
1. Definition of computers Technically, a computer is a programmable machine. This means it can execute a programmed list of instructions and respond to new instructions that it is given.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using computer? Advantages are : communication is improved, pay bill's online, people have access to things they would not have had before (for instance old people who cannot leave the house they can buy groceries online) Computers make life easier.

The disadvantages are: scams, fraud, people not going out as much, we do not yet know the effects of computers and pregnancy or the emissions that computers make,. bad posture from sitting too long at a desk, repetitive strain injuries and the fact that most organizations expect everyone to own a computer.

Year 1901 The first radio message is sent across the Atlantic Ocean in Morse code. 1902 3M is founded. 1906 The IEC is founded in London England. 1906 Grace Hopper is born December 9, 1906. 1911 Company now known as IBM on is incorporated June 15, 1911 in the state of New York as the Computing - Tabulating - Recording Company (C-T-R), a consolidation of the Computing Scale Company, and The International Time Recording Company. 1912 Alan Turing is born June 23, 1912. 1912 G. N. Lewis begins work on the lithium battery. 1915 The first telephone call is made across the continent. 1919 Olympus is established on October 12, 1919 by Takeshi Yamashita. 1920 First radio broadcasting begins in United States, Pittsburgh, PA. 1921 Czech playwright Karel Capek coins the term "robot" in the 1921 play RUR (Rossum's Universal Robots). 1921 The first Radio Shack store is open. 1922 MPAA is established. 1923 is born November 8, 1923. 1924 The Computing - Tabulating - Recording (C-T-R) company is renamed to IBM on February 14, 1924. 1927 Philo Taylor Farnsworth becomes the first person to successfully transmit a TV signal on September 7, 1927. 1927 is born December 12, 1927. 1928 September 25, 1928, The Galvin Manufacturing Corporation begins, the company will later be known as Motorola. 1929 Gordon Moore is born January 3, 1929. 1930 Edsger Dijkstra is born May 11, 1930. 1930 Galvin Manufacturing Corporation Auto radios begin to be sold as an accessory for the automobile. Paul Galvin coins the name Motorola for the company's new products, linking the ideas of motion and radio. 1930 Citizen is founded. 1932 Jay Glenn Miner is born May 31, 1932. 1933 Canon is established. 1934 The FCC is established. 1934 The US Communication Act goes into place. 1935 The Polygraph machine aka lie detector is used for the first time. 1936 Germanys Konrad Zuse creates the Z1, one of the first binary digital computers and a machine that could be controlled through a punch tape. 1936 Dvorak keyboard is developed. 1937 Iowa State Colleges John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry begin work on creating the binary-based ABC (Atanasoft-Berry Computer). Considered by most to be the first electronic digital computer. 1937 Alec Reeves develops PCM. 1938 The company no known as Hewlett Packard creates its first product the HP 200A. 1938 Orson Welles and Houseman broadcast H.G. Welles War of the Worlds on the airways October 30th as a Halloween spoof. 1938 BBC creates the first science fiction television program. 1939 George Stibitz completes the Complex Number Calculator capable of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing complex numbers. This device provides a foundation for digital computers. 1939 The first Radio Shack catalog is published. 1939 Iowa State Colleges John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry create a prototype of the binary-based ABC (Atanasoft-Berry Computer). 1939 Hewlett Packard is found by William Hewlett and . The name is decided on the flip of a coin toss.

