 2 car penhetmer had been present at the $3 MUNICIPAL BUILDING .CRANBURY - - John Cantu, 68 Dr. Oppenhelmer's security clear­ premiere of the StraAdnsky workat garage. Beautiful planting sur­ MONMOITH JUNCTION, NEW JEliSEY of Grovers Mill - Plainsboro Road, ance in 1954. Dr. Sm\+h was the rounds this fine home. Offered 0«852 McCarter last fall. died Sunday at his home only member of the AEC to side Among the hundreds of profes­ at $51,500. Pub; 3-2-67 IT He. was born in Trinidad, Colo.,j with Dr. Oppenhelmer's position. sors, politicians, statesmen and Fee; $10.88 lived in Ridgefield, N, J, for 20 and he said that the revocation LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP - u - sclenti.sts were: ; POST LEGAL ■ ^ vears and moved to Cranbury In came during the "McCarthy perl- Nobel Laureates, Isidor Rabl, >SOlTH BRUNSWICK TOW'N.sHIP VOTEItS 1956. 6d." Eugene AVlgner, Julian Schwinger, 'A Colonial-type F.ARM HOUSE, on ^ He was a retired sales repre­ "America paid horribly for it. Tsung Dao Lee and Edwin Mc­ approximately 2 1/2 acres, with ^pru h , i a . m . to 8 p . m ., sentative for the Royal Typewrit­ Such a wrong can never be righted mature trees and exceptional land- jat ihe regular voting dtstncts, ?o vme on the Millan: M isses' Juniors Shirts, Jumpers, Dresses, Reg. to 12.99...... er Co. He was a sergeant in the and such a blot on our history can Donald F. Hornig, White House scaping, plus a 2 story BARN In : er of foreign universities which IT B. Meyner, Princeton Universtly Monilay, Thursday, Friday No Refunds, Exchanges Tu'o '‘Volunteens' were eager tohavehim.Thephysl- THOMPSON REALTY Fe©; $4.83 President Robert F. Goheen and 9:30 to 6 P.M. Tuesday, or Layaways W, Bryce Thompson, IV, Broker many of the Princeton academic , Two South Brunswick teenagers Wednesday, Saturday 195 Nassau Street MiC.VsVMtK t<.avnsiui- community; w e re lionoied for volunteer serv- Princeton 921 - 7655 K IU C A noN Poet Stephen Spender, novelist Kuwlall Park. Np.' .I.-a- w, Hces to St. Peter's General Hos- Board John O'Hara, Paul Nitze, secre­ Eves. & Week-ends jpital List week during a con,blned Charlotte Morrell 799-0273 N01K .- TO liiniitit. tary of the Navy, and Sen. Clif­ iservice .Awards Program and (Continued from page 1) ford Case, The IM i.i ol ! .iucaUou oi .SOU-I. tiiuiu.- I p iQ Q tg p g g H y h O S p lt a l'S wick To-wnNhir InviU's ’ l>!' sul HiiSNlon of j _ , i #■ » . . ' ______j . . . 1. bi'is un \rt iioiin. : Mur-ic j Scliool of Nursiiig, g^Tous liuG to their inf id msbitit y, SECRETARY Depi. - loPiint labtes-I 1-h.urs. combitiAuon , Joanne Burtoii of Monmouth i had been collected of Ken-: Mr. Bartolozzl also reported .Advertising research firm has op­ seats Homo .-conomics mBU.. imia-truintts j dall Park W e r e presented emblems , (hat' he. and building inspector ening for girl with minimum of ,is Tabh"- fti." them high school students, per- been ordered to have a family Princeton Airways has work. Please call 924-3400 for iiM UN" ir thc A.chc>ol tbN' forn, duties o.f’ .i non-technical of five removed from a two-room appointment, nature in numerous hospital de­ l\ rfcciv.