YMCA of Greater New York THE JOURNEY IS Y Association Office, 5 West 63rd Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10023, (212) 630-9600 YMCA of Greater New York • • 2011 Annual Report After School Academy 2 Y Scholars 4 Diabetes Prevention 6 New Americans 8 Volunteers of the Year 10 Chairman/CEO letter 12 Our Donors and Financials 13 Board of Directors 28 Our Leadership 29 Our Branches 30 The Y journey is the journey of life Life is a parade of events — dreams, ambitions, challenges.

The YMCA traces the journey of life with programs that match many of life’s most important milestones. Each year of our lives brings new challenges and the Y enhances our ability to face them with courage and confidence.

That’s why we offer child care. After school programs. Camps. College and work readiness. Health and fitness. Family and senior activities. Neighbors helping new neighbors and new residents and new citizens. People working together to make tomorrow a little better than today. Making the journey of life a little easier, a little sweeter, a little richer.

Life is a journey. And the journey is Y.

In this Annual Report, we examine four key programs out of the dozens we offer. Two focus on the young, and two focus on people of all ages.

Y after school y scholars diabetes prevention new americans child AdolesCENT Adult senior

230933LDI_Narr_R2.indd 1 3/22/12 5:01 PM 1 The start of the journey is heeding the call School success is the first step to life success — and Y After School paves the way

Education is crucial in order to provide our children with a better future and a richer experience in life. But our children’s learning does not stop when the final school bell rings. After school programs, like those run by the YMCA, can be an integral part of that education, ensuring that our young people are safe, engaged and better prepared for the challenges they’ll face later in life.

Dennis M. Walcott Chancellor Department of Education


230933LDI_Narr_r1.indd 2 3/21/12 2:52 AM “Kids who are not in Y After School are spending that time engaged in risky behaviors. The kids who do participate have fewer distractions — they’re getting their homework done and they’re engaged in positive activites.”

“The Y has been able to tap into the school socially, academically and on a more global perspective where you’re able to see an immediate change in the students’ behavior, and their response to the school community and the family at large. The students are learning to set goals and accomplish them. That makes them feel fulfilled and engaged in activities that are going to generate positive results -- activities they haven’t been exposed to during the regular school day. Students are becoming true leaders and making an impact. They actively recruit for Y After School among the friends they worry about – the ones they know are at risk. They want their friends to participate because they know otherwise they will do things they shouldn’t be doing. And the families are really excited because they feel that the children are being more responsible, more mature – they’re engaged, they’re motivated and they see the change in their behavior. They stay in school longer.”

Nancy Diaz Principal, Bronx MS 376

The hours between leaving school and parents’ returning from work are among the most significant in any child’s day. These are the decisive hours that can be lost to passivity and temptation, or devoted to productive learning.

The Y collaborates with New York schools to provide a seamless learning environment that offers opportunities for New York youth to expand their horizons and to get ahead.


230933LDI_Narr_r1.indd 3 3/21/12 2:52 AM “Y Scholars introduced me to the very concept of going to college, and I’m planning to major in education. The Y helps people with whatever they want to do — and sometimes helps them figure out just what it is they want to do. I tell people all the benefits they will get, the skills I learned, and all the opportunities that I’ve experienced as a result of the Y Scholars program.”

Ryan Louis Current Y Scholar at McBurney YMCA Gramercy Arts High School

For many New York families, the road to college is uncertain and filled with obstacles. Each year, Y Scholars takes a new class of 6th graders on a seven-year guided path to college, until more than 1,000 teens are college ready. The program helps students and their families take ownership of the high school experience to grasp college — in many cases for the first time — as a real and attainable option.

Y Scholars offers academic enrichment, tutoring, mentoring and coaching, and career, leader- ship and life-skills programming to young people continuously from 6th grade through college graduation. The program includes field trips, college tours, internships and academic support — it’s part career readiness, part college prep, and totally fun.

The imagination of city youth is a vast untapped source of energy. When we motivate and prepare them for a life of productivity, we set them up for every kind of success — personal, occupational, societal. Helping young people break through to see the power of their own potential is the first step to inspiring them to be ready for college, ready for leadership, ready for life.

The Reverend Joseph M. McShane, S.J. President, Fordham University and YMCA Board Member


230933LDI_Narr_r1.indd 4 3/21/12 2:52 AM The heart of the journey exists in us all Y Scholar Ryan Louis and graduate Rahim Rafiq show us how they prepare for the journey

“If I hadn’t been a Y Scholar, I wouldn’t be as outspoken as I am now. The Y helped me to develop my speaking skills and grow as a person. The Y offers something for everyone -- they can help you with work, help you volunteer, or help you with just about anything. I made a lot of friends at the Y that I might not have made in school. The Y brought us together, and helped us all appreciate how different people think.”

Rahim Rafiq Former Y Scholar at Greenpoint YMCA Now in his second year at SUNY Canton 5

230933LDI_Narr_r1.indd 5 3/21/12 2:52 AM The joy of the journey is feeling alive The Y helped Nancy Reyes and her daughter feel more at home in their own bodies


One in 10 New York adults has diabetes: More than the national average of 8.3%. Nearly 1/4 of New York adults are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. More than 90% may not be aware. Over a half-ton of improvement In the first year of operation, more than 200 New Yorkers enrolled in the YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program lost more than 1,000 lbs. collectively

Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene,


230933LDI_Narr_r1.indd 6 3/21/122 2:52 AM 3 “I’m doing something now that is positive for both of us,” Nancy says, “and I want to tell everyone about it.”

Nancy and Leela Reyes McBurney Y Members

Though she had once been active and athletic, the busy schedule of Nancy Reyes kept her constantly preoccupied. Nothing was simple for this 49-year old single mom with a nine-year-old daughter and a successful job. The rush after work to make dinner, help daughter Leela with homework, and spend family time seemed to leave no room to pre- pare healthier meals or to exercise.

Knowing that her own health was one of the best gifts she could give her daughter, she committed to the YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program, 16 weeks of sessions with others facing the same health issues.

Through a coordinated, convenient and controlled process, Nancy received professional health, nutrition and exercise information and guidance. She learned to make small di- etary and lifestyle changes with powerful effects. Perhaps more importantly, she found a supportive group, with members sharing tips, overcoming compulsive eating patterns, and learning to incorporate exercise into their full schedules.

When Nancy graduated from the program, her life had changed far beyond the 17 pounds she had lost — exceeding her goal. Nancy proves that, with the help of the Y, a mother’s or father’s good health is one of the best gifts they can give to their children.

