And Theses Published Between 1832 and 1968 Has Been Collected on All Phases Cherokee Indian Life. Although the Mal'or Portion Of
DOCUMFNT RESUMF ED 023 533 24 RC 002 954 By -Hoyt, Anne K. Bibliography of the Cherokees. South Central Regional Education Lab. Corp, Little Rock, Ark. Spons Agency -Office of Education (DREW), Washington, DC.Bureau of Research. Bureau No -BR -6 -2100 Pub Date 68 Contract -OEC -4 -7 -062100 -3074 Note -61p. EDRS Price MF -$050 HC -$3.15 Descriptors-AmericanIndian Languages, *American Indians, *Annotated Bibliographies,4Chadrens Books, *Folklore Books, *Historical Reviews, Instructional Materials, LanguageDevelopment, Mythology, Reading Materials Identifiers -*Cherokee Indians An extensive bibliography of books, governmentpublications, periodical articles, and theses published between 1832 and1968 has been collected on all phasesof Cherokee Indian life. Although the mal'or portion of thelistings are concerned with Cherokee history, the document also presents extensive sectionsonCherokee foklore (folkways, arts, culture, etc), and children's books.Shorter listings are also presented on Cherokee educationand the Cherokee language. (DK) poiti mo.19ALLIm h r of the Cherokees 1, Prepared 'for Dr. Florence McCormick Program Specialist South Central Region Educational Laboratory U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. By Anne K. Hoyt Northeastern State College Division ofLibrary Science Tahlequah, Oklahama . 1968 Prepared under Contract Number OEO-d:1-0,12100-3074 with the United States Office of Education. INTRODUCTION This Bibliography is intended for those working with Cherokee Young people and is both selective and comprehensive. Every effort was made to have the listing of children's books about Cherokees complete.
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