Tackling Kedah's Problems

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Tackling Kedah's Problems Headline Mukhriz on the ball in tackling Kedah's problems MediaTitle New Straits Times Date 14 Aug 2013 Language English Circulation 136,530 Readership 330,000 Section Local News Color Full Color Page No 12 ArticleSize 576 cm² AdValue RM 18,720 PR Value RM 56,160 Mukhriz on the ball in tackling Kedah's problems for the people: He earns praise from supporters and foes ADIE SURI ZULKEFLI FIVE days before Hari Raya, ularity of father and son among Bersama Memacu Transformasi Menteri Besar Datuk Mukhriz Kedahans was certainly one of the Kedah". Mahathir paid a surprise visit main reasons BN had the edge. His repeated visits to check on to Pekan Rabu. "They say to win the hearts of the the condition of his predecessor, This came several days after his people in Kedah is easy... politi­ Pas' Tan Sri Azizan Abdul Razak, father, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, cians just have to make themselves and the fact that he holds mass had made his annual Aidilfitri accessible and approachable, but I prayers for the latter's recovery, shopping at the iconic building. think things are no longer just earned the praise of supporters and Mukhriz's unscheduled arrival at about being someone likeable, but foes of BN alike. the building created a buzz among also a leader who delivers." Despite some pressure for him to the traders and customers, drawing He is well aware that being the remove state officials appointed by a similar reception to that which son of a statesman like Dr Ma­ the previous administration, greeted Dr Mahathir, who is still hathir, he has huge shoes to fill and Mukhriz insisted he was in no rush the most anticipated visitor at to do so, as long as the officers Pekan Rabu. he has placed fulfilling the state BN manifesto as the top priority for his maintained their professionalism Mohd Khairul Rahmat, 32, and administration. in executing their duties. his family, who returned from to He has been on the ball since Nevertheless, Mukhriz is also their kampung from Kuala Lumpur taking the oath of office, stamping well aware of the possible threat of to celebrate Aidilfitri, were among his mark by turning Kolej Uni­ internal sabotage by Pakatan sup­ the visitors who immediately versiti Insaniah (KUIN) into a porters among the stopped upon noticing Mukhriz's statutory body, rescuing the state­ 19,000­odd members of entourage at one of the outlets. owned institution from the mess the Kedah civil service. + Khairul's wife insisted that they created by the previous adminis­ Acknowledging their wait for Mukhriz to finish his crash tration, and slamming the brakes individual rights to course on making kuih karas to on excessive logging. support any political pose for a picture with him. His administration's move to party, Mukhriz openly The new man in the menteri enact an act to curb the spread of called for professional besar's office was quick to grant the Shia in Kedah received overwhelm­ conduct in executing family's wish and even cracked a ing support from Is­ their duties, the same joke about his baldness. lamic school operators call he made to BN sup­ Mukhriz, 49, was an instant hit and ulama in the state, porters during a gath­ with Kedahans when he took the including staunch Pas ering with civil service oath as the 10th Kedah menteri supporters. members during his besar, exactly 100 days ago, after One of these is Ashiq first week on the job. Barisan Nasional wrested the state Elahi Md Desa, an op­ Apart from dousing from Pas in the 13th General Elec­ erator of a pondok the threats of partisan politics, he tion on May 5. school ill Pendang. acknowledges that the success of His appointment as the new Ashiq, who is also his transformation agenda in Kedah leader was the biggest mile­ deputy chairman of Kedah also depends heavily on stone yet in his political career and Gabungan Institusi transforming the civil service came after many doubted his future Pondok, Tahfiz dan II­ first. following his defeat to Khairy Ja­ muwan Sunni (Giptis), During a interview with no fewer maluddin in a three­cornered bat­ a newly formed coali­ than 30 journalists in conjunction tle for the Umno Youth chief post in tion of non­govern­ with his first 100 days in office, the March 2009 party polls. mental organisations leading the Mukhriz spoke at length about the Mukhriz had fulfilled his destiny anti­Shia movement in Kedah, ful­ uphill task he faced to transform in following the footsteps of Dr ly supports the state's move. the mindset of civil servants and Mahathir, who emerged from being "We support anyone serious in take them out of their comfort a mere Umno member in Kedah to curbing the spread of Shia teach­ zone. "It takes a lot of guts to become the fourth prime minis­ ings. This is beyond partisan pol­ introduce immediate changes in ter. itics as we are talking about a se­ Many factors had contributed to the civil service structure and we rious threat to our faith as Sunnis." are doing a lot of engagements to the BN win in Kedah, including Mukhriz has also adopted the internal bickering among the Pas make them understand." politics of unity and reconciliation, Universiti Utara Malaysia Vice­ leadership, which had escalated in­ reflected in the state government's to a full­scale war two years before Chancellor Datuk Mohamed tag line, "Kedah Aman Makmur, the general election, but the pop­ Mustafa, who has three decades' experience dealing with Kedah civ­ Headline Mukhriz on the ball in tackling Kedah's problems MediaTitle New Straits Times Date 14 Aug 2013 Language English Circulation 136,530 Readership 330,000 Section Local News Color Full Color Page No 12 ArticleSize 576 cm² AdValue RM 18,720 PR Value RM 56,160 il servants, said Mukhriz should training so that they are kept courts and stalls for petty hawkers I think things are not hesitate to remove deadwood abreast with rapid changes and or pasar malam traders, upgrading appointed by the previous admin­ demands in the global economy." public parks, improving the de­ no longer just istration as they could derail his Mohamed also suggested that livery system at the local council about being transformation agenda. Mukhriz speed up the pace of his level and initiating flood mitiga­ someone "We are not talking about sup­ administration in driving changes tion projects. likeable, but also porters of the other side of the by looking into matters close to the "These are the people­centric a leader who political divide, but even those BN rakyat which were listed in the BN projects that will create an im­ supporters who are complacent. To election manifesto. mediate impact in the eyes of the delivers." prove his dynamism as a young "These include improving infras­ rakyat. We also appreciate Datuk Mukhriz leader, Mukhriz needs the right tructure and wellbeing of the Is­ Mukhriz's medium and long­term Mahathir talents and brains, apart from lamic schools, sekolah agama raky­ economic development agenda for sending existing manpower for re­ at, refurbishing dilapidated food the state." Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir talking about his 100 days in office as Kedah menteri besar. Pic by PC Lim.
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