Curriculum Vitae Dr. Marion THOMAS Université de Strasbourg Faculté de médecine DHVS (Département d’histoire des sciences de la vie et de la santé) 4, rue Kirschleger 67085 Strasbourg Cedex France Phone: +33 (0) 6 86 20 57 61 E-mail:
[email protected] Webpage: Born 20 March 1969 in Paris CURRENT POSITION Lecturer in history of science Faculty of medicine, University of Strasbourg SAGE (Sociétés, Acteurs, Gouvernement en Europe) (UMR 7363) RESEARCH INTERESTS Histoire des sciences du vivant et de la médecine - Primatology and animal psychology - French colonial empire, Pasteur Institute, and bacteriology - Cell theory and political order in the XIXth century - Veterinary medicine and animal disease in the XVIIIth century FORMATION 2003 PhD “Rethinking the history of ethology: French animal behaviour studies in the Third Republic (1870-1940)” (supervision Professor Jonathan Harwood) Centre for the history of science, technology and medicine (CHSTM), University of Manchester 1999 DEA (French equivalent of Master 2) of epistemology, history of science and technology (Mention “Bien”) University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot 1998 DEA of history of philosophy and languages (Mention “Bien”) University of Lyon 3-Jean Moulin 1992 Diploma of agronomical engineer of the National agronomical institute-Paris Grignon (INA-PG, currently AgroParisTech) 1987 Diploma of baccalauréat of secondary education in mathematics and physical sciences, Academy of Nantes, Mention “Bien” 1 PROFESSIONAL