智 慧 伴 旅 遊

質 優 共 籌 謀

QTSA Annual Report Building Quality 2017-18 年報 Smart Tourism 目錄 Content

Chairman’s Report 01-03 主席匯報

Governing Council 04-05 執行委員會 After downward adjustment in the previous two years, visitor arrivals 渡過了兩年的調整期,香港旅遊及相關行業在 regained momentum in 2017. With the improvement of the external 2017年終於重拾增長動力,加上外圍環境改善, Committees environment, the tourism service industry in has returned to 令香港旅遊業及零售業回復增長,情況更持續好 06-08 委員會 growth and continues to improve consistently. QTSA has taken the 轉。優質旅遊服務協會就此抓緊機遇,加強與各 opportunity to strengthen cooperation with various stakeholders and 持分者及會員合作,積極推動宣傳及培訓工作, 09-22 The Year in Review 17-18 年度回顧17-18 members, by organising different kinds of activities to help our members 為會員業界開拓更多商機。 09-10 � Unifying Quality Through Connection 聯繫優質 團結業界 explore more business opportunities in this climate. 11-15 � Promote Quality Overseas 展現優質 宣揚國際 16-17 � Promote Quality and Create Business Opportunity 推廣優質 締結商機 Mainland China remains the largest visitor market for Hong Kong, 內地正是香港最大的客源市場,佔整體訪港旅客 18-19 � Strive for Quality Through Training 追求優質 培訓傳承 accounting for 76% of the total visitors in 2017, near 4% increase from the 百份之七十六,並在2017年錄得近百份之四的 20-22 � Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry previous year. Given that QTSA must take every opportunity to strengthen 穩健升幅,協會當然要鞏固國內的推廣活動。為 through “sharing wisdom” Project promotion in Mainland China, QTSA has for the first time, cooperated with 增加香港年青人對優質旅遊服務及中國內地發展 「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項目 an educational institution to jointly organise a study tour to Shenzhen on 12 的認識,協會首次與教育機構合作,邀請了20多 April 2017. Over 20 teachers and students participated in this event aimed 名師生參與2017年4月12日的深圳考察團。繼而 at increasing the awareness of Hong Kong students about quality tourism Membership List 在2017年6月7至9日與浙江旅遊職業學院合作, 23-28 會員名錄 services as well as the development of Mainland China. In turn, in 邀請了20多名師生來港交流,走訪香港旅遊發展 cooperation with the Tourism College of Zhejiang, QTSA arranged a study 局,並出席「香港旅遊業現況」講座,以了解香 tour of Hong Kong for 24 teachers and students from 7 to 9 June 2017. 港旅遊服務業的情況。 Report of the Council Through the seminar “The Present Situation of Tourism in Hong Kong” held 29-30 委員會報告 by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, participants gained an in depth understanding of quality tourism services in our city. Financial Statements 31-40 財務報告

About QTSA 41 協會簡介

QTSA has published a seasonal shopping and dining supplement since 協會由2010年起便與「香港自由行資訊」合作,於旅 The SME Development Fund of the Trade and Industry Department was 2017年協會再次獲得工業貿易署中小企業發展支援基 2010. The Hong Kong Guide remains the best channel for members to 遊旺季,包括暑假、聖誕、新春等推出「優質旅遊服務 granted to QTSA once again in 2017. The funding went toward the 金撥款,推出「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項 feature their quality services and products to attract high-spending 協會會員商戶節慶優惠專輯」,為會員提供一個推廣 Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through 目,以輔助中小企業增強營業額和改善服務質素,繼而 mainland visitors. Now on its second year, The QTSA UnionPay Card 各項優質產品和服務的廣闊平台。協會又再次夥拍「銀 “sharing wisdom” Project, aimed at helping SMEs add sales and 提高香港旅遊服務業的競爭力。為加強宣傳,協會特於 Summer Promotion 2017 ran from 15 July to 31 August. With nearly 200 聯卡」舉辦為期一個多月的「銀聯卡」大型推廣活動, strengthen service standard, ultimately enhancing the competitiveness 2017年8月22日假香港生產力舉辦「提升旅遊服務業營 members joining this promotion, UnionPay cardholders received 由2017年7月15日至8月31日,提供購物與飲食折扣優 of Hong Kong’s tourism industry. At a ceremony held at the HKPC 商能力,眾智求勝」項目發佈會,並獲得各界名人出席支 discounts from some of the best shopping and dining establishments. The 惠予銀聯卡持卡人。全港近200家商戶參與是次活動, Building on 22 August 2017 attended by senior government officials, ten 持。啟動儀式後,協會所拍攝的十套培訓短片亦正式上 promotion was extremely popular not only among visitors from the 深 受 旅 客及 廣 大市民 歡 迎。 sets of training videos were officially uploaded to the QTSA Digitalised 載至「優質服務網上學」電子學習平台。旅遊服務業界 Mainland and abroad but among Hong Kong residents as well. Learning Platform, allowing industry professionals to access training 可隨時透過電子學習平台,免費觀看短片及獲取最新的 為宣揚「優質旅遊服務」計劃,協會經常參與各大型活 videos and learning materials at their convenience and free of charge. 優質服務學習材料。 To promote the Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme, QTSA participated 動。由香港旅遊發展局主辦、中國香港龍舟總會合辦 in local mega events. QTSA, along with Sa Sa Cosmetic Company Limited 的「香港龍舟嘉年華」在2017年6月2日至4日期間於中 Another key project was launched this year in line with the development 「Q優點」是優質旅遊服務協會今年推出的重點項目,為配 and Catering Group, sponsored the “Quality Tourism Services 環海濱舉行。協會聯同莎莎化粧品有限公司及太興飲 of Smart Tourism. With the full support of the Tourism Commission and 合發展「智慧旅遊」的大趨勢,優質旅遊服務協會得到旅 Association International Women’s Grand Championship” in the Hong 食集團贊助其中一項國際賽事 —「優質旅遊服務協會 the Hong Kong Tourism Board and in partnership with Cherrypicks and 遊事務署和香港旅遊發展局的全力支持,伙拍創奇思和香 Kong Dragon Boat Carnival held from 2 to 4 June 2017. During the 國際女子金盃賽」,並於場內設置攤位及派發紀念品, Hong Kong Productivity Council, QTSA launched the new QPoint app, a 港生產力促 進局推出全新「Q優 點」手機 程式,「Q優 點」 International Chinese New Year Parade on the first day of the Year of Dog, 藉以提高協會及贊助會員商戶的知名度,同時為品牌 location-based marketing platform. Utilising Starbeacon and GPS, the 提供全面的數碼化會員獎賞功能,商戶按市場反應自主發 a dazzling array of QTS-accredited merchants’ products and delicacies 宣傳。本地年度盛事,新春國際匯演之夜於大年初一 QPoint app allows merchants to push personalised discount and Q+ 出近距離推播或個人化優惠券,以Starbeacon向用戶發放 were featured on the float. It successfully displayed the diversity of 舉行,當晚來自世界各地的表演隊伍及多架花車與全 offers based on the user’s purchase history and preferences. Q+優惠,旅客和市民免費登記可即享全城優質購物飲食 shopping and dining choices awaiting visitors. It also gave us a chance to 球各地的旅客和香港市民一起慶賀新歲,花車匯聚了 Consumers can receive Q+ coupons throughout the city after they 優惠。同時,參與商戶透過收集大數據,更可以深入探討 wish Hong Kong a prosperous Year of the Dog. 「優質旅遊服務」計劃認可商戶的貨品及美食,閃耀出 register on the app for free. QPoint allows merchants to study user data 顧客消費模式,洞悉市場先機,有助訂立營銷策略。 香港購物和餐飲業的豐盛繽紛,同時祝願香港在 and spending patterns to help their brands engage with their customers “Sharing of Business Elites 2017”, one of the most important events on 2018年繁榮興旺、國泰民安。 better in line with their marketing goals. 過 去 一年協 會 致 力為 會 員 業 界 拓 展 商 機,共 同 奮 鬥、群 策 the QTSA calendar, was held on 2 June 2017 at the Hong Kong 群力,而整體市況亦持續增長,總算可以再嚐甘露。但此 Convention and Exhibition Centre. Through this platform, trade leaders 協會其中一個重要項目 —「翹楚匯」於2017年6月2日 Last year, the Quality Tourism Services Association worked very hard 刻外圍經濟呈現隱憂,內地市場亦受到貿戰衝擊, 恐怕香 share their invaluable experiences to inspire QTSA members. The topics 假 香 港 會 議 展 覽 中 心 舉 行。主 題 為「創 新 轉 型 」,邀請 with members to explore business opportunities. Business conditions 港也難獨善其身,協會及會員定要團結合作,未雨綢繆, for the talks centred on the themes of “Innovative Transformation” and 多位業界精英,分享他們創新轉型之道,另一嶄新主題 continue to improve, which the whole industry could finally benefit from. 才可排除萬難勇往向前。猶幸本港兩大基建 — 高鐵及港 “Online-To-Offline Commerce”. The 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 為「O2O電子商務」,嘉賓們提供了現時電子商務發展 However, there is a possibility of global economic threats, plus China is in 珠 澳 大 橋 即 將 落 成 啟 用,有 望 帶 動 更 多 旅 客 來 港 消 費,若 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation 的情況,讓同業了解市場最新走勢。協會另外兩個大型 trade war with USA. Fortunately the two major infrastructures, the new 業界能作好準備,定能把握這個黃金機遇。優質旅遊服務 Ceremony and the 23rd Annual General Meeting were other annual 盛事 — 23周年晚宴暨2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒 gateway of Express Rail Link and Hong Kong--Macao Bridge, will 協會以「智慧伴旅遊,質優共籌謀」為使命,與大家一同 networking events to enhance collaboration among members. 獎典禮和第二十三屆周年大會,不單為會員擴大溝通網 be in operation soon. Hopefully, this will encourage more tourism visits 進退,讓香港旅遊及相關行業共同締造出另一翻新景象。 路,還 可增 進 互 相 瞭 解 及 合 作 關 係。 to Hong Kong and stimulate the overall tourism receipts. QTSA will leverage this opportunity, and will march forward with our members, “Building Quality Smart Tourism”, towards a new horizon. 主席匯報 Chairman’s Report

Mr Ken Chan Wing On 陳永安先生

After downward adjustment in the previous two years, visitor arrivals 渡過了兩年的調整期,香港旅遊及相關行業在 regained momentum in 2017. With the improvement of the external 2017年終於重拾增長動力,加上外圍環境改善, environment, the tourism service industry in Hong Kong has returned to 令香港旅遊業及零售業回復增長,情況更持續好 growth and continues to improve consistently. QTSA has taken the 轉。優質旅遊服務協會就此抓緊機遇,加強與各 opportunity to strengthen cooperation with various stakeholders and 持分者及會員合作,積極推動宣傳及培訓工作, members, by organising different kinds of activities to help our members 為會員業界開拓更多商機。 explore more business opportunities in this climate.

Mainland China remains the largest visitor market for Hong Kong, 內地正是香港最大的客源市場,佔整體訪港旅客 accounting for 76% of the total visitors in 2017, near 4% increase from the 百份之七十六,並在2017年錄得近百份之四的 previous year. Given that QTSA must take every opportunity to strengthen 穩健升幅,協會當然要鞏固國內的推廣活動。為 promotion in Mainland China, QTSA has for the first time, cooperated with 增加香港年青人對優質旅遊服務及中國內地發展 an educational institution to jointly organise a study tour to Shenzhen on 12 的認識,協會首次與教育機構合作,邀請了20多 April 2017. Over 20 teachers and students participated in this event aimed 名師生參與2017年4月12日的深圳考察團。繼而 at increasing the awareness of Hong Kong students about quality tourism 在2017年6月7至9日與浙江旅遊職業學院合作, services as well as the development of Mainland China. In turn, in 邀請了20多名師生來港交流,走訪香港旅遊發展 cooperation with the Tourism College of Zhejiang, QTSA arranged a study 局,並出席「香港旅遊業現況」講座,以了解香 tour of Hong Kong for 24 teachers and students from 7 to 9 June 2017. 港旅遊服務業的情況。 Through the seminar “The Present Situation of Tourism in Hong Kong” held by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, participants gained an in depth understanding of quality tourism services in our city. 主席匯報 QTSA Annual report | Chairman’s Report 1

QTSA has published a seasonal shopping and dining supplement since 協會由2010年起便與「香港自由行資訊」合作,於旅 The SME Development Fund of the Trade and Industry Department was 2017年協會再次獲得工業貿易署中小企業發展支援基 2010. The Hong Kong Guide remains the best channel for members to 遊旺季,包括暑假、聖誕、新春等推出「優質旅遊服務 granted to QTSA once again in 2017. The funding went toward the 金撥款,推出「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項 feature their quality services and products to attract high-spending 協會會員商戶節慶優惠專輯」,為會員提供一個推廣 Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through 目,以輔助中小企業增強營業額和改善服務質素,繼而 mainland visitors. Now on its second year, The QTSA UnionPay Card 各項優質產品和服務的廣闊平台。協會又再次夥拍「銀 “sharing wisdom” Project, aimed at helping SMEs add sales and 提高香港旅遊服務業的競爭力。為加強宣傳,協會特於 Summer Promotion 2017 ran from 15 July to 31 August. With nearly 200 聯卡」舉辦為期一個多月的「銀聯卡」大型推廣活動, strengthen service standard, ultimately enhancing the competitiveness 2017年8月22日假香港生產力舉辦「提升旅遊服務業營 members joining this promotion, UnionPay cardholders received 由2017年7月15日至8月31日,提供購物與飲食折扣優 of Hong Kong’s tourism industry. At a ceremony held at the HKPC 商能力,眾智求勝」項目發佈會,並獲得各界名人出席支 discounts from some of the best shopping and dining establishments. The 惠予銀聯卡持卡人。全港近200家商戶參與是次活動, Building on 22 August 2017 attended by senior government officials, ten 持。啟動儀式後,協會所拍攝的十套培訓短片亦正式上 promotion was extremely popular not only among visitors from the 深 受 旅 客及 廣 大市民 歡 迎。 sets of training videos were officially uploaded to the QTSA Digitalised 載至「優質服務網上學」電子學習平台。旅遊服務業界 Mainland and abroad but among Hong Kong residents as well. Learning Platform, allowing industry professionals to access training 可隨時透過電子學習平台,免費觀看短片及獲取最新的 為宣揚「優質旅遊服務」計劃,協會經常參與各大型活 videos and learning materials at their convenience and free of charge. 優質服務學習材料。 To promote the Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme, QTSA participated 動。由香港旅遊發展局主辦、中國香港龍舟總會合辦 in local mega events. QTSA, along with Sa Sa Cosmetic Company Limited 的「香港龍舟嘉年華」在2017年6月2日至4日期間於中 Another key project was launched this year in line with the development 「Q優點」是優質旅遊服務協會今年推出的重點項目,為配 and Tai Hing Catering Group, sponsored the “Quality Tourism Services 環海濱舉行。協會聯同莎莎化粧品有限公司及太興飲 of Smart Tourism. With the full support of the Tourism Commission and 合發展「智慧旅遊」的大趨勢,優質旅遊服務協會得到旅 Association International Women’s Grand Championship” in the Hong 食集團贊助其中一項國際賽事 —「優質旅遊服務協會 the Hong Kong Tourism Board and in partnership with Cherrypicks and 遊事務署和香港旅遊發展局的全力支持,伙拍創奇思和香 Kong Dragon Boat Carnival held from 2 to 4 June 2017. During the 國際女子金盃賽」,並於場內設置攤位及派發紀念品, Hong Kong Productivity Council, QTSA launched the new QPoint app, a 港生產力促 進局推出全新「Q優 點」手機 程式,「Q優 點」 International Chinese New Year Parade on the first day of the Year of Dog, 藉以提高協會及贊助會員商戶的知名度,同時為品牌 location-based marketing platform. Utilising Starbeacon and GPS, the 提供全面的數碼化會員獎賞功能,商戶按市場反應自主發 a dazzling array of QTS-accredited merchants’ products and delicacies 宣傳。本地年度盛事,新春國際匯演之夜於大年初一 QPoint app allows merchants to push personalised discount and Q+ 出近距離推播或個人化優惠券,以Starbeacon向用戶發放 were featured on the float. It successfully displayed the diversity of 舉行,當晚來自世界各地的表演隊伍及多架花車與全 offers based on the user’s purchase history and preferences. Q+優惠,旅客和市民免費登記可即享全城優質購物飲食 shopping and dining choices awaiting visitors. It also gave us a chance to 球各地的旅客和香港市民一起慶賀新歲,花車匯聚了 Consumers can receive Q+ coupons throughout the city after they 優惠。同時,參與商戶透過收集大數據,更可以深入探討 wish Hong Kong a prosperous Year of the Dog. 「優質旅遊服務」計劃認可商戶的貨品及美食,閃耀出 register on the app for free. QPoint allows merchants to study user data 顧客消費模式,洞悉市場先機,有助訂立營銷策略。 香港購物和餐飲業的豐盛繽紛,同時祝願香港在 and spending patterns to help their brands engage with their customers “Sharing of Business Elites 2017”, one of the most important events on 2018年繁榮興旺、國泰民安。 better in line with their marketing goals. 過 去 一年協 會 致 力為 會 員 業 界 拓 展 商 機,共 同 奮 鬥、群 策 the QTSA calendar, was held on 2 June 2017 at the Hong Kong 群力,而整體市況亦持續增長,總算可以再嚐甘露。但此 Convention and Exhibition Centre. Through this platform, trade leaders 協會其中一個重要項目 —「翹楚匯」於2017年6月2日 Last year, the Quality Tourism Services Association worked very hard 刻外圍經濟呈現隱憂,內地市場亦受到貿戰衝擊, 恐怕香 share their invaluable experiences to inspire QTSA members. The topics 假 香 港 會 議 展 覽 中 心 舉 行。主 題 為「創 新 轉 型 」,邀請 with members to explore business opportunities. Business conditions 港也難獨善其身,協會及會員定要團結合作,未雨綢繆, for the talks centred on the themes of “Innovative Transformation” and 多位業界精英,分享他們創新轉型之道,另一嶄新主題 continue to improve, which the whole industry could finally benefit from. 才可排除萬難勇往向前。猶幸本港兩大基建 — 高鐵及港 “Online-To-Offline Commerce”. The 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 為「O2O電子商務」,嘉賓們提供了現時電子商務發展 However, there is a possibility of global economic threats, plus China is in 珠 澳 大 橋 即 將 落 成 啟 用,有 望 帶 動 更 多 旅 客 來 港 消 費,若 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation 的情況,讓同業了解市場最新走勢。協會另外兩個大型 trade war with USA. Fortunately the two major infrastructures, the new 業界能作好準備,定能把握這個黃金機遇。優質旅遊服務 Ceremony and the 23rd Annual General Meeting were other annual 盛事 — 23周年晚宴暨2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒 gateway of Express Rail Link and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, will 協會以「智慧伴旅遊,質優共籌謀」為使命,與大家一同 networking events to enhance collaboration among members. 獎典禮和第二十三屆周年大會,不單為會員擴大溝通網 be in operation soon. Hopefully, this will encourage more tourism visits 進退,讓香港旅遊及相關行業共同締造出另一翻新景象。 路,還 可增 進 互 相 瞭 解 及 合 作 關 係。 to Hong Kong and stimulate the overall tourism receipts. QTSA will leverage this opportunity, and will march forward with our members, “Building Quality Smart Tourism”, towards a new horizon. After downward adjustment in the previous two years, visitor arrivals 渡過了兩年的調整期,香港旅遊及相關行業在 regained momentum in 2017. With the improvement of the external 2017年終於重拾增長動力,加上外圍環境改善, environment, the tourism service industry in Hong Kong has returned to 令香港旅遊業及零售業回復增長,情況更持續好 growth and continues to improve consistently. QTSA has taken the 轉。優質旅遊服務協會就此抓緊機遇,加強與各 opportunity to strengthen cooperation with various stakeholders and 持分者及會員合作,積極推動宣傳及培訓工作, members, by organising different kinds of activities to help our members 為會員業界開拓更多商機。 explore more business opportunities in this climate.

Mainland China remains the largest visitor market for Hong Kong, 內地正是香港最大的客源市場,佔整體訪港旅客 accounting for 76% of the total visitors in 2017, near 4% increase from the 百份之七十六,並在2017年錄得近百份之四的 previous year. Given that QTSA must take every opportunity to strengthen 穩健升幅,協會當然要鞏固國內的推廣活動。為 promotion in Mainland China, QTSA has for the first time, cooperated with 增加香港年青人對優質旅遊服務及中國內地發展 an educational institution to jointly organise a study tour to Shenzhen on 12 的認識,協會首次與教育機構合作,邀請了20多 April 2017. Over 20 teachers and students participated in this event aimed 名師生參與2017年4月12日的深圳考察團。繼而 at increasing the awareness of Hong Kong students about quality tourism 在2017年6月7至9日與浙江旅遊職業學院合作, services as well as the development of Mainland China. In turn, in 邀請了20多名師生來港交流,走訪香港旅遊發展 cooperation with the Tourism College of Zhejiang, QTSA arranged a study 局,並出席「香港旅遊業現況」講座,以了解香 tour of Hong Kong for 24 teachers and students from 7 to 9 June 2017. 港旅遊服務業的情況。 Through the seminar “The Present Situation of Tourism in Hong Kong” held by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, participants gained an in depth understanding of quality tourism services in our city.


QTSA has published a seasonal shopping and dining supplement since 協會由2010年起便與「香港自由行資訊」合作,於旅 The SME Development Fund of the Trade and Industry Department was 2017年協會再次獲得工業貿易署中小企業發展支援基 2010. The Hong Kong Guide remains the best channel for members to 遊旺季,包括暑假、聖誕、新春等推出「優質旅遊服務 granted to QTSA once again in 2017. The funding went toward the 金撥款,推出「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項 feature their quality services and products to attract high-spending 協會會員商戶節慶優惠專輯」,為會員提供一個推廣 Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through 目,以輔助中小企業增強營業額和改善服務質素,繼而 mainland visitors. Now on its second year, The QTSA UnionPay Card 各項優質產品和服務的廣闊平台。協會又再次夥拍「銀 “sharing wisdom” Project, aimed at helping SMEs add sales and 提高香港旅遊服務業的競爭力。為加強宣傳,協會特於 Summer Promotion 2017 ran from 15 July to 31 August. With nearly 200 聯卡」舉辦為期一個多月的「銀聯卡」大型推廣活動, strengthen service standard, ultimately enhancing the competitiveness 2017年8月22日假香港生產力舉辦「提升旅遊服務業營 members joining this promotion, UnionPay cardholders received 由2017年7月15日至8月31日,提供購物與飲食折扣優 of Hong Kong’s tourism industry. At a ceremony held at the HKPC 商能力,眾智求勝」項目發佈會,並獲得各界名人出席支 discounts from some of the best shopping and dining establishments. The 惠予銀聯卡持卡人。全港近200家商戶參與是次活動, Building on 22 August 2017 attended by senior government officials, ten 持。啟動儀式後,協會所拍攝的十套培訓短片亦正式上 promotion was extremely popular not only among visitors from the 深 受 旅 客及 廣 大市民 歡 迎。 sets of training videos were officially uploaded to the QTSA Digitalised 載至「優質服務網上學」電子學習平台。旅遊服務業界 Mainland and abroad but among Hong Kong residents as well. Learning Platform, allowing industry professionals to access training 可隨時透過電子學習平台,免費觀看短片及獲取最新的 為宣揚「優質旅遊服務」計劃,協會經常參與各大型活 videos and learning materials at their convenience and free of charge. 優質服務學習材料。 To promote the Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme, QTSA participated 動。由香港旅遊發展局主辦、中國香港龍舟總會合辦 in local mega events. QTSA, along with Sa Sa Cosmetic Company Limited 的「香港龍舟嘉年華」在2017年6月2日至4日期間於中 Another key project was launched this year in line with the development 「Q優點」是優質旅遊服務協會今年推出的重點項目,為配 and Tai Hing Catering Group, sponsored the “Quality Tourism Services 環海濱舉行。協會聯同莎莎化粧品有限公司及太興飲 of Smart Tourism. With the full support of the Tourism Commission and 合發展「智慧旅遊」的大趨勢,優質旅遊服務協會得到旅 Association International Women’s Grand Championship” in the Hong 食集團贊助其中一項國際賽事 —「優質旅遊服務協會 the Hong Kong Tourism Board and in partnership with Cherrypicks and 遊事務署和香港旅遊發展局的全力支持,伙拍創奇思和香 Kong Dragon Boat Carnival held from 2 to 4 June 2017. During the 國際女子金盃賽」,並於場內設置攤位及派發紀念品, Hong Kong Productivity Council, QTSA launched the new QPoint app, a 港生產力促 進局推出全新「Q優 點」手機 程式,「Q優 點」 International Chinese New Year Parade on the first day of the Year of Dog, 藉以提高協會及贊助會員商戶的知名度,同時為品牌 location-based marketing platform. Utilising Starbeacon and GPS, the 提供全面的數碼化會員獎賞功能,商戶按市場反應自主發 a dazzling array of QTS-accredited merchants’ products and delicacies 宣傳。本地年度盛事,新春國際匯演之夜於大年初一 QPoint app allows merchants to push personalised discount and Q+ 出近距離推播或個人化優惠券,以Starbeacon向用戶發放 were featured on the float. It successfully displayed the diversity of 舉行,當晚來自世界各地的表演隊伍及多架花車與全 offers based on the user’s purchase history and preferences. Q+優惠,旅客和市民免費登記可即享全城優質購物飲食 shopping and dining choices awaiting visitors. It also gave us a chance to 球各地的旅客和香港市民一起慶賀新歲,花車匯聚了 Consumers can receive Q+ coupons throughout the city after they 優惠。同時,參與商戶透過收集大數據,更可以深入探討 wish Hong Kong a prosperous Year of the Dog. 「優質旅遊服務」計劃認可商戶的貨品及美食,閃耀出 register on the app for free. QPoint allows merchants to study user data 顧客消費模式,洞悉市場先機,有助訂立營銷策略。 香港購物和餐飲業的豐盛繽紛,同時祝願香港在 and spending patterns to help their brands engage with their customers “Sharing of Business Elites 2017”, one of the most important events on 2018年繁榮興旺、國泰民安。 better in line with their marketing goals. 過 去 一年協 會 致 力為 會 員 業 界 拓 展 商 機,共 同 奮 鬥、群 策 the QTSA calendar, was held on 2 June 2017 at the Hong Kong 群力,而整體市況亦持續增長,總算可以再嚐甘露。但此 Convention and Exhibition Centre. Through this platform, trade leaders 協會其中一個重要項目 —「翹楚匯」於2017年6月2日 Last year, the Quality Tourism Services Association worked very hard 刻外圍經濟呈現隱憂,內地市場亦受到貿戰衝擊, 恐怕香 share their invaluable experiences to inspire QTSA members. The topics 假 香 港 會 議 展 覽 中 心 舉 行。主 題 為「創 新 轉 型 」,邀請 with members to explore business opportunities. Business conditions 港也難獨善其身,協會及會員定要團結合作,未雨綢繆, for the talks centred on the themes of “Innovative Transformation” and 多位業界精英,分享他們創新轉型之道,另一嶄新主題 continue to improve, which the whole industry could finally benefit from. 才可排除萬難勇往向前。猶幸本港兩大基建 — 高鐵及港 “Online-To-Offline Commerce”. The 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 為「O2O電子商務」,嘉賓們提供了現時電子商務發展 However, there is a possibility of global economic threats, plus China is in 珠 澳 大 橋 即 將 落 成 啟 用,有 望 帶 動 更 多 旅 客 來 港 消 費,若 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation 的情況,讓同業了解市場最新走勢。協會另外兩個大型 trade war with USA. Fortunately the two major infrastructures, the new 業界能作好準備,定能把握這個黃金機遇。優質旅遊服務

主席匯報 Ceremony and the 23rd Annual General Meeting were other annual 盛事 — 23周年晚宴暨2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒 gateway of Express Rail Link and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, will 協會以「智慧伴旅遊,質優共籌謀」為使命,與大家一同 networking events to enhance collaboration among members. 獎典禮和第二十三屆周年大會,不單為會員擴大溝通網 be in operation soon. Hopefully, this will encourage more tourism visits 進退,讓香港旅遊及相關行業共同締造出另一翻新景象。 路,還 可增 進 互 相 瞭 解 及 合 作 關 係。 to Hong Kong and stimulate the overall tourism receipts. QTSA will leverage this opportunity, and will march forward with our members, “Building Quality Smart Tourism”, towards a new horizon. QTSA Annual report | Chairman’s Report 2 After downward adjustment in the previous two years, visitor arrivals 渡過了兩年的調整期,香港旅遊及相關行業在 regained momentum in 2017. With the improvement of the external 2017年終於重拾增長動力,加上外圍環境改善, environment, the tourism service industry in Hong Kong has returned to 令香港旅遊業及零售業回復增長,情況更持續好 growth and continues to improve consistently. QTSA has taken the 轉。優質旅遊服務協會就此抓緊機遇,加強與各 opportunity to strengthen cooperation with various stakeholders and 持分者及會員合作,積極推動宣傳及培訓工作, members, by organising different kinds of activities to help our members 為會員業界開拓更多商機。 explore more business opportunities in this climate.

Mainland China remains the largest visitor market for Hong Kong, 內地正是香港最大的客源市場,佔整體訪港旅客 accounting for 76% of the total visitors in 2017, near 4% increase from the 百份之七十六,並在2017年錄得近百份之四的 previous year. Given that QTSA must take every opportunity to strengthen 穩健升幅,協會當然要鞏固國內的推廣活動。為 promotion in Mainland China, QTSA has for the first time, cooperated with 增加香港年青人對優質旅遊服務及中國內地發展 an educational institution to jointly organise a study tour to Shenzhen on 12 的認識,協會首次與教育機構合作,邀請了20多 April 2017. Over 20 teachers and students participated in this event aimed 名師生參與2017年4月12日的深圳考察團。繼而 at increasing the awareness of Hong Kong students about quality tourism 在2017年6月7至9日與浙江旅遊職業學院合作, services as well as the development of Mainland China. In turn, in 邀請了20多名師生來港交流,走訪香港旅遊發展 cooperation with the Tourism College of Zhejiang, QTSA arranged a study 局,並出席「香港旅遊業現況」講座,以了解香 tour of Hong Kong for 24 teachers and students from 7 to 9 June 2017. 港旅遊服務業的情況。 Through the seminar “The Present Situation of Tourism in Hong Kong” held by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, participants gained an in depth understanding of quality tourism services in our city.