1940 The first handheld two-way radio called the "Handy Talkie" is created by Motorola for the U.S. Army Signal Control. 1941 German Konrad Zuse finishes the Z3, a fully operational calculating machine. 1943 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), the first general-purpose electronic digital calculator begins to be constructed. This computer by most is considered to be the first electronic computer. 1943 Dan Noble with Motorola designs a "Walkie Talkie" the first portable FM two-way radio that a backpack version that weighed 35 pounds. 1944 The relay-based Harvard-IBM MARK I a large programmable-controlled calculating machine provides vital calculations for the U.S. Navy. Grace Hopper becomes its programmer. 1944 The first binary, and partially programmable computer, Colossus, was created at Bletchley Park. 1945 Patent is filed for the Harvard Mark I digital computer on February 8, 1945. 1945 The Von Neumann Architecture is introduced in John von Neumann's report of the EDVAC. 1945 The term bug as computer bug was termed by Grace Hopper when programming the MARK II. 1946 Freddie Williams applies for a patent on his cathode-ray tube (CRT) storing device in December. The device that later became known as the Williams tube is capable of storing between 512 and 1024 bits of data. 1946 ENIAC computer completed. 1946 is born. 1946 The Selectron tube capable of storing 256 bits of information begins development. 1947 Freddie Williams memory system known as the Williams tube is now in working order. 1947 ISO is founded. 1947 , Walter Brattain and invent the first transistor at the Bell Laboratories on December 23, 1947. 1948 IBM builds the SSEC (Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator). The computer contains 12,000 tubes. 1948 Andrew Donald Booth creates magnetic drum memory, which is two inches long and two inches wide and capable of holding 10 bits per inch. 1948 The 604 multiplying punch, based upon the vacuum tube technology, is produced by IBM. 1948 The television begins to divert radio audiences. 1949 builds the first machine that plays chess at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1949 The Harvard-MARK III, the first of the MARK machines to use an internally stored program and indirect addressing, goes into operations again under the direction of Howard Aiken. 1949 The first computer company, Electronic Controls Company is founded by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, the same individuals who helped create the ENIAC computer. 1949 The EDSAC performs its first calculation on May 6, 1949. 1949 The small-scale electronic machine (SSEM) is fully operational at Manchester University. 1949 The Australian computer CSIRAC is first ran. 1950 The first electronic computer is created in Japan by Hideo Yamachito. 1950 The enhanced Z4 is installed by Konrad Suse 1950 Steve Wozniak is born August 11, 1950. 1950 Alan Turing publishes his paper Computing Machinery and Intelligence in October. This paper helps create the Turing Test. 1950 The NICAD battery begins its commercial use. 1951 The first business computer, the Lyons Electronic Office (LEO) is completed by T. Raymond Thompson, John Simmons and their team at Lyons Co. 1951 The first commercial computer, the "First Ferranti MARK I" is now functional at Manchester University. 1951 The first ISO is published with the title, "Standard reference temperature for industrial length measurement." 1951 UNIVAC I was introduced. 1951 The EDVAC begins performing basic tasks. 1951 The Nixie tube is first introduced. 1951 Grace Hopper develops A-0, the first Arithmetic language. 1951 Dan Bricklin is born. 1952 Complaint is filed against IBM for Monopolistic practices on January 1952. 1952 Fairly reliable working magnetic drum memories for use in computers begin to be sold by Andrew Donald Booth and his father. 1952 RIAA is established. 1952 Alexander Sandy Douglas created the first graphical computer game of Tic-Tac-Toe on a EDSAC known as "OXO." 1953 IBM introduces the first IBM computer, the 701. 1953 A magnetic memory smaller and faster than existing vacuum tube memories is built at MIT. 1953 Paul Allen is born January 21, 1953. 1953 The IBM 701 becomes available to the scientific community. A total of 19 are produced and sold. 1954 IBM produces and markets the IBM 650. More than 1,800 of these computers are sold in an eight-year span 1954 Alan Turing passes away June 7, 1954. 1954 The first version of FORTRAN (formula translator) is published by IBM. 1954 CERN is established on September 29, 1954. 1955 Steve Jobs is born February 24, 1955. 1955 Tom Watson, IBM's president is featured on the front of Time Magazine March 28, 1955. 1955 Albert Einstein dies on April 18, 1955. 1955 John McCarthy coins the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 1955 at Dartmouth University. 1955 Dartmouth Colleges John McCarthy coins the term "artificial intelligence." 1955 Tim Bernes-Lee is born June 8, 1955. 1955 William (Bill) H. Gates is born October 28, 1955. 1955 IBM introduces the first IBM 702. 1955 Bell Labs introduces its first transistor computer. Transistors are faster, smaller and create less heat than traditional vacuum tubs, making these computers more reliable and efficient. 1955 The ENIAC is turned off for the last time. Its estimated to have done more arithmetic than the entire human race had done prior to 1945. 1956 The TX-O (Transistorized Experimental computer) and first transistorized computer is demonstrated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1956 On September 13, 1956 the IBM 305 RAMAC is the first computer to be shipped with a that contained 50 24-inch platters and was capable of storing 5 million characters and weighed a ton. 1957 IBM announces it will no longer be using vacuum tubes and releases its first computer that had 2000 transistors. 1957 is founded by Andy Grove, , Gordon Moore, Jerry Sanders, Robert Noyce. 1957 Digital Equipment Corporation is founded by Kenneth Olsen. The company will later become a major network computer manufacturer. 1957 Russia launches the first artificial satellite, named Sputnik on October 4, 1957. 1957 In response to Sputnik the United States creates the new agency ARPA. 1957 Casio is established.

