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1853 54;





1853. ft? *•£*.••• > £ NOTE BY THE PUBLISHER.

It is due to the Public to state that, in order to procure informa- tion for the " City " portion of this Directory, from Five to Six

Thousand Schedules were issued, for the purpose of being filled up by the Inhabitants. In transcribing these Schedules, the utmost care was taken to preserve the exact address and orthography of

Name which had been given; and, still farther to preserve the accuracy of the Work, the ' whole of the Names, after they had been put into type, were again, at a large sacrifice of time, care- fully compared, one by one, with the original Schedules.

The " County " Directory, which forms an important part of the Work, has been made up from returns furnished, in almost every instance, by the Schoolmasters of the respective Parishes.

To the Gentlemen who have thus so kindly assisted him, the

Publisher gladly embraces the present opportunity of returning his most grateful thanks.

The short delay which has occurred in getting the Work

issued, has been as much a disappointment to the Publisher as it

can have been to his Subscribers. To those of them, however, who may have been incommoded by the delay, he begs to offer a

respectful apology, and to assure them that, from the complicated

and laborious nature of the Work, (this Directory being an

entirely new compilation), the delay was found to be quite un-


Victoria Court Printing Office,

Aberdeen, July, 1853.

. 6 — .™—. 6


Fage 18 Aberdeen, its Extent, &c. —™- ~— — 7 Clothing Society ™~ Aberdeen Auxiliary to Ladies' Association 16 Coaches to and from Aberdeen ,—. — 22 Aberdeen Auxiliary to Female Society—™~ 16 Colonial and Foreign Postage Rates 28 Aberdeen Asylum for the Blind 18 Cottage, Villa, and Suburban Directory™—. 35 Aberdeen Banking Co. ™— ~— 21 County Directory —™- 175 Aberdeen Bible Society ™— ~~ 16 Commissary Court ™-™-™— 14 Aberdeen Branch Methodist Missionary Soc. 16 Court House Commissioners—~ 15 Aberdeeu Commercial Co ™— 21 Colly hill's Trust ™- ™-™-„™— 17 Aberdeen Female Missionary Society ™~ 1 Commercial Bank of Scotland—™~— ~ 21 Aberdeen Female Association „—™—~~ 16 Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum™ ~~~ 18 Deaf and Dumb Institution ™ .™ 18 Aberdeen Female School of Industry —~~—~ 18 Co — ™~ 21 15 Aberdeen Female Penitentiary I.— 18 Educational Institutions ™ ~™-™~™— Aberdeen Golf Club — 19 Female Society ™~ —™—™— 18 Aberdeen Leith and Clyde Shipping Co.—~ 21 Foreign Consuls 21 Aberdeen Lime Co — 21 Foreign and Colonial Postage Rates™ ™- 28

Aberdeen Mutual Assurance Society — 19 Free Church Divinity Hall™——™~ , ~ 16 Aberdeen Mutual Marine Insurance Co 21 Galena Investment Co ~—™~—™~™~ 21 21 Aberdeen Market Co ™, . . 21 Gas Light Co ™- ™~™~— Aberdeen Natural History Association™™— 18 General Dispensary™™— ™—™— 17 Aberdeen North American Investment Co™, 21 Gordon's Hospital ™™—™— 17 Aberdeen and Newcastle Steam Co—~ 21 Gordon's (John), Charitable Fund 18 Aberdeen and Newcastle Shipping Co.™ 21 Gratis Sabbath Evangelical Society ~~— 16 Aberdeen Public Baths ™~ 19 Great North of Scotland Railway—™™ — 21 Aberdeen Philosophical Society ™™™— „, 18 Aberdeen Phrenological Society ~—— —- 18 Aberdeen Property Investment Co.™——™— 21 Haydn Society ~™™~ ™- 19 Co ™— ™—«, 21 Hospital for Orphan Children™ ™ 18 ' 19 Athenaeum Reading Room . ™— 19 Hor'tus Club ™-—™- Aberdeen Steam Navigation Co. 21 Interest Table 34 13 Aberdeen Sea Insurance Co -v— — 21 Incorporated Trades ™-

. . 12 Aberdeen Stock Exchange ™ ™— 22 Inland Revenue ——• Aberdeen Town and County Bank ™— 21 Industrial School Association 17 Stock Commercial Establishments 21 Aberdeen Temperance Society ~~ ,— 18 Joint Aberdeen Union Club —— ™— 19 Justice of Peace Court ™- 15 Co 21 Justice of Peace Small Debt Court ™-~ 15 Aberdeenshire Coursing Club 19 King's College™-™- — ™- 15 Aberdeenshire Horticultural Society™— 19 Ladies' Fund Society ™- 18 Advertisements —™™, —228 Legal Institutions ™-™~™-— 14 Agents for Assurance Companies 173 Lloyd's Surveyor and Agent ™— 21

Auxiliary Bible Societies ™- 16 Lunatic Hospital ™- ™-—— .— 17 ™- ™- 26 Athenaeum Reading Room . 18 Mail Arrangements

Bank of Scotland, ™™ 21 Mail and Stage Coaches—™ . —™~—™~ 22 Boys' and Girls' Hospital ™~„ ™™ 17 Magistrates of Aberdeen™™—~™—™™ 13 Boys' School of Industry ~-™™„ 17 Marischal College ™™™ ~~™™™™ 1

. . 19 British Linen Co ~™ . .™™™™™— 21 Mason Lodges Burgh or Baillie Court ~™™ ™-™~ 15 Messengers-at-Arms 15

Medical School . 1 Carriers to and from Aberdeen ™™~ 23 Mechanics' Institution 1 Churches, Chapels, and Meeting-houses 20 Medico-Chirurgical Society 19 Child's Asylum Committee —™— ™ 17 Mercantile Marine Board 20 Chemists" and Druggists' Society™™™™ ™— 19 Miscellaneous Institutions ™~ 18 City Tax Office 13 Midbeltie Fund ™- 18 City of Bank „ 21 Milne Bequest >^^w>»~^-— 19 GENERAL INDEX.

Page Tago Michigan Investment Co . „ - 21 Scottish Australian Investment Co. ~~> . 21 Money Orders (Post Office) .~. . 27 Sheriff Court _„ . 14 Municipal Institutions ~™.~. - 13 Sheriff Small Debt and Circuit Court - 14 Narrow Wynd Society ~ . 19 Sheriff Officers „^. „ 15 National Bank of Scotland™ - 21 Shaw's Hospital . 18 National Security Savings' Bank. . 21 Sheriff Watson's Female Industrial Schools . 17 North of Scotland Bank. 21 Shipwrecked Seamen's Fund ~~ . 18 Northern Assurance Co. „„ - 21 Shipwrecked Fishermen's Institution -~~ „ 18 Old Aberdeen Directory „ „ .106 Shipmaster's Society „ . 19 Old Machar Parochial Board - 17 Shore Porter's Society ™^„ . 19 Ophthalmic Institution . 18 Sick Man's Friend Society . 18 Operative Mutual Assurance Society - 19 Society for the Children of the Clergy „ 18 Parishes and Post Towns - 30 Society of Advocates . 14

Parochial Pauper Lunatic Fund~ *. . 18 Spalding Club ™. _ . - 18

Post Towns „^ ™ , . 29 Steamers to and from Aberdeen,™™ . 25 Post Office Regulations . 27 Street Directory .112 Post Office Money Order ™ . 27 St. Nicholas Parochial Board . 17

Police Establishment . . ™ 13 St. Andrew's Society , . - 19 Post Office Officials . 12 St. James's Society a 19

Police Court™.. . - 15 ™ Suburban Directory , _ 35 Professions' and Trades' Directory .145 Sugar House Lane School™, - 17 Prisons Board , - ™ „.„„ 15 Town's Public Schools , ™ 16 Private Asylum . „™ . 18 Trades' and Professions' Directory .145 Public Revenue Institution r „ „™„ « 12 Union Bank of Scotland ~ ™ „ 21 Public Soup Kitchen ^ . 18 United Coal Fund „™„™ ™~ . 18 Public News Room . 19 Vaccinating Institution - 17 Religious, Charitable, and Philanthropic In- Victoria Lodging House ™„ - 18 stitutions ~~.„..~,„...... » , 16 West Aberdeen Coal Fund ™~m . 18 Royal Infirmary 17 West Aberdeen Sick Man's Friend Society - 18 Scottish Provincial Insurance Co. „™ 21 Wig Makers' Society . 19 Scottish Sea Insurance Co 21 ^™ Woodside Directory ^. , .109 — —



(Specially prepared for the present Work, and brought up to the latest date.)

Aberdeen is a town of considerable antiquity, doubled a century afterwards— was, in 1755, by and was in early times honoured with numerous Webster's enumeration, 15,730. According to the distinctions, chiefly in acknowledgment of the va- Census Returns for the , just pub- lour or industry of its citizens, conferred by the lished by authority—and which, though in reference Scottish monarchs. The city has long been re- to this locality, differing somewhat from the figures markable for the extent and importance of its trade heretofore usually accredited, will no doubt be now and commerce— a fact sufficiently proved by well- generally adopted— the population of the Parlia- attested records of the very considerable sums levied mentary city of Aberdeen was— in 1801, 26,992 ; on the town in remote times for various national 1811, 34,740; 1821, 43,821 ; 1831, 56,681 ; 1841, purposes, as well as by authenticated figures appli- 63,288 j and in 1851, 71,973. This last number is cable to more modern days. Nor have the means made up of the following items, viz. :— East Pa- rish, of instruction in useful knowledge and sound learn- 5,403 (inclusive of 221 military in barracks) ; ing ever been otherwise than abundant. A quaint West, 11,227 ; North, 6,167 ; South, 4,548 ; Grey- historian, writing towards the close of the sixteenth friars, 6,654 ; St. Clement's, 7,466 — total of six city " century, informs us that there wants no opportun- parishes, 41,465 : Old Machar parish (part of), ities in this city for the whole, both male and fe- 30,503; Banchory-Devenick (part of), 5—gross to« male, to learn any manner of good and commend- tal, as before, 71,973, of which number, 31,746 are able knowledge iu such things as may best qualifie males, and 40,227 females. The returns state the them." number of inhabited houses at 5,839, with 17,356 The town is situate— computing from the locality separate occupiers. The population of the city roy- of Marischal College— in latitude 57 deg. 8 min. 20 alty, which consists of the six town parishes, and a sec. N., and longitude 2 deg. 2 min. 48 sec. W. part of Old Machar parish containing 12,343 inha- from the meridian of Greenwich ; reckoning from bitants, wa3, in 1851, 53,808. The population of the Girdleness, the latitude is 57 deg. 8. min. 58 Old Aberdeen, included in the Parliamentary boun- sec, and the longitude 2 deg. 5 min. 42 sec. Aber dary, but of course not in the royalty, being itself deen is about 117 miles NE. from ; a burgh of barony, was, in 1851, 1911.

103 SE. by E. from ; and 505 from Lon- 3. City Rental. —The estimated rental of herit- don. age, within the burgh and freedom of the City, The following condensed statistical account— the taxed for certain purposes by the Board of Taxers, is designed both in facts derived from reliable sources— was, 1821, £74,869 ; in 1852, it was £134,480 ; to exhibit the progress of the city, and to afford a thus showing an increase of nearly double. means of reference as to its present condition 4. Treasury Funds. —The revenue of the City Commercial, Social, and Moral. Treasury for the year 1833 was £10,808, 13s. 6d. The accounts of the Corporation for the year ending I. —Extent, Population, &c. 15th Oct., 1852, show a total revenue of £19,780 6s 7d.; and the expenditure, £18,100 6s. 6d., leaving 1. Extent of City.—Kennedy, in his Annals, a surplus of £1680 0s. Id. The amount of Trea- states that the circuit of the town, exclusive of sub- sury stock, as at the last- noted date, was Cr. 9 urbs, in 1685, was 2141 double paces ; and it ap- £236,373 4s 5d.; Dr., £177,171 17s. 4d.; balance, pears from another account, that about the same £59,201 17s. Id. — this balance being, however, period, the market place alone bore a large propor- subject to the surplus expenditure, on Ihe Kirk tion to the limits of the city, being 124 double paces charge, which amounts to between £1200 and in length. Aberdeen, at present, reckoning only £1300 yearly. the extent fully built on and inhabited, is about 5. Miscellaneous.—A somewhat peculiar cri- 40,000 feet, or 7| miles, in circumference. The city terion, perhaps, of the increase of the City— but one has, especially of late years, rapidly extended to- not wanting in value— is that found in the con- wards the west, a very salubrious locality, where a sumpt of gas, which, in 1841, was 26,000,000 cu' style of houses, excellent both in external architec- bic feet ; whilst, during the year from May, 1852, ture and internal accommodation, generally pre- to May, 1853, it was 68,500,000 cubic feet. In 1845, vails. the average daily supply of water to the town waa 2. Population.—The population of Aberdeen, 650,000 gallons ;' it is now, in 1853, 1,125,000 gal- from being 4000 in 1572—a number little more than — — ; ) —


these six months, built as large an amount of ton- XI. —Tirade, Commerce, &c. nage as there was launched at the port in the year The following facta and figures come appropri- 1818, the style of building requiring greatly more ately under this head. work, and being every way vastly superior. 1. Imports.—The Imports into the Harbour of 6. Railwajt Traffic. — It might have been Aberdeen for the year ending 30th Sept, 1852, were stated above that the exports and imports at the as follows :— Coals (English and Scotch), 457,993 Harbour have of late years showed a slight decline,

bolls ; Lime, 56,543 do. ; Cotton, 250 tons ; Flax and which, however, is more than accounted for by the

Tow, 1662 do. ; Hemp, 308 do. ; Wool, 331 do. traffic on the Aberdeen Eailway. The extent of

Wood : American, 5825 loads—European, 5036 ; this traffic is shown by the following table made up — Wheat, 18,757 qrs. ; Flour, 11,764 sacks ; Salt from the Railway reports :

967 tons Iron, 3861 tons ; Bones, 5508 do, ; G\i- ; passenger traffic. ano, 5034 do. Besides a large amount of miscella- neous goods, which yielded of shoredues, £2645 8s. Half-year Half-year ending ending Total for 9d. the total amount of import dues being £7022 ; July31,1852. Jan. 31, 1853. year. 0s. 5d. First class - 14,428*- 17,288 31,716* 2. Exports.—The chief exports for the same pe- Second do - 52,9964—— 50,161 103,157* Third 111,635*. riod were— Flax Manufactures, barrel bulk,18,839 ; do 100,324*— — 211,960 Woollen, bb. Oats, Bar- Parliamentary ~ 59,929*— 70,868 130,7974 Cotton, bb. 4356 ; 2333 ; — ley, and Bear, 56,132 qrs.; Meal, 46,051 bolls; 227,679 —— 249,952* 477,631* Cattle, 8048 Sheep and Lambs, 5240 ; Pigs, 1111 ; ; revenue. Butter, 2568 cwt. ; Eggs, 7273, barrel bulk ; Pork,

6950 cwt. ; Porter, 162 hhds. ; Stones (granite), £ S. D. £ S. D. £ S- B. 38,595 tons; Salmon, 1014, barrel bulk; Scotch Passenger 17,14816 3t~19,36S19 8-36,51715113 Goods, Miner- Fir Timber, 11,210 loads. And a large amount of ) als, & Par- [-18,516 10 10*^19,551 8 5-38,06719 3* miscellaneous goods, paying one-third of the whole eels—— , shoredues on exports. The whole amount of shore- Livestock 1,50211 8*~ 1,09715 0-2,600 6 8* dues in the above year was—for Shipping and Goods This is exclusive of revenue from mails, and mis- inwards, £11,061 0s. 9d. ; for Goods outwards, cellaneous, which for the year amounted to £6057 £4175 13s. 10'd. 19s. lgd. The total revenue for the year ending as 3. Harbour Revenue.—The revenue of the Har- Is. l|d. traffic on in to above^was £83,244 The the bour of Aberdeen amounted, 1818, £8850 ; Aberdeen Railway, large and increasing as it is, in 1830, to £12,347 ; in 1840, it was £17,874 3s. promises soon to be greatly augmented by the 5d. and, in 1852, the amount was £19,953. The ; completion of the Deeside Railway from Aberdeen total amount of Harbour expenditure, from 1810 to Banchory-Ternan, and of the Great North of up to 30th Sept., 1852, was £880,000 . ; a large pro- Scotland line from Aberdeen to Huntly, and sub- portion of which was spent on the extensive Har- sequently to Keith and Inverness. The former bour works. line will be opened in about two months, and the 4. Customs.—The following is a statement of the latter a3 far as Huntly some twelve months hence. number of vessels cleared coastwise, exclusive of 7. Cattle Trade. The county and district of vessels laden with stones, railway sleepers, and — which Aberdeen is the centre has become celebrated lime, for the year ending 5th January, 1853 : for the number and excellence of the cattle raised INWARDS. OUTWARDS. and fattened for the southern markets. In 1840, 1481 vessels—211,600 tons- .946 vessels—] 77,872 tons. the number of cattle (exclusive of sheep, &c.) ex- The vessels reported inwards with cargoes from fo- ported from the Harbour was 6422. For the year reign ports were ending 30th September, 1852, the number of cattle BRITISH. FOREIGN. TOTAL. carried by rail and sea was 21,575, whilst during Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons. the six months succeeding it was 16,409 — exclusive 84 14,014 88 6,707 172 -720,21 of large quantities of dead meat, amounting, in the respectively, to for the year, 1580 Vessels cleared outwards cargoes, 12 British, above periods — half-year, 990 tons. 3172 tonnage; in ballast, 64 British vessels, 12,514 tons ; 8. Trade, &c. Taxed in Cur.—The following tons ; foreign, 14 vessels, 1459 tons. The registered table is an extension of the figures quoted above as vessels belonging to the port were, at the above to the city rental. It shows the amount of heritage, date, 253 of 50,684 tons ; in 1830, 217 of 32,492 tons trade, and casual profits within the burgh and free- in 1760, 98 of 5020 tons. The Customs Duties (ex- of Aberdeen taxed and stented by the Board clusive of casual and miscellaneous receipts) were dom of Taxers for the years undernoted ; —in 1817 (including, it is believed, those of Peter-

head, &c), £17,913 ; in 1851-2 (for the port of Year. Estimated Rental. Trade. Casual Profits.

Aberdeen alone), £83,820 12s. 4d. ; in 1852-3, 1821 £74,869 £1,061,500 £69,715 - 82,020 £87,667 lis. 8d. 1830 92,207 1,375,500 — 2,093,600 159,020 port of Aberdeen has, 1840 — 105,720 5. Ship-building.—The 1850 127,715 2,445,400 230,625 of late year3, achieved for itself a high particularly 1852 134,480 — 2,712,500 -— 233,217 place for the point of excellence to which it has carried the art of Ship-building. The name of the Thus, during the last thirty years, whilst theesti-i nearly doubled, the valuation city has, indeed, become associated with a model mated rental has | than of build very remarkable for a combination of sym- under the head "Trade" has greatly more " metrical beauty with extraordinary sailing qualities doubled, and Casual Profits" have increased con- under- and carrying capacity. A large number of artisans siderably more than three-fold. It will be represent anything; are employed in this branch of trade at the port. stood that these sums do not In the year 1852, 10 splendid vessels were built of like the actual amount of rental, trade, and profits, city but the principle oi the aggregate of 5678 tons new, and about 6800 respectively, in the ; imposition having beer tons old measurement. During the first six months taxation and the mode of exhibiting the pro- of 1853, 6 vessels were launched of 3216 tons, uniform, they are of value as N.M., about 4000 O.M. One firm alone has during gress of the town and its trade. —;


9. Manufacturing Establishments .—There are, various Missionary, Sabbath School, and other As- within the Parliamentary boundary, five large and sociations, for the promotion of religious objects at as many smaller establishments for the manufac- home and abroad. ture of cotton, linen, and wool ; three for the ma- nufacture of combs—one of them the largest of the 2.—EDUCATIONAL. kind in Britain ; besides extensive iron foundries, rope and twine works, &c. An idea of the amount 1. The Universities.—Aberdeen enjoys the pre- of the manufactures of the city may be gained from eminence of being the seat of two Universities. At the list of imports and exports, superadding a large King's College, Old Aberdeen, founded in 1494, proportion of the Railway goods' traffic. with at present 9 Professorships, and 11 Lecture- 10. Commercial Establishments.—The follow- ships, most of the latter connected with the Medi- ing is a mere enumeration of this class of esta- cal School, there were in attendance last Session blishments in the city :—Banks—Aberdeen Bank- (1852.3), 270 Students in Arts, 94 in Divinity (at- ing Company, established in 1767, incorporated tending both Universities), with 52 Students at with Union Bank of Scotland, 1849 — capital, the sessions of the Medical School. Attached to one million ; Aberdeen Town and County Bank, the College there is, besides a Museum, a Library 1825 — capital, one million; North of Scotland of great extent, numbering; 50,000 volumes. There Banking Company, 1831 — capital, one million. are about 130 endowed Bursaries— a considerable of Branches—Bank Scotland ; Commercial Bank of number of them open to competition—the yearly Scotland; National Bank of Scotland ; British Linen value of which is about £1950, exclusive of Several Company; City of Glasgow Bank. Insurance Divinity and Medical Bursaries, of the value of about Companies— Scottish Provincial (formerly Aber» £120 yearly. The number of Graduates in 1852, deen), capital, 1825— one million ; Northern, 1836. was— in Arts, 35 ; in Divinity, 2 ; in Medicine, 24. Annual revenue from all sources exceeds £53,000— The latest returns of attendance at Marischal Col- numerous agencies of other Companies. Shipping lege—founded 1593, and with at present 13 Chairs, Companies.—Aberdeen Steam, with 3 steamers, of and 9 Lectureships— corresponding to the above are about 3000 tons ; Aberdeen, Leith, and Clyde —at classes in Arts, 191, ; Divinity, 94 (attending Bteam-ships, 3, of 1480 tons—besides a tug, 60 tons, also King's College) ; Law, 1 2 ; Medicine, 87. Bur- and one sailing vessel 1 saries, ; Aberdeen and Newcastle, 126 ; present yearly value, £1250 ; many of steamer, 280 tons ; Aberdeen and Hull, 1 steamer. them being at low interest. Volumes in Library, Whaling vessels belonging to Aberdeen, 2, about about 14,000. The number of Graduates in 1852: tons; sealing, 700 1, about 150 tons. Railway AM., 21 ; LL.D., lj M.B., 7; M.D., 12. Companies.— Aberdeen— capital, £1,256,666 (for 2. Schools.—At the period of the last census traffic tit supra); Deeside — capital, £106,250; (March, 1851), there were in Aberdeen and vici- Great North of Scotland — capital, £1,104,440. nity 140 Day and Evening Schools. About 20 of Investment Companies.—Michigan ; North Bri- these are of the superior class of Academies. One tish Australasian Loan and Investment ; Galena is of the intermediate kind between the ordinary Scottish Australian. Local Jotnt Stock.— Mar- School and College—the Gymnasium, Old Aber- kets Commercial ; ; Gas Light ; Lime ; Canal Com- deen, started a few years ago—the attendance at panies, &c. which has been steadily increasing, till it is now 11. Post Office.---It is to be regretted that the about 90. At the Grammar School in Aberdeen, statistics of this important department are not so the number of pupils now averages 260, and, in the available as to admit of an accurate leturn being quarter preceding the College Session, 300. The given in figures, showing the extent of its business, West End and other Academies are also numerous- affording, as it would do, an important index to ly attended. Six of the City Schools, including the progress of trade and commerce, as well as to the Grammar School, are under the patronage of that of the social condition of the community. It the Magistrates and Council. The exact number is understood, however, that at present the num- of pupils at the Schools in Aberdeen cannot be ber of letters delivered in the city, weekly, is some- given. It probably exceeds 6000, where about 30,000. 3.—LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC.

1. Mechanics' Institution. — The number of III.—Institutions. members of this Institution, established in 1824,

was, at 30th April last, as follows : — Life, 235 1.—RELIGIOUS. ; honorary, 15 ; ordinary, 249— total, 499. The Churches, &c—There are within the City Roy- number of pupils attending the classes, last session, alty the following number of Churches and Congre- was 244. A School of Practical Art has recently gations : —Established Churches, 9 (and one unoc- been established in connection with the Institution, cupied) ; Free do., 15; Episcopalian, 3; United and under Government patronage, and was attend- Presbyterian, 5 Congregational (in ; Union), 3 ; ed, at the above date, by 11 day and 27 evening in not Union, 1 ; Associate Synod 1 ; Baptist (vari- scholars— total, 38. The number of volumes in the ous), 3 ; Roman Catholic, 1 ; Unitarian, 1 ; United General Library is 3087 ; Reading Society, 536= Christian 1 Church, ; Friends, 1 ; various, 4. Of 3623. The number of readers is 350 ; that of is- other Churches and Chapels within the Parliamen- sues, during the above twelve months—General Li- tary Boundary—Established Churches, 2 ; Free brary, 7303 ; Reading Society, 1700=9003. The do., 2 ; Congregational, 1 ; Roman Catholic, 1 ; to- annual revenue of the Institution is upwards of tal, 54. Besides various Mission Stations. The £500, but there is a large amount of debt. attendance at March, 1851, when the census was 2. Newspapers, &c.—There are three Newspa- taken up, was about 25,000. It is believed to be pers in Aberdeen—the Journal (established 1748), at present considerably more. Attached to these Herald ( 1832), and Free Press (1853), with a gross Churches, or conducted by their members, are average circulation of about 6500 weekly. The fol- about 70 Sabbath Schools, with, it is estimated, lowing are Public News Rooms: —Athenaaum, Un- about 800 teachers, and 8000 pupils. There are ion Club, County Rooms, and Mechanics' InstitM- —— — ™


tion. There are four Public Libraries, of consider- Superan- Or- Total No.com- able extent, with numerous others of a more private Trade. nuated Widows phans, pay- posing members. &c. meats kind. the trade. Hammermen, 33 32 37 Spalding Club, for 3. Miscellaneous. — The Payments,™ £588 £239 £192 £1019 45 Printing the Historical and other Literary Remains Bakers, 23 19 11 of the North-Eastern Counties of Scotland, has a Payments,™ £236 £90 £36 £362 22 the majority being of the upper Wrights and \ „_ „„ large membership, z/ i' 22 Coopers, ~ ) classes ; the Philosophical Institution, whose Payments,-. £329 £248 £78 £665 32 object is the reading, at its stated meetings, of ori- Tailors,™ ™ 29 29 14 of scien- ginal papers by the members, on subjects Payments,™ £580 £164 £45 £7S9 27 tific, philosophical, or general interest ; the Na- Shoemakers, ™ 22 31 27 tural History Association ; the Phrenological Payments,™ £185 £124 £40 £319

Society ; with numerous Mutual Instruction or Weavers, ™ 4 12 Debating Societies, having a large membership. Payments,™ £28 £50 £46 £1.24 Fleshers,™™™ 7 12 16 Payments,™ £48 £6 £22 £74 Paid from Dr. Guild's Fund, £111 ™ Hospital Funds, .— 408 4.—PROVIDENT, &c. ™ Widows* Fund to 161 Widows, 523

Total annual payments,- -£4424 1. Guildry.—This body traces its origin to a very remote period, and had, at one time, exclusive trade privileges. These are now mostly abolished, but A sum which, at twenty-two and a-half years' pur- freemen still possess advantages in respect of abate- chase, represents a capital of £100,000. Trades' ments from petty customs. Their children and Burgesses have also a right of admission for chil- grandchildren have exclusive or prior claims for ad- dren and grandchildren to Gordon's Hospital. mission to Gordon's Hospital, and to certain bursa- It has to be remembered, as showing the great ries at the College and Grammar School. Wi- utility of thes9 Funds— both the Guildry and In- dows and children are entitled to the benefit of the corportion — and their beneficial character, that they charitable funds. The following is the substance extend aid to a class, generally speaking, elevated of a statement of the Guildry funds, submitted at both by position and feeling above the level of pau- the last annual meeting. Total funds in money and pers—aid which, while it must be of great benefit, invested — amount 15th October, 1852, £37.962 can be accepted without a compromise of independ-

10s. ; amount in 1814, £21,237 10s. ; increase since ence or honour. 1814, £16,725. 3. Mason Lodges, &c.—There are in Aberdeen and vicinity seven Mason Lodges and four Royal having, whole, a numerous Comparative Sums paid to Arch-Chapters, on a Year. Revenue. Annuitants. membership, with considerable funds. There are also, besides two or three Lodges of Odd-Fellows, 1700 £177 5 1 £139 1 4 1732 228 6 2 262 8 10 and a Mutual Assurance and Friendly, and Opera- 1814 926 3 6 897 19 tive Mutual Assurance Societies, the following spe« 1S52 1450 9 1 1470 cial Societies, partaking at least of the same charac- ter : —Narrow Wynd, St. Andrew's, St. James's, Shipmaster, Sbore-Porter. The number of annuitants, in 1814, was 134 ; in Wigmaker, 1852, the number was 297— that of the different Of Institutions, designed chiefly to afford the clashes, and the amount paid, being as follows : means of savings being deposited by the operative classes the city and district, and in a large mea- To 67 decayed burgesses, £384 ; to 140 widows of of the following are the prin- burgesses, £714 10s. ; to 90 children of do., £371 sure resorted to by them, cipal :— 10s. — the totals as before:— Annuitants, 297 ; sums paid, £1470. Besides these sums, there were paid, 4. National Security Savings Bank —This In- during the year ending as above, to numerous indi- stitution was commenced on a new basis, in 1845, viduals (the greater number of them widows or re* and has since continued to progress. The amount latives of burgesses), £647 5s. from mortified funds deposited during the twelve months ending 20th under the administration of the Town Council — Nov., 1852, was £42,640 16s. 8d. ; add interest, total which funds, applicable to educational and charit- £3576 8s. Id. ; total, £46,217 4s. 9d. : the able purposes, amount to a large figure. amount withdrawn was £30,249 8s. 9d.—showing 2. The Seven Incorporated Trades.— Th e In- an excess of deposits, with interest over with- corporations possess considerable property, and have drawals, £15,967 16s., as compared with £11,672 hitherto managed their revenue with great pru- 15s. 9d., the previous year. For the half-jear end- dence and economy. Each Trade has separate ing with 21st May, 1853, 701 new accounts were Funds of its own, whilst, at the same time, all the opened, and the total amount deposited was £21,520 Members participate in two general Funds, viz. 13s. 3d. —being £4584 lis. 4d. more than that ol the Hospital Funds, arising from property be- withdrawals. 5. Investment This bodj queathed by their patron, Dr. Guild ; and the Property Company.— Widows', Fund, to which every Member contributes has been in existence little more than two years on his becoming freeman of craft. The dates of The number of members is a little above 300 ; hold the erection of the Incorporation by the Council ing about 1400 shares, each of the value of £25 are very remote —some of them as far back as the upon which £2 10s. per share has been paid. Th< early part of the sixteenth ceniury. Their income Company has about £4000 invested. arises mainly from feu duties and ground-rents, and 6. Friendly Societies.—The latest publish.ee are, for the most part, after deducting the annual statement of the General Union Weekly Deposi expense of management, divided among the decay- Friendly Societies in Aberdeen included forty-one ed brethren, their widows and orphans. The fol- besides two united funds, with a total membershij lowing table shows the amount divided and the of 4516. The funds dispensed in the year embracec number of the recipients during the past year : in the above document were—sick benefit to mem ;


actual number of births, bers, £824 ; members' funerals, £143 ; wives' do., this affords no index to the Marriages registered as above was, £73 10s. ; children's do., £124 ; total, £1165 ; im- The number of plying a contribution at the rate of 5s. ljjd. for each for each of the last three years, 1850-51-52, as fol- member. There are numerous other Societies of lows :— 623, 589, 608—average, 600, say for the Par- the above and similar descriptions iu the city and liamentary city, 585. The Deaths average, for the neighbourhood. same period, about 1340 yearly. 3 Crime and Pauperism.—The total number of Court, in the 6.—PHILANTHROPIC & CHARITABLE. cases tried in the Aberdeen Police decrease, year 1849, was 959 ; in 185-', it was 582 ; 1. Industrial Schools.—Of these Institutions, about 40 per cent. And the total commitments to commenced in 1841 by Mr. Sheriff Watson, with Aberdeen Prisons, and Prisons within the County, the object of securing the general and industrial was, in the same years, 1011, and 734 respectively, training of the children of the poor or dissolute, by being about 25 per cent. The total number of affording them maintenance, there are in the city Paupers on the permanent roll of the City and < >ld- were, in 1849, 2.500 four, viz., — the Boys' and Juvenile Schools, under machar Parishes respectively, ; decrease of per cent. the management of the Industrial School Associa- in 1853, 2017 ; being a 20 tion, and the Aberdeen Female and Sheriff Watson's Had pauperism and crime kept in the same ratio Female Schools. At present there are upon the rolls as the population, they must have increased con- in all 316 children of both sexes. It is a remark- siderably, instead of having diminished. able and gratifying proof of the efficiency of these 4. Licences, &e.—Total number of Licensed Institutions that, during the past twelve' months, Houses within Parliamentary Boundary, about 820. there have left them directly for work no fewer than Total number of Voters on roll, Parliamentary, (for City proper only). The about 60 young persons, who, but for the Schools, 2947 ; Municipal, 2413 is would, it is more than probable, have most of them number of Parliamentary Electors in the County become paupers or criminals. about 3600. 2. Hospitals, &c.—The following are the chief Institutions of this class, in which maintenance and education are provided for youth— with the num- IV.—Relative Position of Aberdeen to ber of inmates : — Robert Gordon's Hospital (for Scotland. 6on3 and grandsons of burgesses, 150 boys (annual 1. of Aberdeen, relative to that of revenue about £3500) ; Boys' and Girls' Hospital, The population 1 to 59-5; in 1851, it was about 90 ; Female Orphan Asylum, about 50 Scotland in 1801, was as to Shaw's Hospital, about 20 ; Girls' do, about 20. as 1 40. was in 3. Parochial Boards, &c. —During the year 2. The number of inhabited houses in 1851 from May, 1852, to May, 1853, the sums expended the proportion of 1 to 12-3 of the population. The towns in for the support of the poor were— City Parish, proportion in the case of the other large including of debt Poor House Scotland was—, 1 inhabited house to 15 6; £7889, £2070 on ; 1 in 27*5 of the Old Machar, £6905. Apart from bounties distributed Edinburgh, 1 in 20 6 ; and Glasgow, by the Murtle and Midbeltie Funds, General Ses= population. So that there i3 so much less over- chance Bion, Pauper Lunatic Fund, &c. crowding, and consequently so much greater 4. Miscellaneous. — Royal Infirmary (about of health than in the other large towns. whilst the average number of 2500 patients yearly) ; General Dispensary (about 3. Accordingly, Aberdeen, for the years 1850-1-2, was — 5000 do.) ; Asylum for the Blind ; do. for Deaf and deaths in exclusive of still-born— 1340, or 1 in 53 of the popu- Dumb ; Ophthalmic, Ophthalmic and Auric, Vac- lation, average for the City of Glasgow, during cine, and Lying-in Institutions ; House of Refuge the ; 34-8 the population Victoria Lodging House (in no respect charitable) the same period, was 1 in of ; according to the reports of the Registrar Gen- Female Penitentiary ; Public Soup Kitchen ; United and, the average for England and Wales during se- Coal Fund; West Aberdeen Coal Fund ; Sick Man's eral veral years was 1 in about 45 of the popula- Friend Society ; West Aberdeen do. ; do. for Old recent tion. Machar north ; Shipwrecked Seamen's Fund ; 4. proportion of marriages in England and Clothing Society ; Societies (2) for Relief of Indi- The is 1 in 130 of the population; on an aver- gent Females ; and others of a more private kind. Wales age for the years 1850-1-2, the number of mar- been 1 in about 122. 6.—MISCELLANEOUS. riages in Aberdeen ha3 5. By the latest report of the General Prisons there were, during the year end- 1. Institutions.—The following bodies could not Board, it appears 1852,23,863 criminal committals for properly be classified under any of the above heads : ing 30th June, number, or — Society of Advocates, about 140 enrolled mem- the whole of Scotland. Of this 807, proportion of the county of Aber- bers, 120 of whom are in practice in the city ; Me- l-29th, was the criminals cannot be given separate- dico-chirurgical Society ; Royal Northern Agricul- deen (the city popula- tural Society, under the patronage of the Prince ly), being considerably under that of the Consort, established to promote agriculture and the tion. the Savings breeding of stock in the counties of Aberdeen, 6. The number of open accounts in 43 was Banff, Kincardine, and East — has a large Banks of Scotland, at 20th November, 1851, in the Aberdeen Savings Bank and influential membership enrolled ; Aberdeen- 105,161, the number the amount shire Horticultural Society, and Hortu3 Club was 9202, being nearly one-eleventh ; ; £1,488,777, to Haydn Society, for the Study of Classical Instru- owing to depositors in Scotland was the depositors of the Aberdeen Savings Bank, mental Music ; Aberdeen City Band ; Harmonic Choir, Harmonium Society—for the practice of £1 14,309, or nearly one-tenth. amount of guano imported here is about Glees, Madrigals, &c. ; Golf Club ; Chess Club; 7. The Coursing Club; Cricket Clubs—Bon-Accord, Union, one-third that for the' whole ot Scotland.- port, in the and St. George; Temperance Society. 8. The extent of Ship-building at the to have been nearly one-sixth 2. Vital Statistics. —The number of Births re- year 1852, is believed gistered in the city and Old Machar records in 1852 of that for the whole of Scotland. Coasting Trade for 1851, for Scotland, was was 942— say for the Parliamentary city, 920 ; but 9. The —


—tonnage inwards, 2,010,988, outwards, 2,105,224; condition than at present. Trade and commerce the proportion of Aberdeen about one-tenth. flourish on a sound basis —full employment, at a rate 10. In 1851, the total amount of Customs Duties for of wages probably, in general, never surpassed in Scotland (the latest return made) was £1,944,554; the city, is within the reach of artisans and the that for Aberdeen, £88,426, being l-22d part of the working-classes —pauperism and crime are undoubt- whole. edly declining, and the indications as to provident These comparisons might be extended, but enough habits among the population show an increase has been stated to show that Aberdeen is entitled the city is extending its boundaries, particularly to a high position alike in regard to its trade and westward— educational institutions prosper—and commerce, and its social and moral condition gen- never before was there such a demand for literary erally. publications, nor were churches more numerously It is gratifying to be able to conclude this imper- attended. fect sketch with the statement that, at no former June, 1S53. period, perhaps, was Aberdeen in a more prosperous



Post-Office. (STAMPS AND TAXES,)

Postmaster—William Mitchell Distributor of Stamps and Collector of Land f CessJ Assessed Property and Income Taxes 1st Cleric—George Duncan for Aber- Id Clerk—Robert Gray deen and Kincardine Shires —William Brown, 3d Clerk —James Stuart Advocates' Buildings 4th Clerk — Robert Cumming Inspector of Stamps and Taxes for the Counties of 5th Clerk —John Cochran Aberdeen, Banff, Kincardine, Elgin, and Nairn 6th Clerk—John Fyvie —James M'Aulay, 4, Belmont Street—hours, 7th Clerk—George Wood Friday, 10 to 3 Stamper—Robert Fraser Surveyor of Taxes for 1st District of Aberdeenshire— Letter Carriers—James Leighton, Charles Wilson, John Clerk, 4, Belmont Street Surveyor Stamps Robert Porter, William Salmond, David Fra- of and Taxes for the Id District, comprehending ser, James Fraser, Robert Ritchie, John Ross also the Northern part of Kin- cardineshire— John Fimister, 4, Belmont Street, h 2, Langstane Place —office open on Friday, from 10 to 3 Inland Revenue (EXCISE). Customs.

Office— 116, King Street. Collector—William Sawyers Collector—John Anderson Comptroller, Comptroller of Accounts, and Landing Clerk Surveyor —D. B. Preston FIRST DISTRICT. Clerks—Alexander Lyell, W. G. Maclean, and Alexander M'Farlane Supervisor—James Gowans Searchers, Land and Coastwaiters —David Bremner Officers—James Barber, David Bisset, George Gray- and William Sisson stone, Daniel Macbean, Alexander Stewart, Tide Surveyor— James M'Callum and G. P. Robertson Tidewaiters— 1st Class—James Collie, John M'ln- SECOND DISTRICT. tosh, George Johnston, Alexander Taylor. 2d Class—John Supervisor—John Boyd Brown, John Duncan, John Roy, George Ramsay, James Strachan Officers—J. J, Rayner, T. C. Sowter, Thomas Ma- Locker—James Imray thieson, M. K. Hindmarsh, Robert Lyell, and Denis M'Cullough Weigher and Locker—William Gillan Boatmen—J. M'Carthy, William M'Callum, Andrew THIRD DIVISION. Forbes, and Thomas Smith Supervisor—Joseph Blair Customhouse Agents and Shipbrokers—Wm. White- Officers—William Wight, John Thompson, John cross, Alexander R. Dyer, Charles Burgess Broomhead, William Rose, and Chas. Newby Housekeeper— James Gillespie Assistant—Abraham Hall Permit Office— 112, King Street. NEW PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS DIRECTORY. 13

Section II.—MUNICIPAL INSTITUTIONS. Magistrates of Aberdeen. Incorporated Trades. Lord Provost George Henry, Merchant — Trinity Hall, 153, Union Street. Bailiies—Alexander Henderson, Advocate ; James Sim, Druggist; William Ross, Advocate; Robt. Patron— Rev. Jas. Forsyth, D.D., Minister of West Ledingham, Advocate Parish Dean of Guild— George Inglis, Merchant Deacon Convener— Robert Watson, Wright Treasurer— George Elmsly, Coach Manufacturer Master of Hospital—John Fraser, Shoemaker Master ofShoreworks—Alexander Gibb, Civil Engi- Deacons — Hammermen, Alex. Stephen; Bakers,

neer James Topp ; Wrights and Coopers, William

Master of Kirk and Bridge Works—John Christie, Smith ; Tailors, J. Fyfe ; Shoemakers, Alex. MD. Brown ; Weavers, Herod Laing ; Fleshers, Master of'Mortifications-J ohn Leslie, Manufacturer Joseph Butler Master of Guild Brethren's Hospital—Lewis Smith, Boxmasters—Hammermen, T. Thomson; Bakers,

Bookseller James M'Kenzie ; Wrights and Coopers, Chas.

Councillors— James Berry, Watchmaker; Andrew Gray ; Tailors, Alexander Robb ; Shoemakers,

Anderson, Painter; Wm. Henderson, Builder; Wm . L. Jaffray ; Weavers, James Wilson ; James Laing, Ironmonger; William Gordon, Fleshers, William Milne

Sharebroker ; David Macallan, late Upholster- Factor of the Trades' Widows' Fund—C. Robertson, er; George Watson, Leather Merchant; George Blacksmith Jamieson, Jeweller Treasurer for the Widoivs' Supplementary Fund— Legal Assessor —J ames Simpson, Advocate James Topp, late Baker Town Clerk— John Angus, Advocate Treasurer of the Trades' School —Alex. Robb, Tailor Town Clerk Depute— David Keith, Advocate Teacher of Trades' School— Cliamberlain—Alexander Fraser, Advocate Clerks and Assessors— Marianus Massie and Alex. Procurator-Fiscals—A., J., and G. Cadenhead, Ad- Henderson, Advocates vocates Deacon Convener's Officer—Alexander Irvine Superintendent of Works— Wm. Smith, Architect Housekeeper of Trinity Hall—Mrs. Hannan Inspector of Weights— Office, Littlejohn Street Inspector of Measures—Alexander Melli3 Guildry. Police Establishment, Dean of Guild— George Inglis, Merchant Assessors — Geo. B. Bothwell, Manufacturer; James SO, St. Nicholas Street. Forbes, Merchant; William Walker, Merchant; Commissioners, ex officiis—The Provost, Dean of Arthur Thomson, Banker; Alex. Littlejohn, Guild, Treasurer of the City, and Convener of Merchant ; James Williamson, Merchant ; David the Trades Pirie Merchant; John Roy, Seedsman James ; Commissioners— First Ward, David M'Hardy Clark, Bookseller; Angus Fraser, Merchant; and John Duncan ; Second Ward, William Mat- William Fraser, Merchant; Alex. B. Whyte, thews, Jun., and John Sherar ; Third Ward, Merchant William Chalmers and George ; Fourth Clerk— Alexander Fraser, Advocate Ward, Charles Calder and A. Anderson ; Fifth Officer—Alexander Mellis Ward, John Rose and William Bisset ; Sixth Ward, Dr. Matthew and R. Eddie ; Seventh Harbour. Ward, Robert Ness and James Topp ; Eighth Office, Quay. Ward, William Regent Buyers and John Sm'ith ; Ninth Commissioners, ex officiis—The Provost, Magistrates, Ward, Sheriff Watson and William Gordon and Town Council Treasurer and Collector of Police—William Duncan. Commissioners from Burgesses of Guild—William Clerk of Police, and Superintendent ofPowder Ma-> Duthie, William Fraser, Alexander Anderson, gazine—John Milne George Leslie, Robert Catto, Jun., James Horn, Clerks—Duncan Collie and W. R. Drysdale Robert Mitchell, William Hogarth, Benjamin Inspector of Police, and Superintendent of Water Moir Works—John Cruickshank Commissioners from hicorporated Trades—Alexand- Assistant Inspector of Police—James Minty er Cooper, Saddler; David M'Hardy, Black- Keeper of Steam Engine, Water Works— George smith; Charles Playfair, Gunmaker Alexander Secretary and Clerk—John Angus Messenger—Thomas Sutherland Collector and Treasurer—Alexander Reid Superintendent of Day and Night Police—Robert Superintendent—William Dick Barclay Consulting Engineer—James Abernethy Day Sergeant—John Watson SHORE AND HARBOUR DUES DEPARTMENT. Night Sergeant—John Mellis Collector—Alexander Reid Criminal 'Officer—William Gilbert Clerks and Sworn Bulkers —Peter Riddel, James Medical Attendant—Dr. Ogston Nicol, William Adamson, and John Maclean Law Agent—James Simpson, Advocate BERTHING DEPARTMENT. Captain Pilot and Berthmaster— Alex. Morrison, Lower Quays Assistant, and Keeper ofPier Light and Flag—Alex. City Tax Office. Mitchell Dockmaster—Alexander G. Bower 17, Huxter Row. Assistant Dockmaster and Attendant at Regent Turn- (Prisons, Rogue, and Road Assessment.) bridge— John Booth Collector—James Simpson 14 NEW PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS DIRECTORY.

Section III.—LEGAL INSTITUTIONS. I.— Society of Advocates. 1839 {•John D Milne, Jun, •("Duncan Forbes n William Speid (Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1774, 1799.) •(-John Dunn 1845 President— James Murray. James Williamson •|-Jame3 Bryce Treasurer— John Smilh. -(-Robert Smith 1846 Lecturer on Scots Laiv and Conveyancing, and Libra Alexander Davidson George Walker rian — George Grub. Alexander Ross •Norval Clyne Factor and Cashier— John Clark. -(-John Whvte 1847 Officer—William Gregory. 1840 Patrick Cooper William Hunter William L. Reid n 1789 *Alexander Jopp n Alexander Flcckhart Lewis Chalmers Peter Farquharson William Garrow William Duthie 1848 1794 1826 •(-Alexander Abel Alex. Simpson, Sen. A, Webster n *William Ross n John Ligertwood •Alex. Simpson, Jun. 1796 1827 1841 •(-George Cadenhead Francis Gordon n Alex. Anderson n Alexander Duthie n •Anthony A. Blaikie Thomas Burnett n Robert Shand n John Allan •(-Thomas Ruxton 1802 R. Ledingham n A. Cameron 1849 Thomas Songster n 1828 J. •(-James Collie •(-John Ferguson 1807 Alexander Daniel John Coutts •(-Alexander Meston Henry Lumsden n James Brebner •William F. Ogg D. Cattanach "Charles Winchester n 1829 G. 1842 1850 1808 Nath. Farquhar Garden •(-John Barron n John Duthie Alex. Macdonald n JJames 1843 •f- James Paull 1809 William Skinner n J.Tohn Watt •John Davidson Alex. Cadenhead n Francis Edmond n J. A. Miller n Robert Adam 1812 1830 £+L. M'Kinnon, Jun. n 1852 •Charles Chalmers n Alexander Harvey S. Farquhar John Robertson Alexander Copland David Keith n *JR. 1844 1853 1813 Colin A. Philip JGeorge Allan James Leask Thomas Reid n John Paterson * •William Simpson n J. Anderson n Committee of Funds. t Examinators. % Agentsfor 1814 1831 the Poor, n Notaries Public. George Rainnie Francis Clerihew •Alexander Gordon n *Andrew Murray n Sheriff Court. Sheriff—Archibald Davidson, Advocate *John D. Milne, Sen.w F. J. Cochran 1816 *James B. M'Comhie n Sheriffs-Substitute—William Watson, W.S. ; William Gordon, Advocate Advocate J. Pat. Bannerman •Patrick Davidson n ; John Dunn, ; James Ferguson n William Irvine Angus, Advocate James Ross James Geddes Sheriff Substitute at — James Skelton, W.S. John Cadenhead •John Webster Sheriff-Clerk — Nathaniel Farquhar, Advocate Leslie and John •'(-James Simpson Alex. Pittendrich Sheriff-Clerlcs-Depitlc — John G. George Wilson 1832 Watt Maitland 1817 Marianus Massie Clerk-Depute at Peterhead—Robert William Simpson, Advocate "{-Alexander Gibbon Charles Thomson Procurator-Fiscal— *James Murray n William Forbes Assistants—Alexander Henderson, Advocate, and James M'Hardy n •John Clark n Alex. Simpson, Jun. John William Smith n 1833 Auditors—William Gordon, Advocate, and 1818 Thomas Primrose Dunn, Advocate Robert Shaw *Wm. Adam, Sen., n *L. M'Kinnon, Sen. Bar Officer— 1819 1834 Commissary Couzt. *•(-Alexander Stronach n John Yeats •John Smith n Thoma3 J. Bremner Commissary—Archibald Davidson 1820 Thomas Ewen Commissaries-Depute — William Watson, William William Robi3on Alexander Torrie Gordon, and John Dunn James Nicol n •Lambert Barron Commissary Clerk— Alex. Gordon, Advocate George Johnston n 1835 Commissary-Clerks-Depute— Charles Warrack & D. 1821 John Humphrey H. Kennedy John Fleming n George Grant Procurator-Fiscal— William Simpson Alexander Chivas n David Reith *James Edmond W. Adam, Jun. Sheriff Small Debt and Circuit Court. 1822 1836 Clerk-Depute— John G. Leslie John Angus n ••("George Grub 1823 William Yeats n The Circuit Small Debt Courts are held at Tar- James Russell n John Stuart n land, Inverury, Huntly, Turriff, Old Deer, and Alexander Fraser •John Blaikie n , once every three months. — John George Taylor, Inverury 1824 1837 Skene, Tarland ; ; Wm. Nicoll, Turriff; David Robert Dyce -(-David. Mitchell Murdoch, Huntly; James andJohnW. Syme, Fraserburgh John Duncan n C. G. Grainger Cruden, Old Deer ; 1825 D, R. Morice n —are the persons who respectively issue summonses, these Courts and John William Gordon 1838 &c. to be brought in ; G. Clements Lumsden n Alexander Henderson Leslie, Aberdeen, is the Clerk who officiates at •Newell Burnett n these Courts. —


Justice of Peace Court. Police Court. JEHerk — Francis Gordon Judge—The Sitting Magistrate John G. Leslie Clerk-Depute— Procurators Fiscal—Alex , John, and Geo. Caden- Procurator-Fiscal— John D. Milne head Clerk— David Keith, Advocate Justice of Peace Small Debt Coutt. Peace Judges—Any two Justices of the Sheriff Officers. Clerk— Francis Gordon Clerk-Depute - J oltn G. Leslie Cha. Dawson, Aberdeen K. Hutchison, Old Deer George Lyell, do. John Watt, do. Burgh ox Baillie Court. James Home, do. G. Wilson, jun., New • James Ross, do. Pitsligo Magistrates— Provost George Henry, Baillie James John Campbell, do. John Simms, Cortes Sim, Baillie Alexander Henderson, Baillie John Moir, do. W. Dalzell, Strichen William Ross, Baillie Robert Ledingham Alexander Leslie, do. James Adie, do. Legal Assessor—James Simpson R. W. Shaw, do. John Thorn, Longside Procurators-Fiscal—Alex , John, and George Ca- . Aberdeen Alex. Thomson, do. denhead J Thorn, Old jr. do. R. Ferguson, New Deer Clerk— John Angus, Advocate J. Thorn, Jame3 Ross, do. George Webster, Oldmel • Officers of Court— Town Sergeants A. Warren der, Skene drum Couxt-House Commissioners. Alex. Taylor, Keig Robt. Webster, Inverury W. Mitchell, Whitehouse G. Robertson, do. Treasurer—Thomas and Newell Burnett David Stewart, Leochel, William Benzie, Ryehill, Keeper cf Court-House James Bisset Alford, and Tough Old Rain Wm. Gunn, Banchory A. Wisely, Meikle Wartla Prison Board. Thos. Shireffs, Ellon W. Dempster, do. Cliairman—Alex. Thomson of Banchory John Clark, Slains Adam Gray, Peterhead Clerk— Newell Burnett, Advocate J. G. Camming, Slains James Hutchison, do. Chaplain— Rev. Daniel Baxter John Ross, Cruden Robert Adam, do. Governor of Aberdeen Priso?i—A\ex. W. Chalmers William Rue, do. Grant Imlah, do. Physicians—J. Moir, M.D., West Prison ; Duncan J. Cruickshauk, Byre- Robert Daniel, do. Reid, M.D., East Prison J. Cooper, Lumsden Vil- Matron at East Prison— Miss E. Chalmers And. Milne, Oldmill, Fo- lage* Teacher —John Kay veran James Smith, Old Forest Robert Benzie, Tillyhilt, J. Michie, Wester Cha- Messengers At-Arms. Tarves pelton, Strathdon Aberdeen. Peterhead. Thomas Robertson, Fra- George Simpson, Wester J. Johnston Adam Gray serburgh Skellater Robert Shaw James Hutchison J. Blackball, do. John Webster, Turriff John Moir Grant Imlah C. Dunbar, do. John George, do. Alexander Leslie Fraserburgh. Jas. Mackinnon, Huntly J. D. M'Nee, do. John Campbell Charles Dunbar John Gall, Glenhead J. Duguid, Arnhead Huntly. Turriff. J. Nicol, Kinc. O'Neil Auchterless James M'Kinnon J. D. M'Nee W. Emslie, Lumphanan Wm. Skene, Tarland Inverury. Millbank, Longs, Robert Stewart, Belna- Alexander Coutts, Balia- Robert Webster Geo. Cockburn cool, Mortlach chulish Kincardine OPNeil. George Grant, Tynebog Al. Davidson, Tullich Joseph Nicol Shaw Shaw, Old Deer Peter Cran, Ballater


University and King's College. Chairs. Incumbents. Divinity Robt. Macpherson, D.D. Chancellor— George Earl of Aberdeen, LL D. Oriental Languages Andrew Scott, A.M. Rector— Francis Earl of Ellesmere, D.C.L. Medicine and Chemistry ...Andrew Fyfe, M.D. Assessors to Lord Rector— Robert Grant, Esq., Hon. Civil Law Patrick Davidson, LL.D. Admiral Gordon, M.P., James Loch, Esq., Major Gumming Bruce, M.P. Lecturers. Principal—William Jack,D.D. Practical Religion R Macpherson, D.D. Evidences and Principles") Sub-Prirccipal—H. Macpherson, M.D. a , a «.•. tt n .- „fm„- r> > Hercules Scott,' LL D. Secretary—David Thomson, M. A. ot Christian Rengion.. J Curator of Library— George Ferguson, A.M. Murray's Sabbath Lecture George G. Milne, A M. Librarian — Robert Bower, M.D. Anatomy and Physiology l preter KedternRpd fern MMJJD - and Practical Anatomy/ » Professors. Surgery David Kerr, M.D. Chairs. Incumbents. Practice of Medicine Joseph Williamson, D.D, Greek H. Macpherson, M.D. Midwifery George Rainy, M.D. Humanity George Ferguson, A.M. Institutes of Medicine John Christie, M.D. Mathematics Frederick Fuller, MA. Botany Rev. J. C. Brown Natural Philosophy David Thomson, M.A. Medical Jurisprudence ...Duncan Reid, M.D. Moral Philosophy Hercules Scott, LL.D. Materia Medica Wm. Templeton, M.D. — — — ;


Efflarischal College and University. Medical School, Chancellor — Charles Duke of Richmond and Lennox St. Paul Street. Rector —The Earl of Carlisle Professor of Medicine and Chemistry—Andrew Dean of Faculty — Alexander Thomson, Esq. of Fyfe, M.D. Banchory Lecturer on Medicine Princi) al—Daniel Dewar, D.D., LL D. Do. on Surgery—David Kerr, M.D. Librarian and Secretary—J ohn Cruickshank, LL D. Do. on Midwifery—George Rainy, M D Do. on Materia Medica—W. Templeton, M.D. Professors. Do. on Medical Jurisprudence—Dr. Reid Chairs. Incumben's. Do. on Botany— Rev. J. C. Brown Greek Robert J. Brown, D.D. Do. on Institutes of Medicine—John Christie, Humanity Robert Maclure, LL.D. M.D. Civil and Natural History James Nicol Do. on Anatomy and Physiology— Peter Red- Mathematics John Cruickshank, LL.D. fern, M.D. Natural Philosophy David Gray, A M. Do. on Natural History, including Geology— Moral Philosophy & Logic William Martin, A.M. Rev. Juhn Longmuir Divinity William R. Pirie, D.D. Porter—Alexander Sutherland Church History...., Daniel Dewar, D.D. Oriental Languages George G. M'Lean, M.D. Town's Public Schools. Medicine John Macrobin, M.D. Grammar School.—Rector, Mas- Chemistry and Practical") rp, . , , . „ j-Thomas Clark,n M.D. Chemistry ters, John Dun, Alexander Beverley, William D. Geddes Anatomy and Physiology 1 A . , j. Mn ' Schools in Little Belmont Street. — English and Practical Anatomy f School—Master, Robert Surgery William Pirrie, M.D. Alexander. Com- mercial, Arithmetical, and Mathematical Lecturers. School Master, Robert A. Gray Chairs. Incumbents. Writing and Drawing School.—Master, Francis Botany Craigmyle Scots Law & Conveyancing George Grub, A.M. St. Clement's School, Footdee.—Master, James Materia Medica Wm. Henderson, M.D. Robertson Institutes of Medicine George Ogilvie, M.D. Dr. Andrew Bell's Schools, Frederick Street. Medical Jurisprudence ...Francis Ogston, M.D. — School for Boys Master, Edward Craig. Midwifery Robert Dyce, M.D. School for Girls Teacher, Mrs. Cruickshank Agriculture James S. Brazier Evidences of Christianity Daniel Dewar, D.D. mechanics' Institution. Practical Religion W.Robertson Pirie, D.D. Patron— Right Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen Preses—John Duguid Milne, Juu. Free Church Divinity Hall. Vice Preses—Alexander Ross Treasurer— Lewis Smith Interim, Professor—Rev. Patrick Pairbairn of Sal Secretary—Alexander Yeats toun Librarian—James Sinclair Assistant Professor—Rev. M. Sachs Keeper—James Wise

Section V.—RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE, & PHILANTHROPIC INSTITUTIONS. Aberdeen Auxiliary to the Scottish Ladies' As- Aberdeen Female Association on behalf of Jew- sociation for the Advancement of Female Edu- ish Females, under the superintendence of the cation in India. Honorary Treasurer —Rev. Dr. Committee of the Free Church of Scotland. Forsyth ; Honorary Secretary— Rev. James Fra- President—Lady Seton ; Vice-Presidents—Mrs. ser Joint-Secretaries ; — Miss K.AUardyce, Mrs. A. D. Fordyce, Mrs. Boyd, Mrs. Thomson of Hunter, Tillery ; Treasurer—Mrs. Cadenhead. Banchory, Mrs. Blaikie of Craigiebuckler

Treasurer—Miss Wilson Nicholson : Aberdeen Auxiliary to the Female Society of Secretary —Miss Gibb the Free Church of Scotland for Promoting Christian Education among the Females of In- Auxilliary Bible Society.— Vice-Presidents— dia (1844). President —Mrs. — Foote ; Secretaries The Provost for the time being, Alex. Thom- —Miss J. Smith and Miss L. Gibb ; Treasurer son of Banchory, and Dr. R. J. Brown ; Se- —Mrs. G. II. Boyd. cretary—Rev. Robt. Forbes; Treasurer—Win.

Littlejohn ; Depositaries—G. &. R. King, Aberdeen Bible Society. —Joint-Secretaries -Rev. Book- sellers, 28, St. Nicholas Street. Al. Davidson and Dr. Henderson ; Treasurer Baillie Auditors — Watson ; —Wm. Rettie, Geo Aberdeen Branch Methodist Auxiliary Missionary Yeats Depositary ; —J. Clark, 66, Union St. Society—President— Rev. Jabez Palmer; Trea-

surer — David Wilson ; Aberdeen Female Missionary Society Auxili- Secretary — George ; Adams ary to the London Missionary Society. Presi- dent—Mrs. Capt. Thomson ; Treasurer— Mrs. Gratis Sabbath Evening School Society— Presi- William Leslie; Secretary— Miss Russell. The dent— Ne\\ Smith, Jun. ; Vice President—Alex. above are also the office-bearers of the Juvenile Low ; Treasurer—George Jamieson ; Secretary Branch Society. —Thomas Gordon ,


ST. NICHOLAS PAROCHIAL BOARD. GORDON'S HOSPITAL. Chairman— Baillie Williamson Master— Rev. W. D. Strahan Inspecloi—James Wallace Teacher of Mathematics—Dr. J. Ogilvie First Assistant Inspector—William Clark Teacher of Arithmetic— Alex. Gerrard Second Assistant Inspector—John Tevendale Teacher of English—John Scott District Medical Officers— Drs. Nicol, Sutherland, Writing Master—Alexander Stuart and Christie Teacher of French arid Drawing— M, Jazdowski Collector of Assessment—James Riddell ; Office, 25, Teacher of Music— Al ex. Colston Marischal Street Drill master—Alex. Jamieson Governor of Poor's- House, Nelson Street—Edward Clerk and Factor—A. Str«nach, Advocate Reid Treasurer—William Reid Chaplain— Rev. Charles Skene, 3, Nelson Lane Physician —Robert Dyce, M D. Housekeeper— Miss Davidson Matron.—Miss Jamson Teachei—Miss Leslie House Steward— David Gray Medical Officer—Dr. Fiddes Officer— Robert N. Anderson, Town-Sergeant Collyhill's Trust— Clerk and Factor—Alexander Stronach, Advocate. OLD MACHAR PAROCHIAL BOARD. President—Sir M. Bruce of Scotstown, Bart. Convener General Committee—John G.tJ. of Skene BOYS* AND GIRLS' HOSPITAL Collector— Alexander Diack, 7, Belmont Street Inspector of Poor—Thomas Skene, 38, Skene Street (Formerly called the Poor's Hospital, or the Workk iuse| Medical Officers— Drs. Paterson, Irvine, and Gil- 19, Upperkirkgate, and 56, Gallowgate. christ Teacher ofBoys— William Mitchell Assistant Teacher of Boys—Alexander Leslie ROYAL INFIRMARY. Matron of Boys— Miss Ann Milne Phys'cians—Rohert Dyce, Matron and teacher of Girls' Hospital— Mis3 A. M. M.D., Alexander Kilgour, Hay M.D., George J. Nicol, M.D., William Wil- liamson, M.D. Treasurer—Joseph Booth, Springbank Terrace Physician— Physicians' Resident Assistant—Alexander Grant Francis J. Ogston, M.D. Consulting Surgeon —William Laing, M.D. Surgeons—William Keith, M.D., William Pirrie,

M.D., David Kerr, M.D , Alexander J. Lizars, MD. BOYS' SCHOOL OF INDUSTRY, GUE3TROW. Ophthalmic Surgeon—J. Cadenhead, M.D. Superintendent—Alex. Machray Surgeons' Resident Assistant —Henry C. Juler Teacher—George Ross Resident Apothecary and Superintendent— Robert Overseer of Work—James Tytler Rattray, M.D. Matron— Miss Youngson Treasurer and Clerk— William Walker Treasurer— Alex. Anderson, Advocate Matron— Mrs. Shanks Secretary—John Watt, Advocate Lecturer on Clinical Surgery—William Keith, M.D. Medical Attendants—The Medical Officers of the Lecturer on Clinical Medicine—Alexander Kiltfour, General Dispensary M.D. Collector—Alexander Paul

LUNATIC HOSPITAL. Managers—President and Managers of the Infir- INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. mary Physician—Dr. Macrobin President—The Lord Provost Vice-President Sheriff Watson Resident Medical Officer and Superintendent —Robt. — Jamieson, MD. Treasurer—Lauchlan M'Kinnon, Jun. Treasurer and Clerk—William Walker Secretary—Alex. Machray House Steward—William Leslie Matron—Miss Elrick SHERIFF WATSON'S FEMALE INDUSTRIAL GENERAL DISPENSARY, SCHOOL. Crown Court, Upperkirkgate. President—George Thompson, Jun., M.P. Vice-President—William Watson, S S, President—The Provost Secretary—James B M'Combie Vice Presidents Dr. Moir and A. Webster — Treasurer— Patrick Keith Secretary—John Watt Treasurer for Ladies' Committee—Mrs. Bjyd Treasurer—Alexander Anderson Secretary for do.—Mrs. Watson Medical Attendants— John Campbell, Wm. Leslie, Teachei—Miss Alexander John Galen, M.D., W. Templeton, M.D., Assistant— Miss Reid Robert Smith, and Robert Forsyth, M.D. Surgeon—Dr. Ra'ny . Vaccinator—Dr. Galen Apothecary—William Paterson Sugarhouse Lane School.— Teachers—T. Gilbert Collector and Attendant— John Middleton and Miss Reid Vaccinating Institution.—Open every Wednes- Child's Asylum Committee, — Secretary—Alex. day, at 3 o'clock, p.m. Machray C — — — (


Aberdeen Asylum for the Blind, Huntly Street. Ophthalmic Institution, for Diseases of the Secretaries and Treasurers—Patrick and Alex- Eye, Crown Court, Upperkirkgate.—Presided Physician— Henry of Auchindnir — Davidson, Advocates ; John Caden. — Lumsden ; Treasurer Superintendent— Cadenhead, head, M.D. ; George Troup ; John Advocate ; Surgeon—Dr. Ca- Matron—Mrs. M'Kay. denhead, 211, Union Street Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum, Albyn Place. Parochial Pauper Lunatic Fund (1820).— Chair-

Secretary—William Simpson, Advocate ; Chap- man—Alexander Webster ; Treasurer —William lain—Rev. David Milne; Physician—W. Wil- Rettie

liamson. M.D ; Matron—Miss Allardes; Teach- Private Establishment for Ladies and Gentle- er—Miss M*Condach. men labouring under Mental Disease, Upper Aberdeen Female Penitentiary, Spittal, Old Middlefield, Woodside, near Aberdeen. Rich- Aberdeen. Medical Attendant—Dr. Hender- ard Poole, M D., F.R.C.P.E., late Superin-

son ; Matron— Mrs. Anderson ; Teacher—Miss tendent of the Royal Lunatic Asylum, Mon-

Milne ; Treasurers—J. D. Milne, sen. and jun. trose, aided by members of his family

Aberdeen Female School of Industry, 63, Public Soup Kitchen, Loch Street.— Supported Gnestrow. Patroness—Lady James Hay; Vice- by voluntary contributions. Treasurer—W. Presidents — Mrs. Gordon, Kincardine, Mrs. Henderson, Builder ; Secretary—John Dunn,

Jopp, Elmhill, and Mrs. Arthur, Maybank ; Advocate Finance Committee— Mrs. Yeats, and Mrs. P. Shaw's Hospital, 90, Gallowgate. — Pirie ; Teacher and Superintendent—MissMilne; Miss Hall — Charles ; Treasurer Warrack Secretary and Treasurer— R. S. Farquhar, Ad- ; Teacher—Mr. Garioch vocate, 2, Correction Wynd. Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Arerdeen Temperance Society.—President—A. Benevolent Institution. — Agent for Aber- Linton ; Vice-President— George Maitland ; deen and District—William P. Booth, Ship and Treasurer—James Mnrison ; Secretary—Alex. Insurance Broker, 56. Marischal Street Duncan ; Corresponding Secretary—Alex. S. Cook. Shipwrecked Seamen's Fund — Treasurer— Ro- Clothing Society. —Patroness—The Right. Hon. bert Mitchell of Countess-Dowager Errol ; Secretary—Miss Sick Man's Friend Society.—President—Alexan- E. Scott, Berryden House ; Treasurer—David der Webster ; Treasurer—Robert Urquhart Mitchell, Advocate. ; Secretaries—George Lyall and Wm. Walker ; Female Society for the Relief of Aged and Indi- Auditor—Convener Leslie ; Officer—Donald gent Old Women— President and Treasurer— Gordon Mrs. R. Catto, 44, King Street; Secretary— Miss More Society for the Children of the Clergt—

President — Rev. G. Thomson, Fetteresso ; Se- General Institution for the Education of the cretary and Treasurer—Dr. Scott, King's Col- Deaf and Dumb, 31, Belmont Street Patron lege; Clerk — William Gordon, Advocate, —His Grace the Duke of Richmond ; Lady Adelphi Patroness—Her Grace the Duchess of Gor- United Coal Fund (1801) —Treasurer—William don ; President and Convener—The Lord Pro- for Walker, Merchant ; Clerk—John Watt, Advo- vost the time being ; Secretary and Trea- cate surer—James Edmond ; Superintendent and Teacher—John Weir; Matron Mrs. Weir — Victoria Lodging-house, Exchequer Row. — Se- Gordon's (John) Charitable Fund.— Treasurers cretary—J.H.Wilson, 27, Castle Street ; House- —Patrick and Alexander Davidson, Advocates keepers—Mr. and Mrs. Macintyre Hospital for Orphan and Destitute Female West Aberdeen Sick Man's Friend Society.— Children, 30, Huntly Street. Treasurer— President—Francis J. Cochran ; Treasurer—

Patrick Davidson ; Secretary— John Webster ; James Keith, Union Place ; Secretary—Alexan- Matron—Mrs. Paterson der W. Chalmers Ladi es' Fund Society—Secretary and Treasurer- West Aberdeen Coal Fund —President—Patrick Miss Brown, Victoria Street West Davidson; Treasurer—James Keith ; Secretary Midbeltie Fund. —Factors and Agents, Smith & —Al. W. Chalmers Cochran, Advocates in Aberdeen


The Spalding Club.—Patron—His Royal High- Aberdeen Philosophical Society.— President— ness Prince Albert; President—The Earl of Professor Martin ; Vice-Presidents—Dr. Red- Aberdeen, K.T.; S cretary—John Stuart, Ad fern and Dr. Beveridge ; Treasurer— H. A.

vocate, Aberdeen ; Joint Treasurers—John Blai- Smith ; Secretary—J. D. Milne, Jun. kie and John Ligertwood, Advocates, Aberdeen Aberdeen Phrenological Society—House, 55, Aberdeen Natural History Association.— Es- Netherkirkgate. — Honorary President—James tablished, May, 1845. President— — Stratton Presidents— Robert Campbell and —— ; ; Vice-President, Rev. — Strachan Trea- J. Longmuir ; Council Hugh Fraser ; Secretary—Mr. ;

Messrs. Stables, Beverley, and Wilson surer—Dr. Jas. Moir ; Librarian—John Reid —— ;

NEW PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS DIRECTORY. 19 — Medico Chirurgical Society.—President—Alex. St. James' Society. President —Jas. Dyce ; Vice-

Kilgour, M.D. ; Secretary—William Fraser, President—Geo. Shepherd ; Treasure*—Alex.

Surgeon — R. Smith, Turreff ; Secretary Wm. Yeats, Advocate ; Curator of Museum — Surgeon — William Fraser, Sur- ; Librarian Wigmaker Society—President—John Garioch ; geon ; Treasurer—Francis Edmond, Advocate Boxmaster— Robert Collie, Sen. ; Clerk—Jas. Society of Chemists and Druggists of Aber Collie, Advocate. deen, established 1839. — President — Peter Aberdeen Mutual Assurance and Friendly

Williamson ; Vice-President—John Urquhart — — Society. Patron— His Royal Highness Prince Treasurer — William Sinclair ; Secretary Albert ; Honorary President—Horatio Ross,

Charles Davidson ; Librarian—John Sangster E-q. ; President—Donald M'Taggart ; Medi- cal Officer— Dr. Pirrie, Professor of Surgery, Aberdeen Union Club, 145, Union Street—Read- Marischal College Actuary Alex. Yeats, — ; — ing Room in the Public Rooms, Secretary Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries.

John White, Advocate ; Librarian and Keeper — Wm. Ch.isb.olm. Operative Mutual Assurance Society—Patron — A. D. Fordyce of Brucklay ; Preses—Alex. Public News-room, Mechanics' Institution.— de- Hurry ; Vice-Preses—Alex Helmrick ; Trea- cretory—John Fitnister ; Treasurer John Sim — surer—Alex. Nicol ; Secretary Alex. Clark — ; Medical F. Ogston, M.D. ; Auditors Athen^um Reading Room.—Proprietor—James Officer— H. Fraser, John Duncan, and James Craigen Blake —

Aberdeen Golf Club.— Captain—Hugh Hogarth ; — Secretary—Arthur Thomson ; Medal-holder SHORE-PORTERS' SOCIETY. Basil Arthur Thomson Fisher ; Cap-holder— ; *Deacon—Magnus Miller, 18, Shiprow Club Rooms, 118, King Street Boxmaster—John Porter, National Bank Court, 42, Castle Street Coursing Club.— Stewards A. Aberdeenshire — Alex. Aitken, 14, Castle Street Urquhart of Robertson of Foveran, W. P. John Smith, do. Craigston, M.P., John Blaikie of Craigiebuck- s. James Davidson, Commercial Court, 58, Castle of Cobairdy Hon. ler, and Robert Simpson ; Street Secretary— R. Grigor, 7, King Street s. George Pirie, Mealmarket Street Wm. Moir, Cruden's Court, 22, Broad Street Aberdeenshire Horticultural Society.—Pa' Joseph Henry, 180, Gallowgate iron—Right Hon. Earl of Aberdeen ; Presi- Robert Lamb, 18, Shiprow dent-James Brebner, Advocate ; Vine-Presi- George Robb, do. dents— Dr. Geddes and W. Paul, Jun. ; Secre- — John Wilson, do. tary George Reid, Seedsman ; Treasurer — Peter Cantly, Market Street Thomas Milne, Sunnyside 7, Wm. Caie, Brebner's Court, do. George Lumsden, Marischal Street Hortus Club.—Patron—Alex. Stronach of Drum- 7, James Lamb, do. allan ; President—Jas. Berry, Watchmaker ; James Saint, 31, Summer Street Vice-Presidents— D. G Cattanach and James Skinner, Exchequer Row Aiken, Jun. Treasurer — George Duncan, Alex. 8, ; Jame3 Milne, Summerfield Agent ; Secretary—John Finlayson, Printer N.8.—The while of the above are also Firemen at- those who Aberdeen Public Baths, 10, St. Andrew Street. tached to the Kire Insurance Offices; am have the letter s attached to their names, are Keepers —Superintendent—James Angus, 5, Crooked of Sedan Chairs. Lane and Carriers the — * Magnus Miller is Convener of the Firemen. Milne Bequest. Inspector of Schools—Dr. John— Cruickshank, Marischal College ; Factor John Smith, Advocate in Aberdeen MASON LODGES IN ABERDEEN. Aberdeen—Alex Martin Haydn Society.—Leader—R. H. Baker ; Secre- St. Machar's—William Ramage tary—H. A. Smith St. Nicholas—D. Cargill St. Andrew's—H. A. Dewar Narrow Wynd Society, 1660. President—Peter St. George's—R. S. Houston Williamson Treasurer—John Urquhart ; Se- ; Old Aberdeen—Alex. Stables, Jun. cretary—James Simpson royal arch chapters. St. Andrew's Society, 1788. President—Wm. St. George's—A. Sutherland, Jun. Catto Trea- Thomas Marquis Reid ; Vice-President—Robert ; St. Peter's— — Alexander Stables, Jun. surer—George Thompson, Jun. ; Secretary Old Aberdeen— Lauchlan M'Kinnon Bon- Accord—James Rettie encampment. by Royal knights templar Shipmaster Society. — Incorporated Ramage, Commaud- Leslie St. George's, Aboyne—Wm. Charter.—President—Captain George ; Vice-President—Captain A. Crane ; Treasurer Masonic Hall, 115, Union Street —Captain James Goldie ; Clerk— F. J, Coch- George Sandison, Chronicle Court ran, Advocate Keeper— « «



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Aberdeen Banking Company, Incnrpora'ed with Aberdeen and Newcastle Shipping Company.— the Union Bank of Scotland.— Cashier— David Manager— George Leslie, 11, Quay; Agent— Quayside, Newcas-tle-on- Wyllie — William Catto ; Tellers Paul Ormiston, 58, ; Secretary

—Samuel Middleton and George Sinclair ; Ac- Tyne counlaxt— George Sim Aberdeen Sea Insurance Company. —Manager— Aberdeen Town and County Bank.— Cashier— Alexander Matthew, 57, Marischal Street William Littlejohn Secretary, and Inspector ; Scottish Sea Insurance Company.—Agent—Wm. Branches John Keith; Tellers C. Mitchell of — — Reid, 56, Marischal Street and John Jamieson ; Book-keeper—Wm. Rid- Aberdeen Mutual Marine Insurance Associa- dell ; Clerks—James Brown and John Fraser ; — R. Connon Co., 58, Ma- Messenger—John Milne tion. Managers— & rischal Street. tfoRTH of Scotland Banking Company.—Mana- Office Market James Westland Secretary — Edward Aberdeen Railway Company. — — ger — ; Street. Secretary and General Manager— Fiddps ; Accountant— Francis Smith ; Inspec Reith Manager's Assi'tant Cnarle9 Charles S. Gordon Book- George ; — tor of Branches— ; — Milne; Accountant William Lunan ; Goods keeper — John Sim; Tellers — John Kynoch, William Esplin Engineei John Charles Lester, and William Reid Manager— ; — Wilkinson Station Manager—Alexander An- Scotland.—Agent — Arthur Thomson; ; Bank of derson Superintendent of Mineral Department John Taggart ; Accountant—Alex. Sim; Teller— ; Maclean —Wm. Walker ; Audit Clerk— Wm. Clerks— Andrew Buik, John Sim, and Samuel Riddel Great North of Scotland Railway Company. — Sir James D. H. Elphinstone, British Linen Company. — Agent— Pat. Keith; Chairman — Bart., of Logie Elphinstone ; Deputy-Chair- Tellei James Buyers; Accountant—Alexan — of man— Alexander Morison Bognie ; Solici- der Edward ; Clerk— William Allardes tors— Messrs. Adam & Anderson, Aberdeen ; Commercial Bank of Scotland.—Agent—Robert Auditors—J dm Smith and R. R. Notman ; Grigor; Accountant George Milne; Teller— — Secretary— Robert Milne, Civil Fngineer; En- Thomas Dewar Clerk— Wm. T. Nisoet ; gineer— B. Hall Blyth, Civil Engineer, Edin- National Bank of Scotland.—Agent—Alexander burgh Chivas, Advocate; Accountant—Jas. Skinner; Deeside Railway Company.— Chairman — John Teller—David Lockhart ; Clerks— Robert Gleig Duncan, Advocate ; Secretary— William B. and Robert Robertson Ferguson; Auditor — Robert Fletcher; En-

City of Gasgow Bank. —Manager—William Bain ; gineer—John Willet John Green Accountant— John Mor- Cashier— ; Aberdeen Commercial Company, Provost Blaikio's John Walker and James Glover rison ; Clrks— Quay. Manager—James Horn National Security Savings Bank of Aberdeen. Aberdeen Lime Company, Provost Blaikie's Quay, — Office — 17, Guestro w. — Treasurer — David —Managers—Murray & Morison Wyllie, Cashier of the Aberdeen Bank; Actu- Aberdeenshire CanalNavigationCo.— Clerk and ary and Cashier—A. Ross, Advocate Manager- -A\ex. Jopp. Advocate; Superinten- Northern Assurance Company, 3, King Street. dent and Collector of Tolls—Alex. Chalmers, 5, Manager — William Chalmers Secretary Mounthooly — ; Smith, — H. Ambrose F.I. A. ; Medical Officer Gas-Light Company of Aberdeen—Office, Gas William Leslie, Surgeon Street Secretary—George Gordon ; Manager James Chal- Scottish Provincial Assurance Company.—Man- —James Leslie ; Superintendent— (Jrane Inspec- ager—Charles F. Griffith ; Secretary —John mers ; Collector—James ; Meter

Watson ; Accountant—Alexander Stables, jun. George Ogg ; Principal Clerk—Alexander ; tor— Consulting Phyiician—Robert Dyce, M.D. Groundwater Aberdeen Steam Navigation Company. — Man- Scottish Australian Investment Company.— — Thomas Anderson, Waterloo Quay Cashiers and Agents—Stronach & Grainger, ager ; Secretary—Henry Thomson; Superintendent- Advocates. Robert Leys Shipping Clerk— Engineer— ; Michigan Investment Compamy.— Cashiers and John Smith F. T. Tate, Aberdeen ; Agents— Agents—-Murray & M'Combie, Advocates. Wharf, Wapping, London James Steam 257, ; American Investment Com- Saunders, Inverness; William Watson, Cro- Aberdeen North — Managers—-Chalmers & marty Roderick Hay, Invergordon Peter pany. Cashiers and ; ; Farquhar, Advocates Christal, . Company. — Cashiers and Aberdeen, Leith, & Clyde Shipping Company. Galena Investment Agents in Aberdeen. —Stronach & Grainger, —Manager— Robert Mitchell ; Agents—Geo. Advocates. Mathieson, Leith ; James Proctor, Banff; John Aberdeen Market Company.— Treasurers—Adam Todd, Lossiemouth ; P. Christall, Burghead ; Advocates Superintendent — Robert Davidson, ; K. M'Kenzie, In- & Anderson, ;

vergordon ; A. M'Kenzie, Jun., Inverness ; J. James Morison. Breraner & Sons, Wick ; William Flett, Kirk- Aberdeen Property Investment Company.—-Of- wall Merrylees, ; William . fice—Trinity Chapel Session House, Market Aberdeen and Newcastle Steam Navigation Street. Open every Friday evening, from seven Company.—Managers — Nisbet & Robertson, to nine o'clock. President—George B. Both-

well ; Vice-President—Henry C. Oswald; Trea- 47, Marischal Street ; Clerk—James Smith ; Agent—Robert Storey, Fenwick's Entry, Quay- surer—Robert Collie, Merchant, Green ; Man- side, Newcastle. ager—John Macaldowie. — —


Aberdeen Stock Exchange. —Chairman—James Mercantile Marine Board, Office, 28, Regent Burgess; Secretary— Robert Fletcher; Com*- Qua\ Chairman— Provost Henry; Examiner mittee—William Allardyce. Charles George, and in Navigation—Patrick Robertson ; Examiner

William Gordon ; Members—William Allar- in Seamanship—Captain George Brock ; Ship- Street William dyee, 13, Market ; Adamson, ping Master—George Brock ; Secretary and 25, Marischal Street; James Black, 23, King Deputy Shipping Master—James F. Kell s;

Street; James Burgess, 23, King Street ; John Receiver, &c, Merchant Seamen's Fund Bruce, 28, Marischal Street; Wm. Duncan, 58, George Brock Marischal Street; Robert Fletcher, Huxter 17, Foreign Consuls, &c.—Belgium—Alex. Thorn; Row; William Gordon, 5, King Street; Chas. Denmark — Neil Smith; France — Arthur George, 30, Marischal Street ; William Jopp, Thomson; Hanover—Wm. L. Thomson ; Ham 13, Market Street; John Law, Crown 114, Towns — Wm. L. Thomson; Netherlands— Street; Lauchlan M'Kinnon, Jun., 83, Union Thomson; Arthur Thomson ; Prussia—Arthur Street ; Henry C. Oswald, 30, Marischal Street ; Rusiia—Arthur Thomson ; Sweden & Norway John T. Rennie, 43, Marischal Street ; John —Arthur Thomson ; Spain— Arthur Thomson; Ross, 43, Marischal Street; William Speid, United States—Andrew Reid 103, Union Street ; Edward Wagstaff, 4, Cor- rection Wynd. Surveyor of Shipping for Lloyd's— T. Alexan-— der, 42, Marischal Street ; Lloyd's Agent

James Aiken, Jun , 88, King Street


ABOYNE and BANCHORY, via North side of River Dee.-The "MARQUIS of HUNTLY" leaves the Royal Hotel at 4, p.m., and arrives at Aboyne at 8, p.m. Leaves Aboyne at 6, a.m., Banchory at 7.30, a.m., and arrivet in Aberdeen at 10, a.m. ALFORD.—The "VALE OF ALFORD" leaves the Royal Hotel, at 4, p.m., and arrives in Alford at 7.15, p.m. Leaves Alford at 6.30, a.m., and arrives in Aberdeen at 9.30, a.m. "BALLATER MAIL" leaves the Royal Hotel at 6.15, a.m., and arrives at Ballater at 11.50, a.m. Leaves Ballater at 8, a.m., and arrives in Aberdeen at 1.40, P.M. BANCHORY, via Smth side of river Dee.-The " DEFIANCE" leaves the Royal Hotel at 4, p.m., and arrives at Banchory at 6, p.m passing Maryculter and Durris. Leaves Banchory at 5, P.M., and arrives in Aberdeen at 7, P.M. j ' BANFF.— The EARL OF " leaves the Royal Hotel at 7, A.M., and arrives in Banff at 12.30, noon— passing New Machar, Oldmcldrura, Fyvie, Towie, Darra, and Turriff. Leaves Banff at 2.30, p.m., and arrives in Aberdeen at 8, p.m. ELLON, &c The "BANKS OF YTHAN" leaves Deans"s Inn, Queen Street, for Ellon, every lawful day at 3, P.M. ;— passing on to Strichen, every Monday and Friday, and to Old Deer, every Wednesday and Saturday. Leaves Strichen every Tuesday and Saturday at 6, a.m., and New Deer, at 7. a.m.; leaves Old Deer every Monday and Thursday, at 7, a.m., and Elion, every day, at 9, a.m., except Friday, when it leaves at 8.20, a.m., and arrives in Aberdeen at 11, a.m. HUNTLY.—The "DEFIANCE" leaves the Royal Hotel at 2, p.m., and arrives in Huntly at 8, p.m. Leaves Huntly at 7, a.m., and arrives in Aberdeen at 1, P.M. INVERNESS The "MAIL" leaves the Royal Hotel at 6.45, p.m., and arrives in Inverness at 6.15, a.m _ passing Kintore, Inverury, Pitmachie, Huutly, Keith, Fochabers (junction with Speyside Mail), Elgin, , Nairn, and

Campbelron ; Leaves Inverness at 5.40. p.m., and arrives in Aberdeen at 5.10, a.m. INVERNESS.—The " DEFIANCE" leaves the Royal Hotel at 7, a.m., and arrives in Inverness at 7, p.m. Leaves Inverness at 7, a.m., and arrives in Aberdeen at 7, P.M. INVERURY The "ENGINEER" leaves the City Hotel, St. Nicholas Street, at 7.30, a.m, and arrives in Inverury at 9.30, a.m passing Blackburn and Kintore. Leaves Inverurv at 4.15, p.m., and arrives in Aberdeen at 6, p.m. INVERURY—The "BANKS OF DON" leaves the Royal Hotel at 4, p.m., and arrives in Inverury at 6, p.m— passing Blackburn, Kintore, and Kemnay. Leaves Inverury at 8, a.m., and arrives in Aberdeen at 10, a.m. METHLIC The "EARL OF ABERDEEN" leaves 26, West North Street every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, at 3.30, p.m passing Udny and Tarves, and arrives in Methlic at 6.30, p.m. Leaves Mechlic at 7, a.m., same days, and arrives in Aberdeen at 10, a.m. OLDMELDRUM The "BRAES OF MELDRUM" leaves the Union Inn, St. Nicholas Street, at 3.30, p.m., and arrives in Oldmeldrum at 6, p.m. Leaves Oldmeldrum at 7.30 a.m, and arrives in Aberdeen at 9.45, a.m. PETERHEAD and FRASERBURGH The " MAIL" leaves the Royal Hotel at 7, a.m., and arrives in Peterhead at 11, a.m., and Fraserburgh at 1230, p.m.—passing Ellon, Cruden, Mintlaw, Park, and Rathen. Leaves Peterhead at 8, A.M., and Fraserburgh at 6.30., a.m., and arrives in Aberdeen at 12, noon. RHYNIE.—The "LORD FORBES" leaves the Royal Hotel on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 11, a.m., and arrives at Rhynie at 3,30, p.m passing Skene House and Echt, Leggerdale, Cluny, Whiteley, Whitehouse, Village of Alford, Haughtou, Bridge of Alford, Knockespock, Whitehaugh, Littlewood, Lumsden Village, Clova, and Auchindoir. Leaves Rhvnie every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8, a.m., and arrives in Aberdeen at 12.30, noon. TARLAND The "LORD HADDO" leaves Walker's Inn, 6, Back Wynd every Tues.. Thurs., and Satur., at 3, p.m., and arrives at Tarland at 8, p.m., passing Garlogie, Raemoir, Glassel, Lairney, Glenmillan, and Lumphannan. Leaves Tarland every Mon., Wed. and Fri., at 6, a.m., and arrives in Aberdeen at 10.45, a.m. „—, —————-™—., ——™»., -„.. LIST OF CARRIERS. 23


Three Weeks || Monthly ; occasionally the Those marked t are Fortnightly ; J every ; § ; remainder are Weekly.

Carriers. Where lodged. Arrivals. Departures.. -.George Barnet — .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street,,—™— Tues 9 am Wed 5 am -James Lawrence.,, .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street—, .— .Wed 9 am Thur 5 am James Sim— .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street .Tues 9 am Wed 5 am Eddison & Stables, .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street .Tu Sat 9 am Wed M 5 am .Paterson & Riach „ .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street—™ .Wed 9 am Thur 5 am Eddison & Stables, .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street .Sat 9 am Mon 5 am -A. Farquhar—,— .William Ewen, 11 Harriet-street.. .Thur 6 pm Fri 12 noon George Benton — .Mrs. Sherrlffs, 1 Flourmillbrae,, — .Wed 10 am Wed 5 pm D. Milner—, .John Johnston, 6 Little Belmont-street. .Frid 1 am Sat 5 am Auchleven f —John Gauld — „ John Rose, 166 Gallowgate——, .Thur 9 am Thur 6 pm Auchterless—Alexander Forsyth, „George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street—— —Tues 9 am Wed 5 am Barclay—— .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street, ™Thur 9 am Thur 6 pm Eddison & Stables, .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street —Sat 9 am Mon 5 am James Stephen— .Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street —Tu Fr 9 am Tu Fri 2 pm Allan, 24 Gerrard-street— —Thur 9 am Fri 5 am , George Lyon — ,. George ,Alex. Forsyth .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street-™. —Tues 9 am Wed 5 am John Paterson - .George Walker, 6 Back-wynd — —Wed 9 pm Thur 5 pm James Young — .John Johnston, 6 Little Belmont-street- —Wed 9 am Thur 6 am William Stewart .George Milne, 5 Harriet-street™ —Wed 10 am Wed night A. Duncan— .John Johnston, 6 Little Belmont-street, —Thur 6 pm Fri 12 noon , William Milne George Walker, 6 Back-wynd —„— -M Th 4 pm Tu F 12 noon .Robert Duncan .Thomas Gordon, 15 Back-wynd „— -M Th 6 pm TuF 12 noon Andrew Chalmers- .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street — —W S 9 am M Wed S am T. Forsyth.™ .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street—, — — Fri 9 am Sat ft am John Davidson— .Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street— —Wed S 9 am Tu Th 5 am E. Strachan— Mrs. Sherrifl's, 1 Flourmillbrae —,„ — MThl2noon Tu Fri 2 am James Martin™ .James Michie, 13 Harriet-street — Thur 9 pm Fri 3 pm H. M'Condaeh— .John Johnston, 6 Little Belmont-street —Thur 6 pm Fri 1 pm George Merchant— -J. Ledingham, 22 Schoolhill -.——— Tues 2 pm Wed 9 am Paterson & Riach,. George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street —— —W Sat 9 am Th M 5 am Eddison & Stables, ,George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street -. Sat 9 am Mon 5 am Eddison & Stables, .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street „ —Tu Sat 9 am Wed M 5 am Paterson & Riach-. -George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street — —Sat 9 am Mon 5 am A. Stewart — .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street . —Tues 9 am Wed 5 am Colin M'lntosh—John Johnston, 6 Little Belmont-street —Wed 9 am Thur 5 am Bridge of Carr,,Eddison & Stables George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street — Sat 9 am Mon 5 am Brodie's Ord—James Sim -George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street Tues 9 am Wed 5 am Brucklay William Dalgarno.Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street, —Wed 8 am Wed 6 pm Buckie —„ Andrew Chalmers,George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street—™, —Sat W 9 am M Th 5 am Buckie John Davidson—Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street —Wed S 9 am Mo Th F am Burnervie — Alex. Stephen --Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street — —Thur 6 pm Fri 12 noon Cabrach .James Law — Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street™— Thur 9 am Thur 8 pm Gallowgate.- Cairnbulg James Milne, . John Rose, 166 — Tues 6 pm Wed 6 pm Campbelton „ .Eddison & Stables,George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street - —,Tu Sat 9 am Wed M 5 am

. 90 6 Clatt — , W. Stewart Mrs. Taggart, George-street™— —Thur 9 am Thur pm Cluny .Peter Tait George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street — ™-Fri 9 am Sat 12 noon Collieston „ Wm. Cruickshank,-William Robb, 13 Princes-street — Wed 10 am Wed 4 pm Cornhill James Sim —— George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street — Tues 9 am Wed 5 am Craigellachie Eddison & Stables,,George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street — —Sat 9 am Mon 5 am Craigellachie Paterson & Riach--George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street. — —WedS 9 am Th Mon ft am

Craigdam .James Duncan -Andrew Henry, 180 Gallowgate, . . —Wed 3 pm Thur 1 1 am Bisset, Craigdam f„ .A. Davidson .— William 6 Mealmarket-street — —Thur 3 pm Fri 1 1 am Crimond .William Dow --William Bisset, 6 Mealmarket-street — Thur 7 am Thur 6 pm Stables. .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street— Cromdale ——.- Eddison & —Sat 9 am Mon 5 am Cruden —. William Dow William Bisset, 6 Mealmarket-street Thur 7 am Th ur 6 pm Cruden — John Smith—„— William Robb, 13 Princes-street —Frid 9 am Fri 4 pm Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street. Cruden — T. Daniel, jun„— .Thomas —M W F 6 pm Tu Th S 1 2 nt Cullen ——John Davidson — Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street—™ —W Sat 9 am Tu Th 5 am Cullen Andrew Chalmers. George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street— —,S Wed 9 am Tu Th 5 am Culsalmond John M'Pherson George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street —Thur 9 am Thur 6 pm Cumineston John Rettie George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street . „ —Wed 9 am Thur 5 am Daviot — A. Rothnie .Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street —Thur 9 am Thur 6 pm Drum — John Fraser .George Walker, 6 Back-wynd. .Fri 8 am Fri 2 pm Drumoak —-William Currie J. Ledingham, 22 Schoolhill ,Fri 10 am Fri 2 pm ,W. Watson .Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street „ ,Thur 8 am Thur 6 pm

J. Stewart ——— George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street-™, , -Tues 9 am Wed 5 am John Grant —„ „ .Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street „ Wed 9 am Wed 6 pm Paterson & Riach, .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street—™—, -Sat 9 am Mon 5 am A. Duncan „ John Johnston, 6 Little Belmont-street — Thur 6 pm Fri 12 noon John M'Pherson— .George Allan. 24 Gerrard-street — -Thur 9 am Thur 6 pm Peter Tait .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street — -Fri 9 am Sat 12 noon Robert Mathieson. .George Walker, 6 Back-wynd . Thur 6 pm Fri 1 pm . W. Thompson Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street —. ,Tu Fri 8 am Tu Fri 4 pm Robert Duguid — William Bisset, 6 Mealmarket-street — .Tu Fri 7 am Tu Fri 2 pm T. Daniel, jun Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street — ,M WF6pm TuThS 12 nt -W. Tod -. George Stevenson, 32 West North-street Thur 5 pm Fri 3 pm Eddison & Stables. George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street — .Tu Sat 9 am Wed M 5 am Alex. Stephen— .Mrs, Taggart, 90 George-street— Thur 9 am Fri 12 noon ™ ———™—,... — ———~™..


Arrivals. Where to. Carriers. Where lodged. Departures. Fochabers Eddison & Stables, George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street Tu Sat 9 am Wed M 5 am Forgue George Barnet—»» George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street™.. Tues 9 am Wed 5 am Forgue A. Thompson George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street Wed 9 am Thur 5 am Forgue Alexander Forsyth, .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street „. .Tues 9 am Wed 5 am Forres .Eddison & Stables, .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street „ .Tu Sat 9 am Wed M 5 am Fraserburgh James Milne™ .John Rose, 166' Gallowgate. Tues 6 pm Wed 6 pm Fraserburgh William Barclay „ -James M'Pherson, 26 West North-street .Tu 12 noon Wed 12 noon Fyvie f™™™™ George Chapman- .Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street .Wed 9 pm Thur 8 pm James M'Pherson, 26 West North-street Thur 2 pm Fri 2 pm Fyvie || William Chapman, -Thur Fri Fyvie f. — James Mackie™, -George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street ™™ 9 am 5 am Fyvie „~™™—.George Lyon~„ George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street , .Thur 9 am Th 5 pm Fyvie — T. Forsyth ™_™ .George Allan. 24 Gerrard-street ™ -Frid 9 am Sat 5 am Gamrie John Rettie >™^, George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street ™™™,— -Wed 9 am Thur 5am Garmouth Eddison & Stables, George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street™™ .Tu Sat 9 am Wed M 5 am 9 6 Glass -™™™John Grant . Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street ™™ .Wed am Wed pm

Glenbucketf Archibald Reid™. .James Smith, 22 Harriet-street , .Wed 10 am Wed night Gleudronach^-Distillery Carts,™, Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street Fri 9 am Tues 2 pm Gleniivat ™J. Stewart —„ George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street ™~™— Tues 9 am Wed 5 am Glenlivat -™™John Grant ™™ Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street—™™—™„ Wed 9 am Wed 6 pm Gleniivat T. Forsyh George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street —. .Frid 9 am Sat 5 am Grange Robert Howie Andrew Henry, 180 Gallowgate „™„™™ .Tues 9 am Wed 5 am Granton .„Eddison & Stables, -George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street ™.™— -Sat 9 am Mon 5 am Gallowgate. 9 am Wed 6 pm Greens . A. Donald „. .John Rose, 166 Wed Huntly „Charles Rait .Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street™ Th 9 pm & F 6 pm™F 6 pm & S 9 am

Huntly William Lawson™. -George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street ™—., ™Tues 9 am Wed 5 am Huntly Francis Gall™™ .Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street „™~™—™-Wed 9 am Thur 5 am Huntly ™™George M'Intyre .. -Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street™™™™, Wed 9 am Thur 5 am Huntly James Sherrifl's — -George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street,™,,™.,,™—Sat 9 am Mon 5 am .Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street,™™, „„Tues 9 am Wed 5 am Huntly , John Thomson „ Insch —Charles Riddel — .Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street,™ „™™™Thur9, ~ am Thur 6 pm Insch James Stephen „. -Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street ™,. Thur 9 am Thur 6 pm Inverkeithny —Alex. Thomson — George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street™™™™™ Wed 9 am Thur 5 am Inverkeithny —George Barnet George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street .™™.™—.Tues 9 am Wed ft am Inverury A. & T. Argo —™, .Mrs. Sherriffs, 1 Flourmillbrae ™~Tu Fr 8 am Tues F 3 pm Inverury James Stephen ~~ .Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street ™._,„™™Tu Fr 9 am Tues F 2 pm Inveravon ™™Eddison & Stables. ,George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street ™ — Sat 9 am Mon 5 am Inverness „„™Eddison & Stables. -George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street ™™. „ Tu Sat 9 am W Mon 5 am Johnslraven E Strachan „—.™. .Mrs. Sherriffs, 1 Flourmillbrae™™™,- MThl2noon Tu Fri 2 am Keith Eddison & Stables, George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street ~™ Tu Sat 9 am Wed M 5 am Keith , Paterson & Riach™ -George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street „™ W Sat 9 am Th M 5 am Keith-hall^.. John Shand .John Rose, 166 Gallowgate™™™,™™™™,™———-Wed 7 am Wed 3 pm Keith-hall James Davidson — -George Walker, 6 Back-wynd ™™™~~™,_~™ Fri 7 am Fri 2 pm 10 Fri 5 Keigt™—™™-Peter Coutts . ,John Johnston, 6 Little Belmont-street „ ™Thur am am -George Milne 5 Harriet-street , ™Thur 10 am Fri 6 am Kelg , James Martin ™ Kemnay J tmes Mitchell — James Michie, 13 Harriet-street ™ —.Thur 5 pm Fri 1 1 am Kemnay ™ David Webster — -Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street™, ™, ™Fri 9 am Fri 2 pm Fri 4 Sat 5 Kincardine Alex. Sheriffs „„ .George Walker, 6 Back-wynd , ™Tu pm W am

Kincardine John Laing ,. .John Johnston, 6 Little Belmont-street™. ,„M Th 2 pm Tu 4, F 1 pm Kincardine Alex. Duncan — .John Johnston, 6 Little Belmont-street„ „Th 12 noon Fri 5 am Kincardine -—~ William Taylor™ , William Ewen, II Harriet-street ™—™„ ™Thur 4 pm Fri 6 am KiIMrumie John Grant, ~,„ .George Milne, 5 Harriet-street ~~— „Thur 10 am Fri 6 am Kinnethmonti: William Souter — .Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street „Thur 8 am Thur 2 pm Kinnethmont 1 John M Gillivray. ,Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street™..™™~. Thur 9 am Thur 6 pm

Schoolhill , Thur 9 am Thur 3 pm Kintore . John Abel -—.„—„ .J. Ledingham, 22 Kinmundy Robert Strath™™ .Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street™ -Thur 8 am Thur 6 pm L. Cushmef™~J. Archibald.—.™ -Miss M. Milne, 23 Harriet-street™™™™™ .Thur 1 1 pm Fri 2 pm -James Edward ™ .Miss M. Milne, 23 Harriet-street „™„„ -Fri 10 am Fri night Charles Stewart.™ .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street ™—™, .Tues 9 am Wed 5 am James Clark ™™™. -George Milne, 5 Harriet-street™,™-,™™™ .Thur 10 am Fri 6 am

William Smith .Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street .—.™™. ,Wed 9 am Wed 6 pm William Willox™ .Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street™ .Wed 8 am Wed 6 pm Lumphanan f —James Massie — -George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street™™™™™, -Thur 9 am Friday 5 am Lumphanan John M'Donald — .James Michie, 13 Harriet-street ™™~ .Thur 7 am Thur 4 pm Lumphanan —Peter Berry ™™ .William Ewen. 11 Harriet-street ™™~, .Thur 5 pm Fri 12 noon Lumsden Vil. James Law Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street Thur 9 am Thur 8 pm

T. Forsyth , .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street —™„™ .Fri 9 am Sat 5 am Andrew Chalmers. George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street ™™™™, .S Wed 9 am Tu Th 5 am John Davidson— .Sirs. Taggart, 90 George-street™™™—™. -W Sat 9 am TuTh.oam Alex. Stephen — .Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street ™ -Thur 9 am Fri 1 pm Robert Fiddie , -Miss M. Milne, 23 Harriet-street ., —™~ -Fri 11 am Fri I pm James Rothney — .Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street,. -Wed 7 am Thur 2 pm Thomas Annand James M'Pherson, 26 West North-street Thur 2 pm Th 12 night W. Rankin John Rose. 166 Gallowgate ™™„™™ .Wed 8 am Wed 6 pm W. Smith -— ,Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street™.—„ Wed 9 am Wed 6 pm Robert Mathieson George Walker, 6 Back-wynd ™,™„ ,M Thur 6 pm TuFri 1 pm Peter Tait™_. .George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street™™™— -Tue; 9 am Wed 12 noon Peter fait.* ™ -George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street™™~™, Fri 9 am Sat 12 noon Eddison & Stables. . George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street -. .Tu S 9 am Wed M 5 am Gilbert Connon™ .William Bisset, 6 Mealmarket-street—™,, .Fri 7 am Fri 2 pm Alex. Sangster Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street .Fri 8 am Fri 3 pm John Mackie.. Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street—™ « Wed 9 am Wed 6 pm George Wilson ™ .William Bisset, 6 Mealmarket-street™™ Wed 7 am Wed 6 pm Wil iam Dalgarno. -Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street™ -Wed 8 am Wed 6 pm Eddison & Stables. Gcoige Allan, 24 Gerrard street ™.-™,.— Tu Sat 9 am Wed M 5 am 6 John Wood —™ .Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street™, ,„ .Wed 9 am Wed pm H. Ross ™™ Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street „ .Thur 8 am Thur 6 pm STEAMERS TO AND FROM ABERDEEN. 25

Carriers. Where lodged Arrivals. Departure.

™James Webster —Mrs Sherriffs, 1 Flourmillbrae „ M Th 6 pm Tu F 12 noon —John Petrie —James M'Pherson, 26 North-street Wed 7 pm Thur 1 pm. Robert Maitland—Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street „ _ Thurs 9 am Thur 6 pm „T. Daniel, jun Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-strei-t M W F 6 pm T Th S 12 nt

William Dow ,—-Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street,. „Thur 7 am Thur 6 pm

—John Gauld — John Rose, 166 Gallowgate , —Thur 9 am Thur 6 pm —Robert Maitland~~Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street Thur 9 am Thur 6 pm —Andrew Chalmers„George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street S Wed 9 am Tu Th 5 am

John Davidson —Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street , W Sat 9 am Tu J h 5 am Andrew Chalmers~George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street S Wed 9 am Tu Th 5 am —John Davidson Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street „ W Sat 9 am Tu Th 5 am —John Gauld „— John Rose, 166 Gallowgate — Thur 9 am Thur 6 pm James Law —Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street „—„— Thur 9 am Thur 8 pm James Milne, —John Rose, 106 Gallowgate— —„ Tues 6 pm Wed 6 pm ^Paterson & Riach —George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street Wed9 am Thur 5 am Alex. Forsyth George Allan, 24 Gerrard-s reet . —Tues 9 am Wed 5 am

R. Howie ,—,—.Andrew Henry, 180 Gallowgate „ Tues 9 am Wed 5 am Andrew Wilson,.—.Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street Thur 8 am Thur 6pm Alex. Mitchell Mrs. Sherriffs, 1 Flourmillbrae ,—, Thur 10 am Thur 1 pm

, Peter Tait —George Allan, 24 Gerrard-straet . , Fri 9 am Sat 12 noon

—James Ferries™ George Walker, 6 Back-wynd „ , ,, M Thur 2 pm Tu Fri 9 am

—A Moir , William Ewen, 1 1 Harriet-street Wed 10 am Thur 6 am Alexander Don —William Ewen, 1 1 Harriet-street WedlOam Thur 6 am Robert Strath —/Thomas Daniel, 16 Mealmarket-street — Thur 8 am Thur 6 pm —William Rankin,—,John Rose, 166 Gallowgate .„,—,„— Wed 8 am Wed 6 pm —Mrs. Nicol — George Walker, 6 Back-wynd —.— T Th S 8 am Tu ThS3pm —William Dow —William Bisset, 6 Mealmarket-street „ .Thur 7 am Thur 6 pm William Reid James Michie, 13 Harriet-street „ Wed am Wed 5 pm

—Charles Stewart James Stephen, 8 West North-street——Tues 1 am Thur 11 am --Alexander Ogg „— William Ewen, i 1 Harriet-street Wed 10 am Thur 6 am —John 1 homson„„„James Michie, 13 Harriet-street ,—Wed 9 am Wed night —Widow Ironside William Robb, 13 Princes-street.—. Thur 5 pm Fri 1 pm

„Duncan M'Donald~Andrew Henry, 180 Gallowgate Wed 3 pm Thur 1 1 am —A. Davidson ,. William Bisset, 6 Mealmarket-street Thur 3 pm Fri 1 1 pm —James Duncan— Andrew Henry, 180 Gallowgate Wed 3 pm Thur 11 am —John Grant Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street „ Wed 9 am Wed 6 pm —J. Stewart —George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street „.. Tues 9 am Wed 5 am —T. Forsyth. —George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street Ftid 9 am Sat 5 am —James Reid —Miss M. Milne, 23 Harriet-street.. „—Wed 7 am Wed night —T. Forsyth, .—-George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street F" 9 am Sat 5 am John Johnston, —P. M'Robbie— 6 Little Belmbnt-street . Wed 10 am Thur 5 am —A. Pirie — Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street —..Tues 9 am Tues 6 pm —James Lawrence —George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street™™.- Wed 9 am Thur 5 am —T. Forsyth „ George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street —Frid 9 am Sat 5 am —James Mutch—„— William Bisset, 6 Mealmarket-street —Th 12 noon Fri 6 am —A. Davidson —WRliam Bisset, 6 Mealmarket-street—~—„Thur 3 pm Fri 11 pm —Alex. Rothnie Mrs. Taggart, 90 George-street: Thur 9 am Thur 6 pm —John M'Pherson—„George Allan, 24 Gerrard-street Thur 9 am Th 5 pm

Steamers to and from Aberdeen.

To LONDON, every Thursday ; and from London to Aberdeen, every Wednesday Office for Letting Berths, Receiving Parcels, and Orders for Lifting Goo.s, 8, BROAD STREET.

To LEITH, Twice a-week ; and from Leitb to Aberdeen, Twice a-week. Office— ABERDEEN, LEITH, AND CLYDE SHIPPING CO.'S, G5, Quay.

Saturday To HULL, every ; and from Hull to Aberdeen, every Wednesday. Agent—JOHN MUIR, 49, Marisehal Street.

To NEWCASTLE, every Wednesday; and from Newcastle to Aberdeen, every Saturday. Agents—NISBET and ROBERTSON, 47, Marisichal Street.


INVERGORDON, FORT GEORGE, and INVERNESS, every Tuesday afternoon ; and from Inver- ness to Aberdeen— calling at the above ports— every Thursday evening. Office—ABERDKEN, LEITH, AND CLYDE SHIPPING CO.'S

To WICK, , and LERWICK, every Friday afternoon; and from Lerwick, every Monday afternoon, and Wick and Kirkwall, every Tuesday morning. Office—ABERDEEN, LEITH, AND CLYDE SHIPPING CO.'S

To MACDUFF, BANFF, CULLEN, WICK, and THURSO, every Monday afternoon; and from Thurso to Aberdeen, every Thursday morning. Office—ABERDEEN, LEITH, AND CLYDE SHIPPING CO.'S

To PETERHEAD, every Tuesday morning, returning the same evening. Agents—NISBET & ROBERTSON, 47 Marisehal Street. D . 1| ——— —


INLAND MAILS.—despatches and arrivals in Aberdeen. DESPATCHES. ARRIVALS,

Des- Arrives Mail sets Arrives at Delivery patched at Desti- out on Aberdeen in Aber- | at nation P. Office. deen at i at Return at

EDINBURGH 551, a.m. 11-30, a.n 12-32, a.i 6, p.m. 6-45, p.m. EDINBURGH 2-18, j 10-32, p.r 4-51, a.m. 7, a.m. GLASGOW 5 5i,a 12, N( 11-45, a.m. 6, p.m. 6-15, p.m. GLASGOW, 2-18, 8-15,1 10-8, p.m. 451, a.m. 7, a-m. 5-51, 5-18, 7-32, LONDON i i p.m. 6, p.m. 6-45, p.m. LONDON 2-18,1 11-28,; 6-17, a.m. 4 51, a.m. 7, a.m. INVERNESS 6-45, 6-15,: 5.40, p.m. 5-10, a.m. 7, a.m. 6-15, BALLATER, : 11-50, i 8, a.m. 1-40, p.m. 2-20, p.m. BANFF (Coach),.. 7, ; 12-30,t 2 30, p.m. 8, p.m. 7, a.m. (Gig), .... 615,: 12-35, 7 25, a.m. 1.40, p.m. 2-20, p.m. BANFF ] 12-8, PETERHEAD 7. i 11, 8, a.m. noon. 2-20, p.m. FRASERBURGH, 7, l 12-30,1 6 30, a.m. 12'8, noon. 2-20, pm. 10-4, 9-40, 2-20, ALFORD 6-15, i am. 1-29, p.m. p.m. METHLIC, 6-15,: 9-25, 10-20, a.m 1-30, p.m. 2-20, p.m. 1 MARYCULTER... 6 15,. 9-15, 11-5, 1-30, p.m. 2-20, p.m.

A Mail to Lerwick is despatched by Steamer at 5, p.m., every Friday, and arrives every Wednesday at 5, a.m., during the months of April, May, June, July, August, and September—the other six months by a Sailing Vessel, the day and hour of despatch uncertain.

- For the South day mail, a fee of 1 extra stamp is taken from 1 -45 till P55 ; & 3 extra stamps from I 55 till 2 5, p.m.

- For the Inverness Mai), 1 extra stamp from 5-45 till 6 ; and 3 extra stamps from 6 till 6 10, p.m

FOREIGN MAILS.—despatches and arrivals in Aberdeen.


5th, 15th, and 25th- Lisbon, Spain, and Gibraltar, via Southampton™ < 17tb, and 27th. Afternoon Mail. 7th, Gibraltar, Malta, Greece, and Ionian Islands, "J 2d and 18th Egypt, Ceylon, India, and China, via South- > 7th and 25th. Afternoon Mail.

Mediterranean, Egypt, India, and China, &c, 1 6th and 22d 3d and 20th. Afternoon Mail. via Marseilles™ . , J British Colonies in West Indies (except Hon-^l duras), Foreign Colonies, &c, in West Indies | 1st and 16th (except Havanna), California, Venezuela, New [> 5th and 23d. Morning Mail. Granada, Chili, and Peru, Grey Town (St. |

Juan de Nicaragua)™ ... „™<.™. J 1st of every month Mexico, Havanna, and Nasssau™,,™. ™-J 2d. only—Morning Mail. 16th —Morning Mail. 17th. Lisbon, Madeira, Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and) 8th—Morning Mail. Uncertain. Falkland Islands „.„—~™ .„„ j Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, Ceylon, India, 1 13th— 26th. Ascension, and Cape de Verds„ ....— „—. j Afternoon Mail. Madeira, Teneriffe, and West Coast of Africa 22d—Afternoon Mail. Uncertain. Every Thursday United States, and British North America,™.™. < Monday. Afternoon Mail. France, Spain, and Belgium™ ,„ „~-„™ Daily. Daily. Monday & Thursday, Tuesday & Thursday. Afternoon Mail.

t Hamburgh, t Hanover, t Brunswick, t Denmark, and Lubec, when addressed via Hamburgh Monday & Thursday, t Sunday & Wednesday. t Bremen, Heligoland, Cuxhaven, f Olden Morning Mail. burg, t Sweden, and t Norway.,.. „™™.;}

Germany (other States of) . .„™,. Daily. Daily.

Russia and Prussia ~„™ ™» , Daily. Daily.

Letters for places marked f sent daily via Belgium or France, if so directed.

The Mails for Australia will be made up in London during the present year on the following days : September™ 3d (the 4th falling on a Sunday) — Evening, via Southampton and Singapore. „ 8th—Evening, via Marseilles and Singapore. November.. 4th— Morning, via Southampton and Singapore. „ 8th— Evening, via Marseilles and Singapore. A Mail Packet to Australia, via the Cape of Good Hope, is no longer despatched from Plymouth on the 3d of every alternate month as heretofore, but provision has been made for the conveyance of Mails to Australia early in the alternate months of August, October, and December, of the present year. — — —



INLAND RATES OF POSTAGE. they can, if not read, be re-directed, and forwarded with- out additional charge. All newspapers must be without sides, any mark or Prepaid. Unpaid. covers, or in covers open at the and writing is allowed to be put on newspapers (passing from Above Not above s. d. s. d. place to place in the United Kingdom, but not to the 3 ounce 1 2 colonies or foreign parts), if a penny label stamp is affixed

h ounce 1 2 4 either on the cover or outside of the newspaper ; but no 1 „ 2 _-„„, 4 8 writing is permitted, other than the address, on the cover,

2 3 . 6 1 nor any enclosure, under penalty of its being charged the 3 4 8 1 4 full letter rate of postage. The name and address of the 4 „ s „ 10 newsvender who may forward the paper, is however allowed 1 5 . 6 ™. to be printed upon the cover without it being charged. 6 7 1 2 It is recommended that the address be written not only on 7 ,„ 8 1 4 the cover, but on some exposed part of the newspaper. 8 ~™ 9 1 6 All newspapers sent out of the kingdom must be posted 9 ~~~ 10 ™~ 1 8 within 7 days after publication. 1 10 10 „~„ 11 . Periodicals, &c.—Periodical works and Parliamentmy 12 2 11 „,„ _™ papers may be forwarded to France, Denmark, Holland, 2 2 12 13 ™™ and Prussia, but not to other countries forwarded through 14 2 4 13 them, if the postage is paid in advance, and they are printed 2 14 ~™. 15 G in the English language, and sent in covers open at the and so on, increasing 2d. per oz 1 sides. Not exceeding 2 oz Id. There is no limit to the weight of paid letters, but Above 2 oz. and not exceeding 3 oz 6d. unpaid letters must not exceed 4 oz., unless for the public .. 3 .. 4oz 8d. departments, and no inland letters must exceed 24 inches in length. All inland letters must be prepaid by stamps. And 2d additional for every oz. up to the weight of 16 oz., Letters, when once posted, cannot be given back upon to which they are limited. any pretence whatever, but must be forwarded to the person When this description of publications are forwarded to to whom they are addressed. or from Prussia via Belgium, they are subject, in addition Letters containing articles of a brittle, perishable, or to the above rates, to a Belgian transit rate of 2d. for dangerous nature, will be detained as soon as discovered. every 5 oz. Letters to warm climates should be wafeted, not sealed, Periodical works and pamphlets may be also sent to and rates the as the wax is liable to be melted, to the injury of the other received from the United States at the same ; letters. postage of those received being paid on delivery. No reprints of copyright works from any place abroad Re-directed Letters are liable to new rates of postage, are allowed to pass at the above reduced rates, but are but though the new postage should not be paid on the subject to letter rates of postage. re-posting of the letter, it will be charged only the prepaid Books, &c, may be transmitted by post through the rate on delivery. United Kingdom at the following rates : Registration.— Any letter can be registered on pay- Each packet not exceeding 1 lb. in weight .... 6d. ment of a registration fee of 6d. The postage and fee must Exceeding 1 lb. and not exceeding 2 lbs Is. Od. be prepaid in stamps, except the letter is going abroad, Exceeding 2 lbs. and not exceeding 3 lbs Is. 6d, when it may be prepaid in money or stamps. Registered letters to France are charged double the French rate of and so on, 6d. being charged for every lb. or part of a lb. fee and to postage, in addition to the Cd registration ; A book-packet may contain any number of separate Russia Prussia, an additional charge of 3d. is made To books, maps, or prints, and any quantity of paper, vel- Belgium, and Poland, in the Prussian closed mails via lum, or parchment (to the exclusion of letters, whether addition to 3d. 3 3 d. is added to the half oz. postage, in sealed or open), and the books, &c. may be either printed, foreign Prussian and 6d. British register fees. To other or plain, or any mixture of the three ;—further, all j written, countries and the colonies, letters cannot be registered fur- binding, mounting, or covering of the same, j legitimate ther than the port of despatch. Registered letters must prints, whether loose or attached ; also rollers in the case of before the time of the box closing be posted half an hour markers, whether paper or otherwise in books ; in short, for other letters. whatever is necessary for the safe transmission of literary or Newspapers Stamped British newspapers pass free artistic matter, or usually appertains thereto ; but the from one place to another place in Great Britain. But when following conditions must be observed : It must be prepaid addressed to a person residing within the delivery of the in full, by affixing on it the necessary number of stamps post-town where it is posted, Id. is charged on each paper. must be either without a cover, or in a cover open at the British and colonial newspapers pass free to and from the ends or sides— must not contain any letter open or sealed, colonies by the mail packets,—the privilege includes papers nor any sealed enclosure whatever, and must not exceed to and from the East Indies by the Southampton packets ; two feet in length. and if sent by the Monthly Closed Mails, via France, they Printed books are also sent to the British West Indies, are charged 3d., and must be prepaid. When the con- Bermuda, Newfoundland, Canada, and to the Ionian veyance is by private ship, the postage is Id. Foreign news- Islands, Hong Kong, Gibraltar, via Southampton, and papers received in Britain, and British newspapers sent to Nova Scotia via Halifax, Heligoland, Mauritius, Cape foreign countries, are liable to a postage of 2d., uniess Town (only), at the following rates : there be a reciprocity treaty with the foreign Post-office Under | pound weight, 6d. when they pass free. The exemption, however, is only 1 Exceeding 5 and under 1 lb. s. total conveyances. follow- in the case of Post-office The Exceeding 1 and under 2 lb 2s. ing are the countries to which newspapers are forwarded And so on. They must be prepaid in full, and must con- free, Altona, Brazil, Bremen, Bolivia, Buenos Ayres, Co- only a single volume in each packet, which must not lombia, Cuxhaven, Denmark, Equator, Greece, Hamburg, tain exceed two feeW in length, and the several sheets or parts Hayti, La Guayra, Lubeck, New Granada, Oldenburg, must be sewed or bound together. There must be no Peru, Spain, and Venezuela. Newspapers from and to writing or marks besides the address, either on the book France, Prussia, and countries through Prussia, are charged or cover, which must be open at the ends. ad. Holland and Hanover the charge is Id., Chili, 4d. Turkey, Moldavia, Wallachia, the Levant, Egypt, Greece, Money Orders.—An order from any one Post-office be ob- Ionian Islands and Italian States, not belonging to Austria, on any other, for any sum not exceeding £2, may if sent through Prussia, via Ostend, Hamburg, or Hol- tained for 3d., and for a sum between that and £5, for before land, are charged ljd. Newspapers from the United States 6d. A money order must be presented for payment which and Canada, through the United States, charged Id. Fo- the end of the second calendar month after that in necessary, for reign and colonial newspapers cannot be reposted after it was issued, otherwise a new order will be and if not pre- having been read, with a new address, under penalty of full which a second commission must be paid ; the end of the twelfth month, the money will postage charge' as a letter ; but if the person to whom they sented before are originally addressed has removed or left the place, not be paid at all. .


Rates of Postage on Colonial and Foreign Letters.

quarter of oz. specified, Where an is the Letter must be under that weight, otherwise it will be subject to a farther charge. Where half an oz. is specified, the Letter may weigh, but must not exceed, half an ounce. The Italic letter o shows when the Postage must be paid in advance.

Africa (West Coast) per Packet, o Is. France, lOd. quarter oz. Panama, via W.I. Packet, o Is. halfoz. half oz. Frankfort, via Belgium, 8d. half oz. Papal States, via France, must be sent Alexandria. See Egypt. Via France, 1 1 d. quarter oz. unpaid America (British North) Via Holland and Hamburg, Is. 4d. Via Belgium, o lid. halfoz. Canada, via United States, Is. 2d. quarter oz. Via Holland, o Is. 5d quarter oz. half oz. Galatz, via Belgium, Is. Id. half oz. Via Marseilles, French Packet, Is. 4d. Via Halifax; Is. half oz. Via France. Is. lOd. quarter oz. quarter oz. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Via Holland, 2s. 2d. quarter oz. Parma and Placentia, via Belgium, Prince Edward Island, via Hali- Gibraltar, via Peninsular and India 9Jd. half oz. fax, Is. half oz. Packets, Is. half oz. Via Austria, Is. 4d. quarter oz. Newfoundland, Is. half oz. Greece, via France, 5d. quarter oz, Poland, via Belgium, 1 ljd- halfoz. America, U. S., via Liverpool & South- Via Marse^les, B. Packet, o Is. 3d. Via Holland or Hamburg, Is. 7d. ampton, Is. half oz. quarter oz. quarter oz. Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Via Southampton, o Is. 6d. half oz. Via France, Is. 4d. quarter oz. Port-Philip, South Australia, Van Via Belgium and Prussia, Is. 2Ad. Portugal, via Southampon, o Is. 9d. Diemen's Land, and Western Au- half oz. halfoz. stralia. Hamburg, direct packet, 8d. halfoz. Via France, o lOd. quarter oz. Via Packet from Plymouth, o Is. Via France, lid. quarter oz. Prussia, via Belgium, 8d. half oz. half oz. Via Belgium, Sd half oz. Via Holland or Hamburg, Is. halfoz. Via Private Ship, o 8d half oz. Via Holland, lOd. quarter oz. Via France, I Id, quarter oz. Via Marseilles, o 2s. 3d. quarter oz. Hanover, via Hamburg, 9d. half oz. Russia, via Belgium, lljd. halfoz. Via Southampton, o Is. half oz. Via France, Is. 4d. quarter oz Via Holland and Hamburg, Is. 74 Austria, via Belgium, 8d. half oz. Via Belgium, 8d. half oz. quarter oz. Via France, Is. 4d. quarter oz. Via Holland, o 8d. half oz. Via France, Is. 4d. quarter oz. Via Holland, Is. 8d. quarter oz. Havanah, with W. I. P., o 2s. 3d. hf. oz. Sicily, via Marseilles, French Packet, The Austrian Dominions include Upper Via United States, o Is. 2£d half oz. o 5d. 5 oz. and Lower Austria, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Holland, direct packet, Is. half oz. Via France, must be sent Hungary, lllyria, Moravia, Styria, Transyl- unpaid. Via France, lid. quarter oz. Via 8d. vania, Tyrol ; and also Gallicia, Silesia, and Belgium, o J oz. Venetian Lombardy. Via Belgium, Is. 2d. half oz. Via Holland, o Is. 5d. j oz. Baden, via France, lid. quarter oz. India, via Marseilles, o Is. lOd. qr. oz. Sierra Leone, via packet, o Is. £ oz. Via Belgium, 8d. half oz. Via Southampton, Is. halfoz. Silesia, via Hamburg, Is. 3d. ;,oz. Via Holland and Hamburg, Is. 9d. Ionian Islands, via Ostend, Is. halfoz. Other routes. See Austria. a half oz. Via France, Is. 4d. quarter oz. Spain, via France, o 1 Od oz. Bavaria, via France, lid. quarter oz. Via Marseilles, British Pckt., o Is. 8d. Via Southampton, o 2s. 2d. \ oz. Via Belgium, 8d. half oz. quarter oz. Sweden, via Belgium, Is. 2d. £ oz. Via Holland or Hamburg, !s. 4d. Via Southampton, Is. half oz. Via France, Is. 4d. J dz. quarter oz. Via Marseilles, French Pckt., 6 Is. 3d Via Holland, Is. I Od. quarter oz. Belgium, via Osten<% Gd. quarter oz. quarter oz Via Hamburg, Is. 2d. half oz

Via France, 6d. quarter oz. Java, via Marseilles and India, o Is. lOd. Switzerland, via France. Ud. qr. oz. Via Holland, o 8d. half oz. quarter oz. Via Belgium, lOJd. half oz.

Brazil, via Southampton, 1 s. half oz, Via Southampton & India, o Is. hf. oz. Turkey in Europe, via Belgium o 8d. Bremen, via Hamburg, 8d. half oz. Via Holland, o Is. half ounce halfoz. to Austrian Frontier, Closed Mail, via Belgium, 8d. hf. oz. Lubeck, via Belgium, 8d. half oz. Via Francp, Is. lOd. quarter oz. Via Holland, Is. 4d. quarter oz. Via France, 11 quarter oz. Via Marseilles, F. Packet, Is. 3d. Via France, lid. quarter oz. Via Holland, Is. 4d. quarter oz. quarter oz. Buenos Ayres, via Southampton, o Is. Via Hamburg, 9d. half oz. Via Marseilles, B. Packet, o Is. 3d. half oz, Madeira, via Brazil and W. African quarter oz. California, via Panama, o 2s. 4d. hf. oz. Packets, o Is. lOd. halfoz. Via Southampton, o Is. half oz. Via United States, o Is. 2±d. hf. oz. Malta, via Marseilles, British Packet, Via Holland, o Is. 5d. quarter oz. Cape of Good Hope, o Is. half oz. Is. 3d. quarter oz. Via Hamburg, o Is. 4d. qr. oz. See Cape de Verde Islands, o Is. lOd. halfoz. Via Southampton, Is. halfoz. also Constantinople, Canary Island?, via Southampton, o Via Marseilles, French Pckts., Is. Id. Turkey iu Asia, via Marseilles, British

Is. lOd. half oz. quarter oz. Packet, o Is. 8d , j oz. Via Portugal, o Is. 9d. halfoz. Mauritius via Cape of Good Hope. Is. Via Southampton, o Is. 6d. J oz. Ceylon. See India. half oz. Tuscany, via France, Is. 4d. | oz. Chagres, W. I. Packet, o Is. halfoz. Via Marseilles, (if specially directed Via Marseilles, French Packet, Is. Chili, via W. I. Packet, o 2s. halfoz. only), o is. lOd. quarter oz. 9d. |oz, China, via Marseilles, Is. lOd. qr. oz. Via Southampton, o Is. halfoz. Via Belgium, 1CM. J oz, Via Southampton, o Is. half oz. Mecklenburg, via France, 1. 4d. qr. oz. Venezuela, via W. I. Packet, o Is. j oz. Hong-Kong only can be sent via South- Via Belgium, Sd. halfoz. West Indies, via Packet. ampton unpaid. Via The British possessions are, Antigua, Bar- , Hollaod, lOd. half oz. Constantinople, via Belgium, 2s. 2d. half badoes, Belize (Honduras), Carriacou, Deme- Meckienburg-Schewrin, via Hamburg, lid. rara, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Nas-. Via France, quarter oz. [oz. lOd. quarter oz. sau, (Bahamas), Nevis, St. Kitts, St Lucia, Via Holland, 2s. 3d quarter oz. Mecklenburg-Strelitz via Hamburg, St Vincent, Tobago, Tortola, and Trinidad,' Via Hamburg, 2s. 2d. quarter oz. ' 6d. halfoz. to which the postage is Is. per half oz., and Via' Marseilles, F. Packet, Is. 3d. Beibice and Jamaica, Is. 2d. per halfoz. The Mexico, via West I. Packet, o 2s. 3d Port of Kingston is only charged Is. The quarter oz. half ounce Danish Islands, St. Thomas, St. John, and St Via Marseilles, B. Packet, o Is. 3d. New Zealand, packet o Is. half oz. Croix, o Is. per halfoz., and the other foreign quarter oz. Norway, via Belgium. Is. 5d. halfoz. possessions are, Guadaloupe, Jacmel, (St Do- Other Routes, see Turkey in Europe. mingo'), Martinique, For other routes, see Sweden. San Juan, ( Porto Rico), Denmark, via Hamburgh, 10d. half oz. postage o Is. 5d. per half oz. ; and also Grey- Oldenburgh, via Hamburg, 9d. half oz. Via Belgium, lljd. half oz town(SanJuan Nicaragua), Havannah, Cuba, Via France, Is. 4d. quarter oz. Tampico, and Vera Cruz in Mexico, o 2s. Via France, Is. 8d. quarter oz. Via Belgium, 3d. per half oz. ; Carthagena Holland, o 8d. half oz. (New Granada), Via Is. 8d. quarter oz. Chagres, and Panama, ols. Via Holland, Is. 3d. quarter per half oz. via Marseilles, oz. Egypt, British Packet, Wurtemberg, via France, lid. oz. Pacific, any place via W.I. Packet, o 2s. | o Is. 8d. quarter oz. Via Belgium, 8d. half oz. A oz. Via Southampton, o Is. 6d. half oz. Via Brazil Via Hamburg, Is. 6d. oz. Alexandria (only can be sent unpaid.,) Packet, o 2s. 7d. half oz. POST-TOWNS, SUB-OFFICES, AND RECEIVING-OFFICES. 29


Sub-Offices and Receiving Offices have the name

Aberchirder, by Banff Banchory Ternan Crieff Feristown, by Kirkwall Aberdeen Botriphnie, by Keith Crimond, by Peterhead Ferryden, by Montrose Aberdour, by Fraserburgh Bower, by Wick Cromarty Ferry-port-on-Craig Aberfeldy , by Lerwick Cromdale, by Grantown Fettercairn, by Lauren ce- Aberfoyle, by Stirling Braemar, by Ballater Crossgates, by Inverkeith- Findhaven, by Forfar [kirk Abernethy, by Newburgh Croy, by Ardersier [ing Findhorn, by Forres Abernethy, by Grantown Bridge of Allan, by Stirling Cruden, by Ellon Finstown, by Kirkwall Aboyne Bridge of Cally, by Blair- , by Fochabers Airth, by Falkirk Bridge of Earn [gowrie Cullen Forbes, by Aberdeen Alford, by Aberdeen Brora, by Golspie Cullivoe, by Lerwick Fordoun, by Laurencekirk Brotherton, by Bervie Culross, by Kincardine Forfar Almond Bank, by Perth Broughty Ferry, by Dun- Cuminestone by Turriff Forgue, by Huntly Alness, by Inverness dee Cunningsburgh, by Ler- Forneth, by Blairgowrie Alva, by Stirling Brucklaw, by Mintlaw -Fife [wick Forres Alves, by Elgin Buckhaven, by Kirkaldy Dairsie, by Cupar-Fife Fort-Augustus Alyth, by Meigle Buckie Dalguise, by Dunkeld Fort-George, by Ardersier Amulree, by Dunkeld Bucklyvie, by Stirling Dallas, by Forres Fortingal, by Aberfeldy Andrews, St. Buness, by Lerwick Dalmally, by Inveraray Fortrose Anstruther Burghead. by Elgin Dalnacardoch, by Blair- Fort- William Aonachan, by Fort-Augus- Burness Toll, by Ellon atholl Fraserburgh [tus Burntisland Damhead, by Kinross Friockheirh, by Arbroath Ardclach, by Forres Burravoe, by Lerwick Daviot, by Inverness Fyvie, by Aberdeen Ardersier Burrelton, by Coupar-An- Daviot, by Old Meldrum Galashiels Arisaig, by Fort-William Burwick, by Wick [gus Denny Gallatown, by Assynt, by Golspie [kirk Bourtree Bush, by Aber- Dennyloanhead, by Denny Garderhouse, by Lerwick Auchinblae. by Laurenee- Bytb, by Turriff [deen Dingwall Garmouth, by Fochabers Auehmull, by Aberdeen Cairneyhill, by Dunferm- Dollar, by Stirling Gartmore, by Stirling Auehnagatt, by Ellon Cairnie, by Huntly [line Dornoch Garve, by Dingwall Augbnasheen, by Dingwall Cairnies, (The) by Perth Douglas, by Lanark Gask, by Auchterarder Auchterarder Calder, Mid Doune, by Stirling Gateside, by Auchter- Auchterless, by Turriff Callander Drumblade, by Huntly muehty Auchtermuehty Camelon, by Falkirk Drumlithie, by Stonehaven Gilmerton, by Crieff Auchtertool, by Kirkaldy Campbelton Drumnadrochit, by Inver- Glammis, by Forfar Auldearn, by Nairn Cardross, by Dumbarton ness Glass, by Huntly Auld Girnag, by Blair- Cargill, by Coupar- Angus Drumoak, by Aberdeen Glencarse, by Perth Avock.by Fortrose [atholl Carinish, by Dunvegan Drymen, by Dumbarton Glenelg, by Lochalsh Balbeggie, by Perth Carnock.by Dunfermline Dubford, by Banff Glenkindy, by Aberdeen Balblair, by Tain Carnoustie Duffus, by Elgin Glenlivet, by Ballindalloch Balfour, by Kirkwall Carr Bridge Dulnain Bridge, by Carr 01enmoriston,by Inverness Balgonie, by Carron, by Falkirk Dumbarton [Bridge Glenshee, by Blairgowrie Ballater Carron Bridge, by Denny Dunbeath, by Golspie Golspie Ballindalloch [rie Carronshore, by Falkirk Dunblane Gortlick, by Inverness Ballintumb, by Blairgow- Castleton, by Thurso Dundee Gossaburgh, by Lerwick Balquhidder, by Crieff Cawdor, by Nairn Dunfermline Grahamstown, by Falkirk , by Lerwick Ceres, by Cupar-Fife Dunkeld Grangemouth, by Falkirk Banff Chance Inn, by Arbroath Dunnet, by Thurso Grantown Bankfoot, by Perth Charlestown, by Dunferm- Dunning, by Bridge of Greenbank, by Lerwick ' iBannockburn, by Stirling line Dunoon [Earn Greenlaw, by Dunse Bathgate Clackmannan, by Stirling , by Lerwick Guardbridge, by St. An- Beauly Clashmore, by Dornoch Dunshelt, by Auchter- drews Belhelvie, by Aberdeen Clatt, by Old Rayne Dunvegan [muchty Guildtown, by Perth Benholm,by Bervie Closeburn, by Dumfries Durness, by Thurso Halkirk, by Thurso Berriedale, by Golspie Cluny, by Aberdeen Dyce, by Aberdeen Harray, by Kirkwall Bervie Collin, by Dumfries Dysart, by Kircaldy Harriotfield, by Perth , by Kirkwall Collinsburgh East Yell, by Lerwick Harroldswick, by Lerwick Birse, by Aboyne Collessie, by Cupar-Fife Echt, by Aberdeen Helmsdale, by Golspie Blackburn, by Aberdeen Comrie, by Crieff [wall Edzell, by Brechin Hillend, by Inverkeithing Blackford, by Auchterarder Conon Bridge, by Ding- Elgin Hill of Menie, by Aberdeen .Blackhall Cornhill, by Keith Elie, by Colinsburgh Hillside, by Aberdeen Blackhillock, by Keith Corpach, by Fort- William Ellon Hillside, by Montrose Blairadam, by Burntisland Corran (of Ardgour), by Enzie, by Fochabers , by Lerwick Blairatholl [ling Bonaw Errol Hopman, by Elgin Blairdrummond, by Stir- Cortes, by Mintlaw Evanton, by Inverness Huna, by Wick Blairgowrie Coupar-Angus Evie, by Kirkwall Huntly Blairlogie, by Stirling Craigellachie Falkirk lnchture Boarhills, by St. Andrews Craigielands by Moffat Falkland, by Auchter- Inellan by Dunoon Bogroy, by Inverness Crail Farr, by Thurso [muchty Insch, by Old Rayne Bohally, by Pitlochrie Cramond Fearn, by Tain Inveraray Bonhill, by Dumbarton Crathie, by Ballater Ferintosh, by Dingwall Invercannich, by Beauly —


Invergary, by Fort-Augus- Lochee, by Dundee Orton, by Fochabers Stonehaven Invergordon, [tus Lochgelly, by Kirkcaldy Osnaburgh, by Cupar-Fife Stornoway Inverie, by Fort- Augustus Loch Inver, by Golspie Perth Stow Inverkeithing Lochmaddy Peterhead Strathdon, by Aberdeen Inverkindie, by Aberdeen Locbwester, by Wick Pitcaple, by Aberdeen Strathmiglo, by Auchter- Invermoriston, by Inver- Logierait, by Dunkeld Pitlessie, by Cupar-Fife muchty ness Longforgan, by Dundee Pitlochrie Strathpeffer, by Dingwall Inverness Longliope, by Wick Pitneisk, by Forres Strichen, by Mintlaw Johnshaven, by Bervie Longside, by Mintlaw Pitscottie, by Cupar-Fife Stromness, by Kirkwall Keith Longtown Pitsligo, by Mintlaw Stronsay, by Kirkwall Keith-hall Lossiemouth, by Elgin Pittenweem Strontian Kenmore, by Aberfeldy Lumsden by Aberdeen Plean, by Stirling Struy, by Beauly , by Markinch Luthrie, by Cupar-Fife Ploekton, by Lochalsh Stuartfield, by Mintlaw Kilchrenan, by Inveraray Lybster, by Golspie Polmont, by Falkirk Summerbill, by Aberdeen Killearnan, by Inverness Lynwilg, by Kingussie Poolewe, by Dingwall Tain Killin, by Crieff Macduff, by Banff Portmahomack, by Tain Tamnavoulan, by Ballin- Kilmuir, by Portree Markinch Port-Monteith, by Stirling dalloch Kiltarlity, by Beauly Maryculter, by Aberdeen Port -Patrick Tangwick, by Lerwick Kincaldrum, by Forfar Marykirk by Montrose Portree Tannadice, by Forfar Kincardine [Aberdeen Marypark, by Craigelfachie Portsoy Tarland, by Aboyne Kincardine O'Neil, by Meigle [Angus Portobello Tarves, by Aberdeen Kinethmont, by Old Rayne Meikleour, by Coupar- Poyntzfleld, by Fortrose Thornhill Kingairloch, by Strontian Melby, by Lerwick Queensferry Thornhill, by Stirling King Edward, by Banff Melvich, by Thurso Rait, by Errol. Thornton, by Keith Kinghorn Menstrie, by Stirling Rannoch, by Pitlochrie Thornton, by Kirkcaldy Kinglassie, by Kirkcaldy Methlic, by Aberdeen Reafirth, by Lerwick Thurso Stirling Kingsbarns, by St. An- Methven, by Perth Reay, by Thurso Tillicoultry, by Kingussie [drews Mey, by Thurso Redcastle by Inverness Tomintoul, by Ballindal- Kinlochewe, by Dingwall Midcalder Redding, by Falkirk loch Kinnesswood, by Kinross Milnathort, by Kinross Redgorton, by Perth Torpichen, by Linlithgow Kinross Mintlaw Renton, by Dumbarton Torrance, by Glasgow Kintail, by Lochalsh Monifieth, by Dundee Rhynie, by Huntly Torryburn, by Dunfermline Kintore by Aberdeen Montrose Rogart, by Golspie Townbill, by Dunfermline Kirkcaldy Monymusk, by Aberdeen Rosehearty.by Fraserburgh Trinafour, by Blairatholl Auchter- Kirkliston, [rie Mortlach, by Craigellachie Rothes, by Fochabers Trinity Gask, by Kirkraicbael, by Blairgow- Mossat, by Aberdeen Rothiemay, by Huntly arder Kirknewton Mossbank, by Lerwick Row, by Helensburgh Tullibody, by Stirling Kirkwall Moy, by Inverness St. Andrews Turriff by Crieff Kirn, by Dunoon Muckart, by Stirling St. Cyrus, by Montrose Tynedrum, Aberdeen Kirriemuir [chie Muirdruni, by Carnoustie St Fergus, by Peterhead Udny, by by Dingwall Knockando, by Craigella- MunlocUy, by Inverness St. Margaret's Hope, by Ullapool, Kyleakin, by Dingwall Muthill, by Crieff Wick [weem , by Lerwick by Fort- William Laggan, by Kingussie Mylnefield, by Dundee St. Monance, by Pitten- Unachan, by Inverness Larbert, by Falkirk Nairn [burgh St. Ninian's by Stirling Urquhart, Largo, by Leven New Aberdour, by Fraser- Salen. by Strontian Urray, by Beauly Lerwick Latheron, by Golspie Newburgh (Fife) Saline, by Dunfermline , by Laurencekirk Newburgh, by Aberdeen Sanday, by Kirkwall Voe, by Lerwick Lerwick Laurieston, by Falkirk Newbyth, by Turriff Sandbank, by Dunoon Walls, by Lerwick New Deer, by Aberdeen Sandwick, by Lerwick Watten, by Wick of Echt, by Leslie, by Markinch New Inn, by Nairn Sannes or , by Waterton Aberdeen Leslie, by Old Rayne Newmills (Fifeshh-e) by Lerwick Kirkcaldy Letham (Fife) by Cupar- Dunfermline Sauchie, by Alloa Wemyss.by by Lerwick Letha'm, by Forfar [Fife New Pitsligo, by Mintlaw Scone, by Perth Westandwick, West Calder, by Mid- Leuchars, by St. Andrews Newport, by Ferry-Port- Scourie, by Golspie [ Leven on-Craig Shapinshay, by Kirkwall Calder Westray, by Kirkwall Lhanbryde, by Elgin [line Newseat, by Old Rayne Sheildag, by Dingwall Whitehouse, by Aberdeen Limekilns, by Dunferm- Newtyle, by COupar- An- Shiel House, by Lochalsh Whiteness, by Lerwick Lindores, by Newburgh gus Skene, by Aberdeen Linkshouse, by Lerwick Oakley, by Dunfermline Southend, by Campbeltown Wick Wick Linlithgow Old Aberdeen, by Aberdeen Spinningdale, by Dornoch Widowell. by Winchburgh Lix, by Crieff Old Meldrum Spittalfield, by Dunkeld by Markinch Lochalsh Old Rayne Springfield, by Cupar-Fife Windygates, by Aberdeen Lochcarron, by Dingwall , by Lerwick Stanley, by Perth Woodside, Yell (East), by Lerwick Lochearnhead, by Crieff Orphir, by Kirkwall Stirling LIST OF PAKISHES Post Town for each. In the Counties of Scotland Worth of Edinburgh, with the Name of the of the same name. Where only one name is given, it is to be understood that the Parish and Post Town are

answe the following is as near as can be given, and will There is, properly speaking, no Post Town for the whole of each Parish, but ordinary business purposes: Aberdalgie by Perth Aberfoyle | Abbotshall by Kirkcaldy I Abercorn by Queensferry | Aberlem no by Forfar Fraserburgh j Aberehirder ! Aberdour by Abdie by Newburgh | PARISHES WITH THEIR POST-TOWNS. 31

Aberlour by Craigellachie Bracadale by Broadford Dingwall Fortrose I&bernethy by Granton Braemar by Ballater Dollar by Stirling Fossoway by Stirling Aboyne Brechin Dores by Inverness Foss by Pitlochrie Airlie by Kirriemuir Broughty Ferry Dornoch Fowlis by Dundee Afford by Aberdeen Buckie Dowally by Dunkeld Foveran by Newburgh, I'Alness Bucklyvie by Kipper Dull by Aberfeldy Aberdeenshire lAlloa Burness by Kirkwall Duffus by Elgin Fraserburgh Alva by Stirling Burntisland Dunbarney by Bridge of Friockheim by Arbroath lAlvab by Banff Cabrach by Rhynie Earn Fyvie Alves by Elgin Calder Mid Dunblane Gairloch by Dingwall Alvie by Lyuwilg Calder West by Mid Dunbog by Auchtermuchty Gamrie by Banff lAIyth by Miegle Calder Dundee Gargunnock by Stirling Andrews Shandbride by Callander Dunnichen by Forfar Gartly by Huntly Elgin Cameron by St. Andrews Dun by Montrose Gartmore Anstruther Easter Cairnie by Huntly Dunning Garvock by Laurencekirk [Austruther Wester Canisbay by Huna Dunipace by Falkirk Gask by Auchterarder Anith by Falkirk Caputh by Dunkeld Dunfermline Glammis Applecross by Loch Carron Cargill by Perth Dunkeld Glass by Huntly lArbirlot by Arbroath Carmylie by Arbroath Dunkpld,Little,by Dunkeld Glenbervie by Stonehaven lArbroath Carnbee by Pittenweem Dunottar by Stonehaven Glenbucket by Mossat Arbuthnott by Bervie Caraldstone by Brechin Durness by Thurso Glendevon by Auchterar- Ardclach by Forres Carnoch by Dingwall Duirnish by Dunvegan der Wrderseir Carnoustie Dunnet Glenelg by Loehalsh Arngark by Kinross Carriden by Borrowstoun- Durris by Aberdeen Glenisla by Meigle Assynt by Golspie ness Dunrossness by Lerwick Glenlyon by Aberfeldy Auchmethie by Arbroath Caterline by Bervie Duthill by Carr Bridge Glenmuick by Ballater Aucboindoir by Rbynie Cawdor by Nairn Drainy by Elgin Glenshiel by Loehalsh Auchterarder Ceres by Cupar-Fife Drumblade by Huntly Golspie Auchterderran, by Kir- Chapel of Garioch by Drumoak by Aberdeen Graemsay by Stromness kaldy Pitcaple Dron by Bridge of Earn Grange by Keith Auchtergavin by Perth Clackmannan by Alloa Dyce by Aberdeen Grangemouth Auchterhouse by Dundee Clatt by Old Rayne Dyke by Forres Guthrie by Forfar Auchterless by Turriff Cleish by Kinross Dysart by Kirkcaldy Halkirk Auchtermuchty Clunie by Blairgowrie Ecclesmachen by Uphall Halin - in - Waternish by Auchtertool by Kirkcaldy Cluny Echt Dunvegan Auldearn by Forres Clyne by Golspie Eday by Kirkwall Hags by Denny Avoch by Fortrose Collace by Perth Eddertoun by Tain Harris by Lochmaddy Ballahulish by Fort Wil- Collessie by Cupar- Fife Eddrachillis by Golspie Harray by Kirkwall liam Coldstone by Tarland Edinburgh Holm by Kirkwall Balingray by Blairadam Comrie by Crieff Edinkillie by Forres Hoy by Stromness Balmerens by Newport Contin by Strathpeffer Edzell by Brechin Huntly (Fife) Cookney by Stonehaven Egilshay by Kirkwall Inch by Kingussie Balquhidder by Lochearn- Corran of Ardgour by Elgin Inchture head Fort- William Elie by Colinsburgh Innerwick-in-Glenlyon by Banchory Ternan Cortachy by Kirriemuir Ellon Aberfeldy Banchory Devenick by Coull by Aboyne Enzie by Fochabers Inverallocby by Fraser- Aberdeen Coupar-Angus Erroll burgh Banff Craig by Montrose Essie by Meigle lnverarity by Forfar Bannockburn by Stirling Crail Evie by Kirkwall Inveraven by Ballindalloch Barra by Lochmaddy Crathie by Ballater Falkirk Inverbrothock byArbroath Barry Crieff Falkland Inverkeillor by Chance Inn Barvas by Stornaway Criech by Cupav-Fife Farnwell by Brechin Inverkeithing Beath by Blairadam Criech by Bonar-bridge Farr by Thurso Inverkeithing by Forgue Belhelvie by Aberdeen Croick by Bonar-bridge Fearn by Tain Inverness Bellie by Fochabers Crirnond by Peterhead Fern by Forfar Inverury by Keithhall Bendochy by Coupar- Cromdale by Grantown Insch by Old Rayne Angus Cromarty Fettercairn Keanloch-Leuchart by Benvie by Dundee Cross by Stornoway Fetteresso by Stonehaven Dingwall I Berrydale Cruden Fintray by Aberdeen Keig by Whitehouse JlBernua by Lochmady Croy by Ardersier Firth by Kirkwall Keithhall JiBervie Cullen Flisk by Cupar-Fife Keith "ijBirnie by Elgin Culsalmond by Old Rayne Flota by Longhope Keiss by Wick I'Birsay by Kirkwall Culross by Kincardine Fodderty by Strathpeffer Kemback by Cupar Fife llBirse by Aboyne Cupar-Fife Forgan by Newport, Fife Kemnay by Kintore 't Blackford by Auchterarder Dalgety by Aberdour Fordyce by Portsoy Kenmore Blairdaff j by Pitcaple Dallas by Forres Forglen by Turriff Kennoway by Markinch

| Blairgowrie Dalmeny by Q,ueensferry Forgandenny by Bridge of Kettins by Coupar-Angus Boharm by Keith Dairsie by Kettle f Cupar-Fife Earn Borrowstounness Daviot | by Oldmeldrum Forfar Kilconqubar by Colins-

1 Bothkenner by Falkirk Deanston by Doune Fordoun by Auchinblae burgh

! Botripbnie by Keith Deerness by Kirkwall Forgue Kildonan by Golspie 1 Bower Forres Killmany by Cupar-Fife Boleskine by Inverness Denino by St. Andrews Fortingall by Aberfeldy Killin Bourtie by Oldmeldrum Denny Forteviot by Bridge of Kilmalie by Fort William

. Boyndie by Banff Deskford by Cullen Earn Killearnen by Inverness 32 PARISHES WITH THEIR FOST-TOWNS.

