智 慧 伴 旅 遊 質 優 共 籌 謀 QTSA Annual Report Building Quality 2017-18 年報 Smart Tourism 目錄 Content Chairman’s Report 01-03 主席匯報 Governing Council 04-05 執行委員會 After downward adjustment in the previous two years, visitor arrivals 渡過了兩年的調整期,香港旅遊及相關行業在 regained momentum in 2017. With the improvement of the external 2017年終於重拾增長動力,加上外圍環境改善, Committees environment, the tourism service industry in Hong Kong has returned to 令香港旅遊業及零售業回復增長,情況更持續好 06-08 委員會 growth and continues to improve consistently. QTSA has taken the 轉。優質旅遊服務協會就此抓緊機遇,加強與各 opportunity to strengthen cooperation with various stakeholders and 持分者及會員合作,積極推動宣傳及培訓工作, 09-22 The Year in Review 17-18 年度回顧17-18 members, by organising different kinds of activities to help our members 為會員業界開拓更多商機。 09-10 � Unifying Quality Through Connection 聯繫優質 團結業界 explore more business opportunities in this climate. 11-15 � Promote Quality Overseas 展現優質 宣揚國際 16-17 � Promote Quality and Create Business Opportunity 推廣優質 締結商機 Mainland China remains the largest visitor market for Hong Kong, 內地正是香港最大的客源市場,佔整體訪港旅客 18-19 � Strive for Quality Through Training 追求優質 培訓傳承 accounting for 76% of the total visitors in 2017, near 4% increase from the 百份之七十六,並在2017年錄得近百份之四的 20-22 � Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry previous year. Given that QTSA must take every opportunity to strengthen 穩健升幅,協會當然要鞏固國內的推廣活動。為 through “sharing wisdom” Project promotion in Mainland China, QTSA has for the first time, cooperated with 增加香港年青人對優質旅遊服務及中國內地發展 「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項目 an educational institution to jointly organise a study tour to Shenzhen on 12 的認識,協會首次與教育機構合作,邀請了20多 April 2017. Over 20 teachers and students participated in this event aimed 名師生參與2017年4月12日的深圳考察團。繼而 at increasing the awareness of Hong Kong students about quality tourism Membership List 在2017年6月7至9日與浙江旅遊職業學院合作, 23-28 會員名錄 services as well as the development of Mainland China. In turn, in 邀請了20多名師生來港交流,走訪香港旅遊發展 cooperation with the Tourism College of Zhejiang, QTSA arranged a study 局,並出席「香港旅遊業現況」講座,以了解香 tour of Hong Kong for 24 teachers and students from 7 to 9 June 2017. 港旅遊服務業的情況。 Report of the Council Through the seminar “The Present Situation of Tourism in Hong Kong” held 29-30 委員會報告 by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, participants gained an in depth understanding of quality tourism services in our city. Financial Statements 31-40 財務報告 About QTSA 41 協會簡介 QTSA has published a seasonal shopping and dining supplement since 協會由2010年起便與「香港自由行資訊」合作,於旅 The SME Development Fund of the Trade and Industry Department was 2017年協會再次獲得工業貿易署中小企業發展支援基 2010. The Hong Kong Guide remains the best channel for members to 遊旺季,包括暑假、聖誕、新春等推出「優質旅遊服務 granted to QTSA once again in 2017. The funding went toward the 金撥款,推出「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項 feature their quality services and products to attract high-spending 協會會員商戶節慶優惠專輯」,為會員提供一個推廣 Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through 目,以輔助中小企業增強營業額和改善服務質素,繼而 mainland visitors. Now on its second year, The QTSA UnionPay Card 各項優質產品和服務的廣闊平台。協會又再次夥拍「銀 “sharing wisdom” Project, aimed at helping SMEs add sales and 提高香港旅遊服務業的競爭力。