1960 IBMs 1400 series machines, aimed at the business market begin to be distributed. 1960The Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL) programming language is invented. 1960Psychologist Frank Rosenblatt creates the Mark I Perception, which has an "eye" that can learn to identify its ABCs. 1960 NASA launches TIROS, the first weather satellite into space. 1960 AT&T introduces the dataphone and the first known MODEM. 1960RS-232 is introduced by EIA. 1960IFIP is founded. 1960Digital introduces the PDP-1 the first minicomputer.

1961 Hewlett-Packard stock is accepted by the New York Stock Exchange for national and international trading. 1961Leonard Kleinrock publishes his first paper entitled "Information Flow in Large Communication Nets" is published May 31, 1961. 1961General Motors puts the first industrial robot the 4,000 pound Unimate to work in a New Jersey factory. 1961Accredited Standards Committee is founded, this committee later becomes the INCITS. 1961P.Z. Ingerman develops a thunk. 1961ECMA is established. 1961The programming language FORTRAN IV is created.

1962 Steve Russell creates "SpaceWar!" and releases it in February 1962. This game is considered the first game intended for computers. 1962Leonard Kleinrock releases his paper talking about packetization. 1962Paul Baran suggests transmission of data using fixed size message blocks. 1962J.C.R. Licklider becomes the first Director of IPTO and gives his vision of a galactic network. 1962 Philips invents the compact audio cassette tape. 1962The NASA rocket, the Mariner II, is equipped with a Motorola transmitter on it's trip to Venus. 1962Sharp is founded.

1963 IEEE is founded. 1963The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is developed to standardize data exchange among computers.

1964 Dartmouth Universitys John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz develop Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Language (BASIC) and run it for the first time May 1, 1964. 1964Baran publishes reports "On Distributed Communications." 1964 AT&T starts the practice of monitoring telephone calls in the hopes of identifying phreakers. 1964The TRANSIT system becomes operational on U.S. Polaris submarines. This system later becomes known as GPS. 1964On April 7, 1964 IBM introduces its System/360, the first of its computers to use interchangeable software and peripheral equipment. 1964Leonard Kleinrock publishes his first book on packet nets entitled Communication Nets: Stochastic Message Flow and Design. 1964The first computerized encyclopedia is invented at the Systems Development Corporation.

1965 Ted Nelson coins the term "hypertext," which refers to text that is not necessarily linear. Hypermedia is coined by Ted Nelson. Donald Davies coins the word "Packet." Engineers at TRW Corporation develop a Generalized Information Retrieval Language and System which later develops to the Pick Database Management System used today on Unix and Windows systems. Millions watch for the first time a space probe crashing into the moon on March 24, 1965. Texas Instruments develops the transistor-transistor logic (TTL). 1965Lawrence G. Roberts with MIT performs the first long distant dial-up connection between a TX-2 computer n Massachusetts and a Q-32 in . 1965Gordon Moore makes an observation that later becomes widely known as Moore's Law.