Kilmonivaig by Fort Au- Loehalsh Nigg by Aberdeen Speymouth by Fochabers gustus Lochbroom by Ullapool North Uist by Lochmaddy South Ronaldshay Kilmadock by Doune Lochcarron Oatlaw by Forfar South Uist by Lochmaddy Kilmorack by Beauly Lochee by Dundee Old Deer by Mintlaw St. Andrews Kilmuir Easter by Parkhill Lochlee by Brechin Old Machar by Aberdeen St. Cyrus Kilmuir by Portree Lochs by Stornoway Olrick by Castleton St. Fergus by Peterhead Kilrenny by Anstruther Logie Easter by Parkhill Ordiquhill by Beith St. Madoesby Perth Kildrummy by Mossat Logie Buchan by Ellon Ord by Badff St. Martin's by Perth Kiltarlity by Beauly Logie by Tarland Orphir by Kirkwall St. Michall's Kiltearn by Evanton Logie by Bridge of Allan Orwell by Kinross St. Ninian's by Stirling Kilspindie by Eirol Logie by Cupar Oyne by Old Rayne Stanley Kincardine by Blairdrum- Logierait by Dunkeld Panbride by Carnoustie Stennis by Kirkwall mond Longforgan by Dundee Papa Westra by Kirkwall Stenscholl by Portree Kincardine O'Neil Longside by Mintlaw Pathhead by Kirkcaldy Stirling Kinclaven by Perth Lonmay by Cortes Persie by Blairgowrie Straehan by Banchory- Kinetbmont Loth by Golspie Perth ternan Kinfauns by Perth Lumphanan by Kincardine Peterculter by Aberdeen Strathdon Kingsbarns by Crail O'Neil Peterhead Strath by Broadford King Edward by Banff Lunan by Chance Inn Petty by Inverness Strathmartin by Dundee Kinghorn Lundie by Dundee Pitsligo by Fraserburgh Strathy by Thurso Kinkell Lybster Pittenween Strickathro' by Brechin Kinglassie by Kirkcaldy Macduff by Banff Plean by Stirling Strichen by Maintlaw Kingoldrura by Kirrie- Madderty by Creiff Plockton by Loehalsh Stoer by Golspie muir Mains by Dundee Polmont by Falkirk Stornoway Kingussie Markinch Poolewee by Ding-wall Stromness Kininmonth by Mintlaw Marnoch by Banff Port of Menteith Stronsay by Kirkwall Kinlochbervie by Golspie Maryburgh by Dingwall Portmoak by Kinross Strowan by Creiff Kinloch by Ballindalloch Maryculter by Aberdeen Portree Tain by Forres Marykirk by Montrose Portsoy Tannadice by Forfar Kinneffby Bervie Maryton by Montrose Premnay by Old Rayne Tarbert by Tain Kinnettles by Forfar Meigle Pulteneytown by Wick Tarland Kinnell by Arbroath Meldrum by Old Meldrum Queensferry Tarves Kinnellar by Aberdeen Menmuir by Brechin Quarffby Lerwick Tealing Kinnoul by Perth Methlic Rafferd by Forres Tenandry by Blairathol Kinross Methil by Leven Rannoch by Pitlochrie Thornton by Kirkcaldy Kintail by Loehalsh Methvin by Perth Rathen by Cortes Thurso Kintore Mid Calder Rathven by Buckie Tibbermore by Perth Kippen Midmar by Echt Rattray by Blairgowrie Tulliallan by Kincardine Kirkcaldy Rayne Tillibody Kirkden by Forfar Migvie Reay Tullicoultry Kirkhill, by Inverness Millbrix by Fyvie Redgorton by Perth Tingwall by Lerwick Kirkliston Milton by Markinch Rendal by Kirkwall Tomintoul by Ballindal- Kirkmichael by Ballindal- Moniefeith by Dundee Rescobie by Forfar loch loch Monidie by Perth Rhynd by Bridge of Earn Tongue by Golspie Kirkraichaelby Fortrose Monikie by Dundee Rhynie Torphiehen by Linlithgow Kirkmichael by Blairgow- Monimail by Cupar-Fife Rogart by Golspie Torryburn byDunfermline rie Moulin by Pitlochrie Ronaldshay by Kirkwall Tough by Whitehouse Kirknewton Montrose Rosehall, by Bonar Bridge Towie by Inverkindie Kirkwall Monquhitter by Turriff Rosemarkie by Fortrose Trinity Gask by Auchter- Kirriemuir Monymusk Rosskeen by Invergordon arder Kockbain by Munlochy Monzie by Crieff Rothiemay by Huntly Trosachs by Callander Knockando by Craigel- Moonzie by Cupar Fife Rothiemurchus by Lyn- Trumisgarryby Lochmaddy lachie Mortlach by Craigellachie Rothes by Fochabers [wilg Tullynessle by Forbes Knock of Stornoway Mossgreen by Crossgates Rousay by Kirkwall Turriff Lady by Kirkwall Moy by Inverness Ruthven by Meigle Tyrie by Fraserburgh Lairg by Bonar Bridge Muckart by Lochearn- Saline by Dunfermline Udny Laggan head Saucbie by Alloa Uig by Stornoway Larbert by Falkirk Muiravonside Linlithgow Sandwiek by Stronmess Ullapool Latheron Murroes by Dundee Sandwick by Lerwick Lawrencekirk Muthill by Crieff Sandsting Uphall Largo by Leven Nairn Savoch by Ellon Urquhart by Elgin Lecropt by Bridge of Allan Nesting Scone by Perth Urquhart by Dingwall Leochel Cushnie by Alford Newburgh (Fife) Scoonie by Leven Urquhart by Inverness Leslie by Old Rayne Newburn by Leven Seafield by Cullen Urray by Beauly Lerwick Newhills by Aberdeen Shapinshay by Kirkwall Walls Lethendy by Cupar- Angus Newmachar by Aberdeen Shieldag by Lochcarron Walls by Longhope Lethnot by Brechin New Bytb by Turriff Skene by Aberdeen Watten Leuchars by Cupar Fife New Deer by Aberdeen Slamannin by Falkirk Weem by Aberfeldy Liff by Dundee New Pitsligo by Mintlaw Slains by Ellon Wemyss by Kirkcaldy Linlithgow New Spynie by Elgin Sleat by Broadford Westray by Kirkwall Kinnaird by Inchture Newtyle by Coupar-Angus Small Isles by Arisaig Whitburn Llntratben by Kirriemuir Norriston by Blairdrnm- Snizort by Portree Wick Livingstone by Mid Calder Northrnaving Lmond Spittal of Glenshee Woodside by Aberdeen . . . .



JULY. A u a U S T. SEPTEMBER. 3 10 17 24 31 28 4 11 18 25 Mon. 29 Mon.. Tues. Tues. 30 Tues. 6 13 20 27 Wed.. 6 13 20 27 ... Wed. 3 10 17 24 31 Wed. 7 14 21 28 Thur.. 7 14 21 28 ... Thur. Thur. Frid...... 1 8 15 22 29 ... Frid.. Frid.. 2 9 16 23 30

Sat. . , ,... 2 9 16 23 30 ... Sat...

OCTOBER. NOVEMBER. DECEMBER. 2 9 16 23 30 27 4 11 18 25 Mon. 7 14 21 28 Mon. 5 12 19 26 Tues.. 4 11 18 25 ... Tues. 1 8 15 22 29 Tues. Wed.. 5 12 19 26 ... Wed. 2 9 16 23 30 Wed. Thur 6 13 20 27 ... Thur 3 10 17 24 Thur 1 8 15 22 29 Frid... Frid.. 4 11 18 25

Sat., 1 8 15 22 29 ... Sat. , 5 12 19 26 Sat.... 3 10 17 24 31


1 8 15 22 29 26 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 Tues.. 3 10 17 24 31 Tues. 7 14 21 28 Tues.. Wed.. 4 11 18 25 ... Wed.. 1 8 15 22 Wed.. 1 8 15 22 29 Thur. 5 12 19 26 ... Thur. 2 9 16 23 Thur. 2 9 16 23 30 Frid.. 6 13 20 27 ... Frid...... 3 10 17 24 Frid.. 3 10 17 24 31

Sat , Sat.,.. , , 4 11 18 25 ... Sat.... 4 11 18 25 ...

APRIL. MAY. JUNE. Sun.- 28 Mon. 3 10 17 24 ... 29 Tues.. Tues. 2 9 16 23 30 Tues.. 6 13 20 27 Wed.. Wed.. 3 10 17 24 31 Wed..

Thur. 6 13 20 27 ... Thur. 4 11 18 25 Thur. 1 8 15 22 29

Frid 7 14 21 28 ... Frid 5 12 19 26 , ,,, 2 9 16 23 30 Sat. Sat....

JULY. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. 6 13 20 27 Mon.. 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 Mon.. 4 11 18 25

Tues.. 4 11 18 25 ... Tues.. 1 8 15 22 29 Tues..

Wed.. 5 12 19 26 ... Wed.. 2 9 16 23 30 Wed.

Thur. 6 13 20 27 ... Thur.. 3 10 17 24 31 Thur. 7 14 21 28

Frid.. 7 14 21 28 ... Frid.. 4 11 18 25 Frid...

Sat .... 1 8 15 22 29 ... Sat, 5 12 19 26 Sat....

BANK HOLIDAYS. New Year's Day,~ Prince Albert's Birthday,.~w* Aug. 26 Good Friday, Prince of Wales' Birthday,, Nov. 9 Queen's Birthday,. May 24 Christmas Day, Dec. 25 Queen's Coronation,- June 28 And the Sacramental Fasts.

When a Holiday falls on a Sunday, the Monday following is kept.


Candlemas Day, Feb. 2 Lady Day,„,~.~~, , March 25 Whitsun Day, May 15 Midsummer Day,. June 24

Lammas Day, Aug. I Michaelmas Day, , Sep. 29 Martimas Day Nov. 11 Christmas Day, Dec. 25

When a Scotch Term falls on Sunday, the following Monday is considered the Term Day. A TABLE OF SIMPLE INTEREST,

At Two, Two-and-a -Half, Three, Three-and -a-Half, Four, Fonr-and-a-Half, and Five per Cent., for Three Day 8, One Mont! ,an( One Year. THREE DAYS.


D. s. D. £ £ s. D. £ s. n. £ S. D. £ S. D. £ s. D. £ s. £ 1 2 3 01 Oi 4 Oi 01 01 01 5 Oi OJ 01 01 01 6 01 oi 01 01 01 01 0. 01 01- 7 °1 01 01 01. 01 o-l 8 01 01 01 01 01 01 Of 9 01 Oi 01 01 01 Of Of 10 o* 01 0£ Of Of Of Of 20 Of 1 1 1* 11 n H 30 1 H If 2 21 21 2f 40 1* 2 2f 2| 3 31 3f 50 2 21 2f 31 3| 41 4f 5~ 100 4 5f 7 7f 8f 9f 51 1 71 1 10 2 250 H 1 o? 1 2| 1 01 7x 2 101 3 31 3 4 500 1 2 2 01 2 51 81 11 1000 3 5 4 1 4 11 5 9 6 61 7 JL 8 21 ONE MONTH,

£1 01 01 01 Of Of Of 1 2 °i 1 1 11 11 1*. 2 3 1 11 If 2 21 21 3 4 H 2 21 2| 3 31 4 5 2 0- 21 3 3| 4 41 5

6 21 3 3£ 41 4f ! 51 3 6 7 2f 31 4 5 51 H 7 8 3 4 4f 51 61 7 3 8 9 H 4 J. 51 61 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 8 10 1 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 30 1 1 3 1 6 1 9 2 2 3 2 6 40 1 4 1 8 2 2 4 2 8 3 3 4 50 1 8 2 1 2 6 2 11 3 4 3 9 4 2 100 o- 3 4 4 2 5 5 10 6 8 7 6 8 4 250 8 4 10 5 12 6 14 7 16 8 18 9 1 10 500 16 8 1 10 1 5 1 9 2 1 13 4 1 17 6 2 1 8 1000 1 13 4 2 1 8 2 10 2 18 4 3 6 8 3 15 4 3 4 ONE YEAR.

£1 4| 6 7 8l H 10f 1 2 91 1 1 n 1 4f 1 7 1 91 2 11 2 3 1 H 1 6 1 91 2 4| 2 81 3 4 1 7 2 2 4f 2 91 3 4 3 7 4 5 2 2 6 3 3 6" 4 4 6 5 4 91 6 2 4f 3 3 7 4 21 5 4f 6 7 2 H 3 6 4 21 4 10| 5 7 6 31 7 8 3 21 4 4 91 5 71 6 4| 7 21 8 7" 9 3 4 6 5 4| 6 3| 7 8 1 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 30 12 15 18 1 1 1 4 1 7 1 10 40 16 X 1 4 1 8 1 12 1 16 2 50 1 I 5 1 10 1 15 2 2 5 2 10 100 2 2 10 3 3 10 4 4 10 5 250 8 15 10 11 5 12 10 5 . 6 5 7 10 500 10 12 10 15 17 10 20 22 10 25 1000 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 NEW DIRECTORY



Albyn Cottage—near Albyn-place, on west side of Holburn Church Angusfield—on Skene-road, beside Rubislaw Quarries, right-hand side Arthurseat a mansion near Polmuir, three minutes' walk beyond Ferryhill Railway Station Asbgrove about half-a-mile south-west of Toll Ashhill, or Prospect Cottage on road leading south-west and west from Kittybrewster Toll, half-a- mile from Toll, left-hand side of road Ashvale—on Cooperston-road, right-hand side, opposite Nellfield Cemetery Ashvale Cottage beside Ashvale Balgownie Road—road leading along north side of river Don to Grandholm-house Balgownie—a mansion on north side of river Don, half-a-mile above old bridge Balgownie Bridge (see Bridge of Don) Balgreen—a cottage on Low Stocket-road, right-hand side, one-and-a-half miles from Caroline-place Balmoral-place a line of dwelling houses on Holburn-road, two minutes' walk beyond Holburn-st. Banchory House-. a mansion on the South Deeside-road, two miles beyond bridge of Dee Bannermill a manufactory near Links, approached by Bannermill-street and Albion-street Barkmill—from Caroline -place to Berryden, left-hand, side Beechhill—a mansion on Countesswells-road, left-hand side, two-and-a-quarter miles from Holburn-st. Belmont—a mansion on Berryden-road, half-a-mile beyond Caroline-place Belmont Cottage, beside Belmont, left-hand side Bellevue—a mansion on Hardgate^road, left-hand side, half-a-mile beyond Bon-accord-terrace Bellville—a cottage and nursery, 1 1 Leadside, Gilcomston Berryden Road leading north from Caroline-place to Cairncry-road and Kittybrewster Toll Berryden House on Berryden-road, three minutes' walk from Caroline-place, right-hand side Berryden Cottage on Berryden-road, five minutes' walk from Caroline-place, right-hand side Berrybank on Berryden-road, half-a-mile from Caroline-place, or near to Kittybrewster Toll, left- hand side Berry's Road a narrow lane leading from north end of Broadford to north end of Causewayend Bexhill Cottage at south end of Holburn-street, on left-hand side Bloomfield a line of cottages on Holburn-road, three minutes' walk beyond Holburn-street, left- hand side Bloomfield Cottage on Holburn-road, three minutes' walk beyond Holburn-street, left-hand side Botanic Gardens (Roy's Nursery)~~near Ferryhill Bonnymuir—a dwelling house on the Low Stocket-road, about a mile from Caroline-place, left- hand side Bridge of Dee—on South-road, by Holburn-street, about one-and-a-half miles from Union-place Bridge of Don (New) on King-street-road, two miles from Castle-street Bridge of Don (Old), or Balgownie Bridge three minutes' walk west of New Bridge of Don Broadford Cottage north end of North Broadford, left-hand side Broomhill—a dwelling-house on the Old Deeside-road, half-a-mile from south end of Holburn-street Burnieboozle (now Walkerhill) a mansion on Skene-road, half-a-mile beyond Rubislaw Quarries, left-hand side Burnside—a group of cottages on Low Stocket-road, one mile from Caroline-place CairncryRoad a by-road branching off south-west from Kittybrewster Toll, and extending about two miles in length Calsayseat—at the junction of George-street and Causewayend-roads, half-a-mile from George-st. Carnation-field a fruit and flower garden, on Low Stocket-road, opposite Lunatic Asylum, left- hand side

| Carnation Cottage beside Carnation-field, left-hand side of road (see Carnation-field) Carden's Haugh at west end of Skene-street, nearly opposite Victoria-street -west Carden Place a line of cottages, west of Carden's Haugb, right-hand side Carpet Square a group of houses on Berryden-road, two minutes' walk from Caroline-place, left- hand side 36 NEW DIRECTORY TO SUBURBS.

Cattofield—on Cairncry-road, three minutes' walk west of Kittybrewster Toll Canefield Cottage—on Countesswells-road, two miles from Holburn-street, left-hand side Cherryvale—at west end of Skene-street, opposite Sheriff Watson's Female School of Industry Clayhills Brick Work—on road leading from Poynernook to Ferry hill Station, one minute's walk beyond Affleck-street Clerkseat Road (old name of Berryden-road) Cornhill Road—.leads northward from Caroline-place, and passes Lunatic Asylum on right, then turns westward, and proceeds past Cornhill and Cairncry Cornhill House~~on Cornhill-road, one nrle from Lunatic Asylum, right-hand side of road Countesswells Road~_a by-road branching off to the right from Cooperston-road, about one mile beyond Cooperston Toll Countesswells House—about four miles from Holburn-street, by Cooperston, and Countesswells-roads Cooperston Road—branches off on the right from Holburn-street, fifty yards beyond Holburn-bridge Cooperston House—on Cooperston-road, three minutes' walk from Holburn-street, right-hand side Cooperston Cottage—on Cooperston-road, three minutes' walk from Holburn-street, right-hand side Cooperston Place—on Cooperston-road, three minutes' walk from Holburn-street, right-hand side Cooperston Buildings~~a line of dwelling-houses on Cooperston-road, three quarters of a mile from Holburn-street, right-hand side Craigie Loanings—a road leading north from Westfield or foot of Albert-street to High Stocket-road Craigie Park—a dwelling-house on the Craigie-loanings-road, left-hand side (see Craigie-loanings) Craigiebuckler—between the Rubislaw and Countesswells-roads, one -and -a-half miles from Holburn- street Craigton Cottage—on Countesswells-road, two miles from Holburn-street, left-hand side Cunnigerhill Nursery—at east end of Constitution-street, adjoining Links, left-hand side Dancing Cairn Quarries—on the Inverness or North-road, one-and-a-half miles beyond Woodside Dairncleugh—a dwelling-house on Countesswells-road, two-and-a-half miles from Holburn-street, left-hand side Denhead of Rubislaw—on road which branches off to right at Rubislaw Toll, half-a-mile from Toll Devanha House—a mansion near Ferryhill, two minutes' walk south from head of Bank-street Devanha Brewery ^~on north side of River Dee, near Wellington Bridge Devanha Distillery—on north side of River Dee, a quarter-of-a-mile beyond Wellington Bridge Devanha Terrace—leads south from head of Bank-street Dee Mouth—at south end of College-street, left-hand side Dee Mount— a dwelling-house about a hundred yards west from Ferryhill Station Dee Village — at south end of Crown-street, on left-hand side Diamond Cottage, Holhurn-place—south end of Holburn-street, left-hand side Dry well Park—on the Stocket-road leading past Rosemount, nearly opposite head of Short-loanings Eastfield—on the Low Stocket-road, one-and-a-quarter miles from Caroline-place, left-hand side Eden Cottage—on Countesswells road, two-and-a-half miles from Holburn-street, left-hand side Elmhill—a mansion on the Cornhill-road, five minutes' walk from Caroline-place, right-hand side Elmfield—a dwelling house on canal side, half-a-mile above Mounthooly, east side of canal Ewan Place—on Countesswells-road, two-and-a-half miles from Holburn-street, left-hand side Farmer's Hall-lane—a narrow footpath leading from Gilcomston-brae to Rosemount Ferryhill House—a mansion on road leading from Crown-street to Roy's Nursery, right-hand side Ferryhill Foundry™.beside Wellington Bridge Ferryhill Mills —three hundred yards south of New Bridge, Hardgate Ferryhill Gardens (Roy's Nursery), 300 yards beyond Ferryhill-house, * right-hand side Ferryhill Cottage~~.on hill overlooking Wellington Bridge Firhill Well—half-a-mile west from OJd Aberdeen, approached by foot-road leading from beside Red Lion Inn, Spittal Fonthill—two dwelling houses on road leading from Roy's Nursery to Hardgate, right-hand side Fonthill Place—on road leading from Roy's Nursery to Hardgate, left-hand side Fountainhall—a dwelling house on the road leading west from north end of Albert-street, four minutes' walk from Albert-street, right-hand side Forbesfield —.on Cooperston-road, one-and-a-half miles from Holburn-street, right-hand side Forresterhill —.on the Cornhill-road, leading from west side of Lunatic Asylum, one-and-a-half miles from Caroline-place, left-hand side Friendville— a dwelling house on Cooperston-road, one-and-a-quarter miles from Holburn-streetj right-hand side Friendly Bank—a dwelling house twenty yards beyond Mounthooly Bridge, right-hand side Froghall Cottage—north side of canal, half-a-mile above Mounthooly Galleries—a dwelling house between Mackie-place and Cherryvale, right-hand side of Skene-street Gilcomston Dam—a hundred yards west from foot of Albert-street Gilcomston House—Upper Leadside, Gilcomston, right-hand side Gilcomston Cottage—31 Skene-square Glenburnie Distillery—about 100 yards north from Rubislaw Toll-bar Glenburnie Cottage—between Cherryvale and Carden-place, right-hand side of Skene-street-west _


Gooseberrybank a group of cottages on south-west side of Bon-accord-terrace, nearly opposite Strawberry bank Gordon's Mills on the south-side of river Don, half-a-mile beyond Old Aberdeen Cathedral Gowan Brae a group of dwelling houses at north-end of Causewayend, right-hand side Grandholm Works on north-side of River Don, about a mile north from Woodside Grandholm Cottage on north-side of river Don, half-a-mile west from Grandholm-works Grandholm Lodge on north-side of river Don, half-a-mile west from Grandholm-works Granite Hill (late Cairncry) a dwelling house at west-end of Cornhill and Cairncry-roads Grantown Lodge on Cooperston-road, about three minutes' walk from Holburn-street, right- hand side Hawthorn Cottage on Cooperston-road, half-a-mile from Holburn -street, right-hand side Hazlehead House about a mile beyond Rubislaw-toll, then nearly half-a-mile to left from Skene-road High Stocket Road, (see Stocket Roads') Hilton about five minutes' walk west from Woodside Free Manse. Honeybank north-end of Canal-road, right-hand side, near Sutherland's manufactory Honeybrae on the South High Stocket-road leading past Morningfield, left-hand side, one and-a- half miles from Skene-square Hosefield a dwelling house, about a quarter-of-a-mile north from Mile-end Inmore Cottage on Low Stocket-road leading from Hutcheon-street, one-and-a-half miles from | Caroline-place, left-hand side Ivy Cottage~~on High Stocket-road leading from top of Maberly-street past Rosemount, half-a-mile from Skene-square, left-hand side Jessiefield on Skene-road, about two miles beyond Rubislaw-quarries, left-hand side Johnston Place a dwelling house on the Rubislaw-road, about three-quarters of-a-mile beyond Rubislaw-toll, left-hand side Kingsland House— 165 George-street Kepplestone House on the Skene-road, left-hand side, opposite Rubislaw-quarries Kepplestone Cottage on the Skene-road, left-hand side, opposite Rubislaw-quarries Kepplestone Lodge on the Skene-road, left-hand side, ppposite Rubislaw-quarries Kirkhill on the Wellington-road, south side of River Dee, one mile beyond Wellington-bridge,

left-hand side . . Kittybrewster Toll on the Inverness-road, about one-and-a-quarter miles from Union-street Loanhead on the High Stocket-road leading from Skene-square by Rosemount, nearly half-a-mile from Skene-square, on left-hand side •_. Caroline-place Lochhead on the Low Stocket-road, right-hand side, about four minutes' walk from Louisville—a dwelling house on Cooperston road, one-and-a-quarter miles from Holburn-street, right-hand side Low Stocket Road, (see Stocket Roads) Lunatic Asylum near west-end of Hutcheon-street Mackie Place west-end of Skene-street, between Skene-place and Cherryvale, right-hand side Mannofield™. a group of dwelling houses on the Cooperston-road, at the junction of the Countes- wells, Pitfodels, and North Deeside-roads, about half-a-mile beyond Cooperston-toll

Marine Terrace. between south-end of Crown-street and Ferryhill-house . side Maryfield a dwelling house on road leading from Roy's Nursery to Hardgate, left-hand Marywell Bank„™a dwelling house at foot of Marywell-street, south-side Mary Place from west-end of Hutcheon-street to Lunatic Asylum, right-hand side Mqrnmgfield, Mary vale a dwelling house at the west- end of South High Stocket-road leading past about two miles from Skene-square Mastrick on the Countess wells-road, 3 miles from Holburn-street Millbank a dwelling house at north-end of North-broadford, left-hand side Millbank Cottage on the Berryden-road, 100 yards from Caroline-place, right-hand side Millbank Cottage in Hardgate, near Willowbank, left-hand side Mile-end on the High Stocket-road, at the parting of the North and South High Stocket-roads, about three quarters of a mile west of Skene-square Migvie House 23 Silver-street, west side Model Gardens, Westfield approached by Upper Lead-side, and by Albert-street Model Gardens, Gilcomston behind Gilcomston-brewery, approached from Leadside Morefield on the North High Stocket-road, half-a-mile west of Mile-end, left-hand side from Morningfield a group of dwelling-houses on South High Stocket-road, taking left-hand road • Mile-end, about half-a-mile from Mile-end . Morningside on Old Deeside-road, one-and-a-half miles from Holburn-street, right-hand side Mount Pleasant a dwelling house at north end of Canal-road, right-hand side Mount Place a cottage at Rosemount, on right-hand side Mount Cottage Rosemount, south -end of Mount-street Muirfield Cottage on North High Stocket-road, about half-a-mile beyond Mile-end, left-hand side side Nellfield Cemetery Cooperston-road, 50 yards from Holburn-street, left-hand left-hand side Nellfield House on Cooperston-road, a quarter of a mile from Holburn-street, 38 NEW DIRECTORY TO SUBURBS.

Nelson's Houses —Holburn-street, first houses on right-hand side after passing Cooperston-road Nelson Cottage—Holburn-street, immediately after passing Cooperston-road Newbridge—in valley of Hardgate, beyond Bon-accord-terrace New Bridge Brewery™—in valley of Hardgate, beyond Bon-accord-terrace Newlands—on the Old North Deeside-road, one mile from Holburn-street Newton of Pitfodels—on the North Deeside-road, three-and-a-half miles from Holburn-street North High Stocket Road (see Stocket Roads) Oakbank—between North and South High Stocket-roads, about five minutes' walk beyond Mile-end Oakbank Cottage—on South High Stocket-road leading past Morningfield, one-and-a-fourth miles from Skene-square, right-hand side Orchard Cottage„™Orchard-lane, Spittal Outseats of Pitmuxton—a number of scattered dwelling-houses on north side of River Dee, between Roy's nursery and Ruthrieston Prospect Cottage—new name for Ashhill— (see Ashhill) Prospect Hill—,a dwelling-house on South High Stocket-road leading from Skene-square past Morningfield, about two miles from Skene-square; right-hand side Prospect Place—a dwelling-house on Countesswells-road, two and a-fourth miles from Holburn- street, left-hand side Pitmuxton—on Old Deeside-road, left-hand side of Holburn-street, about one mile from Union-place Pitfodels Road—branches off west from Cooperston-road, at Mannofield, nearly two miles from Holburn-street Pitfodels—about three miles from Holburn-street, on Deeside-road Powis—a mansion about five minutes' walk north-east from Kittybrewster-toll Princesfield —a dwelling-house on Low Stocket-road, leading from Hutcheon-street by Westburn, one mile from Caroline-place, right-hand side Raeden—on Low Stocket-road leading from Hutcheon-street, one and a-fourth miles from Caroline- place, left-hand side Richmondhill—a mansion on South High Stocket-road, about four minutes' walk beyond Mile-end, right-hand side Rock Cottage—at south-end of Albert-street Rosehill—a dwelling-house on the Cairncry-road, three minutes' walk from Kittybrewster-toll, right-hand side Rosehill—a dwelling-house on Stocket-road leading from west -end of Maberly-street, three minutes' walk from Skene-square, left-hand side Rosemount Place„™on Stocket-road leading from west-end of Maberly-street, three minutes' walk from Skene-square Rosemount House'—on Stocket-road leading from west-end of Maberly-street, first house on right- hand side after passing Forbes-street Rosie Cottage—another name for Ashhill, or Prospect-cottage Rosie Cottage—~at west-end of Hutcheon-street, north side. Rosebank House—a dwelling-house on Stocket-road leading from west-end of Maberly-street, first house on right-hand side after leaving Skene-square Rosebank~~a dwelling-house on left-hand side of Hardgate, near Bellevue-house Roseburn Cottage—80 Hutcheon-street Rotunda Place—at Ferryhill, east corner of Roy's nursery Royfold—on road leading to right from Rubislaw-toll, half-a-mile from Toll, on right-hand side Ruby Cottage — 17 North Silver-street Rubislaw Place—about sixty yards north from Albyn-place Rubislaw House—on Skene-road, about fifty yards beyond Rubislaw Toll-bar, on right-band side Rubislaw Works and Bleachfield—near Skene-road, a quarter of a mile beyond Toll-bar, on left- hand side Rubislaw Quarries—on Skene-road, about five minutes' walk beyond Rubislaw-toll, right-hand side Rubislaw Den—on road leading to right from Rubislaw-toll, about half-a-mile from Toll Rubislaw Park—on Skene-road, three minutes' walk beyond Rubislaw toll, right-hand side Ruthrieston Market Stance—on South Turnpike-road, about haif-a-mile from south end of Hol- burn-street, left-hand side Ruthrieston House.—on South Turnpike-road, half-a-mile beyond south end of Holburn-street, right-hand side Ruthrieston Cottage~~on South Turnpike-road, half-a-mile beyond south end of Holburn-street, right-hand side Ruthrieston Lodge~~.on South Turnpike -road, half-a-mile beyond south end of Holburn-street, right-hand side. Sclattie~~a village at junction of Inverury and Old Meldrum-roads, about two miles beyond Woodside Scotstown—about two miles north-west from Bridge of Don Seafield—a dwelling-house about half-a-mile south from Rubislaw Bleachfield Seaview Gardens—at east end of Constitution-street, adjoining Links, left-hand side Seamount Place (late Porthill)—a large square, branching off to right from hill-head of Gallowgate NEW DIRECTORY TO SUBURBS. 39

Sheddocksley—a mansion on Old Skene Road, three and a-half miles from Caroline-place, right- hand side. Sim's Cottage—in Holburn-street, about two hundred yards beyond bridge, on left-hand side Slopfield—a cottage on Countesswells-road, two and a-half miles from Holburn-street, left-hand side Springbank—a dwelling-house on Inverness-road, near Kittybrewster toll, left-hand side Springbank—cottages on road to Bridge of Dee, about half-a-mile beyond south end of Hol- burn-street, left-hand side Summerbill~~a mansion on South High Stocket-road leading past Morningfleld, two miles from Skene-square, right-hand side Summerfield—a group of dwelling-houses at lower end of Park-street, on left hand side Sunnyside—adjoining Spittal, three minutes' walk west from Red Lion Inn Springhill— a mansion on Old Skene-road, three miles from Caroline-place South High Stocket Road (see Stocket Roads) Spa Well—in Spa-street, west side of Infirmary Still's Cottage—in Hardgate, three minutes' walk beyond New-bridge, left-hand side Stocket Road (High) —leads from west-end of Maberly-street, past Rosemount, and on to Mile-end Stocket Road (South High)—leads south-west from Mile-end, by left-hand-side road, past Morn- ingfleld, and on to the Stocket Stocket Road (North High)—leads westward from Mile-end by right-hand-side road, past Raeden and Oakbank, and on to the Stocket Stocket Road (Low)—leads in a straight line westward from Caroline-place, past Westburn, Bonny- muir, and Woodhill, on to Stocket Strawberrybank— a line of cottages near foot of Bon-accord-row, right-hand side of entrance to Hardgate Stoneytown—a group of dwelling-houses on Skene-road, right-hand side, about 300 yards west from Albert-street Stoneywood—about two miles north from Woodside, on the south- side of River Don Thistle Inn—on road to Bridge of Dee, near Ruthrieston, right-hand side Thistle Cottage 21 Thistle-street Twin Cottage—about the middle of Holburn-street, on right-hand side Torry Farm™.on south side of river Dee, half-a-mile east of Wellington-bridge Torry Farm Brick Works—on south side of River Dee, half-a-mile east of Torry-farm Torry Village—south side of harbour entrance Union Grove—a mansion at Wellington-place, on west-side of Holburn Church Union Glen Distillery—beside Holburn-bridge, on Holburn-street, left-hand side United Cottage—Holburn-street, two minutes' walk beyond south-end of Holburn-st., left-hand side Villa Franca—a cottage about 100 yards east of Morningfleld Villafield— a cottage near Gilcomston Dam, three minutes' walk from north end of Albert-street View Place—a dwelling-house at west end of Rosemount, left-hand side Viewton Place—a dwelling-house on the road from Mounthooly to Spittal, left-hand side Viewmount Cottage— Holburn-street, adjoining bridge, on south side Viewfield—between Countesswells and Rubislaw-roads, one-half mile west of Rubislaw Bleachfield Wallfield —on Low Stocket-road, one mile from Caroline-place, right-hand side Walkerhill—new name for Burnieboozle— (See Burnieboozle) Walnut Cottage—on Ruthrieston-road, about half-a^mile beyond south end of Holburn-street, right-hand side Waterton—about two miles north from Woodside, on south side of River Don Wellington, or Suspension Bridge—on River Dee, near Ferryhill Railway-station Westfield—a mansion near north end of Albert-street, entrance at foot of Craigie-loanings Westfield Nursery—on Craigie-loanings, left-hand side, three minutes' walk from north-end of Albert-street Westburn—a mansion on Low Stocket-road, right-hand side, three minutes' walk from Caroline-place Whitehall—dwelling-house near Gilcomston Dam, a quarter-of-a-mile from north end of Albert- street, on road leading west from ditto Whitemyres— a mansion on Old Skene-road, three-and-three-fourth miles from Skene-square, by Low Stocket-road Willowbank—a mansion on left-hand side of Hardgate, nearly opposite New-bridge Willowpark—a dwelling-house on Low Stocket-road, two miles from Caroline-place, left-hand side LATE LIST.

The following names came to hand too latefor insertion in their proper places :

Brown, George (of P. and G. Brown), auctioneer, h. Millbank-cottage, Berryden Campbell, James, railway contractor, Dee House, 4 Dee-place Clerk, John, surveyor of Taxes for 1st District of Aberdeenshire—office, 4 Belmont-street Cruickshank, James, tailor, 13 Netherkirkgate Fimister, John, surveyor of Taxes for 2d District of Aberdeenshire—office, 4 Belmont-street Fyfe, Charles, house factor—office, 4 Belmont-street Griffith, Rev. D., Unitarian minister, 120 King-street M'Auley, James, inspector of Stamps and Taxes— office, 4 Belmont-street Wilson, Mrs., Roman Catholic bookseller, 2 Chapel-court, Castle-street Wilson, Miss, teacher of piano-forte and singing, 2 Chapel-court, Castle-street — —


Abel, James, baker, 64, h. 66 Virginia-street Aberdeen Herald (newspaper) Office, 7 Queen-

. William, provision-merchant, 45 Com- street — editor, James Adam, h. 110 merce-street, h. 61 Wales-street High-street, Old Aberdeen — sub-editor, Abercrombie, Alexander, 31 Gallowgate William Carnie, h. Holburn- street — „ Alexander, 62 Catherine-street printer, John Finlayson, h. 17i Consti- Aberdeen Auxiliary to Female Society (see tution-street — publisher, George Far- Public Institutions) quhar, h. Devanha-terrace ™~— Auxiliary to Scottish Ladies' Association —~~* Horse Bazaar, St. Andrew-street, and (see Public Institutions') 196 George-street— proprietor, George Banking Co. (see Joint Stock Commercial Harrison, h. 28, St. Andrew-street Establishments) —„™ Horse Repository, 81 George-street—pro- ™ Bible Society (see Public Institutions) prietor, Peter Elder, h. Barkmill-house

~~.—. Blind Asylum, Huntly-street (see Public —manager, William Brebner, h. 81 Institutions) George-street I Brick and Tile Co.—office, 13 Market- Hortus Club (see Public Institutions) street — works, Clayhills — overseer, Hotel, 138 Union- street—proprietor, Wm, William Smith, Clayhills Macgregor Central Academy, 56 Union-st. —teacher, Industrial School Association (see Public D. Sinclair, h. 4 North Broadford Institutions.) —„™ Coach Manufacturing Co., 7 Frederick- Journal (newspaper) Office, 28 Adelphi- street — proprietors, Machray, Croall, court—printers and publishers, David and Co. — manager, John Ross, h. 9 Chalmers and Co. — editor, William South Constitution-street Forsyth, h. 86 Skene-square —reporter, ~—w. Commercial Co., Provost Blaikie's-quay James Valentine, h. Spittal—foreman, (see Joint Stock Commercial Establish- James Adamson, k. King's-square, ments) Huntly-street Deaf and Dumb Institution, 31 Belmont- >~~~~. Leith and Clyde Shipping Co.— office, street (see Public Institutions) 65 Quay (see Joint Stock Commercial ~~.„™ Equitable Loan Co., 27 Gallowgate Establishments) manager, Francis Montgomery, h. 9J- ~~ Lime Co.—office, 2 Provost Blaikie's Quay Sugarhouse-lane (see Joint Stock Commercial Establish- ~ Female Penitentiary, 28 Spittal (see Public ments. ) Institutions) „~».X~ Market Co. (see Joint Stock Commercial -~~— Female Missionary Society (see do.) Establishments) Female Orphan Asylum (see do.) Meal and Provision Society, 14 George- ~ Female School of Industry (see do.) street —manager, J. A. Machray, h. 20

Foundry, Loch-street ; managing partner, Upper Denburn William Henderson Mechanics' Institution, 17 Market-street — Free Press (newspaper) Office, Concert- (see Public Institutions) court, Broad- street— printers and pub- Medico Chirurgical Society —hall, King- lishers, Arthur King and Co. ft. Burn- street (see Public Institutions) court, Upperkirkgate —principal clerk, „„ Mercantile Marine Board — office, 28 James Smith, h. 2 Catherine-street Regent-quay (see Public Institutions) foreman, J as. Craighead, h. 29 Huntly- Mutual Assurance and Friendly Society street — office, 123A Union-street (see Joint ™ General Dispensary and Vaccine Insti- Stock Commercial Establishments) tution, Crown Court, Upperkirkgate ^. Mutual Marine Insurance Association (see Public Institutions) office, 58 Marischal-street (see Joint Golf Club, (see do.) Stock Commercial Establishments) (see Public . Gratis Sabbath Evening School Society ^. Natural History Association (see Public Institutions) Institutions) F — —


Aberdeen North American Investment Co. (see Adam and Anderson, advocates, 75 Union-street Joint Stock Commercial Establishments) — principal assistant, John Spark, h. 2 Ophthalmic Institution— 26 Castle-street Guestrow — cashier, Andrew Johnston, (see Public Institutions') h. 10 Queen-street

Property Investment Co. — office, Trinity , George, and Co., tailors and clothiers, 2 Chapel Session-house, Market-street Castle-street, h. 3 Thornton-court (see Joint Stock Commercial Establish- ~™ James (editor of the Aberdeen Herald), ments) h. 110 High-street. Old Aberdeen „™ Philosophical Society (see Public Insti- —~„™ James (of Adam and Brewster), h. 36 tutions) West-north-street

™~. . Phrenological Society (see do.) —, — Rev. John (Free South Church), h. 15 Public Baths, 10 St. Andrew-street, and 6 Albert-street Crooked-lane (see Public Institutions) John, timber merchant, 177£ George-st. Quill Manufactory, 47 Queen-street h. 23 North Broadford manager, Alexander Gordon, h. 40 ™,™ John, blacksmith, Flourmill-lane, h. 1 Constitution-street Flourmill-lane Railway Co. — office, Market-street— ter- ™. Robert, advocate, 40 King-street, h. 100 minus, Ferryhill (see Joint Slock Com- Chapel -street mercial Establishments) Roderick, baker, 14, h. 16, Union-place Rope and Sail Co. — office, Links, Footdee „ William, advocate, (of Adam and —manager, James Buyers, h. 2 Con- Anderson), h. 30 Skene-terrace stitution-street William, jun., advocate, 62 Skene-street —„™ Salmon Co. — office, 31 Gallowgate; ice- „. William, town-serjeant, 27 Frederick-st. house, 6 Fish -street — manager, Alex. William, farmer, 115 Causewayend

Adam, It. 7 Fish-street „,~™, William, house carpenter, 66 Gerrard-st. Salt Cellar, Drum's-lane — proprietors, Adams, Alex, picture-frarne-maker, 33 Skene- L. Clark and Son, 4 Upperkirkgate square, h. Maberly-street

Sea Insurance Co. — office, 57 Marischal- . . Andrew, cabinetmaker, 11 Chronicle- street (see Joint Stock Commeicial court, A. 106 Chapel-street Esta blish ments) ,„™ George, cabinetmaker, 9 Fish-street, h. 22 Society of Advocates (see Public Insti- James-street tutions) ™ Wm., furniture broker, shop and house, Steam Navigation Co.— office, Waterloo- 16 Marischal-street quay (see Joint Stock Commercial ~„ Misses, milliners, 41 St. Andrew-street Establishments) Adamson, Alexander, tinplate-worker, 17 Gal- Stock Exchange, 34 Marischal-street (see lowgate, A. 11 Littlejohn-street Joint Slock Commercial Establishments) ,™— Alex., cabinetmaker, 14 Wellington-street

Temperance Hotel, 56 Union-street —; Henry, ship and insurance broker, 57 proprietor, R. S. Willock Marischal-street, h. 51 Schoolhill

. Temperance Society (see Public Insti- Robert, manufacturer, 14 Langstane-place tutions) William, stock and share-broker, and Town and County Bank, 93 Union-street agent for the Edinburgh Life Assurance (see Joint Stock Commercial Establish- Co., 25 Marischal-street, h. Albert-st. ments) principal assistant, Robert B. Home, h. Aberdeenshire Canal Navigation Co.— office, 8 Gallowgate, 31 Gallowgate (see Joint Stock Com- Mrs., Albert-street mercial Establishments) „_ Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 14 Lang- Coursing Club (see Public Institutions) stane-place Horticultural Society (see do.) Advocates' Society—hall and library, Advocates' Abernethy, George, civil engineer, 3, h. also 3 Buildings, Union-street (see Public In- Dee-place stitutions) James and Co., ironfounders, engineers, Affleck, Andrew, 2 Affleck-place and millwrights, Ferryhill Edward, innkeeper, 179 George-street . James (of J. Abernethy and Co.), h. Agnew, John, tobacco-pipe maker, 18 Frederick- Ferryhill-cottage street, —manager, Al. Bain, Edward's- John (of J. Abernethy and Co.), h. court, 39 Frederick-street Ferryhill Agriculturist Cattle Insurance Co. London Robert (of J. Abernethy and Co.), h. agent, John Sheed, 44 Marischal-street Ferryhill Aiken, Alexander, shore-porter, 45 Castle-street

, Mrs., sen, Ferryhill James, artist, 120 Chapel-street

Accidental Death Insurance Company—agent . James, missionary, 65 College-street Andrew Masson, 4 Queen-street — James, boot and shoemaker, 63 Broad- Adam, Alexander, slater, 57 Causewayend street, h. Gallowgate, entering from Alexander, manager, Aberdeen Salmon Littlejohn-street Co., 6, h. 7 Fish-street ~ Jas., late shipmaster, Gilcomston-cottage Alexander, feuar, 36 Catherine-street —„~ James, jun., ship and insurance-broker, and Brewster, stonecutters, West North- and agent to Lloyd's, 88 King-street, street h. Gilcomston-cottage NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY.

Aiken, William, hakdresser and perfumer, shop Allan, Patrick, shipmaster, 49 Wellington-street and h. 1 South Silver-street Thomas, shoemaker, 14 Jopp's-lane

Air, John, cart and plough-wright, 11 White- . . William (of J. Allan and Sons), h. 37 house -street Dee-street Airth, John, shoemaker, 2 Justice- street, h. 3 William, cabinetmaker, 42 Dee-street, It. Victoria-place 2 Gordon's- court, Gordon-street „™„ John, tea dealer, 1 Union Buildings, h. 74 „™„ William, spirit dealer, 17 Wales- street William, teacher, 64 Gerrard-street Bon-accord-street— principal assistant, i James M'William, h. Chapel-street Mrs., lodgings, 24 Young-street Aitken, Alexander, gardener and farmer, Straw- Miss, guffering, crimping and mushing, berrybank 17 Littlejohn-street „„„ Rev. John (Original Secession Church), Miss Ann, spirit dealer, shop and h. 90 26 Skene-terrace Green Alcock, Miss, 14 Bon-accord-street .Misses, 71 Bon-accord-street Alexander, Alexander, shipmaster (Oliver Crom- „ Misses, dressmakers and milliners, 24 well), 3 Springbank-terrace Young- street Alexander, jun. shipmaster, 38 Union-row Allardes, Miss, matron, Female Orphan Asylum, David, late shoemaker, h. Gooseberry- 8 Albyn- place bank, Bon-accord- terrace Allardyce and Jopp, wine and spirit merchants George, engineer, Bridge of Dee Water- to the Queen, stock and share-brokers, works, h. Ruthrieston 13 Market-street,—principal assistant, John, shipmaster, (Scottish Maid), 19 Robert Findlay, /*. 75 Union-street provision Kidd-lane . William, preserved merchant, John, grocer, 145, h. 143 Gallowgate 13 Market-street, h. 1 Crown-piace

Robert, shipmaster, 16 Wellington-street . Misses, 21 Bon-accord-terrace

~. Robert, and Mrs, teachers of dancing Allen, Mrs., 70 Dee-street and deportment—Academy, Diamond- „ Miss, Braehead, Gilcomston street, h. 2 Springbank-place, Dee-st. Alliance Life and Fire Assurance Co.— agents, King-street . . Robert, teacher, Public Schools, h. 5 Mill- James Black and Co., 23 burn-street All wood, T. H., professor of music, and organist Thomas, surveyor of shipping, Lloyd's of St. Andrew's chapel, h. 1 Mitchell- Register Office, 42 Marischal-street, h. place Union-row Altria, Caesar, glass-blower and optician to the Wm., house carpenter, 6 Black's-buildings Queen and Prince Albert, 16 Skene- ™ Mrs., teacher of music, 48 Chapel-street street, h. 2 Upper Den burn Reid office, . Miss, teacher, Sheriff Watson's Female American Vice Consul, Andrew — School of Industry, Skene- street- west 107, h. 114 King-street ™™ Miss, lodgings, 243 George-street Anchor Fire and Life Assurance Co.—agent, Miss, 8 Guestrow Norval Clyne, advocate, 245 Union- Alfred Life Assurance Association— agent, Wm. street, h. 9 Waverly-place Gordon, 34 Marischal-street Anderson, Alex., clerk and traveller (Strathdee Allan, Alexander, chemist and druggist, shop Distillery), h. Rose-cottage, Cooperston and h. 44 Green Alex., warehouseman, 7 Crooked-lane __— David (of J. Allan and Sons), h. 37 Dee- Alex., advocate (of Adam and Anderson), street h. South Stocket George, advocate, agent for the General _„ Alex., superintendent, Aberdeen Railway Fire and Life Assurance Co., 1 Mar- Co., Ferryhill Station, h. Polmuir ischal-street, h. 183 King-street A. & J., painters and glaziers, 33 Queen- George, shipmaster, 43 York-street street ~~ George, stabler, 28 Gerrard-street Andrew (of A. and J. Anderson), h. ~~ James, watch and clock maker, Holburn- Waverly-place Clement-street street . Andrew, shipmaster, 2 St ™ James, steward, City of London, 22 Con- „„™. Charles, shipmaster, (Sylvanus), 10 Canal- stitution-street terrace ~~ James, shipmaster, 55 Wellington-street David, baker, 215 Gallowgate, li. 6 Mount- ~_ James, grocer and provision-merchant, 24 hooly St. Nicholas-street, h. Kingsland-place George (J. Duguid and Co.), /*. 86 Bon- — James, and Sons, cabinetmakers and accord-street upholsterers, 122 Union-street—manu- m George, mason, 7 Skene-terrace factory, 42 Dee-street George, vintner, shop and A. 15 Fisher- — James (of J. Allan and Sons), h. 37 Dee- row street _ George, spirit dealer, 89, h. 87 John-street — John, advocate, 17 Marischal-street, h. „_ George, wood-merchant, Commerce-street, 22 Constitution-street h. 3 Park-street -place

~~ John, grocer and spirit dealer, 72 Green, m- James, billiard rooms, Chronicle-court, h. 6 Back-wynd 10 Queen-street, and 32 Broad-street ~~ Nathaniel, grocer, porter and spirit dealer, James, grocer, porter and spirit dealer, 39, h. 37 Park-street shop and h. 202 Gallowgate —


Anderson, James, slater, 49 St. Nicholas-street Andrew, William, druggist, 195 Union-street, A. .James, provision and cook-shop, 21 and 2 Crown-place-east 28 Queen-street Angus, George, of Tillicorthy, 13 Constitution- James, tea dealer, wine and spirit mer- street

chant, 1 1 Black's-building, A. 9 Affleck- „ Rev. Henry (St. Nicholas-lane Church), street Rosemount-place of Public Baths, 10 „™~ James, farmer, Mains of Craibston, A. 64 . James, superintendent West North-street St. Andrew-st., A. 5 Crooked-lane John, grocer, 123 Crown-street, A. Bal- John, advocate and town-clerk — office, moral-place Town-house, A. Waverly-place „_„ John, collector of Inland Revenue, 116, Mrs. George, 43 Whitehouse-street A. 159 King-street Miss, of Botriphnie, 74 Dee-street „™_. John, plumber, gasfitter and brassfounder, Annand, John S., teacher (Free Gilcomston- 63, A. 60 Windmillbrae school), A. Braehead, Gilcomston John C, wigmaker and perfumer, 7 St. Arbuthnott & M'Combie, paper -manufacturers, 3 Nicholas-st., A. High-st., Old Aberdeen Trinity-quay—manager, Robt. Scott, A. Robert, stabler, 25 Mealmarket-street 3 Trinity-quay „, Robert N., town-serjeant, Town-house, A. Archibald James, provision -merchant, 70 Loch- 13 Black's-buildings street „™ Samuel, clerk (Northern Assurance Co.), Argo, John, 55 Chapel-street A. 35 Victoria-street-west Argus Life Assurance Co.—agent, J. Brebner, „™_ Thomas, manager (Aberdeen Steam Na- advocate, Advocates'-buildings, A. 9 vigation Co.), A. 1 Wellington-street Albyn-place Armstrong, William, tea and coffee merchant, . Thomas, gardener, 25 Causewayend Lieutenant William, general superinten- 40 Broad-street, A. 104 King-street dent of rural constabulary, and chief Arthur, Rev. David (George- street Chapel), h. constable and superintendent of the Maybank-cottage Great North of Scotland Railway con- Asher, James, merchant and commission-agent, stabulary—office and house, 21 Union- 115 Union-street, A. 6 Dee-place terrace Athenfeum News-rooms, 2 Union-buildings William, blacksmith, Flourmill-lane superintendent, James Blake, A. 11 „™. William, bookbinder and stationer, 167, A. Union-buildings 169 George-street Atlas Fire and Life Assurance Co.—agent, John William, hairdresser, 146 Gallowgate Blaikie, advocate, 245, A. 247 Union- Barkmill street . William, grain-merchant, „i William, builder, 5, A. also 5 Union-wynd Austin, Robert, spirit dealer, 29 Park-street William, clothier, 23, A. 25 Queen-street Australasian Colonial and General Life Assu- William, 4 York-street rance and Annuity Co.—Wm. Gordon, „_™ William, harbour meter, 2 Affleck-place sharebroker, 34 Marischal-street, agent William, superintendent of harbour police, Avery, John, printer, Crown-court, 43 Union- A. 6 Martin's-lane street, A. 17 Bon-accord-street William, principal beadle, North Church, and funeral waiter, 37 Frederick-street Badenoch, Alex., merchant-tailor, 12 Union- „ William, salmon fisher, Trinity-quay, h. street, A. 24 Upper Denburn 55 Shiprow Bain, Ebenezer, wright, opposite 228 George- street, A. Causewayend . William, grocer and spirit dealer, 157 67

Gallowgate, A. 25 Mealmarket-street . James, merchant, 212 Gallowgate

William, clerk and land-measurer, 13 . James, saw-trimmer, 61 Commerce-street Skene-terrace James, grocer and spirit dealer, 195 West Mrs., 73 Skene-square North-street, A. above shop. Mrs., broker, 22 Justice-street James, spirit dealer, 6 Schoolhill Mrs., late of Strichen, 2 West Craibstone- Robert, broker, 153, A. 144 Gallowgate street Wm., manager, City of Glasgow Bank, A. Mrs., Glenburnie- cottage, Skene-st.-west Victoria-court, 54 Castle-street Mrs. David, 3 St. Clement-street Mrs., Caledonian Coffee-house, Castle-st. Mrs., grocer, Holburn-street Mrs., confectioner, 10, A. 12 Marischal-st. Mrs., Concert-court, Broad-street Miss, lodgings, 8 Castle-street Mrs., spirit dealer, 35 York street Baird, Thomas, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 171 George-street 191 Union-street—workshop, 19 Sum- , Mrs., dressmaker, ™™ Mrs., 35 Victoria-street-west mer-street, A, 52 Chapel-st. —principal Mrs., sick-nurse, 13 Upperkirkgate clerk, John Imray, A. 52 Chapel-street ™ Mrs., provision- shop, 48 Shiprow Baker, R. Hosier, professor of music, 16 North Silver- street . Mrs., lodgings, 81 Waterloo-quay George, mail coach guard, 54 Chapel-st. , Mrs., lodgings, 36 Union-terrace 7 Balfour, Stephen, M.D. and surgeon, 22 Union- ™™ Mrs., dressmaker, 12 Gerrard-street ™™ Miss, dressmaker, 36 Summer-street place „~™ Miss, 3 Nelson -lane William, 34 Skene-street ™~„ Miss, 20 Silver-street Mrs., 31 Marischal-street. NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY. 45

Balfour, Mrs. Robert, lodgings, 81 Hutcheon-st. Barron, William, flesher, 41 New- market, ft. Ru- Bamford, Mrs., 71 Chapel-street bislaw Bance, Mrs., 14 Skene-street Mrs. (late of Rising Sun), 1 Chapel-street Bank of Scotland, Bank of Scotland-court, 35 Barry, Henry, and Co., ironfounders, and guano Castle-street {see Joint Stock Com- and bone manure merchants, Lcch-st. mercial Establishments) managing partner, William Henderson, Bannerman, D., town's-drummer, 75 Gallowgate jun., ft. 28 Skene-terrace ~»~.~~ George, 7 Albyn-place Bartlett, William, tailor, Trinity Manse, Mar- George, spirit dealer. 86 John-street ket-street, ft. 219 Gallowgate John, silk dyer, 37 George street Bate, G., blacksmith and manufacturer, 22 ~~~~~ John, late dyer, 13 Rose-street Albion-street John B. (of P. B. and Son), h. 2 Trinity- ~™— James, spirit dealer, 49 Wales-street quay Batten, Abram, commission agent, 7 Adelphi, h. Patrick, advocate, Albert-street 158 King-street .__ Patrick, and Son, shipowners and coal- William, agent, 7 Adelphi, h. 158 King- brokers, office and h. 2 Trinity-quay street Patrick (of P. B. and Son), h. 2 Trinity- Baxter, Andrew, sheep and cattle salesman, and quay auctioneer, 33 Frederick-street, h. 95 • ^«. Thomas, 7 Albyn-place King-street Miss, 7 Albyn-place Rev. Daniel, chaplain of prisons, Lodge- Bannockburn Carpet Warehouse, 19 Union-st. walk, h. Prison, Lodge-walk —proprietor, Thomas Stewart, h. 6 John, spirit merchant, 6 Crooked-lane Broad-street John, -turner and shuttle-maker, 93 Barber, James, officer of Inland Revenue, 24 George-street, h. 91 George- street Thistle-street „™ Thomas, baker, 29 Chapel-street, and 23 ,~-~~~ Mrs., grocer, 207 Gallowgate Basement-floor, New-market, h. 31 Barclay, Alexander, w right, 13 Chapel- street Chapel-street „~»~~. George, grocer, 61 Green, h. 5 Prospect- W. J. and Co., grocers, 3 Causewayend terrace William, engineer, 19 York-street John, dealer in porter, ale, and ginger- ^v—~~ Mrs., spirit dealer, 3 Causewayend beer, 20j, A. 31 Harriet-street, „™ Mrs., broker, 74 Gallowgate „«. Robert, superintendent of police, Watch- ™ Misses, 5 Skene-place house, Huxter-row, h. 56 Castle-street Beaton, John, hairdresser, 26, h. 19 Marischal- »~~.~~ Lydia Ann, 28 Victoria-street-west street milliner, 72 Queen- . Miss, teacher, Bridge of Dee, h. Holburn- Miss, dressmaker and street street Barker, James (of J. B. and Sons), h. Gordon's- Beattie, Alex., hairdresser, 13, h. 10 Shiprow mills Francis, blacksmith, 8, h. 7 Barnett's-close John, sen. (of J. B. and Sons), h. Gor- „^ James F., land surveyor, valuator, and don's-mills engineer—office, 2 Bon-accord-square, John P., manufacturer, 3 Jopp's-lane, h. h. 6 East Craibstone-street 2 Prospect-place John, provision-merchant, 101 Gallow-

, John, and Sons, woollen manufacturers, 91 gate, h. Beattie's-court, 99 Gallowgate Loch-street— traveller, Jas. Kinghorn, John, painter and glazier, 3 Marischal- h. 3 Caroline-place— cashier and prin- street, h. 3 Prospect-terrace, Ferryhill cipal clerk, Robertson M'Aulay, h. 91 „™ John, stonecutter, George-street, corner of Gallowgate Broadford-place, h. 52 Charlotte-street

I William (of J. B. and Sons), h. 3 Caroline- ™, William, provision-merchant, 18, h. 44 place Harriet-street

Barkway, Mrs., vintner, 39 St. Andrew-street . Mrs., 73 Bon-accord-street Barnett, Alexandei', principal beadle (Free West „, Mrs., midwife, 7 Upper-denburn Church), cabinetmaker and undertaker, „™ Mrs. William, 3 Prospect-terrace, Ferry- 31 Upperkirkgate hill Begg, Alexander, 1 Rosemount-terrace j Alexander, shipmaster (St. George), 25 Regent- quay Charles, piano-forte maker, 8 Black's- John, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 132 buildings, h. 41 Dee-street Union-street, and Rose-street, h. 32 John, distiller to the Queen, Lochnagar Union-place Royal Distillery, Balmoral— office, 17 Robert Murray, clerk, and collector of Weighhouse-square, h. 9 Quay outstanding debts, 9 Longacre William, flesher, 46 New-market, h. 95 William, blacksmith, 1 Thistle-street, h. Wales-street 19 Chapel-street „„ William, baker, 3 and 5 Frederick-street, Mrs., stay and corset-maker, 31 Upper- and 62 Schoolhill, /(. 60 Schoolhill kirkgate Beggrie, Mrs., midwife, 10 Catto-square Barron, John, advocate, 103 Union-street, h. Belgian Consul, Alexander Thorn, 21 Quay, Balmoral- place h. Kepplestone-cottage Lambert, advocate, 64 Union-street, h. Bell, Lieut. Alexander (H.E.I.C.S.), 7 Fish-street 83 Crown-street k. 2 Dee-place '


Bell, Francis, and Son, hat manufacturers, shop Bisset, John (of J. and W. Bisset), h. 122 Crown- and h. 38 Queen-street street ~~„~~ John, cooper, 2 Windmillbrae, h. 8 Col- ~™,—, John and William, wholesale grocers, 37 lege-street Queen-street —~™ Rannie, and Co., wine merchants, Leith, —,~~ Peter, (of Grant and Bisset) A. 110 Loch- — agent, John Sheed, 44 Marischal-st. street Bell's (Dr.) School, Frederick-street— teachers, —.— William (of J. & W. Bisset), 124 Crown- Edward Craig, h. 29 Skene-street, and street Mrs. Cruickshank, h. 6 Frederick-st. ~~.™*. William, innkeeper and stabler, 6 Meal- Bellevue Academy, 2 Academy-street — head market-street master, Rev. George Tulloch, LL.D., . William, criminal officer, Trinity Manse, h. Bellevue-house, Hardgate Market-street Belton, Mrs., lodgings, Craigie-street Mrs., lodgings, 187 George-street

Bennett, William, printer, 42 Castle-street, k. 27 ,. Mrs., lodgings, 27 Crown-street Constitution-street —„™ Mrs., James, lodgings, 66 John-street Bennet, Mrs. R., spirit dealer, 57 East North-st. — .— Miss, dressmaker, 110 Loch-street Samuel, Benson, grocer, spirit-dealer, . . tea and ——. Misses, dressmakers, 38 St, Nicholas-st. 141 Skene-street, h. 141^ Skene-street Black, Andrew, of Foresterhill, h. Foresterhill Benton, Alexander, flesher, 12 George-street, k. and Ferguson, wine-merchants, 12 Broad- 40 Catherine-street street — traveller, P. P. Black, h. I Benzie, William, grocer, tea, wine and spirit Charlotte-street dealer, 206 Gallowgate James, builder, 41 Whitehouse-street Benzies, David, shipmaster (Prospect), 15 James (of James Black and Co.), h. 1 Wel- James street lington-place Miss C, 65 College- street James (Milne, Cruden, and Co.), h. 33 Berry, James, chronometer-maker, watchmaker, Constitution-street and optician, 88 Union-street, h. 1 Dee- James, and Co., stock, share, and produce place brokers, and forwarding agents to the ™~— James (of W. and J. Berry), k. 18 Skene- Queen, H. R. H. Prince Albert, and terrace H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent, 23 King- —,„™ James, gardener and riddle-maker, New- street —principal clerk, Alex. Stephen, market, and Broadford-lane h. Millbank, Hardgate ™ W. and J., linen manufacturers, 14 Queen- John, boot and shoemaker, and keeper of street museum, 23 Justice-street

~~.—. William (of W. and J. Berry), h. 18 —.„™ John, house-carpenter, 1, /;. 61 College-st. Skene-terrace John, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, 6 ~™~™ Mrs., dealer in fruit, &c, 108 George-st. Union-place, h. 50 Chapel-street Best, Thomas (late banker), 27 Union-place „~— Joseph, tailor, and officer of Free Holbum Beveridge, Peter, manufacturer of bed and table Church, 8 Langstane-place linen— 122^- Union-st, h. 189 Union- „™— William, (of Black and Ferguson), h. 1 street, and Peterburn, Nigg Netherkirkgate

—„—, Robert, M.D., surgeon, 161 Crown-street William, and Co., brewers and distillers, Robert, bed and table linen manufactu- Devanha — traveller, Andrew Thomson, rer, 39 St. Nicholas- street, h. 25 Ferry- h. 6 Millburn-street —brewer, William

hill-place Gerrard, h. 1 Millburn-street ; parcels Beverly, Alexander, teacher (Grammar School), and letters for the Company left at G. h. 6 Rosemount-terrace Davidson's, 1 King-street William (Catto, Thomson, and Co.), h. ™ William, secretary, Aberdeen Commercial 83 Wales-street Co., h. Affleck-street

. Mrs., Robert, 83 Wales-street ~~~ Mrs., register office, 29 George-street

Bible Society Depository—G. King, bookseller, —. —. Miss, 4 Albyn-place 28 St. Nicholas-street Blackhall, James, and Co., drapers and hatters, Bicknell, Misses, ladies' boarding and day school, 39 Union-street 9 North Silver-street James, (of J. Blackhall and Co.), h. 7 Bird, James (of Gall and Bird) h. 41 Netherkirk- Rosemount-terrace gate Mrs., lodgings, 97 Chapel-street Birnie, Alexander, vintner, Ferryboat-house, Blackie, William and Robert, merchants, 101, York-street Causewayend, h. Charles-street George, of Johnstone- place, h. Johnstone- Blackwood, Rev. Robert (Free Union Church), place 21 Virginia-street Wm., painter, glazier, and paper-hanger. Blaikie, Anthony Adrian (of J. and A. Blaikie), 93, h. 91 King-street h. 224 Union- street

~™~™ Moses, surgeon, 31 Longacre . John and Anthony, advocates, 245 Union- Birss, Robert, manufacturing chemist, 22 and 28 street— cashier, Jas. Forbes, h. 25 Vic- Park-street, h. 26 Park-street toria-street-west — accountant, James Bisset, James, keeper of the Court-house, h. A. Sinclair, h. 31 Bon-accord- terrace

Court-house, Lodge-walk . John (of J. and A. Blaikie), h. 247 Union- James, chemist and druggist, Holburn-st. street —


Blaikie Brothers, iron founders, engineers, mill- Borthwick, William, tallow-chandler, 36. East wrights, boiler-makers, and general North- street blacksmiths, Footdee Iron Works Botanic-gardens, Ferry-hill, (not far from the managing clerk, David Saunders, /*. 4 Railway Terminus), proprietor, James Devanha-plaee — foreman of black- Roy,jun. smiths, Wm. Bennet, h. 4 Catto-squars Bothwell, Alexander, confectioner, 18 Broad-st. —foreman of boiler -makers, James and 36 and 37 North-gallery, New- Booth, h. St. Clement's-court—foreman market, h. Concert-court, Broad-street of founders, Andrew Cameron, h. 23 Alexander, baker, Holburn-street Prince Regent-street—foreman of mill- George B., tallow-chandler, 25 Justice-st. wrights, Robert Duncan, k. 85 Wales- h. 193 Union-street—foreman, George street Rose, h. 1 Shuttle-lane R John, and Sons, plumbers, coppersmiths, John, boot and shoemaker, 33 and 35 brassfounders, gas-meter manufactur- Broad-street, /t. 68 Skene-square ers, gasfitters, pewterers, and zinc Miss, Greenback, North Broadford workers — office, Metal- works, Little- Boulton, Mrs. T. A. milliner and dressmaker, john-street — managing clerk, James 85 Broad-street, h. 5 Upperkirkgate Farquhar, h. 19 Littlejohn-street— fore- Bower, Alexander G., dockmaster, h. 69 Water- man of brassfounders, John Bulloch, h. loo-street 7 Denburn-terrace—foreman of plum- Bowie, John, galvanic apparatus maker, 29 bers, John Robb, h. 29 Frederick-street Broad-street

—foreman of coppersmiths, J. Sherriffs, . ™Mrs., milliner, 21 South-gallery, New- k. 172 George-street market, h. 17 Longacre E David (of Blaikie Brothers, and John ™, Jane, register office for engaging ser- Blaikie and Sons), /;. 253 Union-street vants, 66 Guestrow Thomas (of Blaikie Brothers, and John Miss Sarah, lodgings, 29 Broad-street Blaikie and Sons), h. 32 Bon accord- Bowman, A., grocer, tea and spirit-dealer, 6 terrace Upper Leadside, Gilcomston Mrs., John, Devanha-honse Andrew (of Bowman and Co.), h. 31 _™ Mrs., grocer, corner of Charles-street, Huntly-street Causewayend „„ Andrew (of Kerr and Bowman), h. 31 Mrs. Provost (of Craigiebuckler), h. 224 Huntly-street Union-street Arthur, blacksmith, 16 Back-wynd, h. 5 Miss, of Clarence-cottage, Cooperston Little Belmont-street

Blake, James, Athenteum Reading Rooms, /<. 11 and Co., plasterers, 8 Shuttle- street

- Union-buildings William, carter, 101 West North-street Bland, Captain James, 65 Bon-accord-street ™ Mrs., vintner and victualler, 73, h. also Boaden, William, shipmaster (London), 57 Quay 73 Queen- street Mrs., lodgings, 80 Waterloo-quay Miss, white seamstress, Cruden's-courr, Boddie, Geo., shipmaster, 56 Wellington-street 22 Broad-street Bonner, Mrs., grocer, 7 Charles-street Boyd, John, supervisor of inland revenue, Hol- Bonnyman, J. and J. general smiths and bell- burn-street, h. Twin-cottage, Holburn- hangers, 19 Loch-street street James (of J. and J. Bonnyman), k. 19 John, guard of Inverness Mail, 187 Loch-street George-street Silver-street . John (of J. and J. Bonnyman), h 19 Mrs. G. H., 15 North Loch-street Mrs. William, 83 Hutcheon-street Mrs., provision-shop, 198 Gallowgate Misses, 1 Mackie-piace Booth, Alex, chimney-sweep, 3 Windmillbrae Boyle, Alexander, teacher, North Parish School,

7i. school —. — George, spirit dealer, 21 Upperkirkgate above James, grocer, 2 Baltic- street Martin, spirit-dealer, shop and house, 25 James, shipmaster, 28 Queen-street Park-lane Upperkirkgate, and ~ . James, M.D., surgeon, 27 Queen-street Boys' and Girls' Hospital, 19 Institutions) . John, late mason, 11 Hutche-m-street 56 Gallowgate (see Public Quakers'-court, 55 -~—. John (of Logan and Co.), h. 5 Mounthooly School of Industry, Institutions) • John, watchmaker, 41 Upperkirkgate, h. Guestrow (see Public 5 Black's-buildings Brand, George, carter, 45 Windmillbrae John, assistant dockmaster and attendant John, carter, 2 Marywell-street at Regent-bridge, Victoria-dock, h. William, jeweller and watchmaker, 48 Bothwell's-court, 25 Justice-street Broad-street, /). 33 Charlotte-street _~— William, chimney-sweep, Albion-court, ™ Mrs., 46 Windmillbrae 18 Castle-street Brands and Scorgie, ship carpenters, Inches —— William P., ship and insurance broker, Andrew (of Brands and Scorgie), h. 1 and merchant, 56 Marischal-street, h. Canal-lane 28 Queen-street „. George, spirit dealer and carpenter, shop ~~,— Mrs., lodgings, 47 Frederick-street and house, 7 East North-street Borthwick, Andrew, silk and woollen dyer, 76, Brandy, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 55 Regent- h. 74 Loch-street quay, /;. 57 Huntly-street. —


Brantingham, George, tea dealer and grocer, 68, Brown, Alexander (of Brown and Carr), h. 68 h. 55 Schoolhill Dee-street W., tea dealer —— John and grocer, ] 30 Alexander, leather merchant, 71 George- George- street, h. 55 Schoolhill street, h. 62 Hutcheon-street Brebner, Alexander, broker, 9 Drum's-lane ™~ Alexander (Milne, Cruden, and Co.). A. „„__ George, vintner, 44 Harriet-street 10 Kingsland-place James, spirit-dealer, 70^ Gallowgate and Carr, wholesale clothiers, Exchange- James, advocate, ™™„ Advocates'-buildings, h. court, Union-street—traveller, William 9 Albyn-place — principal assistant, Robertson, /*. 26 Union-row James Morison, h. 13 Prince Regent- Charles, ~„~ cork-manufacturer, 18 J Harriet- street street, h. 24 Schoolhill ~— John, railway contractor, 22 Bon-accord- Farquhar, and Co., Glenburn Distillery, terrace Rubislaw—managing partner, William -~ — and Grant, tea-merchants, &c, 56 St. Farquhar, h. Villa Franca, Rubislaw Nicholas-street — principal clerk, John ~„~ Donald, shoemaker, 13, h. 11 Dee-street R. Grant, h. St. 73 Andrew-street James, draper, 2 George-street, h. 33 William, manager, Aberdeen Horse Repo- Thistle-street sitory, h. 81 George-street _~~ James, day patrol, 123 Chapel-street ~ William, shipmaster, 37 Park-street __- John, M.D., 57 Skene-square William, manager, North of Scotland — John, shoemaker, 82 Causewayend Equitable Loan Co., h. Crown-court, John, warden (East Church), and funeral Union-street waiter, 26 Thistle-street William, mason, 22 Dee-street Rev. John C. (Belmont-street church), Miss, of Lairney, k. 152 Union-street h. 26 Crown-street Brechin, George, provision-seller, 94 Causeway- and Martin, dyers, Villafield, Gilcomston end ™~~ P. and G., auctioneers, 40^ Union-street

. Henry, foreman moulder (M'Kinnon and Peter (of P. and G. Brown), h. 35 Nether- Co.) h. 11 Canal-street kirkgate . Mrs., lodgings, 62 Union-street Robert, retired inspector of Stamps and Bremner, Peter, toll-keeper, Wellington-bridge Taxes, h. Carden's-haugh Brew, James, linen merchant, 11 Carmelite-st. „™~ Robert, shore-porter, 10 Weighhouse- Brewster, George (of Adam and Brewster), h. 5 square Mounthooly -„— R., timber-merchant, Inches, h. Affleck- Bridewell and Rogue Money Assessment for place the City and Liberties of Aberdeen Rev. R. J., D.D., professor of Greek, James Simpson, collector — office, 17 Marischal College, h. 19 Golden-square Huxter-row Robert, mealseller, 4 Mealmarket-street, " Bridge of Dee Water- works (see " Police in h. 13 Princes-street Public Institutions) _~~ Robert (of R. Moir and Brown), h. 14 Bridgeford, Mrs., tavern and lodgings, Burnett's- Ad elphi- court close, Exchequer-row _~~~ Robert, hatter, 58 St. Nicholas-street, h. British Commercial Life Insurance Company 33 Charlotte-street agent, George Grub, advocate, Advo- ~ Simon, saddler and harness-maker, 178, cates'-buildings, Union-street A. 176 West North-street Empire —™ Mutual Fire Assurance Society, ~— William, (inland revenue), distributor of London — agent, John A. Wilson, 92 stamps and collector of land and assessed Broad-street taxes for the counties of Aberdeen and —~ Linen Company's Bank, 22 King-street Kincardine, Advocates'-buildings, Back- (see Joint Stock Commercial Establish- wynd, h. Broadford-cottage ments') William, basket-maker, 8 Marischal- street Broadford Bread Company, 218 George-street and 27 Market-gallery, /*. 6 Marischal- manager, Alexander Robertson, h. street Craigie-street _™„ William, fishing-tackle maker, 36, h. 34 „™~ Works, Maberley-street (see Richards and George-street Co.) William, coachman, 54 Catherine-street Broad Street Academy,2 Blairton-lane—teacher, » Mrs., provision-shop, 87 Spring-garden William Clark, h. 9 Denburn- terrace —„ Mrs., lodgings, Ross-court, 6 Upperkirk- Brock, George, shipping master, examiner in gate seamanship, and receiver of Merchant , Miss, 1, Castlehill Seamen's Fund, for port of Aberdeen, Misses, 19 Victoria-street-west office and h. 28 Regent-quay Cecilia, lodgings, 60 Skene-street Brown, Alexander, Odd Fellows' Arms' Inn, 41 Brownie, James, paper-ruler, 2 Well -court, Queen-street Broad-street Alexander and Co., booksellers and sta- —„„ Peter, mealseller, Mill of Lethenty Ware- tioners, 77Union-street— managing part- house, Mounthooly, h. 13 Seamount- ner, George Walker, h. 48 Victoria- place street-west — principal assistant, John Bruce, David, shipmaster, (Acasta), 28 Consti- Cormack, h. Millbank, Hardgate tution-street —


Bruce, John, baker, 8, h. 10 George-street Burnett, Thomas advocate— office, 25, Belmont- ,™ John, share-broker and timber-merchant, street, h. Kepplestone 28 Marischal-street; h. 34 Union-place Thomas and Newell, advocates, 25 Bel- ™ Robert; spirit dealer, 8, h. 8 Causewayend mont-street „„ Sir Michael; bart. of Stenhouse, h. Scots- Burrell, George, shoemaker, 15 West, North-st. town, and 57 Schoolhill Burt, Robert, tailor, 70, h. 72 Queen-street William, builder, 63 Causewayend Burwell, Elijah, jeweller, and dealer in all kinds H., shipmaster (Peruvian), 18 of Foreign and British fancy, goods, , William Commerce-street 101 Union-st, h. Springbank-terrace

I W. B., feuar, Seamount-place Bushby, Charles, 6 Affleck-street Mrs., lodgings, 27 Black friars-street Buthley, Robert, shipmaster (Aurora), 43 Com-

. Mrs., 34 Union-place merce-street //. 6 ,™, . Mrs., milliner, 1S9 George-street Butler, Joseph, flesher, 24 New-market, „™ Miss, 36 Union-street Barnett's-close Miss, sick nurse, 35 Chapel-street Buyers, Alex, shipmaster, (Fancy), 31 Huntly-st. ^™„™ Miss, teacher of music. 2 Carmelite-street „™ James, manager, Aberdeen Rope and Sail -street . .„™ Miss, dressmaker, 47 Park-street Co., k. 3 Constitution 9 James, teller, British Linen Co., h. 12 t Miss Eliza, milliner and dressmaker, Blackfriars-street Kidd-lane Brunton, John, sen., shipmaster, 66 Wales-street James, and Co., builders and timber-mer- ™ John, jun., shipmaster, 53 Commerce-st chants, 12 Kidd-lane Bryce, James, advocate, 12 Adelphi-court, h. James (of James Buyers and Co.), lu 48 Westbank Summer-street Buchan, Alexander, shoemaker, 83 Queen-street John (of J. B. and Co.), h. 12 Kidd-lane chandler, h. 31 „~„~ David, general blacksmith, 25 Commerce- , Peter, grocer and ship 32,

street, /*. 43 Wellington-street Regent-quay „™„~ George, (of Buchan and Petrie), h. 19 „™ and Skene, tea and coffee merchants, Ex- Princes-Street change-court, 37 Union-street John, shipmaster, 16 Links-street William (of J. B. and Co.), h. 94 Skene- —.— and Petrie, stonecutters, Union -bridge street ,™~™ Robert, baker, 76 Green, h. 74 Back-wynd William (of Buyers and Skene), h. De-

, Ferryhill ——. William, slater, 21 Shiprow vanha-terrace, Buchanstone Mill Warehouse, 79 Broad-street „ Miss, dressmaker, 48 Summer-street proprietor, Jas. Milne, Buchanstone ^„ Misses, dressmakers, 94 Skene-street manager, William Diack, h. 3 Salter's- Byrne, Andw. Crane, managing clerk, Machray, court, Loch-street Croall, and Co., h. 51 Bon-accord-street Buck, William, shoemaker, 2 St. Clement-street Buckner, William, boot and shoemaker, Cause- Cadenhead, Alex., John, and George, advo- wayend cates, and city fiscals, 9 Huxter-row. Buist, James J., M.D., surgeon and druggist, 87 Alexander (of A., J., and G. Cadenhead), King-street h. Seafield h. John-street „™— Thomas, cooper and fishcurer, 13 Prince , David, shoemaker, 96, 98 Regent-street George, (of A., J., and G. Cadenhead),

.—™~ Miss, teacher, Catholic Seminary, 30 Con- h. Seafield stitution-street, h. Seminary George, furnishing tailor, Chronicle-court, Bulloch, John, foreman (J. Blaikie and Sons), 7 10 Queen-street, h. 7 John-street Denburn-terrace John, M. D., Royal Infirmary, h. 227 Bullanera; Matthew, shipmaster (Paul Jones) Union-Street- west 43 Commerce- street John (of A., J., and G. Cadenhead), h. Burge, A., hat manufacturer, 36, h. 64 Broad-st. Seafield Burgess, Charles, custom-house agent, Custom- Wm, clerk (G. Duncan), h. 7 John-street house, h. 3 Springbank-place Miss, Braehead; Gilcomston James (of J. Black and Co.), h. 73 Crown - Cadger, George, blacksmith, Ruthrieston street Miss, milliner, 87 George-street —„™ William, shipmaster (Isla), 3 Banneroiill- Caie, William, shore porter, 82 Shiprow street William, 99 Causewayend i . Miss dressmaker, 30 James- street . . Miss, lodgings, John-street Burn, Edward, 252 Union-street-west Cairney, Alexander, 9 Young-street Burness, John, provision-merchant, 27 Com- Cairns, William, broker, Church-street, h. 1 merce-street Church-street William, chemist and druggist, 18 Union- Calder, Charles, porter and spirit merchant, 50 place, h. Springbank-terrace Green, h. 2 Carmelite-street

Burnett, Alexander, feuar, Holburn-street wm. James, teacher (Gilcomston School), h. 59 James A., fancy merchant, 23 Upper- Summer- street kirkgate, h. Carden's-haugh John, Free Presbytery officer, 14 Thorn- ~*. Newell, advocate, keeper of the register ton-place, Guestrow of sasines for Aberdeen and Kincardine William, tailor, 29 Marischal-street, h. 117 shires —office, 25, h. 23 Belmont-street Skene-street G —— —


Calder, Mrs., spirit dealer, Summer-lane Carr, Alexander, and Co., dyers and bleachers, Mrs., lodgings, 32 Whitehouse-street Barkmill—managing partner, William Caledonian Clothing Depot, 30 Union-street Masson, h. 9 Rosemount-terrace

proprietor, Hugh Fraser, h. 8 Broad- . Miss, 26 Victoria-street-west ford-place Carter, Miss, 43 Union-terrace Cameron, Alexander, mason, 28 Catherine-street Cassie, James, portrait and landscape painter, 32 ~~»~~ Andrew J., advocate, 6 Broad-street, h. Adelphi Morefield, Stocket James, carriers' porter,' 43 West North- Angus, 24 Ferryhiil-place street ~~— J. and P., railway carriers, and forwarding ™~— John, carriers' porter, 43 West North- agents, Market-street ; manager, John street Gunn, h. Woodside ; principal clerk, Mrs., lace dealer and general draper, 43 David Bell, h. 84 Broad-street Union-street ,™— John, cooper, 20 Loch-street Mrs. Robert, 50 Skene-terrace —~™ John, student, 5 Canal-street —— Miss, dressmaker, 19 St. Nicholas-street —.—. William, shoemaker, 10. h. 8 Skene-street Castell, Andrew, grocer and spirit dealer, 69 ~, William, cooper, 20 Loch-street Park-street, h. 30 Princes-street Mrs., Morefield, Stocket Catholic Seminary, SO Constitution-street Mrs., midwife, 25 Loch-street teachers, James J. Dickinson, and Mrs., 13 Huntiy-street Miss Buist Miss Elizabeth, lodgings, 124 Union-street Catanach Donald, principal warder, West Pri- Campbell, Alexander, baker, 3 Yeats-laDe, h. 22 son ; h. West Prison-gate Summer-lane Cattanach, Chas., and Co., tailors and clothiers, ~ . Daniel, shoemaker, 17 Jopp's-lane 123J Union-street George, shoemaker, 11 Gallowgate D. G.," advocate, 56 Castle-street, h. 61 James, railway contractor (see Late Bon-accord-street List) ~™— Mrs. Donald, Holburn-street „. John, shoemaker, shop and house, 84 —_.— Mrs., lodgings, 64 Union-street Chapel-street Catto, James, boot and shoemaker, 219 Union- ,~~.™» John, posting, cab, and livery establish- street, h. 132 Crown-street ment, 5, h. also 5 Bon-accord street ~» John, Son, and Co., merchants, and insu- clerk, Wm. Law, h. 122 Skene-street rance brokers, 88 King-street John, spirit dealer, 63 West North-street ~~.— John, cabinetmaker, 58 Broad-stieet, h. -~~— John, surgeon, 7 Bon-accord-street 30 James-street John, messenger-at-arms, 83, h. also 83 Robert, and Co., wine and spirit mer- King-street chants, 14 King-street Robert, timber merchant, (of Flour and —— Robert, and Son, merchants, 47 Marischal- Sawmills, Gilcomston), 127 George-st. street h. 49 John-street Robert, sen. (of Robert Catto and Son, ,.—™ Waller, spirit dealer, 61 East North-street and Robert Catto and Co.), h. Belvidere ~ William, sen. shipmaster (Duke of Rich- Robert, jun. (of Robert Catto and Son), mond steamer), h. 7 Millburn-st. Ferry- h. 44 King-street hill — ~~. Robert, vintner, 9 Weighhouse-square ~. William, jun. shipmaster (Queen steamer) Thomson, and Co., rope and sail manu- 8 Millburn-street, Ferryhill facturers, York-st.—manager, William William, spirit dealer, shop and house, Beverley, h. 83 Wales-street—foreman Chapel-lane, Exchequer-place of ropemakers, John Collie, h. 13 York- —~— Mrs., lodgings, 169 George-street street—foreman of sail-makers, James ~~ Mrs., 12 Charles-street Moir, A. 17 York-street

, Miss, milliner —— and dressmaker, 22 Sum- ,— William, secretary (Aberdeen Bank), h. 50 mer-lane Upperkirkgate Cardno, George (of Smith and Cardno), k. West- William (of John Catto, Son, and Co.), field h. 90 King-street Cargill, David, and Co., outfitting, lace, and bon- ~~.— Mrs., grocer, 9 Charles-street net warehouse, 3, 5, and 7 Union-build- —. — Mrs., lodgings, 22 St. Nicholas-lane ings —-— Mrs. Robert, 42 King-street „ D. (of D. C. and Co.), 22 Broad-street Miss Elspet, dressmaker, 8 Charles-street John, shipmaster (City of London Miss, 50 Upperkirkgate steamer), 80 Waterloo-quay Cay, George, grocer, 47, h. 45, Upper Denburn William, shipmaster (Lord Metcalfe), 25 William (of Mitchell and Cay), h. 6 Regent-quay Black's-buildings Mrs, James, 16 Wellington-street Mrs., 70 Catherine-street Carmichael, Mrs. Captain, 16 Union- terrace Chadwick, Edmund, woollen manufacturer, 39 Carnegie, Miss, 6 Golden-square Queen-st. ; works and house, Peterculter Carnie, William, sub-editor, Aberdeen Herald, Chalmers, Alexander Wallace, general governor k. Holburn-street of the Aberdeen prisons, k. Rose-street Carolan, Thomas, general broker, 80, h. 79 ~~„~~ Alexander, bootmaker, 21 Marischal- East North-street street, k. 36 Union-row —


Chalmers, Alexander, weaver, 4 Charles-street, Chivas, Mrs. John, 2 Castlebrae Broadford Christall, Mrs. Win., lodgings, 2 St. Catherine's- Alexander, superintendent of canal works, wynd, Union-street 5 Mounthooly Christie, Alexander, grocer, 1 Causewayend ™^ Charles (of Chalmers and Farquhar), h. -~™— Alexander, of Ashley, near Cooperston 14 Union -terrace Andrew, shipmaster (Mary Reid), 23

I David, printer, 28 Adelphi-court, h. 13 Virginia-street

Adelphi, and Westburn . George, grocer and spirit merchant, 124 ^, David, and Co., printers and publishers of King-street, h. 17 Princes-street Aberdeen Journal, 28 Adelphi court, ~~.„ George, grocer and general merchant, 56 Union-street George-street, h. 1 Catherine-street and Farquhar, advocates, 147 Union-st. John, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit mer- —principal assistant, James R. Jamie- chant, 65 George-street, h. 63 George- son, h. 148 Union -street street J George, shipmaster (Sophia), 3 Victoria- John, merchant, 56, h. 54 East North- place street printers), shoemaker, 103 George-street , ~ James (of D. Chalmers and Co., John, h. 13 Adelphi „™ John, shipmaster (Sarah), 23 Virginia-st. Co.), h. John, crofter, Sunnybank —- — James, (superintendent, Gas Light „™ Gas-street John, gardener, Froghall-cottage John G. (of D. Chalmers and Co., prin- „™ John, M.D., Lecturer on the Institutes of ters), h. 13 Adelphi Medicine, King's College and Univer-

l- Peter, spirit dealer, 47 /*. 46 Virginia- sity, h. 46 Schoolhill street William, mill overseer, h. 13 Canal-street shipmaster (Tom Duff), 14 Vir- . Win,, gardener, Seafield and New-market William, William, manager of the Northern As- ginia-street surance Company, office and house, 3 „ ™ William, wright, 5 Gilcomston-steps, h. 21 King-street Woolmanhill ™,™ William, corn merchant, James-street, h. Mrs., dressmaker, 103 George-street 39 Victoria-street-west ^™ Mrs., lodgings, 61 Broad-street

. Dee-street ™. . William (of Low and Chalmers), h. 35 Miss, 27 Victoria-street-west Christopher, Mark, shipmaster, 2 Chapel-street William, flesher, Basement-floor, New- Mrs, lodgings, 2 Chapel-street market, h. Spittal City Hotel, Archibald Louden, 21 St. Nicholas-

2 Mrs. S., 34 Marischal-street street ™.~™ Miss Elsie, matron of Prison, h. East City of Glasgow Bank, Victoria-court, 54 Castle- Prison, Lodge-walk street— (see Joint Stock Commercial Misses, of Westfield, Westfield House Establishments') Chapel, John, tailor, 10 Shiprow City Tax Office, 17 Huxter-row (see Public In- Chapman, John, builder, 163 George-street stitutions) — Mrs., vintner, 3 Shorebrae Clapperton, John, gardener, 9 Little Chapel-st. Charles, Alexander, mason, 73 Hutcheon-street Clapton, John, teacher, 141 George-street, h John, mealseller, shop and house, 80 112 Chapel-street Causewayend Clark, Alex., shipmaster (Queen of the Tyne), ~™ W., mason, 33 Ann-street 8 Carmelite-street Charleston, Mrs., spirit dealer, shop and house, „^, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 12, h. 13 Hutcheon-street 14 Northfield, Gilcomston Chasser, James, town sergeant, h. 48 Queen- Arthur, feuar, 10 Windy-wynd street „. George, and Son, wholesale booksellers, merchant, stationers, and paper merchants, 15 i James, grocer and spirit 155 Gallowgate, h. 39 Littlejohn-street Broad-street— principal assistant, Wm. Shand, h. 35 Causewayend .—.—. Peter, brushmaker, 14 Huxter-row Cheyne, George, 10 Marywell-street Henry, baker, 25 Park-street Rev. Patrick (St. John's Chapel), 44 Bon- _ James (of G. Clark and Son), h. Louis- accord-street ville manufacturer, 66 Chisholm, William, curator, Public Rooms, .» James, clothier and Union-street Union-street, h, 33 Bon-accord-street „™ William, officer to Greyfriars Church, 5 „™ James, shipmaster, 68 Waterloo-street Jopp's -court, Broad- street John, advocate, 3 Queen-street, h. 37 ™ Mrs., Millbank-terrace High-street, Old Aberdeen Miss, ladies' school, 38 Bon-accord-street John, shipmaster, 1 Hanover-lane Cbivas, Alexander, advocate, and agent for the John, 30 Blackfriars-street National Bank of Scotland, 42, h. also 42 „~„~ John (of L. Clark p.nd Son), h. 2 Upper- Castle-street kirkgate .James (of Stewart and Chivas), h. 17 John, -vintner, 3, h. also 3 Ragg's-lane King-street John, grocer and spirit dealer, shop and „.~„™ John (of D. L. Shirres and Co.), h. 2 house, 49 George-street Castlebrae ™.„™ John, builder, 23, h. 9 Princes-street -


Clark, John, spirit dealer, 14 Shiprow, k. 28 Cocker, James, nurseryman and florist, Sunny- Catherine-street park Nursery, Canalside, by Causeway-

— .— Leslie, and Son, wine and spirit mer- end chants, and -wholesale grocers, 4 Up- Cockerill, Charles, haircutter, 200, h. 202 George- perkirkgate—traveller, James Kerr, h, street 4 John-street Cofton, Joseph, inn and lodgings, 9 Correction- ,~v — Leslie (of L. Clark and Son), h. 2 Upper- wynd It irkgate Collie, Alexander, Oakbank ,~~,~~ Samuel, linen manufacturer, 5 Mount- Alexander, slater and slate merchant, 28 fa ooly Shiprow „„,— Thomas, M.D., professor of chemistry, 2 George (of G. Collie and Co.), 21 Union- Springbank-terrace place William, blacksmith, 68 Windmillbrae, George, and Co., drapers, 4 St. Cathe- h, 3 Greig's-close, Windmillbrae rine's wynd, Union-street—traveller,

—. — William, late ironmonger, 12 Union-ter- Wm. Thomson, h. 25 Victoria-street-

race ; country-house, Bloomfield, Hol- west burn-road George, shipmaster (Ariel), 3 Victoria- William, first assistant inspector of poor, place Foor's-office, Nelson-street, h. 37 Con- James, 3 Mealmarket-street stitution-street James H., hairdresser, 55 Green, h. 48 „™— William, general agent, grocer, tea, -wine, Summer-street and spirit merchant, 8, h. 10 King-st. James, provision merchant, 85 Loch-

,— William, manufacturer, 61 Queen -street, street A. 40 Lodge-walk James, advocate, office and house, St. „™— William, teacher, Broad-street Academy, John's-eourt, 38 Castle-street 2 Blairton-lane, h. 9 Denburn-terrace James, tidewaiter, Customs, h. Brebner's- William, gardener, New-market and court, 84 Shiprow

Barkmill .—. — John, plasterer, 69 Green, h. 2 College-st. Patrick, Wm., shipmaster (Commodore), 12 Quay , wholesale and retail silk, shawl,

—. — Mrs. Helen, lodgings, 153, Crown-street and bonnet merchant, silk mercer, —„™ Mrs. J., lodgings, 74 Union-street clothier, and haberdasher, 37, Union- Miss, ladies' school, 16 Gallowgate street, h. 82 Bon-accord-street „ Miss, dressmaker, 32 Union-row Robert, hairdresser, 62 Shiprow, h. Mary- ™ Miss, lodgings, 153 Crown-street cottage, south end of College-street Cleland, Peter, artist and teacher of drawing, 8 ~ Robert, wholesale and retail hardware and Union-terrace fancy merchant, 37 Green, h. Affleck- Clerihew, Alexander, teacher (South Parish street School), h. 6 Denburn Robert, jun. (of Wm. Duthie and Co.), A. ™ Francis, advocate, M'Combie's-court, h. Holburn-street 104 Crown-street William, painter, 77 George-street, h. 59 —~— George, builder, 104 Crown-street Wales-street

Clunes, Thomas, plumber, gasfitter, and brass- . William, carter, 59 Wales-street

founder, 196 George-street, /;. Kings- Mrs. William, Holburn street land-place Mrs., 53 Summer-street Clyne, Alexander, fishcurer, Cullen, h. 11 Little- Mrs. William, 102 Chapel-street

john-street .—.— Mrs. lodgings, 83 Bon-accord-street „ James (of W. Clyne and Sons), h. Straw- Mrs., King-street-place berry-bank „™~~ Miss, 30 Gordon-street „™™. Norval, advocate, 245 Union-street, h. 9 Collins, James, general merchant, 44, h. 42 East Waverly-place North-street Thomas, tea and coffee merchant, 20 Gal- Colonial Life Assurance Company—agent, John lowgate, h. 11 Littlejohn-street T. Rennie, 41 Marischal-street William, and Sons, leather dealers, boot Colston, Alexander, teacher of music, 11 Dia- and shoemakers, and gutta percha mond-street agents, 22 and 24 Gallowgate— curry Mrs., dressmaker and milliner, 11 Dia- iiig works, 28 Berry-lane mond-street Mrs. Captain, 43 Victoria-street-west Colvin, John, porter, Marischal College, 82 ™ Mrs. William, 188, George-street Broad-street

Cobban, John, plasterer, 65, h. also 65 Chapel- . . John, shipmaster (Richebucto), 4 Banner- street mill-street Cochran, Francis James, of Balfour, by Abnyne, „™ Mrs., inn and lodgings, 61 Castle-street office, (Smith and Cochran), 96 Union- Commercial Bank of Scotland, (see Joint Stock street —town residence, Crown-terrace Commercial Establishments') Cock, John, bill deliverer, 18 College-street Commissary Clerk's Office, 27 King-street

. John, mealseller, 11, h. 9 Commerce-st. Commutation Road Trustees —James Simpson, Cockburn, J., and Campbell, wine merchants, advocate, clerk and collector, 17 Hux- Edinburgh— agent, Alex. B. Whyte, 19 ter-row Union-buildings Cone, Catherine, dressmaker, 97 Causewayend 1 -


Oondell, Major, J. A. (H.E.I.C.S.), Millburn- Cooper, Rev. William, 53 Victoria-street-west street, Ferryhill „™ William, silk dyer, 41 Commerce-street Connell, Duncan M., English and commercial Mrs., midwife, 123 George-street teacher (Princes-street School), A. 9 „™ Mrs., lodgings, 220 George-street Canal-street Copland, Alexander, slater, 78, A. also 78 John- Connel, Thomas, cabinetmaker, 86 Chapel-street street

~ , merchant, 29 York-place , Miss, dressmaker, 86 Chapel-street David, Connan, James, clothier and draper, 27 Union- Joseph, vintner, 9 Correction-wynd street, A. %^ Broad-street Peter, slater, Mounthooly, A. 60 Gerrard- James, vintner, 21, A. also 21 York-street street dresser, 10 William, gardener, Connan's-court, oppo- . . Mrs., crape, lace, and fur site Links-street Woolmanhill Connon, George, merchant, 212 King-street „™ Mrs., grocer, 12 Marywell-street G., and Co., brokers, 91 Woolmanhill „ Jean, stoneware merchant, 59 Waterloo James, gardener, New-market andSandi- street, A. 1 Church-street Marywell-street lands, A. 24 St. Clement-street . , Miss, staymaker, 10 Richard, and Co., ship and insurance Corbet, Miss, teacher (North Parish School), A. brokers, and general commission 70 Park-street agents, 58 Marischal-street Cordiner, Mrs., Ferguson's-court, 108^ Gallow- Richard (of R. Connon and Co.), A. 62 gate Constitution-st. Gordon- street . . Mrs. (late of Forgue), 8 spirit Robert, cart and plough wright, 34, A. 32 Cormack, Alexander, grocer, wine and Causewayend dealer, 33 Shiprow, A. 151 Crown-street tailor, A. 4 North Broadford Robert, gardener, New-market and Brick- , Alex., H, kilns, Old Aberdeen „„ George, furniture dealer, 71, A. 69 Broad- William (of W. Davidson and Co.), 1 street Albyn-place ,™ William, grocer, and spirit dealer, 31 Mrs. Alexander, wholesale grocer and tea York-place, A. 151 Crown-street Steam Yacht Tavern, merchant, 73, A. 79 King-street , William, vintner, Quay-side, York-street — .—. Miss, lodgings, 51 Huntly-street Conry, James, spirit dealer, 1, A. 2 Spa- street William, day patrol, Albion-street Whitehouse-street Cook, Alexander, coach-guard, 13 Guestrow . Miss, dressmaker, 11 „ Archibald, spirit dealer, 9 York-street Cornwall, George, printer and lithographer, Vic- George, shipmaster (Forth), 5 Hanover- toria-court, 54 Castle-street, A. Rose- street hill, Rosemount—foreman, Wm. Hen- street ~~~~. John, post-horse-master— office, 1 Bel- derson, A. 30 Frederick- /mont-street, A. 147 Union-street E., lithographer, Victoria-court, 54 Castle- John, ship and insurance broker, 59 Mar- street, A Rosehill, Rosemount ischal-street, A. Ferryhill Cosgrove, Peter, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, ™ Silvester, house-carpenter, Holburn-st. 298 George-street Castle-lane . wright, 3 ——. William, weaver, Short-loanings Cossens, James, William, tailor and clothier, Exchange- County Fire Office and Provident Life Office- court, Union street, A. 6 St. Catherine's- agent, William Smith, jun., 106 Union- wynd street Mrs., lodgings, 41 Huntly-street „„ Rates— collector, C. Lumsden, 2 Union- Mrs., midwife, 112 Chapel-street terrace Cooper, Alexander, saddler, 45, A. 35 Queen-st. Courage, Archibald, bookseller, 7 George-street Francis, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit mer- A. 7 Bi-aehead, Gilcomston chant, 60, A. 56 Chapel-street „ „. James, cooper, 176^, /*. 177 Gallowgate Skene-street H, and Co., manufacturers, silk mercers, . . Miss, staymaker, 96 shawlmen, and linen and woollen dra- Coulson, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 39 Mar- pers, 47 Union-street ischal-street dealer, Henry (of H. Cooper & Co.), A. Devanha- Coutts, Alexander, grocer, tea and spirit terrace Rubislaw Frederick-street, A. ~ James (late hatter), 22 Kidd-lane . . Alexander, wright, 46 James, currier and leather merchant, 71 5 South Constitution-street Netherkirkgate Alexander, spirit dealer, 67, h. 69 Green

. James, spirit dealer, Holburn-street „_-„„. Alexander, grocer, Holburn-street James, currier and leather merchant, Steps Alexander, cutler, 214, A. 213 Gallowgate of Gilcomston „™ Alexander, coach guard, 87 John-street shuttle-maker, 58, A. also 58 — .—. John, hairdresser, 121, A. 123 George-st. Alexander, — John, spirit dealer, Holburn-street Windmillbrae ™ John, overseer (Fish Market), A. 8 Affleck- Charles, chemist and druggist, 26 Broad- street street, h. 4 Castlebrae ~ Patrick, advocate, 16 King-street, A. 130 David, grocer and spirit dealer, 62, A. 58 Union-street Windmillbrae Wm. (of Philip and Cooper), 11 Albyn- George, cabinetmaker, 88, h. also 88 John- place street ~ —


Coutts, James, builder, 24 John- street Craigmile, Alexander, grocer, 47, h. 49 Com- „™„~ James, surgeon, 4 Castlebrae merce-street —~ — John, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit dealer, „„ William, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit 114, h. 52 George-street dealer, 49 Woolmanhill, h. 67 Com- —„~ John, advocate, 16j Constitution-street merce-street

.—. —. William, painter and glazier, 223 Union- Craigmyle, Francis, teacher of writing and draw- street, h. 67 Chapel-street ing, Public Schools, Little Belmont-st. William, tea and grocery warehouse, shop h. 11 Rose-street and house, Holburn-street William, late farmer, 67 Commerce-street ™ Mrs., lodgings, 44 Upperkirkgate ~~~ Mrs., lodgings, 1 Kingsland-place Miss Ann, dressmaker and milliner, 38 Cran, James, rural police constable, 21 Union- St. Andrew-street terrace, h. Record Office, King-street Cowie, A., and Co., brewers, 5 Virginia- street Crane, Andrew, shipowner, 20 Victoria-street principal clerk, George Nicol, h 39 James, collector, Gas Light Co., 64 Ger- Marischal-street — brewer, Alexander rard-street Leslie, h. 5 Virginia-street Crawford, James, flaxdresser, Spring-garden, h.

„m .r~. Alexander, vintner, shop and house, 13 300 George-street Lower Denburn ~™~™ William, flaxdresser, Broadford-works,

. John, mason, 29 Hutcheon-street 35 North Broadford

™».—. William, tailor, 15 Lower Denburn Cree, Miss, Kingsland-place, 267 George-street Mrs., lodgings, 68 John-street Croall, James, Lochhead Cowieson, George, spirit dealer, 9 Trinity-quay Croll, George, fancy bread and biscuit baker, 70, Cox, Richard, shipmaster (Robert), 8 Stron- h. 72 King-street—clerk, Oliver Ten- ach's-close, Castle -street nant, h. 40 Union-st. —foreman, Thomas Craib, Alexander, grocer and spirit merchant, Grant, h. 39 George -street shop and house, 1 Trinity-quay ™ Francis, baker, 55 St. Nicholas-street, h.

™ , John, spirit dealer, shop and house, 6 69 Hutcheon-street Leadside, Gilcomston ™ John, baker, 67 George -street, h. 72 King- „™~™ Wm. (of Knight and Craib), 7 Shorebrae street

Mrs., lodgings, 49 St. Nicholas-street „™ , John, grocer, 69, h. also 69 Hutcheon-st. —.„™ Mrs., midwife, 1 Trinity-quay Cromar, Alexander, boot and shoemaker, shop Craig, Alexander, manager, North Broadford and h. 13 Skene-terrace

Bread Company, /(. 8 North-Broadford Charles, clerk, Banks of Ythan, Coach- „™„™ Alexander, shipmaster (Hawk), 52 Vir- office, Queen-street, h. 3 Stocket-road, ginia-street Skene-square Little —,„—, Edward, teacher, Dr. Bell's School, Fred- . John (of Milne, Low, and Co.), 4 erick-street, h. 29 Skene-street Chapel-street

. George (foreman, W. Simpson and Co.), William (Devanha Comb- work), 9 Mary- 11 Catto- square well-street ~-~— James (of T. Craig and Sons), h. Skene- —„™ Mrs., spirit deakr, shop and house, 21 street-west Park-street —~~- John, builder, 31 Victoria-street-west Crombie, Alexander, fruit merchant, 21, h, 23 ..™— James, and Co., saddlers and harness Broad-street makers, 38 Schoolhill, h. 13 Black's- „™„ J. and J., woollen manufacturers, Cause- buildings wayend—manager, John Ramage, h. 8

~-~.—. Peter, shipmaster, 23 Commerce-street Catherine-street street, h. 11 ™ Robert, grocer, 21 North-Broadford, A. 1 . James, mealseller, 108 Loch- Broadford-lane Young-street Thomas, and Sons, tobacco and snuff James, wholesale merchant, and commis- manufactui'ers, 22 George-street sion agent, Back-wynd, h. 55 Gallow- assistant, R. Robertson .—, — Thomas (of T. Craig and Sons), h. Skene- gate—principal street-west „, Peter, jeweller, 60 Broad-street, h. > 57 Thomas, jun. (of T. Craig and Sons), h. Park-street Skene-street- west Crone, Mrs., poultry, and provision shop, 76

, William, master of dredging-boat, h. 1 Shiprow Justice -street Crow, John, spirit dealer, shop and house, 41 ~~~~™ Mrs., vintner, 1 Waterloo-street, Footdee Guestrow Miss, dressmaker, 2 Nelson-street Cruickshank, Alexander, shipmaster, 15 Sugar- — Miss, teacher, 72 Catherine-street house-lane glovers, 105 Craigen, James, auctioneer, 29 Gallowgate „„ , A., and Co., hosiers and Craighead, James (foreman, A. King and Co.), Union-street h. 29 Huntly-street Alexander, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit „_-. William, provision salesman, 21 Basement merchant, 14 Black's- buildings, h. 76 floor, New-market, h. 10 Carmelite- st. West North-street

and Co.). ft ™_, . Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 20 . Anthony (of A. Cruickshank Skene-street 103 Union-street Craigie, Captain James (H.E.I.C.S.), 15 Albyn- „„„,„ George (of A. Cruickshank and Co.), h. place 17 Kinff-street ;


ruickshank, George F., writer (Adam and Dalgarno, James, 22 East North-street Anderson), h. 5 Lobban's-court, 30 „„— William, tailor, 18 Virginia-street Castle-street William, tailor, 5 Rennie's-wynd, Green George, eoal-broker — office, Quay, h. 8 Mrs., sick-nurse, 48 Woolmanhill Yeats-lane Dalgety, Alexander, provision merchant, New- George, jun. coal-broker—office Quay, /*. market, k. 57 Green 9 Denbum-terrace Dallachy, Miss E., dressmaker, 49 St. Andrew- George, land-surveyor, 22 Crown-street, street h. 6 Innes-street Dalrymple, Mrs. William, 72 Chapel-street James, teacher of the concertina, flutina, Miss, 3 Alford-place and accordion, (concertinas and accor- Daniel, Alexander, advocate, deputy registrar of dians in great variety, repairs and tun- sasines, 25 Belmont Street, h. 36 Back- ing), shop and house, 35 St Nicholas wynd street ™™ James and Co., printers, publishers, sta- John, LL.D., professor of mathematics, tioners, and book and chart sellers, 46 Marischal College, h. 12 Rose-street Castle-street John, provision merchant, Holburn-place Thomas, innkeeper and post-horse-master;

John, inspector of police, and superintend- office, 3 Huxter-row ; inn and house, ent of water works and fire engines, 50 1 6 Mealmarket street St. Nicholas-st., h. 216 George-st. ~~~ William (of Warwick and Daniel), h. 4 „~ John, shoemaker, 39 Causewayend Charlotte-street L_ Peter, tinplate-worker, shop and house, ™™ William, shipmaster, 4 Marywell-street 22 Causewayend Danish Consul, Neil Smith, 114 King-street

.. Robert, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit-mer- Darling, Thomas, gardener, Woodhill

chant, 196 Gallowgate, /;. 71 Catherine- Dauney, Mrs., Springbank-terrace street Davidson, Rev. A. D. (Free West Church), 128 „„ William, grocer, 19, h. 20 Castle-street Crown-street William, grocer, 16, h. 14 East North-st. Alexander, of Desswood, h. 237 Union-st. ~~ Mrs., 76 West North-street Alexander, jun., grocer, tea and spirit Mrs., lodgings, 28 George-street merchant, 44 Castle-street, h. 31 Fre-

.— Mrs., 27 Blackfriars -street derick-street h. .— Mrs. Thomas, lodgings, 124 Union-street ™™ Alexander, tinsmith, 96 GreeD, 18 Kidd-

.— Mrs., teacher (Dr Bell's School) h. 6 Frede- lane rick-street Alexander, stoneware merchant, shop and ,„~ Miss, 29 Victoria-street-west house, 69 East North-street uddie, Nicolas, brewer, 112, h. also 112 Loch-st. . Alexander, wright, 164 Gallowgate, 7i, 5 ummine, Misses, of Rattray, 3 Albyn-place Young-street umming, Alexander, tea, wine, and spirit mer- ~ . Alexander, spirit dealer, 125, k. 123 chant, 70 Broad-street, h. 14 Correc- George-street tion-wynd ™ Andrew, shipowner, 56 Wellington-street ~~. Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 36 h. Charles, chemist and druggist, 205 Union- 37 Castle-street street, and 1 Exchequer-row, h. 207 — Charles and Co., Rising Sun Tavern, and Union-street—principal assistant, John commercial lodgings, 10 Huxter-row Collie, h. Holburn-street

.. upholsterer — James, late shipmaster, 15 Prince Regent i David, cabinetmaker and street saleroom, 131^ Union-street ; workshop ~~ John, slater, 43 Victoria-street-west 18 Summer-street ; h. 27 Union-row. — Robert, clerk, Post-office, h. 13 Marischal- Donald, woollen manufacturer, 49 Green, street h. 6 Denburn .-~ and Ross, sailmakers, Weighhouse-square ™~~ Duncan, tailor, 42 Shiprow ~~ William, slater, Commerce-street, h. 25 George, bookseller and stationer, 1 King- Frederick-street street, h. 8 Castle-street -— William (of CummiDg and Ross), h. George (of G. and W. Davidson), h. 17 Weighhouse-square Quay — William, Union Hotel, 25 Union-street „ George & William, merchants and rope — William, overseer, Hazelhead and twine manufacturers — office, 17 St. — Miss, 4 Carden-place Quay ; rope and twine manufactory, uningham, James, merchant, 29 Causewayend Clement-street urrie, Adam and Sons, skinners, Steps of Gil- George, night watchman, 9 Forbes-street comston George, shoemaker, 66 Causewayend h. Grant's- ~~ Adam, (of A. Currie and Sods), h. 22 . James, flesh er, 47 New-market, Skene-square court, Upperkirkgate

. Mrs., lodgings, 29 Union-street James, spirit dealer, 38, h. 39 Quay •tis, T. A., Grandholm-cottage „ James, plasterer, 33 Young-street pfehnie, Alexander, grain, meal, barley, and ™™, James, shore-porter, and sedan chair car-

>' Castle-street . flour merchant, 72, h. 74 George-street rier, Commercial-court, 58 Miss, teacher, 19, h. also 19 Marischal-st. „, James W., currier, foot of Berry-lane, h.

! 'Stom-kouse, 16 Quay—(see Public Institutions) 2 Hutcheon-street - —


Davidson, John, writer, 43 Skene-street Dawson, William, cart and plough wright, Spa- John, late merchant, 4 North Broadford street, h. Shuttle-street provision merchant, 24 „ John, Basement- ~~—. Mrs., provision merchant, 248 George-st. floor, New-market, h. 34 Union-terrace Mrs., 1 Crown-place-east John, advocate, 47 Marischal- street, h. 4 Miss, boarding and day school, 136, h. also North Broadford 136 King-street John, gardener, Cornhill and New-market Miss, 36 King-street ™„~ John, plumber, 78 St. Andrew-street, h. 4 Day, George, night patrol, 66 Woolmanhill Forbes-street Dean, John, railway contractor, Inverury, h. John, carter. Nelson-lane Bloomfield, Holburn-road ™™ Patrick and Alexander, advocates, 1 Bon- Jobn, innkeeper, 49 Lodge-walk

accord- street . Matthew, chimney-sweep, 22 Muttonbrae ™ Patrick, of Inchmarlo, h. 27 Bon-accord- Miss, provision shop, 4 Marischal-street terrace Deans, John, innkeeper, shop and house, Bridge „_ Robert, gardener, Lochhead and New- of Dee market Deeside Railway Co., 24 Adelphi-court (set ™ Robert, tailor, 10, h. also 10 Causewayend Joint Stock Commercial Establishments) Robert, manufacturing chemist, Canal- Dempster, John, 14 Bon-accord-street road Dennison, John, shipmaster (Emperor), h. 6 Robert, grocer and spirit dealer, 15, h. 13 Canal-terrace Justice-street Deuchar, George, tea, wine, and spirit merchant. William, and Co., grocers, wine and spirit 151, h. 149 George-street merchants, dealers in agricultural seeds, Devanha Brewery Co., Devanha, (see William 44 Broad-street Black and Co.) „„ William, gardener, Burnside and New- Comb-work Co., Devanha

market . Distillery Co., Polmuir. ~~ William, architect, Strawberrybank Deverley, Hugh, watchmaker, 7 Upperkirkgate William, spirit dealer, 23 College-street Dewar, Rev. Daniel, D.D., principal of Marischal — William, wholesale and retail glass and College, 13 Victoria-street-west

china merchant, 71 Green, h. 53 Vic- . H. Andrew, surgeon-dentist, 181 Unipn- toria-street-west. street-west William, furnishing tailor, 77 King-street Rev. Thos. (South Parish), South-bridge. h. 23 Frederick-street Holburn-street William, plasterer, 32 Young-street Diack, William, hardware merchant, 42 Broad- Mrs., provision merchant, 87 Gallowgate street, h. Millbank-terrace Mrs. Christian, 111 Crown-street ~~„ William, grocer and spirit merchant, If Mrs. John, spirit dealer, 3 Park-street Park-street, A. 2 Park-lane. Mrs., eating-house, 93 Gallowgate William, spirit dealer, shop and house, \ Mrs. Lieutenant, 126 King-street Skene-street Mrs., lodgings, 55 Wellington-street Dick, James, merchant, 37 Union-terrace

• Mrs., lodgings, 90 Bon-accord-street William, flesher, 25 New-market, /;. ! Mrs. William, Canal-road Hanover-street

~~. . lodgings, Mrs. William, 6 St. Clement-st. . William, overseer, Harbour Works, h. 5(

—,— Mrs., lodgings, 32 Young-street St. Clement-street . Mrs., flesher, shop and house, 44 George- Dickie, Rev. Andrew (U.P.C.), 84 Skene-squan street „„ John, accountant (William Duthie's office — Miss Ann, matron of Poor-house, Nelson- Waterloo-quay), h. Cherryvale street Dickinson, James J., teacher, Catholic Seminarv _~~™ Miss, 27 Victoria-street-west 30 Constitution-street, h. Seminary

. Miss, china and glass merchant, 2 Ship- Dickson, Mrs, lodgings, 53 Huntly-street row, h. 2 Shorebrae Dilling, Wm., iron founder (Blaikie Brothers] Miss, Balmoral-place 61 Commerce-street Miss, 25 Victoria-street Divorty, Peter, grocer and spirit dealer, 13 Wes Miss, 75 Dse-street North-street, h. 64 Longacre Miss, 111 Crown-street Dixon, John, and Co., horse-shoers, 5 Chronicle Davie, James, music-master and music- seller, lane, h. 59 Longacre 115 Union-street, h. 50 Chapel-street Donald, Alexander, shipmaster, 6 St. Clement-s Davies, Edward, letter-cutter on steel, and hard- ™™ Alexander, grocer, 11 Castlebrae, h. 1 ware merchant, 1, 2, and 3 South Gal- Commerce-streefc lery, New-market, h. 58 Loch-street Andrew, late baker, 25 Upperkirkgate „~— Richard (Simpson and Whyte), k. 24 Cor- Ernst, photographic artist, 34 Thistle- st. rection- wynd Geo., painter, glazier, and paper-hange Dawney, Alexander, land-surveyor, 103 George- 17 and 19 Netherkirkgate, h. 15 Vi< street toria-street-west Dawson, Charles, sheriff-officer and constable James, shipmaster, Ferryhill-place for Aberdeenshire, h. 1 6 Huxton-row —~~ John, ploughmaker and general blacl John, grocer and spirit dealer, 64, h. 66 smith, 183 West North-street, h. Z Causewayend Hutcheon-street 1


Donald, John, wood merchant, Inches, h. 10 Duguid, James, & Co., clothiers and warehouse- Regent-quay men, 10 Broad-street ~~.~w~ Peter, spirit dealer, 86, h. 88 Green ~~-— James, writer, 61 Fark-street . Robert, brush manufacturer, 14 St. Nicho- —. — William (of J. Smith and Co.), h. Rich- las-street mond-hill <~~— Robert, shipmaster (Harbottle Castle), 53 Mrs., Simpson, 89 Crown-street Commerce-street Mrs., Bellevue Cottage, Hardgate

—, —. William, inn, 79 Windmillbrae Mrs. W., Newlands, Ruthrieston William, vintner, Cooperston -buildings Miss, cotton manufacturer, 82, h. 80 St. William, corn merchant, Chapel-lane Andrew-street ~~— William, church officer (of Free South Dun, John, teacher (Grammar School), h. 2 Church), and funeral waiter, 27 Black- Wellington-place friars-street Dunbar, Rev. Sir William, bart. minister of St. „ Mrs., lodgings, 29 Huntly-street Paul's English Episcopal Chapel, Gal. Mrs., lodgings, 66 John-street lowgate, h. Mackie-place, top of Skene- r~ Mrs. William, 10 Chapel-street street

. Mrs., lodgings, 32 Windy-wynd — ~~. William, saddler, Flourmillbrae, h. St. Miss, 86 Bon -accord-street Nicholas- street Donaldson, Arthur, flesher, 230 George-street, William, draper, 24, h. 22 Chapel- street h. 33 North Broadford Duncan, Adam, keeper of the Lunatic Asylum, George, builder, 13 Huxter-row h. 84 Gallowgate James, spirit dealer, shop and house, 24 , Alexander, criminal officer, Summerfield, Trinity -street foot of Park-street Mrs. Peter, 196 George-street Andrew, provision-seller, 62 John- street

Donaldson's School, Back-wynd Francis, teacher (Free City Mission), 1 Douglas, Alexander, grocer, 21, h. 16 Chapel-st. Gardener's-lane, h. 55 Chapel-street Alexander, shipmaster, 29 Victoria-street- ~~ George, clerk, Post Office, 66 Windmill- west brae Thomas, purveyor to the Queen, Douglas George, flesher and farmer, 17 Basement- hotel, Market-street floor, New-market, h. Charlestown, Mrs., maker-up of furs, 5 Little Belmont- Nigg street ~*~~-~ George, commission agent, 39 Netherkirk- Dow, Alexander, heel-plate maker, Causeway- gate, h. 29 Constitution-street—prin- end, h. 113 Causewayend cipal assistant, William Cadenhead, h. David, butcher, 10, h. 12 Park-street 7 John-street John, general broker, shop and house, 13 ,~~™, George, fringe and tassel maker, 67, h. 50 Castlebrae Windmillbrae Mrs., broker, 8 Park-street ~~»~~. George, broker, 69 Shiprow Downie, Alexander, farmer, Rubislaw , George, innkeeper, Ruthrieston Charles, of Ashfield, Morayshire, h. George, tobacconist, 66 Windmillbrae Cooperston George, optician, 40, h. also 40 Upperkirk- Drummond, James, bootmaker, \,h. 1] Queen- gate street James, spirit dealer, 12, h. 60 Regent- quay John, bootmaker, 54 Union-street, h, 14 James, manager, Footdee Association's Bon-accord-terrace Provision Warehouse, 79 Waterloo- Drysdale, Miss, 91 Crown-street quay, h. Virginia-street Duff, David, house-carpenter, 1 Thistle-lane, h. ~~»— James, provision-merchant, 3 St. Andrew- 30 Thistle-street street William, grocer and spirit dealer, 97 Gal- James, shipmaster (Lady of the Lake), 84 lowgate, h. 35 Windmillbrae Shiprow William (H. Cooper and Co.), 3 Charlotte- John, manufacturer, 150 King-street street ~™— John, goldsmith, jeweller, lapidary, and 8 Duffus, Alexander, confectioner, 3 Market-street, optician, 4, h. 6 St. Nicholas-street h. 13 Correction-wynd John, writer, 68 Broad-street James, confectioner, 86 Union-street, and John, 3 Rosemount-terrace 56 North Gallery, New-market, h. 13 «~~„~» John, tacksman of Weighhouse, bell and Correction-wynd petty customs, h. 16 Skene-square John, ship chandler, 80 Waterloo-quay, h. —. — John, advocate, agent for the Scottish York -place Union Fire and Life Assurance Co., 8 William, temperance hotel, 56 Union-st. Castle-street, h, 263 Union-street-west Mrs., midwife and sick-nurse, 57 Huntly- ,w~ Peter, bootmaker, 71, h. 46 Netherkirk- street gate Mrs., confectioner, 16 Upperkirkgate, h. ~~. Thomas, marble and stone work, 34 Dee- Thomson's-court, Broad-street street Duguid, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 15 ~~».~~ Thomas, jun., cork manufacturer, 20, //. Regent-quay, h. 125 Crown-street 26 St. Nicholas-street C. J. G. (of James Duguid and Co.), ft. 52 William, treasurer of police— office, 50 St. Union-place Nicholas-street, h. 4 Shorebrae H 58 NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY.

Duncan, William, superintendent engineer, Aber- Durno, Alexander, printer, 40 Gallowgate, h. 58 deen, Leith, and Clyde Shipping Co., h. Longacre 4 Shorebrae Leslie, mealseller, Wellington-place, h. 13 William, wright and house agent, 2, k. 6 Chapel-street St. Andrew-street Peter, teacher, 58 Longacre „ William, shipowner, 11 Huntly -street Durward, Charles, coachman, 35 Blackfriars- ,^, William, flesher, 217 Gallowgate, h. Frog- street hall-lane, Spittal Dustan, William, cartwright, shop and house, „m William, mason, 10 Forbes-street 1 Skene.street-west .,„ William, ship, insurance, and share broker, Duthie, Alexander, & Co., shipbuilders, Footdee timber-merchant and commission agent, Alexander (of A. Duthie and Co.), h, 33 Marischal-street, h. 11 Huntly- st. Waterloo-quay , Alexander, advocate, 11 Market-street, h. „™ . William, gardener, Berryden and New- market Broadford-place Church-street William, boot and shoemaker. 12, h. 14 ^™ . Barclay, tailor, 12 Skene-street James, general night patrol, 73 Virginia- ,™. William (of Scott and Duncan), h. Ferry- street hill John, Jun., (of A. Duthie and Co.), h. 53 Mrs., lodgings, 54 Summer-street Wellington- street Mrs., lodgings, 37 Marischal-street John (of A. Duthie and Co.), A. 5 Canal- Mrs., lodgings, 17 Huxter-row terrace Mrs. William, lodgings, 32 Thistle-street William, advocate, 115 Union-street, h. Broadford-place . Mrs. James, 24 Schoolhill Mrs., lodgings, 40 Upperkirkgate „™ William, shipowner and merchant— office, Mrs., milk dairy and register office, 28 York-place, h. Waterloo-street Basement-floor, New-market, h. 8 Car- William, and Co., brewers and maltsters, melite-street Holburn-st—managing partner, Robert Mrs., Braehead, Gilcomston Collie, jun., k. Holburn-street Mrs. Thomas, lodgings, 5 Princes-street Mrs. James, sick-nurse, 7 Black's-build- „™ Mrs. David, 40 Huntly-street Mrs., Holburn- place [ings Misses, Broadford-place , Miss, Duncan's-court, 74 Gallowgate Miss, teacher (Free Gilcomston), h. Hol- Dyce, James, 4 East Craibstone-street burn-street Robert, advocate— office, 3 Queen-street, Miss, poultry dealer, 26 Shiprow, h. 29 h. 47 Don-street, Old Aberdeen Queen -street „™™ Robert, M. D., 198 Union-street

„~„ Miss, dressmaker, 29 Huntly-street .™. . Mrs. General, 202 Union-street. Misses, dressmakers and milliners, 31 Dyer, Alexander R., Customhouse-agent, h. 78

Schoolhill Wales-street E —™. Misses, teachers of reading and sewing, 24 Schoolhill Eagle and Life Insurance Co.—Arthur Thom- Dundas, John, spirit dealer, 283, h. 285 George- son, agent, Bank of Scotland-court, street Castle-street A. W. Dunn, Alexander, grocer, 17 Skene-street, h. 1 East Prison, Lodge-walk—governor, Skene -terrace Chalmers, Ii. Rose-street—matron, Miss Alexander, clerk, 43 Frederick-street E. Chalmers, h. Prison —„™ David, and Co., wholesale druggists and Eaton, James, stonecutter, 112 John-street, h. drysalters, 32 King-street 6 Mount-street David (of D. Dunn and Co.), 30 King- Easton, James (foreman of blacksmiths, Alex. street Duthie and Co.), h. 70 Park- street James, draper, &c, 33, 34, and 35 Market- Eddie, Alexander, baker, 6, h. 8 Commerce- gallery, h. 8 Gaelic-lane street John, late merchant, 4 St Mary's-place Charles, miller and grain merchant, John, clerk (A. Hadden and Sons), h. 20 Nether Justice Mills— shop, 21 Base- Silver-street ment-floor, New-market John, advocate— office, 9 St. Nicholas- „„ Robert, maltster and brewer, dealer and street, h. Fonthill-place retailer of malt and malt liquors, Vir- Leslie, mealseller, Wellington-place, h. 11 ginia-street brewery, 69 Virginia-street, Chapel-street h. 1^ Canal-lane, Canal-terrace Robert, grocer and spirit dealer, 86, h. 73 Edinburgh Life Assurance— agents, Murray and Shiprow Garden, 50 Schoolhill, and William —„™ Mrs., Fonthill-place Adamson, 25 Marischal-street Sail-cloth Co.'s Store— agent, ,~~—. Mrs. James, 19 Ferryhill-place Ropery and Dunnet, James, shipbroker, 9 Catto-square J. T. Rennie, 43 Marischal-street •~~™_ Mrs., merchant, 12 Shiprow, h- Carmelite- Edmond, Francis, advocate— office, 22 Adelphi, street h. 5 Albyn-place Dunningham, William, shipmaster, 7 Skene-street James, advocate, office and house, 150 Durie, Alexander, flesher, 32 and 33 New-mar- Union-street— principal clerk, Ferguson ket, h. 19 Fisher-row Smith, h. Nelson-street — -


Edmond, John, bookbinder and stationer, 52 Emslie, John, coppersmith, 63 Windmillbrae, h.