QTSA has published a seasonal shopping and dining supplement since 協會由2010年起便與「香港自由行資訊」合作,於旅 The SME Development Fund of the Trade and Industry Department was 2017年協會再次獲得工業貿易署中小企業發展支援基 2010. The Hong Kong Guide remains the best channel for members to 遊旺季,包括暑假、聖誕、新春等推出「優質旅遊服務 granted to QTSA once again in 2017. The funding went toward the 金撥款,推出「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項 feature their quality services and products to attract high-spending 協會會員商戶節慶優惠專輯」,為會員提供一個推廣 Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through 目,以輔助中小企業增強營業額和改善服務質素,繼而 mainland visitors. Now on its second year, The QTSA UnionPay Card 各項優質產品和服務的廣闊平台。協會又再次夥拍「銀 “sharing wisdom” Project, aimed at helping SMEs add sales and 提高香港旅遊服務業的競爭力。為加強宣傳,協會特於 Summer Promotion 2017 ran from 15 July to 31 August. With nearly 200 聯卡」舉辦為期一個多月的「銀聯卡」大型推廣活動, strengthen service standard, ultimately enhancing the competitiveness 2017年8月22日假香港生產力舉辦「提升旅遊服務業營 members joining this promotion, UnionPay cardholders received 由2017年7月15日至8月31日,提供購物與飲食折扣優 of Hong Kong’s tourism industry. At a ceremony held at the HKPC 商能力,眾智求勝」項目發佈會,並獲得各界名人出席支 discounts from some of the best shopping and dining establishments. The 惠予銀聯卡持卡人。全港近200家商戶參與是次活動, Building on 22 August 2017 attended by senior government officials, ten 持。啟動儀式後,協會所拍攝的十套培訓短片亦正式上 promotion was extremely popular not only among visitors from the 深 受 旅 客及 廣 大市民 歡 迎。 sets of training videos were officially uploaded to the QTSA Digitalised 載至「優質服務網上學」電子學習平台。旅遊服務業界 Mainland and abroad but among Hong Kong residents as well. Learning Platform, allowing industry professionals to access training 可隨時透過電子學習平台,免費觀看短片及獲取最新的 為宣揚「優質旅遊服務」計劃,協會經常參與各大型活 videos and learning materials at their convenience and free of charge. 優質服務學習材料。 To promote the Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme, QTSA participated 動。由香港旅遊發展局主辦、中國香港龍舟總會合辦 in local mega events. QTSA, along with Sa Sa Cosmetic Company Limited 的「香港龍舟嘉年華」在2017年6月2日至4日期間於中 Another key project was launched this year in line with the development 「Q優點」是優質旅遊服務協會今年推出的重點項目,為配 and Tai Hing Catering Group, sponsored the “Quality Tourism Services 環海濱舉行。協會聯同莎莎化粧品有限公司及太興飲 of Smart Tourism. With the full support of the Tourism Commission and 合發展「智慧旅遊」的大趨勢,優質旅遊服務協會得到旅 Association International Women’s Grand Championship” in the Hong 食集團贊助其中一項國際賽事 —「優質旅遊服務協會 the Hong Kong Tourism Board and in partnership with Cherrypicks and 遊事務署和香港旅遊發展局的全力支持,伙拍創奇思和香 Kong Dragon Boat Carnival held from 2 to 4 June 2017. During the 國際女子金盃賽」,並於場內設置攤位及派發紀念品, Hong Kong Productivity Council, QTSA launched the new QPoint app, a 港生產力促 進局推出全新「Q優 點」手機 程式,「Q優 點」 International Chinese New Year Parade on the first day of the Year of Dog, 藉以提高協會及贊助會員商戶的知名度,同時為品牌 location-based marketing platform. Utilising Starbeacon and GPS, the 提供全面的數碼化會員獎賞功能,商戶按市場反應自主發 a dazzling array of QTS-accredited merchants’ products and delicacies 宣傳。本地年度盛事,新春國際匯演之夜於大年初一 QPoint app allows merchants to push personalised discount and Q+ 出近距離推播或個人化優惠券,以Starbeacon向用戶發放 were featured on the float. It successfully displayed the diversity of 舉行,當晚來自世界各地的表演隊伍及多架花車與全 offers based on the user’s purchase history and preferences. Q+優惠,旅客和市民免費登記可即享全城優質購物飲食 shopping and dining choices awaiting visitors. It also gave us a chance to 球各地的旅客和香港市民一起慶賀新歲,花車匯聚了 Consumers can receive Q+ coupons throughout the city after they 優惠。同時,參與商戶透過收集大數據,更可以深入探討 wish Hong Kong a prosperous Year of the Dog. 「優質旅遊服務」計劃認可商戶的貨品及美食,閃耀出 register on the app for free. QPoint allows merchants to study user data 顧客消費模式,洞悉市場先機,有助訂立營銷策略。 香港購物和餐飲業的豐盛繽紛,同時祝願香港在 and spending patterns to help their brands engage with their customers “Sharing of Business Elites 2017”, one of the most important events on 2018年繁榮興旺、國泰民安。 better in line with their marketing goals. 過 去 一年協 會 致 力為 會 員 業 界 拓 展 商 機,共 同 奮 鬥、群 策 the QTSA calendar, was held on 2 June 2017 at the Hong Kong 群力,而整體市況亦持續增長,總算可以再嚐甘露。但此 Convention and Exhibition Centre. Through this platform, trade leaders 協會其中一個重要項目 —「翹楚匯」於2017年6月2日 Last year, the Quality Tourism Services Association worked very hard 刻外圍經濟呈現隱憂,內地市場亦受到貿戰衝擊, 恐怕香 share their invaluable experiences to inspire QTSA members. The topics 假 香 港 會 議 展 覽 中 心 舉 行。主 題 為「創 新 轉 型 」,邀請 with members to explore business opportunities. Business conditions 港也難獨善其身,協會及會員定要團結合作,未雨綢繆, for the talks centred on the themes of “Innovative Transformation” and 多位業界精英,分享他們創新轉型之道,另一嶄新主題 continue to improve, which the whole industry could finally benefit from. 才可排除萬難勇往向前。猶幸本港兩大基建 — 高鐵及港 “Online-To-Offline Commerce”. The 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 為「O2O電子商務」,嘉賓們提供了現時電子商務發展 However, there is a possibility of global economic threats, plus China is in 珠 澳 大 橋 即 將 落 成 啟 用,有 望 帶 動 更 多 旅 客 來 港 消 費,若 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation 的情況,讓同業了解市場最新走勢。協會另外兩個大型 trade war with USA. Fortunately the two major infrastructures, the new 業界能作好準備,定能把握這個黃金機遇。優質旅遊服務

Ceremony and the 23rd Annual General Meeting were other annual 盛事 — 23周年晚宴暨2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒 gateway of Express Rail Link and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, will 協會以「智慧伴旅遊,質優共籌謀」為使命,與大家一同 主席匯報 networking events to enhance collaboration among members. 獎典禮和第二十三屆周年大會,不單為會員擴大溝通網 be in operation soon. Hopefully, this will encourage more tourism visits 進退,讓香港旅遊及相關行業共同締造出另一翻新景象。 路,還 可增 進 互 相 瞭 解 及 合 作 關 係。 to Hong Kong and stimulate the overall tourism receipts. QTSA will leverage this opportunity, and will march forward with our members, “Building Quality Smart Tourism”, towards a new horizon. QTSA Annual report | Chairman’s Report 3 執行委員會 Governing Council


周允成先生 陳家偉先生 陳永安先生 Mr Winston Chow Mr Calvin Chan Ka Wai Mr Ken Chan Wing On 董事兼副總經理 主席及行政總裁 主席 Director & Deputy General Manager Chairman and CEO Chairman 周生生集團國際有限公司 美國家得路天然健康食品有限公司 太興飲食集團 Chow Sang Sang Holdings CATALO Natural Health Foods Limited Tai Hing Catering Group International Limited


方剛先生, GBS, 太平紳士 劉鎮漢先生 Mr Vincent Fang, GBS, JP Mr Anthony Lau 行政總裁 總幹事 Chief Executive Of cer Executive Director TOPPY國際集團 香港旅遊發展局 TOPPY International Limited Hong Kong Tourism Board


張宇人議員, GBS, 太平紳士 邵家輝議員 陳志輝教授, SBS, 太平紳士 陳裕光博士 The Hon Tommy Cheung, GBS, JP The Hon Shiu Ka-fai Professor Andrew C. F. Chan, SBS, JP Dr Michael Chan Yue Kwong 行政會議成員兼 立法會議員 批發及零售界功能界別 行政人員工商管理碩士課程主任 主席 立法會議員 - 飲食界功能界別 Member of the Legislative Council Director, EMBA Programme Chairman Member of the Executive Council and Wholesale and Retail Functional 香港中文大學 時代生活集團 Member of the Legislative Council - Constituency The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Lifestyle Group Catering Functional Constituency 執行委員會

郭少明博士, SBS, 太平紳士 李敬天先生 第十三屆全國人民代表大會代表 李子良先生, SBS, 太平紳士 Dr Simon Kwok Siu Ming, SBS, JP Mr Frank Lee 李應生先生, BBS, MH, 太平紳士 Mr Brian Li, SBS, JP rd 主席及行政總裁 總裁 Deputy, the 13 National People’s 董事長 Chairman and CEO President Congress of the People’s Republic Chairman

莎莎國際控股有限公司 通利琴行 of China Mr Tommy Li, BBS, MH, JP 百老滙攝影器材有限公司 Sa Sa International Holdings Limited QTSA Annual report | Governing Council Tom Lee Music Co Ltd. 主席 Broadway Photo Supply Ltd Chairman 4 百成堂集團 Pak Shing Tong Group 委任委員�APPOINTED MEMBERS

麥文浩先生, MH, 太平紳士 余壽寧先生, MH 梁淑敏小姐 Mr Manu Melwani, MH, JP Mr Homer Yu Sau Ning, MH Ms Grace Leung Shuk Man Partner 行政總裁 總經理 Sam’s Tailor Chief Executive Of cer General Manager 昌興(1917)有限公司 時代廣場有限公司 Cheong Hing Store Ltd Times Square Limited


朱賢文先生 郭詩雅小姐 魏麗霞女士 鄧梅芬女士 Mr Eamon Chu Ms Kitty Kwok Ms Lisa Ngai Ms Karen Tang Mui Fun 董事及首席財務官 業務發展副總裁,電子商貿 主席兼行政總裁 執行董事 Director & CFO Vice President - Business Development, Chairman & CEO Executive Director eCommerce 太子珠寶鐘錶有限公司 日本城(香港)有限公司 位元堂藥業控股有限公司 Prince Jewellery & Watch 莎莎國際控股有限公司 Japan Home Centre (HK) Limited Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Company Limited Sa Sa International Holdings Limited Holdings Limited


曾詩韻小姐 謝邱安儀女士 黃嘉信先生 Ms Michelle Tsang Mrs Annie Yau Tse Mr Karlson Wong 副店長 主席及行政總裁 執行董事 Deputy Store Manager Chairman & Chief Executive Of cer Executive Director 崇光(香港)百貨有限公司 謝瑞麟珠寶有限公司 奇華餅家有限公司 SOGO Hong Kong Company Limited Tse Sui Luen Jewellery Co Ltd Kee Wah Bakery Ltd 謝淑敏女士 Ms Connie Tse Suk Man 選任委員�ELECTED MEMBERS 食肆界別�RESTAURANT CATEGORY 總監 CEO 恒宇仁龍拳協會有限公司 Heng Yue Yen Long Kwon Association Limited

陳錦輝先生 鍾震峰先生 何悅妍小姐 行政經理 Mr Kavin Chan Kam Fai Mr Terry Chung Ms Jacqueline Ho EXECUTIVE MANAGER 行政總監 署 理 總 監,市 場 及 業 務 發 展 營運及發展總監 Managing Director Acting Director, Business Development & Marketing and Business Development Operations Director 蘭桂坊餐娛概念 Lan Kwai Fong Entertainments 稻香集團 鴻星集團

Tao Heung Group Super Star Group 執行委員會

邱雲英小姐 Ms Cathy Yau 優質旅遊服務協會 Quality Tourism Services Association 林平樂小姐 李成文先生 Ms Diana Lam Ping Lok Mr Li Shing Man 市場行政高級經理 董事

Senior Executive Marketing Manager Director QTSA Annual report | Governing Council 富臨集團 火車頭越南餐室 Fulum Group Cafe Locomotive Contemporary 5 Vietnamese Cuisine 委員會 Committees

為貫徹協會制定的工作方針,協會成立5個委 The Governing Council established five committees to achieve its goals. They 員會,分別為營商環境關注委員會、推廣活 are the Better Business Environment Committee, the Marketing Activities 動委員會、公共關係委員會、提升服務質素 Committee, the Public Relations Committee, the Quality Enhancement 委員會及優質旅遊服協會流動優質旅客服務 Committee and QTSA Visitor Shoppo Platform Project Committee. These 平台管理委員會,充分體現協會進一步拓展 committees spearhead all the Association’s activities and directions. 會 務,力 創 新 猷 的 決 心。

營商環境關注委員會 Better Business Environment Committee

工作目標 Objectiv e 與政府及相關機構合作,以促進協會會員的 To collabor ate with the Government and other relevant parti es in order to 業務發展 further the business interests of the QTSA members

工作 Act ivit ies 就 締 造 更 佳 營 商 環 境 事 宜 反 映 會 員 意 見,打 Representing the vi ews of members about ways to create a better business 擊非法招徠及其他不法行為 environment, and combating illegal touting and other malpr acti c es

委員會主席 Committee Chairman 余壽寧先生, MH Mr Homer Yu, MH

委員會副主席 Committee Vi c e-Chairman 麥文浩先生, MH, 太平紳士 Mr Manu Melwan i, MH, JP

委員會 會員 Members 陳永安先生 Mr Ken Chan Wing On 周 允成先生 Mr Winston Cho w 陳家偉先生 Mr Calvin Chan 李敬天 先生 Mr Fr ank Lee 林平樂小姐 Ms Diana Lam 謝淑敏女 士 Ms Connie Tse * 張本立先生 (增選委員) * Mr Billy Cheung (Co-opted Member) QTSA Annual report | Committees * 吳嘉汶 女士 (增選委員) * Ms Rendy Ng (Co-opted Member) 6 推廣活動委員會 Marketing Activities Committee 工作目標 Objectiv e 負責協會的推廣活動事宜以提升會員的推 To handle the Associati on’s marketing activiti es, and to enhance the visibility 廣機會及商機 and business opportun iti es of its members 工作 Act ivit ies 安排會員參與香港旅遊發展局的推廣活動及 Arr anging for members to use the Hong Kong Tourism Board’s promoti onal 開拓宣傳平台,包括 聯合廣告、展覽及消費 activiti es as opportun iti es to d rive the ir businesses, and creating marketing 專 輯 等,以 提 升 會 員 的 曝 光 機 會 及 創 造 商 機 platforms – such as jo int advertising, tr ade fa irs and shopping and din ing directori es – to give members greater exposure

委員會主席 Committee Chairman 鄧梅芬女士 Ms Karen Tang 委員會副主席 Committee Vi c e-Chairman 魏麗霞女士 Ms Lisa Nga i 會員 Members 陳永安先生 Mr Ken Chan Wing On 周 允成先生 Mr Winston Cho w 陳家偉先生 Mr Calvin Chan 李應生先生, BBS, MH, 太平紳士 Mr Tommy Li, BBS, MH, JP 朱賢文先生 Mr Eamon Chu 何悅妍小姐 Ms Jacqueline Ho 林平樂小姐 Ms Diana Lam 謝淑敏女 士 Ms Connie Tse * 區永年先生 (增選委員) * Mr Henry Au (Co-opted Member) * 張本立先生 (增選委員) * Mr Billy Cheung (Co-opted Member) * 黃蘭詩女士 (增選委員) * Ms Nancy Wong (Co-opted Member)

公 共關係委員會 Public Relations Committee 工作目標 Objectiv e 促進會員交流聯繫,以及增加優質旅遊服務 To lia ise with key stakeholders and strengthen the Associati on’s networking 協會在香港及旅遊相關業界的代表性 functi on, and to increase awareness of the QTSA among the local commun ity and tourism-related sector 工作 Act ivit ies 聯絡政府部門及其他商會、探訪會員及與會 Coordinating with the Government and other tr ade associati ons, arr anging 員 緊 密 聯 繫、統 籌 周 年 會 員 聚 會, 以 及 與 傳 visits and commun i cati on meetings with members, organ izing an annual 媒建立良好關係 gathering of members, and conducting pu bli c relati ons exercise with the media

委員會主席 Committee Chairman 黃嘉信先生 Mr Ka rlso n Won g 委員會副主席 Committee Vi c e-Chairman 梁淑敏小姐 Ms Gr ace Leung

Members 會員 委員會 陳永安先生 Mr Ken Chan Wing On 周 允成先生 Mr Winston Cho w 陳家偉先生 Mr Calvin Chan 李敬天 先生 Mr Fr ank Lee 鍾震峰 先生 Mr Terry Chung 郭詩雅小姐 Ms Kitty Kwok 林平樂小姐 Ms Diana Lam 李成文先生 Mr Li Sh ing Man

謝淑敏女 士 Ms Connie Tse QTSA Annual report | Committees * 區永年先生 (增選委員) * Mr Henry Au (Co-opted Member) 7 提升服 務質素委員會 Quality Enhancement Committee 工作目標 Objectiv e 表揚最佳服務典範及訂立協會培訓發展方 To advocate best pr acti c es, set directi ons and identify the way forward for 向以提升會員服務水平 the QTSA tr a in ing activiti es that r a ise the quality of its members’ servi c es

工作 Act ivit ies 推動業界翹楚經驗分享,舉辦 培訓及業界動 Sharing experi ence with elite members of the business commun ity, 態研討會、深化培訓課 程,及聯同大專院校 organ izing topi cal and industry-focused sem inars, conducting intensive 合辦證書文憑課程 tr a in ing progr ammes, such as workshops and language skills tr a in ing, and co-oper ating with un iversiti es to offer certificate and diploma courses

委員會主席 Committee Chairman 陳家偉先生 Mr Calvin Chan

委員會副主席 Committee Vi c e-Chairman 謝邱安儀女士 Mrs Ann i e Yau Tse

會員 Members 陳永安先生 Mr Ken Chan Wing On 周 允成先生 Mr Winston Cho w 陳志輝教授, SBS, 太平紳士 Prof And rew Chan, SBS, JP 陳錦輝先生 Mr Kavin Chan 林平樂小姐 Ms Diana Lam 曾 詩韻小姐 Ms Mi chelle Tsang 黃嘉信先生 Mr Ka rlso n Won g * 張本立先生 (增選委員) * Mr Billy Cheung (Co-opted Member) * 吳嘉汶 女士 (增選委員) * Ms Rendy Ng (Co-opted Member)

優質旅遊服協會流動優質旅客服務平台管理委員會 QTSA Visitor Shoppo Platform Project Committee 工作目標 Objectiv e 推動「流動優質旅客服務平台」發展成旅客 To develop the QTSA Visitor Shoppo Platform as a tourists and locals 及市民常用的香港流動消費資 訊平台,進一 commonly used Hong Kong mobile shopping and din ing promoti on platform 步協助業界改善經營環境,加強商戶與消費 app, further assist the industry in improving the business environment, 者的連結 enhance the linkage between merchants and consumers

工作 Act ivit ies 制 定 策 略 方 向;管 理 及 監 察 平台 運 作、供 Establish str ategi c directi on; Manage and mon itor the oper ati on of QTSA 應商提供之服務及數據分析;向各界宣傳 Visitor Shoppo Platform and the servi c es provide by vendor and data analyze; 平 台,加 強 其 知 名 度 enhance promoti on so as to increase pu bli c awareness

會員 Members 陳永安先生 Mr Ken Chan Wing On 委員會 周 允成先生 Mr Winston Cho w 陳家偉先生 Mr Calvin Chan 郭少明博士, SBS, 太平紳士 Dr Simon Kwok, SBS, JP 李敬天 先生 Mr Fr ank Lee 朱賢文先生 Mr Eamon Chu 林平樂小姐 Ms Diana Lam 麥文浩先生, MH, 太平紳士 Mr Manu Melwan i, MH, JP 謝淑敏女 士 Ms Connie Tse 余壽寧先生, MH Mr Homer Yu, MH QTSA Annual report | Committees 8 年度回顧 17/18 The Year in Review 17/18

聯繫優質 團結業界 Unifying Quality Through Connection

優質旅遊服務協會多年來為會員提供多元化交流平台,便利業界和政府交流,協助會員收集市場最新資訊和了解市場最 新動向,從而制訂適切的市場策略。 QTSA provides a wide range of communication platforms that enables the industry to communicate conveniently with the Government. At the same time, these platforms give merchant members access to the latest market information and trends, helping them formulate the best market strategy for their business. 優質旅遊服務協會23周年晚宴暨2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒獎典禮 QTSA 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation Ceremony 年度回顧17/18 協會於2017年5月9日聯同香港旅遊發展局假香港會議展覽中心會議廳舉行23周年晚宴暨2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒獎 典禮。協會十分榮幸邀請到商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑先生, GBS, 太平紳士及旅遊事務專員朱曼鈴女士, 太平紳士作主禮 嘉賓,中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室協調部沈沖部長作特邀嘉賓。 香港旅遊發展局於酒會及晚宴期間,向得獎的優質商戶及員工頒發「傑出優質商戶獎」 - 優異獎、「10及15年資深優質商戶」嘉 許 狀、「傑出優質商戶」及「傑出優質商戶員工服務獎」,表揚一眾優質商戶及其員工過去的努力成果。 In cooperation with the Hong Kong Tourism Board, the 23rd QTSA Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 2017 QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation Ceremony took place on 9 May 2017 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Convention Hall. We were pleased to have Mr Gregory So, GBS, JP, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development and Miss Cathy Chu, JP, Commissioner for Tourism, as our officiating guests. Mr Shen Chong, Director General, Coordination Department, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR was Special Honoured Guest.

Hong Kong Tourism Board presented the “Outstanding QTS Merchant Award - Merit”, “QTS Merchants of 10 & 15-year QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 Accreditation” and “Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Award” to deserving members that evening. 9 優質旅遊服務協會第二十三屆周年大會 QTSA 23rd Annual General Meeting 年度回顧17/18

協會於2017年12月13日假The Mira Hong Kong, 舉行第二十三屆周年大會。周年大會中由優質旅遊服務協會主席郭少明博士, SBS, 太平紳士匯報協會2016-2017年的活動回顧及成果。 The Quality Tourism Services Association 23rd Annual General Meeting was held on 13 December 2017 at The Mira Hong Kong. Dr Simon Kwok, SBS, JP, Chairman of the QTSA, presented the highlights of the many projects and achievements for the same period. QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 10 展現優質 宣揚國際 Promote Quality Overseas

協會為香港旅遊發展局的策略夥伴,一直配合和積極參與旅發局所舉辦的大型活動,藉此增加協會及會員商戶在本地及國 際間的曝光率,提升知名度。 QTSA is an important strategic partner of the Hong Kong Tourism Board, as QTSA works to enhance public awareness and its members by increasing their visibility through participation in noteworthy international events.

優質旅遊服務協會-深圳考察團 QTSA - Study Tour to Shenzhen 為增加香港年青人對兩地優質旅遊服務及中國內地發展的認識,協會首次與保良局唐乃勤初中書院合作,邀請了該校20 多名師生與協會委員一起於2017年4月12日到深圳進行考察。 協會特別安排參觀大彊深圳旗艦店及內地一間以牛蛙為主題的特色餐廳 ─ 蛙來噠,讓團員了解內地品牌如何把創新意念 轉化成受歡迎的優質產品和服務。考察團亦參觀協會的優質會員商戶:位元堂、太興餐廳及翠華餐廳,讓學生體會零售及 餐 飲 的 優 質 旅 遊 商 戶 於 內 地 之 運 作 情 況。 In order to increase the awareness of Hong Kong students about quality tourism services and the development of Mainland China, QTSA organised a study tour to Shenzhen on 12 April 2017. For the first time, QTSA cooperated with Po Leung Kuk Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College and invited 20 students and 4 teachers to participate in the study tour. QTSA arranged a special visit to the flagship store of DJI and a bullfrog-themed restaurant, Walaida , to see how Chinese brands turn a creative idea into popular and sellable quality products. The study tour also included visits to QTSA member merchants, such as Wai Yuen Tong, Tai Hing Restaurant and , so that students can gain a better understanding of the retail and catering industry in the Mainland. 年度回顧17/18 QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 11 香港龍舟嘉年華 Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival 由香港旅遊發展局主辦、中國香港龍舟總會合辦的「香港龍舟嘉年華」,於2017年6月2日至4日,中環海濱舉行。協會聯 同莎莎化粧品有限公司及太興飲食集團贊助其中一項國際賽事 -「優質旅遊服務協會國際女子金盃賽」,並於場內設置攤 位及派發紀念品,讓旅客和市民對協會及贊助會員商戶有更深的認識,為品牌帶來正面的宣傳機會。 The Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival, organised by the Hong Kong Tourism Board and co-organised by the Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association, is a world-renowned annual cultural event. It was held from 2 to 4 June 2017. QTSA was a sponsor of an International Race – the “Quality Tourism Services Association International Women’s Grand Championship” along with Sa Sa Cosmetic Company Limited and Tai Hing Catering Group. QTSA had a booth at the carnival to raise local and visitor awareness and enhance the positive image of QTSA and merchant sponsors at the event. 年度回顧17/18 QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 12 浙江旅遊職業學院香港交流團 Tourism College of Zhejiang Hong Kong Study Tour 為增加內地年青人對「優質旅遊服務」計劃及香港的認識,協會特意與浙江旅遊職業學院合作,邀請了20多名師生於 2017年6月7至9日來港交流。交流團到達當晚協會於頂好海鮮酒家為交流團設歡迎晚宴,協會副主席周允成先生與一眾 執行委員會委員出席,與師生互相交流。 交流團到訪香港旅遊發展局,出席「香港旅遊業現況」講座,了解香港零售業和餐飲業的情況。其後參觀了祟光(香港) 百貨及希慎廣場,並於晚上由協會主席郭少明博士帶領參觀莎莎旗艦店,了解香港零售業情況。交流團於最後一日參觀 香港特色街道如海味街等。緊接前往赤柱,感受香港島南面的海岸小鎮風情。當日下午,交流團乘坐天星小輪遊覽維港 景色及參觀香港另一大型商場海港城後,於太興集團旗下的茶木台式休閒餐廳享用晚膳。交流團於傍晚前往機場搭乘 客 機 返 回 杭 州。 In cooperation with the Tourism College of Zhejiang, QTSA arranged a study tour of Hong Kong for 24 teachers and students from 7 to 9 June 2017. QTSA hosted a welcome dinner for the group at Very Good Seafood Restaurant. The dinner was attended by Mr Winston Chow, Vice-Chairman of QTSA, and members of the Governing Council. Students attended a seminar held by the Hong Kong Tourism Board on the topic of “The Present Situation of Tourism in Hong Kong”, focusing on the retail and catering industries here. After visiting SOGO and Hysan Place, the group, together with Dr Simon Kwok, SBS, JP, Chairman of QTSA, went to the Sa Sa flagship store in order to gain insight into the development of the retail industry in Hong Kong. Tour members experienced some of Hong Kong’s street life by visiting quintessential places such as Dried Seafood Street. Afterwards, they headed to Stanley to get a feel for quaint village life on Hong Kong Island’s south coast. The group then took the Star Ferry to Victoria Harbour and visited the famous shopping mall, Harbour City. On their final evening, the group enjoyed dinner at the Teawood Taiwanese Café & Restaurant before returning to Hangzhou. 年度回顧17/18 QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 13 與傳媒午宴 QTSA Lunch with the Media 協會於2017年8月22日與各大傳媒代表共進午餐。午宴期間,主席郭少明博士, SBS, 太平紳士及優質旅遊服務協會中小企業 發展支援基金項目委員會主席李應生先生, BBS, MH, 太平紳士向傳媒分享協會向工業貿易署申請「中小企業發展支援 基金」,以推行「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項目,協助中小企業提升銷售和優化服務質素,從而提升香港旅 遊 服 務 業 的 競 爭力。 QTSA hosted lunch with the media on 22 August 2017. During the lunch, Dr Simon Kwok, SBS, JP, Chairman of QTSA and Mr Tommy Li, BBS, MH, JP, Chairman of QTSA SME Development Fund Project Committee, announced that QTSA has received funding from the SME Development Fund of the Trade and Industry Department. The Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through “sharing wisdom” Project, which aims to help members improve their sales and raise service quality, thus increasing the competitiveness of Hong Kong’s tourism industry, was made possible by this funding. 年度回顧17/18 QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 14 新春國際匯演之夜 「優質匯聚 福犬迎春賀豐年」 International Chinese New Year Parade “Quality Brands, Splendid New Year”

新春國際匯演之夜於大年初一2018年2月16日晚上舉行。當晚來自世界各地的表演隊伍及多架花車與全球各地的旅客和 香港市民於尖沙咀一起慶賀新歲。花車匯聚了「優質旅遊服務」計劃認可商戶的貨品及美食,展現香港豐富多元化的購物 和餐飲選擇,同時寄望旅客在香港過一個難忘的新春假期。 On 16 February 2018, the first day of the Year of Dog, the International Chinese New Year Night Parade was staged at to the delight of both tourists and locals. A dazzling array of QTS-accredited merchants’ products and delicacies were featured on the QTSA float, reflecting the diverse shopping and dining options available to visitors. The float captured QTSA’s hope that all visitors have a happy and unforgettable holiday in Hong Kong. 年度回顧17/18 QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 15 推廣優質 締結商機 Promote Quality and Create Business Opportunity

協會致力為會員提供正面的宣傳平台和拓展商機的機會,向外推廣「優質旅遊服務」計劃,以增加消費者對計劃及認證商 戶的認識,宣品牌揚正面形象,增加商業機遇。 QTSA provides different promotional platforms to increase consumers’ awareness of the Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme and of accredited merchants so as to create a positive image and increase business opportunities.

Q優點 QPoint 為配合發展「智慧旅遊」的大趨勢,優質旅遊服務協會得到旅遊事務署和香港旅遊發展局的全力支持,伙拍創奇思和香 港生產力促進局積極籌備推出全新手機程式─「Q優點」。商戶可透過「Q優點」按市場反應,向用戶發出近距離推播或個 人化的Q+優惠券,旅客和市民免費登記可即享全城優質購物飲食優惠。同時,參與商戶透過收集大數據,進一步預測消 費者的購物模式,有助商戶定立營銷策略,與顧客建構一個更緊密的聯繫,從而讓生意額更上一層樓。 商戶如欲了解參加辦法及收費詳情,可致電2807 6280或電郵到[email protected]查詢。 In line with the development of the Smart Travel trend, the QTSA has received the full support of the Tourism Commission and the Hong Kong Tourism Board and in partnership with Cherrypicks and Hong Kong Productivity Council to launch the new QPoint app. This allows merchants to push personalised discounts and offers as well as the user’s purchase history and preferences. Consumers can receive Q+ discounts throughout the city after they register on the app for free. The QPoint App allows merchants to study user data and spending patterns to help their brands engage with their customers better based on the company’s marketing goals. Those interested in joining the QPoint App, can call us at 2807 6280 or email to [email protected] for more details. 年度回顧17/18 QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 16 Q T S A「銀 聯 卡」舉 辦 暑 期 大 型 推 廣 活 動 QTSA UnionPay Card Summer Promotion 2017 協會再次聯同「銀聯卡」舉辦為期一個多月的大型推廣活動,由2017年7月15日至8月31日,提供淨貨品或淨單價95折或以 上優惠予銀聯卡持卡人。全港超過2000家店舖參與是次活動,持有銀聯卡的市民可享受購物和飲食優惠體驗。 In co-operation with UnionPay Card, the QTSA UnionPay Card Summer Promotion ran from 15 July 2017 to 31 August 2017. UnionPay card holders received a special 5% discount during the promotion period. With over 2000 retail and catering member’s outlets joining this promotion, UnionPay cardholders not only enjoyed discounted shopping experiences, but also savoured sumptuous dishes.

針對內地旅客黃金推廣機會 Mainland Chinese Visitors Golden Promotional Package

協會自2010年起便與《香港自由行資訊》合作,定期於旅遊旺季,如暑假、聖誕、新春等推出《優質旅遊服務協會會員商戶 節慶優惠專輯》,為會員提供一個推廣各項優質產品和服務的宣傳平台。 QTSA has published a seasonal shopping and dining supplement since 2010. To attract high-spending Mainland visitors, advertorials presenting the excellent services and products offered by members are featured in the Hong Kong Guide. 年度回顧17/18 QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 17 追求優質 培訓傳承 Strive for Quality Through Training

協會十分重視業界優質服務的水平,為業界提供緊貼市場的資訊及成功經驗的借鑒,故定期邀請專業培訓導師和業界傑 出精英舉辦不同的經驗分享會、培訓課程和研討會。 QTSA pays great attention to maintaining the high level of services in the industry. Professional instructors and outstanding business leaders are invited to lead training courses and seminars as well as to share their experiences with members.

「翹楚匯2017」經驗分享會 Sharing of Business Elites 2017

每年均會邀請業界傑出精英分享其經營之道。「翹楚匯2017」於6月2日假香港會議展覽中心演講廳1舉行。上午環節主 題為「創新轉型」,並邀請多位業界的翹楚,嘉賓們分享他們創新轉型之道。「翹楚匯2017」經驗分享會下午環節的主題 為「O2O電子商務」,協會邀請了多位業界的精英代表,分享現時電子商務發展的情況。 Every year, top business leaders are invited to share their experiences in order to inspire QTSA members. “Innovative Transformation” was the theme of Sharing of Business Elites 2017 Morning Session, which was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 2 June 2017. Guest speakers explored the development of e-commence in Hong Kong as part of Sharing of Business Elites 2017 Afternoon Session, under the theme “Online-To-Offline Commerce”. 年度回顧17/18 QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 18 「員 工 的 態 度,決 定 投 訴 的 程 度 」研 討 會 “Staff Attitude & Complaints Handling” Seminar 為了預防因負面態度而可能引發之投訴,協會邀請資深管理培訓顧問及培訓策略師江燕來先生於2018年3月9日假香港生 產力大樓4樓會議廳作研討會講者,向會員分享一些處理投訴案例及如何培養員工正面態度的重點。 To help our member establishments minimise instances of customer dissatisfaction arising from negative staff attitude, QTSA invited Mr Daniel Kong, Corporate Consultant, to share some cases and tips on how to adopt a customer friendly mindset at 4/F, HKPC Building on 9 March 2018.

零售業實用普通話會話一天精讀課程 Customer Service Intensive Putonghua for Retail 內地旅客一直為香港零售業主要的推動力,協會特別為零售業前線員工度身設計實用普通話一天課程,加強針對內地旅客 的對答培訓,務求讓學員透對話練習,提升普通話語言水平和營銷的能力。 Mainland Chinese visitors are the main target of Hong Kong’s retail industry. To improve retail staff’s Putonghua level and sales techniques, QTSA offered a tailor-made Customer Service Putonghua course for frontline staff.

飲食業實用英語 會話一天精讀課程 Customer Service Intensive English for Catering 近年訪港的國際旅客上升,為提升餐飲業前線員工英語語言能力,協會舉辦一天英語會話訓練課程,提供英語應對和處境 的語言訓練,有助提供更優質的服務給予國際旅客。 With the aim of improving the English level of front line staff and providing quality services to overseas tourists, the QTSA organised

the Customer Service Intensive English for Catering which featured practical conversation lessons. 年度回顧17/18 QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 19 「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項目 Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through “sharing wisdom” Project

2017年協會再次獲得工業貿易署中小企業發展支援基金撥款,並推出「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項目,以協助 中小企業提升銷售和優化服務質素,從而提升香港旅遊服務業的競爭力。項目特別為本地零售和飲食業製作的培訓短片、 「智囊團」咨詢服務、研討會、工作坊及實地訪查顧問服務等。 QTSA once again received funding from the SME Development Fund of the Trade and Industry Department in 2017. The funding enabled the association to launch Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through “sharing wisdom” Project to further support members by producing training videos, offering "Think-Tank” consultation services, seminars, workshops and Site Visit Consultancy services. These and other activities are geared towards helping SMEs increase their sales and improve service quality, with the goal of improving the competitiveness of Hong Kong’s tourism industry.

「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項目發佈會 Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through “sharing wisdom” Project Launch Ceremony 協會於2017年8月22日假香港生產力大樓四樓演講廳,舉行「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項目發佈會。協會十分榮 幸邀請到工業貿易署署長甄美薇女士, 太平紳士、優質旅遊服務協會主席郭少明博士, SBS, 太平紳士、香港生產力促進局總 裁麥鄧碧儀女士, MH, 太平紳士及香港旅遊發展局副總幹事葉貞德女士作項目啟動儀式的主禮嘉賓。 啟動儀式的順利完成,標誌著協會拍攝的十套培訓短片正式上載至「優質服務網上學」電子學習平台。旅遊服務業界可隨 時隨地透過電子學習平台,觀看短片及獲取最新的優質服務學習素材。 The project launch ceremony took place at the HKPC Building on 22 August 2017. We were pleased to have Ms Salina Yan, JP, Director-General of Trade and Industry Department, Dr Simon Kwok, SBS, JP, Chairman of QTSA, Mrs Agnes Mak Tang Pik-yee, MH, JP, Executive Director of The Hong Kong Productivity Council and Ms Becky Ip, Deputy Executive Director of Hong Kong Tourism Board as honoured guests. After the successful launch, ten sets of training videos were officially uploaded to the QTSA Digitalised Learning Platform, allowing industry professionals to access the training videos and learning materials on demand. 年度回顧17/18 QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 20 優質服務服務協會「優質服務網上學」電子學習平台 QTSA Digitalised Learning Platform 協會透「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項目舉辦了不同類型的培訓活動,參加者踴躍參與是次培訓活動及對其 整體表示滿意。項目可讓他們吸收新知識,解決經營問題,幫助公司未來發展。培訓短片及電子指南等資訊已上載至協會 的「優質服務網上學」電子學習平台(http://elearn.qtsa.com/),業界可以繼續使用此免費電子學習平台,作員工培訓 用途,從而提升服務質素水平。 QTSA likewise organised different training activities as part of the Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through “sharing wisdom” Project. Through these training sessions, QTSA members acquire new knowledge, solve operational problems and have a better grasp of how to grow the company in the future. The QTSA Digitalised Learning Platform (http://elearn.qtsa.com/) gives industry players free access to the training videos and learning materials for internal training to improve service quality within the industry.

http://elearn.qtsa.com/ 年度回顧17/18 QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 4121 「優 質服 務 團隊、創 造 銷 售 佳 績」研 討 會 “Quality Service Drives Success” Seminar 協會於2017年8月22日假香港生產力大樓四樓演講廳舉辦一場「優質服務團隊、創造銷售佳績」研討會,邀請服務表現出 色的機構分享服務及管理策略。演講嘉賓包括:香港中文大學行政人員工商管理碩士課程主任暨優質旅遊服務協會顧問 陳志輝教授, SBS, 太平紳士、包浩斯國際(控股)有限公司主席兼行政總裁黃銳林先生、大快活集團有限公司顧客服務部高 級經理鄺仲斌先生及香港航空有限公司人力資源及行政總監邱志威先生。 QTSA organised “Quality Service Drives Success” Seminar on 22 August 2017 at the HKPC Building. The speakers were Professor Andrew Chan, SBS, JP, Director of EMBA Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Adviser of QTSA, Mr George Wong, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bauhaus International (Holdings) Limited, Mr Benson Kwong, Senior Manager of Customer Services Department of Holdings Limited and Mr Stanley Yau, Director of Human Resources & Administration of Hong Kong Airlines Limited.