1966 MITs Joseph Weizenbaum writes a program called Eliza, that makes the computer act as a psychotherapist. 1966Lawrence G. Roberts and Tom Marill publish a paper about their earlier success at connecting over dial-up. 1966Stephen Gray establishes the first personal computer club, the Amateur Computer Society. 1966Robert Taylor joins ARPA and brings Larry Roberts there to develop ARPANET. 1966The programming language BCPL is created

1967 IBM creates the first floppy disk. 1967Donald Davies creates 1-node NPL packet net. 1967Wes Clark suggests use of a minicomputer for network packet switch. 1967The LOGO programming language is developed and is later known as "turtle graphics," a simplified interface useful for teaching children computers. 1967Donald Davies creates 1-node NPL packet net. 1967Ralph Baer creates "Chase", the first video game that was capable of being played on a television. 1967HES is developed at the Brown University. 1967Nokia is formed. 1967GPS becomes available for commercial use. 1967ISACA is established.

1968 Corporation is founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore. 1968The first Network Working Group (NWG) meeting is held. 1968 Bob Propst invents the office cubicle. 1968Larry Roberts publishes ARPANET program plan on June 3, 1968. 1968 On June 4, 1968 Dr. Robert Dennard at the IBM T.J. Watson Research center is granted U.S. patent 3,387,286 describing a one-transistor DRAM cell. 1968First RFP for a network goes out. 1968UCLA is selected to be the first node on the Internet as we know it today and serve as the Network Msmnt Center. 1968The movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" is released. 1968SHRDLU is created. 1968Seiko markets a miniature printer for use with calculators. 1968Sony invents Trinitron. 1968Doug Englebart publicly demonstrates Hypertext on the NLS on December 9, 1968.

1974 Intel's improved chip, the 8080 becomes a standard in the computer industry. 1974 John Draper aka Captain Crunch discovers a breakfast cereal children's whistle creates a 2600 hertz tone. Using this whistle and a blue box he's able to successfully get into AT&T's phone network and make free calls anywhere in the world. 1974The first Toshiba floppy disk drive is introduced. 1974The IBM MVS operating system is introduced. 1974 A commercial version of ARPANET known as Telenet is introduced and considered by many to be the first Internet Service Provider (ISP). 1974IBM develops SEQUEL, which today is known as SQL today. 1974IBM introduces SNA. 1974Charles Simonyi coins the term WYSIWYG.

1990 In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee, working with Robert Cailliau at CERN propose a 'hypertext' system, which is the first start of the Internet as we know it today. 1990Microsoft releases Windows 3.0 a completely new version of Microsoft Windows. The version will sell more than 3 million copies in one year. 1990Microsoft exceeds $1 billion in sales and becomes the first company to do so. 1990Godwin's Law is conceived. 1990 Hubble telescope goes into space. 1990Microsoft releases its first product for the Russian market Russian DOS 4.01. 1990The World, the first commercial Internet dial-up access provider comes online. 1990Norton sells his software business to Symantec. 1990Creative Labs introduces the SoundBlaster Pro. 1990Quarterdeck releases its memory management program QEMM386 version 5.1 which quickly becomes the fastest-selling software program in the Untied States. 1990Robert Noyce passes away June 3, 1990. 1990The Multimedia Personal Computer (MPC) standards are developed by Tandy and Microsoft. 1990Microsoft and IBM stop working together to develop operating systems. 1990IBM introduces XGA. 1990ARPANET replaced by NSFNET. 1990The first search engine Archie, written by Alan Emtage, Bill Heelan, and Mike Parker at McGill University in Montreal Canada is released on September 10, 1990 1990GSM standard is defined. 1990The NiMH battery begins being used for commercial use. 1990Panda Software is founded. 1990Archie, the first search engine is introduced on September 10, 1990. 1990Gopher is developed at the University of Minnesota. The program is a menu-driven search-and-retrieval tool and helps Internet users location information online. 1990Intel releases the 80386SL processor which uses low power and found in many portable computers. 1991 id Software is founded February 1, 1991. 1991BSDi is founded. 1991Tim Berners-Lee introduces WWW to the public on August 6, 1991. 1991NSF opens the Internet to commercial use. 1991AMD introduces the AM386 microprocessor family in March. 1991Intel introduces the Intel 486SX chip in April in efforts to help bring a lower-cost processor to the PC market selling for $258.00. 1991 Cell phone Lithium batteries begin being recalled in Japan after phone explodes and burns mans face while talking on the phone. 1991The Sega Genesis game "Zero Wing" is introduced. The phrase "All your base are belong to us" later becomes a popular saying for computer gamers and geeks. 1991Linux is introduced by Linus Torvald in 1991. Complete history on Linux can be found on our Linux / Unix history section. 1991The World Wide Web is launched to the public August 6, 1991. Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist at the European Partial Physics Laboratory (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland develops the Web as a research tool. 1991 Symantec releases Norton anti-virus software. 1991The programming language FORTRAN 90 is created. 1991Following its decision not to develop operating systems cooperatively with IBM, Microsoft changes the name of OS/2 to Windows NT. 1991Creative Labs releases a multimedia upgrade kit that includes a CD-ROM drive, the SoundBlaster Pro sound card, a MIDI kit and a variety of software applications. The kit allows IBM compatible users to obtain all tools needed to meet the MPC standards. 1991Pretty Good Privacy more commonly known as PGP a public key used for encryption is released as Freeware by Philip Zimmerman. 1991The computer Monkey Virus is first discovered in Edmonton, Canada. 1991The DLT tape drive is released as a very reliable, high-speed and high-capacity tape drive solution. 1991The Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) is developed by Intel, and Zenith Data Systems. 1991TrueType a scalable font is introduced and developed by Microsoft and Apple and is used on all Apple computers and PC computers running Windows. 1991MS-DOS 5.0 was released June, 1991.

