M. 7£ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/cornwallsnewaber185354abe CORNWALL^ NEW ABERDEEN DIRECTORY, 1853 54; COMPRISING A NEW GENERAL DIRECTORY; NEW TRADES' AND PROFESSIONS' DIRECTORY; NEW STREET DIRECTORY; NEW COTTAGE, VILLA, & SUBURBAN DIRECTORY; NEW PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS DIRECTORY; NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY; ETC. ETC. ETC. ABERDEEN: GEO. CORNWALL, 54, CASTLE STREET. 1853. ft? *•£*.••• > £ NOTE BY THE PUBLISHER. It is due to the Public to state that, in order to procure informa- tion for the " City " portion of this Directory, from Five to Six Thousand Schedules were issued, for the purpose of being filled up by the Inhabitants. In transcribing these Schedules, the utmost care was taken to preserve the exact address and orthography of Name which had been given; and, still farther to preserve the accuracy of the Work, the ' whole of the Names, after they had been put into type, were again, at a large sacrifice of time, care- fully compared, one by one, with the original Schedules. The " County " Directory, which forms an important part of the Work, has been made up from returns furnished, in almost every instance, by the Schoolmasters of the respective Parishes. To the Gentlemen who have thus so kindly assisted him, the Publisher gladly embraces the present opportunity of returning his most grateful thanks. The short delay which has occurred in getting the Work issued, has been as much a disappointment to the Publisher as it can have been to his Subscribers. To those of them, however, who may have been incommoded by the delay, he begs to offer a respectful apology, and to assure them that, from the complicated and laborious nature of the Work, (this Directory being an entirely new compilation), the delay was found to be quite un- avoidable. Victoria Court Printing Office, Aberdeen, July, 1853. 6 — .™—. 6 GENERAL INDEX. Fage 18 Aberdeen, its Extent, &c. —™- ~— — 7 Clothing Society ™~ Aberdeen Auxiliary to Ladies' Association 16 Coaches to and from Aberdeen ,—. — 22 Aberdeen Auxiliary to Female Society—™~ 16 Colonial and Foreign Postage Rates 28 Aberdeen Asylum for the Blind 18 Cottage, Villa, and Suburban Directory™—. 35 Aberdeen Banking Co. ™— ~— 21 County Directory —™- 175 Aberdeen Bible Society ™— ~~ 16 Commissary Court ™-™-™— 14 Aberdeen Branch Methodist Missionary Soc. 16 Court House Commissioners—~ 15 Aberdeeu Commercial Co ™— 21 Colly hill's Trust ™- ™-™-„™— 17 Aberdeen Female Missionary Society ™~ 1 Commercial Bank of Scotland—™~— ~ 21 Aberdeen Female Association „—™—~~ 16 Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum™ ~~~ 18 Deaf and Dumb Institution ™ .™ 18 Aberdeen Female School of Industry —~~—~ 18 Deeside Railway Co — ™~ 21 15 Aberdeen Female Penitentiary I.— 18 Educational Institutions ™ ~™-™~™— Aberdeen Golf Club — 19 Female Society ™~ —™—™— 18 Aberdeen Leith and Clyde Shipping Co.—~ 21 Foreign Consuls 21 Aberdeen Lime Co — 21 Foreign and Colonial Postage Rates™ ™- 28 Aberdeen Mutual Assurance Society — 19 Free Church Divinity Hall™——™~ , ~ 16 Aberdeen Mutual Marine Insurance Co 21 Galena Investment Co ~—™~—™~™~ 21 21 Aberdeen Market Co ™, . 21 Gas Light Co ™- ™~™~— Aberdeen Natural History Association™™— 18 General Dispensary™™— ™—™— 17 Aberdeen North American Investment Co™, 21 Gordon's Hospital ™™—™— 17 Aberdeen and Newcastle Steam Co—~ 21 Gordon's (John), Charitable Fund 18 Aberdeen and Newcastle Shipping Co.™ 21 Gratis Sabbath Evangelical Society ~~— 16 Aberdeen Public Baths ™~ 19 Great North of Scotland Railway—™™ — 21 Aberdeen Philosophical Society ™™™— „, 18 Aberdeen Phrenological Society ~—— —- 18 Aberdeen Property Investment Co.™——™— 21 Haydn Society ~™™~ ™- 19 Aberdeen Railway Co ™— ™—«, 21 Hospital for Orphan Children™ ™ 18 ' 19 Athenaeum Reading Room . ™— 19 Hor'tus Club ™-—™- Aberdeen Steam Navigation Co. 21 Interest Table 34 13 Aberdeen Sea Insurance Co -v— — 21 Incorporated Trades ™- . 12 Aberdeen Stock Exchange ™ ™— 22 Inland Revenue ——• Aberdeen Town and County Bank ™— 21 Industrial School Association 17 Stock Commercial Establishments 21 Aberdeen Temperance Society ~~ ,— 18 Joint Aberdeen Union Club —— ™— 19 Justice of Peace Court ™- 15 Aberdeenshire Canal Co 21 Justice of Peace Small Debt Court ™-~ 15 Aberdeenshire Coursing Club 19 King's College™-™- — ™- 15 Aberdeenshire Horticultural Society™— 19 Ladies' Fund Society ™- 18 Advertisements —™™, —228 Legal Institutions ™-™~™-— 14 Agents for Assurance Companies 173 Lloyd's Surveyor and Agent ™— 21 Auxiliary Bible Societies ™- 16 Lunatic Hospital ™- ™-—— .— 17 ™- ™- 26 Athenaeum Reading Room . 18 Mail Arrangements Bank of Scotland, ™™ 21 Mail and Stage Coaches—™ . —™~—™~ 22 Boys' and Girls' Hospital ™~„ ™™ 17 Magistrates of Aberdeen™™—~™—™™ 13 Boys' School of Industry ~-™™„ 17 Marischal College ™™™ ~~™™™™ 1 . 