「優質服務團隊、創造銷售佳績」工作坊 “Quality Service Drives Success” Workshop 為針對不同中小企的業務營運需要及提升員工管理技巧和服務質素,協會於2017年8-9月按不同行業類別包括:名貴商品、 快速消費品、雜項耐用消費、快餐及其他美食和中餐及西餐等,安排了十個工作坊,超過二百位業界管理層和前線員工參與, 藉此提升整體旅遊服務業水平。 In order to cater to the needs of different SMEs and to enhance staff management skills and service quality, QTSA organised workshops for over 200 management and frontline staff in August and September 2017. The workshops were divided into different categories: valuable goods, fast moving consumer goods, miscellaneous consumer durable goods, fast food and other food, and Chinese and Western food. 年度回顧17/18 QTSA Annual report | The in Review Year 17/18 22 會員名錄 Membership List

Retailer Category | 零售界別

0/3 baby collection 0/3 baby collection Chris Christy Chris Christy 1O1O 1O1O Chun Kee Stationery Co Ltd 春記文具有限公司 3D-GOLD Jewellery (HK) Ltd 金至尊珠寶(香港)有限公司 Chung Chai Kee 忠仔記 3HK - Hutchison Telecommunications (Hong Kong) Limited 3香港 - 和記電訊(香港)有限公司 Chung Hwa Book Co (HK) Ltd 中華書局(香港)有限公司 3hreesixty 3hreesixty Chung Yuen Electrical Co Ltd 中原電器行有限公司 5.11 Tactical 5.11 Tactical Chung Yung Cycle Co 鎮洋兄弟單車公司 A Grade Technology Ltd 盈竣科技有限公司 Chung's Jewelry Co. 鍾氏寶石店 A LA BAKERY A LA BAKERY CIGAR EMPORIUM CIGAR EMPORIUM A Timeless Tailor 裁藝軒洋服公司 Cigar Time 雪茄時刻 AEON AEON Citistore 千色 AEON SUPERMARKET AEON SUPERMARKET Citizen Citizen AGATHA AGATHA City Chain Co Ltd 時間廊 Ah Moon Ah Moon City Foreign Exchange Limited City Foreign Exchange Limited AIGLE AIGLE Citylink 領域 Aigle Crystal Decor Limited 愛家水晶裝飾有限公司 city'super city'super Airland 雅蘭 CLARKS CLARKS Allan Tom & Co Limited 源興行洋服有限公司 ClassicalArts Jewellery Watch Co. 典藝珠寶鐘錶公司 Alpha Alpha CN Square 中南廣場 Al-Shahzadi HK Limited Al-Shahzadi HK Limited CNG Wine 酒棧 Amigo Jewelry 美高珠寶 COHIBA CIGAR DIVAN COHIBA CIGAR DIVAN Anglo Chinese Florist Ltd 中西花店有限公司 Colors In Optics Ltd 昌明眼鏡有限公司 Apsley Tailors Limited Apsley Tailors Limited colourliving colourliving Arome Bakery 東海堂 Comax Enterprise Worldwide Limited Comax Enterprise Worldwide Limited Art Inspiration 藝海福緣 Comvita Comvita ARTĒ ARTĒ Continental Diamond 恒和鑽石 ARTLAND WATCH CO LTD 藝林錶行有限公司 Cookies Quartet 曲奇四重奏 Ash Samtani Clothing Limited 新丹尼洋服公司 Cortina Watch HK Limited 高登鐘錶香港有限公司 Ashford Ashford Cosmo Circle Custom Tailor Company 合洋行洋服公司 August Custom Tailors 區基正洋服 Cosmos Books Ltd 天地圖書有限公司 Australia Watch & Jewellery Co 澳洲鐘錶珠寶公司 Coxell Digital Camera 恆輝數碼 AUSupreme 澳至尊 CP Plus 商務文化快線 B. Duck B. Duck CRCare 華潤堂 Bakery Diets' Limited Bakery Diets' Limited Crocodile 鱷魚恤 Baleno 班尼路 Crystal K G Gem's Co 晶素軒天然寶石 Baron Kay's Tailor 上海洋服 Crystalink 名石店 Basel (Switzerland) Watches Limited 瑞士名錶有限公司 csl csl Bauhaus Bauhaus CSS 粵港澳湛周生生 BB Laboratories BB Laboratories CTF Watch 周大福鐘錶 Beauty Land Beauty Land Cyber Pro 科栢電腦 BeBe Dream BeBe Dream Cyber System 科藝電腦 Bed & Bath Bed & Bath Cyber Telecom 通訊無限 Bee Cheng Hiang (HK) Ltd 美珍香 (香港) 有限公司 D Y Kee 新利公司 Bee's Diamonds Bee's Diamonds Dai Fat Swallow's Nest Co Ltd 大發燕窩莊有限公司 Bento Express by AEON Bento Express by AEON D'aime 迪亞美 Berlin Optical Co Ltd 柏林眼鏡有限公司 Daniel Fashions Daniel Fashions Best Mart 360° 優品360° David Fashions 大偉時裝 Bioderma Bioderma dayOFF dayOFF BIOLYN (HK) LIMITED 寶富寧(香港)有限公司 DAZZLE DAZZLE Birkenstock Birkenstock DCH Food Mart 大昌食品市場 Blesscuit Bakery Blesscuit Bakery DCH Food Mart Deluxe 大昌食品專門店 Bo Crown Building Materials Limited 寶冠建材有限公司 Delon Photo & Hi-Fi Centre Ltd 狄龍影音有限公司 Bobby's Fashions Bobby's Fashions Descente Descente BodiBra BodiBra DESIRE BY MANDY LAU DESIRE BY MANDY LAU Bon Jewelry Co. Bon Jewelry Co. Diamond King Jewellery Holding Limited 金鑽皇珠寶金行有限公司 Bonjour Cosmetic Wholesale Center Ltd. 卓悅化粧品批發中心有限公司 Diamondoor Jewellery Co Ltd 富嘉閣珠寶有限公司 Bonluxe 葆露絲 Dollar Studio 壹圓大照相館 Bonnie Lai Antiquities 寶源堂 Dor t Ltd 快銳有限公司 bossini bossini DOUBLE HAPPINESS DOUBLE HAPPINESS Breo Company Limited 倍輕鬆科技香港有限公司 Dr Kong Footcare Limited Dr Kong Footcare Limited Brighten Floriculture Ltd 繽紛園藝有限公司 Dragons Optometric Centre 龍珠專業眼鏡店 Brilliant Jewellery 寶麗廊珠寶 Dream Optical City Limited 夢想成真眼鏡城有限公司 Broadway Photo Supply Ltd 百老滙攝影器材有限公司 Dream Team 飛天流動 Byford Byford Duk San Co 德產公司 C.P.U. C.P.U. Dynasty Jewellery Manufacturer 皇朝 Cailia 卡雅珠寶 ECOG LIMITED ECOG LIMITED Caleb Jewellery Company Limited 迦勒珠寶有限公司 Edelweiss Jewellery 大寶珠寶 Canaan Optical Co Ltd 迦南眼鏡有限公司 EG EG Carol's Watch 歐亞鐘錶 Eggroll Queen 蛋卷皇后 Carpenter Tan 譚木匠 Eldorado Watch Co Ltd 金寶表行 Casablanca Hong Kong Limited 卡撒天嬌香港有限公司 Elegant Custom Tailor 英國洋服專門店 Castle of Antiquities Co Ltd 古城藝術品有限公司 Elegant Watch & Jewellery Company 三寶鐘錶珠寶有限公司

CATALO Natural Health Foods 美國家得路天然健康食品 ELLE TRAVEL LUGGAGE & BAGS ELLE TRAVEL LUGGAGE & BAGS 會員名錄 CATHYPAUL DIAMOND LIMITED CATHYPAUL DIAMOND LIMITED Embry Form 安莉芳 CC Shop CC Shop Eminent Luggage Eminent Luggage Chamonix Alpine Equipment 沙木尼登山用品 Emperor Watch & Jewellery 英皇鐘錶珠寶 Chan Yee Jai 陳意齋 Emphasis Jewellery 點睛品 Cheong Hing Vinsac 昌興醇酒坊 Empire International Custom Tailors Empire International Custom Tailors Cheong Shing Birdnest Ginseng Hong 昌盛燕窩參茸行 Emporio Armani Emporio Armani CHERRY CHERRY Enchanting Diamond 富盛 Cheung Hing Bird Nest Chong 長興燕窩莊 ENOTECA ENOTECA Cheung Mao Kee Electrical Co Ltd 張毛記電業有限公司 ENZO ENZO CHI FUNG JADE ORNAMENTS LIMITED 置豐玉器有限公司 Episode Episode Chiangs Optical Co Ltd 蔣氏眼鏡有限公司 Esprit Esprit Chin Fai Gold & Jewellery Co 仟輝珠寶金行 Eternity Diamond & Jewellery Ltd 永生珠寶有限公司 Chinese Arts & Crafts (HK) Ltd 中藝 (香港) 有限公司 Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong) Ltd 余仁生(香港)有限公司 Chinese Goods Centre 華豐國貨 Eugene Baby 荷花親子 Chocolate House Chocolate House Europe Watch Co Ltd 歐洲坊有限公司 Chocolate Kitchen 名廚巧克力 Exceptional Stone Company 樂悠軒水晶礦石公司 Chocolate Mama Limited 巧克力媽媽有限公司 EXCLAMATION LIMITED E時代 Chong Fai Jewellery & Gold Company Limited 創輝珠寶金行有限公司 Express Custom Tailors Express Custom Tailors Chow Sang Sang Jewellery Co Ltd 周生生珠寶金行有限公司 Eye's Mate Optical Company 愛視美眼鏡 Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Co Ltd 周大福珠寶金行有限公司 Family Fun 家居樂 QTSA Annual report | Membership List QTSA Chow Tai Fook Young Zone 周大福年青專區 FANCL FANCL 23

Fine Asia Watch (HK) Co. Ltd K S Sze & Sons Ltd Mirabell Shu Talk First Edible Nest Ka Tat (H.K) Trading Co Modere Hong Kong Limited Simpson Sin Tailor First International Resources Limited Kahn Tailor Mong Kok Pro Bicycle Shop Limited SKECHERS FOCO HEADPHONE PRO-SHOP Kai Fat Tea Company Limited Mothercare Sky Beauty Jewelry Limited Foochow Lacquer Co Kai Tai Chinese Medicine (Holdings) Co Ltd Mrs. So's XO Sauce Sky Blue Bikes Fook Lam Jewellery Co Kaiser Jewellery Company Munsingwear Smart Glory Electrical Co Fook Lin Hong Kala Cheese Toast Specialist My Chocolate Shop Limited SmarTone Fook Ming Tong Tea Shop Kam Bong Jewellery Co My Jewelry SOFAMARK Fook Shing Jewellery Company Kam Chuen Store Ltd My Princess Cosmetic Company Limited SOGO Hong Kong Co Ltd Fook Tai Jewellery Group Limited Kam Hing Noodles Food Company Nam Pei Hong Solvil et Titus Fook's Jewelry Kam Kau Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd Natural Home Collections Limited Sound & Vision Forever Couple Kam Kee Seafood Ltd NATURAL SCENT FOODS CO LTD Sparkle Jewellery Co Forever Gold Jewellery & Goldsmith Limited Karss Development Limited Nature's Bounty Sportshouse FORTRESS KC Korea Nelson Jewellery Arts Co Ltd STACCATO Fossil Kee Wah Bakery Limited New Century Coins & Notes Standard Audio & Photo Supplies Ltd Four Seasons Diamonds & Jewellery Kettler Sport & Fitness New Fei Optical (Hong Kong) Limited Stanley Jewellery Co Friendship Trading Co Khushbu's Collection New Grand Jewellery & Watch Co Ltd Star Co Fugar Jewellery Co Ltd Ki Chan Tea Co New Heep Hing Co Star Diamond Fung Leung Kee Watch Company King Bakery New Luen Fai Medicine Co Stately Worldwide Limited FUSION King Fook Jewellery Group Limited New Super Fit Fashions Studio A Futago Jewelry Workshop Limited KING SULEIMAN WATCH & JEWELLERY LIMITED New Youth Sporting Goods Company Limited Sun Century Watches Limited G.E.T. CASA BUILDING MATERIALS COMPANY LIMITED King Swallow Nest and Ginseng Ltd Ngong Ping 360 Limited Sun Hai Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd G.Y.N. MONEY EXCHANGE LIMITED Kingkow Nice Watch Company Sun Sing Tea GAD & Co. King's Watch Company Limited Nine Seafood Place Sun Wah Herbs & Medicines Gaily Jewellery Kinlonz Culture Limited Ninki Denki Sunglass 88 Gallery One Kissbaby Club Noble Diamond Jewellery & Gold Company Limited Suning Gam Fook Jewellery & Goldsmith Shares Co Ltd Koon Fook Jewellery Nobletime AV & Telecom Sunshine Telecom Garman Jewellery Koon Wah Food & Preserved Fruit Factory Limited Nobletime Ltd SU-PA-DE-PA Geneve Watch Centre Jewellery Company Limited Ns Luxury Supreme Co G-Factory Kowloon Watch Co O - O Shop Supreme Jeweler Giordano Limited Kwan Shing Sea Products Trading Company Limited Ocean Optical Co Ltd Swindon Book Co Ltd GIORMANI Living Room Furniture Store Kwong Lung Hong Ocean Park (Souvenir Shop) T Galleria gitti L & K Custom Tailor OKASHI LAND Tai Cheong Bakery Glasstique La Boheme Bakery Oliver's The Delicatessen Tai Cheong Jewellery Co Global Timepieces LA CASA DEL HABANO Olympus Hong Kong And China Limited Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited GNC La Colline On Kee Dry Seafood Co Ltd Tai Hing Bird's Nest Shop Goldy Ginseng Limited La Elite Fashions On Tai Swallow's Nest Co Ltd Tai Hing Hong GOODWELL La Suisse Watch Co Ltd One Tea House Tai Pan Bread & Cakes Company Limited Gourmet La Tradicion Cubana Opalus Tai Ping Carpets Ltd Grand Cru Cellar International Limited LACOSTE Optical 88 Tai Sing Bird's Nest & Ginseng Co Grand Optical Co Lai's Medicine Orchid Padaria Bakery Tak Hing Loong Company GREAT Lam Kie Yuen Tea Company Limited Oregon Scienti c Tak Shing Sea Products Co Ltd Great Neck Health Food Lane Crawford Oriental Arts Jewelry Ltd Talk Smart Great Rise Jewellery Ltd Lapel Tailor ORIENTAL PACIFIC RETAIL LIMITED TASTE Gui Tea Larry Jewelry Ltd ORiental TRaf c Tat Ming Wallpaper Company Limited H Baromon Ltd Lau Yu Fat Tea Shop Oriental Watch Co Ltd Taurus Money Exchange H K Electric City Company Limited LCX Limited Outdoor Depot Tea Art Gallery Hai Sang Hong Marine Foodstuffs Ltd le coq sportif P N Telecom Digital Half & Half Creation Co. Limited le coq sportif Golf Collection Pak Shing Tong Tender Hearted Trading Company Hang Cheong Loong Bird's Nest & Ginseng Limited Le Long Gallery Panasonic Showroom Thailand Bird's Nest Limited Hang Heung Cake Shop Co Ltd Lee Dick Gold & Jewellery Ltd PaperArt The Best Tea House Co Ltd Hang Hing Company Lee Fung China Ware Company Limited Parfumerie Tresor THE BODY SHOP Hang Hing May Jewellery & Fashion Company Lee Fung Hong Ginseng & Herbs Co. Ltd PARKnSHOP The Commercial Press (HK) Ltd Hang Seng Ginseng Hong Lee Hoong Kee Limited PARKnSHOP THE HARBOUR CIGAR DIVAN Hannah Lee Kwon Hobbies Company Pearls & Cashmere The Pie & Tart Specialists Haple Lee's Jewellery Co Limited Peninsula Optical Co The Royal House Harry Lee and Company Leica Store Perfect Watch Co Ltd The Sincere Co Ltd Hauber LENSCRAFTERS Pete' Fashions Ltd The Wing On Department Stores (Hong Kong) Limited HAVANA EXPRESS Leona Phoenix Nest Corporation Limited time + style Haywards Leonidas Pralines Phoenix Tea Company Limited Time Plaza HE SHEN AGARWOOD LIMITED Leung Wing Hing Joss Sticks Factory (Hong Kong) Limited Pink Box Tin Cheung Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd HealthPlus Levi Strauss (Hong Kong) Limited PIT Tin Tak Swallow's Nest Gift Shop Hei Dor Fook Jewellery Lien Hing Jewellery Co PLEN+Y TMF Company Limited Hideo Wakamatsu Life Kan Point De Vue Tokuyu (Hong Kong) Co Ltd Highland Jewellery Co Life Time Watch Co Ltd POMPEI Tokyo Optical Co (HK) Ltd Hing Fat Hong LIFE@HOME Popcorn Tom Lee Music Co Ltd HK JEBN Limited Lin Heung Bakery Popular Book Company Tony Jewellery HKAA Showroom Linda Chow (Johnson) HK Custom Tailor Precision Watch Co Ltd TOP ONE BAKERY HKTDC Design Gallery Linda Farrow Premier Food Limited Toyo Leather Ware Co Hoi Cheong Ho Ling Kee Book Store Ltd Premier Jewellery Co Ltd Toys"R"Us Hokkaido Mart Ling Nam Medicine Factory (HK) Ltd President Jewellery Co Ltd Tse Sui Luen Jewellery Co Ltd Hollywood Galleries Link Jeans Company Limited Prestige Crafts Tung Fat Hong Hong Kong Air Puri er Center Limited Little Bare Feet Pricerite Home Limited Tung Fong Hung Medicine Co Ltd Hong Kong Bakery Limited Little Montessorian Prince Fashion Tung Hing Watch Co Ltd Hong Kong China Moutai Professional Store Limited LIULIGONGFANG Prince Jewellery & Watch Co Two Girls Hong Kong Cigar Exchange Living PLAZA by AEON Princeton Custom Tailors UAE EXCHANGE HONG KONG LIMITED Hong Kong Fur Co Ltd Liza House (Jim's) Jewellery Ltd PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN CURRENCY EXCHANGE LIMITED UMAMI HOUSE Hong Kong Honma Golf Co Ltd LOG-ON Prologue UNION Hong Kong Mountaineering Training Centre LOJEL-Luggage & Travelware Protech Computer Limited Unique Timepieces Hong Kong Optical Co Ltd Lucullus Gourmet Shop Puyi Optical Limited Unison Foreign Exchange Limited Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited Lugard Quality Bird's Nest Co Universal Audio & Video Centre Hong Tai Swallow's Nest Co Luisa Cerano Queensway Golf International Limited Universal Natural Products Limited Hou Soen Cigar Lukfook Jewellery Rabeanco Valuable Watch and Jewellery Company Limited Hsu's Enterprises Limited Luxury Watch and Jewellery Company Limited Rahman Fashions Venchi Hung Hing (Hong Kong) Medicine Development Company M&K Kamera Trading Limited Raja Fashions Versailles Lamps Co Ltd Hung Hing Motor & Engineering Works Co Ma Belle Jewellery Co Ltd rapee - LIVING Victorinox Hong Kong Ltd Hush Puppies Maclarry Fashions RC Out tters VIP Station i Bellissimi Madame Tussauds Touring Exhibition Limited RE:ECHO Visual Culture I Love Kitchen Madison Wine Reections Vita Green I.D. Collection Mag Store Regent Shop Vogue IDEEMAXE Major Cellar RELAY voi_la! Imperial Bird's Nest International Co Ltd Man Ching Gold and Jewellery Co. Ltd. RenGuangDo Wah Hing Hong Imperial Diamond Man Fook Jewellery Holdings Ricky Jewellery Company Limited Wah Hing Jewellery & Arts Co Indigo Living Ltd Man Luen Choon Right Watch Co Ltd Wah Hing Watch Co Ltd Indo Market Man Shing Photo Supplies Company Limited Rio Pearl Wah Kee Wing Cheong Ho io.t by HKT Man Tsuen Cheong Birdsnest Ginseng Hong RocaConcepts Wah Tai Swallow Nest Co Limited ISA Boutique Limited Man Wah Watch Co ROCOCO Wah Tung China Arts Limited ISA Fashion Boutique International Ltd Mandarin De Apparel Limited Rodeo Drive Japan Wai Shing Wine & Spirits ISLAND WAKE Mandarin Fish Maw (HK) Limited Rosita JEWELLERY & GIFT Wai Yuen Tong (Retail) Limited ISSI Mandarin Jewellery Royal Regency Ltd Waigo Hobby ISSI Outlet Limited Manhattan Tailor Royal Selangor (HK) Ltd Walker Shop ITALY STATION Manning Company ROYAL TAILOR WAN KEE Sports Company Limited J J Jewelry Co Ltd Mannings RYOYU BAKERY STUDIO Watch Asia Co J.CREW Maple S. Culture WATCH HUNTER Jade A Collection Marc Cain Sa Sa Cosmetic Watch Station International Jade Buttery Jewellery Co. Mariane Jewellery & Watches Co Ltd Sam's Tailor Watch-Ching Limited JADELINK Market Place by Jasons Samuel & Kevin Watches of Switzerland Jasons.Food & Living Marks & Spencer (Asia Paci c) Ltd SAN SI TANG Watsons Health JC Shop Marks and Spencer Food Store Sapo International Trading Company Limited Watson's The Chemist Jenny Jewellery Co Masterpiece by king fook Satellites Jewellery Co Watson's Wine Jessica Maxim's Cake Lab Scent & Beauty Wellcome Jewellery City Co Ltd Maxim's Cakes See Hay Jewellery Company Limited White Beard Fish N Chips (Central Star Ferry Pier) Jewellery King (HK) Co Ltd May's Jewellery Watch Co Seiko Wilson Communications Ltd Jewellery Zone MBL Wine Group Limited Senses Optik Wing Fook Lung Co Limited JHC MBT Serta Wing Hing Tong Ginseng Limited Jim's Tailor Workshop Ltd. Medimart Shanghai Food Wing Lee Joss Sticks & Sandal Wood Jipi Japa Meiriki SHANIEL FASHIONS LTD Wing Lee Wai Trading Company Johnson & Company Mendoza bags & luggage SHENG EN FOREIGN EXCHANGE LIMITED Wing Luen Marine Products Co Ltd Joint Publishing (HK) Co Ltd Metropole Department Stores Sheryia Curtain Company Ltd Wing Shing Photo Supplies Company Limited Josef Seibel Milan Shing Fat Hong Joseph King Company Milan (HK) Ltd Shing Fung Ceramic Arts and Crafts Wing Wah Cake Shop Ltd Joy & Peace Milan Station Shing Hing Watch Company Wing Yue Marine Food JP@apm Milk Shirts Shing Lung Hong Company Wise-Kids Toys J's Garden Millie's Shing Tai Ginseng Company Limited Wo Kee Loong Jue Xi Jadeite and Jewellery Limited MingCha Limited Shining Optical Centre Wong Wing Kee Preserved Fruits Factory Ltd Just Gold Ming's Gift Shop shop@dcfever XTC Gelato Limited

Yan Dak Hong Yan Gallery Yan Tak Tai Kee Co Yan Yue Tong Limited Yat Yuen Tong Yau Lee Seafood Yee On Tea Co Yes Watch Co Ltd Ying Kee Tea House YMK Yoku Moku Yue Hwa Yuen Fung Ginseng Company Ltd YUEN HING FOODS CO. LTD Yuen Wo Bird's Nests Co Yummy House Zurich Watch Co Ltd 0/3 baby collection Chris Christy 1O1O Chun Kee Stationery Co Ltd 3D-GOLD Jewellery (HK) Ltd Chung Chai Kee 3HK - Hutchison Telecommunications (Hong Kong) Limited Chung Hwa Book Co (HK) Ltd 3hreesixty Chung Yuen Electrical Co Ltd 5.11 Tactical Chung Yung Cycle Co A Grade Technology Ltd Chung's Jewelry Co. A LA BAKERY CIGAR EMPORIUM A Timeless Tailor Cigar Time AEON Citistore AEON SUPERMARKET Citizen AGATHA City Chain Co Ltd Ah Moon City Foreign Exchange Limited AIGLE Citylink Aigle Crystal Decor Limited city'super Airland CLARKS Allan Tom & Co Limited ClassicalArts Jewellery Watch Co. Alpha CN Square Al-Shahzadi HK Limited CNG Wine Amigo Jewelry COHIBA CIGAR DIVAN Anglo Chinese Florist Ltd Colors In Optics Ltd Apsley Tailors Limited colourliving Arome Bakery Comax Enterprise Worldwide Limited Art Inspiration Comvita ARTĒ Continental Diamond ARTLAND WATCH CO LTD Cookies Quartet Ash Samtani Clothing Limited Cortina Watch HK Limited Ashford Cosmo Circle Custom Tailor Company August Custom Tailors Cosmos Books Ltd Australia Watch & Jewellery Co Coxell Digital Camera AUSupreme CP Plus B. Duck CRCare Bakery Diets' Limited Crocodile Baleno Crystal K G Gem's Co Baron Kay's Tailor Crystalink Basel (Switzerland) Watches Limited csl Bauhaus CSS BB Laboratories CTF Watch Beauty Land Cyber Pro BeBe Dream Cyber System Bed & Bath Cyber Telecom Bee Cheng Hiang (HK) Ltd D Y Kee Bee's Diamonds Dai Fat Swallow's Nest Co Ltd Bento Express by AEON D'aime Berlin Optical Co Ltd Daniel Fashions Best Mart 360° David Fashions Bioderma dayOFF BIOLYN (HK) LIMITED DAZZLE Birkenstock DCH Food Mart Blesscuit Bakery DCH Food Mart Deluxe Bo Crown Building Materials Limited Delon Photo & Hi-Fi Centre Ltd Bobby's Fashions Descente BodiBra DESIRE BY MANDY LAU Bon Jewelry Co. Diamond King Jewellery Holding Limited Bonjour Cosmetic Wholesale Center Ltd. Diamondoor Jewellery Co Ltd Bonluxe Dollar Studio Bonnie Lai Antiquities Dor t Ltd bossini DOUBLE HAPPINESS Breo Company Limited Dr Kong Footcare Limited Brighten Floriculture Ltd Dragons Optometric Centre Brilliant Jewellery Dream Optical City Limited Broadway Photo Supply Ltd Dream Team Byford Duk San Co C.P.U. Dynasty Jewellery Manufacturer Cailia ECOG LIMITED Caleb Jewellery Company Limited Edelweiss Jewellery Canaan Optical Co Ltd EG Carol's Watch Eggroll Queen Carpenter Tan Eldorado Watch Co Ltd Casablanca Hong Kong Limited Elegant Custom Tailor Castle of Antiquities Co Ltd Elegant Watch & Jewellery Company CATALO Natural Health Foods ELLE TRAVEL LUGGAGE & BAGS CATHYPAUL DIAMOND LIMITED Embry Form CC Shop Eminent Luggage Chamonix Alpine Equipment Emperor Watch & Jewellery Chan Yee Jai Emphasis Jewellery Cheong Hing Vinsac Empire International Custom Tailors Cheong Shing Birdnest Ginseng Hong Emporio Armani CHERRY Enchanting Diamond Cheung Hing Bird Nest Chong ENOTECA Cheung Mao Kee Electrical Co Ltd ENZO CHI FUNG JADE ORNAMENTS LIMITED Episode Chiangs Optical Co Ltd Esprit Chin Fai Gold & Jewellery Co Eternity Diamond & Jewellery Ltd Chinese Arts & Crafts (HK) Ltd Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong) Ltd Chinese Goods Centre Eugene Baby Chocolate House Europe Watch Co Ltd Chocolate Kitchen Exceptional Stone Company Chocolate Mama Limited EXCLAMATION LIMITED Chong Fai Jewellery & Gold Company Limited Express Custom Tailors Chow Sang Sang Jewellery Co Ltd Eye's Mate Optical Company Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Co Ltd Family Fun Chow Tai Fook Young Zone FANCL

Fine Asia Watch (HK) Co. Ltd 瑞聯錶行 K S Sze & Sons Ltd 金星珠寶有限公司 Mirabell Shu Talk First Edible Nest 盞記燕窩專門店 Ka Tat (H.K) Trading Co 嘉鐽(香港)貿易公司 Modere Hong Kong Limited Simpson Sin Tailor First International Resources Limited 第一國際資源有限公司 Kahn Tailor Kahn Tailor Mong Kok Pro Bicycle Shop Limited SKECHERS FOCO HEADPHONE PRO-SHOP 富高耳機專門店 Kai Fat Tea Company Limited 啟發茶莊有限公司 Mothercare Sky Beauty Jewelry Limited Foochow Lacquer Co 福州漆器公司 Kai Tai Chinese Medicine (Holdings) Co Ltd 啟泰藥業(集團)有限公司 Mrs. So's XO Sauce Sky Blue Bikes Fook Lam Jewellery Co 福臨珠寶金行 Kaiser Jewellery Company 凱利珠寶公司 Munsingwear Smart Glory Electrical Co Fook Lin Hong 福聯行 Kala Cheese Toast Specialist 卡洛芝士吐司專門店 My Chocolate Shop Limited SmarTone Fook Ming Tong Tea Shop 福茗堂茶莊 Kam Bong Jewellery Co 錦邦珠寶公司 My Jewelry SOFAMARK Fook Shing Jewellery Company 福盛珠寶金行 Kam Chuen Store Ltd 金泉士多有限公司 My Princess Cosmetic Company Limited SOGO Hong Kong Co Ltd Fook Tai Jewellery Group Limited 福泰珠寶 Kam Hing Noodles Food Company 錦興粉麵食品公司 Nam Pei Hong Solvil et Titus Fook's Jewelry 金福珠寶 Kam Kau Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd 金球珠寶金行有限公司 Natural Home Collections Limited Sound & Vision Forever Couple Forever Couple Kam Kee Seafood Ltd 錦記鮮蝦有限公司 NATURAL SCENT FOODS CO LTD Sparkle Jewellery Co Forever Gold Jewellery & Goldsmith Limited 四千金珠寶金行有限公司 Karss Development Limited 一品旺 Nature's Bounty Sportshouse FORTRESS 豐澤 KC Korea 姬絲可麗(國際)有限公司 Nelson Jewellery Arts Co Ltd STACCATO Fossil Fossil Kee Wah Bakery Limited 奇華餅家有限公司 New Century Coins & Notes Standard Audio & Photo Supplies Ltd Four Seasons Diamonds & Jewellery 四季會珠寶鑽飾 Kettler Sport & Fitness Kettler Sport & Fitness New Fei Optical (Hong Kong) Limited Stanley Jewellery Co Friendship Trading Co 興華工藝古玩行 Khushbu's Collection Khushbu's Collection New Grand Jewellery & Watch Co Ltd Star Co Fugar Jewellery Co Ltd 富嘉珠寶有限公司 Ki Chan Tea Co 祺棧茶行 New Heep Hing Co Star Diamond Fung Leung Kee Watch Company 馮良記錶行 King Bakery 蛋撻王 New Luen Fai Medicine Co Stately Worldwide Limited FUSION FUSION King Fook Jewellery Group Limited 景福珠寶集團有限公司 New Super Fit Fashions Studio A Futago Jewelry Workshop Limited Futago Jewelry Workshop Limited KING SULEIMAN WATCH & JEWELLERY LIMITED 所羅門帝皇鐘錶珠寶有限公司 New Youth Sporting Goods Company Limited Sun Century Watches Limited G.E.T. CASA BUILDING MATERIALS COMPANY LIMITED 置磚廊建築材料有限公司 King Swallow Nest and Ginseng Ltd 王牌燕窩參茸有限公司 Ngong Ping 360 Limited Sun Hai Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd G.Y.N. MONEY EXCHANGE LIMITED 甘源外幣找換有限公司 Kingkow Kingkow Nice Watch Company Sun Sing Tea GAD & Co. GAD & Co. King's Watch Company Limited 生發表行有限公司 Nine Seafood Place Sun Wah Herbs & Medicines Gaily Jewellery 嘉麗珠寶有限公司 Kinlonz Culture Limited 乾隆文化有限公司 Ninki Denki Sunglass 88 Gallery One 壹 Kissbaby Club Kissbaby Club Noble Diamond Jewellery & Gold Company Limited Suning Gam Fook Jewellery & Goldsmith Shares Co Ltd 金太福珠寶金行股份有限公司 Koon Fook Jewellery 冠福珠寶金行 Nobletime AV & Telecom Sunshine Telecom Garman Jewellery 嘉文珠寶金行 Koon Wah Food & Preserved Fruit Factory Limited 冠華食品菓子廠有限公司 Nobletime Ltd SU-PA-DE-PA Geneve Watch Centre 日內瓦鐘錶行 Kowloon Jewellery Company Limited 九龍珠寶有限公司 Ns Luxury Supreme Co G-Factory G-Factory Kowloon Watch Co 九龍表行 O - O Shop Supreme Jeweler Giordano Limited 佐丹奴有限公司 Kwan Shing Sea Products Trading Company Limited 均成海產貿易有限公司 Ocean Optical Co Ltd Swindon Book Co Ltd GIORMANI Living Room Furniture Store 茲曼尼客廳傢俬專門店 Kwong Lung Hong 廣隆行 Ocean Park (Souvenir Shop) T Galleria gitti gitti L & K Custom Tailor L & K Custom Tailor OKASHI LAND Tai Cheong Bakery Glasstique Glasstique La Boheme Bakery La Boheme Bakery Oliver's The Delicatessen Tai Cheong Jewellery Co Global Timepieces 高時錶行 LA CASA DEL HABANO LA CASA DEL HABANO Olympus Hong Kong And China Limited Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited GNC GNC La Colline La Colline On Kee Dry Seafood Co Ltd Tai Hing Bird's Nest Shop Goldy Ginseng Limited 金德參行有限公司 La Elite Fashions La Elite Fashions On Tai Swallow's Nest Co Ltd Tai Hing Hong GOODWELL 生活素質 La Suisse Watch Co Ltd 瑞士表行有限公司 One Tea House Tai Pan Bread & Cakes Company Limited Gourmet Gourmet La Tradicion Cubana 古巴傳統 Opalus Tai Ping Carpets Ltd Grand Cru Cellar International Limited 名酒滙國際有限公司 LACOSTE LACOSTE Optical 88 Tai Sing Bird's Nest & Ginseng Co Grand Optical Co 佳運眼鏡公司 Lai's Medicine 黎氏藥業 Orchid Padaria Bakery Tak Hing Loong Company GREAT GREAT Lam Kie Yuen Tea Company Limited 林奇苑茶行有限公司 Oregon Scienti c Tak Shing Sea Products Co Ltd Great Neck Health Food 裕威參行 Lane Crawford 連卡佛 Oriental Arts Jewelry Ltd Talk Smart Great Rise Jewellery Ltd 百喜珠寶金行有限公司 Lapel Tailor 才俊洋服 ORIENTAL PACIFIC RETAIL LIMITED TASTE Gui Tea 貴茶 Larry Jewelry Ltd 俊文寶石店有限公司 ORiental TRaf c Tat Ming Wallpaper Company Limited H Baromon Ltd 培羅蒙有限公司 Lau Yu Fat Tea Shop 劉裕發茶莊 Oriental Watch Co Ltd Taurus Money Exchange H K Electric City Company Limited 香港電業城有限公司 LCX Limited LCX Limited Outdoor Depot Tea Art Gallery Hai Sang Hong Marine Foodstuffs Ltd 海生行海產食品有限公司 le coq sportif le coq sportif P N Telecom Digital Half & Half Creation Co. Limited Half & Half Creation Co. Limited le coq sportif Golf Collection 雄雞高爾夫 Pak Shing Tong Tender Hearted Trading Company Hang Cheong Loong Bird's Nest & Ginseng Limited 恒昌隆燕窩參茸行有限公司 Le Long Gallery 琳瑯閣 Panasonic Showroom Thailand Bird's Nest Limited Hang Heung Cake Shop Co Ltd 恆香老餅家有限公司 Lee Dick Gold & Jewellery Ltd 李廸珠寶金行有限公司 PaperArt The Best Tea House Co Ltd Hang Hing Company 恒興行 Lee Fung China Ware Company Limited 利豐瓷莊有限公司 Parfumerie Tresor THE BODY SHOP Hang Hing May Jewellery & Fashion Company 恒興名牌異地公司 Lee Fung Hong Ginseng & Herbs Co. Ltd 利豐行參茸有限公司 PARKnSHOP The Commercial Press (HK) Ltd Hang Seng Ginseng Hong 恆生蔘茸行 Lee Hoong Kee Limited 李熊記有限公司 PARKnSHOP THE HARBOUR CIGAR DIVAN Hannah Hannah Lee Kwon Hobbies Company 利廣模型玩具公司 Pearls & Cashmere The Pie & Tart Specialists Haple 百蕙 Lee's Jewellery Co Limited 多福珠寶有限公司 Peninsula Optical Co The Royal House Harry Lee and Company 夏利公司 Leica Store 徠卡專門店 Perfect Watch Co Ltd The Sincere Co Ltd Hauber Hauber LENSCRAFTERS 亮視點 Pete' Fashions Ltd The Wing On Department Stores (Hong Kong) Limited HAVANA EXPRESS HAVANA EXPRESS Leona 莉安娜 Phoenix Nest Corporation Limited time + style Haywards Haywards Leonidas Pralines Leonidas Pralines Phoenix Tea Company Limited Time Plaza HE SHEN AGARWOOD LIMITED 和昇沉香有限公司 Leung Wing Hing Joss Sticks Factory (Hong Kong) Limited 梁永馨香廠(香港)有限公司 Pink Box Tin Cheung Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd HealthPlus 健怡坊 Levi Strauss (Hong Kong) Limited 香港利惠有限公司 PIT Tin Tak Swallow's Nest Gift Shop Hei Dor Fook Jewellery 喜多福珠寶 Lien Hing Jewellery Co 聯興珠寶公司 PLEN+Y TMF Company Limited Hideo Wakamatsu Hideo Wakamatsu Life Kan 生活館 Point De Vue Tokuyu (Hong Kong) Co Ltd Highland Jewellery Co 海量珠寶公司 Life Time Watch Co Ltd 麗光錶行有限公司 POMPEI Tokyo Optical Co (HK) Ltd Hing Fat Hong 興發行 LIFE@HOME 生活廊 Popcorn Tom Lee Music Co Ltd HK JEBN Limited 樓上有限公司 Lin Heung Bakery 蓮香老餅家 Popular Book Company Tony Jewellery HKAA Showroom 香港汽車會陳列室 Linda Chow (Johnson) HK Custom Tailor Linda Chow (Johnson) HK Custom Tailor Precision Watch Co Ltd TOP ONE BAKERY HKTDC Design Gallery 香港貿發局「香港‧設計廊」 Linda Farrow Linda Farrow Premier Food Limited Toyo Leather Ware Co Hoi Cheong Ho 海昌號 Ling Kee Book Store Ltd 齡記書店 Premier Jewellery Co Ltd Toys"R"Us Hokkaido Mart 北海道物語 Ling Nam Medicine Factory (HK) Ltd 嶺南藥廠 (香港) 有限公司 President Jewellery Co Ltd Tse Sui Luen Jewellery Co Ltd Hollywood Galleries 東寶齋 Link Jeans Company Limited 領進服裝有限公司 Prestige Crafts Tung Fat Hong Hong Kong Air Puri er Center Limited 香港空氣淨化器中心 Little Bare Feet Little Bare Feet Pricerite Home Limited Tung Fong Hung Medicine Co Ltd Hong Kong Bakery Limited 香港烘焙有限公司 Little Montessorian 蒙特梭利˙小天才 Prince Fashion Tung Hing Watch Co Ltd Hong Kong China Moutai Professional Store Limited 香港國酒茅台專賣店有限公司 LIULIGONGFANG 琉璃工房 Prince Jewellery & Watch Co Two Girls Hong Kong Cigar Exchange 香港雪茄交易所 Living PLAZA by AEON Living PLAZA by AEON Princeton Custom Tailors UAE EXCHANGE HONG KONG LIMITED Hong Kong Fur Co Ltd 香港皮草有限公司 Liza House (Jim's) Jewellery Ltd 煒錩珠寶有限公司 PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN CURRENCY EXCHANGE LIMITED UMAMI HOUSE Hong Kong Honma Golf Co Ltd 香港本間高爾夫有限公司 LOG-ON LOG-ON Prologue UNION Hong Kong Mountaineering Training Centre 香港攀山訓練中心 LOJEL-Luggage & Travelware LOJEL-Luggage & Travelware Protech Computer Limited Unique Timepieces Hong Kong Optical Co Ltd 香港茂昌眼鏡有限公司 Lucullus Gourmet Shop 龍島 Puyi Optical Limited Unison Foreign Exchange Limited Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited 香港電訊有限公司 Lugard Lugard Quality Bird's Nest Co Universal Audio & Video Centre Hong Tai Swallow's Nest Co 康泰燕窩莊 Luisa Cerano Luisa Cerano Queensway Golf International Limited Universal Natural Products Limited Hou Soen Cigar 豪醇雪茄專賣店 Lukfook Jewellery 六福珠寶 Rabeanco Valuable Watch and Jewellery Company Limited Hsu's Enterprises Limited 許氏企業有限公司 Luxury Watch and Jewellery Company Limited 銀聯鐘錶珠寶有限公司 Rahman Fashions Venchi Hung Hing (Hong Kong) Medicine Development Company 鴻興 (香港) 葯業發展公司 M&K Kamera Trading Limited 齊齊影攝影器材有限公司 Raja Fashions Versailles Lamps Co Ltd Hung Hing Motor & Engineering Works Co 鴻興機械公司 Ma Belle Jewellery Co Ltd 瑪貝爾鑽飾店 rapee - LIVING Victorinox Hong Kong Ltd Hush Puppies Hush Puppies Maclarry Fashions Maclarry Fashions RC Out tters VIP Station i Bellissimi 貝娜斯蒙 Madame Tussauds Touring Exhibition Limited 香港杜莎夫人蠟像館 RE:ECHO Visual Culture I Love Kitchen 我愛廚房 Madison Wine Madison Wine Reections Vita Green I.D. Collection I.D. Collection Mag Store 松坂庫 Regent Shop Vogue IDEEMAXE 博思創意 Major Cellar 美酒滙 RELAY voi_la! Imperial Bird's Nest International Co Ltd 官燕棧國際有限公司 Man Ching Gold and Jewellery Co. Ltd. 萬程珠寶金行有限公司 RenGuangDo Wah Hing Hong Imperial Diamond 皇鑽世家 Man Fook Jewellery Holdings 萬福珠寶集團 Ricky Jewellery Company Limited Wah Hing Jewellery & Arts Co Indigo Living Ltd Indigo Living Ltd Man Luen Choon 文聯莊 Right Watch Co Ltd Wah Hing Watch Co Ltd Indo Market 營多東南亞美食市場 Man Shing Photo Supplies Company Limited 萬成攝影器材有限公司 Rio Pearl Wah Kee Wing Cheong Ho io.t by HKT io.t by HKT Man Tsuen Cheong Birdsnest Ginseng Hong 萬全昌燕窩參茸行 RocaConcepts Wah Tai Swallow Nest Co Limited ISA Boutique Limited 義莎精品有限公司 Man Wah Watch Co 文華表行 ROCOCO Wah Tung China Arts Limited ISA Fashion Boutique International Ltd 義莎時裝國際有限公司 Mandarin De Apparel Limited 萬得利有限公司 Rodeo Drive Japan Wai Shing Wine & Spirits ISLAND WAKE ISLAND WAKE Mandarin Fish Maw (HK) Limited 文華花膠專門店(香港)有限公司 Rosita JEWELLERY & GIFT Wai Yuen Tong (Retail) Limited ISSI ISSI Mandarin Jewellery 文華珠寶 Royal Regency Ltd Waigo Hobby ISSI Outlet Limited 意詩奧特萊斯有限公司 Manhattan Tailor Manhattan Tailor Royal Selangor (HK) Ltd Walker Shop ITALY STATION 意大利站 Manning Company Manning Company ROYAL TAILOR WAN KEE Sports Company Limited J J Jewelry Co Ltd 晶晶珠寶公司 Mannings 萬寧 RYOYU BAKERY STUDIO Watch Asia Co J.CREW J.CREW Maple Maple S. Culture WATCH HUNTER

