Jesuits Brochure
The Jesuits, 1506–2006 A Visual Celebration WORCESTER ART MUSEUM Domenico Antonio Vaccaro, Virgin and Child with Saints, about 1730, oil on canvas, 132.1 x 85.1 cm, Sarah C. Garver Fund, 1977.129 he year 2006 marks several Jesuits believed that God was present anniversaries for the Catholic everywhere in the world, and they would T religious order called the Jesuits work where people were, largely in cities (more formally known as the Society of and towns, but also in far-flung missions Jesus). It is the 450th anniversary of the around the world. They would labor as death of the founder, Saint Ignatius of teachers, preachers, and in many other Loyola (1491-1556), as well as the 500th roles, wherever the needs of people anniversary of the birth of two of the were greatest. other first Jesuits: Saint Francis Xavier Formally approved by Pope Paul III in (1506-52) and Blessed Peter Faber 1540, the Society of Jesus made Rome its (1506-46). headquarters. Ignatius soon became the head of the new order, and devoted A special installation of three paintings himself to its direction. He was the from the Worcester Art Museum cele- principal author of the Jesuit Constitutions; brates these Jesuit anniversaries. This he responded to requests for Jesuits from guide to the installation also acknowledges bishops, princes, city governments, and the continuing presence of Jesuits in the others seeking their help. From the later city of Worcester, especially at the College 1540s, requests for Jesuit teachers and of the Holy Cross. for the Jesuits to found or take over Saint Ignatius was a Basque Spaniard who schools became more and more frequent.
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