Number 04

News from Wessex Institute of Technology and WIT Press

New Book Titles Prigogine Award 2011 Restoring Meanders

“The World is WIT’s Oyster”

The world is shrinking and today recurrent themes concern the global village, the world as one’s oyster and the absence of last frontiers. All of these echo through global scientifi c and technical publishing where WIT Press has long been a key player and intends to continue this tradition well into the future.

Science and scientifi c research transcend geographical and political boundaries India: Another continent where tertiary education is viewed as an essential and our authors and editors constitute a truly international community where component of progress and prosperity. To meet the almost insatiable demand the global growth of tertiary education has resulted in a dramatic increase in we are rapidly growing our number of distributors who service the needs of the the number of submissions from the Far East, the Middle East, Russia and Latin large university and research libraries. America. WIT Press has responded to these changes by ensuring that our books and journals are readily available in emerging markets and intensifying our activities Today there is increasing talk of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and ) in these markets. countries and we have already outlined our activities in India and China and of course, we will neither forget nor neglect Russia and Brazil or more exactly the Middle East: In addition to Iran where we have whole of the Latin American sub-continent. successfully displayed and sold our books at the Tehran International Book Fair for the last seven Although the emphasis tends predominantly to be on Brazil, Latin America years, WIT Press has forged further links with as a whole is up and coming in science and technology and recently at the distributors that will ensure that our books and Guadalajara Book Fair we had the opportunity to ‘shop-window’ our titles and journals get the necessary exposure at annual events will go on to promote these through the region. such as the Cairo Book Fair and at smaller but equally important fairs held in the region. Russia: In Russia we are working with customers in Moscow and St Petersburg who import English language science and technology Far East: Attendance at the 2011 Kuala Lumpur International titles which shows great promise. Book Fair attracted some one million visitors from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei, Hong Kong, Philippines, Indonesia, Throughout this ‘around-the-world-tour’ we have concentrated Korea and Singapore. In China we are not only selling but on our print books but globally there is a growing awareness that all WIT Press we are also collaborating closely with Science Press, Beijing, new titles (2007 copyright year onwards) are available as eBooks and the choice with the eventual intention of co-publishing some 36 titles in of format is up to the end-customer. Print or digital! English for the international market. A WORD FROM THE Conference Highlights COMPRAIL 2010 Beijing, CHINA CHAIRMAN... The fi rst Wessex conference to be held in China when the renowned Beijing The academic and research communities are not immune to problems in the Jiaotong University hosted, in September 2010, the 12th International world economy, however Wessex Institute has fared well by taking advantage Conference on Computer System Design and Operation in Railways and of new developments, particularly in publishing. Our Academic Publishing other Transit Systems. Refl ecting new achievements and applications of arm, WIT Press, has diversifi ed and undertaken new marketing initiatives to advanced technologies in management, design and operation of passenger meet the challenge of ubiquitous digital publishing. Digital distribution of all and freight transit systems, this conference turned out to be the most our output is steadily increasing, leading to an even wider dissemination of successful since the fi rst which took place in 1987. WIT Press publications, especially in emerging markets.

In addition, WIT Press has consolidated its series of journals with two new titles giving a wider coverage of WIT research and conferences. This will increase to six the number of journals edited by WIT.

We pride ourselves on the high quality of our products and marketing and on the degree to which we interact with our authors. We feel confi dent that WIT is now in a good position to publish a higher volume of material without losing the personal touch. I would like to invite our colleagues to consider our Academic press for publication of their research output.

Finally I would like to express our gratitude to all our friends and collaborators all over the world for their support of WIT Press. PROFESSOR CARLOS A. BREBBIA ECOSUD 2011 13-15 April, Alicante, SPAIN The aim of this conference is to encourage and facilitate interdisciplnary communications between scientists, engineers, economists and professionals Author’sAuthor’s working in ecological systems and sustainable development. Furthermore, ECOSUD is a challenge for the creation of a new science in line with Progogine’s statement that “at all levels we observe events associated with the CornerCorner emergence of novelties and narrative elements, which we may associate with the creative power of nature”. New Book Titles Bridge Aeroelasticity: Computational Fluid Mechanics of Real Fluids Sensitivity Analysis and Dynamics and Heat M. RAHMAN Optimum Design Transfer: Emerging Topics Fluid Mechanics is an important J.A. JURADO, S. HERNANDEZ, Edited By: R.S. AMANO, branch of applied mathematics and F. NIETO, A. MOSQUERA B. SUNDEN this book deals mainly with the Long span suspension and cable- The main focus is to introduce motion of liquids in general and stayed bridges are currently of great computational methods for fl uid water in particular. interest, a fact evidenced by the fl ow and heat transfer to scientists It explains theory clearly, giving increasing numbers of bridges being and engineers who are engaged in applications, and is intended to built over bays, straits and estuaries. developing and/or using computer provide background for graduate Aimed at bridge design engineers codes. This state-of-the-art book students, applied mathematicians and researchers, this book collates contains 12 chapters written by and professional engineers. cogently material that hitherto could eminent researchers in the fi eld. ISBN: 978-1-84564-502-1 only be found in technical magazines. ISBN: 978-1-84564-144-3 eISBN: 978-1-84564-503-8 ISBN: 978-1-84564-056-9 eISBN: 978-1-84564-402-4 Price: £97.00 eISBN: 978-1-84564-334-8 Price £195.00 Price: £114.00 Yankee Book Peddler