會員名錄 Jade A Collection 真玉坊 Marc Cain Marc Cain Sa Sa Cosmetic Watch Station International Jade Buttery Jewellery Co. 雅玉珠寶 Mariane Jewellery & Watches Co Ltd 萬昌珠寶鐘錶有限公司 Sam's Tailor Watch-Ching Limited JADELINK 翡翠源 Market Place by Jasons Market Place by Jasons Samuel & Kevin Watches of Switzerland Jasons.Food & Living Jasons.Food & Living Marks & Spencer (Asia Paci c) Ltd 馬莎有限公司 SAN SI TANG Watsons Health JC Shop JC Shop Marks and Spencer Food Store 馬莎食品專門店 Sapo International Trading Company Limited Watson's The Chemist Jenny Jewellery Co Jenny Jewellery Co Masterpiece by king fook Masterpiece by king fook Satellites Jewellery Co Watson's Wine Jessica Jessica Maxim's Cake Lab Maxim's Cake Lab Scent & Beauty Wellcome Jewellery City Co Ltd 寶石城珠寶有限公司 Maxim's Cakes 美心西餅 See Hay Jewellery Company Limited White Beard Fish N Chips (Central Star Ferry Pier) Jewellery King (HK) Co Ltd 裕景(香港)珠寶有限公司 May's Jewellery Watch Co 偉華珠寶鐘表行 Seiko Wilson Communications Ltd Jewellery Zone 珠寶地帶 MBL Wine Group Limited 馬伯樂集團酒業有限公司 Senses Optik Wing Fook Lung Co Limited JHC 日本城 MBT MBT Serta Wing Hing Tong Ginseng Limited Jim's Tailor Workshop Ltd. 占士裁縫專業有限公司 Medimart 樂康軒 Shanghai Food Wing Lee Joss Sticks & Sandal Wood Jipi Japa Jipi Japa Meiriki 日本命力 SHANIEL FASHIONS LTD Wing Lee Wai Trading Company Johnson & Company 贊生公司 Mendoza bags & luggage Mendoza bags & luggage SHENG EN FOREIGN EXCHANGE LIMITED Wing Luen Marine Products Co Ltd Joint Publishing (HK) Co Ltd 三聯書店(香港)有限公司 Metropole Department Stores 新都城百貨 Sheryia Curtain Company Ltd Wing Shing Photo Supplies Company Limited Josef Seibel Josef Seibel Milan 米蘭 Shing Fat Hong Wing Wah Joseph King Company 信誠珠寶鐘錶公司 Milan (HK) Ltd Milan (HK) Ltd Shing Fung Ceramic Arts and Crafts Wing Wah Cake Shop Ltd Joy & Peace Joy & Peace Milan Station 米蘭站 Shing Hing Watch Company Wing Yue Marine Food JP@apm JP@apm Milk Shirts Milk Shirts Shing Lung Hong Company Wise-Kids Toys J's Garden 菁雲 Millie's Millie's Shing Tai Ginseng Company Limited Wo Kee Loong

QTSA Annual report | Membership List QTSA Jue Xi Jadeite and Jewellery Limited 珏璽翡翠珠寶有限公司 MingCha Limited 明茶房有限公司 Shining Optical Centre Wong Wing Kee Preserved Fruits Factory Ltd Just Gold 鎮金店 Ming's Gift Shop 紳士禮品店 shop@dcfever XTC Gelato Limited 24

Yan Dak Hong Yan Gallery Yan Tak Tai Kee Co Yan Yue Tong Limited Yat Yuen Tong Yau Lee Seafood Yee On Tea Co Yes Watch Co Ltd Ying Kee Tea House YMK Yoku Moku Yue Hwa Yuen Fung Ginseng Company Ltd YUEN HING FOODS CO. LTD Yuen Wo Bird's Nests Co Yummy House Zurich Watch Co Ltd 0/3 baby collection Chris Christy 1O1O Chun Kee Stationery Co Ltd 3D-GOLD Jewellery (HK) Ltd Chung Chai Kee 3HK - Hutchison Telecommunications (Hong Kong) Limited Chung Hwa Book Co (HK) Ltd 3hreesixty Chung Yuen Electrical Co Ltd 5.11 Tactical Chung Yung Cycle Co A Grade Technology Ltd Chung's Jewelry Co. A LA BAKERY CIGAR EMPORIUM A Timeless Tailor Cigar Time AEON Citistore AEON SUPERMARKET Citizen AGATHA City Chain Co Ltd Ah Moon City Foreign Exchange Limited AIGLE Citylink Aigle Crystal Decor Limited city'super Airland CLARKS Allan Tom & Co Limited ClassicalArts Jewellery Watch Co. Alpha CN Square Al-Shahzadi HK Limited CNG Wine Amigo Jewelry COHIBA CIGAR DIVAN Anglo Chinese Florist Ltd Colors In Optics Ltd Apsley Tailors Limited colourliving Arome Bakery Comax Enterprise Worldwide Limited Art Inspiration Comvita ARTĒ Continental Diamond ARTLAND WATCH CO LTD Cookies Quartet Ash Samtani Clothing Limited Cortina Watch HK Limited Ashford Cosmo Circle Custom Tailor Company August Custom Tailors Cosmos Books Ltd Australia Watch & Jewellery Co Coxell Digital Camera AUSupreme CP Plus B. Duck CRCare Bakery Diets' Limited Crocodile Baleno Crystal K G Gem's Co Baron Kay's Tailor Crystalink Basel (Switzerland) Watches Limited csl Bauhaus CSS BB Laboratories CTF Watch Beauty Land Cyber Pro BeBe Dream Cyber System Bed & Bath Cyber Telecom Bee Cheng Hiang (HK) Ltd D Y Kee Bee's Diamonds Dai Fat Swallow's Nest Co Ltd Bento Express by AEON D'aime Berlin Optical Co Ltd Daniel Fashions Best Mart 360° David Fashions Bioderma dayOFF BIOLYN (HK) LIMITED DAZZLE Birkenstock DCH Food Mart Blesscuit Bakery DCH Food Mart Deluxe Bo Crown Building Materials Limited Delon Photo & Hi-Fi Centre Ltd Bobby's Fashions Descente BodiBra DESIRE BY MANDY LAU Bon Jewelry Co. Diamond King Jewellery Holding Limited Bonjour Cosmetic Wholesale Center Ltd. Diamondoor Jewellery Co Ltd Bonluxe Dollar Studio Bonnie Lai Antiquities Dor t Ltd bossini DOUBLE HAPPINESS Breo Company Limited Dr Kong Footcare Limited Brighten Floriculture Ltd Dragons Optometric Centre Brilliant Jewellery Dream Optical City Limited Broadway Photo Supply Ltd Dream Team Byford Duk San Co C.P.U. Dynasty Jewellery Manufacturer Cailia ECOG LIMITED Caleb Jewellery Company Limited Edelweiss Jewellery Canaan Optical Co Ltd EG Carol's Watch Eggroll Queen Carpenter Tan Eldorado Watch Co Ltd Casablanca Hong Kong Limited Elegant Custom Tailor Castle of Antiquities Co Ltd Elegant Watch & Jewellery Company CATALO Natural Health Foods ELLE TRAVEL LUGGAGE & BAGS CATHYPAUL DIAMOND LIMITED Embry Form CC Shop Eminent Luggage Chamonix Alpine Equipment Emperor Watch & Jewellery Chan Yee Jai Emphasis Jewellery Cheong Hing Vinsac Empire International Custom Tailors Cheong Shing Birdnest Ginseng Hong Emporio Armani CHERRY Enchanting Diamond Cheung Hing Bird Nest Chong ENOTECA Cheung Mao Kee Electrical Co Ltd ENZO CHI FUNG JADE ORNAMENTS LIMITED Episode Chiangs Optical Co Ltd Esprit Chin Fai Gold & Jewellery Co Eternity Diamond & Jewellery Ltd Chinese Arts & Crafts (HK) Ltd Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong) Ltd Chinese Goods Centre Eugene Baby Chocolate House Europe Watch Co Ltd Chocolate Kitchen Exceptional Stone Company Chocolate Mama Limited EXCLAMATION LIMITED Chong Fai Jewellery & Gold Company Limited Express Custom Tailors Chow Sang Sang Jewellery Co Ltd Eye's Mate Optical Company Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Co Ltd Family Fun Chow Tai Fook Young Zone FANCL

Fine Asia Watch (HK) Co. Ltd K S Sze & Sons Ltd Mirabell 美麗寶 Shu Talk Shu Talk First Edible Nest Ka Tat (H.K) Trading Co Modere Hong Kong Limited 慕迭爾香港有限公司 Simpson Sin Tailor 正華洋服 First International Resources Limited Kahn Tailor Mong Kok Pro Bicycle Shop Limited 旺角單車專業有限公司 SKECHERS SKECHERS FOCO HEADPHONE PRO-SHOP Kai Fat Tea Company Limited Mothercare Mothercare Sky Beauty Jewelry Limited 天美珠寶有限公司 Foochow Lacquer Co Kai Tai Chinese Medicine (Holdings) Co Ltd Mrs. So's XO Sauce 蘇太名醬 Sky Blue Bikes Sky Blue Bikes Fook Lam Jewellery Co Kaiser Jewellery Company Munsingwear 萬星威 Smart Glory Electrical Co 晉榮電器公司 Fook Lin Hong Kala Cheese Toast Specialist My Chocolate Shop Limited 香港巧克力專門店有限公司 SmarTone SmarTone Fook Ming Tong Tea Shop Kam Bong Jewellery Co My Jewelry 愛飾 SOFAMARK 梳化倉 Fook Shing Jewellery Company Kam Chuen Store Ltd My Princess Cosmetic Company Limited 我的公主美妝有限公司 SOGO Hong Kong Co Ltd 崇光(香港)百貨有限公司 Fook Tai Jewellery Group Limited Kam Hing Noodles Food Company Nam Pei Hong 南北行 Solvil et Titus Solvil et Titus Fook's Jewelry Kam Kau Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd Natural Home Collections Limited Natural Home Collections Limited Sound & Vision Sound & Vision Forever Couple Kam Kee Seafood Ltd NATURAL SCENT FOODS CO LTD 農城食品有限公司 Sparkle Jewellery Co 金輝珠寶公司 Forever Gold Jewellery & Goldsmith Limited Karss Development Limited Nature's Bounty 自然之寶 Sportshouse 運動家 FORTRESS KC Korea Nelson Jewellery Arts Co Ltd 立藝珠寶手藝有限公司 STACCATO 思加圖 Fossil Kee Wah Bakery Limited New Century Coins & Notes 新世紀錢幣鈔票 Standard Audio & Photo Supplies Ltd 捷德影音有限公司 Four Seasons Diamonds & Jewellery Kettler Sport & Fitness New Fei Optical (Hong Kong) Limited 新輝眼鏡(香港)有限公司 Stanley Jewellery Co 新寶珠寶行 Friendship Trading Co Khushbu's Collection New Grand Jewellery & Watch Co Ltd 新達利珠寶鐘錶有限公司 Star Co 大中行 Fugar Jewellery Co Ltd Ki Chan Tea Co New Heep Hing Co 新協興公司 Star Diamond Star Diamond Fung Leung Kee Watch Company King Bakery New Luen Fai Medicine Co 新聯輝藥業公司 Stately Worldwide Limited 名冠環球有限公司 FUSION King Fook Jewellery Group Limited New Super Fit Fashions New Super Fit Fashions Studio A Studio A Futago Jewelry Workshop Limited KING SULEIMAN WATCH & JEWELLERY LIMITED New Youth Sporting Goods Company Limited 新青年體育用品有限公司 Sun Century Watches Limited 新世紀表行有限公司 G.E.T. CASA BUILDING MATERIALS COMPANY LIMITED King Swallow Nest and Ginseng Ltd Ngong Ping 360 Limited 昂坪360有限公司 Sun Hai Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd 新喜珠寶金行有限公司 G.Y.N. MONEY EXCHANGE LIMITED Kingkow Nice Watch Company 利時錶行 Sun Sing Tea 新星茶莊 GAD & Co. King's Watch Company Limited Nine Seafood Place 九號水產 Sun Wah Herbs & Medicines 新華中西藥行 Gaily Jewellery Kinlonz Culture Limited Ninki Denki 人氣電器店 Sunglass 88 Sunglass 88 Gallery One Kissbaby Club Noble Diamond Jewellery & Gold Company Limited 名鑽軒珠寶金行有限公司 Suning 蘇寧 Gam Fook Jewellery & Goldsmith Shares Co Ltd Koon Fook Jewellery Nobletime AV & Telecom Nobletime AV & Telecom Sunshine Telecom 新輝電訊 Garman Jewellery Koon Wah Food & Preserved Fruit Factory Limited Nobletime Ltd Nobletime Ltd SU-PA-DE-PA SU-PA-DE-PA Geneve Watch Centre Kowloon Jewellery Company Limited Ns Luxury 卡鑽年華珠寶有限公司 Supreme Co 永高行 G-Factory Kowloon Watch Co O - O Shop O - O Shop Supreme Jeweler 至尊珠寶(香港) Giordano Limited Kwan Shing Sea Products Trading Company Limited Ocean Optical Co Ltd 海洋眼鏡有限公司 Swindon Book Co Ltd 辰衝圖書有限公司 GIORMANI Living Room Furniture Store Kwong Lung Hong Ocean Park (Souvenir Shop) 海洋公園紀念品店 T Galleria T Galleria gitti L & K Custom Tailor OKASHI LAND 零食物語 Tai Cheong Bakery 泰昌餅家 Glasstique La Boheme Bakery Oliver's The Delicatessen 利華精美食品店 Tai Cheong Jewellery Co 大昌首飾行 Global Timepieces LA CASA DEL HABANO Olympus Hong Kong And China Limited 奧林巴斯香港中國有限公司 Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited 大福珠寶金行集團有限公司 GNC La Colline On Kee Dry Seafood Co Ltd 安記海味有限公司 Tai Hing Bird's Nest Shop 泰興燕窩莊 Goldy Ginseng Limited La Elite Fashions On Tai Swallow's Nest Co Ltd 安泰燕窩莊有限公司 Tai Hing Hong 泰興行 GOODWELL La Suisse Watch Co Ltd One Tea House 一茶軒 Tai Pan Bread & Cakes Company Limited 大班麵包西餅有限公司 Gourmet La Tradicion Cubana Opalus 奧巴洛斯 Tai Ping Carpets Ltd 太平地氈有限公司 Grand Cru Cellar International Limited LACOSTE Optical 88 眼鏡88 Tai Sing Bird's Nest & Ginseng Co 大成燕窩參茸專門店 Grand Optical Co Lai's Medicine Orchid Padaria Bakery 君蘭餅店 Tak Hing Loong Company 德興隆公司 GREAT Lam Kie Yuen Tea Company Limited Oregon Scienti c Oregon Scienti c Tak Shing Sea Products Co Ltd 德成海味 Great Neck Health Food Lane Crawford Oriental Arts Jewelry Ltd 龍泰行工藝品首飾有限公司 Talk Smart 叻叻店 Great Rise Jewellery Ltd Lapel Tailor ORIENTAL PACIFIC RETAIL LIMITED ORIENTAL PACIFIC RETAIL LIMITED TASTE TASTE Gui Tea Larry Jewelry Ltd ORiental TRaf c ORiental TRaf c Tat Ming Wallpaper Company Limited 達明牆紙有限公司 H Baromon Ltd Lau Yu Fat Tea Shop Oriental Watch Co Ltd 東方表行有限公司 Taurus Money Exchange 金牛匯兌 H K Electric City Company Limited LCX Limited Outdoor Depot 戶外城 Tea Art Gallery 茶藝軒 Hai Sang Hong Marine Foodstuffs Ltd le coq sportif P N P N Telecom Digital 電訊數碼 Half & Half Creation Co. Limited le coq sportif Golf Collection Pak Shing Tong 百成堂 Tender Hearted Trading Company 廣濟堂貿易公司 Hang Cheong Loong Bird's Nest & Ginseng Limited Le Long Gallery Panasonic Showroom 樂聲牌陳列室 Thailand Bird's Nest Limited 泰國燕窩莊有限公司 Hang Heung Cake Shop Co Ltd Lee Dick Gold & Jewellery Ltd PaperArt 紙品天地 The Best Tea House Co Ltd 茶藝樂園 Hang Hing Company Lee Fung China Ware Company Limited Parfumerie Tresor Parfumerie Tresor THE BODY SHOP THE BODY SHOP Hang Hing May Jewellery & Fashion Company Lee Fung Hong Ginseng & Herbs Co. Ltd PARKnSHOP 百佳超級市場 The Commercial Press (HK) Ltd 商務印書館(香港)有限公司 Hang Seng Ginseng Hong Lee Hoong Kee Limited PARKnSHOP 百佳冷凍食品 THE HARBOUR CIGAR DIVAN THE HARBOUR CIGAR DIVAN Hannah Lee Kwon Hobbies Company Pearls & Cashmere 金碧 (Pearls & Cashmere) The Pie & Tart Specialists 批&撻專門店 Haple Lee's Jewellery Co Limited Peninsula Optical Co 美華眼鏡公司 The Royal House The Royal House Harry Lee and Company Leica Store Perfect Watch Co Ltd 正大鐘錶有限公司 The Sincere Co Ltd 先施有限公司 Hauber LENSCRAFTERS Pete' Fashions Ltd 天一行 The Wing On Department Stores (Hong Kong) Limited 永安百貨有限公司 HAVANA EXPRESS Leona Phoenix Nest Corporation Limited 泰凰燕窩行集團有限公司 time + style time + style Haywards Leonidas Pralines Phoenix Tea Company Limited 鳳凰茶苑 Time Plaza Time Plaza HE SHEN AGARWOOD LIMITED Leung Wing Hing Joss Sticks Factory (Hong Kong) Limited Pink Box Pink Box Tin Cheung Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd 天祥珠寶金行有限公司 HealthPlus Levi Strauss (Hong Kong) Limited PIT PIT Tin Tak Swallow's Nest Gift Shop 天德燕窩禮品店 Hei Dor Fook Jewellery Lien Hing Jewellery Co PLEN+Y PLEN+Y TMF Company Limited 家匠有限公司 Hideo Wakamatsu Life Kan Point De Vue Point De Vue Tokuyu (Hong Kong) Co Ltd 德友(香港)有限公司 Highland Jewellery Co Life Time Watch Co Ltd POMPEI 龐蓓 Tokyo Optical Co (HK) Ltd 東京眼鏡(香港)有限公司 Hing Fat Hong LIFE@HOME Popcorn Popcorn Tom Lee Music Co Ltd 通利琴行有限公司 HK JEBN Limited Lin Heung Bakery Popular Book Company 大眾書局 Tony Jewellery 東寶珠寶 HKAA Showroom Linda Chow (Johnson) HK Custom Tailor Precision Watch Co Ltd 金輪錶行有限公司 TOP ONE BAKERY 壹號手信 HKTDC Design Gallery Linda Farrow Premier Food Limited 尚品 Toyo Leather Ware Co 東洋皮具公司 Hoi Cheong Ho Ling Kee Book Store Ltd Premier Jewellery Co Ltd 愛寶珠寶有限公司 Toys"R"Us Toys"R"Us Hokkaido Mart Ling Nam Medicine Factory (HK) Ltd President Jewellery Co Ltd 總統珠寶有限公司 Tse Sui Luen Jewellery Co Ltd 謝瑞麟珠寶有限公司 Hollywood Galleries Link Jeans Company Limited Prestige Crafts 一代極品 Tung Fat Hong 同發行 Hong Kong Air Puri er Center Limited Little Bare Feet Pricerite Home Limited 實惠家居有限公司 Tung Fong Hung Medicine Co Ltd 東方紅藥業有限公司 Hong Kong Bakery Limited Little Montessorian Prince Fashion Prince Fashion Tung Hing Watch Co Ltd 東興錶行有限公司 Hong Kong China Moutai Professional Store Limited LIULIGONGFANG Prince Jewellery & Watch Co 太子珠寶鐘錶公司 Two Girls 雙妹嚜 Hong Kong Cigar Exchange Living PLAZA by AEON Princeton Custom Tailors 榮懋行洋服 UAE EXCHANGE HONG KONG LIMITED UAE EXCHANGE HONG KONG LIMITED Hong Kong Fur Co Ltd Liza House (Jim's) Jewellery Ltd PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN CURRENCY EXCHANGE LIMITED 專業外幣兌換有限公司 UMAMI HOUSE 好佳坊 Hong Kong Honma Golf Co Ltd LOG-ON Prologue Prologue UNION UNION Hong Kong Mountaineering Training Centre LOJEL-Luggage & Travelware Protech Computer Limited Protech Computer Limited Unique Timepieces 譽一鐘錶 Hong Kong Optical Co Ltd Lucullus Gourmet Shop Puyi Optical Limited 溥儀眼鏡有限公司 Unison Foreign Exchange Limited 裕新找換有限公司 Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited Lugard Quality Bird's Nest Co 優質燕窩莊 Universal Audio & Video Centre 寰宇影音中心 Hong Tai Swallow's Nest Co Luisa Cerano Queensway Golf International Limited 金鐘高爾夫國際有限公司 Universal Natural Products Limited 天地人(參茶)有限公司 Hou Soen Cigar Lukfook Jewellery Rabeanco Rabeanco Valuable Watch and Jewellery Company Limited 尊貴鐘錶珠寶有限公司 Hsu's Enterprises Limited Luxury Watch and Jewellery Company Limited Rahman Fashions Rahman Fashions Venchi Venchi Hung Hing (Hong Kong) Medicine Development Company M&K Kamera Trading Limited Raja Fashions Raja Fashions Versailles Lamps Co Ltd 梵爾賽燈飾有限公司 Hung Hing Motor & Engineering Works Co Ma Belle Jewellery Co Ltd rapee - LIVING 斗室 Victorinox Hong Kong Ltd 瑞士維氏鋼刀香港有限公司 Hush Puppies Maclarry Fashions RC Out tters 毅成戶外用品公司 VIP Station 名人站 i Bellissimi Madame Tussauds Touring Exhibition Limited RE:ECHO RE:ECHO Visual Culture Visual Culture I Love Kitchen Madison Wine Reections Reections Vita Green 維特健靈專門店 I.D. Collection Mag Store Regent Shop 麗晶 Vogue 服飾廊 IDEEMAXE Major Cellar RELAY 經緯 voi_la! voi_la! Imperial Bird's Nest International Co Ltd Man Ching Gold and Jewellery Co. Ltd. RenGuangDo 仁光堂 Wah Hing Hong 華興行 Imperial Diamond Man Fook Jewellery Holdings Ricky Jewellery Company Limited 煒杰珠寶有限公司 Wah Hing Jewellery & Arts Co 華興寶石工藝品公司 Indigo Living Ltd Man Luen Choon Right Watch Co Ltd 德信表行 Wah Hing Watch Co Ltd 華興鐘錶行有限公司 Indo Market Man Shing Photo Supplies Company Limited Rio Pearl 麗雅珠行 Wah Kee Wing Cheong Ho 華記永昌號 io.t by HKT Man Tsuen Cheong Birdsnest Ginseng Hong RocaConcepts RocaConcepts Wah Tai Swallow Nest Co Limited 華泰燕窩莊有限公司 ISA Boutique Limited Man Wah Watch Co ROCOCO ROCOCO Wah Tung China Arts Limited 華通陶瓷藝術有限公司 ISA Fashion Boutique International Ltd Mandarin De Apparel Limited Rodeo Drive Japan Rodeo Drive Japan Wai Shing Wine & Spirits 偉成洋酒 ISLAND WAKE Mandarin Fish Maw (HK) Limited Rosita JEWELLERY & GIFT 基達珠寶禮品 Wai Yuen Tong (Retail) Limited 位元堂 (零售) 有限公司 ISSI Mandarin Jewellery Royal Regency Ltd 皇室洋服 Waigo Hobby 偉高模型 ISSI Outlet Limited Manhattan Tailor Royal Selangor (HK) Ltd 皇家雪蘭莪(香港)有限公司 Walker Shop Walker Shop ITALY STATION Manning Company ROYAL TAILOR ROYAL TAILOR WAN KEE Sports Company Limited 允記體育用品有限公司 J J Jewelry Co Ltd Mannings RYOYU BAKERY STUDIO RYOYU BAKERY STUDIO Watch Asia Co 亞洲錶行 J.CREW Maple S. Culture S. Culture WATCH HUNTER 君悅鐘錶珠寶

Jade A Collection Marc Cain Sa Sa Cosmetic 莎莎化粧品 Watch Station International Watch Station International 會員名錄 Jade Buttery Jewellery Co. Mariane Jewellery & Watches Co Ltd Sam's Tailor Sam's Tailor Watch-Ching Limited 師兄潮物有限公司 JADELINK Market Place by Jasons Samuel & Kevin Samuel & Kevin Watches of Switzerland 殿堂 Jasons.Food & Living Marks & Spencer (Asia Paci c) Ltd SAN SI TANG 三思堂 Watsons Health Watsons Health JC Shop Marks and Spencer Food Store Sapo International Trading Company Limited 莎寶國際貿易有限公司 Watson's The Chemist 屈臣氏 Jenny Jewellery Co Masterpiece by king fook Satellites Jewellery Co 衛星珠寶行 Watson's Wine 屈臣氏酒窖 Jessica Maxim's Cake Lab Scent & Beauty Scent & Beauty Wellcome 惠康 Jewellery City Co Ltd Maxim's Cakes See Hay Jewellery Company Limited 四喜珠寶金行(香港)有限公司 White Beard Fish N Chips (Central Star Ferry Pier) White Beard Fish N Chips (Central Star Ferry Pier) Jewellery King (HK) Co Ltd May's Jewellery Watch Co Seiko Seiko Wilson Communications Ltd 衛訊電訊有限公司 Jewellery Zone MBL Wine Group Limited Senses Optik 名瞳感 Wing Fook Lung Co Limited 永福隆參藥海味行有限公司 JHC MBT Serta Serta Wing Hing Tong Ginseng Limited 永興堂參茸行有限公司 Jim's Tailor Workshop Ltd. Medimart Shanghai Food 上海么鳳 Wing Lee Joss Sticks & Sandal Wood 永利檀香莊 Jipi Japa Meiriki SHANIEL FASHIONS LTD SHANIEL FASHIONS LTD Wing Lee Wai Trading Company 永利威貿易公司 Johnson & Company Mendoza bags & luggage SHENG EN FOREIGN EXCHANGE LIMITED 盛恩外幣兌換有限公司 Wing Luen Marine Products Co Ltd 永聯海產有限公司 Joint Publishing (HK) Co Ltd Metropole Department Stores Sheryia Curtain Company Ltd 適雅窗簾有限公司 Wing Shing Photo Supplies Company Limited 永成攝影器材有限公司 Josef Seibel Milan Shing Fat Hong 成發行 Wing Wah 榮華 Joseph King Company Milan (HK) Ltd Shing Fung Ceramic Arts and Crafts 誠豐陶瓷工藝 Wing Wah Cake Shop Ltd 榮華餅家有限公司 Joy & Peace Milan Station Shing Hing Watch Company S.H. 勝興 Wing Yue Marine Food 永裕海味 JP@apm Milk Shirts Shing Lung Hong Company 成隆行 Wise-Kids Toys Wise-Kids Toys J's Garden Millie's Shing Tai Ginseng Company Limited 盛大蔘行有限公司 Wo Kee Loong 和記隆

Jue Xi Jadeite and Jewellery Limited MingCha Limited Shining Optical Centre 日光眼鏡驗配中心 Wong Wing Kee Preserved Fruits Factory Ltd 王榮記菓子廠有限公司 Annual report | Membership List QTSA Just Gold Ming's Gift Shop shop@dcfever shop@dcfever XTC Gelato Limited XTC Gelato Limited 25