1999 The Victoria's Secret fashion show becomes the first major webcast on the Internet attracting over 1.5 million visitors on February 5, 1999. Unfortunately not everyone was able to view the webcast because of the popularity. 1999The Intel III 500 MHz is released on February 26, 1999. 1999Microsoft acquires Access software April 19, 1999. 1999IEEE introduced 802.11b. 1999Microsoft releases Windows CE 3.0 1999Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 5.0 in March 18, 1999. 1999 The Melissa begins infecting computers March 26, 1999 and quickly spreads around the globe over e-mail in hours and becomes one of the fastest spreading viruses in history. 1999RSAC becomes part of ICRA 1999The Intel Pentium III 550 MHz is released on May 17, 1999. 1999National Semiconductor announced it will exit the PC processor market. June 30, 1999 - VIA Technologies announces it will acquire Cyrix from National Semiconductor. 1999IBM introduces the first Microdrive, the world's physically smallest hard drive capable of storing 170MB. 1999The Intel Pentium III 600 MHz is released on August 2, 1999. 1999The Intel Pentium III 533B and 600B MHz is released on September 27, 1999. 1999Aims Labs goes out of business. 1999Amazon agrees to buy Accept.com, Alexa Internet (Alexa.com), and Exchange.com. 1999AOL purchases Nullsoft Jun 1, 1999. 1999NVIDIA introduces the GPU. 1999 The Melissa e-mail virus begins spreading over the Internet causing an estimated $80 million in damage. 1999Iomega releases its Zip plus disk drive and diskettes. 1999Sun Microsystems acquires StarDivision, the developers behind the StarOffice suite of software. 1999The Intel Pentium III Coppermine series is first introduced on October 25, 1999. 1999The D programming language starts development. 1999On December 1, 1999 the most expensive Internet domain name business.com was sold by Marc Ostrofsky for $7.5 Million