LocatedLocated iinn CContoocookontoocook NNH,H, a vvillageillage had been in existence for more than 180 relationship between WIT Press and Distributor’sDistributor’s7070 mmilesil e s nnorthorth ooff BBoston,oston, YYBPBP LLibraryibrary years developing long term relationships YBP has remained based on personal ServicesServices wwasas ffoundedounded iinn 11971971 aass YYankeeankee with major suppliers, including book attention, since YBP’s proximity to Corner BookBook PPeddler,eddler, a bbooksellerookseller ttoo llibraries.ibraries. publishers, and offering books to our US offi ce in Massachusetts has Corner OverOver tthehe yyearsears iitt hhasas ggrownrown ffromrom a ssmallmall libraries, educational institutions and led us to regard them as next-door one-room business to a global company retailers. neighbours. It remains gratifying to of more than 300 employees that offers see even more of our titles, both print librarians and consortia the widest range The strategic partnership between and digital, reaching the academic of academic product offerings – in print these two companies was further and research worlds through and digital formats – of any scholarly endorsed and reinforced recently with Contoocook, facilitated by the bookseller, as well as value-added and the announcement that Baker & Taylor activities of YBP’s dedicated staff. customised services. had acquired Blackwell Book Services North America and James Bennett, In 1999 Yankee Book Peddler was acquired Blackwell’s Australia-based bookseller. by Baker & Taylor, a global information Although already WIT Press’s largest and entertainment services company, global account it became overnight based in Charlotte NC. The company even more important. Nevertheless, the A History of Ottoman Architecture By John Freely This is a study of the architecture (Constantinople), the capital produced under the Turkish Muslim from 1453 to 1923. state that supplanted the Greek Price: £97.00 Byzantine Empire in Anatolia and the The book begins with a short history ISBN: 978-1-84564-506-9 Balkans at the end of the medieval of the , followed era, continuing in existence into the by an outline of the main features eISBN: 978-1-84564-507-6 fi rst quarter of the twentieth century. of Ottoman architecture and its Pages: 464 Focussing on extant Ottoman decoration, principally the famous 2011 buildings in the northwestern part Iznik tiles. Additionally, there is a Hardback of the Republic of , where brief biography of the great Ottoman the Ottomans had their origins, architect, Sinan, who constructed particularly in Bursa (Pursa) and the most splendid of the mosque Edirne (Adrianople), the empire’s complexes that still adorn Istanbul fi rst two capitals and then going on to and other cities of Turkey. John Freely Author’sAuthor’s Born in , into an Irish , Venice, Turkey, and the Ottoman Cornerfamily, John Freely has lived in Istanbul since 1960 Empire to his credit; his latest book, A History Cornerwhere he teaches astronomy and history of science of Ottoman Architecture, is dedicated to Godfrey in the Physics Department of Bogazici University. Goodwin, Aptullah Kuran and Hilary Sumner- Boyd whose seminal writings inspired him to A prolifi c author with more than 40 titles on undertake this study of Ottoman Architecture. popular travel and history books on Istanbul,

WIT Press and Cyberspace

theoretical and the practical aspects our everyday lives as a result of the to telecommunications. Cyberspace is of Safety and Security Engineering; increasing risks associated with the now recognized as the new domain in an interdisciplinary area of research security of the internet, and topics warfare and has become just as critical that brings together in a systematic covering Homeland and IT Security to military operations as land, sea, air way many disciplines of engineering, are of growing importance not only and space. from the traditional to the most because of cyber attacks that intrude technologically advanced. The on individuals’ activities, but those The Journal aims to attract papers in journal addresses areas such as crisis more damaging that affect commerce all these related fi elds, as well as case management; security engineering; and industry, and increasingly those studies describing practical experiences. natural disasters and emergencies; that can cause damage and disruption The study of multifactor risk impact terrorism; man-made hazards; risk to countries and their infrastructure will be given special emphasis. Authors WIT Press is proud to launch the management; control protection and through ‘Cyberwarfare’ for political, are encouraged to submit papers in International Journal of Safety mitigation issues. economic or military advantage. all areas of Safety and Security, with and Security Engineering that Such threats may include espionage particular attention to integrated and provides a forum for papers on The launch of the Journal coincides and national security breaches, interdisciplinary aspects. recent developments in both the with a growing threat that affects terrorism, sabotage and disruption Prigogine Award 2011 Announced The Prigogine Gold Medal 2011 Physics in the Ukraine where she is conferences around the world. She Ceremony took place in April in Head of the Department of Nonlinear is a member of several national and Alicante, Spain. This prestigious Condensed Matter Physics. Larissa is international associations. event is sponsored by the University also a member of the International of Alicante on the occasion of Institute of Biophysics (Neuss, the 8th International Conference Germany). She studied Physics at Kiev on Ecosystems and Sustainable State University before completing Below: 2010 Prigogine Award Ceremony in Development (ECOSUD). her Doctoral thesis at the Bogolyubov the historic Town Hall of A Coruna, Spain Institute. Her current research Professor Larissa Brizhik The Prigogine Medal was established interests include electron-photon in 2004 by the University of Siena and interactions, soliton mechanism the Wessex Institute of Technology to for energy storage and infl uence honour the memory of Professor Ilya of electromagnetic radiations on Prigogine, Nobel Prize Winner for biological systems, amongst many Chemistry. others.

