Isaac Newton Institute of Chile in Eastern Europe and Eurasia Casilla 8-9, Correo 9, Santiago, Chile E-Mail: Inewton@Terra.Cl Web-Address
1 Isaac Newton Institute of Chile in Eastern Europe and Eurasia Casilla 8-9, Correo 9, Santiago, Chile e-Mail: Web-address: The Isaac Newton Institute, ͑INI͒ for astronomical re- law obtaining significantly different slopes, down to the last search was founded in 1978 by the undersigned. The main reliable magnitude bin, i.e. where completeness drops below office is located in the eastern outskirts of Santiago. Since 50%. The slope of the internal annulus is flatter than the 1992, it has expanded into several countries of the former outer indicating the presence of different mass distributions Soviet Union in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. at different radial distances. This is a clear mark of mass As of the year 2003 the Institute is composed of fifteen segregations, as expected in dinamically relaxed systems as Branches in nine countries. ͑see figure on following page͒. GCs; These are: Armenia ͑20͒, Bulgaria ͑26͒, Crimea ͑29͒, Kaza- 4.- In order to further clarify the situation, we applied two khstan ͑17͒, Kazan ͑12͒, Kiev ͑11͒, Moscow ͑22͒, Odessa different mass-luminosity relations from the models of Mon- ͑34͒, Petersburg ͑31͒, Poland ͑13͒, Pushchino ͑23͒, Special talvan et al. ͑2000͒ and Baraffe et al. ͑1997͒, for two differ- Astrophysical Observatory, ‘‘SAO’’ ͑49͒, Tajikistan ͑9͒, ent metallicities, ͓Fe/H͔ϭϪ1.5 and ͓Fe/H͔ϭϪ2.0. The ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ Uzbekistan 24 , and Yugoslavia 22 . The quantities in pa- two models, although very similar, give slightly different rentheses give the number of scientific staff, the grand total slopes. Both, however, confirm the difference in slopes be- of which is 342 members.
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