Yan Dak Hong Yan Gallery Yan Tak Tai Kee Co Yan Yue Tong Limited Yat Yuen Tong Yau Lee Seafood Yee On Tea Co Yes Watch Co Ltd Ying Kee Tea House YMK Yoku Moku Yue Hwa Yuen Fung Ginseng Company Ltd YUEN HING FOODS CO. LTD Yuen Wo Bird's Nests Co Yummy House Zurich Watch Co Ltd 0/3 baby collection Chris Christy 1O1O Chun Kee Stationery Co Ltd 3D-GOLD Jewellery (HK) Ltd Chung Chai Kee 3HK - Hutchison Telecommunications (Hong Kong) Limited Chung Hwa Book Co (HK) Ltd 3hreesixty Chung Yuen Electrical Co Ltd 5.11 Tactical Chung Yung Cycle Co A Grade Technology Ltd Chung's Jewelry Co. A LA BAKERY CIGAR EMPORIUM A Timeless Tailor Cigar Time AEON Citistore AEON SUPERMARKET Citizen AGATHA City Chain Co Ltd Ah Moon City Foreign Exchange Limited AIGLE Citylink Aigle Crystal Decor Limited city'super Airland CLARKS Allan Tom & Co Limited ClassicalArts Jewellery Watch Co. Alpha CN Square Al-Shahzadi HK Limited CNG Wine Amigo Jewelry COHIBA CIGAR DIVAN Anglo Chinese Florist Ltd Colors In Optics Ltd Apsley Tailors Limited colourliving Arome Bakery Comax Enterprise Worldwide Limited Art Inspiration Comvita ARTĒ Continental Diamond ARTLAND WATCH CO LTD Cookies Quartet Ash Samtani Clothing Limited Cortina Watch HK Limited Ashford Cosmo Circle Custom Tailor Company August Custom Tailors Cosmos Books Ltd Australia Watch & Jewellery Co Coxell Digital Camera AUSupreme CP Plus B. Duck CRCare Bakery Diets' Limited Crocodile Baleno Crystal K G Gem's Co Baron Kay's Tailor Crystalink Basel (Switzerland) Watches Limited csl Bauhaus CSS BB Laboratories CTF Watch Beauty Land Cyber Pro BeBe Dream Cyber System Bed & Bath Cyber Telecom Bee Cheng Hiang (HK) Ltd D Y Kee Bee's Diamonds Dai Fat Swallow's Nest Co Ltd Bento Express by AEON D'aime Berlin Optical Co Ltd Daniel Fashions Best Mart 360° David Fashions Bioderma dayOFF BIOLYN (HK) LIMITED DAZZLE Birkenstock DCH Food Mart Blesscuit Bakery DCH Food Mart Deluxe Bo Crown Building Materials Limited Delon Photo & Hi-Fi Centre Ltd Bobby's Fashions Descente BodiBra DESIRE BY MANDY LAU Bon Jewelry Co. Diamond King Jewellery Holding Limited Bonjour Cosmetic Wholesale Center Ltd. Diamondoor Jewellery Co Ltd Bonluxe Dollar Studio Bonnie Lai Antiquities Dor t Ltd bossini DOUBLE HAPPINESS Breo Company Limited Dr Kong Footcare Limited Brighten Floriculture Ltd Dragons Optometric Centre Brilliant Jewellery Dream Optical City Limited Broadway Photo Supply Ltd Dream Team Byford Duk San Co C.P.U. Dynasty Jewellery Manufacturer Cailia ECOG LIMITED Caleb Jewellery Company Limited Edelweiss Jewellery Canaan Optical Co Ltd EG Carol's Watch Eggroll Queen Carpenter Tan Eldorado Watch Co Ltd Casablanca Hong Kong Limited Elegant Custom Tailor Castle of Antiquities Co Ltd Elegant Watch & Jewellery Company CATALO Natural Health Foods ELLE TRAVEL LUGGAGE & BAGS CATHYPAUL DIAMOND LIMITED Embry Form CC Shop Eminent Luggage Chamonix Alpine Equipment Emperor Watch & Jewellery Chan Yee Jai Emphasis Jewellery Cheong Hing Vinsac Empire International Custom Tailors Cheong Shing Birdnest Ginseng Hong Emporio Armani CHERRY Enchanting Diamond Cheung Hing Bird Nest Chong ENOTECA Cheung Mao Kee Electrical Co Ltd ENZO CHI FUNG JADE ORNAMENTS LIMITED Episode Chiangs Optical Co Ltd Esprit Chin Fai Gold & Jewellery Co Eternity Diamond & Jewellery Ltd Chinese Arts & Crafts (HK) Ltd Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong) Ltd Chinese Goods Centre Eugene Baby Chocolate House Europe Watch Co Ltd Chocolate Kitchen Exceptional Stone Company Chocolate Mama Limited EXCLAMATION LIMITED Chong Fai Jewellery & Gold Company Limited Express Custom Tailors Chow Sang Sang Jewellery Co Ltd Eye's Mate Optical Company Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Co Ltd Family Fun Chow Tai Fook Young Zone FANCL

Fine Asia Watch (HK) Co. Ltd K S Sze & Sons Ltd Mirabell Shu Talk First Edible Nest Ka Tat (H.K) Trading Co Modere Hong Kong Limited Simpson Sin Tailor First International Resources Limited Kahn Tailor Mong Kok Pro Bicycle Shop Limited SKECHERS FOCO HEADPHONE PRO-SHOP Kai Fat Tea Company Limited Mothercare Sky Beauty Jewelry Limited Foochow Lacquer Co Kai Tai Chinese Medicine (Holdings) Co Ltd Mrs. So's XO Sauce Sky Blue Bikes Fook Lam Jewellery Co Kaiser Jewellery Company Munsingwear Smart Glory Electrical Co Fook Lin Hong Kala Cheese Toast Specialist My Chocolate Shop Limited SmarTone Fook Ming Tong Tea Shop Kam Bong Jewellery Co My Jewelry SOFAMARK Fook Shing Jewellery Company Kam Chuen Store Ltd My Princess Cosmetic Company Limited SOGO Hong Kong Co Ltd Fook Tai Jewellery Group Limited Kam Hing Noodles Food Company Nam Pei Hong Solvil et Titus Fook's Jewelry Kam Kau Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd Natural Home Collections Limited Sound & Vision Forever Couple Kam Kee Seafood Ltd NATURAL SCENT FOODS CO LTD Sparkle Jewellery Co Forever Gold Jewellery & Goldsmith Limited Karss Development Limited Nature's Bounty Sportshouse FORTRESS KC Korea Nelson Jewellery Arts Co Ltd STACCATO Fossil Kee Wah Bakery Limited New Century Coins & Notes Standard Audio & Photo Supplies Ltd Four Seasons Diamonds & Jewellery Kettler Sport & Fitness New Fei Optical (Hong Kong) Limited Stanley Jewellery Co Friendship Trading Co Khushbu's Collection New Grand Jewellery & Watch Co Ltd Star Co Fugar Jewellery Co Ltd Ki Chan Tea Co New Heep Hing Co Star Diamond Fung Leung Kee Watch Company King Bakery New Luen Fai Medicine Co Stately Worldwide Limited FUSION King Fook Jewellery Group Limited New Super Fit Fashions Studio A Futago Jewelry Workshop Limited KING SULEIMAN WATCH & JEWELLERY LIMITED New Youth Sporting Goods Company Limited Sun Century Watches Limited G.E.T. CASA BUILDING MATERIALS COMPANY LIMITED King Swallow Nest and Ginseng Ltd Ngong Ping 360 Limited Sun Hai Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd G.Y.N. MONEY EXCHANGE LIMITED Kingkow Nice Watch Company Sun Sing Tea GAD & Co. King's Watch Company Limited Nine Seafood Place Sun Wah Herbs & Medicines Gaily Jewellery Kinlonz Culture Limited Ninki Denki Sunglass 88 Gallery One Kissbaby Club Noble Diamond Jewellery & Gold Company Limited Suning Gam Fook Jewellery & Goldsmith Shares Co Ltd Koon Fook Jewellery Nobletime AV & Telecom Sunshine Telecom Garman Jewellery Koon Wah Food & Preserved Fruit Factory Limited Nobletime Ltd SU-PA-DE-PA Geneve Watch Centre Kowloon Jewellery Company Limited Ns Luxury Supreme Co G-Factory Kowloon Watch Co O - O Shop Supreme Jeweler Giordano Limited Kwan Shing Sea Products Trading Company Limited Ocean Optical Co Ltd Swindon Book Co Ltd GIORMANI Living Room Furniture Store Kwong Lung Hong Ocean Park (Souvenir Shop) T Galleria gitti L & K Custom Tailor OKASHI LAND Tai Cheong Bakery Glasstique La Boheme Bakery Oliver's The Delicatessen Tai Cheong Jewellery Co Global Timepieces LA CASA DEL HABANO Olympus Hong Kong And China Limited Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited GNC La Colline On Kee Dry Seafood Co Ltd Tai Hing Bird's Nest Shop Goldy Ginseng Limited La Elite Fashions On Tai Swallow's Nest Co Ltd Tai Hing Hong GOODWELL La Suisse Watch Co Ltd One Tea House Tai Pan Bread & Cakes Company Limited Gourmet La Tradicion Cubana Opalus Tai Ping Carpets Ltd Grand Cru Cellar International Limited LACOSTE Optical 88 Tai Sing Bird's Nest & Ginseng Co Grand Optical Co Lai's Medicine Orchid Padaria Bakery Tak Hing Loong Company GREAT Lam Kie Yuen Tea Company Limited Oregon Scienti c Tak Shing Sea Products Co Ltd Great Neck Health Food Lane Crawford Oriental Arts Jewelry Ltd Talk Smart Great Rise Jewellery Ltd Lapel Tailor ORIENTAL PACIFIC RETAIL LIMITED TASTE Gui Tea Larry Jewelry Ltd ORiental TRaf c Tat Ming Wallpaper Company Limited H Baromon Ltd Lau Yu Fat Tea Shop Oriental Watch Co Ltd Taurus Money Exchange H K Electric City Company Limited LCX Limited Outdoor Depot Tea Art Gallery Hai Sang Hong Marine Foodstuffs Ltd le coq sportif P N Telecom Digital Half & Half Creation Co. Limited le coq sportif Golf Collection Pak Shing Tong Tender Hearted Trading Company Hang Cheong Loong Bird's Nest & Ginseng Limited Le Long Gallery Panasonic Showroom Thailand Bird's Nest Limited Hang Heung Cake Shop Co Ltd Lee Dick Gold & Jewellery Ltd PaperArt The Best Tea House Co Ltd Hang Hing Company Lee Fung China Ware Company Limited Parfumerie Tresor THE BODY SHOP Hang Hing May Jewellery & Fashion Company Lee Fung Hong Ginseng & Herbs Co. Ltd PARKnSHOP The Commercial Press (HK) Ltd Hang Seng Ginseng Hong Lee Hoong Kee Limited PARKnSHOP THE HARBOUR CIGAR DIVAN Hannah Lee Kwon Hobbies Company Pearls & Cashmere The Pie & Tart Specialists Haple Lee's Jewellery Co Limited Peninsula Optical Co The Royal House Harry Lee and Company Leica Store Perfect Watch Co Ltd The Sincere Co Ltd Hauber LENSCRAFTERS Pete' Fashions Ltd The Wing On Department Stores (Hong Kong) Limited HAVANA EXPRESS Leona Phoenix Nest Corporation Limited time + style Haywards Leonidas Pralines Phoenix Tea Company Limited Time Plaza HE SHEN AGARWOOD LIMITED Leung Wing Hing Joss Sticks Factory (Hong Kong) Limited Pink Box Tin Cheung Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd HealthPlus Levi Strauss (Hong Kong) Limited PIT Tin Tak Swallow's Nest Gift Shop Hei Dor Fook Jewellery Lien Hing Jewellery Co PLEN+Y TMF Company Limited Hideo Wakamatsu Life Kan Point De Vue Tokuyu (Hong Kong) Co Ltd Highland Jewellery Co Life Time Watch Co Ltd POMPEI Tokyo Optical Co (HK) Ltd Hing Fat Hong LIFE@HOME Popcorn Tom Lee Music Co Ltd HK JEBN Limited Lin Heung Bakery Popular Book Company Tony Jewellery HKAA Showroom Linda Chow (Johnson) HK Custom Tailor Precision Watch Co Ltd TOP ONE BAKERY HKTDC Design Gallery Linda Farrow Premier Food Limited Toyo Leather Ware Co Hoi Cheong Ho Ling Kee Book Store Ltd Premier Jewellery Co Ltd Toys"R"Us Hokkaido Mart Ling Nam Medicine Factory (HK) Ltd President Jewellery Co Ltd Tse Sui Luen Jewellery Co Ltd Hollywood Galleries Link Jeans Company Limited Prestige Crafts Tung Fat Hong Hong Kong Air Puri er Center Limited Little Bare Feet Pricerite Home Limited Tung Fong Hung Medicine Co Ltd Hong Kong Bakery Limited Little Montessorian Prince Fashion Tung Hing Watch Co Ltd Hong Kong China Moutai Professional Store Limited LIULIGONGFANG Prince Jewellery & Watch Co Two Girls Hong Kong Cigar Exchange Living PLAZA by AEON Princeton Custom Tailors UAE EXCHANGE HONG KONG LIMITED Hong Kong Fur Co Ltd Liza House (Jim's) Jewellery Ltd PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN CURRENCY EXCHANGE LIMITED UMAMI HOUSE Hong Kong Honma Golf Co Ltd LOG-ON Prologue UNION Hong Kong Mountaineering Training Centre LOJEL-Luggage & Travelware Protech Computer Limited Unique Timepieces Hong Kong Optical Co Ltd Lucullus Gourmet Shop Puyi Optical Limited Unison Foreign Exchange Limited Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited Lugard Quality Bird's Nest Co Universal Audio & Video Centre Hong Tai Swallow's Nest Co Luisa Cerano Queensway Golf International Limited Universal Natural Products Limited Hou Soen Cigar Lukfook Jewellery Rabeanco Valuable Watch and Jewellery Company Limited Hsu's Enterprises Limited Luxury Watch and Jewellery Company Limited Rahman Fashions Venchi Hung Hing (Hong Kong) Medicine Development Company M&K Kamera Trading Limited Raja Fashions Versailles Lamps Co Ltd Hung Hing Motor & Engineering Works Co Ma Belle Jewellery Co Ltd rapee - LIVING Victorinox Hong Kong Ltd Hush Puppies Maclarry Fashions RC Out tters VIP Station i Bellissimi Madame Tussauds Touring Exhibition Limited RE:ECHO Visual Culture I Love Kitchen Madison Wine Reections Vita Green I.D. Collection Mag Store Regent Shop Vogue IDEEMAXE Major Cellar RELAY voi_la! Imperial Bird's Nest International Co Ltd Man Ching Gold and Jewellery Co. Ltd. RenGuangDo Wah Hing Hong Imperial Diamond Man Fook Jewellery Holdings Ricky Jewellery Company Limited Wah Hing Jewellery & Arts Co Indigo Living Ltd Man Luen Choon Right Watch Co Ltd Wah Hing Watch Co Ltd Indo Market Man Shing Photo Supplies Company Limited Rio Pearl Wah Kee Wing Cheong Ho io.t by HKT Man Tsuen Cheong Birdsnest Ginseng Hong RocaConcepts Wah Tai Swallow Nest Co Limited ISA Boutique Limited Man Wah Watch Co ROCOCO Wah Tung China Arts Limited ISA Fashion Boutique International Ltd Mandarin De Apparel Limited Rodeo Drive Japan Wai Shing Wine & Spirits ISLAND WAKE Mandarin Fish Maw (HK) Limited Rosita JEWELLERY & GIFT Wai Yuen Tong (Retail) Limited ISSI Mandarin Jewellery Royal Regency Ltd Waigo Hobby ISSI Outlet Limited Manhattan Tailor Royal Selangor (HK) Ltd Walker Shop ITALY STATION Manning Company ROYAL TAILOR WAN KEE Sports Company Limited J J Jewelry Co Ltd Mannings RYOYU BAKERY STUDIO Watch Asia Co J.CREW Maple S. Culture WATCH HUNTER Jade A Collection Marc Cain Sa Sa Cosmetic Watch Station International Jade Buttery Jewellery Co. Mariane Jewellery & Watches Co Ltd Sam's Tailor Watch-Ching Limited JADELINK Market Place by Jasons Samuel & Kevin Watches of Switzerland Jasons.Food & Living Marks & Spencer (Asia Paci c) Ltd SAN SI TANG Watsons Health JC Shop Marks and Spencer Food Store Sapo International Trading Company Limited Watson's The Chemist Jenny Jewellery Co Masterpiece by king fook Satellites Jewellery Co Watson's Wine Jessica Maxim's Cake Lab Scent & Beauty Wellcome Jewellery City Co Ltd Maxim's Cakes See Hay Jewellery Company Limited White Beard Fish N Chips (Central Star Ferry Pier) Jewellery King (HK) Co Ltd May's Jewellery Watch Co Seiko Wilson Communications Ltd Jewellery Zone MBL Wine Group Limited Senses Optik Wing Fook Lung Co Limited JHC MBT Serta Wing Hing Tong Ginseng Limited Jim's Tailor Workshop Ltd. Medimart Shanghai Food Wing Lee Joss Sticks & Sandal Wood Jipi Japa Meiriki SHANIEL FASHIONS LTD Wing Lee Wai Trading Company Johnson & Company Mendoza bags & luggage SHENG EN FOREIGN EXCHANGE LIMITED Wing Luen Marine Products Co Ltd Joint Publishing (HK) Co Ltd Metropole Department Stores Sheryia Curtain Company Ltd Wing Shing Photo Supplies Company Limited Josef Seibel Milan Shing Fat Hong Wing Wah Joseph King Company Milan (HK) Ltd Shing Fung Ceramic Arts and Crafts Wing Wah Cake Shop Ltd Joy & Peace Milan Station Shing Hing Watch Company Wing Yue Marine Food JP@apm Milk Shirts Shing Lung Hong Company Wise-Kids Toys J's Garden Millie's Shing Tai Ginseng Company Limited Wo Kee Loong Jue Xi Jadeite and Jewellery Limited MingCha Limited Shining Optical Centre Wong Wing Kee Preserved Fruits Factory Ltd Just Gold Ming's Gift Shop shop@dcfever XTC Gelato Limited

Yan Dak Hong 仁德行 Crystal Harbour Restaurant 紅磡灣天澄閣中菜廳 Joyful Dessert House Restaurant Panorama Yan Gallery 一画廊 Crystal Jade Jiang Nan 翡翠江南 Joyous One Rhine Garden Restaurant Yan Tak Tai Kee Co 仁德泰記公司 Crystal Jade Kitchen 翡翠小廚 Jumbo Floating Restaurant Rice Love Yan Yue Tong Limited 仁御堂有限公司 Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao 翡翠拉麵小籠包 Kam Dau Kee Seafood Restaurant Ringer Hut Yat Yuen Tong 一元堂 Cuisine Cuisine 國金軒 Kam Kee Café Robata Kim Yau Lee Seafood 友利海味 Curry Leaf Indian Cuisine Curry Leaf Indian Cuisine Kam Kee Dining Room Rouge - Regal Airport Hotel Yee On Tea Co 義安茶莊 DaBen Ei Japanese Restaurant 大本瀛日式放題 Kamado Japanese Dining Royal One Yes Watch Co Ltd 德誠表行有限公司 DACHA DACHA Kanada - Ya Saboten Ying Kee Tea House 英記茶莊 Dai Kee Restaurant 大記攦粉 Kashiwaya Saint's Alp Teahouse YMK YMK Japanese Restaurant 大喜屋日本料理 Katiga Japanese Food Shop Salaam Namaste Yoku Moku Yoku Moku Dan Ryan's Chicago Grill 芝加哥餐廳 KAU KIU NOODLES San Hing Restaurant Yue Hwa 裕華 Daniel's Restaurant 金裝燉奶佬 Kenting Tea House San Lung Restaurant Yuen Fung Ginseng Company Ltd 潤豐參茸行有限公司 Darrie-Go!-Noodles 大熱高湯麵 Keung Kee Roasted Meat Restaurant (Wan Chai) San Xi Lou YUEN HING FOODS CO. LTD 源興食品有限公司 Dazzling Cafe Dazzling Cafe Khana Khazana Indian Vegetarian Restaurant & Bar Sang Kee Restaurant Limited Yuen Wo Bird's Nests Co 源和燕窩莊 Deli and Wine Deli and Wine KIKUSAN Sangeetha Vegetarian Restaurant Yummy House 美味棧 Deli Viet 嚐越 Kimberley Chinese Restaurant Saravanaa Bhavan Zurich Watch Co Ltd 蘇麗鐘錶有限公司 Delicious Kitchen 小魚滋味 KIMCHEE KOREAN RESTAURANT Senzuru Japanese Restaurant - Harbour Plaza Metropolis Délifrance Délifrance King Harbour Seafood Restaurant Ser Wong Fun Deli-O Deli-O King's Dumpling Seventh Son Restaurant Deluxe Daikiya Japanese Restaurant 極尚大喜屋日本料理 Kings' Lodge Shaan Indian Restaurant Dim Sum Bar 點一龍 KOON THAI CUISINE Shanghai East Dim Sum Square Company Limited 聚點坊有限公司 Kung Fu Dim Sum Shanghai Garden Restaurant Category | 食肆界別 Dining Room 飯廳 Kung Tak Lam Shanghai Vegetarian Cuisine Shanghai Jade DiVino DiVino Kung Wo Tong Shanghai Min Divino Patio Ristorante, Bar & Pizzeria Divino Patio Ristorante, Bar & Pizzeria Kyoto Joe Shangri-La Curry House HK 66 Hot Pot 陸陸雞煲火鍋 Dot Cod Seafood Restaurant & Oyster Bar Dot Cod Seafood Restaurant & Oyster Bar Kyoto Matcha Cafe Shun Hing Restaurant Ltd A LA BAKERY A LA BAKERY Dragon Inn - Regal Airport Hotel 龍門客棧 - 富豪機場酒店 L16 Sichuan House Agave Tequila Y Comida Agave Tequila Y Comida Dragon Inn - Regal Riverside Hotel 龍門客棧 - 沙田麗豪酒店 La Taverna Restaurant Side Walk Cafe Ah Yat Harbour View Restaurant 阿一海景飯店 Dragon King Restaurant 龍皇酒家 La Tradicion Cubana simplylife BAKERY CAFE Ah Yat Harbour View Restaurant Champ Kitchen & Bar 阿一海景飯店炊公館 Dragon Seal Restaurant & Bar 龍璽酒家 Lab Eat Restaurant & Bar simplylife FOODPLACE Airport Izakaya - Regal Airport Hotel 空港居酒屋 - 富豪機場酒店 East Ocean Lafayette 東海薈‧拉斐特 LAB66 simplylife THE EAST THE WEST Aji Bou Izakaya - Regal Riverside Hotel 味房居食屋 - 沙田麗豪酒店 East Ocean Seaview Restaurant 東海薈 Lamma Seaview Man Fung Seafood Restaurant SKYLINE BANQUET HALL Alto 88 風情畫餐廳 Elephant Grounds (Causeway Bay) Elephant Grounds (Causeway Bay) Lawry's The Prime Rib Smile Bread Amaroni's Amaroni's EMBER EMBER Le Menu Restaurant - Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong Sonata Western Restaurant - Rosedale Hotel Kowloon Amuse Bouche Amuse Bouche Empire City Chinese Cuisine 大都淮揚中菜 Le Souk Sorabol Korean Restaurant AN NAM 安南 Empire City Roasted Duck 大都烤鴨 L'Eau Restaurant - Regal Riverside Hotel Spasso Ristorante & Bar Ancient Moon 古月 ETSU sushi 悅 Legends of India SPICE Andy's Chili Party 十二味巴蜀江湖菜 EXP EXP Lei Garden Restaurant Spice 8 Andy's Hot Pot 十二味熱辣火鍋莊 Fairwood Fast Food Limited 大快活快餐有限公司 LIS Cafe Sportful Garden Restaurant Aqua City Bakery 水都餅店 Farm House Restaurant 農圃飯店 Lo Spazio Stanford Café - Stanford Hotel Arena Kitchen Arena Kitchen Feng Chia Market 逢甲工房 Loyal Dining Star of Canton Restaurant Arirang Korean Restaurant 阿里朗韓國餐廳 Festive China 又一棧 Lu Feng Sun Thai Restaurant Atum Desserant Atum Desserant ame at towngas avenue ame at towngas avenue Tea House & Restaurant Ltd Super Star Seafood Restaurant Atum Restaurant Atum Restaurant Flamingo Lounge - B P International 龍堡廊 - 龍堡國際 Lung Fung Cafe Super Super Avanti Pizzeria - Regal Riverside Hotel 意廊 - 沙田麗豪酒店 Foam Bar & Restaurant Foam Bar & Restaurant Lung Mun Sea Food Restaurant Supreme Manya Japanese Restaurant B.B.Q. Kingdom Restaurant 叉燒大王 Foo Lum Fisherman's Wharf Restaurant & Pleasant Palace 富臨漁港囍臨門皇宴 M&C.Duck Sushi Sei Bacco Bacco Restaurant 福臨門酒家 Madam's Kitchen Sushi Shota Balcony - Panda Hotel 歐陸餐廳 - 悅來酒店 Fook Yuen (TSTE) Seafood Restaurant 馥苑(尖東)海鮮酒家 Mak's Noodle Sweet Tooth Bangkok Thai Restaurant 曼谷泰菜 forte forte Mala's Fusion Cuisine Sweet-o-logy Banquet Palace 金皇廷(囍宴) Fortune House 盈福小館 Mall Café - YMCA of Hong Kong Symphony By Jade Bar LIS Bar LIS Fortune Kitchen 盈福小廚 Manakamana Nepali Restaurant Tai Hing Barbeque Plus 燒味Plus (1977) Ltd 富臨飯店(1977)有限公司 Mango Tree Tai Nan A Dou Zai Bari-Uma Ramen 廣島霸嗎拉麵 Fujiyama Mama 富士山媽媽 Mansarover Tai Woo Restaurant BATHERS BATHERS Fulum 富臨粵之味 Manya Japanese Restaurant Taiwan Kitchen BBQ7080YO BBQ7080YO Fulum 富臨 Maxim's Food² TA-KE JAPANESE RESTAURANT BEEF & LIBERTY BEEF & LIBERTY Fulum Fisherman's Wharf Restaurant 富臨漁港 Maxim's Hong Kong Day Tamarind Pan-Asian Restaurant & Bar Bel Cibo Restaurant Bel Cibo Restaurant Fulum Fisherman's Wharf Restaurant & Pleasant Palace 富臨漁港囍臨門酒家 Maxim's MX Tam's Shop Beppu 別府 Fulum Palace 富臨皇宮 Maxim's Palace Tang Xin Xuan BICHO 備長 Fulum Restaurant 富臨酒家 McDonald's Hong Kong Tao Heung Big Top Restaurant 大姆指 Fulum Restaurant (The King Of Roasted Goose) 富臨酒家(燒鵝大王) Megan's Kitchen TAO SQUARE Bistro Délifrance Bistro Délifrance Gateway Cuisine 南大門 Mei Garden Tao Yuen Restaurant Black Lamb Company (Jordan) 雲南啊老表黑山羊湯鍋米綫 (佐敦店) Gaylord Indian Restaurant Gaylord Indian Restaurant Metropolis Harbour View Chinese Cuisine Taste Full Kitchen BO INNOVATION BO INNOVATION Gees Restaurant & Bar Gees Restaurant & Bar Mezzo - Regal Kowloon Hotel Taste Restaurant & Bar BRICK LANE BRICK LANE Golden Bauhinia 金紫荊粵菜廳 Mini Bangkok Seafood and Grill Tasty Congee & Noodle Wantun Shop Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Restaurant & Market 阿甘蝦餐廳 GOLDEN BULL 金牛苑 Mini Bangkok Thai Food Teawood Taiwanese Café & Restaurant Budaoweng Hotpot Cuisine 不倒翁中日火鍋料理 Golden China Restaurant Limited 金華燒臘大王有限公司 miso Tei Mou Koon Dessert Buddies Cafe 友天地 Golden Jade Restaurant 金翠餐廳 Miyazaki Tenshu Tempura & Sashimi Restaurant Burger King (Airport & The Peak) 漢堡王 (機場及山頂) GONPACHI 權八 Modern China Restaurant Terrace Room - Bishop Lei International House BUTAO 豚王 Good Take Kitchen 拍板小館 Modern Shanghai Thai Basil C. Dragon 翔龍拉麵小籠包 Grand Hill Taiwanese Restaurant 圓山台灣料理 Mr Steak Thai Western Cafe A cionado - Regal Airport Hotel 藝廊咖啡室 - 富豪機場酒店 Great Beef Hotpot 禾牛薈火煱館 Mrs Hunan The Bayview Restaurant Café Allegro - Regal Kowloon Hotel 雅廊咖啡室 Green Orange Green Orange Myung Ga Korean Restaurant The China Coast Pub + Restaurant - Regal Oriental Hotel Cafe by the Park - B P International 園林閣 - 龍堡國際 Greenland Corner 綠野仙踪 Nabe One The Dining Room Café Concourse - Metropark Hotel Mongkok 雅敍閣西餐廳 - 旺角維景酒店 Greens Café - Harbour Plaza North Point 綠怡咖啡廳 - 北角海逸酒店 NAHA Okinawa Restaurant The Drunken Pot Café de Coral 大家樂快餐有限公司 Häagen-Dazs Häagen-Dazs Nam Kee Spring Roll Noodle The French Window Cafe Deco 峰景餐廳 Ha e 哈妃 NAMO The Grand Stage Cafe Itamomo 意八餐廳 HAK-KA-HUT 客家好棧 Nepal Restaurant & Bar The Kam's CAFE LANDMARK CAFE LANDMARK Happiness 囍慶 Neptune's Restaurant The Old China Hand Café Lido - Royal View Hotel 帝景軒 - 帝景酒店 Happiness Cuisine 囍慶酒家 New Bangkok Restaurant Restaurant Cafe Locomotive 火車頭越南餐室 HARD ROCK CAFE HONG KONG HARD ROCK CAFE HONG KONG New Bangkok Restaurant the petit café CAFE MED 紅蔥頭 Harvest Restaurant 豐盛閣 New Forest Restaurant The Point - Harbour Plaza North Point Cafe Neo - Regal Oriental Hotel 儷廊咖啡室 - 富豪東方酒店 Hassun Grill & Bar 八寸酒食 New Shanghai The Red Pepper Restaurant Ltd Café Ocean 海洋冰室 Hee Kee Fried Crab Expert 喜記避風塘炒辣蟹 The Spaghetti House Restaurants Ltd Cafe Rivoli 御花園咖啡室 Heichinrou Restaurant 聘珍樓 Ngong Ping Garden Restaurant The Square can.teen can.teen Hey 囍 Nishiki Don The Story Cafe Bakery canton pot canton pot Hey Hey Kitchen 囍囍 Nishimura Restaurant The Terrace Café Canton Room - Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong 粵軒 - 六國酒店 Hey YO!! Hey YO!! North Garden Restaurant The Vermicelli House Carpaccio Pasta, Pizza & Vino Carpaccio Pasta, Pizza & Vino Hillview Café - Stanford Hillview Hotel 山景閣 - 仕德褔山景酒店 Ocean Empire Food Shop Tien Yi Restaurant CATERKING DIM SUM 豪隍點心 Ho Hung Kee (1946) Congee & Noodle Shop 何洪記(1946)粥麵專家 Ocean Treasure Seafood Restaurant Tim's Kitchen Champ Kitchen 炊公館 Hoi Tin Garden Restaurant (Castle Peak Bay) 青山灣海天花園酒家 Olive Cafe Tokio Joe Chan Kan Kee Chiu Chow Restaurant 陳勤記鹵鵝飯店 Hoi Yat Heen 海逸軒 OM Tapas Tokyo Tsukiji Chao Inn 潮樓 Hoi Yat Heen Chinese Restaurant - Harbour Plaza North Point 海逸軒中餐廳 - 北角海逸酒店 OMQ Dining Room Tom Bar + Grill Chao Inn 潮館 Holly Restaurant 青葉海鮮酒家 Orchid Veggie Tomokazu Japanese Restaurant Co Ltd Chao Yang Restaurant 朝陽飯莊 Honeymoon Dessert 滿記甜品 Our Restaurant Tono Daikiya Japanese Restaurant Charlie Brown Cafe 查理布朗咖啡專門店 壹玖捌叁 Outback Steakhouse Treasure Lake Golden Banquet Restaurant Charlie's Chili Kitchen 十二味麻辣小當家 Hong Kong Jockey Club Pak Sing Restaurant 香港賽馬會百勝廳 Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant Treasure Lake Seafood Restaurant Cheerful Sky Cuisine 囍雲天 Hong Kong Lao Shang Hai Restaurant Ltd 香港老上海飯店有限公司 Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant Tsui Hang Village Restaurant (Central / Tsim Sha Tsui) Cheers Restaurant 迎囍大酒樓 Hong Kong Old Restaurant 香港老飯店 Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant Tsui Wah Concept CHEUNG FAT SEAFOOD RESTAURANT 長發海鮮酒家 Hong Zhou 杭州酒家 Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant Tsui Wah Restaurant Cheung Kung Koon 張公館 HONI HONI HONI HONI Palco Ristorante Tuxedos Restaurant Chili Party 麻辣派對 Hot Pot Empire 火煱世家 Palm Court Western Restaurant - Metropark Hotel Kowloon Umai Sushikan China Coast Bar + Grill - Regal Airport Hotel 華岸酒吧扒房 - 富豪機場酒店 House of Beijing 北京人家 Panda Cafe Uncle Russ Coffee Chiu Wui Restaurant 潮薈 House of Canton Restaurant 翰騰閣酒家 Panda Café - Panda Hotel Under Bridge Spicy Crab Chiuchow Garden 潮庭 House of Jasmine 八月居 Peking Garden Uptop Bistro and Bar

會員名錄 Chiuchow Garden Restaurant 潮江春 House of Tang Chinese Restaurant - Metropark Hotel Kowloon 唐宮中餐廳 - 九龍維景酒店 Penthouse Restaurant - Nathan Hotel Urban Park Chuk Yuen Seafood Restaurant 竹園海鮮飯店 許留山 Phole Very Good Seafood Restaurant Chung Kee Cafe 忠記咖啡屋 Hundred Percent Restaurant 百份百餐廳 Pier 88 Vi - Regal Riverside Hotel Chung Shing Restaurant Limited 忠誠茶座 Hung's Delicacies (Chek Lap Kok) 阿鴻小吃 (赤鱲角) Pinot Duck Victoria City Seafood Restaurant Chung Shing Traditional Food Limited 忠誠盆菜 HUNG'S DELICACIES (Kwun Tong) 阿鴻小吃 (觀塘) PizzaExpress Victoria Harbour Restaurant Chung's Cuisine 鍾菜 Hyde Park Garden Restaurant 海德花園酒家 Promenade Restaurant - Harbour Plaza Metropolis Victoria Harbour Roasted Goose Seafood Restaurant Cinta - J 金蒂餐廳 I Love Tsui Wah I Love 翠華 Pure Veggie House Victoria Harbour Supreme City Cafe - The Cityview 城景閣 iBakery Gallery Cafe 愛烘焙餐廳 Pure Wagyu Yakiniku WA SAN MAI City Chiu Chow Restaurant Ltd 潮州城酒樓有限公司 Ichikawa Japanese Restaurant 市川日本料理 Putien Wedding Banquet Specialist City Hall Maxim's Café City Hall Maxim's Café Ina Hotpot 稻‧火鍋 Qian Shao Bai Wei West Villa Restaurant (Causeway Bay) City Hall Maxim's Palace 大會堂美心皇宮 India Restaurant And Bar 印度菜館及酒吧 Qiao Cuisine West Villa Restaurant (Sheung Wan) C-Jade Meal Plus 悅翠堂粥麵甜品 Itamae Sushi (Chek Lap Kok) 板前回轉壽司 (赤鱲角) Rainbow Seafood Restaurant West Villa Restaurant (Taikooshing) Clinton's BBQ Fish 十二味不只是烤魚 Itamomo Cafe 意樂餐廳 Ramen Kureha Wild re Cloudland Chinese Cuisine 雲來軒 Jade Garden 翠園 Red Ant Restaurant Windows Cafe COFFEEHOLIC COFFEEHOLIC Jardin De Jade 蘇浙匯 Red Door Chinese Restaurant Wing Lai Yuen Restaurant Congee House 心粥館 Jashan Celebrating Indian Cuisine Jashan Celebrating Indian Cuisine Red Thai Wing Nin Store Congee King 靠得住 JASMINE 八月花 Regal Court - Regal Riverside Hotel Wing's Kitchen Congress Plus 薈景 Jasmine Garden 八月軒 Regal Palace - Regal Hongkong Hotel With your mind CookedDeli by city'super CookedDeli by city'super Jasmine Place 怡翠軒 Regal Terrace - Regal Oriental Hotel Wong Chi Kei Noodles & Congees Cornucopia Fine Dining 慶有餘 Jimmy's Kitchen Jimmy's Kitchen Regal Terrace - Regal Riverside Hotel Wong Chun Chun Thai Restaurant Crabtain Restaurant 一番風味