Queen-street, li. 4 Dee-place 36 Union-terrace James, cartwright, Loch-street, h. 155 Mrs., lodgings, 16 Netherkirkgate

George-street Mrs , lodgings, 7 John-street Edmonston, William, farmer, Elmfield, Canal- —„™ Mrs., lodgings, 32 Union-terrace side .—.~™ Miss, 21 Summer-street Edward, Alexander, late solicitor, 64 Park-street Emsly, Mrs., provision dealer, 253 George-street David, church officer (Free Bon-accord English and Mercantile Seminary, 13 Crown Church), and funeral-waiter, A. 13 Den- street—head master, Al. M'Conochie, hurn- terrace h. 16 Chapel-street James and Co., boot and shoemakers, 38 Ennew, Edward, shipmaster (Spartan), h. 22 Union-place, h. Holburn-street Virginia-street „™ John, shoemaker, 31 St. Andrew street Erskine, Robert Marr, surgeon and druggist, Simpson, baker and confectioner, 54, h. 40 138, h. 128 George-street Gallowgate Esplin, William, goods manager, Aberdeen Rail- Mrs. James, manufacturer, 73, h. also way, h. 127 Crown-street 73 George-street Essex Economic Fire Office — agent, Alex. IT. Mrs. Captain, 29 Ferryhill-place Ness, 13 Union-row Mrs., midwife, 14 Skene-street Esson, Benjamin, millwright, Trinity-corner, h. Edwards, Douglas, general merchant, 15 and 16 14 Carmelite street Adelphi, h. 15 Adelphi Gordon, grocer and spirit dealer, 3 Jack's- Elder, Peter, Aberdeen Horse Repository, 81 brae

George-street, h. Barkmill-house . Mrs. Charles, lodgings, 25 Whitehouse- Elgen, Mrs. William, dressmaker, 7 Drum's- street lane Ettershank, Joseph, shipmaster (Cheviot), Prince Ellethorn, James, surgeon, 87 Gallowgate Regent-street Ellicoek, Joseph, cabinetmaker— saleroom, 102 European Life Insurance and Annuity Com- King- street —workshop, 5i Chronicle- pany— A. Davidson, advocate, agent, 1 lane h. 53 Longacre Bon-accord- street Ellis, Peter, spirit dealer, shop and house, 11 Evans, Joseph, barrack serjeant, Barracks Backwynd Ewan, Peter, town sergeant, h. 30 Belmont- „~. — Mrs., 4 Charlotte-street street Mrs. Captain John, Mary-place William, and Co., builders, 7 Summer- Miss, teacher, (Davidson's School, Foot- street, h. 26 Chapel-street dee), h. in Schoolhouse Misses, dressmakers, 26 Chapel-street Elliot, James, shipmaster (Berbice), 91 King- Ewen, George, cabinet -turner, South Silver- street street, h. 66 Windmillbrae Elmslie, George (of W. Elmslie and Son), h. James, vintner and dairy, Holburn-street 1 Kingsland-place , John, tailor, 1, h. also Concert-court, ™» James (of Tullochvenus, Tough) Elmslie- Broad-street cottage, Gilcomston „™ John, grocer and spirit dealer, 41, /(. 29 ,~~ R. J., auctioneer, 29 Union-street, h. East North-street above salerooms Thomas, advocate, 20 Queen-street, h. William, and Son, merchants, 191 Gallow- 146g George-street gate William, tailor, 2 Castle-street, h. 6 Union-

. William (of W. Elmslie and Son), h. lane Harriet-street Honeybank . .„™ William, stabler, 11 ,~~~™ William, stoneware merchant, shop and Ewing, James, officer of South Church, janitor house, 188 West North-street of Public Schools, funeral waiter and William (of Forsyth and Elmslie), h. undertaker, 32 Belmont-street Commercial-court, 58 Castle-street ™, Mrs. staymaker, 188 West North-street Fair-weather, David, mahogany, rosewood, general timber merchant— timber ! and —. — Miss, lodgings, 188 West North-street Elmsly, George, coach manufacturer, 187 King- yards, 182 George-street and Inches street, h. 3 Bon-accord-square ™^ Mrs., 184 George-street Elriek, John, grocer and wright, 105 Skene- Falconer, Alex., spirit dealer, 69 Commerce-st. street „^ Alexander (of J. Falconer and Co.), h. Miss, matron, Lunatic Asylum 24 Union-row Co.), h. 24 Elsmie, George and Son, Commission merchants . George (of J. Falconer and and general agents, 4 Regent-quay Union-row Union- street George (of George Elsmie and Son), /;. John and Co, drapers, 23 2 Regent-quay. Mrs. James, 45 Bon-accord-street spirit dealer shop and James (of G. Elsmie and Son), h. 2 Re- rm. Mrs., grocer and — gent-quay house, 65 Upper Denburn Emslie, James, dentist, 8 Little Belmont-street Mrs. John, 5 Huntly-street Stonyton, Rubislaw John, manager, Tape Manufactory, Wool- . .„„ Mrs., midwife, publisher of Aberdeen Herald, manhill, /(. 72 Gerrard-street Farquhar, Geo., 7 Queen-street, h. Devanha-terrace 1


Farquhar, George, miller and grain merchant, Fergusson, Robert, foreman, M'Donald and Les- Upper Justice Mills, k. Upper Justice lie's Granite Works, h. 39 Bon-accord- Mills street George, mason, 23 Leadside, Gilcomston Mrs. John, 108 Gallowgate and Gill, painters, glaziers, plumbers, and Fernie, Mrs., lodgings, 41 St. Nicholas-street braziers, 24 Upperkirkgate, and 2 Ferryhill Mill Warehouse, 59 and 61 Castle- Drum's-lane— principal clerk, James street Murray, h. 278 George- street—foreman Ferryhill Foundry —proprietors, J. Abernethy of painters, John Tilleray, h. 3 Drum's and Co. lane—foreman of brass-finishers, Joseph Fettes, Miss, 9 Affleck-street Cheyne, It. 66 Gerrard-street—foreman Fiddes, Andrew, bootmaker, 60 John-street of plumbers, Alexander Marshall, h. Andrew, Refreshment Rooms, 87 Broad- 5 Charlotte-street street, k. 68 Catherine-street James (of Farquhar & Gill), h. Summer- David, M.D., 18 King-street street ~ Edward (North of Scotland Bank), h. 18 James, managing clerk, John Blaikie and King-street Sons, h. 19 Littlejohn-street Francis, shoemaker, 32, h. 30 Upperkirk- „™—. Nathaniel, advocate (of Chalmers and gate