-b iin’i house which had no sanitary fa­ •.c AHuiimsrratior. 'Uv V, partments at St. Peter's, from cilities. GALLirp i ROfilN"SON tulall r.u k , NV-.A .bvsi'-., adn Itting to X-r.iv. The board unanimously reap-: plau* aU t uis will ! . iu*lp J.' - 0- ' Princeton, N. ivni-s asRi bl'l fetp'.' ; pointed its plumbing m.spector, .T- •efftre. . NURSES' SCHOOL . I Donald Rodner, and its secretary, ' Miss Gail Iftisso, and decided to UPH01.STERY SERVIC E .! le e e s- i : -.lur.i' t'ti ’.•■V v: liMils. \r.: •A pre-nursing test for ^ 11- wait until its next meeting to con- timate.s. Call 609-921-8485. • 4- s 3t St ' ®Wer a request from the authoritv pf bl'l cauts for tlie 1907 (T.i.ss Petoi's Genera! Hospital schooi/<^E covering tie- U' ^:-.i ■ a" y : ]• N oi Nursing will tie held on Satiir- i.eqnii ements. P'RINCETON C'OONI.AL PARK K ' split-level on .ittractive 1 2 acre. VlDDl :■ day, March 4, in the .school audi­ Living room, dining ell, kitchen torium. A similar test is sched­ YOUR BIKE with eating area. 3 iiedrootv.s, 1 I '2 uled for .April 8. Candidates for the t'.iths, large p;inelled laiililv room class .ire required to take the pre- OUT OF with laundrv. 2 car garage. Ir. the nut .sine test, on one of these dates. $20’ s. Call 799-08.37. Additional infornutioii and advance STYLE? reei.stration details may be ob- t.iined by writing or telephoning daily flight connections at Kennedy and Newark Airports AVON C A I. LING t!m si-h(X)l's r'eeistr.ir.'

We are helping scores of women in ■ ruiUifie : Hlghtstown ar.d surrounding towns 'cr 14 •NtUe'ur to make ir.oney. working 3 ianns Cl'' u Tu VN l i! ••ti">”; .1' onep, 1 •• 7 daily. We have an opening in HOUSE fintc©, t-© '2.UV BE.-AUTIFUL for an Avon repre­ *<• toll a- p.r'.o't.f . -i'.- ,3 !<1;' whlCT HiLj sentative. Call 609-LY9-3626. inl •Lu*'" wt;h line© A' .1 ‘ CbkKil, v-QlIfFu 'jr.!'.','; sr . uii; '^F OH.Sttr A? ,-,ou Dt‘ ’icJiMt’ ;.o v'aN'- )"OU", I'a Uo' ’ a’ ;.x-Uin» ■vjll ^ At'lc '.e V .v'.-'i'i; t-o'I'inF L: -C'ur Jist"let on .‘•.uii b-©. .trHi'.A'Lr .i©- N" rivihA: talUn • AiU be’' See'All The Hew Models Of m ; p •>• vu't' in s;.*ecu! i oirtuu- Ar.. sprli' .YD* uitJfSkf- FLY ALL THE WAY! FCH.^ALt Qf SOIT tl P Hini AA 1 < 7 ■'••'A 725 1 f .'f Jif.- 4 Grave Plot.s -\r< © N> , "iMUi© !• BICYCLES Perpetual Care in ■; r'iN \Nk ! : ■ \r:nr: ■ N 0 t Hourly flights from Princeton Airport Franklin Memorial P.u k •! K, tN-Mii Value $805.00 ■ ' -.'A'yrl: ; t’ •: N ' J IN : ' . • N- ATTH TH‘ rN'7N;i. K KOPP’S CYCLE Will sell at great sacrifice MUNKIiA- U71Urrr> Call after 6 p.m, !•; i- vi'"- .F:- : .TlINk; '• * HI •••,•• S o V s • Se-fviAicc - 201 - 350 - ,■.•'55 V.HNT ',N:' t'b'P'"'V-U . v’. ’rk'.NV- :n<- -in ir Job'' S’-ec* ’ •■; I N-'-Mk K. p. -ce’c- N J. WA 4-lfl52 Call fw reservations: !272u?6’-Io9l 5U>