Grimsel Test Site (GTS) Information sheet Visitor season is from the end of May to the middle of October, Monday to Saturday The Grimsel Test Site (GTS) is located at an altitude of 1730 m a.s.l. above Meiringen in Canton Bern. It is constructed in the granite formations of the Aar Massif, some 450 m beneath the Juchlistock mountain. The tunnel system is around 1 kilometre long and offers ideal conditions for performing a range of research projects. Today, more than 20 partner organisations are involved in the work at the GTS. How do I register a visitor group? • Visits are possible only if the date is arranged in advance (see contact address). You will then receive the registration documents by post. The form "Visitor Application" should be sent to Nagra at least 6 weeks before the visit. Around 4 weeks before the date, you will receive written confirmation from us. The visitor list should then be returned to Nagra at least 2 weeks before the visit. Contact address • Nagra ● National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste ● Hardstrasse 73 ● CH-5430 Wettingen ● Tel. +41 56 437 11 11 ●
[email protected] ● Arrival and departure • Visitors are responsible themselves for organising transport to and from the agreed meeting-point, which is usually Gerstenegg. • Groups of more than 10 persons should attempt, where possible, to arrive by bus (coach). Access to the tunnel is not possible with double-decker buses. The maximum permissible vehicle height is 3.80 m and the maximum width is 2.55 m.