Farquhar), sheriff clerk of Aberdeen- Mrs, 1 8 King-street shire, Record Office, King-street, h. 33 Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 7 Forbes- Union-place street

~~~~. Robert Spottiswood, 2 Correction-wynd, Fidler, Alexander, coal broker— office, Quay, ft. h. 169 Crown-street 1 Shorebrae Robert, slater, 24 Leadside, Gilcomston John, provision merchant, 10 Upperkirk- William, (of Brown, Farquhar, and Co.), gate, h. 22 North Broadford h. Villa Franca, Rubislaw Fimister, John, surveyor of taxes, 2 Langstane- Mrs., provision dealer, 67 Queen-street place— attendance on Fridays from 10 Mrs., Alexander, 169 Crown-street to 4 —~~ Mrs., 82 Waterloo Quay Findl iter, James, plasterer, 47 Causewayend

Miss, milliner, 218 Gallowgate- head Findlay, Alexander, boot and shoe maker, 1 Miss, dressmaker, 50 Causewayend and 17 Broad-street, h. Milner's-court, Farquharson and Co., merchants, 131 Union- 25 Guestrow street Alexander and John, watch aud clock James, spirit dealer, shop and house, 37 makers, &c. 7, 8, and 9 New-market- West North-street gallery, h. Broomhill Thomas, shoemaker, 155 Gallowgate ~~— James, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 48, h. Mrs. Dr., 8, Bon-accord terrace 48^, Gallowgate — Miss, 220 Union-street John~A., chemist, Medical Hall, 12, h. 10 Fearnside, John, druggist, 45 Green, h. 23 St. Wellington-place Andrew-street —~_ Robert, carver, Windmill-lane, h. 20 Female School of Industry (Sheriff Watson's), Marywell- street (see Public Institutions') William, shoemaker, 75 Wales-street School of Industry, 63 Guestrow (see do.) —, — William, merchant, 67, h. 66, East North- Orphan Asylum, 8 Albyn-place (see do.) street

Fenton, Robert, bookbinder, 50 Gordon-street. William, boot and shoe maker, 1 1 and 17 Ferguson, David, merchant, 38 Skene-square Broad-street, h. Milner's-court, 25 Rev. Fergus (St. Paul- street Congrega- Guestrow tional Chapel), h. Strawberrybank Mrs., lodgings, 5, Schoolhill Mrs., vintner, 5 Stronach's-close -~~— Mrs. James, lodgings, 32 Park-street James, advocate, 54 Union-street, A. Grove- Finlason, Mrs., Cooperston-place cottage, Cooperston Mrs. Robert, lodgings, 47, Chapel-street John, advocate, 54 Union-street, k. 11 Miss, lodgings, Cruden's-court, 22 Broad- Waverly-place street —. — John, tailor, 29, h. also 29 Windmillbrae Finlayson, John, printer (Herald Office, 7 _„,— John, surgeon, Cove, Nigg Queen-street) h. 17^ Constitution-street — .— John, baker, 64, h. 62 Skene-square Finnie, William, eating-house, 77 Shiprow Robert, general f'yer and renovator, 42, A. Fire Engine Station, 125 King-street (see ''Po- 40 Upperkirkgate lice " in Public Institutions) „.—„, William B., civil engineer, and secretary Firth, James, slater, 48 Queen-street to Deeside Railway, 24 Adelphi, h. Fisher, Basil (of William Black and Co., De- Albyn-place vanha), h. Countesswells . William, police officer, Market, h. 21 —~~. Capt. A. S., of Murcar, h. 14 Albyn-place Schoolhill William, of Ferryhill (and of "William Mrs., teacher, South Parish School, Tri- Black and Co.) Ferry hill-house nity-street, h. 29 Skene -street Mrs , draper, 23 New -market-gallery, h. Miss Jane, 40 Bon accord-street 12, Marischal-street Fergusson, Dr. James, West-end Academy, h. Flann, Joseph, shipmaster (Struggler), 1 Hano- Mile-end-house ver-lane —


Fleming, James G., fancy trimming warehouse, Forbes, Miss, 23 Bon-accord-terrace 42 Union-street, h. 37 John-street Ford, John, flint-glass manufacturer to the John, advocate, office and house, 12 King- Queen (Holyrood flint-glass works, street Edinburgh), and China warehouse, 136 John, 81, Crown-street Union-street— manager, John Veitch, „^» John, late brewer, 2 Mount-street h. 38 Gordon-street J. and J., hardware merchants, 24 Broad- Fordyce, Alexander Dingwall, of Brucklay, street R.N. (late M.P.), 6 Albyn-place ,~~ and Paull, advocates, 12 King-street Miss Dingwall, 35 Ui on -place Robert, spirit dealer, 27, Guestrow, h. Miss Dingwall, 64 Dee- street above shop Miss Jane, dressmaker, 14 Water-lane Mrs., 3 Rosemount-place Forrest, George, carter, 79 Virginia-street Flett, David, tailor, Trinity-manse James, provision merchant, shop and Fletcher, Robert, accountant and sharebroker, house, 22 Marywell-street h. 17 Huxter-row, h. Froghall-cottage, , Peter, horse shoer and farrier, 3, 5 Far- Canal- side rier-lane William, shipmaster (Marys), 61 Com- Peter, mealseller, shop and house, 44 merce-street Windmillbrae Flockhart, Alexander (of Yeats and Flockhart), Mrs., midwife, 114 Chapel-street Belrnont-house Miss, 35 Huntly-street Footdee Association's Provision Warehouse, 79 Forsyth, Alexander, late merchant, 18 Constitu- Waterloo-quay—manager, James Dun- tion-street can, h. Virginia-street and Elmslie, chemists, 57 Castle-street Foote, Rev. James, D.D. (Free East Church), „™ George, late merchant 18 Constitution- 14 Golden-square street James, shoemaker, 38 Frederick-street George, Cafe Royal, 9 St. Nicholas-lane Miss, 71 Crown-street James, baker, 129, h. 127 Crown-street Forbes, Alexander, late of the Customs, 52 James H., M.D., 144 King-street Wellington-street Rev. James, D.D. (West Church), h. 21 Alexander, grocer, 104, h. 107 Gallow- Golden-square gate John, leather merchant, 85 Broad-street, Alexander (of J. Forbes and Sons), h. 2 h. 18 Rosemount-place Rotunda-place, Ferryhill Morris (of the Inland Revenue) 86 Skene- George, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 112 square Gallowgate, h. Seamount-place Robert (of Devanha Comb- work Co.), h. Grant, shoemaker, 286 George-street, k. Bank-street, Ferryhill 109 Causewayend William, mail contractor and horse hirer, «™„™ James (cashier, J. and A. Blaikie), h. 25 Jamaica-street, Peterhead, h. 39 Bon- Victoria-street-west accord-street James, and Sons, wholesale clothiers, ha- William (of Forsyth and Elmslie), h. 35 berdashers, and woollen drapers, 40 Dee-street Union-street—principal assistant, Ro- William, feuar, 24 North Broadford bert Bruce William, editor, Aberdeen Journal, h. 86 James (of J. Forbes and Sons), h. Kings- Skene-square land-house, Broadford Mrs., 2 Union-place and Co. wood merchants, 108 West North- Mrs., lodgings, 1 Marischal-street street Mrs., Balmoral-place James, spirit-dealer, 7, h. 11 James-street Miss, 77 Crown-street James, clerk, Grandholm-works, h. 25 Fotheringham, Richard, late manufacturer, h. 62 West North-street Catherine-street

.. James (of A. M'Kenzie and Co.), h. Foulten, A., late merchant, 65 Dee-street Kingsland-place ™ Thomas, late merchant, 65 Dee-street John, clothier and men's mercer, 73 Fowler, Andrew, farmer, Bridge of Dee Union-street, h. 76 Bon-accord-street „, James and John, meal and provision cutter, Hume Anderson, h. 92 George- warehouse, 24 George-street—agent, street William Martin, /;. 24 George-street John, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 86, Mrs., 39 Victoria-street h. 84 Broad-street Franklin, Hamilton, boot and shoe maker, and Peter, sawmaker, 164, h. 81 George- clerk of St. Paul's Chapel, 5 Nether- street kirkgate, h. St. Paul's Chapel-house, William, gardener, New-market, and Gallowgate Leadside, Gilcomston Fraser, Alexander, advocate and city chamber- Mrs., lodgings, 19 Huntly-street lain, Town-house, h. 194 King-street Mrs-, dealer, 165 George- provision merchant, 6 Windy-wynd , Alexander, spirit Miss Isabella, milliner and dressmaker, street 252 George-street Alexander, grocer, provision merchant Miss, Rotunda-place, Ferryhill and porter dealer, 181 and 183, h. 185 Miss, of Echr, 97 Crown-street Gallowgate 1


Fraser, Alex., tea, wine, and spirit merchant, Fraser, John (of John Fraser and Son), h. 35 15 Marischal-street, h. 49 Constitution- Charlotte street street and Laidlaw, wine-merchants, and grocers ...—™ Alexander, grocer and spirit merchant, to H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent, 57 8 Upper Leadside, Gilcomston Union-street—foreman, George M'ln- Alexander, harbour day patrol, 10 Com- tosh, h. 2 Ragg's-lane merce-street Peter, principal clerk, goods department, ~~ Arthur, merchant, 42 Gordon-street Aberdeen Railway-station, h. 41 St.

,—. — Andrew, bookseller, New-market-gallery, Nicholas-street h. 14 Jopp's-lane ~ . Peter, tailor, 22 Shiprow Angus, and Co., grocers, tea, wine, and ™ Robert, stamper, Post-office, 87, Chapelr spirit merchants, 72 Union-street, cor- street

ner of St. Nicholas-street — ,— Thomas, (Aberdeen Brick and Tile Co.), Angus (of A. Fraser and Co.), h. Wood- h. Bank-street

bank, Pitfodels .—, — Thomas, shoemaker, shop and house, 5 —-~~ Charles, and Co., tailors and clothiers, 16 Princes-street Union-street, h. 6 Union-lane ~ William, surgeon, 8 Drum's-lane Charles, spirit dealer, 30 Justice-street William (of Fraser and Laidlaw), h. 2 „™,„~ David, gardener, Bonnymuir Crown-place David, spirit dealer, 52 George-street ™~ .William (of Fraser and Glennie), A. 41 Vic- David, letter-carrier, 2 Littlejohn-street toria-street-west

—„™ David (of John Fraser and Son), h. 28 —...—William, furnishing tailor, 39, h. 37 Castle- North Broadford street ~ George, grocer, shop and house, 104 Green —„™ William, spirit dealer, shop and house, I . George, oarmaker to H.R.H. the Prince Carmelite-lane of Wales, Waterside „~,™ Mrs., 42 Schoolhill

~~.,™, George, engineer (City of London), 23 . Mrs., straw-bonnet maker, 37 George- James-street street ~~» — and Glennie, furnishing tailors, 6 Concert- Mrs., 27 Whitehouse-street court, Broad-street ™ Mrs., spirit dealer, 36 West North- street

.—.„™ Hamilton, shipmaster, 18 James street „™ Miss, of Fraserfield, 9 Union-row

. Hugh, general blacksmith, 1, A. 25 Steps of , Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 25 Shiprow Gilcomston — Miss Mary, fancy hair worker, 63 Park- Hugh, clothier, hatter, and outfitter, 24 street and 30 Union-street, h. 8 Broadford- Miss, 24 Silver-street plaee Frater, James, clerk, City Chamberlain's Office, „™— Hugh, china and glass merchant, 55, h. 54 9 Huxter-row Castle-street Frederick, Charles, German-clock maker, 42

. James, (overseer, Commercial Co.), A. 14 George-street Marywell-street Herr, photographic artist, 2 1 Market- James, and Son, boot and shoemakers, 115 street, h. 32 Park-street Union-street John, watch and clockmaker, 5, h. 2J James, and Co., grocers, wine and spirit Broad-street merchants, 221 Union-street, and 1 Free Church Divinity Hall, Alford-place (see Dee-street Public Institutions) James (of J. Fraser and Co.), h. 54 Dee- French, William, baker, 6 Shiprow street „„ William, jun. grocer, wine and spirit mer- h. .—, — James, clerk, Seamen's Association, chant, 80 Broad-street, above shop Scott's-court, 25 Regent-quay, h. 1 French Vice- Consulate— Arthur Thomson, 35 James-street Castle-street, vice-consul

James, hairdresser, 18, Gallowgate, h. 1 Frost, Alexander, plasterer, 10, Kidd-lane h, Riddel's-court, Windmillbrae . William, (of William Clyne and Son), —„™ James, furnishing tailor, 6, h. also 6 17 Littlejohn-street Union-lane Mrs., sick nurse, 10 Kidd-lane Rev. James (of St. Clement's), 185 King- Fullerton, John, merchant, 31 Ann- street street „™ Robert C, day patrol, 29 James-street provision h. 90 , James (overseer, Gilcomston Comb-work) ™, Robert, merchant, 47, h. 48 Skene-square Gallowgate James, letter-carrier, 10 Gaelic-lane ,™„ Mrs., Craigie-street ™ John, clerk (Gas-works), 8 Constitution- „™„™ Mrs., lodgings, John-street street „™ Misses, boarding and day school for young ~~*„™ John (of J. Fraser and Son), A. 66 Bon- ladies, 137 Crown-street accord- street Fyfe, Alexander, shoemaker—shop and house, ™ John, tailor, 157 George-street 12 Crown-street John, tailor, 11 Gaelic-lane ^. Charles, house factor, and general agent

John, watchmaker, 166 Union-street, /*. 37 for letting and selling houses, lands, Whitehouse-street and other property— office, 43 Belmont- —,™ John, and Son, builders, John-street street, /*. 108 Crown-street —-


Gariocb, James, writer, 25 Belmont-street i Fyfe, George, grocer, 53 Shiprow h. Flourmill- John, hairdresser, Schoolhill, h. 9 North . JohD, blacksmith, Maltmill, 7 brae Broadford 22 St. Nicholas-street Mrs., (late of Strachan), Springbank-ter- . John, brushmaker, h. 16 Bon-accord-terrace race-west dealer shop and house Garnkirk Coal Co., manufacturers of fire clay . John, provision — 174 George-street goods—agent, G. Duncan, 39 Nether- 13 York-street kirkgate . Lewis, blockmaker, gardener, 26 Union-row Garrow, John, late manufacturer, 10 Trinity- . Robert, jobbing Broadford street . Mrs., grocer, 29 North and house, 58 Skene- „„ John, engineer, 27 East North-street . Mrs., merchant, shop square Garvie, James, wright, 12, h. 10 Summer-street dressmaker, 41 Black- Mrs., lodgings, 144 George-street . Mrs. P., milliner and friars-street Gas Light Co.'s Office, Gas-street (see Joint Misses, Ladies' boarding and day school, Stock Commercial Establishments) 108 Crown-street Gauld, Alexander, shipmaster (Victory), 27 Fyffe, Alexander, solicitor, 38 Castle-street, k. York-place 15 Skene-row George, lodgings, 23 Frederick-street j Fyvie, John, clerk, Post-office, 11 Charles-street Gavin, William, meal, grain, tea, and spirit dealer, 59 Schoolhill, corner of Belmont- Gael, Francis, spirit dealer, Calsayseat street, h. above shop Gage, Andrew, 44 Skene-street Geddes, George, builder, 13 Seamount-place

Galen, G., gardener, Polmuir and New-market . James, shoemaker, 14 Causewayend

Mrs. Alexander, 82 Crown-street . John, M.D., 37, Union-place Galena Investment Co.—cashiers and agents, ~~_~ John, mason, 14 Skene-street Stronach and Grainger, 20 King-street Samuel, grocer, 34 North Broadford, h. Gall, Andrew, house carpenter, 72 Bon-accord- above shop street .™ William D., teacher, Grammar school, h. and Bird, clothiers and outfitters, 46 Union- 3 Rosemount Terrace street Mrs., lodgings, Jopp's-court, 135 King- John, and Co., grocers and provision mer- street chants, 121 Gallowgate, h. Shewan's Miss, lodgings, 22 St. Nicholas-lane

Court, Gallowgate . „ Miss, lodgings, 18 St. Mary's-place William, 25 Constitution-street Gelan, John, M.D., 7 East Craibstone-street Mrs. Andrew, lodgings, 72 Bon-accord- Gellan, Alexander, precentor (North Church), street h. 62 Virginia-street Gallagher, James, pawnbroker, 1 Longacre, h William, keeper, Mechanics' News-room, 23 Castle-street— clerk, Alex. Panton, h. 24 Schoolhill 2 Nelson-street ™ Mrs., dressmaker, 62 Virginia-street Galloway, Mrs., merchant, 277 George-street Gellen, Peter, boot, shoe, and last maker, 6 Up- Gait, Mrs., sick-nurse, 24 Frederick-street perkirkgate, h. 24 Blackfriars-street Gammie, Mrs. John, 38 Gordon-street Gemlo, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 6 North Ganson, Herman, shipmaster (Jane Boyd), 59 Broadford Virginia-street General Fire and Life Assurance Co.—agent, Garden and Davidson, plasterers, 14 John-street Geo Allan, advocate, 1 Marischal-street George, baker, 32, h. 30 Schoolhill George, Charles (of Oswald, George, and Co.), George, turnkey, (Jail) 20 Dee-street h. 11 Chanonry, Old Aberdeen George, vintner, 16 York-street Gerard, Alexander, teacher (Gordon's Hospital), James (of Murray and Garden) h. 145 h. Balmoral-place

Crown-street . James, blacksmith and machine-maker, 30 James, broker, Forbes-court, Green, h. John-street, h. 82 Skene-square Short Loanings „ William, brewer (Devanha Brewery), h. James (of Garden and Davidson), 14 John- Millburn-street street William, cabinetmaker, 55 Huntly-street

L James, provision agent, 13 Causewayend . Mrs., midwife, 16 Thornton-place « John (Richards & Co., Broadford Works), .„ Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 97 Union- 137 Union-street street William, hair seating, and curled hair Gerrie, James (foreman, Aberdeen Rope and manufacturer—shop and house, 1 4 John- Sail Co.) A. 18 York-place street Gibb, Alexander (of John Gibb and Son), h. Willowbank : Mrs. George, 89 Bon-accord-street Mrs., spirit dealer, 61 West North-street Andrew (of Keith and Gibb), h. Twin Mrs., 25 Langstane-place Cottage, Chapel-street Miss, 121 Crown-street John, and Son, civil engineers, contractors, Mrs., dressmaker, 15 Skene-street and stone merchants, Waterloo-quay Gardiner, William, chimney-sweep, 11 Park- overseer, Alexander Riddle, h. 10 Church street street—assistant engineer, Mungo Park Mrs., teacher, 24 Belmont-street Smith —;


Gibb, William, shoemaker, 20 King-street, h. 9 Gillespie, Erskine, boot and shoe warehouse, 4, College-bounds, Old Aberdeen 5, and 6 New-market Gallery, h. 6 Gibb, Miss S., 15 Rose-street Donald's-court, Schoolhill Gibbon, Miss, Mackie-place, Skene-road James, Cottage Hotel, 8 Burnet's close, „™~. Misses, 6 Bon-accord- square Exchequer-row Misses, Nellfield House John, spirit dealer, 40 Loch-street

Gibbons, Charles, inn and lodgings, 64 Regent- . Mrs., vintner, 16 Steps of Gilcomston quay Girl's Hospital, 58 Gallowgate—(see Public Insti- Gibson, Brown, furnishing tailor, 6 Union-street, tutions} h. 1 Huxter-row Glasgow Parcel Delivery Conveyance—agent, Charles, chimney-sweep, 116 Gallowgate Charles Panton, 33 St Nicholas-street Thomas, broker, 9 Park -street Glegg, George, and Sons, confectioners, 215 ™™ Thomas, shuttle maker, 35 Union-terrace Union-street „~~ Thomas B. (of J. Lumsden and Co.) h. 77 George (of G. Glegg and Sons), h. 28 Chapel-street Dee -street

. William, of Kinmundy, Skene, 1 Spring- Robert (of G. Glegg and Sons), h. 37 bank-terrace Shiprow m Mrs. George, 1 5 Skene-row Glenburn Distillery, Rubislaw — proprietors, m Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 24 Brown, Farquhar and Co.—managing Belmont Street partner, William Farquhar, h. Villa Gifford and Son, carvers and gilders, 187 Union- Franca street. Glennie, George, baker, 17, h. 15 Crown Street

, James (of Gifford and Son) h. 3 South ™— Charles, coach-proprietor, 49 Queen-street College-street John (of Fraser and Glennie), 87 Chapel- Gilbert, Thomas, teacher, (Juvenile Industrial street School, Sugarhouse-lane), h. Holburn- _— William, innkeeper, 49 Queen-street place Mrs., 33 North Broadford William, criminal officer, Garden's lane, —~ Mrs., Alexander, of Maybank, Hutcheon- North-street street Gilbertson, George, shipmaster (James Duff), Mrs., midwife, 16 Longacre St Clement's-lane Miss, (Galleries), Mackie-place Gilchrist, Gordon, merchant tailor, 2 h. also 2 Globe Fire, Life, and Annuity Insurance—agent, Gallowgate Henry C. Oswald, 30 Marischal-street

,_. Miss, 14 Chapel-street Glover, Lieutenant T. B., 135 King-street Gilcomston Brewery Co., brewers, flour and meal Goldie and Hay, sailmakers, 21 St. Clement- merchants—proprietors, the Baker In- street corporation—manager, John Webster, James, shipowner (of Goldie and Hay), h. A. within premises—brewer, John Sin- Prospect Cottage clair, h. Gilcomston Cottage, 31 Skene- „~~ John, shipmaster, Bank-street, Ferryhill square—clerk, James Gray, jun., A. Golipher, Michel, chimney sweep, 18 Windmill Braehead, Gilcomston. brae Gilcomston Comb Works, Steps of Gilcomston Goodbrand, Mrs, lodgings, 30 Upperkirkgate

proprietor, John M'Pherson, h. Ann- . Miss, dressmaker, 4 Little Chapel-street place—manager, James M'Pherson, h. Misses, dressmakers and milliners, 188 58 Catherine-street—overseers, Alex- George-street ander Reid, k. 4 North Broadford Goodsman, Mrs. J., stoneware merchant, 16 Up- James Fraser, h. 48 Skene-square. per Leadside, Gilcomston Alexander Forsyth, k. 28 Waverly- Goodwin, William, mail-guard, 3 Queen-street street Goodridge, Mrs, 24 Marywell-street Gildawie, Alexander, builder, 53 Huntly-street Gordon, Alexander, manager, Aberdeen Quill Giles, James, R. S. A., portrait and landscape Company, h. 40 Constitution-street . painter, 64 Bon-accord-street Alex., advocate and commissary-clerk, Gill, David (of Farquhar and Gill), h. 6 Caro- Record Office, King-street, h. 42 Castle- line-place street, and Culter-house. „™. David (of Gill and Smith) h. 48 Skene- „„ Alexander, druggist, 162 Union-street terrace Alex., shipmaster (Richard Grainger), hi John, spirit dealer, 13, h. 18 Queen street 37 Park Street and Smith, wholesale watchmakers, 80 Andrew, merchant, 9 Upper Leadside Union-street Charles S., inspector of branches, North Mrs., lodgings, 36 Queen-street of Scotland Bank, h. 26 Ferryhill-place Miss, 216 Gallowgate Charles, cooper and provision merchant, Misses, 4 Bon-accord-square 57 Green, h. 3 Millburn street—princi- Gillan, (William (Custom-houses), h. 60 Queen- pal assistant, Ernest Donald, h. 34 This- street tle-street Gillanders, James, sexton, (St. Clement's Church Charles, gardener, Cooperston, Holburn* yard), and funeral undertaker, 3, h. 1 street Commerce-lane Rev. (Charles, Roman Catholic Chapel), Miss, dressmaker, 1 Commerce-lane L Catholic Schools, Constitution-street I —


Gordon, Francis, of Craig and Kincardine, ad- Gordon, Miss, of Pitlurg, 9 Golden-square vocate, and Clerk of the Peace for Miss Ann, dressmaker, 26 Dee-street Aberdeenshire—Eecord Office, King- Misses, dressmakers, 50 Gordon-street street, h. 13 Golden-square Miss, lodgings, 22 Union-terrace late merchant, 42 Chapel- street „~~„ Miss, 11, Victoria-street-west | George, George, flesher, 1 Hutcheon-street Gordon's (Robert) Hospital, 58 Schoolhill (see George, secretary and treasurer, Gas Light Public Institutions) Co., h. 26 Ferryhill-place Gossip, Alexander, mealseller, 63 Shiprow George, spirit dealer, 6 Flourmillbrae Government Emigration Agency for Australia, W Henry, teacher, Free Holburn School, h. 43 Marischal-st. —agent, J. T. Rennie Cooperston-row Gowan, Mrs., 2 Hanover-lane Hugh, and Co., ironmongers to the Queen, Gorard, Mrs., spirit merchant, shop and house, 89 Broad-street—manufactory, 14 Gal- 41 George-street lowgate—traveller, G. H. Gray, h. Cop- Gowans, James, supervisor of Inland Revenue, per Co.'s-court, 14 Gallowgate 112 King-street, h. Thistle-cottage, Thistle-street : and Hunter, advocates, 14 Adelphi James, cooper, 2 Chronicle-lane, h. 56 Gowie, Stephen, provision merchant, shop and Longacre house, 77 Guestrow „„™ John, cooper and fishcurer, 13 York- street, Gracie, James, builder, 59 Huntly-street h. 6 Garvock street Graham, George, merchant, 124, h. 119 Chapel- John, shipmaster (Patriot), 27 James-st., street John, carter, 14 Catherine-street Joseph, ropemaker, (G. and W. Davidson), John, wrigkt, Henderson's-ct., 46 Broad- 2 Links-street street, h. Jopp's-court, 40 Broad-street Grammar School, 52—56 Schoolhill {see Public „ Patrick R., writer (J. and A. Blaikie), /*. Institutions') 8 Bon-accord-lane Grainger, Charles, advocate (of Stronach and Peter, china and glass merchant, 51 St. Grainger), agent for the Colonial Life Nicholas-street, h. 2 Donald's-ct., School- Assurance Co., h. 11 North Silver-street hill John, railway contractor, 5 Devanha-place, Robert, flesher, 122 Chapel-street Ferryhill and Smith, police contractors, 81 West Miss, 1 1 North Silver-street North-street Grange, Mrs., spirit dealer, 53 John-street Thomas (of T. and G. Gordon), Berryden- Grant, Archibald, hairdresser, shop and house, house 64 Broad-street „ Thomas and George, grocers, wine and and Bisset, builders, 8 Forbes-street, and spirit merchants, 203 Union-street 110 Loch-street

principal assistant, Daniel D. Reid, /*. „, Charles, auctioneer, appraiser, and general 24 Gordon -street [wynd agent, 15 Mealmarket-street Thomas, horse-hirer and stabler, 15 Back- David, successor to John Duncan, tobac- Majesty, 25 Union-street . William, (of Gordon and Hunter), /*. Rae- conist to Her den David, bootmaker, 3 South Silver-street, ~, William, sharebroker and commission mer- h. 4 Thistle -street [street chant, 5 King-street, h. 11 Bon-accord- ~™„ Donald, provision merchant, 12 Maberly- square — principal-clerk, John M'Al- Donald, grocer and spirit dealer, 59 Guest- dowie, h. 13 Prince Regent-street row William, commercial traveller, 76, h. 95 Douglas, serjeant, harbour-police, 1 Mary- King-street well-street and Grant), h. - Mrs. and Misses, milliners and dress-ma- _™ D. R. Lyall (of Brebner kers, 21 Schoolhill Marine-terrace, Ferryhill Mrs. B., midwife, Watt's-court, 46 Virgi- George, spirit merchant, 14 Netherkirkgate nia-street George, advocate, office and house, 10 Mrs. Alex., lodgings, 74 Union-street King-street Constitution-street Mrs. Alex., Millburn-street . ™ George, lodgings, 13 I George, clerk, 63 Park-street —. Mrs., 2 Longacre, and Gowanbrae, Cause- ~~~ wayend George, furniture-dealer, 29, h. 27 Gallow- Mrs. John S., 93 Crown-street gate Mrs., 8 Bon-accord-square „, Rev. James, teacher, Donaldson's School, Cottage ~~— Mrs., 3 Bon-accord-square Back-wynd, h. Eastfield Mrs. L., 5 Schoolhill Sir James, of Moneymusk, h. Woodhill . Mrs. Ralph, lodgings, 26 Dee-street ~~~ James, shipmaster (Sportsman), 58 Ship- Mrs. Dr., lodgings, 83 Union street row Mrs. George, Ferryhill-place _~~ James, clerk (Stamps and Taxes), h. 35 ~ Mrs. of Craigmile, Hawthorn- cottage, Victoria-street- west Cooperston John and William, clothiers, 16 Broad-st. (of and Grant), h. 85 Crown- Mrs. Robert, 290 George-street . John J. W. Mrs. Thomas, 31 Frederick-street street flesher, 8, 9 New-market, A. 35 . Mrs. John, 66 Gerrard-street John, 7, Miss, dressmaker, 106 George-street Wales-street I 1 , —


Grant, John, spirit dealer, shop and house, 89 Gray, John, flesher, 19 New-market, h. 87 Loch-street Wales-street „ John, spirit dealer, shop and house, 18 John, coachman, 7 Little Belmont-street Maberly-street John, officer, West Church, 36 Crown- „„ John, shipmaster (Camelia), 5 Catto- court, Upperkirkgate square [street ™_ John, late merchant, 14 Gallowgate John (of Grant and Bisset), h. 8 Forbes- Robert, gardener, New-market and Goose- John R., merchant, 56 St. Nicholas-street, berry-bank, Old Hardgate h. 73 St. Andrew-street Robert, clerk, Post-office, 5 Little Chapel- John, grocer, 9 Upperkirkgate, h. 5 Black's- street buildings [lane ~™~ Rev. Robert A., teacher (Public Schools), Lachlan, tailor and clothier, 1 5 Chronicle- h. Berryden-house ™~_ Patrick, surgeon, 171 Gallowgate, h. 6 ™ Walter (Pratt and Keith), 53 Union-street, Innes-street h. 32 Adelphi - Petei , grocer and spirit dealer, shop and . Watt, and Co., rope manufacturers, 162 house, 54 Green West North-street

. Robert, dial-maker, 24 Frederick-street ™™ William, ironmonger, 52 and 53 New- ™~ Robert, flesher, 34 Queen-street market Gallery, h. 57 Green «.— William (of J. and W. Grant), /*. 85 Crown- ~~— William, tea merchant, 39 Green, h. 115 street Crown-street William, flesher, 2 New-market, h. 84 ~™~ William, merchant, 292 George-street, h. Shiprow Hutcheon-street

William, grocer and spirit dealer, 8 Justice- . Mrs. Adam, 5 Union-place street, h. above shop -™~ Mrs., lodgings, 7 John-street

Mrs Samuel, Bloomfield, Holburn-road ——. Mrs., milliner and straw-bonnet-maker, 2 Mrs., provision merchant, shop and house, Charlotte-street 34 Loch-street Mrs. E., 46 Victoria-street-west

. . Mrs. Ludovic, 1 5 Belmont-street Mrs., vintner, York-place —_ Mrs., lodgings, 21 Silver-street Miss M., provision dealer, 57 Shiprow

Miss, 51 Bon-accord- street .— Miss Mary, Maunofield Miss, of Monymusk, 1 1 Belmont-street Great North of Scotland Railway—office, 75 ~~— Misses L. and F., milliners and dress- Union-street, and when new building makers, 24 Dee-street is ready, 177 Union- street—secretary, Gray, Alexander, wholesale and retail bookseller Robert Milne, C.E. and stationer, 23 St. Nicholas-street, h. Great North of Scotland Railway Constabulary, 16 Backwynd Lieut. William Anderson, chief con- Alexander (of Gray, Watt and Co.), h. stable and superintendent, 21 Union- 77 West North-street terrace. -~-~- Alexander, shipmaster, 6 Garvock-street Greach, Mrs., lodgings, 30 Dee-street

~ . Alexander, coach builder, 101, h. 103 King- Green, James, clothier, 90, h. 88 Woolmanhill street John, cashier, City of Glasgow Bank, h. Alexander, watch and clockmaker, 1 90 Union-street Netherkirkgate, h. Steps of Gilcomston Peter, horse and shoe farrier, 9 Chronicle- Alexander, shoemaker, 1^ Canal-terrace lane, h. 9 Princes-street Charles, cooper, Heetor's-court, Commerce- Greenlaw, William, china glass and stoneware- court, /*. 58 Longacre merchant, shop and house, 78 Queen-

. Rev. Charles, 85 Hutcheon-street street

. Daniel, tea, wine, and grocery merchant, Gregory, William, keeper of Advocates' Hall, h. 22 Union-street, h. 153 Crown-street Advocates'-buildings, Union-street

. David, house steward, Gordon's Hospital Greig, George (of W. and G. Greig), h. 28

. David, professor of Natural Philosophy, Summer-street Marischal College, h. 15 Union- place George, mason, 28 Summer-street

. David, grocer and spirit dealer, 56 Ship- James, grocer and spirit dealer, 28, h. 26 row, h. Tullis Causewayend

. George, merchant, 7 Marischal-street, h. 5 James, tailor and lodging-house keeper, 5 Dee-place Guestrow

. James, general agent, commission mer- ™™ James, shoemaker, 89 Queen-street, h. chant, and ship-broker, 58 Marischal- Nelson-street street, h. Braehead of Gilcomston John, cabinetmaker—saleroom, 129 King- James, jun., flesher, 22 New-market, h. street—workshop, 11 Princes-street h. York-place 126 King-street

James, flesher, 33 Basement-floor, New- . ~ John E. (N. S. Bank), 126 King-street market, h. Holburn-street John, surgeon, R.N., 84 Crown-street

James, tollkeeper, Rubislaw . Robert, mason, 30 Summer-street Rev. James, teacher, Union School, Vir- William, vintner, 19 Lodge-walk ginia-street, A. 102 Chapel-street William (of W. and G. Greig), 27 Thistle- John, engineer (M'Kinnon and Co.'s), 140 street George-street W. and G. builders, Thistle-street —— —


Greig, Mrs., ginger-beer brewer, 13 Longacre Harbour, and Shore-dues Office, Regent-quay, Mrs., 3 Little Chapel-street (see Public Institutions) Mrs. Jane, vintner, 43, h. 45 Lodge-walk Hardie, William, spirit merchant, 27 Loch-street

, Miss, dressmaker, milliner, and straw-hat- Hardy, William, watch and clock maker, 17 maker, Greig's-court, Windmillbrae Huxter-row Miss, lodgings, 132 Union-street Hargitt, John, (of Devanha Comb-work Co.), h. Griffith, Charles F. manager, Scottish Provincial Bank-street, Ferryhill Assurance Co. —office and house, 89 Harkess, Peter, dog trainer and bird catcher, 72 Union-street Causewayend -~~— Rev. D. (see Late List") Harp, Alexander, (late Lighthouse keeper), Grigor, Robert (of Grigor and Reid), agent, lodgiugs, 10 Canal-street Commercial Bank, 9, h. 7 King-street Harper, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 57, ~~.— and Reid, advocates, 7 King-street h. 55 Virginia-street

Groundwater, Alexander L., clerk, Gas Light — .— John, mealseller, 61 Virginia-street Co., 28 Thistle-street —~«~ William, boot and shoemaker, 237, h. 239 Grub, George, advocate — office, Advocates'- George-street—Receiving Post Office, buildings, Union-street, h. 56 Dee-street 237 George-street ,~~— James,vintuer, shop and house, 11 Chapel- Mrs. Alexander, 47 Green street ~™~— Mrs., lodgings, 19 Union-buildings Guardian, Fire, Life, and Annuity Insurance Harrier, Robert, spirit dealer, 103, h. 103^ John- agent, A. Chivas, advocate, National street Bank-court, 42 Castle-street Harris, John, spirit dealer, 72 Woolmanhill Guild, John, shipmaster, 7 Church-street Harrison, George, post-horse-master, and livery Gunn, John, manager, J. and P. Camei'on, rail- stable keeper, —Horse Bazaar, St. way agents, h. Woodside Andrew-street, and 196 George-street, Mrs., spirit dealer, 21 Hutcheon-street h. 28 St. Andrew-street Guthrie, Mrs, sick- nurse, 4 Thistle-street Harrow, James, dairy, Bankhead, Pitmuxton ~~.— James, farmer, Outseats, Pitmuxton Hackney, George, shipmaster, 29 Broad-streeet Mrs., midwife, 5 Schoolhill Hadden, Alexander, and Sons, manufacturers, Miss, vintner, 18 Wales-street Green —manager, J. O. Haigh, h. 27 Hart, Rev. Hugh (Zion Chapel, John-street), h. Ferryhill-place — principal counting- 70 Dee- street room assistant, A. D. Scott, h. 84 Bon- Harvey, Andrew, boot and shoe maker, 5 Mar- accord- street ischal-street, h. Commercial-court, 58

~™ —, Alexander, of Persley, Grandholm-lodge Castle-street James Farquhar (of A. Hadden and Sons), George T., clerk (Aberdeen Railway Co.), k. 33 Bon-accord-lerrace h. 37 Victoria-street-west Gavin, (of A. Hadden and Sons), h. Union- William, grocer and spirit dealer, 56 grove Regent-quay, h. 2 Canal-lane Haigh, James Overend (manager, A. Hadden Hatt, John L, 23 Castle-street and Sons), h. 27 Ferryhill-place „, William, merchant, 270 George-street Hall, Alexander, and Sons, shipbuilders, York- ™.— Miss, 23 Castle-street street— principal book-keeper, William Hay, Alexander, shipowner (of Goldie and Hay), Shirer, h. 13 Bon-accord-lane Mount-street Alexander, wood-measurer, 45 Welling- —~~ Alexander, japanner, 11, & 13 Thornton- ton-street place, Guestrow James (of A. Hall and Sons), Waterside ™ Alexander, spirit dealer, I Trinity-quay James, carter, 75 West North-street and Co., grocers and spirit dealers, shop ~~»— John, wholesale warehouseman, 43 Broad- and house, 92 Shiprow street, h. 13 Union-place —~~ Alexander, draper, 133 Union-street, k,

,—~~ William (of A. Hall and Sons), h. 48 1 Blackfriars-street York- street James, late merchant, 1 Blackfriars-st. ™ Mrs. Alexander, 47 York-street —„~~ James H., (of James and John Hay), h. Miss, dress and bonnet maker, 45 Wel- 19 Guestrow [street lington-street James, minibus proprietor, 5, h. 3 Gordon-

, Miss, governess of Shaw's Hospital, 91 ™, James, spirit dealer, Hadden-street Gallowgate „»~ John, spirit dealer, 20 Green, h. 1 Hamilton, John, cutler, 17 George- street, k. 25 Hadden-street Loch-street ~_ John, spirit dealer, 22 Green

Handyside, Geo, shoemaker, 3 Broad-street , . ~ John, late carver and gilder, Broomhill- manager, Robert Simpson, h. 15 cottage James-street <™ John, jun. (of James and John Hay), h.

Hannan, Mrs., housekeeper, Trades' Assembly 1 9 Guestrow House, 153 Union-street „^ James and John, carvers, gilders, and Hanoverian Royal Consul, W. L. Thomson, 21 printsellers, to Her Majesty the Queen, Quay H. R. H. Prince Albert, and H. R. H. Hanseatic Vice -Consul, W. L. Thomson, 21 the Duchess of Kent, 2 Market-street Quay workshop, 19 Guestrow —


Hay, Robert, merchant, 18 Blackfriars-street Henderson, Miss, dressmaker, 20 Skene-terrace ~~ William, bootmaker, 1 13 Union-street, h. Hendry, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 36, 11 Seamount-place h. 34 Gallowgate William, provision dealer, 144^ George-st. George (of J. & G. Hendry), h. Beattie's- Mrs., merchant, 26 Gerrard-street court, 102 Gallowgate Mrs., lodgings, 29 Skene-street „™ J. and G., fleshers, 92 Gallowgate Miss," dressmaker, 8 Carmelite-street „~. John (of J. and G. Hendry), h. Charles- —„™. Miss, sick-nurse, 26 Gerrard-street —„™ Mrs., midwife, 81 Shiprow [street

. Miss, teacher and matron, Girls' Hospital, Henry, Andrew, stabler, 180 Gallowgate 56 (fhllowgate ™» George, bookseller, 78 Broad-street, h. 68 Miss, lodgings, Strawberrybank Skene-square

Hector, James, tea and spirit dealer, Holburn-st. . . George, merchant (Hugh Gordon and -~~ John, provision merchant, 51 Green Co.), 1 Gallowgate

William, shoemaker, Holburn-street . James, mail-guard, 99 George-street Heintzler, Malle., teacher of French, 26 Dee-st. Mrs., midwife, 180 Gallowgate Henderson, Alexander, advocate—office, 26, h. 32 Herald, James, teacher, 24 Schoolhill St. Nicholas-street Hill, Isaac, teacher, seminary and house, 19

, , Alexander, grocer, shop and house 38 Queen-street Gallowgate „™ Peter, jun., innkeeper and stabler, 1 Har- „™„™ Alexander, shipmaster, 10 Marywell-st. riet-street „. Alexander, bookbinder and stationer 2, Hird, Miss, milliner, 4 Black's-buildings Broad-street, h. 19 Union-Buildings Hiscote, George, provision dealer, 10 Virginia- David, fishing-tackle-maker, 5, h. also 5 street Castlebrae Hobart, Thomas, wright and funeral undertaker, -,~,— James, architect and builder— agent for 15 James-street, h. 2 Bannermill-street M'Neil and Co.'s Patent Felt, 120 Hobnail, John, spirit dealer, 45 East North-street

Loch-street . Hobson, Richard (Post-office), h. Ferryhill- „ James, grocer and spirit merchant, shop place and house, 21 Gordon-street Hodge, John, cutler, surgical-instrument, ban- „~.„™ John, shipmaster, 23 Prince Regent-street dage, and artificial limb-maker, 41 „. John, tailor, 15 Windy-wynd Union-street, h. 5 Rosemount-terrace „~ John, chemist and druggist, 30 George-st. Hodgson, Benjamin (wool-buyer, A. Hadden h. 120 Hadden-street, Woodside and Sons), h. 57 Quay „„~— John, porter, 251 George-street Hogarth, Alexander P. (of D. Hogarth and Co.), ,~~ John, fishing-tackle-maker, and preserver h. 261 Union-street of animals and birds, 85 Spring-garden ,™ Dickson, and Co., preserved provision-

„~- ,— Robert, shoemaker, 80 Skene-street, h. 20 merchants, 74 College-street—princi- Skene-terrace pal bookeeper, David Macdonald, h. —„— Robert, plasterer (of Bowman and Co.), 8 South Constitution-street k. 4 John-street and Co., merchants, 68 College-street —„™ William, and Son, architects and builders, Hugh (of Hogarth and Co.), h. Ruby- 66 Loch-street cottage, North Silver-street .~~™„ William (of W. Henderson and Son), h. Thomas, Elmfield 2 Carden-place William (of Hogarth and Co.), h. 261 —.~™ William Low (of W. Henderson & Son), Union-street h. 66 Loch-street Hogg, George, wright, Holburn-street, h. Twin- ,™,~~. William, painter, glazier, and paper- cottage, Holburn-street hanger, 5 Dee-street, — workshop, 76 „™ Peter, tinsmith, 20 Carmelite-street, A. 20 and 77 Windmillbrae, h. 3 St. Mary's- Trinity-street place, Crown-st.— clerk, James Leding- W. and A., wrights, 7J Carmelite-street

ham, h. 7 Carmelite-street . Mrs., register office, 122 George-street „„™— William, M.D., lecturer on Materia Me- „ Miss Charlotte, teacher (Free John dica, Marischal College, h. 49 Schoolhill Knox School), k. East Twin-cottage,

—, — William, civil engineer and land sur- Holburn-street veyor, 90 Union-street Holland, Frederic, manufacturer (Richard and

—. — William (of G. Thompson, jun., and Co.), Co.), 15 Golden-square h. 13 North Silver-street Holmes, William (Hogarth and Co.), h. 13 Bon- —„™ William, gunmaker and cutler, 89, King- accord-lane street, h. 27 Frederick-street William, jun. (Hogarth and Co.), h. 13; William, jun. (of Barry, Henry, and Co.), Bon-accord-lane [gate h. 28 Skene-terrace ™ Mrs. Joseph, lodgings, 73 Netherkirk- William (foreman, G. Cornwall, printer), Hood, Walter, and Co., shipbuilders, Footdee h. 30 Frederick-street manager, James Buyers, h. 3 Constitu- Mrs. George, Leadside, Gilcomston tion-street Mrs. James, Gilcomston ™ Walter (of Walter Hood and Co.), h. 4'

—. — Mrs. John, 21 Bon-accord-street Canal- terrace Mrs., 3 Skene-row Horn, James, manager, Commercial Co., h.

, Mrs. W., stay-maker, 42 Queen-street Springbank-terrace ,


Home, James, sheriff officer for the shires of Hutchison, George, grocer, 24 /;. 68 Skene- Aberdeen and Kincardine, 8 Gallow- square [street gate Hutton, Edward, hairdresser, 114, h. 95 Skene- „~. Robert B., clerk (W. Adamson), h. 8 John, grocer, 177 Gallowgate, h. 5 Sea- Gallowgate mount-place Hossack, Archibald, fruit merchant, 62 Union- Mrs., lodgings, 120 King-street street, h. Skene-square House of Refuge, Duthie's-court, 45 Guestrow Imlay, Alexander, late printer, 9 Constitution- (spe Public Institutions) street Howatt, Robert, coach-guard, Victoria-place George, spirit dealer, 8 Netherkirkgate, Howling, Thomas, shipmaster, 80 Waterloo- h. 3 Park-street-place quay William, grocer, 37 Commerce-street, h. ~~~~~ Mrs. Captain Edward, 41 York-street 3 Park-street-west Howie, Mrs., provision dealer, and register Imperial Fire Insurance—agent, William Smith, office, 46 Frederick-street 142 King- street Huddlestone, Mrs., 143 George-street Imray, David, glass and stoneware merchant,

.— Mrs , lodgings, 49 Broad-street 70, h. 68 Woolmanhill Hughes, George, ship, sign, and ornamental „~— George, teacher, Rubislaw School—house carver, 21, h. also 21 York-street above school Robert, engraver and lithographic printer, Income Tax Office, 25 Belmont-st.—N. Burnett, 15 Netherkirkgate, h. 18 North Broad- clerk to commissioners ford Independent Fire, Life, and Annuity Assurance Humphrey, John (of Comalegy), Springhank- —agent, W. Stevenson, Belmont-street terrace Infirmary, Royal, Woolmanhill, (see Public In- William (of Cuttlehill), 108 King-street stitutions) Miss, 44 Whitehouse-street Inglis, Alexander, ship-chandler, 28 Quay, h. 6 Huntly Distillery Co.—agent, G. Duncan, 39 Castlehrae Netherkirkgate [street George, late manufacturer, Ivy-cottage Hunter, Alexander, merchant, 63 h. 61 Huntly- George, -wholesale grocer, Crown-court,

! Arthur, spirit dealer, shop and house, 137 Union-street, h. 60 Dee-st. —traveller, Gallowgate G. A. Aberdein, h. 130 Union-street John M'Kenzie, clerk (Inland Revenue), James, baker, 32 A. 30 Gallowgate 116 King-street ™-v— William, baker, 67 A. 61 Broad-street

~-~.— Robert W., teacher of music, and musical , Miss, Rosemount instrument seller, 16 Huxter-row Ingram, Alexander, house- carpenter, 25 Sea- William, commission merchant & general mount-place agent, 115 Union-street, h. 50 Chapel- James, tailor, 64, h. also 64 Broad-street street [den William, wright, 91 Loch-street William (of Gordon and Hunter), k. Rae- -~~~*~ Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 64 Broad- ,~~™. William, clerk (Northern Assurance Co.), street Marywell-bank, Mary well- street Inland Revenue Office, 116 King-street William, grocer and spirit dealer, 30 Park- —~~. Revenue (Stamps & Taxes), Advocates'- street, h. 47 Frederick-street buildings William C, of Tillery, 12 Albyn-place Iunes, Daniel, hairdresser, 67 Netherkirkgate Mrs. William, music teacher, Music George, Ivy-cottage Loanhead Academy, 115 Union-street, h. 50 George, plasterer, 103 George-street Chapel-street George, shipmaster (Countess of Seafield), Mrs., 48 Constitution-street k. 44 Chapel-street Mrs., 4 Black's-buildings ~»~~~, John B., slater and slate merchant, 1 7 ~~ Mrs., dressmaker and milliner, 13 Black's- Rose-street buildings -~~~~« Robert, fish and game dealer, 60, and 61 ~-~— Miss, dressmaker, Kingsland-place Basement-floor, New-market, h. 13 Misses, 30 North Broadford Carmelite-street Hurry, Alexander (of W. Hurry and Sons), h. ~~ Mrs. Thomas, 125 Crown-street 24 Frederick-street Mrs., lodgings, 23 Broad-street „™— William, and Sons, nail, heel, and toeplate —~~» Mrs., John, 14 Chapel-street

manufacturers, 20 Frederick-street —. — Miss, (Edingight) 26 Silver-street Hutcheon, Alexander, cabinetmaker and up- Miss, 251 Union-street

holsterer, 7 Carmelite- lane —, Miss, dressmaker, 23 Broad-street Alexander, 77 West North-street Inspector of Weights for the town and county Andrew, heddlemaker, 12, h. also 12 —office, 13 Littlejohn-street Forbes-street Insurance Company of Scotland—Wm. Skinner, —~— John, upholsterer and cabinetmaker, 3 advocate, 173 Union-street, agent Correction- wynd Ireland, James, baker, 81, h. 79 Bon-accord-st. ~»~— Robert, flesher, 48 New-market, h. Gar- Ironside, James, grocer, 53, h. 55 Gallowgate logie, Skene John, clerk, 97 Wales-street William (of White and Hutcheon), h. 59 .~~.~~ Patrick, auctioneer and appraiser, 47 Bon-accord -street Broad-street, h. 3 Blairton-lane 70 NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY.

Ironside, William, house carpenter and builder, Jamieson, Thomas, wright and funeral waiter, 9, h. 8 Spa-street 9, h. also 9 Carmelite-street Mrs., eating-house, 27 Mealmarket-street „^> William, cashier, Bannermill, h. 61 Park- Irvine, Alexander, shoemaker—officer to the street Shoemaker Trade, & convener's officer Mrs., midwife and sick-nurse, 15 St. to the Seven Incorporated Trades, h. 25 Nicholas-street Longacre Mrs. Robert, sen., 50 Castle-street „w» John, piano-forte tuner and repairer, 243 Jamson, Mrs. Captain, lodgings, 36 Union-street h. also 243 George-street Miss, matron, Gordon's Hospital Mrs., lodgings, 33 Charlotte-street Jazdowzki, John, artist and teacher of French, Italian, and German, 120 Crown-street Jackson, George, principal beadle of Mariners' Jenkins, John, boot and shoemaker, 29 Nether- Church, and officer to the United Coal kirkgate

Fund, h. 18 Mary well-street . Mrs., grocer, 42 York-street .™» Henry, M.D., and surgeon, 34 Woolman- Jessiman, Alexander, spirit dealer, 51 Upper hill, h. 7 Black's- buildings Denburn William, boot and shoemaker, Hender- ,~«~~ George, spirit dealer, 24 Castle-street son's-court, 46 Broad-street George, spirit dealer, 80 Loch-street ,™— William, tailor, 29 Hutcheon-street Thomas, spirit dealer, 14 Park-street William jun., tea and spirit merchant, 67 Johnston, Alexander, 26 North Broadford Gallowgate, h. 29 Hutcheon-street Alexander, brewer, Strathdee Distillery, „~— Miss, milliner and dressmaker, Hender- Cooperston buildings son's-court, 46 Broad-street Alexander, builder, 32 Thistle-street Jaffray, David, mealseller, 68 West North-street Andrew, cashier, Adam and Ander- George, messenger, 5 Castlebrae son, h. 10 Queen-street James, merchant, 108 Chapel-street Fraser L., tea, wine, and spirit merchant, ~™— Thomas, and Sons, general merchants, 7 2 King-street, h. 5 Huntly-street Commerce-street George, tidewaiter, Customs, k. 48 Com- ™ We L., shoemaker, 36, h. 22 Broad-st. merce-street engineer (Earl of Aberdeen), h. .—. — Mrs. William, 45 Constitution-street George, James, William, brewer and maltster, 213, h. 61 Commerce-street 211 King-street „™ and Laird, furnishing tailors, 36 Union- Jameson, John, teller, Town and County Bank, street h. 1 Denburn-terrace James, mealseller, 60 Virginia-street Mrs., 1 Denburn-terrace James, furnishing tailor, 18, h. 20 Wool- Mrs. John, 41 Chapel-street manhill ,™— Miss, dressmaker, 41 Chapel-street James, messenger-at-arms, 29 Broad-st. Jamieson, Alexander, drill-master, Gordon's „„ John, blacksmith, and heel and toe-plate Hospital, and teacher of broadsword maker, 75, h. also 75 Gallowgate and calisthenic exercises, 112 Chapel-st. John, stabler, 6, Little Belmont-street Alexander, cutler, 26 Lodge-walk John, grocer, 86, h. 88 Upper Denburn Alexander, tea and coffee merchant, 13 Joseph, spirit dealer, 54 Netherkirkgate Regent-quay, A. Middleton-cottage, „„ Robert, merchant and shipowner, 25 York- Summer-street place, h. 3 Golden-square George, (of Jamieson and Mitchell), h. William (of Johnston and Laird), h. 23 33 Dee-street Broad-street 91" —,~~ George, jeweller to the Queen, silversmith Mrs., lodgings, Henderson's-court, and watchmaker, 107 Union-street, h. Gallowgate West Craibstone-street —summer resi- Mrs., sen., 3 Golden-square dence, Middleton, Pitfodels —principal Mrs. William, 10 Queen -street assistant, Henry Gilfillan, h. 6 Broad- Thirza, sick-nurse, 47 Frederick-street ford-place Miss, teacher (John Knox's School), h. 10 ^~ James, M.D., 148 Union-street Queen-street

«~„ James (of J. Fraser and Co.), h. 1 1 Union- , Miss, teacher of English, music, and row French, 25 Victoria-street-west James, precentor (Free North Church), Miss, Calsayseat teacher of vocal music, and jobbing Johnstone, Alexander Y., clerk, h. 3 Skene-row gardener, h. Rosemount-place ^^ Joseph, umbrella maker, 2 Blackfriars- James, mason, Bank-street street, h. 27 Woolmanhill John, grocer, 25 St. Clement-street Jolly, Miss, dressmaker, 48 Frederick-street seller, 6 Crown-st. John, commission-merchant, ship, and in- . Miss Jane, provision surance broker, 56 Marischal-street, h. Jopp andShand, advocates, 31 Gallowgate—prin- Albyn-place cipal assistants, Alexander G. Cardno, „™ and Mitchell, tea, coffee, and wine mer- Alexander Paul, John Watt, and Wil- chants, 38 Union-street liam Moir Robert, M. D., resident physician and su- ™. Alex, (of Jopp and Shand), h. Elmhill perintendent of Aberdeen Lunatic Asy- John, grocer and spirit dealer, 62, h. 60 lum, h. Superintendent's house, Asylum Gallowgate —


Jopp, William (of Allardyce and Jopp), 31 Gal- Kemp, Robert, grain merchant and tacksman, lowgate Ferryhill meal, flour, and barley mills Mrs. Andrew, 31 Gallowgate office, 59 and 60 Castle- street, A. 155 Joss, Charles, tailor, 91, A. also 91 Skene-street Crown- street shipmaster (Centaur), 4 Castle- .„_ Mrs., lodgings, 86^- Crown-street , James, lane Kenn, Mrs., 17 Huntly-street shipmaster, 3 Church-street Kennedy, Charles, clerk (North of Scotland . James, wright, Upper-denburn, A. 95 Bank), A. Strawberrybank . James, Skene-street „ David H., commissary-clerk-depute, Re- provision merchant, 47 Loch-street, cord Office, King-street , John,

-A. 5 Charlotte-street . James (of Philip and Kennedy), A. 18 Justice, James N. (D. Roberts), A. 1 East North- Silver-street street „™„ James John, merchant and agent, Market- Mrs., 39 Union-terrace street, A. 79 Crown -street Justice Mills—Upper, tacksman, Geo. Farqubar Mrs., sick-nurse, 31 Harriet-street —Nether tacksman, Charles Eddie Mrs., 41 Victoria-street-west „ Miss, 46 Marischal-street Iat, John, teacher, 20 Chapel-street Kent Mutual Fire Insurance Co.—agent, W. P. 1 Marischal-street . John, chemist and commission agent, St. Booth, 66 Nicholas-street, A. 74 Union-street Kerr and Bowman, carvers, gilders, printsellers,

. William, shipmaster, 29 James street and artists' colourmen, 24 Queen-street Jeith, Alexander (of Keith and Gibb), A. 4 David, M.D., 4 Golden-square Rosemount- terrace David (overseer of carpet dyers, A. Had- advocate, Town-clerk-depute, den and Sons), h, 21 Lower Denburn . David, Town-house, A. Kenfield, Pitfodels George (of Kerr and Bowman), A. Stony-

. George, Morningside, Ruthrieston ton-cottage, Rubislaw A. . and Gibb, lithographers, engravers, and _„ James, painter, 15 Schoolhill, 33 Wool- ornamental printers, 15 Union-buildings manhill .James, clerk (M'Donald and Leslie), 10 ™™ James, traveller (Leslie Clark and Son), Bon-accord-lane A. 4 John- street

i James, druggist, 8, A. 10 Union-place . William, boot and shoemaker, 249 George- .John (of Pratt and Keith), A. 52 Bon- street, A. 86 John-street accord-street Miss, teacher, 16 Guestrow

» John, merchant tailor, 6 Netherkirkgate, Miss, dressmaker, 25 Schoolhill A. 1 Guestrow Kidd, J. Simpson, schoolmaster (East Parish

. John, secretary and accountant, Aberdeen Sessional School, St. Paul-street), A. 3 Town and County Bank, A. 3 Carden- Kingsland Place place Thomas A., brazier and tinplate-worker,

. Patrick, banker, British Linen Co., A. 22 52 Regent-quay, A. 57 Commerce-street

King-street . . William, spirit dealer, 57 Commerce-street

a William, M.D., senior surgeon to the Royal Mrs., provision dealer, 28 Skene-square Infirmary, 257 Union-street Kidson, Miss, teacher of music, 73 Dee-street » William, slater and slate merchant, 24 Kilgour, Alexander, M.D., 158 Union-street Summer-street, and 24 Union-row „™„ and Taylor, tobacconists, spirit and tea „ Mrs. James, 101 Crown-street retailers, 49 Netherkirkgate—sole part- £ Mrs., dealer in fancy ware, 75 Broad-street ner, William Taylor _ Mrs., grocer, 51, h. 53 East North-street „_ Miss, 5 Mary-place, Skene-square

.. Mrs., milliner, 47 Park-street Kiloh, Joseph, spirit dealer, 6 College-street ^ Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 7 Crown- .Mrs., lodgings, 15 Correction-wynd street Kilpatrick, George, commission agent, 48 East Keflas, James P., deputy shipping master, and North- street secretary, Local Marine Board, 28 Re- Kinaness, John, baker, 147 George-street, and gent-quay, A. 121 Crown- street 27 Basement-floor, New-market, h. 147 ~ Mrs., lodgings, 54 Summer-street George-street „ Miss, provision dealer, 13 Schoolhill King, Arthur, and Co., printers, Concert-court, Kellock, William, agent for J. Tallis and Co., Broad-street—foreman, James Craig- shop and house, 208 George-street head, A. 29 Huntly-street Kelly, James, baker, 120, A. 118 Chapel-street ™™ Arthur (of A. King and Co.), A. Burncourt, „ John, Grant's-court, 48 Upperkirkgate Upperkirkgate Broad-street ~ John, Hillside post, 3 St. Andrew-street . „ Charles, furnishing tailor, 23 Kelman, William, tailor, 5 Blairton-lane, Guest- „ George and Robert, booksellers and sta- row tioners, 28 St. Nicholas- street William, and Co., rope and twine manu- George (of George and Robert King), A. facturers, 70 Hutcheon-street, A. 290 1 Skene-place George-street John, shipmaster (Main), 17 Prince Re- —— Miss, lodgings, 1 Ross's-court, Upperkirk gent-street gate John, spirit dealer, 24 Shiprow Kemp, Prancis, grocer and spirit dealer, shop Maxwell, surgeon-dentist, 31 Marischal- and house, 60 Skene-square street 72 NEW GENERAL DIRECTOR!".

King, Mrs., 1 Skene-place Laing, Robert, shoemaker, 46 George-street lodgings, 6 Marischal-street William, M.D., 7 Golden-square „ . Mrs., „ Mrs., provision seller, 1 Albion-street William, steel and iron heel and toe-plate 9 . Miss B., lodgings, Diamond-street manufacturer, 18 Catherine-street, h. 4 Kinnear, James, 266 George-street Canal-street

(Broadford Works), 266 . Princes- street . John George-st. ™. Mrs., midwife, 30 Kinnaird, William, gardener, Outseats, Pitmux- Mrs., lodgings, 5 Schoolhill

Kirkland, Mrs., 65 Dee-street [ton . Mrs., lodgings, 36 Regent-quay Miss, 65 Dee-street Laird, Daniel (of Johnston and Laird), h. 25 Knight and Craib, saddlers, 43 Queen-street Bon-accord -street

. James, manager, Rettie's works, Rettie's- George, shoemaker, 80 Queen-street, h, court, 26 Broad-street, A. Smith's-court,' 84 West North-street 49 Gallowgate Lamb, Alexander, plumber, brass-founder and William, architect and surveyor, 1 1 Union- gasfitter, 150 George-street, h. 31 buildings Charlotte-street Mrs., Chapel- court, Gallowgate ™„™ Davidson, feuar, 57 Causewayend Mrs. James, 61 Gallowgate James, cartwright, 2j North Broadford/. „_ Misses, Springbank-street A. Johnston-cottage, North Broadford Knowles, Archibald, provision merchant, 48 James, cartwright, Ruthrieston Windmillbrae ~™_ James, shore-porter, 7 Marischal-street „_ George, 19 Fisher-row John, plumber, A. 1 Mount-street James, clerk (Stewart, Rowell, and Co.), Robert, shore-porter, 18 Shiprow 264 George Street Lambert, Miss, ladies' school, 3 Union-terrace David, engineer (Earl of Aberdeen), 30 Lamond, Alexander, stoneware merchant, 9 Frederick-street Shiprow [gate James, flesher, 31 Basement-floor, New- Langlands, Robert, provision dealer, 187 Gallow- market, h. Upper Denburn Largue, William, spirit dealer, shop and house, Thomas, flesher, 26 and 27 New-market, 9 Hutcheon-street h. St. Ann's-court, 15 Guestrow Latter, Richard professor of music, 52 Victoria- „. Mrs., 1 Langstane-place street- west Mrs., flesher, 6 Basement-floor, New-mar- Laurie, David (of Devanha Comb-work Co.) h. ket, h. 14 Carmelite -street 1 Millburn-street, Ferryhill Knox, David, ironmonger, 58 Gallowgate, A. 4 Thomas (of J. Abernethy and Co.), Craig- Mitchell-place lug-cottage, Ferryhill

David, painter, glazier, and paper-hanger, . William, bookbinder and stationer, 197 18, h. 44 Chapel-street Union-street, A. 1 Millburn-street^ William, grain merchant, 83, A. 81 George- Mrs. William, 29 Ferry -hill-place

street . Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 1 Millbank- William, spirit merchant, 15 Shiprow street [brae Mrs. George, Kingsland pk:e, 259 George- Law, Arthur, spirit dealer, 49, A. 51 Windmill- street George, shipmaster (Eliza), 54 Quay Mrs. William, lodgings, 137 Union-street John, sharebroker, 1 14 Crown-street Mrs., 49 Victoria-street- west John, baker, 60 Shiprow, A. 3 Affleck- Kyd, James, road-surveyor, Rubislaw street [street Kyuoch, John, teller, North of Scotland Bank, Samuel, shoemaker, 1 22, h. also 1 22 Skene- A. 9 Springbank-terrace William, grocer, 55 Park-street, corner of Princes-street Laer, E. W. Von, manufacturer, 93 Wales-st. Mrs., 114 Crown-street

Laidlaw, Charles S. (of Fraser and Laidlaw), A. , Misses, dressmakers, 35 Shiprow 10 King-street Miss Barbara, grocer and spirit dealer, 5 Laing, Alexander, hairdresser, 97, A. 99 George- Wellington-place, h. Holbum-street street Lawrance, John, slater, 37 Ann-street Alexander (of Laing and Melvin), h. 143 Joseph, tailor, beadle (Free East Church), Skene-place and funeral waiter, 13 Blackfriars-st. and Melvin, coachmakers to the Queen, Mrs., 53 Huntly-street and harness makers, 4 and 8 Bon-ac- Misses, dressmakers and milliners, 32 Dee- cord-street street James, flesher, 9 Basement-floor, New- Lawrence, John, 115 Union-street market, A. 5 Hanover-street Lawrie, Mrs., lodgings, 61 Huntly-street _„ James, ironmonger, blacksmith, and bell- Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 1 Millburn- hanger, 121 Union-street — workship, street, Ferryhill Flourmill-lane, h. 20 Albyn-place Lawson, Alexander, spirit dealer, 44, h. 46 h. . James, chemist and druggist, 51, 50 Netherkirkgate Woolmanhill Lazenby, James, teacher, Crown-court, Union- ™ James, skinner, 38 George-street, A. 25 street, A. 19 Crown-street Loch-street Learmonth, John, temperance coffee-rooms, eat- „™™ Robert, hairdresser, 9 Netherkirkgate, h. 3 ing house, and general provision-store, Canal side, Mounthooly 6 Park-lane ,


Leask, James, advocate, 32 Queen-street Leslie, Thomas, late carter, 8 York-street

. . surgeon, 10 Golden-square . James, shipmaster, 3 Park-place — William, tea and spirit dealers, . , William, shipmaster (Granite City), 32 W. and W, grocers, Dee-street 39, h. 41 West North-street

Mrs., grocer and tea dealer, 71 Wales-street . William, architect (of M'Donald and Ledingham, Alexander, 1 Craigie-street, George- Leslie), 8 Golden-square

street [street . — Wiiliam, house steward, Lunatic Asylum A. W., clerk (Gas Office), 7 Carmelite- „~™ Mrs., 35 Bon-accord-terrace James, teacher of English, elocution, Mrs. William, 13 Albert-street writing, geography, Latin, and arith- „ Mrs., of Memsie, 29 Union-place Villa metic ; academy and house, 12 Cor- , Miss, Canal-road rection-wynd [hill „~ Miss, 38 Skene-terrace „. James, stabler, Ross's-court, 22 School- „ Miss, dressmaker, 16 Huxter-row

Robert, advocate, 52, h. 50 King-street . Miss, milliner, 16 Virginia-street

. Mrs. William, 7 Carmelite-street . . . Misses (Powis), Berrybank

Leffen, Mrs., hotel and lodgings, 10 Adelphi, „__. . Miss, lodgings, 60 St. Nicholas-street Union-street Lester, Charles, teller, North of Scotland Bank, Legg, James, tinsmith, 48 Netherkirkgate, h. h. 2 St. Catherine's-wynd above shop Levie, Alexander, shipmaster, 6 Garvoek-street North-st. Legge, John-, stonecutter, Windmillbrae, h. 20 . John (late shipmaster), 29 East North Broad ford Levy, M. A., tailor, clothier, and outfitter, 26 Leighton, James, letter-carrier, 11 Charles street, Union-street — manager, Robert Star- Holburn- —~— James (of Porter and Leighton), /;. 11 ling, h. Ferguson's-cottage, Charles-street [street street Leith, George, grocer, shop and house, 17 James- Lewis, Richard, inn and lodgings, 69 Broad-st.

™~~~ Thomas, spirit dealer, 78 West North-st. Leys, Geo , & Co., spirit dealers, 17 Fisher-row engineer, Aber- — .—. Mrs., 5S Victoria-place Robert, superintendent Navigation Co., h 24 .—.-_- Misses, of Freefield, 46 Skene-terrace deen Steam Leslie, AlIaD, boot and shoemaker, 29, h. 31 Correction-wynd Wales-street [street Ligertwood, James, tea, wine, and spirit mer-

. Alexander, messenger-at-arms, 51 Queen- chant, 122 King-street, h. 24 Constitu- „™~™ Alexander, late of Jamaica, 12 Union-row tion-street. Alexander, brewer (A. Cowie and Co.), —,™ John, advocate, 4 Correction-wynd, /;. h. 5 Virginia-street [street Devanha-place, Ferryhill —~~~ Alexander, shipmaster, 46 Constitution- „ William (foreman of boat builders, A. Hall Alexander, 35 Bon-accord-terrace and Sons), h. 45 York-street

~ Andrew, and Co., boilermakers and Mrs , 24 Bon-accord-terrace general blacksmiths, Provost Blaikie's- .~~ Mrs. Peter, 41 York-street quay, Inches Lindsay, Chafes, spirit dealer, 87 Shiprow

. Andrew (of A. Leslie and Co.), see Late . . James, spirit dealer, 27 St. Clement-street

List .— . Roger, 80 George-street —~— George, shipowner, 11 Quay, h. 138 South ~™ William, bookseller and stationer, 63, h. Crown-street 71 Gallowgate

. George, jun., clerk (G. Leslie, Quay), h. —.„.-, Mrs. Dr., Rosemount 138 South Crown-street —„™ Mrs., 11 Union-place

George, foreman of shipwrights, A. Duthie . ™ Mrs., lodgings, 31 Huntly-street and Co., h. 47 Constitution-street Mrs. Lieutenant, 2 Bannermill-street George, Bon-accord-inn, 32 Guestrow Miss Margaret, dressmaker and milliner, ™ James, manager, Gas Light Co., 8 Canal- 13 Black's Buildings terrace Linklater, Andrew, shipmaster (Sir Edward James, bootmaker, 18 Schoolhill, h. 16 Banks), 73 Virginia-street Loch-street „ Alexander, mate (Acasta), 62 Virginia- ~-~~~ J;:mes, ship and insurance broker, 11 street [street

Quay, li. 138 Crown-street „™ James, shipmaster (Samson), 4 Hanover- Queen-street „. , James A., writer,— office, 11 Adelphi, h. , Miss, milliner, 15, h. 17 16 Huxter-row Linton, Alexander, surgeon, R.N., 266 George-

. John, manufacturer, 39 Woolmanhill, h. street 263 George-street Littlejohn, Alexander, wholesale grocer, 72 John Grant, sheriff-clerk depute, and Netherkirkgate, /*. Burnside-cottage, depute-clerk of the peace, Record Holburn-street— William Green, tra- Office, King-street, h. 17 East North- veller, k. 44 Loch-street street James, fancy wool warehouse, and hosier „~ John, boot and shoemaker, 5 Queen- and glover to the Queen, 155 Union- street, h. Mount -street street, h. Muirfield-cottage, Stocket John, late millwright, 16 Huxter-row ~™_- James, spirit dealer, shop and house, 17 John, shipmaster, 97 Wales-street Gordon-street

,. .John, shipmaster (Miranda), 7 Garvock- . William, manager, Aberdeen Town and strect County Bank, h. 91 Union-street K — — —


Littlejohn, Mrs-, Burnside-cottage, Holburn-st. Lumsden, Clements, advocate, 2, h. 1 Union- assistant, Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insurance terrace ; principal John Co. —agent, John Sheed, 44 Marischal- Robertson, h. 27 Marywell-street

street . . George, shore-porter, 7 Marisehal-street Livingston, Francis, grocer and spirit dealer, Henry, of Auchindoir, 255 Union- street- shop and house, 44 College-street west, and Clova, by Lumsden ,™,™ Mrs., vintner, 9 Burnet's close, Excbequer- „™ James, and Co., clothiers and tailors, 117 m Mrs.; Nellfield-house [row Union-street

Lizars, A. Jardine, M.D., professor of Anatomy, „™ . John, and Co., tea, -wine, and brandy Marischal College and University, and merchants, 95 Union-street—managing surgeon to the Royal Infirmary, h. 45 partner, Thomss B. Gibson, h. 77 Cha- Schoolhill pel-street [street Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Ship- „™ William James, of Balmedie, 156 IJnion- ping—office, 42, Marisehal-street— sur- William, merchant, 58 Union street, h. veyor of shipping— T. Alexander, k. Eastbank Union-row Mrs. James, 75 Crown-street Lobau, James, teacher, 106 Loch-street, h. 8 Miss, 20 Albert-street

Drum's-lane , Misses, Deemouth —™. Miss, dressmaker, 92 John-street Miss E., broker, 17 Woolmanhill Lockhart and Salmond, confectioners, 92 Union- Lunan, John, store-keeper, Aberdeen Steam street—wholesale warehouse, ginger- Navigation Co., h. Red Lion-court, 77 beer, lemonade, and soda-water manu- Broad- street retail stationer, factory, 2 Little Belmont-street— clerk, . „™ John, wholesale and 66, Alexander Nicol h. 64 Broad-street ~~— James (of Lockhart and Salmond), h. 2 William, accountant, Aberdeen Railway, Little Belmont-street [street k. Ferryhill-place Logan and Co., piano-forte warerooms, 5 Crown- Lyall, David (of George Lyall and Co.), h. 97 David (of Logan and Co.). h. 73 St. Union-street Andrew-street George (of George Lyall and Co.), A. 97 James, mealseller, 154 Gallowgate Union-street [street London Guarantee Society — agents, Stronach -™.~»«. George, and Co., silk-mercers, 99 Union- and Grainger, 20 King-street ~™~~ Robert, blacksmith, 19 Huxter-row and Manchester Plate Glass Co. —agent, Lyell, Alexander, clerk (Customs), h. 28 Crown- John Sheed, 44 Marisehal-street street Mutual Life and Guarantee Society ™~.~~ John, register-grate, stove, and gunmaker, agent, J. A. Wilson, 92 Broad-street 128 Union-st. —manufacturing house. Union Assurance Co. — agent, Alex. H. Back-wynd h. 139 Crown-st,—fore- Ness, 13 Union-row man blacksmith, John Thorn, h. 59 Longmuir, Hugh, shipmaster, 2 Prospect-terrace, Upper Denburn Ferry hi 11 Lyon, Alexander, leather merchant, 37 and 39 —~— James, shipmaster (Garland), 2 Banner- Broad-street, h. 80 Bon-accord-street mill-street John, shipmaster (St. Nicholas), 27 James- Rev. John, A.M, (Free Mariner's Church) street [quay 14 North Silver-street „ John, licensed victualler, 78 Waterloo- Mrs., 4 7 Schoolhill Miss, dressmaker, 30 Summer-street Mrs. J., 1 Prospect-terrace, Ferryhill

. Miss, ladies' school, 47 Schoolhill Macaldowie, Peter, brushmaker, 53, h- 54 St. Lonie, Alex., spirit merchant, 8 Huxter-row, h. Nicholas-street Bridge of Don [street „„ Robert, clerk, Aberdeen Commercial Co.,

. .„— David, jun., furnishing tailor, 47 Park- h. 41 Dee- street Lorimer, Alexander, merchant, shop and house, M'Aldowie, John, clerk (Wm. Gordon), h. 13 35 College-street [street Prince Regent-street [bank Louden. Archibald, City Hotel, 21 St. Nicholas- Macallan, David, late upholsterer, Strawberry- Low, Alexander, shoemaker, 37 Causewayend M'Allum, James, vintner, 7 Stronach's close, ™ Alexander (of Milne, Low, and Co.). k. Castle-street 31 Union-place [street Macandrew, Mrs., 1 Windsor-place -™ and Chalmers, builders, 40 Whitehouse- ™ Mrs. 24 Constitution-street „~. Gavin (of Low and Chalmers), h, 40 M'Alpine, William, auctioneer, 58 Broad-street Whitehouse-street h. Rose-cottage, Old Aberdeen James, tailor, clothier, and hatter, 172.2, h. M'Aulay, James, inspector of stamps and taxes, 159 George-street 154 Crown-street Mrs. James, 74 Loch-street Robertson, cashier and principal clerk,

„™—. Mrs., dressmaker and milliner, 13 Black- J. Barker and Sous, h. Henderson's- friars-street court, 91 Gallowgate ~~ Elizabeth, provision shop, 186 George- st. Mrs., lodgings, Henderson's-court, 91 Lowery, George, 42 Constitution-street Gallowgate Lucas, Jas., pavier and contractor, 128 George- M'Bain, John, shoemaker, Ruthrieston street M'Bean, Alexander, 3 Stocket-road - -


M'Bean, Daniel, cabinetmaker, 14, h. also 14 iVi -Donald, John, mill-overseer, 21 College-street Castle-street ~™ John, confectioner and keeper of coffee- Macbean, D. furnishing tailor, Old Trinity rooms, 37 Basement-floor, Market- Manse, Market-street buildings, h. 20 Trinity-street

. Mrs., late of Alves, 3G Skene-terrace John, merchant, 13, h. 12 North Broadford M'Beath, James, (of Logan and Co.), h. Holburn- „-—™ John, tailor, Gordon-street street [market and Leslie, stonecutters, builders, and James, flesher, 5 Basement -floor, New- granite polishers, east end of Constitu- >~„ Peter, shipmaster, 2 Mary well-street tion street

, 1 I Macbeth, J. and S. wholesale and retail furnish- Robert, shoemaker, 1, h. also Park-street

ing ironmongers, 44 Union-street — .— Robert, tailor, 7 South Silver-street

John, (of J. and S. Macbeth), h. 34 Union . . Thomas, shoemaker, 68 St. Clement-st. terrace —.~™ William, spirit dealer, shop and house, 12 Samuel (of J. and S. Macbeth), h. 34 Park- West North-street street .„ William, baker, 41 Park-street, h. 48 Fre- M'Bey, Alexander, stabler, 11 John-street. derick-street M'Callum, James, tide surveyor of customs, 54 „ Mrs., lodgings, 38 Union-terrace Regent-quay ™ Mrs. Captain, 18 Victoria-street James, vintner, 7 Stronach's-close Mrs., lodgings, 30 Marischal-street ~™„™ William, boatman, 53 St. Clement-street Miss Ann, dressmaker, 15 Skene-terrace Mrs., lodgings, 24 Schoolhill Miss, stay and corset-maker, 53 Queen-st.

M'Carthie, James, boatman, (Customs), /*. 13 ,„™ Miss, dressmaker, 48 Longacre York -street Macdonald, David, 8 Carden-place M'Cluskie, Michael, spirit dealer, 14^ Regent- „ ™. David, principal book-keeper (D. Hogarth quay and Co.), h. 8 South Constitution-street - M'Combie, James Boyn, (of Murray and Ewen, grocer and spirit dealer, 193 Gal- M'Combie), h. 2 Albyn-place lowgate h. Thomas, and Co., tobacco and snuff manu- , John, bookseller, 16 Crown-street 25 facturers, and wholesale tea dealers, 51 Bon-accord -street Netherkirkgate— traveller, Alexander Mrs., lodgings, 5 Huntly-street Riddoch, h. 4 Springbank-place Miss, dressmaker, 5 Huntly-street

, Mrs. Peter, 7 Charlotte- street M'Dougall, John, broker, 53, h. 49 Causewayend —~_ Mrs. Thomas, 1 Bon-accord-square M'Farlane, Duncan, shoemaker, 39 East North- M'Condach, Harry, grain-dealer, Holburn-st. street, h. 7 Justice-lane Harry, jun., Holburn-street Thomas, reedmaker, 29 Harriet-street, h. John, manager, Torry Farm Brickwork Red Lion Inn, Spittal Co., h. Bank-street „^ Mrs. P., 55 Victoria-street-west Miss, teacher, 8 Albyn-place Macfarlane, Mrs Alexander, late of Crathic, 7 M'Conachie, Archibald, shipmaster, 23 Ferry- Victoria-street- west hill-place Miss, 7 Victoria-street-west [row Maconachie, Wm. book-keeper, Union Cotton- M'Gilivray, Mrs., spirit dealer, 4 Exchequer- mill, Poynernook, h. 12 Marywell-st. M'Gillivray, John, hairdresser, 244 George-st. Robert, clerk (stamps and taxes), h. 36 h. 32 Hutcheon-street Skene-square Macgillivray, Misses, 67 Crown-street M'Conochie, Alexander, English and Mercantile M'Gregor, H. B., 44 Victoria-street-west Seminary, 13 Crown-st., k. 16 Chapel- „„ John, dyer, 26 h. 28 George-street

street „ . Mrs., 44 Victoria-street-west G. C. teacher of writing, 115 Union-street Macgregor, John, 127 Skene-street John, chimney-sweep, 54 Windmillbrae „ William, Aberdeen Hotel, 138 Union-st. M'Culloch, Mrs., lodgings, 9 George-street M'Grigor, Charles, hosier and girth manufac- M'Donald, Alexander, M. D. (late Royal Artil- turer, 5 Justice-street, h. 1 Chapel- lery), Rubislaw-park court, Castle-street Alexander, advocate, 245 Union-street, h. Miss, hosier, 1 Justice-street, h. 1 Chapel Millbank, Hard gate court Alexander, stonecutter (of M'Donald and M'GuflBe, Maxwell, spirit dealer, 10 Trinity- Leslie), 7 Bon-accord-square corner, h. Brebner's- court, 84 Shiprow Alexander, grocer, 10 Castle-street, h. Thomas, dealer in porter, ale, ginger-beer, High-street, Old Aberdeen &c. 11 Market-street, h. 5 Carmelite- ~w Alexander, spirit dealer, 33^ East North- street street M'Hardy, David, smith and bell-hanger, 66 Ne- Alexander, sailmaker (Goldie and Hay), therkirkgate, h. Midtown, Ruthrieston h. 54 Wellington-street —foreman, Alexander Wishart, h. 23 Barnet, contractor, 39 Union-terrace Young-street Charles, spirit dealer, shop and house, 169 „™ George, lodgings, 202 George-street Gallowgate „„ John, general blacksmith and bell-hanger, George, grocer, 64, h. 66 Green 15, h. 17 Back-wynd ~~ James, cabinetmaker, 31 Castle-street, h. „™ John, shipmaster, (Citizen), 8 St. Ni- 48 Longacre cholas-street 76 NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY.

M'Hardy, William, wholesale and retail grocer M'Kay, John, tailor, 9 Skene-square and commission agent, 234 George-st., Neil, spirit dealer, 10 Littlejohn -street and 89 Spring-garden, A., above shop, „~ Peter (of G. and P. M'Kay), h. 107 Gal- 232 George-street lowgate

, William, vintner, Short-loanings . William, tailor, Wellington-road

Mrs., 8 St. Nicholas-street —. Mrs., dressmaker and milliner, 15 St.

. Mrs., lodgings, 3 Rosemount-terraee Nicholas-street [street

Machray, Alexander, superintendent of House . Mrs., matron, Blind Asylum, 50 Huntly- of Refuge, 45 Guestrow ~~ Mrs., 29 Bon-accord-street Alexander, dyer, 93 Woolmanhill Miss, dressmaker, 35 Chapel -street

r.~~ Croall, and Co., coach proprietors, and . Misses, ladies' boarding-school, 28 Union- coach builders — coach office, G5 Union- terrace street—coach manufactory, 7 Frederick- Mackay, George, vintner, 29 Berry-lane

street James T. and Son, silversmiths and !

—. — Isaac, and Go., -wine-merchants —agent, jewellers, dealers in watches, spectacles, A. Batten, 7 Adelphi and fancy goods, 30 St. Nicholas-street, „ Isaac, mail coach contractor (and partner A. 19- Ferryhill-place [lane

of Machray, Croall, and Co., and of I. , John, shoemaker and cooper, 12 Yeats-

Machray, and Co.), A. Torry-farm , William, millwright and machine-maker,

. John A., manager, Aberdeen Meal and &c, 112 John-street, A. Kingsland- Provision Society, A. 20 Upperkirkgate place John (overseer, Stewart, Rowell, & Co.), „™ Mrs., midwife, Holburn-street A. 33 Skene- square „ Misses, boarding-school, 28 Union-terrace Mrs., 35 North Broadford M'Kechnie, Allan, shipmaster, Ferryhill-place Mrs"., 4 St. Mary's-place, Crown-street M'Kenzie, Alexander (of A. M'Kenzie and Co.), „ ™ Miss Mary, 117 George-street A. 41 Schoolhill [street M'Innes, John, grocer, shop and house, 33 East ™ Alexander, and Co., clothiers, 85 Union- North-street Alexander, shoemaker, 49 East North-st. M'Intosh, Charles, and Co., blacksmiths, and Duncan, bootmaker, 1 Crooked-lane pipe-top manufacturers, 158, h. also 158 „™ George^ grocer and spirit dealer, 41 Re- Gallowgate gent-quay; boot and shoemaker, and Daniel, flesher, 23 New-market, h. 74 keeper of Sailors' Home, 42 Regent- Hutcheon-street quay John, grocer and spirit dealer, 23, A. 21 George, merchant, 19 Causewayend, A. 2 Shiprow Hutcheon-street John, and Son, cabinetmakers, 8, A. 10, George, baker, 83, h. 99 Gallowgate Longacre George, spirit dealer, 25 Regent-quay ~~ James, spirit dealer, 90 Loch-street „~„™ Rev. Hugh (Gaelic Church), 30 Silver-st.

—„~ James, tinsmith, 28, A. also 28 Nether- .—. — James, (overseer, A. Hadden and Sons), A. kirkgate 63 St. Andrew-street „„ Peter, manufacturer, 24 George-street, A. James, draper (H. Cooper and Co.), 3 3 Charles-street Charlotte-street William, wire-worker, 70 George-street, John, spirit dealer, shop and house, 2 A. 10 Broadford-lane John -street ~. Mrs., midwife, 62 Causewayend John, shipmaster (Waterwitch), 14 East Mrs., lodgings, 11 Union-buildings North-street Mrs., spirit dealer, shop and house, 77 John, shipmaster, 25 Regent-quay Gallowgate Captain Malcolm (H.E.I.C.S.), Friendville ™ Mrs., spirit dealer, 58 George-street „™„™ Murdoch, cooper, 32 Shiprow M'Intyre, Colin (of Hadden and Sons), A. 11 Roderick, clerk, 2 Correction-wynd, A. 63 Bon-accord-street Guestrow ,~~,~~ M'Intyre, John, superintendent of Vic- ~ Walter, spirit dealer, Huxter-row toria-lodging-house, 4 Exchequer-court, William, mealseller, 34 Young-street

Exchequer-row . . William, gardener, 32 York- street M'Kann, John, broker, 31 Lodge-walk, and 12 „ Mrs., 33 Summer-street East North-street [lane Mrs., sick-nurse, 4 Charlotte-street M'Kay, Alex., shipmaster (Clipper), 5 Summer- Mrs., 24 Uuion-place ™ Edward, spirit dealer, shop and house, 12 „—-™ Mrs., lodgings, 81 George-street St. Clement-street —„™ Miss, (late of Ruthrieston), 29 Castle-st. George, slater, 93 Green [gate „ Miss, of Ord, 83 Union-street

G. and P., leather merchants, 3 Gallow- .—,~™ Miss, dress and bonnet maker, 16 Guest- George (of G. and P. M'Kay), A. 80 row John-street Mackenzie, David, superintendent of harbour James, boot and shoemaker, 1 Summer- meters— office, Provost Blaikie's-quay, lane, ft. 2 South College-street A. South end of College-street

. James, broker, shop and house, 57, Queen- —, — James, baker, 66, A. 68 Queen street street and Matthew, architects, 24 Adelphi

. John, vintner, 10 Lower Denburn „™„~ Mrs., of Glack. 18 Albyn-place NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY. 77

M'Keesser, John, Ashvale-cottage, Cooperston M'Lean, Mrs., grocer, 11 Bon-accord-lane M'Kessor, Miss, milliner, 16 and 17 Newmarket- Maclean, James, druggist, 43 Castle-street Gallery, h, 15 Longacre Samuel, bookseller, 8 Union-street, h. 8 Mackie, Alexander, (late merchant), Mackie- John-street place William G., Customs, h. Windsor-place, Alexander, spirit dealer, 100 John-street 21 Victoria street- west clerk, Aberdeen Railway , . Alexander, shipmaster (Florence), 34 „ William, audit York-street Co., h. 56 Spittal David, spirit dealer, shop and house, 10 M'Leay, Alexander, spirit dealer, 17 Justice-st. Langstane-place [row M'Lennan, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 99 „„,™ George (Lemontree tavern), 7 Huxter- George-street J., tinsmiths and gaslitters, 52 I . — George, coachman, 41 Bon-accord-street M'Leod, C. and John, foreman of blockmakers (W. Hood East-North-street, ft. 34 Frederick-st. and Co.), h. 17 St. Clement-street Robert, and Son, tinplate-workers, 10 William, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 49 East North-street St. Andrew-street „™ Robert (of Robert M'Leod and Son), h. 8

. Mrs., 2 Canal-street East North-street Mrs., lodgings, 13 Marischal- street Simon, grocer and spirit dealer, 11 Weigh-

, Mrs., pattern-printer, 24 George-street house-square, //. 7 Quay

Mrs., sick-nnrse, 54 Summer-street . William, watch and cloekmaker, 9 School- Mackey, David, manufacturer, Minister's-lane hill, h. 6 Donald's-court, Schoolhill M'Killiam, B. and W., confectioners to the „„„~ William, tailor, 5 Huxter-row, h. Rosie- Queen, 54 Broad-street field Basil (of B. and W. M'Killiam), h. 6 Mrs., grocer and spirit dealer, 33 Sum- North Broadford mer-lane [street Broad- rrm— Robert, confectioner, 59 Unicn-street, h. .—. — Miss, dressmaker, 2 Ragg's-lane, Viewtown Place M'Millan and Co., leather merchants, 37 Nether- William (of B. and W. M'Killiam X h. 2 kirkgate Longacre James (of M'Millan and Son), h. 13 North- Mackinlay, Robert, tea-dealer, 3 St. Nicholas- field street, h. 55 John-street William (of M'Millan and Co.), h. Jack's- M'Kinnon, Donald, spirit dealer, 20 Correction- brae wynd, h. 12 Carmelite-street „™ William, and Son, curriers and tanners, 34 —„~. James, coachmaker (Robert Ness), 37 Jack's-brae

Victoria-street ..„ . Mrs., 46 Regent-quay Lauchlan, advocate—offices, Spring-gar- Macmillan, Rev. Samuel, Rosemount-place den Iron Works, and 37 Broad-street, M'Neish, Andrew, provision merchant, 59 Cause- h. 19 Albert-street wayend —„-~ Lauchlan, jun., advocate and share-broker M'Nie, Mrs., lodgings, 34 Union-terrace —office, 83 Union-street, h. 106 Crown- M'Niel, John, manager, Union Cocton Mill, h. William, 19 Albert-street [street 69 College-street William and Co., iron founders, and en- M'Phail, Mrs., lodgings, Bank-street, Ferryhill gineers, 20 Spring-garden Macphail, Rev. J. Calder (Free East Church), 9 Miss, 121 Crown-street Carden-place M'Kirdy, John, watch and cloekmaker, 28 Wool- M'Phee, James, grocer, 27, h. 21 Shiprow

manhill . , Mrs., provision seller, 38 Lodge-walk Maclagan, Miss, 55 Victoria-street-west M'Pherson, Alexander, baker, 65, h. 63 Green M'Laren, James (late Collector of Inland Reve- ™ James, manager, Gilcomston Comb Manu- nue), 53 Schoolhill factory) h. 58 Catherine-street

John, commission merchant, 25 Gallow- , . James, stabler, 26 West North-street gate, h. 7 Dee-place—principal clerk, „™ John, comb manufacturer, Steps of Gil- Alex. Robertson, h. 1 Mount-street comston, h. Ann-place (see Gilcomston Maclaren, William, M.D., 53 Schoolhill Comb-works) M'Lauchlan, John, timber merchant, commission „~„™ John, spirit dealer and carter, 83 West agent, ship and coal-broker, 3, h. 5 North-street

James-street .. . John, shipmaster (Granite), 54 Quay M'Lean, Alexander, shipmaster (Charles), 1 William, bookseller and wholesale sta- Millburn-street tioner, 59, h. 91 Broad-street Alexander, house agent, M'Lean's-court, ^ William, spirit dealer, "10 Windy-wynd 50 Gallowgate M'Quarrie, John, tailor and clothier, 1 Cor- George Gordon, professor of Oriental rection-wynd, /(. Ann-street Languages, Marischal College, h. 30 M'Queen, Miss, 38 Union-terrace Victoria-street-west M'Rae, John (of Reid, Smith, and Co.), h. Hol- James, shipmaster, 66 Virginia-street burn-street John, clerk, Harbour Office, k. 50 Gallow- M'Ririe, Mrs. 71 Chapel-street [street gate M'Robbie, Charles, spirit dealer, 61 St. Andrew- John, late plasterer, 50 Gallowgate James, flesher, 60 Basement-floor, New- ™»„„ Thomas, baker, 7, h. 9 Dee-street market, and 170 George-street 78 NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY.

M'Robbie, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 52 Marr, John, music-seller and piano-forte-maker West North-street to the Queen, house and saloon, 218

, John, 139 Gallowgate [side Unipn-street, Peter, farmer, New-market, and Sunny- Marsh, James shipmaster, 12 Rosemount-place Maerobin, John, M.D., professor of Medicine in Marshall, Alexander (foreman of plumbers, Marischal College and University, h. Farquhar and Gill), h. 5 Charlotte-st. Migvie-house, North Silver-street David, late painter and glazier, 13 Dia- M'Taggart, Rev. David, D.D. (Greyfriars mond-street Church), h. North Lodge, King-street John, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit mer-

— .— Donald, coal-broker and commission- chant, 160 George-street, h. 31 Char- agent, Trinity-quay— office, 13 Regent- lotte-street quay, h. 89 Wales-street Robert Christian, painter, house decora- Maguire, Edward, broker, 3 Lodge-walk, h. tor, and glazier, 13 and 28 Diamond- above shop street, h. 13 Diamond-street

James, tailor and clothier, dealer in boots ™ William, 1 Donald's-court, Schoolhill and shoes, &c, 49, h. 51 Queen- street „~„— W. and J., silk mercers and drapers, 81 Main, David, shipmaster, 44 York-street Union-street, h. 43 Bon-accord-street David, shipmaster, 1 South College-street Mrs., 31 Charles-street Mair, Mrs., lodgings, 31 Victoria-street- west Martin, Alexander, late shipmaster, 1 Constitu- Miss, Mount-street tion-street Maitland, Alexander, spirit dealer, shop and Alexander, commission agent, 4 Carme- house, 8 Gerrard-street lite-street, h. 69 Crown-street

George (of W. Talbot and Cp.), /*. Gar- Alexander, flesher, 62 Regent-quay, h. 12 vock-street Sugarhouse-lane George, agent for Blackie and Son, pub- George, grocer and spirit dealer, 1, h. 14 lishers, Glasgow; John O'Groat Journal, North Broadford Elgin Courant, and Scottish Guardian Gilbert, hairdresser, 53 Upperkirkgate newspapers, 40 Broad-street, h. 255 James, flesher, 62 Regent-quay, h. 13 George-street Sugarhouse-lane

—. — John, late merchant, 23 Union-place James and William, fleshers, 50, 51, and 52 Robert (of J. Maitland and Co.), h. Gar- Market-buildings, //. 6 Springbank-ter- vock-wynd and Balgreen ™ James, plasterer, 68 Broad-street [race William, accountant, 83 Union- street, h. John, shipmaster, 1 Constitution-street 255 George-street ~~— Samuel, I Catherine-street Miss, 1 St. Clement-street Samuel, hatter, 34 Union-street, h. 125

Malcolm, William, chainmaker, 91, h. 7 J West Crown -street North-street ~~.— William, agent for J. and J. Fowler, meal Miss, 9 Victoria-street-west and provision warehouse, 24, /;. also 24 Miss, 43 Victoria-street-west George-street Manchester Fire Insurance Co.— agent, D. Miss, dressmaker, 12 Sugarhouse-lane Mitchell, 12 Adelphi ~~ Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 14 North Mann, George, furnishing tailor, 30 -Adelphi, h. Broadford 12 Marywell-street Massie, Marian us, advocate, Trinity Hall, Union- James, grocer and spirit dealer, 18 Nether- street, h. Wellington-place kirkgate, h. Charles-street Peter, boot and shoemaker, 33 Upperkirk- William, tailor, 69 Queen-street Robert, gardener, Millbank [gate Manuelle, A. and F., stone-merchants, Blaikie's- ~~ Mrs., stoneware merchant, 32, h. 35 quay—manager, Patrick Joss, h. 41 George-street Guestrow ™- Mrs., lodgings, 103 George street Maritime Passengers Assurance Company, Lon- r^. Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 162 don— agent, John Sheed, 44 Marischal- Union-street- west street Masson, Alexander, mate (Earl of Aberdeen Mariners' and General Life Assurance Co.— steamer), Sugarhouse-lane agent, George Allan, advocate, 1 Mar- „ Alexander, auctioneer and appraiser, 51, ischal-street h. 49 Upperkirkgate [street Mark, Mrs., matron, Old Machar Poor's House, Andrew, accountant, 4, h. also 4 Queen- 13 Leadside, Gilcomston John, grocer and spirit dealer, 93 Cause- Marquis, George, accountant, 147 Union-street wayend, h. 1 7 North Broadford ^.16 Albyn-place Robert, sen., cabinetmaker, 19, h. 24% Marr, George (of Marr and Milne), h. 72 Wales- Justice-street street William, bleacher, Barkmill, h. 9, Rose- George, hairdresser, 43 Quay, h. 43 St. mount-terrace Nicholas-street William, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, and Milne, fleshers, 10, 11, and 12 New- 112, h. 92 George -street market „™ Mrs. George, dealer in old clothes, 25 John, plumber, 13^, h. also 13^ Dee-street East North-street John, piano-forte-maker, 1 Gordon-street, ™„ Miss A., straw-bonnet maker, milliner, h. 5, Langstane-place and dressmaker, 4 Queen-street 1 —


Mason, Thomas, flesher, 38 New-market, h. 60 Meffet, Mrs. George, haberdasher — shop and St. Nicholas- street house, 204 Gallowgate

Mather, John, commission agent, 19 Adelphi, /;. Miss, dressmaker, 204 Gallowgate 103 Crown -street Mein, James, dentist, 209 Union-street Mathers, James, plumber, 5, h. also 5, Skene- Mellis, Alexander, Dean of Guild's officer, and terrace inspector of measures — office, Town- William, ginger-beer brewer, 187 West house and Lodge -walk, h. 12 Constitu- North-street tion-street

Mathew, Alexander, machine-maker, 86 Skene- John, serjeant of police, Watch-house, ft. street 61 Loch-street John, late baker, 20 Prince-Regent-street Thomas, spirit dealer— shop and house, ™» Miss, dressmaker, 44 Chapel-street 235 George-street Matthew, Alexander C, surgeon, 3 Canal-terrace Melville, Thomas, and Sons, iron merchants, Alexander, manager for the Aberdeen Sea wholesale ironmongers, plane, lock, and Insurance Co., 57, h. 24 Marischal-st. hinge manufacturers, 106 and 108 John, mei'chant, 1 Carmelite-street, h. 8 Gallowgate Skene- square ™~— Thomas, sen. (of T. M. and Sons), /;. Mel- „~. Mrs. Robert, 23 Thistle-street ville's-court, 106 Gallowgate Matthews, James (of Mackenzie and Matthews), „ Thomas, jun. (of T. M. and Sons), h. 5 h. Rubislaw-terrace Carden-place William, jun., 261 George-street —™ William (of T. M. and Sons), h. 4 Spring- William, merchant, shop and house, 26 bank-terrace North Broadford Eliezer (of T. M. and Sons), h. Oak- Mrs., midwife and sick-nurse, Nelson-st. bank-cottage ^~ Miss, dressmaker, 15 Causewayend Melven, James (of Gall & Bird,) h. 41 Nether- Matthewson, Mrs., Links Gardens, Seaview kirkgate Miss Mary, Links Gardens, Seaview Melvin, Alexander, boot and shoemaker, 4, h. Matheson, John, cabinetmaker, Quaker's-court, 12 Skene-square 55 Guestrow, h< 57 Guestrow ~ David, hairdresser, 12 Huxter-row George, —~~ Thomas, officer of Inland Revenue, /*. ™ shoemaker, 16 and 18 George- Ashvale-cottage street, h. 22 Kidd-lane Mathieson, Isaac, wholesale and retail bonnet —„™ James, LL.D., rector of Grammar School, and shawl merchant, silk mercer, dra- h. 41 Belmont-street per, hosier, glover, &c, 33 Union- John (of Laing and Melvin), h. Crombie's- street, h. 3 St. Nicholas-lane cottage, Kidd-lane John, vintner, 57 Guestrow —.«-«. William, porter, 15 Chronicle-lane Mrs. Peter, 22 Lower Denburn ™ Mrs. James, lodgings, 59 Dee-street ~~. Miss, dresjmaker, 11 Schoolhill Mennie, Alexander, merchant, 46 Upperkirk- Mathieson's cloak and millinery rooms, 78 gate, h. 85 Hutcheon-street Union-st. — Miss Roy, superintendent William, general merchant and black- Mathison, Robert, shipmaster (Benmuckdhui), smith, horse-shoer and farrier, Holburn 1 Hanover-lane street, h. above shop Mrs., dressmaker, 20 St. Nicholas-street Miss, 49 Bon-accord-street Miss, modeller of leather and wax flowers, Menzies, John, shoemaker and leather-mer- 20 St. Nicholas-street chant, 8 Woolmanhitl, h. Maberly-st.

Maurice, Alexander, shipmaster, 7 Canal-terrace —. — Thomas, printer and stationer, 42 and 52 Maver, David, teacher (Bon-accord Schools), h. Castle-street, k. corner of Dee-street, 6 Marywell-street top of Windmillbrae

~~„~ George, farmer, Ruthrieston . . — Christian, sick-nurse, 48 Woolmanhill

James, jobbing gardener, Holburn-street Mercer, Alexander, wright and feuar, 1 6 Catha-

. John, slater, Mounthooly, h. 177 Gal- rine-street lowgate „^.— Hay, watchmaker—shop and house; 27 William, blacksmith, 20 Skene-terrace West North-street Mrs., innkeeper, 20 Skene-terrace Merchant, Alex., Railway Hotel, Crown-street, Mavers, William, flesher, 168^ Gallowgate, h. and Refreshment rooms, Railway sta- 30 Castle-street tion, Ferry hill

Mavor, Miss, lodgings, 64 Union-street Isaac, shipmaster, 1 1 Canal-terrace Mearns, Daniel, shipmaster, 2 Yeats-lane, Canal- „™~~ William, engineer, 13 Chronicle-lane terrace Marchant, Alex., house carpenter and cabinet- ~ James, late berthmaster, 6 Baltic-street maker, Charlotte-st., h. 32 St. Andrew- John, mealseller, 40 Netherkirkgate street

— .—. Robert, builder, 53 Bon-aecord-street Mess, Jonathan, grain merchant and miller ™ William, plasterer, 24 Blackfriars-street flourmill, 48 St. Nicholas-street—gra- — .— Mrs., lodgings, 53 Bon-accord-street nary, 22 Commerce-street — h. 10 _ Miss, 161 Gallowgate Broadford-place— clerk, John Holmes, Medd, Miss, teacher of harp, piano-forte, and h. Berrybill singing, 36 Union-terrace Meston, Alexander, advocate, 56 Castle-street, Meffet, John, gardener, Oatseats, Pitmuxton h, Viewmount-cottage, Holburn-place — —


Meston, Alexander, grocer and spirit-dealer, Miller, Miss Elizabeth, broker, 55 Woolmanhill shop and house, Strawberrybank Milne, A. and R., booksellers, 9 Union-buildings „ James, merchant, 6, ft. 5 East North-st. ~—~™ Alexander (of A. and R. Milne), ft. 41

. James, accountant, 233 Union-street, ft. Dee-street 33 Victoria-street-west ™ Alexander, boot and shoemaker, 27 Ma- Joseph, wholesale dealer in spirits, porter, rischai-street, ft. 264 George-street

and ale, 72 Shuttle-lane, ft. 5 East . Alexander, of Pittrichie, 14 Young-street, North-street ft. Pittrichie, Udny

. Mrs. Thomas, 15 Whitehouse- street Alexander, draper, 105 George-street, ft. „„ „ Mrs., sick-nurse, 137 Skene-street 61 Loch-street Methven, James, fishcurer, Herring-yard, Canal- ™»~™ Alexander, shoemaker, 6 George-street, terrace ft. 64 Union-street

Michie, George, cooper, 7 Barnett's-close Alexander D. (Rubislaw-works), ft. 37 James, stabler, 13 Harriet-street Victori-; -street-west John, tinsmith, 68 Windmillbrae, ft. 30 Alexander, shipowner, 72 Wales-street Skene-square Alexander, accountant, 72 Wales-street

Michigan Investment Co. ; Murray and M'Com- Andrew, boot and shoemaker, 23, ft. 19 bie, cashiers and agents, 103 Union- St. Clement-street street ~™— Andrew, grocer and provision merchant, Middleton, Benjamin, shoemaker, 50 Regent- 19, ft. also 19 St. Clement-street

quay, ft. 1 Charlotte-street ,™.—. Charles, spirit dealer, 24 East Green „„ James, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit mer- Charles, manager's assistant, Aberdeen

chant's, ft. 44 Summer-street Railway Co., ft. 30 Thistle-street

. James, mealseller, shop and house, 31 Cruden, and Co., manufacturers, Spring- West North-street garden ,™.™ James, 73 Wales-street ~~ Rev. David (Gilcomston Church), Mackie- L John, cabinetmaker, 99 George-street, h. place 28 St. Andrew-street David, wrigl.t, 7, h. 4 Martin 's-lane

dealer, Gallowgate George, accountant, Commercial Bank, ft. . . Joseph, spirit 118 ~~— Peter, tailor, 63 Green 4 Springbank-place Robert, builder, 24 Union-row, ft. 42 Vic- George, grocer and spirit dealer, 76, ft. 73 toria-street-west St. Andrew-street „, Samuel, teller, Aberdeen Bank, Ash-cot- George, spirit dealer, shop and house, 49 tage, 13 Skene-row Frederick-street

. Victo- . Mrs., 3 Springbank-place ™ George, and Co., timber merchants,

. Mrs., silk and straw-bonnet-maker, 23 ria-dock Sawmills

George-street .—.,— George, stabler, 5 Harriet-street „™ Miss, Braehead, Gilcomston „™ George, furniture dealer, 4 Woolmanhill Miss, dressmaker, 19 North Broadford ™ George, clerk (Milne, Cruden, and Co.), Midgley, George, confectioner, shop and house, 30 Thistle-street 45 Woolmanhill George, shipmaster (Sarah), 3 Church-st. Millar, Alexander, shoemaker, 27 Chapel-street ™ James, shore-porter, Summerfield

. , spirit Wellington-road ™ Mrs., lodgings, 1 Prospect- terrace, Ferry- James, dealer,

hill . James, fiesher, 79, ft. also 79 Queen-street m Mrs., lodgings, 130 Union-street „ James, Mill of Buchanstone meal and, barley warehouse, 79 Broad-street . , Miss M., dressmaker, 32 Union-terrace Miller, David, architect and house factor, 25 manager, William Diack, ft. 3 Salter's Bon-accord-street court, Loch street George, jun., rope and twine manufac- „—™ James (of Angus Fraser and Co.), ft. 74

turer, 40, ft. 42 Park-street Union- street „™ James A., advocate, 123^ Union-street, ft. James, horse-shoer, Fiourmillbrae, ft. 24 17 Albyn-place George-street

„„ John, and Co., manufacturing chemists, „~ . James, shoemaker, Holburn-place Sandilands Chemical Works, Links „ James (of George Milne and Co.), 152 office in town, Crown-court, Union-st. Crown-street — managing partner, John Miller „,„~™ James, coachmaker, 72 Loch-street, ft. John (of John Miller and Co.), ft. 59 Smith's-court, Loch -street MarischaNstreet ™ John B. (of W. Milne and Son), ft. 3 East ™ Rev. J. D., 10 Bon-accord-terrace Craibstjn-street Robert, lithographer, 30, ft. also 30 Ne- „™,„~ John, wholesale merchant, 21 Gallowgate therkirkgate ft. 2 Alford-plaee —traveller, George

George-street Gray, ft. Braehead, Gilcomston ware- , . Thomas, Star Hotel, 190 — Black, ft. 50 St. An- . . William M., and Co., hatters, 69 Union houseman, John street drew-street

Miller and Co.). . John, gardener, New-market and West- . William M. (of W. M.

ft. 47 Schoolhill field

„,„ Mrs., 17 Albyn -place . ,„™ John, messenger, Aberdeen Town and „„„ Miss, dressmaker, 34 Union-terrace County Bank, ft. 10 East Green —


Milne, Mrs., lodgings, 30 Dee-street Milne, John Duguid, sen. and jun., advocates, i

129 Union-street i „™ Mrs., tavern and lodgings, 3 Longacre Mrs., 2 Mitchell-place , John D., sen. (of J. D. Milne, sen. and jun.), h. 40 Skene-terrace Mrs., midwife, 21 St. Andrew-street John D., jun. (of J. D. Milne, sen. and Mrs., inn and lodgings, 23 Harriet-street jun,), h. 4 Carden-place Mrs., midwife, Short-loanings John, clerk of Police, and superintendent Mrs., lodgings, 64 Union-street

of Powder Magazine, 50 St. Nicholas- . ,~™ Mrs., 7 Black's-buildings street, h. 2 Windsor-place, Victoria- ™ Mrs., 32 Hutcheon-street street-west Mrs., 210 King-street John, blacksmith, SO Virginia-street Mrs., 37 Victoria-street-west „: John, carter, 3 Fish-street [Dee „™ Miss Catherine, dealer in tea, knitted and John, merchant and vintner, Bridge of crochet-work, wools, cotton &c, 11 Low, and Co., manufacturers and woollen Schoolhill drapers, 127 Union-street—Tape Ma- Miss, superintendent, Female School of nufactory, Woolmanhill Industry, 63 Guestrow and Marshall, grocers and spirit dealers, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 48 Loch- 14 West North-street, h. 60 St. Nicho- street las-street ™ Miss, matron, Boys' Hospital, 19 Upper- ,™— Robert, private teacher, 19 Marischal-st. kirkgate „, Robert, shipmaster, 2 Hanover-street Miss M., dressmaker, 12 Thistle-street .™ Robert, civil engineer, and secretary to Milner, Magnus, shore-porter, 18 Shiprow the Great North of Scotland Railway, Minty, James, assistant inspector of police, 50 St. 83 Union-street, but when building is Nicholas-street, ft. 7 Seamount-place completed, 177 Union-street, h. 40 Mrs. J., 7 Seamount-place Skene-terrace Mitchell, Alexander (of Mitchell and Cay), h. 2

. Robert, brewer, 20 Mealmarket-street, h. Gilcomston-brae

64 West North-street , Alexander, merchant, 5 George-street stuffer, 1 Robert (of A. and R. Milne), h. 41 Dee-st. , Alexander, bird and animal — Robert, clothier and tailor, 25 and 26 Flourmill-lane

West-gallery, New-market — workshop, , and Cay, house carpenters, Spa-street 20 South-gallery— h. 41 Dee-street Charles, teller, Town and County Bank, —„— Thomas, nurseryman and florist, Sunny- k. 20 Regent-quay side, near Kittybrewster Toll Charles, late merchant, 41 Guestrow Thomas, grocer, shop and house, Hol- ,.~~ David, advocate, agent for Manchester burn-street Fire, and Pelican Life Assurance Com- ™ William (of Marr and Milne), h. 16 Con- panies, 12 Adelphi -court, h. Diamond- stitution-street cottage, Holburn-place W.F. clerk (City Tax-office), h. 10 East David, blacksmith, Castle-lane, h. Com- Green merce-street ™ William, late painter and glazier, 12 George, spirit dealer, 1 Schoolhill, h. 3 Canal-street, by Mounthooly George-street William, and Son, grocers, tea, wine, and ^„ George, and Co., painters, glaziers, and spirit merchants, 211 Union-street paper-hangers, 42 Woolmanhill, oppo- managing partner, John B. Milne, k. 3 site Royal Infirmary— clerk, Alexander East Craibstone-street— principal assis- Mitchell tant, Patrick Stewart, h. 58 Dee-street George (of G. Mitchell and Co.), h. 39 William, general commission merchant, Union-terrace 61 St. Nicholas-street, A. 34 Chapel-st. James, assistant inspector of poor, Old William, meal dealer, 67 West North-st. Machar, 3S Skene-street, h. Holburn-st. -~~~™ William, bootmaker, 17, /*. 19 Shiprow —„™ James (of Jamieson and Mitchell), h. „™ William, grocer, tea, and spirit merchant, United cottage, Holburn-street 58 Queen-street James, tailor, 21, h. 19 Lodge- walk

. William, overseer, Wellington-road, Dee- James, merchant tailor, 9, h. also 9 Guest- village row

~~ William, grocer, 12 Commerce-street, //. James, wright, 15 Short-loanings 13 Sugarhouse-lane John, builder, 4 Little Chapel-street

~~ . Mrs. Captain, 51 Chapel-street „„, John, artist, 119 Crown-street „-.„— Mrs. David, 24 St. Andrew-street „ John, blacksmith, 211 Gallowgate Mrs. G., 55 Shiprow „™„™ John, linen manufacturer, 51 Castle-street ™ Mrs., James (late of Arbuthnott), East- h. 6 Castlebrae field House „ Rev. John (Holburn Church), 51 Chapel- „„* Mrs. Robert, stay, bonnet, boot and shoe street warehouse, 35 Union-street, h. Ex- ™~,~~ Robert, manager, Aberdeen, Leith, and change-court— principal assistant, R. Clyde Shipping Co., h. 20 Regent- Milne quay _ Mrs., provision merchant, 61 Loch-street Robert, boot and shoemaker, shop and Mrs, lodgings, 3 Queen-street house, 65 Commerce-street L 82 NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY.

Mitchell, Robert, lock & hinge-maker, Beattie's- Moir, Mrs., 1 Skene-place

court, 102 Gallowgate, ft. 155^- Gallow „™ Mrs., register-office for engaging servants, gate 5 Donald's-court, 20 Schoolhill ™ Rev. William L. (Free Holburn Church), ™„ Mrs. William (late of Park), 254 Union 139 Skene-street street ,™. William, mason, 22 Rose-street Miss A., dressmaker, 18 Marywell-street

. William, wright (A. Rainie), 50 Com- ~ Miss, 55, Gallowgate

merce-street, h. 4 Castle-lane — .—. Miss, 34 Union terrace „. William, bookseller and ornamental sta- ~ Miss Isabella, bonnet-maker, 23 George- tioner, 55 Union-street, h. 20 Spittal, street Old Aberdeen ~™ Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 43

,, William, postmaster, Post Office, h. 5 Bon-aecord-street Market-street Mollison, David, jun., grocer and spirit dealer, William, teacher, Boys' Hospital, h. 19 16, h. 24 James street Upperkirkgate George (traveller, J. Ford), k. 9 John-st.

Mrs., midwife, 65 Chapel-street . . James, stoneware-merchant, Holburn-st. Mrs., midwife, 35 Wales-street John, baker, shop and house, 2 Welling- Mrs., lodgings, 21 Summer-street ton-place —.~™ Mrs., pattern printing and embroidering ,~~ — John, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 26 establishment, 8 St. Nicholas-street Virginia-street Mrs. Major, of Ashgrove, 35 Belmont-st. John, 132 Union-street Miss Barbara, sick-nurse, 10 Black's- William, teacher, Mechanics' Institution, Miss, 1 Chapel-street [buildings h. Ashvale-cottage, Holburn-street- Miss, straw bonnet-maker and milliner, Moncur, James, driver, mail-gig, 169 George-st. 65 Chapel-street Monro, David (of J. and D. Monro), 32 Union- Moffat, James, master of horse, Schoolhill- terrace stables, h. 10 Schoolhill J. and D., bootmakers, 48 Upperkirkgate ™ John, gardener, Outseats, Pitmuxton ~~„™ James, shipmaster (John Knox), 39 Con- William, shipmaster (Harvest Home), 9 stitution-street

Hanover-street —, Mrs., 61 Dee-street

Moir, Alexander, shoemaker, 36 St. Andrew- . Mrs., lodgings, 38 Chapel- street street, h, 186 George-street Montgomery, Francis, auctioneer, and manager

.—, — Benjamin (of J. Moir and Son), /;. 36 of Aberdeen Equitable Loan Co., 27 Marischal-street Gallowgate, h. 9| Sugarhouse-lane George, flesher, 21 Queen-street, h. ——-~ James, spirit dealer, shop and house, 137 Orchard-cottage, College-bounds, Old King-street Aberdeen Moodie, Walter, last-maker, 33 Skene-square, h. George, house-carpenter, 7 Carmelite- 5 Gardener's-lane lane, h. 18 Marywell-street Moor, William, carter, 47 Jack's-brae ~~*. — James, (James Moir & Co.), h. 51 Victo- More, Mrs. (of Raeden), 36 Schoolhill ria-street-west „ -~ Miss, 86 Crown-street

James, tea-dealer and grocer, 33 School- . Miss, 150 South Crown-street hill, h. 7 Donald's-court, Schoolhill Morgan, Alexander, hairdresser, 36, h. 34 Wind- —„™ Dr. James, 40 Union -place millbrae

James, and Co., clothiers and tailors, 187 . James, mill-manager, Spring-garden Union-street works, h. 14 North Broadford ™~— John, grocer, tea and spirit-dealer, 41 James, hairdresser, 7 Skene-street, h. 27 Green, h. 8 Carmelite- street Upper Denburn

John, messenger-at-arms, 10 Huxter-row, . John, shipmaster, 8 Yeats-lane h. 5 Donald's-court, 20 Schoolhill ™ John (overseer, A. Hadden and Sons),

. John, wood-merchant, 207 King-street, 11 Carmelite-street

h 5 Nelson-street ». . Patrick, Rosie-cottage, Maybaiik

. John, and Son, preserver of all kinds . William, hairdresser, 35 Woolmanhill of animal and vegetable food in a fresh ~™ William, grocer and spirit dealer, 6 North- state, 56 Virginia-street— sole partner, field, Gilcomston Benjamin Moir, /;. 36 Marischal-street Morice, David Robert, advocate, 34 Marischal-

. Robert, and Brown, wine-merchants, 23 street, h. Tul!os, Nigg

Adelphi .. „~™ Mi's., 4 West Craibstone-street

, Robert (of R. Moir and Brown), Teign- Mrs. Robert, 10 Bon-accord-square

mouth, Devonshire —, Mrs. Isabella, 195 Union-street William, writer, Jopp and Shand, h. 23 Morrice, Alexander (of M'Kinnon and Co.), /*. Broad-street 10 Albyn-place William, tailor, 85 Chapel-street „~— Alexander, provision dealer, 15 Mealmar- William, shore-porter, Cruden's-court, 22 ket-street

Broad-street, , Miss, dressmaker, 25 Loch-street William, overseer of scouring and drying Morison, Alexander, pilot-master, New Pier department, A. Hadden and Sons, h. 8 ™ Alexander, silk mercer and linen draper, Caraielite-street 119 Union-st., /(. 11 Union-buildings NKW GENERAL DIRECTORY. S3

Morison, Alexander, shipmaster (Lion). 15 Con- Mowat, John D., fish dealer, Basement-floor, stitution-street New-market, h. 66 Virginia street Alexander, jun., shipmaster (Dunrobin ™ Magnus, shipmaster, 29 Frederick-street

Castle), 91 Wales-street , William and Co., clothiers, 82 Shiprow

, Alexander, late shipmaster, 13 Prince- William, writer, 117 George-street Regent- street Muil, Francis, baker, 153, h. 155 George-street

Andrew, Aberdeen Railway, h. 29 Thistle- — ,— John, writer, 1 Bon-accord-street, /*. 41 street Schoolhill David, late woollen draper, 57 Victoria- Mrs. John, baker, shop and house, 41 street-west Schoolhill

. George, M.D., 15 Constitution-street Mullett, Mrs., commercial and private lodgings, George, goods manager's clerk, Aberdeen 22 Broad-street

Railway, It. 5 Constitution -street Munro, Alexander, tailor, 33 Woolraanhill, h. 20

. George, shoemaker, 10 Gordon -street Skene-street

. George, leather dealer, 37 Upperkirkgate Major George, staff-officer, 15 Dee-street

George, brush manufacturer, 37^ George- , John, (retired inspector of stamps and street taxes), 20 Union-terrace ^„ James, superintendent, Markets, h. Albyn- Kenneth, baker, 66, h. 68 George-street

cottage, Albyn-place , Robert, artist, 69 Bon-accord-street John, accoun'ant, City of Glasgow Bank, ™, Roderick, shoemaker, 6j Canal-terrace h. 15 Constitution-street ~~ Mrs., provision seller, 73 Windmillbrae Joseph, tailor, 5 Guestrow Murdoch, Alexander, bookseller and bookbinder, ™~~™ Leslie, and Co., spirit merchants, 24 Re- 36 St. Nicholas-street, It. 3 Ross's- gent-quay court, Upperkirkgate

,~~,™ Leslie (of L. Morison and Co.), It. 57 Re- „™ . William, cabinetmaker, 15 Denburn-ter- gent-quay race Peter, manager, Aberdeen Lime Co., Murray and Garden, advocates, 50 Schoolhill

Inches, /;. 157 Crown- street and Grant, confectioners, 11 Castle-street William and Walter, fleshers, 12 Blaek's- and M'Combie, advocates, 103 Union- buildings street— cashier and principal assistant, William, Rosemount-terrace Alexander Watt managers, Aberdeen Lime .— Mrs. John, 15 Constitution-street ™~~~ and Morison, Inches „™ . Mrs. William, 11 Union-buildings Co., Provost Blaikie's-quay, M'Combie), h. . . Mrs., 54 Chapel-street Andrew (of Murray and

. Mrs., grocer, Short-loanings 44 Skene-terrace Morrison, A. D., coal-agent, 29 Thistle-street Andrew Geddes, commercial traveller, Charles, confectioner, New-market Gal- Aberdeen Lime Co., h. 4 Millburn-st.

lei-y, It. 14 Blackfriars-street George, tin-plate worker, 31, It. also 31 David, 57 Victoria-street Chapel-street George, leather merchant, 37 Upperkirk- „~~™ George, builder, 63, It. also 63 Park- street

gate, h. 6 Charles-court, Upperkirkgate . ~ Isaac, furnishing tailor, 22 Shiprow James, gardener, New-market, and Dry- ™ ~ James (of Murray and Garden), h. 50 well-park Schoolhill ~~. John, 1 St. Mary's-place ^ James, clerk (Farquhar and Gill), h. 278 Mrs., 54 Chapel-street George-street Morren, William, chemist (P. Williamson), Dee- „™ James A., clerk (City Tax Office), It. 7 Miss, 29 Dee-street [village Little Belmont-street Mortimer, Peter, wood merchant, Blaikie's- Rev. John (Free North Church), 69 Dee- quay, h. 55 Dee-street street Robert, iron merchant, 12 St, Paul-street John, and Son, agents and merchants, 15 and Ironmonger's-court, 14 Upperkirk- Upperkirkgate gate, h. Rubislaw-teirace John, sen. (of J. Murray and Son), h. 11 William, teacher, 7 Charlotte-street North Broadford William, manufacturer, 11 St. Nicholas- John, jun. (of J. Murray and Son), h. 11

street, /*. Outseats North Broadford [end Mowat, A. and T., china aud stoneware mer- „„ John, boot and shoemaker, 15 Causeway- chants, general agents for rags, &c, ^ John, general merchant, 73 Netherkirk- shop and house, 3 Blackfriars-street gate, 1st floor, h. 73 Netherkirkgate, floor .—™- Alexander, jun., proprietor of the sea- 2nd water baths at Quay and sea-beach, h. John, cabinetmaker, 70, It. 68 Green 3 Blackfriars-street Peter, furniture dealer, shop and house, 40

. James, clothier, 37 St. Nicholas-street, East North-street and renovator of gentlemen's wearing „„ William, manager, Aberdeen Lime Co. apparel, 8 Flourmillbrae, h. 7 Flour- — office, 2 Lime-sheds, Inches, h. millbrae Springbank-terrace James, gardener, 57 Huntly-street William, builder, 52 Chapel-street ,™ John, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 10 „„ William, brushmaker, 31, /(. also 31 Cha-

Justice-street, It. Bank-street pel-street —


Murray, William, flesher, 39 New-market, h. Nicol, George (A. Cowie and Co.), h. 39 Maris- Loanhead, Gilcomston chal-street William, commercial traveller, 8 Little George, shoemaker, 18 Virginia-street Chapel-street G. J., M.D., 17 Belmont-street William, shipmaster, 10 St. Clement-st James, grocer and spirit dealer, 1 John- Mrs., register office, 42 St. Andrew-street street, h. 105 Loch-street

—_—. Mrs., vintner, Holburn-street James, clerk and bulker, Harbour Office, Mrs., teacher, Short-loanings k. 6 Shorebrae Mrs., lodgings, 7 Little Belmont- street John, teacher, Davidson's School, York-

—. — Miss, 28 North Silver-street street, h. school Miss M., dressmaker, 62 Catherine -street John, spirit dealer, 78 North-street Mustard, Robert, tailor and clothier, 145 George- John, merchant tailor, 126 Union-street, street, h. John-street h. 21^ Union-terrace Mutch, George, spirit dealer, shop and house, 21 ™ Joseph, baker and confectioner, 10 Ex- Windy-wynd chequer-row, k. 42 Castle-street James, grocer and spirit dealer, 20, h. 14 „™~™ Whinton, manager, W. Routledge and East North-street Son, h. Farquhar-place, Gallowgate Myers, Charles, overseer of wool dyers, A. Had- William, night patrol, 126 Chapel-st den and Sons, h. 259 George-street „. Mrs. Andrew, 4 Dee-street Myles, James, bookseller, Railway Station, h. 26 . Mrs. John, merchant, 20 Shiprow, h. 25 Dee-village Regent-quay — salesman, Thomas For- James, overseer, Stewart, Rowell, and Co., bes, h. 40 Union-terrace h. 290 George-street ~™ Mrs., vintner, 18 Wellington-street Miss, dressmaker and milliner, Farquhar- Naiknk, Mrs., 29 Union-terrace place National Bank of Scotland's Branch. 42 Castle- Nicoll, Alexander, turner, shop and house, street (see Joint Stock Commercial Chronicle-court, Queen-street Establishmen ts) John, warehouseman, 16 Northfield, Gil- Fire —~~. and Life Assurance Company comston [quay agents, Allardyceand Jopp, 13 Market- Nicolson and Simpson, coal-brokers, 10 Trinity- street Alexander, general blacksmith, 11 h. 5. Naughton, William, shipmaster (Kitty), 59 Vic- Causewayend toria-street-west .„™ George, water taxman, 23 Mary well- st Neil, Mrs., vintner, 44 Quay . William (of Nicolson and Simpson), h. 23. Mrs. Joseph, 37 Victoria-street- west Mary well- street [terrace Neish, Miss, dressmaker, 11 Dee- street Mrs. B., of Glenbervie, 26 Bon-accord- Nelson, Daniel, Holburn-street ™ Mrs. James, lodgings, 59 Marischal-street Ness, Alexander H., commission and insurance <~~~~. Misses, of Glenbervie, 26 Bon-accord- agent— office and house, 13 Union -row terrace —agent for United Kingdom Tem- Niddry, Charles, feuar, 64 Huteheon-street perance and General Provident Insti- Niddrie, William, artist, 24 Frederick- street tution, Essex Economic Fire office, and Nisbet, Alexander, 4 Skene-place London Union Assurance Co. Andrew, and Son, soap makers, 94 Loch- .. Robert, coach-builder and harness-maker, street, h. 199 King-street 7, h. 13 Union-row „„ and Robertson, insurance brokers, 47 Mar- Netherlands Vice Consulate—Arthur Thomson, ischal-street— sole partner, Jas. Nisbet 35 Castle-street, Vice-consul . „~ James (of Nisbet and Robertson), h. 4 Newbridge Brewery, Hardgate — proprietors, Skene-place Reid, Smith, and Co. . William, clerk (Commercial Bank), A. 119 Newburgh Commercial Co. —managing director, King-street John Jamieson, 56 Marischal-street Misses, 4 Skene-place Newcastle Steam Navigation Co. — managers, Niven, J. and C, meal and barley warehouse, Nisbet and Robertson, 47 Marischal-st shop and house, 59 Green Newton, John, shipmaster (Elswick, tug-boat), „™ William, spirit dealer, 11' h. 12 Marischal- 28 Wellington-street street Nichol, Francis Hay, surgeon, 18 Golden-square Noble, Miss, lodgings, 39 Chapel-street Nicol, A. and W. merchants and shipowners, 60 Norrie, Mrs., 55 Victoria-street Marischal-street Norris, Mrs., 74 Wales-street Alexander (of A. and W. Nicol), h. Sea- North British Australasian Investment Com- ton Farm, Old Aberdeen pany— office, 31, Gallowgate (see Joint •~~— Alexander, lime meter, 23 James-street Stock Commercial Establishments) Alexander, cooper, Barnett's-close, h. 77 North British Fire and Life Assurance— agents, Broad-street T. and N. Burnett, advocates, 25 Bel- ~_— Charles, 64 Huteheon-street mont-street, and Andrew Murray, ad- Francis, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, vocate, 103 Union street 58, h. 60 Skene-street North Broadford Bread Company, 4 North George, traveller (W.Routledge and Son) Broadford—manager, Alexander Craig, h. 9 West North-street h. 8 North Broadford —


Northern Assurance Company, 3 King-street Orchiston, James, mealseller, 82, h. 80 George- (see Joint Stock Commercial Establish- street ments) Orr, Mrs., spirit dealer, shop and house, 67 North of Scotland Banking Company, I King- Guestrow street {see do.) Oswald, George, and Co , sharebrokers, 30 North of Scotland Equitable Loan Company, Marischal-street M'Combie's-court, Union-street—ma- „„ Henry Campbell (of Oswald, George, and nager, William Brebner, h. Crown- Co.), h. 95 Crown street

court, Union-street . Mrs., midwife, 30 Skene-street Norwich Fire, Life, and Annuity Office — agent, Charles Chalmers, advocate— office, 147 Palladium Life Assurance Society— agent, Union- street Norval Clyne, advocate, 245 Union-st. Palmer, Jabez, Wesleyan minister, 44 Constitu- Odd-Fellows' Arms' Inn, 41 Queen.street— pro- tion-street prietor, Alexander Brown James, shipmaster (St. Andrew), 74 Ogg, David, basketmaker, 43 Upperkirkgate, Wales-street curled-hair and 30 Market-gallery, h. 43 Upper- .. . John, haircloth and manu- kirkgate facturer, 100, h. 85 Loch-street ^ Henry, and Co., Strathdee- Distillery, Panton, Charles, bookseller and stationer, 33, h. Cooperston 38 St. Nicholas-street — agent for Henry (of Henry Ogg and Co.), h. Hol- Crouch's London and Hinshelwood's burn -cottage Glasgow Small Parcel Delivery Con- veyances , William Frederick, advocate, 1 1 Adelphi- court, h. 118 Crown-street ™ George, late farmer, 30 Ferryhill-place Miss, teacher, 3 St. Andrew-street John, grocer, 33 Park-street, h. 66 East Ogilvie, Alexander and William, cabinetmakers North-street and upholsterers, 183 Union-street ™ Mrs., 5 East Craibstone-street cabinet manufactory, 5 Thistle-lane, Pape, Mrs., 59 Victoria-street-west Thistle-street —foreman at manufac- Park, George, clerk, collector of accounts, and tory, Arthur Knox, h. 27 Thistle-street distributor of circulars, &c, 7 Hut- Alexander (of Alexander and William cheon-street; orders left with James Ogilvie), h. Mile-end, Stocket Brownie, 2 Well-court, Broad-street George-street Alexander, manufacturer, 1| North Broad- . .„„ Mrs., grocer, 280 ford Parker, Rev. Mungo F., Walnut-cottage, Ruth- „„ George, M.D., 39 Union -place rieston James, railway guard, 19 Ferryhill-place ™ Mrs. 52 Skene-terrace ~ John, LL.D., teacher (Gordon's Hospital), Parkhill, John, merchant, 35 East North-street h. Strawherrybank Parrot, Robert, shipmaster (Fairy), 27 York- John, bookseller, bookbinder, and sta- place tioner, 47 Upperkirkgate, h. Kingsland Thomas, shipmaster (Joseph), 69 Vir- place ginia-street ——~ Thomas, hat manufacturer, 17, k. also 17 Paterson, A. and G., timber merchants, Sawmill, Drum's-lane Inches —manager, John Scott, /;. 14 Rev. William, (see Late List) Marywell-street ~~ William, flaxdresser, 25 Netherkirkgate, „™ Alexander, provision merchant, 281 h. Mile-end George-street *~~~~* William, jun. (of Alexander and William „™ David, general agent, 30 Marischal-street,

Ogilvie), /;. Milne-end, Stocket h. 96 Union-street

. Farquharson, merchant, 2, A. 3 Carnegie's- , William, rope maker, 2, h. also 2 West Park-street brae

Mrs., 22 Ferryhill-place , George, painter, glazier, and paper-hang- Misses, Ruthrieston-cottage er, 9 Crown-street, h. 46 Chapel-street Ogston, Alexander, tallow-chandler, 86, h. 88 George (W. Paterson and Co.), h. 39 Loch-street Union-terrace ~~ Francis, M.D., 18 Adelphi-court „^ James (J. Sim, druggist), h. Braehead of Miss, 18 Adelphi Gilcomston

Old Machar Poor Assessment Collector's Office, . Rev. John, Strawberrybank Huntly-street 96 Union-street . John, shipmaster, 42 Old Macbar Poor Inspector's Office, 38 Skene- John, advocate, 2 Guestrow, h. Canal-st. street John, 25 Justice-street Old Machar Poor's House, 13 Leadside, Gilcom- „»„ John, surgeon, and medical officer to Old ston —matron, Mrs. Mark Machar Parish, 61 St. Nicholas- street Oldman, Geo., hairdresser, and servant, Church „„ John, boot and shoemaker, 14, h. also 14

of St. John, 40 Castle-street, /*. 26 Fre- Catherine-street derick-street „_ John and George, boot and shoemakers, ™ Mrs. Andrew, 32 Victoria-street- west 130 Union-street, h. 39 Union-terrace Oliphant, Henry, writer, (A. and P. Davidson), Samuel, book-keeper, Great North of h, 53 Victoria-street-west Scotland Railway Co., 75 Union-street 86 NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY.

Paterson, William, wholesale druggist, 134 and Petrie, Robert, shoemaker, shop and house, 120 136 Gallowgate, h. 73 John-street Skene-street .~~. William, and Co., tanners, — Upper Den- , William, baker, 85 Broad street, h. 74 burn, h. 3 Denburn-terrace Windmillbrae ™ Mrs., coffee-rooms, 38 New-market, h. 30 Mrs., broker, 44 Queen-street Castle-street Miss, dressmaker, 74 Windmillbrae Mrs. A., 10 Bon-accord-terrace Petty, David, shipmaster (Luna), 22 Virginia-st. „~~™ Mrs. Dr., 17 Albert-street Pettigrew, Mrs., vintner, 3 Stronach's-close ™ Mrs., matron, Orphan Asylum, h. 30 Castle-street Huntly-street Philip and Cooper, clothiers, 32 Union-street Mrs., cookshop, 54 Basement-floor, New- ~- and Kennedy, wholesale and retail general market, h. 101 West North-street drapers, 17 and 19 Union-buildings,

. Mrs. John, vintner, Rubislaw and 12 Exchequer-row „ Mrs. James, Mackie-place — — —, — Alexander, (of Philip and Kennedy), h. „™— Mrs. John, 39 Union-terrace 83 Victoria-place or Wales-street Mrs., lodgings, 5 Upperkirkgate ~™.™ Colin Allan, advocate, 15 King-street, h. Miss, dressmaker, 30 Castle-street 82 Queen-street Paul, Alexander, (principal assistant, Jopp and —~~ George (foreman of shipwrights, A. Hall Sband), h 2 St Catherine's-wynd and Sons,) h. 67 Waterloo-quay ™ Alexander, beadle and funeral-waiter, ~~— James, physician and surgeon, 2 Mount- George-street Congregational Chapel, hooly h. 7 Forbes-street William (of Philip and Cooper), h. Straw-

. Alex., provision merchant, 13 Young-st. berrybank „~— John, plasterer, 8 Langstane-place Mrs. James, 82 Queen-street -, John, jun., plasterer, 18 Bon-accord-lane, . —. Mrs., of Morningfield h. 8 Langstane-place Phillips, James, cabinetmaker, 17 Littlejohn-st. John (of D. Dunn and Co.), h. 104 King- Phimister, John, grocer, 70, h. 72J- East- North- street street John, horse-hirer, 77, h. also 77 Skene-st. Phcenix Fire Office — agent, C. Lumsden, 2

. Robert E., artist, 18 Bon-accord-lane, h. 8 Union-terrace

Langstane-place Piggie, Andrew H., furnishing tailor 68, /*. also Paull, James, advocate, 12, King-street, /*. 27 68 Broad-street V ictoria-street-west Thomas (Broadford Works), Maybank Payne, Robert (foreman of sparmakers, W. Pirie, Alexander, sen., h. Waterton k. Hood and Co.), 8 Catto-square . Alexander and Sons, paper manufac- Pearson, Alexander, merchant, 17 Regent-quay, turers —office, 20 Adelphi-court — ma- h. 63 Dee -street nager, James Thomson, h. Devanba- Mark, broker, 33 Justice street terrace — Paper mill, Stoneywood Peebles, William, ship rigger, 12 Albion-street Alexander, jun. (of Alexander Pirie and Mrs. general dealer, 12 Albion-street Sons), Stoneywood-house Pedelty, Joseph, and Co., wholesale hosiers, 68 — , Andrew and James, & Co., general black- Loch-street smiths and mortice-machine-makers, —„~ Joseph (of J. Pedelty and Co.), h. Villa- 3 Barnet's-close field ~™ Alexander, rug merchant, 23 Park-lane Pegler, George, fruiterer to the Queen, 104 „™,.—, Alexander, Terminus Coffee-room, 15 and Union-street, h. Arthur-seat 19 Market-street, h. 19 Fisher-row Pelican Life Assurance Co.— agent, D. Mitchell, -™.~—. Alexander, engineer, 66 West-North-st. 12 Adelphi .—. —, Charles, 20 Basement-floor, New-market, Penny Permit Office, 112 King-street h. Old Hardgate Penny, William, shipmaster, Polmuir ~~. David, commission-agent, Crown-court, Ferpetual Investment Land and Building Socie- Union-street, h. 137 Union-street ty, London; agent, J. A. Wilson, 92 George, shore-porter, 8 Mitchell-place Broad-street Gordon (of Alexander Pirie and Sons), Peterkin, John, wright, 18 Whitehouse-street h. Waterton „™ Mrs., midwife, — and lodgings, 165 Gallow- . John, cowfeeder, Strawberrybank gate ,. John, gardener, Strawberrybank „~— Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 18 White- „™„™ Johnston, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, house-street 43 Woolmanhill, h. 40 Charlotte- street Petrie, George, engraver, 6 Huxter-row, h. 10 ~ Patrick (of Milne, Cruden, and Co.), h. Peacock's-close 154 Union-street

James, jobbing gardener, Cooperston- ,.—~™ Robert, flesher, 34 New-market, h. 15 St. buildings Andrew-street

-~~~—, James (of Buchan and Petrie), h New- William, 67 Bon-accord-street lands, Deeside-road ,™— Rev. William R., D.D., professor of Di- „™— John, writer, 25 Belmont-street, h, ]3 vinity, Marischal College, h. 13 Bon- Constitution-street accord-square „~ John, spirit dealer, shop and house, 64 Mrs., sick-nurse, 61 Broad-street Queen -street -~~,— Mrs., lodgings, 17 Upperkirkgate 1 —


Firie, Miss Jane, lodgings, 124 George-street Public Rooms, Union-street — curator, William dealer, Chisholm j Miss Sarah, spirit 23 Loch-street iPirrie, William, M.D., F.R.S.E., Regius pro- Pye, John, shipmaster, 4 Trinity-street fessor of surgery in Marischal College ~L Mrs. G., 4 Trinity-street and University, and surgeon to the Pyper, James, post-horse-master, 8, h. 7 Shoe- Royal Infirmary, /*. 238 Union-street „™— Mrs- John, Holburn street [lane Pittendrich, Alex., wright, 5 St. Clement's-lane Pittendrigh, James (of W. Shirres and Co.), h. Rae, Alexander, 43 Victoria-street-west

Mackie- place , Alexander, spirit dealer, 88, h. 91 George- William, huilder, 112 John-street, h. 4 street Charlotte-street Francis, cart and plough-wright, shop Miss, lodgings, 116 George-street and house, 62 Skene-street Plate Glass Insurance Co., London — agent, John George, mason, Nelson-street

Sheed, 44 Marischal -street , James, overseer, Bannermill, h. 36 Fre- Playfair, Alex., cabinetmaker and upholsterer, derick-street 33 Castle-street John, merchant, shop and house, 19 — Charles, gunmaker to Prince Albert, 70 Park-street [gate h. 84 Union-street William, jobbing-gardener, 143 Gallow-

Pole, Lawrence, shipmaster, 8 Reid's-houses, .—. — Mrs., 12 Bon-accord-lane Holburn „™— Mrs., 79 Green Police Establishment—Writing Chambers, 50 St. Mrs., lodgings, 5 Little Chapel-street Nicholas-street (see Public Institutions) Raeburn, John, late teller, Aberdeen Bank, h. Poor's Rate, City Parish— collector, James Rid- Ivy Cottage, Loanhead dell, accountant— office, 25 Marischal- Peter, baker and confectioner, 16 St. street —hours 9 to 3, and 6 to 8 Nicholas-street, h. 1 Charles-court, 4 Porter and Leighton, ladies' and gentlemen's Upperkirkgate bootmakers, 52 St. Nicholas-street Rafferty, Peter, merchant, 45 Castle-street Francis, bootmaker, 30, h. also 30 Gor- Raiker, William, shipmaster (Jack Tar), 67 don-street Virginia-street — George (of Porter and Leighton), h. 1 Rainnie, Alexander, builder and timber mer- Charles-street chant, 50, h. 72 Commerce-street — John, feuar, Berry's-road, 35 North foreman, William Mitchell, h. 4 Castle- Broadford lane

.»v~ John, shore-porter, 42 Castle-street George, advocate, 1 1 Burnett's-close

. Robert, letter-carrier, 86 Chapel-street „™— Mrs., spirit dealer, 22 Correction-wynd, h. Potts, Miss, 28 Constitution-street Carmelite-lane

Poulter, Absalom, late clothier, 65 Dee-street —,—~ Mrs., lodgings, 102 Union-street

. Thomas, late clothier, 65 Dee-street Rainy, George, M.D., surgeon, lecturer on Mid- Pratt and Keith, wholesale and retail general wifery to the University and King's drapers, 51 and 53 Union-street College, 17 Golden-square —~™ Robert, grain, meal, and barley merchant, Rait, William, teacher (Bon-accord Schools), h. 2U h. 14 Schoolhill [street 23 Marywell-street Presley, George, guard of Defiance, 123 George - „—~™ Mrs. Isabella, spirit dealer, 19 Virginia-

, George, traveller, Aberdeen Commercial ~~™. Miss, 31 Charlotte-street [street Co., h. 71 Bon-accord-street Ramage, Charles (of Smith and Ramage), h. 7 Preston, Daniel B., comptroller of Customs, h. 7 Waverly -place Union-terrace —„™ John, manager, Causewayend Mill (J. & Primrose, Rev. William, 19 North Silver-street J. Crombie), h. 8 Catherine-street Pringle, John, saddler and harness-maker, 59 —.™ William, architect, 115 Union-street, h. 7 St. Nicholas-street, k. 99 Wales-street Waverly-place Proctoi', Farquharson, baker, 276 George-street, —~„™ Mrs. John, 7 Waverly-place h. 81 Hutcheon -street Ramsay, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 73 Miss, 139 Skene-street Chapel-street, ^.17 Huntly-street

Profat, Miss H., lodgings, 17 Denburn-terrace .. John, 11 Canal-street Professional Life Assurance Co. — agent, Wm. ~™— Mrs., lodgings, 6 Constitution-street P. Booth, 56 Marischal-street—medical -—.— Misses, dressmakers, 1 Forbes-street referee, James Booth, M.D., 27 Queen- Ranson, Edward, New-market Coffee Room, 9 street Market-street Promoter Life Assurance & Annuity Company Rattray, Robert, M.D., superintendent of the of London — John Stuart, advocate, 87 Royal Infirmary, h. Royal Infirmary Crown-street, agent William, manufacturing chemist, 48 York- Provest, Charles, turner and card-nailer, Cause- street, h. 74 Union-street wayend, h. 62 Catherine-street William, teacher, Charlotte-street Schools, Provident Life and County Fire Assurance Co. h. 31 Charlotte-street of London— agent, William Smith, jun., ~-~ William (Patrick Whyte), 64 Hutcheon- 106 Union-street street Prussian Vice-Consulate — Arthur Thomson, 35 Ray, John, tinsmith, shop and house, 5 Gallow- Castle-street, Vice-consul gate —


Ray, Captain, R.N., 130 Crown-street Reid, John, shipowner, 7 Canal-street Record Office, 27 King-street (see Public Insti- —~ — John, late shipmaster, 4 Links-street tutions) John, wright and turner, 161 Gallowgate Redfern, P., M.D., lecturer on Anatomy and A. 11 Jopp's-lane Physiology, King's College, h. 2 Rev. John (Catholic-chapel), 1 Chapel- Crown-place-east court, Justice-street Redford, William, umbrella and bellows-maker, John M., teacher, academy and house, 10 208 Gallowgate Silver-street Register for farm servants and vacancies— re- John, saddler, 6 King-street, k. 57 Park- gistrar, Andrew Masson, 4 Queen-st. street

Reid, Alexander, treasurer to Harbour Com- . John, broker, 26 Justice-street

missioners, Harbour-office, h. Water- — ,— Joseph, bootir.aker, 86 King-street

loo-street . —Robert, merchant, 14, 15, and 16 Upper — .*„ Alexander (late cart and plough-wright), Denburn 29 Skeue-street Robert, (foreman of builders, W. Hood „—„~ Alexander (overseer, Gilcomston Comb- and Co.), h. 2 York-street work), 4 North Broadford —.™. Smith, and Co., Union Glen Distillery, ™ Alex., blacksmith, lj North Broadford Holburn-street and Newbridge, Hard- Andrew, merchant, and consul for United gate

States, 107, /;. 114 King-street Thomas, advocate, 90, Union-street ~ Andrew, grocer, 117 Gallowgate, h. 21 William, ship and insurance broker, 56, Seamount-place h. 48 Marischal- street

Archibald G., baker, 167 Gallowgate, li. .—, — William, vintner, 18 Carmelite-street ] 1 Seamount-place William, late shipbuilder, 109 York-street r-. Benjamin and Co., seedsmen, nursery- „™— William, and Co., rag- store keepers, 18 men, and florists, 94 Union-street Park-street, h. 71 East North-street

nurseries, Albyn-place and Union-vale . William, slater, 67 Hutcheon-street

— principal assistant, William Gibson, .—..—. William, treasurer of Robert Gordon's h. 77 Chapel-street Hospital, h. 11 Bon-accord-street

Benjamin (of B. Reid and Co.), 19 . William, teller, North of Scotland Bank, Albyn-place h. Crown -court, 43 Union-street h. David (of G. Reid and Sons), Crown- „™.—. William, shipmaster, 109 York-street court, Union-street William Leslie, advocate (of Grigor and „ David, general broker, 76 and 80 Wool- Reid), h. 11 Bon-accord-street manhill, h. 61 Spittal, Old Aberdeen ~-~— Mrs. George, 28 North Silver-street Donald F., cabinetmaker, (and precentor Mrs., Wellington-place

of Free East Church), Thistle-lane, .—,— Mrs., lodgings, 9 Diamond-street Thistle-street, A. Gordon's-court, 24 ~ Mrs. J., flesher, 158 George-street

Gordon-street . . Mrs., lodgings, 79 Guestrow „™ Duncan, late shipmaster, 47 Park-street Mrs. James, 6 Frederick-street

. Duncan, M.D., Crown-court, Union-st. —, — Mrs., flesher, 13 New-market, h. 65 Green

, Duncan J., shipmaster (Elizabeth), 47 Mrs. James, 134 Crown- street

Frederick-street .—..~~ Mrs. John, teacher, Albion-street Chapel

„, Duncan, assistant clerk to Coramissionei's School, h. South Constitution-street of Income Tax, 25 Belmont- street Mrs. Peter, draper, shop and house, 6

. . Rev. Edward, governor of Poor's-house, Innes street Nelson-street ,~—™ Mrs. William, 35 Victoria-place

. George, smith and bell-hanger, 29, //. 31 . Mrs. William, 3 Littlejohn-street Queen-street ~ Mrs. William, 15 Bon -accord- street

. George, and Sons, chemists and druggists, Mrs. Thomas, 12 Constitution-street 45 Union-street _ Miss, teacher of music, 15 Bon-accord-st. „ George, broker, 97 Loch-street, h. Suth- —„~ Miss, teacher, 3 Littlejohn-street

erland's-court, Gallowgate . Miss, dressmaker, 61 Hutcheon-street „ George (of B. Reid and Co.), h. New- —.„_ Miss Martha, milliner and dressmaker, 13 land's-cottage Lansrstane-place

James, nurseryman, Belleville, h. Belle- — .— Miss, 20 Upper Denburn

ville, Gilcomston ..— ,—. Miss, dressmaker, 6 Forbes-street

James, gardener, Springbank-cottage . . Miss Maria, teacher, 13 Correction wynd

. , .James, shoemaker, 7 St. Andrew-street Miss Eliza, dressmaker, 13 Correction- „ „„ James, furnishing-tailor, 119 George-st, wynd h. 21 Seamount place Reith, George, secretary and general manager, „ „„ James, manager, Ferryhill-foundry, Ferrv- Aberdeen Railway Co. —office, Market- hill street, h. 1 Rotunda-place, Ferryhill

„_. James, messenger, Mail Coach Office, /;. ~—„™ James (of Milne, Cruden, and Co.), h. 90 Shiprow West-cottage, Rosemount-place

„_ James, house-carpenter, 12, h. 13 Thorn- . James, gardener, 74 Woolmanhill ton-place, Guestrow ~~. John, gardener, New-market and Cooper- ~™~~ John, vintner, 39 Lodge-walk ston . 1


builder, 112 Riddel, William R., book-keeper, and ! Reith, William, Causewayend Town

Mrs., lodgings, 28 Skene-street County Bank, /*. 19 Ferryhill-place Rennie, Alexander, merchant, 245 George-street Mrs. Peter, spirit dealer, 149 Gallowgate Alexander, painter, glazier, and paper- Mrs., Millburn-street

hanger, 45 Upperkirkgate, li. 275 Riddell, James, accountant, 25, h. also 25 Maris- George-street chal-street George, printer, 61 Broad-street, h. North „ James, teacher (John Knox's School), h, Broadford 55 Gallowgate ^. George, grocer and spirit merchant, 50 —~~» Peter, principal clerk, Harbour Office, h. Virginia-street, h. 10 Summer-lane 3 St. Clement-street George, late shipmaster, 4 Alford-place Riddoch, Mrs., 4 Springbank-place

. George J., shipmaster (Conqueror), 83 Ritchie, Andrew, shipmaster, 1 Bannermill-street

King-street .—. — David, shipmaster (Reubens), 49 Com- John T., ship, insurance, and share-bro- merce-street ker, 43 Marischal-street, h. 159 Crown- — ,— James, shipowner, &c. (at A. Duthie and street Co.'s, Footdee), h. Orchard-cottage, William, furniture dealer, shop and house, Old Aberdeen 23 Gallowgate ™ Rev. John B. (Charlotte-street U. P. Mrs., spirit dealer, 22 Correction-wynd, Church), h. 21 Summer-street h. 4 Carmelite- lane —~~™ John, saddler, 5 and 9, k. 7 Back-wynd Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 24 School- John, innkeeper, 2 St. Nicholas-lane hill ™ Rev. John (Catholic Chapel), 1 Chapel- Rettie, James (of M. Rettie and Sons), h. 7 court, Justice-street Thistle-street Thomas, shipmaster (Essequibo), Geddes- ,~~ M. and Sons, silversmiths and jewellers, court, 17 Prince-Regent-street dealers in London and Geneva watches, Thomas, druggist, 228 George-street, h. clocks, and fancy goods—lamp-saloon, 7 Church-street 151 Union-street William, and Co., leather dealers, 51

_*. M. and Sons, lamp-manufacturers, Ret- Netherkirkgate, h. 46 Whitehouse-st. tie's-court, 26 Broad-street —manager, Robb, Alexander, tailor, Crown-court, Uniou-st.

James Knight, h. Smith's.court, 49 „™ . Brothers, and Co., commission-merchants, Gallowgate and general agents, 59 Marischal-si. William (of M. Rettie and Sons), h. 23 and 12 Virginia-street— principal clerk, Dee-street Alexander Y. Johnstone, h. 3 Skene- Reynolds, Gordon, basketmaker, 26, h. 42 row Queen -street David, purveyor of fish to H. M. the Rhind, Alexander (James Litthjohn), h. 29 Queen, and H. R. H. the Duchess of Thistle-street Kent, 19 Basement-floor, New-market,

. John, mahogany merchant and commission h. 4 Summer-street agent— office and house, 28 Broad-st » George, shore-porter, 18 Shiprow Riach, John, builder, h. 3 Thistle-lane George, wholesale grocer, 14 Young-street, —™. Robert, shoemaker, 4 Summer-lane h. 22 Gerrard-street

Mrs., sick-nurse, 28 George-street ,— ~ James (of Robb Brothers, and Co.), h. Mrs., provision dealer, 62 Commerce-st Millburn-cottage, Dee Village Mrs., Workman's Tavern, 16 Shiprow James, shoemaker, St. Andrew-street, k. Rice, Adam, boot and shoemaker, 37 Woolman- 47 Frederick-street

hill, h. Rosemount-place , James, carter, 46 Jack's-brae Richards and Co., linen manufacturers, Broad- ™ John (of Robb Brothers, and Co.), h. ford — managing partner, Frederick Millburn-cottage, Dee Village

Holland, h. 15 Golden-square— cashier, , William, builder, 25, h. 126 Crown-street Archibald Watson, h. 2 Skene-place William, stabler, 13 Princes-street Richardson, Miss, 43 Victoria-street-west ™ William, general broker, 13 Loch-street

Rickman, Mrs., Springbank-street „™ . Mrs. Charles, lodgings, 130 Union-street

Riddel, Alexander (overseer, John Gibb and . . Mrs. James, 22 Gerrard-street Son), k. 10 Church-street Robbie, John, grocer, tea and spirit merchant,

. , Alexander, horse-shoer and farrier, Hoi 94 George-street, h. 1 Skene-square burn-street ~ William, spirit dealer, shop and house, 1 D, and J., watchmakers and jewellers, 43 Carmelite-street St. Nicholas-street William, slater, 1 Skene-square

,. Donaldson (of D. and J. Riddel), /*. 75 Roberts, Alexander, clerk, 27 Causewayend John-street David, saddler, 92 and 94 King-street, h. „. James (of D. and J. Riddel), h. 75 John- 4 Frederick-street street „™ David, leather merchant, 17 Princes- James, innkeeper, Kittybrewster street, h, 4 Frederick- street—manager,

,—„™ Peter, house carpenter, 2 Skene-square, h. John Sedgwick, h. 19 Princes-street 54 Summer-street ™v Robert, furniture dealer, Back-wynd-

i rj —~— Thomas, accountant ( Savings Bank), Mrs., 5 Castlebrae L sta Causewayend Millburn -street Mrs. A., midwife, 27 M 90 NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY.

Robertson, Alex., engineer (Queen), 1 Rose- Robertson, Miss, 50 Bon-accord-street mount-street Miss, teacher, 3 Whitehouse-street, h. 9. Alexander, manager for the Broadford Blackfriars-street

Bread Company, 218 George-street, /;. — .—. Miss, Strawberrybank Craigie-street Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 6 Correc- „. Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 9 tion-wynd, h. 42 Marischal-street

West North -street . Miss, 1 Albyn- place Andrew, sexton, Nellfield Cemetery, h. Misses, teachers, 29 Castle-street at the gate Robins, John (overseer, Stewart, Rowell, and ~~. — Benjamin, shipmaster, 28 Constitution-st Co.), h. 285 George-street —™. Charles, ironmonger, 17 Park-street, h. Robinson, Crum, and Co., cotton-spinners, Ban- 6 South Constitution-street nermill —manager, Charles Sefton, h. ~™— David, Royal Hotel, post-horse-master to 50 Constitution-street — cashier, Wil- Her Majesty, 61 Union-street liam Jamieson, k. 61 Park-street P., George officer of Inland Revenue, h. . . Hardy (of R. C. and Co.), /*. 3 Union-place 187 George-street Robison, William, advocate, office, and house, ~~— George, ironmonger, 207 Gallowgate, h. 58 Castle-street 1 Gerrard-street Robson, Alexander, spirit dealer, 31 Causeway- James, haircutter and perfumer, 20, h. 26 end, h. 21 Seamount-place Broatl-street ™ William, clerk, 21 Seamount-place

James, teacher, St. Clement's School, ~™~™ Miss, straw-hat maker, 74 Skene.street . Garvock street, h. 42 Marischal-street Rodger, James, jun., tanner, currier, and whole- John, and Co., watchmakers, Market sale and retail leather dealer, Gilcom- Gallery, h. Holburn-street ston Tannery, h. 1 Mary-place John, shipmaster (Isabella), h. 55 Wel- Roger, John (of Pratt and Keith), h. 22 Silver- lington-street street John, grocer and spirit dealer, shop and ™ Thomas, teacher of the Trades' School, house, 52 West North-street h. 55 Longacre —~~ Rev. John, late of Gartly, 3 Mitchell- Rodney, David, vintner, 82 Waterloo-quay place, King-street llollo, William, superintendent of Deadhouse, h. „™,™ John, writer (C. Lumsden), h. 27 Mary- 8 Henderson's-court, 46 Broad-street I well-street Ronald, Mrs. John, broker, 42 Lodge-walk Rev. Patrick, M.A., 7 Huntly-street .„„. Mrs., Lemon Tree Tavern, 7 Huxter-row Robert (foreman, Brands and Scorgie), h. Rose, Donaldson, and Co., shipowners and tim- 72 Shiprow ber-merchants, 7 York-street

Robert, stoneware merchant, 16 School- , — George, turner, 73, h. 74 Green hill, A. 116 George-street —.~™ James, shoemaker, Short-loanings Robert, shoemaker, 43 George-street ™ John, vintner and stabler, 166 Gallowgate

~™ Robert, ropemaker, West North- street, h. , John, wright and funeral undertaker, 16 115 Causewayend Muttonbrae Robert, late druggist, 116 George-street _ William (of D. Rose and Co.), h. 7 York- Robert, lodgings, 144 George-street Miss, 256 George-street [street —™, Thomas, cabinetmaker, 73 Gallowgate ™~ Miss, milliner and dressmaker, Short- Thomas, gardener, Ferryhill, Hardgate leanings „„,„„ William, wright, 19 Bon-accord-lane, h. Ross, Adam, watch dealer, 64 School hill 95 Chapel-street ~™. Alexander (overseer, Bannermill), 16

, William, spirit dealer, 26 Regent-quay, h. College-street 80 George-street —™~ Alexander, advocate, 103 Union-street, h. ™~™ William, spirit dealer, 22 Windy-wynd, /'. 75 Bon-accord-street 13 Berry-lane „™ Alexander, clerk CW. Simpson and Co., Mrs-, 36 Summer-street Footdee), h. 28 Wellington-street Mrs., 42 Marischal-street „™ Alexander, brewer, 8 Skene-square, h. 7 Mrs., midwife, 40 St. Clement-street Forbes-street Mrs., sick -nurse, 6 Broad-street Angus, cooper, 15 James-street, h. 25 Mrs. John, 34 Skene-terrace Queen-street ~~.— Mrs., midwife, 51 Virginia-street David, collector, Steam Navigation Co.,

, m~™ Mrs., midwife, 51 Longacre h. 6 Castlebrae ™.— Mrs., provision agent, 209 Gallowgate George, feuar, 45 Wales-street

Mrs., midwife, 40 St. Clement-street , .~™ George, tailor, 6 St. Catherine's-wynd ~„ Mrs. P., 58 Dee-street „™. Hugh, umbrella maker, 12 Gallowgate, h.

Mrs., lodgings, 13 Marischal-street • 26 Gallowgate

Mrs., innkeeper, 13 Guestrow Hugh, jun , haberdasher, 4 Broad-street,

. Mrs., 29 Castle-street h. 100 Crown-street ~~ Miss, milliner and importer of French —~™ James, shoemaker, 46 Shiprow millinery, 217 Union-street James, Cooperston-cottage —„™ Miss, teacher, Holburn Church Female James, shoemaker, Shorebrae, h. 87 John- School, Wellington-place, h. 116 George street street „„ James, builder, 28 Summer- street . —


Ross, James, clothier, 206, h. 239 George-street Rowel), Joseph, View-place h. Joseph, blacksmith, 16 North Broadford , John N., grocer, 1 Rosemount-terrace,

6 Forbes-street , Miss, dressmaker, 60 East North-street „~„~~ John, grocer, shop and house, 25 Wind- Roy, James, bootmaker, 41 Castle-street, h. 8 millbrae Mealmarket-lane ^„^~ John, assistant commissary of ordnance, James, jun., nurseryman, seedsman, flo- and manager, Aberdeen Coach Manu- rist, and fruiterer, 48 Union-street facturing Co., 7 Frederick-street, h. 9 nurseries, North-street, and Ferryhill South Constitution-street Botanic Gardens (not far from Railway ^„ John, plasterer, 46 Netherkirkgate Terminus), h. Rotunda-place, Ferryhill blacksmith, 6 Chapel-lane, h. 52 „™™. James, and Co., wood merchants, Devanha , .John, Shiprow Sawmill, h. 13 Bon-accord-street John, candlemaker, 6 Hanover-street John, nursery seedsman, 48 Union- street, John, huilder, 116 Skene-street h. Rotunda-place, Ferryhill „™ John, ironmonger, 57 St. Nicholas-street, „™~™ Miss, milliner and dressmaker (I. Mathie- h. 264 George-street son's), 78 Union-street ._ John, sharebroker, 43 Marischal- street, h. Miss Margaret, milliner and dressmaker, Twin-cottage, Chapel- street 58' Dee -street John, letter-carrier, h. 12 Little Belmont- Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation — agent, street Alexander Jopp, advocate, Jopp's-court, Gallowgate [street , Robert P., 39 Dee-street 31 Robert, plasterer, 20 Longacre „ Mail and General Coach Office, 65 Union- Society secretary, , Agricultural Roderick, boot and shoemaker, 8 St. Cle- . , Northern — ment-street, h. 3 Catto-square Alexander Duthie, Society's-hall, Mar- rrm Sergeant, of the artillery, 48 Queen-street ket-street (Town's Churcbyard), 14 Rubislaw Works, Rubislaw— proprietors, Rich- , Thomas, sexton Schoolhill ards and Co. — overseers, William William (of Cumming and Ross), h. 12 Coutts, h. Works; Jamrs Gage, h. Carmelite-lane Works; Alexander D. Milne, h. 37

William, wright (Gas Co.), It. Gas-street Victoria-street-west — clerk, William William, advocate, office and house, 20 Sim, h. Works Belmont-street Runcie, George, M.D., 4 Carmelite-street L ™ William, ironmonger, 34 Rroad-street „™ J. and W, tinsmiths, 5 George-street, h. servant (Free North 4 Carmelite-street . William, principal Church), and funeral waiter, 13 Chro- Runcy, Charles— office, 32 Quay, h. Millbank nicle-lane „™ Charles, late shipmaster, Willowpark, „~.„™ William, dryware merchant, 12 Trinity- Stocket corner, h. 12 Carmelite-lane Rural Constabulary— Lieut. Wm. Anderson, 21 „„ William, tailor, 2 Water-lane Union-terrace, general superintendent ,™~~ Mrs., lodgings, 28 Chapel-street Russel, George, sculptor, 4 Dee-street

. Regent- „„ Mrs., lodgings, 92 George-street — . Peter, M.D., 12 quay Mrs. A. J., 75 Bon-accord-street William, bookseller and public circulating Mrs. George, merchant, \0,h. 9 Hanover- library, 19 Broad-street, A. 4 Dee -street Mrs. Charles, 42 Skene-terrace [street William, confectioner and baker, 38 Up- Mrs., 91 Crown-street perkirkgate, and 28 Union-street, h. 4 13 Bon-accord-street Dee-street j Mrs., Mrs. William, draper, 179 Gallowgate, h. Mrs., midwife, 85 Spring-garden above shop Mi's. William, 35 Huntly-street

, George-street „™~~. Miss, lodgings, 96 Union-street . Miss, 257 ™ Miss, dressmaker, 16 College- street Russell, Alexander, clothier and outfitter, 18 Miss, dressmaker, 9 George-street Union-street, h. Maybank-cottage, Hut- Jane, sick-nurse, 40 Skene-square cheon -street Rothnie, James, builder, 17 St. Andrew-street „™ William, late merchant tailor, 5 Belmont- ™„ Mrs., gardener and fruiterer, New-market, street h. 53 Windmillbrae. Russian Vice-Consulate, Arthur Thomson, 35 Rough, John, corn extractor, Brebner's-court, Castle-street, Vice consul Castle- street Rust, Alexander, commission merchant, office William, commission agent, 27 Castle- and house, 32 Adelphi-court street, A. 2 Castlebrae ^ David, clothier, 7 Broad-street, h. 75 Routledge, William, and Son, rope and twine Union-street— cutter, William Forbes, manufacturers— saleroom, 5 St. Catha- h. 72 Skene-square rine's-wynd — manufactory, 219 Gal- „™ James, house carpenter, 14, h. 35 Black- lowgate —manager at works, Whinton friars-street Nicol, h. Farquhar-plaee — traveller, John, -wood-merchant and house carpenter George Nicol, h. 90 West North-street 14 Thistle-street, h. 20 Rose- street William (of W. Routledge and Son), 268 Mrs., lodgings, 178 George-street George-street Rutherford, George D., writer, 245 Union-street, h. 4 Springbank-place .—, —. Miss, 220 Gallowgate —


Rutherford, Thomas, mealseller, shop and house, Scott and Duncan, leather merchants and boot 176 West North-street and shoemakers, 25 Broad-street

, Thomas, carver, 84 Shiprow George, shoemaker, 36 James-street Ruxton, Charles, late farmer, Albert-street, 2nd „™ James, boot and shoemaker, 10 St. Nicho- cottage, west-side las-street, h. Rosemount-place „—„~ Thomas, advocate, 54 Union-street, h. ~ James, spirit dealer, 8 Trinity-street Rock-cottage Albert-street —~—. John, teacher, Gordon's Hospital, h. 86| Ryde, Rev. John G., incumbent of St. Andrew's Crown-street Church, 3 West Craibstone-street — .—. John, chimney-sweeper, 46 Gallowgate

—, —. John, house carpenter, and cabinetmaker, Sachs, Rev. M., teacher of languages, 32 Skene- 176 North-street terrace John, manager, A. G. Paterson, h. 14 Saint, James, shore-porter, 41 Summer-street Marywell-street James, jun. silk mercer, draper, and ~ Robert, manager, Arbuthnot and M'Com- shawl merchant, 139 Union-street, k, bie, h. 3 Trinity-quay 41 Summer-street— principal assistant, ,~~~— Robert, engineer (Sovereign steamer), h. Wm. Murdoch h. 15 Denburn-terrace 57 Wellington-street Salmond, William, letter carrier, 5 Drum's- lane .— .—. Mrs., Ruthrieston Lodge, Ruthrieston Saloon, and Lamp Fancy Ornament—M. Rettie ~~»—. Mrs. (late of Achatb), United- cottage, and Sons, 151 Unionstreet-bridge Holburn-street

Royal Music, 218 Union-street Mrs., lodgings, 1 Littlejohn-street

Salter, William, flesher, 90 New-market, h. 183 ,—~™ Miss, 10 Crown-street Gallowgate —..—. Miss, 50 Skene-terrace Sandilands Chemical Works, Links— proprietors, Scottish Australian Investment Co.,— cashiers John Miller and Co., office in town, and agents, Stronach and Grainger, 20 Crown-court, Union-street King-street Sandison, William, grocer, and spirit dealer, Amicable Life Assurance Society — Holburn-sti'eet agent, John Jamieson, 56 Marischal- ~™— Ludovic G., fishing-tackle and golf-club- street maker, 118 King-street, h. 38 Park-st. . Equitable Assurance Co.,— agents, Wm. Sang, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, 50, h. 52 Gordon, advocate, 14 Adelphi ; and C. Summer-street Lumsden, advocate, 2 Union-terrace Sangster, Alexander, sen., flesher, 17 and 18 ™ Provident Institution of Edinburgh New-market, h. 3 Hanover-street agent, William, Skinner, advocate, 173 George, goldsmith, 81 h. 68 Broad-street Union-street —~,™ John, shipmaster (Commerce), 3 James- „ Scottish Provincial Assurance Co., (see street Joint Stock Commercial Establishments)

. John, chemist and druggist, 46, h. 48 ~~„™ Sea Insurance Co., —agent, William Reid, Commerce-street 56 Marischal-street

—, — Robert, sen., flesher, 31 New-market, h. Union Fire and Life Assurance Co., 21 Crown-street agent, John Duncan, 8 Castle-street

Thomas, advocate, 37 Broad-street, h, 17 r. Widows Fund and Life Assurance So- Union-place ciety— agent, John Blaikie, 245 Union- „™,™. Miss, dressmaker, 29 Hutcheon-street street —~~ Miss Jane, 3 Canal-street Seaview Garden, Pleasure & Recreation grounds, Saunders, David, managing clerk, Blaikie Bro- Cunnigarhill, Links—John Pollok, les- thers, h. 4 Devanha-plaee see, Theatre Royal George, grocer, 68 and 70 Virginia-street, Sedgwick, John, manager (D. Roberts), 17, h. h. 4 Devanha-place 19 Princes-street —„™ James, spirit dealer, shop and house, 53 Sefton, Charles, manager, Bancermill, h. 50 Regent-quay Constitution-street „~— John, late of Kemhill, 13 Bon-accord-st. Seller, James, 1 Links-street Sawyers, William, collector of Customs, h. 30 Sellar, Wm. wholesale confectioner and lozenge Bon-accord-terrace manufacturer, Pirie's-court, 50 Castle- Scarth, Mrs, 29 Victoria-street- west street Scatterty, Alex., spirit dealer, 18^ h. 90 Shiprow Mrs. T., draper, 54 George-street, h. 31 Scorgie, Alexander (of Brands and Scorgie), Loch-street

Canal-lane Senter, John, boot and shoemaker, 8, /*. 10 ~~~~~ George, porter, Jopp's-court, 40 Broad-st. Crown-street Robert, spirit dealer, 1, h. also 1 Waterloo- Seton, James, spirit dealer, 7 Gallowgate, h. 6 Scott, Alexander, 15 Rosemount-place [street Blackfriars-street

~—™ Alexander, shipmaster, 84 Shiprow .—„~ Miss, 76 Dee-street Alexander, shoemaker, 52 Upperkirkgate, Shand, Alexander, merchant, 43 Causewayend h. Craigwell-place, Skene-street Arthur, late wright, 35 Causewayend Andrew (of Scott and Duncan), h. 105 ~- David, saw-trimmer, Market-street Skene-street —™~ Robert (of Jopp and Shand), h. 45 Bel- —„™ A. D. (A. Hadden and Sons), 84 Bon-ac- mont-street cord-street ~ Mrs., sick-nurse, 45 Bon-aecord-street NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY. 93

Shand, Misses, 4 Union-place Shirres, David Logan (of D. L. Shirres and Co.), h. Loirston-house, Nigg , . . Miss, 97 Union-street Shanks, Mrs., housekeeper, Infirmary James, silk mercer and woollen draper, Sharp, James, musical instrument maker, 11 31 Union-street, h. 1 Prospect-terrace, George-street Ferryhill William, Co., wholesale clothiers, 67 . . John, spirit dealer, 1 Wales-street and Shaw, John, heel and toe-plate maker, Sbarp's- King-street, and 2 North-street—tra- court, 78 Loch-street veller, George Webster, h. 34 Union- „w Robert, house factor, messenger-at-arms, terrace— assistants, David Symon, h. 29 and bar officer of Sheriff Court— office, Union-street, and Alexander S. Cook,

11 Huxter-row, li. 8 Shaw's-court, 90 34 Union-terrace h. Gallowgate [walk ... William (of William Shirres and Co.), William, tailor and clothier, 41 Lodge- Pitfodels merchant, i Miss, dressmaker, 19 Skene-terrace Shivas, George, grocer and provision Sheed, John, wine merchant, general commission 2, h. 3 Gordon-street merchant, and insurance broker— office Sievewright, Alexander, wright, York-place

and house, 44 Marischal-street . Mrs., 63 Park -street —„-. Mrs., midwife, 5 Hanover-street Silver, George, smoke-doctor, slater, and grate- Shepherd, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, setter, Jopp's-court, 40 Broad-street 79 George-street „™„™ John, gardener, South Bridge, Holburn- Charles Lyell (late of Royal Artillery), 8 lane Rosemount- terrace Sim, Alexander, accountant Bank of Scotland, <™.™ George, bookseller and stationer, 1 Broad- 34 Castle-street Justice-street street, h. Pirie's-court, 50 Castle-street , Alexander, spirit dealer, 31

James, 37 Bon-accord-street . Andrew, blacksmith, 5 Catto-square Aberdeen Bank, h. , James, clerk (Gray, Watt, and Co), 182 „„ George, accountant, Gallowgate 29 Dee-street James (of Souter and Shepherd), h. 31 ™ George, grocer and spirit dealer, 74 Dee-street Shiprow John, keeper of Waterhouse, Union-place ,~~ — James, 2 Sim's-square whole- -—— Robert, provision dealer, 20 Park-street ,— James, manufacturing chemist and —,~™ Simpson, spirit and wine merchant, 37 sale druggist, 76, h. 80 King-street— Went North-st, h. 91 Bon-accord-st. traveller, William Gordon, h. 95 King- William, confectioner, 49 Union-street, h. street

134 Crown-street , John, book-keeper North of Scotland .™— William, draper, 182 Gallowgate Bank, h. 161 Skene-street

Miss, teacher, Rosebank-lane, Hardgate , ,. John, surgeon, Holburn-street Miss, 37 Bon -accord-street „, John, shoemaker, 41 Causewayend Misses, 66 Schoolhill William, tanner and currier, Newbridge Sherar, John, ironmonger, 48, h. 50 George- Tanwork, Hardgate, h, at premises, street—traveller, John Cooper, jun., h. Hardgate 123 George-street Simmie, Alexander, shoemaker, and principal Shearer, Johnston, writer (A. and J. Webster), beadle of Free John Knox's Church, h. 73 John-street h. 20 Hutcheon-street Sberer, Andrew, ship chandler and grocer, shop ~~„~~ Robert, late reedmaker, 31 Harriet-street and house, 13 Quay Simpson, Alexander, advocate, office and house, Sherriffs, James, grocer, tea and spirit merchant, 27 Belmont-street shop and house, 52 Woolmanhill ™ Alexander, jun., advocate, 56, h. 58 Bon- ShirrefFs, Mrs. James, Union Inn, 42 St Nicholas- accord street street ™~,~~ Rev. David (Free Trinity Church), 6 Shirriffs, Mrs., milliner, 40 Union-terrace Carden-place Shewan, Alexander, jobbing gardener, 32 White- George, corkcutter, 27 Broad-street, h. 6 house-street Alford-place —foreman, William Catto, Mrs. John, Shewan 's-court, 119 Gallow- h. 9 Guestrow gate „™. George, beadle and funeral waiter (St. Shields, John, confectioner and pastry cook, 160 Nicholas-lane Chapel), 57 Green

Union-street „™.—, James, advocate, 17 Huxter-row, h. 2

— .—. Thomas, pharmaceutical chemist and Bon-accord-square druggist, 133, h. 131 Crown-street „™ James, day patrol, Collie's-court, 58 Shirer, William, clerk (A. Hall and Sons), 13 Castle-street

Bon-accord-lane James, wright, 1 Donald's-court, Schoolhill

Shirras, William, tinplate-worker, 18 Upperkirk- . James, baker, 126 George-street

gate, k. 6 Donald's-court, Schoolhill . James, merchant, 30 Woolmanhill, h. 7 Shirres, David L., and Co., wholesale hat, cap, Blackfriars-street and shoe warehouse, &c, 76 George- ™ John, grocer and spirit dealer, 50 West street— principal assistants, Robert North- street, h. 30 Gallowgate Downie, h. 41 North Broadford, and „~~~ John, M.D., 2 East Craibstone-street William Sharp, h. 76 Q,ueen-street John, hay retailer, 37 Frederick- street — I