QTSA Annual report | Membership List QTSA Jo Jo Indian Cuisine Jo Jo Indian Cuisine Regala Cafe & Dessert Bar - Regal Airport Hotel Woo Tung Yakiniku Dining Bar Crowd Restaurant 群眾小炒王 Joy Daikiya Japanese Restaurant 樂天大喜屋日本料理 Restaurant - Silvermine Beach Resort Wu Kong Shanghai Restaurant 26

Xi Zhan Xin Dau Ji Yakiniku Gyukura Yamataka Yat Chui Pavilion Dim Sum Yat Tsui Hin Yat Tung Heen Yayoi YinYue - Panda Hotel Yixin Restaurant (Wan Chai) Yu Mai YUE - City Garden Yue - Gold Coast Hotel Yue Mic Ka Yum Cha Yummy Yun Yan Restaurant Group Ltd Zen Noodle Cafe Zenon Cafe Zhen 文華冰廳 新南苑私房菜 板燒郎放題料理 食力點心雞煲火鍋 養心殿台式養生鍋 0/3 baby collection Chris Christy 1O1O Chun Kee Stationery Co Ltd 3D-GOLD Jewellery (HK) Ltd Chung Chai Kee 3HK - Hutchison Telecommunications (Hong Kong) Limited Chung Hwa Book Co (HK) Ltd 3hreesixty Chung Yuen Electrical Co Ltd 5.11 Tactical Chung Yung Cycle Co A Grade Technology Ltd Chung's Jewelry Co. A LA BAKERY CIGAR EMPORIUM A Timeless Tailor Cigar Time AEON Citistore AEON SUPERMARKET Citizen AGATHA City Chain Co Ltd Ah Moon City Foreign Exchange Limited AIGLE Citylink Aigle Crystal Decor Limited city'super Airland CLARKS Allan Tom & Co Limited ClassicalArts Jewellery Watch Co. Alpha CN Square Al-Shahzadi HK Limited CNG Wine Amigo Jewelry COHIBA CIGAR DIVAN Anglo Chinese Florist Ltd Colors In Optics Ltd Apsley Tailors Limited colourliving Arome Bakery Comax Enterprise Worldwide Limited Art Inspiration Comvita ARTĒ Continental Diamond ARTLAND WATCH CO LTD Cookies Quartet Ash Samtani Clothing Limited Cortina Watch HK Limited Ashford Cosmo Circle Custom Tailor Company August Custom Tailors Cosmos Books Ltd Australia Watch & Jewellery Co Coxell Digital Camera AUSupreme CP Plus B. Duck CRCare Bakery Diets' Limited Crocodile Baleno Crystal K G Gem's Co Baron Kay's Tailor Crystalink Basel (Switzerland) Watches Limited csl Bauhaus CSS BB Laboratories CTF Watch Beauty Land Cyber Pro BeBe Dream Cyber System Bed & Bath Cyber Telecom Bee Cheng Hiang (HK) Ltd D Y Kee Bee's Diamonds Dai Fat Swallow's Nest Co Ltd Bento Express by AEON D'aime Berlin Optical Co Ltd Daniel Fashions Best Mart 360° David Fashions Bioderma dayOFF BIOLYN (HK) LIMITED DAZZLE Birkenstock DCH Food Mart Blesscuit Bakery DCH Food Mart Deluxe Bo Crown Building Materials Limited Delon Photo & Hi-Fi Centre Ltd Bobby's Fashions Descente BodiBra DESIRE BY MANDY LAU Bon Jewelry Co. Diamond King Jewellery Holding Limited Bonjour Cosmetic Wholesale Center Ltd. Diamondoor Jewellery Co Ltd Bonluxe Dollar Studio Bonnie Lai Antiquities Dor t Ltd bossini DOUBLE HAPPINESS Breo Company Limited Dr Kong Footcare Limited Brighten Floriculture Ltd Dragons Optometric Centre Brilliant Jewellery Dream Optical City Limited Broadway Photo Supply Ltd Dream Team Byford Duk San Co C.P.U. Dynasty Jewellery Manufacturer Cailia ECOG LIMITED Caleb Jewellery Company Limited Edelweiss Jewellery Canaan Optical Co Ltd EG Carol's Watch Eggroll Queen Carpenter Tan Eldorado Watch Co Ltd Casablanca Hong Kong Limited Elegant Custom Tailor Castle of Antiquities Co Ltd Elegant Watch & Jewellery Company CATALO Natural Health Foods ELLE TRAVEL LUGGAGE & BAGS CATHYPAUL DIAMOND LIMITED Embry Form CC Shop Eminent Luggage Chamonix Alpine Equipment Emperor Watch & Jewellery Chan Yee Jai Emphasis Jewellery Cheong Hing Vinsac Empire International Custom Tailors Cheong Shing Birdnest Ginseng Hong Emporio Armani CHERRY Enchanting Diamond Cheung Hing Bird Nest Chong ENOTECA Cheung Mao Kee Electrical Co Ltd ENZO CHI FUNG JADE ORNAMENTS LIMITED Episode Chiangs Optical Co Ltd Esprit Chin Fai Gold & Jewellery Co Eternity Diamond & Jewellery Ltd Chinese Arts & Crafts (HK) Ltd Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong) Ltd Chinese Goods Centre Eugene Baby Chocolate House Europe Watch Co Ltd Chocolate Kitchen Exceptional Stone Company Chocolate Mama Limited EXCLAMATION LIMITED Chong Fai Jewellery & Gold Company Limited Express Custom Tailors Chow Sang Sang Jewellery Co Ltd Eye's Mate Optical Company Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Co Ltd Family Fun Chow Tai Fook Young Zone FANCL

Fine Asia Watch (HK) Co. Ltd K S Sze & Sons Ltd Mirabell Shu Talk First Edible Nest Ka Tat (H.K) Trading Co Modere Hong Kong Limited Simpson Sin Tailor First International Resources Limited Kahn Tailor Mong Kok Pro Bicycle Shop Limited SKECHERS FOCO HEADPHONE PRO-SHOP Kai Fat Tea Company Limited Mothercare Sky Beauty Jewelry Limited Foochow Lacquer Co Kai Tai Chinese Medicine (Holdings) Co Ltd Mrs. So's XO Sauce Sky Blue Bikes Fook Lam Jewellery Co Kaiser Jewellery Company Munsingwear Smart Glory Electrical Co Fook Lin Hong Kala Cheese Toast Specialist My Chocolate Shop Limited SmarTone Fook Ming Tong Tea Shop Kam Bong Jewellery Co My Jewelry SOFAMARK Fook Shing Jewellery Company Kam Chuen Store Ltd My Princess Cosmetic Company Limited SOGO Hong Kong Co Ltd Fook Tai Jewellery Group Limited Kam Hing Noodles Food Company Nam Pei Hong Solvil et Titus Fook's Jewelry Kam Kau Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd Natural Home Collections Limited Sound & Vision Forever Couple Kam Kee Seafood Ltd NATURAL SCENT FOODS CO LTD Sparkle Jewellery Co Forever Gold Jewellery & Goldsmith Limited Karss Development Limited Nature's Bounty Sportshouse FORTRESS KC Korea Nelson Jewellery Arts Co Ltd STACCATO Fossil Kee Wah Bakery Limited New Century Coins & Notes Standard Audio & Photo Supplies Ltd Four Seasons Diamonds & Jewellery Kettler Sport & Fitness New Fei Optical (Hong Kong) Limited Stanley Jewellery Co Friendship Trading Co Khushbu's Collection New Grand Jewellery & Watch Co Ltd Star Co Fugar Jewellery Co Ltd Ki Chan Tea Co New Heep Hing Co Star Diamond Fung Leung Kee Watch Company King Bakery New Luen Fai Medicine Co Stately Worldwide Limited FUSION King Fook Jewellery Group Limited New Super Fit Fashions Studio A Futago Jewelry Workshop Limited KING SULEIMAN WATCH & JEWELLERY LIMITED New Youth Sporting Goods Company Limited Sun Century Watches Limited G.E.T. CASA BUILDING MATERIALS COMPANY LIMITED King Swallow Nest and Ginseng Ltd Ngong Ping 360 Limited Sun Hai Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd G.Y.N. MONEY EXCHANGE LIMITED Kingkow Nice Watch Company Sun Sing Tea GAD & Co. King's Watch Company Limited Nine Seafood Place Sun Wah Herbs & Medicines Gaily Jewellery Kinlonz Culture Limited Ninki Denki Sunglass 88 Gallery One Kissbaby Club Noble Diamond Jewellery & Gold Company Limited Suning Gam Fook Jewellery & Goldsmith Shares Co Ltd Koon Fook Jewellery Nobletime AV & Telecom Sunshine Telecom Garman Jewellery Koon Wah Food & Preserved Fruit Factory Limited Nobletime Ltd SU-PA-DE-PA Geneve Watch Centre Kowloon Jewellery Company Limited Ns Luxury Supreme Co G-Factory Kowloon Watch Co O - O Shop Supreme Jeweler Giordano Limited Kwan Shing Sea Products Trading Company Limited Ocean Optical Co Ltd Swindon Book Co Ltd GIORMANI Living Room Furniture Store Kwong Lung Hong Ocean Park (Souvenir Shop) T Galleria gitti L & K Custom Tailor OKASHI LAND Tai Cheong Bakery Glasstique La Boheme Bakery Oliver's The Delicatessen Tai Cheong Jewellery Co Global Timepieces LA CASA DEL HABANO Olympus Hong Kong And China Limited Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited GNC La Colline On Kee Dry Seafood Co Ltd Tai Hing Bird's Nest Shop Goldy Ginseng Limited La Elite Fashions On Tai Swallow's Nest Co Ltd Tai Hing Hong GOODWELL La Suisse Watch Co Ltd One Tea House Tai Pan Bread & Cakes Company Limited Gourmet La Tradicion Cubana Opalus Tai Ping Carpets Ltd Grand Cru Cellar International Limited LACOSTE Optical 88 Tai Sing Bird's Nest & Ginseng Co Grand Optical Co Lai's Medicine Orchid Padaria Bakery Tak Hing Loong Company GREAT Lam Kie Yuen Tea Company Limited Oregon Scienti c Tak Shing Sea Products Co Ltd Great Neck Health Food Lane Crawford Oriental Arts Jewelry Ltd Talk Smart Great Rise Jewellery Ltd Lapel Tailor ORIENTAL PACIFIC RETAIL LIMITED TASTE Gui Tea Larry Jewelry Ltd ORiental TRaf c Tat Ming Wallpaper Company Limited H Baromon Ltd Lau Yu Fat Tea Shop Oriental Watch Co Ltd Taurus Money Exchange H K Electric City Company Limited LCX Limited Outdoor Depot Tea Art Gallery Hai Sang Hong Marine Foodstuffs Ltd le coq sportif P N Telecom Digital Half & Half Creation Co. Limited le coq sportif Golf Collection Pak Shing Tong Tender Hearted Trading Company Hang Cheong Loong Bird's Nest & Ginseng Limited Le Long Gallery Panasonic Showroom Thailand Bird's Nest Limited Hang Heung Cake Shop Co Ltd Lee Dick Gold & Jewellery Ltd PaperArt The Best Tea House Co Ltd Hang Hing Company Lee Fung China Ware Company Limited Parfumerie Tresor THE BODY SHOP Hang Hing May Jewellery & Fashion Company Lee Fung Hong Ginseng & Herbs Co. Ltd PARKnSHOP The Commercial Press (HK) Ltd Hang Seng Ginseng Hong Lee Hoong Kee Limited PARKnSHOP THE HARBOUR CIGAR DIVAN Hannah Lee Kwon Hobbies Company Pearls & Cashmere The Pie & Tart Specialists Haple Lee's Jewellery Co Limited Peninsula Optical Co The Royal House Harry Lee and Company Leica Store Perfect Watch Co Ltd The Sincere Co Ltd Hauber LENSCRAFTERS Pete' Fashions Ltd The Wing On Department Stores (Hong Kong) Limited HAVANA EXPRESS Leona Phoenix Nest Corporation Limited time + style Haywards Leonidas Pralines Phoenix Tea Company Limited Time Plaza HE SHEN AGARWOOD LIMITED Leung Wing Hing Joss Sticks Factory (Hong Kong) Limited Pink Box Tin Cheung Jewellery & Goldsmith Co Ltd HealthPlus Levi Strauss (Hong Kong) Limited PIT Tin Tak Swallow's Nest Gift Shop Hei Dor Fook Jewellery Lien Hing Jewellery Co PLEN+Y TMF Company Limited Hideo Wakamatsu Life Kan Point De Vue Tokuyu (Hong Kong) Co Ltd Highland Jewellery Co Life Time Watch Co Ltd POMPEI Tokyo Optical Co (HK) Ltd Hing Fat Hong LIFE@HOME Popcorn Tom Lee Music Co Ltd HK JEBN Limited Lin Heung Bakery Popular Book Company Tony Jewellery HKAA Showroom Linda Chow (Johnson) HK Custom Tailor Precision Watch Co Ltd TOP ONE BAKERY HKTDC Design Gallery Linda Farrow Premier Food Limited Toyo Leather Ware Co Hoi Cheong Ho Ling Kee Book Store Ltd Premier Jewellery Co Ltd Toys"R"Us Hokkaido Mart Ling Nam Medicine Factory (HK) Ltd President Jewellery Co Ltd Tse Sui Luen Jewellery Co Ltd Hollywood Galleries Link Jeans Company Limited Prestige Crafts Tung Fat Hong Hong Kong Air Puri er Center Limited Little Bare Feet Pricerite Home Limited Tung Fong Hung Medicine Co Ltd Hong Kong Bakery Limited Little Montessorian Prince Fashion Tung Hing Watch Co Ltd Hong Kong China Moutai Professional Store Limited LIULIGONGFANG Prince Jewellery & Watch Co Two Girls Hong Kong Cigar Exchange Living PLAZA by AEON Princeton Custom Tailors UAE EXCHANGE HONG KONG LIMITED Hong Kong Fur Co Ltd Liza House (Jim's) Jewellery Ltd PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN CURRENCY EXCHANGE LIMITED UMAMI HOUSE Hong Kong Honma Golf Co Ltd LOG-ON Prologue UNION Hong Kong Mountaineering Training Centre LOJEL-Luggage & Travelware Protech Computer Limited Unique Timepieces Hong Kong Optical Co Ltd Lucullus Gourmet Shop Puyi Optical Limited Unison Foreign Exchange Limited Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited Lugard Quality Bird's Nest Co Universal Audio & Video Centre Hong Tai Swallow's Nest Co Luisa Cerano Queensway Golf International Limited Universal Natural Products Limited Hou Soen Cigar Lukfook Jewellery Rabeanco Valuable Watch and Jewellery Company Limited Hsu's Enterprises Limited Luxury Watch and Jewellery Company Limited Rahman Fashions Venchi Hung Hing (Hong Kong) Medicine Development Company M&K Kamera Trading Limited Raja Fashions Versailles Lamps Co Ltd Hung Hing Motor & Engineering Works Co Ma Belle Jewellery Co Ltd rapee - LIVING Victorinox Hong Kong Ltd Hush Puppies Maclarry Fashions RC Out tters VIP Station i Bellissimi Madame Tussauds Touring Exhibition Limited RE:ECHO Visual Culture I Love Kitchen Madison Wine Reections Vita Green I.D. Collection Mag Store Regent Shop Vogue IDEEMAXE Major Cellar RELAY voi_la! Imperial Bird's Nest International Co Ltd Man Ching Gold and Jewellery Co. Ltd. RenGuangDo Wah Hing Hong Imperial Diamond Man Fook Jewellery Holdings Ricky Jewellery Company Limited Wah Hing Jewellery & Arts Co Indigo Living Ltd Man Luen Choon Right Watch Co Ltd Wah Hing Watch Co Ltd Indo Market Man Shing Photo Supplies Company Limited Rio Pearl Wah Kee Wing Cheong Ho io.t by HKT Man Tsuen Cheong Birdsnest Ginseng Hong RocaConcepts Wah Tai Swallow Nest Co Limited ISA Boutique Limited Man Wah Watch Co ROCOCO Wah Tung China Arts Limited ISA Fashion Boutique International Ltd Mandarin De Apparel Limited Rodeo Drive Japan Wai Shing Wine & Spirits ISLAND WAKE Mandarin Fish Maw (HK) Limited Rosita JEWELLERY & GIFT Wai Yuen Tong (Retail) Limited ISSI Mandarin Jewellery Royal Regency Ltd Waigo Hobby ISSI Outlet Limited Manhattan Tailor Royal Selangor (HK) Ltd Walker Shop ITALY STATION Manning Company ROYAL TAILOR WAN KEE Sports Company Limited J J Jewelry Co Ltd Mannings RYOYU BAKERY STUDIO Watch Asia Co J.CREW Maple S. Culture WATCH HUNTER Jade A Collection Marc Cain Sa Sa Cosmetic Watch Station International Jade Buttery Jewellery Co. Mariane Jewellery & Watches Co Ltd Sam's Tailor Watch-Ching Limited JADELINK Market Place by Jasons Samuel & Kevin Watches of Switzerland Jasons.Food & Living Marks & Spencer (Asia Paci c) Ltd SAN SI TANG Watsons Health JC Shop Marks and Spencer Food Store Sapo International Trading Company Limited Watson's The Chemist Jenny Jewellery Co Masterpiece by king fook Satellites Jewellery Co Watson's Wine Jessica Maxim's Cake Lab Scent & Beauty Wellcome Jewellery City Co Ltd Maxim's Cakes See Hay Jewellery Company Limited White Beard Fish N Chips (Central Star Ferry Pier) Jewellery King (HK) Co Ltd May's Jewellery Watch Co Seiko Wilson Communications Ltd Jewellery Zone MBL Wine Group Limited Senses Optik Wing Fook Lung Co Limited JHC MBT Serta Wing Hing Tong Ginseng Limited Jim's Tailor Workshop Ltd. Medimart Shanghai Food Wing Lee Joss Sticks & Sandal Wood Jipi Japa Meiriki SHANIEL FASHIONS LTD Wing Lee Wai Trading Company Johnson & Company Mendoza bags & luggage SHENG EN FOREIGN EXCHANGE LIMITED Wing Luen Marine Products Co Ltd Joint Publishing (HK) Co Ltd Metropole Department Stores Sheryia Curtain Company Ltd Wing Shing Photo Supplies Company Limited Josef Seibel Milan Shing Fat Hong Wing Wah Joseph King Company Milan (HK) Ltd Shing Fung Ceramic Arts and Crafts Wing Wah Cake Shop Ltd Joy & Peace Milan Station Shing Hing Watch Company Wing Yue Marine Food JP@apm Milk Shirts Shing Lung Hong Company Wise-Kids Toys J's Garden Millie's Shing Tai Ginseng Company Limited Wo Kee Loong Jue Xi Jadeite and Jewellery Limited MingCha Limited Shining Optical Centre Wong Wing Kee Preserved Fruits Factory Ltd Just Gold Ming's Gift Shop shop@dcfever XTC Gelato Limited

Yan Dak Hong Crystal Harbour Restaurant Joyful Dessert House 樂 Restaurant Panorama 盈海四季 Yan Gallery Crystal Jade Jiang Nan Joyous One 迎‧潮 Rhine Garden Restaurant 嘉韻酒樓 Yan Tak Tai Kee Co Crystal Jade Kitchen Jumbo Floating Restaurant 珍寶海鮮舫 Rice Love 飯意主題餐廳 Yan Yue Tong Limited Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao Kam Dau Kee Seafood Restaurant 金兜記 Ringer Hut 稜閣屋 Yat Yuen Tong Cuisine Cuisine Kam Kee Café 金記冰室 Robata Kim 爐端金 Yau Lee Seafood Curry Leaf Indian Cuisine Kam Kee Dining Room 金記客棧 Rouge - Regal Airport Hotel 紅軒 - 富豪機場酒店 Yee On Tea Co DaBen Ei Japanese Restaurant Kamado Japanese Dining 火間土日本料理 Royal One 皇室1 號 Yes Watch Co Ltd DACHA Kanada - Ya Kanada - Ya Saboten 勝博殿 Ying Kee Tea House Dai Kee Restaurant Kashiwaya 柏屋 Saint's Alp Teahouse 仙跡岩 YMK Daikiya Japanese Restaurant Katiga Japanese Food Shop 加太賀日式和風料理 Salaam Namaste Salaam Namaste Yoku Moku Dan Ryan's Chicago Grill KAU KIU NOODLES 過橋麵檔 San Hing Restaurant 三興飯店 Yue Hwa Daniel's Restaurant Kenting Tea House 墾丁茶房 San Lung Restaurant 生龍清湯腩 Yuen Fung Ginseng Company Ltd Darrie-Go!-Noodles Keung Kee Roasted Meat Restaurant (Wan Chai) 強記飯店 San Xi Lou 三希樓 YUEN HING FOODS CO. LTD Dazzling Cafe Khana Khazana Indian Vegetarian Restaurant & Bar Khana Khazana Indian Vegetarian Restaurant & Bar Sang Kee Restaurant Limited 生記飯店有限公司 Yuen Wo Bird's Nests Co Deli and Wine KIKUSAN KIKUSAN Sangeetha Vegetarian Restaurant Sangeetha Vegetarian Restaurant Yummy House Deli Viet Kimberley Chinese Restaurant 君怡閣海鮮酒家 Saravanaa Bhavan Saravanaa Bhavan Zurich Watch Co Ltd Delicious Kitchen KIMCHEE KOREAN RESTAURANT 金饍韓國料理 Senzuru Japanese Restaurant - Harbour Plaza Metropolis 千鶴日本料理 Délifrance King Harbour Seafood Restaurant 海王漁港 Ser Wong Fun 蛇王芬 Deli-O King's Dumpling 金牌小龍 Seventh Son Restaurant 家全七福酒家 Deluxe Daikiya Japanese Restaurant Kings' Lodge 霸王山莊 Shaan Indian Restaurant 深水埗咖喱 Dim Sum Bar KOON THAI CUISINE 泰閣 Shanghai East 東海滬 Dim Sum Square Company Limited Kung Fu Dim Sum 功夫點心 Shanghai Garden 紫玉蘭 Dining Room Kung Tak Lam Shanghai Vegetarian Cuisine 功德林上海素食 Shanghai Jade 白玉蘭 DiVino Kung Wo Tong 恭和堂 Shanghai Min 上海小南國 Divino Patio Ristorante, Bar & Pizzeria Kyoto Joe Kyoto Joe Shangri-La Curry House HK Shangri-La Curry House HK 66 Hot Pot Dot Cod Seafood Restaurant & Oyster Bar Kyoto Matcha Cafe 京都抹茶屋 Shun Hing Restaurant Ltd 順興茶餐廳有限公司 A LA BAKERY Dragon Inn - Regal Airport Hotel L16 L16 Sichuan House 霸王川莊 Agave Tequila Y Comida Dragon Inn - Regal Riverside Hotel La Taverna Restaurant La Taverna Restaurant Side Walk Cafe 茜廊餐廳 Ah Yat Harbour View Restaurant Dragon King Restaurant La Tradicion Cubana La Tradicion Cubana simplylife BAKERY CAFE simplylife BAKERY CAFÉ Ah Yat Harbour View Restaurant Champ Kitchen & Bar Dragon Seal Restaurant & Bar Lab Eat Restaurant & Bar Lab Eat Restaurant & Bar simplylife FOODPLACE simplylife FOODPLACE Airport Izakaya - Regal Airport Hotel East Ocean Lafayette LAB66 LAB66 simplylife THE EAST THE WEST simplylife THE EAST THE WEST Aji Bou Izakaya - Regal Riverside Hotel East Ocean Seaview Restaurant Lamma Seaview Man Fung Seafood Restaurant 南丫海景民豐海鮮酒家 SKYLINE BANQUET HALL 海天宴會廳 Alto 88 Elephant Grounds (Causeway Bay) Lawry's The Prime Rib Lawry's The Prime Rib Smile Bread Smile Bread Amaroni's EMBER Le Menu Restaurant - Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong Le Menu Restaurant - Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong Sonata Western Restaurant - Rosedale Hotel Kowloon 協奏坊西餐廳 - 九龍珀麗酒店 Amuse Bouche Empire City Chinese Cuisine Le Souk Le Souk Sorabol Korean Restaurant 新羅寶韓國餐廳 AN NAM Empire City Roasted Duck L'Eau Restaurant - Regal Riverside Hotel 濠餐廳 - 沙田麗豪酒店 Spasso Ristorante & Bar Spasso Ristorante & Bar Ancient Moon ETSU sushi Legends of India Legends of India SPICE SPICE Andy's Chili Party EXP Lei Garden Restaurant 利苑酒家 Spice 8 Spice 8 Andy's Hot Pot Fairwood Fast Food Limited LIS Cafe LIS Cafe Sportful Garden Restaurant 陶源酒家 Aqua City Bakery Farm House Restaurant Lo Spazio Lo Spazio Stanford Café - Stanford Hotel 德福閣 - 仕德福酒店 Arena Kitchen Feng Chia Market Loyal Dining 來佬餐館 Star of Canton Restaurant 利寶閣酒家 Arirang Korean Restaurant Festive China Lu Feng 爐峰酒家 Sun Thai Restaurant 新泰東南亞餐廳 Atum Desserant ame at towngas avenue Luk Yu Tea House & Restaurant Ltd 陸羽茶室酒樓有限公司 Super Star Seafood Restaurant 鴻星海鮮酒家 Atum Restaurant Flamingo Lounge - B P International Lung Fung Cafe 龍鳳冰室 Super Super 一粥麵 Avanti Pizzeria - Regal Riverside Hotel Foam Bar & Restaurant Lung Mun Sea Food Restaurant 龍門海鮮酒家 Supreme Manya Japanese Restaurant 至尊滿屋日本料理 B.B.Q. Kingdom Restaurant Foo Lum Fisherman's Wharf Restaurant & Pleasant Palace M&C.Duck 美中.鴨子 Sushi Sei 鰭誠 Bacco Fook Lam Moon Restaurant Madam's Kitchen 好媽媽台灣館 Sushi Shota 翔太壽司 Balcony - Panda Hotel Fook Yuen (TSTE) Seafood Restaurant Mak's Noodle 麥奀雲吞麵世家有限公司 Sweet Tooth 甜牙牙 Bangkok Thai Restaurant forte Mala's Fusion Cuisine Mala's Fusion Cuisine Sweet-o-logy Sweet-o-logy Banquet Palace Fortune House Mall Café - YMCA of Hong Kong 大堂咖啡座 - 香港基督教青年會 Symphony By Jade 翠韻軒 Bar LIS Fortune Kitchen Manakamana Nepali Restaurant Manakamana Nepali Restaurant Tai Hing 太興 Barbeque Plus Forum Restaurant (1977) Ltd Mango Tree Mango Tree Tai Nan A Dou Zai 台南阿豆仔 Bari-Uma Ramen Fujiyama Mama Mansarover Mansarover Tai Woo Restaurant 太湖海鮮城 BATHERS Fulum Manya Japanese Restaurant 滿屋日本料理 Taiwan Kitchen 台灣麵 BBQ7080YO Fulum Maxim's Food² 美心 Food² TA-KE JAPANESE RESTAURANT 竹日本料理 BEEF & LIBERTY Fulum Fisherman's Wharf Restaurant Maxim's Hong Kong Day 美心香港地 Tamarind Pan-Asian Restaurant & Bar Tamarind Pan-Asian Restaurant & Bar Bel Cibo Restaurant Fulum Fisherman's Wharf Restaurant & Pleasant Palace Maxim's MX 美心 MX Tam's Shop 譚仔雲南米線 Beppu Fulum Palace Maxim's Palace 美心皇宮 Tang Xin Xuan 糖心軒 BICHO Fulum Restaurant McDonald's Hong Kong 香港麥當勞 Tao Heung 稻香 Big Top Restaurant Fulum Restaurant (The King Of Roasted Goose) Megan's Kitchen 美味廚 TAO SQUARE 稻坊 Bistro Délifrance Gateway Cuisine Mei Garden 味苑 Tao Yuen Restaurant 桃園餐廳 Black Lamb Company (Jordan) Gaylord Indian Restaurant Metropolis Harbour View Chinese Cuisine 景逸軒 Taste Full Kitchen 真味鮮廚 BO INNOVATION Gees Restaurant & Bar Mezzo - Regal Kowloon Hotel Mezzo - Regal Kowloon Hotel Taste Restaurant & Bar 嚐館 BRICK LANE Golden Bauhinia Mini Bangkok Seafood and Grill 小曼谷海鮮燒烤屋 Tasty Congee & Noodle Wantun Shop 正斗粥麵專家 Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Restaurant & Market GOLDEN BULL Mini Bangkok Thai Food 小曼谷泰國美食 Teawood Taiwanese Café & Restaurant 茶木台式休閒餐廳 Budaoweng Hotpot Cuisine Golden China Restaurant Limited miso miso Tei Mou Koon Dessert 地茂館甜品 Buddies Cafe Golden Jade Restaurant Miyazaki 宮崎日式燒肉 Tenshu Tempura & Sashimi Restaurant 天秀 Burger King (Airport & The Peak) GONPACHI Modern China Restaurant 金滿庭京川滬菜館 Terrace Room - Bishop Lei International House 朗悅軒 - 宏基國際賓館 BUTAO Good Take Kitchen Modern Shanghai 家上海 Thai Basil Thai Basil C. Dragon Grand Hill Taiwanese Restaurant Mr Steak Mr Steak Thai Western 泰 Cafe A cionado - Regal Airport Hotel Great Beef Hotpot Mrs Hunan 湖南少奶 The Bayview Restaurant 灣景餐廳 Café Allegro - Regal Kowloon Hotel Green Orange Myung Ga Korean Restaurant 名家韓國餐廳 The China Coast Pub + Restaurant - Regal Oriental Hotel 華岸酒吧餐廳 - 富豪東方酒店 Cafe by the Park - B P International Greenland Corner Nabe One 牛一 The Dining Room 南小館 Café Concourse - Metropark Hotel Mongkok Greens Café - Harbour Plaza North Point NAHA Okinawa Restaurant 那霸沖繩料理 The Drunken Pot 酒鍋 Café de Coral Häagen-Dazs Nam Kee Spring Roll Noodle 香港仔南記粉麵 The French Window The French Window Cafe Deco Ha e NAMO NAMO The Grand Stage 大舞臺飯店 Cafe Itamomo HAK-KA-HUT Nepal Restaurant & Bar Nepal Restaurant & Bar The Kam's 金公館 CAFE LANDMARK Happiness Neptune's Restaurant 海龍王餐廳 The Old China Hand The Old China Hand Café Lido - Royal View Hotel Happiness Cuisine New Bangkok Restaurant 新曼谷泰國菜館 The Peak Lookout Restaurant 太平山餐廳 Cafe Locomotive HARD ROCK CAFE HONG KONG New Bangkok Restaurant 新曼谷泰菜 the petit café the petit café CAFE MED Harvest Restaurant New Forest Restaurant 新森林焗の專門店 The Point - Harbour Plaza North Point 大堂酒吧 - 北角海逸酒店 Cafe Neo - Regal Oriental Hotel Hassun Grill & Bar New Shanghai 新滬坊 The Red Pepper Restaurant Ltd 南北樓 Café Ocean Hee Kee Fried Crab Expert Ngan Lung Restaurant 銀龍粉麵茶餐廳 The Spaghetti House Restaurants Ltd 意粉屋 Cafe Rivoli Heichinrou Restaurant Ngong Ping Garden Restaurant 昂坪膳坊 The Square 翠玉軒 can.teen Hey Nishiki Don 錦丼 The Story Cafe Bakery The Story Cafe Bakery canton pot Hey Hey Kitchen Nishimura Restaurant 西村日本料理 The Terrace Café 嵐灣茶座 Canton Room - Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong Hey YO!! North Garden Restaurant 北園酒家 The Vermicelli House 雲貴軒 Carpaccio Pasta, Pizza & Vino Hillview Café - Stanford Hillview Hotel Ocean Empire Food Shop 海皇粥店 Tien Yi Restaurant 天一酒家 CATERKING DIM SUM Ho Hung Kee (1946) Congee & Noodle Shop Ocean Treasure Seafood Restaurant 海寶漁港 Tim's Kitchen 桃花源小廚 Champ Kitchen Hoi Tin Garden Restaurant (Castle Peak Bay) Olive Cafe Olive Cafe Tokio Joe Tokio Joe Chan Kan Kee Chiu Chow Restaurant Hoi Yat Heen OM Tapas OM Tapas Tokyo Tsukiji 東京築地拉麵 Chao Inn Hoi Yat Heen Chinese Restaurant - Harbour Plaza North Point OMQ Dining Room 老夫子餐館 Tom Bar + Grill Tom Bar + Grill Chao Inn Holly Restaurant Orchid Veggie 若蘭慈素食 Tomokazu Japanese Restaurant Co Ltd 友和日本料理有限公司 Chao Yang Restaurant Honeymoon Dessert Our Restaurant 我們的餐廳 Tono Daikiya Japanese Restaurant 殿大喜屋日本料理 Charlie Brown Cafe Hong Kong Cuisine Outback Steakhouse Outback Steakhouse Treasure Lake Golden Banquet Restaurant 寶湖金宴 Charlie's Chili Kitchen Hong Kong Jockey Club Pak Sing Restaurant Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant 百樂潮州酒樓 Treasure Lake Seafood Restaurant 寶湖海鮮酒家 Cheerful Sky Cuisine Hong Kong Lao Shang Hai Restaurant Ltd Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant 百樂潮州魚翅酒家 Tsui Hang Village Restaurant (Central / Tsim Sha Tsui) 翠亨邨 (中環 / 尖沙咀) Cheers Restaurant Hong Kong Old Restaurant Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant 百樂潮州鮑魚飯店 Tsui Wah Concept 翠華Concept CHEUNG FAT SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Hong Zhou Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant 百樂潮州酒家 Tsui Wah Restaurant 翠華餐廳 Cheung Kung Koon HONI HONI Palco Ristorante Palco Ristorante Tuxedos Restaurant 冰極餐廳 Chili Party Hot Pot Empire Palm Court Western Restaurant - Metropark Hotel Kowloon 棕櫚閣西餐廳 - 九龍維景酒店 Umai Sushikan うまい鮨勘 China Coast Bar + Grill - Regal Airport Hotel House of Beijing Panda Cafe 大熊貓餐廳 Uncle Russ Coffee Uncle Russ Coffee Chiu Wui Restaurant House of Canton Restaurant Panda Café - Panda Hotel 咖啡室- 悅來酒店 Under Bridge Spicy Crab 橋底辣蟹 Chiuchow Garden House of Jasmine Peking Garden 北京樓 Uptop Bistro and Bar Uptop Bistro and Bar