The recipient of the 2011 Award Larissa has published a substantial was Professor Larissa Brizhik of the number of papers in leading scientifi c Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical journals and has participated in many Local New Letter from America... Forest Recipe After triumphing over Mother Nature by keeping shipments moving in spite of a record-setting snowfall, and number of Goat’s cheese snowstorms, in January and February, the offi ce welcomes the return of the Swan Boats to the Public Garden. The Swan and watercress Boats are an even surer sign of spring in the area than opening day at Fenway Park for the Boston Red Sox baseball team. They run, quiche in good weather only, from Patriots’ Day weekend (perhaps better For the pastry known outside Massachusetts as Boston Marathon weekend) in 225g plain fl our, plus extra for mid-April through mid-September. WIT Press Boston Offi ce rolling Boston’s famous Swan Boats are a popular, and unique, way for people to enjoy the 24-acre Public Garden, a gem that 100g butter is part of Frederick Law Olmstead’s Emerald Necklace of parks that runs through the center of Boston. The Swan Boats 1 large egg, beaten, plus extra for were developed in the 1870s after Robert Paget obtained a license from the City of Boston for a boat-rental business . brushing It had for some time been a favorite pastime of Boston’s residents to row a boat on the Public Garden lagoon in the summer. In 1877, Mr Paget and others developed a catamaran-type boat driven by a foot-propelled paddle wheel. For the fi lling A pedal-powered boat made sense since bicycles were just beginning to become popular at the time. The Swan was added 1 medium onion, fi nely chopped to the boat’s design to provide cover for the boat’s captain. 1 tbsp oil The fi rst boats had a single seat 100g watercress, roughly chopped and carried eight people. Today’s boats, replicas of the originals, 2 large eggs have fi ve or six benches, are 150ml milk wheelchair-accessible, and can 150ml log soft rindless goat’s cheese, carry up to 20 people. The ride in rough chunks takes about 15 minutes. The freshly grated nutmeg, optional business is still run by Robert Paget’s family. 1. Put the fl our and a pinch of salt in a large bowl. Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in the egg and about 1–2 tbsp water to form a soft dough. Knead well and then wrap and chill for at least 30 minutes. 2. Preheat the oven to 200oC/gas 6/fan 180oC. Roll out the pastry to line a 20cm loose-bottomed fl an Restoring the New Forest’s tin. Patch holes with spare pastry and brush the base and sides with Meandering Streams beaten egg. 3. For the fi lling, fry the onion in the Visitors to the WIT Press offi ces at Ashurst Lodge last summer oil until just soft, add the watercress would have noticed signs of construction work on the open forest and cook until just wilted. Beat the eggs and milk stir in the watercress surrounding the Lodge. This was part of the ‘Sustainable Wetland mixture and goat’s cheese. Restoration in the New Forest – LIFE 3’ project. 4. Season and add a pinch of nutmeg. Put the fl an tin on a baking sheet Over the last 130 years or so, many new channels have and bake the pastry case for 5 been cut into the stream beds to straighten, deepen and minutes. Add the fi lling and bake widen them to speed up the fl ow of water downstream. for 15 minutes. Then reduce the This aimed to reduce fl ooding in order to provide heat to 180oc/gas 4/fan 160oC and better timber growing conditions and improve grazing cook for a further 25–30 minutes or for commoners’ livestock. However, these changes until lightly set. resulted in continual erosion of the riverbeds, and the disappearance of important riverine and bog woodland habitats; habitats that are now rare in Britain and the rest of Europe. In order to transport infi ll material over a kilometre of Sarah Oakley, Ecologist for the Forestry Commission, sensitive habitat, contractors used a light railway track to WIT FACT Before the New Forest was created gave an illustrated talk to the staff and students at Ashurst minimise pressure on the ground. as William the Conquerors Lodge, followed by a tour of the next part of the stream private hunting ground in 1079, to be restored. She showed how to identify the original Over six months on from the restoration work, the it was known as the Great Ytene meander of the stream and explained what was involved streams are now fl owing and fl ooding along their original Forest. The word ‘Ytene’ means in returning it to its original course. ‘natural’ course during our wet British winter. ‘of the Jutes’ and relates to the Jutes, who were one of the early Anglo-Saxon tribal groups who Before Restoration After Restoration colonised this part of Southern Hampshire following the collapse of the Roman Empire.

Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK Telephone: 44 (0) 238 0293223 Fax: 44 (0) 238 029 2853 Email: [email protected]