Simpson & Whyte, clothiers to her Majesty and Skene, Rev. Charles, of John Knox's Church, Prince Albert, 21 Union-huildings and chaplain of the St. Nicholas Poor cutter, Richard Davies, h. 24 Correc- House, h. 3 Nelson-lane tion-wynd George, woollen manufacturer, King- William, and Co., engineers, boilermakers, street-place, h. 4 King-street-place, i chain-cable, anchor, and iron shipbuild- West North-street ers, York-place Iron Works, Footdee James, carver, 6, h. also 6 Upperkirkgate manager, Andrew Leckie, h. 8 York- Thomas, inspector of poor of Old Ma- street— cashier, Alex. Ross, h. 28 Wel- char— office, 38 Skene-street, h. 3 Mary- lington-street place William (of Nicolson and Simpson), h. 1 William, late shipmaster, 1 Justice-lane South College-street Captain William A., of Lethenty, 1 Union- William, advocate, procurator-fiscal for place the county— office 56, h. 58 Bon-accord- „™~™ Mrs-, paper merchant, 2, h. 1 North-street

street ;—. —. Miss, hosier, 16, h. 18 Queen-street . William, officer of Gilcomston Church, ~~— Misses, 5 Bon-accord-square

and funeral waiter, 111 Skene-street .—. — Miss, 2 South Silver-street [row i

.—. — William, clerk (North of Scotland Bank), Skinner, Alexander, shore-porter, 8 Exchequer- h. 15 Bon-accord-square ~~, — John, boatbuilder, 54 York-street, h. 8 William, turner, 26 Skene-street, h. 18 York-street Spa-street P. A., tallow chandler, 16 Shiprow Mrs. (late of Strichen), 27 Belmont-street and Wilsone, 201 Union-street

—. — Mrs., 15 Bon-accord-square —~™ William, advocate, agent for the Scottish- —„™ Mrs., straw-bonnet-maker, 2 Donald's- Provident Institution, the Insurance court, 20 Schoolhill Company of Scotland, and Secretary Mrs., 29 Thistle-street to the Association for the Promotion Miss, 1 Alford-place of the Fine Arts, 201 Union-street, h. Mrs, 2 East Craibstone-street 12 Golden-square ~~.— Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 66 Vir- The Right Rev. Bishop William, D.D., ginia-street (St. Andrew's Chapel), h. 1 Golden-

.—.—. Miss, register office, 8 Gaelic-lane square

Sinclair, D., teacher, 56 Union-street, h. 4 North .— .—. Mrs. John, 78 Dee-street Broadford Skues, Lieutenant George, R.M., dentist and cup- —~~ George, teller, Aberdeen Bank, 124 Union- per, Crown-terrace street Smart, George, vintner, 7 Shore-lane George, tailor and clothier, shop and John, jobbing gardener, Holburn-street house, 22 Broad-street —~~ John, shipmaster (Ochtertyre), 59 Com-"" James A., accountant, 245 Union-street, merce- street

h. 31 Bon-accord-terrace . John, contractor, 7 Carmelite-street

—,~~ James, boot and shoemaker, 13 George- , William, assistant inspector of poor of street, h. 16 Loch-street Old Machar— office, 38 Skene-street, It. ~™ John, brewer, Gilcomston Brewery Co., 89 Chapel-street h. Gilcomston-cottage, 31 Skene-square —«™ William (of Farquharson and Co.), h. I John, grocer and spirit dealer, 1 Loanhead, Langstane-place h. 2 Short-loanings William, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 11, i—~™ William, wholesale druggist, 34 and 36 h. 9 Exchequer-row Upperkirkgate, h. Crown-court, 36 ~~ Mrs., sick-nurse, 1 Skene-square Upperkirkgate — principal assistant, Smith, Alexander, (foreman blacksmith, Spring- George Wilson, 256 George-street garden), h. 63 Causewayend ^ Mrs. Colonel, 31 Bon-accord-terrace Alexander, spirit dealer, 16 Berry-lane Singer, Adam, general agent, office and house, Alexander, civil engineer and land sur- 84 Broad-street veyor, office and house, 11 Union-ter- ™~— George, baker, 45, h. 47 St. Nicholas-st race Patrick, clerk (D. Wyllie and Son), h. 7 ™ Alexander, bookseller, 3 Thornton-place, Union-row Guestrow Mrs., lodgings, 58 Castle-street Alexander, wright, 48 Skene-square

- Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 7 Union- . Alexander, of Blackhills, 88 Bon-accoi d- row street

Sisson, William, officer of customs, h. 4 Pros- . . Alexander, spirit dealer and grocer, 11 pect-terrace College-street Skakle, George, clerk (Stewart, Rowell, and „™~~ Alexander, gardener, King-street-road Co.), h. 56 Causewayend Alexander, corn factor and commission Skea, Joseph, veterinary surgeon and veterinary merchant, 38, h. 36 King-street forge, 22, h. also 22 Dee-street ~™™~ Alexander, brewer of ginger-beer, 4, /*. ~—™Thomas, horse-shoer and farrier, 75, also 4 Thornton-place, 29 Guestrow George-street, A. 11 Crooked-lane ™ Alexander (of Devanha Comb- work Co.), Skene, Alexander (of Buyers and Skene), h. 53 h. Allardyce-buildings, Dee Village Victoria-street-west Andrew, draper, 63 St. Nicholas-street, h. Rosemount-place —


Smith, Andrew, furnishing tailor, 7 Netherkirk- Smith, John, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, gate, h. 6 St. Catharine's-wynd 43^, h. 20 Castle-street

Anthony A., veterinary surgeon, 4 Lang- . John, shoemaker, Rubislaw stane-place, h. Still's-cottage, Hardgate —..™ John, merchant tailor, 13 Union-street, k. Arthur, painter and glazier, 30 Regent- 29i Upperkirkgate

quay, h. 25 James-street —. —w John, audit clerk, Aberdeen Railway, h. and Cardno, seedsmen, nurserymen, and 121 Crown-street florists, 76 Union-street John, and Co., iron and nail merchants, 5 Charles, merchant-tailor, 9 Skene-terrace, Shoe-lane— clerk, James Walker, h. 13 h. 89 Woolmanhill Black's-buildings Charles, grocer, 1 College-street, and 23 John, clerk (Steam Navigation Co.), h. 25 Windmillbrae, h. 20 Dee Village Frederick-street Charles (of Smith and Ramage), h. 46 John, shore-porter, 14 Castle-street

Quay . John, shipmaster (Mariner), 1 Canal-lane and Cochran, advocates, 96 Union-street John, vintner, 2 Adelphi-lane, h. 32 Park- David, clerk (T. M'Combie and Co.), 32 street Whitehouse-street -~~— John, bookseller and stationer, 50 Union- Ferguson, clerk, 150 Union-street- west, street, h. 24 Crown-street

h. Nelson-street . Joseph, grocer and spirit dealer, 3, h. 2. Francis, accountant, North of Scotland Garvock-street Bank, Balnagarth, Pitfodels Lewis and James, wholesale booksellers, Francis, spirit dealer, 1 Adelphi-lane stationers, and paper rulers, 55 Nether- George, eating-house, 38 Sbiprow kirkgate George, shipmaster (Lord Haddo), 3 Lewis (of Lewis and James Smith), h. 24 James-street Crown-street George (of Smith and Wills), h. 64 -™— Mungo Park, assistant engineer, John Broad-street Gibb and Son, Waterloo-quay George, house carpenter, house and shop, and Murray, painters, glaziers, and paper- 6g- Causewayend — furniture saleroom, hangers, 26 Castle-street 8 Causewayend Neil, jun., merchant and ship and insur- George, boot and shoemaker, 62, h. 64 ance-broker, 7 Frederick-street, h. 114 Broad-street King-street and Gordon, police contractors, 95 West ~w»~~ and Ramage, opticians and nautical-instru- North -street ment-makers, 45 Quay Henry Ambrose, secretary, Northern As- Robert, blacksmith, 306 George-street surance Co., h. 137 Union-street Robert, surgeon, 9 Union-terrace James (of Lewis and James Smith), h. ,™ Robert (of Smith and Cochran), h. 77 Affleck-street Dee-street James, spirit dealer, shop and house, 63 ~~» Rev. Stephen, missionary (Free East Guestrow Church), h. Kingsland-place, 267 James, stabler, 22 Harriet-street George- street James, book-keeper, Newcastle Steam Thomas (of Gordon and Smith), police Navigation Co., A. 17 Adelphi contractor, h. 95 West North-street James, bootmaker, shop and house, Hol- Thomas, painter, 21 North Silver street burn-street Thomas (overseer, Stewart, Rowell, and James, post-horse-master, 60 Loch-street, Co.), h. 50 Causewayend h. 85 Gallowgate Dr. Thomas, 99 Crown-street

James, late builder, 7 St. Mary-place , . Victor E., shipmaster, 1 Links-street James, vintner, 16 Trinity-street William, hairdresser, 4 West North-street James, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 106 William, hairdresser, 7 Waterloo-street

King-street, h. Nelson- street ,. William (Northern Assur. Co.), Dee-st. James (of Gill and Smith), h. Rubislaw- William L., grocer, tea and spirit dealer, place 20 Union-place, h. 1 Rose-street James (Aberdeen Free Press), h. 2 Ca- ,~~ William, vintner and storekeeper, 14 tharine-street Frederick-street John, pharmaceutical chemist, 90 Broad- William, blacksmith, 5 Minister-lane, h. street, h. 2 Gallowgate 49 Upper Denburn h. John, grocer and spirit dealer, 87, 89 . William, blacksmith, 69 Green, h. 35 St. Woolmanhill Nicholas-street John, grocer and spirit dealer, 15 Windy- ™^ William, house-carpenter, 20, h. 24 Black- John, grocer, 82 King-street [wynd friars-street John, porter dealer, 85 Gallowgate William, Claremont-cottage, Cooperston John (of Reid, Smith, and Co.), h. New- William, jun., tea, wine, and spirit mer- bridge chant, agent for Provident Life Office John, advocate and accountant, 233 and County Fire Office, 106 Union- Union-street street, h. Springbank, Dee-street John, (late of Rotterdam), 5 Alford-place principal assistant, John K. Wilson,

John, shipmaster (Vesta), 1 7 Prince Re- A. Newbridge, Hardgate gent-street '


Smith, William, grocer and spirit dealer, 15, h. Spark, Andrew, flesher, 4 New-market, h. 61 : 17 College-street Wales-street

^ William (overseer, Aberdeen Brick and . George, grocer and ship-chandler, 58 Tile Co.), Clayhills Regent-quay, h. 10 Garvock-street

„™„~ William, agent, 38 King-street . „™ John and Alexander, tinsmiths, 91 and 95 William, architect and superintendent of Queen-street, h. 101 Causewayend

Town's Works, 142 King-street . William, teacher of music, 2 Guestrow

William, grocer, 62 Park-street . „ William (of Craigiepark), Craigiepark ™ William (of Smith & Cardno), h. Stonyton „„ William, ironmonger, 54 and 55 Market- and Wills, confectioners, Ramage's-court, gallery, h. 46 Netherkirkgate 83 Broad-street „~,„™ Mrs., dressmaker, 86 John-street Mrs., of Glenmillan, 77 Dee-street Speid, Alexander, 6 Donald's-court, Schoolhill Mrs. A., of Blackhills, 88 Bon-accord-st. „, William, advocate and sharebroker, 103— I Mrs. Alexander, lodgings, 7 Garvock-st. Union-street, h. 70 Catherine-street Mrs. Dr., Springbank, Dee-street principal assistant, James Reid, h. St. „„ Mrs., midwife, 6 Marischal-street Paul-street Mrs. James, 4 Castle-lane, Commerce-st. Spence, Rev. Alexander (Free St. Clement's I _. Mrs. Captain John, 5 Skene-place Church), h. Castlehill „„ Mrs., lodgings, 21 Silver-street Alexander, teacher (Holburn School), Mrs. H., Brebner's-court, 84 Shiprow h. Short-loanings Constitution-street „„. Edward and Robert, boot and shoemakers, , 28 . Mrs., Mrs. J., 1 St. Mary's-place 13 Broad-street ^ Mrs. John, Rosebank, Hardgate James, draper, 28 Castle-street, h. 3 Cha- Denburn-terrace pel-court , , Mrs., midwife, 15 ,„„ Mrs., 6 Frederick-street .. Mrs., 3 Castlehill Forbes-street Stables, Alexander, jun., accountant, Scottish , Mrs., lodgings, 7^ Mrs., 2 South Silver-street Provincial Assurance Co., h. 112 High- Mrs. John, 30 Queen-street street, Old Aberdeen Mrs. Alexander, 32 Whitehouse-street Standard Life Assurance Company— agents and Mrs., 31 Shiprow secretaries to the Local Board, Smith „. Miss, Wellington-place and Cochran, 96 Union-street Miss, lodgings, 73 Bon-accord-street Starling, Robert, manager, Cosmocapeleion,' Miss, dressmaker, 49 Bon-accord-street h. Ferguson's- cottage, Holburn- street } Miss, 25 Victoria-street Stark, A. and W., fleshers, 79 Woolmanhill and 7 New-market, h. 79 Woolmanhill „ . iviiss J., 15 Rose-street Adelphi-court ,„ Miss, dressmaker, 38 Union-terrace Steel, James A., M.D., 23 Bon-accord-street William, grocer and spirit dealer, 4| ; Miss Jane, 87 „™„™ Miss, dressmaker, 2 King's-square Weighhouse-square „„ Isabella, vintner, 13 Exchequer-row Steele, Alexander, hatter, 20 Union -street, h.\ 10 Marywell-street Northfield-house, Gilcomston , Misses, Castle-street, h.< „™„™ Misses, 12 Chapel-street , . William, accountant, 58 dressmakers, 42 Huntly-street 20 Castle-street „ .„_„ Misses, Smollet, Robert, spirit merchant, 47 Castle-st., Stephen, Alexander, late merchant, 1 Martin's- h. 5 Castlebrae lane, Green Snowey, William, gardener, Belmont-cottage, ,„ Alexander, late shipmaster, Millbank, Berryden Hardgate Snowie, Wm., shipmaster (Sovereign steamer), Alexander (of Stephen and Sutherland), 63 College-street h. Devanha- terrace Sorley, John, reedmaker, 62 George-street, h. Alexander (clerk, James Black and Co.),^ 6 Carnegie's-brae Millbank, Hardgate of joiners, A. Duthie Souter and Shepherd, wholesale druggists and , David (foreman drysalters, Cruden's-court, 22 Broad-st. and Co.), h. 26 Commerce-street street, h. 33 Captain David, 59 Victoria- street- west . James, teacher, Gerrard- Charlotte-street George, hairdresser, 9, h. also 9 Chapel-st. Richards Co.), SM „™„™ William, funeral waiter and shoemaker, . „ George (overseer, and 6 Park-street Forbes-street ™~„™ William, clerk, Weighhouse, h. 96 Skene- Lessel, writer, 84 King-street, h. 72 Dee- [street street . 18 Bon-accord-street , Mrs. D., „™,~~ Mrs. James, 62 Dee-street ,™~~ James, ironmonger, 34 Broad-street, h. 54 .< Souttar, William, writer (Murray & M'Combie), Charlotte-street Whitehall-cottage James, stabler, 8 West North-street h. Sowter, Thomas, officer of Inland Revenue, Hol- . James, porter-dealer, 34 Regent-quay, burn-street 20 Gordon-street Souper, Charles, bootmaker, Wellington-road „m Rev. John (Free John Knox's Church), Spalding, Miss, dressmaker and lodging-house Rosemount-place keeper, 117 George-street ^. John, plumber, brassfounder, coppersmith, Spanish Vice-consulate, Arthur Thomson, 35 and gasfitter, 6 Shoe-lane, h. 40 Broad- Castle-street, Vice-consul street —


Stephen, John H., engraver and copperplate- Stewart, Henry, last and boot-tree-maker, 70 printer, 8 St. Nicholas-lane, A. 59 Hunt- Gallowgate, A. 7 Mount-street ly-street „~— James, stoneware-dealer, 39 Sehoolhill John, mealseller, 8, A. 6 Marywell-street ~~ James, flesher, 1 and 2 New-market, A. 11 „™ Robert R. (of Wood and Co.), 211 Union- Market-street

street . James, jun., grocer and spirit dealer, shop Robert, late merchant, 1 Martin's-lane, and house, 2 1 East North-street Green James, jun., flesher, 6 Gallowgate, A. 13 Upperkirkgate . .„™ Robert, 59 Victoria-street- west and Sutherland, painters, glaziers, and John, late mail guard, 7 Huxter-row glass-stainers, 52 Netherkirkgate John M., teacher of Thain's School, A. „™ William, baker and confectioner, 31, A. 29 52 Shiprow Broad-street ™ John (of Stewart, Rowell, and Co.), A. „™ William, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, Cotton-lodge 150 Union-street— workshop, 2, A. 1 John, ginger-beer brewer, and porter Union-wynd dealer, 65, A. 66 East North-street Mrs. Captain, 59 Victoria-street-west „™ Patrick (W. Milne & Son), 58 Dee-street Mrs., midwife, 20 Gordon-street ™ Peter, vintner, Waterloo-street ,~~.^. Miss, dressmaker, 108 Skene-street Peter, provision-merchant, 100 Gallow- Miss, 53 Green gate, house above shop „-~~~ Miss, (Day School), 1 Union-wynd „™ Rowell, and Co., comb-manufacturers Stevens, Richard, late quarter-master-serjeant, Hutcheon-st.—principal clerks, George 79th regiment, 42 Marischal-street Skakle, A. 56 Causewayend, William ^™ Robert, grocer and spirit merchant, 214 Kidd, A. 1 Kingsland-place Bannockburn George street, h. Roseniount-house . Thomas, general agent, principal assistant, Robert Elmslie, A. Carpet Warehouse, 19 Union-street, A. Jopp's-lane 6 Broad-street Stevenson, Alexander, bookseller, 68 Green Walter R. (of Stewart and Chivas), h. 8 George, tacksman of Kittybrewster Toll, West Craibstone-street Union-st. and stabler, 32 West North-street ; Walter, silk-mercer, 145, A. 129 James, engraver, copperplate and litho- ,™~„ William, wood-merchant, Victoria Saw- graphic-printer, 6 Queen-street, A. 64 mills, A. Bank-street, Ferry hill

Hutcheon-street . Mrs. Kenneth, 161 Union-street James, teacher, Free East Church School, „™„— Mrs. Alexander, Mackie-place St. Andrew-street, A. 31 Charlotte-st. Mrs. Peter, laundress to the Queen, and John, spirit dealer, 44 Skene-square to H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent, 12 William, commission merchant, 5 Bel- Langstane-place mont-street, A. Fountainhall — prin- Misses, 85 Bon-accord-street cipal assistant, John Stevenson, A. Still, Robert, blockmaker, 15 Prince Regent-st. Fountainhall Mrs., vintner, 17 York-street William, bookseller, 13 St. Nieholas-st, Miss, Hardgate, near Bellevue A. 68 Green „ Miss, 23 Thistle-street Mrs., register-office, 12 St. Andrew-st. Miss, lodgings, 41 St. Nicholas -street

,-™ . Mrs., midwife, 11 Carmelite-street „_ Misses, of Millden, 48 Union-place Mrs., 64 Hutcheon-street Stirling, George, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit Mrs., lodgings, 1 Concert-court, Broad- dealer, 13 Castle-street, A. Royfold, street Rubislaw

Stewart, Alexander R., silk and woollen dyer „ , Rev. Jas. (United Presbyterian Church), shop, 104 George-street — works, 3, 4 Caroline-place A. 7 Leadside, Gilcomston John, artist, 5 Broadford badi, Kings- „™ Alexander, provision-dealer, shop and land-place house, 1 Gilcomston-brae Stobie, Robert, coachbuilder, 44 Harriet-street, Alexander (overseer of bonnet-makers, h. 8 Crooked-lane A. Hadden and Sons), A. 3 Gordon's- Stott, George, shoemaker, 87^- St. Andrew-street court, Gordon-street John, furnishing-tailor, Commercial- and Chivas, grocers to her Msjesty, 13 court, 58 Castle-street spirit dealer, 23 King-street , William, grocer and Charles (of Stewart & Chivas), A. 8 West Albion-street Craibstone-street Miss, teacher, City Mission School, Upper Charles, merchant, 32 Castle-street, A. Denburn, h. 58 Castle-street Henderson's-court, Broad-street Miss, teacher, 39 Shuttle-lane Donald, bootmaker, 15, A. 7 Huxter-row Strachan, Alexander, late of Excise, Hardgate Donald, spirit dealer, 7 Longacre Alexander, spirit dealer, 3 Shiprow, A. 21

. D. A., inspector general of army hospitals, Shiprow 5 Springbank-terrace „„ Alexander, accountant (Adam and Ander- George, manager of the Royal shooting son), A. 12 Frederick-street saloon, quoit & cricket ground, Stewart- „„ George, shipmaster (James Chadwick) 79 Virginia-street place, 7 1 Guestrow N — ——1


Strachan, George, house carpenter, 18 St. Paul- Stuart, Mrs. (of Inchbreak and Laithers), 7 street Union-place —~™ James, merchant, shop and house, Bridge Summers, Miss, 5 Mitchell-place of Dee Sutherland, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, James, teacher (West Parish School), 81 17, h. 18 Castle-street

Hutcheon-street . Alexander, Inmore-cottage, near Rose-

. James, late bookseller, 35 Back-wynd mount-terrace

James, paper ruler, 2, h. 17 Queen-street . Alexander, porter, Medical School, St. „„.„—. James, vintner, 3, h. also 3 Trinity-street Paul-street ™ John, coffee roaster and grinder, 1 Andrew, and Sons, worsted spinners, ho- Northfield, Gilcomston siers, girth manufacturers, and mer-

™.—. John, shipmaster, 47 Constitution-street chants —shop and warerooms, 1, 2, and Robert, tailor, 69 Netherkirkgate 3 Black's-buildings —manufactory, Ca-

—. — William, of Moreseat, Stocket, /;. More- nal-road, Causewayend William, sawyer, 02 Gerrard street [seat ~~.— Andrew, sen. (of A. Sutherland and ~~v— William, confectioner and bookseller, 22, Sons), 1, 2, and 3, Black's-buildings, h. h. 24 Woolmanhill 2 Black's-buildings

—. — Mrs., sick nurse, 1 Blackfriars street Andrew, jun. (of A. Sutherland and

. Miss, dressmaker, 11 Constitution street Sons), 1, 2, and 3 Black's-buildings, h. Strahan, Rev. W- D., head master of Robert 2 Black's-buildings Gordon's Hospital -™„™ George, silk mercer, 149 Union-street, h. Strathdee Distillery, Cooperston — proprietors, 117 Crown-street Henry Ogg and Co — traveller, Alex. George, surgeon, 4 Correction-wynd Anderson, /;. Rose-cottage, Cooperston Hugh (of Stephen and Sutherland), h. 18 Straith, Mrs., 74 Windmillbrae [lane Bon-accord-terrace

Straton, Peter, late leather dealer, 15 Drum's- .—. — James, shipmaster, 22 Ferryhill-place

Stratton, James, corn factor and general agent, ~~.—. James, coach proprietor (Earl of Fife), h. 43 Marischal-street, h. 124 George-st Ross's-court, 6 Upperkirkgate

Stronacb, Alexander, advocate, clerk and factor : John, druggist, 34, /(. 32 St. Nicholas-st.

to Robert Gordon's Hospital, clerk and „ . John, late merchant, Viewton-pl., Spittal factor to Collyhill's trustees, and clerk ~~.~~ John, grocer, 22, h. 24 Upper Denburn to Mitchell's Hospital, Old Aberdeen —— Dr. Neil (Aberdeenshire Militia), 13 Bel- office and house, 20 King-street mont-street ~,~— Alexander, writer, 245 Union-street, k. 17 Thomas (of A. Sutherland and Sons), Ferryhill-place Canal-road, Causewayend, h. 2 Biack's- —.„~ Alexander, Cooperston buildings and Grainger, advocates, cashiers, and Thomas, police messenger, 50 St. Nicho- agents for the Scottish Australian In- las-street, h. 4 Martin's-lane

vestment Co., the Galena Investment . William, guard and proprietor of Lord Co., and agents for the London Guaran- Haddo coach, 6 Back-wynd tee Society—office, 20 King-street ™ William, guard (Earl of Fife), h. Ross's- principal assistants, Charles Fyfe and court, 6 Upperkirkgate Alexander Strachan ~„ — Mrs. William, Sutherland's-buildings, Hol- Stuart, Alexander, writing master (Gordon's burn-street Hospital), h. 13 Huntly-street Mrs., grocer, Bank -street, Ferryhill „™.™~ Rev. Alexander, city missionary, G Canal- Mrs. John, 4 Correction-wynd street, Mounthooly ~™~™ Mrs., lodgings, 104 King-street

~ Charles, shipmaster (Prince of Wales), — ,—. Mrs., lodgings, 20 Skene-terrace 126 King- street Swanston, Mrs. John, 6 Bon accord-terrace ™*. Charles, Swedish and — agent for G. Virtue and Co , pub- Norwegian Vice-consulate — Arthur lishers, London — office, 123^ Union- Thomson, 35 Castle-street, Vice-consul street k. 10 Rosemount-place Sword, Mrs., vintner, 26 Wellington-street „„ Donald, grocer, 51 Gallowgate, h. also 51 Symmers, Alexander Anderson, of Westfield, Gallowgate Glenburnie-cottage, West Skene-street „„~™ Gordon, shoemaker, 62 George-street George A., of Coatlaw, Glenburnie-cot- James, clerk, post-office, h. 72 Dee-street tage, West Skene-street

John, advocate, office and house, 87 . Miss, dressmaker, 8 Langstane-place Crown-street Symon, John, furniture dealer, 29, h. 29.^ Upper- „ John, shipmaster (Aberdonian), h. 9 kirkgate Yeats-lane John, stoneware merchant, 98, h. 100 Taggart, John, teller, Bank of Scotland, h. Green Springbank- terrace ,-.—~- William, grocer and spirit dealer, 8 Ship- ~—— Mrs., stabler, 90 George-street row, h. 49 Gallowgate Tait, John, weaver, 161 George-street

, William, road surveyor, Garioch district, Mrs. William, 39 Victoria-street-west

h. 1 Leslie-place Talbot, David, shipmaster, 61 Quay „ William, boot and shoemaker, 28 School- —,~~ William, and Co., ship-chandlers, 14 Re- hill, h. 31 Thistle-place gent-quay NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY. 99

Talbot, William (of W. Talbot and Co.), h. 131 Thom, James, merchant, 254 George-street King-street John, clerk (C. Lumsden), ft. 55 Huntly- Tallis, John, and Co., publishers, London — agent, street

ft. 50 , W. Thom), William Kellock, 208, ft. also 208 , William S. (of A. and George-street Union-place spirit dealer, 43 Tape Manufactory, Woolmanhill— proprietors, , . William, grocer and Milne, Low, and Co., 127 Union-street Schoolhill, h. 39 Back-wynd —manager, John Emslie, ft. 72 Ger- Mrs. William, 4 Frederick-street rard-street „„. Mrs. John, 37 Thistle-street Tarras, Andrew, clerk (Richards and Co.) ft. Miss Isabella, Holburn-place

61 Broad-street , . Miss, 50 Union-place Tawse, James, general merchant, 61 George- Thompson, George, jun., and Co., shipowners, un- street, ft. 32 Loch-street merchants, insurance brokers, and ~—™ Lewis, spirit dealer, 83 Green derwriters, 40 Marisehal street— prin- ft. 30 . William, tailor, 19 Lower Denburn cipal assistant, Alex. F. Knowles, Taylor, Alexander, clothier and draper, 67 Netherkirkgate

Union-street, ft. 116 Crown-street „ George, jun., M.P. (of G. Thompson, jun.

ft. Golden-square, and 4 — ,—. Alexander, grocer, 110 Gallowgate and Co.), 5 ~~ Alexander, shipmaster, 69 Virginia-street Spring-Gardens, London Virginia-street, h. . Alexander, seaman's outfitting warehouse, _„ George, flesher, 56A 3,

9, ft. 7 Marisehal- street Fish-street James, bootmaker, 6, ft. 4 St. Nicholas- lane „ _ James, spirit dealer, 13 Muttonbrae

St. Nicholas-street ... Mrs., lodgings, 50 Loch-street

!—. —.James, 41 Constitution-street , Mrs., 2 Crown-place-east

— .—. John, wright and funeral undertaker, Thomson. Adam, flesher, 43 New-market, It. 22 Ross's-court, 6 Upperkirkgate Belmont-street John, Wallace Tower Hotel, 65 Nether- Adam, jun., flesher, 29 New-market, ft. 7 kirkgate Constitution-street —.— John, house carpenter, 7, ft. 12 Upper Alexander, of Banchory, Banchory-house Denburn „„ Alexander, provision merchant, 13 Skene- ~— — John, grocer, 99 Causewayend, ft. above street shop Andrew, traveller, Devanha Brewery, h.

. Robert, and Co., spirit merchants, 61, ft. 6 Millburn-street 46 Netherkirkgate Arthur, agent for the Bank of Scotland, Robert, boot and shoemaker, 50 Gerrard- Vice -Consul for Russia, Prussia, Swe- street, ft. also 50 Gerrard-street den, and Norway, the Netherlands, —~™ William, clerk (Blaikie Brothers), 97 France, and Spain, Bank of Scot- Wales-street land-court, 35 Castle-street „ William (of Kilgour and Taylor) David (Richards and Co.), A. 6 Broadford- William, grocer and spirit dealer, 133, place ft. 130 Skene-street George (of W. Simpson and Co.), ft. 22 „, William, shipmaster, 61 Quay Quay

. . . Mrs., midwife, 4 St. Nicholas-lane beadle, Free Trinily —— , George, principal

— ,—. Mrs. George, Rosebank-house, Skene- Church, ft. 22 Marywell-street

.—, — Mrs., 74 Dee-street [square George, flesher, 14 New-market, ft. 22 Mrs., lodgings, 20 Crown-street Belmont-street Miss, teacher, Holburn- street . George, and Son, wine merchants, com-

, Misses, dressmakers, 31 Harriet-street mission agents, and shipbrokers, Thom- Templeton, William, M.D., 9 Belmont street son's-court, 21 Regent-quay Tennant, John, overseer, Richards and Co., h. (Steam Navigation Co.), , , Henry, secretary

40 Union-terrace ft. 9 Bon-accord-street

. . Mrs., lodgings, 40 Union-terrace commercial traveller (R. Morti- , James, Tevendale, John, assistant inspector of poor, mer), 73 John-street Nelson-street, ft. 67 College-street James, boot and shoemaker, 53 Broad-

Theodorson, Theodore, boot and shoemaker, 3 street, ft. 12 Marywell-street ft. also 3 College-street James, (manager, A. Pirie and Sons), ft.

Thain, Robert, teacher, Porthill School, ft. Sea- Devanha-terrace mount James, (spinning manager, Broadford

Thom, Alexander and William, commission Works), ft. Maybank, Hutcheon-street merchants and general agents, 21 Quay clothier. 192 George street, ft. 33 , James, ,~ vllexander (of A. and W. Tbom), Consul Charlotte-street for Belgium, ft. Kepplestone-cottage John, late builder, 31 Frederick-street „ Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 62, John, broker, 44 Gallowgate ft. 64 College-street John, plumber and gasfitter, 4, ft. 5 South

„, . A. E., house painter, 6, ft. also 6 Union- Silver-street lane „i Rev. John (Free Greyfriars), 7 Carden- George, boot and shoemaker, 37, A. also place 37 Shiprow -


Thomson, John, flesher, 42 New-market, h. 22 Torry Farm Brick Work Company— office, Pro- Belmont-street vost Blaikie's-quay—manager, John „ Rev. John (Blackfriars-street Chapel), h. M'Condach, h. Bank-street — clerk, 72 Chapel-street David Kyd, h. 31 Victoria-street h. George-st. , Joseph, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit dealer, Tough, George, draper, 134, 117 67 Shiprow James, flesher, 6 Basement-floor, New- A. Hanover-lane , „ Peter (of Reid, Smith, and Co.), h. Hol- market,

hurn-street , . James, grocer and spirit dealer, 15 and 16 Robert, furnishing tailor, 14 Broad-street, Castle-street h. Lochhead John, tailor, 194 George-street „™ Thomas, gunmaker, 68 Union-street, h. _ John, wright, 38 Whitehouse-street 17 Victoria-street-west ™ Thomas W., shoemaker, 8 Skene-terrace, ^™ "William, (traveller, G. Collie and Co.), 25 A. 10 Upper Denburn

Victoria-street-west . William, grocer and spirit dealer, 50 Col-

. John, miller and corn-merchant —ware- lege-street house, 55 Queen-street, h. Cults, Ban- Trail, George, jun., grocer, tea and spirit mer- chory Devenick chant, 135 Skene-street, h. 18 Upper

, .. . William, railway-contractor, 79 Chapel- Denburn

street . . . James, wright and cabinetmaker, 8 Rose- William L., shipowner (G. Thomson and street, h. 22 Union-row

Son), Hanoverian Royal Consul, and ... William, cabinetmaker, Lobban's-court, Hanseatic Vice-consul, h. Maryfield, 29 Castle-street Ferryhill Troup, Alexander, tailor and clothier, 82 Union-

,— Mrs., 56 Gerrard-street street, h. 7 Drum's-lane Huntly-street, h. 86 ... , Mrs., lodgings, Salter's-Court, 50 Loch-st. „™ David, grocer, 25 Mrs., 20 Bon-accord-street Chapel-street

Mrs., seminary for young ladies, 8 John- , George, manager of Blind Asylum, street Huntly-street Mrs. Daniel, lodgings, 61 John -street Mrs. George, Prospect-cottage, Stocket-

,. Mrs., lodgings, 12 Regent-quay road West Skene-st. . . . Mrs. Alexander, 72 Chapel-street ™~.™ Mrs., Glenburnie-cottage, „™„™ Mrs., midwife, 41 Victoria-street-west Miss, dressmaker, straw-bonnet-maker, milliner, 8 Mealmarket-street . Mrs., 4 Bon-accord-terrace and Miss, 72 Chapel-street „™„.~ Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 90 John-

.. . Miss, ladies' school, 14 Broad-street, h. street Lochhead Tulloch, Rev. George, LL.D.—head-master of Miss Ann, dressmaker, 61 Loch-street Bellevue Academy, 2 Academy-street, Miss, dressmaker, 50 Loch-street Dee-street— h. Bellevue-house, Hard-

. . . Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 20 Bon- gate

accord -street , James, shipmaster, 12 St. Clement-street Thorn, Mrs., lodgings, 8 Carmelite-street „~.— James, jun., grocer and ship chandler, 8 Thow, George, tailor and clothier, 18 Skene-st., Garvock -street, h. 12 St. Clement-st h 88 John-street „~. Marcus, teacher, Bellevue

Tilleray, John, (foreman, Farquhar and Gill), h. . Mrs., lodgings, 50 Woolmanhill 3 Drum's-lane Turnbull, John J., spirit dealer, 14 Lower Den- Tobban, Mrs., clothier, 208^ Gallowgate Turner, Mrs., 42 Union-terrace [burn

Tocher, John, clothier and tailor, 100 Union-st., . Misses, of Turnerhall, 113 Crown-street h. 9 Bon-accord-terrace Turreff, Alexander, (of J Blackball and Co.). „, John, teacher of vocal music, 7 South- h. 39 Upperkirkgate Constitution-street Turriff, Alexander, funeral-waiter, 13 Longacre

Todd, Alexander, basket-maker, 34 Market- , . Miss, dressmaker, 13 Longacre gallery, h. 5 Thornton-place Tyrie, Miss Barbara, teacher, 47 Blackfriars-st.

. . Thomas (of A. Hadden and Sons), Mary- Tyson, Mrs., Strawberrybank culter-house Tytler, James, porter, House of Refuge, h. 5 Tomkins and Rae, fleshers, 18 Basement-floor, Thornton-court, 39 Guestrow New-market, h. 14 Carmelite-street „™ James (overseer of engineers, A. Hadden

. William, flesher, 4 Basement-floor, New- and Sons), h. Newbridge, Hardgate

market, h. Tanfield , John (Hogarth and Co.), h. 136 George-

. [street . Mrs., flesher, 18 New-market Mrs., 7 Charlotte-street Toms, Mrs., milliner and straw-bonnet maker, Mrs. James, register- office, 5 Thornton 4 St. Nicholas-lane place, Guestrow Tonnoch, John, coal and lime-meter, 22 Trinity- street Union Club Room, County-buildings, Union- Topp, George, 35 Constitution-street street James, late baker, 31 North Silver-street ™ Cotton Mill Co., Poynernook—manager, Torrie, Alexander, advocate, 75 King-street John M'Niel, h. 69 College -street- James, M. D., 67 Dee-street [gate principal bookkeeper, William Ma-

Torry, John, spirit dealer, 28, /<. also 28 Gallow- conachie, /*. 12 Mary well-street NEW GENE HAL DIRECTORY. 101 - Union Street Receiving Post-office, 221 Union- Walker, David, plane-maker, 108 Gallowgate, street h. 44 Loch-street United Kingdom Life Assurance Co. of London George, 15 Denburn-terrace h. —agent, William Reid, 56 Marischal- George , Town-house-keeper, 17 Hux- street ter-row Deposit Assurance Co.— agents, George George, bookseller (of A. Brown and Co.), Marquis, 147 Union-street, and James h. 48 Victoria-street-west A. Sinclair, 245 Union-street George, shoemaker, 85 Skene-street, h. 61 Kingdom Temperance and General Pro- Summer-street vident Institution — agent, Alex. H. „„ George, spirit dealer, 51 Guestrow

Ness, 13- Union-row . George, merchant, 43 Skene-square — States Consul, Andrew Reid, 107 King- „ George, tailor, Sutherland's-buildings, street Holburn-street Urquhart, Alexander, boot and shoemaker, Hol- George, post-horse-master, innkeeper, and burn-street stabler, 6 Back-wynd — Alexander, house-factor, 9 Skene-row „™ George L. wholesale and retail hardware — Alexander, grocer, wine and spirit mer- merchant, 31 St. Nicholas-street, h. 42 chant, 62 St. Nicholas-street, /(. 9 Constitution-street Diamond-street James, late seedsman, 120 King-street coal-broker, 72 Dee-street —. George, shipmaster (Sea-horse), 45 Con- „m James, stitution-street James, bookseller, 34^ Upperkirkgate, h. — James, keeper of Leading Lights, Torry 13 Northfield, Gilcomston — John, druggist, 65 St. Nicholas-street, h. „ James, clerk (J. Smith and Co.), 13 Mount-cottage, Mount-street Black's-buildings

, jeweller, 29 St. . and —. John and Robert, wholesale tea and James, watchmaker coffee-merchants, 7 Schoolhill Nicholas-street, h. 123 George-street William, shipmaster, 31 Handy-street John, clerk, 23 King-street Robert (of J. and R. Urquhart), h. Mount- „„ John, shipmaster, 4 St. Clement-street

cottage, Mount-street . ~~ John, Rubislaw-place ~ Mrs., of Craigston, 240 Union-street John, C, clerk (M. Rettie and Sons), h. Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 39 49 Victoria-street-west Union-terrace John, umbrella and parasol manufac- Ure, Mrs. Alexander, 17 Skene-terrace turer, 16, /(. 36 West North-street John, plasterer, Canal-basin, h. 2 Wales- Valentine, James, reporter (Aberdeen Journal, street

28 Adelphi), h. 2 Forbes-street . John, clerk, 2 Well-court, Broad-street Veitch, John, (manager, China Warehouse, 136 ,™ John, night watchman, 246 George-street Union-street), h. 38 Gordon-street Robert, hairdresser, 210, h. also 210 Gal- Vessie, James, and Son, booksellers and book- lowgate

binders —Public Library, 156, h. also . , Robert, vintner 5 East Green 156 Gallowgate Robert, flesher 29 Basement-floor, New- Victoria Lodging House, 4 Exchequer-court, market, h. Wester Kinmundy, Skene Exchequer-row —superintendent, John ™ William, late of H.E.I.Co.'s tea depart- M'Intyre ment, 13, King-street Vigrow, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 86 William, superintendent, mineral depart- George-street ment, Aberdeen Railway, k. 7 Pros- Vollar, John Henry, shipmaster (Helen), 61 pect-terrace Ferryhill Park-street William, treasurer, Royal Infirmary and Lunatic Asylum, 2 Caroline-place

Wade^ Mrs. Captain, lodgings, 1 1 Bon-aceord- William, umbrella-maker, 35, k, 37 street Schoolhill Wagstaff, Edward, sharebroker, 4 Correction- William, wine merchant, tea dealer, and wynd, A. 11 Bon-accord-street genera importer, 52 Union-street, h. 3 Walker, Alex, shipmaster (Fetteresso Castle), 3 Adelphi- court [end Mill-street ^^ William, provision dealer, 65 Causeway-

Alexander, shipmaster, 32 St, Clement-st. , William, cabinetmaker, 4, h. 14 Innes-st. ~,~ Alexander, R., cabinetmaker, 45 Bon-ac- ™. William, flesher, 47, h. also 47 Chapel-st. cord-street, h. 12 Victoria-street-west Mrs., stay maker, 44 Loch -street 9 Guestrow Alexander, engineer, 6 Hanover-street , Mrs., register-office,

Alexander, ironmonger, 58 Gallowgate, . , Mrs. Walter, 86 George-street h. above shop „™ Mrs,, lodgings, 8 Schoolhill Charles, commission merchant, 39 Mar- „ Mrs. David, South Crown-street ischal-street. h, 38 Constitution-street ™ Mrs., 32 St. Clement-street ™ Charles, stabler, 38 Harriet-street, Miss, dressmaker, 44 Summer-street David, clerk (J. Duguid and Co.), h. 13 Miss, dressmaker, 61 Summer-street Bon- accord-street ^^.„M Miss, dressmaker, 35 Chapel-street David, perfumer, 135 Union-street,_/(. 41 ^ Miss, Margaret, milliner and dressmaker, Summer-street 13 Black's-buildings

''V. —


Walker, Misses, h. dressmakers, 33, 40 Upper- Watson, William, W. S., sheriff-substitute, 25 kirkgate Dee street Wales, Captain Andrew, R.N., 67 Bon accord-st. __. —. William (of Calcutta), 9 Union-place Alexander, Wallace, tea, wine, and spirit mer- Mrs. Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, chant, 55 George-street, h. 9 St. Nicho- 109, h. 107 Gallowgate las-street Mrs., register office, Jopp's -court, 40

. . Alexander, —— and Co., brewers, 24 Loch- Broad-street . street, h. 9 St. Nicholas-street —.~~ Mrs., provision dealer, 6 Mounthooly „—™ Archibald, (messenger, North of Scotland Miss, milliner, 26 Union-row Bank), h. Lodge-walk — . Miss, bonnet-maker, 46 Dee-street Rev. David (Frederick-street Chapel), h. Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 294 Whitehall George-street Ernest, brewer, Hardgate, h. Millbank- Watt, Adam, furnishing tailor, 13 St. Andrew- cottage, Hardgate street, k. 52 Summer-street ~~ James, inspector of poor for City Parish, —. — Alexander, storekeeper, Inverury Mills Nelson-street, h, 17 Adelphi-court warehouse, Canal Basin Miss, ——. corset-maker, 49 Bon-accord-street George, shipmaster (Mercury), 61 Com- Warrack, Charles, commissary clerk depute, merce-street Record Office, King-street, h. 84 King- ~~— George, slater (successor to James street Smith), 13 Carmelite-street ~~ and Daniel, house carpenters, 92 John-st. James, spirit dealer, 258 Gallowgate ,—. — David, baker, 5, A. 7 Chapel-street —~~ John, tanner, currier, leather merchant, ~~ M., Hugh corn factor and commission and shoe manufacturer, 1 and 3, h. 5 St. agent, ship and insurance-broker, 34 Paul-street Marischal-street, h. 124 Crown-street John, advocate, clerk and treasurer to

— ,—. James, commission merchant, 34 Maris- the General Session, 2 Correction- chal-street, h. 124 Crown street wynd, h. 66 Schoolhill ™ James (of Warrack and Daniel,) h. 92 ™ John, grocer, 49 Castle-street, h, 24 Spi-t- John-street tal, Old Aberdeen Mrs. Robert, 84 King-street — .—.John, writer (Jopp and Shand), 31 Gal- Warren, John, surveyor, General Post-office, 36 lowgate, h. 5 St. Paul-street Union-place ~~— John, sheriff-clerk-depute, Record Office, — .— Mrs., lodgings, 41 Huntly-street King-street, h. 26 Constitution-street Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 41 Kenneth, shoemaker, 6 South Silver-st., Huntly-street h. 9 Diamond-street Watkins, Alexander, manufacturer (Broadford ~~-— Samuel, late carter, 20 Dee-street Works), h. 3 North Broadford William, merchant, 94, h. also 94 Gallow- Watson. Alexander, bookseller, 28 Summer-st. gate Alexander, criminal officer, Commercial- ~ William, slater — yard, Spa-street— A. 7 court, 58 Castle-street Skene-street .—. — Archibald, (cashier, Broadford Works), Mrs. Alexander, 17 Denburn-terrace h. 2 Skene-place Mrs., porter dealer, and ginger-beer . David, and Sons, stonecutters, 262 Union- brewer, 17 Correction-wynd, k. 47 street, h. 3 Summer-street green . George, 68 Bon-accord-street Mrs., spirit dealer, 1 York-street . George, cartwright, 184 West North-st., VVattie, James, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 26 Ii. 294 George-street Steps of Gileomston -~~— George, saw-trimmer, 71 Windmillbrae, —„™ Joseph, gardener, Newfield and New-mar- h. 46 Dee-street ket, h. 6. Forbes-street . James, broker, 55 East North-street Waugh, Samuel, watch dealer, 50 and 51 North- -~~~-~ James, blacksmith and broker, 72 Gallow- gallery, New-market, /*. 4 Chapel -lane gate Webster, Alexander and John, advocates, 42 ™ James, wright, 15 Langstane-place, h. 17 King-street Huntly-street ™ Alexander (of Alex, and John Webster), .—. — James, watch and clock maker, 17, h. 20 h, 44 King-street St. Nicholas-street James, mealseller, 27 Upperkirkgate —~™ James, general merchant, 55, h. 53 East ™ John (of Alexander and John Webster), North-street h. 31 King-street ~ James, grocer, tea and spirit merchant, 26, ™ John, cattle canvasser (Aberdeen Rail- h. 24 Woolmanhill way), h. 64 Union-street John, sergeant of Police, h. 264 George-st. , John, (manager, . Gileomston Brewery John, tailor, 3 St. Catherine's-wynd Co.), h. at the works John, (secretary, Scottish Provincial As- ™~— John, baker, 43 Green, k. 13 Carmelite- surance Co.), h. Rotunda-place, Ferry- street hill John, farmer, Friendship Farm „™~~ Patrick, grocer and spirit dealer, 35, h. 37 — ~-,, John, wright, 21, h. also 21 Hui'tly-street Bon-accord-street ~~— Thomas, late merchant, 89 Yictoria-place, Robert, builder, Nelson-street or Wales-street NEW GENERAL DlKECTOUl'.. 103

T Webster, William, baker and confectioner, 2, /(. W ight, William Fergusson, 148 Gallowgate 6 Skene-terrace Wilkin, John, cooper (Robert Williams), 13 Mrs., 48 Chapel-street Virginia-street

,—. Mrs., lodgings, 8 Commerce-street Wilkinson, John, engineer, Ferryhill Station,

,—. Mrs., spirit-dealer (Loch-street Tavern), Deemount 21 Loch-street Will, James, M.D., 11 King-street

. Mrs. J., lodgings, 64 Union-street John (late mail-guard), 147 Union-street

. Mrs., midwife, and sick-nurse, 12 Spa-st. Thomas, hosiery, carpet, and upholstery Miss, teacher, (West Parish School), /(. warerooms, 123^ and 125 (and when 57 Park-street new building is ready, 175), Union- Weir, John, superintendent and teacher, Insti- street, h. West Craibstone-street tution for Deaf and Dumb, 31 Belmont- Thomas, of the Pacific Steam Navigation street Co.'s service, h. 2 St. Mary's-place Welch, James B., (manager of power-looms, Willans, Samuel, stoneware merchant, 170 Gal- Broadford Works), h. 88 Skene-square lowgate, h. Friendlybank, Mouuthooly

. Misses, dressmakers, 20 North Broadford Willet, John, civil engineer, 24 Adelphi, h. 126 Wemyss, Mrs., 3 Springbank-terraee Crown-street West-end Academy, 216 Union-street — proprie- „™— Joseph T., shipmaster (Victoria steamer), tor, Dr. Fergusson, Mile-end 43 Dee-street Westland, James (manager, North of Scotland Williams, Charles (of W. and C. Williams), h. Bank), h. 1 King-street 13 Virginia-street — James, bootmaker (and principal beadle, James, and Sons, coopers and fishcurers, Free Union Chapel), 58 Shiprow Virginia-street, Commerce-street, and — Mrs., 32 Skene-street Clarence-street, h. 13 Virginia-street

West of England Fire and Life Office — agents, . James, furrier, 34 Back-wynd A. and J. Cadenhead, advocates, 9 Robert, cooper, 13 Virginia-street

Huxter-row „™—. William and Charles, commission mer- West Prison, Rose-street —governor, A. W. chants, and dealers in ship stores, 35 Chalmers, h. Rose-street — principal Marischal -street warder, Donald Cattanach, h. West William (of W. and C. Williams), h. Mill- Prison Gate burn-street, Ferryhill Whitecross, William, Custom-house-agent, Cus- ~. William, grocer and house agent, 14, h. tom-house, #.19 Crown-street 12 St. Andrew-street White and Hutcheon, silk mercers, shawl mer- Williamson, Alexander, baker, 1, h. 2 Catto- cers, and general drapers, &c, 123 ™~«~. Alexander, Granitehill [square Union-st „™~~. George, clerk (North of Scotland Bank), „~— Alexander (of White and Hutcheon), h. 83 Wales-street 102 Union-street ,™— George, flesher, 31 New-market, h. Skene —~~. James, merchant, h. 61 Bon-accord-street ~ George, jun., flesher, 44 New-market, h. James, flesher, 88 New-market, h. Mill- Rubislaw

bank Harvey (of P. Williamson and Son), /;. 143

, James, tea and spirit dealer, 39 Littlejohn- Union-street street. h. 49 Wellington-street ™ James (of Robert Catto and Co.), h. 5 West

.—~™ John F., grain merchant, 107 King-street, Craibstone-street h. Bon-accord-square James, carver and gilder, 6 Carmelite-st. —™~ Mrs. William, Don-cottage, Don Mills James, flesher, 49 New-market, h. Cornhill —„— Mrs. James, 61 Bon-accord-street James, jun., flesher, 28 New-market, /;. Whitnall, Edward, hardware and stationery Kinmundy, Skene dealer, 25 North-gallery, New-market, .™— John, flesher, 5 New-market, h. Rubislaw

h. 84 George-street . John, flesher, 5, h. also 5 GarvOck-street Whyte, Alexander B. (of Simpson and Whyte), „ John, flesher, 40 New-market, h. Kin- agent for J. Cockburn and Campbell, mundy, Skene wine merchants, Edinburgh, h. 19 Joseph, M.D., 127 King-street

Union-place [w-est — .—. Peter, and Son, druggists, 141 Union-st. — David (late tanner), 27 Victoria-street- m Peter (of P. Williamson and Son), h. 143

—. John (of Simpson and Whyte), h. 52 Union-street [street Dee-street ™~— and Simpson, tallow-chandlers, 79 Wales- ~~ John (of Yeats and Whyte), h. 52 Dee-st. —„™ William (of Williamson and Simpson), h. — John, fish and game dealer, &c, 59 Base- 81 Wales-street ment-floor, New-market, h. 6 Car- „ William, M.D., 239 Union-street melite-street — „— William, flesher, 36 New-market, /;. ™ Patrick, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, Granite-hill 30, h. 28 Broad street Mrs. B. 239 Union-street

— Misses (Boarding and Day School), 57 . Mrs. 83 Wales-street

Dee-street . Mrs., flesher, 15 New-market, h. 58 John- Wigham, Anthony, 5 Caroline-place, Maybank Miss, lodgings, 56 Chapel-street [street ~~ Miss, 33 North Broadford Miss, 14 Chapel-street Wight, James, grocer, 45, h. also 45 St. Andrew- ™ Miss, 81 Wales-street street —


"Willock, Robert S., temperance commercial hotel Wink, Ronald, cloth dresser, 20 Thistle-street and lodgings, 56 Union-street Winkley, James, artist, 8 Skene-street Willox, Mrs. William, 48 Woolmanhill Winlaw, James, jun., coal broker, ship agent, „„ Mrs., 36 George-street &c, 11^ Regent-quay, h. 105^ Gallow- Wills, Alexander (of Smith and Wills), h. gate Ramage-court, 83 Broad-street Winton, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 17 Wilson, Alexander, shoemaker, 9 Broad-street, h. 13 Causewayend h. Cruden's-court, 22 Broad-street „™ Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 48- Alexander, 3 Dee-place Summer-street Alexander, draper, 139 George-street Wise, Alexander, hairdresser, 2 Commerce-st. Andrew, bookseller,. bookbinder, and sta- Wisely, George, worsted manufacturer, 7 Castle-

tioner, 20, /*. 18 Marischal-street street, h. 10 Brebner's-court, Castle-st.

Charles, letter-carrier, 3 Carnegie's-brae . John, spirit dealer, 6, h. also 6 Trinity-st Charles, flesher, 4, h. 14 East North-street Wishart, Alexander, builder, 64 Gerrard-street David H., missionary (South Parish), 67 -™ Daniel, shipmaster, 45 Constitution-street Chapel-street .„ David, provision merchant, 59, h. also 59 David, dyer, scourer, and cloth fuller Gallowgate shop, 5 St. Nicholas-street—dye-works James (foreman of joiners, A. Hall and and waulk-mill, Innesstreet, h. 10 Sons), h. 47 Wellington-street John-street „„*„™ James, carver, Mortimer's-court, Water- „^ George, artist and teacher of drawing, 23 loo-quay, h. 4 St. Clement-street

. . Joseph, organ-builder, 24 Young-street Crown-street . —— „, George, tailor, 188 Gallowgate —„~ Wiiliam, flesher, 13 Basement-floor, New- George, M.P.S.G.B., (principal assistant, market W. Sinclair, druggist), h. 256 George-st. „~— Mrs., bonnet-maker. 12 Frederick-street „„ George, seaman, 10 Blackfriars-street Wood and Co., London Piano-forte and Music Hugh, confectioner, 47 Regent-quay Saloon, 213 Union-street — managing James (overseer, Broadford Works), h. partner, Robert R. Stephen, h. 211 73 Hutcheon-street Union-street— piano-forte tuner, Henry

, Rev. James H., 27 Castle-street . Atkins „™ James, lodgings, 29 Summer-street David, dealer in worsted stockings, &c, John Alexander, bookseller, stationer, and 55 Commerce-street bookbinder, 92 Broad-street, h. 131 George, clerk, Post-office, k. 22 Union-row Crown-street ™. George, commission agent, office and John, bookseller and bookbinder, 20 Mar- house, 43 Dee-street ischal-street, A. 18 Marischal-street —~~ George, shipmaster (Ann), 15 Constitu- Rev. John (North Parish), North Lodge, tion-street King-street „~.~~. James S., shoemaker, Holburn-street John K. (W. Smith, jun.), Newbridge, John, gardener, New-market and Foun- Hardgate tain-hall ,„. John, shore-porter, 18 Shiprow —.— John, surgeon, 31 Bon-accord-street Peter, flesher, 34 New-market, h. 35 St. „~— Joseph, clerk (W. Adamson), k. 19 Union- Nicholas-street terrace William, gardener, South Mile-end Robert, boot and shoemaker, 3 Crown- William, boot and shoemaker, 168, h. 170 street, h. 7 St. Mary's-place West North-street William D., shipmaster (Carleton), 28 \,^, Robert, bookseller, bookbinder, and sta- Shiprow

tioner, 34 Schoolhill, h. Froghall, Old —. — William, leather merchant, 78 George- Machar street, h. 63 St. Andrew -street Mrs. Robert, grocer, Newbridge, Hard- „™— Mrs. Joseph, lodgings, 19 Union-terrace

Mrs. William, 90 Union-street [gate — .—. Mrs., 15 Constitution-street „_ Mrs., 52 Upper Denburn ™ Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 45 Bon- Mrs. John, lodgings, 7 Black's-build'mgs accord-street Mrs., grocer, 23 Dee Village Wright, Alexander, vintner, 11 Burnett's-close, .1 Mrs., lodgings, 53 Huntly-street Exchequer-row lodgings, 26 Summer-street David, newspaper and periodical agent, , Mrs., Mrs., lodgings, 15 St. Andrew street and photographer, 72 Broad-street, h.

„ Miss, 14 Dee-street 3 Littlejohn-street Miss, teacher, 54 Causewayend James, granite and marble cutter, 112 Miss, milliner, 75 Chapel-street John-street, h. 2 Mount-street m Misses, 12 Spa-street Thomas, coal and timber merchant, Tri- Wilsone, Thomas (of Skinner and Wilsone), h. nity-quay, h. Marywell-bank — cashier, Ferryhill Lodge John Walton, h. Marywell-bank Winchester, Charles, advocate, office and house, Mrs. Peter, 36 Adelphi

171 Crown-street . ™ Mrs. J., lodgings, 40 Chapel-street John, principal servant of St. Paul's, 61 Wyllie, David (cashier, Aberdeen Bank), h. 2 Gallowgate Marischal-street NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY. 105

Wyllie, David, and Son, booksellers and station- Young, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, shop ers to the Queen, Prince Albert, Duch- and house, 84 St. Andrew-street ess of Kent, and Royal Family— public David, porter, Railway Office, Market-st. circulating library, 111 Union-street George, ropemaker, 2 St. Clement-street James, bookseller (of D. Wyllie and Son), James (late inspector of police, London) h. 12 Carden-place Twin-cottage, Holburn-street John, tailor, 42 Queen-street John, musical-instrument maker, 32 Ne- Wyness, Andrew, flesher, 16 New-market, k. 20 therkirkgate, h. Thistle-cottage, Bridge Schoolhill of Dee John, flesher, 21 New -market, h. 61 William, shipmaster (Admiral), 4 Affleck- Broad-street street Mrs. lodgings, 13 Skene-terrace William, baker, 23 Hardweird

.—. — Miss, 34 Bou-accord-terrace 5Teats, Alexander, . accountant, 123^ Union- —. — Misses, 2 Golden-square street, h. 47 Schoolhill Youngson, John, shoemaker, 6 Skene-street, and Flockhart, advocates, 84 King-street h. 6 Minister's-lane principal assistants, — John Duncan, ~~.—i Robert, shipmaster, 3 James-street

writer, and James Stephen, writer . William, cabinetmaker, 20 Marywell-st. George, silk mercer, 87 Union-street, h. Mrs. Major, 29 Bon-accord-terrace 149 Crown-street „™— Miss M. A. (matron, House of Refuge), John (of Yeats and Flockhart), h. 25 45 Guestrow Union-place Yule, Alexander, ironmonger, 14 Union-street, Peter, boot and shoemaker, 54 John-street ^.13 Huxter-row Thomas, flesher, 37 New-market, h. 232 George, grain merchant, 50 Regent-quay, George -street h. 152 Crown-street William (of Yeats and Whyte), h. 46 James, grain merchant, 13 Princes-street, King-street h. 77 Skene-street and Whyte, advocates, 48 King-street James, shoemaker, 35 College-street Mrs., Wellington-place —~~ William, grocer and spirit dealer, shop feoman, Alexander, day patrol, 73 Virginia- st. and house, 165 Gallowgate George, late spirit dealer, 59 Wales-street Mrs., lodgings, 18 Silver-street foddun, George, police constable, Aberdeen Yunnie, William, house carpenter, 49 Blackfri- Railway, h. Bank-street, Ferryhill ars-street, h. 73 St. Andrew-street OLD ABERDEEN.

Adam, James (Editor of " Herald"), 118 High- Chisholm, Alexander, shoemaker, 89 High-st. street Clapperton, Mrs. Dr., 29 College-hounds Adams, John, gardener, 19 Don-street Clark, Alex, and James, coopers, 14 Don-street

. William, tailor, h. 48 Spittal .,™— Alexander (of A. & J. Clark). 15 Don-st Aiken, George, grocer, 48 High-street James, tailor, 1 Don-street, h. 109 High-st

~- . Mrs., lodgings, 15 College-hounds ~—™ James (of A. and J. Clark), 8 Don-street Airth, Stephen, boot and shoemaker, 26 Spittal ~. John, advocate, 37 High-street

Allan, Alexander (of Rait and Allan), h. 84 . Robert, painter, glazier, & paper-hanger High-street 17 Don-street, h. 110 High-street George, vintner, 2 Don-street ™ Mrs., 2 College-bounds „- John, hairdresser, 103 High-street „ Mrs. George, baker, 79. h. 80 High-stree Anderson, Rev. Alex., rector of Gymnasium, h. Connon, David, shoemaker, 9 College-hounds, h 7 Chanonry 27 College-bounds

—™~ Mrs. G., superintendent, Female Peniten- —. —~ Robert, gardener, Brick-kilns tiary, 28 Spittal „™.~~ Mrs., lodgings, 14 College-hounds Annand, Miss, 30 College-hounds Cormack, George, portrait & miniature painter Arthur, John, blacksmith, King-street-road 16 College-bounds

. Mrs., lodgings, 16 College-bounds Baillie, Mrs., feuar, 90 High-street Coutts, Miss, dressmaker, 35 Don-street Bain, William, grocer, 66 Spittal Craig, John (foreman, Hadden's works), 4(

. John, farmer, Seaton-gate Spittal Bannerman, Mrs.. 8 Chanonry Creighton, Mrs., dressmaker, 68 Spittal Barker, Henry M., A.M., master of Gymnasium, Cromar, Mrs. David, feuar, 89 Spittal h. 7 Chanonry Cunningham, William, farmer, 12 High-street

Bartlett, William, tailor, 1 College-lane Begg, John, sub-janitor, King's College Dacn, Robert, M.D., deputy inspector genera

— .—. Mrs. Alexander, 98 High-street of hospitals, Priory .—. — Miss, dressmaker, 98 High-street Davidson, Rohert, farmer, Spittal

Bethune, Mrs., 34 High-street .™ . William, shoemaker, 4 College-bounds

Black, Miss, dressmaker, New Bridge of Don —. Mrs., dressmaker, 15 College-bounds Borthwiek, Charles, late shipmaster, 7 High-st. Dawson, John G., writer, The Hill Bower, Robert, M.D., librarian, King's College, Deans, William, manufacturer, and keeper o h. Cattofield the trades' mortcloths, 5 Spittal Brock, Mrs., 109 High -street Dickie, Mrs., midwife, 15 Spittal Bruce, John, shoemaker, 76 Spittal Dinnie, Mrs., 25 College-bounds

Robert, spirit dealer, 26 Spittal Donald, Jas , Kildare-cottage, King- street-road Brown, A. G., 113 High-street Downie, Charles, carter, and Old Aberdeen ~™— Mrs., lodgings. 15 College-hounds carrier, 30 High-street

,— -~~ Mrs. Dr., 49 Don-street Duncan, Joseph, farmer, 26 High-street Buchan, Miss, of Auchmacoy, 16 Chanonry „ William, fl.sher, 19 Spittal

Burnett, Miss, of Kemnay, 70 High-street . Mrs. John, 20 Spittal Burr, Peter, manager, Seaton Brick and Tile Durie, Mrs. Charles, lodgings, 5 High-street Work ™ Miss, dressmaker, 5 High-street 9 Campbell, Mrs., Don Inn, New Bridge of Don Edersheim, Rev. Alfred, 45 High-street Catto, Miss, 104 High-street Ewen, Mrs., midwife, 40 Spittal Chalmers, William, flesher, Love-lane, Spittal Charles, George, feuar, 90 High-street Ferguson, George, A. M., professor of Huma

. James, tailor, High-street nity, King's College, h. 11 College ^—™ William, painter and glazier, 90 High- hounds street Findlay, Mrs. James, lodgings, 6 College-hound OLD ABERDEEN. 107

Forbes, Captain, 15 Chanonry Leask, John, session-clerk, and rector of Gram- Mrs. Arthur, 10 Chanonry mar School, h. Seabank Mrs. Dr., Powis- lodge Thomas, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, Fuller, Frederick, professor of Mathematics, 16, h. 17 High-street

King's College, h. 33 High-street . Mrs., 82 Spittai Fyfe, Andrew, M.D., professor of Chemistry, —. — Mrs., vintner, King-street road King's College, h. 34 College-bounds Leighton, John, Orchard- cottage James, flesher, 60 High- street Leith, George, feuar, East Back-road Leslie, Captain, L. X., 14th regiment, H.P., ATiN, Miss, lodgings, 26 College-bounds Tillydrone

jeorge, Charles (of Oswald, George, and Co.), —. — Hugh Fraser, of Powis, Powis-house 11 Chanonry William, shoemaker, King-street-road errard, Misses, 6 Chanonry Miss, Don-street Gibson, William, surgeon and druggist, 3 High- Levie, Mrs. D., lodgings, 80 Spittai street, h. 29 College-bounds Lyell, Mrs., lodgings, 12 College-bounds ilchrist, Alfred, teacher, Bridge of Don School, h. 2 Gallowgate, Aberdeen Martin, Alexander, A.M., master of Gymna- 3ill, Thomas, cabinetmaker, 10 College-bounds, sium, h. 1 Catharine-street h. 92 Spittai M'AlIan, Andrew, gardener, Seaton-house, h. Mrs., lodgings, 92 Spittai Seaton North-gate lover, Thomas, chief officer, Preventive Station, M' Alpine, William, auctioneer, Rose-cottage Bridge of Don M'Bain, Miss, dressmaker, King-street-road ordon, James, M.D., surgeon, 110 High street M'Donald, Mrs., lodgings, 10 College-bounds rant, Duncan, lodgings, 97 Spittai Mrs., haberdasher, High-street m—~ Robert, farmer, 67 High-street M'Farlane, Thomas, vintner, Red Lion, Spittai ™ Penuel, merchant, 38 High-street M'Innes, Mrs., lodgings, 10 College-bounds 3ray, Mrs., feuar, lodgings, 63 Spittai Miss, dressmaker, 10 College-bounds High-street 3 rub and Clark, boot and shoemakers, 13, /*. MacGhie, Miss, seminary, also 13 College-bounds Maclean, William, clerk (Railway-office), 56 Spittai Hardy, Alexander, gardener, 8 Chanonry M-Lean, Mrs., mealseiler, 53 Spittai Hay, Lord James, of Seaton, Seaton-house Macleod, Miss, 71 High-street Peter, merchant, 58 College-bounds Macpherson, Dr. H., sub-principal and professor Mrs. Ann, register office, 34 High-street of Greek, King's College, h. 30 Col- lege-bounds „ . Mrs, vintner, Love-lane, Spittai Hector, Mrs., lodgings, 79 Spittai m „ Rev. R., D.D., professor of Divinity, King's College, li. the Chaplain, Old I Henderson, Mrs., lodgings, 8 High -street Hutchison, James, Don-street Aberdeen Miss, dressmaker, 8 Don-street Macrobie, Peter, farmer, Sunnyside Spittai Button, Miss, dressmaker, 1 Love-lane, Spittai Mrs., lodgings, 98 Massie, Joseph and John, shoemakers, 49 Spittai Irvine, Francis, M.D., M.R.C.S.L., 15 High- William, salmon-fisher, New Bridge of street Don M'Tavish, John, shoemaker, 43 Spittai of King's Col- Mellis, Peter, manager (Smith, Irvine, and Co.), | Jack, William, D.D., principal lege, h. 37 College-bounds It. Firhill-cottage Alexander, 65 High-street J affray, James, grocer, Seaton-gate, King-street- Melvin, hairdresser, 103 High-street road : George, Mennie, William, manager (Smith, Irvine, and I Miss, 48 Don-stre,t High-street Jamieson, John, 33 High -street Co.'s brewery), 18, /*. 25 Buchan district, William, shoemaker, 23 High-street, h. 3 Millar, Alex., road-overseer, College-lane East Back-road Orchard-cottage Johnston, John, grocer, New Bridge of Don, Milne, George, lodgings, painter, 28 College-bounds John, steward (City of London steamer), . James, plough-wright, King- 15 Spittai John, cart and John, feuar, 25 Spittai street-road h. 88 High-street „. John, mealseiler, 27 Spittai John, baker, 97, Chanonry Mrs., lodgings, 96 Spittai Mitchell's Hospital, 9 Mrs., feuar, 20 Spittai Keith, William, merchant, 57 Spittai Moir, George, Orchard -cottage lodgings, 19 College-bounds Kemlo, Gideon, miller, Don-mills Mollison, Mrs. Jas., grocer, tea and spirit dealer, Kilgour, Robert, carter, 19 Don-street Morrison, William, Bridge of Don Kemp, James, manufacturer, 20 Don-street Balgownie-road, Kilgour, John, church officer, Church-gate, Chanonry Nicol, Andrew, shipowner, Seaton-farm teacher, 98, h. 104 High-street Kynoeh, Ninian, feuar, 66 Spittai . John, William, overseer, salmon fishings, Bridg , ,awj, William, cartwright, King-slreet-road of Don 108 OLD ABERDEEN.

Paton, Misses, of Grandholm, Sunnybank Smith, James, merchant, 25 College-bounds Penitentiary, Female, 28 Spittal — superintendent, „~— John, boot and shoemaker, 48 High-stree Mrs, Anderson John, sacrist, King's College Pickthorn, Captain John, R. N., 63 . . High-street ——. John, feuar, Old Bridge of Don Pittendrigh, John, Bridge of Don Tavern Rev. Robert, Old Machar Church, h. 14 Pirie, Mrs., 109 High-street Chanonry Poison. Patrick, farmer, 3 New-street Robert, rural police constable, 109 High- Robert L., M.D., 111 High-street street —. — Mrs., innkeeper, 3 New-street v~~— Robert, shoemaker, 94 Spittal Porter, Robert, grocer spirit and dealer, 25 . William, farrier, King-street-road Spittal ™ Mrs. William, lodgings, Orchard-cottage, Post Office (Receiving), 43 High-street Spittal Primrose, Mrs. George, 61 Don street Stephen, Captain William (Kaffirland), h Orchard-cottage Rae, Alexander, grocer, King-street-road Schmidt, Immanuel, master of Gymnasium, h. Alexander, farmer, King-street-road 120 King-street . James R., carpenter, Seaton Stables, A., jun., clerk, h. 112 High-street Rait and Allan, cabinetmakers and house-car- Alex, and Son, grocers, tea, wine, and penters, 83 High-street spirit merchants, shop and house, 112 Ramage, George, teacher, Bell's School, King- High-street street-road ™-— Alexander (of A. Stables and Son), h. Reid, Alexander, gardener, Tillydrone, Seaton 112 High-street —~~ John, grocer, 87 High-street, h. Begg's- ~~.„~ George, jun. (of A. Stables and Son), h. close, 98 High-street 112 High-street Mrs., lodgings, 12 College bounds George, vintner, 102 High- street —. — Misses, dressmakers, New Bridge of Don Stevenson, James, house carpenter, Seaton-gate Rennie, Alex., salmon fisher, Bridgefield-house Stott, James, gardener, Seaton-gate Richmond, Thomas, late inspecting commander Strachan, Walter, steward (City of London (Coast Guard), 63 Don- street steamer), 39 Spittal Robertson, Alexander, Balgownie Lodge Straitb, Mrs., midwife, 6 College-bounds Ross, James, sheriff-officer, 4 High-street John, —~™ brewer, High-street Taylor, Robert, rope and twine manufacturer, Robert, surgeon and apothecary (Post- Froghall-lane office), 43, h. 44 High -street Miss, lodgings, 26 College-bounds Robb, George, shoemaker, New Bridge of Don Thorn, John, sen., sheriff-officer, 18 Don-street —. — John, jun., sheriff officer, 4 College- Sangster, Charles, shoemaker, 96 Spittal bounds Miss, 3 Canal-street William, mason, 62 High-street" Scott, Andrew, professor of Hebrew, King's Mrs., 106 High-street College Thomson, David, M.A., professor of Natural . Hercules, LL.D., professor of Moral Phi- Philosophy, King's College, h. 31 Col- losophy, King's College, //. at College lege-bounds Shand, George, Lady's Mill, King-street-road — James, grocer and spirit dealer, 30 High- Simpson, — Andrew, builder, 30 High-street, h. 30 street, house above shop College-bounds Turreff, Gavin, clerk, 18 Don-street —. — John, grocer, tea and spirit merchant, Town's officer and drummer, 108, h. Watt, Alexander, farmer and corn-dealer, 24 109 High-street Spittal Singer, Wm., farmer, Brick-kilns, Seaton Links ~ John, Mains of Seaton Skinner, Peter, overseer, Broadford, h. 9 Col- White, James, fiesher, High-street lege-bounds Wilson, Misses, 45 High-street Smith, Alexander, grocer, 59 High-street Willox, Mrs., Mary-cottage, King-street-road . Alexander, seedsman and gardener, King- Wood, Rev. James George, Old Machar Church, street-road h. 5 Chanonry Alexander, jun., farmer, Linkfield, King- , —— Miss, governess, Mitchell's Hospital, 9 street-road Chanonry ~~— David, gardener, 47 High-street George, blacksmith, King-street-road Young, William, A.M., master of Gymnasium, . Irvine, and Co., brewers, 18 High-street i 12 College-bounds WOODSIDE.

Adam, Charles, farmer, Hilton-house Donald, Andrew, stabler, 10 Wellington-street Alexander, John, spirit dealer, Denhead, Auch- Duguid, George, carter, 4 Hadden-street Allan, Miss, Tanfield-house [mull Duncan, George, gardener, Muggiemoss, 11 Wellington -street Baillie, George, blacksmith, and keeper of the Durward, Andrew, merchant, 127 Barron-street keys of the Don subscription fire- engine, 21 Don- street Farquhae, Alex., shoemaker, 73 Barron-street Bain, George, farmer, Ingram's Park, Hilton Ferrier, D., and Co., merchants and manufactu- Barker, John, and Sous, manufacturers, Gordon's rers, 5 and 7 Hadden-street [street Mills Fettes, David, boot and shoemaker, 223 Barron- Barron, Thomas, painter and glazier, 18 Hadden- Finnick, Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 121 street, h. 81 Barron-street Hadden-street William, boot and shoemaker, 61 Barron- Fisher, John, grocer and spirit dealer, shop and street, h. 104 Hadden-street house, 29 Wellington-street Beattie, Andrew, leather dealer, boot and shoe- Foote, James, carter, Kitty brewster Toll maker, 142, h. 140 Hadden-street Forbes, Rev. Robert, Free Church Manse Beverley, A., blacksmith, Backhill of Hilton Fraser, Miss, teacher, 56 Canal-terrace Black, John, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 53, French, Peter, cowfeeder, 10 Bairnshall-lane Barron-street Fullerton, John (of Johnston and Fullerton), Boddie, Adam, schoolmaster, Woodside School, 33 School-lane h. 1 Tanfield Walk Mrs., dressmaker, 72 Hadden-street Booth, Mrs., midwife, 36 "Wellington-street Broomhead, John, officer of Inland Revenue, Gibson, Miss, dressmaker, 131 Hadden-street Ivy-cottage Gilchrist, Isaac, M.D., surgeon, Ardenville Buyers, Rev. William, Hilton-house Gill, Mrs., feuar, 233 Baron-street Glass, Alexander, fancy merchant, circulating

Caird, William, mason, 1 1 Grandholm-street library, 69 and 71 Hadden-street Calder, Peter, shoemaker, 4, h. 6 Queen-street „™ Mrs., 235 Hadden-street Catto, James, farmer, Don-street Goodbrands, James, cabinetmaker, 104 Hadden- William, farmer, Persley street Cheves, John, road contractor, 239 Barron-st. Gordon, Barron, and Co., cotton spinners, manu- Clark, Alexander, farmer, Hayfield facturers, and bleachers, Woodside ~™~~ James, overseer, Grandholm Works, h. Works

151 Hadden-street [walk ... Miss, lodgings, 12 Tanfield John, teacher (Catholic School), Tanfield- Gorman, William, -worsted scourer, Gordon's ™-v~™ William, machinist, 131 Hadden-street Mills, ft. 106 Hadden-street —~— Mrs. C, spirit dealer, 45 Hadden-street Grant, Alex., gardeDer, Grandholm-cottage Cooper, George, hairdresser and letter carrier, „^, Captain John, 24th Foot, Woodside-house 17 Hadden-street „„ George, cashier, Grandholm, ft. 13 Don- Corken, James, feuar, 1 Don-street terrace Cowie, William, grocer, 136 Hadden-street Patrick, gardener, 235 Barron-street Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 134 Had- Miss, dressmaker, 70 Hadden-street den-street [street Gray, William, grocer and spirit dealer, 2, h. 4

Cruickshank, James, grocer, 1 13, ft. 1 1 1 Hadden- Hadden-street Mrs., Carnation-cottage Greig, William, carter, 17 Hadden-street Curtis, T. A. (Leys, Masson, and Co.), Grand- Groundwater, William, machine-maker, 19 Wel- holm-cottage lington-street Gunn, John, contractor, 7 Barron-street Diack, James, farmer, 32 Gaelic-lane Dillas, Thomas, stoneware merchant, 39 Had- Hadden, Alex. (Leys, Masson, and Co.), Grand- den-street holm-lodge 110 WOODSIDE.

Hall, Mrs., midwife, 123 Barron-street Milne, George, clerk, Gordon's-mills Miss, teacher, 50 Canal -terrace John, grocer, Hayton, Gordon's Mills Hardie, James, watchmaker and postmaster, 114 Miss, Millbank, 40 Canal-terrace h. 112 Hadden-street Moir, Mrs., dressmaker, 12 Wellington-street Harper, Alexander, gardener, Woodside-lodge Munro, George, boot and shoemaker, 121 Bar- Mrs., feuar, 38 Hadden-street ron-street, h. Canal-terrace Hatt, Mrs. A. shoemaker, 14 Hadden-street Murray, James, wood turner, Gordon's-mills Hector, Thomas, grocer, 153, h. 155 Hadden-st. Robert, clothier, 143, h. 145 Hadden-st. Henderson, John, chemist and druggist, 138, h. William, flesher, 147, h. 149 Hadden-st. 120 Hadden-street Matthew, farmer, Smithfield Nicol, Walter, spirit dealer, 3 Canal-side William, farmer, Hilton-hank ™ William, wright, 90, h. 92 Hadden-street Miss, teacher, 120 Hadden-street Mrs., feuar, 32 Wellington-street Hendry, Miss Catherine, stoneware merchant, Hadden-street Ogg, George, carter, 2 Bridge-street Hepburn, Garden, tailor, 116 Hadden-street George, farmer, 259 Barron-street George, boot and shoemaker, 41, h. 45 Hadden-street Petrie, George, shoemaker, 74 Hadden-street Hervey, James, late manufacturer, Fontville Philip, James, feuar, 16 Hadden-street Hobbs, David, precentor, 10 Summer-street Porter, William, contractor, 118 Hadden-street Hosking, John, feuar, 83 Barron-street Philip, John, overseer, Grandholm, h. Persley Howet, Lewis, carter, 1 Bridge-street Plowman, Mrs. A., grocer, 49, h. 47 Hadden-

Hunter, Alexander, precentor (Free Church), 1 street Mary-place, Don-street Poole, Richard, M.D., proprietor of Private Asylum, Middlefield-house Ironside, James, blacksmith, 301 Barron-st. Post Office (Receiving), 114 Hadden-street

Jack, William, grocer, 47 Barron-street Reid, John, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 21 Johnston and Fullerton, builders and timber Hadden-street merchants, 20 Hadden street Rennie, Robert, grocer, 3 Barron-street William (of Johnston and Fullerton), h. Miss, haberdasher, 3 Barron-street 18 Hadden-street Riach, Mrs., grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 6, h. Mrs., Lower Middlefield-house 8 Hadden-street Joss, William, baker, 146 Hadden-street Richardson, William, Rural Police constable, 104 Hadden-street Kay, John, feuar, 133 Barron-street Riddel, James, vintner, Kittybrewster Kelman, Miss, teacher, 127 Hadden-street Ritchie, John, sen., carter, 16 Wellington-street Kempt, Irvine, late manager, Woodside works, Robb, James, boot and shoemaker, 151 Barron- 50 Hadden-street street Kemp, John, gas inspector, Lower Middlelield Robertson, George, farmer, Rosehill William, broker, 52 Barron-street, k. 54 Laing, Rev. James B. (Cotton Chapel), 87 Had- Canal-terrace den-street Mrs. W., grocer and clothier, 169, h. 171 -~~— Peter, feuar, 45 Canal-terrace Barron-street Lawson, Alexander, superintendent of fly-boat, Robson, James, overseer, Hayton Boat-house Rose, William, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 4 Joseph, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 85 h. 2 Barron-street Barron-street Ross, Charles, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit mer- Leslie, William, vintner,' Hay ton, Gordon's-mills chant, ironmonger, &c, 137 Hadden- Leys, Masson, and Co., manufacturers, Grand- street, h. Primrose-cottage holm Donald, shoemaker, 127 Barron-street Kenneth, engineer, 26 Gaelic-lane Maitland, Alexander, carter, 54 Hadden-street George, grocer, 115 Barron-street Scott, David, slater, 10 School-lane M'Donald, David, boot and shoemaker, 26 Had- Francis, feuar, 19 Gaelic-lane den-street John, farmer, Hay ton-road, Gordon's-mills James, grocer and spirit dealer, 76 Bar- Robert, shoemaker, 3 Hadden-street ron-street ~™ William, farmer, Don-terrace Robert, apothecary, 67, h. 65 Hadden-st. Scroggie, John, wright, 28 Hadden-street ~~.— Duncan, print-cutter, 8 Canal-side — Miss, dressmaker, 28 Hadden-street Mackenzie, Mrs., midwife, 70 Hadden-street Setou, Alex., pawnbroker, h. 150 Hadden-street Miss, teacher, 70 Hadden-street Sheret, James, grocer, 181 Barron-street M'Pherson, Miss, corn extractor, Honey-cottage, Shirrefs, David, millwright, 26 Hadden-street 61 Canal-terrace Shirriffs, John, tailor, 66 Hadden-street Mathewson, Stephen, feuar, 3 Wellington -street Skinner, George, flesher, 1 Hadden-street Matthews, Mrs. B., grocer, tea and spirit dealer, ™ James, flesher, 48, h. 43 Hadden-street 28, Don-street Smith, Charles, mason, 1 Don-street Melvin, John, mason, 11 Hadden-street ~- John, gardener, 33 Bairnshall-lane WOODSIDE. Ill

Smith, James, carpet and hearth-rug manufac- I Taylor, John, grocer, tea and spirit dealer, 215 turer, 11, h. 4 King-street h. 217 Barron- street „„ James, weaver and feuar, 8 Wellington-st. ~~ John, merchant, 231 Barron-street „„ John, tailor, 28 Wellington-street William, gardener, 15 Wellington-street „„ John, porter, Grandholm-lodge Thomson, W„ pensioner, civil service, h. Prim- William, lock-keeper, Canal-boathouse rose-cottage

Stevenson, James, grocer, Gordon's Mills , George, overseer, Grandholm Works, h.

James, boot and shoemaker, 1 and 2 Don- I 132 Hadden-street terrace, Gordon's Mills Troup, Mrs., Newseat Stephen, Charles, clothier and grocer, 85, h. 84^ Hadden-street Urquhart, Miss, dressmaker, 122 Hadden-st. Stewart, Alex., grocer and spirit dealer, 29 Gae- lic-lane Walker, George, tailor, 59 Barron-street Gordon, riddle and basket-maker, 30 Had- Wallis, Rev. James, 112 Hadden-street den-street Warrack, Mrs., baker, 34, h. 73 Barron-street ,™ Hugh, church-officer, h. 8 King-street Watson, George, engineer, Grandholm Works John (Stewart, Rovvell, and Co.), Cotton Watt, Alexander, grocer, 45 Wellington-street lodge John, plumber (Grandholm Works), h. 54 Miss, dressmaker, 130 Hadden-street Hadden-street Stiven, Mrs., baker and confectioner, 100, h. 98 Wight, John, baker, 46, h. 48 Hadden-street Hadden-street Williamson, Alexander, Granitehill, Cairncry Sutherland, Hugh, manager, Grandholm Works, Wilson, David, grocer, 129 Hadden-street h. Grandholm-house Yocng, James, carter and feuar, 14 Wellington- Taylor, James, jun., farmer, 145, h. 147Barron- street street Youngson,. Peter, sen., bleacher, Gordon's-mills James, jun., farmer, Middlefield „ Peter, jun., manager, Gordon's-mills James, spirit dealer, 145, h. 147 Barron- ™* Robert, brewer and merchant, 46 Barron- street street CORNWALL'S NEW STREET DIRECTORY. 18 53-54.

Academy Street, Affleck Place, Albyn Place, From Dee-street to Crown-st. From Marywell-street to Af- West from Alford-place. fleck-street. 2 Bellevue Academy — Rev. 1 Miss Robertson Dr. Tulloch, head master. 2 Wm. Anderson, harb. meter 2 James B. M'Combie, A. Rattray .. Andrew Affleck 3 Misses Cummine of R. Brown, timber merchant 4 Miss Black Adelphi Court, 5 Francis Edmond, advocate 6 A. D. Fordyce, of Brucklay Between 49 and 51 Union-st. Affleck Street, 7 Miss Bannerman mercht. .. Thomas Bannerman 3 Wm. Walker, wine From Crown-street to Har- .. George Bannerman 7 A. Batten, commission agent. bour. 8 Female Orphan Asylum 11 James A. Leslie, writer 9 James Brebner, advocate, h. ... William F. Ogg, advocate 1 Robert Collie, merchant, h,

I 10 Alexander Morrice, A. 13 David Chalmers, printer, A. 3 John Law, baker, A.

i 1 1 William Cooper, h. ... James Chalmers, h. 9 Mis? Fettes ... William Connon, h. ... John G. Chalmers, A. ... James Anderson, tea dealer,^ 12 C. Hunter of Tillery I Wm. 15—16 Douglas Edwards, A. 15 8 John Cooper, overseer, h. 1 4 Capt. Fisher of Murcar, A. 17 James Smith, book-keeper, A. 6 Charles Bushby

I 15 Captain James Craigie ... Jas. Wallace, insp. of poor, h. 4 William Young, shipmaster 16 Geo. Marquis, accountant, A. 19 John Mather, com. agent William Black 17 James A. Miller, advocate, A. 23 Robert Moir and Brown James Smith, A. ... Mrs. Miller ... James A. Steel, M.D. 18 Mrs. Mackenzie of Glack 36 Mrs. Peter Wright 19 Benjamin Reid, h. 32 James Cassie, portrait painter Albert Street, 20 James Laing, ironmonger, It. ... Alex. Rust, com. merchant Waverley-place to Car- From James Morison. A. 30 George Mann, tailor den- place. William B. Ferguson 28 Aberdeen Journal Office Leslie John Jamieson, h. ... D. Chalmers & Co., printers 13 Mrs. William 24 Mackenzie and Matthews 15 Rev. John Adam Mrs. Dr. Paterson ... Deeside Railway Co. 17 Alford Place, 22 Francis Edmond, advocate 19 Lauchlan M'Kinnon, A. To Albyn-place from Union- 20 Alex. Pirie & Sons ... William M'Kinnon place. 18 Francis Ogston, M.D. 20 Miss Lumsden

... Charles Ruxton, late farmer Miss Ogston 1 Miss Simpson share-broker 14 Gordon and Hunter W. Adamson, 3 Miss Dalrymple Mrs. Adamson ... Robert Brown, A. 5 Jn. Smith, late of Rotterdam P. Bannerman, advocate 12 David Mitchell, advocate 6 Geo. Simpson, corkcutter, A. Thomas Ruxton, advocate, A. ... James Bryce, advocate 4 Geo. Rennie, late shipmaster 10 Mrs. Leffen, hotel 2 Jn. Milne, wholesale-mercht. Free Church Divinity Hall Albion Street, Adelphi Lane, From Park-street to Links. I Ann Street, Market-street to Adel- From provision seller 1 Mrs. King, From Maberly 'Street to Hut- phi-court. ship-rigger 12 William Peebles, cheon-street. 1 Francis Smith, spirit dealer 22 G. Bate, blacksmith 2 John Smith, vintner 23 William Stott, grocer 13 John Fullerton, merchant 6


33 W. Charles, mason William, Cay, h. 37 John Lawrence, slater Bannermill Street, Wm. Alexander, carpenter M'Quarrie, tailor, h. John From Summer-lane to Links. Mrs. John Wilson, lodgings Henry Jackson, M.D. 1 Andrew Ritchie, shipmaster Mrs. Milne Back Wynd, 2 Thomas Hobart, wright, h. Mrs. Jas. Duthie, sick-nurse ... Mrs. Lieutenant Lindsay From Union-st. to Schoolhill. C. Begg, piano-forte maker ... James Longmuir, shipmaster Miss B. Mitchell, sick-nurse Stamps and Taxes Office 3 William Burness, shipmaster James Anderson, grocer 5 — 9 John Ritchie, saddler, h. 7 ... Alex. Walker, shipmaster W. & W. Morrison, fieshers 11 Peter Ellis, spirit dealer 4 John Colvin, shipmaster Miss Walker, milliner 15 Thomas Gordon, horse-hirer R.N. Anderson, town-serg./j. ... M'Hardy, blacksmith, h. 17 J. Barnett's Close, James Walker, clerk 35 J. Strachan, late bookseller Miss M. Lindsay, dressmaker 39 William Thorn, grocer, h. From Guestrow to Flourmill- Mrs. Hunter, dressmaker Donaldson's School brae. James Craig, saddler, h. J. Crombie, merchant 14 Alex. Cruickshank, grocer 2 Alex. Nicol, cooper 74 Robert Buchan, baker, h. 3 A. and J. Pirie and Co. 36 Alex. Daniel, advocate 6 Joseph Butler, flesher, h. 34 James Williams, furrier Blackfriars Street, 7 George Michie, cooper 1 Arthur Bowman, blacksmith 8 Francis Beattie, h. 7 From Woolmanhill to St. An- ... Alex. Gray, bookseller, h. 6 William Sutherland, guard drew-street. Allan, grocer, h. ... John Belmont Street, 1 James Hay ... George Walker, innkeeper From Union-st. to Schoolhill ... Alexander Hay, draper, h. ... Mrs. Strachan, sick-nurse 1 John Cook, horse-hirer Balmoral Place, 3 Alexander Mowat, jun., h. 5 William Russell, late tailor ... A. and T. Mowat South from Holburn-place. ... William Stevenson 7 James Simpson, mercht., h. 9 M.D. William Templeton, 9 Miss Robertson, teacher, //. John Anderson, grocer, h. 11 Miss Grant, of Monymusk ... Miss Eliza Bruce, milliner John Barron, advocate, h. 13 Dr. Neil Sutherland 13 Mrs. Low, dressmaker Miss Davidson 15 Mrs. Ludovic Grant ... Joseph Lawrence, tailor Alexander Gerard, teacher 17 G. J. Nicol, M.D. 27 William Donald Mrs. Forsyth 25 T. and N. Burnett, advocates ... Mrs. Bruce, lodgings ... Duncan Reid, clerk ... Mrs. Cruickshank Simpson Baltic Street, 27 Mrs. 41 Mrs. P. Fyfe, milliner ... Alex. Simpson, advocate 49 William Yunnie, carpenter From Prince Regent-street to 31 Deaf and Dumb Institution 30 James Watson, wright, h. Links. 41 James Melvin, LL.D. ... John Clark 45 Robert Shand 24 Peter Gellan, shoemaker, h. 2 James Booth, grocer 32 funeral waiter James Ewing, . . William Mearns, plasterer 6 J. Mearns, late berthmaster 30 Peter Ewan, town sergeant 20 Wm. Smith, carpenter, h. 24 24 Misses Gibson, milliners 18 Robert Hay, merchant ... Mrs. Gardener, teacher 14 Charles Morrison, h. of Scotland Bank 22 A., G., and J. Thomson, h. ... James Rusk, carpenter, h. 35 Court, 20 William Ross, advocate 4 Charles Fyfe, house agent 35 Castle-street. Blairton Lane, Bank of Scotland, Arthur Berry Lane, From Broad-st. to Guestrow. Thomson, agent From Gallowgate to Loch-st. 2 Broad-street Academy 2 William Clark, teacher 13 W. Robertson, spirit dealer 3 P. Ironside, auctioneer, h. Bank Street, George Mackay, vintner 29 5 William Kelman, tailor William Clyne and Sons From South Crown- street, to 28 Smith, spirit dealer Wellington-road. 16 Alex. Blaikie's (Provost) John M'Condach, h. William Stewart, h. Black's Buildings, Quay, lodgings Mrs. M'Phail, From Woolmanhill to Spa-st. South side of Harbour. Robert Forsyth, h. Aberdeen Commercial Co. John Hargitt, k. 1, 2, & 3 A. Sutherland & Sons Lime Co. Geo. Yoddun, constable, h. 2 Andrew Sutherland, sen., k. Aberdeen A. and F. Manuelle James Jamieson, mason ... Andrew Sutherland, jun., h. John Goldie, shipmaster 4 Miss Hird, milliner A. Leslie and Co. G. Milne and Co. Thomas Fraser, h. ... Mrs. Hunter D. M'Keuzie, harbour meter J. Mow at, cabinetmaker, h. 5 John Grant, grocer, h. h. Brick Work Co. Sutherland ... John Booth, watchmaker, Torry Farm Mrs. P 11


41 George Mackie 10 Mrs. A. Paterson Bon-accord Lane, 43 Misses Moir, milliners ... Rev. J. D. Miller ... W. and J. h. 14 From Dee-street to Bon-ac- Marshall, J. Drummond, bootmaker, h. 45 -nurse 1 cord-street. Mrs. Shand, sick 6 John Fyfe, brushmaker h. ... Alexander R. Walker 18 Hugh Sutherland, h. 8 Patrick Tt. Gordon, writer, /;. ... Mrs. James Falconer 20 Miss Thomson, milliner 10 James Keith, clerk 49 Miss Mennie 21 Misses Allardyce 12 Mrs. Rae ... Miss Smith, dressmaker 23 Miss Forbes 18 Robert E. Paul, artist ... Miss Wallace, corset-maker 22 John Brebner, contractor ... John Paul, jun., plasterer 51 Miss Grant 24 Mrs. Ligertwood 19 William Robertson, wright ... Andrew C. Byrne, h. 26 Mrs. B. Nicolson 13 William Holmes, h. 53 Mrs. Mearns, lodgiDgs ... Misses Nicolson ... William Shirer, clerk, h. ... Robert Mearns, builder 27 P. Davidson, of Inchmarlo ... William Holmes, jun., /;. 59 William Hutcheon, h. 29 Mrs. Major Youngson 1 Mrs. M'Lean, grocer 61 D. G. Cattanach, advocate, /*. 30 William Sawyers, h._ ... Jas. Whitecross, merchant, A. 31 Mrs. Colonel Sinclair Bon-accord Square, ... Mrs. James Whitecross 32 Thomas Blaikie, h. 65 Captain James Bland 33 James Farquhar Hadden, /*. From East to West Craibstone- 67 Capt. Andrew Wales, R.N. 34 Miss Young street. ... William Pirie 35 Mrs. Leslie

69 Robert Munro, artist ... Alexander Leslie M'Combie 1 Mrs. Thomas 71 George Presley, traveller 3 George Elmsly, coachmaker ... Misses Allan ... Mrs. Gordon 73 Mrs. Beattie Brebner's Court, 5 Misses Skene ... Miss Smith, lodgings 9 Castle-street. 7 Alex. M'Donald, stonecutter 75 Mrs. A. J. Ross 1 1 Wm. Gordon, sharebroker, /* John Rough, corn extractor ... Alexander Ross, advocate, h. 13 Rev. William R. Pirie, D.D. George Wisely, hosier 77 William Reid, h. 15 William Simpson, clerk,/*. 81 James Ireland, baker, h. 79 ... Mrs. Simpson 83 Mrs. Collie, lodgings Brebner's Court, 1 Mrs. Robert Morice 85 Misses Stewart 8 Mrs. Gordon 87 Miss Jane Smith 84 Shiprow. Gibbons 6 Misses 89 Mrs. George Garden 4 Misses Gill James Collie, tidewaiter 91 S. Shepherd, spirit mercht., h. advocate, h. Thomas Rutherford, carver 2 James Simpson, 90 Mrs. Davidson, lodgings Beattie, land surveyor William, Caie, shore-porter 3 J. F. 88 Alex. Smith of Blackhills John F. Whitecross, h. Mrs. H. Smith ... Mrs. A. Smith cf Blackhills Maxwell M'Guffie 86 George Anderson, h. Bon-Accord Street, 84 A. D. Scott, h. 82 Patrick Collie, draper, h. Broad Street, Union-street, to Spring- From 80 A. Lyon, leather mercht., h. From Union-street to Gallow- bank -terrace. 76 John Forbes, clothier, h. gate. 74 John Airth, tea dealer, h. 1 P. & A. Davidson, advocates lodgings 5 John Campbell, horse-hirer 72 Mrs. Andrew Gall, 1 George Shepherd, bookseller ... Gall, lodgings 7 John Campbell, surgeon Andrew 2£ James Connan, clothier, h. 9 Henry Thomson, h 68 George Watson 3 Geo. Handyside, shoemaker 66 John Fraser, h. 1 Ed. Wagstaff, sharebroker, h. 5 John Frederick, h. 2J- 64 James Giles, R.S. A. ... Colin M'Intyre. h. 7 David Rust, clothier 56 Wm. Simpson, advocate. /;. 58 ... Mrs. Captain Wade, lodgings 9 Alex. Wilson, shoemaker ... A. Simpson, jun., h. 58 13 James Roy and Co , h. 11—17 William Findlav 52 John Keith, h. 11 ... J. Saunders, late of Kemhill — 17 Alex. Findlay 50 Miss Robertson ... David Walker, clerk, h. 13 E. & R. Spence, shoemakers 15 Mrs. William Reid 44 Rev. Patrick Cheyne 15 George Clark and Son 40 Miss Jane Ferguson ... Miss Reid, teacher of music 19 William Russel, bookseller ladies' 17 John Avery, printer, h. 38 Miss Chisholm, school 21 Alexander Crombie, h. 23 Mrs. Thomson 21 Mrs. John Henderson 20 23 William Moir, writer, /(. Mrs. D. Souter 25 David Miller, architect 18 ... Miss Innes, dressmaker 14 Miss Alcock ... Daniel Laird, h. ... William Johnston, h.

... John Dempster * ... J. Macdonald, bookseller, /;. ... Mrs. Innes, lodgings 4 8 Laing Melvin 29 Mrs. M'Kay — & ... Charles King, tailor 31 John Wood, surgeon 25 Scott and Duncan 33 James Clark, clothier, h. 27 George Simpson, corkcutter Bon- accord-lane branches off Bon-accord Terrace, 29 Miss Sarah Bowie, lodgings h. ... James Johnston 35 Patrick Watson, grocer, 37 From Bon-accord-row. 37 Miss Shepherd, ... George Hackney

... James Shepherd 6 Mrs. John Swanston ... John Bowie 39 W. Forsyth, mail-contractor 8 Mrs. Dr. Farquharson 31 William Stepken, h. 29

... Robert Pergusson, h. 9 John Tocher, clothier, h. 33—35 John Bothwell 1

Sew street directory. 115

37. —39 Alex. Lyon, leather mer. 14 Robert Thomson, tailor Canal Street, 37 Thomas Sangster, advocate ... Miss Thomson, ladies' school 43 John Hall 12 Black and Ferguson From Mounthooly-bridge to 45 Miss Wood, milliner 10 J. Duguid and Co., clothiers Froghall-bridge. 47 Patrick Ironside, auctioneer 6 Thomas Stewart, agent, h. 4 3 Robert Laing, hairdresser, /(. 9 Mrs. Huddleston, lodgings ... A. J. Cameron, advocate ... Miss Sangster 03 James Thomson, shoemaker ... Mrs. Robertson, sick-nurse Jane Laing, h. 59 W. M-Pherson, h. 91 4 Hugh Ross, jun., haberdash. 4 William 61 George Rennie, printer 2 Alex. Henderson, bookbinder 5 John Cameron, student 6 Rev. Alexander Stuart Andrew Tarras, clerk, //. Mrs. Christie, lodgings 7 John Reid, shipowner Mrs. Pirie, sick -nurse Broadford Lane, 9 Duncan M. Connell. li. John Wyness, flesher, h. 10 Alexander Harp, lodgings From Broadford to Causeway- William Inglis, baker, h. 61 11 John Ramsay end-road. James Aiken, shoemaker ... Henry Brechin, h. William Milne Richard Lewis, tavern 1 George Craig, grocer, h. 12 13 William Christie, h. George Cormacli, /;. 69 10 Wm. M'Intosh, wire-worker Mrs. Keith James Berry, gardener James Cocker, nurseryman John Lunan, storekeeper John Paterson, advocate, h. Alexander Nicol, cooper, h. Robert Fletcher, accountant James Milne Broadford Place, G. Sangster, goldsmith, h. 68 From George-street to North Canal Terrace, J. Forsyth, leather merchant Broadford. Mrs. T. A. Boulton, milliner From Virginia- street to

Andrew Fiddes 10 Jn. Mess, grain merchant, /(. Garvock-street. Hugh Gordon and Co. 8 Hugh Fraser, clothier, h. l| Alexander Gray, shoemaker John A. Wilson, bookseller 6 David Thomson, U. 3 Alex. C. Matthew, surgeon John Smith, chemist William Dutliie, advocate, h. 4 Walter Hood, h. John Forbes, h- 84 Alex. Duthie, advocate, h. 5 John Duthie, h. Adam Singer, agent 6 John Dennison, shipmaster John Colvin 6}j Roderick Munro, k. Win. French, jun., grocer Burn Court, 7 Alex. Maurice, shipmaster David Wright, news agent 44 Upperkirkgate. 8 James Leslie Alexander Cumming 10 Chas. Anderson, shipmaster James Martin, plasterer Arthur King, printer, h. 11 Isaac Marchant, shipmaster Andrew H. Piggie, tailor James Methven, fishcu.-jr John Duncan, writer John Lunan, stationer, h. 64 Burnett's Closer Archibald Grant, hairdresser 5 Exchequer Bow. George Smith, k. From Skene-roael to Rubislaw. Miss Ingram, dressmaker 8 Jas. Gillespie, cottage hotel 9 Mrs. Livingston, vintner G. Smith, shoemaker, /;. 64 2 William Henderson, h. Peter Crombie, jeweller 1 Alexander Wright, vintner 3 John Keith, accountant, h. John Catto, cabinetmaker 12 Mrs. Bridgeford, vintner 4 Miss Cumming W. M'Alpine, auctioneer ... John D. Milne, jun., h. B. and W. M'Killiam, conf. 5 Thomas Melville, jun., h. William Brand, jeweller Calsay Seat. 6 Rev. David Simpson W. Davidson and Co., groc. Francis Gael, spirit dealer 7 Rev. John Thomson W. Diack, hardware merch. Miss Johnston 9 Rev. J. Calder Macphail George Maitland, book agent 12 James Wyllie, bookseller William Armstrong John Stephen, plumber, h. Canal Lane, Carmelite Lane, Wm. L. Jaffray, h. 22 From Canal-terrace to Sum- A. Burge, hatter, h. 64 Fisher-row to Trinity- st. mer-lane. From Queen-slieet branches off 1 William Fraser, spirit dealer Wiiliam Ross, ironmonger 1 Andrew Brands, h. 4 Mrs. Rennie, spirit dealer, h. James Stephen, ironmonger ... John Smith, shipmaster 7 Alexander Hutcheon Jas. Anderson, billiard rooms 1^ Robert Eddie, brewer, h. ... George Moir Patrick Whyte, h. 28 2 William Harvey, grocer, h. 12 Wiliiam Ross, merchant, h. John Pihind, agent Alexander Seor


7 A. W. Ledingham, clerk 45 A. Aiken, shore-porter ... John Smart, contractor Castle Hill. 46 J. Daniel and Co., printers ... Mrs. William Ledingham Rev. Alexander Spence 47 Robert Smollet A. Hogg, wrights 7£ W. and 1 Miss Brown 49 John Watt, grocer 9 Thomas Jamieson, wright 3 Mrs. Spence 51 John Mitchell 1J Mrs. Stevenson, midwife 52—42 Thomas Menzies ... William Robbie, spirit dealer Marischal-street. branches off ... John Morgan, h. Castle Lane, 53 Aberdeen Bank ... James Brew, merchant From Castle-brae to Fish-st. 54 Geo. Cornwall, printer 13 George Watt, slater ... E. M. Cornwall, lithographer David Mitchell, blacksmith ... Robert Innes, fish dealer, /;. ... William Bain, banker Cossens, wright ... John Webster,' baker, h. 3 James 55 Hugh Fraser, h. 54 Mrs. Dunnet, merchant, h. 4 Mrs. James Smith 56 Alex. Meston, advocate ... William Mitchell, wright, /(. 20 Peter Hogg, tinsmith ... D. G. Cattanach, advocate 18 William Reid, vintner ... Robert Barclay, police sup. 14 B. Essod, millwright, h. Castle Street, 57 Forsyth and Emslie ... Mrs. Knowles, flesher, h. 58 W. Robison, advocate Union-street to Justice ... Tomkins and Rae,fleshers, h. From ... Mrs. Singer, lodgings 12 D. M'Kinnon, spirit dealer, h. street ... W. Steele, accountant, h. 20 10 William Craighead 59—60 Robert Kemp 2 William Ewen, tailor 8 Alexander Clark, shipmaster 3 George Adam and Co. Mrs. Bain, coffee-house . William Moir, h. North of Scotland Bank 61 Mrs. Colvin, inn ... John Moir, grocer, h. King- street branches off ... Mrs. Thorn, lodgings F. L. Johnston, grocer Catherine Street, ... Mrs. Duncan, regis, office, h. 7 George Wisely 6 James Williamson, carver 8 John Duncan, advocate From Causewayend to ... John Whyte, game dealer, h ... George Davidson, bookseller George-street. 4 J. & W. Runcie, tinsmiths, h. ... Miss Bain, lodgings 1 Samuel Martin ... George Runcie, M.D. 10 Alex. M'Donald, grocer ... Christie, h. ... Alexander Martin, agent George grocer, 11 Murray and Grant 2 Miss Bruce, music teacher 2 James Smith, h. 13 George Stirling, grocer 8 John Ramage, h. ... Charles Calder, merchant, h. 14 John Smith 14 John Gordon, carter ... Daniel M'Bean ... John Paterson, shoemaker Carnegie's Brae, 15 — 16 James Tough, grocer 16 Alexander Mercer, wright Sutherland, h. From Netherkirkgate to 17 Alexander 18 18 William Laing 19 W. Cruickshank, h. 20 Green. 28 John Clark, spirit dealer, h. 23 John L. Hatt ... Alexander Cameron, mason 2 Farquharson Paterson, h. 3 ... James Gallagher, h. 36 Alexander Adam, feuar 3 C. Wilson, letter-carrier 24 George Jessiman 40 Alexander Benton, flesher, h. 6 John Sorley, reedmaker Justice- street branches off 54 William Brown, coachman 26 Ophthalmic Institution 58 James M'Pherson, h. ... Smith and Murray Caroline Place, 62 Richard Fotheringham, h. 27 William Rough, agent From Skene-square to Hut- ... Alexander Abercrombie ... Rev. J. H. Wilson cheon-street. ... Miss M. Murray 28 James Spence, draper ... Charles Provest, turner, h. 3 William Barker, h. 29 Miss M'Kenzie 70 William Speid, advocate, h. Stirling 4 Rev. James ... Misses Robertson, teachers 7 1 R. Cruickshank, grocer, h. 5 Anthony Wigham 30 William Mavers, flesher 72 Miss Craig, teacher Gill, h. 6 David ... Mrs. Paterson, coffee-rooms 31 J. M'Donald, cabinetmaker Castle Brae, 32 Charles Stewart, merchant Catto Square, 33 A. Playfair, cabinetmaker From Castle-brae to Park- Garvock's-wynd. 34 Alex. Sim, accountant lane. 1 A. Williamson, baker, h. 2 36 A. Cumming, grocer, h. 3 3 Roderick Ross, shoemaker, h. 5 David Henderson, 38 James Collie, advocate 4 William Bennet, blacksmith ... Mrs. Roberts ... Alexander Fyfe, solicitor 5 John Grant ... Robert Smollet, h. 39 William Fraser, tailor, k. 37 ... Andrew Sim, blacksmith ... George J affray 40 G. Oldman, hairdresser 8 Robert Payne 11 Alex. Donald, grocer 41 James Roy, bootmaker 9 James Dunnet, shipbroker 13 John Dow, broker 42 Joseph Nicol, baker, k. 10 Mrs. Beggrie, midwife 6 David Ross, collector, h. ... Alex. Gordon, advocate 1 George Craig ... John Mitchell, manufacturer ... National Bank of Scotland

... Alex. Inglis, ship-chandler ... Alexander Chivas, advocate 4 Charles Coutts, chemist, /*. ... William Bennett, printer Causewayend, ... James Coutts, surgeon 43 James Maclean, druggist From Gallowgate to Gowan- 2 William Rough, agent, h 43^ John Smith, h.20 brae. ... Mrs. John Chivas 44 A. Davidson, jun., grocer ... John Chivas, h. 45 Peter Rafferty, merchant 6h George Smith, h. 8 NEW STREET DIRECTORY. 117

8 Robert Bruce, spirit dealer 102 Rev. Jas. Gray, teacher, A. 10 Robert Davidson, tailor Chapel Lane, ... Mrs. William Collie 14 James Geddes, shoemaker advocate, A. From Weighhouse- square to 100 Robert Adam, 22 Peter Cruickshank A. Shore-brae. 86 David Troup, grocer, 28 James Greig, grocer, A. 26 ... T. Connel, cabinetmaker

34 Robert Connon, A. 32 1 Wm. Donald, corn merchant . . Robert Porter, letter carrier 50 Thomas Smith, A. 4 S. Waugh, watch dealer, A. ... Miss Connell, dressmaker ... Miss Farquhar, dressmaker 6 John Ross, blacksmith 84 John Campbell, shoemaker 54 Miss Wilson, teacher W. Campbell, spirit dealer 72 Mrs. Alexander Thomson Charles Provest, turner ... Rev. John Thomson 62 Mrs. M'Intosh, midwife Chapel Street, ... Mrs. William Dalrymple 64 John Dawson, grocer, k. 66 ... Miss Thomson 66 George Davidson, shoemaker From Union-place to Skene- 60 Francis Cooper, grocer, h. 56 72 Peter Harkess, dog trainer street. 56 Miss Williamson, lodgings 80 John Charles, mealseller 54 George Baker, guard 1 Mrs. Barron 82 John Brown, shoemaker ... Mrs. Morrison ... Miss Mitchell 94 George Brechin ... Mrs. Morison 5 David Warrack, baker, A. 7 William Buckuer, shoemaker 52 William Murray, builder 9 George Stephen, hairdresser 112 William Reith, builder ... Thomas Baird, cabinetmaker 1 1 James Grub, vintner 115 William Adam, farmer, A. 50 William Hunter, A. 13 Alex. Barclay, wright ... R.Robertson, ropemaker, A. ... Mrs. William Hunter, h. ... Leslie Durno, mealseller 1 13 Alexander Dow, h> ... John Black, grocer, A. 19 Wm. Barnett, blacksmith, A. 109 Grant Forbes, shoemaker,A. 50 James Davie, A. 21 Alex. Douglas, grocer, A. 16 101 W. and R. Spark, h. 48 Mrs. Webster 27 Alex. Miller, shoemaker ... J. and A. Blackie, merchts. ... Mrs. Alexander 31 George Murray 99 William Carl 46 George Paterson, painter, A. 31 Wm. Murray, brushmaker ... John Taylor, grocer 44 Miss Mathew, dressmaker 35 Miss Bruce, sick -nurse 97 Catherine Cone, dressmaker 18 David Knox, painter, A. 44 ... Miss Walker, dressmaker 93 John Masson, grocer 44 George Innes, shipmaster ... Miss M'Kay, dressmaker 67 Ebenezer Bain, wright, k. 42 George Gordon 39 Miss Noble, lodgings 65 William Walker 40 Mrs. J. Wright, lodgings 41 Miss Jameson, dressmaker 63 William Bruce, builder 38 Mrs. Monro ... Mrs. John Jameson ... Alexander Smith 34 William Milne, merchant 47 William Walker, flesher, A. 59 Andrew M'Neish 28 Mrs. Ross, lodgings ... Mrs. R. Finlayson, lodgings 57 Davidson Lamb, feuar 26 W. Ewan and Co., builders 51 Rev. John Mitchell ... Alexander Adam, slater ... Misses Ewan, dressmakers ... Mrs. Captain Milne 53 John M'Dougall, broker, A.49 24 M. Dunbar, draper, A. 22 55 Francis Duncan, teacher, ft. 47 James Findlater, plasterer 16 A. M'Conochie, teacher, A. ... John Argo 43 Alexander Shand, merchant 20 John Kay, teacher 65 Mrs. Mitchell, midwife 41 John Sim, shoemaker 14 Miss Gilchrist ... John Cobban, plasterer 39 J. Cruickshank, shoemaker ... Miss Williamson ... Miss Mitchell 37 Alexander Low, shoemaker ... Mrs. John Innes 67 David H. Wilson, missionary 35 Arthur Shand, late wright 12 Mrs. Smith ... William Coutts, painter, k. 31 Alex. Robsou, spirit dealer 10 Mrs. William Donald 71 Mrs. M'Ririe 29 James Cuningham, mercht. 2 Mrs. Christopher, lodgings ... Mrs. Bamford 27 Mrs. A. Roberts, midwife 75 Miss Wilson, milliner ... Alexander Roberts, clerk B. Gibson Charles Street, 25 Thomas Anderson, gardener 77 Thomas Thomson, contractor 19 George M'Kenzie, merchant 79 Wm. From Broadford to Causeway- 85 William Moir, tailor 17 John Winton, grocer, A. 13 end. 87 John Glennie 15 Miss Matthews, dressmaker 9 Mrs. Catto, grocer ... Robert Fraser ... John Murray, shoemaker 11 J. Leighton, letter-carrier 89 William Smart, A. 13 James Garden 95 William Robertson, wright,A. ... George Porter, A. 11 Alex. Nicolson, A. 5 97 Mrs. Blackb.aH, lodgings ... James, Leighton, h. 3 W. J. Baxter and Co. 123 James Brown, day patrol 31 Mrs. Marshall 3 Mrs. Baxter, spirit dealer 12 Mrs. Campbell ... John Ross, sharebroker, h. 1 Alex. Christie, grocer 8 Miss Elspet Catto ... Andrew Gibb, A. J. and J. Crombie, manufac. Chalmers, weaver 112~ John Clapton, teacher 4 Alexander W. R. Blackie, merchts. h. 124 George Graham, A. 119 & John Hendry, A. 120 James Aiken, artist James Mann, grocer, h. Chapel Court, 122 Robert Gordon, flesher 120 James Kelly, baker, A. 118 Forrest, midwife 1 Justice-street. 114 Mrs. Charlotte Street, 112 Mrs. Cook, midwife From St. Andrew-street to 1 Charles M'Grigor, hosier, A, 126 William Nicol, night patrol John-street. ... Rev. John Ritchie 112 Alexander Jamieson ... Rev. John Reid 108 James Jaffray, merchant 1 B. Middleton, shoemaker 3 James Spence, draper, h. 106 A. Adams, cabinetmaker, h. 3 James M'Kenzie, draper, A. 1


3 William Duff 35 Alex. Lorimer, merchant 12 William Milne, grocer 5 John Joss, merchant,. A. ... James Yule, shoemaker 10 A. Fraser, day patrol ... Alexander Marshall, h. 63 Wm. Snowie, shipmaster 8 Mrs. Webster, lodgings 7 Mrs. Tytler, 65 James Aiken, missionary 6 Alexander Eddie, baker, A. i 3 (jj William Rattray, teacher, ft. ... Miss C. Benzie 2 Alexander Wise, hairdresss ... Miss Rait 67 John Tevendale, A. \) ... Alexander Lamb, plumber, ft. 69 John M'Neil, A. ... John Marshall, grocer, A. 1 David Main, shipmaster Commercial Court, 33 Mrs. Irvine, lodgings 3 James Gifford, A. 58, Castle-street. ... James Thomson, clothier, h. David Mackenzie, A. William ... William Brand, jeweller, A. William Simpson, A. Elmslie, A. ... James Souter, teacher, h. Robert Collie, hairdresser, A. W. Robison, advocate ~~ Robert Brown, hatter, h. 74 Dickson Hogarth and Co. J. .Davidson, shore-porter 54 James Stephen, h. 68 Hogarth and Co., merchants Alexander Watson John Stott, tailor 52 John Beattie, stonecutter, A. 62 Alex. Thorn, grocer, A. 64 40 Johnston Pirie, grocer, h. 50 W. Tough, grocer Andrew Harvey, shoemak; •! Alexander Marchant 44 Francis Livingston, grocer 4 Mrs. M'Kenzie, sick-nurse 15 John Cock, bill deliverer Concert Court, ... William Pittendrigh, h. 16 Alexander Ross Between 10 and 12 Broad- ... William Daniel, h. ... Miss Ross, dressmaker street. 2 Mrs. Gray, milliner 8 John Bell, cooper, h. 6 Joseph Kiloh, spirit dealer 1 Mrs. Stevenson, lodgings 2 John Collie, plasterer, A. ... John Ewen. tailor Chronicle Court, A. Bothwell, confectioner, h 32 Broad-street & 10 - 6 Fraser and Glennie, tailors Queen Lane, street. Commerce Arthur King & Co., printers 1 — 3 James Gillanders, sexton Aberdeen Free Press Office 11 Andrew Adams 1 Miss Gillanders, dressmaker George Cadenhead, tailor Alex. Nicoll, turner Constitution Street, Street, Commerce From Park-street to Links. Chronicle Lane, From Quay to Park-lane. 1 John Martin, shipmaster From North-street to Meal- David Mitchell, blacksmith ... Alexander Martin market-street. 7 Thomas Jaffray and Sons 3 James Buyers, A. 1 1 John Cock, mealseller, A. 9 5 George Morrison, ft. 2 James Gordon, cooper 23 Peter Craig, shipmaster 7 A. Thomson, jun., flesher, A 5 John Dixon and Co., 25 David Buchan, blacksmith 11 Miss Strnchan, dressmaker 9 Peter Green, farrier 37 William Imlay, grocer 13 George Grant, lodgings 13 William Merchant, engineer 41 William Cooper, silk dyer ... George Angus of Tillicorth) ... William Ross, funeral waiter 43 Robert Buthley, shipmaster 15 Mrs. John Morison 15 William Melvin, porter ... M. Bullanera, shipmaster ... George Wood, shipmaster ... Lachlan Grant, tailor 45 William Abel, merchant ... George Morison, M.D.

47 A. Craigmile, grocer, A. 49 ... Alex. Morison, shipmaster Church Street, 49 David Ritchie, shipmaster ... John Morison, accountant, A 53 J. Brunton, jun., shipmaster 17^ John Finlayson, printer, h. Waterloo-street From to St. ... Robert Donald, shipmaster 25" William Gall Clement-street. 55 David Wood 27 William Bennett, printer, h. 57 William Kidd. spirit dealer 29 George Duncan, h. 1 Jean Copland, A. ... Thomas A. Kidd, brazier, /;. 33 James Black, h. ... William Cairns, broker 59 John Smart, shipmaster 35 George 3 James Joss, shipmaster Topp 61 James Bain, saw-trimmer 37 William Clark, h. ... George Milne, shipmaster ... Wm. Dilling, iron-founder •39 James Monro, shipmaster 7 Thomas Ritchie, druggist, h. ... George Johnston, engineer 41 James Taylor ... John Guild, shipmaster ... George Watt, shipmaster 45 Geo. tJrquhart, 12 Barclay Duthie, tailor shipmaster 10 Alexander Riddel ... Wm Fletcher, shipmaster ... Daniel Wishart, shipmaster 65 Robert Mitchell, shoemaker ... Mrs. William Jaffray 67 William Craigmyle, 47 George Leslie, h. College Street, ... William Craigmyle, grocer 49 Alex. Fraser, grocer, h. 62 Mrs. Riach 50 Charles h. From Windmillbrae to Affleck- Sefton, !) G. Anderson, wood-merckt. 46 Alex. Leslie, shipmaster street. 50 William Mitchell, wright 44 Jabez PalmeT 1 Charles Smith, grocer William Cumming, slater 42 George L. Walker, A. ... John Black, h. 61 50 Alex. Rainnie, builder, h. 72 ... George Lowery 3 T. Theodorson, shoemaker 46 John Sangster, druggist, A. 48 40 Alexander Gordon, A. 11 Alex. Smith, spirit dealer 48 George Johnston, tidewaiter 38 Charles Walker, mercht., h. 15 William Smith, grocer, h. 17 26 David Stephen 30 Catholic Seminary 21 John M'Donald 18 Wm. H. Bruce, shipmaster ... Rev. Charles Gordon, h. 23 W. Davidson, spirit dealer 16 Alexander Donald, grocer ,,, Miss Buist, teacher NEW STREET DIRECTORY. 119

) James J. Dickinson, teacher 2 John Simpson, M.D.

1 David Bruce, shipmaster 4 James Dyce Crown Place, 6 F. Beattie, B. Robertson, shipmaster James surveyor 1 W. Allardyce, merchant, ft. Miss Potts 7 John Galen. M.D. 2 William Fraser, A. i James Ligertwood, ft. 5 Mrs. Panton Mrs. M* Andrew 3 John P. Milne, ft. 2 John Allan, advocate, ft. Crown Place, James Allan, steward (east.) Craibstone Street, A. Forsyth, late merchant 1 Mrs. Dawson Geo. Forsyth, late merchant (west), 2 P. Redfern, M.D. ! Coutts, advocate Bon-accord-terrace to 6. . John From ... W. Andrew, druggist, ft. 6 William Milne, ft. Bon-accord-square. 2 Mrs. Thompson 2 Alex. Mellis, ft. 3 Rev. John G. Ryde Mrs. Thomas Reid 5 James Williamson, ft. 8 John Fraser, clerk Crown Street, 8 Walter R. Stewart, ft. Mrs. Cordiner ... Charles Stewart From Union-street, South- Mrs. Ramsay, lodgings 4 Mrs. Morice wards. and Leslie M'Donald 2 Mrs. Anderson T. Will, carpet warerooms 6 Miss Jane Jolly Constitution Street, George Jamieson, jeweller, 8 J. Senter, shoemaker, ft. 10 (south.) 10 Miss Scott 12 Alex. Fyfe, shoemaker 5 Alex. Coutts, wright, //. Craigie Street, 16 John Macdonald, bookseller C. Robertson, ironmonger, ft. 6 20 Mrs. Taylor, lodgings 7 John Tocher, music teacher From George-street to Char- 22 George Cruickshank Mrs. John Reid, teacher, ft. lotte-street. 24 Lewis Smith, bookseller, ft. '8 D. Macdonald, ft. 1 Alexander Ledingham ... John Smith, bookseller, ft. 9 John Ross, ft. Mrs. Belton, lodgings 26 Rev. John C. Brown Mrs. Fullerton 28 Alexander Lyell, clerk, h. Cornhill, 82 Mrs. Alexander Galen 84 John Greig, surgeon, R.N. James Williamson, flesher, ft. Craigwell Place, John Davidson, gardener 86 Miss More From Skene-street to Den- 86| John Scott, teacher, ft. Correction Wynd, burn-terrace. ... Mrs. Kemp, lodgings, 100 Hugh Ross, jun., ft. Alexander Scott, shoemaker From St. Nicholas-street to 104 George Clerihew, builder

Green. ... F. Clerihew, advocate, ft. 106 1 John M'Quarrie, tailor Crooked Lane, L. M'Kinnon, jun., adv. 108 Misses Fyfe, ladies' school 2 Robert Farquhar From St. Andrew-street to ... Charles Fyfe, house-factor ... R. M'Kenzie, clerk Loch-street, 114 John Law, sharebroker ... John Watt, advocate 3 John Hutcheon, upholsterer 1 D. M'Kenzie, bootmaker 116 Alex. Taylor, clothier, ft. 118 F. advocate, ft. 4 George Sutherland, surgeon 5 James Angus, ft. Wm. Ogg, 120 John Jazdowzki, teacher ... John Ligertwood, advocate 6 Aberdeen Public Baths ... James Forsyth, ft. 127 ... Mrs. Sutherland 7 Alexander Anderson ... William Esplin, ft. *.. E. Wagstaff, sharebroker 8 Robt. Stobie, coachbuilder, ft. 122 Bisset, ft. 6 Miss Robertson, milliner ... John Baxter, spirit mercht. John factor, ft. 9 Joseph Copland, vintner 1 1 Thomas Skea, horse-shoer, ft. 124 H. Warrack, corn ... William Bisset, ft. ... Joseph Cotton, inn 12 James Ledingham, teacher ... J. Warrack, merchant, ft. Crown Court, 128 Rev. A. D. Davidson 13 Alex. Duffus, confectioner, ft. James Duffus, confectioner Between 41 and 43 Union- 130 Captain Ray, R.N. Miss Maria Reid, teacher street. 132 James Catto, shoemaker, ft. Miss Eliza Reid, dressmaker 134 VV. Shepherd, confectr., ft. William Reid, teller, ft. 138 George Leslie, jun., ft. 14 Alexander Cumming, ft. David Reid, druggist, ft. 15 Mrs. Kiloh, lodgings ... Geo. Leslie, shipowner, ft. William Brebner, ft. 17 Mrs. Watt, porter dealer 138 Jas. Leslie, ship-broker, ft. John Avery, printer 20 D. M'Kinnon, spirit dealer 150 Miss More Alexander Robb, tailor 22 Mrs. Rennie, spirit dealer 152 James Milne J. Miller and Co., chemists ... G. Yule, grain merchant 24 Richard Davies, ft. Duncan Reid, M.D. 154 James M'Aulay 21 Robert Leys, engineer, ft. James Lazenby, teacher 171 Chas. Winchester, advocate 169 Mrs. Alex. Farquhar, Craibstone Street, Farquhar Crown Court, ... Robert (east), 161 Robert Beveridge, M.D.

From Bon-accord -st. to Bon- 36 Upperkirkgate. 159 John T. Rennie, ft. aecord- square. Aberdeen Dispensary and Vac- 157 Peter Morison, ft. 155 Robt. Kemp, gr. mercht., ft. 2 Mrs. Simpson cine Institution 120 NEW STREET DIRECTORY.

153 Miss Clark, lodgings 77 Mrs. Smith, of Glenmillan

... Daniel Gray, grocer, h. Cruden's Court, 78 Mrs. John Skinner 74 Mrs. Taylor ... Mrs. Helen Clark, lodgings 22, Broad-street. 151 William Cormack grocer, h. ... Miss Angus of Botriphnie Miss Bowman, seamstress ... Alex. Cormack, grocer, /*. 72 Lessel Stephen, -writer, h 149 Geo. Yeats, silk mercht, h. Miss Finlason, lodgings ... James Stuart, clerk, h. William shore-porter 145 James Garden, h. Moir, .. James Walker, coal-broker Souter Shepherd, druggists Affleck-street (/ranches off & 70 Mrs. Allen 139 John Lyell, gunmaker, /;. ... Rev. Hugh Hart, 137 Misses Fullerton Bee Place, 68 Alexander Brown, h. 133 T. Shields, chemist, h. 131 64 Miss Dingwall Fordyce 131 J. A. Wilson, bookseller, h. From Marywell-street to 62 Mrs. James Souter 125 Alex. Duguid, grocer, h. Springbank. 60 George Inglis, grocer, h.

... Mrs. Thomas Innes 58 Mrs. P. Robertson 1 Jas. Berry, -watchmaker, h. ... Patrick Stewart ... Samuel Martin, hatter, h. 3 Alexander Wilson well- street branches ... Miss Margaret Roy Mary off ... G. Abernethy, civil engineer Anderson, grocer 56 George Grub, advocate, h. 123 John 5 George Gray, merchant, h. 121 M'Kinnon 54 James Fraser, h. Miss 7 John M'Laren, merchant, h. Smith, h. 52 John Whyte, (of S. & W.) h. ... John 6 James Asher, merchant, h. ... James F. Kellas, h. ... John Whyte, (of Y. & W.)/( . 4 John Edmond, bookbinder, h. Mitchell, artist 46 G. Watson, saw-trimmer, h. 119 John 2 Lieut. Alex. Bell, H.E.I.C.S. 115 Wm. Gray, tea mercht., h. ... Miss Watson, bonnetmaker 113 Misses Turner 42 Wm. Allan, cabinetmaker 111 Mrs. Christian Davidson Dee Street, 34 Thos. Duncan, marble work Mary's-place branches 32 Misses Lawrence St. off From Union-street to Dee- 103 John Mather, com. agent, h. ... William Leask, shipmaster place. 101 Mrs. James Keith 30 Mrs. Greach, lodgings 99 Dr. Thomas Smith I James Fraser & Co., grocers ... Mrs. Milne, lodgings 97 Miss Forbes, of Echt 5 William Henderson, painter 28 George Glegg, h. 95 Henry C. Oswald, h. 7 Thomas M'Lean, baker, h. 9 26 Malle. Heintzler, teacher 91 Mrs. Ross 11 Miss Neish, dressmaker ... Miss Ann Gordon 89 Mrs. Simpson Duguid 13 D. Brown, shoemaker, h. 11 ... Mrs. Gordon, lodgings 24 Misses L. and F. Grant 87 John Stuart, advocate 13J John Marr, plumber 85 William Grant, h. 15 Major George Munro 22 Joseph Skea, vet. surgeon ...... John Grant, h. 23 William Rettie, h. William Brebner George 83 Lambert Barron, advocate, /(. 25 William Watson, W. S. 20 Garden, turnkey ... Mrs. John S. Gordon 27 Miss Christie ... Samuel Watt, late carter 81 John Fleming 29 Miss Morren 14 Miss Wilson 79 J. J. Kennedy, merchant, h. ... George Sim, accountant, h. 4 Mrs. Andrew Nicol ... Russel, sculptor 77 Miss Forsyth 33 George Jamieson, h. George 75 Mrs. James Lumsden 31 James Shepherd, h. ... William Russel, bookseller 73 James Burgess, h. 35 William Forsyth, h. Thomas Menzies, printer, h. 71 Miss Foote 37 David Allan, h. William Smith, Mrs. Dr. Smith 69 Alex. Martin, com. agent, /;. ... James Allan, h. 67 Misses Macgillivray ... William Allan, h. 27 Mrs. Bisset, lodgings 39 Robert P. Ross Dee Village, 25 William Robb, builder, k. 126 41 Alexander Milne, h. 23 George Wilson, artist ... Robert Milne, clothier, h. Ferryhill. 21 R. Sangster, sen., flesher, /*. .. Robert Milne, h. 20 Charles Smith, grocer, h. 1 9 James Lazenby, teacher, h. ... Charles Begg, h. 26 James Myles, bookseller, h. ... William Whitecross ... Robert Macaldowie, h. 23 Mrs. Gow, grocer 17 George Glennie, baker, h. 15 George Wood, agent James Robb, h. 13 Alex. M'Conochie, teacher J. T. Willet, shipmaster William Morren, chemist painter White 9 George Paterson, Misses Alexander Smith 7 Misses Keith, milliners Mrs. Jas. Melvin, lodgings 5 Logan & Co. Mrs. Monro -3 Robert Wood, shoemaker Alex. Pearson, merchant, h. Denburn Terrace, Thomas Foulten, From Union-street-bridge to A. Foulten, late merchant Skene-terrace. Crown Street, Mrs. Kirkland Absalom Poulter 1 Mrs. Jameson (sooth.) Thomas Poulter ... John Jameson, h. Mrs. David Walker Miss Kirkland 3 W. Paterson & Co., h. James Torrie, M.D. 7 John Bulloch Rev. John Murray 9 Geo. Cruickshank, jun., h. Crown Terrace, Miss Kidson, ... William Clark, teacher, h. Miss Davidson 13 D. Edward, church-officer, h, Lieut. George Skues, R.M. Robert Smith, h. 15 Mrs. Smith, midwife 8


John Grant Leslie, h. 15 George Walker 17 Farrier Lane, ... W. Murdoch, cabinetmaker 21 James Stewart, jun., grocer Masson 1 7 Miss H. Profat, lodgings 25 Mrs. George From North-street to Meal- engineer ... Mrs. Alexander Watt 27 John Garrow, market-street. 29 John Levy, late shipmaster John M'Innes, grocer 3 Peter Forrest, h. 5 Place, 33 Devanha 33,j Alexander M'Donald Ferryhill. 35~John Parkhill, merchant Farquhar Place, 39 D. M'Farlane, shoemaker 4 George Saunders, grocer, h. a 41 John Ewen, grocer, h. 29 21 Gallowgate. 4 David Saunders, h. 45 John Hobnail 5 John Grainger, contractor Whinton Nicol 49 Alexander M'Kenzie J. Ligertwood, advocate, h. Miss Nicol, dressmaker 51 Mrs. Keith, grocer, h. 53 55 James Watson, h. 53 broker Devanha Terrace, ... James Watson, Ferguson's Court, 57 Mrs. R. Bennet Ferryhill. 108± Gallowgate. 61 Walter Campbell Mrs. Cordiner William Buyers, h. 65 John Stewart, h. 66 Alexander Stephen, h. 65 John Stewart, h. 66 merchant, h. 66 James Thomson, h. 67 W. Findlay, Ferryhill, Henry Cooper, k. 69 Alexander Davidson Near Chain Bridge. Geo. Farquhar, publisher, h. 71 William Reid, h. 80 Thomas Carolan, h. 79 Ferryhill Foundry 70 J. Phimister, grocer, /;. 70| James Abernethy and Co. Diamond Street, grocer, h. 66 John Panton, James Abernethy, h. dressmaker From Union-street to Silver- 60 Miss Rowell, Thomas Laurie Christie, merchant, h 54 street. 56 J. John Abernethy, h. tinsmiths 52 C. and J. M'Leod, Robert Abernethy, A- 9 Miss B. King, lodgings 48 George Kilpatrick, agent Mrs. Abernethy, sen. ... Mrs. Reid, lodgings Collins, h. 42 44 James William Duncan /;. ... Kenneth Watt, shoemaker, h. 40 Peter Murray J. Cook, insurance broker, h. ... Alex. Urquhart, grocer, h. 36 William Borthwick James Reid, manager 11 Mrs. Colston, dressmaker 22 James Dalgarno Alexander Merchant ... A. Colston, music teacher 20 James Mutch, grocer, h. 14 Thomas Robertson 13—28 Robert C. Marshall 16 William Cruickshank, h. 14 William Fisher of Ferryhill 13 David Marshall 14 John M'Kenzie, shipmaster William L. Thomson Robert and Mrs. Alexander 12 John M'Kann, broker Botanic-gardens 10 Robert M'Leod and Son Drum's Lane, 8 Robert M'Leod 6 James Meston, mercht, /*. 5 Ferryhill Place. Upperkirkgate to flesher, h. 14 From 26 4 C. Wilson, From Rotunda-place to De- Loch-street. vanha-place. 3 J. Tillery Exchange Court* 19 W. R. Riddel, h. 5 Wm. Salmond, letter-carrier ... James Ogilvie, guard 7 Alexander Troup, tailor, h. Between 35 & 37 Union-st. ... James T. Mackay and Son ... Mrs. W. Elgen, dressmaker Brown and Carr, clothiers ... Mrs. James Dunn 9 Alexander Brebner, broker Buyers and Skene Jas. Sutherland, shipmaster 15 Peter Straton Mrs. Robert Milne, h. Mrs. Ogilvie 17 Thomas Ogilvie, hatter William Cook, tailor A. MConachie, shipmaster 8 James Loban, teacher, h. Angus Cameron ... William Fraser, surgeon R. Beveridge, manufacturer Exchequer Court, Geo. Gordon, secretary, k. Gordon Duthie's Court) Charles S. 9 Exchequer-row. James O. Haigh, h. Edward 45 Guestrow. 4 Victoria Lodging House Mrs. Captain William Lunan House of Refuge George Pantorl, late farmer Miss M. A. Youngson Mrs. George Gordon Alexander Machray Exchequer Row, Richard Hobson, h. From Castle-st. to Shiprow. James Donald, shipmaster Allan M'Kechnie, shipmaster East North Street, 1 Charles Davidson, druggist 4 Mrs. M'Gilivray From King-street to Park- 8 Alex. Skinner, shore-porter street. 10 Joseph Nicol, baker to Albion- h. 9 From Summer-lane 1 James N. Justice, h. 11 William Smart, grocer, street. 5 Joseph Meston, h. 12 Philip and Kennedy, drapers h. 7 George Brands, spirit dealer 13 Isabella Smith, vintner 3 George Thompson, flesher, Q 122 NEW STREET DIRECTORY.

3 John Milne, carter 6 James Stuart, jun., flesher 6 Alexander Adam Frederick Street, 8 Robert B. Home, clerk, h. 7 Alexander Bell Lieutenant From King-street to Park-st. ... James Home, sheriff officer 9 Geo. Adams, cabinetmaker 12 Hugh Ross, h. 26 3 — 5 William Begg, baker 14 John Gray, late merchant 7 Neil Smith, jun., merchant ... Hugh Gordon and Co. ... Machray, Croall, Fisher Row, and Co. 16 Miss Clark, ladies' sehdol ... John Ross, manager 18 James Fraser, hairdresser From Maltmill Bridge to 23 William Davidson, tailor, h. 20 Thomas Clyne Green. 25 William Cumming, slater Litthjohn-street branches off ... John Smith, clerk 15 George Anderson, vintner 22—24 William Clyne & Sons 27 Henderson, 17 George Leys and Co. Wm. gunmaker 28 John Torry, spirit dealer 19 George Knowles ... Wm. Adam, town-serjeant 30 John Simpson, grocer 29 Magnus Mowat, shipmaster ... Alex. Pirie, Coffee-room, h. 32 James Inglis, baker, h. 30 John Robb, plumber ... Alex. Durie, flesher, h. 36 Alex. Hendry, grocer, h. 34 31 Alex. Davidson, jun., grocer 38 Alex. Henderson, grocer ... Mrs. Thomas Gordon 40 Alexander Durno, printer Flonrmill Brae, ... John Thomson, late builder 44 John Thompson, broker 33 Andrew Baxter, auctioneer 46 John Scott, chimney-sweep St. Nicholas-street 37 John Simpson From to 48 Jas. Findlay, grocer, h. 48^ Barnett's-close. ... William Anderson 50 John M'Lean, late plasterer 43 Alexander Dunn, clerk — John M'Lean, clerk 6 George Gordon 47 James Robb, shoemaker 54 Simpson Edward, baker, h. 40 7 John Fyfe, blacksmith, h. ... Thirza Johnston, sick -nurse 56 Miss Hay, teacher 8 James Mowat, clothier, h. 7 ... William Hunter, grocer, A. 58 Alex. Walker, ironmonger James Milne, horse-shoer ... Mrs. Booth, lodgings ... David Knox, ironmonger ... Duncan J. Reid, shipmaster ... Girls' Hospital 49 George Milne, spirit Flourmill Lane, dealer 62 John Jopp, grocer, h. 60 48 William M'Donald, baker, h. 70 Henry Stewart From Netherkirkgate to ... Miss Jolly, dressmaker 72 James Watson, blacksmith Flourmillbrae. 46 Mrs. Howie, provision dealer 74 Mrs. Baxter, broker ... Alexander Coutts, wright ... Miss Duncan 1 John Adam, blacksmith 38 James Foote, shoemaker 84 Duncan, h. ... Alex. Mitchell, bird-stuffer Adam 36 James Rae, overseer, h. 2 Wm, Anderson, blacksmith 92 J. and G. Hendry, fleshers 34 C. and J. M'Leod, tinsmiths 94 William Watt, merchant 30 William Henderson 100 Peter Stewart ... Wm. Knowles, engineer Fonthill Place. 104 Alex. Forbes, grocer, h. 107 ... David Knowles, engineer 106—108 T. Melville and Sons Mrs. Dunn 26 Geo. Oldman, hairdresser, /*. 108 David Walker, plane-maker 24 William Niddrie, artist John Dunn, advocate ... Mrs. John Ferguson ... Alexander Hurry, h. 110 Alexander Taylor, grocer ... Mrs. Gait, sick-nurse 112 George Forbes, grocer Forbes Street ... Robert Grant, dial-maker 116 C. Gibson, chimney-sweep 20 William Hurry 118 Middleton, spirit dealer From Skene-square to Stocket Jos. 18 John Agnew Road 134-136 W. Paterson, druggist 14 William Smith, vintner 146 Wm. Anderson, hairdresser 12 Alex. Stott, accountant, h. 1 Misses Ramsay, dressmakers 148 William Fergusson Wight ... Mrs Wishart, bonnetmaker 4 John Davidson, plumber, h. 154 James Logan, mealseller 6 Miss Reid, dressmaker 6 Mrs. James Reid 156 James Vessie and Son ... Mrs. Smith ... Joseph Wattie, gardener, h. 158 Charles M'Intosh and Co. ... Mrs. Cruickshank, teacher, h ... John N. Ross, grocer, h. 16& John Rose, vintner 4 Mrs. William Thorn 7 Miss Fiddes, milliner Scamount-place branches off ... David Roberts, saddler, h. ... Alexander Ross, brewer, h. 170 Samuel Willans A. Paul, funeral waiter 180 Mrs. Henry, midwife 71 Mrs. Smith, lodgings Gaelic Lane, ... Andrew Henry, stabler John Grant, h. 182 James Shepherd, clerk From Belmont-street to Back- Grant and Bisset, builders , . William Shepherd, draper wynd. Geoi'ge Davidson, watchman 188 George Wilson, tailor George Stephen 11 John Fraser, tailor 196 Root. Cruickshank, grocer William Duncan, mason 10 James Fraser, letter-carrier 198 Mrs. Bonnyman Andrew Hutcheon 8 James Dunn, draper, h 202 James Anderson, grocer 204 Miss Meffet, dressmaker

Gallowgate, . . . Mrs. G. Meffet, haberdasher Footdee, 208 W. Redford, bellows-maker Broad-street From to Cause- 210 Robert Walker, hairdresser From Canal Basin to New- wayend. 212 James Bain, merchant Pier. 2 John Smith, chemist, h. 214 Alex. Coutts, cutler, h. 213

Miss ElliSj teacher ... Gordon Gilchrist, tailor 216 Miss Gill NEW STREET DIRECTORY. 123

tinsmiths 218 Miss Farquhar, milliner 47 Robert Fullerton, h. 90 5 J. and W. Runcie, 220 Miss Routledge St. Paul-street branches off 7 Archd. Courage, bookseller 258 James Watt, spirit dealer 29 George Grant, A. 27 9 Miss Ross, dressmaker ... Mitchell, mercht. 219 William Bartlett, tailor, ft. ... James Craigen, auctioneer Alexander ... M'Culloch, lodgings ... William Routledge & Son 27 Aberdeen Equitable Loan Co. Mrs. Sharp 217 William Duncan, flesher ... Francis Montgomery 11 James 215 David Anderson, baker 25 John M'Laren, merchant 13 James Sinclair, shoemaker 211 John Mitchell, blacksmith 23 William Rennie 17 John Hamilton, cutler 209 Mrs. Robertson 21 John Milne, merchant 23 Miss Isabella Moir 207 Mrs. Barber, grocer 17 Alexander Adamson ... Mrs. Middleton Fraser ... G. Robertson, ironmonger 11 George Campbell, shoemaker 37 Mrs. Bannerman, dyer Gerrard-street branches off 7 James Seton, spirit dealer ... John 193 Ewen Macdonald, grocer 5 John Ray, tinsmith 37^ George Morrison 191 William Elmslie and Son 3 G. and P. M'Kay 4l"Mrs. Gorard, spirit merchant 43 Robt. Robertson, shoemaker Windy-wynd branches off 1 George Henry, merchant 187 Robert Langlands Hamilton Franklin 49 John Clark, grocer 183 William Salter, flesher 55 Alexander Wallace intersects 181-183 Alex. Fraser, h. 185 Loch-street Gardener's Lane, Tawse, merchant Berry-lane] branches off 61 James 177 John Hutton, grocer West North-street. 65 John Christie, grocer 67 John Croll, baker ... John Maver, slater, ft. 6 Walter Moodie, last maker 171 Patrick Grant, surgeon 71 Alexander Brown 1 1 Francis Duncan 169 Charles M'Donald 73 Mrs. James Edward, William Gilbert, crim. officer 168^ William Mavers, flesher 75 Thomas Skea, horse-shoer David Watt, blacksmith 167" Archibald G. Reid, baker 77 Wm. Collie, painter Alexander Durie, feuar 81 Aberdeen Horse Repository Young-street branches off 165 William Yule, grocer ... William Brebner ... Peter Elder ... Mrs. Peterkin, midwife Garvock Street, 161 John Reid, wright 83 William Knox, A. 81 From Canal-basin to Garvock Miss Cadger, milliner ... Miss Mearns 87 157 William Anderson, grocer wynd. 93 John Baxter, turner, h. 91 hairdresser, ft. 99 155 James Chessor, grocer 3 Joseph Smith, grocer, h. 2 97 A. Laing, 99 Miss M'Lennan, milliner . . . Thomas Farquharson 5 John Williamson, flesher ... James Henry, mail guard Innes-street branches off 6 John Gordon, cooper, ft. 103 George Innes, plasterer 1 53 Robert Bain, broker, A, ... Alexander Gray, shipmaster ... Miss Sutherland, cloakmak. 149 Mrs. P. Riddel, spirit dealer ... James Robertson, teacher ... John Christie, shoemaker 145 J. Alexander, grocer, h. 143 ... Alexander Levie, shipmaster Mrs. Christie, dressmaker 143 William Rae, gardener 7 Mrs. Alex. Smith, lodgings ...... Mrs. Massie, lodgings 1 39 John M'Robbie ... John Leslie, shipmaster ... Alex. Dawney, surveyor 137 Arthur Hunter, spirit dealer 8 James Tulloch, grocer 105 Alexander Milne, draper 121 John Gall and Co., grocers 10 George Spark, grocer, ft. St. Andrew- street intersects 117 Andrew Reid, grocer George Maitland, A. Machray 109 Mrs. A. Watson, h. 107 117 Miss Mary writer 107 Alexander Forbes, grocer ... William Mowat, Wynd, ... Miss Spalding, dressmaker ... Peter M'Kay Garvock 119 James Reid, tailor 105g James Winlaw, jun., k. From Garvock-street to the 121 John Cooper, h. 123 101 John Beattie, h. 99 Links. midwife 97 William Duff, grocer 123 Mrs. Cooper, Robert Maitland A. 93 Mrs. Davidson, eating-house ... J. Walker, watchmaker, guard 87 Jame Ellethorn, surgeon ... George Presley, 123 85 John Smith, porter dealer Gas Street, 125 Alex. Davidson, ft. 127 Robert Campbell ... James Smith, h. From Trinity-street to Poy- Alex. Wilson, draper 83 Geo. M'Kenzie, baker, h. 99 139 nernook. Clapton, teacher 77 Mrs. MTntosh, spirit dealer 141 John 143 Mrs. Huddlestone 75 D. Bannerman Gas Light Co.'s Office 145 Robert Mustard, tailor ... John Johnston, blacksmith William Ross, wright Kinaness, baker, A. 73 T. Robertson, cabinetmaker 147 John Deuchar, ft. 149 70£ James Brebner, spirit dealer 151 George intersects 67 William Jackson, jun. Geddes Court. John-street 153 Francis Muil, baker, h. 155 63 W. Lindsay,bookseller, h. 7 1. 17 Prince Regent-street. cartwright 61 John Winchester 155 James Edmond, tailor 59 David Wishart Thomas Ritchie, shipmaster 157 John Fraser, John Tait, weaver 55 James Crombie, merchant, h. 161 1 63 John Chapman, builder ... Miss Moir Street, George 169 Mrs. Campbell, lodgings, ... James Riddell, teacher, h. to ... James Moncur 53 James Ironside, grocer, h. 55 From St. Nicholas-street Anderson, ft. 169 51 Donald Stewart, grocer Broadford. 167 W. 171 Mrs. Anderson, dressmaker 49 William Stuart, grocer, h. 3 Geo. Mitchell, spirit dealer, ft. 124 NEW STREET DIRECTORY.

177^ John Adam, timber merch. 218 Alexander Robertson 36 Mrs. Willox 179 Edward Affleck, innkeeper 214 Robert Stevens, grocer ... William Brown, h. 34 Broadford-place branches off 208 William Kellock, agent 32 Mrs. Massie, h. 35 187 Mrs. Bisset, lodgings 200 C. Cockerill, h. 202 30 John Henderson, chemist ... George P. Robertson 206 James Ross, clothier, h. 239 28 Mrs. Cruickshank, lodgings ... John Boyd, guard 202 George M'Hardy, lodgings ... Mrs. Riach, sick-nurse 189 Mrs. Bruce, milliner 196 Thomas Clunes, plumber 26 John M'Gregor, dyer 235 Thos. Mellis, spirit dealer 194 John Tough, tailor 24 Peter M'Intosh, 237 Wm. Harper, h. 239 192 James Thomson, clothier 24 James Milne, horse -sboer

... Receiving Post Office 190 Thomas Miller, Star Hotel ... Mrs. Mackie, pattern-printer

243 John Irvine 188 Mrs. William Clyne ... James and John Fowler 243 Miss Alexander, lodgings 186 Elizabeth Low ... William Martin 245 Alex. Rennie, merchant 182 David Fairweather 22 Thomas Craig and Sons

Kinqsland-place btanches off" 178 Mrs. Rust, lodgings 16—18 G. Melvin, shoemaker 249 William Kerr, shoemaker 174 John Fyfe, provision dealer 14 Aberdeen Provision Society 251 John Henderson, porter 172^ James Low, h. 159 12 Alexander Benton, flesher 253 Mrs. Emsly 170~ James M'Robbie, flesher 8 John Bruce, baker, h. 10

255 G. Maitland, book agent, h. 164 Peter Forbes, h. 87 6 Alexj. Milne, shoemaker, /(. ... W. Maitland, accountant, K John-street intersects 2 James Brown, draper 257 Miss Russell 160 John Marshall, grocer 259 Charles Myers, h. 158 Mrs. J. Reid, flesher 261 William Matthews, jun. 150 Alexander Lamb, plumber Creirard Street, 263 J. Leslie, manufacturer k. 146J T. Ewen, advocate, h. From Gallowgate to George- 275 Alexander Rennie, painter 144 Mrs. Garvie, lodgings street. 277 Mrs. Galloway, merchant 140 John Gray, engineer 1 Geo. Robertson, ironmonger 281 A. Paterson, provision mer. 138 Robert Erskine, k. 128 8 Alexander Maitland Hutcheon- street intersects 136 John Tytler 12 Mrs. Anderson, dressmaker 283 John Dundas, h. 285 134 Geo. Tough, draper, h. 117 22 Mrs. James Robb 285 John Robins, h, 130 John W. Brantingham ... George Robb, grocer, K 306 Robert Smith, blacksmith 128 James Lucas, pavier 26 Miss Hay, sick-nurse 300 James Crawford, /(. 126 James Simpson, baker ... Mrs. Hay, merchant 298 Peter Cosgrove, grocer 124 J. Stratton, corn factor, h. 28 George Allan, stabler 294 George Watson, cartwright ... Miss Jane Pirie, lodgings 56 Robert Taylor, shoemaker ... Miss Watson, dressmaker 122 Mrs. Pirie, register office ... Mrs. Thompson Hutcheon-street intersects 1 1 6 Robert Robertson, h. 60 Peter Copland, slater, h. 292 William Gray, merchant ... Miss Robertson, teacher 62 William Strachan, sawyer 290 James Myles, 114 John Coutts, grocer, h. 52 64 James Crane, collector ... Mrs. Robert Gordon St. Andrew-street intersects ... Alexander Wishart, builder ... William Kelman, h. 112 William Masson, h. 92 66 William Allan, teacher 286 Grant Forbes, shoemaker 106 Miss Gordon, dressmaker ... Mrs. John Gordon 280 Mrs. Park, grocer. 104 Alex. R. Stewart, dyer ... William Adam 278 James Murray, clerk, h. 94 John Robbie, grocer James Souter, teacher 276 Farquharson Proctor 90 Mrs. Taggart, stabler 270 William Hatt, merchant 88 Alex. Rae, spirit dealer, h. 91 Catherine-street branches off 86 Miss Vigrow, milliner Gilcomston, 268 William Routledge 86 Mrs. Walter Walker From Woolmanhill and Spa- 266 Alexander Linton, surgeon 84 Edward Whitnall street to Short-loanings. ... John Kinnear 82 James Orchiston, h. 80 ... James Kinnear 80 Roger Lindsay 1 Alexander Stewart 264 James Knowles, clerk ... William Robertson, h. 2 Alexander Mitchell, h. ... John Watson, sergeant 78 William Wood 7 A. Courage, bookseller, h. ... John Ross, ironmonger, h. 76 D. L. Shirres and Co. Mrs. James Henderson ... Alex. Milne, shoemaker, h. 72 Alexander Cnshnie, h. 74 Miss Cadenhead 256 Miss Rose 70 Wm. MTntosh, wire-worker Miss Middleton ... Geo. Wilson, M.P.S.G.B. ,h. 66 Kenneth Munro, baker, h. 68 John S. Annand, teacher, h. 254 James Thorn, merchant 62 John Sorley, reedmaker James Elmslie 252 Miss I. Forbes, milliner ... Gordon Stuart, shoemaker James Reid, nurseryman 248 Mrs. Dawson 58 Mrs. M'Intosh, spirit dealer James Gray, agent 246 John Walker, watchman Loch-street intersects James Aiken, shipmaster Gerrard-street branches off 56 George Christie, grocer James Rodger jun., tanner 244 J. M'Gillivray, hairdresser 54 Mrs. T. Sellar, draper Brown and Martin, dyers Spring-garden branches off 52 David Fraser, spirit dealer 234 W. M*'Hardy, grocer, h. 232 John Beattie, stonecutter Golden Square, 232 Thomas Yeats, flesher 48 J. Sherar, ironmonger, A. 50 230 Arthur Donaldson, flesher 46 Robert Laing, shoemaker From North to South Silver- 228 Ebenezer Bain, wright 44 Mrs. Davidson, flesher street. ... Thomes Ritchie, druggist 42 C. Frederick, clock maker 1 The Right Rev. Bishop Wm. 220 Mrs. Cooper, lodgings 38 James Laing, skinner Skinner, D.D. HEW STREET DIRECTORY. 125

2 Misses Young 47 Mrs. Watt, porter dealer, h. 67 Mrs. Orr, spirit dealer 3 Robert Johnston, merchant 49 Donald Davidson 71 George Stewart

... Mrs. Johnston, sen. 51 John Hector 77 Stephen Gowie 4 David Kerr, M.D. 53 Miss Stephen 79 Mrs. Reid, lodgings 5 Geo. Thompson, jun., M.P. 57 Wm. Gray, ironmonger, h, 66 Jane Bowie, register office 6 Miss Carnegie ... Alexander Dalgety, h. 32 George Leslie, inn 7 William Laing, M.D. ... George Simpson 16 Miss Kerr, teacher 8 William Leslie, architect ... Charles Gordon, cooper ... Miss M'Kenzie, bonnet mak. 9 Miss Gordon of Pitlurg 59 J. and C. Niven 8 Miss Alexander 10 William Leslie, surgeon 61 George Barclay, grocer 2 John Paterson, advocate 12 Wm. Skinner, advocate, h. 63 Peter Middleton, tailor ... William Spark 13 Francis Gordon, advocate, h. 65 A. M'Pherson, baker, h. 63 14 Rev. James Foote, D.D. 67 A. Coutts, spirit dealer, h. 69 Hanover Lane* 15 Frederic Holland, manufact. Hadden and Sons 17 Geo. Rainy, M.D., surgeon 69 John Collie, plasterer From Albion-street to Fish- 18 Francis Hay Nichol, surgeon ... William Smith, blacksmith street. 19 Rev. R. J. Brown, D.D. 71 William Davidson 1 Joseph Flann, shipmaster 21 Rev. James Forsyth, D.D. 73 George Rose, turner, h. 74 ... John Clark, shipmaster 79 Mrs. Rae ... Roht. Mathison, shipmaster Gooseberrybank, 83 Lewis Tawse, spirit dealer 93 George M'Kay, slater Bon - accord- terrace. 104 George Fraser, grocer Hanover Street, 98 John Stuart, h. 100 David Alexander, h. Heading-hill to Albion- 96 Alex. Davidson, tinsmith From street. ... Miss A. Allan, spirit dealer Street, Gordon 76 Robert Buchan, baker 3 William Dick, fiesher, A. 72 John Allan, grocer From Langs tane- place. ... Alex. Sangster, sen., h. 70 J. Murray, h. 68 5 James Laing, fiesher, h. 1 J. Marr, piano-forte-maker 68 Alex. Stevenson, bookseller ... George Cook, shipmaster 5 J. Hay, minibus proprietor ... Stevenson, bookseller, /;. W. ... Mrs Sheed, midwife 17 J. Littlejohn, spirit dealer h. 64 Geo. M'Donald, grocer, 66 9 William Moffat, shipmaster 21 James Henderson, grocer 54 Peter Grant, grocer 10 Mrs George Ross, h. 9 62 Richard Connon, h. 50 Charles Calder 6 John Ross, candlemaker 50 Misses Gordon 22 John Hay, spirit dealer ... Alex. Walker, engineer ... Robert Fenton, bookbinder 20 John Hay, spirit dealer 2 Robert Milne, shipmaster 42 Arthur Fraser, merchant 10 John Milne 38 Mrs. John Gammie James Garden, broker 30 Francis Porter, bootmaker Hardgate, .. Miss Collie From Bon-accord-street to 20 James Stephen, porter-dealer Greig's Court, South Mile-end. ... Mrs. Stephen, midwife Windmillbrae. 10 George Morison, shoemaker Anthony Smith, V.S., h. 2 George Shivas, grocer 3 Wm. Clark, blacksmith, h. John M'Donald, tailor Miss Greig, dressmaker Harriet Street. Gordon's Court, Guestrow, From Schoolhill to Loch-st. I Peter Hall, jun., innkeeper 24 Gordon- street From Netherkirkgate to Up- perkirkgate. 5 George Milne, stabler D. F. Reid, cabinetmaker, h. 11 William Ewen, stabler 1 Keith, tailor, h. 2 Wm. Allan, cabinetmaker, h. John 13 James Michie, stabler Greig, tailor 3 Alexander Stewart, h. 5 James 18^ Charles Brown ... Joseph Morrison, tailor 2o|- John Barclay, A. 31 9 Mrs. Walker, register office 23" Grant's Court, Mrs. Milne, inn ... James Mitchell, tailor 29 T. M'Farlane, reedmaker 49 Upperkirkgate. 13 Alex. Cook, coach-guard 31 Robert Simmie ... Mrs. Robertson, innkeeper ... Misses Taylor, dressmakers James Davidson, fiesher, h. 19 James H. Hay, h. ... Mrs. Kennedy, sick-nurse 27 Robert Fleming, spirit dealer 44 Robert Stobie, coachbuilder 19 John Hay, A. Green, ... George Brebner, vintner 41 John Crow, spirit dealer Walker, stabler From Windmillbrae to Fisher- 38 Charles ... Charles Mitchell, late merch. row 22 James Smith, stabler 51 George Walker, spirit dealer Beattie, h. 44 T 18 William 5 Robert W alker, vintner 57 John Matheson, vintner 37 Robert Collie, merchant 59 Donald Grant, grocer 39 William Gray, merchant 63 Female School of Industry Henderson's Court, 41 John Moir, grocer ... Miss Milne, superintendent 46 Broad- street. 45 John Fearnside, druggist ... James Smith, spirit dealer 47 Mrs. Alexander Harper, ... Roderick M'Kenzie, clerk 8 William' Rollo 61


William Jackson, shoemaker 50 Mrs. M'Kay, matron 17 Mrs. Duncan, lodgings Charles Stewart, merchant 42 Misses Smith, dressmakers ... George Walker, Miss JacksoD, milliner ... John Paterson, shipmaster ... William Hardy, watchmaker John Gordon, wright 40 Mrs. David Duncan .. City Tax Office 30 Mrs. Paterson, matron ... Robert Fletcher, accountant, Henderson's ... James Simpson, advocate Court, 19 Robert Lyall, blacksmith Hutcheon Street, 91 Gallowgate 1 James A. Leslie, writer From Causewayend to Skene- ... Miss Leslie, dressmaker, Mrs. Johnston, lodgings square. ... Robert W. Hunter Mrs. M'Aulay, lodgings. ... John Leslie Robertson M'Aulay 1 George Gordon, flesher ... Charles Dawson, h. 7 George Park, clerk 14 Peter Chasser Holburn Place, 9 William Largue, spirit dealer 12 David Melvin, hairdresser 11 John Booth, late mason 10 Charles Cumming and Co. From Holburn- street to 13 South Mrs. Charleston, spirit dealer 8 Alexander Lonie, merchant 21 Mile-end. Mrs. Gunn, spirit dealer 6 George Petrie, engraver 2 9 William Jackson, tailor Thomas Gilbert, teacher, h. Walter M'Kenzie, sp. dealer ... John Cowie, mason Alex. Meston, advocate, h. ... William Jackson, jun., h. David Mitchell, advocate, h. ... Miss Sangster, dressmaker James Milne, shoemaker Innes Street, 61 Miss Reid, dressmaker John Cruickshank From Gallowgate to Loch- 67 William Reid, slater Miss Isabella Thorn street William Gray, merchant, h. Mrs. Duthie 69 John Croll, grocer 4 William Walker, k. 14 ... Francis Croll, baker, h. 6 George Cruickshank, h. 73 Alexander Charles, mason Huntly Street. ... Fatrick Grant, surgeon 81 James Strachan, teacher From Union-street to Sum- ... Farquharson Proctor, baker mer-street. ... Mrs. Robert Balfour Ironmonger's Court, 83 Mrs. William Boyd 5 Mrs. Macdonald, lodgings 14 Upperkirkgate. 85 Alexander Mennie, h. ... Fraser L. Johnston, h. ... Rev. Charles Gray R. Mortimer, ironmonger .. Mrs. John Falconer 74 Daniel M'Intosh, flesher, k. . . . Miss Macdonald, dressmaker 79 William Kelman and Co. 7 Rev. P. Robertson, M.A. 64 Charles Niddry, feuar Jack's Brae, 11 Wm. Duncan, shipowner 64 William Rattray 13 Mrs. Cameron From Upper Denburn to ... Mrs. Stevenson ... Alexander Stuart Short-loanings. 64 Jas. Stevenson, engraver, h. 17 Mrs. Kenn ... Charles Nicol 3 Gordon Esson, grocer ... James Ramsay, grocer, h. 62 Alexander Brown, h. 34 William M'Millan and Son 19 Mrs. Forbes, lodgings 34 J. Donald, ploughmaker, /;. 46 James Robb, carter 21 John Webster, wright 32 J. M'Gillivray, hairdresser 47 William Moor, carter 25 David Troup, grocer ... Mrs. Milne William M'Millan 29 Miss Duncan, dressmaker 20 Alex. Simmie, shoemaker, It. .., James Craighead 2 J. W. Davidson, currier, h. 31 William Urquhart James Street, ... George M'Kenzie, merchant ... Mrs. Lindsay, lodgings Stewart, Rowell, and Co. From Quay to Virginia-street. ... A. Bowman (of K. B.), h. & Mrs. Alexander Glennie ... A. Bowman (ofB. & Co.), h. 3 John M'Lauchlan, h 5 James Thompson, h.

... Alex. Buyers, shipmaster . . . Youngson, shipmaster Rev. David Arthur Robert 35 Miss Forrest ... Smith, shipmaster P. Morgan, Rossie-cottage George ... Mrs. William Russell ... John Sangster, shipmaster 41 Mrs. Warren, lodgings 7 James Forbes, A. 11 ... Misses Warren, milliners Huxter Row, 1 James Fraser, clerk, /*. ... Mrs. Cook, lodgings 15 David Benzies, shipmaster From Broad- street to Castle- 51 Miss Connon, lodgings ... Thomas Hobart, wright street. 53 Mrs. Dickson, lodgings ... Angus Ross, cooper

... Mrs. Lawrence 1 Brown Gibson, tailor 17 George Leith, grocer ... Alex. Gildawie, builder 3 Thomas Daniel 23 George Fraser, engineer 57 A. Brandy, spirit dealer, h. 5 William M'Leod, tailor, h. ... Alexander Nicol 55 John Thorn, olerk, h. 7 John Stewart, 25 Arthur Smith, painter

... W. Gerard, cabinetmaker ... George Mackie 27 John Lyon, shipmaster 57 James Mowat, gardener 9 A., J. & G., Cadenhead ... John Gordon, shipmaster ... Mrs. Duffus, midwife ... James Frater, clerk 29 Robert C. Fullerton

59 J. H. Stephen, engraver, h. 1 1 Robert Shaw, house factor ... William Kay, shipmaster ... James Gracie, builder 13 George Donaldson, builder William Chalmers

63 A. Hunter, merchant, //. 61 13 Alex. Yule, ironmonger, h. 36 George Scott, shoemaker 50 George Troup, manager 15 D.Stuart, bootmaker,/;. 7 30 John Catto, cabinetmaker, h. NEW STREET DIRECTORY. 127

30 Miss Burgess, dressmaker William Jopp 18 A. Davidson, tinsmith, h. 22 Geo. Adams, cabinetmaker John Watt, writer 19 J. Alexander, shipmaster 18 Hamilton Fraser shipmaster Alexander Abercombie 22 James Cooper 16 David Mollison, jun., h. 24 Mrs. Andrew Jopp John Melvin

John Street, Jopp's Court, King Street, From Woolmanhill to Loch-st. 135 King-street From Castle-st. to Love-lane.

1 James Nicol, grocer Mrs. Geddes, lodgings North of Scotland Bank 7 Mrs. Emslie, lodgings 1 James Westland, h. ... George Davidson, bookseller ... George Cadenhead, tailor, h. Jopp's Court, ... Mrs. Gray, lodgings 3 Northern Assurance Co. 9 George Mollison 40 Broad-street. ... Wm. Chalmers, manager, h. 11 Alexander M'Bey, stabler 5 Wm. Gordon, sharebroker George Scorgie, porter 37 James G. Fleming, h. 7 Grigor and Reid, advocates John Gordon, wright 49 Robert Campbell, h. 9 Robert Grigor, h. 7 George Silver, slater 53 Mrs. Grange, spirit dealer 11 James Will, M.D. Mrs. Watson, register office 55 Robert Mackinlay. h. 13 Stewart and Chivas William Chisholm 61 Mrs. D. Thomson, lodgings ... William Walker 73 Johnston Shearer, writer, h. 15 Colin Allan Philip, advocate ... Wm. Paterson, druggist, h. Jopp's Lane, 17 George Cruickshank, h. ... James Thomson ... James Chivas, h. From St. Andrew-street to 75 Donaldson Riddell, k. 23 John Walker, clerk John-street. ... James Riddell, h. ... James Black and Co. 87 James Ross, shoemaker 3 J. P. Barker, manufacturer 27 Record Office ... Nath. Farquhar, ... Alex. Coutts, coach guard 11 John Reid, wright & turner advocate 89 George Anderson, k. 87 14 Thomas Allan, shoemaker .. Francis Gordon, advocate ... J. Watt, sheriff- clerk-depute 103 Robert Harrier, h. 103i ... A. Fraser, bookseller, h. John Fraser and Son 17 Daniel Campbell, shoemaker ... Alex. Gordon, advocate Robert Mustard, tailor, h. ... David H. Kennedy 112 Jas. Wright, marble cutter Aberdeen Medical Hall ... Wm. Pittendrigh, builder Justice Lane, 31 John Webster, h. West North-street branches ... James Eaton, stonecutter From Justice-street to East off ... 67 William Shines and Co. Wm. Mackay, millwright North- street. 100 Alex. Mackie, spirit dealer 73 Mrs. A. Connon, grocer, h. 79 96 David Cadenhead, h. 98 1 Wm. Skene, late shipmaster 77 William Davidson, tailor 92 Miss Loban, dressmaker 7 D. M'Farlane, shoemaker, /*. 83 Geo. J. Rennie, shipmaster ... James Warrack, h. ... John Campbell 87 Jas. J. Buist, M.D., ... Warrack and Daniel Justice Street, surgeon 90 Miss Troup, dressmaker 89 Wm. Henderson, gunmaker 88 George Coutts, cabinetmaker From Castle-st. to Park-st. 91 James Elliot, shipmaster ... George Thow, tailor, h. 93 William Birnie, painter, h. 91 1 William Craig, h. 86 William Kerr, shoemaker, h. 95 A. Baxter, cattle salesman, h. 5 Charles M'Grigor, hosier ... Mrs. Spark, dressmaker 01 Alexander Gray, h. 103 15 R. Davidson, grocer, h. 13 80 George M'Kay, h. 107 A. Reid, merchant, h. 114 17 A. M'Leay, spirit dealer 78 Alexander Copland, slater Mealmarket-slreet branches off 19 Robert Masson, sen., h. 24£ 98 Mrs. Cowie, lodgings 119 William Nisbet, clerk, h. 23 John Black, shoemaker 66 Mrs. James Bisset, lodgings 125 Fire Engine Station 25 John Paterson ... Mrs. Donald, lodgings 127 Joseph Williamson, M.D. ... George B. Both well 62 Andrew Duncan 129 John Greig, h. 126 31 Alex. Sim, spirit dealer 60 Andrew Fiddes, bootmaker 131 William Talbot, h. 33 Mark Pearson, broker 58 Mrs. Williamson, flesher, h. 135 Lieutenant T. B. Glover 30 Charles Fraser, 54 Peter Yeats, shoemaker 137 James Montgomery 26 John Reid, broker 30 James Gerard, blacksmith Mitchell-place branches 22 Mrs. Anderson, broker off 24 James Coutts, builder 183 George Allan, advocate, h. 10 John Mowat, cabinetmaker 14 James Garden 185 Rev. James Fraser 8 William Grant, grocer ... William Garden 187 Geo. Elmsly, coach builder 2 John Airth, shoemaker ... Garden and Davidson Rev. John Wilson 10 David Wilson, dyer, h. Rev. D. M'Taggart, D.D. 4 James Kerr, traveller, h. Kidd Lane, 199 Andrew Nisbet and Son, h. ... Robt. Henderson plasterer, h. 207 John Moir, wood merchant From Chapel-street to Sum- 2 John M'Kenzie, spirit dealer 213 Wm. James,-* brewer, h. 211 mer-street. 212 George Connon, merchant 10 Mrs. Frost, sick-nurse 210 Mrs. Milne

Jopp's Court, .. Alexander Frost, plasterer 194 Alex. Fraser, advocate, /*. 12 J. Buyers and Co. builders Abram Batten, 31 Gallowgate. 158 agent, h. ... James Buyers, teller, h. ... William Batten, agent, /?.

Jopp and Shand, advocates ... John Buyers, h. 1 50 John Duncan, manufacturer 1 -


144 James H. Forsyth, M.D. Princes-street branches off King Street Place, Links Street, 142 William Smith, architect From 199 King-street to West From St. Clement-street to 136 Miss Dawson North- street. Links. 126 Mrs. Lieutenant Davidson

... Charles Stuart, shipmaster 3 James Forbes, h. 1 Victor E. Smith, shipmaster h. ... John E. Greig 4 Geo. Skene, manufacturer, ... James Seller 124 George Christie, grocer Mrs. Collie 2 Joseph Graham, ropemaker 122 James Ligertwood 4 John Reid, late shipmaster Hutton, lodgings 16 John Buchan, shipmaster 120 Mrs. Kingsland Place, ... James Walker Ludovic G. Sandison 118 Barkmill-burn to Hutcheon-st. Links. 116 Inland Revenue Office west side of Broadford. ... John Anderson, h. 159 John Miller & Co., chemists 1 Mrs. Craigmyle, lodgings ... J. M'Kenzie Hunter, clerk Aberdeen Rope and Sail Co. 3 S. Kidd, schoolmaster, h. 114 Neil Smith, jun., mereht., h. J. Mrs. Matthewson 112 Penny Permit Office 10 Alexander Brown, h. Miss Mary Matthewson Thomas Clunes, plumber, h. 108 William Humphrey Seaview Garden, J. Pollok 106 James Smith, cabinetmaker Mrs. George Knox 104 John PauL George Elmslie, /i. Miss Hunter, dressmaker ... Mrs. Sutherland, lodgings Little Belmont St., John Ogilvie, bookseller ... William Armstrong, h. Belmont-street to Back- 102 Jos. Ellicock, cabinetmaker James Forbes From Stephen Smith Frederick-street branches off Rev. wynd. Roberts, saddler Wm. Mackay, millwright, h. 92 —94 David 5 Arthur Bowman, h. Allan, grocer, h. Catto, /*. James 90 William ... Mrs. Douglas Co. 88 John Catto, Son, and 7 John Gray, coachman Aiken, jun. ... James ... Mrs. Murray, lodgings Reid, shoemaker King's Square. 86 Joseph ... James A. Murray, clerk, h. Flockhart 84 Yeats and 2 Miss Smith, dressmaker 12 John Ross, letter-carrier, h. ... Mrs. Robert Warrack 6 John Johnston, stabler ... Charles Warrack, h. 2 James Lockhart Stephen, writer Langstane Place, ... Lessel ... Lockhart and Salmond grocer 82 John Smith, From Dee-street to Bon-as- Sim, chemist, h. 80 76 James cord-street. ... William Gordon, h. 95 Little Chapel Street, 72 John Croll, h. 1 Mrs. Knowles From Chapel-street to Sum- 70 George Croll, baker, h. 72 ... William Smart, h. mer-street. East North-street branches off 2 John Fimister 52 Robt. Ledingham, adv., h. 50 4 Anthony A. Smith 3 Mrs. Greig 48 Yeats and Whyte, advocates 5 John Marr, h. 5 Mrs. Rae, lodgings Yeats, h. 8 Robert E. Paul, artist, h. 46 William ... R. Gray, clerk, Post-office 44 Alexander Webster, h. ... Miss Symmers, dressmaker 9 John Clapperton, gardener ... Robert Catto, jun. ... Joseph Black, tailor 4 John Mitchell, builder Catto ... John Paul, plasterer 42 Mrs. Robert ... John Cromar ... A. & J. Webster, advocates ... John Paul, jun., plasterer, h. 8 William Murray 40 Robert Adam, advocate David Mackie, spirit dealer, 38 A. Smith, corn factor, h. 36 Mrs. P. Stewart, laundress ... William Smith, agent Miss Martha Reid, milliner Littlejohn Street, 32 David Dunn and Co. Robert Adamson, manufact. From Gallowgate to North 30 David Dunn Miss Adamson, dressmaker street. 22 Patrick Keith, banker, h. James Watson, wright ... British Linen Co.'s Bank 1 Mrs. Scott, lodgings 20 Stronach and Grainger James Aiken, shoemaker ... William Gibb, shoemaker Leadsidej 2 David Fraser, letter-carrier 18 David Fiddes, M.D. David Wright, h. Gilcomston. 3 ... Edward Fiddes ... Mrs. William Reid ... Mrs. Fiddes 6 A. Bowman, grocer ... Miss Reid, teacher 16 Patrick Cooper, advocate ... John Craib, spirit dealer 10 Neil M' Kay, spirit dealer 14 Robert Catto and Co. 8 Alexander Fraser, grocer 1 Alex. Clyne, fishcurer, h.

12 John Fleming, advocate 9 Andrew Gordon, merchant ... Alex. Adamson, tinsmith, h. ... Fleming and Paul, advocates 13 Old Machar Poor's House ... Thomas Clyne, merchant, A. 10 George Grant, advocate ... Mrs. Mark, matron John Blaikie and Sons ... Charles S. Laidlaw, h. 16 Mrs. J. Goodsman 17 James Philips, cabinetmaker 8 W. Clark, agent, h. 10 23 George Farquhar, mason ... William Frost, h.

6 John Reid, saddler 24 Robert Farquhar, slater ... Miss Allan, 2 Fraser L. Johnston William Forbes, gardener 19 James Farquhar Mrs. George Henderson 39 James Cbessor, grocer, h. -


M'Kann, broker 31 John M'Ccmbie's Court, Lech Street, 39 John Eeid, vintner Shaw, tailor From Harriet-street to 41 William 52 Union-st., and 51 Nether- h. 45 Windy-wynd. 43 Jane Greig, vintner, kirkgate. 49 William Glennie, innkeeper North of Scotland Equitable 13 William Eobb, broker 42 Mrs. John Ronald, broker Loan Company 19 John Bonnyman, h. 40 William Clark, manufacturer ... J. and J. Bonnyman, smiths 38 Mrs. M'Phee ... James Bonnyman, h. 26 Alex. Jamieson, cutler Mackie Place, 21 Mrs. Webster, spirit dealer East Prison 23 Miss S. Pirie, spirit dealer West end of Skene-street. 25 John Hamilton, cutler, h. Rev. Sir William Dunbar Miss Morrice, dressmaker Longacre, Alexander Mackie James Laing, skinner, h. From Broad-street to North- James Pittendrigh, h. 27 Hardie, spirit merchant Wm. street. Miss Glennie 31 Mrs. T. Sellar, draper, h. Rev. David Milne 47 John Joss, provision mercht. 1 J. Gallagher, pawnbroker Miss Gibson 61 John Mellis, h. 3 Mrs. Milne, tavern Mrs. James Paterson ... Alexander Milne, draper, h. 7 Donald Stewart, spirit dealer Mrs. Alexander Stewart ... Miss Ann Thomson 9 Robert Murray Barnett Misses Boyd ... Mrs. Milne 13 Mrs. Greig 85 James Collie ... Miss Turriff, dressmaker Marine Terrace, 89 John Grant ... Alex. Turriff, funeral-waiter 91 William Ingram, wright 15 Miss M'Kessor, milliner, h. Ferry hill. ... John Barker and Sons 17 Mrs. Bowie, milliner, h. D. R. Lyall Grant 97 George Reid, broker 25 Alexander Irvine, shoemaker 105 James Nicol, grocer 31 Moses Birnie, surgeon 120 James Henderson, architect 48 James M'Donald, h. Mariscbal Street, 112 Nicholas Cuddie, brewer 51 Mis. Robertson, midwife From Castle-street to Regent 110 Miss Bisset, dressmaker 53 Joseph Ellicock, h. Quay. ... Peter Bisset, h. 55 Thomas Roger, teacher, h. 1 George Allan, advocate ... Grant and Bisset 59 John Dixon, horse-shoer, h. lodgings 103 James Crombie, mealseller 64 Peter Divorty, grocer, h. ... Mrs. Forsyth, Beattie, painter 100 John Palmer, Ti, 85 20 Robert Ross, plasterer 3 John Harvey, shoemaker 94 Andrew Nisbet and Son 16 Mrs. Glennie, midwife 5 Andrew merchant 90 James M'Intosh, spirit dealer 2 William M'Killiam, h. 7 George Gray, ... Geo. Lumsden, shore-porter 86 Alexander Ogston, /*. 88 58 Peter Durno, teacher ... Jas. Lamb, shore-porter 80 Geo. Jessiman, spirit dealer ... Charles Gray, cooper, h. Taylor, h. 7 78 John Shaw, toe-plate maker 56 James Gordon, cooper, h. 9 Alexander dealer, h. 12 76 Andrew Borthwick, h. 74 58 Alex. Durno, printer, h. 11 W. Neven, spirit clerk 74 Mrs. James Low 48 Miss M'Donald, dressmaker 13 Robert Camming, lodgings 72 James Milne, coachmaker 8 John M'Intosh & Son, h. 10 ... Mrs. Mackie, Robertson, lodgings 68 Joseph Pedelty and Co. 2 Mrs. Gordon ... Mrs. merchant 66 William Henderson and Son 15 Alex. Eraser, spirit 17 John Allan, advocate 60 James Smith, horse-hirer Benburn, 58 Edward Davies, letter-cutter Lower 19 Robert Milne, teacher teacher 50 Mrs. Thomson, lodgings From Poynernook to Wind- ... Miss Cushnie, 21 Alex. Chalmers, bootmaker ... Miss Thomson, dressmaker millbrae. share-broker 48 Miss Milne, milliner 25 Wm. Adamson, accountant 44 Mrs. Walker, staymaker 6 Alex. Clerihew, teacher, h. ... James Riddell, h. ... Poor's Rate Office ... David Walker, h. ... D. Davidson, manufact. shoemaker 40 John Gillespie, spirit dealer 10 John M'Kay, vintner 27 Alex. Milne, 34 Mrs. Grant 13 Alex. Cowie, vintner 29 William Calder, tailor dentist 32 James Tawse, merchant, h. 14 J. J. Turnbull, spirit dealer 31 Maxwell King, 24 Alexander Wallace and Co. 15 William Cowie, tailor 33 William Duncan Williams 20 John Cameron, cooper 21 David Kerr, h. 35 Wm. and Charles Mrs. Duncan, lodgings ... William Cameron, cooper 22 Mrs. Peter Mathieson 37 Coulson, milliner 16 James Sinclair, shoemaker, li. 39 Miss James Edmond, cartwright ... George Nicol, h. Maberly Street, merchant Barry, Henry, and Co. ... Charles Walker, Bridge intervfWS From Broadford-gate to Virginia -street 43 j. T. Rennie, share-broker Lodge Walk, Skene-square. ... John Ross, share-broker to Queen- corn factor From Castle-street 12 D. Grant, provision mercht. ... James Stratton, street. 18 John Grant, spirit dealer 47 Robert Catto and Son

shoemaker I ... John Davidson, advocate 3 Edward Magaire, broker, h. John Menzies,

I ... Newcastle Steam Co. 19 William Greig, vintner Broadford Works ... Nisbet and Robertson 21 James Mitchell, tailor, h, 19 Alexander Adams, h. 1 .


51 Mrs. Forbes, lodgings Wm. Bisset, criminal officer 15 Alexander Morrice 57 Henry Adamson David Flett, tailor ... Charles Grant, auctioneer ... Aberdeen Sea Insurance Co. William Bartlett, tailor 25 Robert Anderson, stabler ... Alexander Matthew, /*. 24 David Shand, saw-trimmer ... W. Anderson, grocer, /*. 59 John Miller, h. 27 Mrs. Ironside, eating house ... John Cook 20 Robert Milne, brewer, h. ... Mrs. Martin's Lane, Jas. Nicolson, lodgings 16 Thomas Daniel, innkeeper ... Kohb Brothers and Co. From Green to Rennj-'s-wynd. 8 James Roy, bootmaker, h. 60 A. and W. Nicol, merchants 1 Alexander Stephen 6 William Bisset, innkeeper 58 James Gray, general agent ... Robert Stephen 4 Robert Brown, mealseller ... Aberdeen Mutual Marine 4 Thomas Sutherland, Insurance Association h. 6 William Anderson, /;,. ... Richard Connon and Co. Melville's Court, 56 William 7 David Milne, wright, h. 4 P. Booth 106 Gallowgate. ... John Jamieson ... William Eeid Mary Place, Thomas Melville, sen., h. 46 Miss Kennedy 44 John From Hutcheon-street-west Sheed, wine merchant Mill Street, Virginia-street Bridge intervenes to Rosemount-terrace. 42 Mrs. Eobertson 1 J. Rodger, jun., tanner, h. From Summer-lane to Road ... Richard Stevens 3 T. Skene, inspector of poor leading to Bannermill. ... Miss Robertson, milliner 5 Miss Kilgour ... Thomas Alexander 3 Alex. Walker, shipmaster 40 Geo. Thompson, jun., and Co. 36 Benjamin Moir Marywell Bank, 34 D. R. Morice, advocate Thomas Wright, h. Millbank, ... Mrs. S. Chalmers William Hunter, clerk Broadford. ... Aberdeen Stock Exchange ... H. M. Warrack, Robert Massie, gardener corn factor Marywell Street, ... James Warrack Charles Runcy, h. 30 Oswald, George, and Co.f From College-street to Crown- Mrs. Chisholm ... D. Laurie, Paterson, general agent street. Miss dressmaker ... Mrs. M'Donald, lodgings 2 John Brand, carter 28 John Bruce, sharebroker 2 Peter M'Beath, shipmaster Millburn 26 J. Beaton, hairdresser, h. 19 Street, 4 William Daniel, shipmaster 20 A. Wilson, bookseller, h. 18 6 David Maver, teacher From South Crown-street to ... J. Wilson, bookseller, h. 18 8 John Stephen, mealseller, Wellington-road 16 W. Adams, furniture broker h. 10 Miss Copland, staymaker 10 Mrs. Bain, confectioner, h. 12 1 Wm. Laurie, bookbinder, h. ... Alex. Henderson, shipmaster 8 W. Brown, basket maker, h. 6 ... Alex M'Lean, shipmaster ... George Cheyne 6 Mrs. King, lodgings ... David Laurie, h. 12 George Mann, tailor, h. ... Mrs. Smith, midwife ... Miss Laurie, milliner ... James Thomson, h. 4 Miss Dean, provision shop 3 Charles Gordon, cooper, h. ... Wm. Maconachie, h. 4 Andrew Geddes Murray, h. ... Mrs. Copland, grocer 5 Robt. Alexander, teacher, h. Market Street, 14 John Scott, h. 6 Andrew Thomson traveller From Union-street to Trinity- ... A. and G. Paterson, h. 7 William Campbell, sen. ... James Fraser, quay. h. 8 Wm. Campbell, jun. 18 George Jackson, A. 2 James and John Hay Mrs. Alexander Gordon ... George Moir, h. 3 Alex. Duffus, confectioner Mrs. Riddel ... Miss A. Moir, dressmaker 5 William; Mitchell, postmaster John Robb, h. 20 W. Youngson, Aberdeen Markets cabinetmaker Thos. Riddel, accountant ... Robert Findlay, carver, h. 9 Edward Ranson, coffee-room William Gerard, brewer, /(. 22 James Forrest 1 James Steward, flesher, h. Major J. A. Condell ... George Thomson ... Alexander Duthie, advocate William Williams, h. 24 Mrs. Goodridge ... Thomas M'Guffie 27 John Robertson, 13 Allardyce and Jopp writer, h. 23 William Nicolson, h. Milner's Court, ... William Allardyce ... William Rait, teacher, h. ... Aberdeen Mechanics' Inst. 25 Guestrow. ... G. Nicolson, water tacksman 15—19 A. Pirie, coffee-room 9 William Cromar 21 H. Frederick photographer Alexander Findlay, h. 1 Douglas Grant William James John Kennedy, agent Findlay, h. Thomas Douglas, hotel Aberdeen Railway Co. Mealmarket Street, Minister's Lane, George Reith, secretary From King-street J. and P. Cameron, carriers to North- Kidd-lane. Property Investment street. Co. 6 John Youngson, shoemaker D. Macbean, tailor 3 James Collie D. Mackey, manufacturer 1