Health is the springboard of life. Learning, community involvement, productive living — all of these are enhanced when your health is good. The YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program embodies a scientifically proven strategy of health enhancement that is especially well suited to being implemented at the Y. By encouraging better health we all help make New York a better, a smarter, and certainly a happier city. John Rowe, MD Professor, Mailman School Chairman and CEO (retired), Aetna Vice Chair, YMCA Board of Directors


2 230933LDI_Narr_r1.indd 7 3/21/12 2:52 AM 3 “I’m from Hong Kong but I was born in Indonesia. In 2010 we moved to New York, and two months later my brother-in-law took me to Flushing Y because I had known the YMCA in Hong Kong.”

“The Y is like a big family, so coming here was like joining a family I already knew. My son is on the Flushing Y swim team, and I am learning computer skills to help me find a good job. The Y’s New Americans Welcome Center has helped my English improve so I can better communicate with teachers, staff and students at my son’s school.”

Evisilvana Susanto Flushing YMCA Member

The YMCA is recognized around the world. That’s one reason why newcomers to the United States are attracted to the Y — they are often unexpectedly meeting an old friend in a new country.

Welcoming new Americans is an important part of the Y’s roster of programs. Our New American Welcome Centers focus on helping newcomers of all ages with proficiency in English, computer literacy, work readiness and citizenship participation. These services complement our usual offerings in health and fitness as well as child care, offering a true family-centric welcome.

New York’s five boroughs are the world in miniature, which is why we have six different New American Welcome Centers focusing on groups from Africa, Asia and Latin America. We believe that to feel at home anywhere, it helps to have someone greet your arrival and support your need to assimilate.

As the daughter of immigrants, I know first-hand the importance of welcoming new immigrants to our City. The Y’s New Americans Welcome Centers are a reflection of New York’s eagerness to embrace new cultures and willingness to help newcomers experience the fullness of American life and all that New York City has to offer.

Fatima Shama Commissioner Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs


230933LDI_Narr_R2.indd 8 3/22/12 5:01 PM The point of the journey is where you arrive Through the Y, Oscar Hernandez and Evisilvana Susanto discover there’s no place like a new home

“Twenty years ago I moved here from Pueblo, Mexico, and now live in Brooklyn. I went to private language school but it was expensive, and my friend told me the YMCA had free English classes. I have also taken computer classes at the Y, and even volunteered to teach them. My wife, two daughters and I are all members who go to the Y for programs, the gym and the pool. Now the Y is going to help me prepare to take the GED. I work for a medical prosthetics company, and all the preparation the Y gives me will help me with my work.”

Oscar Hernandez Prospect Park YMCA Member


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230933LDI_Narr_r1.indd 10 3/21/12 2:52 AM “YMCA camping absolutely changed my life journey, and now I volunteer in all areas of the Y to help others experience why the YMCA is so great.”

Emani Daniels YMCA Member

Volunteers of the Year

Association Flatbush YMCA Long Island City Staten Island YMCA Emani Daniels Swan Swan Myint YMCA Rocco Graziano Sal Maglietta Nancy Miller Elvira Rodriguez Joanne Cook Marjorie Altamirano Bedford-Stuyvesant Flushing YMCA Vanderbilt YMCA Felix Vasquez Meiling Cui McBurney YMCA Damisha Fraser Kelvin O. Diamond Kathleen Maggi Damaris Figueroa Andrew Curtis Howard Stevens Bronx YMCA Greenpoint YMCA West Side YMCA Malamin Conteh Rebecca George New York YMCA Camp Sasha Miller Eliezer Rodriguez Bobbi Kennedy Maude Bute Suzanne Benson Fiordaliza A. Rodriguez Charlie Remi Susan Stockdale Robotti

Chinatown YMCA Harlem YMCA North Brooklyn Yihao Song Melissa Kong YMCA Rosa Colon Roger G. Arrieux, Jr. Steffany Tineo Phyllis White-Thorne Cross Island YMCA International YMCA Justice Samuel Bryant Medina Prospect Park YMCA Brian Leung Perri Freeman Alvin Moreira Diana Rosado Dodge YMCA Jamaica YMCA Gabriel Sturdivant Brianna Young Ridgewood YMCA Melissa Glass Bernard Warren Matthew Smith Patricio Gonzalez

“It’s an honor to be recognized by the YMCA of Greater New York. The Y is an organization I am proud to be associated with because it’s open to everyone, promotes positive values and proactively supports kids, families and communities through a variety of programs.”

Sal Maglietta YMCA Board Member


230933LDI_Narr_r1.indd 11 3/21/12 2:52 AM “One by one we change the lives of nearly a half million New Yorkers. We are New York City’s largest private youth- serving organization.”

The Y journey changes lives

Changing lives is a serious business. Today we loyalty of our members, or the profound sense help a child with homework, help an immigrant of uplift we receive from our volunteers and learn English, help an inner city kid get to donors. college, or help a single mom prevent diabetes. Positive results are often immediate — but wait The Y improves life’s journey for everyone. With until tomorrow when the real impact will be felt. $50 million annually in subsidized programs, we see to it that nobody who wants to participate In a world infatuated with short-term results, in a Y program is turned away. And, thanks to we prefer to take the long view. The child we your involvement and your generosity, in the help today will become a productive adult years coming year we will continue to expand the from now. The difference we make is not always range and extent of the services we offer all quantifiable but it is tangible and real, and it New Yorkers. enriches the life of New York City. Thank you for joining us on our historic journey. One by one we change the lives of New Yorkers. We are New York City’s largest private youth- serving organization. We could not achieve what we do every day without the strong leadership of our Board, the dedication of our staff, the Jack Lund diana L. Taylor CEO Chair


230933LDI_Narr_R2.indd 12 3/22/12 5:01 PM Donor Lists and Financials

230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 13 3/21/12 3:15 AM Next Century Capital Campaign

Over the next decade, the YMCA of Greater New York is committed to an Generous donors, including those listed, have made significant and aggressive revitalization and renewal plan to increase exponentially the meaningful contributions to help expand the YMCA’s capacity to serve YMCA programs and services available to New York City kids, families through the Next Century capital program. and communities by: For additional information about the YMCA of Greater New York’s community- • Expanding our capacity to reach underserved communities building program, please contact Gary Laermer, Chief Development Officer, at [email protected]. • Revitalizing and/or replacing YMCAs that have served us well, but are not capable of meeting the challenges that communities are facing in the 21st century and beyond.

Gifts of $1 Million or more Gifts of $50,000 or more New York State Assembly

Bloomberg KPMG LLP Hon. Sheldon Silver, Speaker The Clark Foundation William K. Lee, M.D. and Hwain Chang Lee, D. Min. Hon. James Brennan Con Edison Thomas Murn Hon. Richard N. Gottfried The Starr Foundation Julianne and Clayton S. Rose Hon. Cathy Nolan Hon. Felix Ortiz Gifts of $750,000 or more Gifts of $25,000 or more Hon. Audrey I. Pheffer Hon. Michele R. Titus Silver Family Foundation - Kent and Catherine Crook Hon. Keith L.T. Wright Justin P., Rhonda A., and Robert H. Silver Randy M. Mastro Daniel A. Neff Office of the Brooklyn Borough President Gifts of $500,000 or more Phyllis Poland-Ferriter and Hon. Marty Markowitz Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation, Inc. The Poland Foundation, Inc.