Chiuchow Garden Restaurant 會員名錄 House of Tang Chinese Restaurant - Metropark Hotel Kowloon Penthouse Restaurant - Nathan Hotel 嵩雲廳 - 彌敦酒店 Urban Park 城市匯 Chuk Yuen Seafood Restaurant Hui Lau Shan Phole 錦麗 Very Good Seafood Restaurant 頂好海鮮酒家 Chung Kee Cafe Hundred Percent Restaurant Pier 88 稻香超級漁港 Vi - Regal Riverside Hotel 河夢 - 沙田麗豪酒店 Chung Shing Restaurant Limited Hung's Delicacies (Chek Lap Kok) Pinot Duck Pinot Duck Victoria City Seafood Restaurant 海都海鮮酒家 Chung Shing Traditional Food Limited HUNG'S DELICACIES (Kwun Tong) PizzaExpress PizzaExpress Victoria Harbour Restaurant 海港酒家 Chung's Cuisine Hyde Park Garden Restaurant Promenade Restaurant - Harbour Plaza Metropolis 都會海逸酒店 - 西餐廳 Victoria Harbour Roasted Goose Seafood Restaurant 海港燒鵝海鮮酒家 Cinta - J I Love Tsui Wah Pure Veggie House 心齋 Victoria Harbour Supreme 海港薈 City Cafe - The Cityview iBakery Gallery Cafe Pure Wagyu Yakiniku 和牛燒肉純 WA SAN MAI 和三昧 City Chiu Chow Restaurant Ltd Ichikawa Japanese Restaurant Putien 莆田 Wedding Banquet Specialist 煌府婚宴專門店 City Hall Maxim's Café Ina Hotpot Qian Shao Bai Wei 千燒百味 West Villa Restaurant (Causeway Bay) 西苑酒家 (銅鑼灣) City Hall Maxim's Palace India Restaurant And Bar Qiao Cuisine 巧膳坊 West Villa Restaurant (Sheung Wan) 西苑酒家 (上環) C-Jade Meal Plus Itamae Sushi (Chek Lap Kok) Rainbow Seafood Restaurant 天虹海鮮酒家 West Villa Restaurant (Taikooshing) 西苑酒家 (太古城) Clinton's BBQ Fish Itamomo Cafe Ramen Kureha 拉麵來 (ラーメン来) Wild re Wild re Cloudland Chinese Cuisine Jade Garden Red Ant Restaurant 紅螞蟻風味小館 Windows Cafe 世窗冰室 COFFEEHOLIC Jardin De Jade Red Door Chinese Restaurant 喜悅軒酒家 Wing Lai Yuen Restaurant 詠藜園四川擔擔麵 Congee House Jashan Celebrating Indian Cuisine Red Thai Red Thai Wing Nin Store 永年士多 Congee King JASMINE Regal Court - Regal Riverside Hotel 富豪軒 - 沙田麗豪酒店 Wing's Kitchen Wing's Kitchen Congress Plus Jasmine Garden Regal Palace - Regal Hongkong Hotel 富豪金殿 - 富豪香港酒店 With your mind 隨心 CookedDeli by city'super Jasmine Place Regal Terrace - Regal Oriental Hotel 富豪坊 - 富豪東方酒店 Wong Chi Kei Noodles & Congees 黃枝記粥麵店 Cornucopia Fine Dining Jimmy's Kitchen Regal Terrace - Regal Riverside Hotel 富豪坊 - 沙田麗豪酒店 Wong Chun Chun Thai Restaurant 黃珍珍泰國菜館 Crabtain Restaurant

Jo Jo Indian Cuisine Regala Cafe & Dessert Bar - Regal Airport Hotel Regala Cafe & Dessert Bar - 富豪機場酒店 Woo Tung Yakiniku Dining Bar 葫同日式燒肉 Annual report | Membership List QTSA Crowd Restaurant Joy Daikiya Japanese Restaurant Restaurant - Silvermine Beach Resort 銀礦灣渡假酒店餐廳 Wu Kong Shanghai Restaurant 滬江飯店 27

Xi Zhan Xin Dau Ji Yakiniku Gyukura Yamataka Yat Chui Pavilion Dim Sum Yat Tsui Hin Yat Tung Heen Yayoi YinYue - Panda Hotel Yixin Restaurant (Wan Chai) Yoshinoya Yu Mai YUE - City Garden Yue - Gold Coast Hotel Yue Mic Ka Yum Cha Yummy Yun Yan Yung Kee Restaurant Group Ltd Zen Noodle Cafe Zenon Cafe Zhen Zuma 文華冰廳 新南苑私房菜 板燒郎放題料理 食力點心雞煲火鍋 養心殿台式養生鍋 Crystal Harbour Restaurant Joyful Dessert House Restaurant Panorama Crystal Jade Jiang Nan Joyous One Rhine Garden Restaurant Crystal Jade Kitchen Jumbo Floating Restaurant Rice Love Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao Kam Dau Kee Seafood Restaurant Ringer Hut Cuisine Cuisine Kam Kee Café Robata Kim Curry Leaf Indian Cuisine Kam Kee Dining Room Rouge - Regal Airport Hotel DaBen Ei Japanese Restaurant Kamado Japanese Dining Royal One DACHA Kanada - Ya Saboten Dai Kee Restaurant Kashiwaya Saint's Alp Teahouse Daikiya Japanese Restaurant Katiga Japanese Food Shop Salaam Namaste Dan Ryan's Chicago Grill KAU KIU NOODLES San Hing Restaurant Daniel's Restaurant Kenting Tea House San Lung Restaurant Darrie-Go!-Noodles Keung Kee Roasted Meat Restaurant (Wan Chai) San Xi Lou Dazzling Cafe Khana Khazana Indian Vegetarian Restaurant & Bar Sang Kee Restaurant Limited Deli and Wine KIKUSAN Sangeetha Vegetarian Restaurant Deli Viet Kimberley Chinese Restaurant Saravanaa Bhavan Delicious Kitchen KIMCHEE KOREAN RESTAURANT Senzuru Japanese Restaurant - Harbour Plaza Metropolis Délifrance King Harbour Seafood Restaurant Ser Wong Fun Deli-O King's Dumpling Seventh Son Restaurant Deluxe Daikiya Japanese Restaurant Kings' Lodge Shaan Indian Restaurant Dim Sum Bar KOON THAI CUISINE Shanghai East Dim Sum Square Company Limited Kung Fu Dim Sum Shanghai Garden Dining Room Kung Tak Lam Shanghai Vegetarian Cuisine Shanghai Jade DiVino Kung Wo Tong Shanghai Min Divino Patio Ristorante, Bar & Pizzeria Kyoto Joe Shangri-La Curry House HK 66 Hot Pot Dot Cod Seafood Restaurant & Oyster Bar Kyoto Matcha Cafe Shun Hing Restaurant Ltd A LA BAKERY Dragon Inn - Regal Airport Hotel L16 Sichuan House Agave Tequila Y Comida Dragon Inn - Regal Riverside Hotel La Taverna Restaurant Side Walk Cafe Ah Yat Harbour View Restaurant Dragon King Restaurant La Tradicion Cubana simplylife BAKERY CAFE Ah Yat Harbour View Restaurant Champ Kitchen & Bar Dragon Seal Restaurant & Bar Lab Eat Restaurant & Bar simplylife FOODPLACE Airport Izakaya - Regal Airport Hotel East Ocean Lafayette LAB66 simplylife THE EAST THE WEST Aji Bou Izakaya - Regal Riverside Hotel East Ocean Seaview Restaurant Lamma Seaview Man Fung Seafood Restaurant SKYLINE BANQUET HALL Alto 88 Elephant Grounds (Causeway Bay) Lawry's The Prime Rib Smile Bread Amaroni's EMBER Le Menu Restaurant - Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong Sonata Western Restaurant - Rosedale Hotel Kowloon Amuse Bouche Empire City Chinese Cuisine Le Souk Sorabol Korean Restaurant AN NAM Empire City Roasted Duck L'Eau Restaurant - Regal Riverside Hotel Spasso Ristorante & Bar Ancient Moon ETSU sushi Legends of India SPICE Andy's Chili Party EXP Lei Garden Restaurant Spice 8 Andy's Hot Pot Fairwood Fast Food Limited LIS Cafe Sportful Garden Restaurant Aqua City Bakery Farm House Restaurant Lo Spazio Stanford Café - Stanford Hotel Arena Kitchen Feng Chia Market Loyal Dining Star of Canton Restaurant Arirang Korean Restaurant Festive China Lu Feng Sun Thai Restaurant Atum Desserant ame at towngas avenue Luk Yu Tea House & Restaurant Ltd Super Star Seafood Restaurant Atum Restaurant Flamingo Lounge - B P International Lung Fung Cafe Super Super Avanti Pizzeria - Regal Riverside Hotel Foam Bar & Restaurant Lung Mun Sea Food Restaurant Supreme Manya Japanese Restaurant B.B.Q. Kingdom Restaurant Foo Lum Fisherman's Wharf Restaurant & Pleasant Palace M&C.Duck Sushi Sei Bacco Fook Lam Moon Restaurant Madam's Kitchen Sushi Shota Balcony - Panda Hotel Fook Yuen (TSTE) Seafood Restaurant Mak's Noodle Sweet Tooth Bangkok Thai Restaurant forte Mala's Fusion Cuisine Sweet-o-logy Banquet Palace Fortune House Mall Café - YMCA of Hong Kong Symphony By Jade Bar LIS Fortune Kitchen Manakamana Nepali Restaurant Tai Hing Barbeque Plus Forum Restaurant (1977) Ltd Mango Tree Tai Nan A Dou Zai Bari-Uma Ramen Fujiyama Mama Mansarover Tai Woo Restaurant BATHERS Fulum Manya Japanese Restaurant Taiwan Kitchen BBQ7080YO Fulum Maxim's Food² TA-KE JAPANESE RESTAURANT BEEF & LIBERTY Fulum Fisherman's Wharf Restaurant Maxim's Hong Kong Day Tamarind Pan-Asian Restaurant & Bar Bel Cibo Restaurant Fulum Fisherman's Wharf Restaurant & Pleasant Palace Maxim's MX Tam's Shop Beppu Fulum Palace Maxim's Palace Tang Xin Xuan BICHO Fulum Restaurant McDonald's Hong Kong Tao Heung Big Top Restaurant Fulum Restaurant (The King Of Roasted Goose) Megan's Kitchen TAO SQUARE Bistro Délifrance Gateway Cuisine Mei Garden Tao Yuen Restaurant Black Lamb Company (Jordan) Gaylord Indian Restaurant Metropolis Harbour View Chinese Cuisine Taste Full Kitchen BO INNOVATION Gees Restaurant & Bar Mezzo - Regal Kowloon Hotel Taste Restaurant & Bar BRICK LANE Golden Bauhinia Mini Bangkok Seafood and Grill Tasty Congee & Noodle Wantun Shop Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Restaurant & Market GOLDEN BULL Mini Bangkok Thai Food Teawood Taiwanese Café & Restaurant Budaoweng Hotpot Cuisine Golden China Restaurant Limited miso Tei Mou Koon Dessert Buddies Cafe Golden Jade Restaurant Miyazaki Tenshu Tempura & Sashimi Restaurant Burger King (Airport & The Peak) GONPACHI Modern China Restaurant Terrace Room - Bishop Lei International House BUTAO Good Take Kitchen Modern Shanghai Thai Basil C. Dragon Grand Hill Taiwanese Restaurant Mr Steak Thai Western Cafe A cionado - Regal Airport Hotel Great Beef Hotpot Mrs Hunan The Bayview Restaurant Café Allegro - Regal Kowloon Hotel Green Orange Myung Ga Korean Restaurant The China Coast Pub + Restaurant - Regal Oriental Hotel Cafe by the Park - B P International Greenland Corner Nabe One The Dining Room Café Concourse - Metropark Hotel Mongkok Greens Café - Harbour Plaza North Point NAHA Okinawa Restaurant The Drunken Pot Café de Coral Häagen-Dazs Nam Kee Spring Roll Noodle The French Window Cafe Deco Ha e NAMO The Grand Stage Cafe Itamomo HAK-KA-HUT Nepal Restaurant & Bar The Kam's CAFE LANDMARK Happiness Neptune's Restaurant The Old China Hand Café Lido - Royal View Hotel Happiness Cuisine New Bangkok Restaurant The Peak Lookout Restaurant Cafe Locomotive HARD ROCK CAFE HONG KONG New Bangkok Restaurant the petit café CAFE MED Harvest Restaurant New Forest Restaurant The Point - Harbour Plaza North Point Cafe Neo - Regal Oriental Hotel Hassun Grill & Bar New Shanghai The Red Pepper Restaurant Ltd Café Ocean Hee Kee Fried Crab Expert Ngan Lung Restaurant The Spaghetti House Restaurants Ltd Cafe Rivoli Heichinrou Restaurant Ngong Ping Garden Restaurant The Square can.teen Hey Nishiki Don The Story Cafe Bakery canton pot Hey Hey Kitchen Nishimura Restaurant The Terrace Café Canton Room - Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong Hey YO!! North Garden Restaurant The Vermicelli House Carpaccio Pasta, Pizza & Vino Hillview Café - Stanford Hillview Hotel Ocean Empire Food Shop Tien Yi Restaurant CATERKING DIM SUM Ho Hung Kee (1946) Congee & Noodle Shop Ocean Treasure Seafood Restaurant Tim's Kitchen Champ Kitchen Hoi Tin Garden Restaurant (Castle Peak Bay) Olive Cafe Tokio Joe Chan Kan Kee Chiu Chow Restaurant Hoi Yat Heen OM Tapas Tokyo Tsukiji Chao Inn Hoi Yat Heen Chinese Restaurant - Harbour Plaza North Point OMQ Dining Room Tom Bar + Grill Chao Inn Holly Restaurant Orchid Veggie Tomokazu Japanese Restaurant Co Ltd Chao Yang Restaurant Honeymoon Dessert Our Restaurant Tono Daikiya Japanese Restaurant Charlie Brown Cafe Hong Kong Cuisine Outback Steakhouse Treasure Lake Golden Banquet Restaurant Charlie's Chili Kitchen Hong Kong Jockey Club Pak Sing Restaurant Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant Treasure Lake Seafood Restaurant Cheerful Sky Cuisine Hong Kong Lao Shang Hai Restaurant Ltd Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant Tsui Hang Village Restaurant (Central / Tsim Sha Tsui) Cheers Restaurant Hong Kong Old Restaurant Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant Tsui Wah Concept CHEUNG FAT SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Hong Zhou Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant Tsui Wah Restaurant Cheung Kung Koon HONI HONI Palco Ristorante Tuxedos Restaurant Chili Party Hot Pot Empire Palm Court Western Restaurant - Metropark Hotel Kowloon Umai Sushikan China Coast Bar + Grill - Regal Airport Hotel House of Beijing Panda Cafe Uncle Russ Coffee Chiu Wui Restaurant House of Canton Restaurant Panda Café - Panda Hotel Under Bridge Spicy Crab Chiuchow Garden House of Jasmine Peking Garden Uptop Bistro and Bar Chiuchow Garden Restaurant House of Tang Chinese Restaurant - Metropark Hotel Kowloon Penthouse Restaurant - Nathan Hotel Urban Park Chuk Yuen Seafood Restaurant Hui Lau Shan Phole Very Good Seafood Restaurant Chung Kee Cafe Hundred Percent Restaurant Pier 88 Vi - Regal Riverside Hotel Chung Shing Restaurant Limited Hung's Delicacies (Chek Lap Kok) Pinot Duck Victoria City Seafood Restaurant Chung Shing Traditional Food Limited HUNG'S DELICACIES (Kwun Tong) PizzaExpress Victoria Harbour Restaurant Chung's Cuisine Hyde Park Garden Restaurant Promenade Restaurant - Harbour Plaza Metropolis Victoria Harbour Roasted Goose Seafood Restaurant Cinta - J I Love Tsui Wah Pure Veggie House Victoria Harbour Supreme City Cafe - The Cityview iBakery Gallery Cafe Pure Wagyu Yakiniku WA SAN MAI City Chiu Chow Restaurant Ltd Ichikawa Japanese Restaurant Putien Wedding Banquet Specialist City Hall Maxim's Café Ina Hotpot Qian Shao Bai Wei West Villa Restaurant (Causeway Bay) City Hall Maxim's Palace India Restaurant And Bar Qiao Cuisine West Villa Restaurant (Sheung Wan) C-Jade Meal Plus Itamae Sushi (Chek Lap Kok) Rainbow Seafood Restaurant West Villa Restaurant (Taikooshing) Clinton's BBQ Fish Itamomo Cafe Ramen Kureha Wild re Cloudland Chinese Cuisine Jade Garden Red Ant Restaurant Windows Cafe COFFEEHOLIC Jardin De Jade Red Door Chinese Restaurant Wing Lai Yuen Restaurant Congee House Jashan Celebrating Indian Cuisine Red Thai Wing Nin Store Congee King JASMINE Regal Court - Regal Riverside Hotel Wing's Kitchen Congress Plus Jasmine Garden Regal Palace - Regal Hongkong Hotel With your mind CookedDeli by city'super Jasmine Place Regal Terrace - Regal Oriental Hotel Wong Chi Kei Noodles & Congees Cornucopia Fine Dining Jimmy's Kitchen Regal Terrace - Regal Riverside Hotel Wong Chun Chun Thai Restaurant Crabtain Restaurant Jo Jo Indian Cuisine Regala Cafe & Dessert Bar - Regal Airport Hotel Woo Tung Yakiniku Dining Bar Crowd Restaurant Joy Daikiya Japanese Restaurant Restaurant - Silvermine Beach Resort Wu Kong Shanghai Restaurant

Xi Zhan 喜棧 Xin Dau Ji 新斗記 Other Service Provider Category | 其他服務機構界別 Yakiniku Gyukura 牛藏 Yamataka 築地‧山貴水產 Yat Chui Pavilion Dim Sum 逸翠軒點心專門店 Airport Authority Hong Kong 香港機場管理局 Yat Tsui Hin 逸翠軒 Diamond Federation of Hong Kong, China Ltd 香港鑽石總會 Yat Tung Heen 逸東軒 Dimension Marketing Ltd 萬訊巿務有限公司 Yayoi 花見月 Dragon Centre Management Ltd 西九龍中心 YinYue - Panda Hotel 殷悅 - 悅來酒店 Empire Centre 帝國中心 Yixin Restaurant (Wan Chai) 益新美食館 (灣仔) Festival Walk 又一城 Yoshinoya 吉野家 Harbour City Estates Ltd 海港城置業有限公司 Yu Mai 魚米 Harbour Cruise - Bauhinia 洋紫荊維港遊 YUE - City Garden 粵 - 城市花園 Heng Yue Yen Long Kwon Association Limited 恒宇仁龍拳協會有限公司 Yue - Gold Coast Hotel 粵 - 黃金海岸酒店 Hilltop Country Club Hilltop Country Club Yue Mic Ka 魚米家 Holiday Rental Holiday Rental Yum Cha 飲茶 Hong Kong Ferry (Holdings) Co Ltd 香港小輪(集團)有限公司 Yummy 甘味 Hong Kong Fur Federation 香港毛皮業協會 Yun Yan 雲陽 Hong Wei Limited 康惠專業美容護理中心有限公司 Yung Kee Restaurant Group Ltd 鏞記酒家集團有限公司 International Conference Consultants Ltd 國際會議顧問有限公司 Zen Noodle Cafe 蓬萊拉麵屋 Jeena & Co (HK) Ltd Jeena & Co (HK) Ltd Zenon Cafe Zenon Cafe Jubilee International Tour Centre Ltd 銀禧國際旅遊有限公司 Zhen 臻 Kwong Tai Foot Massage Limited 光大怡足堂中心有限公司 Zuma Zuma Kwoon Chung Bus Holdings Ltd 冠忠巴士集團有限公司 文華冰廳 文華冰廳 Lan Kwai Fong Association 蘭桂坊協會 新南苑私房菜 新南苑私房菜 Man Lee Tat Car Co 萬里達車行 板燒郎放題料理 板燒郎放題料理 Maritime Square 青衣城 食力點心雞煲火鍋 食力點心雞煲火鍋 One Concept Group Limited 美之至集團有限公司 養心殿台式養生鍋 養心殿台式養生鍋 Paci c Place (Paci c Place Management Of ce) 太古地產管理有限公司 Peak Tramways Co Ltd 山頂纜車有限公司 Plaza Hollywood Limited 荷里活廣場有限公司 Prudential Centre 恆豐中心 Quadra Technic ICS Ltd 光研社有限公司 Visitor Accommodation Category | 旅客住宿服務界別 Rainbow (Utopia) Sauna & Health Club 環保(樂滿濤)桑拿康健會 Tai Fung Coach Co Ltd 泰豐遊覽車有限公司 Telford Plaza (Marketing & Promotion Of ce) 德福廣場物業管理部市場推廣處 Bellagio Pet Friendly Resort 碧海軒 The "Star" Ferry Company Limited 天星小輪有限公司 Berlin Hotel 柏林酒店 The Clearwater Bay Golf And Country Club 清水灣鄉村俱樂部 By The Park By The Park The Hongkong Land Co., Ltd 香港置地有限公司 Casa Hotel Casa Hotel Times Square Limited 時代廣場有限公司 Concerto Inn 浪濤軒 Ting House Beauty Clinic 奵屋美容健美中心 Evergreen Hotel (Hong Kong) 萬年青酒店 (香港) Tsim Sha Tsui Centre 尖沙咀中心 JJ Hotel 君俊商務酒店 Minimal Hotel • Bazaar 簡悅酒店 • 旺角 Mojo Nomad Mojo Nomad West Hotel 偉晴軒 會員名錄 QTSA Annual report | Membership List QTSA 28 委員會報告 Report of the Council

Association of Better Business & Tourism Services 旅遊服務業協會 (trading as Quality Tourism Services Association) (以「優質旅遊服務協會」作商號)

The Council submits herewith its report together with the audited nancial 委員會欣然呈遞旅遊服務業協會(“本會”)截至 statements of Association of Better Business & Tourism Services (the 2018年3月31日止年度之委員會報告及經審核財 “Association”) for the year ended 31 March 2018. 務 報 表。

Principal activity The principal activity of the Association is promotion of the retailing and 主要業務 tourism business sectors in Hong Kong. The Association operates under the 本會主要業務為宣揚香港的零售業,以及與旅遊 business trading name of Quality Tourism Services Association. 相關行業,並以「優質旅遊服務協會」作商號。

Results 業績 The results of the Association for the year ended 31 March 2018 are set out 本會截至2018年3月31日止年度之業績已編列 in the statement of comprehensive income on page 33. 於第33頁之全面收益表。

Council members 委員會成員 The Council members who held of ce during the year or during the period 本年度內及在截至報表日期在任委員會成員如下: from the end of year to the date of this report were:

Chan Ka Wai, Calvin 陳家偉 Chan Kam Fai 陳錦輝 Chan Wing On 陳永安 Cheng Ho Yuen (retired on 13 December 2017) 鄭浩源 (於2017年12月13日離任) Chow Wun Sing, Winston 周允成 Chu Yin Man (appointed on 13 December 2017) 朱賢文 (於2017年12月13日獲委任) Ho Lai Sze, Jacqueline (appointed on 13 December 2017) 何麗詩 (於2017年12月13日獲委任) Kwok Sea Nga (appointed on 13 December 2017) 郭詩雅 (於2017年12月13日獲委任) Kwok Siu Ming, Simon (retired on 13 December 2017) 郭少明 (於2017年12月13日離任) Lam Ping Lok 林平樂 Lau Chun Hon, Anthony 劉鎭漢 Lee Frank (retired on 13 December 2017) 李敬天 (於2017年12月13日離任) Leung Shuk Man, Grace 梁淑敏 Li Hiu Ming (appointed on 13 December 2017) 李曉明 (於2017年12月13日獲委任) Li Shing Man (appointed on 13 December 2017) 李成文 (於2017年12月13日獲委任) Li Tsau Ha (resigned on 30 September 2017) 李楸夏 (於2017年9月30日辭任) Melwani Manohar Narindas Melwani Manohar Narindas Ngai Lai Ha (appointed on 13 December 2017) 魏麗霞 (於2017年12月13日獲委任)

Tang Kui Ming (retired on 13 December 2017) 鄧鉅明 (於2017年12月13日離任) 委員會報告 Tang Mui Fun 鄧梅芬 Tsang Sze Wan (appointed on 10 August 2017) 曾詩韻 (於2017年8月10日獲委任) Tse Suk Man 謝淑敏 Wong Karlson 黃嘉信 Yau On Yee, Annie 邱安儀 Yip Lai Sheung (retired on 13 December 2017) 葉麗嫦 (於2017年12月13日離任) Yu Sau Ning, Homer 余壽寧

The council member appointed by Hong Kong Tourism Board is not subject 由香港旅遊發展局委任的委員會成員無須離 to retirement. Other council members are not required to retire in the coming 任。根據委任條款,其他委員會成員無須在未 annual general meeting according to their terms of appointment. 來的週年大 會上離 任。 QTSA Annual report | Report of the Council 29 Arrangements for acquisition of shares or debentures 購買股份或債券之安排 At no time during the year was the Association a party to any arrangements to 於本期間內任何時間本會並無訂立任何安排, enable Council members of the Association to acquire bene ts by means of the 致使委員會成員可藉購入本會或任何其他委員 acquisition of shares in, or debentures of, the Association or any other association. 會之 股份或債 券而 獲 益。

Material interests in transactions, arrangements or contracts 交易、安排或合約的重大權益 After consideration, the council members are of the opinion that no 本會於本年度年終或於年內任何時間內並無訂 transactions, arrangements and contracts of signi cance in relation to the 立任何與本會業務有關之任何交易、安排或合 Association’s business to which the Association was a party and in which the 約,導致本委員會成員或其關連實體直接或間 Council members of the Association had a material interest, whether directly 接 獲 得重 大權 益。 or indirectly, subsisted at the end of the year or at any time during the year. Management contracts 管理合約 No contract concerning the management and administration of the whole or 於本年度,本會並無簽訂或存有關於其全部或 any substantial part of the business of the Association were entered into or 任何主要部份業務之管理及行政之合約。 existed during the year. Equity-linked agreements 股票掛鈎協議 No equity-linked agreements into which the Association entered subsisted 年 內,本 會 並 無 訂 立 任 何 股 票 掛 鈎 協 議。 at any time during the year. Permitted indemnity provisions 獲准許彌償條文 No permitted indemnity provision was in force during the year, or is in force 惠及前本委員會成員或本委員會成員(不論是 at the date of this report, for the bene t of a then Council member or a 否由本會訂立)或前本委員會成員(如由本會訂 Council member of the Association (whether made by the Association or 立)的獲准許彌償條文,於本年度年終或於年內 otherwise) or a then Council member (if made by the Association). 任 何 時 間 內 無 效。

Auditor 核數師 A resolution will be submitted to the annual general meeting to re-appoint Mazars 本會於應屆週年大會上將提呈決議案續聘中審 CPA Limited, Certi ed Public Accountants, as the auditor of the Association. 眾環(香港)會計師事務所有限公司,香港執業會 計 師 為 核 數 師。

Approved by the Council and signed on its behalf by 獲執行委員會批准,並由執行委員會委員代表簽署

委員會報告 Mr. Chan Wing On Chairman 陳永安先生 主席

This Chinese Report has been translated from English version. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English QTSA Annual report | Report of the Council version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. 30 此中文報告為英文版本譯本,如中、英文兩個版本有任何不一致或不相符之處,應以英文版本為準。 獨立核數師報告 Independent Auditor’s Report

To the members of 致 Association of Better Business & Tourism Services 旅遊服務業協會會員 (trading as Quality Tourism Services Association) (以「優質旅遊服務協會」作商號) (incorporated in Hong Kong and limited by guarantee) (於香港成立之保證有限公司)

Opinion 意見 We have audited the nancial statements of Association of Better Business & 我們已審核旅遊服務業協會(「貴會」)載於第 Tourism Services (the “Association”) set out on pages 31 to 40, which comprise 31至40頁之財務報表,包括 貴會於2018年3月 the statement of nancial position as at 31 March 2018, and the statement of 31日之財務狀況報表、截至該日止年度之全面收 comprehensive income, the statement of changes in accumulated funds and the 益 表、累 積 資 金 變 動 表、現 金 流 量 表,以 及 財 務 statement of cash ows for the year then ended, and notes to nancial statements, 報表附註闡釋資料,包括主要會計政策概要。 including a summary of signi cant accounting policies. 我 們 認 為,該 等 財 務 報 表 已 根 據 香 港 會 計 師 公 In our opinion, the nancial statements give a true and fair view of the nancial 會(「香港會計師公會」)頒布的香港財務報 position of the Association as at 31 March 2018, and of its nancial performance 告準則(「香港財務報告準則」)真實而公平地 and cash ows for the year then ended in accordance with Hong Kong Financial 反映 貴會於2018年3月31日的財務狀況及截 Reporting Standards (“HKFRSs”) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certi ed 至 該 日 止 年 度 之 財 務 表 現 及 現 金 流 量,並 已 按 Public Accountants (the “HKICPA”) and have been properly prepared in 照香港公司條列之規定妥善編製。 compliance with the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance. Basis for Opinion 意見的基準� We conducted our audit in accordance with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing 我們已根據香港會計師公會頒布的香港審計準 (“HKSAs”) issued by the HKICPA. Our responsibilities under those standards are 則(「香港審計準則」)進行審計。我們在該等 準則下的責任已於本報告「核數師就審計財務 further described in the “Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial 報表承擔的責任」 一節中作進一步闡述。根據香 Statements” section of our report. We are independent of the Association in 港會計師公會頒布的專業會計師道德守則(以 accordance with the HKICPA’s Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (the 下簡稱「守則」),我們獨立於 貴會,並已履 “Code”), and we have ful lled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with 行守則中的其他專業道德責任。我們相信,我們 the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is suf cient and 所獲得的審計憑證能充足及適當地為我們的審 appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. 計意見提供基礎。

Other Information 其他資料 The Council members of the Association are responsible for the other information. 貴執行委員會委員事須對其他資料負責。其他 The other information comprises the report of the Council. 資料包括委員會報告的所載的資料。

Our opinion on the nancial statements does not cover the other information and 我們對財務報表的意見並不涵蓋其他資料。我們 we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon. 亦不對該等其他資料發表任何形式的保證結論。

In connection with our audit of the nancial statements, our responsibility is to 就我們對財務報表的審計,我們的責任是閱讀 read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other 其他資料,在此過程中,我們考慮其他資料與財 information is materially inconsistent with the nancial statements or our 務報表或我們在審計過程中所知悉的情況是否 knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. 存在重大抵觸或者看似存在重大錯誤陳述。基 If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material 於我們已執行的工作,倘我們認為其他資料存 misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We 在重大錯誤陳述,我們需要報告該事實。我們 have nothing to report in this regard. 就 此 並 無 任 何 事 項 須 報告。

Responsibilities of Council Members for 執行委員會委員就財務報表之責任� 財務報告 the Financial Statements 貴執行委員會委員須負責根據由香港會計師 The Council members of the Association are responsible for the preparation of the 公會頒布的香港財務報告準則及香港公司條 nancial statements that give a true and fair view in accordance with HKFRSs 例的披露規定編製真實而公平的財務報表, issued by the HKICPA and the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, and for such 並對執行委員會委員認為為使財務報表的編 internal control as the Council members determine is necessary to enable the 製不存在由於欺詐或錯誤而導致的重大錯誤 preparation of nancial statements that are free from material misstatement, 陳述所需的內部控制負責。 whether due to fraud or error. 在編製財務報表時,執行委員會委員負責 In preparing the nancial statements, the Council members are responsible for 評估 貴會持續經營的能力,並在適用情 assessing the Association’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as 況 下 披 露 與 持 續 經 營 有 關 的 事 項,以 及 使 用 applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of 持續經營為會計基礎,除非執行委員會委員 accounting unless the Council members either intend to liquidate the Association 有意將 貴會清盤或停止經營,或別無其他 QTSA Annual report | Financial Statements or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so. 實 際 的 替 代 方 案。 31 Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of 核數師就審計財務報表承擔的責任 the Financial Statements 我們的目的乃對財務報表整體是否不存在由於 Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the nancial 欺詐或錯誤而導致的重大錯誤陳述取得合理保 statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud 證,並發出載有包括我們意見的核數師報告。本 or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. This report is 報告僅為閣下(作為整體)根據香港公司條列第 made solely to you, as a body, in accordance with section 405 of the Hong Kong 4 0 5 條 編制,除 此之 外 本 報 告別 無 其他目的。我 Companies Ordinance, and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility 們不會就本報告的內容對任何其他人士負責或 towards or accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report. 承擔 責任。

Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an 合理保證為高水平的保證,但不能保證按照 audit conducted in accordance with HKSAs will always detect a material 香港審計準則進行的審計總能發現重大錯誤 misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are 陳述。錯誤陳述可以由欺詐或錯誤引起,如果 considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be 合理預期其單獨或整體可能影響財務報表使 expected to inuence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these 用者依賴財務報表所作出的經濟決定,則有 nancial statements. 關 的 錯 誤 陳 述 可 被 視 作 重 大。

As part of an audit in accordance with HKSAs, we exercise professional judgement 根據香港審計準則進行審計其中一環,我們運 and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: 用專業判斷,保持專業懷疑態度。我們亦:

• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the nancial ‧ 識別及評估由於欺詐或錯誤而導致財務報表 statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit 存在重大錯誤陳述的風險,設計及執行審核 procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is 程 序 以 應 對 這 些 風 險,以 及 獲 取 充 足 及 適 當 的審計憑證,作為我們意見的基礎。由於欺詐 suf cient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not 可能涉及串謀、偽造、蓄意遺漏、虛假陳述,或 detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one 凌駕於內部控制之上,因此未能發現因欺詐 resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional 而導致的出現重大錯誤陳述的風險高於未能 omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. 發現因錯誤而導致重大錯誤陳述的風險。 • Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to ‧ 暸解與審計相關的內部控制,以設計適當的 design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for 審計程序,但目的並非對 貴會的內部控制 the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Association’s 的 有 效 性 發 表 意 見。 internal control. ‧ 評價執行委員會委員所採用會計政策的恰當 • Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the 性及作出會計估計和相關披露的合理性。 reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Council members. ‧ 對執行委員會委員採用持續經營會計基礎的 恰當性作出結論。根據所獲取的審計憑證, • Conclude on the appropriateness of the Council members’ use of the going 確定是否存在與事項或情況有關的重大不確 concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether 定性,從而可能導致對 貴會的持續經營能 a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast 力產生重大疑慮。倘我們認為存在重大不確 signi cant doubt on the Association’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we 定性,則有必要在核數師報告中提請使用者 conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in 注意財務報表中的相關披露,假若有關的披 our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the nancial statements or, if 露不足,則修訂我們的意見。我們的結論乃基 such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are 於直至核數師報告日止所取得的審計憑證。 based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. 然而,未來事項或情況可能導致 貴會不能 However, future events or conditions may cause the Association to cease to 持 續 經營業務。 continue as a going concern. ‧ 評價財務報表的整體列報方式、結構及 • Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the nancial 內容(包括披露)事項以及財務報表是否 statements, including the disclosures, and whether the nancial statements 公 平地 反 映相 關 交 易及事 項。 represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. 我們與執行委員會委員溝通了計劃的審計 範圍、時間安排及重大審計發現等,其中包 We communicate with the Council members regarding, among other matters, the 括我們在審計中識別出內部控制的任何重 財務報告 planned scope and timing of the audit and signi cant audit ndings, including 大不足 之 處。 any signi cant de ciencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

MAZARS CPA LIMITED 中審眾環(香港)會計師事務所有限公司 Certi ed Public Accountants 執業會計師 Hong Kong 香港