35 Wm. Crawford, flaxdresser Mitchell Place, Netherkirkgate, William Brown 44 Samuel Geddes, grocer From North- street to King-st. From Broad-street to St. Nicholas street. 30 Misses Hunter 1 T. H. Allwood, h. 28 David Fraser, h. 1 William Black, h. 2 Mrs. Milne 26 William Matthews 5 Thomas M'Combie and Co. 3 Rev. John Robertson ... Alexander Johnston ... Hamilton Franklin 4 David Knox, ironmonger, k. 24 William Forsyth, feuar 9 Robert Laing, hairdresser 5 Miss Summers 22 John Fiddler, merchant, h. 11 Alex. Gray, watchmaker 8 George Pirie, shore-porter 20 John Legge, stonecutter, h. 15 Robert Hughes, engraver .. Misses Welch, dressmakers 17 19 George Donald, painter — 18 Robert Hughes, engraver 25 William Ogilvie, flaxdresser Mounthooly, 16 Joseph Rowell, blacksmith 29 John Jenkins, shoemaker 14 James Morgan, /<. From Gallowgate to Canal- 35 Peter Brown ... Miss Martin, milliner side. 37 M'Millan and Co. 8 Alexander Craig, h. 39 G. Duncan, agent 2 Philip, physician 6 John Gemlo, grocer James 41 James Bird, h. 5 George Brewster, h. ... Basil M'Killiam, h. ... James Melven 4 John Davidson, advocate, h. ... John Booth, h. 49 Kilgour and Taylor Chalmers ... Broadford Bread Company ... Alexander 51 William Ritchie and Co. ... Alexander Reid ... Samuel Clark, manufacturer 55 Lewis and James Smith 6 Mrs. Watson, h. ... John Davidson 61 Robert Taylor a»d Co., h. 46 Copland, slater ... D. Sinclair, teacher, h. Peter 65 John Taylor, Hotel 2£ James Lamb, cartwright John Maver, slater 67 Daniel Innes, hairdresser George Rennie, printer, h. 69 Robert Strachan, tailor Miss Bothwell, Greenbank 71 James Cooper, currier Street, Mount 73 John Murray, merchant From Rosemount-place to ... Mrs. J. Holmes, lodgings Northfield, Rosemount-terrace. 72 Alex. Littlejohn 66 David M'Hardy, smith Gilcomston. 1 John Lamb, plumber, h. 54 J. Johnston, spirit dealer 6 William Morgan, grocer 2 James Wright, h. 52 Stephen and Sutherland 1 John Strachan, coffee roaster 6 James Eaton, stonecutter, h. 48 James Legg, tinsmith 12 Alex. Clark, grocer, h. 14 7 H. Stewart, last-maker, h. 46 John Ross, plasterer 13 James M'Millan, h. John Leslie, shoemaker, h. ... Wm. Spark, ironmonger, h. ... James Walker, bookseller, h. Robert Urquhart, h. 44 Alexander Lawson, h. 46 16 John Nicoll, warehouseman Alexander Hay, shipowner 40 John Mearns, mealseller Alex. Steele, hatter, h. John Urquhart, druggist, h. 32 John Young 30 Robert Miller, lithographer 28 James M'Intosh, tinsmith Muttonbrae, 18 James Mann, grocer North Silver Street, 16 Mrs. Emslie, lodgings From Woolmanhill to Den- From Union-street to Golden- 14 Geo. Grant, spirit merchant burn. square. 8 George Imlay, spirit dealer 13 Jas. Thompson, spirit dealer 6 John Keith, tailor 9 Misses Bicknell 16 John Rose, wright 11 Charles Grainger, h. 22 M. Dean, chimney-sweep ... Miss Grainger North Broadford, 13 William Henderson, h. North West of George-street 19 Rev. William Primrose Nelson Street, 21 Thomas Smith, painter 1 George Martin, grocer, 7i. 14 31 James Topp, late baker From King-street to Gallow- 1J A. Ogilvie, manufacturer, h. 28 Mrs. George Reid ... tailor, h. 4 gate. Alex. Cormack, ... Miss Murray 3 A. Watkins, manufacturer, /*. R. Hosier Baker 2 Miss Craig, dressmaker 9 J. Garioch, hairdresser, h. 16 14 Rev. John Longmuir, 5 J. Moir, wood-merchant, h. 11 John Murray, sen., h. A.M. Hugh Hogarth Mrs. Matthews, midwife ... John Murray, jun., h. John Macrobin, M.D. Rev. Edward Reid 13 J. M'Donald, merchant, h. 12 Robert Watson, builder 17 John Masson, grocer, h. Jas. Smith, cabinetmaker, h. 19 Miss Middleton, dressmaker James Greig, shoemaker, h. 21 Robert Craig, grocer Outseats, George Rae, mason 23 J. Adam, timber merchant, h. Pitmuxton. 29 Mrs. Fyfe, grocer William Kinnaird, gardener Nelson Lane. 33 Mrs. Glennie ... A. Donaldson, flesher, h. John Moffat, gardener 3 Rev. Charles Skene ... Miss Wigham William Mortimer, gardener ... Miss Anderson 35 Mrs Machray John Meffet, gardener John Davidson, carter ... John Porter, feuar James Harrow, farmer 1


Robert Dyce, advocate Park Lane, Peacock's Close, John Clark, advocate Milne, lodgings From Park-street to Com- 24- Castle-street. Mrs John Leslie, shoemaker merce-street. 10 George Petrie, engraver, h. Aberdeen Herald Office 2 William Diack, grocer, h. John Gill, spirit dealer, h. 18 6 J. Learmonth, coffee-rooms Prince Eegent Street, Miss Linklater, milliner 23 Alex. Pirie, rag merchant Isaac Hill, teacher 25 Martin Boyle, spirit dealer From Canal-terrace to Baltic- George Moir, flesher street. -28 James Anderson William Anderson, h. 25 Park Street, 13 John M'Aldowie, clerk, h. Angus Ross, cooper, h. ... Thomas Buist, cooper From Justice -street to Canal. James Booth, M.D., surgeon ... Alexander Morrison George Reid, smith, h. 31 1 Robert Donald, shoemaker 15 James Cumming Miss Duncan, poultry dealer 3 William Imlay, grocer, h. ... Robert Still, blockmaker A. and J. Anderson, painters ... Mrs John Davidson 17 John Smith, shipmaster John and William Bisset 9 Thomas Gibson, broker ... John King, shipmaster Alexander Milne 11 W. Gardiner, chimney-sweep 20 John Matthew, late baker Alexander Brown, inn 17 C. Robertson, ironmonger 23 John Henderson, shipmaster Knight and Craib, 19 John Rae, merchant Joseph Ettershank saddlers Alex. Cooper, saddler, h. 21 Mrs. Cromar, spirit dealer 35 Aberdeen 25 Henry Clark, baker Quill Manufactory Street, Charles Glennie 29 Robert Austin, spirit dealer Prinzes William Glennie, innkeeper 33 John Panton, grocer From King-street to Park- 37 William Brebner, shipmaster James Maguire, tailor, h. 51 street. Alexander Leslie, messenger 39 Nathaniel Allan, grocer, h. 37 41 William M'Donald, baker 5 Mrs. T. Duncan, lodgings Miss M'Donald, corset-maker 47 Miss Bruce, dressmaker ... Thomas Fraser, shoemaker John Thomson, miller 9 ferrier, h. James M'Kay, broker ... David Lome, jun., tailor Peter Green, 13 William Robb, stabler William Clark, manufacturer . . . Duncan Reid, late shipmaster ... Yule, grain Mrs. Farquhar ... Mrs. Keith, milliner James merchant 55 William Law, grocer 17 George Christie, grocer, h. William Mann, tailor Mrs. Bowman, vintner 57 Peter Crombie, jeweller, h. ... D. Roberts, leather merchant Sedgwick, A. James Milne, flesher ... Miss Webster, teacher, h. 19 John ... Buchan, h. James Greig, shoemaker ... John Reid, saddler, h. George -95 John and Alex. 61 William Jamieson, h. 23 John Clark, builder, h. 9 Spark A. Philip, 63 Miss Mary Fraser 30 Mrs. Laing, midwife C. advocate, k. ... Castell, grocer, h. Mrs. James Philip ... Mrs. Sievewright Andrew George Laird, shoemaker ... George Grant, clerk William Greenlaw ... George Murray, builder Prospect Terrace, Miss Beaton, dressmaker 69 Andrew Castell, grocer Robert Burt, tailor, h. 72 70 James Easton, h. From Bank-street to Devanha James Mackenzie, h. 68 ... Miss Corbet, teacher Brewery. John Petrie, spirit 64 Alexander Edward dealer 1 Jas. Shirres, silk-mercer, h. William Gillan, h. 40 George Miller, jun., h. 42 ... Mrs. Millar, lodgings John Smith Gillan 38 Ludovic G. Sandison, h. ... Mrs. J. Longmuir William Milne, grocer ... Alexander Gordon, h. 2 J. P. Barker, manufact., h. John Edmond, bookbinder 34 Samuel Macbeth, /*. ... Hugh Longmuir, shipmaster James Chasser, h. 32 John Smith, vintner, It. 3 John Beattie, painter, h. James Firth, slater ... Mrs James Findlay ... Mrs. William Beattie Serjeant Ross of the artillery .. Herr Frederick 4 William Sisson, h. Mrs. Petrie, broker 30 William Hunter, grocer 5 George Barclay, grocer, h. John Wyllie, tailor 22-28 Robert Birss, h. 26 7 William Walker, h. Mrs. Henderson 20 Robert Shepherd W. James Goldie, shipowner Francis Bell and Son 18 "William Reid and Co. Mrs. Gill, lodgings 16 William Diack, grocer Robert Grant, 14 Thomas Jessiman Quaker's Court, flesher James Leask, advocate 10 David Dow, butcher, h. 12 55 Guestrow. Mrs. John Smith 8 Mrs. Dow, broker William P. Booth 6 Win. Souter, funeral waiter Boys' School of Industry James Booth, shipmaster Alex. Souter, criminal officer Gordon Reynolds, h. 42 Clueen Street, Kerr and Bowman, carvers Thomas advocate Park Street Place, From Broad-street to North- Ewen, Miss Skene, hosier, h. 18 Foot of Park- street. street. W. and J. Berry 3 George Imlay, h. 1 James Drummond, h. 1 Andrew Johnston, cashier ... James Leask, shipmaster, h. 3 Wm. Goodwin, mail-guard Miss Johnston, teacher, h. 1. 3


10 Mrs. William Johnson 30 Arthur Smith, painter 17 John B. Lines, slater wood-merchant 6 James Stevenson, engraver 32 Peter Buyers, h. 31 20 John Rust, Mitchell, mason 4 Andrew Masson, accountant ... Charles Runcy 22 William

... Miss A. Masson 34 James Stephen, porter dealer 2 James Strachan, h. 17 35 George M'Kenzie Rosemount Place, 36 Mrs. Laing, lodgings From Skene-square to Short- Ragg's Lane, 37 E. Smith, spirit dealer 38 James Davidson, spirit dealer loanings. From 37, Broad-street to 41 George M'Kenzie, grocer 1 George Cornwall, printer, h. Guestrow. 42 Sailor's Home ... E. Cornwall, lithographer, h. 2 Miss M'Loed, dressmaker 43 George Marr, hairdresser 3 Mrs. Fleming 3 John Clark, vintner 41 Mrs. Neil, vintner 9 Miss Inglis 45 Smith and Ramage 11 Rev. Henry Angus Ramage's Court, 46 Mrs. M'Millan 13 Rev. Samuel Macmillan ... Charles Smith, h. 15 Alex. Scott, shoemaker, h. 83, Broad-street. 47 Hugh Wilson, confectioner ... James Scott, shoemaker, h. Smith and Wills 50 B. Middleton, shoemaker 17 Jas. Jamieson, precentor, h. Alexander Wills, /*. George Yule, merchant 19 John Williams

.. William Harvey, grocer 21 James Sim, gardener Regent Quay, 52 Thomas A. Kidd, brazier 22 Adam Rice, shoemaker, h. 53 James Saunders, spirit dealer 18 John Forsyth, h. From Shorebrae to Canal 54 George Law, shipmaster 16 James Reith, h. Basin. 54 J. M'Callum, tide-surveyor 14 Andrew Smith, draper, h. 1 Alex. Hay, spirit dealer 57 Leslie Morrison, h. 12 Captain Marsh 2 George Elsmie, h. ... Benjamin Hodgson 10 C. Stuart, book-agent, h.

... James Elsmie, /*. ... William Boaden, shipmaster 8 Mrs. Dr. Lindsay 4 George Elsmie and Son Commerce -street branches off 6 Rev. John Stephen 7 Simon M'Leod, grocer, h. 61 William Taylor, shipmaster 4 Major Sheriffs

Wtighlwuse square . . . David Talbot, shipmaster 2 Robert Stevens, grocer, h. 9 John Begg, distiller, h. 62 Alexander Martin, flesher William Black flesher 10 ... James Martin, Rosemount Terrace, ... John Donald, h. 64 Charles Gibbons, inn 11 George Leslie, shipowner 65 Aberdeen, Leith, & Clyde Co. From Forbes-street to ... James Leslie, broker Shore Dues Office Mary- pi ace. 1 £ James Winlaw, jun. Alex. Fidler, coal broker 1 John N. Ross, grocer 12 James Duncan George Cruickshank, do. ... Alexander Begg ... William Clark, shipmaster Cruickshank, jun. do. G. 3 Wm. D. Geddes, teacher ... Peter Eussel, M.D. ... Mrs. M'Hardy, lodgings ... Mrs. Thomson, lodgings Court, 5 John Hodge, cutler, /;. 13 Andrew Sherar Rettie's 7 James Blackhall, h. ... Alex. Jamieson Broad-street. 26 9 William Masson, bleacher, h. ... Donald M'Taggart Knight, manager 12 James Marsh, shipmaster 14 William Talbot and Co. James 8 Charles Lyell Shepherd 14i Michael M'Cluskie 6 Alex. Beverley, teacher Marischal-street branches off Riddel's Court, 4 Alexander Keith Alexander Duguid 15 Windmillbrae. William Morrison 16 Custom- House

17 Alexander Pearson 1 James Fraser, hairdresser, h. ... Geo. and W. Davidson Rotunda Place, ... George Davidson, h. Ross's Court, Ferryhill. 20 Robert Mitchell, manager 1 George Reith, secretary ... Charles Mitchell, teller 6 Upperkirkgate. 2 Alexander Forbes, h. 21 W. L. Thomson 1 Miss Kelman, lodgings John Watson, h. ... Alex, and Wm. Thorn 3 A. Murdoch, bookseller, h. Miss Forbes 22 George Thomson, h. 6 John Taylor, wright James Roy, jun., //. 24 Leslie Morrison and Co. John Roy, /*. 25 Wm. Cargill, shipmaster ... John M'Kenzie, shipmaster Rose Street, ... James Eraser, clerk From Union-place to Bride- Rubislaw. ... Mrs. John Nicol, merchant well. Rubislaw Works ... Alex. Barnett, shipmaster Glenbnrn Distillery 26 W. Robertson, spirit dealer West Prison 28 Mercantile Marine Board Alexander W. Chalmers, h. George Kerr Smith, grocer William Barron, flesher, h. . . Geo. Brock, shipping master 1 William L. Brown, Farquhar, & Co. ... James F. Kelles, sec. 12 John Cruickshank, LL.D. George Williamson, jun., h. ... Alex. Inglis, ship chandler 1 John Bannerman, late dyer George Imray, teacher James street branches'of 15 Miss L. Gibb Alexander Coutts 29 John Gauld ... Miss J. Smith 1


William Farquhar, h. St. Mrs. John Paterson, vintner St. Ann's Court, Nicholas Lane, tollkeeper 15 Guestrow. James Gray, From St. Nicholas-street to Smith, shoemaker John Thomas Knowles, flesher, h. Correction -wynd. John Williamson, flesher, h. Mrs. Falconer, midwife 3 Isaac Mathieson, h Alexander Downie, farmer St. Catherine's Wynd, 9 George Forsyth, Cafe Royal road-surveyor 22 Mrs. Catto, lodgings James Kyd, From Union-street to Nether- James Gage, overseer ... Miss Geddes, lodgings kirkgate. 6 Jas. Taylor, bootmaker, h. 4 3 John Watson, tailor 4 Mrs Taylor, midwife Rubislaw Park, 5 Wm. Routledge and Son ... Mrs. Toms, milliner Alexander M'Donald, M.D. 6 Andrew Smith, tailor, h. 2 John Ritchie, innkeeper ... William Cook, tailor, h. Place, 4 Geo. Collie and Co., drapers St. Nicholas Street, Rubislaw 2 Charles Lester, teller From Union-street to From Albyn-place to Albert- ... Alexander Paul, h. street. ... Mrs. W. Christall, lodgings George-street. 1 John Kay, chemist James Smith, h. John Walker St. Clement's Lane, 3 Robert Mackinlay 5 David Wilson, dyer 5 Alex. Pittendrich, wright 7 John C. Anderson, wigmaker George Gilbertson Rubislaw Terrace, 9 Alex. Wallace, grocer, h. James Matthews, h. ... John Dunn, advocate Robert Mortimer, h. St. Clement Street, 1 William Mortimer 13 Wm. Stevenson, bookseller From Garvock-st. to Build- 15 Mrs. Jamieson, midwife St. Andrew Street, ing-yard. ... Mrs. M'Kay, dressmaker 17 James Watson, h. 20 From Loch-street to 1 Miss Maitland 19 Miss Cassie, Woolmanhill. 3 P. Riddell, clerk, h. dressmaker 2 ... Mrs. David Anderson Archibald Loud™, City Hotel 3 James Duncan 17 John Mackie, h. 23 Alexander Gray ... Miss Ogg, teacher 19 Andrew Milne, grocer, h. Correction-wynd branches of 7 James Reid, shoemaker 21 Goldie & Hay, sailmakers 29 James Walker, watchmaker 13 Adam Watt, tailor 23 A. Milne, shoemaker, h. 19 31 George L. Walker 15 Robert Pirie, flesher, h. 25 John Jamieson, grocer 33 C. Panton, bookseller, /*. 38 ... Mrs. Wilson, lodgings 27 J. Lindsay, spirit dealer 35 James Cruickshank 17 James Rothnie, builder 53 William M' Galium, boatman 35 Peter Wilson, flesher, h. 21 Mrs. Milne, midwife 68 Tbos. M'Donald, shoemaker 37 James Mowat, clothier 23 John Feruside, druggist 56 William Dick, overseer, h. 39 Robert Bevericlge 31 John Edward, shoemaker 40 Mrs. Robertson, midwife 41 Peter Fraser, clerk Mrs. Barkway, vintner 39 32 Alex. Walker, shipmaster ... Miss Still, lodgings 41 Misses Adams, milliners 24 James Connon, gardener, h. 43 D. and J. Riddell 45 James Wight, grocer 12 Jas. Tulloch, jun., grocer, h. ... George Marr, hairdresser, h. 47 James Robb, shoemaker 45 Singer, ... James Tulloch, shipmaster George baker, h. 47 49 William Mackie, grocer 49 ... Edward M'Kay James Anderson, slater 61 M'Robbie, spirit dealer C. 10 Wm. Murray, shipmaster ... Mrs Craib, lodgings 63 James M'Kenzie 8 Roderick Ross, shoemaker 51 Peter Gordon, china mercht. ... Wood, leather mercht., h. W. 6 Alex. Donald, shipmaster 53 Peter Macaldowie, h. 54 73 John R. Grant, merchant, h. 55 Francis Croll, ... Mrs. W. Davidson, lodgings baker ... William Yunnie, h. 4 John Walker, shipmaster 57 John Ross, ironmonger . . . David Logan, h. 59 Pringle, ... James Wishart, carver, h. John saddler George Stott, shoemaker 87^ 2 William Buck, shoemaker 61 William Milne, merchant 84 Alexander Young, grocer ... John Paterson, ... A. Anderson, shipmaster surgeon 78 John Davidson, plumber 63 Andrew Smith, draper 76 George Milne, grocer, h. 7 3 65 John Urquhart, druggist 42 Mrs. Murray, register office St. Mary's Place, 62 Alexander Urquhart, grocer 38 Miss A. Coutts, dressmaker Milne and From Crown-terrace to 60 Marshall, grocers 36 Alexander Moir, shoemaker ... Thomas Mason, flesher Crown-street. 32 Alexander Marchant, h. ... Miss Leslie, lodgings 28 George Harrison, horse-hirer 1 Mrs. J. Smith 58 Robert Brown, hatter ... J. Middleton, cabinetmaker 3 Wm. Henderson, painter 56 Brebner and Grant 24 Mrs. David Milne 2 Thomas Will ... John R. Grant, merchant 12 Mrs Stevenson 4 Mrs. Machray 52 Porter and Leighton 14 Wm. Williams, grocer, h. 12 4 John Dunn, late merchant 50 Police Establishment

10 John Thomson, meal seller, R. h. . . h. 7 Wood, shoemaker, 6 . John Milne, clerk of Police

... Aberdeen Public ... late . Baths James Smith, builder . . J. Cruickshank, insp. ofPolice 2 AVilliam Duncan, wright, h. 6 18 Miss Geddes, lodgings ... James Minty NEW STREET DIRECTORY. 135

50 Win. Duncan, treasurer William Gavin 55 W. Anderson, fisher, h. 48 Jonathan Mess George Brantingham, h. 55 ... Mrs. G. Milne 42 Mrs. James Shirreffs John Watt, advocate, h. 57 Miss M. Gray 38 Misses Bisset, dressmakers Misses Shepherd 63 Alex Gossip, inealseller 36 Alex. Murdoch, bookseller Adam Ross, watch dealer Shore-brae branches off 34 John Sutherland, h. 32 William Begg, baker, h. 60 67 Joseph Thomson, grocer 30 James T. Mackay and Son Robert Gordon's Hospital 81 Mrs. Hendry, midwife 28 George and Robert King —56 Grammar School 87 C. Lindsay, spirit dealer 36 Alexander Henderson, h. 32 Murray and Garden 92 Hay and Co., grocers 24 James Allan, grocer James Murray, h. 90 James Reid, messenger, h. 22 John Fyfe, brushmaker John Christie, M.D. 86 Robert Dunn, grocer, A. 73 20 Miss Mathison, modeller Mrs Fraser 84 A. Scott, shipmaster ... Mrs. Mathison, dressmaker Mrs More (of Raeden) ... William Grant, flesher, h. ... Thomas Duncan, jun., h. 26 Robert Wilson, bookseller ... Thomas Rutherford, carver Netherkirlcgate branches off Harriet-street branches off 82 Wm. Caie, shore-porter 16 Peter Raeburn, baker George Garden, baker, h. 30 ... William Mowat and Co. 14 R. Fyfe, brush manufacturer William Stuart, shoemaker 76 Mrs. Crone, provision dealer 10 James Scott, shoemaker Misses Duncan, teachers 74 George Sim, grocer

8 John M'Hardy, shipmaster Charles Brown, /*. 72 Robert Robertson, h. ... Mrs. Mitchell James Herald, teacher 62 R. Collie, hairdresser ... Mrs. M'Hardy Miss Rennie, milliner 60 John Law, baker 4 John Duncan, h. 6 Mrs James Duncan 58 James Grant, shipmaster James Ledingham, stabler ... J. Westland, bootmaker St. Paul Street, Andrew Wyness, flesher, h. 52 John Ross, blacksmith James Leslie, bootmaker ... John M. Stewart, teacher, h. .From Gallowgate to Loch-st. Robert Robertson, merchant 50 David Gray, grocer Thomas Ross, sexton 48 Mrs. Anderson 1—3 John Watt, tanner, h. 5 James Moffat, h. 46 James Ross, shoemaker 12 Robt. Mortimer, iron mercht. Mrs Walker, lodgings 42 Duncan Davidson, tailor 18 George Strachan, carpenter James Bain, spirit dealer 38 G. Smith, eating-house Alex. Sutherland, porter 32 Murdoch M'Kenzie, cooper Seamount Place, 28 Alexander Collie, slater Schoolhill. ... W. D. Wood, slupmaster FromTJpperkirkgateto Wool- From Gallowgate to North-st. 26 Miss Duncan, poultry dealer 24 J. King, spirit dealer Hutton, grocer manhill. 5 John 22 Isaac Murray, tailor 7 Mrs. J. Minty 1 G. Mitchell, spirit dealer ... Peter Fraser, tailor 11 Archibald G. Reid, baker, h. 5 Mrs. Findlay, lodgings 20 Mrs. J. Nicol, merchant ... Wm. Hay, bootmaker, h. ... Mrs. Harrow, midwife. 18J A. Scatterty, h. 90 13 George Geddes, builder ... Mrs. Laing, lodgings 18 M. Milner, shore-porter ... P. Brownie, mealseller, h. ... Mrs. L. Gordon, ... George Robb, shore-porter 21 William Robson, clerk 7 John and Robert Urquhart ... Robert Lamb, shore-porter ... A. Robson, spirit dealer, h. 11 Miss Mathieson, dressmaker ... John Wilson, shore-porter ... James Reid, tailor, h. 11 Miss Catherine Milne 16 P. A. Skinner 25 Alex. Ingram, carpenter 13 Miss Kellas, provision dealer ... Mrs. Riach, tavern George Forbes, grocer, h. 15 James Kerr, painter 14 John Clerk, spirit dealer Robert Thain, teacher, h. 21 Mrs. and Misses Gordon 12 Mrs. Dunnet, merchant W. B. Bruce, feuar ... William Ferguson, h. 10 John Chapel, tailor 21 J R. Pratt, merchant, h. 14 8 William Stewart, grocer 25 Miss Kerr, dressmaker Shiprow, 6 William French, baker 31 Misses Duncan, dressmakers 2 Miss Davidson FromUnion-streetto Trinity- 35 William Walker, h. 37 39 J. Stewart stoneware-dealer corner. Shaw's Court, 41 Alexander M'Kenzie, h. 3 A. Strachan, li, 21 41 Mrs John Muil, baker 9 Alexander Lamond 90 Gallowgate. ... John Muil, writer, h. 13 A. Beattie, hairdresser, h. 10 8 Robert Shaw, house-factor Back-wynd branches off 15 Wm. Knox, spirit merchant 43 William Thorn, grocer 17 W. Milne, bootmaker, A. 19 45 A. Jardine Lizars, M.D. 21 William Buchan, slater Shewan's Court, 47 William M. Miller, h. 23 John MTntosh, grocer, /*. 21 119 Gallowgate. ... Miss Longmuir 25 Miss Fraser, milliner Mrs. John Shewan ... Alex. Yeats, accountant, h. 27 James M'Phee, grocer, h. 21 John Gall and Co., grocers 49 William Henderson, M.D. 31 Mrs Smith 51 Henry Adamson, h. 33 A. Cormack, grocer 53 James M'Laren 32 Misses Law, dressmakers Shoe Lane, ... William M'Laren, M.D. 37 Robert Glegg, h. From North-st. to Queen-st. 55 John W. Brantingham, h. ... George Thorn, shoemaker 57 Sir Michael Bruce, bart. h. 53 George Fyfe, grocer 5 John Smith and Co. 136 NEW STREET DIRECTORY.

8 James Pyper, h. 7 Skene Street, 6 John Stephen, plumber Skene Place, From Black's-buildings to From Skene-street to Cherry- Skene-place. vale. Shore Brae, 7 William Watt, slater, h. ... Wm. Dunningham From Shiprow to Quay. 1 Mrs. Moir ... James Morgan, 1 George King, h. hairdresser 1 Alex. Fidler, coal-broker, h. 13 Alexander Thomson ... Mrs. King 2 Miss Davidson, h. 5 Mrs. Captain John Smith 15 Miss Garden, dressmaker 3 Mrs. Chapman, vintner 17 Alexander Dunn, grocer, h. 1 ... Misses Baxter 4 William Duncan, tr. Police 4 James Nisbet Skene ttrrace branch-s off Nicol, clerk 29 Hay, 6 James ... Alexander Nisbet Mrs lodgings 7 William Craib 2 Archibald Watson, h. ... Edward Craig, teacher James Ross, shoemaker ... Alexander Eeid 43 John Davidson, writer Shore Lane, Skene Sow, 77 John Paul, horse-hirer 77 James Yule, grain-mercht. h. From Skene-place to Hard- From Quay to Virginia-st. Summer street branches off weird. 91 Charles Joss, tailor 7 George Smart, vintner 95 James Joss, wright, h. 3 Alex. Y. Johnstone, clerk 105 Andrew Scott, h. ... Mrs. Henderson Leaning's. ... John Elrick, grocer Short 13 Samuel Middleton, teller. 111 William Simpson, h. 15 James Mitchell, wright 15 Mrs. George Gibson 117 William Calder, tailor, h. grocer ... Alexander Fyffe, solicitor, h. 2 John Sinclair, 127 John M'Gregor James Garden, broker, h. 133 William Taylor, h. 130 William M'Hardy, vintner Chapel street branches Mrs. Milne, midwife off Skene Square, 135 George Trail, jun., grocer Mrs. Morrison, grocer 137 Mrs. Meston, sick-nurse Mrs. Murray, teacher From Steps of Gilcomston to 139 Miss Proctor Alex. Spence, teacher, /*. Caroline-place. ... Rev. William L. Mitchell William Cook, weaver 1 Mrs. Smart, sick-nurse 141 Samuel Benson, h. 141^ James Eose, shoemaker ... William Eobbie, slater 143 Alexander Laing Miss Rose, milliner ... John Eobbie, grocer, h 161 John Sim, book-keeper, h. William M'Hardy, vintner 9 John M'Kay, tailor 122 Samuel Law, shoemaker 31 John Sinclair, brewer, h. ... William Law, h. Shuttle Lane, 33 John Machray, h. 120 Robert Petrie, shoemaker ... Walter Moodie, last-maker 116 John Ross, builder East North street to From 43 Alexander Adams 114 E. Hutton, hairdresser, h. 95 Park- street. 57 George Walker, merchant 108 Miss Stephen, dressmaker 73 John Brown, M.D. 96 Miss Courage, staymaker 8 Bowman and Co., plasterers ... Mrs Anderson . . . William Souter, clerk William Dawson, cartwright 81 John Matthew, merchant, h. 94 William Buyers, h. 39 Miss Stott, teacher 88 James B. Welch ... Misses Buyers, dressmakers 72 Joseph Meston 86 William Forsyth, editor 86 Alexander Matthew ... Morris Forsyth 80 Eobert Henderson Silver Street, 84 Rev. Andrew Dickie 74 Miss Eobson 82 James Gerard, blacksmith, h. 62 Francis Eae, plough-wright From Golden-square to Skene- 68 George Henry, bookseller, h. ... William Adams, jun. terrace. ... John Bothwell, shoemaker 60 Cecilia Brown, lodgings 21 Mrs. Grant, lodgings 64 John Ferguson, baker, h. 62 58 Francis Nicol, grocer, h. 60 60 Francis grocer 44 Andrew Gage, ... Mrs. Smith, lodgings Kemp, overseer 30 Rev. Hugh M'Kenzie 58 Mrs. Fyfe, merchant 38 Thomas Skene, insp. of poor 26 Miss limes (Edingight) 48 James Fraser 34 William Balfour 24 MissFraser . . . Alexander Smith, wright 32 Mrs. Westland 22 John Eoger, h. 44 John Stevenson, spirit -dealer 30 Mrs. Oswald, midwife 20 Miss Anderson 40 Jane Eoss, sick-nurse 28 Mrs. Euth, lodgings 38 David Ferguson, merchant 26 William Simpson, ... John Dunn, clerk, h. turner 18 James Kennedy, h. 36 Eobt. Maconachie, clei-k, h. 20 Misses Craighead, milliners 30 John Michie, tinsmith, h. ... Alexander ... Mrs. Yule, lodgings Munro, tailor, h. 10 John M. Eeid, teacher 28 Mrs. Kidd, provision dealer 18 George Thow, tailor 22 Adam Currie, h. 14 Mrs. Edward, midwife 24 Geo. Hutchison, grocer, h. 68 ... John Geddes, mason Sim's Square, 8 Alexander Eoss, brewer 12 W. Duncan, shoemaker, h. 14 > 4 Alexander Melvin, h. From Blackfriars-st. to John 12 10 W. Cameron, shoemaker, h. 8 2 Peter Eiddel, carpenter 8 James Winkley, artist street. Mrs George Taylor 6 John Youngson, shoemaker 2 James Sim Archibald Hosack, h. 4 William Diack, spirit -dealer NEW STREET DIRECTORY. 137

Skene Street* Smith's Court, Spring Garden, (west), Loch -street. From George-street to From Whitehouse-street to Windy-wynd. John Milne, coachmaker, h. Victoria-street. 85 Mrs. Russell, midwife

1 William Dustan, cartwriglit ... John Henderson South Silver Street, Thomas Craig, h. 87 Mrs. Brown, provision-shop James Craig, h. From Union -street to Golden- 20 William M'Kiunon & Co. Thomas Craig, jun., h. square. Milne, Cruden, & Co. Female School of Industry- 2 Mrs. Smith Miss Alexander, teacher ... Miss Skene Steps of Gilcomston. Mrs. Anderson 4 John Thomson, plumber, A. 5 Mrs. Troup 1 H. Fraser, blacksmith, h. 25 6 Kenneth Watt, shoemaker 5 William Christie, wright 16 Mrs. Gillespie, vintner, Skene Terrace, Spa Street, 26 James Wattie, grocer John M'Pherson From Skene- street to Sum- From Denburn to Woolman- Adam Currie and Sons mer-street hill James Cooper, currier 1 J. Conry, spirit dealer, h. 2 Alex. Gray, watchmaker, It. 1 Alexander Dunn, grocer, h. 9 Wm. Ironside, carpenter, h. 8 Gilcomston Comb Works 3 Alexander Easton 12 Misses Wilson 5 James Mathers, plumber ... Mrs. Webster, midwife 7 George Anderson, mason Mitchell and Cay, wrights Stocket. 9 Charles Smith, tailor William Dawson, cartwright James Littlejohn, h. 13 Alex. Cromar, shoemaker William Watt, slater Andw. J. Cameron, advocate ... Mrs. Wyness. lodgings Alexander Ogilvie, h. ... William Anderson, clerk Mrs. George Troup 15 Miss Ann M'Donald Place, Springbank William Ogilvie, jun., h. 17 Mrs. Alexander Ure Wm. Strachan, of Moreseat 19 Miss Shaw, dressmaker From Springbank-terrace to Mrs. Cameron 52 Mrs. Parker Springbank. Dr. James Fergusson 50 Mrs. Robert Cassie 3 Charles Burgess, K ... Miss Scott 4 George Milne, accountant, h. 48 David Gill, h. ... George D. Rutherford, h. Strawberry Bank. 46 Misses Leith of Freefield ... Mrs. Riddoch, h. Top of Hardgate. 44 Andrew Murray 2 Robert & Mrs. Alexander, h. 42 Mrs. Charles Ross William Smith, jun., h. Alexander Meston, grocer 40 John D. Milne, sen., h. Alexander Aitken, gardener ... Robert Milne, h. Springbank Street, James Clyne, h. 38 Miss Leslie John Pirie, cowfeeder 36 Mrs. Macbean, late of Alves From Crown-street to Bon- John Pirie, gardener 34 Mrs. John Robertson accord-street. William Philip, h. 32 Rev. M. Sachs, teacher Rev. Fergus Ferguson Misses Knight 30 William Adam, advocate, h. Miss Robertson Mrs. Rickman 28 William Henderson, jun. h. Miss Hay, lodgings James Reid, gardener 26 Rev. John Aitken Mrs. Tyson 20 Mrs. Maver, innkeeper John Ogilvie, LL.D., teacher ... Miss Henderson, dressmaker Springbank Terrace, Rev. John Paterson . . William Maver, blacksmith David Macallan From South Crown-street to ... Mrs. Sutherland, lodgings William Davidson, architect foot of Bon-accord-terrace. ... Robert Henderson, /;. Charles Kennedy, clerk, /i. 18 James Berry, h. 1 William Gibson 8 J. W. Tough, shoemaker 3 A. Alexander, shipmaster ... William Berry, h. Stronach's Close, ... Mrs. Wemyss 2 William Webster, baker, h. 6 5 D. A. Stewart, inspector Exchequer-row. 9 John Kynoch, teller, h. 3 Mrs. Pettigrew, vintner 6 J. and W. Martin, fleshers, /*. 5 Mrs. Ferguson, vintner Salter's Court, 4 William Melville 7 James M'Allum, vintner 2 Thomas Clark, MD. 50 Loch-street Richard Cox, shipmaster Mrs. Dauney Mrs. Thomson, lodgings Mrs. Garioch John Humphrey Sugarhouse Lane, James Horn, manager, h. From Quay to Virginia-st. Smith's Court, Wm. Murray, manager, h. Elijah Burwell, bazaar, //. 9^ Francis Montgomery, h. 49 Gallowgate. Wm. Burness, chemist, h 13 William Milne, grocer, h. James Knight, manager, h. John Taggart, teller, h. 15 A. Cruickshank, shipmaster S NEW STREET DIRECTORY.

Miss Martin, dressmaker 12 Trinity ... Alexander Masson, mate Thistle Lane, Corner, From Victoria-street-west to From Shiprow to Maltmill- Bummer Lane, Skene-street-west. bridge. 10 Maxwell M'Guffie From Garvock's-wynd to Fish- 1 David Duff, house-carpenter 12 William Ross, merchant street. 3 John Riach, builder, h. 5 A. and W. Ogilvie Benjamin Esson, millwright 1 James M'Kay, shoemaker 5 Alex. M'Kay, shipmaster 33 Mrs, M'Leod, grocer Thistle Place, Trinity Quay, Miss Campbell, milliner 22 31 Wm. Stuart, shoemaker, h. From Poynernook to Regent- ... Alex. Campbell, baker ft. quay. 10 George Rennie, grocer, h. 1 Alexander Craib, grocer 4 Robert Riach, shoemaker Thistle Street, ... Alexander Hay, spirit dealer Mrs. Calder, spirit dealer From Chapel-st. to Ptose-st. ... Mrs. Craib, midwife 2 Patrick Bannerman & Son. 1 David Duff, wright, ft. 30 ... Patrick Bannerman, ft. Summer Street, 7 James Rettie, h. ... John B. Bannerman, ft. 21 James Gowans, supervisor From Union-place to Skene- Anderson, salmon mer. 23 Mrs. Robert Matthew W. street. ... Arbuthnot and M'Combie ... Miss Still 3 Robert Scott, manager, h. David Watson and Sons, h. 27 W. & G. Greig, builders 9 Geo. Cowieson spirit dealer W. Ewan & Co., builders ... William Greig, h, 10 Nicolson and Simpson James Farquhar, /*. 29 Mrs. Simpson Thos, Wright, coal mercht. Miss Emslie ... Andrew Morrison Rev. John B. Ritchie, h. ... A. D. Morrison, coal agent Mrs. Mitchell, lodgings ... Alexander Rhind Trinity Street, James Wilson, lodgings 33 James Brown, draper, ft. Trinity-lane Mrs. M'Kenzie 37 Mrs. John Thorn From Denburn to David Walker, perfumer, h. 34 Ernst Donald, photographer 3 James Strachan, vintner Jas. Saint, jun. silk mercer, ft. 32 Alex. Johnston, builder 4 Mrs. G. Pye James Saint, shore-porter, h. ... Mrs. Wm. Duncan, lodgings ... John Pye, shipmaster Mrs. Collie 30 C. Milne, (Ab. Railway), ft. 6 John Wisely, spirit dealer James Calder, teacher ... George Milne, clerk 8 James Scott, spirit dealer Geo. Walker, shoemaker, ft. 28 Alex. L. G round water, clerk 10 John Garrow Miss Walker, dressmaker 26 John Brown, funeral waiter 16 James Smith, vintner P. Riddel, house carpenter, ft. Alexander Brown, clerk 20 J. M'Donald, confectioner, h

Mrs. Duncan, lodgings 24 Jas. Barber, revenue officer ... Peter Hogg, tinsmith, ft. Mrs Mackie, sick-nurse 20 Ronald Wink, cloth dresser 22 John Tonnoeh, lime-meter Mrs. Kellas, lodgings 14 John Rust, wood merchant 24 Jas. Donaldson, spirit dealer Adam Watt, tailor, h. 12 Miss M. Milne, dressmaker Mrs. Ferguson, teacher Thos. Sang, shoemaker, ft. 52 4 David Grant, bootmaker, h. Miss Buyers, dressmaker ... Mrs. Guthrie, sick-nurse Misses VVinton, milliners Union Buildings, James Buyers Thomson's Court, From Castle-street to Shiprow. J. H. Collie, hairdresser, ft. 1 John Airth, tea dealer J. Middleton, grocer, h. 44 61 Broad-street. 2 Athenaeum News-rooms Miss Walker, dressmaker Mrs. Duffus, confectioner, ft. 3-5-7 J. Tait, fancy warehouse Miss Anderson, dressmaker 9 A. and R. Milne, booksellers Mrs. Robertson 11 Alex. Morison, silk mercer Miss Lyon, dressmaker Thornton Court, ... Mrs. William Morison Robert Greig, mason 3 George Adam, tailor, ft. ... William Knight, architect James Ross, builder ... Mrs. M'Intosh, lodgings George ;Greig, mason ... James Blake, news-agent Alex. Watson, bookseller, ft. Thornton Place, 13 John Smith, tailor George Greig, ft, 39 Guestrow and 4 Flour- 15 Keith & Gibb, lithographers Mrs. Wilson, lodgings mill-lane. 17-19 Philip and Kennedy William Keith, slater 19 Alexander Henderson, h. D. Davidson, cabinetmaker .3 Alex. Smith, bookseller ... Mrs. Harper, lodgings J. Garvie, wiight, h. 10 George Adam, clothier, ft. ... Thomas Stewart, D. Robb, purveyor of fish, h. 5 Alexander Todd, h. 21 Simpson & Whyte, clothiers Alex. Jamieson merchant ... James Tytler, porter ... Mrs. Tytler, register office 11 — 13 Alex. Hay, japanner Union Street, Sutherland's Court, 16 Mrs. Gerard, midwife 14 John Calder From Castle-street to Union- 126 Gallowgate. 12 J. Reid, house carpenter, ft.13 place. George Reid, broker, ft. 4 Alexander Smith, brewer 23 J. Falconer and Co. NEW STREET DIRECTORY. 139

25 Wm. dimming, Union Hotel 111 David Wyllie and Son 201 Skinner and Wilsone Gordon, grocers ... David Grant, tobacconist 113 William Hay, bootmaker 203 T. and G. 27 James Connan, clothier 115 James Fraser and Son Croum-street branches off' 29 R. J. Elmslie, auctioneer ... Mrs. William Hunter 205 C.Davidson, druggist, h. 207 Son, grocers ... Mrs. Currie, lodgings .... James Asher, agent 209 W. Milne & 31 James Shirres, silk mercer ... James Davie, music-seller 215 George Glegg and Sons 33 Isaac Mathieson, silk mercer ... John Lawrence 217 Miss Robertson, milliner 35 Mrs. Robert Milne ... G. C. M'Conochie, ttacher 219 James Catto, shoemaker Exchange-court ... William Hunter, agent Dee-street branches off 37 Patrick Collie, clothier ... Wm. Ramage, architect 221 James Fraser and Co. 39 James Blackhall and Co. ... William Duthie, advocate ... Receiving Post Office 41 John Hodge, cutler 117 James Lumsden and Co. 223 William Coutts, painter Crown-court 1 19 Alex. Morrison, silk mercer 225 James Mein, dentist 43 Mrs. Cassie, lace dealer 121 James Laing, ironmonger 227 John Cadenhead, M.D. advocate ... Geo. Reid & Sons, chemists 122^ Peter Beveridge, manufac. 233 John Smith, accountant 47 Henry Cooper and Co. 123 White & Hutcheon, drapers . . James Meston, 49 Wm. Shepherd, confectioner 123^ James A. Miller, advocate 237 A. Davidson of Desswooo* branches Adelphi-court branches off ..." Alex. Yeats, accountant Bon-accord-street off Mrs. B. Williamson 51 — 53 Pratt and Keith, drapers ... Aberdeen Mutual Assu- 239 53 Walter Gray rance and Friendly So- ... William Williamson, M.D. 55 Wm. Mitchell, bookseller ciety 245 John and Anthony Blaikie advocate 57 Fraser and Laidlaw, grocers ... Charles Cattanach and Co. ... Norval Clyne, M'Donald 59 Robert M'Killiam, confect. ... Charles Stuart, book agent ... Alexander 61 D. Robertson, Royal Hotel 123^—125 Thomas Will ... Alexander Stronach, writer 65 Royal Mail and General 127 "Milne, Low, and Co. ... James A. Sinclair Coach Ofiice 129 Walter Stewart, silk mercer 247 John Blaikie, advocate, h. Innes ... Machray, Croall, and Co. ... J. D. Milne, sen. and jun. 251 Miss 67 Alexander Taylor, clothier 131 Farquharson and Co. 253 David Blaikie, h. 69 W. M. Miller and Co., hatters Back-wynd Stairs 255 H. Lumsden of Auchindoir 257 William Keith, M.D. Market-street branches off 131J D. Davidson, cabinetmaker 73 John Forbes, clothier 133~ Alexander Hay, draper 261 Alexander P. Hogarth, h. 75 Adam and Anderson, advoc. 135 David Walker, perfumer ... Wm. Hogarth, merchant, h. Duncan, advocate, /*. ... Great North of Scotland 137 John Garden, h. 263 John branches Railway Ofiice ... Henry Ambrose Smith, h. Bon- accord-row off Summer-street branches ... Samuel Paterson, book-keep. ... Mrs. Wm. Knox, lodgings off h. 262 David Watson and Sons ... David Rust, clothier, h. ... David Pirie, agent, 254 Mrs. Moir of Park ... Robert Findlay, clerk 139 Jas. Saint, jun., silk mercer 77 A. Brown and Co. 141 Peter Williamson and Son 252 Edward Burn of Craigston 81 W. and J. Marshall i43 Peter Williamson, h. 240 Mrs. Urquhart, branches 83 Lauchlan M'Kinnon, jun. ... Harvey Williamson, h. Union-row off' Pirrie, M.D., F.R.S.E. ... Robert Milne, civil engineer 145 Walter Stewart, silk mercer 238 Wm. Adrian Blaikie, h. ... Mrs. Dr. Gordon, lodgings 147 George Marquis, accountant 224 Anthony ... Mrs. Provost Blaikie ... Mrs. M'Kenzie of Ord ... John Cook, horse- hirer, h. 85 Alexander M'Kenzie and Co. ... John Will, late mail-guard 220 Miss Farquharson music-seller 87 George Yeats, silk mercer ... Chalmers and Farquhar 218 John Marr, 89 Scottish Provincial Assu- 149 George Sutherland 216 West-end Academy rance Co. 151 M. Rettie and Sons 214 Rev. St. John Howard Huntly-street branches ... Charles F. Griffith, manager 153 Trades' Assembly-house off Mrs. General Dyce ... John Watson, secretary 153 Mrs. Hannan, housekeeper 202 Robert Dyce, M.D. ... A. Stables, jun. accountant 155 James Littlejohn, hosier 198 91 William Littlejohn, h. Union-st, Bridge intervenes Public Rooms 93 Aberdeen Town and County 175 (Erecting), Thos. Will William Chisholm, curator Bank 177 (Erecting), Great North South Silver-street branches off 95 John Lumsden and Co. Railway office 166 John Fraser, watchmaker druggist 97 Miss Gerard, milliner ... (Erecting), R. Milne, sec. 164 Alex. Gordon, Misses Massie, milliners ... Miss Shand 179 (Erecting) 162 ... Brechin, lodgings ... George Lyall, silk mercer, h. 181 Henry A. Dewar, dentist Mrs Shields, confectione ... David Lyall, silk mercer, ft. 183 Alex, and W. Ogilvie 160 John M.D. 99 George Lyall and Co. 185 J. Moir and Co., clothiers 158 Alexander Kilgour, of Balmedie 101 Elijah Burwell, jeweller 187 Gifford and Sop,. carvers 156 W.J. Lumsden Pirie, h. Entry to Market 189 Peter Beveridge, h. 154 Patrick Brebner, of Lairney 103 John Barron, advocate ... Robert Beveridge, M.D. 152 Miss Diamond-street branches ... Alexander Ross, advocate ... Mrs. Kenneth Stewart off William Stephen ... William Speid, advocate 191 Thos. Baird, cabinetmakers 150 ... Edmond, advocate ... Murray and M'Combie 193 George B. Both well, h. James ... Ferguson Smith, clerk ... A. Cruickshank, hosier, /*. ... Mrs. Isabella Morice 105 A. Cruickshank and Co. 195 William Andrew, druggist 148 James Jamieson, M.D. 197 Laurie, bookbinder, &c. Union-terrace branches off 107 George Jamieson, jeweller I W. 140 NEW STREET DIRECTORY".

Union-street-bridge intervenes 56 Aberdeen Central Academy 31 Alex Low (M. L. & Co.), ft. 138 Aberdeen ... Hotel D. Sinclair, teacher 33 Nathaniel Farquhar, adv., ft. 136 John Ford, china merchant ... William Duffus, hotel 35 Miss Dingwall Fordyce ... John Veitch, manager 54 Robert S. Willock, hotel 37 John Geddes, M.D. Belmont-street branches off ... Thomas Ruxton, advocate 39 George Ogilvie, M.D. 132 John Barnett, cabinetmaker ... John Drummond, bootmaker John Shepherd, Waterhouse ... Miss Greig, lodgings ... John Ferguson, advocate 52 C. J. G. Duguid, ft. ... John Mollison ... James Ferguson, advocate 50 William Thorn, ft.

130 Mrs. Charles Robb 52 William Walker, wine mer. ... Miss Thorn ... Mrs. Miller, lodgings M'Combie's-court branches off 48 Misses Still of Millden ... Patrick Cooper, advocate, ft. 50 John Smith, bookseller 40 Dr. James Moir ... G. A. Aberdein, traveller 48 James Roy, jun., seedsman 38 James Edward and Co. ... John and George Paterson ... John Roy, nursery seedsman 36 John Warren, surveyor 125 John Lyell, gunmaker 46 Gall and Bird, clothiers Rose-street branches off 126 John Nicol, tailor 44 J. and S. Macbeth 34 John Bruce, sharebroker, ft. 124 George Sinclair, teller 42 James G. Fleming ... Mrs. Bruce ... 40i Miss Elizabeth Cameron p. ami g. Brown 32 J. Barnett, cabinetmaker, ft. ... Mrs. Thomas Cruickshank 40 James Forbes and Sons 24 Mrs. M'Kenzie 122 James Allan and Sons 38 Jamieson and Mitchell 22 Stephen Balfour, M.D. Advocates'-hall ... Johnston and Laird, tailors Chapel-street branches off. William Gregory, keeper 36 Miss Bruce 20 William L. Smith, grocer James Brebner, advocate ... Mrs. Captain Jamson 18 William Burness, chemist George Grub, advocate 34 Samuel Martin, hatter 14 Roderick Adam, baker, A. 16 Inland Revenue Office 32 Philip and Cooper, clothiers 8 James Keith, druggist, ft. 10 Bach-wynd branches off 30 Caledonian Clothing Depot 6 John Black, grocer St. Nicholas Cemetery 28 William Russel, confectioner 4 Misses Sband Correction-wynd- stairs 26 M. A. Levy, tailor 2 Mrs. Forsyth 106 William Smith, jun. 24 Hugh Fraser, clothier 104 George Pegler, 22 fruiterer Daniel Gray, merchant, ft. Union Row, 102 Mrs. Rennie, lodgings 20 Alexander Steele, hatter ... Alexander White, h. Broad-street branches off From Union-street to Sum- 100 John Tocher, clothier 18 Alexander Russell, tailor mer-street. 96 Smith & Cochran, advocates 16 Charles Fraser and Co. 7 R. Ness, coachbuilder, ft. 13 ... David Paterson, agent, h. 14 Alexander Yule, ironmonger ... Patrick Singer, clerk, ft. ... Miss Ross, lodgings 12 Alexander Badenoch, tailor ... Miss Singer, dressmaker 94 Benjamin Reid and Co. 8 Samuel Maclean, bookseller 9 Miss Fraser of Fraserfield 92 Lockhart and Salmond 6 Brown Gibson, tailor 90 Mrs. William Wilson 11 James Jamieson, grocer, ft. 13 Alexander H. Ness ... John Green, cashier, h. Union Lane, 27 David Davidson, ft. ... William Henderson, C.E. 38 Alex. Alexander, jun. ... Thomas Reid, advocate From Union-street to Guest- 36 A. Chalmers, shoemaker, ft. 88 James Berry, watchmaker row. 32 Miss Clark, dressmaker 86 James Duffus, confectioner 6 James Fraser, tailor 26 Miss Watson, milliner 84 Chas. Playfair, gunmaker, h. ... E. Thorn, painter ... Robert Fyfe, gardener 82 Alexander Troup, tailor A. house ft. 24 Alexander ft. 80 Gill and Smith, watchmakers ... Charles Fraser, tailor, Falconer, ... William Keith, slater 78 Mathieson's millinery rooms ... William Ewen, tailor 7 Arthur Fraser, inn ... Robert Middleton, builder ... Miss Roy, milliner 76 Smith and Cardno, seedsmen .. George Falconer, ft. 22 James Trail, wright, ft. 74 Mrs. Alexander Gordon Union Place, ... George Wood, clerk ... John Kay, chemist, h. From Union-street to Alford- 12 Alexander Leslie ... J. Milne (A. Fraser & Co.), A. Thomas Alexander, ft. ... William Rattray, chemist, K place. ... Mrs. J. Clark, lodgings 1 Captain William A. Skene 72 Angus Fraser and Co. 3 Hardy Robinson, ft. Union Terrace, St. Nicholas-street branches off 5 Mrs. Adam Gray 70 Charles Playfair, From Union-bridge to Skene- gunmaker 7 Mrs. Stuart of Inchbreck, &c. 68 Thos. terrace. Thomson, gunmaker 9 William Watson 66 James Clark, clothier 11 Mrs. Lindsay 2 Clements Lumsden, ft. 1 64 Alexander Milne, ft. 13 John Hall, warehouseman, ft. ... John Robertson, writer ... Mrs. J. Webster, lodgings 15 Professor David Gray 3 Miss Lambert, ladies' school ... Lambert Barron, advocate 17 Thomas Sangster, adv. ft. 7 D. B. Preston, ft. ... John Webster 19 Alexander B. Whyte, ft. 8 Peter Clelaud, artist ... Mrs. Milne, lodgings 21 George Collie, ft 9 Robert Smith, surgeon ... Mrs. Catanach, lodgings Maitland, late 11 23 John mercht. Alex. Smith, civil-engineer . ... Miss Mavor, lodgings 25 John Yeats, advocate, h. 12 Wm. Clark, late ironmonger 62 Archibald Hossack 27 Thomas Best, late banker 14 Charles Chalmers, ft. 58 William Lumsden, merchant 29 Mrs, Leslie of Memsie 16 Mrs. Captain Carmichael 5


19 Wood, clerk, A. E. M. Cornwall, lithographer Joseph Upperkirkgate, ... Mrs. Joseph Wood, lodgings William Bain, banker, h. 20 John Munro, late inspector From Broad-street to School- City of Glasgow Bank Fraser, h, 21 Lieutenant Wm. Anderson hill. Hugh ... James Cran, constable Paterson, lodgings 21| John Nicol, tailor, h. 5 Mrs. Victoria Place. 22 Miss Gordon, lodgings ... Mrs. T. A. Boulton, h. 28 Misses Mackay 7 Hugh Deverly, watchmaker Wales- street. 29 Mrs. Nairne 9 John Grant, grocer 3 George Collie, shipmaster 32 Miss M. Millar, dressmaker 13 J. Stewart, jun., flesher, h. ... Geo. Chalmers, shipmaster ... Mrs. Emslie, lodgings ... Mrs. Anderson, sick-nurse ... John Airth, shoemaker, h. ... David Monro 1 John Murray and Son, agents 34 John Davidson, merchant, h. 17 Mrs. Pirie, lodgings Mitchell, teacher, h. ... Miss Miller, dressmaker 19 William Victoria Street West, ... John Macbeth, h. ... Boys' and Girls' Hospital From Albyn-place to Skene- ... Miss Moir ... Miss Milne, matron street-west. ... Mrs. M'Nie, lodgings 21 George Booth, spirit dealer 35 T. Gibson, shuttle-maker. 23 James A. Burnett, merchant 7 Miss Macfarlane Andrew Donald, late baker 36 Miss Medd, teacher 25 ... Mrs. Alexander Macfarlane Webster, mealseller ... John Emslie, coppersmith, /;. 27 James 9 Miss Malcolm h. ... Mrs. Anderson, lodgings 29 John Symon, 29£ 11 Miss Gordon 37 James Dick, merchant 29 j John Smith, tailor, h. 13 Bev. Daniel Dewar, D.D. 38 Mrs. M'Donald, lodgings 31 Alexander Barnett 15 George Donald, painter, h. ... Miss M'Queen ... Mrs. Barnett, corset-maker 17 T. Thomson, gunmaker, h. h. 40 ... Miss Smith, dressmaker 33 Misses Walker, 19 Misses Brown 39 Mrs. John Paterson ... Peter Massie, shoemaker 21 William G. Maclean ... Misses Urquhart, milliners 37 George Morrison, merchant 25 James Forbes, cashier, h. Alexander Turriff, h. ... Barnet M'Donald 39 ... Miss Davidson John Booth, watchmaker ... George Paterson, h. 41 ... Wm. Thomson, traveller, h. David Ogg, basketmaker, h. ... George Mitchell, h. 43 ... Miss Smith Alexander Bennie, painter ... John and Geo. Paterson, h. 45 ... Miss Johnston, teacher bookseller 4d John Tennant, overseer, h. 47 John Ogilvie, 27 James Paull, advocate, h. A. Masson, auctioneer, h. 49 ... Mrs. Tennant, lodgings 51 ... David White, late tanner Gilbert Martin, hairdresser ... Mrs. Shirriffs, milliner 53 ... Miss Davidson 42 Mrs. Turner 52 A'exander Scott, shoemaker 29 Alex. Douglas, shipmaster William Catto 43 Miss Carter 50 ... Mrs. Scarth Miss Catto ...... Miss Cruickshank 48 John Kelly 31 John Craig, builder Union Wynd, J. and D. Monro ...... Mrs. Mair, lodgings Alexander Mennie, mercht. From Union-row to Summer- 46 33 James Meston, accountant, h. street. 44 Mrs. Coutts, lodgings 35 Samuel Anderson, clerk, h- Bobert Ferguson, dyer, h. 40 42 ... William Chalmers, />. 1 W. Stephen, cabinetmaker George Duncan, optician 40 ... James Grant, clerk, h. ... Miss Stephen Mrs. Duncan, lodgings ...... Mrs. Anderson 5 Wm. Anderson, builder confectioner 38 William Bussel, 37 J. M'Kinnon, coachmaker 34—36 Wm. Sinclair, druggist ... Mrs. Joseph Neil 34^ James Walker, bookseller Upper Denburn, ... Mrs. Milne F. Fiddes, shoemaker, h. 30 32 ... Alexander D. Milne, h. Jack's- From Spa-street to 30 Mrs. Goodbrand, lodgings George T. Harvey, clerk branches brae. Drum's-lane off 39 W. Chalmers, corn merchant 24 Farquhar and Gill, painters Fowler 7 John Taylor, h. 12 ... Mrs. 20 John A. Machray William Tait ... Mrs. Beattie, midwife ... Mrs. 18 Wm. Shirras, tinsmith 27 J. Morgan, hairdresser, h. 41 Mrs. Kennedy 16 Mrs. Duffus, confectioner h. 45 ... Mrs. Thomson, midwife 47 George Cay, grocer, ironmonger 14 B. Mortimer, Fraser, h. 49 William Smith, blacksmith /(. ... William 10 John Fiddler 51 Alexander Jessieman 43 Miss Bichardson 6 Mrs. Brown, lodgings 65 Mrs. Falconer, grocer ... Mrs. Captain Clyne ... James Skene, carver 24 Alex. Badenoch, tailor, h. ... Alexander Bae ... Peter Gellen, bootmaker 22 J. Sutherland, grocer, h. 24 ... Miss Malcolm 4 Peter Baeburn, baker slater 20 Miss Beid ... John Cummiug, ... Leslie Clark and Son 18 George Trail, jun. grocer, h. 49 Mrs. Knox 2 Leslie Clark, h. clerk, h. 14—15—16 Bobt. Beid, mercht. ... John C. Walker, ... John Clark, h. clothier, h. 10 T. W. Tough, shoemaker, h. 51 James Moir, Skene, h. 2 Caesar Altria, glass-blower, h. 53 Alexander writer, h. James Knowles, flesher Victoria Court, ... Henry Oliphant, William Paterson and Co. ... William Davidson, h. 54 Castle-street. James Joss, wright ... Bev. William Cooper Miss Stott, teacher George Cornwall, printer 55 Mrs. Norrie 142 NEW STREET DIRECTORY.

55 Miss Maclagan 18 Wm. Dalgarno, tailor John Gibb and Son

... Mrs. P. M'Farlane ... George Nicol, shoemaker Alexander G. Bower, ft. 57 David Morrison 16 Miss Leslie, milliner Footdee Association's Pro- 59 Wm. Naughton, shipmaster 14 Wm. Christie, shipmaster vision Storehouse ... Mrs. Pape 12 Bobb Brothers and Co. Mrs. Anderson, lodgings ... Mrs. Captain Stephen 10 George Hiscote Mrs. Farquhar ... Captain David Stephen Bev. James Gray, teacher David Bodney, vintner

... Robert Stephen Alexander Duthie, ft. 52 B. Latter, professor of music 80 Thos. Howling, Wales Street, shipmaster 48 George Walker, bookseller, /; John Cargill, shipmaster 46 Mrs. E. Gray From Park-street to Victoria- Mrs. Boaden, lodgings 44 Mrs. M'Gregor place. John Duffus, ship chandler ... H. B. M'Gregor 78 J. Lyon, licensed victualler 1 John Sharp, spirit dealer 42 BobertMiddleton, builder, /<. James Wishart, carver 40 Andrew Crane, shipowner 7 Mrs Leith Aberdeen Steam Navigation 32 Mrs. Andrew Oldman William Allan, spirit-dealer Company 28 Miss Lydia Ann Barclay Mrs. Mitchell, midwife 30 Professor G. G. M'Lean, h. John Grant, flesher, h. 26 Miss Carr George Ross, feuar Waterloo Street, James Bate, spirit-dealer 18 Mrs. Captain M'Donald From Garvock-street to George Yeoman 12 Alexander R. Walker, h. Waterloo-quay. William Collie, painter, h. Andrew Spark, flesher, h. 1 Bobert Scorgie, spirit dealer Virginia Street, William Abel, h. ... Mrs. Craig, vintner Mrs. Leask, grocer 7 William Smith, hairdresser From Commerce- st. to Weigh- James Middleton 59 Jean Copland, stoneware mer. house-square William Findlay, shoemaker 68 James Clark, shipmaster John Watt, storekeeper, h. Alexander Reid, h. 5 Alexander Leslie, brewer Williamson and Simpson Wm. Duthie, shipowner, fu ... A. Cowie and Co., brewers William Williamson, h. Peter Stewart, vintner 13 Bobert Williams, cooper Miss Williamson ... John Wilkin, cooper S3 Mrs. Williamson ... J. Williams & Sons, coopers George Williamson, h. Waverly Place. ... Charles Williams Mrs. Bobert Beverly From Victoria-street-west to 19 Mrs. Bait, spirit dealer William Beverly, h. 21 Bev. Bobert Blackwood Rubislaw. Alexander Philip, draper 23 Christie, A. shipmaster architect, h. John Gray, flesher, h. 7 Wm. Ramage, ... John Christie, shipmaster ... Chas. (of S. R.), h. Donald M'Taggart, h. Ramage & 47 Peter Chalmers, h. 46 Thomas Webster 9 Norval Clyne, advocate, h. 51 Mrs. Bobertson, midwife Alexander Morison, jun. 11 John Ferguson, advocate, ft. 57 Alex. Harper, grocer, h. 55 E. W. Von Laer John Angus, advocate, h. 59 Herman Ganson, shipmaster William Begg, flesher, h. 61 John Harper, mealseller John Ironside, clerk 67 Wm. Baiker, shipmaster Weigh-house Square, John Leslie, shipmaster 69 Alex. Taylor, shipmaster William Taylor, clerk Quay. ... Robert Eddie, maltster Mrs Leith, late of Ellon ... Thomas Parrot, shipmaster 4 William Steel, grocer John Pringle, saddler, h. 73 Alex. Yeoman, day patrol 9 Robert Catto, vintner Bobert Duncan, millwright ... James Duthie, night patrol 10 Robert Brown, shore-porter Alexander B. Dyer, h. 11 ... And. Linklater, shipmaster Simon M'Leod, grocer Mrs, Norris 79 George Forrest, carter 17 John Begg, distiller James Palmer, shipmaster ... George Stott, shipmaster Cumming and Boss George Marr, h. 68 —70 Geo. Saunders, grocer Alexander Milne 66 Miss Simpson, milliner John Brunton, shipmaster Well Court, ... James M'Lean, shipmaster John Walker, plasterer, h. ... John D. Mowat, fishmonger 14 Broad-street. 64 James Abel, baker, h. 66 2 John Walker, clerk 62 Mrs. Gellan, dressmaker Water Lane, ... James Brownie, paper-ruler ... Alex. Gellan, precentor, h. to Virginia-st. 60 James Johnston, mealseller From Quay 56^- George Thompson, flesher 2 William Boss, tailor Wellington Place, 56 John Moir and Son 14 Miss Jane Fordyce From Union-place to South- 52 Alex. Craig, shipmaster bridge. 50 George Bennie, grocer

46 Mrs. B.Gordon, midwife Waterloo Quay, 1 James Black, /;. 30 John Milne, blacksmith 2 John Dun, teacher, h. From Waterloo-street to York 26 John Moliison, grocer ... John Moliison, baker, h. 5 place 22 Edward Ennew, shipmaster ... Mrs. Beid ... David Petty, shipmaster 67 George Philip, /'. ... Miss Smith NEW STREET DIRECTORY. 143

5 Miss Barbara Law, grocer 188 Mrs. Elmslie, staymaker, 35 William Duff, grocer

6 Marianus Massie, It. ... Miss Elmslie, lodgings 45 George Brand, carter 12 John A. Findlay, h. 10 184 George Watson, cartwright 49 Ar. Law, spirit dealer, h. 51 14 Mrs. Yeats 178 Simon Brown, h. 176 63 J. Anderson, plumber, h. 60 Miss Robertson, teacher 176 Thomas Rutherford, 03 John Emslie, coppersmith

Leslie Durno, mealseller ... J. Scott, house carpenter 71 George Watson, saw trimmer 168 William Wilson, h. 170 73 Mrs. Munro, provision seller 162 Gray, Watt, and Co. 74 William Petrie, baker Wellington Street, 112 W. Gilbert, criminal officer ... Miss Petrie, dressmaker Brewster Mrs. From Waterloo-quay to Links. 110 Adam and 74 Straith 108 James Forbes and Co. 68 John Michie, tinsmith 1 Thomas Anderson, h. 84 George Laird, shoemaker ... William Clark, blacksmith 39 James Whitecross, h. 78 Thomas Leith, spirit dealer 66 G. Ewen, cabinet-turner, h.

43 David Buehan, blacksmith ... John Nicol, spirit dealer ... George Donald, clerk 45 Miss Hall, bonnet-maker 76 Mrs. Cruickshank 62 David Coutts, grocer, k. 58

A. Hull, wood measurer ... Alexander Cruickshank, h, 58 Alexander Coutts James Wishart, h. 68 David Jaffray, mealseller 54 John M'Conoehie Patrick Allan, shipmaster 66 Alexander Pirie, engineer 48 Archibald Knowles John Duthie, jun., h. 64 Robert Milne, brewer, h. 46 Mrs. Brand Mrs. Davidson, lodgings ... James Anderson, farmer, h. 44 Peter Forrest, mealseller James Allan, shipmaster 52 John M'Robbie, grocer 36 A. Morgan, hairdresser, h. 34 Robertson, h. John ... John Robertson, grocer 18 M.Golipher, chimney-sweep Robert Scott, engineer 50 John Simpson,"groeer 2 John Bell, cooper Andrew Davidson 36 James Adam, /*. John Legge, stonecutter George Boddie, shipmaster ... Mrs. Fraser, spirit dealer Alex. M'Donald, h. 32 George Stevenson Windsor Place, Alexander Forbes, 26 James M'Pherson, stabler Alexander Ross, clerk, h. 16 John Walker, h. 36 From Thistle- lane to Victoria- John Newton, shipmaster 14 Milne and Marshall grocers street-west. Mrs. Sword, vintner 12 W. M'Donald, spirit dealer 1 Mrs: Macandrew Mrs. Nicol, vintner 8 James Stephen, stabler 2 John Milne, clerk of police Robert Alexander 4 William Smith, hairdresser Mrs. James Cargill W. G. Maclean, Customs 2 Mrs. Skene, paper mer., h. 1 Alexander Adamson ... William Shirres and Co. R. Robertson, ropemaker Windy Wynd, West North Street. From Gallowgate to Spring- garden. From East North-street to Whitehouse Street, 15 John Smith, grocer Mounthooly. From Chapel-street to Skene- ... John Henderson, tailor place. 9 A Robertson, grocer 21 George Mutch, spirit dealer 13 Peter Divorty, grocer 3 Miss Robertson, teacher 22 William Robertson 15 George Burrell, shoemaker 1 1 Miss Cormack, dressmaker 10 William M'Pherson 25 James Forbes, clerk ... John Air, plough-wright ... Arthur Clark, feuar 27 Hay Mercer, watchmaker 15 Mrs. Thomas Meston 6 Mrs. Forbes, pro. merchant 31 James Middleton, mealseller 25 Mrs. Charles Esson, lodgings 37 Simpson Shepherd 27 Mrs. Fraser Woolmanhill, „. James Farquharson 37 John Fraser, watchmaker, h. 39 W. Leslie, grocers, It. 41 W.& 41 James Black, builder From Schoolhill to Steps of 43 James Cassie, carriers' porter 43 Mrs. George Angus Gilcomston. porter ... John Cassie, carriers' 46 William Ritchie and Co., h. 17 Miss E. Lumsden, broker 61 Mrs. Garden, spirit dealer 44 Miss Humphrey dealer 21 William Christiej wright, h. 63 John Campbell, spirit 40 Gavin Low, h. 67 William Milne, mealseller 33 Alexander Munro, tailor ... Low and Chalmers, builders ... James Kerr, painter, h. 75 James Hall, carter 38 John Tough, wright 35 William Morgan, hairdresser 77 Alexander Hutcheon 32 David Smith, clerk 37 Rice, shoemaker ... Alex. Gray, ropemaker, h. Adam ,.. Mrs. Alexander Smith 81 Gordon and Smith 39 John Leslie, manufacturer ... Mrs. Calder, lodgings John M'Pherson 43 Johnston Pirie 83 ... Alexander Shewan, gardener 45 George Midgeley 91 Wm. Malcolm, h. 71 18 John Peterkin, wright Smith, h. 59 William Craigmill, grocer 95 Thomas ... Miss Peterkin, milliner 51 James Laing, chemist, h. 50 ... Smith & Gordon, contractors 101 William Bowman, carter 55 Miss Elizabeth Miller 79 A. and W. Stark, fleshers, h. ... Mrs. Paterson, cookshop Windmillbrae, Donald, ploughmaker 87 John Smith, grocer, h. 89 183 John From Green to Crown-street. 187 William Mathers 89 Charles Smith, tailor, h. 195 James Bain, grocer 3 Alex. Booth, chimiiey-sweep 91 G. Connon and Co., brokers 190 G. Nicol, overseer 25 John Ross, grocer 93 Alexander Machray, dyer 188 William Elmslie 29 John Ferguson, tailor 90 James Green, clothier, h. 88 144 NEW STREET DIRECTORY.

74 James Reith, gardener 31 William Cormack, grocer John Nicol, teacher 72 John Harris, spirit dealer 18 James Gerrie, h, Alex. Hall and Sons 70 David Imray, h. 68 William Duthie, shipowner Catto, Thomson, and Co. 66 George Day, night patrol Mrs. Gray, vintner James Hall 52 James Sherriffs, grocer Wm. Simpson and Co. 48 William Rattray, chemist 50 Mrs. Tulloch, lodgings J. Duffus, ship-chandler, h. ... William Hall 48 Christian Menzies James Gray, jun., flesher, A. 54 John Skinner, boatbuilder ... Mrs. William Willox Alex. Sievewright, wright 44 David Main, shipmaster ... Mrs. Dalgarno, sick- nurse 42 Mrs. Jenkins, grocer 42 George Mitchell and Co. 34 Alex. Mackie, shipmaster 34 Henry Jackson, M.D. York Street, 32 Wm. M'Kenzie, gardener 28 John M'Kirdy, clockmaker 16 George Garden, vintner 26 James Watson, grocer, h. 24 From Wellington-street to 8 Thomas Leslie, late carter 22 William Strachan, h. 24 North-side of building yard. 4 William Anderson 18 James Johnston, tailor, h. 20 2 Robert Reid 1 Mrs. Watt, spirit dealer 7 Donaldson Rose and Co. ... William Rose, h. Young Street, Yeats Lane, 9 Archibald Cook, spirit dealer From Gallowgate to Loch- Canal-terrace to 13 John Gordon, cooper From Sum- street. mer-lane. ... James M'Carthie, boatman ... Lewis Fyfe, blockmaker 5 Alexander Davidson, h. 9 John Stuart, shipmaster, h. 17 Mrs. Mill, vintner 9 Alexander Cairney 8 George Crnickshank, h. 19 William Baxter, engineer 13 Alexander Paul 21 George Hughes, carver 1 1 James Crombie, h. ... James COnnan, vintner 33 James Davidson, plasterer York Place, 35 Mrs. Anderson, spirit dealer 34 William M'Kenzie 41 Mrs. Peter Ligertwood Davidson, From Waterloo-quay to York- 32 Wm. plasterer .. Mrs. Captain Howling ... Mrs. Davidson, lodgings street 43 George Allan, shipmaster 24 Misses Allan, dressmakers

25 Robert Johnston, merchant 45 William Ligertwood, h. ... J. Wishart, organ-builder

27 Robert Parrot, shipmaster 109 Wm. Reid, late shipbuilder ... Mrs. Allan, lodgings

... Alex. Ganld, shipmaster ... William Reid, shipmaster 14 G. Robb, wholesale grocer 29 David Copland, merchant Alexander Birnie, vintner ... Alex. Milne of Pittrichie CORNWALL'S


18 5 3-54.

Cooper, Patrick, 16 King-street Accountants. Coutts, John, 16^ Constitution- street

I Daniel, Alexander, 25 Belmont-street Dickie, John, W. Duthie's, Waterloo-quay ; Davidson, John, 47 Marischal-street Fletcher, Robert, 17 Huxter-row j Davidson, P. and A., 1 Bon-accord-street Lunan, William, Aberdeen Railway Duncan, John, 8 Castle-street Maitland, William, 83 Union-street I Dunn, John, 9 St. Nicholas-street Marquis, George, 147 Union-street Duthie, Alexander, 11 Market-street Masson, Andrew, 4 Queen-street Duthie, William, 115 Union-street Meston, James, 233 Union-street Dyce, Robert, 3 Queen-street Milne, Alexander, 72 Wales-street l Edmond, Francis, 22 Adelphi Milne, George, Commercial Bank [

i Edmond James, 150 Union-street, Morison, John, City of Glasgow Bank Queen-street ! Ewen, Thomas, 20 Riddel, Thomas (Savings Bank), Milburn-street -wynd I Farquhar, Robert, 2 Correction Riddel, James, 25 Marischal-street Farquhar, Nathaniel, Record Office, King-street Sim, Alexander, Bank of Scotland, 34 Cartle-st. j i Ferguson, James, 54 Union-street Sim, George, Aberdeen Bank Ferguson, John, 54 Union-street Sinclair, James A., 245 Union-street

i Fleming, John, 12 King-street Smith, John, 233 Union-street and Paul, 12 King-street j Fleming Smith, Francis, North of Scotland Bank Fraser, Alexander, Town-house Stables, Alexander, jun., Scottish Provincial Office, King-street ! Gordon, Alexander, Record Assurance Co. Gordon, Francis, Record Office, King-street Steele, William, 58 Castle-street Gordon and Hunter, 14 Adelphi Stracban, Alexander, Adam and Anderson Grant, George, 10 King-street Yeats, Alexander, 123^ Union -street j Grigor and Reid, 7 King-street Advocates'-buildings, Union-st. j Grub, George, St. Nicholas- street Advocates. \ Henderson, Alexander, 26 Jopp and Shand, 31 Gallowgate Adam and Anderson, 75 Union-street Keith, David, Town-house Adam, Robert, 40 King-street Leask, James, 32 Queen-street Adam, William, jun., 62 Skene-street Ledingham, Robert, 52 King-street Allan, George, 1 Marischal-street Ligertwood, John, 4 Correction- wynd Allan, John, 17 Marischal-street Lunisden, Clements, 2 Union-terrace ; Angus, John, Town-house M'Donald, Alexander, 245 Union-street Bannernian, Patrick, Albert-street : M'Kinnon, Lauehlan, 37 Broad-street Barron, John, 103 Union-street M'Kinnon, Lauehlan, jun., 83 Union-street Barron, Lambert, G4 Union-street Massie, Marianus, Trinity-hall, Union-street Blaikie, John and Anthony, 245 Union-street Meston, Alexander, 56 Castle-street Brebner, James, Advocates'-buildings Mitchell, David, 12 Adelphi-court Bryce, James, 12 Adelphi-court Milne, John Duguid, sen. and jun., 129 Union- Burnett, Thomas and Newell, 25 Belmont-street Miller, James A., 123£ Union-street [street Cadenhead, Alexander, John, and George, 9 Morice, David Robert^ 34 Marischal-street Huxter-row Murray and M'Combie, 103 Union-street Cameron, Andrew J., 6 Broad-street Murray and Garden, 50 Schoolhill Cattanach, D. G., 56 Castle-street Ogg, William Frederick, 11 Adelphi-court Chivas, Alexander, 42 Castle street Paterson, John, 2 Guestrow Chalmers and Farquhar, 147 Union-street Paul, James, 12 King-street Clark, John, 3 Queen-street Philip, Colin Allan, 15 King-street Clerihew, Francis, M'Combie's-court Rainnie, George, 11 Burnett's-close Clyne, Norval, 245 Union-street Reid, Thomas, 90 Union-street Collie, James, St. John's-court, 38 Castle-street Reid, William (of Grigor and Reid) T 146 NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY.

Robison, William, 58 Castle-street Ross, Alexander, 103 Union-street Architects. Ross, William, 20 Belmont-street Davidson, William, Strawberrybank Ruxton, Thomas, 54 Union-street Henderson, James, 120 Loch-street Sangster, Thomas, 37 Broad-street Henderson, William, and Son, 66 Loch-street Simpson, Alexander, 27 Belmont-street Knight, William, 11 Union-buildings Simpson, Alexander, jun., 56 Bon-accord -street Leslie, William, 8 Golden-square Simpson, James, 17 Huxter-row Mackenzie and Matthews, 24 Adelphi Simpson, William, 56 Bon-accord-street Miller, David, 25 Bon-accord-street Skinner and Wilsone, 201 Union-street Ramage, William, 115 Union-street Smith and Cochran, 96 Union-street Smith, William, 142 King-street Smith, John, 233 Union-street Speid, William, 103 Union-street Stronach and Grainger, 20 King-street Artists. Stuart, John, 87 Crown-street Torrie, Alexander, 75 King-street Aiken, James, 120 Chapel-street Watt, John, 2 Correction-wynd Cassie, James, 32 Adelphi Webster, Alexander and John, 42 King-street Cleland, Peter, 8 Union-terrace Thistle-street Winchester, Charles, 171 Crown- street Donald, Ernst, 34 Yeats and Flockhart, 84 King-street Frederick, Herr, 21 Market-street Yeats and Whyte, 48 King-street Giles, James, R.S.A., 64 Bon-accord-street Jazdowski, John, 120 Crown-street Mitchell, John, 119 Crown-street Munro, Robert, 69 Bon-accord-street Agents. Niddrie, William, 24 Frederick- street Paul, Robert E., 18 Bon-accord- lane Asher, James, 115 Union-street Russel, George, 4 Dee-street Batten, Abraham, 7 Adelphi Stirling, John, 5 Broadford-bank, Kingsland-pl. Clark, William. 8 King-street Wilson, George, 23 Crown- street Crombie, James, Back-wynd Winkley James, 8 Skene-street Connon, Richard, and Co., 62 Gordon-street Duncan, George, 39 Netherkirkgate Auctioneers. Elsmie, George, and Son, 4 Regent-quay Gray, James, 58 Marischal-street Baxter, Andrew, 33 Frederick-street Grant, Charles, 15 Mealmarket-street Brown, P. aud G., 40| Union-street Hunter, William, 115 Union-street Craigen, James, 29 Gallowgate Jamieson, John, 56 Marischal-street Elmslie, R. J., 29 Union-street Kennedy, James John, 56 Marischal-street Grant, Charles, 15 Mealmarket-street Kilpatrick, George, 48 East North-street Ironside, Patrick, 47 Broad-street M'Lauchlan, John, 3 James-street M'Alpine, William, 58 Broad-street M'Laren, John, 25 Gallowgate Masson, Alexander, 51 Upperkirkgate M'Taggart, Donald, 13 Regent- quay Montgomery, Francis, 27 Gallowgate Mather, John, 19 Adelphi Martin, Alexander, 4 Carmelite-street Milne, William, 61 St. Nicholas-street Bakers. Murray, John, and Son, 15 Upperkirkgate Abel, James, 64 Virginia-street Ness, Alexander H., 13 Union- row Adam, Roderick, 14 Union-place Paterson, David, 30 Marischal-street Anderson, David, 215 Gallowgate Pirie, David, Crown-court, Union-street Baxter, Thomas, 29 Chapel-street, and 23 Base- Rhind, John, 28 Broad-street ment-floor, New-market Robb, Brothers, and Co., 59 Marischal-street, Begg, William, 3 and 5 Frederick-street, and 62 and 12 Virginia-street Schoolhill Rough, William, 27 Castle-street Bothwell, Alexander, Holburn-street Rust, Alexander, 32 Adelphi-court Bruce, John, 8 George-street Sheed, John, 44 Marischal-street Buchan, Robert, 76 Green Singer, Adam, 84 Broad-street Campbell, Alexander, 3 Yeats-lane Smith, Alexander, 38 King-street Clark, Henry, 25 Park-street Smith, William, 38 King-street Croll, Francis, 55 St. Nicholas street Stevenson, William, 5 Belmont-street Croll, George, 70 King-street Stewart, Thomas, 19 Union-buildings Croll, John, 67 George-street Stratton, James, 43 Marischal-street Eddie, Alexander, 6 Commerce-street Thom, A. and W., 21 Quay Edward, Simpson, 54 Gallowgate Thomson, George, and Son, 21 Regent-quay Ferguson, John, 64 Skene-square Walker, Charles, 39 Marischal-street Forsyth, James, 129 Crown-street Warrack, Hugh M., 34 Marischal-street Forsyth, William, 68, Upper Denburn Warrack, James, 34 Marischal-street French, William, 6 Shiprow Williams, William and Charles, 35 Marischal-st. Garden, George, 32 Schoolhill Wood, George, 43 Dee-street Glennie, George, 17 Crown-street NEW TRADES' AND PROFESSIONS' DIRECTORY. 147

Inglis, James, 32 Gallowgate Milne, James, Flourmillbrae Inglis, William, 67 Broad-street Milne, John, 30 Virginia-street Ireland, James, 81 Bon-accord-street Mitchell, David, 1 Castle-lane Kelly, James, 120 Chapel-street Mitchell, John, 211 Gallowgate Kinaness, Johri, 147 George-street, and 27 Nicolson, Alexander, 1 Causewayend Basement-floor, New-market Pirie, Andrew and James, and Co., 3 Barnett's- Law, John, 60 Shiprow Reid, Alexander, Ik North Broadford [close M'Donald, William, 41 Park-street Reid, George, 29 Queen-street M'Kenzie, George, 83 Gallowgate Ross, John, 6 Chapel-lane M'Kenzie, James, 66 Queen-street Rowell, Joseph, 16 North Broadford M'Lean, Thomas, 7 Dee-street Sim, Andrew, 5 Catto-square M'Pherson, Alexander, 65 Green Smith, Robert, 306 George-street Mollison, John, 2 Wellington-place Smith, William, 69 Green Muil, Francis, 153 George-street Smith William, 5 Minister's-lane Muil, Mrs. John, 41 Schoolhill Watson, James, 72 Gallowgate Munro, Kenneth, 66 George-street Nicol, Joseph, 10 Exchequer-row Boiler Makers. Petrie, William, 35 Broad-street George-street Proctor, Farquharson, 276 Abernethy, James, and Co., Ferryhill Nicholas-street Raeburn, Peter, 16 St. Blaikie Brothers, Footdee Reid, Archibald, 167 Gallowgate Leslie, Andrew, and Co.. Provost Blaikie's-quay Simpson, James, 126 George-street Simpson, William, and Co., Footdee Singer, George, 45 St. Nicholas-street Stephen, William, 31 Broad-street Warrack, David, 5 Chapel-street Bookbinders. Webster, John, 43 Green Webster, William, 2 Skene-terrace Anderson, William, 167 George-street Williamson, Alexander, I Catto-square Edmond, John, 52 Queen-street Young, William, 23 Hardweird Henderson, Alexander, 2 Broad-street Laurie, William, 197 Union-street Murdoch, Alexander, 36 St. Nicholas-street Basketmakers. Ogilvie, John, 47 Upperkirkgate Wilson, Andrew, 20 Marischal-street Brown, William, 8 Mariscbal-street, and 27 Wilson, Robert, 34 Schoolhill Market-gallery Wilson, John A., 92 Broad-street Ogg, David, 43 Upperkirkgate, and 30 Market- gallery Reynolds, Gordon, 26 Queen-street Booksellers and Stationers. Todd, Alexander, 34 Market-gallery Brown, A., and Co., 77 Union -street Blacksmiths. Clark, George, and Son, 15 Broad-street Courage, Archibald, 7 George-street Abernethy, James, and Co., Ferryhill Davidson, George, 1 King -street Adam, John, Flourmill-lane Fraser, Andrew, New-market-gallery Anderson, William, Flourmill-lane Gray, Alexander, 23 St. Nicholas-street Bate, G., 22 Albion-street Henry, George, 78 Broad-street Robert, St. Nicholas-street Barnett, William, 1 Thistle-street King, George and 28 Beattie, Francis, 8 Barnett's-close Laurie, William, 197 Union- street Blaikie Brothers, Footdee Lindsay, William, 63 Gallowgate Bowman, Arthur, 16 Backwynd Lunan, John, 66 Broad-street Bonnyman, J. and J., 19 Loch-street M'Donald, John, 16 Crown-street Buchan, David, 25 Commerce-street Maclean, Samuel, 8 Union-street Cadger, George, Ruthrieston M'Pherson, William, 59 Broad-street Clark, William, 68 Windraillbrae Milne, A. and R., 9 Union -buildings Dixon, John, and Co., 5 Chronicle-lane Mitchell, William, 55 Union-street Donald, John, 183 West North-street Murdoch, Alexander, 36 St. Nicholas-street Railway Station Fraser, Hugh, 1 Steps of Gilcomston Myles, James, Fyfe, John, Maltmill Ogilvie, John, 47 Upperkirkgate Gerrard, James, 30 John-street Panton, Charles, 33 St. Nicholas-street Johnston, John, 75 Gallowgate Russell, William, 19 Broad-street Laing, William, IS Catharine-street Shepherd, George, 1 Broad street Thornton-place, Guestrovr Leslie, Andrew, and Co., Provost Blaikie's-quny Smith, Alexander, 3 Lyall, Robert, 19 Huxter-row Smith, John, 50 Union-street M'Hardy, John, 15 Back-wynd Smith, Lewis and James, 55 Netherkirkgate M'Hardy, David, 66 Netherkirkgate Stevenson, Alexander, 68 Green M'Intosh, Charles, and Co,, 158 Gallowgate Stevenson, William, 13 St.Nicholas-street Maver. William, 20 Skene-terrace Vessie, James, and Son, 156 Gallowgate Mennie, William, Hoiburn-street Walker, James, 34^ Upperkirkgate 148 NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY.

Wilson, John Alexander, 92 Broad-street Laing, Robert, 46 George-street Wilson, Andrew, 20 Marischal-street Laird, George, 80 Queen-street Wilson, Robert, 34 Schoolhill Law, Samuel, 122 Skene-street Wright, David, 72 Broad-street Leslie, Allan, 29 Wales-street Wyllie, David, and Son, 111 Union -street Leslie, James, 18 Schoolhill Leslie, John, 5 Queen-street Low, Alexander, 37 Causewayend Boot and Shoemakers. M'Bain, John, Ruthrieston Airth, John, 2 Justice-street M'Donald, Robert, 1 Park-street Aiken, James, 63 Broad-street M'Donald, Thomas, 68 St. Clement-street Allan, Thomas, 14 Jopp's-lane M'Farlane, Duncan, 39 East North-street Black, John, 23 Justice-street M'Kenzie, Alexander, 49 East North-street Both well, John, 33 and 35 Broad- street M'Kenzie, Duncan, 1 Crooked-lane Brown, Alexander, 71 George-street M'Kay, G. and P., 3 Gallowgate, Brown, Donald, 13 Dee-street M'Kay, James, 1 Summer-lane Brown, John, 82 Causewayend Mackay, John, 12 Yeats-lane Buck, William, 2 St. Clement-street Martin, Peter, 33 Upperkirkgate Buchan, Alexander, 83 Queen-street Melvin, Alexander, 4 Skene-square Buckner, William, Causewayend Melvin, George, 16 and 18 George-street Burrell, George, 15 West North- street Menzies, John, 8 Woolmanhill Catto, James, 219 Union-street Milne, Alexander, 6 George-street Cadenhead, David, 96 John-street Milne, Alexander, 27 Marischal-street Cameron, William, 10 Skene-street Milne, Andrew, 23 St. Clement-street Campbell, Daniel, 17 Jopp's-lane Milne, James, Holburn-place Campbell, George, 11 Gallowgate Milne, William, 17 Shiprow Campbell, John, 84 Chapel-street Mitchell, Robert, 65 Commerce-street Chalmers, Alexander, 21 Marischal-street Millar, Alexander, 27 Chapel-street Christie, John, 103 George-street Middleton, Benjamin, 50 Regent-quay Clyne, William, & Sons, 22 and 24 Gallowgate Moir, Alexander, 36 St. Andrew-street Cromar, Alexander, 13 Skene-terrace Morison, George, 10 Gordon-street Cruickshank, John, 39 Causewayend Morison, George, 37 Upperkirkgate Davidson, George, 66 Causewayend Monro, J- and D., 48 Upperkirkgate Drummond, John, 54 Union-street Munro, Roderick, 6^ Canal-terrace Drummond, James, 1 Queen-street Murray, John, 15 Causewayend Duncan, William, 12 Skene-street Nicol, George, 18 Virginia-street Duncan and Scott, 25 Broad-street Paterson, John, 14 Catharine-street Duncan, Peter, 26 Schoolhill Paterson, John and George, 130 Union-street Edward, James, and Co., 38 Union-place Petrie, Robert, 120 Skene-street Edward, John, 31, St. Andrew -street Porter, Francis, 30 Gordon-street Farquharson, Thomas, 155 Gallowgate Porter and Leighton, 52 St. Nicholas-street Fiddes, Francis, 32 Upperkirkgate Reid, James, 7 St. Andrew-street Fiddes, Andrew, 60 John-street Reid, Joseph, 86 King-street Findlay, William, 75 Wales-street Riach, Robert, 4 Summer-lane Findlay, Alex., 11 and 17 Broad-street Rice, Adam., 37 Woolmanhill Foote, James, 38 Frederick-street Robb, James, St. Andrew-street Forbes, Grant, 286 George-street Robertson, Robert, 43 George-street Franklin, Hamilton, 5 Netherkirkgate Ross, James, 46 Shiprow Fraser, James, and Son, 115 Union-street Ross, James, Shore-brae Fraser, Thomas, 5 Princes-street Ross, Roderick, 8 St. Clement-street Fyfe, Alexander, 12 Crown-street Roy, James, 41 Castle-street Geddes, James, 14 Causewayend Sang, Thomas, 50 Summer-street Gellen, Peter, 6 Upperkirkgate Scott, Alexander, 52 Upperkirkgate Gillespie, Erskine, 4, 5, and 6 New-market Gal- Scott, George, 36 James-street Gibb, William, 20 King-street (lery Scott and Duncan, 25, Broad-street Grant, David, 3 South Silver-street Scott, James, 10 St. Nicholas-street Gray, Alexander, 1^ Canal-terrace Senter, John, 8 Crown-street Greig, James, 89 Queen-street Simmie, Alexander, 20 Hutcheon-street Harvey, Andrew, 5 Marischal-street Sim, John, 41 Causewayend Harper, William, 237 George-street Sinclair, James, 13 George-street Hay, William, 113 Union-street Smith, George, 62 Broad-street Handyside, George, 3 Broad street Smith, James, Holburn-street Hector, William, Holburn-street Smith, John, Rubislaw Henderson, RobenJ, 80 Skene-street Souper, Charles, Wellington-road Irvine, Alexander, 25 Longacre Spence, Edward and Robert, 13 Broad- street Jaffray, William L., 36 Broad-street Stott, George, 87^ St. Andrew-street Jackson, Wm., Henderson's-court, 46 Broud-st. Stewart, Donald, 15 Huxter-row Jenkins, John, 29 Netherkirkgate Stuart, Gordon, 62 George-street Kerr, William, 249 George-street Stuart, William, 28 Schoolhill NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY. 140

Taylor, James, 6 St. Nicholas-lane M'Kann, John, 31 Lodge-walk, and 12 East Taylor, Robert, 50 Gerrard -street North-street Thompson, James, 53 Broad-street Maguire, Edward, 3 Lodge-walk Theodorson, Theodore, 3 College-street M'Kay, James, 57 Queen-street Tough, Thomas W., 8 Skene-terrace Miller, Miss Elizabeth, 55 Woolmanhill Urquhart, Alexander, Holburn-street Fetrie, Mrs., 44 Queen-street Walker, George, 85 Skene-street Reid, David, 76 and 80 Woolmanhill Watt, Kenneth, 6 South Silver-street Rennie, William, 23 Gallowgate Westland, James, 58 Shiprow Reid, George, 97 Loch-street Wilson, Alexander, 9 Broad-street Reid, John, 26 Justice-street Wilson, William, 168 West North -street Roberts, Robert, Back-wynd Wood, James S., Holburn-street Robb, William, 13 Loch-street Wood, Robert, 3 Crown-street Ronald, Mrs. John, 42 Lodge-walk Yeats, Peter, 54 John-street Parson, Mark, 33 Justice-street Youngson, John, 6 Skene-street Thompson, John, 44 Gallowgate Yule, James, 35 College-street Watson James, 55 East North-street

Book Agents. Brushmakers.

Kellock, Wm., (J. Tallis & Co.), 208 George-st. Chesser, Peter, 14 Huxter-row Maitland, George (Blackie & Son), 40 Broad-st. Donald, Robert, 14 St. Nicholas-street Stuart, Charles, (George^ Virtue & Co.), 123^ Fyfe, John, 22 St. Nicholas-street Union-street Macaldowie, Peter, 53 St. Nicholas-street Morrison, George, 37i George-street Murray, William, 31 Chapel-street Brass Founders, Plumbers, and Gas Fitters. Builders.

( See also Plumbers. ) Anderson, William, 5 Union-wynd Anderson, John, 63 Windmillbrae . Black, James, 41 Whitehouse-street Blaikie, J., and Sons, Littlejohn-street Bruce, William, 63 Causewayend Clunes, Thomas, 196 George-street Buyers, James, and Co., 12 Kidd-lane Farquhar and Gill, Upperkirkgate 24 Chapman, John, 163 George-street Lamb, Alexander, 150 George-street Clark, John, 23 Princes-street Stephen, John, 6 Shoe-lane Clerihew, George, 104 Crown-street Coutts, James, 24 John-street Brewers. Craig, John, 31 Victoria-street- west Donaldson, George, 13 Huxter-row Black, William, and Co., Devanha Ewan, William, and Co., 7 Summer-street Cowie, A. and Co., 5 Virginia street Fraser, John, and Son, John-street Cuddie, Nicolas, 112 Loch-street Geddes, George, 13 Seamount- place Duthie, William, and Co., Holburn-street Gildawie, Alexander, 53 Huntly-street Eddie, Robert, 69 Virginia-street Gracie, James, 59 Huntly-street Gilcomston Brewery Co. Grant and Bisset, 8 Forbes-street, and 110 Loch- James, William, 213 King-street street Milne, Robert, 20 Mealmarket-street Greig, W. and G., Thistle-street Ross, Alexander, 8 Skene-square Henderson, James, 120 Loch-street Wallace, Alexander, and Co., 24 Loch-street Henderson, William, & Son, 66 Loch-street Wallace, Ernest, Hardgate Johnson, Alexander, 32 Thistle-street Low and Chalmers, 40 Whitehouse-street Brokers. Mearns, Robert, 53 Bon-accord-street Middleton, Robert, 24 Union row Adam, William, 16 Marischal-street Mitchell, John, 4 Little Chapel-street Anderson, Mrs., 22 Justice-street Murray, George, 63 Park-street Bain, Robert, 153 Gallowgate Murray, William, 52 Chapel street Baxter, Mrs., 74 Gallowgate Pittendrich, William, 112 John-street Bretner, Alexander, 9 Drum's-lane Rainnie, Alexander, 50 Commerce-street Cairns, William, Church-street Reith, William, 112 Causewayend Carolan, Thomas, 80 East North-street Reid, James, 13 Thornton-place Connon, G., and Co., 91 Woolmanhill Riach, John, 3 Thistle-lane Dow, John, 13 Castlebrae Rothnie, James, 17 St. Andrew-street Dow, Mrs., 8 Park-street Robb, William, 25 Crown-street Duncan, George, 69 Shiprow Ross, John, 116 Skene-street Garden, James, Forbes-court, Green Ross, James, 28 Summer-street Gibson, Thomas, 9 Park-street Warrack and Daniel, 92 John-street Lumsden, Miss E., 17 Woolmanhill Watson, Robert, Nelson-street M'Dougall, John, 53 Causewayend Wishart, Alexander, 64 Gerrard-street 150 NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY.

* Cabinetmakers. Carters. * Those having the are also Upholsterers. Bowman, William, 101 West North-street Adam, Alexander, 14 Wellington-street Brand, George, 45 Windmillbrae Adam, Andrew, 11 Chronicle-court Brand, John, 2 Marywell-street Adam, George, 9 Fish-street Collie, William, 59 Wales-street * Allan, James, and Sons, 122 Union-street Davidson, John, Nelson-lane Allan, William, 42 Dee-street Forest, George, 79 Virginia-street *Baird, Thomas, 191 Union-street Gordon, John, 14 Catherine-street Barnett, Alexander, 31 Upperkirkgate Gordon and Smith, 81 West North-street *Barnett, John, 32 Union-street Hall, James, 75 West North-street Catto, John, 58 Broad-street Milne, John, 3 Fish-street Connel, Thomas, 86 ChapeLstreet Moor, William, 47 Jack's-brae Coutts, George, 88 John-street Robb, James, 46 Jack's-brae *Davidson, David, 131^ Union-street Ellicock, Joseph, 102 King-street Gerard, William, 55 Huntly-street Carvers and Gilders. Greig, John, 129 King-street Findlay, Robert, Windmill -lane *Hutcheon, Alexander, 7 Carmelite-lane Gifford and Son, 187 Union-street *Hutcheon, John, 3 Correction-wynd Hay, James and John, 2 Market-street M'Bean, Daniel, 14 Castle-street Kerr & Bowman, 24 Queen-street M'Donald, James, 31 Castle-street Williamson, James, 6 Carmelite-street M'Intosh, John, and Son, 8 Longacre Masson, Robert, sen., 19 Justice-street Matheson, Jotm, Quaker's-court, 55 Guestrow Chimney Sweeps. Middleton, John, 99 George-street Booth, Alexander, 3 Windmillbrae *Mowat, John, 10 Justice-street Booth, William, Albion-court, 18 Castle-street Murdoch, William, 15 Denburn-terrace Dean, Matthew, 22 Mutton-brae Murray, John, 70 Green Gardiner, William, 11 Park-street *Ogilvie, Alex, and William, 183 Union street Gibson, Charles, 116 Gallowgate Phillips, James, 17 Littlejohn-street Golipher, Michel, 18 Windmillbrae Tlayfair, Alexander, 33 Castle-street M'Connochie, John, 54 Windmillbrae Reid, Donald F.,Thistle-lane, Thistle-street Scott, John, 46 Gallowgate Robertson, Thomas, 73 Gallowgate *Smith, James, 106 King-street *Smith, John, 43^ Castle-street Civil Engineers. *Stephen, William, 150 Union-street Trail, William, Lobban's-court, 29 Castle-street Abernethy, George, 3 Dee-place Trail, James, 22 Union-row Beattie, James F., 2 Bon-accord-square Walker, Alexander R., 45 Bon-accord-street Ferguson, William B., 24 Adelphi Walker, William, 4 Innes-street Gibb, John, and Son, 10 Church-street Will, Thomas, 123^ Union-street Henderson, William, 90 Union-street Youngson, William, 20 Mary well-street Milne, Robert, 177 Union-street

Smith, Alexander, 1 1 Union-terrace Willet, John, 24 Adelphi Candlemakers. Clerks. Bothwell, George B., 25 Justice-street Borthwick, William, 36 East North-street Anderson, Alexander, Strathdee Distillery Fraser, James, 46 Loch-street Anderson, Samuel, Northern Assurance Co. Ogston, Alexander, 86 Loch-street Anderson, William, 13 Skene-terrace Ross, John, 6 Hanover-street Barnett, Robert Murray, 9 Longacre Skinner, P. A., 16 Shiprow Brown, Alexander, Kingsland-place Williamson and Simpson, 79 Wales-street Byrne, Andw. Crane, (Machray, Croall, & Co.) Cadenhead, William, 39 Netherkirkgate Cromar, Charles, coach-office, Queen-street Cart and Plough-wrights. Cumming, Robert, Post-office Dunn, Alexander, 43 Frederick-street Air, John, 11 Whitehouse-street Dunn, John, (A. Hadden and Sons) Connon, Robert, 34 Causewayend Duncan, George, Post-office Dawson, William, Spa-street Farquhar, James, (John Blaikie and Sons) Dustan, William, 1 Skene-street-west Findlay, Robert, (Allardyce and Jopp) Edmond, James, Loch-street Forbes, James, Grandholm Works Lamb, James, Ruthrieston Fraser, J., Seamen's Association, 25 Regent-quay Lamb, James, 2^ North Broadford Fraser, John, Gas Works Rae*, Francis, 62 Skene-street Frater, James, City Chamberlain's Office Watson, George, 184 West North- street Fyvie, John, Post-office NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY. 151

Grant, George, 63 Park-street Brown, James, 2 George-street Grant, James, Stamps and Taxes *Brown and Carr, Exchange-court, Union-st. Gray, Robert, Post-office Cassie, Mrs., 43 Union-street Harvey, George T., Aberdeen Railway Co. *Clark, James, 66 Union-street Home, Robert B., 25 Marischal-street *Collie, George, and Co., 4 St. Catherine's-wynd Hunter, John M'Kenzie, 116 King-street *Collie, Patrick, 37 Union-street Hunter, William, Northern Assurance Co. Connan, James, 27 Union-street Ironside, John, 97 Wales-street *Cooper, Henry, and Co., 47 Union-street Johnstone, Alexander Y., 3 Skene-row *Duguid, James, and Co., 10 Broad-street Keith, James, (M'Donald and Leslie) Dunbar, William, 24 Chapel-street Kennedy, Charles, North of Scotland Bank Dunn, James, 33, 34, and 35 Market-gallery Knowles, James, (Stewart, Rowell, and Co.) Falconer, John, and Co., 23 Union-street Ledingham, A. W., Gas Office Forbes, James, and Sons, 40 Union-street Leslie, George, jun., (G. Leslie, Quay) Forbes, John, 73 Union-street Lyell, Alexander, Customs Fraser, Hugh, 24 and 30 Union-street M'Aldowie, John, 5 King-street Fraser, Charles, and Co., 16 Union-lane M'Aulay, Robertson, (J. Barker and Sons) *Gall and Bird, 46 Union-street M'Lean, John, Harbour Office Grant, John and William, 16 Broad-street Maclean, William, Aberdeen Railway Co. Green, James, 90 Woolmanhill M'Kenzie, Roderick, 2 Correction Wynd Hay, Alexander, 133 Union-street Maconachie, Robert, Stamps and Taxes *Hall, J. 43 Broad-street Macaldowie, Robert, Aberdeen Commercial Co. Lumsden, James, and Co., 117 Union-street Milne, Charles, Aberdeen Railway Co. M'Kenzie, Alexander, and Co., 85 Union-street Milne, George, (Milne, Cruden, and Co.) Marshall, W. and J., 81 Union-street Milne, John, 50 St. Nicholas-street Mathieson, Isaac, 33 Union-street Milne, W. F., City Tax Office Meffet, Mrs. George, 204 Gallowgate Murray, James A., City Tax Office Milne, Alexander, 105 George-street Murray, James, (Farquhar and Gill) *Milne, Low, and Co., 127 Union-street Nicol, James, Harbour Office Milne, R., 25 and 26 West-gallery, New-market Nisbet, William, Commercial Bank Moir, James, and Co., 185 Union-street Park, George, 7 Hutcheon-street Mowat, James, 37 St. Nicholas-street Reid, Duncan, 25 Belmont-street Mowat, William, and Co., 82 Shiprow Riddell, Peter, Harbour Office "Philip and Cooper, 32 Union-street Riddel, William, Town and County Bank *Philip and Kennedy, 17 and 19 Union-buildings Ross, Alexander, (W. Simpson & Co., Footdee.) *Pratt and Keith, 51 and 53 Union-street Robson, William, 21 Seamount-place Reid, Mrs. Peter, 6 Innes-street Roberts, Alexander, 27 Causewayend Ross, Hugh, jun., 4 Broad-street Saunders, David, (Blaikie Brothers) Ross, James, 206 George-street Shirer, William, (A. Hall and Sons) Ross, Mrs. William, 179 Gallowgate Simpson, William, North of Scotland Bank Russell, Alexander, 18 Union-street Singer, Patrick, (D. Wyllie and Son) Rust, David, 7 Broad-street Skakle, George, (Stewart, Rowell, and Co.) Saint, James, jun., 139 Union-street Smith, David, (T. M'Combie and Co.) Sellar, Mrs. T., 54 George-street Smith, Ferguson, 150 Union-street-west Shirres, James, 31 Union-street Smith, John, Aberdeen Railway *Shirres, William, and Co., 67 King-street Smith, John, Steam Navigation Co. Simpson and Whyte, 21 Union-buildings Souter, William, Weighhouse Sinclair, George, 22 Broad-street Stephen, Alexander, (James Black and Co.) Shepherd, William, 182 Gallowgate Stuart, James, Post-office Smith, Andrew, 63 St. Nicholas-street Tarras, Andrew, (Richards and Co.) Spence, James, 28 Castle-street Taylor, William, (Blaikie Brothers) *Taylor, Alexander, 67 Union-street Thom, John, 2 Union-terrace Thomson, James, 192 George-street Walker, James, (J. Smith and Co.) Tilleray, Mrs., 208^ Gallowgate Walker, John, 23 King-street Tocher, John, 100 Union-street Walker, John C, (M. Rettie and Sons) Tough, George, 134 George-street Walker, John, 2 Well-court, Broad-street Troup, Alexander, 82 Union-street Warrack, Charles, Record Office, King-street *White and Hutcheon, Union-street Williamson, George, North of Scotland Bank Wilson, Alexander, 139 George-street Wood, George, Post-office Wood, Joseph, 25 Marischal-street Coach Manufacturers. Elmsly, George, 187 King-street Clothiers & Drapers. Gray, Alexander, 101 King-street Laing and Melvin, 4 and 8 Bon-accord-street Those marked * are Wholesale. Machray, Croall, and Co., 7 Frederick-street Milne, James, 72 Loch-street Anderson, William, 23 Queen-street Ness, Robert, 7 Union-row *Blackhall, James, and Co., 39 Union-street Stobie, Robert, 44 Harriet-street 152 NEW TRADES' AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY.

Cameron, William, 20 Loch-street Coal Brokers. Courage, James, 176\ Gallowgate * Gordon, Charles, 57 Green Bannerman, Patrick, & Son, 2 Trinity-quay Cruickshank, George, Quay Gordon, James, 2 Chronicle-lane Gordon, John, 13 York-street Cruickshank, George, jun., Quay Gray, Charles, Commerce-street Fidler, Alexander, Quay M'Lauchlan, John, 3 James-street M'Kenzie, Murdoch, 32 Shiprow M'Taggart, Donald, 13 Regent-quay Michie, George, 7 Barnett's-close Morrison, A. D., 29 Trinity-quay Nicol, Alexander, Barnett's-close Nicolson and Simpson, 10 Trinity-quay Ross, Angus, 15 James-street Walker, James, 72 Dee-street Wilkin, John, 13 Virginia-street Williams, James, and Sons, 13 Virginia-street Winlaw, James, jun., ll£ Regent-quay Williams, Robert, 13 Virginia-street Comb Makers. Coppersmiths. Stewart, Rowell, and Co., 40 Hutcheon-street Blaikie, John, and Sons, Littlejohn-street Devanha Combwork Co., Devanha Windmillbrae M'Pherson, John, Steps of Gilcomston Emslie, John, 63 Gordon, H., and Co., 1 Gallowgate Stephen, John, 6 Shoe-lane Confectioners. Bain, Mrs., 10 Marischal-street Cork Manufacturers. Bothwell, Alexander, 18 Broad-street, and 36 and 37 North Gallery, Newmarket Brown, Charles, 18^ Harriet-street Son, 20 St. Nicholas-street Duffus, Alexander, 3 Market-street Duncan, Thomas, & Duffus, Mrs., 16 Upperkirkgate Simpson, George, 27 Broad-street Duffus, James, 86 Union-street Edwards, Simpson, 54 Gallowgate Cotton Spinners. Glegg, George, and Sons, 215 UnioD-street Lockhart and Salmond, 92 Union-street Leslie, John, 39 Woolmanhill Robinson, Crura, & Co., Bannermill M'Donald, J., 37 Basement-floor, New-market M'Killiam, B. and W., 54 Broad-street Union Cotton Mill Co., Poynernook M'Killiam, Robert, 59 Union-street ' Milne, John, 2 1 Gallowgate Curriers* Midgley, George, 45 Woolmanhill Morrison, Charles, New-market Gallery Clyne, William, and Son, 28 Berry-lane Murray and Grant, 11 Castle-street Cooper, James, 71 Netherkirkgate Nicol, Joseph, 10 Exchequer-row Cooper, James, Steps of Gilcomston W., Berry-lane Russel, W„ 38 Upperkirkgate, and 28 Union-st. Davidson, James Jack's-brae Raeburn, Peter, 4 Upperkirkgate M'Millan, William, and Son, 34 Co., Upper Denburn Sellar, William, Pirie's-court, 50 Castle-street Paterson, William, and Princes-street Shields, John, 160 Union-street Roberts, David, 17 Shepherd, William, 49 Union-street Roger, James, jun., Gilcomston Tannery Smith and Wills, Ramage's-court, 83 Broad-st. Sim, William, Newbridge Tanwork, Hardgate Stephen, William, 29 Broad-street Watt, John, 1 and 3 St. Paul-street Strachan, William, 22 Woolmanhill Wilson, Hugh, 47 Regent-quay Cutlers. Webster, William, 2 Skene-terrace Coutts, Alexander, 214 Gallowgate Hamilton, John, 17 George-street Contractors. Hodge, John, 41 Union-street Brebner, John, 22 Bon-accord-terrace Jamieson, Alexander, 26 Lodge-walk Campbell, James Dean, John, Holburn-road Dentists. Forsyth, William, 39 Bon-accord-street Grainger, John, 5 Devanha-place, Ferryhill Dewar, H. Andrew, 181 Union-street Lucas, James, 128 George-street Emslie, James, 8 Little Belmont-street M'Donald, Barnet, 39 Union-terrace King, M., 31 Marischal-street Machray, Isaac, 65 Union-street Mein, James, 225 Union-street Crown-terrace Smart, John, 7 Carmelite-street Skues, Lieutenant George, R.N., Thomson, William, 79 Chapel-street Distillers. Coopers. Begg, John, 17 Weigh-house-square Those matked thus * are also Fisli-curers. Black, William, and Co., Devanha Bell, John, 2 Windmillbrae Brown, Farquhar, and Co., Glenburn * Buist, Thomas, 13 Prince Regent-street Ogg, Henry, and Co., Strathdee Cameron, John, 20 Loch-street Reid, Smith, and Co., Union-glen NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY. ] 53

Gordon, Alexander, 162 Union-street Doctors of Medicine. Henderson, John, 30 George-street Jackson, Henry, 34 Woolmanhill ( See also Surgeons.) Kay, John, 1 St. Nicholas-street Union-place Balfour, Stephen, 22 Keith, James, 8 Union-place Uniou-street Beveridge, Robert, 189 Lain£, James, 51 Woolmanhill Queen-street Booth, James, 27 Maclean, James, 43 Castle-street King-street Buist, James, 87 *Paterson, William, 134 and 136 Gallowgate Skene-square Brown, John, 57 Philip, James, 2 Mounthooly Union-street-west Cadenhead, John, 227 Ritchie, Thomas, 228 George-street Christie, John, 4 6 Schoolhill Reid, George and Sons, 45 Union-street Springbank-terrace Clark, Thomas, 2 Sangster, John, 46 Commerce-street Robert, 198 Union-street Dyce, Shields, Thomas, 133 Crown-street Fiddes, David, 18 King-street *Sim, James, 76 King-street Forsyth, James H., 144 King-street Sinclair, William, 34 and 36 Upperkirkgate Galen, John, 7 East Craibstone-stre'.-t Smith, John, 90 Broad-street Geddes, John, 37 Union-place *Souter and Shepherd, 22 Broad-street Henderson, William, 49 Schoolhill Sutherland, John, 34 St. Nicholas-street Henry, 34 Woolmanhill Jackson, Urquhart, John, 65 St. Nicholas-street 148 Union-street Jamieson, James, Williamson, P., and Son, 141 Union-street Jamieson, Robert, Aberdeen Lunatic Asylum Kerr, David, 4 Golden-square Keith. William, 257 Union-street Dyers. Kilgour, Alexander, 158 Union-street Bannerman, John, 37 George-street Laing, William, 7 Golden-square Borthwick, Andrew, 76 Loch-street Lizars, A. Jardine, 45 Schoolhill Brown and Martin, Villatield, M'Donald, Alexander, Rubislaw-park Gilcomston Carr, Alexander and Co., Barkmill Maclaren, William, 53 Schoolhill Cooper, William, 41 Commerce-street Macrobin, John, Migvie-house, North Silver-st. Ferguson, Robert, 42 Upperkirkgate Moir, James, 40 Union-place M'Grigor, John, 26 George-street Morison, George, 15 Constitution -street Stewart, Alex. R., 104 George- street Nicol, G. J., 17 Belmont-street Wilson, David, 5 St. Nicholas-street Ogilvie, George, 39 Union-place Ogston, Francis, 18 Adelphi-court Paterson, John, 61 St. Nicholas-street Engineers. Philip, James, 2 Mounthooly

Pirrie William, 238 Union- street Abernethy, James and Co., Ferryhill . Rainy, George, 17 Golden-square Blaikie Brothers, Footdee Iron Works Rattray, Robert, Royal Infirmary M'Kinnon, William, and Co., 20 Spring-garden Reid, Duncan, Crown-court, Union-street Simpson, William, and Co., Iron Works, Footdee Redfern, P., 2 Crown-place-east Wilkinson, John, Ferryhill Station, Deemount Russel, Peter, 12 Regent-quay Runcie, George, 4 Carmelite-street Simpson, John, 2 East Craibstone-street Engravers and Lithographers. Steel, James A., 23 Adelphi-court Sutherland, Neil, 13 Belmont-street Cornwall, George, Victoria-court, 54 Castle-st. Templeton, William, 9 Belmont-street Cornwall, E. M., Victoria-court, 54 Castle-street Torrie, James, 67 Dee-street Hughes, Robert, 15 Netherkirkgate Will, James, 11 King-street Keith and Gibb, 15 Union-buildings Williamson, Joseph, 127 King-street Miller, Robert, 30 Netherkirkgate Williamson, William, 239 Union-street Stevenson, James, 6 Queen-street Stephen, John H., 8 St. Nicholas-lane Druggists. Farriers. * ( Those marked thus are Wholesale. ) Forrest, Peter, 3 Farrier-lane Allan, Alexander, 44 Green Chronicle-lane Andrew, William, 195 Union-street Green, Peter. 9 Mennie, William, Holburn-street Birss, Robert, 22 and 28 Park-street Riddel, Alexander, Holburn-street Buist, James, 87 King-street Skea, Joseph, 22 Dee-street Burness, William, 18 Union-place Skea, Thomas, 75 George-street Coutts, Charles, 26 Broad-street Smith, Anthony A., 4 Langstane-placs Davidson, Charles, 205 Union-street, and 1 Ex- chequer-row *Dunn, David, and Co., 32 King-street Fish and Game Dealers. Erskine, Robert Marr, 138 George-street Fearnside, John, 45 Green Innes, R., 60 and 61 Basement-floor, New-market Findlay, John A., 12 Wellington-place Mowat, John D., Basement-floor, New market Forsyth and Elmslie, 57 Castle-street Robb, David, 19 Basement-floor, New-market U 154 NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY.

Tomkins, Wm., 4 Basement-floor, New-market Fishing-tackle Makers. Tomkins, Mrs., 18 New-market Tough, James, 6 Basement-floor, New-market William, 36 George-street Brown, Walker, William, 47 Chapel-street David, Castle-brae Henderson, 5 Walker, Robert, 29 Basement-floor, New-market John, 85 Spring-garden Henderson, White, James, 88 New-market Ludovic G., 118 King-street Sandison, Williamson, George, jun., 44 New-market Williamson, George, 31 New -market Fleshers. Williamson, James, jun., 28 New-market Williamson, James, 49 New-market Barron, William, 41 New-market Williamson, John, 5 New-market Begg, William, 46 New-market Williamson, John, 5 Garvock-street Benton, Alexander, 12 George-street Williamson, John, 40 New-market Butler, Joseph, 24 New-market Williamson, Mrs., 15 New-market Chalmers, William, Basement-floor, New-market Williamson, William, 36 New-market Davidson, James, 47 New-market Wilson, Charles, 4 East North-street Davidson, Mrs., 44 George-street Wilson, Peter, 34 Market Dick, William, 25 New-market Wishart, William, 13 Basement-floor, New- Donaldson, Arthur, 230 George-street market Dow, David, 10 Park-street Wyness, Andrew, 16 New-market Durie, Alexander, 32 and 33 New-market Wyness, John, 21 New-market Duncan, George, 17 Basement-floor, New-mar- Yeats, Thomas, 37 New-market Duncan, William, 217 Gallowgate [ket Gordon, George, 1 Iiutcheon-street Gordon, Robert, 122 Chapel-street Fruit Dealers and Fruit Mer- Gray, James, 33 Basement-floor, New-market chants. Gray, James, jun., 22 New-market Gray, John, 19 New-market Berry, Mrs., 108 George-street Grant, John, 7, 8, and 9 New-market Crombie, Alexander, 21 Broad-street Grant, Robert, 34 Queen-street Hossack, Archibald, 62 Union-street Grant, William, 2 New-market Pegler, George, 104 Union-street Hendry, J. and G., 92 Gallowgate Hutcheon, Robert, 48 New-market Funeral "Waiters. Knowles, Jas., 31 Basement-floor, New-market Knowles, Thomas, 26 and 27 New -market Brown, John, 26 Thistle-street Knowles, Mrs., 6 Basement-floor, New-market Donald, William, 27 Blackfriars-street Laing, James, 9 Basement-floor, New-market Gillanders, James, 3 Commerce-lane Pirie, Robert, 34 New-market Hobart, Thomas, 15 James-street M'Beath, James, 5 Basement-floor, New-market Jamieson, Thomas, 9 Carmelite-street M'Intosh, Daniel, 23 New-market Paul, Alexander, 7 Forbes-street M'Robbie, J., 60 Basement-floor, New-market Ross, John, 16 Mutton-brae Martin, Alexander, 62 Regent-quay Ross, William, 13 Chronicle-lane Martin, James, 62 Regent-quay Simpson, George, 57 Green Martin, James and William, 50, 51, and 52 Simpson, William, 111 Skene-street Market-buildings Souter, William, 6 Park-street Marr and Milne, 10, 11, and 12 New-market Stephen, Alexander, 62^ Netherkirkgate Mason, Thomas, 38 New-market Turriff, Alexander, 13 Longacre Mavers, William, 168^ Gallowgate Taylor, John, Ross's-court, 6 Upperkirkgate Milne, James, 79 Queen-street Morison, Wm. and Walter, 12 Black's-buildings Moir, George, 21 Queen-street Furniture Dealers. Murray, William, 39 New-market George, 71 Broad-street Reid, Mrs. J., 158 George-street Cormack, Reid, Mrs., 13 New-market Grant, George, 29 Gallowgate Salter, William, 90 New-market Milne, George, 4 Woolmanhill Sangster, Alexander, sen., 17 and 18 New-market Murray, Peter, 40 East North-street Sangster, Robert, sen., 31 New-market Symon, John, 29 Upperkirkgate Spark, Andrew, 4 New-market Rennie, William, 23 Gallowgate Staik, A. and W., 79 Woolmanhill, and 7 New- market Gardeners. Stewart, James, 1 and 2 New-market Stewart, James, jun., 6 Gallowgate Aitken, Alexander, Strawberrybank Thompson, George, 56^ Virginia-street Anderson, Thomas, gardener, 25 Causewayend Thomson, Adam, jun., 29 New-market Berry, James, New-market, and Broadford-lane Thomson, Adam, 43 New-market Chalmers, William, Seafield and New-market Thomson, George, 14 New-market Christie, John, Froghall-cottage Thomson, John, 42 New-market Clark, William, Newmarket and Barkmill Tomkins and Rae, 18 Basement-floor Clapperton, John, gardener, 9 Little Chapel-st. )


Cocker, James, Causewayend Farquhar, George, Upper Justice Mills Connon, James, New-market and Sandilands Gavin, William, 59 Schoolbill Connon, William, Connon's-court Kemp, Robert, 59 and 60 Castle-street Connon, Robert, New-market, & Brick-kilns Knox, William, 83 George-street Darling, Thomas, Woodhill M'Condach, Harry, Holburn-street Davidson, Robert, Lochhead and New-market Mess, Jonathan, 48 St. Nicholas-street Davidson, James, Cornhill and New-market Pratt, Robert, 2l£ Schoolhill Davidson, William, Burnside and New -market Smith, Alexander, 38 King-street Duncan, William, Berryden and New-market Strattan, James, 43 Marischal -street Forbes, William, New-market and Leadside Thomson, John, 55 Queen-street Fraser, David, Bonnymuir Warrack, Hugh, 34 Marischal-street Fyfe, Robert, 26 Union-row White, John F., 107 King-street Galen, G., Polmuir and New-market Yule, George, 50 Regent-quay Gordon, Charles, Cooperston, Holburn-street Yule, James, 13 Princes-Street Gray, Robt., New-market and Gooseberry bank Jamieson, James, Rosemount-place Grocers—(Wholesale. Kinnaird, William, Outseats, Pitmuxton M'Kenzie, William, 32 York-street Barclay, George, 61 Green Massie, Robert, Millbank Bisset, John and William, 37 Queen-street Maver, James, Holburn-street Clark, Leslie, and Son, 4 Upperkirkgate Meffet, John, gardener, Outseats, Pitmuxton Clark, William, 8 King-street Milne, John, New-market and Westfield Crombie, James, Back-wynd Morrison, James, New-market, & Drywell-park Davidson, William, and Co., 44 Broad-street Mowat, James, 57 Huntly-street Elmslie, W., and Son, 191 Gallowgate Moffat, John, Outseats, Pitmuxton Inglis, George, Crown-court, Union-street Pirie, James, Cooperston-buildings Littlejohn, Alexander, 72 Netherkirkgate Pirie, John, Strawberrybank M'Hardy, William, 234, George-street Reid, James, Springbank-cottage Robb, George, 14 Young-street Rae, William, 143 Gallowgate Shepherd, Simpson, 37 West North-street Reith, John, New-market and Cooperston Reitb, James, 74 Woolmanhill Dealers. Robertson, Thomas, Ferryhill, Hardgate Grocers and Spirit Rothnie, Mrs., New-market {See also Spirit Dealers.) Roy, James, Ferryhill Shewan, Alexander, 32 Whitehouse-street Airth, John, 1 Union-buildings Silver, John, South Bridge, Holburn-lane Alexander, John, 145 Gallowgate Smart, John, Holburn-street Allan, James, 24 St. Nicholas-street Smith, Alexander, King-street-road Allan, John, 72 Green Snowey, William, Belmont-cottage, Berryden Allan, Nathaniel, 39 Park -street Wattie, Joseph, Newfield and New-market Anderson, James, 202 Gallowgate Wilson, William, South Mile-end Anderson, James, 11 Black's- buildings Wood, John, New-market and Fouutainhall Anderson, John, 123 Crown-street Anderson, Mrs., Holburn-street Anderson, William, 157 Gallowgate Gas Fitters, Austin, Robert, 29 Park-street (See Plumbers.) Bain, James, 195 West North-street Bain, James, 212 Gallowgate Baxter, W. J., and Co., 3 Causewayend Gas Meter Makers. Benson, Samuel, 141 Skene-street John Blaikie and Sons, Littlejohn-street Benzie, William, 206 Gallowgate Black, John, 6 Union-place Blackie, William and Robert, 101 Causewayend German Clock Makers. Blaikie, Mrs., corner of Charles-street Bonner, Mrs., 7 Charles-street Frederick, Charles, 42 George-street Booth, George, 21 Upperkirkgate Frederick, John, 5 Broad-street Booth, James, 2 Baltic-street Brantingham, George, 68 Schoolhill Goldsmiths, Brantingham, John W., 130 George-street Buyers, Peter, 32 Regent-quay (See Jewelleis.) Castell, Andrew, 69 Park-street Catto, Robert, and Co., 14 King-street Grain Merchants. Catto, Mrs., 9 Charles-street Cay, George, 47 Upper Denburn Anderson, William, Barkmill Chasser, James, 155 Gallowgate Chalmers, William, James-street Christie, Alexander, 1 Causewayend Cushnie, Alexander, 72 George-street Christie, George, 124 King-street Donald, William, Chapel-lane Christie, George, 56 George-street Eddie, Charles, Nether Justice Mills Christie, John, 65 George-street 156 NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY.

Christie, John, 56 East North-street Fraser, George, 104 Green Clark, John, 49 George-street Fraser, James, and Co., 221 Uni m-street Clark, Alexander, 12 Northfield, Gilcomstoa Fraser and Laidlaw, 57 Union-street Clyne, Thomas, 20 Gallowgate French, William, jun., 80 Broad-street Collins, James, 44 East North-street Fullerton, John, 31 Ann- street Connon, George, 212 King-street Fullerton, Robert, 47 Gallowgate Connon, Mrs., Alexander, 73 King-street Fyfe, George, 59 Shiprow Cooper, Francis, 60 Chapel-street Fyfe, Mrs., 24 North Broadford Copland, David, 29 York-place Fyfe, Mrs., 58 Skene-square Copland, Mrs., 12 Mary well-street Gall, John, and Co., 121 Gallowgate Cormack, Alexander, 33 Shiprow Galloway, Mrs., 277 George-street Cormack, William, 31 York-place Geddes, Samuel, 34 North Broadford Cosgrove, Peter, 298 George-street Gemlo, John, 6 North Broadford Coutts, Alexander, Holburn-street Gordon, Thomas and George, 203 Union-street Coutts, Alexander, Rubislaw Graham, George, 124 Chapel-street Coutts, John, 114 George-street Grant, Donald, 59 Guestrow Coutts, David, 62 Windmillbrae Grant, John, 9 Upperkirkgate Coutts, William, Holburn-street Grant, Peter, 54 Green Craib, Alexander, 1 Trinity-quay Grant, William, 8 Justice-street Craig, Robert, 21 North-Broadford Gray, Daniel, 22 Union-street Craigmile, Alexander, 47 Commerce-street Gray, David, 56 Shiprow Craigmile, William, 49 Woolmanhill Gray, William, 39 Green Croll, John, 69 Hutcheon-street Gray, William, 292 George-street Crombie, James, Baek-wynd Gray, William, 39 Green Cruickshank, Alexander, 14 Black's-buildings Greig, James, 28 Causewayend Cruickshank, Robert, 196 Gallowgate Harper, Alexander, 57 Virginia-street Cruickshank, William, 16 East North-street Harvey, William, 56 Regent-quay Cruickshank, William, 19 Castle-street Hsrris, John, 72 Woolmanhill Cumming, Alexander, 30 Castle-street Hatt, William, 270 George-street Cumming, Alexander, 70 Broad-street Hay, Alexander, 1 Trinity-quay Cunningham, James, 29 Causewayend Hay and Co., 92 Shiprow Davidson, Alexander, jun., 44 Castle-street Hay, Mrs., 26 Gerrard-street Davidson, Alexander, 125 George-street Hay, Robert, 18 Blackfriars-street Davidson, James, 38 Regent-quay Hector, James, Holburn-street Davidson, Robert, 15 Justice-street Henderson, Alexander, 38 Gallowgate Davidson, William, 23 College-street Henderson, James, 21 Gordon-street Dawson, John, 64 Causewayend Hendry, Alexander, 36 Gallowgate Deuchar, George, 151 George-street Hunter, Alexander, 63 Huntly-street Diack, William, 1G Park-street Hunter, William, 30 Park-street Diack, William, 4 Skene-street Hutton, John, 177 Gallowgate Dick, James, 37 Union-terrace Hutchison, George, 24 Skene-square Divorty, Peter, 13 West North-street Imlay, William, 37 Commerce- street Donald, Alexander, 11 Castlebrae Inglis, Alexander, 28 Quay Douglas, Alexander, 21 Chapel-street Ironside, James, 53 Gallowgate Duff, William, 97 Gallowgate Jackson, William, jun., 67 Gallowgate Duguid, Alexander, 15 Regent-quay Jaffray, James, 108 Chapel-street Dundas, John, 283 George-street Jaffray, Thomas, and Sons, 7 Commerce-street Dunn, Alexander, 17 Skene-street Jamieson, Alexander, 13 Regent-quay Dunn, Robert, 86 Shiprow Jamieson and Mitchell, 38 Union-street Duncan James, 12 Regent-quay Jamieson, John, 25 St. Clement-street Elmslie, William, and Son, 191 Gallowgate Jenkins, Mrs., 42 York-street Elrick, John, 105 Skene-street Jessieman, Alexander, 51 Upper Denburn Esson, Gordon, 3 Jack's-brae Johnston, F. L., 2 King-street Esson, John, 41 East North-street Johnston, Fraser L., 2 King-street Falconer, Mrs,, 65 Upper-denburn Johnston, John, 86 Upper Denburn Farquharson and Co., 131 Union-st. Johnston, Joseph, 54 Netherkirkgate Ferguson, David, 38 Skene-square Jopp, John, 62 Gallowgate Findlay, James, 48 Gallowgate Keith, Mrs. 51 East North-street Findlay, William, 67 East North-street Kemp, Francis, 60 Skene-square Forbes, Alexander, 104 Gallowgate Law, Miss Barbara, 5 Wellington-place Forbes, George, 112 Gallowgate Law, William, 55 Park-street Forbes, John, 86 Broad- street Lawson, Alexander, 44 Netherkirkgate Fraser, Alexander, 181 and 183 Gallowgate Leith, George, 17 James-street Fraser, Alex., 8 Upper Leadside, Gilcomston Leslie W. and W., 39 West North-street Fraser, Alexander, 165 George-street Leask, Mrs., 71 Wales -street Fraser, Alexander, 15 Marischal-street Ligertwood, James, 122 King-street Fraser, Angus, and Co., 72 Union-street Lindsay, James, 47 St. Clement-street Fraser, Arthur, 42 Gordon-street Livingston, Francis, 44 College-street NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY. 157

Lorimer, Alexander, 35 College-street Sherriffs, James, 52 Woolmanhill Lumsden, John, and Co.. 95 Union-street Shivas, George, 2 Gordon-street Lumsden, William, 58 Union-street Sim, George, 74 Shiprow M'Donald, John, 13 North Broadford Simpson, John, 50 West North -street

M'Donald, George, 64 Green Sinclair, John, 1 Loanhead M'Donald, Alexander, 10 Castle-street Smart, William, 1 1 Exchequer-row Macdonald, Ewen, 193 Gallowgate Smith, Alexander, 11 College-street M'Hardy, William, 234 George-street Smith, Charles, 1 College-street M'Innes, John, 33 East North-street Smith, John, 15 Windy-wynd M'Intosh, John, 23 Shiprow Smith, John, 82 King-street M'Kenzie, George, 19 Causewayend Smith, John, 87 Woolmanhill M'Leod, Simon, 11 Weighhouse- square Smith, Joseph, 3 Garvock-street M'Leod, Mrs., 33 Summer-lane Smith, William, 62 Park-street Mackie, William, 49 St. Andrew-street Smith, William L., 20 Union-place M'Lean, Mrs., 11 Ron-accord-lane Smith, William, 15 College- street M'Phee, James, 27 Shiprow Smith, William, jun., 106 Union-street M'Kenzie, George, 41 Regent-quay Spark, George, 58 Regent-quay M'Robbie, John, 52 West North-street Stevens, Robert, 214 George-street Mann, James, 18 Netherkirkgate Stewart, Alexander, 1 Gilcomston-hrae Marshal], John, 160 George-street Stewart and Chivas, 13 King- street Martin, George, 1 North Broadford Stewart, James, jun., 21 East North-street Masson, John, 93 Causewayend Steel, William, 4 Weighhouse-square Masson, William, 112 George-street Stirling, George, 13 Castle-street Matthews, William, 26 North Rroadford Stott, William, 23 Albion-street Meston, Alexander, Strawberryhank Stewart, Donald, 51 Gallowgate Meston, James, 6 East North-street Stewart, William, 8 Shiprow Milne, John, Eridge of Dee Stuart, P., 100 Gallowgate Milne, George, 76 St. Andrew-street Sutherland, Mrs., Bank-street, Ferryhill Milne, Andrew, 19 St. Clement-street Sutherland, Alexander, 17 Castle-street Milne, Thomas, Holburn-street Sutherland, John, 22 Upper Denburn Milne and Marshall, 14 West North-street Tawse, James, 61 George-street Milne, William, 12 Commerce-street Taylor, Alexander, 110 Gallowgate Milne, William, and Son, 209 Union-street Taylor, John, 99 Causewayend Milne, William, 58 Queen- street Taylor, Robert, 61 Netherkirkgate Middleton, James, 46 Summer-street Taylor, William, 133 Skene-street Mitchell, Alexander, 9 George-street Thom, Alexander, 62 College-street Moir, James, 33 Schoolhill Thorn, William, 43 Schoolhill Moir, John, 41 Green Thomson, Joseph, 67 Shiprow Mollison, David, 16 James-street Tough, James, 15 and 16 Castle-street Mollison, John, 26 Virginia-street Tough, William, 50 College-street Mutch, James, 20 East North-street Trail, George, jun., 135 Skene-street Morgan, William, 6 Northfield, Gilcomston Troup, David, 25 Huntly-street Morison, Leslie, and Co., 24 Regent-quay Tulloch, James, 8 Garvock-street Morison, Mrs., Short-loanings Urquhart, Alexander, 62 St. Nicholas- street Nicol, Francis, 58 Skene-street Walker, George, 43 Skene-square Nicol, James, 1 John-street Wallace, Alexander, 55 George-street Nicol, Mrs., John, 20 Shiprow Watson, Mrs. Alexander, 109 Gallowgate Panton, John, 33 Park-street Watson, James, 26 Woolmanhill Park, Mrs., 280 George-street Watson, Patrick, 35 Bon-accord-street Parkhill, John, 35 East North-street Watt, John, 49 Castle-street Paterson, Farquharson, 2 Carnegie's-brae Wattie, James, 26 Steps of Gilcomston Phimister, John, 70 East North-street Whitecross, James, 49 Littlejohn-street Pirie, Johnston, 43 Woolmanhill Wilson, Mrs. Robert, Newbridge, Hardgate Rae, John, 19 Park-street Williams, William, 14 St. Andrew -street Ramsay, James, 73 Chapel-street Wight, James, 45 St. Andrew-street Reid, Andrew, 117 Gallowgate Winton, John, 17 Causewayend Rennie, George, 50 Virginia-street Young, Alexander, 84 St. Andrew-street Robertson, Alexander, 9 West North-street Yule, William, 165 Gallowgate Robertson, John, 52 West North-street Robbie, John, 94, George-street Gun Makers. Ross, John N., 1 Rosemount-terrace King-street Ross John, 25 Windmillbrae Henderson, William, 89 Union-street Ross, Mrs. George, 10 Hanover- street Lyell, John, 128 Saunders, George, 68 and 70 Virginia-street Playfair, Charles, 70 Union-street Saunders, James, 53 Regent-quay Thomson, Thomas, 68 Union-street Saudison, William, Holburn-street Sherer, Andrew, 13 Quay Haberdashers, Diapers.) Shepherd, Alexander, 79 George-street ( See )


Hairdressers. Hosiers and Glovers,

Aiken, William, 1 South Silver-street Cooper, Henry, and Co., 47 Union-street Anderson, John C, 7 St. Nicholas-street Cruickshank, A. and Co., 105 Union-street Anderson, William, 146 Gallowgate Littlejohn, James, 155 Union-street Beaton, John, 26 Marischal-street M'Grigor, Charles, 5 Justice-street Beattie, Alexander, 13 Shiprow M'Gregor, Miss, I Justice-street Collie, James H., 55 Green Mathieson, Isaac, 33 Union-street Collie, Robert, 62 Shiprow Pedelty, Joseph, and Co., 68 Loch-street Cockerill, Charles, 200 George-street Sutherland, Andrew and Sons, 1, 2, and Cooper, John, 121 George-street Black's-buildings Fraser, James, 18 Gallowgate Skene, Miss, 16 Queen-street Garioch, John, 3 Schoolhill Wisely, George, 7 Castle-street Grant, Archibald, 64 Broad -street Wood, David, 55 Commerce-street Hutton, Edward, 114 Skene-street Innes, Daniel, 67 Netherkirkgate Hotel Keepers, Laing, Alexander, 97 George-street (See also Innkeepers.) Laing, Robert, 9 Netherkirkgate M'Gillivray, John, 244 George-street Cumming, William, 25 Union-street Marr, George, 43 Quay Douglas, Thomas, Market-street Martin, Gilbert, 53 Upperkirkgate Leffen, Mrs., 10 Adelphi, Union-street Melvin, David, 12 Huxter-row Macgrigor, William, 138 Union-street Morgan, Alexander, 36 Windmillbrae Miller, Thomas, 190 George-street Morgan, James, 7 Skene-street Ritchie, John, 2 St. Nicholas-lane Morgan, William, 35 Woolmanhill Robertson, David, 61 Union-street Oldman, George, 40 Castle-street Ronald, Mrs., 7 Huxter-row Robertson, James, 20 Broad-street Smith, William, 4 West North-street House Carpenters, Smith, William, 7 Waterloo-street See also Builders. Stephen, George, 9 Chapel-street ( Walker, David, 135 Union-street Adam, William, 66 Gerrard-street Walker, Robert, 210 Gallowgate Alexander William, 6 Black's-buildings Wise, Alexander, 2 Commerce-street Black, John, 1 College-street Cook, Silvester, Holburn-street Duff, David, 1 Thistle-lane Hardware Merchants. Gall, Andrew, 72 Bon-accord-street Ingram, Alexander, 25 Seamount-place Collie, Robert, 37 Green Ironside, William, 9 Spa-street Davies, Edward, and 1,2, 3 South Gallery, New- Marchant, Alexander, Charlotte-street Diack, William, 42 Broad-street [market Mitchell and Cay, Spa-street Fleming, J. and J., 24 Broad-street Moir, George, 7 Carmelite-lane Walker, George L., 31 St. Nicholas- street Reid, James, 12 Thornton-place, Guestrow Whitnall, E., 25 North Gallery, New-market Riddel, Peter, 2 Skene-square Rust, James, 14 Blackfriars-street Harness Makers, Scott, John, 176 North-street Smith, George, 6^ Causewayend (See Saddlers.) Smith, William, 20 Blackfriars-street Strachan, George, 18 St. Paul-street Hatters. Taylor, John, 7 Upper Denburn Yunnie, William, 49 Blackfriars-street Bell, Francis, and Son, 38 Queen-street Warrack and Daniel, 92 John-street Blackhall, James, and Co., 39 Union-street Brown, Robert, 58 St. Nicholas-street Burge A., 36 Broad-street House Factors.

Martin, Samuel, 34 Union-street Duncan, William, 2 St. Andrew-street Miller, William M., and Co., 69 Union-street Fyfe, Charles, 43 Balmont-street Ogilvie, Thomas, 17 Drum's-lane M'Lean, Alex., M'Lean's court, 50 Gallowgate Shirres, David L., and Co., 76 George-street Miller, David, 25 Bon-accord-street Shirres, William, and Co., 67 King-street Shaw, Robert, 11 Huxter-row Steele, Alexander, 20 Union-street Innkeepers. Heel and Toe-plate Makers. Affleck, Edward, 179 George-street Dow, Alexander, Causewavend Bain, Mrs. 62 Castle-street Hurry, William, and Sons,"20 Frederick-street Bisset, William, 6 Mealmarket-street Laing, William, 18 Catharine-street Bridgeford, Mrs., Burnett's- close, Exchequer- Shaw, John, Sharp's-court, 78 Loch-street Brown, Alexander, 41 Queen-street [row NEW TRADES' AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORT. 159

Colvin, Mrs., 61 Castle-street Cofton, Joseph, 9 Correction-wynd Ironmongers. Cormack, William, New-pier Gordon, Hugh, and Co., 89 Broad-street dimming, Charles, and Co., 10 Huxter-row Gray, William, 52 and 53 New-marktit-gallery Daniel, Thomas, 16 Mealmarket-street Knox, David, 58 Gallowgate Deans, John, Bridge of Dee Laing, James, 121 Union-street Donald, William, 79 Windmillbrae Lyall, John, and Co., 128 Union-street Duffus, William, 56 Union-street Macbeth, J. and S., 44 Union-street Duncan, George, Ruthrieston Melville, Thomas, and Sons, 106 and 108 Gal- Forsyth, George, 9 St. Nicholas-lane lowgate Fraser, Arthur, 7 Union-lane Mortimer, Robert, 12 St. Paul-street and 14 Gibbons, Charles, 64 Regent-quay Upperkirkgate Gillespie, James, Exchequer-row Robertson, Charles, 17 Park -street Glennie, William, 49 Lodge-walk Robertson, George, 207 Gallowgate Hill, Peter, jun., 1 Harriet-street Ross, John, 57 St. Nicholas-street Learmonth, John, 6 Park-lane Ross, William, 34 Broad-street Lewis, Richard, 69 Broad-street Sherar, John, 48 George-street Merchant, Alexander, Railway Hotel Stephen, James, 34 Broad-street Maver, Mrs., 20 Skene-terrace Spark, William, 54 and 55 Market-gallery Milne, Mrs., 23 Harriet-street Walker, Alexander, 58 Gallowgate Pirie, Alexander, 15 and 19 Market-lane Yule, Alexander, 14 Union-street Ranson, Edward, 9 Market-street Louden, Archibald, 21 St Nicholas-street Riddel, James, Kittybrewster Jewellers and Silversmiths. Robertson, Mrs, 13 Guestrow * Smith, John, 2 Adelphi-lane ( Those marked thus are also Goldsmiths.) Taylor, J., 65 Netherkirkgate William, 48 Broad-street Shirreffs, Mrs. James, 42 St. Nicholas-street Brand, Walker, George, 6 Back-wynd Burwell, Elijah, 101 Union-street Crombie, Peter, 60 Broad-street Willock, R. S., 54 Union- street *Duncan, John, 4 St. Nicholas-street *Jamieson, George, 107 Union-street Insurance Brokers. Mackay, James T., and Son, 30 St. Nicholas-st. *Rettie, M. and Sons, 151 Union-street Adamson, Henry, 57 Marischal-street *Sangster, George, 81 Broad-street Aiken, James, jun., 88 King-street Booth, William P., 56 Marischal-street Bruce, John, 28 Marischal-street Land Surveyors. Catto, John, Son, and Co., 88 King-street Marischal-street Connon, Richard, and Co., 58 Beattie, James F., 2 Bon-accord-square Cook, John, 59 Marischal-street Cruick shank, George, 22 Crown-street Duncan, William, 33 Marischal-street Dawney, Alexander, 103 George-street Jamieson, John, 56 Marischal-street Ferguson. William B., 24 Adelphi Leslie, James, 1 1 Quay Henderson, William, 90 Union-street Nicol, A. and W., 60 Marischal-street Milne, Robert, 83 Union-street N'sbet and Robertson, 47 Marischal-street Oswald, George, and Co., 30 Marischal-street Reid, William. 56 Marischal-street Leather Merchants. Rennie John T., 43 Marischal-street Robb, Brothers, and Co., 59 Marischal-street Brown, Alexander, 71 George-street Sheed, John, 44 Marischal-street Clyne, William, and Sons, 22 and 24 Gallowgate

Smith, Neil, jun., 7 Frederick-street Cooper, James, 7 J Netherkirkgate Thomson, George, and Son, 21 Regent-quay Forsyth, John, 85 Broad-street Thompson, Geo. jun., and Co., 40 Marischal-st. Lyon, Alexander, 37 and 39 Broad-street W arrack, Hugh, 34 Marischal-street Menzies, John, 8, Woolmanhill Winlaw, James, jun., 11§ Regent-quay M'Millan and Co., 37 Netherkirkgate M'Kay, G. and P., 3 Gallowgate George, Upperkirkgate Insurance Offices, Morison, 37 Ritchie, William, and Co., 51 Netherkirkgate ( See end of Trades' Directory.) Paterson, William, and Co., Upper-denburn Roberts, David, 17 Princes-street Scott and Duncan, 25 Broad-street Iron Founders. Wood, William, 78 George-street Watt, John, 1 and 3 St. Paul-street Abernethy, James, and Co., Ferryhill Barry, Henry, and Co., Loch-street Blaikie Brothers, Footdee Lithographers. M'iCinnon, William, and Co., 20 Spring-garden Simpson, William, and Co., Footdee (See Engravers.) 160 NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY.

Gall, Mrs. Andrew, 72 Bon-accord-street Lodging-house Keepers. Garvie, Mrs., 144 George-street Gauld, George, 23 Frederick-street Allan, Mrs., 24 Young-street Geddes, Miss, 22 St. Nicholas-lane Alexander, Miss, 243 George-street Geddes, Miss, 18 St. Mary's-place Anderson, Mrs., 36 Union -terrace Geddes, Mrs., Jopp's -court, 135 King-street Anderson, Mrs., 81 Waterloo-quay Gill, Mrs., 36 Queen-street Bain, Miss, 8 Castle- street Goodbrand, Mrs., 30 Upperkirkgate Balfour, Mrs. Robert, 8 1 Hutcheon-street Gordon, Mrs. Alexander, 74 Union-street Bisset, Mrs., 27 Crown-street Gordon, Mrs. Ralph, 26 Dee-street Bisset, Mrs. James, 60 John-street Gordon, Mrs. Dr., 83 Union-street Bisset, Mrs., 187 George-street Gordon, Miss, 22 Union-terrace Blackhall, Mrs., 97 Chapel-street Grant, George, 13 Constitution-street Boaden, Mrs., 80 Waterloo-quay Grant, Mrs., 21 Silver-street Booth, Mrs. 47 Frederick-street Gray, Mrs., 7 John-street Bowie, Miss Sarah, 29 Broad-street Greach, Mrs., 30 Dee-street Brechin, Mrs., 162 Union-street Greig, Miss, 132 Union-street Brown, Mrs., Ross's-court, 6 Upperkirkgate Harper, Mrs. 19 Union-buildings Brown, Cecilia, 60 Skene-street Hay, Mrs., 29 Skene-street Bruce, Mrs., 27 Blackfriars-street Hay, Miss, Strawberrybank Campbell, Mrs., 169 George-street Holmes, Mrs. Joseph, 73 Netherkirkgate Caie, Miss, John-street Huddlestone, Mrs. 49 Broad-street Colder, Mrs., 32 Whitehouse-street Hutton, Mrs., 120 King-street Cameron, Miss Elizabeth, 124 Union-street Innes, Mrs., 23 Broad -street Catto, Mrs., 22 St. Nicholas-lane Irvine, Mrs., 33 Charlotte-street Cattanach, Mrs., 64 Union-street Jamson, Mrs. Captain, 36 Union-street Christall, Mrs. William, 2 St. Catherine's-wynd Johnston, Mrs., Henderson 's-court, 91 Gallow- ChMstie, Mrs., 61 Broad-street Kellas, Mrs., 54 Summer- street [gate Christopher, Mrs., 2 Chapel-street Kelman, Miss, 1 Ross's-court, Upperkirkgate Clark, Mrs. J., 74 Union- street Kemp, Mrs., 86^ Crown-street Clark, Mrs. Helen, 153 Crown -street Kiloh, Mrs., 15 Correction-wynd Cook, Mrs., 41 Huntly-street King, Mrs., 6 Marischal-street Collie, Mrs., 83 Bon-accord-street King, Miss B., 9 Diamond-street Connon, Miss, 51 Huntly-street Knox, Mrs. William, 137 Union-street Cooper, Mrs., 220 George-street Laing, Mrs., 36 Regent-quay Coutts, Mrs., 44 Upperkirkgate Laing, Mrs., 5 Schoolhill Cowie, Mrs., 68 John-street Lawrie, Mrs., 61 Huntly-street Craigmyle, Mrs., 1 Kingsland-place Leslie, Miss, 60 St. Nicholas-street Craib, Mrs., 49 St. Nicholas-street Lindsay, Mrs., 31 Huntly-street Cruickshank, Mrs. Thomas, 124 Union-street M'Aulay, Mrs., Henderson's-court, 91 Gallow- Cruickshank, Mrs., 28 George-street M'Callum, Mrs., 24 Schoolhill [gate Currie, Mrs., 29 Union-street M'Culloch, Mrs., 9 George- street Davidson, Mrs., 55 Wellington-street M'Donald, Mrs., 30 Marischal-street Davidson, Mrs., 90 Bon-accord-street M'Donald, Mrs., 38 Union^terrace Davidson, Mrs. William, 6 St- Clement-street MacDonald, Mrs., 5 Huntly-street Davidson, Mrs., 32 Young-street M'Hardy, Mrs., 3 Rosemount-terrace Donald, Mrs., 29 Huntly-street M'Hardy, George, 202 George-street Donald, Mrs., 66 John-street M'Intosh, Mrs., 11 Union-buildings Donald, Mrs., 32 Windy-wynd M'Kenzie, Mrs., 81 George-street Duncan, Mrs., 40 Upperkirkgate Mackie, Mrs., 13 Marischal-street Duncan, Mrs., 17 Huxter-row M'Nie, Mrs., 34 Union-terrace Duncan, Mrs. William, 32 Thistle-street M'Phail, Mrs., Bank-street, Ferryhill Duncan, Mrs., 54 Summer-street Mair, Mrs., 31 Victoria-street- west Duncan, Mrs. Thomas, 5 Princes-street Martin, Mrs., 103 George-street Duncan, Mrs., 37 Marischal-street Massie, Mrs., 103 George-street Elmslie, Miss, 188 West North- street Mavor, ivliss, 64 Union-street Elmslie, Mrs., 7 John-street Mearns, Mrs., 53 Bon-accord-street Elmslie, Mrs., 32 Union-terrace Melvin, Mrs. James, 59 Dee-street Elmslie, Mrs., 16 Netherkirkgate Millar, Mrs., 1 Prospect-terrace, Ferryhill Esson, Mrs. Charles, 25 Whitehouse-street Millar, Mrs., 130 Union-street Fernie, Mrs., 41 St. Nicholas-street Milne, Mrs., 64 Union-street Finlayson, Mrs. Robert, 47 Chapel-street Milne, Mrs., 30 Dee-street Finlason, Miss, Cruden's-court, 22 Broad-st. Milne, Mrs., 3 Queen street Findlay, Mrs. James, 32 Park-street Mitchell, Mrs., 21 Summer-street Findlay, Mrs., 5 Schoolhill Monro, Mrs., 38 Chapel-street Forbes, Mrs., 19, Huntly-street Mullett, Mrs., 22 Broad-street Forsyth, Mrs., 1 Marischal-street Murray, Mrs., 7 Little Belmont-street Fullerton, Mrs., John-street Nicolson, Mrs. James, 59 Marischal-street NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY. 1G1

Noble, Miss, 39 Chapel-street GIRTHS, &c. Paterson, Mrs., 5 Upperkirkgate Sutherland, Andrew, and Sons, 1, 2, and 3 Pirie, Miss Jane, 124 George-street Black's-buildings Pirie, Mrs., 17 Upperkirkgate Pittendrich, Miss, 116 George-street HAIRCLOTH AND CURLED HAIR. Profat, Miss H., 17 Denburn-terrace Garden, William, 14 John-street Rae, Mrs., 5 Little Chapel-street Palmer, John, 100 Loch-street Rainnie, Mrs., 102 Union-street LINEN. Ramsay, Mrs., 6 Constitution- street Berry, W. and J., 14 Reid, Mrs., 79 Guestrow Queen-street Clark, Samuel, 5 Mounthooly Reid, Mrs., 9 Diamond-street Mackey, David, Minister's-lane Reith, Mrs., 28 Skene-street Mitchell, John, 51 Castle-street Robertson, Mrs., 13 Marischal-street Richards and Co., Broadford Robertson, Robert, 144 George-street Robb, Mrs. Charles, 130 Union-street PAPER. Ross, Mrs., 28 Chapel-street Arbuthnott and M'Combie, 3 Trinity-quay Ross, Miss, 96 Union-street Pirie, Alexander, and Sons, Adelphi-court Ross, Mrs., 92 George-street Rust, Mrs., 178 George-street STOCKINGS. Scott, Mrs., 1 Littlejohn-street Pedelty, J., and Co., 68, Loch Street Singer, Mrs., 58 Castle-street TAPE. Smith, Mrs. Alexander, 7 Garvock-street Milne, Low, and Co., Woolmanhill Smith, Mrs., 21 Silver-street Smith, Mrs., 7h Forbes-street WINSEY. Smith, Miss, 73 Bon-accord-street Cooper, Henry, and Co., 47 Union-street Spalding, Miss, 117 George-street Stevenson, Mrs-, 1 Concert-court WOOLLEN. Still, Miss, 41 St. Nicholas-street Barker, John, and Sons, 91 Loch-street Sutherland, Mrs., 104 King-street Chadwick, Edmund, 39 Queen-street Sutherland, Mrs., 20 Skene-terrace Crombie, J. and J., Causewayend Taylor, Mrs., 20 Crown-street Davidson, Donald, 49 Green Tennant, Mrs., 40 Union-terrace Hadden, Alexander, and Sons, Green Thomson, Mrs. Daniel, 61 John-street Skene, George, King-street-place Thomson, Mrs., 12 Regent-quay WORSTED. Thomson, Mrs., Salter's-court, 50 Loch-street Mortimer, William, 11 St. Nicholas-street Thorn, Mrs., 8 Carmelite Street Tulloch, Mrs., 50 'Woolmanhill Wisely, George, 7 Castle-street

Wade, Mrs. Captain, 1 1 Bon-accord-street Walker, Mrs., 8 Schoolhill Masons. Warren, Mrs., 41 Huntly-street Anderson, George, 7 Skene-terrace Webster, Mrs. J., 64 Union-street Williamson, Miss, 56 Chapel-street Brebner, William, 22 Dee-street Cameron, Alexander, 28 Catharine-street Willock, Robert S., 56 Union-street Wilson, Mrs., 53 Huntly-street Charles, Alexander, 73 Hutcheon-street Charles, 33 Ann-street Wilson, Mrs. John, 7 Black's-buildings W„ Wilson, James, 29 Summer-street Cowie, John, 29 Hutcheon-street Duncan, William, 10 Forbes-street Wilson, Mrs., 15 St. Andrew-street Gilcomston Wilson, Mrs., 26 Summer-street Farquhar. George, 23 Leadside, Wood, Mrs. Joseph, 19 Union-terrace Geddes, John, 14 Skene-street Greig, George, 28 Summer-street Wright, Mrs. J., 40 Chapel-street Wyness, Mrs., 13 Skene-terraee Greig, Robert, 30, Summer-street Yule, Mrs., 18 Silver-street Jameson, James, Bank-street Mitchell, William, 22 Rose-street Rae, George, Nelson-street Manufacturers. BED AND TABLE LINEN. Mealsellers. Beveridge, Peter, 122^ Union-street Brown, Peter, Mounthooly Beveridge, Robert, 39 St. Nicholas-street Brown, Robert, 4 Mealmarket-street Causewayend CAPS AND BRACES. Charles, John, 80 Cock, John, 11 Commerce-street Barker, John P., 3 Jopp's-lane Crombie, James, 108 Loch-street COTTON. Cushnie, A., 72, George-street Durno, Leslie, Wellington-place Leslie, John, 39 Woolmanhill Fowler, James and John, 24 George-street M'Intosh, Peter, 24 George-street Forrest, Peter, 44 Windmillbrae COTTON THREAD. Gavin, William, 59, Schoolhill Duguid, Miss, 82 St. Andrew-street Gossip, Alexander, 63 Shiprow X 162 NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORT.

Harper, John, 61 Virginia-street Gavin, William, 59, Schoolhill Jaffray, David, 68 West North-street Kemp, Robert, 59 and 60 Castle-street Johnston, James, 60 Virginia-street Mess, J., 48, St. Nicholas-street Knox, William, 83, George-street Milne, James, 79 Broad Street Logan, James, 154 Gallowgate Thomson, John, 55 Queen-street M'Kenzie, William, 34 Young-street Mearns, John, 40 Netherkirkgate Milne, William, 67 West North-street Milliners and Dressmakers. Milne, James, 79 Broad-street Middleton, James, 31 West North-street Adamson, Miss, 14 Langstane-place Niven, J. and C, 59 Green Adams, Misses, 41 St. Andrew-street Orchiston, James, 82 George-street Allan, Misses, 24 Young- street Pratt, Robert. 21^ Schoolhill Anderson, Miss, 36 Summer-street Rutherford, Thomas, 176 West North-street Anderson, Mrs., 12 Gerrard-street Stephen, John, 8 Marywell-street Anderson, Mrs., 171 George-street Thompson, John, 55 Queen-street Beaton, Miss, 72 Queen-street Webster, James, 27 Upperkirkgate Bisset, Misses, 38 St. Nicholas-street Bissett, Miss, 110 Loch-street Bowie, Mrs., 21 South-gallery, New-market Midwives. Boulton, Mrs. T. A., 85 Broad-street Bruce, Miss, 47 Park-street Beggrie, Mrs., 10 Catto-square Bruce, Mrs., 189 George-street Beattie, Mrs., 7 Upper Denburn Bruce, Miss Eliza, 9 Blackfriars-street Cameron, Mrs., 25 Loch-street Buyers, Miss, 48 Summer-street Cook, Mrs., 112 Chapel-street Buyers, Misses, 94 Skene-street Cooper, Mrs., 123 George-street Burgess, Miss, 30 James-street Craib, Mrs., 1 Trinity-quay Catto, Miss Elspet, 8 Charles-street Duffus, Mrs., 57 Huntly-street Cadger, Miss, 87 George-street Edward, Mrs., 14 Skene-street Campbell, Miss, 22 Summer-lane Falconer, Mrs., Stonyton, Rubislaw Cassie, Miss, 19 St. Nicholas-street Forrest, Mrs., 114 Chapel-street Christie, Mrs., 103 George-street Gerard, Mrs., 16 Thornton-place Clark, Miss, 32 Union-row Glennie, Mrs., 16 Longacre Cone, Catherine, 97 Causewayend Gordon, Mrs. B., Watt's-court, 46 Virginia-street Cormack, Miss, 1 1 Whitehouse -street Harrow, Mrs., 5 Schoolhill Connel, Miss, 86 Chapel-street Hendry, Mrs., 81 Shiprow Coulson, Miss, 39 Marisehal-street Henry, Mrs., 180 Gallowgate Coutts, Miss Ann, 38 St. Andrew-street Jamieson, Mrs., 15 St. Nicholas-street Colston, Mrs., 1 1 Diamond-street Laing, Mrs., 30 Princes-street Craig, Miss, 2 Nelson-street M'Intosb, Mrs., 62 Causewayend Craighead, Misses, 20 Skene-street Mackay, Mrs., Holburn-street Dallachy, Miss E., 49 St. Andrew-street Matthews, Mrs., Nelson-street Duncan, Miss, 29 Huntly-street Mitchell, Mrs., 35 Wales-street Duncan, Misses, 31 Schoolhill Mitchell, Mrs., 65 Chapel-street Elgen, Mrs. William, 7 Drum's-lane Milne, Mrs., 21 St. Andrew-street Ewan, Misses, 26 Chapel-street Milne, Mrs., Short-loanings Farquhar, Miss, 50 Causewayend Oswald, Mrs., 30 Skene-street Fiddes, Miss, 7 Forbes-street Peterkin, Mrs., '165 Gallowgate Forbes, Miss Isabella, 252 George-street Roberts, Mrs. A., 27 Causewayend Fordyce, Miss Jane, 14 Water-lane Robertson, Mrs., 51 Longacre Fraser, Miss, 25 Shiprow Robertson, Mrs., 40 St. Clement-street Fyfe, Mrs. P., 41 Blackfriars-street Robertson, Mrs., 51 Virginia-street Garden, Mrs., 15 Skene-street Russell, Mrs., 85 Spring-garden Gellen, Mrs., 62 Virginia-street Sheed, Mrs., 5 Hanover-street Gerard, Miss, 97 Union-street Smith, Mrs., 15 Denburn-terrace Gibson, Misses, 24 Belmont-street Smith, Mrs., 6 Marisehal-street Gillanders, Miss, 1 Commerce-lane Stevenson, Mrs., 11 Carmelite-street Goodbrand, Miss, 4 Little Chapel-street Stephen, Mrs., 20 Gordon-street Goodbrand, Misses, 188 George-street Thompson, Mrs., 41 Victoria-street-west Gordon, Mrs. and Misses, 21 Schoolhill Taylor, Mrs., 4 St. Nicholas-lane Gordon, Misses, 50 Gordon-street Webster, Mrs., 12 Spa-street Gordon, Miss Ann, 26 Dee-street Gordon, Miss, 106 George-street Millers. Grant, Misses L. and F, 24 Dee-street Gray, Mrs., 2 Charlotte-street Campbell, Robert, Gilcomston Greig, Miss, Greig's-court, Windmillbrae Cushnie, A., 72 George-street Hall, Miss, 45 Wellington-street Eddie, Charles, Justice Mills Henderson, Miss, 20 Skene-terrace Farquhar, George, Justice Mills Hird, Miss, 4 Black's-buildings NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY. 163

Hunter, Miss, Kingsland-place Shaw, Miss, 19 Skene-terrace Hunter, Mrs., 13 Black's-buildings Shirriffs, Mrs., 40 Union-terrace Ingram, Miss, 64 Broad-street Simpson, Miss, 66 Virginia-street Innes, Miss, 23 Broad-street Singer, Miss, 7 Union-row Jackson, Miss, Henderson's-court, 46 Broad-st. Smith, Miss, 49 Bon-accord-street Jameson, Miss, 41 Chapel-street Smith, Misses, 42 Huntly-street Jolly, Miss, 48 Frederick-street Smith, Miss, 38 Union-terrace Keith, Mrs., 47 Park-street Smith, Miss, 2 King's-square Keith, Misses, 7 Crown-street Spark, Mrs., 86 John-street Kerr, Miss, 25 Schoolhill Spalding, Miss, 117 George-street Laurie, Miss, 1 Millbank-street Stephen, Miss, 108 Skene-street

Laurie, Miss, 1 Millburn-streef, Ferryhill Strachan, Miss, 1 1 Constitution-street Lawrance, Misses, 32 Dee-street Sutherland, Miss, 103 George-street Law, Misses, 35 Shiprow Symmers, Miss, 8 Langstane-place Leslie, Miss, 16 Huxter-row Taylor, Misses, 31 Harriet-street Leslie, Miss, 16 Virginia-street Thompson, Miss, 20 Bon-accord-street Lindsay, Miss Margaret, 13 Black's-buildings Thompson, Miss, 50 Loch-street Linklater, Miss, 15 Queen-street Thompson, Miss Ann, 61 Loch street Loban, Miss, 92 John-street Toms, Mrs., 4 St. Nicholas-lane Low, Mrs., 13 Blackfriars-street Troup, Miss, 8 Mealmarket-street Lyon, Miss, 30 Summer-street Troup, Miss,' 90 John-street M'Donald, Miss Ann, 15 Skene- terrace Turriff, Miss, 13 Longacre Macdonald, Miss, 5 Huntly-street Urquhart, Misses, 39 Union-terrace M'Donald, Miss, 48 Longacre Vigrow, Miss, 86 George-street M'Kenzie, Miss, 16 Guestrow Walker, Miss, 61 Summer-street M'Kessor, Miss, 16 and 17 New-market Gallery Walker, Miss, 35 Chapel-street M'Kay, Miss, 35 Chapel-street Walker, Miss Margaret, 13 Black's-buildings M'Kay, Mrs., 15 St. Nicholas-street Walker, Miss, 44 Summer-street M'Lennan, Miss, 99 George- street Walker, Misses, 33 Upperkirkgate M'Leod, Miss, 2 Ragg's-lane, Broad-street Warren, Misses, 41 Huntly-street Martin, Miss, 14 North Broadford Watson, Miss, 26 Union -row Martin, Misses, 162 Union-street- west Welch, Misses, 20 North Broadford Matthews, Miss, 15 Causeway end Masson, Miss A., 4 Queen-street Mathew, Miss, 44 Chapel-street Millwrights. (See also Engineers.) Mathieson, Miss, 1 1 Schoolhill Mathison, Mrs., 20 St. Nicholas-street Abernethy, James, and Co., Ferryhill Martin, Miss, 12 Sugarhouse-lane Blaikie Brothers, Footdee Meffit, Miss, 204 Gallowgate Esson, Benjamin, Trinity-corner Middleton, Miss, 19 North Broadford Mackay, William, 112 John-street Millar, Miss M., 32 Union-terrace Miller, Miss, 34 Union-terrace Nurserymen. Milne, Miss M., 12 Thistle-street Milne, Miss, 48 Loch-street Those marked thus * are also Seedsmen. Mitchell, Miss, 65 Chapel-street Cocker, James, Sunnypark, Canalside, Moir, Misses, 43 Bon-accord-street Milne, Thomas, Sunnyside Moir, Miss A., 18 Mary well-street Reid, James, Bellville, Gilcomston Morrice, Miss, 25 Loch-street *Reid, Benjamin and Co., 94 Union*street Murray, Miss M., 62 Catharine-street *Roy, James, jun., 48 Union-street Neish, Miss, 1 1 Dee-street *Roy, John, 48 Union-street Nicol, Miss, Farquhar-place *Smith and Cardno, 76 Union-street Petrie, Miss, 74 Windmillbrae Peterkin, Miss, 18 Whitehouse-street

Ramsay, Misses, 1 Forbes-street Opticians. Reid, Miss, 61 Hutcheon-street Altria, Caesar, 16 Skene-street Rennie, Miss, 24 Schoolhill Berry, James, 88 Union-street Reid, Miss Martha, 13 Langstane-place Duncan, George, 40 Upperkirkgate Reid, Miss Eliza, 13 Correction-wynd Duncan, John, 4 St. Nicholas-street Reid, Miss, 6 Forbes-street Hay, J. and J., 2 Market-street Robertson, Miss, 6 Correction-wynd Mackay, J. T., and Son, 30 St. Nicholas-street Robertson, Miss, 217 Union-street Smith and Ramage, 45 Quay Rose, Miss, Short-loanings Roy, Mrs., 9 George-street Roy, Miss Margaret, 58 Dee-street Painters and Glaziers. Ross, Miss, 16 College-street Those marked thus * are also Paper-hangers. Boy, Miss (I. Mathieson's), 78 Union- street Rowell, Miss, 60 East North-street Anderson, A. and J., 33 Queen-street Sangster, Miss, 29 Hutcheon-street Beattie, John, 3 Marischal -street 164 NEW TRADES' AND PROFESSIONS' DIRECTORY.

*Birnie, William, 93 King-street Collie, William, 77 George-street Coutts, William, 223 Union-street Windmillbrae *Donald, George, 17 and 19 Netherkirkgate Anderson, John, 63 Blaikie, John, Sons, Metal-works, LitUejolm Farquhar and Gill, 24 Upperkirkgate, and 2 and Drum's-lane street Clunes, 196 George-street *Henderson, William, 5 Dee-street Thomas, St. Andrew-street Kerr, James, 15 Schoolhill Davidson, John, 78 *Knox, David, 18 Chapel-street Farquhar and Gill, 24 Upperkirkgate Alexander, George-street *Marshall, Robt. Christian, 13 and 28 Diamond- Lanito, 150 Marr, Dee-street street John, 13^ Skene-terrace "Mitchell, George, and Co., 42 Woolmanhill Mathers, James, 5 Shoe-lane *Paterson, George, 9 Crown-street Stephen, John, 6 *Rennie, Alexander, 45 Upperkirkgate Thomson, John, 4 South Silver-street Smith, Arthur, 30 Regent-quay *Smith and Murray, 26 Castle-street *Stephen and Sutherland, 52 Netherkirkgate See also Grocers and Spirit Dealers. ) Thorn, A. E., 6 Union-lane ( Calder, Charles, 50 Green Paper Rulers. Barclay, John, 20j Harriet-street M'Guffie, Thomas" 1 1 Market-street Brownie, James, 2 Well-court, Broad-street Stephen, James, 34 Regent-quay Edmond, John, 52 Queen-street Watt, Mrs., 17 Correction-wynd

: Smith, Lewis and James, 55 Netherkirkgate Strachan, James, 12 Queen-street Printers.

Pawnbrokers. Avery, John, Crown-court, 43 Union- street Bennett, William, 42 Castle-street Aberdeen Equitable Loan Co., 27 Gallowgate Chalmers, D., & Co., 28 Adelphi-court,Union-st. Gallagher, James, 1 Longacre Cornwall, George, Victoria-court, 54 Castle-st. North of Scotland Equitable Loan Co. Daniel, James, and Co., 46 Castle-street Durno, Alexander, 40 Gallowgate Finlayson, John, Herald Office, 7 Queen-street Piano-Forte Makers. King, Arthur, and Co., Concert-court, Broad- street Begg, Charles, 8 Black's-buildings Menzies, Thomas, 42 and 52 Castle-street Logan and Co., 5 Crown-street Rennie, George, 61 Broad-street Marr, John, 218 Union-street Marr, John, 1 Gordon-street Wood and Co., 213 Union- street Provision Curers.

Allardyce, William, Clayhills Picture Frame Makers. Hogarth, D., and Co., 74 College-street Moir, John, and Sou, 56 Virginia-street Adams, Alexander, 33 Skene-square Gifford and Son, 187 Union-street Provision Dealers. Hay, J. and J., 2 Market-street Kerr and Bowman, 24 Queen-street Abel, William, 45 Commerce-street Anderson, James, 21 and 28 Queen-street Plasterers. Anderson, Mrs., 48 Shiprow Archibald, James, 70 Loch-street Bowman and Co., 8 Shuttle-street Beattie, William, 18 Harriet-street Cobban, John, 65 Chapel-street Beattie, John, 101 Gallowgate Collie, John, 69 Green Bonnyman, Mrs., 198 Gallowgate Davidson, James, 33 Young-street Brechin, George, 94 Causewayend Davidson, William, 32 Young-street Brown, Mrs., 87 Spring-garden Findlater, James, 47 Causewayend Burness, John, 27 Commerce-street Frost, Alexander, 10 Kidd-lane Collie, James, 85 Loch-street Garden and Davidson, 14 John-street Craighead, William, 21 Basement-floor, New- Innes, George, 103 George-street Market Martin, James, 68 Broad-street Crone, Mrs., 76 Shiprow Mearns, William, 24 Blackfriars- street Cruickshank, John, Holburn-place Paul, John, 8 Langstane-place Dalgety, Alexander, New-market Paul, John, jun., 18 Bon-accord-lane Davidson, John, 24 Basement-floor, New-market Ross, John, 46 Netherkirkgate Davidson, Mrs., 87 Gallowgate Ross, Robert, 20 Longacre Dawson, Mrs., 248 George-street Walker, John, Canal-basin Dean, Miss, 4 Marischal-street NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORT. 165

Duncan, Andrew, 62 John-street Miller, George, jun., 40 Park-street Duncan, James, 3 St. Andrew-street Ogilvie, William, 2 West Park-street Emsly, Mrs. 253 George-street Routledge, William, and Son, 5 St. Catherine's- Farquhar, Mrs., 67 Queen-street Robertson, Robert, West North-street [wynd Fidler, John, 10 Upperkirkgate Young, George, 2 St. Clement-street Forbes, Mrs., 6 Windy-wynd Forrest, James, 22 Marywell-street Footdee Association, 79 Waterloo-quay Saddlers. Fullerton, Robert, 47 Gallowgate Brown, Simon, 178 West North-street Fyfe, John, 174 George-street Cooper, Alexander, 45 Queen-street Gowie, Stephen, 77 Guestrow Craig, James, and Co., 38 Schoolhill Garden, James, 13 Causewayend Dunbar, William, Flourmillbrae Grant, Mrs., 34 Loch-street Knight and Craib, 43 Queen-street Grant, Donald, 12 Maberly-street Laing and Melvin, 4 Bon-accord-street Gray, Miss M., 57 Shiprow Pringle, John, 59 St. Nicholas-street Hay, William, 144i George-street Reid, John, 6 King-street Hector, John, 51 Green Ritchie, John, 5 and 9 Back-wynd Hiscote, George, 10 Virginia-street Roberts, David, 92 and 94 King-street Howie, Mrs., 46 Frederick-street Jolly, Miss Jane, 6 Crown-street Joss, John, 47 Loch-street Saw Trimmers. Kellas, Miss, 13 Schoolhill King, Mrs., 1 Albion-street Bain, James, 61 Commerce-street Kidd, Mrs., 28 Skene-square Forbes, Peter, 164 George-street Knowles, Archibald, 48 Windmillbrae Shand, David, Market-street Langlands, Robert, 187 Gallowgate Watson, George, 71 Windmillbrae Low, Elizabeth, 186 George-street M'Neish, Andrew, 59 Causewayend M'Phee, Mrs., 38 Lodge-walk Share-brokers. Milne, Mrs., 61 Loch-street Adamson, William, 25 Marischal-street Morrice, Alexander, 15 Mealmarket-street Allardyce and Jopp, 13 Market-street Munro, Mrs., 73 Windmillbrae Black, James, and Co., 23 King-street Paul, Alexander, 13 Young-street Bruce, John, 28 Marischal-street Paterson, Alexander, 281 George-street Duncan, William, 58 Marischal-street Riach, Mrs., 62 Commerce-street Fletcher, Robert, 17 Huxter-row Robertson, Mrs., 209 Gallowgate Gordon, William, 5 King-street Shepherd, Robert, 20 Park-street Jopp and Shand, 31 Gallowgate Stewart, Alexander, 1 GiJcornston-brae Law, John, 114 Crown-street Stewart, Peter, 100 Gallowgate M'Kinnon, L., jun., 83 Union-street Thomson, Alexander, 13 Skene-street Oswald, George, and Co., 30 Marischal-street Walker, William, 65 Causewayend Rennie, John T., 43 Marischal-street Watson, Mrs., 6 Mounthooly Speid, William, 103 Union-street Wishart, David, 59 Gallowgate Wagstaff, Edward, 4 Correction -wynd Reed Makers. Ship-brokers. M'Farlane, Thomas, 29 Harriet-street Sorley, John, 62 George-street Adamson, Henry, 57 Marischal-street Aiken, James, jun., 88 King-street Surveyors. Booth, William P., 56 Marischal-street Road Connon, Richard, and Co., 58 Marischal-street Kyd, James, Rubislaw Cook, John, 59 Marischal-street Stuart, William, 1 Leslie-place Duncan, William, 33 Marischal-street Dunnet, James, 9 Catto-square Gray, James, 58 Marischal-street Rope and Sail Makers. Leslie, James, 11 Quay Those marked * are Sailmakers only. Jamieson, John, 56 Marischal-street Reid, William, 56 Marischal-street Aberdeen Rope and Sail Co., Links Rennie, John T., 43 Marischal-street Catto, Thomson, and Co., York-street ^ Smith, Neil, jun., 7 Frederick-street *Goldie and Hay, 21 St. Clement-street Warrack, Hugh M., 34 Marischal-street - - *Cumming and Ross, Weighhouse-square

Rope & Twine Manufacturers. Shipbuilders.

Davidson, George and William, 17 Quay Duthie, Alexander, and Co., Footdee Gray, Watt, and Co., 162 West North-street Hall, Alexander, and Sons, York-street Kelman, Willia-m, and Co,, 70 Hutcheon-street Hood, Walter, and Co., Footdee 166 NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY.

Gauld, Alexander, 27 York-place Ship Chandlers. Gilbertson, George, St. Clement's-lane Goldie, John, Bank-street, Ferryhill Duffus, John, 80 Waterloo- quay Gordon, Alex,, 37 Park-street Talbot, William, and Co., 14 Regent-quay Gordon, John, 27 James-street Sherer, Andrew, 13 Quay Grant, James, 58 Shiprow Grant, John, 5 Catto-square Shipmasters. Gray, Alexander, 6 Garvock-street Guild, John, 7 Church-street Alexander, Alexander, jun., 38 Union-row Hackney, George, 29 Broad-street Alexander, Alexander, 3 Springbank-terrace Henderson, Alex., 10 Marywell-street Alexander, John, 19 Kidd-lane Henderson, John, 23 Prince Regent-street Alexander, Robert, 16 Wellington-street Howling, Thomas, 80 Waterloo-quay Allan, James, 55 Wellington-street Lines, George, 44 Chapel-street Allan, George, 43 York-street Joss, James, 3 Church-street Allan, Patrick, 49 Wellington-street Joss, James, 4 Castle-lane Anderson, Andrew, 2 St. Clement-street Kay, William, 29 James-street Anderson, Charles, 10 Canal-terrace King, John, 17 Prince Regent-street Barnett, Alexander, 25 Regent-quay Law, George, 54 Quay Benzies, David, 15 James-street Leask, James, 3 Park-place Boaden, William, 57 Quay Leask, William, 32 Dee-street Boddie, George, 56 Wellington- street Leslie, Alexander, 46 Constitution-street Booth, James, 28 Queen-street Leslie, John, 7 Garvock-street Brunton, John, sen., 66 Wales-street Leslie, John, 97 Wales-street Brunton, John, jun., 53 Commerce-street Levie, Alexander, 6 Garvock-street Brebner, William, 37 Park-street Linklater, Andrew, 73 Virginia-street Bruce, David, 28 Constitution-street Linklater, James, 4 Hanover-street Bruce, William H., 18 Commerce-street Longmuir, James, 2 Bannermill-street Buchan, John, 16 Links-street Longmuir, Hugh, 2 Prospect-terrace, Ferryhill Bullanera, Matthew, 43 Commerce-street Lyon, John, 27 James-street Buthley,' Robert, 43 Commerce-street M'Beath, Peter, 2 Marywell-street Buyers, William, 3 Bannermill-street M'Conachie, Archibald, 23 Ferryhill-place Buyers, Alexander, 31 Huntly-street M'Hardy, John, 8 St. Nicholas-street Campbell, Wm., jun., 8 Millburn-st. ( Ferryhill M'Kay, Alexander, 5 Summer-lane Campbell, Wm., sen., 7 Millburn-st, Ferrryhill M'Kechnie, Allan, Ferryhill-place Cargill, John, 80 Waterloo-quay M'Kenzie, John, 14 East North-street Cargill, William, 25 Regent-quay M'Kenzie, John, 25 Regent-quay Chalmers, George, 3 Victoria-place M'Lean, Alexander, 1 Millburn-street Christie, Andrew, 23 Virginia-street M'Lean, James, 66 Virginia-street Christie, John, 23 Virginia-street M'Pherson, John, 54 Quay Christie, William, 14 Virginia-street Mackie, Alexander, 34 York-street Christopher, Mark, 2 Chapel-street Main, David, 44 York-street Clark, Alexander, 8 Carmelite-street Main, David, 1 South College-street Clark, James, 68 Waterloo-street Mathieson, Robert, 1 Hanover-lane Clark, John, 1 Hanover-lane Marsh, James, 12 Rosemount-place Clark, William, 37 Marischal-street Martin, John, 1 Constitution-street Collie, George, 3 Victoria-place Maurice, Alexander, 7 Canal-terrace Colvin, John, 4 Bannermill-street Mearns, Daniel, 2 Yeat's-lane, Canal-terrace Cook, George, 5 Hanover-street Milne, George, 3 Church-street Cox, Richard, 8 Stronach's-close, Castle- street Milne, Robert, 2 Hanover-street Craig, Alexander, 52 Virginia-street Moffat, William, 9 Hanover-street -Craig, Peter, 23 Commerce-street Monro, James, 39 Constitution-street Cruickshank, Alex., 15 Sugarhouse-lane Morgan, John, 8 Yeat's-lane Daniel, William, 4 Marywell street Morison, Alexander, 15 Constitution-street Dennison, John, 6 Canal-terrace Morison, Alexander, jun., 91 Wales-street Donald, James, Ferryhill-place Mowat, Magnus, 29 Frederick-street Donald, Alexander, 6 St. Clement-street Murray, William, 10 St. Clement-street Donald, Robert, 53 Commerce-street Naughton, William, 59 Victoria-street-west Douglas, Alex., 29 Victoria-street-west Newton, John, 28 Wellington-street Dunningham, William, 7 Skene-street Palmer, James, 74 Wales-street Duncan, James, 84 Shiprow Paterson, John, 42 Huntly-street Elliot, James, 91 King-street Parrot, Thomas, 69 Virginia-street Ennew, Edward, 22 Virginia-street Parrot, Robert, 27 York-place Ettershank, Joseph, Prince Regent-street Penny, Wiliiam, Polmuir Flann, Joseph, 1 Hanover-lane Petty, David, 22 Virginia- street Fletcher, William, 61 Commerce-street Pole, Lawrence, 8 Reid's-houses, Holburn Fraser, Hamilton, 18 James-street Pye, John, 4 Trinity-street Ganson, Herman, 59 Virginia-street Raiker, William, 67 Virginia-street NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY. 167

