S. A. SIG http://www.jewishgen.org/SAfrica/ Editor: Bubbles Segall
[email protected] Southern African Jewish Genealogy Special Interest Group Newsletter Vol. 6, Issue 4 June 2006 In this Issue President’s Message – Saul Issroff 2 Editorial – Bubbles Segall 3 Prince Alfred Shlepped Here – Adam Yamey 5 Books Glimpses of the Jews of Kenya: Nairobi Hebrew Congregationi 13 The Jewish Victorian: from the Jewish Newspapers 1871 – 1880 13 The Jewish Victorian: from the Jewish Newspapers 1861 – 1870 13 Mailships of the Union Castle Line 13 Jewish Projects – Bubbles Segall 15 Parow Golden Jubilee 16 South African Small Country Communities Project, Volume 4 17 Book of Memoirs: Reminiscences of South Africa Jewry – N. D. Hoffman 18 © 2006 SA-SIG. All articles are copyright and are not to be copied or reprinted without the permission of the author. The contents of the articles contain the opinions of the authors and do not reflect those of the Editor, or of the members of the SA-SIG Board. The Editor has the right to accept or reject any material submitted, or edit as might be appropriate. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The Southern Africa Jewish Genealogy Genealogy has advanced from simply collecting Special Interest Group (SA-SIG) individual names to the use of cutting edge technology to source connections. Most evident is The purpose and goal of the Southern Africa Special the use of search engines and the creation of Interest Group (SA-SIG) is to bring together Jewish massive user friendly databases. But it is in the field genealogy researchers with a common interest in Southern of genetics that the most stunning advances are Africa and to provide a forum for a free exchange of ideas, research tips and information of interest to those being made.