19 British Linen Co ~™ . .™™™™™— 21 Mason Lodges Burgh or Baillie Court ~™™ ™-™~ 15 Messengers-at-Arms 15 Medical School . 1 Carriers to and from Aberdeen ™™~ 23 Mechanics' Institution 1 Churches, Chapels, and Meeting-houses 20 Medico-Chirurgical Society 19 Child's Asylum Committee —™— ™ 17 Mercantile Marine Board 20 Chemists" and Druggists' Society™™™™ ™— 19 Miscellaneous Institutions ™~ 18 City Tax Office 13 Midbeltie Fund ™- 18 City of Glasgow Bank „ 21 Milne Bequest >^^w>»~^-— 19 GENERAL INDEX. Page Tago Michigan Investment Co . „ - 21 Scottish Australian Investment Co. ~~> . 21 Money Orders (Post Office) .~. 27 Sheriff Court _„ . 14 Municipal Institutions ~™.~. - 13 Sheriff Small Debt and Circuit Court - 14 Narrow Wynd Society ~ . 19 Sheriff Officers „^. „ 15 National Bank of Scotland™ - 21 Shaw's Hospital . 18 National Security Savings' Bank. 21 Sheriff Watson's Female Industrial Schools . 17 North of Scotland Bank. 21 Shipwrecked Seamen's Fund ~~ . 18 Northern Assurance Co. „„ - 21 Shipwrecked Fishermen's Institution -~~ „ 18 Old Aberdeen Directory „ „ .106 Shipmaster's Society „ . 19 Old Machar Parochial Board - 17 Shore Porter's Society ™^„ . 19 Ophthalmic Institution . 18 Sick Man's Friend Society . 18 Operative Mutual Assurance Society - 19 Society for the Children of the Clergy „ 18 Parishes and Post Towns - 30 Society of Advocates . 14 Parochial Pauper Lunatic Fund~ *. 18 Spalding Club ™. - 18 _ Post Towns „^ ™ , . 29 Steamers to and from Aberdeen,™™ . 25 Post Office Regulations . 27 Street Directory .112 Post Office Money Order ™ . 27 St. Nicholas Parochial Board . 17 Police Establishment . ™ 13 St. Andrew's Society , . - 19 Post Office Officials . 12 St. James's Society a 19 Police Court™.. - 15 ™ Suburban Directory , _ 35 Professions' and Trades' Directory .145 Sugar House Lane School™, - 17 Prisons Board , - ™ „.„„ 15 Town's Public Schools , ™ 16 Private Asylum . „™ . 18 Trades' and Professions' Directory .145 Public Revenue Institution r „ „™„ « 12 Union Bank of Scotland ~ ™ „ 21 Public Soup Kitchen ^ . 18 United Coal Fund „™„™ ™~ . 18 Public News Room . 19 Vaccinating Institution - 17 Religious, Charitable, and Philanthropic In- Victoria Lodging House ™„ - 18 stitutions ~~.„..~,„.......» , 16 West Aberdeen Coal Fund ™~m . 18 Royal Infirmary 17 West Aberdeen Sick Man's Friend Society - 18 Scottish Provincial Insurance Co. „™ 21 Wig Makers' Society . 19 Scottish Sea Insurance Co 21 ^™ Woodside Directory ^. , .109 — — ABERDEEN; ITS EXTENT, POPULATION, TRADE, COMMERCE, INSTITUTIONS, AND GENERAL STATISTICS, (Specially prepared for the present Work, and brought up to the latest date.) Aberdeen is a town of considerable antiquity, doubled a century afterwards— was, in 1755, by and was in early times honoured with numerous Webster's enumeration, 15,730. According to the distinctions, chiefly in acknowledgment of the va- Census Returns for the United Kingdom, just pub- lour or industry of its citizens, conferred by the lished by authority—and which, though in reference Scottish monarchs. The city has long been re- to this locality, differing somewhat from the figures markable for the extent and importance of its trade heretofore usually accredited, will no doubt be now and commerce— a fact sufficiently proved by well- generally adopted— the population of the Parlia- attested records of the very considerable sums levied mentary city of Aberdeen was— in 1801, 26,992 ; on the town in remote times for various national 1811, 34,740; 1821, 43,821 ; 1831, 56,681 ; 1841, purposes, as well as by authenticated figures appli- 63,288 j and in 1851, 71,973. This last number is cable to more modern days. Nor have the means made up of the following items, viz. :— East Pa- rish, of instruction in useful knowledge and sound learn- 5,403 (inclusive of 221 military in barracks) ; ing ever been otherwise than abundant. A quaint West, 11,227 ; North, 6,167 ; South, 4,548 ; Grey- historian, writing towards the close of the sixteenth friars, 6,654 ; St. Clement's, 7,466 — total of six city " century, informs us that there wants no opportun- parishes, 41,465 : Old Machar parish (part of), ities in this city for the whole, both male and fe- 30,503; Banchory-Devenick (part of), 5—gross to« male, to learn any manner of good and commend- tal, as before, 71,973, of which number, 31,746 are able knowledge iu such things as may best qualifie males, and 40,227 females. The returns state the them." number of inhabited houses at 5,839, with 17,356 The town is situate— computing from the locality separate occupiers. The population of the city roy- of Marischal College— in latitude 57 deg. 8 min. 20 alty, which consists of the six town parishes, and a sec. N., and longitude 2 deg. 2 min. 48 sec.
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