Government Support Office of the Queens Borough President Gifts of $250,000 or more Office of the Mayor, City of New York Hon. Helen M. Marshall Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Hon. Michael R. Bloomberg Charles Hayden Foundation New York City Council

United States Congress Hon. Christine C. Quinn, Speaker Gifts of $150,000 or more Hon. Joseph Crowley Hon. Bill de Blasio Booth Ferris Foundation Hon. Gregory W. Meeks Hon. Daniel R. Garodnick Janice and Bruce Ellig Hon. Jerrold Nadler Hon. Domenic M. Recchia, Jr.

Hon. Charles B. Rangel Hon. James Sanders, Jr. Gifts of $100,000 or more Hon. David I. Weprin Janie Elizabeth Bailey and Michael Musgrave New York State Senate The Hyde and Watson Foundation Hon. Kevin S. Parker Jack and Cieli Lund Hon. Diane Savino The Pinkerton Foundation Hon. Malcolm A. Smith Barry and Evelyn Salzberg The Yu Family Foundation


230933LDI_Financial_R2.indd 14 3/22/12 5:07 PM Strong Kids Campaign

Supporters of the Strong Kids Campaign are making an investment in the future of New York — by strengthening the pulse of the city through our young people. The ongoing success of this campaign will ensure access for all of New York’s kids to benefit from Y facilities and programs.

The people on the following pages enable the YMCA of Greater New York to help keep kids healthy, safe and ready for achievement. Together we will change the future by building a better New York with young people who are socially responsible and strong of mind and body.

Gifts of $1 Million or more Bloomberg Philanthropies The Family Center

Drs. John and Valerie Rowe Douglas and Samara Braunstein Lisa Beth Gerstman Foundation The Coca-Cola Company HSBC Bank USA, N.A. Gifts of $500,000 or more The Deerfield Foundation Innisfree M & A Incorporated Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation, Inc. JCPenney Afterschool Fund and Con Edison Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation JCPenney Company JPMorgan Chase and JPMorgan Chase Foundation Lindsay Goldberg & Co., LLC Korn/Ferry International

Madison Square Garden, LP Kum Gang, Inc. Gifts of $350,000 or more New York Yankees Foundation Marsh & McLennan Companies Deloitte LLP The Nielsen Company Morgan Stanley Foundation PwC Stephen and Tami Murray Gifts of $200,000 or more Verizon Communications NASDAQ OMX New York Life Insurance Company Wells Fargo and The Wells Fargo Foundation NYSE Euronext Foundation and New York Life Foundation Thomas J. Quinlan Gifts of $25,000 or more The Related Companies, LLP Gifts of $100,000 or more Ambrose Monell Foundation RGK Foundation Bloomberg American Express Roc Capital Management LP Citi and Citi Foundation American Heart Association, Inc. SCOPE The Clark Foundation Avon Products, Inc. Silver Family Foundation- Irene D. Collia Trust BNY Mellon Justin P., Rhonda A. and Robert H. Silver Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Brooklyn Community Foundation William E. Simon Foundation ExxonMobil Corporation and Burke Supply Company, Inc. Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP ExxonMobil Foundation Capital Group Companies The Staten Island Foundation The New York Community Trust Richard Cashin Sullivan & Cromwell LLP RLM Finsbury City Parks Foundation United HealthCare Group Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Colgate-Palmolive Company US Bank Cravath, Swaine & Moore Vasey Foundation Gifts of $50,000 or more Diane B. and Robert F. Cummings, Jr. YMCA of the USA Davis Polk & Wardwell Yorkville Community Center Answer Vending Doctoroff Family Foundation Bank of America Energy Association of New York State


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Gifts of $10,000 or more Karen Doeblin John Y. Liu

Ace Cleaning Dorothy Doughty Jack and Cieli Lund Dr. Michael C. Alfano Janice and Bruce Ellig Mackenzie Partners, Inc. Altus One Fund, Inc. EmblemHealth Macy’s and Macy’s Foundation The Answer Group, Inc. Peter Falcone Mars Petcare Ark Investment, Inc. First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica The McGraw-Hill Companies Lily Auchincloss Foundation, Inc. The Foster Family Fund Meridian Capital Partners, Inc. James S. Berger Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP MetLife Estate of Louis P. Braun Gap, Inc. Metro Maintenance Glendon Breedy Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP Alfredo J. Molina Brunswick Group LLC Steven J. Golub Morgans Hotel Group Cabot Creamery Cooperative Grandstand Sports & Memorabilia Mount Sinai Hospital Camp Brooklyn Fund, Inc. Joseph J. Grano, Jr. MTS Health Partners Capital One Bank Greater Jamaica Development Corporation MTV Networks Jean Margaret Smith Card The David and Allan Greene Family Foundation The Munch Bilheimer Foundation Charles Keene Fund Joseph Grisi Eileen K. Murray Chartis Scott and Jeni Ellis Halliday New York Mets Foundation The Children’s Hope Chest, Inc. Harry Winston, Inc. Northfield Bank and Northfield Bank Foundation Clearview Festival Productions The Heckscher Foundation for Children Onex Investment Corporation Common Ground Safe Haven Marten S. Hoekstra P. Schoenfeld Asset Management, LP Community Mediation Services Mark S. Hoplamazian Padula Foundation Cumberland Packing Corporation Interpublic Group Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP Andrew C. Curtis Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher Lee H. Perlman Cushman & Wakefield Jones Day PHD The Dana Foundation Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Polo Ralph Lauren Davis & Gilbert LLP Khym Foundation, Inc. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Tom DeVine KPMG LLP Timothy L. Porter, Esq. Thomas J. Dillman Robert and Jill LeBlanc Proskauer Rose LLP Disney ABC Television Group Robert C. Lieber Putnam Investments Diversified Agency Services Lipper Family Charitable Foundation Richmond County Savings Foundation


230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 16 3/21/12 3:15 AM Robinson & Cole LLP Gifts of $5,000 or more Paul Custer