2000 Computers continue to work and the world doesn't come to an end on January 1, 2000 as some feared might happen because of the year 2000 bug. 2000Microsoft Bill Gates relinquishes his title as CEO to Microsoft President Steve Ballmer on January 13, 2000. 2000CNR is introduced by Intel February 07, 2000 2000Microsoft Windows 2000 was released February 17, 2000. 2000U.S. Judge Thomas Penfield announced today after over 2-years in the court that Microsoft be split into two companies although will remain intact until the appeals process is exhausted. 2000On March 10, 2000 NASDAQ hits its record high and marks the turning point of the dot-com boom. 2000The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act becomes effective April 21, 2000. 2000ATI introduces their Radeon product line on April 24, 2000. 2000Young Filipino students releases the ILOVEYOU e-mail virus that begins infecting computers and spreading over the Internet May 5, 2000. The virus becomes one of the most costly viruses ever because of the steps involved in cleaning a computer after it has been infected. 2000On June 24, 2000 U.S. President Bill Clinton makes the first ever Presidential webcast among the announcements President Bill Clinton announces a new web site that will be able to search all government resources. 2000Jack Kilby is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. 2000ATA-5 is approved by ANSI. 2000Microsoft releases Windows ME June 19, 2000. 2000Microsoft introduces C# to the public in June 2000. 2000Microsoft release DirectX 8, November 9, 2000.

2001 January 1, 2001 - Microsoft announces Windows 95 is now a legacy item and will no longer be sold or shipped to any more customers. 2001January 02, 2001 - Intel announced that it will recall its 1.13 GHz Pentium III processors due to a glitch. Users with these processors should contact their vendors for additional information about the recall. 2001Linus Torvalds releases version 2.4 of the Linux Kernel source code on January 4th. 2001Bill Gates unveils the Xbox on January, 2001. 2001 Wikipedia is founded on January 15, 2001 2001Napster reaches over 26 million users February 2001. 2001The man who practically invented the success story, Hewlett-Packard Co. co-founder William Hewlett, dies at his home, he was 87. 2001Chip- making giant Intel Corp. has agreed to acquire Xircom Inc., a maker of mobile computing gear, for about $748 million. 2001Claude Elwood Shannon, the mathematician who laid the foundation of modern information theory while working at Bell Labs in the 1940s, died on February 24, 2001. He was 85. 2001March 08, AOL membership surpasses 28 Million. 2001The HyperTransport standard is introduced. 2001 The Code Red worm begins infecting Windows computers in July 2001 with the intention of performing a DDoS attack on the White House government web page. The worm is estimated in causing $2 billion in damages and never succeeded in it's attack. 2001 Jan de Wit aka OnTheFly is convicted for the Anna Kournikova virus May 27, 2001. 2001Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 6.0 in August 27, 2001. 2001The CDDB is officially renamed to Gracenote. 2001Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.0 code named Cheetah and becomes available March 24, 2001. 2001March 09, MacAfee releases first handheld virus protection software. 2001After 21 years of selling hard drives, Quantum sells its hard drive business to Maxtor to turn its full attention to higher-level storage products and services March 31, 2001. 2001April 20, Dell computers becomes the largest PC maker. 2001June 5, 2001, Nevada becomes the first U.S. state to vote to legalize online gambling. 2001Airlines begin to implement methods of gaining Internet access while flying. 2001Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.1 code named Puma and becomes available on September 25, 2001. 2001USB 2.0 is introduced. 2001Microsoft announces April 11, 2001 that it will no longer include Clippy with future releases of Microsoft Office. 2001July 20, 2001 - PC shipments worst since 1986, as only Dell grows. 2001Egghead files for Bankruptcy protection on August 18, 2001. 2001SATA 1.0 is introduced in August 2001. 2001AST Computers goes out of business and stops selling computers. 2001Hewlett Packard announces plans to buy Compaq on September 6, 2001. 2001Apple introduces the iPod. 2001On October 9, 2001 AMD announces a new branding scheme. Instead of identifying processors by their clock speed the AMD XP will bear monikers of 1800+, 1700+, 1600+ and 1500+, with each lower model number representing a lower clock speed. 2001Microsoft Windows XP home and professional editions are released October 25, 2001. 2001Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (Version 2002) for systems is released.