The engagement director on the audit resulting in 出具本獨立核數師報告書的 this independent auditor’s report is: 審 計 項 目 執 業 董 事 是: Fung Shiu Hang 馮兆恆 QTSA Annual report | Financial Statements Practising Certi cate number: P04793 執 業 證 書 編 號:P 0 4 7 9 3 32 全面收益表 Statement of Comprehensive Income

For year ended 31 March 2018 截至2018年3月31日止年度

Note 2018年 2017年 附註 HK$ 港元 HK$ 港元 Income 收入 Funds received 已收資金 2 2,250,000 2,050,000 Membership fees 會員年費 91,710 99,600 Income from SME Development Fund 中小企業發展支援基金收入 7 1,449,848 - Interest income 利息收入 31 34 Admission fees from activities 活動收入 3,274,158 3,448,326

7,065,747 5,597,960

Expenditure 支出 Auditor’s remuneration 核數師酬金 27,500 27,000 Bank charges 銀行收費 3,790 3,540 Depreciation 折舊 107,585 14,350 Insurance 保險費 29,201 38,656 Legal and professional fees 法律及專業諮詢費 29,805 27,305 Mandatory Provident Fund contributions 強積金供款 37,197 35,946 Postage and courier 郵費及速遞費 53,040 35,724 Printing and stationery 印刷及文具費 66,780 37,520 Promotion 推廣活動費 3,010,232 3,468,704 Salaries 薪金 1,651,421 1,548,040 SME Development Fund Project related expenses 中小企業發展支援基金計劃之相關支出 7 1,495,358 - Subscription fees 會員費 31,363 15,771 Sundries 雜項 45,639 58,941 Travelling 交通費 6,085 6,005

6,594,996 5,317,502

Surplus before tax 稅前盈餘 3 470,751 280,458

Income tax expense 所得稅開支 4 (47,675) (26,111)

Surplus for the year 年度盈餘 423,076 254,347 財務報告

Other comprehensive income, net of tax 其 他 全 面 收 入,稅 後 淨 額 - -

Total comprehensive income for the year 年度全面收入總額 423,076 254,347 QTSA Annual report | Financial Statements 33 財務狀況報表 Statement of Financial Position

At 31 March 2018 於2018年3月31日

Note 2018年 2017年 附註 HK$ 港元 HK$ 港元


Non-current assets 非流動資產 Property, plant and equipment 物 業、廠 房及 設 備 5 - -

Current assets 流動資產 Accounts receivable 應收賬項 6 402,600 401,400 Prepayments 預付款項 20,414 25,581 Deferred expenditure 遞延支出 7 - 1,066,520 Tax prepaid 預付稅項 - 37,282 Cash and bank balances 現金及銀行結存 2,479,113 1,989,424

2,902,127 3,520,207

Current liabilities 流動負債 Membership fees received in advance 預收會員費 8 67,433 69,233 Accrued expenses and accounts payable 應計費用及應付賬項 419,441 439,360 Deferred income 遞延收入 7 - 1,021,016 Tax payable 應付稅項 1,579 -

488,453 1,529,609

Net current assets 流動資產淨值 2,413,674 1,990,598

Net assets 資產淨值 2,413,674 1,990,598


Accumulated funds 累積資金 2,413,674 1,990,598

財務報告 These nancial statements on pages 31 to 40 were 載於第31至40頁之財務報表於2018年8月17日獲執行委員會 approved and authorised for issue by the Council on 17 批准及授權發佈,並由執行委員會委員代表簽署 August 2018 and signed on its behalf by

Mr. Chan Wing On Chairman Mr. Chow Wun Sing, Winston Vice-Chairman 陳永安先生 周允成先生 QTSA Annual report | Financial Statements 執行委員會主席 � 執行委員會副主席 34 累積資金變動表 Statement of Changes in Accumulated Funds

For year ended 31 March 2018 截至2018年3月31日止年度

2018年 2017年 HK$�港元 HK$�港元

Accumulated funds at beginning of year 年初累積資金 1,990,598 1,736,251

Surplus for the year and total comprehensive income for the year 年度盈餘及年度全面收入總額 423,076 254,347

Accumulated funds at end of year 年末累積資金 2,413,674 1,990,598

現金流量表 Statement of Cash Flows

For year ended 31 March 2018 截至2018年3月31日止年度

Note 2018年 2017年 附註 HK$�港元 HK$�港元

OPERATING ACTIVITIES 經營業務 Cash generated from operations 經營業務所得現金 10 606,057 24,935 Income taxes paid 已付所得稅 (8,814) (93,128)

Net cash generated from (used in) operating activities 經營業務所產生(所用)現金淨額 597,243 (68,193)


Interest received 已收利息 31 34 財務報告 Purchase of property, plant and equipment 購 置 物 業、廠 房及 設 備 (107,585) (14,350)

Net cash used in investing activities 投資業務所用現金淨額 (107,554) (14,316)

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 現金及現金等值物增加(減少)淨額 489,689 (82,509)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 年初之現金及現金等值物 1,989,424 2,071,933

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year, 年末之現金及現金等值物, 2,479,113 1,989,424 represented by cash and bank balances 以現金及銀行結存表示� QTSA Annual report | Financial Statements 35 財務報表附註 Notes to the Financial Statements

For the year ended 31 March 2018 截至2018年3月31日止年度

CORPORATE INFORMATION 公司資料 Association of Better Business & Tourism Services is incorporated under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance 旅遊服務業協會乃根據《公司條例》註冊成立之保證有限公司,每名會員之 as a company limited by guarantee not exceeding an amount of HK$10 for each member. The Association’s 保證金額上限為拾港元。註冊辦事處位於香港北角威非路道18號萬國寶通 registered of ce is located at 11th Floor, Citicorp Centre, 18 Whit eld Road, North Point, Hong Kong. The 中心11樓。本會之主要業務為推廣香港之零售業和旅遊業。 principal activity of the Association is promotion of the retailing and tourism business sectors in Hong Kong.

1. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1. 主要會計政策 Basis of preparation 編製基礎 These nancial statements have been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards 該等財務報表乃按照《香港財務報告準則》(「《香港財務報告準則》」) (“HKFRSs”), which collective term includes all applicable Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, Hong 編製,其中包括香港會計師公會(「香港會計師公會」)頒布之所有適用 Kong Accounting Standards (“HKASs”) and Interpretations issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certi ed 之個別《香港財務報告準則》、《香港會計準則》(「《香港會計準則》」) Public Accountants (the “HKICPA”), accounting principles generally accepted in Hong Kong and the Hong 及《詮釋》、香港公認會計原則及香港《公司條例》。 Kong Companies Ordinance. 該等財務報表乃根據與2017年財務報表所採用之會計政策一致之基準而 These nancial statements have been prepared on a basis consistent with the accounting policies adopted in 編製。採納與本會相關且由本年度起生效之新增/經修訂香港財務報告 the 2017 nancial statements. The adoption of the new / revised HKFRSs that are relevant to the Association 準則,對本會於本年度及過往年度之業績及財務狀況並無重大影響。 and effective from the current year had no signi cant effects on the results and nancial position of the Association for the current and prior years. 採納新訂╱經修訂香港財務報告準則 Adoption of new / revised HKFRSs 香 港 會 計 準 則 第 7 號 之 修 訂 本:披 露 計 劃 Amendments to HKAS 7: Disclosure Initiative 該修訂要求實體提供使財務報表使用者能夠評估融資活動所產生的 The amendments require entities to provide disclosures that enable users of nancial statements to evaluate 負債變動的披露資料, 包括現金流產生的變動及非現金變動。 changes in liabilities arising from nancing activities, including both changes arising from cash ows and non-cash changes. 採用該等修訂引致於綜合財務報表作出額外披露資料。

The adoption of the amendments did not have any signi cant impact on the nancial statements. 香港會計準則第12號之修訂:對未實現虧損確認遞延所得稅資產 該修訂闡明(其中包括)如何就以公允值計量之債務工具相關的遞延 Amendments to HKAS 12: Recognition of Deferred Tax Assets for Unrealised Losses 稅項資產進行會計處理。 The amendments clarify, among others, how to account for deferred tax assets related to debt instruments measured at fair value. 採用修訂不會對綜合財務報表造成重大影響。 The adoption of the amendments did not have any signi cant impact on the nancial statements. 本會採納的主要會計政策概要如下. A summary of the principal accounting policies adopted by the Association is set out below. 計量基準 Basis of measurement 編製該等財務報表所採用之計量基準為歷史成本法。 The measurement basis used in the preparation of these nancial statements is historical cost.

Property, plant and equipment 物 業、廠 房及 設 備 Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. The 物業、廠房及設備乃按成本值扣除累積折舊和累積減值虧損入賬。物業、 cost of an item of property, plant and equipment comprises its purchase price and any directly attributable 廠房及設備項目之成本包括其購買價值,以及任何使該資產達致其可使 costs of bringing the asset to its working condition and location for its intended use. Repair and maintenance 用狀況和地點作擬定用途之直接歸屬性成本。修理及保養費用於產生年 are charged to pro t or loss during the year in which they are incurred. 度內於全面收益表內扣除。 Depreciation is provided to write off the cost less accumulated impairment losses of property, plant and 折舊乃按物業、廠房及設備在採用直線法將其成本值扣除累積減值虧損, equipment over their estimated useful lives from the date on which they are available for use and after taking into account their estimated residual values, and is fully depreciated in the year of acquisition. Where parts of 並在考慮其估計殘值後,再除以按物業、廠房及設備於全面投入運作之日 an item of property, plant and equipment have different useful lives, the cost or valuation of the item is 期起計之估計可使用年期以作撤銷所得的值,並於購買之年度全部計提 allocated on a reasonable basis and depreciated separately. 折舊。倘若部份物業、廠房及設備項目之使用年期不同,則其成本或估值 以合理基準分配並分別計提折舊。 An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic bene ts are expected to arise from the continued use of the asset. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the 物業、廠房及設備項目於出售後或當預期持續使用該資產將不會產生 asset (calculated as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the item) is 未來經濟利益時終止確認。於終止確認該資產時所產生之任何收益或 included in pro t or loss in the period in which the item is derecognised. 虧損(以出售所得款項淨額與該項目之賬面值之差額計算)將計入終止 確認該項目之年度內之損益。

Financial instruments 金融工具 Recognition and derecognition 確認及終止確認 Financial assets and nancial liabilities are recognised when and only when the Association becomes a party 金融資產及金融負債於本會成為有關工具之合約條文之訂約方時按交易 to the contractual provisions of the instruments and on a trade date basis. 日基 準 確 認。 財務報表附註 A nancial asset is derecognised when and only when (i) the Association’s contractual rights to future 金融資產於且僅於(i)本會對金融資產產生的未來現金流量的合約權利屆 cash ows from the nancial asset expire or (ii) the Association transfers the nancial asset and either 滿或(ii)本會轉讓金融資產且(a)將金融資產擁有權之絕大部分風險及回 (a) the Association transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the nancial asset, or (b) the Association neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of 報轉讓,或(b)本會並無轉讓或保留金融資產擁有權之絕大部分風險及回 the nancial asset but it does not retain control of the nancial asset. 報但並無保留對該金融資產之控制權時,方終止確認。

A nancial liability is derecognised when and only when the liability is extinguished, that is, when the 金融負債於且僅於負債消除時方取消確認,即有關合約訂明之責任獲解 obligation speci ed in the relevant contract is discharged, cancelled or expires. 除、註解或屆滿時。

分類及計量 Classi cation and measurement Financial assets or nancial liabilities are initially recognised at their fair value plus, in the case of nancial 金融資產或金融負債初步按彼等之公平值加收購或發行金融資產或金融 assets or nancial liabilities not carried at fair value through pro t or loss, transaction costs that are directly 負債而直接應佔之交易成本(倘金融資產或金融負債並無透過損益按公 attributable to the acquisition or issue of the nancial assets or nancial liabilities. 平值入賬)確 認。

1) Loans and receivables 1) 貸款及應收賬項 Loans and receivables including cash and bank balances and accounts and other receivables are 貸款及應收賬項包括現金及銀行結存、應收賬項及其他應收賬項均設 non-derivative nancial assets with xed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market 有固定或可釐定付款金額,並且在活躍市場並無報價及並非持有作交易 and are not held for trading. They are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, except where receivables are interest-free loans and without any xed repayment term or the effect of discounting 之非衍生金融資產。該等貸款及應收賬項使用實際利率法按攤銷成本 would be insigni cant. In such case, the receivables are stated at cost less impairment loss. Amortised cost 計量,惟倘應收賬項為免息貸款並且無任何固定還款期或並無重大貼 is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on acquisition over the period to maturity. Gains 現影響則除外。在該情況下,應收賬項按成本扣除減值虧損列賬。攤銷 and losses arising from derecognition, impairment or through the amortisation process are recognised in 成本計入收購時的任何貼現或溢價,按有關期間至到期時間計算。取消

QTSA Annual report | Notes to the Financial Statements pro t or loss. 確認,減值或透過攤銷過程產生之盈虧在全面收益表中確認。 36 1. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) 1. 主要會計政策(續) Financial instruments (Continued) 金 融 工 具( 續 ) 2) Financial liabilities 2) 金融負債 The Association’s nancial liabilities include accounts and other payables and receipt in advance. All nancial 本會之金融負債包括應付賬項、其他應付賬項及預收款項。所有金融負 liabilities except for derivatives are recognised initially at their fair value and subsequently measured at 債除衍生工具外初步按其公允值確認,其後以實際利率法按攤銷成本計 amortised cost, using the effective interest method, unless the effect of discounting would be insigni cant, in 量,惟倘貼現之影響屬微不足道,則金融負債按成本入賬。 which case they are stated at cost.

Impairment of nancial assets 金融資產減值 At the end of each reporting period, the Association assesses whether there is objective evidence that nancial 本會於各報告期末評估有否客觀證據證明金融資產出現減值。按攤銷 assets, other than those at fair value through pro t or loss, are impaired. The impairment loss of nancial assets 成本入賬之金融資產之減值虧損,為資產賬面值與按金融資產原訂實 carried at amortised cost is measured as the difference between the assets’ carrying amount and the present 際利率折現之估計未來現金流量現值兩者間之差異。倘資產之可收回 value of estimated future cash ow discounted at the nancial asset’s original effective interest rate. Such 金額增幅可客觀地與確認減值後所發生之事件相關連,則減值虧損隨 impairment loss is reversed in subsequent periods through pro t or loss when an increase in the asset’s 後會於全面收益表中撥回,惟有關限制為減值撥回當日之資產賬面值不 recoverable amount can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised, 得超過倘無確認減值之攤銷成本。 subject to a restriction that the carrying amount of the asset at the date the impairment is reversed does not exceed what the amortised cost would have been had the impairment not been recognised. 現金等值項目 Cash equivalents 就現金流量表而言,現金等值項目指可隨時轉換為已知現金金額且毋須 For the purpose of the statement of cash ows, cash equivalents represent short-term highly liquid 承擔重大價值變動風險之短期高流動性投資。 investments which are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insigni cant risk of changes in value. 收入確認 收入只會於有關經濟效益有可能流入本會,並能可靠計算收入及 Revenue recognition 成本(如適用)之情況下,方會按下列基準確認: Revenue is recognised when it is probable that the economic bene ts will ow to the Association and when the revenue and costs, if applicable, can be measured reliably and on the following bases: 會員年費按時間基準方式確認。 Membership fees are recognised on a time proportion basis. 香港旅遊發展局之撥款是按應計基準入賬。 Funds from the Hong Kong Tourism Board are accounted for on the accrual basis. 來自金融資產之利息收入經參照未償還本金及適用實際利率按時間基 Interest income from nancial assets is accrued on a time basis; by reference to the principal outstanding and 準 計 算。 at the effective interest rate applicable. 培訓活動收入乃根據超過免費提供之名額而向會員收取的費用,並在提 Admission fees from training activities are charged to members based on the number of seats requested in 供培訓時予以確認。 excess of free entitlement and are recognised upon the provision of the trainings.

Employee bene ts 僱員福利 Short-term employee bene ts 短期僱員福利 Salaries, annual bonuses, paid annual leave, contributions to de ned contribution retirement plans and the 薪金、年度花紅、有薪年假、定額供款退休計劃的供款及各項非貨幣福 cost of non-monetary bene ts are accrued in the year in which the associated services are rendered by 利的成本,均在僱員提供相關服務的期間內累計。如延遲支付或結算會 employees. Where payment or settlement is deferred and the effect would be material, these amounts are 構成重大影響,則上述數額須按現值列賬。 stated at their present values. 定額供款計劃 De ned contribution plan 定額供款退休計劃之供款義務乃於產生時以支出形式在全面收益表中 The obligations for contributions to a de ned contribution retirement scheme are recognised as an expense in pro t or loss as incurred. The assets of the scheme are held separately from those of the Association in an 確認,該計劃之資產與本會之資產分開存放,為一項獨立管理基金。 independently administered fund.

Taxation 稅項 The charge for current income tax is based on the results for the year as adjusted for items that are 即期利得稅乃根據本年度之業績計算,並已就毋須課稅或不可扣減之項 non-assessable or disallowed. It is calculated using tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted 目作出調整。此乃根據報告期末已實施或具體實施之稅率計算。 by the end of the reporting period. 遞延稅項乃採用負債法,對報告期末資產和負債之稅基與財務報表中賬 Deferred tax is provided, using the liability method, on all temporary differences at the end of the reporting 面值所引致之所有暫時性差異作出撥備。然而,倘遞延稅項產生自首次確 period between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the nancial statements. 認商譽或於交易時不影響會計溢利亦不影響應課稅損益的業務合併以外 However, any deferred tax arises from initial recognition of goodwill; or other asset or liability in a transaction other than a business combination that at the time of the transaction affects neither the accounting pro t nor 的交易中的資產或負債,則不予確認。 taxable pro t or loss is not recognised. 遞延稅項負債及資產根據於報告期間期末所實施或實際實施的稅率及稅 The deferred tax liabilities and assets are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period 務法例,並按預計適用於有關資產收回或負債償還的期間的稅率計算。 when the asset is recovered or the liability is settled, based on tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the end of the reporting period. 若日後的應課稅溢利將可能與可扣減暫時性差異、稅務虧損及抵免對銷, 則確認遞延稅項資產。 Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable pro t will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, tax losses and credits can be utilised. 關連人士 Related parties 關連人士指與本會有關連的個人或實體。 A related party is a person or entity that is related to the Association. a) 倘屬以下人士,則該人士或該人士之近親與本會有關連: (a) A person or a close member of that person’s family is related to the Association if that person: i) 控制或共同控制本會; (i) has control or joint control over the Association; ii) 對本會有重大影響;或 (ii) has signi cant inuence over the Association; or (iii) is a member of the key management personnel of the Association. iii) 為本會之主要管理層成員。

(b) An entity is related to the Association if any of the following conditions applies: b) 倘符合下列任何條件,則該實體與本會有關連: (i) The entity and the Association are members of the same group (which means that each parent, i) 該實體與本會屬同一集團之成員公司(即各母公司、附屬公 subsidiary and fellow subsidiary is related to the others). 司及同系附屬公司彼此間有關連)。 (ii) One entity is an associate or joint venture of the other entity (or an associate or joint venture of a ii) 一間實體為另一實體之聯營公司或合營企業(或為另一實體所 member of a group of which the other entity is a member). 屬集團旗下成員公司之聯營公司或合營企業)。 (iii) Both entities are joint ventures of the same third party. iii) 兩間實體均為同一第三方之合營企業。 財務報表附註 (iv) One entity is a joint venture of a third entity and the other entity is an associate of the third entity. iv) 一間實體為第三方實體之合營企業,而另一實體為該第三方實 (v) The entity is a post-employment bene t plan for the bene t of employees of either the Association or an entity related to the Association. If the Association is itself such a plan, the sponsoring employers 體 之 聯 營公司。 are also related to the Association. v) 實體為本會或與本會有關連之實體以僱員為受益人設立之離 (vi) The entity is controlled or jointly controlled by a person identi ed in (a). 職福利計劃。倘本會本身屬有關計劃,提供資助之僱主亦與 (vii) A person identi ed in (a)(i) has signi cant inuence over the entity or is a member of the key 本會有關連。 management personnel of the entity (or of a parent of the entity). vi) 實體受(a)內所識別人士控制或共同控制。 (viii) The entity, or any member of a group of which it is a part, provides key management personnel vii) a)(i)內所識別人士對實體有重大影響力或為該實體(或該實體 services to the Association or to the parent of the Association. 之母公司)之主要管理層成員。 viii) 該實體或是其集團中一部分之任何成員,而提供主要管理人員 Close members of the family of a person are those family members who may be expected to inuence, or be 服務予本會或本會之母公司。 inuenced by, that person in their dealings with the entity and include: (a) that person’s children and spouse or domestic partner; (b) children of that person’s spouse or domestic partner; and 一名人士之近親指預期可影響該人士與實體進行買賣或於買賣時受該人 (c) dependants of that person or that person’s spouse or domestic partner. 士影響的有關家屬成員,包括: a) 該名人士的子女及配偶或同居伴侶; In the de nition of a related party, an associate includes subsidiaries of the associate and a joint venture b) 該名人士的配偶或同居伴侶的子女;及 includes subsidiaries of the joint venture. c) 該名人士或該名人士的配偶或同居伴侶的受養人。

Future changes in HKFRSs 根據關連人士的定義,聯營公司包括有關聯營公司的附屬公司,而合營企 At the date of authorisation of these nancial statements, the HKICPA has issued a number of new / revised 業包括有關合營企業的附屬公司。 HKFRSs that are not yet effective for current year, which the Association has not early adopted. The Council members do not anticipate that the adoption of the new/ revised HKFRSs in the future periods will have any 《香港財務報告準則》之未來變更 material impact on the results of the Association. 在該等務報表獲確認之日,香港會計師公會已頒布於本年度尚未生效之 QTSA Annual report | Notes to the Financial Statements 若干新增/經修訂之《香港財務報告準則》,而本會並無提早採用該等 準則。執行委員會委員並不預期,本會在未來期間採納該等《香港財務 37 報告準則》將對本會之業績造成任何重大影響。 2. FUNDS RECEIVED 已收資金 1. 2018年 2017年 Funds received represent funds from the following parties: 已 收 資 金 源 自 各 機 構 之 撥 款: HK$�港元 HK$�港元 Hong Kong Tourism Board 香港旅遊發展局 Management fees 管理費用 1,650,000 1,650,000 Reimbursement for additional activities 發還舉辦額外活動費用 600,000 400,000 2,250,000 2,050,000

3. SURPLUS BEFORE TAX 稅前盈餘 2018年 2017年 This is stated after charging: 稅 前 盈 餘 已扣 除: HK$�港元 HK$�港元

Staff costs 職員開支 Employee bene ts expenses 僱員福利開支 1,651,421 1,548,040 Contributions to de ned contribution plan 界定供款計劃之供款 37,197 35,946 1,688,618 1,583,986

4. TAXATION 稅項 Hong Kong Pro ts Tax has been provided at the rate of 16.5% (2017: 16.5%) 於截至2018年3月31日止年度,香港利得稅乃按本會年內於 on the Association’s net estimated assessable pro ts arising from Hong Kong 香港產生之估計應課稅溢利以16.5% (2017年: 16.5%) 稅 during the year. 率 作出 撥 備。

The charge comprises: 稅 項 包 括: 2018年 2017年 HK$�港元 HK$�港元 Current tax 目前稅項 Hong Kong Pro ts Tax 香港利得稅 Current year 本年度 47,695 26,136 Over-provision in prior year 過往年度超額撥備 (20) (25) Total tax charge for the year 本年度稅項總計 47,675 26,111

2018年 2017年 Reconciliation of tax expense 稅項開支之對賬 HK$ 港元 HK$ 港元

Surplus before tax 稅前盈餘 470,751 280,458

Income tax at applicable tax rate of 按適用稅率16.5%計算之 77,674 46,276 16.5% (2017: 16.5%) 利 得 稅( 2017年: 16.5%) Tax exempt revenue 免課稅收入 (5) (6) Unrecognised temporary differences 未確認暫時性差異 26 (134) Over-provision in prior year 過往年度超額撥備 (20) (25) Tax concession for the year 本年度稅務寬減 (30,000) (20,000) Tax expense for the year 本年度之稅項開支 47,675 26,111

5. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 物 業、廠 房及 設 備 Furniture�and�fixtures Office�equipment Total Reconciliation of carrying amount 賬面值之對賬 傢俬及設備 辦公室設備 總額 - year ended 31 March 2017 -�截至2017年3月31日止年度 HK$�港元 HK$�港元 HK$ 港元 At beginning of the year 年初 - - - Additions 購置 - 14,350 14,350 Depreciation 財務報表附註 折舊 - (14,350) (14,350) At end of the reporting period 於報告期末 - - -

Reconciliation of carrying amount 賬面值之對賬 - year ended 31 March 2018 -�截至2018年�3月31日止年度 At beginning of the year 年初 - - - Additions 購置 - 107,585 107,585 Depreciation 折舊 - (107,585) (107,585) At the end of the reporting period 於報告期末 - - -

At 1 April 2017 於2017年4月1日 Cost 成本 2,000 349,591 351,591 Accumulated depreciation 累積折舊 (2,000) (349,591) (351,591) - - - At 31 March 2018 於2018年3月31日 Cost 成本 2,000 283,482 285,482

QTSA Annual report | Notes to the Financial Statements Accumulated depreciation 累積折舊 (2,000) (283,482) (285,482) 38 - - - 6. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 應收賬款 Note 附註 2018年 2017年 Account receivables 應收賬款 HK$�港元 HK$�港元 From third parties 來自第三方 2,600 1,400 From a related party 來自關連方 6(a) 400,000 400,000 6(b) 402,600 401,200

6(a) The account receivables from a related party is unsecured, interest free and without 6(a) 應收關連方款項乃無抵押、免息、及無固定還款期。於報表 credit period. At the end of the reporting period, no provision has been made for 期末,本會並沒有對尚未還款的應收賬款作出呆壞賬撥備。 non-repayment of the receivables. 6(b) 本會並無就該等賬款結餘持有任何質押。 6(b) All the accounts receivable are not yet due for both years.

7. DEFERRED EXPENDITURE/DEFERRED INCOME 遞延支出/遞延收入 A project called “Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry 一項計劃名為「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」 through sharing wisdom” (“the Project”) was launched in January 2017 and it (「計劃」)於2017年1月推行並於本年度完成。 was completed as at the end of the reporting period. 上年度之遞延支出指就該計劃向香港生產力促進局之 At 31 March 2017, deferred expenditure represented the expenses paid/payable 已付/應付費用,遞延收入指從香港特別行政區工業貿 to Hong Kong Productivity Council for the Project, while deferred income 易署之預收政府補助。相關的遞延支出及遞延收入已 represented SME Development Fund received in advance from Trade and 於本年度在計劃完成時於全面收益報表中確認。 Industry Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the Project. On completion of the Project, both deferred expenditure and income were recognised in the statement of comprehensive income during the year.

8 MEMBERSHIP FEES RECEIVED IN ADVANCE 預收會員費 Annual membership fees are collected every January and recognised in 會員年費於每年1月收取,並按12個月期間於全面收益表中 pro t or loss over a 12 months period to December. The amount represents 確認。此預收金額為於報告期末已收取年費之預收且未能 unearned portion of fees received at the end of the reporting period. 確認收入部份。

9. DEFERRED TAXATION 遞延稅項 The Association has not recognised deferred tax asset in respect of 本會並無確認有關可扣稅暫時性差異之遞延稅項資產,金 deductible temporary difference of HK$3,995 (2017: HK$3,359). 額為3,995港元(2017年: 3,359港元)。

The deductible temporary differences have no expiry date under current tax 根據現行稅例,可扣稅暫時性差異並無屆滿日期。本會並 legislation. Deferred tax asset has not been recognised because it is not 未確認該遞延稅項資產,其原因為本會不預期未來將獲得 probable that future taxable pro t may be available against which the 應課稅溢利以進行抵銷而實現利益。 Association can utilise the bene ts therefrom.

10. CASH GENERATED FROM OPERATIONS 經營業務所得現金 2018年 2017年 HK$�港元 HK$�港元 Surplus before tax 稅前盈餘 470,751 280,458 Depreciation 折舊 107,585 14,350 Interest income 利息收入 (31) (34) Changes in working capital: 營運資金之變動: Accounts receivable 應收賬項 (1,200) (100,200) Prepayments 預付款項 5,167 950 Deferred expenditure 遞延支出 1,066,520 (1,066,520) Deferred income 遞延收入 (1,021,016) 1,021,016 Membership fees received in advance 預收會員費 (1,800) (7,290) Accrued expenses and accounts payable 應計費用及應付賬項 (19,919) (117,795)

Cash generated from operations 經營業務所得現金 606,057 24,935 財務報表附註

11. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS 關連方交易 In addition to transactions / information disclosed elsewhere in these 除財務報表所披露之其他交易/資料之外,本會於本年度 nancial statements, during the year, the Association rendered services to a 已按照一般業務運作服務協議之條款,向關連方「香港 related party, Hong Kong Tourism Board, under the terms of a service 旅遊發展局」提供服務,所得相關金額總計2,250,000 agreement entered into in the ordinary course of business amounting to 港元(2017年: 2,050,000港元)。 HK$2,250,000 (2017: HK$2,050,000). QTSA Annual report | Notes to the Financial Statements 39 12. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT 財務風險管理 The Association’s principal nancial instruments comprise of accounts 本會之主要財務工具包括由本會業務直接產生之應收賬款、 receivable, cash and bank balances, accrued expenses and accounts payable, 現金及銀行結存、應計費用及應付賬項。該等財務工具之主 which arise directly from its business activities. The main purpose of these 要目的在於籌集及維持本會經營業務之資金。本會毋須承擔 nancial instruments is to raise and maintain nance for the Association’s 任何流動性風險或信貸風險,蓋因本會擁有充足累積資金 operations. The Association is not subject to any liquidity risk nor credit risk as 經營業務,且本會之會員費或培訓活動費用大部份之款項均 it has suf cient accumulated funds to run its operation and its membership fee 會 預 先 收 取。 or training activities fee are mostly received in advance.

Funds management 資金管理 The objective of the Association’s fund management is to safeguard the 本會在管理資金時,乃以保障本會持續經營能力為宗旨。截 Association’s ability to continue as a going concern. No changes were made 至2018年及2017年3月31日止年度,上述目標、政策或程序 in the objectives, policies or processes during the years ended 31 March 概 無出現任 何 變 動。 2018 and 2017.

13. INFORMATION ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS 有關惠及本執行委員會成員的資料 The following disclosures are presented pursuant to section 383 of the Hong 根據香港《公司條例》第383條的披露規定,本會就惠及本執 Kong Companies Ordinances. 行委員會成員的資料作下列披露:

(a) Council members’ remuneration (a)�執行委員會委員酬金 There is no council members’ remuneration for the year (2017: Nil). 本會於本年度內並沒有給予執行委員會委員酬金(2017 年: 零)。 (b) Loans, quasi-loans and other dealings in favour of council members There is no loans, quasi-loans or other dealings in favour of the council (b)�向執行委員會成員貸款及作出類似貸款,和惠及執行委 members of the Association that were entered into or subsisted during 員會成員的其他交易 the year (2017: Nil). 本會於本年度內並沒有向本執行委員會成員貸款及作出 類似貸款,和進行任何惠及本執行委員會成員的其他交 (c) Council members’ material interests in transactions, arrangements 易(2017年: 零)。 or contracts After consideration, the council members are of the opinion that no (c) 本執行委員會成員於交易、安排或合約的重大權益 transactions, arrangements and contracts of signi cance in relation to 本會於本年度年終或於年內任何時間內並無訂立任 the Association’s business to which the Association was a party and in 何與本會業務有關之任何交易、安排或合約,導致本 which a council member of the Association had a material interest, 執行委員會成員或其關連實體直接或間接獲得重大 whether directly or indirectly, subsisted at the end of the year or at any 權益(2017年: 零)。 time during the year (2017: Nil). 財務報表附註

This Chinese Report has been translated from English version. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English QTSA Annual report | Notes to the Financial Statements version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. 40 此中文報告為英文版本譯本,如中、英文兩個版本有任何不一致或不相符之處,應以英文版本為準。 協會簡介 About QTSA

優質旅遊服務協會(QTSA)為本港最具規模的商會之一。擁有近1,300名零售、餐飲及其他服務業會員,涵 蓋本港超過8,000間商舖。

QTSA乃香港旅遊發展局的策略夥伴,致力宣揚優質旅遊服務的重要及專注籌辦會員活動,提升會員的服務水平。 為反映協會對優質旅遊服務的支持,協會大部份會員已成為香港旅遊發展局「優質旅遊服務」計劃認證商戶。

Quality Tourism Services Association (QTSA) is one of the leading trade associations in Hong Kong, consisting of near 1,300 members mainly retailers, restaurateurs, other service providers covering more than 8,000 outlets within the territory.

QTSA is an important strategic partner of the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) in promoting quality tourism services and standards and puts its focus on organising activities for members in order to continuously upgrade the service standards in Hong Kong. To better reflect our support to quality tourism services, most of our members now are Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme accredited merchants.

目標 Vision

成為本港最具規模的商會,代表所有具優越服務及產品 商戶,以宣揚香港優質都市形象。

To become the leading trade association in Hong Kong representing total quality to all in order to promote a better image of Hong Kong. 優質旅遊服務計劃 使命 Mission Quality Tourism 優質旅遊服務協會關注香港的零售業,以及與旅遊相關行 Services Scheme 業的利益,並致力改善它們的服務水平及整體利益: 香港旅遊發展局設立「優質旅遊服務」計劃,以推動香港 • 為業界訂定高水平的會員作業守則,以維持高質素的服 旅遊業不斷提升服務質素。 務操守及客戶服務水平 • 透過培訓提升服務質素 此服務認證計劃於1999年推出,零售商戶、餐館及旅遊住宿 • 代表業界,與香港特別行政區政府各部門及私營機構緊 服務均可申請參加。如申請商戶的服務水平符合評審準則, 密聯繫,創造更有效率和更有利的營商環境 將可成為「優質旅遊服務」計劃認證商戶,並獲頒發「優質 • 透過本會的市場推廣和宣傳網絡,增加會員的商機 旅遊服務」標誌,代表商戶向顧客提供優質服務的承諾,更 可協助旅客識別其「優質旅遊服務供應商」的身份。 The Quality Tourism Services Association is committed to looking after the interests and improving the standards and As part of its on-going efforts to elevate service standards prosperity of Hong Kong's retail and tourism-related sectors by: in Hong Kong’s tourism industry, the Hong Kong Tourism • setting high ethical standards and enhancing customer Board (HKTB) has established a Quality Tourism Services satisfaction through the establishment and maintenance (QTS) Scheme. of an industry Codes of Practice and the promotion of service excellence Officially launched in 1999, the QTS Scheme is a service

• raising service quality through training and seminars certification programme whereby retailers, restaurants, and 協會簡介 • representing the industry as a collective body to work with visitor accommodation providing quality tourism services, that the HKSAR Government, government agencies and the having fulfilled a prescribed set of assessment criteria, will be private sector to create a more efficient and prosperous certified as QTS merchants under the Scheme. business environment • enhancing the visibility of members through the Association's QTS Merchant is entitled to display the Quality Tourism Services network and via focused marketing and promotional support. decal as an identification of its QTS status and recognition of its pledge for provision of quality services to customers. QTSA Annual report | About QTSA 41 商戶如欲了解參加辦法及收費詳情,可致電2807 6280或電郵到[email protected]查詢。 Those interested in joining the QPoint Merchant Program can call us at 28076280 or send an email to [email protected] for more details.

優質旅遊服務協會 Quality Tourism Services Association

香港北角威非路道18號萬國寶通中心11樓 11th Floor, Citicorp Centre, 18 Whit eld Road, North Point, Hong Kong 網址 Website: www.qtsa.com | 傳真 Fax: 2807 6360