Suzanne Robotti A.D. Winston Service, Inc. Deutsch Inc. Rosenberg & Estis P.C. Laura Adams Kelvin Diamond Barry and Evelyn Salzberg Bonnie and Tony Addario Jacqueline M. Didier Sard Verbinnen & Co., Inc. Charles Ainsworth Digitas Kathy Sayko Lynn Alexander Morris Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. Adolph & Ruth Schnurmacher Foundation Linda L. Allocco The Ethelwyn Doolittle Fund Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Amerigroup Corporation Jennifer Eisenstadt State Bank of India Shawn M. Anderson Elite Laundry Street Cares Foundation Gina J. Argento The Emre Fund TBWA Worldwide Rose M. Badgeley Residuary Charitable Trust The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. Melissa A. Thomas Henry C. Barkhorn Famous Horse, dba V.I.M of New York and New Jersey BBDO Worldwide, Inc. Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies UBS Mike Beck Fidelis Care New York Bestfoods BENGAY® James Fitzpatrick United Nations Federal Credit Union Best Buy Fleishman-Hillard Jeremiah R. Van Brunt Fund Chris Blunt Goldman Sachs & Company Visa Rose L. Boone Gordon & Silber P.C. Walgreens Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Jacob Gottlieb Warburg Pincus LLC Nancy E. Calderon Susana and Michael Guarino The Warnaco Group, Inc. The Bonnie Cashin Fund at the New York Stephen Hanson Willis of Connecticut, LLC Community Trust Anita Harvey Marla and Todd Wyche Robert B. Catell Healthways, Inc. Suh Kyung Yoon Lin & Susie Chen Foundation, Inc. Dr. Ronald L. Hoffman Clayton Young Coastal Building Maintenance Inner City Handball Association Young Winners Foundation Ethelind A. Coblin Inverclyde Bequest Fund Raymond H. Yu and YUCO Management, Inc. Columbia University Kastle Kreations, Inc. Comerica Charitable Legacy Foundation Karen Katen Consolidated Food Services, Inc. KBACE Technologies, Inc. Joanne Cook Cydney and Scott Kislin


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Steven B. Klinsky S&S Worldwide Michael A. Biagioli Gary I. Laermer Casey Safreno Jennifer and David Blue Lateef Investment Management Dorothy and Robert Scarborough Elizabeth Bohart The Bernard and Muriel Lauren Foundation Carole Schwartz Bonanza Productions, Inc. Brian Leung Jennifer Schwartzman Donald Brennan Kathleen and Michael Linburn Andrew R. Sriubas Brinson Patrick Securities Corporation Thomas H. Lister Star Marketing Services Group Brooklyn United Methodist Church Meghan Mackay Sharon L. Stein Betsy Brown Mandarin Oriental Hotel Structure Tone Organization Kevin and Patricia Burke Joseph R. Marchese - Financial Planning Concepts Gregg Swain Thomas G. Carroll Randy M. Mastro, Esq. TD Charitable Foundation John K. Castle Nancy Mauro Teammates for Kids Foundation Richard S. Catalano Melrose Credit Union TTI, Inc. Peter F. Chiu Doris S. Michaels Cathleen and Al Tylis Civic Entertainment Group, LLC Linda Modico U.S. Diagnostics CKX Entertainment Lynn Alexander Morris Van Wagner Communications LLC Clifford Chance US LLP Thomas Murn VivaKi Brenda E. Cooke National Basketball Association Mary Ellen and Karl M. von der Heyden David Corkery The New Yankee Stadium Community The Whitmore Group, Ltd. Allen R. Costa Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation Creative Interiors Plus The Hon. Eugene Oliver, Jr. Gifts of $2,500 or more L. Jay Cross Oracle USA, Inc. The Abyssinian Baptist Church Dr. Michael Cushner Ethel Patterson Anonymous JoAnne M. Davis Plymouth Church of the Pilgrims Joel Aragona Deans Graphics Public Health Solutions Arverne by the Sea LLC Natalie C. Delson RAPP Andrew M. Axelrod DeSantis, Kiefer, Shall & Sarcone, LLP John Rappaport Baron & Baron, Inc. Richard K. DeScherer Mary Jane L. Raymond Shannon Barr Mackenzie DeVine Red Crane Foundation Dr. Georgette F. Bennett and Leon S. Polonsky Diageo Richmond University Medical Center Monica Bermiss Dorsey & Whitney LLP


230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 18 3/21/12 3:15 AM Blair Effron JLL Partners, Inc. National Hockey League Foundation Douglas Elliman Property Management Robert W. Johnson IV Charitable Trust New York City Social Sports Club The Thomas & Jeanne Elmezzi Foundation Dordy Jourdain The New York Hospital ENH International, Inc. Jules and Associates, Inc. Newmark Knight Frank Ernst & Young Michael A. Keller Nintendo of America Michelle S. Fernandes Ketchum NRG Energy, Inc. Connie Fishman Charles A. King Michael Obhof Flushing Savings Bank Kleinberg, Kaplan, Wolff & Cohen, P.C. Sandra E. O’Connor Perri B. Freeman Knight Capital Group, Inc. Okapi Partners Max Friedman Anna Koffler Trisha Ostergaard Gallery Systems Kohls John Patterson Jay Gavigan Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PepsiCo Daniel Gerstman Labrador Technology, Inc. Pfizer Foundation Deane A. Gilliam David R. Lagasse Pilaster Cabinets, Inc. Melissa S. Glass Aryn LaPenta Professional Examination Service Goulston & Storrs Gordon Lau Providence Equity L.L.C. Gridley & Company LLC Levien & Company Christina Pullo Wheaton I. Griffin Life Fitness Paul J. Pullo Lyn A. Hall Lincoln Center Performing Arts Sascha Rand Harmon Opthamology PC Robert R. Lyons Kate Randall Kelly L. Hayes Bruce K. Mackie John Rennie Joshua R. Heitler Dr. Reginald Manning Ridgewood Savings Bank Tamiko Hershey Toni M. Martin Rivlab Josephine Lawrence Hopkins Foundation Scott May Joyce Roche Patricia Hubbard William A. McAllister Rockefeller Philanthrophy Advisors Industry Funds Management LLC Rena McGreevy Daniel Rocker Barbara Ingraham Dr. Doreen Mensah-Hinds Eliezer Rodriguez Iorio Family Foundation MiracleWorks, Inc. Edward F. Rover Balan Iyer Sam & Fanny Moskowitz Fund Emily Rover JFord Consulting LLC Sita and Kennedy A. Mykoo Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rufrano


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Russo, Scamardella & D’Amato P.C. Gifts of $1,000 or more J. W. Bedell-Pizzo & Paul Pizzo

