Guests of the hotel rooms (e.g. Admiral, Peacock, Hawk moth) These two rooms are filled with butterflies in bad weather and in winter. Different species, such as the 1 Brimstone, the Peacock or the Painted Lady like to hide in hollow spaces such as these and are looking specifically to rest and shelter here. SOLITARY (e.g. Wood Bees, Mason Bees, Plasterer Bees) 2 The hollow reed branches provide optimal breeding grounds for a variety of and species. In the tubes the ‘ eggs are stored and then “bricked up” by the mother through secretion. After the stadium of pupated grubs several months, in spring-time/summer the young bees enclose and begin their new live in freedom in your garden. ANTS & BEETLES (e.g. useful Forest Ants, Wood Beetles, Ground Beetles) Different ants and beetles prefer loosely inserted wood shavings as nesting aid. They also feel at home here, to crea- 3 te a neighbourhood in the winter. Ants loosen the top layers of soil and also feed on, for example, spiders. Ground beetles secretly feed at night on snails, grubs, caterpillars and potato beetles. BEETLES & FLIES (e.g. Ladybirds, Ground beetles, Lacewings) 4 Lacewings eat a wide variety of lice species and use the room all year round as a shelter. Guests, such as ladybirds, feed on spider mites and aphid and use the room, especially at night and in the winter. So you can benefit from natural pest control. (e.g. peaceful Gold Wasps, Grab Wasps, Loam Wasps) These “suites” are preferably booked by harmless wasps and bees. Drilled holes of 4 and 7 mm diameter are optimal 5 for their eggs. The rearing of the young is preferably done in the spring with aphids. Alongside their food intake, wasps pollinate the flowers in the garden and are therefore come with their benefits. WILD BEES (e.g. Hole Bees, Masked Bees, Furry Bees) The small entrances in the stones, filled with reed stalks, provide optimal breeding grounds for numerous species of 6 wild bees. Here they can take advantage of the exclusive refuge for nesting as well as for hibernating. They feed on nectar and pollen and so support pollination of your ornamental plants and economic plants.

Choice of Location The hotel is best situated in a sunny location protected from wind and rain at least 50cm from the ground (open side: south facing, so full sunlight will reach it). You can set up your hotel on a balcony, patio or in your garden. Always make sure that your hotel is securely attached (especially when dealing with children!), and that the natural weathering has an influence on the stability of the wood product. In winter, the hotel stay where it is, to ensure that no insects emerge unnaturally prematurely and die.

Our Wood The processed wood in untreated and planed smooth with water-repellent. It is high-quality pine, birch and / or beech wood. It comes from sustainable forest management – for Your Nature. TIP: You can impregnate the wood with a chemical-free skin care oil (e.g. linseed oil) or beeswax to protect it from weathering. Please do not use regular protective coatings for wood, as the insects will smell the artificial ingredients and possibly avoid the insect hotel.

LUXUS-INSEKTENHOTELS. D-61169 Friedberg. Germany. We produce handmade insect hotels and place special emphasis on design. We want the insects to feel really comfortable in their new environment and for us to experience the live course of nature. The insect hotel even beautifies the ambience of your garden, balcony, or terrace area and serves as a complementary garden decoration. You are still helping to maintain the ecological balance – because the natural habitat for beneficial insects is unfortunately retreating more and more. Reconnect the beauty with usefulness – for yourself – or even as an innovative gift - for Your Nature.

Biological advantages of insect hotels Wild bees, wasps, bumble bees and other beneficial insects are increasingly rare sights in our gardens andci- ties. You will find less and less food and shelter option. This has several reasons: Firstly, nature isincreasin- gly displaced by the architecture, which is compelled by the human population growth. The potential habi- tat for insects decreases more and more. The increase of fancier exotic plant species in many gardens are not suitable for the living habits of our native insects. In addition, their nesting sites have become fewer… For wild bees and other hymenoptera, this versatile, exclusively for natural materials in the insect hotel acts both as a wintering aid (1) in the autumn and winter season, and secondly as a nesting aid (2) for different species in the spring and the summer. The “room” and “suites” of the hotel can therefore be used by insects as a cozy shelter in the cold season and to implant the larvae and rearing of their young in the warmer months. Insects are often not well known, usually very peaceful living, and are harmless to humans and animals. Earth wasps are not aggressive and wild and solitary bees even avoid people and are not to be confused with honey bees which live in large hives. Many insects are also extremely useful to humans. They often feed on harmful insects. Therefore, far less polluting chemical toxins are needed in your garden hotels when inviting insects. For example, annoying insects, such as lacewings, hoverflies or ladybirds love eating aphids. So an insect hotel provides an intelligent and sustainable environmentally friendly contribution to pest control (3) in your garden. Another advantage of insect hotels is due to the role of insects in our natural ecosystem. Many species of insects (think of bee spe- cies for example) have an essential important role as pollinators of plants (4) in the gardens, meadows and also in the fields of agriculture. Through the use of these Insect Hotels you can make your own personal contributi- on to the preservation of our ecosystem. In all our own minds, we should always have the following sentence: „If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.“ (Albert Einstein) Finally, it also creates a lot of joy (5), watch and study the world of insects live, together with partners, friends or children - in Your Nature.