Outside the Lines Vol. VI, No. 3 SABR Business of Baseball Committee Newsletter Summer 2000 Copyright © 2000 Society for American Baseball Research Editor: Doug Pappas, 100 E. Hartsdale Ave., #6EE, Hartsdale, NY 10530-3244, 914-472-7954. E-mail:
[email protected]. Chairman’s Note New E-mail list up and running. At the Committee’s annual meeting in West Palm Beach, members expressed interest in an electronic mailing list through which members could post research queries, alert others to articles of interest, and generally discuss the business of baseball. More than three dozen members have already joined the list, which is open to all recipients of this newsletter. To subscribe, send an E-mail to
[email protected]. Committee compiling a roster of major league general managers. Shortly after the E-mail list opened, John Matthew proposed our first full-fledged Committee project: compiling a list of all major league general managers, or executives who performed the role of a GM. If you’d like to help, contact John directly at
[email protected]. Committee contribution to forthcoming SABR anthology. SABR Publications Director Mark Alvarez has asked all research committees, including us, to submit one article for inclusion in a forthcoming SABR anthology. Mark advises, “it should be related to your regional area or your research committee’s purpose. It could be something an individual member has been working on, a joint project of several members, or even a ‘point-counterpoint’ approach to a particular issue.” The finished article must be submitted to Mark by May 1, 2001.