The Sequoia Foundation AA Smith & Associates, LLC Bedford Construction Sirius Satellite Radio Judith Aarons Beplat Hardware Emily and Ryan Stark Abyssinian Development Corp. Andrew M. Bernstein State Farm Insurance Company Joel Adams Bingham McCutchen LLP Zachary Stern Affinity Health Plan John Birstler Katharine and Dennis Swanson The After-School Corporation Robert Bishop Arthur G. Taylor AKRF, Inc. Donald Blair & Partners TD Bank N.A ALL H.V.A.C Service Co., Inc. Jessica Bondy Thornton Tomasetti, Inc. Allcom Susan and Alan Bowers Tishman Construction Corporation Alpert Family Foundation Dwight Bowman Titan Construction Services Vivian Anderson Amy Bravo Nathaniel Brent Tollison Sean C. Andrews Terrie Brennan Andrew D. Trickett Anonymous Bricker & Eckler LLP Estate of Josephine A. Truzzolino Roseanne Antonucci B.R.I.M. Recyclers, Inc. Turtle Bay Association Peter Arbeeny The Bronx Design Group Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation Anthony Argento J. Frank and Susan S. Brown Uniquest Arthur F. Armstrong Sharlene Brown UPS Foundation Roger G. Arrieux Dr. Gerard Bryant Steven B. Vitale Arup Services New York, Ltd. David W. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker Asian American Federation of New York CAHG Water Island Capital, LLC Association for a Better New York Campus Coach Lines Lawrence Weiss Atlanta Capital Loren E. Cannon Trey Whitfield Foundation James A. Attwood, Jr. Lisa Canoura The Hon. Myrtle G. Whitmore John Atwater Frank P. Carbone Kay Wilson Stallings AV Grantor Trust, Adam Victor Howard Caretto YMCA Retirement Fund Diego Aviles Carney, Pacheco & Associates, PC York Capital Management Avon Products Foundation, Inc. Justin F. Carroll Catherine Yu-Mark and Henry Mark Raffi Azadian Carol Cate Henry Zook Luise A. Barrack CBRE


230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 20 3/21/12 3:15 AM CBS Productions Ida Craig Alberto Ebanks Richard Celestin, Esq. Paul J. Crawford Economy Fuel Oil, Inc. Michael Cembalest and Rachel Hines Credit Suisse Americas Foundation Bonnie Edelman Photography Champion Combustion Corp. CVS CareMark John Edelman William Chan Child Care Cypress Hills Elite Specialty Coatings Plus Heather Chandor Orville W. Dale Elkus Manfredi Architects Changing Our World, Inc. Daniell Family Foundation Energy Curtailment Specialists Craig Charie Taiwo K. Danmola Entertainment Industry Foundation Charles B. Wang Dattner Architects Maureen Errity Alice F. Chen Jason R. Davidson and Ricky Ewell Evergreen Mechanical Corporation Tina Chen Jamel Davis Facility Values Betty K. Cheng Graham Daw Samir A. Farag Children’s Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Center Daxko T2 Consulting Jamie Farnam David Chin Kathryn M. Deane Dana Feinberg Patricia Chin Maria M. Del Toro Suzanne Feldman Chinese Conservative Baptist Church Melissa A. Delaney Clara Felix Ajay and Indra Chitkara Cedric D. Dew Laura Ferrara Jim Lin-Chi Chu Stephen E. Dietz Carl Fields, Jr. Cincinnati Asset Management, Inc. Alessandra DiGiusto First Parish in Needham Patricia Cirbus Directors Alert The Fishermen’s Conservation Michael R. Clark Diversey Holdings, LLC Maria C. Foffe Claymore Securities, Inc. Michelle Cheney Donaldson Eve Fogel CMG Financial Planning, Ltd. Donor by Design Group, LLC Fordham University CN Plumbing Judith Dorsey Tiffeny Forrest Brendan Coburn Elena L. Dovydenas Marty Forth Mary Coleman Duane Morris LLP Ann Fosteris Coney Island Commons LLC Gina M. Duclayan Kathryn Fox Winokur Constellation Energy James Duffy Emilie Franske Core Services Corporation Durst Organization L.P. Frenkel Benefits LLC Martin J. Cottingham E.L. Contracting, Inc. Robert A. Friedlander


230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 21 3/21/12 3:15 AM Strong Kids Campaign

Fred Fu Annette Hall Diane Jaffee Fusia Communication, Inc. Tyra Hammlett Jantile, Inc. Daniel Garber Grace A. Hannon Jennifer Jenkins General Electric Company E. Davisson Hardman Joronne J. Jeter Gensler Architects Harley Construction Jewish Communal Fund Cali J. Gibbs Gregory K. Harmon Won-Jun Ji Amy Gillenson Courtenay Harry Michael Johnson GillWright Group Thomas E. Harvey Jolin Drywall, Inc. MaryAnne and James Gilmartin Hess Corporation Lee Jones Giscombe Realty Group LLC Hewlett Packard Company Foundation Thomas H. Jory Kimberly Godwin Keith E. Hicks Camille Joseph-Varlack Janet and Tony Goldman Daniel Hobson Jason Jurgens Joseph G. Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoerle K. Backus & Associates, Inc. Felix Gonzalez The Hoerle Foundation Mary Kane Catherine Goodridge Andrew J. Hoffman Theresa W. Karle Lawrence E. Gore Peter Hoffman Ronald Katz Alexandra C. Gottlieb Natasha A. Holiday Kristen E. Kaufman Cody Goudeau Martha Holstein James G. Kellett Thomas E. Goundrey, Jr. Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival J. Timothy Kelly Marcia Gowen James Hooke KeyBank Foundation The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Rawle G. Howard Brian S. Keys Emily Greenberg Patrick Howley Kids Company Janelle Y. Greene Angeline Huang Yeol Yo Kim Greenpoint Lions Club Huggies ® Little Swimmers ® Brand Steven J. Kimble Frank Grippi Hutchinson Metro Center Robert and Richard Kleinman Michael Gunby The Integer Group Charlotte Koch Foundation Martha S. Gurwit IPTV Logistics, Inc. Peter Koo Community Fund H.J. Kalikow & Co., LLC Aaron Isaksen Allan F. Kramer II Veronica W. Hackett Island Charter, Inc. Richard Krantz Irwin Hader Kenneth P. Jack Lisa Kuharski


