CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E2088 HON
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E2088 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 8, 2010 has served as the Subcommittee’s Congres- to build five towers at the site, one of them office several times on the Libertarian ticket, sional Fellow over the past year. Mr. Hatch 125 stories tall. Later, Wal-Mart wanted to put most recently just this year when he ran for will return to the Department of Housing and a store there. Senate in Arizona. Despite the best efforts of Urban Development, where he will continue to Senator Kennedy’s commitment to social David and others, the Libertarian Party has perform budget and oversight work, taking justice is evident throughout the campus with never been able to achieve major party status. with him the extraordinary talents and insight murals, quotations and similar exhibits. I believe the main reason for this is the restric- he shared with the Subcommittee. Originally designed as a large, comprehen- tive ballot access laws that force new and The Transportation Subcommittee was very sive K-12 school that would house more than third parties to spend the majority of their time fortunate to have Patrick as a part of the Sub- 2,400 students, the school district determined and resources getting on the ballot, thus leav- committee team this year. He did an out- in 2008 that the facility would host wall-to-wall ing them with comparatively few resources to standing job serving as a valuable member of pilot schools, which opened this fall. Pilot devote to actually campaigning and spreading our housing policy team, researching a variety schools are innovative small schools that have their message. I continue to believe the Amer- of housing and transportation issues, pre- charter-like autonomy over their budget, cur- ican politics would benefit from reforming paring hearing and briefing materials, and riculum and assessment, governance, sched- these ballot laws so third and independent managing the thousands of project requests ule and staffing, but are part of the public parties and candidates could have greater that were submitted to the Subcommittee dur- school system. ability to communicate their ideas to the Amer- ing the fiscal year 2011 appropriations proc- Among the new school’s many features is a ican public. ess. In addition, Patrick had lead staff respon- 500-seat auditorium and cafe´ at the site of the sibility for oversight of the budgets of the Saint old Coconut Grove nightclub, built adjacent to Despite the obstacles of ballot access, the Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, the hotel in the 1920s, where LA’s rich and fa- Libertarian Party has been successful in intro- Research and Innovative Technology Adminis- mous would go to party. Howard Hughes was ducing millions of Americans to the ideas of tration, Department of Housing and Urban De- a regular there and several Academy Awards liberty. It has also pushed the two major par- velopment Office of Inspector General, Access events were held there during the 1930s. ties in a more libertarian direction. Thus, even Board, and Federal Maritime Commission. Groundbreaking on the new schools took those advocates of liberty who have chosen to Patrick’s attention to detail, strong work place four years ago. work through the major parties to advance the ethic and excellent sense of humor set a high Phil has been instrumental in the improve- freedom philosophy benefited from the David standard for the Subcommittee. His tremen- ment of public education in Los Angeles. I Nolan’s work to advance liberty through the dous commitment to public service was evi- wish him all the best as he continues his im- Libertarian Party. dent in how he continually went above and be- portant work on behalf of young people. He David’s work with the Libertarian Party was yond the call of duty by taking on additional will continue to carry my own admiration, and far from the sum total of his activism as he assignments and working long hours to assist that of all who have had the privilege to work was involved in a variety of other pro-freedom his Subcommittee colleagues and ensure a with him. organizations and projects. One of David’s high quality piece of legislation. In every task, ideas was the genesis of the freedom move- Patrick brought a sense of professionalism f ment’s most successful outreach tool. In the and passion to his work, and was a pleasure TRIBUTE TO DAVID NOLAN early seventies, David reworked the traditional to work with, no matter how late the hour. Ev- two-dimensional left-right political spectrum eryone who interacted with him during his service to the Subcommittee was greeted with HON. RON PAUL into a graph running from that favoring govern- a smile and a kind word, which is extraor- OF TEXAS ment involvement in both economic and per- dinary, considering the difficult tasks and situ- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sonal affairs to those favoring complete liberty. In between were those favoring social freedom ations he dealt with each day. Wednesday, December 8, 2010 I am profoundly grateful for Patrick’s service but not economy liberty (modern liberals) and to the Subcommittee over the past 12 months Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, David Nolan, those favoring economic freedom but favoring and I am confident that he will go on to founder of the Libertarian Party and creator of government intervention in personal matters achieve great things at the Department of the ‘‘Nolan Chart’’ that inspired the ‘‘World’s (conservatives). In the 1980s, David’s friend Housing and Urban Development. I, along with Smallest Political Quiz’’ passed away on No- Marshall Fritz, the founder and President of my Subcommittee staff, wish Patrick all the vember 21. I join freedom activists around the the Advocates for Self Government, converted best in his future endeavors. country in mourning his loss and celebrating the Nolan Chart into the World’s Smallest Po- his life. litical Quiz. f Like many libertarians of his generation, Da- The quiz uses the Nolan Chart to graph an HONORING PHILIP JOHNSTON vid’s initial interest in the freedom philosophy individual’s political philosophy based on re- was inspired by the novels of Ayn Rand and sponses to a series of ten questions that Robert Heinlein. During the sixties, David was HON. PATRICK J. KENNEDY measure one’s commitment to economic and involved in Students for Goldwater and Young OF RHODE ISLAND personal liberty. The quiz has been taken over Americans for Freedom (YAF). David was also IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 15 million times online, has been reprinted in involved with the Liberty Amendment Com- dozens of newspapers and magazines, is ref- Wednesday, December 8, 2010 mittee, which worked to pass an amendment erenced by major high school and college to the Constitution repealing the Sixteenth Mr. KENNEDY. Madam Speaker, I rise textbooks, and is used by educators in class- Amendment and restricting the powers of the today to recognize Philip Johnston, Chair of rooms across America. The quiz is respon- the Board of the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial, federal government to those explicitly granted sible for many people’s first contact with liber- for his stewardship in the opening of the Rob- it in the Constitution. tarian ideas. As a board member of the Advo- ert F. Kennedy Community Schools Complex David was drawn to the Republican Party cates for Self Government, David helped the in Los Angeles, California on September 13, because of the limited government, pro-indi- organization popularize the quiz. He also as- 2010. Named after U.S. Senator Robert F. vidual liberty themes of the Goldwater cam- sisted in numerous other projects by the Advo- Kennedy, my uncle, the schools are devoted paign—and like many others he was dis- cates designed to help activists in the freedom to social justice. Phil’s work on behalf of the appointed when the supposedly free-market movement more effectively advocate the free- young people of Los Angeles is simply re- administration of Richard Nixon embraced a dom philosophy. markable. policy of conservative Keynesianism. When The 24-acre, $578 million schools complex Richard Nixon imposed wage-and-price con- Madam Speaker, David Nolan devoted his on Wilshire Boulevard consists of six different trols and took the U.S. off the gold standard life to the cause of liberty, and helped build schools for grades kindergarten to 12, with on August 11, 1971, David decided he could the freedom movement through his work with more than 4,000 students, the vast majority of no longer support the Republican Party and, the Libertarian Party, the Advocates for Self them from Latino and low-income neighbor- along with a group of other disillusioned ex- Government, and many other organizations. I hoods. Philip, 85, was a driving force behind Goldwaterities, created the Libertarian Party. therefore join freedom lovers across the coun- the project, which was fraught with obstacles David remained active in the Libertarian try in extending my sincere condolences to from the start, including Donald Trump’s plans Party for the rest of his life. He even ran for David Nolan’s family and his many friends. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:09 Dec 09, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08DE8.015 E08DEPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS.