DESIGN and ACCESS STATEMENT Westbury, Storridge Road
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DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT Westbury, Storridge Road October 2017 This page has been left intentionally blank Prepared by: CSA Environmental Dixies Barns, High Street, Ashwell, Herts, SG7 5NT email: [email protected] On behalf of: Gladman Developments Ltd. Date: Prepared by: Authorised by: File reference: First Issue 17.10.17 RB SE 2974_01_DAS Second Issue 20.10.17 AgB SE 2974_01_A_DAS Third Issue 26.10.17 SE/BRY/JH SE 2974_01_B_DAS Fourth Issue 06.12.17 RC SE 2974_01_C_DAS Fifth Issue 12/12/17 BRY SE 2974_01_D_DAS Sixth Issue 15/12/17 SE/JB SE 2974_01_E_DAS Westbury, Storridge Road Design and Access Statement Issue Date: December 2017 Doc Ref: CSA_2974_01_DAS This page has been left intentionally blank CONTENTS 01 Introduction 01 02 Planning Policy and Design Guidance 03 03 Site Assessment 05 04 Development Proposals 23 05 Conclusion 43 01. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction This Design and Access Statement (DAS) has been prepared by CSA Environmental on behalf of Gladman Developments Ltd for a proposed residential development at Storridge Road in Westbury, Wiltshire (the Site). The Site lies within the administrative area of Wiltshire Council. The Site measures approximately 9.90 hectares and lies on the northern and western edge of an existing residential development called the Ham. WEST WILTSHIRE TRADING ESTATE The submitted planning application seeks outline planning consent for a high quality sustainable development comprising the following: • Residential development for up to 200 dwellings. • Green infrastructure (GI) including retained trees and hedges, and new areas of greenspace S SITESSITITTE TO R R incorporating ecological mitigation and habitat ID G E creation, sustainable drainage features, play RO A and recreation space and potential allotment D provision. • Access is applied for in full. WESTBURY TRAIN STATION WESTBURY TOWN CENTRE Site Boundary Figure 1.1: Site Location Plan. 1 Design and Access Statement 1.2 Purpose of the Design and Access Statement The vision for the Site is to create a sensitively The DAS explains the design rationale for This Design and Access Statement is comprised of designed and high quality place, which the scheme and how the applicant has fully the following sections: complements the character of Westbury, as considered the proposals and understands what is follows: appropriate and feasible within the context of the Site and its surroundings. • Deliver appropriate housing growth for 01. Introduction: This section introduces the Westbury. Good quality design is an integral part of development proposals and sets out the sustainable development. The National Planning vision and purpose of the Design and Access • Provide up to 200 dwellings, offering a range of Policy Framework (NPPF) recognises that design Statement. dwelling types, sizes and tenures to meet the quality matters and that planning should drive housing needs of the area. 02. Planning Context and Design Guidance: up standards across all forms of development. This section sets out the relevant planning Achieving good design is about creating places, • Respect and enhance the Site’s environmental policy and design guidance that applies to the buildings, or spaces that work well for everyone, assets by setting the new housing within an development of the Site. attractive green infrastructure framework. look good, last well, and will adapt to the needs of future generations. 03. Site Assessment: This section demonstrates • Green Infrastructure Framework will allow the steps taken to appraise the Site and its for appropriate landscape and ecological surroundings. mitigation enhancement measures to be 04. Evaluation and Evolution: This section applied, provision of new public open space LGHQWLÀHV WKH LQÁXHQFHV DQG RSSRUWXQLWLHV RI (including play facilities for children and the Site and its surroundings and sets out key potential allotment provision) and the retention urban design principles for the scheme. of the vast majority of the Site’s existing landscape features. 