230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 22 3/21/12 3:15 AM Moo-Taek Kwon Lutheran Social Services of New York Metropolitan Judo Association Christine La Monica-Lunn Debra Lyon Melanie Meyers Gamal Laborde Barry L. Mabe The Michael Cohen Group Lahr, Dillon, Manzulli, Kelley & Penett PC Glenn A. MacAfee Midrange Solutions, Inc. Brian Laline Robert M. MacAllister The Migdol Family Foundation,Inc. Langan Engineering & Environmental Services Consuelo Mack Christian W. Miller Joseph M. Leccese Brian MacNeela Sandra Mitchell Dae Young Lee Lois C. Magee Modell’s, Inc. Kwang Soo Lee Sal J. Maglietta Christopher Montgomery Mi Hyang Lee Alice L. Mairs Alvin and Caitlin Moonesar Michelle Y. Lee Suzanne Goon Mark Tom Q. Moore Edward A. Lehmann Rodney C. Marr Patrick J. Moran Charles Lenfest James G. Marrone Yenton Morgan Joshua Levin Marsid M&M Group Jonathan B. Morris Lemuel D. Levingston Laura E. Martin Alcides E. Mulgrave Kenneth Levy Beth and Joe Massoud Ellen Murphy Sharon Levy Dr. Robert Matalon Benjamin Nahum Everton M. Lewis MAXIMUS Foundation Jonathan Nelson George O. Lewis Gertrude B. & Mortimer May Foundation Vernetta Nelson Kenneth Lewis Mc Gowan Builders, Inc. William Nelson Lisa Lewis Clara M. McDonald Network Electrical Contracting Life Quality BMW Heather McDonald Sydney Ann Neuhaus Lilker Associates Daniel McHugh New York Commercial Bank Lindenbaum Family Charitable Trust James C. McKenna New York Community Bank Lions Club of the Bronx McKinsey and Company New York Plumbing Long Island Concrete Molly H. McLane Harvey K. Newkirk Love Catering Service Geraldine McManus Bruce K. Niles LRP Construction Corp. Marcia Melendez Robert W. Norton Maria Luongo Daniel F. Menchini NYS Energy Research Development Authority Linda Luppino Metro Manhattan Charter NYU Cancer Institute


230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 23 3/21/12 3:15 AM Strong Kids Campaign

Jaime L. Obletz Jason Prue Tom Sciametta Eileen O’Connor Rael Automatic Sprinkler Company, Inc. Anderson A. Seales Office of the Archbishop Martin Rayner Consuelo Seidel Won Suk H. Ok Realty Three LLC Ivan Seidenberg Omers Robin Reardon Sara Selbert Optimum Energy Solutions Regal Home Center & Contracting Nicholas Sellitri Judy Ouziel Resources for Children Hyun-Joo Seo Bill T. Owens RFF & Associates Michael Shabsels Alexander Papachristou Richman Housing Resources LLC Constance Shapiro Parade Publications Richmond Elevator Company, Inc. Dennis P. Sheahan Hyung-Young Park Deborah Riegel Stephen B. Siegel Theresa Park Diane Rizzolo Siegel & Gale LLC Young D. Park Marcel Robin Leonard Singh Park It Able Dr. Carrie Robinson Justin Skala Michael Parkins Radames Rodriguez and Wynne Tyree John Skipper Charles M. Paulos Mark Rooks Wyndy W. Sloan Arthur and Meme Peponis Rochelle A. Ross Cynthia R. Smith Colin A. Peters, Jr. Rotary Club of the Bronx Harold C. Smith Maria Petrone Phyllis I. Rother Kang Song Mary E. Pflum Denis and Shari Rudder Sophist Productions LLC Scarlett A. Pildes Nancy K. Rudolph Lee D. Sossen Samantha L. Pitre William D. Rueckert Kimberly S. Soule Pitta Bishop DelGiorno & Giblin LLC William Ruhl Angela P. Speakman Plaza Construction Corporation Chu-Young Ryu Harvey Spevak Rose Polidoro Walter Sanchez Leine and David Spohn-Gellert Polish & Slavic Federal Credit Union Sanolite Corporation Maia L. Spotts James L. Powell Anthony J. Santo Arthur D. Square Praesidium, Inc. Johannes Sanzin Bonnie St. John Prestige Plumbing Scaran Heating & Air Conditioning Staten Island Physician Practice Michael J. Price Chris Scheuer Staten Island Rotary Foundation Prime Landscape Services, LLC Daniel R. Schindler Staten Island University Hospital


230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 24 3/21/12 3:15 AM Elizabeth Stein USTA Eastern Government Support

Neil Stein Eleanor Vale United States Congress Martin Sternberg Gary Villaverde United States Department of Jumaane Stewart Vornado Realty Trust Housing and Urban Development Shannon and Jonathan Stotts WABC-TV United States Department of Justice Donald Strittmatter Elsina M. Wainwright United States Department of Labor Elizabeth and Courtney Stuart Gregg Walker New York State Assembly Kun-Won Suh Mel Walker New York State Senate William Sullivan Wanda Walker New York State Department of Criminal Justice Tabak, Mellusi & Shisha LLP Paula Warren New York State Department of Education Taconic Charitable Foundation Bruce Warwick New York State Department of State Taub’s Floor Covering of Staten Island Debbie W. Weick New York State Office of The Aaron School Weight Watchers International Children & Family Services David W. Thomas Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP New York City Office of the Mayor Thomas H. Lee Capital, LLC Margaret Weiss New York City Council Thornburg Investment Management Wempe New York City Administration for Andrew H. & Ann R. Tisch Foundation Rhonda Whitfield Children’s Services Elizabeth Toledo-Cruz Daniel P. Wiener and Ellen Freudenheim New York City Department of Education Tower Heist Production Company Kim Williams Clark New York City Department of Transfield Services N.A., Inc. Wilmington Trust FSB - New York Health and Mental Hygiene Loretta T. Trapani Thomas J. Wilson, Esq. New York City Department of Caroline and Thomas Traugott Jessie A. Wixon Youth & Community Development Tres Chic Furs, Ltd. Gary J. Wolfe New York City Human Resources Administration Chau Trinh-Shevrin John Wright Trinity Real Estate Norman L. Wright Helen M. Truax Wyndham Worldwide Corporation Judy Truwit Sylvia Zhou Maritza Tse Melvin Tse United East Athletics Association Universal Network Television LLC


230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 25 3/21/12 3:15 AM Heritage Society

The following pages are dedicated to the members of the Heritage Society —the visionary philanthropists who support the YMCA of Greater New York through a planned or immediate endowment gift.

The 1852 Fellowship recognizes generous individuals, corporations or foundations who have provided for the continuation of the YMCA movement in New York, with a current gift of $1,000 or more to one of our endowment funds.

These individuals, corporations and foundations have made a generous commitment to New York City that will last forever.