為加強宣傳,協會特於 Summer Promotion 2017 ran from 15 July to 31 August. With nearly 200 聯卡」舉辦為期一個多月的「銀聯卡」大型推廣活動, strengthen service standard, ultimately enhancing the competitiveness 2017年8月22日假香港生產力舉辦「提升旅遊服務業營 members joining this promotion, UnionPay cardholders received 由2017年7月15日至8月31日,提供購物與飲食折扣優 of Hong Kong’s tourism industry. At a ceremony held at the HKPC 商能力,眾智求勝」項目發佈會,並獲得各界名人出席支 discounts from some of the best shopping and dining establishments. The 惠予銀聯卡持卡人。全港近200家商戶參與是次活動, Building on 22 August 2017 attended by senior government officials, ten 持。啟動儀式後,協會所拍攝的十套培訓短片亦正式上 promotion was extremely popular not only among visitors from the 深 受 旅 客及 廣 大市民 歡 迎。 sets of training videos were officially uploaded to the QTSA Digitalised 載至「優質服務網上學」電子學習平台。旅遊服務業界 Mainland and abroad but among Hong Kong residents as well. Learning Platform, allowing industry professionals to access training 可隨時透過電子學習平台,免費觀看短片及獲取最新的 為宣揚「優質旅遊服務」計劃,協會經常參與各大型活 videos and learning materials at their convenience and free of charge. 優質服務學習材料。 To promote the Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme, QTSA participated 動。由香港旅遊發展局主辦、中國香港龍舟總會合辦 in local mega events. QTSA, along with Sa Sa Cosmetic Company Limited 的「香港龍舟嘉年華」在2017年6月2日至4日期間於中 Another key project was launched this year in line with the development 「Q優點」是優質旅遊服務協會今年推出的重點項目,為配 and Tai Hing Catering Group, sponsored the “Quality Tourism Services 環海濱舉行。協會聯同莎莎化粧品有限公司及太興飲 of Smart Tourism. With the full support of the Tourism Commission and 合發展「智慧旅遊」的大趨勢,優質旅遊服務協會得到旅 Association International Women’s Grand Championship” in the Hong 食集團贊助其中一項國際賽事 —「優質旅遊服務協會 the Hong Kong Tourism Board and in partnership with Cherrypicks and 遊事務署和香港旅遊發展局的全力支持,伙拍創奇思和香 Kong Dragon Boat Carnival held from 2 to 4 June 2017. During the 國際女子金盃賽」,並於場內設置攤位及派發紀念品, Hong Kong Productivity Council, QTSA launched the new QPoint app, a 港生產力促 進局推出全新「Q優 點」手機 程式,「Q優 點」 International Chinese New Year Parade on the first day of the Year of Dog, 藉以提高協會及贊助會員商戶的知名度,同時為品牌 location-based marketing platform. Utilising Starbeacon and GPS, the 提供全面的數碼化會員獎賞功能,商戶按市場反應自主發 a dazzling array of QTS-accredited merchants’ products and delicacies 宣傳。本地年度盛事,新春國際匯演之夜於大年初一 QPoint app allows merchants to push personalised discount and Q+ 出近距離推播或個人化優惠券,以Starbeacon向用戶發放 were featured on the float. It successfully displayed the diversity of 舉行,當晚來自世界各地的表演隊伍及多架花車與全 offers based on the user’s purchase history and preferences. Q+優惠,旅客和市民免費登記可即享全城優質購物飲食 shopping and dining choices awaiting visitors. It also gave us a chance to 球各地的旅客和香港市民一起慶賀新歲,花車匯聚了 Consumers can receive Q+ coupons throughout the city after they 優惠。同時,參與商戶透過收集大數據,更可以深入探討 wish Hong Kong a prosperous Year of the Dog. 「優質旅遊服務」計劃認可商戶的貨品及美食,閃耀出 register on the app for free. QPoint allows merchants to study user data 顧客消費模式,洞悉市場先機,有助訂立營銷策略。 香港購物和餐飲業的豐盛繽紛,同時祝願香港在 and spending patterns to help their brands engage with their customers “Sharing of Business Elites 2017”, one of the most important events on 2018年繁榮興旺、國泰民安。 better in line with their marketing goals. 過 去 一年協 會 致 力為 會 員 業 界 拓 展 商 機,共 同 奮 鬥、群 策 the QTSA calendar, was held on 2 June 2017 at the Hong Kong 群力,而整體市況亦持續增長,總算可以再嚐甘露。但此 Convention and Exhibition Centre. Through this platform, trade leaders 協會其中一個重要項目 —「翹楚匯」於2017年6月2日 Last year, the Quality Tourism Services Association worked very hard 刻外圍經濟呈現隱憂,內地市場亦受到貿戰衝擊, 恐怕香 share their invaluable experiences to inspire QTSA members. The topics 假 香 港 會 議 展 覽 中 心 舉 行。