2002 Excite@Home, one of the largest ISP's files for bankruptcy and closes its doors March, 02, 2002. 2002Approximately 1 billion PCs have been shipped worldwide since the mid-'70s, according to a study released by consulting firm Gartner. 2002 Jan de Wit aka OnTheFly is convicted May 1, 2002 for the Anna Kournikova virus. 2002Napster files for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy on June 3, 2002. 2002WorldCom the Number 2 long-distance telephone and data service company files for bankruptcy June 21, 2002. 2002PCI Express is approved as standard. 2002The first Trackback is used on Movable Type. 2002Edsger Dijkstra passes away August 6, 2002. 2002Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.2 code named Jaguar and becomes available on August 23, 2002. 2002Cartoon turtle named "Dewie" introduced to help promote Internet safety and security. 2002PayPal is acquired by eBay on October 3, 2002. 2002Microsoft releases DirectX 9, December 19, 2002. 2002Roxio acquires the Napster name and logo in a bankruptcy auction on November 25, 2002. 2002 Hitachi closes deal to purchase IBM's hard disk drive operation for $2.05 billion.

2003 The Slammer worm is first released in January 2003 and becomes the fastest spreading worm in history after infecting hundreds of thousands of computers in less than three hours. 2003PCMCIA announces the development of a new standard codenamed NEWCARD on February 19, 2003. 2003Supreme court rules that sex offenders information and pictures can be posted online on March 3, 2003. 2003Intel is introduced in March. 2003Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (Version 2003) for Itanium 2 systems is released on March 28, 2003. 2003Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is released March 28, 2003. 2003The first computer is infected with the Spybot worm on April 16, 2003. 2003The first D Conference is held in May. 2003The Mozilla Foundation is officially formed on July 15, 2003. 2003MySpace is founded. 2003Intel announces the new BTX form factor. 2003Enhanced Versatile Disc (EVD) standard is announced on November 18, 2003 as a planned replacement for DVD. 2003Eugene Kleiner passes away November 20, 2003. 2003Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.3 code named Panther October 25, 2003. 2003Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2003 is released on December 18, 2003.

2007 Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E4300 (2M Cache, 1.80 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) January 21, 2007. 2007Microsoft releases Microsoft Windows Vista and Office 2007 to the general public January 30, 2007. 2007 Estonia becomes the first country to conduct an election over the Internet March 4, 2007 2007 Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E4400 (2M Cache, 2.00 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) April 22, 2007. 2007 Data Robotics introduces the Drobo in June. 2007Apple releases the Apple iPhone to the public June 29, 2007. 2007 The Apple iPhone Jailbreaking method is introduced to the public on July 10, 2007. 2007 Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E4500 (2M Cache, 2.20 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) July 22, 2007. 2007 The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) is introduced to the public November 16, 2007. 2007Amazon.com releases the first Kindle in the United States November 19, 2007. 2007 Google releases Android November 2007. 2007 Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E4600 (2M Cache, 2.40 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) October 21, 2007. 2007 Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.5 code named Leopard October 26, 2007.

2008 The HD player war comes to an end when HD DVD calls it quit, making Blu-ray the victor on February 19, 2008. 2008 Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E4700 (2M Cache, 2.60 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) March 2, 2008. 2008 Intel releases the the Core 2 Duo E7200 (3M Cache, 2.53 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) on April 20, 2008. 2008 Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.6 code named Snow Leopard and MobileMe at the WWDC on June 9, 2008. 2008 Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E7300 (3M Cache, 2.66 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) August 10, 2008. 2008 Apple introduces its latest line of Apple iMac computers on August 28, 2008. 2008 Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E7400 (3M Cache, 2.80 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) October 19, 2008.

2009 Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E7500 (3M Cache, 2.93 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) January 18, 2009 2009 Apple removes support for AppleTalk in August 28, 2009 with its introduction of Mac OS X v10.6 that also is the first version of the Mac OS that no longer supports PowerPC processors. 2009 Google announces plans to acquire reCAPATCHA. 2009 Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E7600 (3M Cache, 3.06 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) May 31, 2009 2009 CompuServe shuts down July 1, 2009. 2009 Microsoft releases MSE on September 30, 2009. 2009 Microsoft releases Windows 7 October 22, 2009. 2009 Rocket Software acquires Folio and NXT from Microsoft December 2.

2010 ` Apple introduces the iPad on January 27, 2010.