Anonymous (2) Janice Reals Ellig Jack and Cieli Lund* William A. Roos IV Ethel Adler Daniel E. Emerson Robin Lund John Roth Charles Ainsworth Joel Emrich Lois C. Magee William D. Rueckert José Ananias Dana Feinberg Alice L. Mairs Mrs. John H. Schweiger Sean C. Andrews Ben and Nellie Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. William A. Markell Paulette Segal Joel and Rhela Aragona* Jacqueline Fiore Rena McGreevy John Semerad Diego Aviles Tiffeny Forrest John Mercier Susan Sharer Alejandro Azuaje Marty W. Forth Paula Michtom Luther F. Sies Deborah Bagatta-Bowles Jane E. Francis Christian W. Miller Lisa N. Sifre James T. Beale Jr. Daniel Garber Melvin “Chris” Miller Harold C. Smith Anne Bergquist Paula L. Gavin Anthony Monforte John A. and Jayne M. Spensieri Jack Berk Susan Glass Christina Mullarkey Howard Stevens Andrew Bernstein Donald Goldman Dr. Martin L. Nass Christopher Stromee Charles Betts Wheaton and Eileen Griffin Kathy Neiber Richard M. Sword René Bouchard Michael and Susana Guarino* Robert W. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor Richard J. Boyle Robert A. Hanley Eileen O’Connor Elizabeth Toledo-Cruz Saul Bregman Anita Harvey Ong Family Foundation Melvin Tse Jeanne Brennan Robert-Kristoffer Haynes Annette B. Osnos Kenneth B. Turpin Sharlene Brown James D. Havlick Judy Ouziel Joseph Verhey Dr. Gerard Bryant Joyce A. Healy Stephen Parker Steven Vitale Harold Bush Benjamin R. Jacobson Joseph Pasquenza Karl M. and Mary Ellen von der John V. Hilton Mr. and Mrs. Walter I. Jacoby Colin A. Peters, Jr. Heyden Kimberlee Cavarretta Dordy Jourdain Scarlett A. Pildes Thomas Wagner Sheila Clark-Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. John Jorgensen Susan P. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel West Greg Coil Martin L. Keefe John and Susan Preis The Hon. Myrtle G. Whitmore* Jeannette Corey Michael A. Keller John Prudden, Jr. Adela S. and Lucius Wilmerding III Paul Custer Charles Kindl John Rappaport Alyce H. Wu Gloria D’Amato Archibald. E. King, Jr. Chester and Gladys Redhead In Memoriam Sam K. Davis Robert M. Kirk Mark Richards Lois N. De Conca Jamé Krauter Grace E. Richardson Norman Bluestone Maria M. Del Toro Donald W. Korsun Diane Rizzolo Glendon Breedy* Cedric Dew Gary I. Laermer* Mrs. Kenneth H. Rockey William I. Campbell Thomas J. Dillman Ralph Lanoue Fiordaliza and Eliezer Rodriguez Josephine A. Truzzolino Joseph DiMaggio William K. and Hwain Lee Phyllis G. Roe Elaine Edmonds Fred Lifavi Eileen L. and J. Frederick Rogers *denotes 1852 Fellow


230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 26 3/21/12 3:15 AM 2011 Financials

Statement of Activities (unaudited, for the years ending December 31 - dollars in thousands) 2011 2010

Operating Revenue and Support Contributions $ 11,084 $ 11,184 Government contracts 21,449 20,632 Membership dues and program fees 91,718 89,457 Residence and related services 28,009 25,150 Endowment support for current activities 1,269 1,277 Investment income 1,098 957 Total Operating Revenue and Support $ 154,627 $ 148,657

Operating Expenses Salaries and related expenses $ 83,334 $ 81,963 Program and operating expenses 66,600 64,052 Fundraising expenses 2,968 2,656 Total Operating Expenses $ 152,902 $ 148,671 Change in Net Assets from Operations $ 1,725 $ (14)

Non-Operating Changes Investment gains (loss), net $ (1,870) $ 3,388 Other (386) 255 Total Non-Operating Changes $ (2,256) $ 3,643 Total Changes in Net Assets $ (531) $ 3,629 Net Assets at Beginning of Year 167,938 164,309 Net Assets at End of Year $ 167,407 $ 167,938

Statement of Financial Position (for the years ending December 31 - dollars in thousands)

Assets Cash $ 19,268 $ 14,647 Receivables, net 19,545 23,057 Investments, at market 36,695 37,547 Funds held in trust for the YMCA 7,239 7,502 Property, plant and equipment, net 188,275 188,108 Debt service reserve fund 7,511 7,510 Deferred charges 4,144 2,191 Other assets 200 152 Total Assets $ 282,877 $ 280,714

Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 20,996 $ 17,745 Accrued salaries and related expenses 5,101 4,935 Debt obligation 81,618 81,533 Deferred charges 7,755 8,563 Total Liabilities $ 115,470 $ 112,776 Total Net Assets $ 167,407 $ 167,938 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 282,877 $ 280,714


230933LDI_Financial_R2.indd 27 3/22/12 5:07 PM Board of Directors

Diana L. Taylor, Chair Jay Cross William H. Lawrence Daniel A. Neff Managing Director President Chief Executive Officer Executive Committee Co-Chair & Wolfensohn & Co. LLC Related Hudson Yards Meridian Capital Partners, Inc Partner Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Glenn Lau-Kee, Vice Chair Diane B. Cummings Michelle Y. Lee Partner Trustee Executive Vice President Sandie O’Connor Kee & Lau-Kee, PLLC Robert F. Cummings Foundation Wells Fargo Treasurer J. P. Morgan Sal Maglietta, Vice Chair Emani Daniels William K. Lee, MD Executive Vice President Teen Volunteer President Timothy L. Porter U.S. Bank New York YMCA Camp Cardiac Associates of North Jersey Chief Client Relationship Counsel Proskauer Rose LLP John Rowe, MD, Vice Chair Janice Reals Ellig Jeffrey M. Levy Professor Co-Chief Executive Officer President & CEO Robert Scamardella Columbia University Mailman School Chadick Ellig, Inc. RailWorks Corporation Managing Director Chairman & CEO (retired) Russo, Scamardella and D’Amato Aetna Perri Freeman, Robert C. Lieber Branch Representative Executive Managing Director Justin Skala Kevin Burke, Immediate Past Chair Executive Director, IB Marketing & Island Capital Group LLC President, Latin America Chairman, President & CEO Communications Colgate-Palmolive Company Consolidated Edison, Inc. J.P. Morgan Ryan Louis Teen Volunteer Seth H. Waugh Michael C. Alfano, DMD, PhD Robert Garrett, Jr. McBurney YMCA Chief Executive Officer Executive Vice President President Deutsche Bank Americas New York University Arcadia Aviation Consuelo Mack Anchor & Managing Editor Susan D. Whiting Joseph P. Benincasa Eugene Giscombe WealthTrack Vice Chair President & CEO President & CEO The Nielsen Company The Actors Fund Giscombe Realty Group Randy M. Mastro Partner Todd Wyche, Chris Blunt Scott K. Halliday Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP Branch Representative President, Insurance Group Americas Vice Chair Managing Director New York Life Insurance Company Ernst & Young The Reverend Brinson Patrick Securities Joseph M. McShane, S.J. Corporation Nancy Calderon Marcia Gay Harden President ® Fordham University Americas Region Academy Award -and Raymond H. Yu ® Chief Administrative Officer Tony Award Winning Actor President KPMG Jonathan Mechanic Yuco Management, Inc. Josh Heitler, Chairman of Real Estate Martin J. Cottingham, Branch Representative Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Branch Representative Principal Jacobson LLP Managing Director, Lacina Heitler Architects Corporate Services Walter Montgomery Grubb & Ellis Steven J. Kimble Chief Executive Officer Northeast Regional Tax Managing RLM Finsbury Partner Deloitte LLP Eileen K. Murray