主 題 為「創 新 轉 型 」,邀請 with members to explore business opportunities. Business conditions 港也難獨善其身,協會及會員定要團結合作,未雨綢繆, for the talks centred on the themes of “Innovative Transformation” and 多位業界精英,分享他們創新轉型之道,另一嶄新主題 continue to improve, which the whole industry could finally benefit from. 才可排除萬難勇往向前。猶幸本港兩大基建 — 高鐵及港 “Online-To-Offline Commerce”. The 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 為「O2O電子商務」,嘉賓們提供了現時電子商務發展 However, there is a possibility of global economic threats, plus China is in 珠 澳 大 橋 即 將 落 成 啟 用,有 望 帶 動 更 多 旅 客 來 港 消 費,若 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation 的情況,讓同業了解市場最新走勢。協會另外兩個大型 trade war with USA. Fortunately the two major infrastructures, the new 業界能作好準備,定能把握這個黃金機遇。優質旅遊服務 Ceremony and the 23rd Annual General Meeting were other annual 盛事 — 23周年晚宴暨2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒 gateway of Express Rail Link and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, will 協會以「智慧伴旅遊,質優共籌謀」為使命,與大家一同 networking events to enhance collaboration among members. 獎典禮和第二十三屆周年大會,不單為會員擴大溝通網 be in operation soon. Hopefully, this will encourage more tourism visits 進退,讓香港旅遊及相關行業共同締造出另一翻新景象。 路,還 可增 進 互 相 瞭 解 及 合 作 關 係。 to Hong Kong and stimulate the overall tourism receipts. QTSA will leverage this opportunity, and will march forward with our members, “Building Quality Smart Tourism”, towards a new horizon. 主席匯報 Chairman’s Report Mr Ken Chan Wing On 陳永安先生 After downward adjustment in the previous two years, visitor arrivals 渡過了兩年的調整期,香港旅遊及相關行業在 regained momentum in 2017. With the improvement of the external 2017年終於重拾增長動力,加上外圍環境改善, environment, the tourism service industry in Hong Kong has returned to 令香港旅遊業及零售業回復增長,情況更持續好 growth and continues to improve consistently. QTSA has taken the 轉。優質旅遊服務協會就此抓緊機遇,加強與各 opportunity to strengthen cooperation with various stakeholders and 持分者及會員合作,積極推動宣傳及培訓工作, members, by organising different kinds of activities to help our members 為會員業界開拓更多商機。 explore more business opportunities in this climate. Mainland China remains the largest visitor market for Hong Kong, 內地正是香港最大的客源市場,佔整體訪港旅客 accounting for 76% of the total visitors in 2017, near 4% increase from the 百份之七十六,並在2017年錄得近百份之四的 previous year. Given that QTSA must take every opportunity to strengthen 穩健升幅,協會當然要鞏固國內的推廣活動。為 promotion in Mainland China, QTSA has for the first time, cooperated with 增加香港年青人對優質旅遊服務及中國內地發展 an educational institution to jointly organise a study tour to Shenzhen on 12 的認識,協會首次與教育機構合作,邀請了20多 April 2017. Over 20 teachers and students participated in this event aimed 名師生參與2017年4月12日的深圳考察團。繼而 at increasing the awareness of Hong Kong students about quality tourism 在2017年6月7至9日與浙江旅遊職業學院合作, services as well as the development of Mainland China. In turn, in 邀請了20多名師生來港交流,走訪香港旅遊發展 cooperation with the Tourism College of Zhejiang, QTSA arranged a study 局,並出席「香港旅遊業現況」講座,以了解香 tour of Hong Kong for 24 teachers and students from 7 to 9 June 2017. 港旅遊服務業的情況。 Through the seminar “The Present Situation of Tourism in Hong Kong” held by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, participants gained an in depth understanding of quality tourism services in
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