Reid, Duncan J., 47 Frederick-street Cooper, Henry, and Co., 47 Union-street Reid, William, 109 York-street Lyall, George, and Co., 99 Union-street Rennie, George J., 83 King-street Marshall, W. and J., 81 Union-street Ritchie, Andrew, 1 Bannermill-street Mathieson, Isaac, 33 Union-street Ritchie, David, 49 Commerce-street Morison, Alexander, 119 Union-street Ritchie, Thomas, 17 Prince Regent-street Philip and Kennedy, 17 and 19 Union-buildings Robertson, Benjamin, 28 Constitution-street Saint, James, jun., 139 Union-street Robertson, John, 55 Wellington-street Shirres, James, 31 Union-street SaDgster, John, 3 James-street Stewart, Walter, 145 Union-street Scott, Alexander, 84 Shiprow Sutherland, George, 149 Union-street Smart, John, 59 Commerce-street White and Hutcheon, 123 Union-street Smith, George, 3 James-street Yeats, George, 87 Union-street Smith, John, 17 Prince Regent-street Smith, John, 1 Canal-lane Skinners. Smith, Victor E., 1 Links-street Snowie, William, 63 College-street Currie, Adam, and Son, 22 Skene-square Strachan, George, 79 Virginia-street Laing, James, 38 George-street Strachan, John, 47 Constitution-street Stuart, Charles, 126 King-street Stuart, John, 9 Yeat's-lane Slaters. Sutherland, James, 22 Ferryhill-place Adam, Alexander, 57 Causewayend Talbot, David, 61 Quay Anderson, James, 49 St. Nicholas-street Taylor, Alexander, 69 Virginia-street Buchan, William, 21 Shiprow Taylor, William, 61 Quay Collie, Alexander, 28 Shiprow Tulloch, James, 12 St, Clement-street Copland, Alexander, 78 John-street Urquhart, George, 45 Constitution-street Copland, Peter, Mounthooly Urquhart, William, 31 Huntly-street Cummiug, John, 43 Victoria-street-west Vollan, John Henry, 61 Park-street Cumming, William, Commerce-street Walker, Alex., 3 Mill-street Farquhar, Robert, 24, Leadside, Gilcomston Walker, Alex., 32 St. Clement-street Firth, James, 48 Queen-street Walker, John, 4 St. Clement-street Jnnes, John, B., 17 Rose-street Watt, George, 61 Commerce-street Keith, William, 24 Summer-st., So 24 Union-row Willet, Joseph T., 43 Dee-street Lawrance, John, 37 Ann-street Wishart, Daniel, 45 Constitution-street M'Kay, George, 93 Green Wood, George, 15 Constitution-street Maver, John, Mounthooly Wood, William D., 28 Shiprow Reid, William, 67 Hutcheon-street Youngson, Robert, 3 James-street Robbie, William, 1 Skene-square Young, William, 4 Affleck-street Silver, George, Jopp's-court, 40 Broad-street Watt, George, 13 Carmelite-street Shore Porters. Watt, William, Spa-street Aiken, Alexander, 45 Castle-street Brown, Robert, 10 Weighhouse-square Spirit Dealers. Caie, William, 82 Shiprow (See also Grocers and Spirit Dealer/.) Davidson, James, 58 Castle-street Lamb, James, 7 Marischal-street Allan, Miss Ann, 90 Green Lamb, Robert, 18 Shiprow Allan, William, 17 Wales-street Lumsden, George, 7 Marischal-street Anderson, Mrs., 35 York-street Milne, James, Summerfield Austin, Robert, 29 Park-street Milner, Magnus, 18 Shiprow Bain, James, 6 Schoolhill Moir, William, Cruden's-court, 22 Broad street Bannerman, George, 86 John-street Pirie, George, 8 Mitchell-place Bate, James, 49 Wales-street Porter, John, 42 Castle-street Baxter, John, 6 Crooked-lane Robb, George, 18 Shiprow Baxter, Mrs., 3 Causewayend Saint, James, 41 Summer-street Bennet, Mrs. R., 57 East North-street Skinner, Alexander, 8 Exchequer-row Booth, George, 21 Upperkirkgate Smith, John, 14 Castle-street Boyle, Martin, 25 Park-lane Wilson, John, 18 Shiprow Brands, George, 7 East North-street Brandy, Alexander, 55 Regent-quay Shuttle Makers. Brebner, James, 70^ Gallowgate Bruce, Robert, 8 Causewayend Baxter, John, 93 George- street Calder, Mrs., Summer-lane Coutts, Alexander, 58 Windmillbrae Campbell, John, 63 West North-street Gibson, Thomas, 35 Union-terrace Campbell, Walter, 61 East North-street Campbell, Win,, Chapel-lane, Exchequer-place Silk Mercers. Charleston, Mrs., 13 Hutcheon-street Chalmers, Peter, 47 Virginia-street Collie, Patrick, 37 Union-street Clark, John, 14 Shiprow 168 NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY.

Conry, James, 1 Spa-street M'Intosh, Mrs., 58 George-street Cook, Archibald, 9 York-street M'Intosh, Mrs., 77 Gallowgate Cooper, James, Holburn-street M'Kay, Edward, 12 St. Clement-street Cooper, John, Holburn-street M'Kenzie, George, 25 Regent-quay Coutts, Alexander, 67 Green M'Kenzie, John, 2 John-street Cowieson, George, 9 Trinity-quay M'Leay, Alexander, 17 Justice-street Craib, John, 6 Leadside, Gilcomston M'Pherson, John, 83 West North-street Cromar, Mrs., 21 Park-street Mackie, David, 10 Langstane-place Crow, Jobs, 41 Guestrow Mollis, Thomas, 235 George-street Davidsoti, Alexander, 125 George-street Milne, Charles, 24 East Green Davidson, James, 38 Quay Mutch, George, 21 Windy-wynd Davidson, Mrs. John, 3 Park-street Nicol, John, 78 North-street Davidson, William, 23 College-street Niven, William, 11 Marischal-street Diack, William, 4 Skene-street Orr, Mrs., 67 Guestrow Donaldson, James, 24 Trinity-street Petrie, John, 64 Queen-street Donald, Peter, 86 Green Pirie, Miss Sarah, 23 Loch-street Dundas,"John, 283 George-street Rae, Alexander, 88 George-street Duncan, James, 12 Regent-quay Rainnie, Mrs., 22 Correction-wynd Ellis, Peter, 11 Back-wynd Rait, Mrs. Isabella, 19 Virginia-street Falconer, Alexander, 69 Commerce-street Riddel, Mrs. Peter, 149 Gallowgate Farquharson, James, 37 West North-street Robertson, William, 22 Windy-wynd Fleming, Robert, 27 Guestrow Robertson, William, 26 Regent-quay Forbes, James, 7 James-street Robbie, William, 11 Carmelite-street Fraser, Alexander, 165 George-street Robson, Alexander, 31 Causewayend Fraser, Charles, 30 Justice-street Saunders, James, 53 Regent-quay Fraser, David, 52 George-street Scatterty, Alexander, 18^ Shiprow Fraser, Mrs., 36 West North-street Scorgie, Robert, 1 Waterloo-street Fraser, William, 1 Carmelite-lane Scott, James, 8 Trinity-street Gael, Francis, Calsayseat Seaton, James, 7 Gallowgate 1 Wales-street Garden, Mrs. J., 61 West North-street Sharp, John, Gillespie, John, 40 Loch-street Sim, Alexander, 31 Justice-street Berry-lane Gill, John, 13 Queen-street Smith, Alexander, 16 Gorard, Mrs., 41 George-street Smith, Alexander, 11 College-street Gordon, George, 6 Flourmillbrae Smith, Francis, 1 Adelphi-lane Grange, Mrs., 53 John-street Smith, James, 63 Guestrow Grant, George, 14 Netherkirkgate Stewart, Donald, 7 Longacre Grant, John, 89 Loch- street Stevenson, John, 44 Skene-square Grant, John, 18 Maberly-street Strachan, Alexander, 3 Shiprow Gunn, Mrs., 21 Hutcheon-street Taylor, Robert, and Co., 61 Netherkirkgate Hardie, William, 27 Loch-street Thomson, James, 13 Muttonbrae Harrier, Robert, 103 John-street Tawse, Lewis, 83 Green Harris, John, 72 Woolmanhill Torry, John, 28 Gallowgate Walker, George, 51 Guestrow Hay, Alexander, 1 Trinity -quay Hay, James, Hadden-street Watt, James, 258 Gallowgate Hay, John, 22 Green Watt, Mrs., 1 York-street Hobnail, John, 45 East North-street Webster, Mrs., 21 Loch-street Hunter, Arthur, 137 Gallowgate Wisely, John, 6 Trinity-street Imlay, George, 8 Netherkirkgate Jessiman, Alexander, 41 Upper Denburn Stablers. Jessiman, George, 24 Castle-street Jessiman, George, 80 Loch-street Allan, George, 28 Gerrard-street Jessiman, Thomas, 14 Park-street Anderson, Robert, 25 Mealmarket-street Johnston, Joseph, 54 Netherkirkgate Daniel, Thomas, 16 Mealmarket-street Kidd, William, 57 Commerce-street Ewen, William, 11 Harriet-street Kiloh, Joseph, 6 College-street Gordon, Thomas, 15 Back-wynd King, John, 24 Shiprow Henry, Andrew, 180 Gallowgate Knox, William, 15 Shiprow Johnston, John, 6 Little Belmont-street Largue, William. 2 Hutcheon-street M'Bey, Alexander, 11 John-street Law, Arthur, 49 Windmillbrae M'Pherson, James, 26 West North-street Lawson, Alexander, 44 Netherkirkgate Milne, George, 5 Harriet-street Leith, Thomas, 78 West North-street Michie, James, 13 Harriet-street Leys, George, and Co., 17 Fisher-row Robb, William, 13 Princes-street Lindsay, Charles, 87 Shiprow Rose, John, 166 Gallowgate-street Lindsay, James, 27 St. Clement-street Smith, James, 22 Harriet-street Littlejohn, James, 17 Gordon-street Stephen, James, 8 West North-street M'Donald, Charles, 169 Gallowgate Taggart, Mrs., 90 George-street M'Guffie, Maxwell, 10 Trinity-corner Walker, Charles, 38 Harriet-street M'Intosh, James, 90 Loch-street Walker, George, 6 Backwynd )


Ferguson, John, Cove, Nigg Stationers. Fraser, William, 8 Drum's-lane (See Booksellers.") Grant, Patrick, 171 Gallowgate Greig, John, 84 Crown-street Stay Makers. Leslie, William, 10 Golden-square Matthew, Alexander C, 3 Canal-terrace Barnett, Mrs., 31 Upperkirkgate Nichol, Francis Hay, 18 Golden-square Courage, Miss, 96 Skene-street Sim, John, Holburn-street Copland, Miss, 10 Marywell-street Smith, Robert, 9 Union-terrace Elntslie, Mrs., 188 West North-street Sutherland, George, 4 Correction-wynd Henderson, Mrs. W., 42 Queen-street Wood, John, 31 Bon-accord-street M'Donald, Miss, 53 Queen-street Walker, Mrs., 44 Loch-street Tailors. Stock Brokers. Bartlett, William, Trinity Manse, Market-street Black, Joseph, 8 Langstane-place Share (See -brokers.) Burt, Robert, 70 Queen-street Calder, William, 29 Marischal-street Stone Cutters. Cormack, Alexander, li- North Broadford Cowie, William, 15 Lower Denburn Adam and Brewster, West North-street Dalgarno, William, 18 Virginia-street Beattie, John, George-street Dalgarno, William, 5 Rennie's-wynd, Green Buchan and Petrie, Union-bridge Davidson, Duncan, 42 Shiprow Duncan, Thomas, 34 Dee-street Davidson, Robert, 10 Causewayend Eaton, James, 112 John-street Duthie, Barclay, 12 Church-street Legge, John, Windmillbrae Ewen, John, 1 Concert-court, Broad-street M'Donald & Leslie, east end of Constitution-st. Ewen, William, 2 Castle-street Watson, David, and Sons, 262 Union-street Ferguson, John, 29 Windmillbrae Wright, James, 112 John-street Flett, David, Trinity Manse Fraser, John, 11 Gaelic-lane Stoneware Merchants. Fraser, John, 157 George-street Fraser, Peter, 22 Shiprow Copland, Jean, 59 Waterloo-street Grant, Lachlan, 15 Chronicle-lane Davidson, Alexander, 69 East North-street Greig, James, 5 Guestrow Davidson, Miss, 2 Shiprow Henderson, John, 15 Windy-wynd Davidson, William, 71 Green Ingram, James, 64 Broad-street Emslie, William, 188 West North-street Jackson, William, 29 Hutcheon-street Ford, John, 136 Union-street Joss, Charles, 91 Skene-street Fraser, Hugh, 55 Castle-street Kelman, William, 5 Blairton-lane, Guestrow Goodsman, Mrs. 15 Upper Leadside, Gilcomston Lawrence, Joseph, 13 Blackfriars-street Gordon, Peter, 51 St. Nicholas-street M'Donald, Robert, 7 South Silver-street Greenlaw, William, 78 Queen-street M'Donald, John, Gordon-street Imray, David, 70 Woolmanhill M'Kay, John, 9 Skene-square Lamond, Alexander, 9 Shiprow M'Kay, William, Wellington-road Massie, Mrs., 32 George-street M'Leod, William, 5 Huxter-row Mollison, James, Holburn-street Mann, William, 69 Queen-street Mowat, A. and T., 3 Blackfriars-street Middleton, Peter, 63 Green Robertson, Robert, 16 Schoolbill Mitchell, James, 21 Lodge-walk Stuart, John, 98 Green Mowat, James, 8 Flourmill-brae Stewart, James, 39 Schoolhill Moir, William, 85 Chapel-street Willans, Samuel, 170 Gallowgate Morison, Joseph, 5 Guestrow Munro, Alexander, 33 Woolmanhill Robb, Alexander, Ci'own-court, Union-street Straw-bonnet Makers. Ross, William, 2 Water-lane Strachan, Robert, 69 Netherkirkgate Fraser, Mrs., 37 George-street William, 19 Lower Denburn Middleton, Mrs., 23 George-street Tawse, Tough, John, 194 George-street Simpson, Mrs., 2 Donald's-court, 20 Schoolhill George, Sutherland's-buildings, Hol- Robson, Miss, 74 Skene-street Walker, burn-street Watson, John, 3 St. Catherine's- wynd Surgeons. Wilson, George, 188 Gallowgate Wyllie, John, 42, Queen-street (In addition to the following, see "Doctors of Medicine,'' page 153.) Birnie, Moses, 31 Longacre Tailors—(Furnishing. Campbell, John, 7 Bon-accord-street Coutts, James, 4 Castlebrae Adam, George, and Co., 2 Castle-street Erskine, Robert Marr, 138 George-street Badenoch, Alexander, 12 Union-street Y 170 NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY.

Cadenhead, Geo., Chronicle-court, 10 Queen-st. Barclay, Miss, Holburn-street Cattanach, Charles, and Co., 123^ Union- street Beverley, Alexander, 6 Rosemount-terrace Cook, William, Exchange-court, Union-street Bicknell, Misses, 9 North Silver-street Cruickshank, James, 13 Netherkirkgate Boyle, Alexander, North Parish School Davidson, William, 77 King-street Buist, Miss, 30 Constitution-street Forbes, John, 73 Union-street Calder, James, 59 Summer-street Fraser, Charles, and Co., 16 Union-street Chisholm, Miss, 38 Bon-accord-street Fraser, Hugh, 24 and 30 Union-street Clapton, John, 112 Chapel-street Fraser and Glennie, 6 Concert-court, Broad-st. Clark, Miss, 16 Gallowgate Fraser, James, 6 Union-lane Clark, William, 9 Denb urn- terrace Fraser, William, 39 Castle-street Clerihew, Alexander, 6 Denburn Gall and Bird. 46 Union-street Connell, Duncan M., 9 Canal-street Gibson, Brown, 6 Union-street Corbet, Miss, 70 Park-street Gilchrist, Gordon, 2 Gallowgate Craig, Edward, 29 Skene-street Johnston, James, 18 Woolmanhill Craig, Miss, 72 Catherine-street Johnston and Laird, 36 Union-street Craigmyle, Francis, 11 Rose-street Keith, John, 6 Netherkirkgate Cushnie, Miss, 19 Marischal-street King, Charles, 23 Broad-street Cruickshank, Mrs., 6 Frederick-street Levy, M. A., 26 Union-street Dawson, Miss, 136 King-street Lonie, David, 47 Park-street Dickinson, James J., 30 Constitution-street Low, James, 172^ George-street Dun, John, 2 Wellington- place M'Bean, D., Old "Trinity Manse, Market-street Durno, Peter, 58 Longacre M'Quarrie, John, 1 Correction-wynd Duncan, Francis, 55 Chapel-street Maguire, James, 49 Queen-street Duncan, Misses, 24 Schoolhill Mann, George, 30 Adelphi Duncan, Miss, Holburn-street Milne, Low, and Co., 127 Union-street Duthie, Barclay, 12 Church-street Mitchell, James, 9 Guestrow Ellis, Miss, Footdee Moir, James, and Co., 185 Union-street Fergusson, Dr. James, West-end Academy Murray, Isaac, 22 Shiprow Ferguson, Mrs., 29 Skene-street Mustard, Robert, 145 George-street Fullerton, Misses, 137 Crown-street Nicol, John, 126 Union-street Fyfe, Misses, 108 Crown-street Piggie, Andrew H., 68 Broad-street Gardiner, Mrs., 24 Belmont-street Reid, James, 119 George-street Geddes, William D., 3 Rosemount-terrace Russel, Alexander, 18 Union-street Gerard, Alexander, Balmoral-place Rust, David, 18 Broad-street Gilbert, Thomas, Holburn-place Shaw, William, 41 Lodge- walk Gordon, Henry, Cooperston-row Simpson and Whyte, 21 Union-buildings Grant, Rev. James, Eastfield-cottage Sinclair, George, 22 Broad-street Gray, Rev. James, 102 Chapel-street Smith, Andrew, 7 Netherkirkgate Gray, Rev. Robert A., Berryden-house Smith, Charles, 9 Skene-terrace Hay, Miss, 56 Gallowgate Smith, John, 13 Union-street Heintzler, Malle., 26 Dee-street Stott, John, Commercial-court, 58 Castle-street Herald, James, 24 Schoolhill Thomson, Robert, 14 Broad-street Hill, Isaac, 19 Queen-street Thow, George, IS Skene-street Hogg, Miss Charlotte, Holburn-street Tocher, John, 100 Union-street Imray, George, Rubislaw Troup, Alexander, 82 Union-street Johnston, Miss, 25 Victoria-street-west Watt, Adam, 13 St. Andrew-street Johnston, Miss, 10 Queen-street Kay, John, 20 Chapel -street Kerr, Miss, 16 Guestrow Tea and Coffee Merchants. Kidd, J. Simpson, 3 Kingsland-place (See also Giocers and Spirit Dealers.) Lambert, Miss, 3 Union-terrace Lazenby, James, 19 Crown-street Armstrong, William, 40 Broad-street -"--'' Ledingham, James, 12 Correction-wynd Brebner and Grant, 56 St. Nicholas-street Loban, James, 8 Drum's-lane Bayers and Skene, Exchange-court Longmuir, Miss, 47 Schoolhill Jamies'on, Alexander, 13 Regent- quay M'Connochie, Alex., 13 Crown- street Mackinlay, Robert, 3 St. Nicholas-street M'Conochie, G. C, 115 Union-street Urquhart, J. and R., 7 Schoolhill M'Condach, Miss, 8 Albyn-place Mollison, William, Ashvale-cottage, Holburn- Teachers—(Miscellaneous). M'Kay, Misses, 28 Union-terrace Maver, David, 6 Marywell-street Alexander, Miss, Skene-street-west Milne, Robert, 19 Marischal-street Alexander, Robert and Mrs., 2 Springbank- Mitchell, William, 19 Upperkirkgate - place, Dee-street Mollison, William, Mechanics' Institution Alexander, Robert, 5 Millburn-street Mortimer, William, 7 Charlotte-street Allan, William, 64 Gerrard-street Murray, Mrs., Short-loanings Annand, John S., Braehead, Gilcomston Nicol, John, York -street Anderson, William, Seamount-place Ogg, Miss, 3 St. Andrew-street NEW TRADES AND PROFESSIONS DIRECTORY. 171

Ogilvie, John, LL.D., Strawberrytank M'Intosh, James, 28 Netherkirkgate Rait, William, 23 Marywell-street M'Leod, C. and J., 52 East North-street Rattray, William, 31 Charlotte-street M'Leod, Robert, and Son, 10 East North-street Reid, Miss, 15 Bon-accord-street Michie, John, 68 Windmillbrae Reid, Miss Maria, 13 Correction-wynd Murray, George, 31 Chapel-street Reid, John M., 10 Silver-street Ray, John, 5 Gallowgate Reid, Mrs. John, South Constitution-street Runcie, J. and W., 5 George-street Riddel, James, 55 Gallowgate Shirras, William, 18 Upperkirkgate Robertson, Misses, 29 Castle-street Spark, John and Alexander, 91 and 95 Queen-st. Robertson, James, 42 Marischal-street Robertson, Miss, 116 George-street Tobacconists. Robertson, Miss, 9 Blackfriars-street Roger, Thomas, 55 Longacre Craig, Thomas, and Sons, 22 George-street Sachs, Rev. M., 32 Skene-terrace Duncan, George, 66 Windmillbrae Scott, John, Gordon's Hospital Grant, David, 25 Union-street Sinclair, D., 4 North Broadford Kilgour and Taylor, 49 Netherkirkgate Shepherd, Miss, Rosebank-lane, Hardgate M'Combie, Thomas, and Co., 51 Netherkirkgate Souter, James, 33 Charlotte-street Murray, John, and Son, 15 Upperkirkgate Stephen, Miss, 1 Union-wynd Whyte, Patrick, 30 Broad-street Stevenson, James, 31 Charlotte-street Stott, Miss, 39 Shuttle-lane Stott, Miss, 58 Castle-street Turners. Strahan, Rev. W. D., Gordon's Hospital Stewart, John M., 52 Shiprow Baxter, John, 93 George-street Strachan, James, 81 Hutcheon-street Coutts, Alex., 58 Windmillbrae Taylor, Miss, Holburn- street Ewen, George, South Silver-street Thain, Robert, Seamount Findlay, Robert, Windmill-lane Thomson, Miss, Lochhead Nicoll, Alexander, Chronicle-court, Queen-street Thomson, Mrs., 8 John-street Provest, Charles, Causewayend Tulloch, Marcus, Bellevue Reid, John, 161 Gallowgate Tyrie, Miss Barbara, 47 Blackfriars-street Rose, George, 73 Green Weir, John, 31 Belmont-street Simpson, William, 26 Skene-street Webster, Miss, 57 Park-street Wilson, Miss, 54 Causewayend Vintners. Whyte, Misses, 57 Dee-street

(See also Spirit Dealers and Grocers $ Spirit Dealers.)

Teachers—(of Drawing). Anderson, George, 15 Fisher-row Cleland, P., 8 Union-terrace Barkway, Mrs., 39 St. Andrew-street Jazdowzski, John, 120 Crown-street Birnie, Alexander, Ferryboat-bouse Wilson, George, 23 Crown-street Bowman, Mrs., 73 Queen-street Brebner, George, 44 Harriet-street Catto, Robert, 9 Weighhouse-square Teachers—(of Music). Chapman, Mrs., 3 Shorebrae Alexander, Mrs., 48 Chapel-street Clark, John, 3 Ragg's-lane Allwood, T. H, 1 Mitchell-place Connan, James, 21 York-street Baker, R. H, 16 North Silver-street Copland, Joseph, 9 Correction-wynd Colston, Alexander, 11 Diamond-street Cormack, William, Quay-side, York-street Cruickshank, James, 35 St. Nicholas-street Cowie, Alexander, 13 Lower Denburn Davie, James, 50 Chapel-street Craig, Mrs., 1 Waterloo-street, Footdee Hunter, Mrs. William, 50 Chapel-street Donald, William, Cooperston-buildings Hunter, Robert W., 16 Huxter-row Ewen,*James, Holburn-street Kidson, Miss, 73 Dee-street Ferguson, Mrs., 5 Stronach's-close Latter, Richard, 52 Victoria-street-west Garden, George, 16 York- street Medd, Miss, 36 Union-terrace Gillespie, Mrs., Steps of Gilcomston Reid, Miss, 3 Littlejohn-street Gray, Mrs., York-place Spence, Alexander, Short-loanings Greig, Mrs. Jane, 43 Lodge-walk Spark, William, 2 Guestrow Greig, William, 19 Lodge-walk Tocher, John, 7 South Constitution-street Grub, James, 11 Chapel-street Harrow, Miss, 18 Wales-street Leslie, Geo., 32 Guestrow Tinsmiths. Livingston, Mrs., 9 Burnett's-close Adamson, Alexander, 17 Gallowgate Milne, Mrs., 3 Longacre Cruickshank, Peter, 22 Causewayend M'Allum, James, 7 Stronach's-close Davidson, Alexander, 96 Green M'Kay, John, 10 Lower Denburn Hogg, Peter, 20 Carmelite-street Mackay, George, 29 Berry-lane Kidd, Thomas A., 52 Regent-quay Mathieson, John, 57 Guestrow Legg, James, 48 Netherkirkgate Murray, Mrs., Holburn-street )


Neil, Mrs., 44 Quay Thomson, George and Son, Thomson's-court, Nicol, Mrs., 18 Wellington-street 21 Regent-quay Paterson, Mrs. John, Rubislaw Walker, William, 52 Union-street Pettigrew, Mrs., 3 Stronach's-close Reid, John, 39 Lodge-walk Reid, William, 18 Carmelite-street Wood Merchants. Riach, Mrs., 16 Shiprow Rose, John, 166 Gallowgate Adam, John, 177 J George-street Rodney, David, 82 Waterloo- quay Anderson, George, Commerce-street Smart, George, 7 Shore-lane Brown, Robert, Inches Smith, Isabella, 13 Exchequer-row Buyers, James, and Co., 12 Kidd-lane Smith, John, 2 Adelphi-lane Campbell, Robert, 127 George-street Smith, William, 14 Frederick street Donald, John, Inches Smith, James, 16 Trinity-street Duncan, William, 33 Marischal-street Still, Mrs., 17 York-street Duthie, William, York-place Stewart, Peter, Waterloo-street Fairweather, David, 182 George- street Walker, Robert, 5 East Green Forbes and Co., 108 West North-street Wright, Alexander, 11 Rurnett's-close Johnston, Robert, 25 York-place M'Lauehlan, John, 1 James-street Milne, George, and Co., Victoria-dock Sawmills Watch and Clock Makers. Moir, John, 207 King-street Mortimer, Peter, Blaikie's-quay Allan, James, Holburn-street Paterson, A. and G., Inches Berry, James, S8 Union-street Rainnie, Alexander, 72 Commerce-street Booth, John, 41 Upperkirkgate Rose, Donaldson, and Co., 7 York-street Brand, William, 48 Broad-street Roy, James, and Co., Devaaha Sawmill Beverly, Hugh, 7 Upperkirkgate Rust, John, 14 Thistle-street Findlay, A. & J., 7, 8, & 9 New-market- gallery Stewart, William, Victoria Sawmills Fraser, John, 166 Union-sti-eet Wright, Thomas, Inches Frederick, Charles, 42 George-street Frederick, John, 5 Broad-street Gill and Smith, 80 Union-street Wrights. Gray, Alexander, 1 1 Netherkirkgate Hardy, William, 17 Huxter-row ( See also Builders and House Carpentert. M'Leod, William, 9 Schoolhill Bain, Ebenezer, 228 George-street M'Kirdy, John, 28 Woolmanhill Christie, William, 5 Gilcomston-steps Mercer, Hay, 27 West North-street Cossens, James, 3 Castle-lane Riddel, D. and J., 43 St. Nicholas-street Coutts, Alexander, 46 Frederick-street Robertson, John and Co., Market-gallery Davidson, Alexander, 164 Gallowgate Ross, Adam, 64 Schoolhill Duncan, William, 2 St. Andrew-street Walker, James, 29 St. Nicholas- street Garvie, James, 12 Summer-street Watson, James, 1 7 St. Nicholas-street Gordon, John, Henderson's-court, 46 Broad-st. Hobart, Thomas, 15 James-street Wholesale Merchants (General). Hogg, George, Holburn-street Hogg, W. and A., 7^ Carmelite- street Ingram, William, Brebner and Grant, 56 St. Nicholas-street 91 Loch-street Edwards, Douglas, 15 and 16 Adelphi Jamieson, Thomas, 9 Carmelite-street Kennedy, James John, Market-street Joss, James, Upper Denburn Milne, John, 21 Gallowgate Mercer, Alexander, 16 Catharine-street Shirres, D. L., and Co., 76 George-street Milne, David, 7 Martin's-lane Mitchell, William (A. Rainie), 50 Commerce-st Mitchell, James, 15 Short-loanings Wine Merchants. Peterkin, John, 18 Whitehouse-street Pittendrich, Alexander, 5 St. Clement's-lane Allardyce and Jopp, 13 Market-street Reid, John, 161 Gallowgate Black and Ferguson, 12 Broad-street Robertson, William, 19 Bon-accord-lane Catto, Robert, and Co, 14 King-street Rose, John, 16 Muttonbrae Clark, Leslie, and Son, 4 Upperkirkgate Ross, William (Gas Co.), Gas-street Cockburn, J., and Campbell, 19 Union-buildings Sievewright, Alexander, York-place Fraser and Laidlaw, 57 Union-street Simpson, James, 1 Donald's court, Schoolhill Lumsden, J., and Co., 95 Union-street Smith, Alexander, 48 Skene-square Machray, Isaac, and Co., 7 Adelphi Tough, John, 38 Whitehouse-street Moir, Robert, and Brown, 23 Adelphi Traill, James, 8 Rose-street Sheed, John, 44 Marischal-street Watson, James, 15 Langstane-place Smith, William, jun,, 106 Union-street Webster, John, 21 Huntly-street —«


OFFICES. Aberdeen Mutual Assurance and Friendly Society „*w, Alexander Teats, 123\ Union-street Aberdeen Mutual Marine Insurance Association ~*~ R. Connon, 58 Marischal-street Aberdeen Sea Assurance Co. .» „™~™m—~~ ~-~. A. Matthew, 57 Marischal-street Accidental Death Insurance Co.„„„ „— ,„„„„-,„~. A. Masson, 4 Queen-street A. & W. Groundwater, 25 St. Nicholas-st. Marischal-street Agriculturist Cattle Insurance Co , .~™ John Sheed,44 Alfred Life Assurance Association „™ „„„~~~ William Gordon, 5 King-street Alliance Life and Fire Assurance Office „„™„™.™..«™« James Black and Co., 23 King-street Anchor Fire and Life Assurance Co.™„ ,~~~v~ Norval Clyne, 245 Union-street Argus Life Assurance Co „™ „™ .„ ~~~. J. Brebner, Advocates'-buildings Blaikie, 245 Union-street Atlas Fire and Life Office „™„ . , .„~~. . »~~ J. Australasian, Colonial, and General Life Assurance Co., William Gordon, 34 Marischal-street

British Commercial Life Insurance Co. „~ .- George Grub, Advocates'-buildings British Empire Mutual Fire Assurance Society ,™,™~,~. J. A. Wilson, 92 Broad-street Marischal-street . John T. Rennie, 41 Colonial Life Assurance Co. „^ , „ . County Fire Office and Provident Life Office ,~~~™„ William Smith, jun., 106 Union-street Eagle and Life Insurance Co. „„ ™~„w. „™ Arthur Thomson, Bank of Scotland Murray and Garden, 50 Schoolhill, and W. Edinburgh Life Assurance ,r~.~*~~~* —-~~ Adamson, 25 Marischal-street 13 Union-row Essex Economic Fire Office„™„ , rm,„ .„^„~.„~„ A. H. Ness, European Life Insurance and Annuity Co.^,^^...^^ A. Davidson, 1 Bon-accord-street General Fire and Life Assurance Co.™,^.™^™^^., George Allan, 1 Marischal-street Globe Fire, Life, & Annuity Insurance,™*™*™*..,™..,™, H. C. Oswald, 30 Marischal-street Guardian Fire, Life, & Annuity Insurance.™™™™™™*, A. Chivas, National Bank Imperial Fire Insurance Co.™,^™,™^.^,^^-,, William Smith, 142 King-street Independent Fire, Life, and Annuity Assurance™**™**, William Stevenson, 5 Belmont-street Insurance Co. of Scotland,*,™**™**™**™**™**™**™*.™**, William Skinner, 173 Union-street Kent Mutual Fire Insurance Co .™**„™**.*™,*. W. P. Booth, 56 Marischal-street Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insurance Co. , John Sheed, 44 Marischal-street London Guarantee Society™**™*.™*.™**,™.™**™™*,,™*, Stronach and Grainger, 20 King-street London Mutual Life and Guarantee Society™*. „™*.. J. A. Wilson, 92 Broad-street London Union Assurance Co. ^. A. H. Ness, 13 Union-row

London Indisputable Policy Co ™**™**.™*,™.™**,™.,», ") James Warrack, 34 Marischal-street London Union Assurance Co.^,^,^^.^..^^.^.^ J Manchester Fire Insurance Co. ™**™**™**™**™**™**™**™** D. Mitchell, 12 Adelphi Maritime Passengers' Assurance Co. „„.„„.„„„.~*„,,™.„~~~-. John Sheed, 44 Marischal-street Mariners and General Life Assurance Co.,™. ™**™**™*.™*. George Allan, 1 Marischal-street National Fire and Life Assurance Co. ™** „ ,„„..„„.,™ Allardyce and Jopp, 13 Market-street North British Fire and Life Assurance ™** „,„.„,.,„~„™ T. and N. Burnett, 25 Belmont-street Norwich Fire, Life, and Annuity Office ,„„„,,„,™,„„„™„„. Charles Chalmers, 147 Union-street Palladium Life Assurance Society ™** „„*„„.,„-,,.,.,„ Norval Clyne, 245 Union-street Pelican Life Assurance Co.™** ^^w»».»».<^v»^^~ D. Mitchell, 12 Adelphi Phoenix Fire Office™,™.™^™™^.™™.,.,.^™,^^^^.™™^-. C. Lumsden, 2 Union-terrace Plate Glass Insurance Co. ™**™^™**.™.,™.™™™.™*™™™.™*. John Sheed, 44 Marischal-street Professional Life Assurance Co ™*.™«.™™™.™*™„™» William P. Booth, 56 Marischal-street Promoter Life Assurance and Annuity Co „„™,„„„™,„„,~~ John Stuart, 87 Crown-street Provident Life and County Fire Assurance Co.^..^.^^,^., William Smith, jun., 106 Union-street Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation ,™**™**,™.,™. Alexander Jopp, 31 Gallowgate Scottish Amicable Life Assurance *™™**™-*™**,™*™*.,™. John Jamieson, 56 Marischal-street William Gordon, 14 Adelphi, and Clements Scottish Equitable Assurance ,**** \ Co. ™**,. *™**.™* Lumsden, 2 Union-terrace Scottish Provident Institution of Edinburgh ™**™**™** William Skinner, 173 Union-street William Reid, 56 Marischal-street Scottish Sea Insurance Co. .™**™** . .,,, m,„„~w. Scottish Union Fire and Life Assurance Co.™,™.™™™.™™ John Duncan, 8 Castle- street Scottish Widows' Fund, and Life Assurance Society „,™.™™** John Blaikie, 245 Union- street Standard Life Assurance Co ™*™**™**™™™.™*.™**,™.,™. Smith and Cochran, 96 Union-street George Marquis, 147 Union-street, arid United Deposit Assurance Co.„ „**„™„ ,*™*.™™*,™** \ James A. Sinclair, 245 Union-street United KingdomTemperance and General Provident Institution A. H. Ness, 13 Union-row United Kingdom Life Assurance Co.™** ™***™.™**„.™*.™^. William Reid, 56 Marischal-street West of England Fire and Life Office™**™** ™**,™.™*.™*. A, and J. Cadenhead, 9 Huxter-row


Gerrard, John, blacksmith, village of New Aber- ABERDOUR. Haddan, George, cattle dealer, Coburty (dour Haddan, James, farmer, Newbigging Addison, John, shoemaker, Pennan Henry, Mrs. Isabella, farmer, Quarryhead Allardyce, George, farmer, Mossgarie Humphrey, Robert, merchant, village of New Anderson, James, farmer, Bridestonefold Aberdour Birnie, James, farmer, Pluckrive Innes, Alex., miller, Mill of Nethermill Birnie, Mrs. James, farmer, Gorthfield Johnston, William, farmer, Glenqueathel Brown, James, farmer, Braco Kidd, John, wright, village of New Aberdour Bruce, George, farmer, Foresterhill Laird, Alex., farmer, Martinsmuir Bruce, Robert, farmer, Glenhouses Laird, John, tailor, village of Aberdour Bruce, William, ironfounder, Sauchentree Lawrance, William, farmer, Inchbrake Byth, "William, farmer, Lochhills Leid, John, farmer, Clinterty Calam, William, farmer, Littertyhill Leith, James, farmer, Chapelden Cameron, James, J. P., of Aberdour House M'Donald, George, tailor, village of New Aberdour Cassie, Alex., shoemaker, village of Aberdour M'Kenzie, Joseph, schoolmaster, Glenqueathel Chalmers, George, merchant, village of New Aber- M'Ritchie, John, farmer, North Luaves Chapman, Robert, farmer, Powkburn (dour M 'Robbie, Alex., farmer, Tongue Chapman, John, farmer, Bonnytownhill Martin. William, farmer, Upper Glasslaw Chapman, William, farmer, Woodhead Mavor, John, shoemaker, village of New Aberdour Clubb, Andrew, farmer, Woodhead Massie, James, farmer, Pennan Lodge Cooper, Alexander, vintner, Woodhead Metcalf, John, farrier, Sunnyside Cooper, John, farmer, Ardlawhill Milne, Jame?, shoemaker, village of New Aberdour Craik, William P., farmer, Milltown of Aberdour Milne, William, saddler, village of New Aberdour Cruden, William, vintner, Pennan Mitchell, William, shoemaker, village of New Cruickshank, Geo., farmer, Mains of Auchmedden Aberdour Currie, Alex., shoemaker, village of New Aberdour Morrison, Alexander, farmer, Glenqueathel Gumming, John, farmer, Sauchentree Morrison, John, merchant, Pennan Dickie, James^ farmer, Woodhead Morison, William, farmer, Sauchentree Duncan, Andrew, blacksmith, Seaton, Auchmed- Murray, Walter, blacksmith, Coburty Elphinstone, William, teacher of music (den Milne, James, farmer, Auchentumb Fenty, Alexander, farmer, South Luaves Paterson, George, farmer, Lemleys Forbes, Rev. Charles, schoolmaster, village of Paton, William, farmer, Towie New Aberdour Pyper, John, blacksmith, Towie Forbes, Charles, shoemaker, Pennan Pittendrich, Alexander, farmer, Nether Glasslaw

Forsyth, Alex , miller, Mill of Aberdour Rae, Alexander, jun., farmer, Killiequharn Fowlie, George, farmer, Mill of Auchlin Rae, George, farmer, Windyford Fowler, Mrs. Andrew, farmer, Quarryburn Ritchie, Alexander, baker, Penna Fraser, Andrew, blacksmith, Glenqueathel Riddel, Andrew, baker, village of New Aberdour Fraser, Thomas, wright, Seaton Rettie, Arthur, farmer, Coburty Fyvie, Wm., shoemaker, village of New Aberdour Robertson, Mrs. James W., merchant, village of Gall, George, mason, village of New Aberdour New Aberdour Gall, James, farmer, Cowfords Robertson, William, farmer, Mosside Gait, Barbara, merchant, Pennan Scott, John, farmer, Pitnevcalder Gardiner, Rev. George, manse of Aberdour Simpson, George, mason, Crook o'Hill Gerrard, Jas., merchant, village of New Aberdour Simpson, John, mason, village of New Aberdour Gill, George, farmer, Kinbeam Smith, Alexander, farmer, Bridgend Gill, John, farmer, Westmains Smith, Andrew, vintner, village of N ew Aberdour Samuel, farmer, Cranbog Strachan, George, farmer, Littlebyth Gill, William, merchant, Pennan Taylor, George, farmer, Helenamore Gordon, George, merchant, Pennan Taylor, James, wright, Redhouse of Pennan, Auch- Gordon, Mrs. John, farmer, Gonerhall medden Grant, John, millstone quarrier, Auchmedden Walker, James, wright, village of New Aberdour 176 NEW CODNTT DIRECTORY.

"Walker, Peter, farmer, Ironhill Smith, William, farmer, Mains of Aboyne Walker, Robert, farmer, Bankhead Strachan, John, ground officer, Aboyne Watt, William, farmer, Killiequharn Swanson, John, supervisor of excise Watson, Alex., wright, village of New Aberdour Thomson, Alexander, blacksmith Watson, David, farmer, Warlen Thomson, Lewis, shoemaker Watson, Samuel, farmer, Lochlip Thomson, William, farmer, Newton, Glentanner Webster, John, farmer, East Mains of Auchmedden Tough, John, forester West, Alexander, boatbuilder, Pennan Walker, George, farmer, Newton, Drumgesk West, Charles, vintner, Pennan Watson, William, officer of excise West James, boatbuilder, Pennan Wilson, Mrs., farmer, Rosehill West, William, cooper, Pennan Whyte, Alexander, blacksmith, Glasslaw AIFORD.

and Aiken, Alexander, farmer, Meikle Endovie ABOYNE GLENTANNER. Alexander, George, farmer, Farmton Anderson, John, farmer, Knowhead Anderson, Alexander, farmer, Balnacraig Anderson, William, farmer, Westside Anderson, Alexander, farmer, Woodend, Glen- Benton, James, carrier, Village Bell, David, blacksmith [tanner Berry, Andrew, shoemaker, Nibbetstone Begg, Andrew, farmer, Glentanner Berry, George, shoemaker, Village Begg, Peter, farmer, Braeline Brebner, John, tailor, Village Birse, John, farmer, Tillyfoudie *Clark, Alexander, gardener, Breda Birse, John, farmer, Bottomend "Christie, John, farmer, Badens Cameron, John, brewer, *Christie, Peter, blacksmith, Muir Calder, Duncan, millwright, Cowan, Hugh, inland revenue officer Christie, Andrew, A.M., schoolmaster, parish Dingwall, John, carpenter, East Gate school, Glentanner Dormier, Miles, of Haughton Cook, Charles, Huntly Arms' Hotel Emslie, John and Peter, farmers, Little Endovie Coutts, John, farmer, Drumgesk Emslie, Robert, farmer, Baldyvin Cromar, George, shoemaker Farquharson, John, of Haughton, {non-resident) Davidson, John, farmer, Glentanner *Farquharson, Mrs., of Breda (non-resident) Duguid, William, house carpenter *Forbes, Thomas, farmer, Shannoch Duncan, John, farmer, Newton Garden, George, farmer, Bandley Esson, Eenry, farmer, Balnacraig Garden, William, surgeon, banker, &c, Balfluig Esson, James, farmer, Glentanner Gibbon, Alex., shoemaker, Village Ewen, Mrs. William, merchant and postmistress *Gillan, Rev. James Farquhar, Alexander, carrier Grassick, James, merchant, Muir of Alford Farquharson, Francis, Esq., of Finzean Hay, William, merchant and postmaster, Alford Fowler, Fife, M.D., surgeon Village George, William, shoemaker Hunter, Miss Caroline, schoolmistress, Elrick David, farmer, Mill of Dinnet Gillanders, Hosie, Alex , farmer, Archballoch Gordon, Donald, preventive service Jeffrey, Alexander, farmer, Wellheads Grant, Joseph, builder 5 Law, Charle , saw-miller, Village Grant, Robert, farmer, Oldtown LawsoD, William, farmer, Park of Bandley Gray, Alexander, baker *Lumsden, Benjamin, of Kingsford Huntly, The Most Noble The Marquis of M'Combie, William, farmer, Cairnballoch Jenkins, Rev. James, assistant, successor, and M'Combie, Charles, farmer Tillychetly minister, Parish Church *M'Connach, Rev. Hugh, schoolmaster, D C, &c. Lumsden, Alexander, Sawmiller Middleton, James, farmer, Kinstair M'Laggan, James, farmer, Glentanner Middleton, John, farmer, Tibberchinrly Millar, Nathaniel, tailor Middleton, Joseph, farmer, Auchintoul Milne, James, shoemaker Miller, David, carrier, Cairnfold Milne, Robert, gamekeeper Milne, John, innkeeper, Alford Village Morton, James, miller *Minto, Farquharson, farmer, Annneld Morton, Thomas, miller Minto, James, farmer, Nether Auchintoul Middleton, George, farmer, Balnagown *Mollison, James, farmer, Reekie Neil, James, farmer, Wreaton *Murray, Peter, farmer, Midmill Neil, John, A.M parish schoolmaster, , Aboyne Morrison, John, toll-keeper, Haughton-bar Nicol, J. D., Esq., of Ballogie Noltie, Henry, farmer, Gallovvhill Nicol, Peter, flesher *Patterson, Peter, shoemaker, Marshmires Nicol,-"Thomas, farmer, Glentanner Reid, James, farmer, Greystone Ogg, James, farmer, Heughhead *Reid, James, farmer, Muir Ogg, James, agent for North of Scotland Bank Reid, John, farmer, Bents Ogg, Misses, Female School Reid, Robert, farmer, Brainlay Ogg, Mrs. John, innkeeper, Bridgend Robbie, John, farmer, Elrick Petrie, Charles, farmer, Belwade Simpson, James, tailor, Smithyhill Ritchie, Archibald, farmer, Bridgend Singer, Alexander, blacksmith, Lonanwell Robertson, James, farmer, Percie *Sorley, Robert, farrier & blacksmith, Ardgethan Ross, Hugh, farmer, Dykehead Spence, Hugh, watchmaker, Village Smith, David, farmer, Braerodack 'Stewart, Robert, farmer, Culfork Smith, David, farmer, Ferrar Stephen, James, farmer, Balfluig-cottage Smith, Charles, farmer, Ferrar Taylor, David, gardener, Haughton NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 177

Taylor, Farquharson, of Wellliouse Milne, William, farmer, Mains of Druminnor Taylor, Kobert, saddler, Village Milton, Alexander, tailor, Lumsden Walker, James, surgeon and farmer, Carnaveron Mitchell, George, farmer, Deskey •Watson, John, carpenter, Ardgethan Mitchell, William, gamekeeper, Craig •Wilson, William, farmer, Woodend Moir, James, farmer, Linthaugh Moir, John, merchant, Lumsden N.B. — Those marked thus (*) send and receive Morgan, George, tailor, Birkenbroul their Letters through the Forbes Post-office—being Morgan, Jonathan, carpenter, Birkenbroul nearest. Morgan, William, farmer, Birkenbroul Morgan, William, carpenter, Crofts of Clood Morrison, Miss, of Bognie Morven, David, farmer, Cairnderd Movren, John, farmer, Barflat AUCHINDOIR and KEARN. Muirden, William, farmer, Windsaye Nicol, Alexander, tailor, Crofts of Clova Alexander, Alexander, merchant, Waukmill Nicol, Alexander, gardener, Clova Allan, Robert, tollkeeper, Mosart Nicol, Rev. Hary, Free Church Anderson, James, farmer, Boggieside Shearer, John, miller Barclay, William, carpenter. Crofts of Craig Skinner, John, blacksmith, Coltown Barron, William, tailor, Cuttiesnest Smith, Robert, farmer, Newtown of Auchindoir Beattie, John, merchant, Littlemill Smith, William, farmer, Castlehill Cameron, George, shoemaker, Lumsden Smith, William, farmer, Stonedyke Castell, James, dyer, Bogstripe Soutter, William, carpenter, Coltown Clark, William, wood overseer Stewart, James, schoolmaster, Lumsden Cooper, James, sheriff officer, Lumsden Thompson, David, merchant, Lumsden Copland, Alexander, carpenter, Lumsden Thompson, James, mason, Crofts of Craig Coutts, William, farmer, Millton of Auchindoir Tough, Alexander, farmer, Boghead Cran, John, farmer, Ord Tough, George, farmer, Deskey Dawson, James, innkeeper, Lumsden Warrack, Peter, overseer, Clova Dow, Mrs., laceworker, Lumsden Watt, Mrs., farmer, Newmill Dunbar, Margaret, dressmaker, Lumsden Yule, Mrs., farmer, Cantlach Duncan, James, farmer, Dryden Dyker, James, farmer, Cairnyfarroeh Findlater, Miss, of Glenboggie Fleming, William, farmer, Boggieside Forbes, John, feuar, Lumsden AUCHTERLESS. Forbes, Robert, farmer, Wheedlemont Fraser, Alexander, farmer, Creak Anderson, John, farmer, Pitglassie Fraser, James, farmer, Rhyal Barclay, James, farmer, Mill of Knockbeetli Fyfe, George, farmer, Upperbigging Bean, Alexander, farmer, Darley Gauld, Harry, postmaster, Lumsden Beaton. George, farmer, Sillerton Gordon, Francis, of Craig and Kincardine Booth, Charles, farmer, Ladybog Gordon, John, farmer, Stondyke Cruickshanks, Alexander, farmer, Newtown Gordon, John, farmer, Marchmaa Cruickshanks, John, farmer, Darley Gordon, Rev. William, parish schoolmaster and Dingwall, Rev. George, parish minister inspector of poor Duffus, William, farmer, Littlemill Gordon, William, Rural Police, Lumsden Durward, James, farmer, Bush Grant, Mrs., of Druminnor Ellice, Alexander, farmer, Upper Ordley Grant, Robert, of Druminnor Feral, Alexander, farmer, Haswells Grassick, Patrick, farmer, Glenlogie Forbes, John, farmer, Thornybank Green, Mrs., schoolmistress, Lumsden Forbes, John, farmer, Cowley Hall, Robert, farmer, Whiteley Forbes, John, farmer, Lambush Hay, Arthur, surgeon, Drum Forbes, John, farmer, Upperthird Hay, David, farmer, Wheedlement Gordon, Alexander, of Cushnie and Templand Hay, Robert, farmer, Auchenleith Gordon, Robert, farmer, Newmill Henderson, George, farmer, Edinbanchory Grant, Captain John, Manor of Hatton Henderson, John, gardener, Craig Jopp, Robert, farmer. Seggat Henderson, William, farmer, Sandholes Kindney, James and George, farmers, Towietrimer Home, James, miller, Birkenbroul Leslie, Robert, of Badenscoth Horn, Alexander, mason, Lumsden Logie, Alexander Cowie, farmer, Oldhouse and Hunter, William, farmer, Park of Bruce Netherhouse Inch, Alexander, mason, Lumsden Maitland, William, farmer, Moat Johnston, David, blacksmith, Craig Morrison, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Hatton Johnston, William, farmer, Lumsden Niven, Robert, farmer, Brushhills Knight, William, baker, Lumsden Pirie, Rev. Thomas, parish schoolmaster Law, John, farmer, Cairnderd Petrie, James, jun., farmer, Haughs of Brushhills Brushhills Leslie, William, farmer, Barflat Petrie, William, farmer, Haughs of Ledingham, Adam, gamekeeper Reid, John, farmer, Mains of Blackford Livingston, James, merchant, Lumsden Robertson, Alexander, farmer, Middleton Lumsden, William, baker, Lumsden Shand, George, farmer, Thornybank M'Donald, John, farmer, Westhills Stephen. John, sen., Redhill M'Intosh, Duncan, contractor, Lumsden Stephen, John, jun., farmer, Redhill M'Pherson, Alexander, cattle dealer, Cairnderd Sherrem, John, farmer, TJppermill M'Pherson, James, cattle dealer, Cairnderd Strachan, George, farmer, Thomastown Milne, Alexander, gardener, Glenboggie Strachan, James, farmer, Overhill Z 178 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Taylor, William, farmer, Mounthorny Lamb, Robert, farmer, Canahart Taylor, William, farmer, Horns Laing, James, blacksmith, Eggie Thomson, Mrs., farmer, Kingsford Leith, James, farmer, Chance Inn Wallace, Andrew, farmer, Chapel of Seggat Leith, James, shoemaker, Chance Inn Weir, James, farmer, Pitgianie Leith, John, farmer, Howlands Wilson, George, farmer, Eedhill Lorimer, James, shoemaker, Potterton Wood, John, farmer, Nether Ordley Low, George, church officer Lumsdeu, Colonel, Belhelvie Lodge Lumsden, William James, Esq., of Balmedie M'Allum, Robt, Moss-grieve, Backhillof Overhill M'Donald, Absalom, farmer & miller, Mill of A: do BELHELVIE. schoolmistress, Whitecairns Mactavish, Mrs , Mair, James, farmer, Stirling H Hock Allan, Alexander, farmer, B gheads Mann, George, farmer, Braeside Allan, Hector, farmer, Hatterseat Milne, Andrew, farmer, Westburn Allan, Mrs., of Potterton Milne, John, shoemaker, Whitecairns Angus, George, farmer, Chapman Slacks Mollison, Mrs., farmer, Middlefield Angus, John, farmer, Chapman Slacks Monro, George, farmer, Millton of Potterton Argo, William, farmer, Gateside Mowat, Robert, overseer, Blairton Anderson, George, farmer, Watery Slacks Murray, William, farmer, Causeyend Baird, William, farmer, Dambrae Philips, Mss Helen, schoolmistress, Menie Baker, George, farmer, Newton Rae, George, wright, Eggie Barron, James, farmer, Middle Ardo Rae, James, tailor, Whitecairns Begg, Alexander, farmer, Eednose Rainnie, Alexander, farmer, Cothill Berry, John, blacksmith, Middle A r do Reid, James, Esq., of Meadow Bank Brown, James, farmer, Campla Hill Ritchie, James, tailor, Whitecairns Brown, Thomas, farmer, Mill of Menie Ritchie, John, farmer, Pettens Buchan, Miss Sophia, schoolmistress, Shiels Ritchie, Peter, schoolmaster, Potterton Calder, Rev. Patrick, AM., Free Church Manse Rogers, David, tailor, Orrok Charles, John, farmer, Greenden Ross, Arthur, farmer, Mill of Blairton Chesser, George, schoolmaster, Ironrives Roy, William, shoemaker, Menie Cheyne, James, blacksmith, White Cairns Scott, Robert, shoemaker, Cowhill Chrystal, Mrs,, farmer, Hill of Ardo Sliand, Andrew, farmer, Hill of Kier Connon, John, farmer, Snails-howe Shepherd, William, farmer, Backhill of Overhill Connon,John, wright, Menie Simpson, Alexander, farmer, Little Eggie Coutts, Alexander, shoemaker. Drumhead Simpson, James, farmer, Bridgeton Craighead, James, farmer, Millden Singer, Alexander, farmer, Hassocks Cumming, Alexander, farmer, Eggie Skene, Alexander, farmer, Wester Hatton Davidson, Alex., miller and farmer, Mill of Eggie Skene, Thomas, farmer, Fife Davidson, George, tailor, Village Skene, Thomas, farmer, Laingseat Davidson, Mrs., schoolmistress, Village Smith, James, blacksmith, Menie Dickie, Alexander, farmer. South Orrok Smith, William, blacksmith, Belhelvie Village Donald, George, farmer, Whitehills Stables, Adam, farmer, Craigie Donald, James, farmer, North Orrok Stoddart, John, farmer, Dams of Craigie Dunbar, Alexander, shoemaker, Mil! of Ardo Swanson, George, blacksmith, Muirton Duncan, Charles, farmer, Longdrum Thomson, Jami s, farmer, Leyton Duncan, John, farmer, Middleton of Potterton Thomson, James, farmer, Wester-craigie Emslie, William, farmer, Kfir Thomson, Rev. William, A.M., Manse Esslemont, James, farmer, Mains of Shiels Turner, General, of Menie Earquharson, John, farmer, Belscamphie Vass, James, farmer, Hillhead of Potterton Ferguson, William, farmer, Kirkton of Shiels Wallace, Mrs , farmer, Cairntack Fiddes, Charles, farmer, Orrok Watt, James, overseer, Menie Fiddes, James, inspector of poor, Oveihill Watson, Robert, shoemaker, Village Fiddes, Mrs., farmer, Overhill Watson, Thomas, wright, Village Fiddes, Win., farmer, Smiddyburn and Darahill Wood, George, farmer, Crosstone Forrest, William, farmer, Hopeshill Young, George, farmer, Broorahillock Fowler, Mrs., innkeeper, Hill of Menie Young, James, farmer, Inn of Whitecairns Fraser, Robert, farmer, Weird Hillock Gillespie, Rev. William, A. M. Gauld, Hugh, farmer, Drumhead Glennie, George, Balmedie Park Gossip, James, farmer, Westhill BIKSE. Harvey, Alexander, farmer, Ardo Harvey, James, farmer, Potterton Birse, Andrew, shoemaker, Drumhead Harvey, Robert, Moss-grieve, Whitecairns Burnett, James, farmer, Ennochy Harvey, Peter, Esq., of Ardo Burnett, David, farmer, and cattle dealer, Balfedie Henderson, Jas., farmer, Hillhead of Whitecairns Burne't, George, innkeeper, Whitestone Henderson, James, farmer, Parkseat Carmichael, Rev. Donald, Roman Catholic priest, Jack, John, A. M., schoolmaster, Parish School Ballogie Jamieson, John, farmer, Balmedie Cattanach, George, farmer, Birsebeg Johnstone, George, farmer, Muirton Cattanach, Peter, farmer, Birsebeg Kelman, John, wright, Whitecairns Cochran, Francis J , of Balfour Kemp, David, farmer, Burnside Cocker, James, wright, Benahard Kemp, Thomas, farmer, Middleton Davidson, James, farmer, Balfour Knox, John, wright, Tarbot-hill Davidson, William, farmer, Glencatt NEW COUNTY DIRECTOKY. 179

Dinnie, William, innkeeper, Allencreich Dinnie, William, innkeeper, Croft of Marywell CABRACH. Duncan, Alexander, turner, Woodend Bain, Ebenezer, cattle dealer, Poneed Duncan, Peter, farmer, Oldyleiper Bain, William, farmer and cattle dealer, Poneed Esson, Rev. Alexander, parochial schoolmaster James, blacksmith and merchant, White- Farquharson, Francis, of Finzean Bruce, hillock Ferries, Duncan, farmer, Drumnechy Calder, William, Miltown of Lesmurdy Ferries, James, wright, Marywell Corskie, James, teacher, Ardluie Fiddes, Alexander, overseer, Ballogie William, farmer, Mains of Lesmurdy Ford, James, merchant, Bridge- end of Aboyne Cran, Davidson, George, manufacturer, Bridge-end Gerard, James, of Midstrath {non-resident) Davidson, William, blacksmith, Bridge-end Grant, Alexander, teacher to Society for Propa- Alexander, farmer and cattle dealer, Had- gating Christian Knowledge, Foiest Dawson, doch Grant, James, farmer, Dubstone Alexander, cattle dealer, Aldevalloch Alexander, blacksmith, Bridge-end of Duncan, Gray, Drywells Aboyne Duncan, John, farmer, farmer, Ardluie Harper, George, farmer and miller, Miltown Dow, Peter, James, farmer, Upper Howbog Harper, John, overseer, Finzean Fettes, John, cattle dealer, Upper Howbog Harper, Robert, farmer, Bel aboth Fettes, Gordon, Adam, farmer, Pyke Harper, William, farmer, Murly Alexander, farmer, Auchmair Huntly, the Most Noble the Marquis of (non-resi- Gordon, Alexander, farmer and cattle dealer, Kelman, James, blacksmith, Balfour {dent Gordon, Gauch Knox, Archibald, merchant, Drumhead George, cattle dealer, Brackloch M'Condach, Hugh, carrier Gordon, James, farmer and cattle dealer, Bank M'Kenzie, James, shoemaker, Oldyleiper Gordon William, farmers and cattle merchant, Haugh Gordon, John and Malcolm, George, Gauch Masson, Samuel, farmer, Tovquhinlochy dealers, John, cattle dealer, Reckomlane Michie, Harry, merchant, Marywell Gordon, John, jun., farmer, Kirkton Middleton, David, wright, Birsemore Gordon, farmer and cattle dealer, Reckom- Middleton, Hugh, farmer, Midstrath Gordon, Peter, lane Milne, Alexander, forester, Ballogie Capt. W. J., of Beldorney's, (non-resident.) Milne, Shaw, farmer, Auchabala Grant, John, blacksmith, Bedford Mortimer, David, farmer and miller, Clenter Grant, John, farmer, Largue Mowat, Kobert, blacksmith, Whitestone Grant, Alexander, shoemaker, Ardwell Nicol, James Dyce, of Ballogie Henry, George, miller, mill of Corinas Ramsay, Francis, farmer, Waterside Henry, John, farmer, Newton Ramsay, William, grocer, Waterside Horn, William, farmer and cattle dealer, Torni- Ritchie, James, farmer, Auchnafoy Horn, chelt Robbie, Charles, shoemaker, Rammahaggan Ebenezer, wright, Poneed Robbie, Francis, shoemaker, Marywell Kellas, Hugh, farmer, Fornichelt Robbie, John, innkeeper, Potarch Kellas, James, merchant, Crofthead Robertson, John, farmer, Boghead Kellas, Lindsay, James, innkeeper, Ardwell Robertson, James, forester, Finzean James, merchant, Crofthead Robertson, Rev. William, Free Church of Aboyne M'Combie, M'Conachie, John, farmer, Bioomknows Ross, Archibald, blacksmith, Baad John, farmer, Shewwell Ross, William, farmer, Haugh M'Donald, Samuel, farmer, Whitehillock Smith, Alexander, farmer, Tillentech M'Hardy, Robert, merchant, Whitehillock Smith, Rev. Gsorge, parish minister M'Intosh, M'William, William, farmer, Whitehillock Smith, Robert, wright, Birkenbush James, farmer, Invercharach Smith, William, grocer, Birsemore Merson, Mitchell, Alexander, farmer, Tomnaven Stewait, Robert, wood merchant, Newmill M'Intosh, William, merchant, Pyke Stewart, William, blacksmith, Marywell James, farmer, Guestloan Thow, John, farmer, Meikle Ennochy Riach, His Grace the Duke of, Blackwater- Young, George, Sawmiller, Birsemore Richmond, lodge Robertson, James, farmer, Tomnaven Robertson, Mrs. Alex., farmer, Netherhowbog Robertson, Thomas, farmer, Bodibae BOURTIE. Robertson, William, farmer, Bodibae Ronald, Rev. William, parochial schoolmaster, in- Alexander, George, farmer, Barra spector of poor, and session clerk, school- Alexander, Peter, farmer, Pitgavnie house Bisset, Rev. James, D.D, Parish Church Ross, James, millwright, Bridge-end Chryatal, William, farmer, Kingoody Scott, Alex., wright, Aldunie Cooper, James, farmer, Hillbrae Scott, Alexander, farmer, Hillock Duguid, William, at Bourtie House Scott, John, farmer, Aldunie Lumsden, Innes, farmer, Blockhouse Scott, Peter, farmer and cattle dealer, Milltown of Maitland, R. and W., farmers, Muirtown of Barra Cabrach Mearps, Rev. James, schoolmaster and inspector Shand, James, farmer, Sococh of poor Sharp, John, cattle dealer, Whitehillock Rae, Thomas, farmer, Shadowside Sheed, James, cattle dealer, Aldivalloch Strath, John, farmer, Kirktown Sheed, John, farmer, Aldunie Turnbull, William, farmer, Lochend of Barra Sheed, John, farmer, Ardwell Walker, George, farmer, North Mains of Barra Simpson, Charles, farmer, Bilcherrie and Blankets Smith, John, farmer, Ardwell 180 NEW COUNTY: DIRECTORT.

Smart, Rev. Gordon, parish church, Manse Morrison, Alex postmaster and wright, Boghead , Souter, John, farmer, Netherhowbog Morrison, James, merchant, Rigging Souter, William, farmer, Buck Morrison, Walter, farmer, Bogmune Stewart, Captain James, Lesmurdie Cottage Morrison, William, farmer, Banks Taylor, George, farmer, Tomballie Murdoch, John, farmer, Boghaugh Taylor, James, farmer, Eastertown Paul, Widow, innkeeper, Coachford Taylor, John, farmer, Boghead Petrie, George, farmer, Sheuwall Taylor, John, farmer, Tombain Pirie, John, farmer, Littledaugh Taylor, William, farmer, Dalriach Porter, George, farmer, Newton of Cairnie Taylor, William, farmer, Milltown of Lesmurdie Rhind, William, tailor, Cottlehill Watt, William, farmer, Ardwell Raffan, George, blacksmith, Shinsharnie Yeits, John, farmer, Redford Rainy, Theodore, farmer, Haggishall Riach, James, farmer, Curbrotach Richmond, His Grace the Duke of Robertson, William, farmer, Easter Auchairn Robertson, Alexander, farmer, Auchanachy CAIRNIE. Rutherford, John, merchant, Cattlehill Sharp, William, farmer, Hillend Addison, James, farmer, Windyrow Sim, Alexander, farmer, Heathyfieli Anderson, James, schoolmaster, Free Church, Smart, Peter, farmer, Dykehead Boghead Spence, John, farmer, Haughs Annand, John, A.M., Free Church, parish school- Spence, John, merchant, Haughs master. Stuart, Andrew, of Auchlunkart Barclay, James, farmer, Binhall Stables, James, farmer, Easter Auldtowie Barclay, John, farmer, Roadbum Watt, John, merchant, Ruthven Bremner, Alexander, farmer, Daugh Weir, Alexander, Free Church schoolmaster Bremner, Alexander, farmer, Craighall Wilson, Alexander, shoemaker, Tulloch Bremner, John, farmer, Midhillside Wilson, Alexander, farmer, Upper Tullochs Bremner, Thomas, farmer, Ardonald Wilson, George, blacksmith, Tullochs Bruce, Charles, farmer, Broadland Wilson, Alexander, farmer, Tullochs Carmichael, George, farmer, Mains of Davidston Wilson, George, farmer, Overhall Christie, James, farmer, Tillytarmont Wilson, James, farmer, Drumhead Christie, John, farmer, Tillytarmont Wilson, John, farmer, Cairnwhelp Christie, John, farmer, South Tillytarmont Wilson, William, farmer, Ardonald Cowie, Rev. William, A.M., Established Church Wilson, William, farmer, Nether Tullochs Davidson, William, farmer, Whitehill Yule, James, schoolmaster, Shenwall Dey, John, farmer, Backside, Ardonald Yule, Robert, farmer, Raemurracke Dempstpr, John, farmer, Bogforth Dickson, Jonathan, farmer, Sinsharnie Duncan. William, farmer, Mains of Botary Duncan, Grant, farmer, Drumdelgie Duff, Admiral, of Drummien CHAPEL of GARIOCH Donald, Alexander, blacksmith, Ruthven Forbes, John, farmer, Een Almach, James, Hillside, ground officer to Hugh Garden, James, farmer, Berryleys Lumsden, Esq. of Pitcaple Geddes, Mrs. John, of Botary Allan, James, farmer, Inveramsay Grant, Alexander, farmer, Wester Auchaiin Anderson, Nathaniel, farmer, Mill of Durno Grant, George, farmer, Gingomires Bain, Rev. George, Free Church Grant, John, innkeeper, Auchairns Bisset, James, farmer and miller, Mill of Inver- Grant, William, faimer, Drumdelgie amsav Gray, James, farmer, Midtrow Brown, Alexander, farmer, Knockollochie Gordon, James, farmer, Berryleys Cormack, James, farmer, Pitscarry Hay, P., farmer, Mains of Davidston Dawson, J. H., schoolmaster and inspector of poor Harper, James, farmer, Carmalet for Chapel of Gaiioch Lime Company, Ardonald Deuchar, J., road overseer, Chapel of Garioch Ingram, Alexander, farmer, Ardonald Elphinstone, J. D. H., Bart., of Horn and Logie Ingram, George, farmer, Hollowdyke Elphinstone Lipp, Alexander, farmer, Haddoch Erskine, Major Knight, of Pittodrie Lipp, James, farmer, Littlemill Forbes, A., mill and cartwright, Whiteford Loblian, James, farmer, Stoneyfield Gray, James, postmaster, Pitcaple M'Kenzie, Donald, farmer, Inschtammach Gray, James, merchant, Pitcaple M'Cose, James, farmer, Cairnborrow Greig, Rev. James, minister of Garioch Mackie Adam, shoemaker, Cattlehill Hall, George, farmer, and factor for Sir J. D. H. M'Pherson, J. and W.. farmers, Upper Cattlehill Elphinstone M'Pherson, John, farmer, Hallgreen Hall, Henry, farmer, Overton of Fetternear Meldrum, John, farmer, Ardonald Irvine, John, blacksmith, Whiteford Mellis, Alexander, merchant, Ruthven Knight, William, farmer, Craigmill Mellis, John, farmer, Smallburn Leslie, Colonel K. H. of Balquhain and Fetternear Milne, Alexander, farmer, Carmalet Leslie, Lady, Countess of Newburgh Milne, George, farmer, Coachford Littlejohn, Alexander, farmer, Burncorse Milne, George, merchant, Coachford Lumsden, Hugh, of Pitcaple, Sheriff of Sutherland Moffat, Rev. William, Free Church Lumsden, John, farmer, Pitbee Morrison, Alexander, farmer, Boghead M'Leod, Wra., overseer, Home Farm, Fetternear Morrison, Alexander, merchant, Boghead Maitland, Messrs. J. and R., farmers, Balhaggardy Morrison, Alexander, farmer, Cairnwhelp Marr, John, farmer, Balquhain NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 181

Mitchell, Rev. David, Free Church, Blairdaff Allan, George, wright, Ordhead Moir, William, blacksmith, Kirktown. Chapel Barron, Alexander, farmer, Dockenwell Morrison, James, farmer, Balhaggardy Barron, James, inspector of poor, Woodstock Murray, Alexander, innkeeper, Pitcaple Baxter, William, shoemaker, Cottown Petrie, George, schoolmaster, Fetternear Birnie, William, factor, Cluny-Castle Eeid, Alexander, farmer, Overton of Fetternear Calder, James, farmer, Ley of Cluny Reid, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, Pitcaple Christie, Alexander, farmer, Ranallock Smith, Mrs., merchant, Craigsley Chillas, Alexander, miller, Cluny Spence, Robert, carpenter, Kirktown, Chapel Chiistie, Francis, mason, Muirtown of Sauchen Walker, George, -farmer, Gunhill Clark, John, gardener, Cluny Walker, John, farmer, Netherton of Fetternear Cooper, John, farmer, Littletown Webster, George, merchant, Durno Cooper, John, overseer, Linton Copland, Peter, miller, Drumnahoy Copland, William, sen. and jun., wrights, Castle- Craigie, John Burnet, of Linton [Fraser Daniel Thomas, wright, Sauchen CLATT. Dewar, William, veterinary surgeon, Lyne Donald, George, farmer and contractor, Kirkhill Allardyce, John, tailor, Hardgate Donald, John, farmer, Gight Barclay, James, farmer. Meikle Newton Edward, John, farmer, Backhill of Glack Booth, William, farmer, West Auchmenzie Farqubar, William, farmer, New Inn Boyd. Robert, wright, Hardgate Forbes, Rev. James, Free Church, Cluny Cran, Robert, farmer, Yondertown of Aucbline Fowler, James and John, general merchants, Crombie, William, farmer, Hillhead Sauchen Cruickshank, Robert, saddler, Hardgate Fowler, Robert, farmer, Corskie Davidson, William, farmer, Bogend Fraser, Colonel Charles, of Castle-Fraser Ewing, George, farmer, Langolin Gardener, William, farmer, South Achath Forbes, John, farmer, Newton Gerrie, William, farmer, Burnside of Shiels Forbes, William, farmer, West Tayloch Gordon, Colonel John, of Cluny Gardiner, William, farmer, Blairndinny Gordon, John, jun., of Cluny Gauld, Harry, farmer, Boghead Johnston, Robert, overseer, Cluny Castle Gordon, J. A., of Knockespock Jop, James, wright, Model Croft Gordon, Robert, farmer, Tayloch King, Alexander, wright, Ordhead Green, John, farmer, Percylew Lawie, Charles, farmer, Glack Henry, Robert, farmer, Little Newton Lawson, Charles, merchant, Ordhead Ingram, Alexander, turner, Hardgate Lawson, Robert, farmer, Upper Sauchen Ingram, James, farmer, Towie Lawson, Robert, smith, Model Crofts Ingram, John, farmer, Mosshead Leitch, farmer, Braeneil Ingram, William, farmer, Blairduff , Martin, Miss, postmistress Lawson, David, innkeeper, Ford Matthews, Andrew, farmer, Muirtown of Sauchen Leggat, George, farmer, Mains of Tillyangui Mair, Alexander, farmer, Burnside of Shiels Low, James, farmer, Headhouse Middleton, Alexander, farmer, Achath Lumsden, Alexander, farmer, Auchline Meson, Archibald, late tanner, Muirton of Sauchen M'Pherson, Alexander, shoemaker, Roadside Milne, George, farmer, Tillycairn Martin, Alexander, miller, Clatt Milne, James, slater, Corskie Minto, Rev. John, parish school Milne, Robert, schoolhouse Morgan, John, blacksmith, Hardgate Milne, William, farmer, Carndail Munro, George, blacksmith, Causewayend Mitchell. John, overseer, Castle-Fraser Reid, David, farmer, Tofthills Mitchell, Robert, M.D., Drumnahoy Reid, John, farmer, Newbigging Muil, Robert, farmer, Nethei Sauchen Sangster, John, farmer, Towie Ramage, Rev. Alexander, Manse of Cluny Shearer, John, farmer, Croftend Reid, Andrew, farmer, Baldygairn Smith, William, merchant, Hardgate Reid, Robert, saddler and shoemaker, New Mains Smith, Robert, farmer, Dykenook Riddel, Peter, farmer, Upper Ley Stewart, William, carrier, Kirktown Robertson, James, farmer, West Achath Walker, Rev. James, Manse Roy, William, gamekeeper, Cluny Webster, John, wright, Causewayend Smith, George, farmer, Woodend Wilson, George, farmer, East Auchmenzie Smith, Robert, farmer, Courtcairn Wilson, George, farmer, Newtonhill Thorn, John, farmer, Park Wilson, Harry, farmer, Bankhead Thorn, John, farmer, Upper Drumnahoy Wilson, James, farmer, Netherton Tocher, William, farmer, Nether Corskie Wilson, William, farmer, Auchindellan Webster, John, gardener, Linton


Abel, Alexander, farmer, Cairnfold Anderson, Mrs. Charles, farmer, Lochmanse Abel, Archibald, farmer, Burnside Anderson, John, farmer, Mill of Wester Coull Achoinachie, Alexander, smith, Cluny Calder, John, farmer, Mill of Gellan Adam, Miss, female school, Castle-Fraser Craib, John, farmer, Strathmore Alcock, Alex., farmer, Backhill of Castle-Fraser George, Charles, farmer, Corsefold Alcock, Benjamin, farmer, West Mains of Castle- Grant, William, farmer, Mill of Conll Fraser Kennedy, Alex., farmer, Kirktown Alexander, Hugh, gardener, Castle-Fraser Leslie, Rev. James, A.M., minister of the parish 182 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Martin, William, shoemaker, Wester Coull Robertson, Mrs., schoolmistress, Clathantum: Middleton, David, farmer, Gellan Crathie Middleton, John, farmer, Titabouty Stewart, Charles, wright, Auchindryne, Braemar Middleton, William, farmer, Gellan Stewart, Jas., blacksmith, Auchindryne, Braemar Moir, John, farmer, Woodfield Symon, J., merchaut, Balmoral Cottage, Crathie Rannie, John, A.M., parish schoolmaster Thomson, Charles, postmaster Crathie Robbie, William, merchant, Tillylodge Ross, Harry, farmer, Wester Coull Tawse, William, farmer, Strathweltie

Troup, Alex , farmer, Stoneyford Walker, Alex., farmer, Wardfold CEIMOND.

Adie, Thomas, cart and plough wright and herrinj curer, Mains of Crimond Anderson, Th mas, farmer, Crimongorth CEATHIE and BEAEMAE. Boyd, Rev. A., parish minister Boyes, Andrew, farmer, Rattray Abercromby, Alexander, farmer, Coldrach, Brae- Brown, William, farmer, Starnafln, mar Catto, Alexander, farmer, Middletown of Rattraj Aiken, James, shoemaker, Castletown, Braemar Clark, George, merchant, Milhill DAbertanson, Francis, Balmoral, Crathie Clinkscale, John, farmer, Greenmire, Rattray Anderson, Rev. Archibald, parish Church, Crathie Cowe, Alexander, surgeon, Elywell Cameron, James, M.D., surgeon, Braemar Cumine, James, Esq. of Rattray Clark, George, innkeeper, Castletown, Braemar Farquhar, William, merchant. Kirktown Copland, Joseph, parish schoolmaster, Crathie Henderson, George, farmer, Ridinghill Crombie, Miss, teacher, female school, Castleton, Henderson, James, farmer, Rattray Braemar Johnston, Alexander, of Gillahill, farmer, Hillhead Cumming, Charles, J. P., factor, Allanquoich Kelman, James, innkeeper, Kirktown Braemar May, William, sen., farmer, Dipplebrae Cumming, Duncan, farmer, Castletown, Braemar May, William, jun., farmer, Mains of Haddo Drummond, Robert, manager, Lochnagar Distil- Milne, Alexander, farmer, Bilbo lery, Crathie Milne, William, farmer, Mains of Crimond Edmonston, Charles, merchant, Lochnalair, Crathie Murray, George, farmer, Mill of Logie Eggo, John, shoemaker, Auchindryne, Braemar Park, John, farmer. Loch hills Emslie, John, postmaster, Invercauld, Braemar Pirie, James, merchant, Logie Ewen, John, wright, Castletown, Braemar Rothney, William, farmer, Moss-side Farquharson, James, of Invercauld, Braemar Smith, James, farmer, Mains of Crimond Geddes, Peter, merchant, Auchindryne, Braemar Smith, John, farmer, Longleys Grant, John, blacksmith, Castletown, Braemar Watson, Crawford, farmer and miller, Nethertown Grant, Rev. Joseph, Peter, Roman Catholic priest, of Logie Braemar, Crathie Wattie, Rev. James, schoolmaster and inspector Grant, Robert, tailor, Auchindryne, Braemar of poor Gruer, James, farmer, Braegarie, Braemar Gruer; John, farmer, Strone, Braemar Gruer, William, farmer, Tomanraw, Braemar Hartley, Philip, innkeeper, Auchindryne, Braemar Innes, Roderick, baker, Auchindryne, Braemar CEUDEN. Lamont, John Wood, overseer, Cluny Cottage, Braemar Abel James, farmer, Hayfarm Lawrence, Miss Agnes, schoolmistress, Crathie Allan, William, farmer, Turnerline M'Arthur, Donald, schoolmaster, Castletown, > Anderson, Dr. Francis, of Braco {non-resident) Braemar Anderson, Wm., farmer, Oldtown of Auquharuey M'Donald, Charles, farmer, Auchallater, Braemar Black, Alexander, schoolmaster, Bogbrae M'Fadean, D., schoolmaster, Girnock, Crathie Brand, Patrick, farmer, Auehenten M'Fadean, Miss Ann, schoolmistress, Girnock, Brown, Rev. George, Free Church Crathie Bruce, Alexander, farmer, Ardiffery

M'Gregor, Alex., farmer, Auchallater, Braemar Buchan, James, Auchleuchries {non-resident )

M'Gregor, Jas„ merchant, Aachindryne, Braemar Buyers, Alex., miller & corn raercht , Nethermill M'Hardy, George, farmer, Croftsmucan, Braemar Cantlay, Alexander, farmer, Uppermill MJntosh, Colin, carrier, Castletown, Braemar Cantlay, Joseph, farmer, Peelharry M'lntosh, Duncan, weaver, Castletown, Braemar Castle, William, farmer, Hayfarm M'Kenzie, Mrs., merchant, Castletown, Braemar Chrystall, William, farmer, Lodge M'Laren, James, sbeep farmer, Cornalarig, Brae- Cordiner, James, wright, Tillymaud mar Cruickshanks, James, farmer, Hill of Gask M'Rae, Rev. Farquhar, Free Church, Braemar Daniel, Francis, farmer, Coldwells M'Queen, William, schoolmaster, Free Church, Daniel, James, farmer, Longhaven Braemar Daniel, Robert, farmer, Sandend Mathieson, Murdoch, schoolmaster, Inverly, Brae- Daniel, AVilliam, shoemaker, Chapelhill mar Davidson, James, farmer, Masston Mitchell, Rev. Henry, Parish Church, Braemar Davidson, James, miller, Auchleuchries Munro, James, schoolmaster, Aberarder, Crathie Davidson, James, milter, Hatton Rattray, James, merchant, Street of Monaltrie, Davidson, John, farmer, West Gask Crathie Davidson, Thomas, farmer, Hatton Robertson, John, excise officer, Crathie Bridge, Dawson, Robert, schoolmaster Crathie Donaldson, Thomas, ground officer, Erroll Estates NEW COUNTS DIRECTORY. 183

Donaldson, Thomas, farmer, Slainsgarden Yeats, William, of Auquharney and Muirtack Duff, Grant, of Auchleuchries (non-resident) (non-resident) Duguid, James, merchant, Hatton Young, Alexander, farmer, Collieshill Erroll, the Right Hon. the Earl of, Slains Castle Erskine, Alexander, of Longhaven (non-resident) Fiddler, William, of Stonehousehill Forbes, Duncan, merchant, Chapelhill Forbes, Duncan, merchant, Auchleuchries CTJLSALMONL. Forsyth, Alexander, miller and corn merchant, Ardendraught Allan, Rev. Andw. schoolmaster, Parochial School Gall, William, farmer, Westerton Alexander, James, farmer, East Ledikin Gammel, James, of Ardiffery (non-resident) Alexander, Robert, farmer, Bridge of Shevock Gibson, John, farmer, Braehead Bartlet, Alex., slate merchant & farmer, Grayston Errant, Alexander, farmer, Stones Beattie, George, farmer, Old Gateside Grant, William, merchant, Braco Cowie, James, farmer, Fordmouth Gray, Alexander, ground officer, Hill of Ardiffery Cowie, John, farmer, Skares Gray, Alexander, farmer, Tillymaud Cowie, John, farmer, South Ledikin [morgan Harper, Alexander, farmer, Midtown Cruickshank, John, farmer, South Mains of Tilly- Hume, Joseph, Free Church School Davidson, John, farmer, Little Wrangham Johnston, Andrew, farmer, Greenhill Dawson, Alexander, farmer, Gauk's Well Johnston, James, Moreseat Dawson, Francis, farmer, Mains of Williamston Joss, Alexander, postmaster Durno, Leslie, farmer, Kirkton Lendrum, George farmer, Pathhead Elder, John, shoemaker, Nether Gateside Logan, Alexander, merchant, Teuchan Fraser, Charles, of Williamston, Williamston-house |Logan, Hay, farmer, Midmill Gerrard, William, wright, Sauchenloan Logan, Thomas, farmer, Midmill Genie, James, farmer, West Cairnhill Law, Thomas, shoemaker, Stonehousehill Gerrie, Peter, farmer, Moss Side Mann, Alexander, ground officer, Braco Glennie, Adam, Millwright, Doghillock Marr, Mrs., Hatton (non-resident) Glennie, Peter, farmer, Cairnhill Masson, John, farmer, Auchleuchries Gordon, Alex., Esq., of Newton, Newton House Massie, George, farmer, South Ardiffery Gordon, William, shoemaker, Dubston. Mathew, George, farmer, Teuchan Harper, George, farmer, Mellenside Matthew, John, wright, Blakesmuir Harper, Lewis, farmer, Brankanentum Mitchell, Joseph, schoolmaster, Erroll Schools Harvey, Alexander, farmer, Nether Gateside Milne, William, farmer, Oldtown Henry, William, baker, Colpy Moir, Robert, of Eastertop (non-resident) Jessiman, John, farmer, North Ledikin Murray, Alexander, farmer, Nethermill Livingston, Alexander, farmer, Sheelagreen Mutch, James, farmer, Errollston. Livingston, George, farmer, Upper Jericho Park, James, farmer, Coldwells Livingston, Robert, merchant, Colpy Paul, Alexander, farmer, Stoneyhill Low, Peter, farmer, Comb's-causey Paul, George, farmer, Longhaven M'Robie, Alexander, farmer, Jempack Pirie, James, farmer, Meikle Mains Mathison, Alexander, farmer, Wellside Philip, Alexander, of Yondertown Mathison, George, farmer, Waulkmill Philip, John, farmer, Kipla Melvin, Peter, farmer, Middle Gateside Philip, Robert, farmer, Braco Mennie, William, farmer, Hillbrae Pratt, Rev. J. B., St. James's Middleton, James, farmer, Mains of Tillymorgan Reid, Robert, firmer, Mid Gask Milne, Alexander, farmer, Newseat Ritchie, James, farmer, Nook Molison, G., innkeeper & farmer, Williamston Inn Robertson, Alexander, farmer, Gask Mutch, James, wright, Woodcrofts Robertson, Alexander, wright, Auchleuchries Nicol, James, farmer, Mill of Newton Ross, Rev. Robert, Manse Paterson, Alexander, boot and shoemaker, Colpy Sangster, Alexander, farmer, Sandend Paterson, George, shoemaker, Newseat Sangster, George, farmer, South Medton Paul, William, farmer, Templand Sangster, James, ground officer, Braco Pirie, James, farmer, Boghead Scroggie, Robert, merchant, South Hayfarm Porter, James, farmer, Caden Shepherd, Alexander, farmer, Auchlethen Porter, John, farmer, Sauchenloan Shepherd, James, of Aldie and Auchlethen Porter, Robert, farmer, Nether Gateside Sim, John, farmer, Broadmuir Reid, John, farmer, Colpy Skeate, Robeit, excise officer, Errollston Reid, John, wright, Kellock Bank Smith, Alex., miller and corn mercht, Upper Mill Rennie, Rev. John, Independent Chapel Smith, Thomas, farmer, Fountainbleau Riddel, Alexander, farmer, Newseat Smith, Thomas, ground officer, Longhaven Robertson, Alexander, farmer, Haughs Smith, William, farmer, Stonehousehill Robertson, George, farmer, Park of Newton Snell, Alexander, farmer, Bridge-end Robertson, Rev. Patrick, Free Church Souter, William, farmer, Lochside Ruddiman, William, blacksmith, Colpy Stewart, Alexander, farmer, Whiteshin Riddle, Ernest, slate merchant, Sauchenloan Taylor, James, farmer, Mains of Auquharney Scott, Alexander, farmer, Snipefield Thompson, William, farmer, Auchiries Scott, William, farmer. Little Wrangham Watson. William, farmer, Aldrie Singer, Robert, farmer, St. Sair's Farm Vass, William, woollen manufactory, Wester Aldie Smith, Wm., whisky distiller and farmer, Jericho Watt, James, farmer and salmon fisher Smith, John, farmer, Old Wrangham Watt, William, farmer, Gateside Storie, Rev. Archibald, paiish minister, Manse Will, George, surgeon, Ashallow Strachan, William, farmer, Pulawhite Will, George, farmer, Ardenhaugh Talbert, John, farmer, North Grayston Wilson, George, farmer, Easterton Thomson, Henry, excise officer 184 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Tougb, John, shoemaker. Newseat Christie, John Duff, farmer, Mains of Dummuies Walker, John, wright, Colpy Christie, Theodore, farmer, East Dummuies Walker, Rev. Robert, Episcopal Chapel Coutts, Alexander, wright, Loangarry Watt, Peter, farmer, Newbigging Cran, George, farmer, Boghead Wilson, James, blacksmith, Gloneston Cran, James, sen., farmer, Mosshead Whyte, John, farmer, Little Ledekin Cran, James, jun., farmer, Garry Young, James, farmer, Sauchenloan Conn, James, farmer, Buglehole Cruickshank, James, Loangarry Durno, James, farmer, Slioch Forbes, Rev, Alexander, Free Church Manse DAVIOT. Forbes, Alexander, farmer, Kirkton Forbes, Alexander, Leys of Dummuies Adam, Allan, tailor & clothier Gammie, Peter, farmer, Knightsraill Barclay, William, tailor and clothier Gordon, Alexander, farmer, Thornybrae Barclay, Mrs., female school Hay, John, farmer, Chapelton Bonnar, John, Bilibo Hay, John, wright, Blackblair Brown, George, Meikle Pitinnin Horn, James, innkeeper, Wetwards Burnett, the Rev. Thomas, Parish Church Innes, Alexander, farmer, Adamston Clark, James, Teuchyhaugh Innes, David, Adamston Christie, A. C., grocer, Mosside Jessiman, William, Little Cruchie Christie, James, schoolmaster Johnstone, William, farmer, Woodbank Crossland, Abel, manufacturer, Fingask Joss, Alexander, traveller for Glendronach Dis- Cruickshank, Peter, factor tillery, Cruchie Cumming, Watson, Kirktown, innkeeper Knowles, William, overseer & gardener, Lessen- Ferguson, George, Mains of Glack Laird, James, farmer, Newbigging f drum House Ferguson, James, Newcraig Leslie, Robert, manufacturer^ Greenhaugh-croft Forbes, Duncan, Fingask House Leslie, William, shoemaker, Thomastown Gray, William, Little Pitinnin Leslie, William, farmer, Meikle Weistern Harper, William, Whitelea Lawson, James, farmer, Lessendrum Henderson, Donald, Mossfield Lawson, William, farmer, Lessendrum Ingram, Rev. G., parochial schoolmaster and in- M'Donald, George, farmer, and grain merchant, spector of poor Upper Piriesmill Ironside, James, Pitblain M'Donald, James, farmer and grain merchant, Ledingham, James, Southside Upper Piriesmill Manson, John, of Fingask (non-resident) Mathieson, William, farmer, Carvichen M'Kenzie, John, of Glack Michie, Robert, shoemaker, Crofts of Newton M'Nicol, Daniel, grocer Milne, John, farmer, Dukewell Maitland, James, Meikle-Pitinniu Mitchell, Alexander, miller, Kirkton Mill Maitland, Robert, grocer Morrison, William, farmer, Loanhead Mennie, Alexander, overseer, Glack Murray, Widow, farmer, Moss of Lessendrum Milne, Geo., Wicketslap Napier, Alexander, farmer, Whiteley Mitchell, William, Hillhead Pirie, Samuel, tailor, Hillhead of Thomastown Morgan, William, Paradise Rainy, Rev. Alexander, parish minister, Manse Paul, George, Mains of Mounie Reid, George, blacksmith, Crofts of Newton Philip, George, Mill of Lumphart Roger, Peter, farmer. Kirkton Mill Robertson, William, Mill of Glack Roy, James, farmer, Begshill Rough, William, Nethertown Scott, William, ground officer, RamVon Croft Rough, James, Gr&sseyslack Smith, George, wright, Cruchie Cottage Seton, David, of Mounie (non-resident) Smith, William, farmer, Adamston Skene, W. A., of Lethenty (non-resident) Souter, Rev. John, parish schoolmaster and in- Strachan, Andrew, Easter Fingask spector of poor Strachan, John, Wester Fingask Sim, John, farmer, Newton of Begshill Thackeray, G., manufacturer, Fingask Talbert, James, farmer, Wadderburn Walker, P., Lumphart Taylor, George, farmer, Broomhill MQ Walker, William, Cuttlecraig Taylor, James, farmer, Broomhill Watson, William, Old Craig Taylor, William, farmer, East Comalegy White, James, Loanhead Thomson, George, mason, Burnside Watt, Alexander, farmer, Thomastown Watt, George, farmer, Thomastown Watt, James, farmer, West Comalegy Watt, John, farmer, Leys of Lessendrum DRTJMBLADE. Watt, William, farmer, Meikle Dukewell Wilson, Alex., farmer, Brideswell and Newton Alexander, James, farmer, Begshill Wilson, John, farmer, Brideswell and Newton Allardyce, James, farmer, Stoneyfield Wisely, Mrs, Newtongarry Inn ' Anderson, James, farmer, Whinbrae Watt, Robert, farmer, Leys of Lessendrum Anderson, James, farmer, Greenhaugh Anderson, John, farmer, Mosshead Bagrie, William, grain agent, Sheilknow Bagrie, John, sen., farmer, Troup's Mill Bagrie, John, jun., farmer, Troup's Mill DEUIOAK Bisset, William, of Lessendrum Brooks, John, officer of Inland Revenue, Braehead Abel, James, wood-merchant, Drum Catto, Wi'liam, farmer, Adamston Allan, Alexander, farmer, Tersets Christie, Fairlie, farmer, West Dummuies Anderson, Francis, farmer, Bakebare NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 1S5


Begg, George, blacksmith, Drum Anderson, J. merchant, Cullerlie Barrack. Alexander, mason, Rosehall Barron, George, farmer, Braigiewell Begg, George, blacksmith, Park Barron, George, farmer, Miltown of Cullerlie Bisset, Peter, farmer, Milltown of Drum Barron, Robert, farmer, Midtown of Cullerlie Calder, John, farmer, Broomfield Beattie, J., Inn of Waterton Carnie, Charles, farmer, Bogton Bruce, Charles, farmer, Scotstown, Monecht Clark, Isaac, farmer, Rashenlochie Brown, J., schoolhouse, Cullerlie Cooper, James, farmer, Candyglearich Burnett, David, farmer, Knockquham Corbet, Rev. Adam, Parish Church Brown, James, farmer, Dumbraik Coutts, William, merchant, Park Cairnie, William, farmer, Brigsbtirn of Echt Craigmile, Charles, farmer, Hill of Park Christie, Robert, farmer, Nether Mains Davidson, John, schoolmaster and inspector of Clark, Charles, farmer, North Mains poor Cobbin, Peter, farmer, Garrick Davidson, William, farmer, South Coldstream Cooper, David, shoemaker, South Kirktown Dyce, Colonel, Park Coutts, James, merchant, North Kirktown Fernie, Samuel, farmer, Dalmaik Coutts, John, wright; Bridge-end, Waterton Fraser, Charles, wood-merchant, Drum Coutts, J. wright, Cullerlie Fraser, John, merchant, Drum Craigmile, William, farmer, West Mains Fullerton, David, farmer, Sunnyside Craigmyle, James, farmer, North Findrassie Gammie, George, gardener, Drum Cruickshanks, Mrs., Greentree-lodge Gillespie, Peter, teacher, Glashmore Donald, Alexander, farmer, Hopeton of Cullerlie Hindmarsh, M.K. excise officer Donald, Joseph, farmer, West Tillyboy Hunter, John, miller, Mills of Drum Duncan, John, farmer, Blackdams Irvine, Alexander Forbes, of Drum Duthie, William, smith, Bridge-pnd, Waterton North Kirktown Kelly, William, tailor, Wairdmill Ettershanks, Alex , shoemaker, Kiloh, Robert, merchant and postmaster Farquharson, Alex., farmer, Burnseat, Waterton Kinlocb, Alexander John, of Park cf Echt Lyon, William, farmer, Newton Farquhar, George, shoemaker, Spittalhillock Milne, Peter, farmer, Collonoch Farquhar, Samuel, farmer, Dinecht, Waterton Milne, Thomas, farmer, East Quartons Fowler, Joseph, farmer, Tilliorn M'Donald, Erskine, contractor, Quhobs Gibson, James, schoolhouse, Corskie Morrison, John, wood-merchant, Park Gillanders, Charles, farmer, Mill of Air Oge. James, miller, Wairdmill Gillespie, James, farmer, Hillhae Philip, Andrew, farmer, Quarton9 Gordon, George, farmer, Tillioch Pratt, John, farmer, Newhall Hall, John, farmer, Sauchenbush

Reid, William, innkeeper. Drum Arms Hay, — . surgeon, Echt-cottage Reid, William, overseer, Drum Henry, William, farmer, Miltown of Findrassie Reith, William, farmer, Glashmore Herd, David, farmer, Cairns Croft Ross, John, farmer. Upper and Nether Park Herd, Mrs., farmer, Barnyards, Echt Sharp, Abraham, manufacturer, Quiddy Mill Jamieson, John, farmer, Moss-side Smith, Francis, blacksmith, Hardgate Johnston, Robert, farmer, West Croft Thom, John, innkeeper, Park Laro, Alexander, farmer, Naschik Tocher, James, appraiser, Park Law, William, farmer, Sandyhillock Watt, Alexander, larmer, Coldstream Lawrie, George, farmer, Littki Easter Lawson, John, farmer, Lawson Croft Ledingham, William, farmer, Damseat Leith, Alexander, farmer, Little Findrassie DYCE. Leith, William, farmer, Newfield Leith, William, farmer, Springfield, Waterton Leith, William, farmer, Banks of Findrassie Alexander, James, farmer, Biedlieston Lessels, Alexander, merchant and postmaster, John, farmer and builder, Mains of Dyce Craig, Waterton Hector, James, farmer, Kirkhill Low, Alexander, farmer, South Monecht Henderson, Alexander, of Caskieben Lumsden, Charles, wright, South Kirkton ^amphrey, John, of Pitmedden M'Bely, Alexander, farmer, South Monecht Kemp, George Wright, pirish schoolmaster MacKay, Rev. Donald, Free Manse Kemp, Rev. John Syme, parish minister Malcolm, William, schoolhouse, Echt Williamson, Andrew, farmer, Caskieben Martin, George, forester, Waterton Williamson, John, farmer & auctioneer, Standing- Mathieson, Andrew, farmer, Jinllend stones May, Robert, farmer, Dunecht, Waterton farmer and land valuer, Williamson, Robert, North Monecht Bendaugh Milne, Alexander, farmer, Milne, Charles, farmer, New-wester Wilson, John, farmer, Upper Kirkton Meston, William, farmer, Tullimannoch Mollison, John, farmer, Easter Echt Morgan, George, farmer, Cariehillock Morgan, Joseph, farmer, Old Echt ECHT. Nicol, Robert, farmer, Burnside, Easter Echt Nicol, Robert, shoemaker, Cullerlie The Right Hon. the Earl of Balcarres and Craw- Niven, James, miller, Mills of Echt ford, Dunecht-house Philip, Adam, farmer, Upper Mains Adam, James, farmer, Cornhill of Cullerlie Philip, George, farmer, Easter Woodside Adam, John, farmer, Tilly boy Philip, Robert, farmer, Milltown ot Findrassie Adam, J., farmer, Hillside Philip, William, farmer, Tillyshogel Adam, Robert, farmer, Hillside Pirie, Alexander, farmer, Nonh Monecht Culfosia Ramsay, Jame?, farmer, Baintown Allan, George, farmer, Aa 186 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Kos", John, farmer, Little Findrassie Ireland, Rev. James, Secession Church Shepard, J., smith, Cullerlie Johnston, James, farmer, Ardgrain Shewan, George, farmer, E >ster Culfosie Johnston, John, baker, Ellon Smith, George Abel, South Kirktown Johnston, James, farmer, Drumwhyndle Smith, James, farmer, Tillyfoddy Johnstone, Mr., teacher, Commonty School Smith, James, farmer, Roadside of Tillyfoddy Joslin, Mrs., feuar, Ellon Smith, James, farmer, Newseat Keith, James, farmer, Chapelton Smith, John, farmer, South Kirktown Kidd, Andrew, farmer, Hilton Smith, "William, shoemaker, Damseat Kirkton, William, innkeeper, Craighall Surrie, Peter, Inn of Garrioch Laing, William, wright, Ell^n Thomson, John, innkeeper of North Kirktown Laing, Alexander, painter, Eilon Thomson, William, farmer, Till^hother, Echt Leitch, David, blacksmith, Ellon Tom, James, farmer, Tillybrig Ledingham, George, farmer, Ardgrain Wight, James, farmer, Old Wester Ledingham, William, farmer, Hayhillock Will, George, farmer, Wilkiemuir Littlejohn, William, druggist and ironmonger Will, James, farmer, Ordeship Low, George, blacksmith Will, Hubert, farmer, Wester Woodside Low, James, farmer, Yonderton Wright, Rev. Maxwell, Manse of Echt M'Bain, Peter, wright, Ellon Wylie, farmer, Cullerlie M , M'Glashan, James, brewer, Ellon Wilson, C. farmer, Lower Broomhill, Waterton of M'Gruer, Andrew, clothier and tailor, Ellon Echt Mackie, George, blacksmith, Overtown Webster, George, farmer, Bruthem Mackie, Keith, innkeeper, Ellon Webster, George, farmer, Wester Shogell Mackie, William, blacksmith, Ardlethen Mair, Alexander, farmer, Kinharrachie Mair, James, wright, Waterton Mair, James, farmer, Mains of Caldwells Mair, Thomas, farmer, Mill of Birness Mair Thomas, farmer, Mains of Kinmuick ELLON. Matheson, Miss, dressmaker, Ellon Mitchell, Andrew, farmer, Cairnhill Anderson, Miss, dressmaker, Ellon Mitchell, George, farmer, Eortree Arthur, William, wright. Drumahyndle Moir, Francis, saddler, Ellon Auld, George, wright, Ellon Moir, Mrs., feuar, Ellon Auld, John, butcher, Ellon Moir, John, merchant, Ellon Balfour, William, farmer, Piltochie Murray, James, farmer, Auchterellen Barr, J., excise officer, Ellon Mutch, Alexander, watchmaker, Ellon Black, James, wright, Claymirea Milne, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Esselmont Black, James, factor, Ellon Milne, Alexander, farmer, Waterton Black, John, farmer and cattle dealer, Cairnleith Milne, Thomas, sen., feuar Brebner, John, merchant, Ellon Milne, Thomas, jun., North of Scotland Bank Brebner, John, insurance office, Bon-accord Milne, Thomas, jun., Northern Assurance Office Brewster, Rev. William, Parish Church Milne, Thomas, merchant, Ellon Bruce, James, blacksmith, Ellon Milne, William, farmer, Mains of Waterton Uardno, Charles, wright, Kinharrachie Philip, Rev. Robert, Free Church Cbivas, Alexander, farmer, Overtown Proctor, William, wright, Ardgrain Conon, Miss, dressmaker, Ellon Rae, John, postmaster, and deputy clerk of the Cooper, William, police constable Rae, John, Town and County Bank^ [peace Cowie, Alexander, innkeeper Rae, John, Provincial Insurance Office Cowie, Alexander, farmer, Cromley Bank Rae, J. and J., merchants, Ellon Cousen, Mr. teacher, Free Church'School Riacb, Miss, teacher, Free Church Female School Craig, George, blacksmith, Waterton Reid, James, M.D. Cruickshanks, Joseph; farmer, Auchredie Reid, Miss, female teacher, parochial school Davidson, Alexander, merchant, Ellon Ritchie, George, cattle dealer, Ellon Davidson, Rev. John, parish schoolmaster Robb, John, Aberdeen Bank, and collector of poor'I* Davidson, James, farmer, Mains of Dudwick rates Duguid, Robert, carrier, Ellon Robb, John, writer, and inspector (f poor Duncan, Alexander, farmer, Ullaw Robertson, Alexander, cattle dealer Falconer, Archibald, farmer, Fechel Robertson, George, farmer, Cairnadelly Falconer, Mrs.,feuar, Ellon Robertson, George, farmer. Balmacassie Garden, Alexander, saddler, Ellon Robertson, George, merchant, Dudwick Garden, John, farmer, Ardlethen Robertson, William, jun., farmer, Cassiegill Garden, John, proprietor, Ellon Robertson Brothers, clothiers, Ellon Garland, Thomas, farmer, Ardlethen Ross, John S.. of Arnage Gordon, Mr., Esslemont Sheriff, Thomas, sheriff officer and auctioneer Gordon, Miss, dressmaker, Ellon Shewan, James, clothier and tailor, Ellon Gordon, William, wright, Ellon Shivas, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Arnage Grieve, Rev. Nathaniel, Episcopal Church Strachan, George, farmer, Kirkhill Gray, George, farmer, Mill of Kinmuick Sutherland, Alexander, druggist and ironmonger Guthrie, Robert, clothier and tailor Thomson, Mrs , baker, Ellon Halliday, George, shoemaker, Ellon Taylor, Andrew, innkeeper, Ellon Hardie, William, shoemaker, Eilon Taylor, George, blacksmith, Claymires Harvie, Charles, shoemaker, Ellon Taylor, William, baker Harvey and Webster, tailors and clothiers Taylor, Mrs., feuar, Ellon Hay, J , veterinary surgeon Tocher, Peter, druggist and ironmonger Hay, Mr., schoolmaster, Tillydesk School Todd, William, merchant, Blackhill NEW COUNTY DIItECTORT. 187

Turner John, of Turnerhall Booth, George, farmer, Parsonspool iValentine, George, cattle dealer, Dudwick Clark, William, farmer, Brunthillo Watt, James, innkeeper, Ellon Cowie, Alexander, farmer, Dumblair Warrack, John, farmer, Kinharrachie Cran, James, farmer, Corse Barnshire Watson, J. P., surgeon, Ellon Cruickshank, Andrew, farmer, Walker, James, watchmaker, Ellon Cruickshank, James, surgeon, Wardend Walker, William Arthur, wright Cruickshank, George, farmer, Comisty Wilson, John, mason, Ellon Cruickshank, John, farmer, Balgaveny Wynnas, Alexander, farmer, Drakemyre Cruickshank, James, farmer, Balgaveny Wynnas, Thomas, farmer, Crosstone Crookshank, Mrs,, Conland Webster and Harvey, tailors and clothiers Cocker, George, farmer, Drumdollo Cruickshank, Miss, Haughs of Corse Dalgavno, Alexander, miller, Boynsmill Davidson, Mrs., Corse Cottage Dow, James, farmer, Cranloch FINTRAY. Dustan, Alexander, farmer, Cowie Essrlement, James, farmer, Colgue Anderson, George, farmer, Westbog Ferguson, George, farmer, Largue farmer, Mill of Covile Argo, John, Forsyth, Peter, farmer, Bogtown farmer, Wester Disblair Craighead, Thomas, Forbes, John, of Haddo manufacturers, Cothal Crombie, Messrs. J. and J., Gammie, Mrs., Clifton Cottage Mills Glendronach Distillery Company Messrs and Co , farmer, Old Crombie, John, of C. Harper, George, farmer, Conlandmill Manse Harper, George, farmer, Cornhaugh farmer, Sittytown of Straloch Cruickshank, Amos, Harper, John, auctioneer, Conrie Cumine, Alex., farmer, Tillykirie Hall, John, farmer, Garriesford Hatton of Cumming, John, painter and grocer, Horn, James, farmer, Eoundhorne_ Fin tray Henderson, W., farmer, New Conrie Elmsie, Alex., farmer, Cairntown Ingram, James, farmer, Monellie proprietor, Fintray Forbes, Sir William, Bart., Morrison, Charles, farmer, Boghead of Cobairdy House Morrison, James, farmer, Friendraught Garden, George, proprietor, Lairshill Milne, James, farmer, Coldhome Johnston, James, tailor, Disblairs Minty Theodore, farmer, Largue Johnston, James, blacksmith* Hatton of Fintray Moir, Alexander, farmer, Cairntown Middletown of Disblair Knight, Robert, farmer, Maconachie, James, merchant, Corse Blair Ligertwood, George, farmer, Macwilliam, James, miller, Placentia Fintray Low, William, tailor, Hatton of M'Grigor, John, merchant, Bogniebrae Logie M'Kenzie, Widow, and Jas., farmers, M'William, John, farmer, Broomfold Disblair M'Lean, Roderick, schoolmaster, M'William, Alex., schoolmaster, Wells of Tthan Mearns. Rev. Dr., proprietor, Disblair Matheson, Rev. John, Free Church Manse David, schoolmaster, school-house Milne, Rev. Morrison, George, farmer, Corse Disblair _ Milne, George, blacksmith, Morison, William, farmer, Backhills Hatton Moir, Widow, farmer, Boat of Muido, Benjamin, farmer, Conrie Mills Nicholson, James, merchant, Cothal Low, Alexander, farmer, Comisty Milltown of Wester Fintray Petrie, James, farmer, Low, John, farmer, Ashalloch of Wester Fintray Skene, Geo,, of Skene, proprietor Lumsden, Mrs., farmer, Airchaber William, merchant, Disblair Singer, Niven, James, farmer, Airchaber Smith, William, farmer, Middletown Pittendrich, William, Friendraught George, resident factor and farmer, New- Strachan, Pateison, William, Craigmancy mill Philip, Alexander, farmer, Denmoss Thompson, Alex., farmer, Causewayend Porter, Mrs. Robert, Auchintender Walker, Alex., farmer, Wester Fintray Robertson, Rev. Patrick, Free Church Manse Walker, John, farmer, Inn of Hatton Bedford, James, farmer, Kirkland Walker, John, vintner, Hatton of Fintray Scott, Walter, manager, Glendronach Young, Rev. J. G., minister, Manse of Fintray Smith, Alexander, farmer, Garriesburn Smith, George, farmer, Auchaber Smith, William, farmer, E. Aucharnie Shand, John, farmer, Yonder Bognie FORGUE. Simpson, James, farmer, Sirtertown Simpson, Alexander, miller, Auchintender Abel, Rev. John, Manse of Forgue Skinner, John, farmer, Balgaveny Adam, William, farmer, Friendraught Simpson, Robert, of Cobairdy Allardes, John, farmer, Raich Sangster, Adam, farmer, Garriesford Albordes, Misses, Boynsmill Shand, Alexander S., of Templand Glenmellan Alexander, George, farmer, Woodside Stephen, John, jun,, farmer, farmer, Glenmellan Alexander, John, merchant, Rucharnie Stephen, John, sen , Aucharnie Anderson, Peter, farmer, G. Bognie Stephen, John, farmer. Bridge of Forgue Anderson, William, farmer, Rashieslack Stuart, Alex., post-office, Aucharnie Andrew, George, farmer, Balgaveny Stuart, Robert, of younger of Aucharnie Bannerman, William, Rashieslack Stuart, William, farmer, Friendraught Bagrie, Mrs. Robert, Drumdollo Stuart, John, farmer, Drumdollo Barclay, George, farmer, Garriesford Stuart, Lewis, merchant, Cobairdy Booth, James, farmer, Watertown Skeen, Geo., W., of Drumblair Cottage Blackie, John, farmer, Pitfancy Thain, James farmer, Drumdollo Booth, James, farmer, Drumdollo Tocher, John, 188 NEW COUNTT DIRECTORY.

Tocher, John, farmer, Boghead Walker, Alexander, miller, Mill of Minnes Tocher, James, farmer, Werrmill Watson, William, innkeeper, Southfaithing Tocher, John, farmer, Cranboch Watt, Rev. W. S., Manse Thorn, William, fanner, Bogfouton Jopp, William, farmer, Foudland Thompson, Alexander carrier, Corse Smith, Rev James, Parsonage Walker, Charier; Drumblair FBASERBURGH. Watson, Henry, Corse " Webster, Rev. George, schoolmaster, Forgue Alexander, — , brig "Vulcan

Webster, Robert, farmer, Aucharnie Alexander, — , brig "Elizabeth" Wight, John, sen., Bogfouton Allister, John, brewer Wight, John, jun., Bogfouton Annand and Murray, sawyers and wood merchants Wilson, Miss, of Auchaber Andersou, John, carpenter AY iison, John, farmer, Monelly Anderson, John, policeman AVinton, George, farmer Garriesford Anderson, James, draper Anderson, J. flesher Anderson, John, cabinetmaker Anderson, William, Lochpots Angus, George, fishcurer Annand, Miss, dressmaker FOVERAN. Auld, John, carpenter Barclay, James, carrier to Aberdeen Allan, George, farmer, Aikenshill Barnet, Peter, farmer, Mains of Philorth Anderson, James, parochial schoolmaster Batchan, Peter, boot and shoemaker Argo, Alexander, farmer, Overhill Birse, James, M.D. Argo, James, blacksmith, Cuttercullen Bisset, John, fishcurer Barron, David, blacksmith, Blackhilly Blackball, Adam, tailor Black, James, farmer, Liuhead Black, James, assistant lighthouse-keeper Black, William, farmer, Monkshill Blair, James, stationer and tea dealer Brown, Andrew, blacksmith, Craibadoria Brebner, Thomas, carpenter Cautley, William, farmer, Auchindarg Brown, Simon, farmer, Fordafoury Cruickshank, Adam, schoolmaster, Cultercullen Brook, William, merchant tailor Diack, James, gardener, Foveran House Bruce, Alexander, and Co , fishcurer* Duthie, John, farmer, Kinknockie Buchan, Mrs., vintner Easton, James, merchant, Latch Burnett, John, retired Fiddes, George, farmer, Auchloom Burnett, James, sen , farmer, Kirkton Fiddes, Robert, farmer, Kingston Burnett, James, flesher Fiddes, Robert, farmer, Mjnnes Burnett, Robert, druggist " Fiddes, Thomas, farmer, Pitmillan Burnett, William, brig "Sovereign Fiddes, William, farmer, Dubbiestile Byres, John, farmer, Fingask Gillespie, William, blacksmith, Newmill Bythe, James, tailor Gibson, George, farmer, Savoch Cardno, A. and J., boot and shoemakers Gray, William, Mill of Fiddes Cardno, Alexander, farmer, Kinbog Harvey, James, farmer, Pitgersie Cardno, James (of J. Massie and Co.) Harvey, Robert, farmer, Drums Cardno, Mr., tea, spirit, and grain merchant Hunter, W. C, ofTillery Cardno, Miss, dressmaker Hutcheon, Alexander, wright, Craibadoria Carle, Thomas, shipmaster (Christian), Aberdeen Johnston, James, miller, Old Mill trader Kelman, William, wright, Cultercullen Car, Alexander, farmer, Hillhead of Fingask Laing, Alexan ler, blacksmith, Pitgersie Chalmers, Lewis, writer, Bank of Scotland, factor, Ligertwood, John, farmer, Pitscalf and Bailie Lindsay, George, farmer, Alehouse Chalmers, Mrs. J grocer and innkeeper , M'Intosh, Alexander, farmer, Gray's Hill Chalmers, William, baker Milne, Andrew, farmer; Greigs of Ardo Clark, James, farmer, Fatsonloch Milne, Andrew, sheriff officer, Old Mill Cordiner, John, barque " Rival " Milne James, farmer, Hillhead. Corvie, Mrs., midwife Milne, John, wright, Pitgersie Craighead, John, overseer, Philorth Mitchell, Andrew, farmer, Fiddesbog Crichton, Andrew, mail guard Mitchell, Gilbert, farmer, Meikle Haddo Cruickshank, James, Saltoun Inn Mitchell, Misses, Tornity Cruickshank, James, writer and fishcurer Moir, George, farmer, Kncckhall Cruickshank, William, farmer, Middleburgh Nicol, Alexander, farmer, Damhead Cumming, Rev. John, Parish Church Robertson, Andrew, of Foveran Cumine, James, letter carrier Ruxton, John, veterinary surgeon Cumine, Peter, shipowner and farmer Sharp, Mrs., Tillyfour. Cumine, William, boot and shoemaker Smith, John, farmer, Frogmore Cumine, William^ mason Stirling, James, miller, Mill of Fiddes Davidson, Rev. Alexander, Congregational Stoddart, Archibald, farmer, Davieshill Davidson, John, farmer, Broad sea Stoddart, George, farmer, Cultercullen Dickson, Miss, dressmaker Stuart, James, farmer, Mudhouse Donald, Mrs., midwife Sutherland, Andrew, farmer, Montama Donald, Rev. William S., Free Church Sutherland, James, farmer, Rashierive Dunbar, C , messenger-at-arms and auctioneer Teviotdale, John, veterinary surgeon Duncan, John, blacksmith Thomson, James, farmer, Westfleld Dunlop, John, Savings Bank clerk NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 189

Eddie, William, accountant, Bank of Scotland Morgan, James, merchant tailor Ettershank, Mrs., innkeeper Murison, John, labourer Flett, Mr. draper and tea dealer M'Dui, James, and Co., grocers Forbes, Mr., tea and spirit dealer M'Into-h, James, stoneware merchant Eraser, Alexander, boot and shoemaker M'Nab, landed proprietor, Glenoichle Fraser, Andrew, flesher Noble, Charles, baker Fraser, James, flesher Noble, John, shipmaster Fraser, James, house carpenter Noble, James, draper Fraser, James, vintner Noble, William, flesher Fraser, Misses, milliners and dressmakers Noble, William, fishcurer, grocer, and clothier Fraser, Mrs., midwife Officer, George, grocer and ironmonger Fyvie, Andrew, draper Oliphant, Alexander, grocer Fyvie, William, collector of harbour dues Park, John (J. Wemyss and Co.), J. P. Gall, William, merchant tailor Park, John, corn merchant Galloway, Edward, fishcurer Park, John, treasurer of Savings Bank Gavin, James, turner ' Park, James, corn merchant Gatherer, John, officer of Customs Park, James, merchant tailor and shipowner Gibbon, Robert, farmer, Mill of Philorth Park, Mrs., fishcurer Gordon, James, boatbuilder Park, Miss C, grocer and tea dealer Gordon, James,' fishcurer Paton, Lieut., farmer, Sinclairhills Grant, John, watchmaker Porterfield, J., mealseller Gray, Alexander, boot ;>nd shoemaker Pressley, Charles, boot and shoemaker Gray and Macallan, carpenters Pressley, Rev. Charles, Episcopal Church Grieve, Al. C, surgeon Pressley, John, fishcurer

Guthrie, James, fishcurer Pyper, Mrs , vintner Hardy, John, retired Ramsay, William, tea and spirit dealer Henderson, Alexander, architect and mason Rankin, William, carpenter Henderson, J., boot and shoemaker Reid, John, lighthouse-keeper Hendry, Robert, fishcurer Reid, William, grocer and druggist Hunter, Misses, dressmakers Ritchie, William (Margaret and Mary) Hunter, William, fishcurer Robb, James, carpenter Kane, Lieut. Colin, officer of Coast Guard Robertson, Mr., farmer, Catchiebrae Laing and King, Misses, dressmakers Robertson, James, millwright and wood merchant

Lawrence, Mrs , farmer, Cairn Robertson, Robert, plasterer Lawson, John, Bank of Scotland, writer, and poor's Robertson, Thomas, sheriff officer inspector Ross, James, merchant tailor Lovat, the Right Hon. Lord, Beaufort Ross, William, officer of excise Lovie, George, fishcurer Russell, J. brewer Lovie, George, slater Russell, Mrs., dressmaker, Shore Lovie, John, slater Saltoun, the Right Hon. Lord, Philorth Lovay, H., accountant Aberdeen Bank Sandison, Mr., innkeeper Lovay, John, farmer, Wester Cardno Scott, Alexander, farmer, Fingask Lovay, James, shipowner, grain and commission Scott, Alexander, accountant, North of Scotland merchant Bank Lyall, Gordon, printer Scott, Charles, farmer, Westerton Macallan, Alexander, stamp distributor and grocer Scott, James, tidewaiter Macallan, Lewis, vintner Skinner, Mr., stoneware and toy merchant Macbeath, Alexander, and Son, boot and shoe- Skinner, Mrs., retired makers Sime, Rev. James, Congregational Union Macdonald, Miss, teacher Simpson. William, Tarawathie Mackie, Andrew, clock and watchmaker Smart, William, farmer, Hatton Mackie, George, schooner " Brothers" Smith, James, cabinetmaker Mackie, Robert, boatbuilder and mealseller Stephen, Alexander, shipmaster (Vigilant) Macpherson, William, blacksmith Stephen, George, tea and spirit dealer Malcolm, Alex., ropemaker Stephen, George, boot and shoemaker Massie, John, innkeeper Stephen, James, fishcurer Massie, John, and Co., fishcurers Stephen, James, blockiuaker Maver, Alexander, baker and crystal merchant Stephen, John, shipmaster (Ann) Meldrum, R., baker Stephen, shipmaster (Ceres) Mellis, John, surgeon Stephen, John, shipmaster (Milenka) Meal, Alexander, bootmaker Stephen, Peter, schooner (Christian) Milne and Lawson, shipowners, grain and commis- Stephen, William, shipmaster (Ann and Hanna) sion merchants, and fishcurers Storie, Rev. John Milne, Alexander, farmer, Roadside Strachan, Messrs., merchants Milne, James, farmer, Derbyhall Sutherland, Alexander, fishery officer Milne, James, carrier to Aberdeen Sutherland, Robert, town clerk Milne, Miss, teacher Syme, John, harbour commissioner Milne, Simon, harbour-master and commission Tait, John (Indian Chief) merchant Tarras, Andrew, blacksmith Milne, William, farmer, Middleburgh Taylor, Mr, B., grocer Milne, William, grocer Thain, James, saddler Mitchell, John, bookbinder Thomson, Alexander, fishcurer Monro, Peter, tailor Thompson, William, farmer, Kinglessor Moncrief, James, grocer Tindal, Robert, blacksmith Moncrief, Peter, sloop " Andrew " Tindal, Robert, plumber and ironmonger 190 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Urquhart, Miss, teacher Duguid, James, farmer, Gourdas Walker, G. and J rope sail , and makers Duguid, Jane, merchant, Cromblet Walker, G., flesher Duguid, William, farmer, Mill of Meadapple Wallace, George, Aberdeen Bank, and procurator Duguid, William, miller, Mill of Meadapple fiscal Duncan, Alexander, weaver, Brawlurmuir Wallace, John, grocer, and draper Duncan, William, spirit dealer, Lethenty Watt, James, boot and shoemaker Durno, George, farmer, Littlefolla Watson, W., flesher Durno, Leslie, farmer, Eastertown Webster, John, boat and ship builder Durno, Leslie, farmer, Littlefolla Werayss, John, and Co., shipowners and corn mer- Durno, James, farmer, Jackston chants Duthie, William, farmer, Lethen Williamson, Alexander, town drummer Forbes, William, mason, Oldmoss Wilson, John, draper Fowler, George, farmer, Invercay Wilson, John, slater Fowler, James, mason, Muirfoundland Wilson, William, boot and shoemaker Fowlie, Miss, dressmaker, Stonehouse Winchester, J., hairdresser and cutler Fowlie, Mrs., midwife, Braeside of Gight Woodman, Rev. Wm., Parish School Forsyth, Alexander, spirit dealer, Macterry Whyte, Alexander, farmer, Carnoe Gall, George, farmer, Smithyburn Gall, George, carpenter, Woodhead Gall, Peter, house-carpenter, Ardlogie Gall, George, shoemaker, Tifty Gilchrist, James, farmer, Wells of Rothie FYVIE. Glennie, George, farmer, Fernybrae Glennie, John, blacksmith, Cross of Jackston Adam, Charles blacksmith, Littlefolla Gordon, Alexander, farmer, Littlefolla Alexander, George, farmer, Upper Hall Gordon, Captain W. C, of Fyvie Alexander, James, farmer, Blachree Gordon, James, shoemaker, Camalynes Alexander, Theodore, millwright, Haddo Gordon, John, surgeon, Carlehill Alexander, William, farmer, Rodshill Grant, John, farmer, Moss-side Anderson, Francis, farmer, Littlefolla Grant, William, spirit dealer, Arnybeedo Allan, Alexander, farmer, Mill of Rothiebrisbane Gray, George, farmer, Blairfoul Allan, Alexander, miller, Mill of Rothiebrisbane Greig, Alexander F., surgeon, Sunnyside Angus, James, shoemaker, Brownhill Grieve, Nathaniel, shoemaker, Geldensburn Argo, George, farmer, Crichnalaid Guthrie, Walter, mason, Littlefolla Argo, James, farmer, Crannabog Hall, James, tailor, Baldyquhash Argo, Miss, dressmaker, Crannabog Hall, George, weaver, Cauldsowens Beaton, James, maltster, Monkshill Hall, George, farmer, Baldyquash Beaton, John, farmer, Darnabo Hall, James, schoolmaster, Burnsideof Folia Beaton, William, farmer, Lethenty Hatt, James, farmer, Kirktown Beaverly, George, farmer, Tifty Hay, Alexander, miller, Mill of Crichie Birnie, James, mason, Baldyquash Hay, John, saddler, Maryfield Burr, Alexander, house-carpenter, Dogmoss Hay, Miss, dressmaker, Newbigging Burr, John, farmer, Little Gourdas Hay, Miss, of Monkshill Burr, John, schoolmaster, Lethenty Hay, Thomas, cart and plough wright, Newbigging Burr, Peter, merchant, Cardenwell Henderson, Alexander, farmer, St. John's Well Burr, William, farmer, Nether Muirfoundland Henderson, James, spirit dealer, Stonehouse Campbell, Kenneth, flesher, Ardlogie Henderson, Theodore, farmer, Camaloun Carle, George, shoemaker, Gallowslacks Horn, Alexander, farmer, Tifty Castle, William, shoemaker, Bajrgageford Horn, Alexander, watchmaker, Tifty Chalmers, Charles, of Monkshill ' Horn, Alexander, miller, Mill of Tifty Chalmers, John, dyer, Mill of Ardligie Horn, William, blacksmith, Monkshill Chapman, Rev. Alexander, Millbrex Hunter, George, farmer, Mill of Eastertown Chapman, Charles, furnishing tailor, Lethenty Hunter, John, farmer, Reemshill Chapman, William, merchant, Lethenty Innes, P. Rose, farmer, Blachree Chapman, Miss, dressmaker, Lethenty Ironside, Alexander, blacksmith, Tifty Cheyne, James, farmer, Fadonhill Ironside, John, shoemaker, Burnhead Clark, James, shoemaker, Woodhead Ironside, Moses, blacksmith, Swanford Clark, John, farmer, Stonemanhill Ironside, William, spirit dealer, Burnside Cockburn, John, spirit dealer, Fetterletter Ironside, William, farmer, Burnside Cockburn, William, shoemaker, Monkshill Ironside, William, innkeeper, Burnside Cocker, James, farmer, Hill of Petty Ironside, William, Burnside, agent for Northern Cormack, Alexander, stonecutter, Bridge-end Assurance Company Cormack, Robert, maltster, Bn'dge-end Jaffray, Arthur, farmer, Heathery Banks Coutts, John, spirit dealer, Millbrex Johnston, William, farmer, Baldyquash Cowieson, Miss, farmer, Camaloun Kelman, James, blacksmith, Rogerseat Craighead, Robert-, tailor, Baekhill Knox, James, farmer, North Badichell Cran, George, shoemaker, Berryhill Lawrance, Miss, dressmaker, South Lodge [folia Cruickshank, Rev. James, minister of Fyvie Leslie, Rev. Alexander, Episcopal Church, Meikle- Davidson, Hugh, mason, Boghead Leslie, Alexander, farmer, Meiklefolla Davidson, James, assistant schoolmaster, parish Leslie, Robert, shoemaker, Boghead Donald, Alexander, farmer, Lambhill [school Littlejohn, John, blacksmith, Denhill Duguid, George, mason, Kirkton Lyon, John, blacksmith, Cromblet Duguid, George, mason, Tifty Lyon, John, house-carpenter, Cromblet Duguid, James, spirit dealer,' Geldensburn M'Gregor, Donald, spirit dealer, Newseat Duguid, James, baker, Geldensburn Mackie, James, farmer, Lewis NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 191

Mackie, William, farmer, Petty Walker, John, miller, Mill of Gight Mackie, James, spirit dealer, Lewis Wallace, Mrs., midwife, Tifty

Mackie, James , innkeeper, Lewis Watson, Alexander, farmer, North Haddo Mackie, James Lewis, agent for Northern As- Watson, William, farmer, Westertown surance Co. Webster, William, blacksmith, Millbrex Mackie, James Lewis, agent for Aberdeen Town Williamson, Mrs., farmer, Crichie and County Bank Wilson, Alexander, farmer, Fetterletter Mackie, George, shoemaker, Mains of Fyvie Wilson, Rev. David, Kpiscopal Church, Woodhead Malcolm, William, farmer, South Badichell Wilson, George, farmer, Macterry Mansou, Rev. John, Free Church, Woodhead Wilson, George, tailor, Woodhead Marr, James, merchant, Stonemanhill Wilson, James, farmer, Gourdas Marr, James, blacksmith, Mill of Crichie Wilson, James, merchant, Woodhead Marr, William, weaver, Kirkton Wilson, James, tailor, Woodhead Matthew, Adam, flesher, Monkshill Wilson, Robert, mason, Blackpool Mathew, James, shoemaker, Hillhead White, George, house-carpenter, Hillhead

Milne, Alexander, farmer, Middle Haddo Wight, Mrs , schoolmistress, Littlefolla Milne, John, house-carpenter, Mill of Petty Wight, William, cart and ploughwright, Muir- Milne, William, ground officer, Hillhead foundland Mitchell, Alexander, farmer, Denhill Wisely, Alexander, farmer, Wells Mitchell, James, schoolmaster, Episcopal Church, Woodhead Mitchell, John, merchant, Parkburn Moir, James, farmer, Mill of Easterton Morrison, George, furnishing tailor, Mill of Rothie GARTLY, Mutch, James, blacksmith, Stonehouse Mutch, Miss, dressmaker, Stonehouse Allardyce, James, farmer and cattle dealer, Tilly- Nicol, Adam, farmer, Burreldales minnat Nicol, John, farmer, Blackbog Anderson, John, Free Church schoolmaster Oldman, William, tailor, Millbrex Braik, Adam, miller, Collithie Paterson, Miss, dressmaker, Muirfoundland Bremner, James, farmer and cattle dealer, Corn- Philip, James, furnishing tailor, Mansefield catterick Pratt, John, shoemaker, Boghead Bruce, James, farmer and cattle dealer, Collithie Rainie, William, farmer, Andrewsford Clark, George, farmer and cattle dealer, Kirkhill Rannie, James, farmer, Tifty Cruickshank, John, farmer and cattle dealer, Rannie, Alexander, shoemaker, Stonehouse Bothwell-seat Reid, Miss, dressmaker, Old Boghead Dawson, William, farmer and cattle dealer, Corn- Reid, Robert, millwright, Woodhead catterick Reid, William, schoolmaster, Cross of Jackston Duff, Robert, farmer and cattle dealer, Shan- Rettie, William, mason, Rothie quhar Rettie, William, house-carpenter, Sawmill Duncan, Rev. James Gibb, A.M., Free Church Ritchie, William, farmer, Mill of Burns Duncan, John, farmer and cattle dealer, Both- Ronaldson, Alexander, farmer, Little Gight well-seat Ronaldson, Peter, farmer, Stoneyfleld Elmslie, John, weaver, Footo'hill Rose, Miss, postmistress Forbes, George, farmer and cattle dealer, White- Rutherford, Alexander, officer of inland revenue, lumbs Mains of Fyvie Gartly, Robert, farmer and cattle dealer, Knap- Sangster, Andrew, blacksmith, Badichell partknows

Sharp, J. S , schoolmaster, Free Church, Wood- Gartly, Y/illiam, farmer and cattle dealer, Knap- head partknows Shirran, Alexander, farmer, South Camalynes Gauld, John, farmer and cattle dealer, Stotfold Shirran, Andrew, maltster, Loop Gordon, Hugh, farmer and cattle dealer, West Seat Sim, Alexander, farmer, Gourdas Gordon, James, farmer and cattle dealer, Mains Simpson, Alexander, farmer, Ardlogie of Gartly Sinclair, William, farmer, Burnside of Meadapple Gordon, Lieutenant Colonel John, R.A., Cuhlrain Singer, James, spirit dealer, Newbigging Grant, Francis, farmer and cattle dealer, Drum- Skene, James, cart and ploughwright, Tifty bulg Skene, Mrs., midwife, Kirktown Grant, James, farmer and cattle dealer, Drumbulg Smith, James, farmer, Saphock Grant, Peter, blacksmith, Backburn Smith, John, Ardlogie Hall, Alexander, farmer and cattle dealer, Glen- Stott, Rev. Alexander, parish schoolmaster nieston Strachan, Alexander, farmer, South Haddo Hall, John, carpenter, Kirkney Strachan, John, mason, Meadapple Harvey, James, inspector of poor, Backburn Strachan, John, farmer, Cardenwell Horn, James, farmer and cattle dealer, Corncat- StracliaD, William, mason, Cross of Jacksoi terick Strachan, Miss, dressmaker, South Haddo Horn, William, farmer and cattle dealer, Duncan- Stephen, Alexander, merchant, Mains of Fyvie ston Stephen, Miss, parish schoolmaster Ingram, John, farmer and cattle dealer, Coxton Taylor, James, merchant, Woodhead Ingram, William, mason, Comerton Taylor, James, tailor, Stonehouse M'Gregor, James, tailor, Drumbulg Thom, Alexander, mason, Stonemanhill M'William, Alexander, farmer and cattle dealer, Thomson, Andrew, weaver, Stonehouse Bucharn Thomson, Robert, farmer, Camaloun M'Rae, John, farmer and cattle dealer, Biikenburn Urquhart, Mrs., farmer, Parkburn Merson, William, farmer & cattle dealer, Mill-hill Urquhart, Miss, dressmaker, Fyvie Cottage Michael, John, farmer and cattle dealer, Reesk- Urquhart, Miss, schoolmistress, Fyvie Cottage house 192 NEW COONTT DIRECTORY.

Mitchell, Alexander, farmer and cattle dealer, Taylor, Alexander, farmer, Westerpark Faichhill Taylor, Alexander, farmer, Ardgallie Morrison, Jane, farmer and cattle dealer, Jameston Taylor, John, farmer, Gowls Pattillo, James, overseer, Cuuldrain Taylor, John, farmer, Backside Richmond, His Grace the Duke of {non-resident') Taylor, John, farmer, Westerpark Robertson, William and John, farmers and cattle Wanns, William, farmer, Belnaboth dealers, Bothweii-seat Wilson, James, innkeeper, Old Manse Ronald, John, farmer and cattle dealer, Burn- Young, John, carpenter, Blacklug cruinack Scott, John, farmer and cattle dealer, Birkenb.ill Shearer, William, sexton and church officer, Sanquhar GLENBUCKET. Smart, Peter, farmer and cattle dealer, Easter Tillathrowie Brown, Alexander, farmer, Beltun Simpson, George, blacksmith, Collithie Buckingham and Chandos, Duke of—shooting George, farmer and cattle dealer^ Drum- Smith,. lodge, Badenyon fergue Chree, William, farmer and ground officer, Sun- Smith, John, farmer and cattle dealer, Coynachie nybrae Smith, William, A.M., parochial schoolmaster Davidson, Archibald, general merchant, Belnabot Smith, James, carpenter, Backburn Grassich, John, farmer, Mains of Glenbucket Spence, James, farmer and cattle dealer, Bogardy Michie, Serjeant James, inspector of poor, Delpan- Spence, James, farmer and cattle dealer,Burngerrie Reid, Adam, general merchant, Beltamair [kie farmer and cattle dealer, Corn- Stephen, James, Reid, Archibald, farmer, Dokenton catterick Reid, William, schoolmaster William, farmer and cattle dealer, Cor- Stewart, Scott, Rev. Robert, minister shalloch Wattie, John, farmer, Milton Thorn, William, farmer and cattle dealer, Easter Tillathrowie Thomson, Rev. James, M.A., parish minister Thomson, William, farmer & cattle dealer, Wester Tillathrowie GLEffMUICK. Watson, George, farmer and cattle dealer, Edin- diack Ainslie, Miss, lodgings Wilson, Geo., farmer and cattle dealer, Dunscroft Brown, Donald, farmer, Haugh Brown, John, farmer, Leavail Brown, Peter, feuar Campbell, Rev. Donald, Free Church Cattanach, Robert, tailor GLASS. Cattanach, William, blacksmith Coutts, Donald, auctioneer Allardyce, John, farmer, Netherton Coutts, James, schoolmaster, Glengairn Archibald, John, farmer, Succoth Cran, Peter, sheriff officer Archibald, Robert, farmer, Dumeath Davidson, Alexander, farmer, Torgalter Craig, William, farmer, Lettach Deans, Francis, farmer, Kylachneech Craig, William, farmer, Tirriechorn Douglas, Mrs. [Dee Duff, Cumming, farmer, Parkhaugh Duncan, William, farmer. Deecastle— South side Duff, George, farmer, Hillockhead Ewan, William, farmer, Tullich Duguid, Rev. Dr. William, Parish Minister Farquharson. John, postmaster

Duncan, George, miller, Lynbain Farquharson, John, and Co , merchants Duncan, John, farmer, Lynbain Farquharson, Mrs., of Monaltrie Duncan, William, farmer, Gowls Farquharson, Mrs. Donald Edwards, Alexander, farmer, Cairnborrow Farquharson, Mrs. Major Forbes, Alexander, farmer, Nethertown Fraser, Mrs., farmer, Newton of Tullioch Forbes, John, farmer, Westfolds Geddes, Robert, merchant Gartly, George, farmer, Auchinhannack Glennie, Peter, farmer, Eastfield Gartly, James, farmer, Wrightieston Gordon, John, farmer, Little Mill -South side Dee Gauld, Alexander, farmer, Edinglassie Gordon, Misses, dressmakers Gauld, George, farmer, Parkhall Gordon, Samuel, farmer, Crofts — South side Dee Gordon, George, farmer, Boghead Gordon. William, farmer, Aucholzie— South side Gordon, John, merchant, Markethill Grant, James, farmer, Abergairn [Dee Geddes, John, farmer, Invermarkie Haynes, George, merchant

Grant, Mrs , of Beldorney Jamie, David, turner, Birchwood Gray, James, farmer, Waterside Laing, Peter, farmer, Keanoid [side Dee Horn, Peter, farmer, Hovvmill Leslie, William tarmer, Pananich Lodge— South M'Donald, Rev. Jame*, Free Church Minister Logan, Miss, teacher, Female School M'Pherson, James, miller, Invermarkie Logan, William, watchmaker Mitchell, Alexander, farmer, Pickiillim Low, George, gardiner, Ballater Robertson, John, farmer, Bodielair M'Donald, Rev. Donald, Roman Catholic Priest, Robson, John, farmer, Pleylands Glengairn Robson, William, carpenter, Pleylands M'Naughton, James, merchant, Balgairn Simpson, Alexandtr, shoemaker, Glenshee M'Pherson, Alexander, saddler [Dee Smart, Alexander, farmer, Beldorney Middleton, Rev. John, Parish Chureh—South side Smith, James, farmer, Aswanley Mitchell, John, Esq. Stephen, Aithnr, schoolmaster, Glass Mitchell, Peter, mason Symon, John, farmer, Torrie Mitchell, William, plasterer NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 193

Neil, Rev Robert, Glengairn Sutherland, Alexander, Gordon-street Paterson, Alexander, shoemaker Shearer, Mrs,, Castle-street Paterson, Charles, farmer, Milton of Tullich Spence, William, Gordon-street Paterson, John, carrier, Milton Smith, J. Gordon-street Paterson, John, Milton Braichlie— South side Dee Stephen, Francis, j Duke-street Patterson, Wil.iam, farmer, Oakwood Cottage Thorn, James, Gordon-street Philip, Andrew, schoolmaster, Glenmuiek Thomson, John, Square Pringle, AVilliam, baker Thomson, William Reid, Jame?, surgeon WagstalF, Edward, Gordon Castle Ritchie, William, tailor Walker, Rev. James, Manse Ross, James, innkeeper Wilson, Dr., West Park-street Ross, James, wright Wisely, Alexander, Gordon-street Ross, John, painter Ross, John, farmer, Balgairn Ross, William, farmer, Braichlie Sandison, Alexander, farmer, Tomnakiest Sheriffs, William, surgeon Small, Charles, farmer, Altonree INSCH. Smith, Rev. James, parochial schoolmaster Cro- Stewart, Rev. Donald, Free Church, Braes of [mar Beattie, Andrew K., farmer, Dunnydeer Stewart, William, farmer, Ballaterach Beattie, Charles, farmer, Wardhead Symon, Charles, lodgings Bisset, James, merchant and bank agent, Insch "Watson, George, kirk officer Blair, George, bsker, Insch Young, Charles, shoemaker Campbell, Jas., & Co , slate quarriers, Foudland Young, James, carrier Cant, Robert, farmer, Whitehall Charles, William, shoemaker, Insch Charles, William, jun., baker, Insch Courage, John, watchmaker, Insch Cruickshank, William, farmer, Bog HITNTLY. Davidson, Thomas, farmer, Mains of Rothney Davidson, William, tailor, Insch Elmslie, Rev. William, Free Church, Insch Alexander, James, Bogie-street Giass, John, veterinary surgeon, Insch Andrew, George, Gordon- street Glennie, Peter, farmer, Little Maius Anton, James, Nelson-street Gordon, William, farmer, Largie Bremner, Dr. Duke-street Gray, George, surgeon, Insch Brander, Mrs., George-street Green, George, farmer, East Bog Brander, George Green, James, tailor, Insch Cruickshank, James, Square Hall, John, tailor, Insch Cruickshank, Andrew, Bainshall Hay, Alexander, blacksmith and veterinary sur- 1 Copland, George, Old Road geon, Mill of Knockenbaird I Donald, Dr., Bogside of Eden Hay, William, farmer, Denwell I Forsyth, Miss, Square Innes, Alexander, farmer, Alton

I Fraser, Mrs , Duke-street Jopp, Miss Mary, farmer, Muiryheedless | Fraser, John, Bogie-street Kennedy, William, sheriff officer, Insch R Gordon, Captain Charles, R.N., Cattle-street Law, John, farmer, Nether Boddom Gordon, Her Grace the Duchess of, Gordon-castle Leslie, John, farmer, Murrial I Gordon, John, of Avochie Leslie, William, of Warthill, Drumrossie Geddes, John, Invermarkie, Glass Mackie, George, M.D., Insch Grant, Alexander, Bogie-street Maitland, James, farmer, Scotston Gray, John, Duke-street Maitland, Miss, farmer, Headtown Johnston, Alexander, Square Maitland, William, farmer, Netherton Lawson, George, Go don- street Martin, George, blacksmith, Insch Leith, James, Gordon-street Mearns, John, innkeeper, Rannes' Arms Lipp, Alexander, Haddock Mitchell, Rev. Adam, minister of Insch Legg, John, Castle-street Moir, James, farmer, Mains of Wardhouse Lobban, John, Bogingspro Norrie, Rev. Charles, schoolmaster & inspector M'Innes, George, Deveron street Paterson, James, farmer, Carnieston [of poor Macpherson, George Reid, John, farmer, Myreton Merson, Rev. Peter, Elgin Academy Rennie, Alexander, watchmaker, Insch Mackinnon, James, Gordon-street Rhind, Adam, farmer, Hillside Mellis, Alexander, Deveron-street Riddel, Charles, carrier, Knockenbaird Milne, James Robertson, Alexander, carpenter, Stonehead Milne, Robert, Liordon-street Roberson, John, innkeeper, Insch Murdoch, William, inspector of poor Robertson, John, tailor, Insch Ogilvie, Thomas, collector and assistant inspector Robertson, Thomas, feuar, Insch of poor Roger, Alexander, baron bailie, bank agent, and Ross, Miss, Gordon-street postmaster, Insch Robertson, John, Church-street Roger, Alex, and James, merchants, Insch Robertson, James, Square Russel, Alexander, saddler, Insch Robson, James, Castle-street Scatterty, William, farmer, Mains of Boddom Russel, Mrs., Gordon-street Smith, William, farmer, Peterfield Richmond, His Grace the Duke of Smith, John, druggist, Insch Rainy, Rev. R., Deveron-street Smith, John, farmer, Greenhall Gordon-street Smith, William, farmer, Mill of Wardes Stewart, Alexander, Bb 194 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

innkeeper Smith, Robert, schoolmaster, Assembly School, Hosie, Alexander, Glens of Foudland Hunter, John, watchmaker , butcher Wallace, Alexander, rural constable, Insch Hutcheon, James, Aberdeen Bank "Wight, Mrs. Mary, innkeeper, Insch Innes, Robert, agent, Upper Conglass Wilson, Alexander, carpenter, Insch Lines, Robert, farmer, Inston, John, tailor Jackson, John, farmer, Dava Jackson, Robert, manufacturer Johnston, William, farmer, Bransbut Joss, John, farmer, Haughton INVERURY. Kemp, George, mason Kintore, The Right Honourable Earl of merchant Abel, Peter, M.D. Kirkton , James, Abel, William, blacksmith Laing, William, civil engineer Balquhain (non-resident) Abel, William, druggist Leslie, Colonel K. H., Abel, William, farmer, Braco Leslie, John, surgeon minister Allan, Alexander, shoemaker Lessel, Rev. Robert, parish Allan, William, wright Logie, Robert, cooper Anderson, James, jun., merchant Lovv, Ernest, shoemaker Annand, John, innkeeper Low, William, farmer, Polner Argo, T. & A., carriers Lumsden, George, farmer, Aquorthies Badenoch, John, tailor Lyon, Robert, farmer, Braco Bean, John, farmer, Dubston M'Farlane, Misses, teachers Beattie, Robert, tailor Mackie, Charles, farmer, Middleton Berry, William, veterinary surgeon Maclean, A. S., agent T. & C. Bank, & solicitor Bisset, A. & J., merchants Martin, James, turner Bisset, John, stamp and tax office Miller, James, farmer, Drimmies Bisset, William, farmer, Artannies Miller, Rev. John, Independent Minister Blyth, Edward L. I., civil engineer Morrison, Brothers, brusbmakers Brown, J. & Co., shoemakers Munro, Alexander, merchant Bruce, William, farmer, Blackhall Munro, Charles, tailor Bruce, William, tailor Murray, Robert, grocer Carstairs, James L., railway contractor Nicol, John, weaver Clark, Alexander, shoemaker O'Conner, Rev. James, Roman Catholic Priest Clark, John, contractor Peterkin, James, wright Cooper, Robert, manager, Gas Light Company Presley, George, & Co., shoemakers Craig, George, baker Raeburn, John, innkeeper Craig, John, tinsmith Reid, Misses, female school Cruickshank, Rev. George, parish schoolmaster Rennie, James, farmer, Old Town Cruickshank, James, saddler Robertson, George, sheriff officer Cruickshank, Mrs., milliner Robertson, Alexander, slater Davidson, Alexander, innkeeper Robertson, Thomas, & Son, shoemakers Davidson, A. & Son, agents, North of Scotland Ross, James, provision merchant Bank Shand, Alexander, of Templand [non-resident) Davidson, Rev. John, assistant and successor, Simpson, Alexander, bookseller Parish Church Sinclair, Alexander, wright Davidson, James, tanner & currier Singer, William, shoemaker Dey, Robert, pork-curer Skinner, James, merchant Dean, John, railway contractor Smith, Alexander, watchmaker Donald, Anthony, LTry Bank Smith, George, merchant Dow, William, barber Smith, James, of Sapoch Cottage Dun, J. & J., drapers Smith, J. & J., druggists Falconer, Colin, Union Cottage Smith, James, & Sons, shoemakers Findlater, A., innkeeper Smith, John, inspector and collector of poor's Forbes, George, butcher rates Forbes, AVilliam, agent, Commercial Company Smith, Robert, farmer, Old Town Fowler, Alexander, farm overseer, Manar Stephen, James, farmer, Conglass Galloway, George, & Son, druggists Stephen, John, merchant Garduer, William, merchant Stewart, John, tailor Gillespie, Alexander, mason Stronach, John, saddler Gordon, Alexander, shoemaker Sutherland, John, painter Gordon, James, of Manar Stephen, James, carrier Gordon, Miss Catherine, teacher Taylor, George, seedsman and postmaster Grant, Rev. Charles, Rose Lane Cottage Thomson, Alexander, wright Grant, Robert, of Tillyfour (non-resident) Thomson, James, tailor Gray, Alexander, baker Thomson, Thomas, surgeon and farmer, Inverury Gray, Rev. Thomas, Free Church Valentine, John, coach builder Gray, William, saddler Walker & Tait, plasterers Gray, William, tailor Watt, George, merchant Harper, Rev. Alexander, Scotch Episcopal Church Watt, John, farmer, Nethertown Harvey, Peter, merchant Watt, James, merchant Harvey, William, Green Hall Cottage Watt, W. & J., bakers Henderson, Samuel, saw-trimmer Webster, William, farmer, Inverury Hester, Rev. Ly. P., Methodist Minister Wyness, Alexander, butcher Hopkins, Joseph, cabinetmaker Wyness, James, letter carrier NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 195

Kfith, Rev. John, Manse KEIG. Kintore, Right Hon. Earl of Leslie, William, farmer, Selbie Anderson, Harry, merchant, Gariochford Melvin, George, farmer, Patiesmill Barron, James, mason, Moonbaugh Milne, James, farmer, Souterford Barron, J., farmer, Moonhaugh Mitchell, William, farmer, Selbie school- Beaton, Lewis, A.M ., assistant parish Partridge, William, Ardmurdo master Philip, George, farmer, Boynds Benton, J., farmer, Airlie Philip, James, farmer, Portston Benton, Joseph, farmer, Balgowan Philip. William, farmer, Lofthillock Benton, J., farmer, Cattie Riddel, William, blacksmith, Billhead Benton, W., farmer, Hearthill and Heughead Robertson, John, farmer, Shielbog Bruce, Alexander, merchant, Wealthietovvn Shand, John, manufacturer, Newplace Bruce, A., farmer, Braehead Sim, Alexander, farmer, Favels Benton, William, veterinary-surgeon Smith, Charles, farmer, Cairnhill Cobban, W., farmer, Newtown Walker, Robert, farmer, Isaacstone Coutts, Peter, carrier, Roadside Watt, James, farmer, Heatherwick Emsiie, P., farmer, Southfield Emslie, William, wright, Roadside Farquharson, Peter, of Whitehouse Forbes, Lord, The Right Honourable KEMNAY. Forbes, J. Side, schoolmaster Gordon, Rev. Charles, Roman Catholic priest Adam, George, farmer, Dalmadilly Hay, Sir Andrew Leith, of Rannes Andrew, George, blacksmith, Kirkstyle Ingram, wright, Keig J., Andrew, William, farmer, Willbush Ironside, J., farmer, Brindy Annaud, James, and Son, builders, Dalmadilly Low, Rev. A., A.M., Parish Church Burnett, A. G. of Kemnay, Kemnay-house Mackie, farmer, Pluthies G , Burnett, Stuart Mowbray, farmer, Cairnton, Martin, James, miller, Keig Bruce, George, farmer, Milltown Mitchell, George, farmer, Anagathil Carney, Francis, farmer, Backhill Mortimer, Robert, farmer, Old Keig Durno, Alexander, farmer, Lochshangie Mortimer, Mr., farmer, Pittendrich Emslie, A. H, teacher, academy, inspector of poor Michie, John, farmer, Tornuaran Emslie, Benjamin, farmer, Mosshead Murray, A., wright, Keig Fyfe, Peter, farmer, Craigeairn Norrie, Rev. A.M., New-farm C., Gardiner, Andrew, miller, Mill of Kemnay Paterson, G., farmer, Newbigging Leslie, Alexander, land-steward parish schoolmaster Raeburn, Rev. Gordon, A.M„ of Maitland, Wm , merchant, Mains Kemnay J., overseer at Castle Forbes Rait, Malcolm, George, farmer, Craigeairn Riach, blacksmith, Brindy C , Moir, George, farmer, Craigeairn Ronald, William, farmer, Easter Cividley Morison, George, brush manufacturer, Hermitage Smith, D, farmer, Wester Cividley Peter, Rev. George, Manse of Kemnay Micklehaugh Smith, J., farmer, Shepherd, Alexander, carpenter, Dalrioch Smith, Rev. Pirie, A.M., Free Church Minister W. Smith, George, farmer, Scrapehard Stewart, George, blacksmith, Keig Smith, James, Lauchintillie Stewart, Lewis, blacksmith, Roadside Stevenson, Andrew, rector, Kemnay Academy Sutherland, J., farmer, Mains of Tulloch Wilson, Archibald, shoemaker, Backward Keig Wilson, P , farmer, New


Aiken, John, miller, Patiesmill Barrie, Ann, innkeeper, Kildrummy Inn Anderson, George, farmer, Old Balbithan Beattie, John, merchant, Littlemill Anderson, Robert, farmer, East Balbithan Blackhall, John, farmer, Culsh Bannerman, John, farmer, Ingliston Bruce, William, farmer, Midclova Bannerman, James, farmer, Ordyfold Cameron, Peter, merchant, Mosshead Baxter, George, farmer, Craigforthie Christie, Rev. John, Manse of Kildrummy Bisset, Archibald, miller and farmer, Ncwmill Christie, Rev. William, schoolmaster, school of Brebner, George, farmer, Broomiehilloek Kildrummy Brown, David, schoolmaster Cow, Alexander, farmer, Blackbaulk Brown, James, boot and shoemaker, Graystone Gauld, William, farmer, Harryston Bruce, Robert, farmer, Heatherwick Gordon, Charles Edward, Col. R.A., Kildrummy Cassie, John, farmer, Neiher Crimond Castle Cowe, William, boot and shoemaker, Newplace Gordon, John, farmer, Broadley Crann, Alexander, farmer, Lammerwells Henderson, James, builder, Kirkhill Cruickshank, John, farmer, Kenmuick Hosie, Alexander, farmer, Tyries Donald, Alexander, farmer, Kendal Hosie, James, farmer, Mossatside Donald, Robert, farmer, Upper Kinkell Hosie, James, farmer, Newton Glashan, Alex., cavt and ploughwright, Oldmill Hunter, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Brux Gordon, B. A., Balbithan House Kesson, Samuel, farmer, Dukeston Gray, James, farmer, Denmill Laing, Jobn, farmer, Macharshaugh of Kildrummy Hall, Peter, gaidener, Keith-hall Lawson, Alexander, farmer, Mains Hutcheon. John, overseer, Ardmurdo Lumsden, Henry, of Auchindoir and Clova end Ironside, Robert, overseer, Mams of Keith-hall M'Donald, James, me' chant, Bridge- 196 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Mitchell, John, farmer, Littlemill Duncan, James, farmer, Fittie Morgan, William, carpenter, Crofts of Clova Duncan, John, carpenter, Craigmyle Murdoch, Alexander, farmer, Invermossat Duncan, Mrs., teacher, female school, Torphins Reid, James, farmer, Templeton Duncan, William, carpenter, Cochran Reid, James, farmer, Drumnahive Emslie, Harry, farmer, Little Maldron Reid, James, farmer, Coikshill Ewen, Mrs. Wm , innkeeper, Nether Heughead Reid, Peter, farmer, Nether Kildrummy Falconer, William, farmer, Tornaveen Reid, Peter, merchant, Nether Kildrummy Farquharson, F., of Finzean (Wester Kincardine) Reid, William, farmer, Longley Ferries, Alexander, farmer, Wester Tornaveen Reid, William, farmer, Wester Clova Fettes, William, carpenter, Fittie Ritchie, Alexander, farmer, Greenstile Forbes, George, farmer, Westerton Robertson, William, farmer, Maltcroft Fraser, Francis G., of Findrack Shanks, John, forester, Kildrummy Castle Gavin, James, miller, Mills of Lairney Skene, Robert, farmer, Cairnhead Gibbon, James, blacksmith, Cochran Souter, Alexander, merchant, Battlehillock Gillespie, Alexander, tailor, Fittie Souter Rev. John, Crampston Glass, Robert, saddler, Kincardine Village Souter, Robert, farmer, Todston Gordon, Francis, of Kincardine Lodge, Kincardine Taggart, Charles, sen., farmer, Milton O'Neil Taggart, Charles, merchant, Milton Gordon, Jas., furnishing tailor, Kincardine Village Tough, Forbes, farmer, Lochans Gordon, Mrs. E., late innkeeper, Kincardine Vil- Walker, James, farmer, Wtst-side of Brux Gordon, Peter Laing, of Craigmyle (lage Walker, William, Ardhunchar Gordon, William, house-carpenter, Kincardine Warrack, Peter, overseer, Clova Village Watt, James, farmer, Muirs Grant James, farmer, Tillydrone Weir, William, farmer, Lewisliillock Graham, James, shoemaker, Mid Beltie Graham, John, shoemaker, Kincardine Village Hall, Harvey, of Hallfield, Campfield Harper, Francis, farmer and wood merchant, Cor- KINCARDINE Hay, Alexander, blacksmith. Mid Beltie (dach O'NEIL. Hill, William, blacksmith, Findrack Hogg, James, farmer, Bridge-end Adam, Andrew and George, farmers, Easter Beltie Hogg, James, parish schoolmaster, Kincardine Adam, Alexander, blacksmith, Kincardine Village Village Adam, James, sawmiller, Sundayswells Hosie, James, merchant, Kincardine Village James, Adam, tailor, Tornaveen Imray, William, farmer, Mid Beltie Anderson, John, farmer, Pitmedden Ingram, Robert, baker, Kincardine Village Anderson, Joseph, farmer, Drumlassie Jaffray, Alexander, farmer, Wester Beltie Begg, Peter, farmer and cattle dealer, Dykehead Johnston, William, meal and saw miller, Kincar- Berry, John, blacksmith, Craigmyle dine O'Neil Berry, John, farmer, Fordie Jopp, Alexander, merchant, Mid Beltie Berry, William, farmer, East Lairney King, James, farmer, Leyton Berry, William, innkeeper, Drumlassie King, John, farmer, Stranduff Brebner, Miss, of Lairney Laing, John, carrier, Kincardine Village Brown, John, shoemaker, Kincardine Village Lamond, Mrs , of Pitmurchie (Stranduff) Brown, Rev. Matthew, minister of Kincardine Law, Arthur, farmer, Corquhattichie Brown, Thomas, farmer, J New Bigging (O'Neil Law, James, farmer, and secretary to Kincardine Brown, William, farmer, Upper Dagie O'Neil Agricultural Association, Milton of Burgess, Adam, mason, Howeburn Cottage Lairney Cade, Captain W. J., E I.C.S., Kincardine Village Leslie, Peter, tailor, Pitmedden Caird, James, innkeeper and farmer, Gordon's Low, John, farmer, Wester Beltie Arms' Inn, Kincardine O'Neil M'Condach, Hugh, farmer, Haugh farm Calder, John, farmer, Meadow M'Donald, Donald, farmer, Haugh of Sluie Calder, William, farmer, Cockardie Mlntosh, Donald, blacksmith, Haugh of Cameron, Sluie Joseph, tailor, Mill of Campfield M'Petrie, John, farmer, East Maldron Coutts, Alexander, shoemaker, Westerton M 'Robbie, Alexander, shoemaker, Drumlassie Coutts, Donald, farmer, Mains of Daihaikie M'Robbie, John, carpenter, Tornaveen Coutts, James, shoemaker, Kincardine Village Mathison, Alexander, merchant and farmer, Tor- Coutts, John, farmer, Newton phins Coutts, William, carpenter, Kincardine Village Merchant, John, farmer, Williamston Coutts, William, fanner, Greenloan Merchant, William, farmer, Westerton Cran, Robert, officer, Rural Police, Kincardine Milton, George, gardener, Stranduff Village Mitchell, Alexander, merchant, miller, and farmer, Cromar, Mrs., postmistress, Kincardine Village Tornaveen Davie, Francis, farmer, Waulkmill Mitchell, Alexander, blacksmith, Daihaikie Davidson, Alexander, farmer, Westerton Mitohell, John B., officer, Inland Revenue Depart- Davidson, Charles, farmer and innkeeper,- Green- ment bufn Mitchell, Duncan, F. of Thainston (Easter Beltie) Davidson, Douglas, farmer, Thristly Crook Milne, J., baker, Kincardine Village Davidson, John, farmer, Braeside Mollison, George, farmer, Mill of Campfield Davidson, Robert, farmer, Pitcullen Mortimer, George, farmer, West Lairney Davidson, Alexander, of Desswood Morrice, Mrs., Cochran Villa Davidson, Patrick, of lnchmarlo (Dalhakie Neil, Charles, teacher, Kincardine Village Davidson, William, of Kebbaty Nicol, Joseph, messenger-at-arms, Douglas, Kincardine John, farmer, Dykehead of Easter Beltie Village Duncan, Alexander, carrier, Torphins Officer, Juhn, miller, Mill of Craig-m-le NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 197

Ogg, George, farmer, Easter Sluie Dune in, William, farmer, Millton of Fisherie Ord, Alexander, merchant, Kincardine Village Duncan, Mrs., farm of Balchers Pirie, William, manufacturer, Mid Beltie Falconer, Rev. John, New Byth Rae, Francis, merchant, Mill of Campfield Findlater. Alexander, miller, Mill of Fisherie Kae, James, miller, Mill of Blacklinburn Findlay, Rev. William, minister of the parish Ramsay, Samuel, builder, Lairney Gellie, Stuart, farmer, Gonaoliie Reid, Benjamin, parish schoolmaster, inspector of Gibb, hbenczer, shoemaker, New Byth poor, and session clerk, Torphins Gibson, John, wright, New Byth Reid, George, parish schoolmaster, Tornaveen Gibson, Robert, merchant, New Byth of Craigston Riddell, Alexander, sen , innkeeper, Victoria Ho- Goldsman, John, farmer, Millton Keilhiil tel, Cochran . Gray, Alexander, merchant, Riddel, Alexander, druggist, Kincardine Village Hendry, George, blacksmith, New Byth Ritchie, William, saw miller, Craigmyle Hepburn, John, farmer, Upper Tillymaud Ross, Alexander, farmer, Little Maldron Hepburn, John, innkeeper, Crudie Ross, Peter, farmer, Milton of Craigmyle Hepburn, Mrs., innkeeper, New Byth Ross, Robert, farmer, Annesley Hutcheon, William, farmer, Cummerton Ross, William, blacksmith, Fitlie Ingram, Alexander, farmer, Easter Bo Ross, Alexander, of Cochran Ingram, Alexander, farmer, Walkerhill Runciman, John, Free Church teacher, Mid Beltie Ingram, George, farmer, Walkerhill Rutt, James, farmer, Tillinturk Jack, Alexander, miller, Mill of Byth Scott, Miss, of Campfield J"ss, George, farmer, Cowsmill Scow, John, farmer, Crooktree Kidd, James, schoolmaster, New Byth Shapherd, James, blacksmith, Drumlassie Lawrence. William, blacksmith, Mains of Blackton Sherrififs, Alexander, carrier, Cochran Lawson, Robert, farmer, Mains of Fisherie Sheth, Alexander, gardener, Fittie Leggat, Robert, merchant and postmaster, Danes- Smith, Alexander, farmer, Sundayswells hiilock Smith, John, farmer, Easter Tolmauds M'Kenzie, William, blacksmith, Keilhiil Smith, Robert, farmer, Wester Sluie Mackie, John, farmer, Crudie Sm^th, Rev. William, Free Church, Craigmyle Mackie, John, carrier, New Byth Taylor, Abner, carrier, Picktillam Mair, John, merchant and postmaster, New Byth Taylor, John, farmer, Maldron Manson, Gilbert, farmer, Hillhead Thomson, Andrew, fanner, Hill of Bellie Manson, William, farmer, Muirton Thomson, Robert, farmer, Wester Tolmauds Massie, James, mason, Craigsglen Thomson, William, contractor, Kincardine Village Milne, Alexander, shoemaker, Mains of Craigston Trail, George, blacksmith, Mill of Campfield Minty, George, farmer, Tillymaud Valentine, William, farmer, Craigour Morrison, Alexander, farmer, Daneshillock Walker, James, M.D., surgeon, Cochran Cottage Morrison, James, farmer, Mains of Montcofl'er Watson, Miss, Free Church teacher, Cochran Morrison, George, farmer, Holmsmill Watiie, Peter, farmer, Nether Mains Morrison, Rev. Joseph, Independent Chapel

Webster, John, jun , shoemaker, Powdagie Millseat

Will, James, watchmaker, Cochran Morrison, Mrs , farm of EWlzie Wilson, mi)leW|0P*of Craigston Mrs. A , farmer, Bogsenchapel Morrison, William, Wood, Robert, farmer, Hazeley Mortimer, William, miller, Mill of Eden Wright, Peter, saw-miller, Campfield Murieson, George, merchant, Millseat Yeoman, Alexander, overseer, Campfield Murray, William, farmer, Feighfo'.ds Ord, William, farmer, Millseat Paterson, Alexander, farmer, Midton Philip, Thomas, auctioneer, New Byth Ross, Alexander, schoolmaster, Fisherie Runcieman, William, farmer, Castleton KING EDWARD. Russel, Mrs., farm of Nether Clachforbie Scott, John, farmer, Scatterty Anderson, Alexander, farmer, Cotwells Scroygie, James, merchant, Bo Andersou, William, merchant, Mains of Byth Sim, John, farmer, Tillybo Barclay, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Craigston Smith, George, blacksmith, Bo Barclay, George, farmer, Yonderton Smith, John, miller, Mill of King Edward Barnet, A exander, farmer, Luucarty Smith, William, farmer, Milltack Bell, John, meal-dealer, New Byth Souter, Jo ! >n, farmer, Auchlin Benge, John, farmer, Auchnamoon Steinson, Rev. James, schoolmaster, King-Edward Blake,.John, farmer, Auchnagorth Stewart, Angus, shoemaker, Scatterty Cassie, James, farmer, Auchnagorth Storjr, Andrew, farmer, Mains of Craigston Cassie, James, shoemaker. New Byth Strachan, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Balmaud Clark, James, wright, Keilhiil Strachan, Alexander, merchant, Hawkhillock Clark, John, merchant, Balmaud Sutherland, George, farmer, Mains of Blackton Collier, John, merchant, Millseat Taylor, George, ground-officer, Bridgend

Collier, Mrs., meichaut, Loanhead Taylor, Mrs , Mills of Balmaud Cowieson, James, farmer, Cull byth Torry, William, miller, Mill of Blackton Davie, James, farmer, Burn of Cake Tullncb, Gordon, blacksmith, Mains of Byth Donald, William, farmer and surgeon, Bogsiue Urnuhart, William, Pollard of Ciaigston

Duff, James C. Grant, of Eden Walker. Mrs , merchant, New Byth Duffus, James, farmer, Blakcshouse Watt, Charles, veterinary-surgeon, Cummerton Duff is, James, farmer, Unperbrae Webster, William, farmer, Kirkside DufFus, William, merchant, Upperbrae Weir, John, farmer, Kirktun Duncan, James, wright, Mill of Fisherie White, George, square wright, Mains of Byth Duncan, George, shoemaker, Keilhiil Will, Alexander, farmer, Netherhills ;


Wilson, George, blacksmith. Mains of Cra'rgston Petrie, Joseph, post-runner between Oldrain, Wiseman, James, surgeon, New Byth Insch, and Kinnethmont Wood, George, farmer, Morlais Pittendrigh, Alexander, carpenter, Burnside of Wood, William, farmer, Craig of Garnieston Leithhall Pittendrigh, Francis, carpenter, Oldtown Reid, William, farmer, Little Flinder Riach, John, blacksmith, Oldtown Robb, Alexander, tailor, Kirkhill KINNETHMONT. Roger, James, farmer, Woodside of Leithhall Rose, Rev. D., Free Church, Kinnethmont Anderson, Alexander, farmer, Craigtown Roy, Alexander, farmer, Mil! of Glanderstown Anderson, John, farmer, Caillieford Scatterty, James, farmer, Daes, Anderson, Peter, farmer, Oldflinder Scatterty, Peter, farmer, Airdler Angus, Alexander, overseer, Gordonhall Simpson, William, toll-keeper, Waulkmill Archibald, Adam, tailor, Oldtown Skinner, Peter, farmer, Old Flinder Barclay, William, toll-keeper, Cults Souter, George, farmer, Seggyden Brewster, James, shoemaker, Kirkhill Souter, William, merchant, Piperwell Catto, Alexander, farmer, East Mains of Leith- Stephen, Alexander, merchant, Oldtown hall Sutherland, James, farmer, Templecroft Catto, William, farmer, Law Thomson, Andrew, farmer, and inspector of the Christie, James, farmer, Grelsey poor, Haremire Cooper, George, farmer, Wraes Tocher, James, shoemaker, Oldtown Cooper, Margaret, dressmaker and schoolmistress, Watt, William, farmer, Oldtown Cults Watson, Alexander, innkeeper, Kirkhill Cowie, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Cults Wright, Alexander, blacksmith, Kirkhill Davidson, Arthur, farmer, Newtown Wright, George, farmer, Airdlair Davidson, James, farmer, Newtown Wilson, Frederick A., assistant parish school- Dawson, Alexander, farmer, Kirkhill master, Kirkhill Dick, John, farmer, Laighmuir Yule, J & Co., merchants, Kirkhill Findlay, William, gardener, Gordon-hall Yule, James, postmaster, Kirkhill Forbes, James, farmer, Oldflinder Forbes, Samuel, farmer, Westfield Gauld, John, miller, Mill of Syde Giles, John, farmer, Airdler Gordon, Peier Charles, of Wardhouse KINTORE. Gordon, James, farmer, Christskirk Gordon, James, farmer, Waulkmill Abel, Adam, shoemaker Grant, James, farmer, Berrybrae Abel, Alexander, farmer, Aquherton

Hay, Sir Andrew L , of Rannes and Leithhall Abel, George, farmer, Aquherton Hay, James, farmer, Bridgefoot Abel, George, shoemaker Henderson, Alexania»^armer, Holywell Abel, William, farmer, Cotton Hendry, Alexand^^^pier, Huits Aberdeen Lime Company, Alex. Davidson, agent Howie, Alexander, farmer, Oldtown dealers in Guano, Bones, Lime, Coal, &c. Ingram, George, carpenter^ Kirkhill Aberdeen Commercial Company, W. Forbes, agent; Ingram, Mrs. G., baker, KWkhill dealers in Grain, Guano, Bones, Lime, Ironside, William, farmer, Earlsfield Coal, &e. Jamieson, William, farmer, Whiteburn Allan, Alexander, farmer Junor, John, farmer, Mains of Craighall Annand, John, agent for the Aberdeen Commercial Kemp, John, weaver, Cults Company Leggat, William, farmer and cattle dealer, Moss- Annand, James, merchant town Barclay, Rev. John M'Donald, James, gamekeeper, Leithhall Black, George, shoemaker M'Donald, Peter, mason, Craighall Bonnar, Thomas, tailor M'Gillivray, John, carrier, Seggyden Booth, David, farmer Mackie, James, farmer, Law Booth, William, clerk, Inverury Mills Maitland, Alexander, farmer, Law Bothwell, John, ferry-boatman Mathieson, Peter, schoolmaster, Oldtown Brotchie, John, parish schoolmaster Meldrum, Peter, farmer, Cults Brown, 'William, farmer, Cotton Mennie, James, farmer, Little Flinder Buchan, James, slater Milne, William, farmer, Airdler Bruce, Andrew, farmer, Tavilty Minty, Alexander, parish schoolmaster, Craighall Burness, George, farmer, Boghead Minty, Rev. W. Parish Church Burnett, Alexander, carter Mitchell, James, farmer, Christskirk Campbell, George, farmer, Bogfold Mitchell, James, farmer, Candie Carney, Arthur, farmer, Drumnaheath Mitchell, William, farmer, Braefolds Catto, Bailie William Morgan, John, farmer, South Craigtown Cay, George, wright Morrison & Mellis, merchants, Kirkhill Christie, James, farmer, Cairnhall Munro, John, railway contractor, Schoolhouse Chisholm, Colin, feuar Murray, James, farmer, Burnside Criehton, William, blacksmith Moir, Mrs., porter's lodge, Gordonhall Clark, Miss Isabella Nicol, William, miller, Mill of Glanderstown Cooper, Miss Mary, dressmaker and milliner Ord, John, farmer, Seggyden Cooper, William Ord, Robert, farmer, Slack Davidson, Alex., agent for the Aberdeen Lime Co. Ord, Thomas, farmer, Weets Davidson, James, shoemaker, Womblehills Petrie, Alexander, sexton, Kirkhill Davidson, Rev Patrick, Ashfield Cottage NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 199

Davidson, Robert, wright, Baekstiles Sheriffs, Alexander, tailor Davidson, William, grain merchant Sheriffs, Major J., H. E. I. C. Davidson, William, treasurer of Savings Bank Simpson, Rev. R., Free Church, Bromley Cottage Deans, George, farmer, Ratch-liill Skene, Francis, shoemaker, Tillybin Divorty, George, millwright, Midmill Smith, Alexander, farmer, Lower Tillybin Divorty, James, merchant Smith, Arthur, farmer, Tavilty Divorty, William, farmer, Midmill Smith, George, farmer, Tofthills Downie, William, farmer, Bogfur Smith, Mrs. Duncan, Alexander, farmer, Leylodge Smith, Mrs. John Duthie, John, blacksmith Smith, Mrs Nicolas Ewen, Charles, stonecutter Smith, William, farmer, Upper Tillybin Fiudlay, Alexander, farmer, Todfold Smith, William Forbes, W., agent for the Aberdeen Commercial Smith, William, postmaster Company Snowie, Alexander, mason Forbes, William, watchmaker Stephen, George and John, wood merchants Fowler, Alexander, farmer, Blairs Stephen, John, of the above firm Fraser, Bailie William, farmer, Bridge-ale-house Stephen, George, jun., of the above firm Gerard, Alexander, farmer, Fowlerton Stephen, James, wood merchant Gordon, John, canal overseer Stephen, William, blacksmith, Leylodge Gourlay, Robert, innkeeper Stephen, William, farmer, Woodhead Harvey, James, farmer, Fordtown Straith, James, sen., farmer, Boat of Thainston

Hawker, Captain Lanee, Granite Cottage Straith, James, jun , farmer, Milton of Thainston Hay, Andrew, sen., sawyer Tait, Thomas, (Inverury Mills, Meal, Barley, Bone, Hay, Andrew, jun., sawyer and Saw Mills,) dealers in Grain, Guano, Heard, William, merchant and tailor Bones, Coals, &c. Hill, Miss Barbara Taylor, James, teacher of church music Innes, John, tailor Taylor, John, mason Johnston, Peter Taylor & Milne, nurserymen, Pineshaw Nursery Keith, George, turner, Wardhouse Taylor, William, farmer, Braeside Kemp, Alexander, shoemaker, Camiestone Thorn, Mrs., midwife Kemp, William, boot and shoemaker Thomson, George, schoolmaster, Free Church King, Alexander, innkeeper Thomson, John, sen., feuar Law, Christopher, baker Thomson, John, jun., clerk to Commercial Co. Ledingham, John Thomson, Robert, feuar Lendrum, Thomas, innkeeper Waddington, William, hairdresser M'Callum, William, farmer, Titibutie Walker, John, sawyer M'Gregor, Joseph, schoolmaster Watt, Alexander, farmer M'Gregor, Peter, baker Watt, Leslie, shoemaker M'Kenzie, Alexander, feuar Watt, John, farmer Malcolm, Alexander, farmer, Leylodge Watt, David, actuary of Savings Bank Marnoch, George, sawyer Watt, Mrs. David Marshall, William, wood-merchant Watt, Thomas, druggist^^^ Masson, Alexander, farmer, Harthills Watt, William, corn m^pWft Uppermill Masson, John, veterinary surgeon, Brae Wilson, Alexander, farmer, Newton of Thainston Masson, William, merchant Yeman, Robert, wright, Broomhills Masson, William, farmer, Leylodge Youngson, Alexande#, sawyer Milne, J ames, (of Taylor & Milne,) Pineshaw Cot- Youngson, John, mason tage Mitchell, F. Duncan, of Thainston Mollison, Alexander Mollison, William, farmer, Uppermill Morrison, James, innkeeper LEOCHEL CUSHNIE. Nicoll, James, merchant Nicoll, Mrs., merchant Adam, George, merchant, Muirton of Corse Peter, Thomas, sawyer Allardyce, Samuel, farmer, Brigton Philip, Brothers, Inverury Brewery Birss, James, merchant, Muir of Fowlis Philip, Johnston, of the above firm Bruce, Gordon, farmer, Bogside Philip, Peter, of the above firm Bruce, James, farmer, Bandeen Philip, Miss Copland, Daniel, blacksmith, Muir of Fowlis Rae, George, turner Copland, John, shoemaker, Lingomend Rainy, Alexander, surgeon, Rainy Park Craib, John, farmer, Whiteknows Rait, James, farmer, Dalwearie Dickson, Peter, blacksmith, Cairncoullie Ramsie, Charles, tailor Duncan, Joseph, carpenter, Muir of Fowlis Reid, Mrs. Dunn, Alexander, farmer, Wester Leochel Reid, Robert, Woodside Cottage Dunn, Alexander, farmer, Upper Leochel Robertson, Alexander, blacksmith, Fowlerton Dunn, John, farmer, Ininteer Robertson, George, sawyer Dunn, Peter, farmer Belweary Robertson, John, wright Dunn, Peter, farmer, Old Manse of Leochel Roger, Alexander, flesher Dunn, Samuel, farmer, Ininteer Roger, George, mason Durward, Alexander, shoemaker, Reekhill Roger, John, farmer, Wardhouse Durward, Joseph, tailor, Woodside of Corse Ross, Rev. William, parish minister Emslie, Peter, farmer, Mowatseat Rough, Alexander, farmer Emslie, Robert, farmer, Cardenston Rough, John, tailor Ellis, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Cairncoullie Shepherd, Alexander, wright Ellis, John, farmer, Easter Cairncoullie 200 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Farquharson, Alexander, cattle dealer, Mains of Christie, James, shoemaker, Craigieford Lynturk Craighead, J., farmer, Mains of Birness Ferries, Francis, shoemaker, Milton of Cushnie Cruickshank, John, farmer, Baekhill of Tarty Ferries, John, shoemaker, Sheelagreen Cruicksh;ink, Samuel, tailor, Bridgefoot Ferries, William, cooper, Milton of Cushnie Danie', John, farmer, Tarsetshill Ferries, William, blacksmith, Bngfern Duthie, Allardyce, farmer, Mill of Rannieston Forbes, Charles, farmer, Newbraes Falconer, Peter, farmer, Artrochie Forbes, Harry, farmer, Balchimmy Findlay, James, farmer, Tarsetshill Forbes, William, farmer, Mill of Fowlis Forbes, James, farmer, Nethermill of Birness Fraser, Peter, farmer, Hillock Forbes, William, farmer, Nethermill of Birness Fowler, James, miller, Milton of Cushuie Forbes, William, tile and brick-maker, Newark Grant, David, school teacher, Lynturk Gordon, E. Peter, of Mosstown Gray, John, firmer, Ley Gray, George, brickmaker, Westfield Gray, Harry, farmer, Mains of Cushnie Heron, Mrs . innkeeper, Birness Gilbert, James, farmer, Norham Jaffray, William, schoolmaster, Denhead Hunter, John, farmer, Confonderland Ledingham, Robert, of Wateridgemuir Hunter, John, farmer, Nether Farmton of Lynturk M'Bain, Janet, grocer, Tipperty Ingram, Alexander, farmer, Balmakelly Marr, Charles, blacksmith, Balhill Lawson, Francis, carpenter, Foggiely Middler, John, farmer, Craigieford Lias, George, carpenter, Cairncoullie Middler, John, farmer, Tillybrecks Littlejohn, James, farmer, West side of Fowlis Moir, Robert, farmer, Tarty M'Combie, William, farmer, Upper Farmton of Murray, James, miller, Mill of Auchmacoy Lynturk Murray, John, grocer, Denhead M'Nee, James, schoolmaster, Cairncoullie Nicol, George, farmer, Mains of Mosstown M'Robert, Rev. William, teacher, Old Mause of Perry, Mrs., Bilbo Park Leochel Rae, Wiliiam, blacksmith, Tipperty Malcom, Andrew, parish schoolmaster, Cushnie Raiker, Miss, Tipperty Miller, Samuel, farmer, Claymill Robb, James, farmer, Little Artrochie Murray, Cha-les, carpenter, Middlemuir Rutherford, James, blacksmith, Backhills of Tarty Murray, William, millwright and auctioneer, Ruxton, Andrew, farmer, Dorbshill Mugs;arthaiigh Ruxton, James, farmer, Leys of Auchmachoy Riddel, William, blacksmith, Balnachilly Ruxton, Thomas, farmer, North Artrochie Riddel, Alexander, tailor, Bilnachilly Sangster, Thomas, shoemaker, Balhill Reid, Peter, farmer, Mill of Corse Spence, Robert, farmer, Tarsetshill Ritchie, Robert, farmer, Tillyskuck Still, John, farmer, Mains of Tarty Robertson, Joseph, farmer, Sheal Trail, Robert, blacksmith, Dorbshill Ross, Harry, farmer, Corbanehory Watt, Alex., farmer, Rannieston Ririe, James, blacksmith, Foggielay Shaw, Harry, farmer, Bogfern Shepherd, Peter, farmer, Craigmill Sim, John, mason, Confonderland Stewart, David, sheriffijjkier, Lynturk LOGIE C0LDST0NE. Strachan, James, farrne^pVester Fowlis Strachan, Charles, farmer, Tillyorn Anderson, Alexander, grain agent, Whitehill Straehan, George, farmer, Waukmill of Corse Anderson, Charles, farmer, Daugh Taggart, John, Miller, Milllirux Anderson, George, farmer, Leys Taylor, Rev. Alexander, Minister of Leochel and Anderson, John, farmer, Logie Cushnie Anderson, William, shoemaker, Crossroads Taylor, James, miller, Scuttrie Beattie, Francis, M.A., schoolmaster, Logie Cold- Taylor, John, farmer, Ininteer stone Wallace, James, farmer, Braeside Calder, Duncan, Free Church schoolmaster Warrack, William, overseer, Craigievar Castle Cameron, Charles, farmer, Waterairn Watt, Alexander, farmer, Milton of Cairncoullie Cameron, Colin, farmer, Melgum Watt, John, overseer, Bridgend of Lynturk Clark, George, millwright, Ordie William, Alexander, farmer, Miltonbank Clark, George, miller, Corrachree William, George, merchant, Milton of Cushnie Clark, James, miller, Logie William, James, tailor, Milton of Cushnie Clark, William, contractor, Clurie William, William, shoemaker, Milton of Cushnie Davidson, Rev. George, A.M., assistant minister Wright, John, sawmiller, Lynturk of Logie Coldstone Donaldson, James, farmer, Bog Downie, Charles, shoemaker, Ordie Em lie, James, blacksmith, Ordie Esson, Alexander, farmer, Bogstone LOGIE BUCHAN. Esson, Henry, farmer, Daugh Esson, John, farmer, Millhead Anderson, John, Ladymire Esson, Robert, farmer, Melgum Anderson, William, farmer, Kirktown of Logie Farquharson, Alexander, farmer, Loanhead Beikie, Peter, farmer, Hillhead of Mosstown Farquharson, Charles, farmer, Parks of Coldstone Bone, Adam, shoemaker, Birness Farquharson, John Major, Corrnchree Brown, David, Artrochie Farquharson, John, merchant, Galton Brown John, carpenter, Dorbshill Farquharson, John, publican, Boltingstone Brown, Miss, Westfield Farquharson, Wm., farmer, Newton of Melgum Byres, — , miller, Mill of Tarty Fletcher, David, farmer, Balgrennie Buchan, James, of Auchmacoy Forbes, Charles, farmer, Pitellachie Catto, James, shoemaker, Windyhills Forbes, Captain John, Blelack NEYY COUNTY DIRECTORY. 201