230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 28 3/21/12 3:15 AM Emeritus Board Association Staff Leadership

Barry Salzberg, Chair Jack Lund Charles Ainsworth Sharon Levy Chief Executive Officer President & Chief Executive Officer Vice President Senior Executive Director Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited YMCA Partnerships Public Affairs Michael Guarino Robert Annunziata Executive Vice President, Sean Andrews Heather Livernois Chairman (retired) Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer Vice President Vice President ATEF, Inc. Youth Development Finance Rena McGreevy Timothy P. Flynn Senior Vice President & John Atwater Eileen O’Connor Chairman Chief Operating Officer Senior Executive Director Vice President KPMG International Information Technology & Operations Paul Custer CONNECT William D. Rueckert Senior Vice President, Judy Ouziel Managing Member Government Relations Diego Aviles Sr. Executive Director Oyster Management Group LLC & Corporate Secretary Vice President Strategic Initiatives Fund Development Hon. Merryl H. Tisch Connie Fishman Mary Jane Raymond Chancellor Senior Vice President Lori Rose Benson Controller New York State Board of Regents Real Estate Vice President Healthy Lifestyles William J. Smith Roger M. Vasey Gary Laermer Sr. Executive Director Managing Partner Senior Vice President & Anne Bergquist Enterprise Risk Management Conyers Capital LLC Chief Development Officer Vice President Communications Loretta Trapani Hon. Myrtle G. Whitmore Sr. Executive Director Commissioner (retired) Gregory Coil Staff Development New York City Housing Authority Vice President Operations Jim Trocchia Sr. Executive Director Lyn Hall Benefits & Compensation Vice President Human Resources Mel Tse Sr. Executive Director Michael Keller Vice President Operations


230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 29 3/21/12 3:15 AM Branch Leadership


9 2

1. Bedford-Stuyvesant YMCA 8. Greenpoint YMCA 15. North Brooklyn YMCA 21. Vanderbilt YMCA 10 22 Kelvin O. Diamond, Chair Paul J. Pullo, Chair Kim Godwin, Chair Michael Beck, Chair Dordy Jourdain, Executive Director Keith Hicks, Executive Director Michael Keller, Executive Director Anita Harvey, Executive Director 7 MANHATTAN 1121 Bedford Avenue 99 Meserole Avenue 570 Jamaica Avenue 224 East 47th Street Brooklyn, NY 11216 Brooklyn, NY 11222 Brooklyn, NY 11208 New York, NY 10017 21 12

2. Bronx YMCA 9. Harlem YMCA 16. Prospect Park YMCA 22. West Side YMCA 4 13 8 Eliezer Rodriguez, Chair Schone Malliet, Chair Martin J. Cottingham, Chair Todd Wyche, Managing Director 3 Sharlene Brown, Executive Director Tiffeny Forrest, Executive Director Melvin Tse, Executive Director Eileen O’Connor, Executive Director QUEENS 2 Castle Hill Avenue 180 West 135th Street 357 Ninth Street 5 West 63rd Street 17 Bronx, NY 10473 New York, NY 10030 Brooklyn, NY 11215 New York, NY 10023 11 5 1 3. Chinatown YMCA 10. International YMCA 17. Ridgewood YMCA 23. YMCA Sports Complex 15 John L. Liu, Chair Perri Freeman, Chair Lakeisha Harris, Executive Director Sean Andrews, Executive Director 16 23 Jeannette Corey, Executive Director Dio Gica, Executive Director 69-02 64th Street Park Slope Armory 273 Bowery 5 West 63rd Street, 2nd Floor Ridgewood, NY 11385 361 15th Street New York, NY 10002 New York, NY 10023 Brooklyn, NY 11215 BROOKLYN Staten Island (SI) YMCA 6 18 4. Cross Island YMCA 11. Jamaica YMCA Michael Biagioli, Committee Chair 24. Coney Island YMCA Brian Leung, Chair David W. Thomas, Chair Gregory Coil, Sr. Executive Director Opening 2013 Dana Feinberg, Executive Director Cedric Dew, Executive Director 3939 Richmond Avenue 2980 West 29th St. 238-10 Hillside Avenue 89-25 Parsons Boulevard Staten Island, NY 10312 Coney Island, NY 11224 Bellerose, NY 11426 Jamaica, NY 11432 18. SI Broadway YMCA 25. Rockaways YMCA 25 5. Dodge YMCA 12. Long Island City YMCA Witt G. Halle, Committee Chair Opening 2013 STATEN ISLAND 24 Melissa Glass, Chair Ebony Young, Executive Director Joseph Verhey, Executive Director Beach 73rd Street and Elizabeth Toledo, Executive Director 32-23 Queens Boulevard 651 Broadway Rockaway Beach Boulevard 225 Atlantic Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101 Staten Island, NY 10310 Queens, NY 11694 Brooklyn, NY 11201 13. McBurney YMCA 19. SI South Shore YMCA 20 19 6. Flatbush YMCA Colin A. Peters, Jr., Chair Michael Gervasi, Committee Chair Kendall Charter, John Rappaport, Executive Director John Semerad, Executive Director Executive Director 125 West 14th Street 3939 Richmond Avenue 1401 Flatbush Avenue New York, NY 10011 Staten Island, NY 10312 Brooklyn, NY 11210 14. New York YMCA Camp 20. SI Counseling Service YMCA YMCA Branch Location 7. Flushing YMCA Josh Heitler, Chair Catherine Paradiso, Committee Chair Al Harris, Chair Wheaton Griffin, Executive Director Jacqueline Fiore, Executive Director YMCA Branch Under Construction William Nelson, Executive Director 300 Big Pond Road 3911 Richmond Avenue 138-46 Northern Boulevard Huguenot, NY 12746 Staten Island, NY 10312 New Americans Welcome Center Flushing, NY 11354 YMCA Off-Site Program Location


230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 30 3/21/12 3:15 AM NEW YORK



9 2

10 22


21 12

4 13 8 3 QUEENS 17 11 5 1 15

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20 19

YMCA Branch Location

YMCA Branch Under Construction

New Americans Welcome Center

YMCA Off-Site Program Location


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230933LDI_Financial_r1.indd 32 3/21/12 3:15 AM THE JOURNEY IS Y

The start of the journey is heeding the call

The heart of the journey exists in us all

The joy of the journey is feeling alive

The point of the journey is where you arrive THE JOURNEY IS Y

YMCA of Greater New York Association Office, 5 West 63rd Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10023, (212) 630-9600 • •