Economic Papers Nos
NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SURVEY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT, State Geologist ECONOMIC PAPER No. 48 FOREST FIRES IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1915, 1916 and 1917 AND PRESENT STATUS OF FOREST FIRE PREVENTION IN NORTH CAROLINA BY J. S. HOLMES, State Forester RALEIGH Edwards & Broipghton Printing Co. State Printers 1918 STATE GEOLOGICAL BOARD Governor T. W. Bickett, ex officio Chairman Raleigh, N. C. Mr. John Sprunt Hill Durham, N. C. Mr. Frank R. Hewitt Asheville, N. C. Mr. C. C. Smoot, III North Wilkesboro, N. C. Mr. Robert G. Lassiter Oxford, N. C. Joseph Hyde Fratt, State Geologist LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Chapel Hill, N. C., May 22, 1918. To his Excellency, Honorable Thomas W. Bickett, Governor of North Carolina. Sir:—The protection of our forests from fire is generally recognized and urged as a necessary war measure, as well as an essential step towards safeguarding our Nation's future welfare. Owing to the lack of a State appropriation for carrying out the provisions of the forestry law of 1915, education and publicity are prac- tically the only weapons left to the Survey with which to fight this common menace. A report on the destruction to property in this State by forest fires during the past three years, as reported by correspondents in the various townships, together with a sketch of what has been done to combat this evil, should go far in convincing the people of North Carolina that stronger and more effective measures are a vital necessity. I, therefore, submit herewith, for publication as Economic Paper No. 48 of the Reports of the North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey, a report on the Forest Fires in North Carolina During 1915, 1916, and 1911 , and the Present Status of Forest Fire Prevention in North Carolina.
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