Forbes, John, farmer, Ruthven Forrest, Thomas, farmer, Auchtydore Forbes, John, merchant, Ordie Fraser, William, baker, Longside Village Gauld, John, farmer, Nether Corrachree Farquhar, Rev. John, schoolmaster, Mintlaw Glass, James, farmer, Heugh Gray, Roderick, farmer, Savock, Peterhead Grant, George, farmer, Blackmill Geddes, John, shoemaker, Tiffry

Gruar, John, farmer, Knocksoul , Greenhill, of Faichfleld, Edinburgh Henry, Francis, contractor, Davan Hacket, Robert, blacksmith, Cairngal! Innes, Samuel, farmer, Mosston Hay, Mrs, John, farmer, Nether Kinmundy Innes, Samuel, jun., inspector of p>or Hay, William, manufacturer, Longside Village Kellas, Alexander, farmer, Braehead Henderson, Adam, overseer, Nether Savock Littlejohn, Lewis, overseer, Branehorne-cottage Hunter, Andrew, innkeeper, Mintlaw M'Comhie, James, farmer, Daugh Hutchison, Robert, farmer, Cairngall, M'Combie, John, farmer, Kinaldy Hutchison, John, farmer, Monyruy M'Hardy, Rev. John, Minister of Logic Coldstone Imray, Mrs. Robert, farmer, Buthlaw M'Pherson, Malcolm, gamekeeper,Deskry-cottage Killoh, James, farmer, Invervedie Paterson, Lewis, farmer, Groddie Kennedy, Thomas, miller, Faichfield Reid, Charles, farmer, Windzee Kerr, James, merchant, Mintlaw Reid, William, carrier, Millhead Lawrence, Dr. Nathaniel, surgeon, Longside Vil- Robertson, John, miller, Newton Lillie, Cumming, farmer, Rora [ lage Roy, James, mason, Newkirk Lillie, Thomas, mason, Longside Village Smith, John, contractor, Backhill Lidgertwood, William, mason, Auchlee Stewart, David, merchant, Newkirk Lovey, Mrs., postmistress, Mintlaw Stewart, John, farmer, Colurdan Low, Rev. Alexander, Episcopal clergyman, Long- Tawse, James, farmer, Newbigging side Village Tawse, James, farmer, Neuk Leslie and M'Donald, occupants of Cairngall Thomson, George, shoemaker, Ordie Quarry, Aberdeen Thomson, James, farmer, Nether Ruthven Mackie, Alexander, blacksmith, Mintlaw Thomson, John, carrier, Leys Mackie, Alexander, miller, Rora Thomson, William, overseer, Blelack Matthew, Mrs. John, farmer, Parkhill Thomson, George, contractor, Kirkton Matthew, John, farmer, Knockleith Wattie, James, farmer, Ballastraid Macrae, John, shoemaker, Mintlaw Munro, Alexander, manufacturer, Longside Vil- Milne, Charles, merchant, Knaps, Rora [lage Milne, George, miller, Innerquhomry Milne, Thomas, miller, Ludquharn LONGSIDE. Mitchell, William, farmer, Dens, Faichfleld Moir, James, farmer, Redbog Adie, Alexander, saddler, Longside Village Morrison, John, wright, Mintlaw Adie, James, farmer, Lenabo Milne, Thomas, overseer, Monyruy Annand, Robert, blacksmith, Nether Kinmundy Moffat, John, excise officer, Longside Village Arbuthnot, Thomas, proprietor. Nether Kin- Murray, John, farmer, Baluss mundy, Meethill, by Peterhead Oldman James, farmer, Thunderton Barron, John, farmer and merchant, Todholehills Paul, William, farmer, Savock Brown, John, carter, Longside Penny, William, farmer, Nether Kinmundy Barron, Thomas, farmer, Tiffry Penny, John, farmer, Mains of Buthlaw Beattie, George, veterinary surgeon, Longside Penny, William, merchant, Nether Kinmundy Beaton, John, schoolmaster, Rora Pirie, James, agent Town and County Bank,

Beaton, Alexander , farmer, Blackhill Mintlaw Bennet, Alexander, farmer, Crookednook Pirie, Thomas, and Co., blacksmiths, millwrights, Bruce, James, farmer and proprietor and house carpenters, Nether Kinmundy Bruce, William, farmer, Auchtydonald Reid, John, blacksmith, wright, & wood merchant, Bruce, Mrs. George, innkeeper, Longside Village Longside Village Buchan, James, Esq., proprietor, Yokieshill, Auch- Robb, Rev. John, parish minister, Longside Brown, Thomas, shoemaker, Mintlaw [macoy Robertson, William, innkeeper, Mintlaw Bremner, David, merchant, Lenabo Rollo, William, farmer, Ludquharn Cheves, Robert, merchant, and agent for the Scot- Russell, James, Esq., proprietor, Ludquharn, tish Provincial Fire and Life Insurance Co. Aden, by Old Deer Center, Rev. William, schoolmaster, parochial Ritchie, Robert, shoemaker, Longside Village Cassie, Robert, farmer, Bogend [school Gangster, William, farmer, Rora Cheves, William, farmer, Clayhills Scott, Mrs. Robert, Yokieshill Cruickshank, James, merchant, tailor, Lenabo Scott, William, farmer, Wester Rora Cumming, Marianus, farmer, Buthlaw Sheran, John, farmer and merchant, Gowiie, Rora Cheves, James, farmer, Middleton of Rora Sheran, William, farmer, Boggs, Rora Cockburn, George, Millbank, Sim, John, watch and clockmaker, Longside Vil- Dalgarno, George, farmer, Redbog, N. Kinmundy lage Davidson, John, farmer, Greenwards Skinner, Robert, overseer, quarry, Cairngall Duff, James, farmer, Burnthillock Slessor, Alexander, shoemaker, Cuttyhill, Rora Duguid, John, farmer, Ludquharn Slessor, Willam, carrier, Mintlaw Hill Ellis, James, farmer, Buthlaw Smith, James, farmer, Dumstin Farquhar, James, merchant, Longside Village Smith, John, sen., carrier and innkeeper, Longside Farquhar, John, merchant, and agent for the Pro- Village carrier, village of Longside vincial Fire and Life Insurance Co., Mintlaw Smith, John, jun , Ferguson, Admiral, of Pitfour, by Old Deer Smith, William, wright, Longside Village Forgie, James, farmer, Buthlaw Shepherd, John, tailor, Longside Village George, farmer, Ludquharn Tait William, shoemaker, Ludquharn Forrest, Cc 202 HEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Tait, Alexander, shoemaker, Redbog, Nether Reid, Charles, wright, Cairness Kinmundy Reid, Charles, farmer, Mains of Kininmonth Taylor, Alex., jun., blacksmith, Longside Village Robertson, Andrew, farmer, Cairnglass Taylor, Alex., sen., letter carrier, Longside Village Robertson, George, A.M., parish schoolmaster Taylor, Thomas, overseer, wright, Longside Robertson, John, farmer, Middlemuir

village Robertson, J , farmer, Cortucram, Kininmonth Thomson, Alex., sheriff-officer, Loneside Village Ross, John, iuspector of poor Thom, John, sheriff-officer, Nether Kinmundy Russell, William, of Kininmonth House Tory, Very Rev. John, proprietor, Buthlaw, Cupar Shand, Rev. William, schoolmaster, St. Combs Angus Simpson, Charles, road overseer, Craigellie Thomson, George, merchant tailor, Longside Smith, John, farmer, Cairnglass Village Smith, John, farmer, Coreskellie Thorne, George, supervisor of excise, Longside Stephen, John, blacksmith, Park Village Stewart, Alexander, schoolmaster, Kininmonth Topping, John, farmer, Stockbridge, Buthlaw Willox, William, merchant, Park Urquhart, John, overseer, Cairngall Watson, Alexander, shoemaker, Longside Village Watt, John, merchant, and agent Northern Fire and Life Assurance Co., Longside Village Wbyte, Geo., land surveyor, and surveyor of Pro- LTJIPHANAN. perty and Income Tax, Bridge-end, Auchlee Will, Earnest, shoemaker, Rora Adam, William, farmer, Auchinhowie Wilson, Rev. John, Free Church minister, Long- Begg, George, farmer, Leyhead side Village Birnie, Rev. Alex., parish schoolmaster Young, William, farmer, Auchlee Calder, James, farmer, Cairnton feats, Alexander, cooper, Lenabo Calder, Robert, farmer, Whitehouse Christie, Robert, farmer, Oldtown of Auchlossan Copland, William, farmer, near Camphill Coutts, Alexander, shoemaker, Burnside Craigmyle, George, farmer, Boyloch 10NMAY. Cromar, George, farmer, Milton of Auchlossan Cromar, Peter, sen., ground-officer, Bogloch Allan, Joseph, farmer, Carticairn, Kininmonth Cromar, Robert, farmer, Auchinhove House Anderson, Robert, farmer, Quarryhead Davie, Peter, miller, Auchlossan Anderson, Robert, farmer, Craigellie Day, "William, farmer, Watermains Angus, Alex., shoemaker, Pitscow, Kininmonth Don, John, blacksmith, Peatbog Alex., Bannerman, Sir Bart , of Crimonmogate Dun, James, farmer, Easter Kincraigie Brebner, James, farmer, Lumbs Duncan, Alex., farmer, Milton of Pitmurchie Burnett, James, miller, Denend, Kininmonth Duncan, Robert, miller, Pitmurchie Charles, Alexander, mason, Lonmay Duncan, William, farmer, Kintocher Cordiner, Rev. Charles, Kininmonth Church Dunn, John, farmer, Cairnbady Craighead, William, farmer, Cairnbog Emslie, Dr., of Camphill Clark, James Mill, farmer, Crimonmogate Emslie, Peter, farmer, Backhill of Camphill Davidson, Miss, female teacher, Knowsie Esson, James, farmer, Glenmillan Donald James, overseer, Crimonmogate Ewing, James, farmer, Marywell Forrest, Mrs., merchant, Knowsie Ferres, Peter, farmer, Cairnbady Gibbon, Rev. Charles, Parish Minister Fraser, Francis G , of Findrack Gow, Alexander, farmer, Blairmormond Glennie, John, wright and vintner, Burnside Greig, Thomas, cartwright, Cairness Grant, Rev. Alexander, Free Church Hagar, Rev. George, Episcopal Church Kemp, Alexander, farmer, Gilgerrie Harcourt, Rev. N. T., assistant, Episcopal Church Kemp, Robert, farmer, Quichlehead Henderson, George, mason, Cairnglass Lamond, Mrs., Pitmurchie Jack, Peter, shoemaker, Cairnglass Leslie, William, miller, Kintocher Jaffray, Andrew, farmer, Dartfield Lawson, Andrew, schoolmaster, Campfield Jaffray, J., farmer, Blackhill Low, James, farmer, Gateside Jaffray, James, farmer, Craigellie Low, John, farmer, Gateside Keith, William, farmer, Upper Tyacksnook Lumsden, Wm., farmer, Milltown of Auchlossan Lawrance, George, farmer, Nether Tyacksnook M'Combie, Rev. Charles, Parish Church Leslie, Thomas, farmer, Park M'Donald, Captain, Glenmillan Lumsden, Miss, Knowsie M'Donald, Miss, Glenmillan Mackie, James, blacksmith, Chanonry Hill Machray, James, farmer, Wester Kincargie Maitland, William, overseer, Woodhead, Cairness Massie, James, merchant, Roadside Marr, Thomas, farmer, Nethertown Milne, John, auctioneer, Corner Croft Milne, A., farmer, Netherraosstown, Crimonmo- Milne, George, farmer, Hilton Milne, farmer, Alexander, Cairnchind Tgate Merchant, William, farmer, Balnacraig . Milne, Andrew, shoemaker, Middlemuir Mitchell, Alexander, farmer, Minew Milne, James, farmer, Craigellie Mitchell, John, farmer, Minew Milne, Joseph, gardener, Cairness Meston, Charles, farmer, Craigton Moodie, Alexander, farmer, Tilliekeira Niven, John, farmer, Knowhead Morrice, Alexander, merchant, Corskelly Rae, Alexander, farmer, Ardenraven Noble, Crawford, Savoch Farm Rae, Charles, farmer, Newton of Auchlossan Ogston, Mrs. Captain, of Terriefield Ramsay, John, farmer, near Camphill Park, James, farmer, Cairness Reid, Morice, farmer, Hillock Park, Lewis, cartwright, Craigellie Reid, William, farmer, Wartle Rennie, Charles, blacksmith, Corskellie Robb, Charles, farmer, Colloston NEW COUNTY D1KECTOUY. 203

Robb, James, shoemaker, Bogloch Mann, Rev. William, professor, St. Mary's College, Ross, Thomas, farmer, Mains of Findrack Blairs Shaw, Mrs., Tullching Malcolm, Andrew, farmer, Bogfone Shepherd, William, farmer, Newton of Auchlossan Mathieson, George, tailor and clothier, Craighead Smith, James, farmer, Stoneybrae Middleton, Joseph, farmer, Wetshaw Smith, John, assistant schoolmaster Milne, James, farmer, Parkhead Smith, Robert, of Glenmillan Mollison, Alexander, farmer, West Tilbouriei Sievwright, William, farmer, Mains of Auchlossan Murdoch, Alexander, overseer, Blairs Stewart, Harry, merchant, Auchinhove, Mitchell, Alexander, blacksmith, BIair3 Strachan, Charles, farmer, Cloack Petrie, Robert, shoemaker, Ashentilly Strachan, James, farmer, Milton of Auchinhove Philip, Robert, overseer, Kingcausie Strachan, John, farmer, Tulloch Reid, Robert, farmer, Eastside Thomson, James, farmer, Wartle Ritchie, Alexander, farmer, Shannaburn Trail, John, merchant, Camphill Robertson, William, carrier, Hillside of Blairs Walker, Charles, farmer, Haughhead Robertson, Charles, blacksmith, Cockley Walker, George, vintner and horse-dealer Roman Catholic Establishment, St. Mary's Col- Watt, David, cattle dealer, Kintocher lege, Blairs, for the education of young men Watt, George, farmer, Kintocher designed for the Roman Catholic priesthood Sharp, Rev, John, president Emeritus, St. Mary'* College, Blairs Schivas, Alexander, grocer, Auchlunies Sheriffs, David, wright, Drumdarroch Shepherd, Francis, farmer, Millbank MARYCULTER. Silver, Alexander, farmer, Burnside Silver, George, farmer, Standingstones Allan, James, farmer, East Tilbouries Smart, John, wright, Stoneyhill Anderson, Andrew, farmer, Merskie Smith, Lewis, of Kintoulin Bisset, William, shoemaker, Kirkton Thorn, William, farmer, Ashentilly Boswell, John Irvine, of Kingcausie Todd, Thomas, House of Maryculter Bower, Rev. John, M.A., Parish Church, Manse Towns, Joseph, farmer, Heathcot Burnett, John, shoemaker, Merskie Troup, James, wright, Cockley Cameron, Donald, blacksmith, Burnhead Urquhart, Thomas, grocer, Merskie Caven, Rev. William, professor, St. Mary's Col- Walker, James, district policeman, Kirkton lege, Blairs Walker, John, farmer, Westside Chalmers, Charles, advocate, Aberdeen Watt, George, ground officer, Blaikiewell Cockie, Alexander, shoemaker, Hill of Blairs Wyllie, Edward, stone-dyker, Kirkton Davidson, Donald, tailor and clothier, Road-side, Wyllie, William, postmaster Blairs Young, Miss, House of Heathcot Davidson, Peter, shoemaker, Road- side, Blairs Dean, William, House of Altries Donald, George, of Westerton Downie, Rev. William D., professor, St. Mary's College, Blairs METHLIC. Duguid, Peter, of Auchlunies Durward, Rev. David, M.A., parish schoolmaster Aberdeen, Earl of Aberdeen, KG., Haddo-house Duthie, George, ground officer for Ashen- Aiken, Miss, schoolmistress, Methlic sen , tilly, Burnside Anderson, Alex., farmer, Brownhill Eddie, William, farmer, Cockley Annand, Thomas, carrier, Brainjohn Elmslie, Mrs., grocer, Gateside, Marycultsr Barrack, George, farmer, Monteach Esson, Alexander, blacksmith, Eastside Barrack, George, farmer, Inverebrie Esson, George, sen., blacksmith, Stobhall Beaton, James, farmer, Smiddyseat. Esson, George, jun., wright, Altries Beaton, Mrs., farmer, Auchencrieve Farquhar, Nathaniel, advocate, Aberdeen Black, John, farmer, Andet Fiddes, Rev. Robert, farmer, Kinnellar, for Shan- Black, William, schoolmaster, Cairnorrie naburn Black, William, farmer, Flinthills Fiddes, Robert, carrier, Stobhall LJBrebner, Alex., Balquhindochie Fleming, Rev. Andrew, procurator, St. Mary's ^Brebner, George, wright, Cairns College, Blairs Brown, John, shoemaker, Cairnorrie Fotheringham, Miss, teacher, Female School, Bruce, Alex., farmer, Newmill Burnhead Cheyne, George, farmer, Monletty Gillanders, Alexander, farmer, Craigentath Cockburn, James, shoemaker, Hillbrae Gordon, John, shoemaker, Burnside Cordiner, James, blacksmith, Methlic Gordon, William Cosmo, of Maryculter Coutts, Mrs., merchant, Woodend Hadden, James Farquhar, Eastland Cottage Davidson, James, farmer, Gowanwell Henderson, William, tollkeeper, Tilbouries Duguid, Robert, farmer, Towntiead Imray, James, miller, Mill of Crynoch Duncan, Alex., veterinary surgeon, Littlewater Jamieson, Joseph, grocer, Burnhead Ewen, James, millwright, Balquhindochie Kinloch, Alexander J., Ashentilly Gordon, John, farmer, Middlemuir Kennedy, Duncan, farmer & innkeeper, Mill of Gordon, Mrs., farmer, Middlemuir Maryculter Grant, William, innkeeper, and merchant, Methlic Lawson, Alexander, farmer, North Tilbouries Gray, Alex., schoolmaster, Methlic M'Donald, Mrs., grocer, Kirkton Gray, George, farmer, Flinthills M 'Donald, John, shoemaker, Kirkton Findlater, Alex., shoemaker, Drakemyre M'Pherson, Rev. John, president, St. Mary's Florance, Charles, farmer, Scotstown College, Blairs Fraser, Alex., schoolmaster, Inveiebrie 204 NEW COUNTT DIRECTORY.

Hay, John, wright, Rosieburn Booth, Mrs. William, innkeeper and vintner, Leg- Hislop, John, forester, Haddo-house Brown, Robert, farmer, Bankhead [gerda'e Imlah, Alex., merchant, Waterside Buchan, William, farmer, Sheils Ironside, Robert, farmer, Backhill, Newmill Burnett, John, farmer, Mains of Corsindae Jeffrey, George, farmer, Dykeside Burnett, William, wood merchant, Carters, Bog- Johnston, Mrs., farmer, Crimondhill endoe Kynoch, Alex., farmer, Cairnorie Calder, Alexander, farmer and cattle dealer, North Lawrance, James, shoemaker, Belnagoak Slydie Ligertwood, Lewis, farmer, Bracklay Clark, Charles, shoemaker, Bandodle Ligertwood, George, shoemaker, Michaelmuir Cooper, Robert, farmer, Auehmore Ligertwood, John, tailor, Michaelmuir Cook, Rev. George, Manse, Midmar Ligertwood, William, Bracklay Craigmile, George, boot and shoemaker, Tillybir- Mackie, John, farmer, Chapelpark Crawford, James, wright, Comers [lock Marr, John, shoemaker, Auchencrieve Crawford, Peter, farmer, Comers Marshall, Alex., farmer, Meikle Ardo Davie, Charles, gardener, Midmar-castle Marshall, Thomas, farmer, Arnny Bogs Davie, John, carrier, Lochander Marshall, William, farmer, Skelmandie Davie, Mrs. Robert, farmer, Brae Mathieson, Robert, blacksmith, Balquindochie Davidson, William, of Kebbaty Mathieson, Thomas, farmer, Shallowplough Dickie, William, farmer, Tillyronach Mennie, Thomas, slater, Bracklay Donald, Alexander, farmer, Hillhead Mennie, Rev. John, Free Church Donald, Alexander, farmer, W auk mill Milne, George, merchant, Belnagoak Donald, James, farmer and cattle dealer, Wauk Milne, George, farmer, Haddo mill Milne, Henry, farmer, Meikle Ardo Donald, Miss Ann, dressmaker, Comers Woods Mitchell, James, farmer, Bracklay Donald, Miss Jane, dressmaker, Comers Woods Mitchell, John, farmer, Wells Duff, J. R., Sterritt of Corsindae Moir, George, blacksmith, Newseat Emslie, George, farmer, Milltown of Corsinrlae Moir, George, tailor, Methlic Farquhar, George, farmer and cattle dealer, Moss- Moir, James, blacksmith, Andet side of Shiels Morrison, Andrew, wright, Wardford Farquhar, William, farmer, Lurg Murray, George, flesher, Ardo Ferres, J imes, corn merchant, Kinnernie Milne, Peter, cattle-dealer, Tanglanford Gordon, James, watchmaker, Comers Paterson, William, wright, Newseat Gordon, John, farmer, Little Sauthen Petrie, Arthur, merchant, Newseat Gordon, Lieutenant-Colonel, of Midmar Rennie, Joseph, tailor, Belnagoak Grant, John, wood merchant, Glen Wood of Cor- Robertson, John, gardener, Haddo-house sindae Rothnie, James, carrier, Cairnorrie Hardy, Miss Elizabeth, schoolmistress, Comers Sband, James, farmer, Mill of Sessnie Woods [chen Sim, Robert, farmer, Newton Hosie Jonathan, boot and shoemaker, Little Sau- Simpson, James, farmer, Middletliird Imray, James, farmer, West Park, Kinnernie Simpson, W., Hillhead, Ardo Imray, John, blacksmith, Kinnernie-village Smith, Alex., merchant, Methlic Ingram, William, farmer, South Slydie Smith, James, farmer, Newseat Johnston, Cumming, weaver, Corsindae Stephen, John, merchant, Methlic Johnston, John, farmer, Balblair Stephen, William, postmaster, Methlic Johnston, William, farmer, Scottis-stone Stirling, Isabella, innkeeper, Methlic Johnston, William, weaver, Corsindae Strachan, Alex., farmer, Skeipsmiil Johnston, Ann, dressmaker, Weaver's-villa Singer, Adam, farmer, Wardford Joss, William, corn merchant, Milltown of Cor- Thomson, John, farmer, Greenmyre sindae Wallace, W., blacksmith, Haddo Karr, James, carrier, Auchory Whitehead, Jonathan, farmer, Little Methlic Kennedy, James, farmer, Bethlen Whyte, Rev. James, minister of the parish Kennedy, William, cart and plough wright, Kin- Will, James, farmer, Arneybogs nernie-village Will, Peter, shoemaker, Methlic Leggat, Wm., blacksmith, porter-lodge, Kebbaty Wilson, Leslie, farmer, Chapelton Leith, Peter, farmer, Upper Balblair Wilson, John, shoemaker, Methlic M'Allan, Daniel, farmer, Meikle, Midmar Wilson, Thomas, tailor, Bracklay Mackay, Charles, farmer, Mill of Hole Yule, W., farmer, Little Ardo M'Petrie, Alexander, farmer, Tillenhilt Martin, Miss Helen, dressmaker, Cluny post-office Mathieson, Robert, carrier, Roadside Mathieson, Miss Elizabeth, dressmaker, Roadside Mathieson, Miss Julia, schoolmistress, Roadside IIDIAR, Menzies, William, millwright, Blackbaulk Milne, John, corn-mercht & miller, Mril of Hole Adam, Charles, cattle dealer and flesher, Bank- Milne, William, wright, AVoodend of Kebbaty head Morgan, Alexander, farmer, Sunhoney Adam, James, sexton, Lurg Morison, William, wood merchant, Craigshannoch Adam, James, blacksmith, Tillybirloch Mortimer, George, parochial schoolmaster and Addison, Alexander, farmer, Cartersfolds session clerk Anderson, James, farmer, Auchory Pirrie, George, wright, Marionburgh Anderson, James, farmer, Kinnernie Reid, Alexander, wood merchant, Comers Baird, James, blacksmith, Marionburgh Reid, Alexander, inspector of poor, Crossfield Barron, James, farmer, Blackstock Reid, Andrew, corn merchant, Comers Bell, Rev. J. P., United Presbyterian Church Reid, John, innkeeper & vintner, Midmar-cottage Bisset, Miss Hannah, dressmaker, Carters Reid, Robert, farmer, Crossfield NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 205

Reid, Robert, farmer, Knockulltree Tennant, Peter, millwright, Teuchar Ritchie, James, wood merchant, Auchory Walker, John, merchant, Greens Rule, John, forester, Midmar Watson, John, shoemaker, Cuminestown Sharp, George, farmer, Easter Tulloch Wilson, William, farmer, Burnside of Idoch Simpson, William, farmer, Banteith Snowie, Alexander, forester, Corsindae Snowie, John, farmer, Wester Tulloch Spark, James, gardener, Corsindae House Stark, James, precentor, Parish Church MONYMUSK. Stark, James, wood merchant, Torminade Adam, Alexander, farmer, Cornabo Stott, Andrew, farmer, Auchmore [muir Adam, George and William, farmers, Arneidly Stott, George, farmer, Wateridgemuir and Nether- Anderson, John, forester, Ordmill Sutherland, Alexander, grocer and furnishing AndersoD, Duncan, M.A , schoolmaster and in- tailor, Kinnernie Village spector of poor Taylor, Alexander, farmer, Easter Banteith Arthur, Thomas, merchant, Grant Lodge Thorn, William, general merchant, Comers Bean, George, farmer, Coullie Thomson, Thomas, farmer, Tillenhilt Dawson, Rev. T. H, M.A., Parish Church Tytler, George, farmer, Muirtown of Corsindae Emslie, Alexander, farmer, Tillyfourie Tytler, William, farmer, Milltown of Corsindae Fraser, Robert, farmer, Nether Inver Urquhart, Alexander, farmer, Tdlydaff Grant, Archibald, younger of Tillyfour, Mouy- Walker, Joseph, contractor. Caitndae musk House Webster, John, farmer, Upper Kebbaty Grant, John, farmer, Upper Inver Grant, Maxwell, distiller Grant, Margaret, innkeeper Gr?nt, Robert, of Tillyfour, Monymusk House MONaUHITTER. Johnston, John, merchant, Sclattiemoor Laing, Rev. James M.A., schoolmaster at Lord Cullen's School, and preacher at BlairdafF Adam, Rev. James, parish church, Monquhitter Leslie, George, farmer, Enzean Bean, James, farmer, Garmond Middleton, William, farmer, Bridgefoot Black, John, farmer, Lercragie Morrison, Arthur, farmer, Balvack Bow, Alexander, merchant, Garmond Mitchell, Rev. David, Free Church, Sclattiemoor Catto, William, brewer, Cuminestown Newby, Charles, excise officer Chalmers, James, farmer, Alter of Greens Ogg, John, East Mains Chalmers, William, farmer, Mains of Greens Porter, James, overseer, Home Farm Cheyne, Alex., schoolmaster, session clerk, and Reid, John, general merchant inspector of poor Rose, William, excise officer Clark, Alexander, farmer, Fervey Scott, Alexander, village James, farmer, Cruickshank, Ewebrae Shewan, George, farmer, Pitflchie Cruickshank, William, farmer, Haremass Stewart, Thomas, farmer, Braehead Dalgarno, John, farmer, Balthangie Tait, Peter, carrier to Aberdeen Dawson, John, farmer, Castle of Auchry Thompson, Jonathan, farmer, Netherton John, collector to parochial board, Mill Duncan, Trail, John R., M.D., Tombeg of Pott Walker, Rev. William, M.A., Episcopal Church John, merchant, Maryhill Fowlie, Watt, Charles, farmer, Haddoch Gordon, Rev. Hugh, ( Free Church) Monquhitter Gordon, James, shoemaker, Cuminestown Greive, Alexander, shoemaker, Cuminestown Henderson, John, farmer, Lendrum Hepburn, Alexander, of Parkhill, Greens NEW DEER. Imlacb, James, innkeeper, Cuminestown Imlach, James, farmer, Woodhead of Delgaty Adie, James, blacksmith, Bonnykelly Lamb, John, wright, Cuminestown Anderson, George, merchant, Whitehills Leith, James, Millfleld House Argo, John, merchant, Auchreddie Lumsden, James, of Auchry Argo, Alexander, blacksmith, Auchreddie M'Bain, John, farmer, Thornhill Auld, John, farmer, Newbigging Mair, John, innkeeper, Balthangie Balfour, James, wright, Savock, Auchnagatt Manson, George, of Cuminestown Balfour, Mrs., merchant, Braeside Savock, Auch- Martin, William, schoolmaster Free Church nagatt Mitchell, Alexander, farmer, Mill of Allathan Beaton, James, farmer, Ardieknows Mitchell, Francis, shoemaker, Cuminestown Bickie, Peter, farmer, Crowniehillock Mitchell, John, merchant, Garmond Birnie, Robert, blacksmith, Artamford Norrie, William, farmer, Cairnhill Bisset, James, wright, New Deer Philip, James, Post-master, Cuminestown Black, Alexander, farmer, Culsh Poison, James, surgeon, Waukmill of Auchry Blaik, James, carpenter, Auchreddie Porter, Alexander, baker, Cuminestown Booth, Alexander, farmer, Auchmaliddie Porter, Joseph, merchant, Cuminestown Brebner, James, farmer, Greens of Savock, Auch- Pyper, John, of Greenfield, Greens nagatt Rettie, John, Aberdeen carrier, Cuminestown Brebner, William, farmer, Little Auchoach Sim, James, farmer, Balquhindachy Brown, James, farmer, Culsh Smart, Andrew, farmer, Litertie Brown, Andrew, wright, Cairnbanno Spence, John, innkeeper, Garmond Bruce, George, farmer, Allathan Taylor, William, merchant, Cuminestown Bruce, Hugh, veterinary surgeon, New Deer Temple, Rev. William, parsonage, Cuminestown Bruce, William, baker, New Deer Tennant, William, merchant, Cuminestown Bruce, William, merchant, Bonnykelly 206 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Bruce, Robert, merchant, Upper Knaven Johnston, William, farmer, Loanhead, Auchnagatt Byers, Peter, shoemaker, Bank Joiner, John & Alexander, merchants, New Deer Campbell, Peter, shoemaker, Oldwhat Joiner, John, tailor, Auchreddie Chalmers, John, shoemaker, Auchreddie Keith, William, Peterhead carrier Chalmers, "William, farmer, Upper Oldwhat Kerr, John, farmer, Oldmaud Cockburn, James, farmer, Corbshill Kilgour, Robert, farmer, Mains of Auchnagatt Dalgarno, William, Aberdeen carrier Kirton, John, farmer, Dunmore, Auchnagatt Dalziel, "William, shoemaker, New Deer Knox, Alexander, merchant, Nethermuir Davidson, "William, farmer, Knaven Keith, William, cooper, New Deer Duncan, John, wright, Auchreddie Law, Andrew, farmer, Mains of Cairnbanno Duncan, William, carpenter, "Whitingshill Leask, William, farmer, Skelmafillie Falconer, James, mason, Auchreddie Lind, Rev. Adam, United Presbyterian Church, Farquhar, James, wright, Ironside Whitehill Farquharson, P., parish schoolmaster, New Deer Logie, Andrew, auctioneer, Auchmunziel Falconer, John, farmer, Meikle Auchoach Leslie, William, farmer, Whitestones William, shoemaker, Auchreddie Ferguson, Wm , farmer, Backmoss, Auchnagatt M'Intosh, Ferguson, George, farmer, Auchmiliddie Mair, James, farmer, Whitestones Findlay, John & Wm., blacksmiths, Inkhorn Mair, James, schoolmaster, Savock, Auchnagatt Fordyce, Captain Alex. Dingwall, of Brucklay Mair, Miss E., schoolmistress, Bank Forrest, James, farmer, Bonnykelly Massie, James, farmer, Muttonbrae Fowlie, Hugh, farmer, Mains of Auchreddie Massie, William, mason, Drum Praser, Isabel, merchant, Mill of Whitehill Mathers, Alexander, farmer, Bonnykelly French, George, farmer, Kitchenhill Mavor, George, cartwright, New Deer Fyvie, John, merchant, Fedderate Mavor, George, shoemaker, Whitehill Fowlie, William, farmer, Culsh Milne, John, sen., turner, New Deer Ferguson, Robert, sheriff officer, Auchreddie Milne, John, jun-, cartwright, New Deer Forbes, George, cooper, New Deer Milne, James, turner, New Deer Fowlie, John, farmer, Mid-Culsh Metcalf, Francis, farmer, Auchmunziel Gavin, Rev. Richard, Free Church, Culsh Middleton, George, J. P., Mill of Fedderate Gall, James, farmer, Aultown of Atherb Middleton, John, banker and postmaster, Auch- Gall, Robert, carpenter, Atherb reddie Gammie, John, shoemaker, New Deer Middler, Thomas, veterinary surgeon Geddes, Maxwell, mason, Brucklay Milne, James, farmer, Gilkhorn Gerrard, William, blacksmith, Nethermuir Milne, Alexander, merchant, New Deer Godsman, William, farmer, Mains of Fedderate Milne, Margaret, schoolmistress, New Deer Gordon, George, of Nethermuir Milne, James, merchant, Corbshill Gordon, James, farmer, N. Taux-hill, Auchnagatt Mitchell, Alexander, saddler, New Deer Gordon, John Taylor, of Nethermuir Mitchell, James, shoemaker, do. Gowie, Alexander, tailor, New Deer Mitchell, Benjamin, farmer, Whitecairns Gray, John, schoolmaster, Bank Mitchell, Charles, Overtown of Knaven Greig, Alexander, schoolmaster, Whitehill Moir, James, blacksmith, Fedderate Gibb, John, Peterhead carrier Moir, John, shoemaker, New Deer Hardy, Ann, farmer, Meikle Auchoch Moir, William, schoolmaster, Cairnbanno Henderson, George, blacksmith, Brucehill Mowat, James, Mains of Barrack Henderson, James, tailor, Fedderate Murrison, Alexander, sen., Auchoch Henderson, John, merchant, Auchmunziel Murrison, Alexander, jun., wright, Auchoch Hendry, George, farmer, Crosgeight Mutch, George, merchant, Knaven Hendry, John, farmer, Oldmaud Milne, William & Thomas, farmers, Shevado Henry, George, blacksmith, Alathan Ogston, James, farmer, Whynatains Hetherwick, Mrs. John, farmer, Mill of Auchnagatt Ord, William, wright, New Deer Hetherwick, William, Knoxhill Panton, William, blacksmith, Overhill Horn, George, shoemaker, Bush Patterson, James, farmer, Oldwhat Howie, Alex., farmer, Upper Town of Cairnbanno Petrie, John, watchmaker, New Deer Hunter, Rev. John, United Presbyterian Church, Philip, Alexander, farmer, Catcraig Philip, John, tailor, New Deer Savoch, Auchnagatt . Horn, James, shoemaker, New Deer Petrie, William, watchmaker, do. Imlay, Peter, farmer, Whitebog Rankin, William, farmer, Mains of Artamford Innes, George, schoolmaster, Corbshill Reid, Alexander, merchant, Bush of Fedderate Ironside, Alexander, mason, Auchreddie Reid, James, farmer, Loanhead of Fedderate Ironside, Alexander, mason, Bonnykelly Rennie, James, farmer, Honeynook Ironside, Elizabeth, innkeeper, New Deer Rettie, Alex., farmer, Tillysnaught, Auchnagatt Ironside, Daniel, carpenter, Bonnykelly Robb, William, farmer, Waulkmill, Ironside Ironside, James, farmer, Myre of Bedlam Scott, John, tailor, New Deer Ironside, John, farmer, Mains of Oldmaud Shand, James, farmer, Northseat, Inkhorn Ironside, William, merchant, New Deer Shand, John, farmer, Mill of Inkhorn Ironside, James, saddler, New Deer Smith, George, surgeon, Auchreddie Ironside, William, farmer, Cloferickford Smith, John, farmer, Mains of Allathan Jamieson, Wm., farmer, S. Tauxhill, Auchnagatt Smith, James, do., Overhill Johnston, Hugh, farmer, Hillhead of Ironside Smith, William, kirk-officer Johnston, Hugh, innkeeper, Auchreddie Smith, Mrs. George, farmer, Whitingshill Johnston, George, shoemaker, New Deer Stirling, John, miller, Culsh Johnston, George, farmer, Overtown, Auchnagatt Stewart, David, feuar Johnston, James, blacksmith, New Deer Strachan, Ellen, schoolmistress, New Deer Johnston, Mrs., farmer, Mains of Inkhorn, Auch- Still, George, farmer, Pitfoskie nagat t Taylor, Alexander, farmer, Artamford NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 207

Taylor, George, merchant, New Deer Fowler, John, millwright, Harthill Taylor, Thomas, merchant, do. Fyfe, John, farmer, Netherhills, Newhills Taylor, James, blacksmith, Cairnbanno Fyfe, John, quarrier, Auchmull Taylor, James, farmer, West Mains of Nethermuir Fyfe, Leslie, farmer, Greenferns Taylor, William, farmer, Cloferickford Fyfe, Elizabeth, merchant, Auchmull Thomas, Andrew, tailor, New Deer Gall, James, wright, Stoneywood Walker, Ilugh, merchant, Auchreddie Gerrard, George, miller, Upper Buxburn Wallace, Alexander, merchant, Auchoach Gibson, James, farmer, Sheddocksley Webster, John, feuar Gill, James, grain merchant and miller, Mills of Welsh, Rev. James, Parish Church Sclattie Wilkin, Thomas, farmer, Wester Barrack Gillespie, Alexander, of Denhead Wilson, George, Aberdeen carrier, New Deer Glennie, David, quarrier, Sclattie Wilson, Kev. James, Minister of Savoch, Auch- Glennie, John, farmer, Goodhope, Auchmull nagatt Grant, Peter, of Whitemyres, Hazlehead-cottage Wilson, Ferguson, shoemaker, Oldmaud Gray, George, farmer, Whitemyres Wilson, Alexander, farmer, Mill of Auchreddie Hadden, James, farmer, Greenwelltree Wood, William, farmer, Gardener's Hill Hardie, James, farmer, Hatton of Kingswells Wood, William, innkeeper, New Deer Hardie, Joseph, farmer, Burnside ot'Brodiach Wright, William, jun., blacksmith, Auchmunzeil Harrison, Geo., farmer and horse- hirer, Waterton Wright, George, baker, New Deer Henderson, James, blacksmith, Sheddocksley Henderson, James, manager, Dancingcairn Quarries Howie and Sons, woollen manufacturers, Stoney- wood and Buxburn NEWHIIIS. Hopekirk, Alexander, gardener, Waterton Howie, Alexander (of Howie and Sons, woollen Abel, William, Mill of Craibstone manufacturer), Sclattie Aberdein, Alexander, of Dykeside, Derbetb Howie, James (of Howie and Sons, woollen manu- Aberdein, George, farmer, Dykeside facturer), Buxburn Aberdein, Robert, farmer, Dykeside Hunter, George, farmer, Tyrebagger Toll-bar Alexander, John, spirit dealer, Denhead Butcheon. George, farmer, Meikle Clinterty Allan, Rev. James, Manse of Newhills Innes and Beveridge, shoemakers, Auchmull Anderson, David, farmer, Cloverfield Jamieson, Andrew, farmer, Kingswells Anderson, George, miller, Mills of Sclattie Jamieson, John, farmer, Huxterston Anderson, James.'farmer, Barnyards of Craibstone Jamieson, William, farmer, Parkhead, Kingswells Birnie, Alexander, quarrier, Auchmull Keith, John, farmer, Spoutwells Birnie, Mrs., Grove Law, David shoemaker, Hatton of Kingswells Black, James, Whitemyres Law, William, farmer, Fernhill Black, John, farmer, Overhills, Newhills Leslie, John, farmer, Stoneywood Blair, Joseph, supervisor, Inland Revenue, Auch- Lindsay, Alexander, merchant and postmaster, mull Auchmull Booth, John, farmer, Auchmull Lindsay, John and Alexander, grain merchants Brebner, Ebenezer, clerk, Stoneywood Paper- and millers, Buxburn works Lobban, William, farmer, Ashyhillock Brown, Alex., farmer, Newton -cottage, Farburn Low, Alexander, house carpenter, Hoghillock, Brown, Charles, grain merchant, Auchmull Rivehill Brown, Mrs., farmer, Upper Auchmull Low, George, farmer, Longcairn Brownie, William, farmer, Redmire, Newhills Low, James, farmer, Kingswells Campbell, Lieutenant James, R.N., of Cloghill, Low, Mrs., farmer, Cairnhillock Cloghill-house M'Culloch, Hugh, Hope-cottage, Sclattie Campbell, Robert, Esq., Cloghill M'Hardie, Alexander, gardener, Craibstone Chalmers, John, farmer, Bankhead M'Intosh, John, overseer, Stoneywood Paper- Clark, John, blacksmith, Clinterty works Clark, Robert, wright, Kingswells Mackie, James, farmer, Wineford Collie, Robert, overseer, Upper Buxburn Mackie, John, wright, Auchmull Cooper, James, farmer, Tullich M'Lean, David and John, and Co., bakers, Auch-

Craven, Rev. John E. , Free Church, Auchmull mull Cumming, William, overseer, Hazlehead Marr, William, wood merchant and farmer, Chapel Dalgarno, Alexander, Dancingcairn'cottage Massie, Alexander, gardener, Auchmull Dalgarno, Joseph, gardener, Springhill Mathieson, Alexander, druggist, Auchmull Davidson, Charles, and Son, paper-manufacturers, Milne, John, overseer, Springhill Muggiemoss Moir, Alexander, Whitemyres Davidson, William (of C. Davidson and Son), Morrice, Alexander, shoemaker, Auchmull Muggiemoss Munro, John, shoemaker, Auchmull Dickson, William, Homehead, Newhills Murray, George, merchant, Bankhead Donald, James, farmer, Walton Mutch, Alexander, farmer, Greenburn Duguid, Charles, Causewaystone-dresser, Auch- Norrie, Alexander, farmer, Hillside mull Paterson, William, of Gateside and Jessiefield Duncan, Alexander, farmer, Sunnybrae Petrie, Alexander, quarrier, Auchmull Duncan, David, farmer, Bridgefoot, Sclattie Pirie, Alexander, and Sons, paper-manufacturers, Edwards, David, farmer, Fairley Stoneywood Elrick, John, auctioneer, Blackburn Pirie, Alexander, Esq., Waterton-house Finlay, Mrs., Craighouse, Sclattie Pirie, Alexander, jun., Esq., Stoneywood-house Firth, George, shoemaker, Four-mile-houEe, Old Pirie. Gordon, Esq., Waterton-house Skene-road Rae, George, farmer, Sheddocksley 208 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Kae, James, farrier, Greenburn Cocker, Alaxander, farmer, Place of Goval Rae, Mitchell, farmer, Whitemyres Cowie, Alexander, blacksmith, Kinmundy Village Kae, Thomas, shoemaker, Harthill Crombie, James, manufacturer, Swailend Cottage Kae, William, farmer, Williamston, Greenburn Crombie, Thomas, farmer, Hill of Clyne Reid, James, sen., Sclattie-cottage Davidson, John, farmer, Waulkmill Reid, James, jun., overseer, Stoneywood Paper- Duguid, Alexander, farmer, Kannieshill works Duguid, James, farmer, Greens Keith, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Sclattie Duncan, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Kinmundy Reith, Andrew, farmer, Meikle Clinterty Gibbon, Andrew, farmer, Gaucyhillobk Reith, James, teacher, Bellfield Glashan, James, inspector of poor, Ord of Elrick Ritchie, James, blacksmith, Auchmull Greig, Alexander, farmer, Bogheads Ritchie, Mrs., vintner, Auchmull Harvey, William, farmer, Monykebbock

Robertson and Co , blacksmiths and cartwrights, Johnston, William, farmer, Middletack Auchmull Joss, John, farmer, Old Goval Robertson, David, farmer, Auchmull Leslie, Mrs. Lochhills Robertson, George, farmer, Cuttlehill Low, John, farmer, Swailend Robertson, John, merchant, Auchmull Littlejohn, Arthur, carpenter, Longcroft Ross, Mrs., teacher, Auchmull Lumsden, John, farmer, Meddens Rough, Alexander, farmer, Gillahill M'Adam, James, farmer, Blackbrae Runcie. Charles, Whitemyres M'Hardy, Donald, schoolmaster Russel, "William, Muggiemoss, M'Kenzie, Andrew, tailor, Sunnyside Sang, Mrs., Grove M'Kenzie, James, farmer. Tory Leith Scroggie, David, shoemaker, "Whitemyres Mackie, William, farmer, Overton Scroggie, Thomas, gardener, Stoneywood-house Marshall, Andrew, carpenter, Swailend Scott, James, farmer, Brimmondside, Fairley Martin, William, innkeeper, Kinmundy Scott, William, farmer, Watchmanwell, Fairley Masson, James, innkeeper, Whiterashes Scott, Mrs., Craibstone-house Moir, Rev. George, Free Church Manse Simpson, William, farmer, Brimmondside, Fairley Murray, William, builder, Summerhill Singer, Alexander, "Whitemyres Nares, Captain, R.N., Straloch Smith, Alexander, farmer & quarrier, Bishopston Philip, James, farmer, Waulkmill Smith, Alexander, farmer, Bents, Stoneywood Pittendreigh, George, merchant, Whiterashes Smith, James, farmer, Middlemuir, Newhills Ramsay, John, of Straloch and Barra Smith, Robert, overseer, Stoneywood Paper-works Reith, John, baker, Summerhill Spence, Andrew, Middlefield Reid, George, farmer, Brokenwind Stables, William, merchant, Harthill Sangster, John, shoemaker, Summerhill Steven, William, farmer, Borrowston Sime, Mrs., Woodend Stewart, James, schoolmaster, School-house of Simpson, Robert, farmer, Strypes Newhills Singer, William, farmer, Stanryford Still, Robert, farmer, Rivehill Skene, John Gordon Cumming, of Pitlurg and Strachan, William, farmer, Sheddocksley Dyee Stuart, Alexander, Middlefield Smith, George, shoemaker, Reisk Stuart, John, farmer, Smithyhill Smith, James, farmer, Knaps Tawse, Charles, Maybank, Sclattie Stephen, William, of North Kinmundy Thomson, William G-, inspector of the poor of the Swanson, Rose, blacksmith, Summerhill Parish of Newhills, Chapel-brae Thomson, John, farmer, Mameulah Topp, Forbes, farmer, Westfield, Auchmull Thomson, William, farmer, Broombrae Tough, Alexander, house carpenter, Auchmull Walker, James, blacksmith, Wicketwalls Walker, James, farmer, Hope-farm Watt, George, innkeepeer, Newmachar Inn Walker, William, farmer, Hillhead of Dykeside Youngson, John, farmer, Little Rannieshill Wallace, Andrew, merchant, and brewer of ginger and small beer, Auchmull Wallace, James, mason, Auchmull Wattie, Alexander, farmer, Denhead, Cloghill White, Alexander, of Little Clinterty NIGG, Wight, William, officer, Inland Revenue, Auch- mull Allan, William, shoemaker, Loirston Wilson, Alexander, tailor, Auchmull Anderson, James, farmer, South Kirkhill Wyness, John, farmer, Farburn Barnett, William, parish schoolmaster, and inspec- Yeoman, George A., teacher, Bankhead tor of poor Beveridge, Peter, farmer & manufacturer, Peter- burn Brewster, James, farmer, Altens Caie, Mrs., publican, Cove NEW MACHAE, Coulter, John, teacher, Cove Craibb, George, innkeeper, Cove Aberdein, Alexander, farmer, Brownhill3 Craibb, Mrs., merchant. Cove Allan, Rev. Alexander, Manse Davidson, Alex., of Balnagask, and No. 27J Fins- Barrack, George, merchant and postmaster, Sum- bury-square, London merhill Edward, Andrew, farmer, South Kirkhill Birnie, William, farmer, Uppertack Fairweather, Rev. Robert, Manse of Nigg Burges, Alexander, tailor, Kinmundy Village Farquharson, Francis, farmer, Upper Kirkhill Burnett, Peter, of Elrick Ferguson, John, surgeon, Cove Carr, Robert, farmer, Upper Kinghorn Forbes, Alexander, farmer. North Kirkhill Cassie, Alexander, miller, Boddams Forrest, John, farmer, Kincorth Christie, John, surgeon, Ord of Elrick Garner, John, commandant, Coast Guard, Covo NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 209

Gray, "William, farmer, Tullos Duffus, William, merchant, Stuartfield Greig, Alexander, tailor. Bridge of Dee Duncan, James, blacksmith, Fetterangus Greig, Miss, teacher, Torry Duncan, Lewis, shoemaker, Fetterangus Hector, John, farmer and salmon-merchant, Bon- Duthie, Andrew, blacksmith, Skillymarno accord-cottage, Cove Faith, Thomas, shoemaker, Fetterangus Knowles, Thomas, flesher and farmer, Kincorth Farquhar, Alexander, weaver, Fetterangus Leonard, William, farmer, Caies-dykes Farquhar, Alexander, wright & house carpenter, Lindsay, William, feuar, Torry Fetterangus Longmuir, James, farmer, Altens Ferguson, George, Admiral, of Pitfour Lyon, David, farmer, Altens Ferguson, James, of Kinmundy Main, William, shoemaker, Torry Ferguson, John, J.P. Machray, Isaac, farmer, Torry Farm, and coach Findlay, Robert, baker proprietor Fraser, George, innkeeper (Aden Arms) MacKay, William, innkeeper & shipmaster, Torry Galbraith, Rev. Angus, Independent Church Mennie, William, feuar, Torry Garden, William, merchant, Stuartfield Milne, Alexander, farmer, Lochinch Hay, Patrick, watchmaker, Stuartfield Milne, Charles, merchant and innkeeper, Cove Henderson, Miss Catherine, schoolmistress, Clola Milne, Alexander, farmer, Blackhill, Cove Henderson, James, butcher, Stuartfield Milne, David, farmer, Red Craigs Hutchison. Keith, inspector of poor, and sheriff- Morrice, D. R., Esq., advocate, Tullos-house officer Peat, James, blacksmith, Upper Kirkhill Hutchison, John, grocer and clothier Philip, James, innkeeper and coal merchant, Torry Hunter, Robert, tailor Philip, John, sen., feuar, Torry Ironside, Alexander, grocer and clothier Philip, William, farmer, Craigieshaw Innes, John, watchmaker, Greenbrae Philip, George, farmer, Altens Johnston, George, grocer. Fetterangus Pirie, Thomas, farmer, Mains of South Loirstone Keith, Alexander, veterinary surgeon, Stuartfield Keith, James, veterinary surgeon, Stuartfield Sheriffs, D. L , merchant, Loirstone-house Sinclair, Mrs., Mains of North Loirstone Keith. George, mason, Coilsmore Sinclair, David, farmer, Loirstone Kelman, Andrew, butcher Smith, Duncan, farmer, Middleton Kennedy, Alexander, innkeeper, Auchnagatt Strachan, James, farmer, Billhead of Charleston Laurence, John, grocer, clothier and spirit dealer Walker, William, farmer, Middleton Legg, Mary, baker, Stuartfield Walker, William, farmer, South Loirstone Leith, George F., surveyor of taxes. Knock Walker, William, Craiginches-house M'Crie, Rev. George, Free Church, Clola Watt, James, farmer, Kincorth M' Donald, John, shoemaker, Stuartfield Webster, William, feuar and fisher, Torry M'Robert, Robert, clerk, at Pitfour Miutie, Charles, blacksmith, Bulwark Milue, Miss Margaret, schoolmistress, Quartale- house Milne, William, brewer, Biffie OLD DEER. Mitchell, George, shoemaker, Stuartfield Mitchell, Miss Ann, schoolmistress, Old Deer Allison, Rev. David, United Presbyterian Church Mitchell, William, shoemaker, Stuartfield Anderson, Alexander, blacksmith Morrison, David & William, wrights, Benwells Anderson, James, parish schoolmaster, Clochan Morrison, Rev. John, Parish Church Anderson, William, merchant, Clochan Murison, James, surgeon, Stuartfield Beddie, William, blacksmith, Bruxie Murray, William, merchant, Hythie Blaik, William, grocer, Fetteraugus Murray, William, miller, Bruxie Black, Mrs., merchant, Durie M'Kenzie & Laing, house carpenters Blake, Alexander, gardener, Aden Milne, James, merchant, Stuartfield Bonar, William, blacksmith, Stuartfield M'Gregor, John, dyer, Stuartfield Boyd, William, merchant, Stuartfield Preslie, George, wright, Stuartfield Brown, George, saddler, Stuartfield Porter, Robert, mason, Stuartfield Brown, Alexander, shoemaker, Stuartfield Pyper, Alexander, baker, Stuartfield Brown, James, grocer, druggist, bookseller, and Raeburn, Alexander, mason, Cartlehaugh spirit dealer Rankin, Rev. Arthur, Episcopal Church Conuon, George, wright, Stuartfield Rennie, Alex. & George, manufacturers, Pitlurg Cook, James, overseer, Aden Rettie, George, shoemaker, Pettymarcus Cooper, James, M.D., surgeon Robertson, Thomas, tailor, Millbraik Cruden, David, J. P. Robertson, William, merchant, Skelmuir Cruden, David, bank agent, North of Scot. Bank Ross, Lachlan, baker, Fetterangus Cruickshank, Charles, shoemaker Ross, Hugh, carrier Saiartfield Cumming, Andrew, shoemaker, Stuartfield Rushmore, Wm„ inland revenue officer, Dalgarno, John, shoemaker Russell, James, of Aden Dallas, Donald, tailor, Stuartfield Robertson, Mrs., baker, Stuartfield Davie, George, miller, Gaval Scott, Alexander, overseer, Pitfour Davidson, George, carrier to Peterhead Scott, William, tailor, Fetterangus Davidson, John, forester, Pitfour Scott, William, blacksmith, Cartlehaugh Crichie Davidson, John, miller, Clola Shivas, Robert, blacksmith, Upper Davidson, James, watchmaker Slessor, Robert, grocer, Fetterangus Davidson, Robert, merchant, Auchtylair Sim, George. M.A., schoolmaster, Free Church, Davidson, William, shoemaker Quartalehouse Davidson, William, miller, Arden Smith, Alexander, gardener, Pitfour schoolmistress, Fetterangus Davidson & Co., millers, Crickie Smith, Miss Ann, shoemaker, Hythie Deptingham, Charles, blacksmith, Hythie- Smith, Alexander, Dd 210 NEW COUNTT DIRECTORY.

Smith, Andrew, shoemaker, Benwells Kilgour, R. W., of Tullos Smith, Thomas, & Co., manufacturers, Millbreek Knox, Alex., merchant Smith, John, shoemaker, Fetterangus Knox, William, iarmer, Parkfield Smith, James, blacksmith, Shannas Leith, Harry, of Balcairn Smith, William, blacksmith, Stuartfield Leslie, Mrs., feuar Stewart, Mrs., innkeeper, Stuartfield Littlejohn, James, merchant Stephen, George, merchant, Bank M'Crie, Rev. James, Secession Church Stott, James, blacksmith, Fetterangus M'Culloch, Gilbert, schoolmaster, Free Church Scott, John, cartwright, Fetterangus M'Rae, Mrs., innkeeper Thomson, William, painter Manson, A., of Kilblean and Cattie Urquhart, Rev, Alexander, Free Church, Quart- Manson, James, North of Scotland Bank alehouse Manson, John, of Oakhiil Walker, William, wright, Shannas Manson, John and James, Cautins Wallace, James, shoemaker, Stuartfield Manson, John, and Co., distillers Wallace, William, gardener, Kinmundy Manson, John, of Kirkhill Webster, Alexander, tailor Manson, Miss, annuitant Wight, John, wright, Stuartfield Mathieson, Robert, inland revenue officer Wilson, Alexander, miller, Clackriach Marchant, Robert, flesher Wilson, Robert, M.A., parish schoolmaster Michie, John, merchant Wilson, Robert, session clerk Milne, William, farmer, Bethelnie Wood, David, parish schoolmaster, Shannas Mutch, John, of Philipstown Wyness, Mrs., merchant, Stuartfield Philip, James, farmer, Cairnmyre Yeats, James, cooper, West Crichie Pirie, James, farmer, Ardconan Riddel, James, ironmonger Riddel, Mrs., feuar Robertson, Patrick, M.D., physician and surgeon Sim, David, farmer, Ardmedden OLD MELDEUM. Simpson, Thomas, house-carpenter Smith, Alex., farmer, Scoutbog Adam, William, farmer, Mill of Balcairn Smith, Garrioch, tailor Allan, Francis, tailor Smith, William, merchant Alexander, James, farmer, Ardfork Stephen, James, watchmaker Anderson, William, tailor Stevenson, Alex., saddler Annand, James, farmer, Parksid Strachan, Charles, carter Barclay, William, carpenter Straith, Miss, milliner Barron, Alexander, baker Thomson, John, farmer, Tullo Baxter, Thomas, supervisor of Inland Revenue Urquhart, B. C, of Meldrum and Byth Bennet, Thomas, cabinetmaker Webster, Alexander, boot and shoemaker Black, William, wright, Mosshead Webster, George, sheriff officer Brichen, William, wright Webster, John, carpenter Bruce, James, baker Wildman, Rev. Thomas, Episcopal Church Carey, Kennedy, inland revenue officer Williamson, John, innkeeper Chrystie, Joseph, farmer, Lochter Wilson, John, boot and shoemaker Chrystie, William, farmer, Chapel-houses Wilson, Miss, annuitant Connan, Miss, milliner Watt, John, merchant Copland, Mrs., feuar Wilson, Stephen, merchant Cooper, Rev. George, schoolmaster, parish school Wilson, Peter, merchant Cruickshank, Rev. James, Parish Church, Easton Daniel, Alexander, druggist Davidson, William, smith, Mosshead Den, James, tailor Den, William, tailor and inspector of poor OYNE. Den, George, tailor Duguid, Thomas, merchant Abel, John, farmer, Pitmedden Donald, Andrew, innkeeper Bain, James, farmer, North Hatton Donald, Mrs., feuar Benzie, William, farmer, Scald Craigs Dower, Alexander, farmer, Foresterhill Brown, Robert, farmer, Brownhills Dow, Margaret, schoolmistress, Female School Christie, George, farmer, East Craigford Drain, William, seedsman Cooper, John, farmer and innkeeper, Pitmachie Duncan, Alex., merchant Cruickshank, William, farmer, Mill of Pitmedden Duncan, John, merchant Elphinstone, Sir J. D. H., Bart, of Plorn and Ellis, James, innkeeper Logie Elphinstone Ferguson, Alex., merchant Erskine, Major Knight, of Pittodrie Forbes, Alex., boot and shoemaker Fiudlater, Robert, farmer, Bogend Forbes, John, apothecary Fraser, Rev. Andrew, Parish Minister Forbes, John, postmaster Grant, Robert, of Drurainnor Forbes, Thomas, seedsman Grant, Robert, of Tillyfour Garioch, Rev. George, Free Church Grassie, Alexander, retired Supervisor of Excise Gavin, James and William, millers Grassie, John, farmer, Little Westhall Gordon, James, farmer, Hiilhead of Lightnot Grant, Peter farmer, Mains of Tillyfour Gray, Alexander, farmer, Tullo-house Hay, George, farmer, Parkbrae Hardie, George, blacksmith Isaac, John, farmer, Overcardon Ingram, John, surgeon Jeffray, Leslie, farmer, Hatton of Ardoyue Keay, James, inland revenue officer Johnston, William, farmer, Deuchries Kelly, John, inland revenue officer Leslie, William, of Drumrossie NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 211

Ledingham, James, assistant schoolmaster Smith, Thomas, farmer, North Lasts Law, John, farmer, Old Harthill Stephen, Arthur, overseer, Culter Maitland & Bisset, merchants, Pitmachie Stephen, John, farmer, Oldtown Maitland, Erskine, merchant, Kirktown Symmers, Alexander A., of Westfleld {non-resident) Maitland, James, farmer, Kirktown Symmers, George A., of Cantlaw {non-resident) Matheson, Alexander, farmer, Torries Thomson, Alex., farmer, Hill of Murtle Matheson, Lewis, farmer, South Ardoyne Thomson, James, merchant, Clovencraigs Milne, James, farmer and grain merchant, Mill of Thomson, John, farmer, Beinshill Buchanston Thurburn, John, of Murtle Milne, Thomas, farmer, Newton of Ardoyne Walker, Alexander, farmer, Netheranguston Moir, William, farmer, Newlands Walker, David, farmer, Pittengullies Mortimer, George, merchant, Daise Mortimer, James, merchant, Rychill Nicol, Alexander, farmer, Ardoyne Reid, Mrs., farmer, Longcroft Ronald, George, farmer, Mill of Cardon PETERHEAD. Shand, Rev. John, parochial schoolmaster, and inspector of poor Abbott, James, and Sons, sailmakers, Bridge-st. Simson, Rev. David, Free Church Abernethy, William, shipmaster, (Eliza) Queen-st. Smith, John, carpenter and stonecutter, Pitmachie Abernethy, Mrs., new inn, Jamaica street "Wilson, Alexander, farmer, Bogandy Abernethy, Mrs., midwife, Maiden street Aberdeen, The Right Honourable Earl of, Buch- anness Lodge Aberdeen, Andrew, foreman, Downiehillls Brick Work PETEBCUITER. Aiken, Mrs, confectioner, Rose street Alexander, Wm., agent, North of Scotland Bank, Allan, Rev. John, minister of the Parish Broad street Arbuthnot, Robert, paper manufacturer, Culter- Alexander, Gilbert, tanner, candle-maker, &c, mills Windmill street Bisset, Peter, farmer, Milton of Drum Alexander, George, shipmaster, (Vulcan) Maris- Blackburn, Robert, manager, Culter-mills, Cloven- chal street craigs Alexander, Alex., tailor, Marischal street Cadenhead, William, farmer, Upper Cantlaw Alexander, William, carter, Kirk street Cassie, Wm. cart and plough wright, Kennerty Alexander, Thomas, farmer, Damhead Chadwick, Edmund, manufacturer, Woollen-mills Alexander, Chas. and Thomas, farmers, Clarkhill Corbet, Rev. Adam, of Bieldside (non-resident') Alexander and Anderson, solicitors, &c. Broad-st. Craig, John, farmer, Eddieston Allan, John, china and stoneware merchant, Union Cromar, James, keeper of the district letter-bag street Dalgarno, Rev. James, minister, Free Church Allan, David, flesher and vintner, Union street Dawson, William, farmer, Wardhead Allan, Miss M., milliner, Merchant street Duff, Robert, of Culter and Fetteresso (non-resi- Anderson, James S., merchant, St, Peter street dent) Anderson, Alexander, and Son, shipowners, &c, Duncan, Joseph, merchant, Backhill of Countess- James street wells Anderson, Alexander, baker, Rose street Duthie, Alexander, farmer, Auchlee Anderson, John, advocate, Marischal street Edward, Charles, blacksmith, Kennerty Anderson, John, surgeon, Merchant street Ferguson, Lieutenant James, Parkhill-cottage Anderson, George A., grocer and spirit dealer, St. Fisher, Basil (Devanha), Countesswells-house Andrew street Gammel, Andrew, of C juntesswells {non-resident) Anderson, William, confectioner, Longate street Gammie, William, farmer, Foggieton Anderson, Alex., and Co., coopers and fishcurers, Gibb, George Shirra, of Cults {non-resident) Shiprow Gibb, James Shirra, of Oldfold {non-resident) Anderson, Robt, & Co., drapers and silk mercers, Glennie, John, farmer, Kennerty Marischal street Gordon, Alexander, advocate, Culter-house Anderson, Robert, Banff coach guard, Merchant Irvine, Alexander Forbes, of Drum and Schivas street {non-resident) Anderson, Miss A., teacher, Maiden street Jamieson, George, farmer, Mains of Murtle Anderson, John, feuar, Rose street Kempt, Robert, grain merchant, Mill of Murtle Anderson, Mrs., E., Jamaica street Kyle, Captain Alexander, of Binghill Anderson, William, provision dealer, Queen street Leith, James, farmer, Home-farm of Binghill Anderson, William, vintner, Seagate street Lyon, William, surgeon, Waukmill Anderson, Miss E., Queen street Marshall, James, millwright and house carpenter Anderson, Mrs., of Ellishill Massie, James, farmer, Hilton Anderson, George G., solicitor, shipowner, &c, Mellis, William, farmer, Gairu Mile-end Milne, James, farmer, South Lasts Arbuthnot, Robert, of Mountpleasant, Bath street Morren, Andrew and James, farmers, Loanhead Arbuthnot, James, of Invernettie, Broad street Nicol, David, farmer, Overanguston Arbuthnot, William, of Dens, Maiden street Rennie, Alexander, farmer, Craigton Arbuthnot, George, shipmaster, Marischal street Shand, John, miller, Denmill • Arbuthnot, Thomas, of Meethill Sharp, Peter, constable, Murtle-cottages Arbuthnott, Misses, of Willowbank Simpson, James, farmer, Mains of Countesswells Arthur, Andrew, druggist, Marischal street Sinclair, William, farmer, Milltimber Arthur, George, shipmaster, Merchant street Smith, Alexander, farmer, Leuchar Baird, Alexander, farmer and feuar, Buchanhaven Smith, John, schoolmaster, and inspector of poor Balfour, William, teacher of dancing, James-st. 212 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Bannerman, J. carter, Uphill lane Craig, John, saddler, and boot and shoemaker, Barclay, John, farmer, Glendaveny Broad street Baxter, Mrs., Charlotte street Creighton, Alexander, wood merchant and farmer, Beaton, Miss, Kirk street Windmill, Queen street Bell, James, and Co., fishcurers, Keith Inch Cross, Kenneth, fiesher and provision dealer, Long- Beverly, Thomas, shipmaster (Rapid) Jamaica-st. gate street Birnie, John, blacksmith and horse shoer, Kirk-st. Cruden, Andrew, farmer, Clnbscross Birnie, John, and Co., linen and woollen drapers, Cruickshank, Miss, dressmaker, York street Broad street Cruickshank, John, grocer and spirit dealer, Ellis Birnie, John, fiesher, Broad street street Birnie, Robert, shipmaster (Columbia) Broad street Cruickshank, David, farmer, Auchtygall Birnie, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, Lon- Cumming, Mrs., provision dealer, Backgate street gate street Cunningham, John, boot and shoemaker, Marischal Blance, Mrs., vintner, Marine parade street Bothwell, Mrs., vintner, Backgate street Currie, John, hairdresser, Rose street Bonar, James, carter, Jamaica street Dalrymple, Miss, lodgings, Maiden street Boyd, Andrew, procurator fiscal, &c, Jamaica street Dalzell, Alexander, driver, Royal Mail Coach, Ja- Boyd, William, solicitor, Jamaica street maica street Boyd, William, architect. Maiden street Daniel, Robert, auctioneer and sheriff-officer, Ma- Boyd, Mrs. William, lodgings, James street rischal street Brand, Robert, farmer, Wester Barnyards Daniel, James, draper, Marischal street Brand, Charles, farmer and miller, Ravenscrag Daniel, Thomas, Aberdeen carrier, Threadneedle Bremner, Thomas J., agent, Commercial Bank, street Jamaica street Davidson, Jas., boot and shoemaker, Marischal st. Brodie, Ann, keeper of News Rooms Davidson, Alexander, fiesher, Broad street Brooks, Robert, inland revenue officer, Cairntrodle Davidson, John, fiesher, Marischal street Brown, John, shipowner and manager, St. Peter Davidson, John, corn merchant, Marine parade street Davidson & Watt, saw & barley mills, Invernettie Brown, Alexander, shipowner, Charlotte s'reet Deans, Andrew, boot and shoemaker, Broad street Brown, Charles, tailor, Merchant street Dickie, Wm. cooper, manager, (for W. J. Simpson, Brown, Mrs., grocer, Maiden street Boddam) Kirk street Bruce, Alex., shipmaster, (Margaret) James street Donald, Mrs., Queen street Bruce, Alexander, vintner, Boddam Donald, Rev. James, Chapel of Ease, Boddam Bruce, Donald, grocer, spirit dealer, and cooper, Donaldson, Thomas, ground-officer for Merchant Ellis street Maiden Hospital, Grange Bruce, William, farmer, Burnside, Cocklaw Dow, William, Aberdeen carrier and carter, Maris- Bryson, James, fiesher, Broad street chal street Buehan, Mrs. provision dealer, lodgings, Jamaica-st. Dow, Charles, carter, Windmill street Burnett, Miss, baker, Albion street Duncan, Mrs., vintner, Kirk street Burnett, Peter, shipmaster, St. Andrew street Duncan, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, Ma- Cardno, William, shipmaster, (Ranger) Love-lane rischal street Cardno, Miss B., dressmaker, Kirk street Duncan. Mrs., washing and dressing, Thistle street Catto, George, tea aud spirit dealer, Marischal st. Dunn, Peter, Governor of Prison, Princes street Catto, Isabella, grocer and spirit dealer, Broad-st. Duthie, Mrs. Ann, St. Peter street Catto, Miss Margaret, milliner, St Andrew street Duthie, James, shipmaster, (Hero) Jamaica street Chalmers, John, fishcurer, Queen street Edward, John, ship chandler, Union street Chapman, Alexander, shipmaster, (Active,) Marine Ellis, Nathaniel, boot and shoemaker, Errol street Chivas, Alex., (Parish Mains) Mains of Boddam Ellis, John, boot aud shoemaker, Rose street parade Elmslie, Mrs., vintner, Seagate street Christian, Charles, vintner, Crooked-lane Elrick, William, keeper of Arbuthnot Museum, Christie, Mrs. George, Marischal street Union street Christie, Alex., shipmaster, (Betsy) Queen street Engledow, Charles, Rector of Academy, St. Peter Christie, Charles, grocer and mealseller, Longate street street Engledow, Mrs., ladies' school, Jamaica street Clark, J. & A., millers and coru merchants, Mer- Ewan, David, inspector of poor, Kirk street chant street Ewan, David, jun., shipmaster (Mary Ann Hender- Clark, Alexander, baker, grocer and spirit dealer, son^ Kirk street Marischal street Ewen, John, collector of poor's rates, Jamaica-st. Clark, James, carter and provision dealer, Back-st. Farquhar, Andrew, watch & clockmaker, Marischal Clark, James, miller, Invernettie street Clark, John, confectioner, Rose street Farquhar, Mrs. R., grocer and stoneware merchant, Cockburn, John, baker, Ellis street Marischal street Coghill, David, accountant, Commercial Bank, Farquharson, Peter, mason, Backgate street Queen street Fettes, William, farmer, Crossfolds Comrie, John D., surgeon, St. Peter street Findlay, Mrs., vintner, Buchanhaven Cormack, Mrs., board and lodgings, James street Findlay, Janet, provision dealer, Longate street Cormack, William, vintner, North street Finnie, James, tailor, Marischal street Cowan, David, shipmaster, (Mazinthien) Queen-st. Finnie, Robert, tailor, Rose street Cow, George, joiner, Longate street Florance, John, & Co., blacksmiths, Shiprow Cowie, John, vintner, Kirk street Florance, James, blacksmith, Marine parade Cowie, John, cabinet maker and turner, Thistle-st. Forbes, James, artist, Invernettie brick work Cowie, Robert, builder, Merchant street Forbes, James, gardener and ropemaker, Kirk-st. Cowie, Alexander, fiesher, Marine Parade Forbes, James, carter, Maiden street Cowie, John, blacksmith, Invernettie Forbes, James, druggist, Broad street Cruden, George, herring curer, Maiden street Forbes, William, carter, Kirk street NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 213

Forbes, Keith, solicitor, insurance agent, &c, Henderson, James & Son, painters, carvers, & Lodge walk gilders, Broad street Forrest, Thomas, carter, Erroll street Henderson, James, farmer, Windyhills Forrest, William, boot and shoemaker, Chapel-st. Henderson, James, farmer, Moorhill fisher, Buohanhaven Forsyth, William, horse-hirer, and royal mail coach Henderson, , salmon guard, Jamaica street Henderson, Seton, farmer, Blackhills Fowler, William, blacksmith, Rose street Henderson, Mrs., St. Peter street Fox, J., chief boatman, coast guard, Keith Inch Henderson, Mrs., lodgings, Merchant street Fraser, Mrs. E., Charlotte street Henderson, Miss J., Broad street Fraser, Miss, teacher, Charlotte street Henry, Charles, teacher, Academy, St. Peter-st. Fraser, Alex., joiner, Longate street Henry, F., shipmaster, (Commerce) Shiprow Fraser, John, foreman for Robert Mitchell and Son, Henry, Jane, provision dealer, Merchant street founders, St. Peter street Henry, John, shipmaster, (Mary) James street Gall, Peter ground officer, (for the Right Hon. the Herd, Alex., turner and toy dealer, Marischal-st. Earl of Aberdeen) Boddara Hutchison, Alex., shipmaster, (Traveller) Spring- Gall, William, coach porter, &c, North street field Gamack, Wm., post-master, solicitor, &c, Jamaica Hutchison, Jas„ of Springfield, rope & sailmaker, street Keith Inch Gansoc, Thomas, carter, Backgate street Hutchison, James, auctioneer, messenger-at-arms, Gavin, George, blacksmith, Downiehills &c., Queen street Gavin, George, tide surveyor, James street Hutchison, John, of Monyruy, shipowner & mana- Gibb, John, farmer, Cowsrieve ger, Keith Inch grocers, spirit dealers, Gibson, George, collector of shore-dues, Uphill lane Hutchison, John and Co , Gibson, James, tinsmith, St. Andrew street &c, Broad street Gordon, Alex., (manager, M'Donald & Leslie's Hutchison, Robt., of Cairngall, shipowner, brewer, Quarries) Stirlinghill &c, Merchant street Gordon, Charles, grocer, and boot and shoemaker, Hutchison, Mrs. Ann, Marine parade Kirk street Hutchison, Misses, Marine parade Gordon, John, bottler, Erroll street Hutchison, Mrs., clothes-dealer, St. Peter street Grant, James, carter and vintner, Maiden street Hutton, Thomas, tide surveyor, Keith Inch Grant, James, jun., Royal Oak, Tolbooth wynd Hutton, Miss J., dressmaker, Kirk street Grant, John, corn merchant, Maiden street Imlah, Grant, messenger-at-arms, horse-hirer, &c, Grant, Robert, tailor and grocer, Marischal street Marishal street Grant, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, Bridge^street Imlah, James, carter, Kirk street Gray, Adam, proprietor of Broad place Ingram, Alexander, manager, (for J. Bell & Co.. Gray & Boyd, agents, Aberdeen Bank,& solicitors, fish curer), Union street Jamaica street Innes, James, teacher, Invernettie Gray, Alexander, carter, Princes street Irvine, Rev. Alexander, parish church, Manse Gray, David, shipmaster (Active) Queen street Jamieson, Patrick, surgeon, Marischal street Gray, Hector, town drummer and cutler, Marischal Jamieson, Patrick, jun., M.D., Marischal street street Jamieson, Alexander, herring curer, for A. Murray, Gray, James, fishcurer, Longate street Whitehills, Keith Inch Gray, John, shipmaster (Eclipse) Keith Inch Johnston, James, commission & custom house Gray, John, jun., shipmaster (Queen) Keith Inch agent, Marine parade street Gray, William, quarrier, Stirlinghill Johnston, John, shipmaster, (Vivid) Union St. Andrew-st. Gray, Miss M., St. Peter street Johnston, Pet., boot and shoemaker, Gray, Rod., provost, factor for Merchant Maiden Johnston, Mrs. J., midwife, Kirk street Hospital, &c, Jamaica street Joss, Wm., shipmaster, (Brilliant) James street Gray, Rod., jun., accountant, Aberdeen Bank Joss, Mrs., lodgings, Queen street Gray, Rod., Broad place Keith, Alexander, baker, Broad street dealer, Long- Gregory & Fraser, house and ship painters, Marine Kennedy, Alexander, grocer & spirit parade gate street spirit merchant, Gregory, Helen, milliner, St. Peter street Kidd, Andrew, grocer, wine and Greig, Alexander, tailor, Marischal street Marine parade merchant, Greig, George, overseer at Meethill Kidd, Robert, grocer, wine and spirit Greig. James, joiner and cabinetmaker, Kirk street Broad street Greig, William, coast guard, Keith Inch Kidd, John, farmer, Tortiston Hall, James, provision dealer, Maiden street Kidd, William, Roundhillock Hall, John, blacksmith and vintner, Boddam King, Charles & Co., shipsmiths, Keith Inch Harvey, Rev. Robert (Congregational Chapel) Knox, Peter, baker, Broad street County Thistle street Knox, Thos,, agent for Aberdeen Town & street Hay, Alexander, shipmaster, Maiden street Bank, and stamp distributor, Broad Repository, Prince's Hay, Alexander, boot and shoemaker, St. Andrew Laing, Jas., Hotel and Horse street street Hay, Francis M'D. & Co., tinsmiths, Marischal-st. Laing, Miss, of Haddo, Marine parade Hay, James, & Son, leather dealers, and boot and Laing, Alex., farmer, Collilaw shoemakers, St. Andrew street Laing, William, farmer, Hillhead, Grange Hay, John, grocer & stoneware merchant, Chapel Laird, William, carter, Threadneedle street street Law, James, shipmaster, (William Edwards) Mer- Hay, Thomas, watch & clock maker, Marischal-st. chant street Hayton, P., collector of customs, Queen street Lawrance, T. & C, grocers, wine & spirit mer- Henderson, David, teacher, Parish School, St. chants, shipowners, and managers, Long- Peter street gate street Henderson, George, grocer, Kirk street Lawrance, John, carter, Tolbooth wynd Henderson, Peter, grocer, Queen street Lazenby & Hardcastle, teachers, St. Peter's School 214 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Lawrie, William, merchant, New Seat Milne, William, sexton and church officer, Kirk-st, Leed, Miss, Mains of Cocklaw Mitchell, Alex., coachbuilder, Maiden street Lemmon, John, farmer, Mains of Boddam Mitchell, Alexander, slater and farmer, Damhead, Leask, Miss M. G., teacher, Kirk street Maiden street Leith, George P., surveyor of taxes, Kirk street Mitchell, David, and Co., silk mercers and drapers, Leslie, Thomas, bookseller Kirk street Marischal street Leslie, William, fishcurer, Seagate street Mitchell, James, manufacturer, Marischal street Leslie, John, Sheriff-officer, Maiden street Mitchell, George, shipmaster (Rose) James street Lindsay, Alex., boot and shoemaker. Rose street Mitchell, Wm., ironmonger, wine and porter mer Lockie, J. A. & Co., wood merchants, cabinet- chant, Broad street makers, and joiners, Merchant street Mitchell, Robt. & Son, ironfounders, coachbuildrs, Loggie, James, tide surveyor, Lodge Walk &c, Maiden street Loggie, William, (Roman Catholic Chapel) St. Mitchell, John, manager for H. Benjamin, fish- Peter street curer, Uphill lane Loggie, William, fish curer, Bath street Mitchell, Thomas E., bread and biscuit baker, Logan, George, farmer, Wellington place Rose street London & Leith Shipping Co., G. Mudie, manager, Mitchell, Miss, dressmaker, St. Peter street office. Marine parade Mitchell, Mrs. J., lodgings, Marine parade Lunnan & Robertson, shipbuilders, Seagate street Moffat, John, herring curer, Keith Inch Lumsden, Jas., chemist, druggist, and dentist, Mer- Morrison, Alexander, farmer, Clerkhill chant street Morrison, James, gardener, Eden Cottage Lyall, James, parish schoolmaster 85 session- Morrice, Jas., shoemaker, Kirk street clerk, Prince's street Morrison, Jas., accountant of N. of S. Bank, and Macdonald, John, flesher, Queen street manager, Savings Bank, Longate street Macdonald, Thomas, fishery officer, Charlotte street Morrison, Robert, baker, shipowner and manager, Macdonald, Daniel, harbour engineer, Bridge-st. Longate street Macdonald, Miss, provision dealer, Marischal street Morrison, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, Longate-st. Macintosh, James, grocer and spirit dealer, Ma- Morrison, Miss, dressmaker, Longate street rischal street Moir, John, of St. Catherine's Lodge Macintosh, John, manager, Gas Co., and Downie- Murrrson, Alexander, shipmaster, (James and hills Brickwork, Wallace street Thomas) James street Mackenzie, Alex., flesher, Broad street Mudie, George, bookseller and stationer, St. An- Mackenzie, Hector, flesher and vintner, Erroll-st. drew street Mackie, George, feuar, Cairntrodlie Mundy, E., vintner, Shiprow Mackie, George, confectioner, Longate street Munro, William, mason, Back street Mackie, James, teacher, parochial school, Boddam Murdoch, John, shipowner, Seagate street Mackie, John, shipmaster, (Dublin) Ronheads Murray, Alex., bone and saw mills, Broad street Mackie, William, shipmaster, (Elizabeth Middleton) Murray, Alex., tinsmith, Marischal street Union street Murray, Alexander, farmer, Blackhouse Mackie, Mrs. Agnes, Queen street Murray, George, ragged school teacher, and boot Mackie, Mrs. William, Queen street and shoemaker, Queen street Maitland, Alex., grocer, Lodge Walk Murray George, schoolmaster, Downiehills Maitland, George, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, Murray, George, farmer, Balmoor &c, Marischal street Murray, James, overseer for Wm. Alexander of Maitland, Robert, sheriff clerk-depute, &c, Maiden Springhill street Murray, John, farmer, Buckie Maitland, Miss, milliner, Lodge Walk Murray, William, grocer and spirit dealer, Seagate Manson, Donald, shipmaster, Jamaica street street Manson, Misses, milliners & dressmakers, Jamaica M'Glashan, John, brewer and farmer, Invernettie street M'Lean, Donald, foreman, rope-work Marshall, John, boot and shoemaker, New Seat M'Leod, Mrs., provision dealer Marshall, Miss M., Maiden street M'Leod, Mrs., grocer, Kirk street Marshall, Mrs. M., St. Peter street M'Pherson, Donald, plasterer, Queen street Martin, Robert, shipmaster, (Intrepid) Maiden-st. M'Pherson, George, stoneware dealer, Longate-st. Martin, Robt., jun., shipmaster, (Victor) Maiden-st. M'Tavish, Miss, milliner, merchant street Masson, Henry, joiner, "Thistle street Napier, John, fish curer, Keith Inch Masson, Rev. Joshua, (Methodist Chapel) Uphill- Niven, Alexander, commission agent, &c, Queen lane street . Mathew, Andrew, watch and clockmaker, Rose-st. Niven, Charles,-ginger-beer brewer, & spirit dealer, Mathew, James, grocer, boot and shoemaker, &c, Marischal street Longate street Noble, William, carter, Chapel st. Mess, James, farmer, Easter Barnyards Niddrie, David, farmer, Gateside, Cocklaw Mess, Miss, Maiden street Noble, Charles, of Berryhill Middleton, James, shipmaster, (Enterprise) Back-st. O'Neil, William, coast guard, Keith Inch Milne, Alex., ironmonger, Broad street Park, Robert, cart an1 plough wright, Kirk street Milne, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, Ellis-st. Paul & Niven, corn merchants, insurance agents, Milne, Alex., blockmaker, Marine parade &c, James street Milne, John, clerk, Maiden street Paul, George, of Newseat, Jamaica street Milne, John, manager, (J. Hutchison's boil-yard) Peach, Charles, Comptroller of Customs, Maiden Keith Inch street Milne, Alex., provision dealer, Backgate street Penny, Mrs., Maiden street Milne, Alex, and Co., grocers and spirit dealers, Philip, George, vintner, Fish lane Longate street Philip, Thomas, shipowner, Jamaica street Milne, James, boot and shoemaker, Broad street Pirrie, Mrs, lodgings, Marine parade Milne, Robert, fruiterer and china dealer, Union-st. Pirrie, Miss, milliner, Marine parade NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 215

Pope, Mrs., & Co., vintners, Union street Scott, Alexander, letter carrier, &c, Longate-street Porter, George, coal broker, Chapel street Scott, George, joiner, St. Andrew street Porter, James, attendant, Drawbridge & Harbour Scott, James, shipbuilder, Bridge street Lights, Keith Inch Scott, James, fish-curer, Windmill street Post Office, Jamaica street, first door west side Scott, John, coal-broker, Marine parade Pyper, Andrew, grocer &c, Marischal street Scott, John, boot and shoemaker, Longate street Pyper, John, builder, Maiden street Scott, Joseph, shipmaster, (Kate) Queen street Park, George, farmer, Smithykill Scott, William, bookbinder, Jamaica street Park, William, farmer, Cowhills Scott, William A., tailor, Broad street Paul, James, farmer, Burnside, Boddam Scott, William, farmer, Gateside, Sandford Pratt, Mrs., South Mains of Boddam Sellar, James, shipmaster, (Gem) Marischal street Ramsay, W. B., hairdresser, Rose street Sellar, Geo., shipmaster (Agostina) Marine parade Rankin, Thomas, gardener, and clothes' dealer, Long- Sellar, Miss, teacher, Longate street gate street Sharp, James, shipmaster, (North of Scotland) Reid, Charles, coal broker, Backgate street Chapel street Reid, David, shipmaster, Keith Inch Sharp, John, letter-carrier, Chapel street Reid, James, bookseller and stationer, Broad street Shearer, Thomas, blockmaker, Marine parade Reid, James, carter, Marischal street Shepherd, William, baker, Longate street Reid, John, shipmaster, (Xanthus) Shiprow Shewan, Andrew, umbrella-maker, Kirk street Reid, William, baker and grocer, Broad street Shewan, William, currier, Longate street Reid, Mrs., vintner and lodgings, Marischal street Shivas, Alexander, merchant, Broad street Reid, Mrs., vintner, Keith Inch Shivas, Miss, teacher, Lodge walk Reid, Mrs., midwife, Marischal street Sievewright, Paul, grocer, Fish lane Reid, Mrs., vintner, Boddam Silver, Francis, spirit dealer, Queen street Ritchie, David, farmer, Newton of Auchtygall Sim, Mrs., midwife, Marischal street Ritchie, John, & Co., preserved provision mer- Simpson, James, coach builder, and cart and plough chants, Kirk street wright, Princes street Robb, George, coalbroker, Cairntrodlie Simpson, William and James, fish and pork curers, Robb, James, feuar, Kirk street Broad street Robb, George, gardener, Kirk street Simpson, Mrs. James, St. Andrew street Robb, James, mealseller and gardener, Merchant Sinclair, John, grocer and vintner, Seagate street street Sinclair, Magnus, rural policeman, Kirk street Robb, John, gardener, Grange Sinclair, William, carter, Marischal street Robb, William, farmer, Grange Skelton, James, of Newton of Sandford, Sheriff- Robb, William, woollen manufacturer, Millbank, substitute, Sandford Lodge Boddam Skelton, Mrs. George, Marine parade Robertson, Alex., shipmaster, (Margaret & Jane) Skelton, Mrs. John, Bath street Merchant street Skinner, James, hat manufacturer, James street Robertson, Alexander, shipowner, Broad street Slessor, George, shoemaker, Erroll street

Robertson, Alex., solicitor, insurance agent, &c , Smart, William, baker, York street St. Andrew street Smith, Alex., shipmaster, (Lady Eleanor) Longate Robertson, Brothers, drapers, &c, Broad street street Robertson, Francis, shipbuilder, Jamaica street Smith, Alexander, boot and shoemaker, Marischal Robertson, James, shipmaster, (Pomona) Shiprow street Robertson, John, vintner, Meethill Smith, Cosmo, spirit dealer, Chapel street Robertson, Thomas, shipowner & manager, Broad Smith, James, police officer, Lodge walk street Smith, James, manager for Old Shipping Company's Robertson, Thomas, fish curer, Maiden street Boil-yard, Keith Inch Robertson, William, blacksmith and horse-skoer, Smith, John, of Hayfield Marischal street Smith, Thomas, & Co., woollen manufacturers, Robertson, William, manager, Skelton's Boilyard, Kirk street Keith Inch Smith, William, town-seijeant, sheriff- officer, &c, Robertson, William, carter, Windmill street Jamaica street Robertson, William, accountant, (Town & County Smith, John, carter, Cairntrodlie Bank) and shipowner, Merchant street Somerville, Rev. Alex., (Congregational Chapel) Robertson, Robert, shipmaster, (Fairy) Maidenst, Crossfolds Robertson, Mrs. Alex., Longate street Souttar, James, grocer, Queen street Robertson, Miss, milliner, Maiden street Souttar, John, shipowner, Uphill-lane Robertson, Misses, milliners and dressmakers, St. Souttar, John, principal light keeper, Buchanness Andrew street Light-house Rorison, Rev. Gilbert, (Episcopal Chapel Parsonage) Souttar, William, baker, Backgate street St. Peter street Spence, William, solicitor, insurance agent, &c, Ross, Arthur, manager, Coal and Lime Co., Maid- Broad street en street Stephen & Forbes, boat builders, Bridge street Ross, David, tailor, Marischal street Stephen, James, attendant, billiard-room, Lodge Royal Mail Coach Office, J. Lumsden, clerk, Mer- Walk chant street Stephen, James, vintner, Boddam Saint, George, grocer and spirit dealer, Broad-st. Stephen, James, post-master and grocer, Boddam Sangster, Alex., & Co., blacksmith and millwrights, Stephen, David, coal broker, Ronheads Thistle street Stevenson, Alexander, (Graving-dock Master) Back- Sangster, James, of Newfield gate street Saunders, George, painter, Broad place Stewart, Alexander, shipmaster, (Perseverance) Saunders, James, boot and shoemaker, Marischal Queen street street Stewart, Lewis, dyer, Maiden street Saunders, William, boot and shoemaker, Unionst. Stewart, Mrs., Queen street 216 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Stott, George, cabinet maker and joiner, Chapel-st. Whyte, George, income tax assessor, and land street Stott, James, shipmaster, (Holyrood) Broad street surveyor, Maiden Strachan, William, merchant, Marischal street Whyte, Mrs. John, bath-keeper, Wallace street Stuart, Alexander, builder, St. Peter street Will, J. H. & Co., Fish-curers, Windmill street Stuart, Charles, mealseller, Kirk street Will, Charles, gardener, Washing-house Stuart, James, currier and candle maker, Kirk-st. Williamson, Mrs., provision dealer, Longate street Stuart, Peter, printer, Broad street Wilson, Andrew, fish-curer, Longate street Stuart, Wm. and James, gardeners, Constitution-st. Wilson, James, stoneware dealer, Marine parade Stuart, Wm., plasterer, St. Peter street Wilson, Mrs., stoneware dealer, Marischal street Sullivan and Co., brokers, Longate street Wiseman, William, vintner, Union street Sutherland, Alexander, flesher, Rose street Young, John, merchant, shipowner and manager, Sutherland, John, manager for J. Methuen, Lodge Broad street walk Young and Heslop, boot and shoemakers, Longate Sutherland, John, slater and grocer, Longate-st. street Suttar, Alex., berthing-master, Seagate street Yuill, Rev. James, (Free Church Manse) Queenst. Suttar, Jn., grocer and spirit dealer, Marine parade Yule, James, shipowner, Cairntrodlie Tawse, Mrs., Crown Tavern, Marischal street Yule, James, jun., shipowner, and manager for In- Taylor, John, lodgings, Jamaica street vernettie Brick and Tile, Company, Cairn- Taylor, William L., bookseller and stationer, Ma- trodlie rischal street Taylor, William, shipmaster, Keith Inch Tennant, George, (Parish) cart and plough wright, Downiehills PITSLIGO. Tennant, Robert, fruiterer, Longate street Tennant, Mrs. P., provision dealer, Longate street Anderson, Misses, vintners, Rosehearty James, mealseller, Albion street Thorn, Arthur, Alex., boot and shoemaker, upholsterers, Peathill Thomson, Allan J ., cabinet makers & Balfour, Rev. William, United Presbyterian Broad place Church, Rosehearty Thomson, John, hairdresser, Longate street Barron, George, cartwright, Ardlaw Thomson, William, grocer, Kirk street Beedie, Mrs., Mains of Ardlaw Thomson, John, Lieut. Coast Guard, St. Peter- st. Birnie, William, farmer, Knaparts Tod, Chas., collector of shore-dues, St. Peter-st. Birnie, John, merchant, Ardlaw Tod, William, manager for Bone and Saw Mills Brown, Alexander, blacksmith, Rosehearty Joint-stock Co., St. Peter street Brown, David, farmer, Rosehearty Torry, Miss, St. Peter street Bruce, Alexander, merchant & spirit dealer, Tough, Miss, grocer, Union street Rosehearty Turriff, William, tailor, Longate street Bruce, John, shoemaker, Rosehearty Turner, James, provision dealer, Erroll street Brebner, James, farmer, Craigiebanks Turner, Keith, fish-curer, Maiden street Chessor, James, farmer, Craigiebanks Urquhart, Donald, provision dealer, Back street Chessor, George, farmer, Percyhorner Urquhart, Robert, surgeon, Merchant street Cowie, Mrs., farmer, Peathill Volum, William, shipowner and farmer, Clarkhill Cruden, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Walker, Andrew, shipmaster, (Resolution) Queen Pittulie Chapman, Robert, farmer & cart wright, Rose- street hearty Walker, John, boot and shoemaker, Longate street Cowie, William, farmer, Lochbowie Walker, Robert, shipmaster, (Union) Keith Inch Davidson, John, cartwright, Percyhorner Walker, Alexander, of South Balmoor Dunlop, William, merchant fishcurer, Walker, George, of Balmoor & Rose- hearty Walker, Robert, of Richmond Elphinston, Alexander, baker, Rosehearty Walker, Thomas, How of Buchan Forrest, George, wright, Sandhaven Wallace, Alexander, shipmaster, (Hamilton Ross) Marine parade Galloway, Robert, bricktnaker, Sandhaven Garden, Miss, Bracopark Wallace, Joseph, tailor, Marischal street Garden, William, land surveyor, Wallace, Mrs., provision dealer, Marischal street Bracopark Warrander, Robert, cooper, Shiprow Gibb, Robert, Mill of Sandhaven Charles & William, boatbuilders Waters, David, assistant keeper, Buchanness Light- Gordon, house Gordon, George, merchant, Rosehearty Pitsligo Watson, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, Ma- Hume, Rev. K., Manse, rine parade Kellman, George, shoemaker, Sandhaven James, farmer, Fisherbridge Watson, David, tailor, Merchant street Laing, Watson, Henry, Royal Hotel, & shipmaster, (Alert) Leask, William, vintner, Sandhaven Merchant street Leslie, George, carter, Rosehearty Watson, John, corn merchant, Maiden street Lorrimer, William, farmer, Smithyhillock Watson, John, sen., boot and shoemaker, Broad-st. M'Donald, Alexander, farmer, Pittendrum Watson, John, grocer, boot and shoemaker, Maris- M'Ewing, vintner, Rosehearty chal street Malcolm, John, vintner, Rosehearty Watson, William, furnishing tailor, Marischal-st. Manson, William, carter, Rosehearty Watt, George, provision dealer, Queen street Matthew, Peter, smith, Rosehearty Webster, George, linen and woollen draper, Broad Milne, Alexander, farmer, Knowhead street Milne, James, Castle, farmer, Pitsligo Webster, James, painter, Albion street Milne, James, farmer, Netherton Webster, Thomas, Academy porter and cabinet M'Rae, Colin, blacksmith, Pittendrum maker, St. Peter street Middleton, Robert, farmer, Perciehorner Wedderburn, Mrs., vintner, Seagate street Morrison, Thomas, farmer, Stonebridge White, Alexander, coppersmith, Broad street Murray, John, merchant, Peathill - NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY . 517

Murdoch, Rev. James, Free Church, Rosehearty Henderson, Arthur, farmer, Da'es Penny, John, farmer, Cairnsleed Isaac, George, sen., carpenter, Gadiedale Pittendrigh, John, farmer. Bodychell Isaac, George, jun., carpenter, Gadiedale Rao, Alexander, farmer, Moss-side Ledingham, Alex., blacksmith, Mill of Barns Rae, Alexander, merchant, Rosehearty Ledingham, John, feuar. blacksmith, Auchleven Riddle, John, shoemaker, and D.C. of the poor, Ledingham, William, flesher. Broadmire Rosehearty Leslie, James, farmer, Mains of Liklyhead Robertson, Thomas, merchant and postmaster, Mann, Rev. John, A.M. schoolmaster, Premnay Rosehearty Martin, Alexander, feuar, shoemaker, Auchleven Ritchie, Alexander, fishcurer, Rosehearty Martin, John, feuar, Hawthorn Cottage Ritchie, Robert, surgeon, Rosehearty Mathieson, William, farmer, Cobbleseat Rennie, Thomas, farmer, Hillhead M'Combie, Rev. Robert, minister, (Free Church) Robertson, Alexander, farmer, Ardlaw Waukmill Robertson, William, farmer, Broomhill Mitchell, Robert, farmer, Wellside Ritchie, James, merchant and bailie, Rosehearty Mitchell, David, shoemaker, Broadmire Read, James, cooper and fishcurer, Sandhaven Morrison, James, carpenter, Tillymuick Sim, George (Raffey) fisherman and harbour MKay, John, feuar, manufacturer, Auchleven master, Sandhaven Mortimer, William, shoemaker, Broadford Skinner, Alexander, farmer, Cairns, Pittulie Mortimer, James, farmer, Newton Skinner, William, farmer, Cairns, Pittulie Ogston, George, feuar, merchant, Auchleven Skinner, William, innkeeper, Rosehearty Paul], Robert, farmer, Bankend of Rothnay Sleigh, Charles, A.M.. schoolmaster and inspector Philip, James, tailor, Auchleven of poor, Pitsligo Robb, George, carpenter, Kirriemuir Smart, George, James and William, wrights, Reid, Alexander, mason, Kirriemuir Rosehearty Reid, William, shoemaker, Hillbrae Smith, John, farmer, Boghead Reid, John, jun., farmer. Mill of Barns Strachan, John, farmer, Peathill Scott, David, farmer, Edderlick Strachan, Alexander, carter, Peathill Sharp, William, sen., farmer, Sunside Sutherland, John, farmer, Moss-side Smith, Alexander, weaver, Auchleven Taylor, James, & Co., boatbuilders, Rosehearty Smith, Alexander, farmer, Middleton Walls, William, farmer, Craigiefold Smith, John, miller, Auchleven Wallace, James, farmer, Pittendrum Stewart, William, farmer, Waukmill Wallace, William, house proprietor, Rosehearty Taylor, William, mason, Tillymuick Walker, James, shoemaker, Rosehearty Thorn, John, farmer, Ladywell of Rothnay Walker, William, weaver, Rosehearty Thomson, Adam, miller, Mill of Rothnay Watt, James, merchant, Rosehearty Thomson, William, mason, Bogside Watt, William, shoemaker, Rosehearty Tough, Alexander, farmer, Clayford Watson, David, farmer, Brunthill Tough, James, shoemaker, Auchleven Youngson, Alexander, baker, Rosehearty Troup, James, mason, Kirriemuir Wilson, Peter, farmer, Kirkton Wilson, Rev. John, minister, Premnay Wilson, George, farmer, Oldtown of Rothnay Wisely, Alexander, weaver, Broadmire PEEINAY. Wisely, Peter, mason, Burnside

Anderson, John, feuar, Auchleven Anderson, Peter, farmer, Counterford Brewster, Robert, tailor, Premnay Village Brown, David, farmer, Edingarrock RATHEI. Clark, James, mason, Moss-side of Overhall Cruickshank, Peter, (Free Church) schoolmaster, Anderson, George, farmer, Whiteside Counterford Birnie, James, merchant, Memsie Cormack, William, carter, Premnay Village Birnie, William, farmer, Newmill Cowie, Peter, farmer, Overhall Bisset, William, farmer, Greenhills, Cowie, James, farmer, North Mains of Overhall Buchan, Mr?., innkeeper, Cairnbulg Cowie, John.jun., wheelwright, Nether Mains of Campbell, William, farmer, Cortiebrae Overhall Catto, Robert, farmer, Overtown, Memsie Cooper, Alexander, farmer, Broomend Cobban, Rev. Alexander, Free Church, Whitecairn Cooper, John, farmer, Broomend Cock, Rev. John, F.M. Minister of Ratheu Cumming, George, plasterer, Auchleven Cordiner, W.F., Esq., J. P., Memsie Duffus, George, farmer, Backpark Cowie, Alexander, farmer, Cairndenity Emslie, James, farmer, Upper Edingarrock Cowie, Charles, farmer, Mill of Cairnbulg Emslie, James, farmer, Backbrae Cruickshank, George, auctioneer. Nether Cortes Emslie, James, feuar, carpenter, Auchleven Cruickshank, William, farmer, Ardmacron Ewen, George, weaver, Broadmire Cruickshank, George, gardener, Cortes Gauld, James, farmer. Westfield Cumine, Peter, farmer, Mill of Rathen Gauld, John, farmer, Kirkford Dawson, James, merchant, Rathen Gerrie, Andrew, farmer, New Mains of Leslie Gibb, John, farmer, Moss-side Quarryhead Gordon, Jas., jun., carpenter & farmer, Towmill Gray, William, millwright, Gray, Adam, farmer, Harestone Keith, Misses, Claystiles Cairnbulg Gray, John, merchant, Premnay Village Lawrence, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Gowanhill Guthrie, William, feuar, innkeeper, Premnay Lawrance, Jamieson, merchant, Village Ligertwood, Andrew, farmer, Middletack Hay, John, farmer, Netherhall Logie, Forsyth, farmer, Mains of Forest E e 218 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Lunan, George, merchant and postmaster, Cortes Davidson, John, farmer, Lawesk M'Robbie, George, farmer, Ferniebrae Davidson, John, blacksmith, Meikle Warthill Mathieson, George, parochial schoolmaster, Inver- Davidson, Peter, farmer, Drum of Cartle allochy Davidson, Samuel, surgeon, Meikle Warthill Mackie, Miss, teacher, female school, Rathen Dempster, William, wright, Meikle Warthill Milne, George and John, farmers, Flushing Diack, Alexander, farmer, Mastrick Milne, James, farmer, Craigiepots Diack, Andrew, farmer, Mosside of Warthill Mitchell, Joseph, farmer, Loanhead Diack, George, mason, Rockyden Murray, Alexander, gardener, Auchiries Diack, Peter, kirk officer, Rayne Murray, George, farmer, Redhouse Diack, John, farmer, Lawesk Nicol, John, miller, Rath en Dickie, James, moss-grieve, Drum of Cartle Ogg, Rev. Charles, Inverallochy Durno, Andrew, farmer, Bowmanston Ogston, John, letter-carrier, Cortes Durno, George, farmer, Cushiestown Park, George, lime quarries, Auchiries Durno, George, farmer, Oxenloan Park, John, farmer, Tophead Emslie, Alexander, late merchant, Oldrain Park, William, farmer, Strathellie Elmslie, James, postrunner, Warthill Penny, James, farmer, Hallmoss Farquhar, Alexander, merchant, Lochend Penny, John, farmer, Bankhead Florence, George, farmer, Loanhead Penny, John, farmer, Rathen Forbes, John, farmer, Bonnytown Robertson, William, farmer, Invernorth Florence, William, merchant, Drum Carthill Simpson, James, farmer, Fordale-house Fraser, Thomas, merchant tailor, Oldrain Slesser, Alexander, farmer, Stonehouse Gammey, John, farmer, Braeside of Rothmaise Stewart, James, furnishing tailor, Rathen Gilchrist, George, mason, Oldrain Strachan, William, merchant and fish-curer, Inver- Gordon, John, pensioner, Warthill allochy Grant, Andrew, blacksmith, Oldrain Strahan, Miss, of Cortes, Mormond-houee Gray, George, overseer, Freefield Summers, William, merchant, Memsie Harper, George, farmer, Meikle Warthill Watt, Duncan, farmer, Gowanfold Harvey, Arthur, of Tillygreig, farmer, Rothmaise Watt, Rev. John, parochial schoolmaster, inspector Hay, Alexander, blacksmith, Braeside of Roth- of poor and session clerk, Rathen Herd, James, farmer, Cushiestown [maise "Whyte, John, merchant, Inverallochy Home, Alexander, merchant and postmaster, Old- Home, Walter S., farmer, Oldrain [rain Howie, George, mason, Cushiestown Howie, James, tenant, Bonnytown EAYNE. Howie, William, farmer, Braeside of Rothmaise Ingram, James, shoemaker, Meikle Warthill Innes, George, farmer, Old Mill Alexander, William, sen., farmer, Meikle Warthill Johnston, George, farmer, Upper Tocher Alexander, William, jun , farmer, Meikle Warthill Kemp, James, farmer, Lawesk Allan, John, farmer, Kirktown of Rayne Lamb, John, blacksmith, Meikle Warthill Anderson, George, farmer, Callyhill Ledingham, George, farmer, Newtown Anderson, James, overseer, Callyhill Ledingham, James, farmer, Lawfold Anderson, James, farmer, Lochend Ledingham, James, farmer, Braeside of Rothmaise Anderson, John, farmer, Braeside of Rothmaise Ledingham, James, farmer, Irelandbank Anderson, John, farmer, Mains of Warthill Ledingham, John, farmer, Anderson, Bishopstown Peter, farmer, Pots of Rayne Leith, Lieut.-General Angus, Sir Alexander, K.C.B., of Adam, wright, Cockmoor Freefield Angus, John, wright, Dovehills Lepper, William, tailor, Linlush Auld, Alexander, overseer, Rothmaise Leslie, William, younger, of Warthill Bannerman, Peter, farmer, New Ravne Livingston, Alexander, contractor, K. of Rayne Beattie, Peter, farmer, Cockmoor Low, James, miller, Mill of Warthill Boddie, John, farmer, Upper Tocher M'Donald, Hugh, road contractor, Rayne Bower, John, dyer, Oldrain New M'Donald, Joseph, gamekeeper, Bonnytown Booth, George, farmer, Langside M'Leod, James, late blacksmith, Upper Tocher Brown, Alexander, farmer, Few Rayne Maitland, James, farmer, Mill of Bonnytown Brown, John, blacksmith, Cushiestown Maitland, Alexander, carpenter, Brown, John, farmer, Knowleys Upper Tocher Martin, John, farmer, Lower Tocher Christie, William, late blacksmith, Oldrain Mennie, Alexander, farmer, Cushiestown Christie, William, farmer, New Rayne Mennie, William, wright, Oldrain Cooper, Alexander, farmer, Drumfold Milne, John D., advocate, Cromwell-cottage Cooper, Alexander, farmer, Strathorn Middleton, T William, farmer, Cushiestown Cooper, M illiam, farmer, New Rayne Mitchell, Alexander, M D., surgeon, Oldrain Copland, John, merchant, Upper Tocher Moir, James, wright, Kirktown of Rayne Cruickshank, Charles, farmer, Kirktown of Rayne Mortimer, Alexander, tailor, New Rayne Cruickshank, George S., schoolmaster, Rayne Mortimer, James, farmer, Irelandbank Cruickshank, James, farmer, Barreldykes Mortimer, John, farmer, Sunside Cruickshank, John, toll-keeper, Drum of Cartiell Morrison, James, farmer, Cushiestown Cuming, Arthur, farmer, Lower Tocher Morren, Andrew, farmer, Loanhead Cuming, Christian, merchant, Lower Tocher Mutch, William, butcher, Cockmoor Crane, Alexander, shoemaker, Upper Tocher Neish, William, schoolmaster, Meikle Warthill Cushny, Rev. Alexander, minister, Rayne Nicolson, Robert, farmer, Lawesk Davidson, Alexander, cooper, Warthill Packman, John, farmer, Oldrain Davidson, George, farmer, Cockmoor Peter, George, farmer, Rockyden Davidson, John, farmer, Northside Philip, Alexander, farmer, Kirktown of Rayne NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 219

Philip, Alexander, farmer, Rosehill Gerrie, Robert, Rhynie Philip, George, farmer, Broombrae Gordon, John, farmer, Mains of Rhynie Philp, Alexander, farmer, Liwesk Gordon, Robert, farmer, Mains of Rhynia Pittendrigh, James, blacksmith, Bonnytown Grant, John, farmer, Brae of Essie Poison, David, miller, Oldrain Grant, John, farmer, Windyfield Reith, William, shoemaker, Kirktown of Rayne Hardie, Alexander, farmer, Windyfield Riddle, Joseph, farrier, Bonnytown Hay, John, farmer, Brae of Essie Robertson, George, stonecutter, Braeside of Roth- Howie, Mrs., innkeeper maise Horn, Alexander, farmer, Brae Robertson, Alexander, farmer, Tocherford Innes, Urquhart, miller, Mill of Lesmoir Robertson, Alexander, contractor, Lawesk Knight, James, farmer, Cransmill Robertson, James, merchant, Meikle Warthill Knox, John, wright Robertson, Peter, farmer, Bluewell Law, James, Aberdeen carrier Rothney, Alexander, carrier, Drum of Cartle M'Conachie, Alexander, merchant, Essie Rothney, Peter, publican, Drum of Cartle M'Conachie, William, slater Shaw, Alexander, baker, Oldrain M'Gregor, James, shoemaker Singer, Adam, farmer, Kiltswell M'Gregor, Mrs., innkeeper Singer, George, farmer, Causewayfold M'Kay, Rev. Alexander, Free Church Sieyewright, George, mason. Meikle Warthill Masson, David, merchant Smith, Alexander, farmer, Upper Tocher Munro, William, baker Smith, Charles, farmer, Mains of Warthill Meldrum, Alexander, farmer, Tonburn Souter, John, farmer, Loanhead Mitchell, James, farmer, Tonburn Souter, William, farmer, Meikle Warthill Mortimer, James, farmer, Glack Souter, William, merchant, Greenford Muirden, Adam, farmer, Newforest Steel, Andrew, wright, Meikle Warthill Naughton, William, shoemaker Steel. Peter, weaver, Meikle Warthill Nicol, Rev. Alexander, Congregational Church Pirie, James, farmer, Moytas Stephen, Alex , tailor, Bonnytown Stewart, Alexander, shoemaker, Oldrain Pirie, John, farmer, Oldmeldrum Strachan, James, cattle dealer, Oldrain Pirie, Robert, tailor Stronach, George, contractor, Oldrain Proctor, Alexander, farmer, Mill of Lesmoir Straiton, George, farmer, Congalton Reid, George, butcher Straiton, George, merchant, Lentush Reid, James, meal-dealer^ Stephen, George, auctioneer, Bonnytown Riddle, Charles, blacksmith Smith, William, merchant, Bonnytown Robb, John, tailor Thompson, James, gardener, Freefield Roger, James, agent, North of Scotland Bank Thomson, Francis, butcher, Freefield Shand, William, farmer, Longcraft Tocher, John, farmer, Newlands Smith, James, farmer, Oldforest Walker, Alexander, schoolmaster, Bonnytown Smith, John, farmer, Blackmiddens Watt, Alexander, farmer, Whitelum Smith, John G. surgeon White, Leslie, farmer, Kirktown of Rayne Smith, Mrs., Mill of Noth Wight, Andrew, blacksmith, Kirktown of Rayne Smith, Peter, baker Wilson, John, farmer, Loanhead Spence, James, farmer, Finglennie Wisely, Andrew, moss-grieve, Drum of Cartle Stuart, George, schoolmaster Wilson, William, farmer and inspector of poor Stewart, William, blacksmith Wright, George, farmer, Cockmoor Sutherland, John, manager, Freestone Quarries, Wright, Emslie, farmer, CocKmoor Broom Wight, James, farmer, Lower Tocher Thomson, George, farmer, Essie Wright, John, farmer, Smithyhouse Thomson, Robert, farmer, Bogs of Noth Will, Alexander, farmer, Lathras Troup & Horn, merchants Troup, Robert Turnbull, Thomas, farmer, Smitbston

RHYNIE and ESSIE. ST. FERGUS. Allardyce, William, farmer and cattle dealer, Bel- hinney Allardyce, Rev. William, Manse Anderson, Alexander, farmer, Overside Baxter. John, farmer, Templand Anderson, George, farmer, Hallmoss Bonnieman, William, farmer, Brae Anderson, John, miller, English Mill Bremner, John, mason Boyd, Dorothea, postmistress, Village Burges, James, schoolmaster, Mill of Lesmoir Boyd, Dorothea, teacher, Mitchell's School Cockburo, John, farmer, Newmerdrum Buchan, Alexander, tailor, Kirktown Cran, James, farmer, Newseat Cardno, Alex., miller, Burnmill Cran, James, farmer, Mains of Lesmoir Clark, A. & J., farmers, grain dealers, and mill- Cran, John, boot and shoemaker ers, Stonemills Cran, Robert, farmer, Scurdargue Edward, Alexander, farmer, Newseat Cran, William, farmer, Mains of Lesmoir Finnie, John, farmer, West Ednie Cruickshank, Alexander, farmer. Brae Garden, J., cart & plough wright, Hallmoss Cruickshank, Robert, saddler, Clatt and Rhynia Garden, Robert, blacksmith, Hallmoss Donald, William, watchmaker Gordon. Alex., surgeon, R.N. New Village Duncan, Arthur, veterinary surgeon Greig, James, farmer, Netherhill Duff, James, farmer, Newnoth Imlah, John, shoemaker, New Village Findlay, William, shoemaker Kennedy, John, New Village Fraser, Roderick, revenue officer Laing, John, farmer, How 220 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Logan, Thomas, farmer, Lunderton Fowler, William, blacksmith, Millbuie Maitland. George, merchant, Bylands Fyfe, James, farmer, Westburn Fiddie Masson, William, shoemaker, Kirktown Gavin, John, farmer and miller, Mill of Birsack Mess, George, farmer, South Blackwater Gibson, William, of Kinmuudy Moir, Alexander, blacksmith, Sniiddyhill Glennie, John, shoemaker, Kirkton Moir, Rev. Alex. F., Free Church Gray, John, farmer, Leddach Morice, Alexander, farmer, Tophead Gray, John, farmer, Burnland Leddach Murison, William, blacksmith, Kirktown Hadden, & Sons, manufacturers, Garlogie Mills Murray, John, farmer, Scotston Hall, John, farmer, Brae, Wester Kinmundy M'Leod, Alex. D., merchant, Kirktown Hall, William, farmer, East Kirkton Ogston, William, farmer, Scotston Harper, George, shoemaker, Blackhills Park, James, farmer, South Essie Hogg, John, postmaster Park, James, farmer, Greenwellhead Hutcheon, Robert, farmer and fresher, Garlogie Park, John, farmer, Mid Essie Ingram, Garden, farmer, Sunnybrae, Carnie Pennie, Wm., farmer, Newton of Mid Essie Ireland, Rev. R H., Free Church Pirie, James, veterinary surgeon, Kirktown Ironside, George, farmer, Drumstone, Millbuie Reid, William, merchant, Keyhead Keith, Marshall, merchant, Line of Skene Robertson, Adam, farmer, Old Kirkton Lavvson, John, shoemaker, Easter Elriek Robertson, Rev. James, minister, St. Fergus Law, George, farmer, Burnside, Carnie Robertson, Mrs., innkeeper, Kirktown Leith, John, farmer, Broadshade Scott, William, farmer. Mains of Inverugie Low, Alexander, farmer, East Mains, Kinmundy Shewan, John, farmer, Cairnhill Low, David, farmer, Wormiewell, Fiddie Smith, Andrew, shoemaker, New Village Low, Robert, of Fiddie Smith, William, surgeon, Kirktown Low, William, farmer, Mains of Kinmundy Stewart, Alexander, farmer^ Kirkton M'Combie, William, of Easter Skene Taylor, James, schoolmaster Machray, William, farmer, Netherton, Garlogie Mackie, James, blacksmith, Broadstraik Thom, G , farmer & inspector of poor, Newton Thom, William, farmer, Essie M'Kenzie, Rev. George, Manse of Skene Troup, James, farmer, North Blackwater M'Robbie, William, farmer, Carnie Walker, Alexander, merchant, New Village M'Kay, John, merchant, Mason Lodge Watson, Alexander, farmer, North Essie Massie, James, farmer, Tirryvale Willox, Simon, farmer, Blackmyre Middleton, John, mason, Kirton Howe Winter, Robert, superintendent of brick and tile Mennie, William, farmer, Southbank, Millbuie works, St. Fergus Milne, Andrew, farmer, Eastside, Carnie Milne, John, farmer, Mains of Concraig Milne, Robert, farmer, Fornet Milne, Peter, farmer, Westside, Carnie

Mitchell, Alex , carrier, Line of Skene SKEKE. Mitchell, George, farmer, Craigiedarg Munro, Rev. Alexander, (Congregational Chtwchj Abel, Alexander, farmer, Wester Fornet Blackhills Ale!, John, farmer, Milton Garlogie Murray, James, merchant, Garlogie Abe], William, farmer, Hill of Keir Nicol, John, tailor,. Mason Lodge Abel, William, farmer, Mains Croft, Skene Philip, George, innkeeper, Lochside Allan, James, farmer, Little Gask Pirie, Alexander, farmer, Leddach Anderson, Alexander, farmer, Millbuie Pirie, George, wright, Carnie ViLlage Angus, George, schoolmaster, Garlogie Reith, George, miller, Mill of Ord Barker, Alexander, farmer, Wester Elriek Ritchie, James, farmer, Springhill, Carnie Barron, Alexander, farmer, Wantonwalls Robertson, James, schoolmaster, Free Church Berne, Peter, blacksmith, Bridgend, Concraig Ross, William, shoemaker, Auchinclech Black, George, farmer, Crombie Cottage Rust, Williamson, of Auchinclech Blackhall, John, farmer, Gask Sang, Peter, farmer, North Fornet Boyes, John, manager, Garlogie Mills Scrogie, John, farmer, Berryhill Brown, Alexander, farmer, Easter Ord Scrogie, William, farmer, Broadwater Christie, John, farmer, Hillhead, Concraig Shepherd, Capt. Thomas, of Kirkville Clark, James, farmer, Letter of Skene Smith, Alexander, of Blackhills Coutts, Andrew, farmer, Loehhead Smith, Charles, farmer, Hillhead, Carnie Cruickshank, George, tailor, Garlogie Smith, David, schoolmaster of Skene Cruickshank, William, farmer, Hill Cairnie Smith. James, farmer, Village Lands, Carnie Daniel, George, merchant, Wester Carnie Smith, James, farmer, Newton Auchinclech Daniel, Mrs Alex., merchant, Kirkton Smith, James, of Wester Ord Davnie.- Miss, innkeeper, Straik Inn Smith, John, farmer, Craigston Davnie, William, wright. Wester Kinnundy Smith, Mrs., of Easter Ord Dickson, Robert, farmer, Easter Carnie Smith, William, farmer, Lochside Duncan, George, farmer, Newton of Skene Spence, Andrew, farmer, RogiehiU Duff, James, MP. of Skene House Steele, David, gardener, Skene House Dowers, Mrs., merchant, Garlogie Strachan, Archibald, farmer, Letter of Skene Donald, David, farmer, Broadtree Thomson, Robert, farmer, Tirryvale Downie, John, farmer, Standingstones Tough, John, farmer, Letter of Skene Farquhar, Arthur, Newton of Auchinclech Cottag Valentine, John, farmer, Nether AfHoch Farquhar, Samuel, farmer, Howmoss Walker, Robert, flesher, Wester Kinmundy Findlay, George, farmer, Hill of Keir Warrander, Alexander, sheriff officer, Carnie Findlay, John, farmer, Millbuie Watt, Adam, farmer, Broomhill Forbes, James, farmer, Souterhill Watt, Alexander, farmer, Roadside, Kiikville 5?'cwler, Andrew, farmer, Broadiach Watt, George, farmer, Blackhills NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 221

Williamson, George, flesher, Wester Kinmundy Bremner, James, farmer, Oldhue Williamson, J^mes, farmer, Upper Affloch Brook, Captain, Candacraig-house Williamson, John, millwright, (Jamie Village Callam, James, tailor, Bridgelea Williamson, William, merchant, Wester Kinmundy Clatk, John D, surgeon, Strathdon Wisely, Alexander, schoolmaster, Kinmundy Coutts, Alexander, innkeeper, Bridge-end Wright, Alexander. Netherton, Garlogie Coutts, Charles, weaver, Clashachdoes Wyness, William, farmer, Lochside Cran, James, farmer, Farmton Williamson, John, flesher. Wester Kinmundy Cran, William, schoolmaster, Ardler Daniel, James, architect, Haugh of Glenkindie Dawson, Charles, farmer, Largue Dey, John, tailor, Tomachleven

Dickson, Mrs , farmer, Kennavoan Don, Alexander, carrier, Park-house SLAINS. Don, George, blacksmith, Heughhead farmer & innkeeper, Garchory Dunbar, Ala , Bleneden Adumson. John, farmer, Mill of Colliestpn Dunbar, James, farmer, Park-villa Alexander, Alexander, farmer, Belscamphie Duguid, John, blacksmith, Invernettie Anderson, David, farmer, Brownhill Edward, Charles, farmer, Tuldyquhill Anderson, George, farmer, Word Farquharson, Robert, grocer, Robert, of Allargue Bruce, Alexander, farmer Knapsleask Farquharson, Right Hon. Earl of, Duff-house, Banff Bruce, James, farmer, Mill of Brogan Fife, the Captain, of Inverernan Bruce, William, farmer, Mains of Slains Forbes, Charles, Bart., of Newe & Edinglassie Burd, James, innkeeper, Whiteness Forbes, Sir Forbes, Rev. William, missionary, Corgarff Clark, George, land-stewart, Girnel Forbes, William, land steward, Auchernach Cowie, John, miller, Mill of Collieston shoemaker, Coul of Colquhonnie Crombie, William, shoemaker, Alehousehill Fraser, John, Glennie, John, farmer, Lochrie Cruickshanks, Benjamin, carrier John, land steward, Cottown Cruickshanks, William, farmer, Broadmuir Glennie, Grant, Peter, blacksmith, Roadside, Corgarff Daniel, James, farmer, Brogan Grassick, Charles, J. P., Buchaam Davidson, George, miller, Mill of Leask Grassick, James, farmer, Park-villa Feitch, James, farmer, Fen Grassick, William, tailor, Auchernach

Henderson, William, farmer, Borrowhill STRICHEN. Hunter, John, farmer, Whitehill Hutcheon, William, manufacturer Adie, James, farmer, Whitestripe Jack, James, shoemaker, Tarfat Adie, John, blacksmith Jack, William, farmer, Borrowhill Allan, George, confectioner baker and Jaffray, George, farmer, Smiddyhill Anderson, James, Borrowhill tenant, Jaffray, William, tenant, Cowfords Anderson, John, factor for Lord Lovat, and agent Johnston, Charles, shoemaker for the North of Scotland Bank Johnston, George, shoemaker Anderson, John, tenant, Campie Johnston, James, veterinary surgeon, Oldmill Anderson, Tarfat William, farmer, Juuor, Hugh, farmer and brewer, Newmill Anderson, William, tenant. Entry-head Keith, Rev. Alexander, Free Church Anderson, Thomas, shoemaker Keith," James, farmer, Bogginjohn Biddie, Newlinghill Alexander, farmer, King, George, farmer, Cockmuir Birnie, Francis, farmer, Bogensourie King, James, farmer, Blackslack Birnie, Thomas, blacksmith Kelman, George, farmer, Waltrie Brown, William, merchant, Mormond Village Kirkton, John, innkeeper Boulton, John, land surveyor, Old Mill Leslie, Ernest, feuar, Village Bruce, William, mason, Bogensourie M'Donald, William, watchmaker Uaie, James, manufacturer M'Kay, George, farmer, Brandsbogs Campbell, Archibald, farmer, Au -hnary M'Phail, James, shoemaker Campbell, Daniel, bookseller M'Pherson, Donald, tenant, Fridayhill Chalmers, James, merchant Mackie, George, wright Chalmers, John, wright Martin, A. F., surgeon Clark, Thomas, manufacturer Milne, Agnes, teacher, Free Church School Clark, William, architect, Mormond Village Milne, Christian, vintner Club, George, tenant, Fridayhill Milne, Andrew, feuar Club, James, tenant, Craigculter Morrice, Alexander, tailor, Village Cook, Thomas, shoemaker Murison, George, house carpenter, Village Cowie, Thomas, tenant, Cowfords Murison, Robert, merchant, Greens Craib, James, tenant, Greens Murison, William, farmer, Wester Auchorthie Cruickshank, Alexander, ground officer, Burn- Munro, Peter, tailor sbangie Murray, Alexander, farmer, Banks Cruickshank, Charles, farmer, Dencallie Murray, Alexander, farmer, Dencallie Dalziel, William, sheriff officer Mathew, Peter, tenant, Auchorthie Davidson, Alexander, farmer, Clayfords Newby, Charles, excise officer Davidson, Robert, farmer, Adziel Ogilvie, Alexander, assistant schoolmaster Duncan, Alexander, farmer, Carnichal Park, Alexander, farmer, Kindraught Duncan, John, farmer, Crigculture Park, John, merchant Eddison, William, tailor Park, William, farmer, Redbog Esslemont, John, farmer, Rivehills Pirie, George, farmer, Adiell Farquhar, James, blacksmith, Kindrought Pratt, Mrs, stationer Farquhar, John, farmer, Bogginjohn Quirrie, Alexander, mealseller Fenton, William, farmer, Wardhead Rankin, James, farmer, Brandsbogs Findlay, James, jun., tenant, Hillside Rankin, William, Aberdeen carrier Findlay, Robert, farmer, Greens Rannie, James, feuar, Village Findlay, William, farmer, Boghead Rannie, John, farmer, Fridayhill Findlater, John, square-wright, Redbog Reid, James, gardener, Village Fisher, Rev. William, secession minister Reid, Charles, feuar, Village Florence, Robert, wright Riddle, John, merchant, Village Forbes, William, saddler, Village Robertson, James, farmer, Brownside Forrest, William, tenant, Tarfat Robertson, John, farmer, Hillside Forsyth, William, farmer, Meadowhill Robertson, Robert, farmer, Borrowhill Fowlie, Peter, farmer. Greens Roger, William, farmer, Redbog Fraser. John, tenant, Entryhead Rallo, John, tenant, Blackmoss Gavin, W. A., surgeon Ross, Mrs, of Adziel Gibb, John, jun., farmer, Hillhead Saugster, John, merchant Gillan, James, carter Sim, Joseph, manufacturer, Village Gordon, George, feuar, Village Simpson, George, grave digger, Village Gordon, John, schoolmaster and inspector of poor Simpson, Alexander, feuar and carter, Village Gordon, Peter, farmer, Bogginjohn Simpson, James, merchant Grant, John, mason, Village Sinclair, James, farmer, Rashierive Gray, James, farmer, Brownside Sinclair, John, tailor Gray, Joseph, Mill of Stricben Smith, John, farmer, Howkhill Greig, George, farmer, Middlethird Smith, Thomas and Mark, manufacturers, Oldmill Greig, James, farmer, Mires Spalding, Robert, gardener, Strichen House Hardie, George, farmer, Auchorthie Stewart, John, merchant and postmaster Hemmingway, George, shoemaker Stewart, John, blacksmith, Village Henderson, Alexander, farmer, Hillside Stewart, William, farmer, Cawfords Henderson, Alexander, farmer, Burntack Smith, Robert, saddler Henderson, Andrew, merchant, Denend Taylor, Alexander, mason, Village Henderson, John, flesher Taylor, J. D., watchmaker Henderson, Thomas, merchant, Village Thomson, Andrew, jun., apothecary, Village Henderson, William, farmer, Denend Thomson, Anderw, sen., tenant, Hillside Henderson, William, farmer, Hillhead Thomson, Andrew, jun., farmer, Cockmuir NKW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 223

Thomson, George, Peterhead carrier Mitchell, James, farmer, Upper Culquhoich, Thomson, James, tenant, Greens Migvie Thomson, Eev. John, Catholic Church Murdoch, Robert, shoemaker, Craigielne, Migvie Trail, James, farmer, Tarfat Philip, Robert, merchant, Garchary Urquhart, Alexander, farmer, Aucbtygills Philip, William, miller, Garchary Urquhart, John, farmer, Cockmuir Pirie, Rev. James, Free Church Urquhart, James, feuar, Village Proctor, James, watch & clockmaker. Village Walker, George, postman, Village Reid, Rev. John, schoolmaster, Village Wallace, William, cooper, Village Reid, Robert, farmer, Craskins Webster, Mrs, innkeeper, Village Reid, William, carrier Webster, Rev. John, Parish Church Reid, William, farmer, Smithyhill, Migvie Woodman, John, surgeon Robertson, Andrew, surgeon and bank agent, Youngson, William, farmer, Fridayhill farmer and commissioner to H.R.H. Prince Albert, Indego Robertson, James, merchant, Knappyround Ross, Alexander, farmer, Oldtown Ross, Andrew, bank agent, Village TARLAND and MIGVIE, Simpson, George, farmer and sheriff officer, Wester iSkellater Anderson, Joseph, tailor, Village Simpson, James, corn merchant, Wester Skel- Bey, Alexander, blacksmith, Village later Bey, William, veterinary surgeon, Village Skeen, Mrs., schoolmistress, Female School, Vil- Brenner, Charles, mason, Village lage Brebner, John, innkeeper, Village Skeen, John, merchant innkeeper & miller, Vil- Brebner, William, farmer, Wester Migvie lage Brooks, Charles, Captain, Candacraig House Skeen, William, sheriff officer, Village Cameron, Alexander, farmer, Pronie, Migvie Smith, Duncan, blacksmith, Hardgate, Migvie Cameron, John, shoemaker, Village Smith, Harry, wright, Village Clark, John, shoemaker, Leadinto.l, Migvie Stuart, George, tailor, Village Cran, Alexander, surgeon, Village Stuart, John, carpenter, Edinglassie Cumming, John, slater & baker, Village Symon, Archibald, weaver, Clashmittie, Migvie Dawson, John, veterinary surgeon, Nether Cul- Thomson, Harry, wright quhoich, Migvie Thomson, John, farmer, Newmill Dawson, Robert, farmer, Culquhoich, Migvie Thomson, Robert, farmer, Oldmill Dickson, William, wright, Nether Culquhoich, Thomson, J. W., saddler, Village Migvie Thomson, John, carrier Dingwall, Robert, house carpenter, Pittentaggart, Thomson, Thomas, weaver, Village Migvie Thomson, John, miller, Aiill of Migvie Douglas, James L., farmer, Culsh, Migvie Warrack, John, overseer, Edinglassie Dunbar, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Shellater Watson, Alexander, merchant, Migvie Dunbar, Alexander, innkeeper, Garchary Watson, James, teacher of General Assembly Ewen, John, farmer, Downside School and inspector of poor, Migvie Ewen, Robert, farmer, West-town Watson, Rev. James, minister, Village Ewen, Robert, merchant & postmaster Watson, William, druggist, Village Farquhar, John, weaver, Village Watson, Mrs., Knowhead Farquharson, John, shoemaker, Dowingford, Migvie Ferries, Peter, miller, Mill of Culsh Forbes, Andrew, blacksmith, Oldtown Forbes, Charles, Bart, of Edinglassie TARVES. Forbes, George, of Forbes Lodge Forbes, Misses.of Invereman Anderson, Dr., Little Meldrum Fraser, Isaac, shoemaker, Village Anderson, James, farmer, Auchnave Fyfe, William, shoemaker, Village Anderson, Peter, farmer, Little Meldrum Gauld, Harry, farmer, Tillykeerie, Migvie Argo, Alexander, blacksmith Gauld, John, merchant, Migvie Argo, Alexander, farmer, Braesida Gordon, George, blacksmith, Village Argo, George, farmer, Cairdseat Grant, Lewis, farmer, Mickle Corrie, Migvie Bean, George, farmer, Bracklay Grant, Mrs., merchant, Village Benzies, Robert, sheriff officer, Tilliehelt Grassie, Alexander, butcher, Village Brown, James, cartwright Grassick, Alexander, weaver, Bog, Migvie Burnett, J., watch & clockmaker, Keithfield Illingworth, Mrs., midwife, Village Burnett, Alexander, millwright, Keithfield Illingworth, Skene, woolcarder, Newmill Burr, Alexander, farmer, Tullofard Jeffray, James, farmer, Meadow, Migvie Burr, Charles, shoemaker M'Combie, Mrs., Eastown Burr, James, mason, Keithfield M'Connach, James, post-runner. Village Chalmers, Andrew, blacksmith M'Lean, John, innkeeper, Village Chalmers, George, veterinary surgeon Malcolm, James, farmer. Mill of Culsh Chalmers, John, farmer, Village Mann, James, wright, Village Craig, Alexander, blacksmith, Craigies Mann, William, dyer, Village Davidson, Alexander, farmer, Cairnbrogie Meston, Alexander, farmer, Rippachie, Migvie Davidson, Alexander, farmer, Cairnhill Michie, James, miller, Rippachie, Migvie, Davidson, Mrs., Cairnbrogie Milne, Andrew, tailor, Village Duguid, John, innkeeper, Village Milne, John, wright, Village Duncan, John, farmer, Newseat, Tolquhon Milne, John, farmer, Brasashiel Duncan, William, farmer, Village 224. NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

farmer, Schoolhill Duthie, William, merchant and postmaster Ingram, John In Garden, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Tolquhon Knowles, Andrew, gardener, Tonley Garden, James, builder, Cattie Laing, William, farmer, Tillviiach Garden, James, farmer, Noith Ythsie Lamont, James, farmer, Mosshead Gray, Alexander, farmer, Kelly ford Law, William, blacksmith, Torries Gray, George, shoemaker Lawson, James, farmer, Upper Edindurno Hay, James, farmer, Nethermill Mackay, William, farmer, Brae Hay, James, farmer, Little Ythsie Mackay, William, merchant, farmer, and lank Hay, William, farmer, Shetbin asent, Kincraigie Henderson, Thomas, farmer, Mains of Keithfield Mackie, George, slater, Culthibbert Hepburn, John, land surveyor, Keithfield M'Combie, William, farmer and cattle dealer, Ironside, Mrs. George, carrier, Tarves Tilly four Irvine, Dr., Village M'Combie, William, farmer, Nethertown Jaffray, Andrew, farmer, Raxton Matthews, William, farmer & merchant, Kirktown Jaffray, Thomas, veterinary surgeon Milne, Rev. Alexander, minister King, Peter, wright Milne, James, farmer, Tillyriach Knox, Rev. Francis, Parish Church Mitchell, William, postmaster, grocer, and sheriff Knox, William, farmer, Brackley Park officer, Whitehouse Lamb, Lewis, farmer, Mains of Schivas Morrison, James, surgeon, Guyse Lind, William, farmer, Tilliecairn Murray, Alexander, plasterer, Stonefold Lumsden, James, merchant Murray, Andrew, farmer, Howmill Marr, George, farmer, Cairnbrogie Murray, John, farmer, Ardgowse Marr, William, farmer, Uppermill Paterson, Mrs., Tonley Arms' Inn Melvin, George, schoolmaster Reid, Duncan, farmer, Highbogs Milne, James, farmer, Mill of Focliel Robb, Rev. John, Secession Manse, Buffle Milne, Thomas, farmer, Gateside Simpson, Samuel, firmer, Finlatree Morrison, John, farmer, Hattonslap Skinner, John, overseer. Tonley Morrison, Mary, merchant, Mill of Fochel Stephen, John, farmer, Tillymair Porter, George, farmer, Mill of Tolquhon Tough, George, farmer, Drum Charles, Tillyfour.cottage Scrogie, Miss, female school Watt, Captain Scrogie, Robert, farmer, Courtstone Whyte, Robert, farmer, Mains of Tonley Shepherd, George, farmer, Craigies Skinner, James, mason, Keithfield Simmers, William, farmer, Old-town-leys Smith, Robert, merchant, Barthol Chapel TOWIE. Smith, Robert, farmer, Balgove saddler Stephen, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, farmer, Newmorlich Stephen. William, tailor Alexander, Rev. Thomas, Free Church Manse Coldhome Strath, James, farmer, Begg, Charles, farmer, Millton of Towie cartwright, Shetbin Taylor, Alexander, Blackhall, Peter, farmer, Gorryhill Thomson, Duncan, shoemaker Cordiner, Thomas, farmer, Glencuie Craigdam Turner, Rev. William, Coutts, Widow, farmer, Sinnaboth Bowlroad Webster, John, farmer, Cran, John, farmer, Glencuie Barthol Chapel Wilson, Alexander, schoolmaster, Cran, William, inspector of poor, Glencuie Wright, Alexander, wright Cran, Peter, farmer, Old Morlich Dawson, Alexander, farmer, Parkside Dawson, James, farmer, Cushlachie Dawson, John, farmer, Newmains TOUGH. Dawson, William, farmer, Old town Dawson, William, farmer, Easter Kincleau Duncan, Peter, out pensioner, Bluefield Adam, Alexander, land-surveyor, Mains of White, Forbes, Arthur, farmer, near Glenkindie Lodge house Forbes, James, farmer, tipper Towie Adam, John, farmer, Mains of Whitehouse Forbes, John, farmer, Kinbattoch Bain, John, farmer, Woodside Fyfe, John, parochial schoolmaster, Schoolhouse Berry, Moses, blacksmith, Torries Gillanders, Alexander, farmer, Little Burns Beveridge, Peter, shoemaker, Culthilbert Gillanders, Charles, blacksmith, Kinbattoch Beveridge, William, artist, Craich Gordon, Alexander, farmer. Leys Byres, Lieut.-General Patrick, of Tonley Adam, farmer, Newbigging Cameron, Alexander, tailor, Nethertown Gordon, Cameron, Jame3, shoemaker, Torries Gordon, James, farmer, Fichlie Gordon, John, farmer, Ley Cran, Miss, teacher of girls' school Peter, farmer, Fichlie Copland, Moses, sen., farmer, Boghead Gordon, Dingwall, Alexander, house carpenter, Craich Grassick, Alexander, farmer, Knowheadof Drum- Emslie, Andrew, farmer, Funchrie malachie Emslie, James, of Parkhill Grassick, James, blacksmith, Waterside Farquhar, Samuel, farmer, Seats Grant, James, farmer & cattle dealer, Bluemill Farquharson, Peter, of Whitehouse Henderson, John, farmer, Wester Kinclean farmer, Easter Sinnahard Ferries, W illiam, farmer, Braeside Henderson, Robert, Forbes, Mrs., farmer and miller, Denmill Ingram, Peter, miller, Mill of Towie Gillan, Alexander, farmer, Cairnhill Innes, George, shoemaker, near Glenkindie Lodge Gray, Helen, baker, Torries Kennedy, Alexander, farmer, Burns Green, William, saddler, Whiteley Kesson, Alexander, farmer, Newton of Drura- Hunter, William, farmer, Tillykerrie malachie Ingram, Alexander, schoolmaster Kesson, James, farmer, Upper Drummalachie NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 225

Law, Alexander, farmer, Nether Sinnahard Walker, John, shoemaker, Hillock Lyon, Alex., farmer & innkeeper, Newton of Walker, William, farmer, Bithnie Torrycruin Wattie, William, innkeeper, Bridge of Alford M'Robie, Peter, farmer & weaver, Pittanrllich Wilson, Andrew, merchant, agent for the North

Merchant, Alex., farmer, Hillockhead of Scotland Bank ; Aberdeen Fire and Michie, James, farmer, Newbigging Jjife Assurance Co. Milne, William, blacksmith, Denmouth Wilson, William, farmer, Whiteside Morrison, Charles, farmer, Culfork Wilson, William, farmer, Boggieshalloch Ness, Alex., postmaster & flaxdresser, Inver- Wilson, William, farmer, Hillock kindy Petrie, William, merchant, miller & cabinet- maker, Mill of Glenkindy Proctor, John, surgeon, Bridgend Profeit, Alex., farmer & merchant, Nether Towie TURRIFF. jReid, George, farmer. Den Riach, John, farmer, Backhill Adam, John, of Scobbach House Riach, William, farmer, Nethermill Adamson, Alexander, farmer, Kinnermit SRoss, James, farmer, Torrycruin Alexander, George, cabinetmaker Runcieman, James, J.P. & contractor, Belnaboth Alexander, George, farmer, Wrae Skene, James, farmer, Chapel Alexander, Mrs. James, watchmaker I Smith, James, shoemaker, near Mill of Kil- Alexander, John, innkeeper, Black Bull drummy Alexander, William, farmer, Whiterashes Smith, Peter, shoemaker, Torrycrain Allan, William, farmer, Upper Mains, Muireslc Smith, Rev. William Adam, Manse of Towie Andrew, Thomas, cabinetmaker Strachan, Alexander, farmer, Mill of Culfork Bremner, William, boot and shoemaker Strachan, John, farmer, Mill of Culfork Brown, Andrew, farmer, Denhead Tawse, Samuel, farmer, Haughton Chisholm, Mrs. C, innkeeper, Fife-Arms' Hotel Thomson, Peter, farmer, Knowhead of Sinnahard Christie, Rev. James, Episcopal Church Thomson, Jonathan, merchant k innkeeper, Clark, Rev. John, parochial schoolmaster Knowhead of Sinnahard Cowie, Alexander, farmer, Kinminty Thomson, William, turner & house carpenter, Cowie, Alexander, farmer, Mill of Colp Little Burns Cruickshank, Alexander, farmer, Claymires Walker, William, house carpenter, Waterside Cruickshank, G. & A., boot and shoemakers Warrack, William, farmer, Old Mains Cruickshank, Adam, farmer, Millmoss Watt, John, farmer, Nether Drummalachie Cruickshank, Rev. John, Parish Church William, Williams, Alexander, farmer, Sinnahard Cruickshank , M.D. Whyte, Peter, innkeeper, Glenkindy Lodge Cruickshank , Robert, farmer, Bogs of Laithers Cruickshank, William, farmer, Hillside Culbarel, J. C, M.D. Dingwall, James, farmer, Upper Old Mill Dingwall, John, farmer, Mashon TULLYNESSLE and FORBES. Duff, Garden, of Hatton Castle Duff, Garden William, farmer, Manor of Gask Benton, William, farmer, Crookmore Duff, John, watchmaker Bothwell, James, wright, Montgarrie Duncan, Alexander, farmer, Back Glidy Clerihew, George, farmer, Syllavethy Duncan, George, mason Coutts, Alexander, farmer, Warrackston Duncan, George L., boot and shoemaker Gauld, John, wright, Gallochford Duncan, F. & G., farmers, Little Colp Gibbon, John, shoemaker, Newton Duncan, William, farmer, Lower Plaidy Henderson, James, of Littlewood Florence, William, farmer, Silverwells Ingram, William, farmer, Graystone Fowlie, Alexander, merchant Kennedy, William, farmer, Strathlunach Fowlie, George, druggist and bookseller Lawson, James, farmer, Scottsmill Gauld, Alexander, innkeeper, Castlehill Lawson. William, farmer. Cairncosh George, John, saddler Leith, James Forbes, of Whitehaugh George, Alexander, cabinetmaker Lumsden, John, farmer, Terpercy George, John, auctioneer Milne, George, farmer, Dubstan George, John, sheriff-officer Mitchell, Peter, shoemaker, Northbank Gerrard, Alexander, farmer, Acrestripe Mitchell, William, M.D. Gerrard, William, watchmaker Morrison, William, wright, Burnside Gill, John, farmer, Raicloch Paull, Rev James, Parish Church Gordon, Norman, banker, North of Scotland Peter, Francis, farmer, Tinymill Bank Reid, Archibald, blacksmith, Whitefield Halket, John, farmer, Cleftbog Reid, George, farmer, Nether Balfour Hay, George, mason Reid, James, farmer, Kirktown Hay, George and William, farmers, Fernystripe Reid, James, farmer, Culhay Hutcheon, John, grocer Reid, Mrs., farmer, Lethenty Imlach, Alexander, farmer, Mains of Idoch Reid, Robert, farmer, Balfour Jamieson, George, farmer, Park of Woodtown Roger, Alexander, farmer, Whitehouse Jamieson, William, farmer, Haughs of Ashogle Skinner, James, farmer, Millhill Johnston, Alexander, farmer, Lower Oldmill Smith, Rev. James, parish schoolmaster Keith, John, druggist and veterinary surgeon Stephen, James, farmer, Tulloch Lawson, George, farmer, Rosehall Stewart, Lewis, blacksmith, Montgarrie Lawrance, James, auctioneer Sutherland, George, blacksmith, Balquharn Lawrance, John, saddler Thorn, James, farmer, Redhouse Ledingham, Alexander, farmer, Barnyards Ff 226 NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Leslie, George, farmer, Nethermill Bruce, George, miller, Nethermill of Tyrie Leslie, Mrs. Mary, farmer, Burnside of Delgaty Catto, John, farmer, Tyrie Mains Leslie, William, farmer, Haughs of Laithers Cook, James, farmer, Cairnmurning Lumsden, John, farmer, Murryfold Cook, Thomas, shoemaker, Boyndlie M'Andrew, James, carpenter Campbell, Murdoch, farmer, Whitewell M'Donald, William, farmer, Ashogle Cruden, Rev. James, minister, Manse of Tyrie M'Conachie, George, carpenter Cruickshank, Andrew, farmer, Ladiesford Mackie, James, carpenter Dickie James, farmer, Burn o' Marno Maitland, Alexander, farmer, Quarry Esslement, Andrew, farmer, Burn o' Marno Maitland, John, farmer, Craigietocher Esslement, George, farmer, Blackhills Maitland, William, farmer, West Pitdoulrie Forbes, Alexander, Esq., Boyndlie-house Malcolm, William, schoolmaster Fowlie, James, farmer, Wards of Boyndlie Mann, Alexander, boot and shoemaker Fowlie, John, farmer, Upper Boyndlie Mann, Charles, saddler Fowlie, William, schoolmaster, Tyrie, Milltown Mann, John, boot and shoemaker Forrest, Elspet, merchant, Loanburn [Boyndl Mathevv, A. and P., farmers, Quarryhill Forrest, James, farmer, Loanburn Michie, Jcimes, farmer, Bridgend Greig, Alex, and William, merchants, Coldhpra Milne, Alexander, boot and shoemaker Grey, John, farmer, Cartmires Milne, Alexander, farmer, Knockiemill Joss, James, farmer, Tarmair Milne, John, farmer, Mains of Laithers Joss, John, merchant, Boyndlie Minty, Alexander, clothier Lovie, Alexander, farmer, Nether Boyndlie Minty, James, clothier and grocer Lovie, George, farmer, Hillhead, Tyrie Moir, George, farmer, Upper Woodtown Low, John, mason, Boyndlie Morrison, Alexander, sen., general merchant Lunan James, tailor, Tyrie Mains Morrison, Alexander, jun., general merchant Merson, Alexander, wright, Boyndlie Morrison, James, draper & clothier Merson, James, blacksmith, Boyndlie Morrison, William, draper and clothier Merson, John, farmer, Cairnmurning Morrison, Mary & Ann, farmers, Slackadale Mitchell, George, farmer, Upper Boyndlie Morrison, William, farmer, Cotburn Morrison, John, miller, Mill of Boyndlie Murray, George, innkeeper, Fife street Mutch, Alex., sen., farmer, Smithyseat Murray, James, farmer, Mill of Laithers Murray, Thomas, blacksmith, Ladiesford Murray, William, farmer, Slap Penny, Robert, farmer, Nethermill, Tyrie M'Nie, James Duff, messenger-at-arms Pittendrigh, Andrew, farmer, Proatsaueh Nicol, James, bookseller & stationer Pittendrigh, James, farmer, Whitewell Ogilvie, George, assistant schoolmaster Pittendrigh, John, farmer, Kirktown Pittendrigh, Robert, farmer, Newseat Patterson, Robert, mason , Pearson, Charles, grocer & clothier Pratt, John, farmer, Ladiesford Pirie, William, grocer & clothier Rankin, William, shoemaker, Tyrie Pirie, William, Aberdeen Bank Scott, William, farmer, Blackhills Rae, Alexander, of Ardmiddle Shirrane, James, farmer, Muirstone Robb, John, farmer, Bogside Shirrane, George, farmer, Muirstone Robson, John, auctioneer Stephen, William, farmer, Culterphanny Robson, John, carpenter Stirling, James, farmer, Mains of Boyndlie Rose, John, inspector of poor & collector Taylor, William, wright, Ladiesford Shearer, George, farmer, Dorlaithers Watt, Jane, baker, Boyndlie, Sim, Alexander, farmer, Woodhead Watt, John, farmer, Greenburn Sim, George, farmer, Braefoot Watt, William, wright, Smithyseat Smith, Robert, farmer, Boggy shallock Watson, William, farmer, Skelmanae Soutter, Francis, Commercial Bank Whyte, George shoemaker, Blackhills Whyte, James, blacksmith, Smithyseat Spottiswood, James B., Muiresk House Storar, James, veterinary surgeon Whyte, John, farmer, Pikerstown Still, Alexander, farmer, Woodend Sutherland, Rev. James, Free Church Stephen, Alexander, farmer, Glasslaw Taylor, Alexander, Commercial Inn UDHY. Taylor, William, farmer, Mains of Towie Urquhart, George, farmer, Burnthall Angus, Alexander, gardener, Green Walker, George, farmer, Birkenhills Archibald, Rev. George, Free Walker, George, farmer, Dorlaithers Church Manse Bean. Alex., farmer, Mains of Dumbreck Walker, James, jun., druggist Bowman, James, shoemaker, Walker, James, bookseller & stationer Pettymuck Braik, Mrs., farmer, Hill of Fechle Walker, James, assistant inspector of poor Brown, Arch., farmer, Craig of Walker, James, boot and shoemaker Orchardtown Brown, Richard, farmer, Atholhill Watson. Alexander, farmer, Darra Burr, James, farmer, Mains of Knapperna Wright, Thomas, solicitor and N.P, Cameron, John, contractor, Moss side, Logierit Wilson, Charles, farmer, Meikle Hilton Connon, John, miller. Mill of Udny Wilson, Miss M., schoolmistress Cormack, Sylvester, farmer, Hill of Williamson, James, farmer, East Pitdoulrie Udny Crane, George, shoemaker, Ardmore Cruickshank, Adam, farmer, Balnakettle Cumming, John, farmer, Corthiemuir TYRIE. Davidson, George, farmer, Cairnfechle Davidson, John, farmer, North Coullie Anderson, John, farmer, Upper Boyndlie Donald, James, farmer, Couliehare Biinie James, farmer, Blackhills Duguid, William, farmer, Ardmore NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY. 227

luguid, Mrs., South Alehouse Moir, Alex., blacksmith, Ardmore *erguson, Alexander, ground officer, Green Moir, John, cattle dealer, Bridgend 'erguson, James, gardener, Pitmedden Mutch, James, carrier, Green of Udny Forrest, James, farmer, Newcraig Mutch, Miss, dressmaker, Green harden, George, farmer, Woodland Murray, William, farmer, Bogfechle Jibb, Alex., furnishing tailor, Atholhill Murray, Mrs., merchant, Mill of Fechle jiiles, Wm., merchant and postmaster, Mill of Nicol, Robert, farmer, Logierieve Udny Paterson, Ed., contractor, Pitmedden Juthrie, John, shoemaker, Green Pirie, James, farmer, Orchardtown larvey, Arthur, farmer, Tillygreig Pirie, Andrew, farmer, Iriewells lector, Mrs., farmer, Mains of Pittrichie Pittendrigh, John, farmer, Westcraig lenderson, John, farmer, Pitcow Pittendrigh, Alexander, farmer, Mosshead amieson, George, of Rosebank Proctor, John, farmer, Hill-brae amieson, James, miller, Mill of Auchinhove Rae, George, shoemaker, Pitmedden bmieson, Wm., watchmaker, Mill of Auchinhove Rae, John, innkeeper, Green of Udny leith, James, shoemaker, Quarry Reidford. James, farmer, Coullie fcirton, John, blacksmith, Pitmedden Rennie, James, farmer, Mill of Coullie .irton, Mrs., midwife, Pitmedden Rennie, John, farmer, Tillyeve aing, Mrs. Alex., midwife, Orchardtown Rennie, Thomas, farmer, Allathan .eith, Robert, miller, Mill of Fechle Roberts, James, tailor, Green of Udny .eslie, Rev. John, Parish Church Manse Ronaldson, Charles, farmer, Bogfechle .igertwood, Alex., of Logierieve, Mill of Tory Sangster, George, ground-officer, Mains of Udny iow, Charles, farmer, Burnside Sangster, William, farmer. Nether Tillyraaud low, Thos., shoemaker, Moss side, Logierieve Scorgie, George, teacher, Balnakettle lachray, Robert, farmer, Pettymuck Scroggie, James, merchant, Pettymuck lachray, Robt., beadle & funeral waiter, Green Seton, William, farmer, Bonnytown of Udny Sim, James, tailor, Quarry lackie, Adam, blacksmith, Thriepfield Sime, Robt., teacher, Free Church School, Quarry lackie, John, baker, Tory Smith, George, contractor, Pitmedden L'Donald, Alex., wright, Green Smith, John, blacksmith, Green 1'Donald, James, teacher, parish school, and Smith, Robert, merchant & tailor, Green session-clerk. Green Sutherland, James, farmer, West Cloisterseat lair, John, shoemaker, Bridgend Sutherland, James, Burn of Udny larr, William, farmer, Auchinhove Sutherland, William, wright, Cloisterseat larr, Alex., farmer, Pettymuck Temple, Robert, farmer, East Cloisterseat larr, Mrs., farmer, Millbank Thomson, George, furnishing tailor, Houseaside lassie, George, blacksmith, Woodland Thomson, James, farmer, Newseat of Dumbreck lilne, Alexander, of Pittrichie Thomson, John, farmer, Milltown of Dumbreck lilne, Alex., farmer, Mill of Allathan Thomson, Mrs., Mains of Pitmedden lilne, David, millwright, Quarry Tough, Mrs., midwife, Green of Udny lilne, James, merchant & innkeeper, Quarry Trail, James, farmer, Gilmorton lilne, James, blacksmith, Quarry Walker, George, farmer, Denend lilne, John, residing at Pittrichie House Walker, William, farmer, Tillymaud lilne, Thomas, farmer, Newcraig Young, George, shoemaker, Tillyfar, loir, Adam, wright & vintner, Bridgend Young, James, wood merchant, Tillyfar — .


Cjje fte%nt %mfwm (tagif

Incorporated by Act of Parliament.

General ESoard of BMrectors at Aberdeen. Dr. John Cruickshank, Marischal College, Chairman.

William Adam, Esq. of Raima. John Duncan, Esq., Manufacturer. Thomas Blaikie, Esq Merchant. P. Williamson, Esq., Druggist. Francis Clerihew, Esq., Advocate. John Yeats, Esq of Kincorth.

Medical ©fliccr. tutlito r, M'illiam Leslie, Esq., Surgeon. James Meston, Esq., Accountant. Bankers. The Banking Company in Aberdeen. The Aberdeen Town and County Bank. The North or Scotland Bank.

THIS Institution was established in 1836, and from the marked success which has hitherto attended its operations, the liberality which has been maintained in all its transactions, and its peculiar position as a Native Office, having a Proprietary (nearly 1000 in number) the great majority of whom are parties of standing and influence in the locality, possesses the strongest claims on the support of the Public.

At the Annual Meeting of the Corporation, held on 10th June, it was shown that, during the year

1st, In the FIRE INSURANCE BRANCH, there had been issued 2354 Policies, covering upwards of £1,500,000, and adding to the Annual Premiums above £3350.

2d, That in the LIFE ASSURANCE BRANCH, 384 New Policies had been issued for Capital Sums, amounting to £148,500, yielding an additional Revenue of upwards of £5500; and that 55 Proposals for £25.650 bad been declined, or accepted but not carried out.

3d, That 18 ANNUITIES had been SOLD for £6867.

4th, That the ANNUAL REVENUE of the Company, from all sources, exceeded £53,000.


This Company grants Insurances against Fire on Dwelling-Houses, Manufactories, Rents,

Furniture, Goods, and Merchandize ; Shipping in Port, or in Dock, and while Building or Re- pairing: and on almost every other description of Property within the United Kingdom, and in 'riost Foreign Countries, at the usual Rates of Premium. —



The varied and comprehensive Tables of the Company are so framed as to suit the con- venience and circumstances of every class of persons assuring, whether as a provision for their families, or as a collateral security in pecuniary transactions ; on comparison with those of other offices they will be found particularly favourable to the Assured.

Foreign Residence allowed at Reduced Rates of Premium.

No Entry Money charged beyond the Policy Stamp.

Medical Reports paid for by the Company.

Policies Indisputable unless obtained by fraudulent or intentional misrepresentation or concealment.


For Assuring £100 Payable at Death, For Assuring £100, Payable at Death, without Participation in Profits. with Participation in Profits.

Annual Annual Annual Age. Age. Age. Age. Premium. Premium. Premium. Premium.

S. D. S. D. £ S. D. £ S. D. £ £ 18 1 15 40 3 3 11 18 1 11 1 40 2 16 8

1 15 10 41 3 5 10 19 1 11 9 41 2 18 4 19 1 3 1 20 1 16 9 42 3 7 10 1 20 1 12 7 42

21 1 17 8 43 3 9 10 21- 1 13 4 43 3 1 11

1 18 8 44 3 12 22 1 14 3 44 3 3 9 22 1 19 8 45 3 14 3 23 1 15 2 45 3 5 9 23 24 2 9 46 3 16 4 24 1 16 1 46 3 7 11 1

25 2 1 11 47 3 18 8 25 1 17 1 47 3 10 4 26 2 3 1 48 4 1 3 26 1 18 2 48 3 12 11 2 4 4 49 4 4 1 27 1 19 3 49 3 15 9 27 4 4 28 2 5 50 3 19 28 2 5 7 50 7 29 2 6 10 51 4 10 10 29 2 1 6 51 4 2 6 *30 2 2 7 52 4 6 3 *30 2 8 52 4 14 7 31 2 3 8 53 4 10 3 31 2 9 3 53 4 18 6 32 2 4 9 54 4 14 6 32 2 10 6 54 5 2 9 2 11 11 55 5 7 3 33 2 6 55 4 19 1 33 J 12 34 2 7 4 56 5 4 34 2 13 5 56 5 7 11 5 18 1 35 2 8 8 57 5 9 4 35 2 14 57 4 36 2 10 2 58 5 14 11 36 2 16 7 58 6 5 6 10 37 2 11 8 59 6 7 37 2 18 4 59 7 38 2 13 3 60 6 6 3 38 3 1 60 6 16 8 7 2 4 39 2 14 11 61 6 11 6 39 3 2 61

At Age 30, an Annual Pay- * EXAMPLE.—At Age 30, an Annual Pay- * EXAMPLE.— 8s., will securef 100(with additions}, ment of £'l 2s. 7d. will secure £100 payable at ment of £2 Death. payable at death.

At the TWO LAST INVESTIGATIONS into the Affairs of this Corporation, Large Ad- example ditions were made to the Participation Policies then in force . for

A Policy for £1000 current 30th April, 1837, was increased to £1202 6 11 the With right to Prospective additions at the rate of £1 7s. 6d, per Cent, per Annum—should Policy become a Claim before the NEXT INVESTIGATION, which will be made at 30th April, 1856.

information, mat/ Forms of Proposal, Prospectuses containing Full Tables of Rates, and all other

had at the Head Offices or Agencies, throughout the country.

Wm. CHALMERS, Manager. H. AMBROSE SMITH, Secretary. — —«



Established 1825 Incorporated by Act of Parliament.

Capital, £1,000,000.



General Board of Directors at Aberdeen.

DAVID CHALMERS, Esq., of Westburn, Chairman.

Alexander Burness, Esq , of Mastrick. William Littlejoun, Esq., Banker | Alexander Fraskr, Esq., City Chamberlain. Thomas Sangster, Esq., Advocate. George Henry, Esq., Lord Provost. Neil Smith, Jun., Esq , Merchant. Robert I Ledinqham, Esq., of Wateridgemuir. I Alexander Stronach, Esq., of Drumallan. BANKERS. THE ABERDEEN TOWN AND COUNTY BANK.

Consulting Physician,,^»^„^„/^>,„^„^„^„^^^^,Dr. DYCE. LAW AGENT. JOHN WEBSTER, Esq., Advocate.

LIFE DEPARTMENT. THE Non-Participation or exclusively Proprietary Branch embraces every description of Assurances on Single and Joint lives and Survivorships at rates of Premium Strictly moderate.

The Participation Scheme, which was begun in 1840, has been eminently successful, as indi- cated by the Bonuses declared in 1847 and 1852. The vested additions to Policies for £1000 are as under:

Policy opened in Bonus vested Bonus vested Total year ending at at Vested Bonuses 10th February. 10th February, 1847. 10th February, 1852. in 1852.

1841 £87 10 £67 19 5 £155 9 5 1842 75 67 3 9 142 3 9 1843 62 10 66 8 2 128 18 2 1844 50 65 12 6 115 12 6 1845 37 10 64 16 11 102 6 11 1846 25 64 1 3 89 1 3 1847 12 10 63 5 8 75 15 8 1848 ^~v 62 10 62 10 1849 r~~ 50 50 1850 «— 37 10 37 10 1851 ~v— 25 25 1852 """" 12 10 12 10 ADVERTISEMENTS. 231

A further Bonus of £1 per cent, on the amount assured, for every additional premium that may be received, is also payable in respect of Policies existing at 10th February, 1852, which may become claims by death before next Investigation,—an arrangement which secures for such cases advantages practically equal to any that could be derived from an annual division of Profits. According to the Contract of Copartnery, future Investigations must take place at intervals not exceeding Vive Years ; and from the position of the whole affairs of the Company, and the progress of the business since the commencement of the current period, there is every reason to hope for continued and increasing prosperity. Parties incur no risk or responsibility by joining the Participation Scheme,—the original sums in the Policies and all Bonuses when declared being guaranteed by the Company. Annuities sold on favourable terms.

Prospectuses containing important information regarding the last Investigation, as at 10th February, 1852, with Tables of Rates, may be obtained on application at any of the Offices or Agencies of the Company.



Age. Premium. Age. Premium. Age. Premium.

20 £1 12 3 32 £2 4 10 44 £3 3 11 22 1 13 11 34 2 7 5 46 3 7 10 24 1 15 11 36 2 10 4 48 3 12 7 26 1 18 38 2 13 7 50 3 18 6 28 2 4 40 2 17 1 52 4 5 8 30 2 2 6 42 3 5 54 4 13 8


Age. Premium. Age. Premium. Age. Premium.

20 £1 16 5 32 £2 10 8 44 £3 11 9 22 1 18 4 34 2 13 7 46 3 15 11 24 2 6 36 2 16 11 48 4 11 26 2 2 11 38 3 7 50 4 7 3 28 2 5 7 40 3 4 6 52 4 14 10 30 2 8 1 42 3 8 54 5 3 4

No Entry Money Charged.

Premiums may be made payable half-yearly or quarterly to suit the convenience of parties.


At the Reduced Premiums of Is. 6d. and upwards. Extra risks insured at moderate rates. Policies with other Offices may be transferred free of expense.

By order of the Directors,

CHAs. F. GRIFFITH, Manager. JOHN WATSON, Secretary. Aberdeen, 13th June, 1853. —



Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament.



vice president- Sir GRAHAM GRAHAM MONTGOMERY of STANHOPE, Bart. EXTRAORDINARY DIRECTORS— The Right Hon. Lord Justice General John Cay, Esq., Sheriff of Linlithgow The Right Hon. Lord Rutherford James Hozier, Esq. of Newlands Henry Lomsden, Esq. of Auchindoir Captain Pringle H. Douglas, R.N. Sir David Dundas of Dunim, Bart. Charles Neavks, Esq., Advocate Wm. O. Rutherford, Esq. of Edgerston James Mackenzie, Esq., W.S. Alex. Goodsir, Esq., Sec. British Linen Co. George Macintosh, Esq. of Geddes ORDINARY DIRECTORS - James Brown, Esq., Accountant J. Bean Murdoch, Esq., Advocate I D. R. Souter, Esq., Accountant Richard Hunter, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. John Stewart, Esq, W.S. George Hughes, Esq., W.S. Russell, P.C.S. John Elder, Esq., W.S. John Esq , H. G. Dickson, W.S. Wm. R. Baillie, Esq, W.S

Christopher Douglas, Esq , W.S. David Welsh, Esq , W.S.

Gilbert L. Finlay. Secretary. —William Dickson. Manager.— |

The following advantages are offered by the Company:—

MUTUAL ASSURANCE without liability. NINE-TENTHS of the WHOLE Profits divided among the Assured. An INTERMEDIATE BONUS between one Investigation and another. MODERATE RATES OF PREMIUM. No ENTRY MONEY or other Charge beyond the Stamp.

exhibited in the results of The benefits of an Insurance, with Participation in the Profits, opened in the Company's Declarations in 1835, 1842, and 1849. A Policy of £1500, 1823, another of £100, by payment of £245 4s having been recently paid by payment of £3205 17s., , more than Double the Amount ot iginally Insured.

or Prospectus, Rates, and Proposals for Assurance, to be had at Head Office, of


Messrs. MURRAY & GARDEN, Advocates. Mr. WILLIAM ADAMSON, Sharebroker. ADVERTISEMENTS. 233


Established in 1809. Incorporated by Royal Charter. CAPITAL-ONE MILLION.



LIFE DEPARTMENT. THE System of the NORTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY com- bines the Principle of Mutual Insurance with the Safety of a large Protecting Capital. Parties may either share in the Profits to the extent of nine-tenths, or pay a lower rate of Premium to secure a precise sum without periodical additions. The Profits are allocated on the Life Insurance Principle, whereby each one draws exactly the share due to the Premiums he has paid, and has the fullest benefit of his longevity, at what- ever age he enters, and to whatever age he may attain. The Profits are Divided Septennially, and at each Division a Prospective Bonus is declared in favour of such Policies as become claims within the succeeding period, whereby the benefit of Annual Division is obtained without its inconveniences. The Bonus declared for the Septennial Period ending 31st December, 1851, was at the rate of one and a quarter per cent, per annum on the sums insured, and on the previous Bonus Ad- ditions, with a prospective Annual Bonus of One per Cent. Offices that Divide their Profits on the Tontine Principle, may hold out the promise of larger Bonuses, but the chance of attaining them is, of course, proportionally less. The Premiums are moderately rated at all ages, and may be so adjusted as to suit the objects and convenience of parties.

Specimen Table for the Assurance of £100 on a Single life,

Whole op Life. Whole ( p Life. Age next Age next Birthday. Birthday. Without Profits, With Profits. Without Profits With Profits.

£ S. D. £ S. D. £ S. D. £ S. D. 20 1 12 11 1 18 2 40 2 17 3 3 5 25 1 17 6 2 3 5 43 3 2 6 .3 10 2 27 1 19 8 2 6 45 3 6 5 3 14 30 2 3 2 9 10 47 3 11 3 18 5 33 2 6 5 2 13 10 50 3 19 9 4 7 35 2 9 2 2 17 55 5 5 6 10 37 2 12 2 3 60 6 3 1 6 13 2

The sums insured may be made payable to the party himself, on his attaining a specified age,

or to his heirs or assignees, at his Death ; or alternatively to himself on attaining the specified age, or to his heirs or assignees, if he should die earlier.

EXAMPLE. Annual Premiu

To secure £100 to the Assured aged 30, on attaining the age of 5QOT««nm»^.£3 5 To secure £100 to his Heirs, at his Death, .™»,™^ „„.— ,~~.„„„~,~™~™™~ 2 3 To secure £100 to himself if he attain the age of 50^ or to his Heirs or As-

signees if he die earliei'^,,,.-,™,,,,™ „„„ ™™^„„, ,„,,^^ / „~,.,„.„w,~~™- 4 13 Gg 234 ADVERTISEMENTS.

FIRE INSURANCE. The Company Insures against Fire— Silk, Cotton, Woollen, and Flax Mills, Buildings of all descriptions, Furniture, Stock-in-Trade, Merchandise, Agricultural Stock, Implements of Hus- bandry, and effects of every kind, at the Lowest Kates of Premium corresponding to the risk. Farming Stock is Insured without the Average Clause, at 3s. per cent, and loss and damage by Lightning thereon made good.

No charge is made for Policies when the sum insured amounts to £ 300, or from Transfers from other Offices.

Insurance for seven years charged for six years only. Losses settled with promptitude and liberality. A duty of 3s. per cent, per annum on all property Insured from Fire in Great Britain and Ireland is payable to Government, with the exception of Farming Stock and Public Hospitals, which are exempt. Forms of Proposal, Prospectuses, containing the Tables of Kates, and every information, may be had on application at the Head Office, or at any of the Company's Branches or Agencies.

Agents for Aberdeen—

Messrs. T. & N. BURNETT, Advocates. Mr. ANDREW MURRAY, Advocate.


MISS MATHISON, while returning thanks for patronage received, would intimate to the Ladies of Aberdeen and adjoining Counties, that an increased variety of specimens of WAX FLOWERS and LEATHER WORK are open for inspection daily. Miss M. having made the Art of Modelling her exclusive study for several years, and attained the experience incident on long practice, together with instruction from the first Artists in the Metropolis, Pupils may rely on being initiated into the most improved methods of the Art.

Card of Terms may be had of Messrs. D. Wyixie and Son, 111, Union Street, and Messrs Hay, 2, Market Street, or of Miss M., 20 St. Nicholas Street, First Floor, where Amateurs will find an assortment of Tools and other requisites received regularly from the best Makers in London,

Groups of WAX FLOWERS made to order.


THE above ALE is of a pleasant bitter, clear, and sparkling, and differs from most other light Ales, in retaining a fine frothy head for a long while. It is brewed with the water from the CELEBRATED STOGUMBER SPRING, and is strongly recommended to Invalids, and persons who require Tonics, and is now in general use amongst those who frequent the South of England in search of health.



Goldsmith, Jeweller, Lapidary, and Optician,


Has always on hand a Select Assortment of §g>t©T&6Li§ &BC® BYi«QILA.SS&3

Of the most Fashionable Patterns,

In Gold, Silver, Steel, and Tortoiseshell,

Fitted with the finest Glass Lenses, and the Oriental Brazilian Crystals or Pebbles, the qualities of which are so highly recommended by the most eminent Oculists and Opticians.

%* Spectacles suited to the various sights with the utmost care.


Pocket Compasses, Thermometers, Upright and Wheel Barometers


CHARLES FYFE, House Agent, respectfully acquaints parties requiring Houses or Lodgings, that he keeps a REGISTER of all first-rate Houses and Lodgings, Furnished and Unfurnished, in Aberdeen and surrounding counties. To families or individuals visiting Aberdeen, he can always supply them with every description of Lodgings, for either a short or lengthened period, on very moderate terms, by calling, or send- ing to his Agency Office, No. 4, BELMONT STREET. N.B.—Numerous Houses and Properties, daily FOR SALE —A variety of Shops, with or without the Stocks of Goods.

Families supplied with Butlers, Coachmen, Cooks, Housekeepers, &c.

Business Establishments can obtain from this Office, Book-keepers, Clerks, Shopmen, Warehousemen, Apprentices, fyc.






(tjjfoit ©ffite— Crafott €amt, Wivaavc f§imf), OUPPLY BOILED or PREPARED COAL TAR, in 26-Gsllon Barrels, O at 8s. ; 13-Gallon at 5s. ; 6-Gallon at 3s., and 3-Gallon at 2s. each ; or in Purchaser's own vessels, at from 3d. to 4d. per Gallon, according to quantity. Empty Barrels taken back at reduced prices. Tar Brushes. Is. and Is 3d. each.

PITCH OH, for thinning down the Tar, preserving Timber, or burning in Torch Wick Lamps, at 6d. per Gallon. Lamps, 4s. 6d. each. 'Wick, 8d. per lb.

COAL PITCH, for Roofing, &c, Is. 6d. per cwt. BLACK VARNISH, Is. 4d. to 3s. per Gallon. ROOFING AND BITUMINOUS FELT, One Penny per square foot. DRY HAIR FELT, lOd, and Is., per sheet of 5 square feet each. ROMAN AND PORTLAND CEMENTS, in Barrels and Kegs of various sizes. VITRIFIED AND GLAZED STONEWARE PIPES, with Knees, Bends, and Branch Pipes, in great variety. SPECIAL MANURES of almost every sort, except Guano.

ASPHALTE Flooring and Roofing, done in an forms.

HlHE Public are respectfully invited to inspect the Subscriber's stock of Jl. Electro Silver Spoons and Forks. They are exactly similar in appearance to Sterling Silver, easily cleaned, durable and extensively used. The following are the Prices :

TABLESPOONS AND FORKS, 36s. to 48s. per dozen. DESSERT, 28s. to 36s. TEASPOONS, 22s. to 28s. DESSERT KNIVE3 AND FORKS, with Ivory, Pearl, and Silver Handles, new and elegant patterns. Price, for 18 pairs in case, £5. The usual large Stock of TRAYS, DISH-COVERS, BRONZED URNS, KETTLES, BRI- TANNIA METAL TEA and COFFEE POTS, TABLE CUTLERY, from the finest to the most common description. DOMESTIC BATHS. BEIET'S PATENT GAZOGENE APPA- RATUS, invented for making Soda Water, Lemonade, &c, 18s. and 21s. each.

MODERATOR LAMPS, in a variety of patterns, from 10s., 20s. to 30s. and 40s. each. This Lamp is the most perfect invented up to the present time. A Lamp giving a light equal to six candles, consumes 2^,-d. worth of Oil in eight hours. WICKS, GLASSES, SHADES, and

GLOBES, supplied at any time ; also pure FRENCH COLZA OIL, in flasks, at 4s. 6d. per gallon, second quality, or Carcel Oil, 4s. The COLZA OIL gives a brilliant light, and may be used for any description of Lamp. GEORGE JAMIE SON, JEWELLER TO THE QUEEN, SILVERSMITH AND WATCHMAKER, 107, itott Stmt, ABERDEEN.