05. Development Proposals: This section describes and illustrates the design proposals • Promote a development that integrates and demonstrates how they respond to the LQWR LWV VXUURXQGLQJV E\ UHÁHFWLQJ WKH ORFDO LQÁXHQFHV DQG RSSRUWXQLWLHV LGHQWLÀHG LQ architectural and landscape character. Section 4.0 and local design guidance. • Create a ‘place’ that is accessible to everyone, 06. Conclusion: This section evaluates the which makes everyone feel comfortable, safe proposals against NPPF sustainability and and secure and a place where people want design criteria. to live. Westbury, Storridge Road - October 2017 2 02. PLANNING CONTEXT AND DESIGN GUIDANCE Planning Policy Background A detailed assessment of the planning policy buildings are very important factors, securing high National Design Guidance framework is set out in the Planning Statement, quality and inclusive design goes beyond aesthetic Whilst the NPPF replaced Planning Policy State- which accompanies this planning application. This considerations. Therefore, planning policies and ments, the following documents are still relevant section focuses on the local planning policies most decisions should address the connections between and aim to inspire well designed schemes that will relevant to the design and access proposals for the people and places and the integration of new create attractive places and inclusive new com- development. development into the natural, built and historic munities. The following principal documents have environment”. informed the design proposals: National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) The Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) explains how • National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), At the national level the relevant policy guidance the NPPF policy should be implemented. Paragraph DCLG 2012. is set out in the National Planning Policy Framework 006 (ID 26-006-20140306) of the PPG provides further (NPPF) (March 2012). The NPPF sets out a information on design in the planning process. It • Planning Practice Guidance (PPG), DCLG, 2014. presumption in favour of sustainable development states: • Manual for Streets 2: Wider Application of the and is a material consideration in the making of Principles, 2010. planning decisions, setting out the parameters by Design impacts on how people interact with places. which planning applications are to be assessed in Although design is only part of the planning process • Urban Design Compendium 1 and 2, English relation to: it can affect a range of economic, social and en- Partnerships - Housing Corporation, 2000-2007. vironmental objectives beyond the requirement for • Building for Life 12 (3rd Ed.), Design Council, • Decision taking. good design in its own right. Planning policies and 2015. • The presumption in favour of sustainable decisions should seek to ensure the physical environ- ment supports these objectives. The following issues development. Wiltshire Local Development Framework - Wiltshire should be considered: • Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes. Core Strategy (2015-2026) Adopted January 2015 • Local character (including landscape setting). • Requiring good design. • 6DIHFRQQHFWHGDQGHIÀFLHQWVWUHHWV The adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy is the Council’s • Promoting sustainable transport. key planning document and is used as the basis • A network of greenspaces (including parks) for all planning decisions taken within the district. • Conserving and enhancing the natural and public places. It contains policies against which development environment. • Crime prevention. proposals can be assessed. The adopted Core Paragraph 57 of the NPPF states that “It is important Strategy forms part of the Local Plan for the district. to plan positively for the achievement of high quality • Security measures. and inclusive design for all development, including • Access and inclusion. The key policies of relevance to the DAS are individual buildings, public and private spaces and outlined below: wider area development schemes”. • (IÀFLHQWXVHRIQDWXUDOUHVRXUFHV • Cohesive & vibrant neighbourhoods. Paragraph 61 goes on to state that “Although visual • Core Policy 1: Settlement Strategy appearance and the architecture of individual 3 Design and Access Statement • Core Policy 2: Delivery Strategy Of particular importance to this Design and Access • The case of major developments, ensuring Statement is Core Policy 57 (Ensuring High Quality they are accompanied by a detailed design • Core Policy 3: Infrastructure Requirements Design and Place Shaping), which states: statement and masterplan, which is based on an analysis of the local context and assessment • Core Policy 32: Spatial Strategy for the Westbury ‘Development is expected to create a strong sense of constraints and opportunities of the site and is Community Area of place through drawing on the local context and informed by a development concept, including being complementary to the locality. Applications clearly stated design principles, which will underpin the character of the new place. • Core Policy 41: Sustainable Construction and for new development must be accompanied Low Carbon Energy by appropriate information to demonstrate the proposal will make a positive contribution to the • Meeting the requirements of Core Policy 61 character of Wilshire by: (Transport and New Development). • Core Policy 42: Standalone Renewable Energy Installations • Enhancing local distinctiveness. Supplementary Planning Documents • Core Policy 43: Providing Affordable Homes • Retention and