Tsankawi Unit Management Plan and Environmental Assessment Bandelier National Monument

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Tsankawi Unit Management Plan and Environmental Assessment Bandelier National Monument National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Tsankawi Unit Management Plan and Environmental Assessment Bandelier National Monument October 2014 TSANKAWI UNIT MANAGEMENT PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Bandelier National Monument New Mexico The National Park Service is developing the Tsankawi Unit Management Plan to improve resource protection, address safety concerns, and enhance visitor opportunities. Proposed actions include changes in the trail system, interpretive program, and parking. Realignment of existing trails would help preserve and protect sensitive cultural and natural resources from visitor impacts and natural erosion processes. New trails would increase visitor safety and opportunities to experience the area’s long and rich history of human occupation. New interpretive messaging would inform visitors of the significance and sensitivity of cultural and natural resources and safety issues that may be encountered while experiencing the landscape. A 150-square foot kiosk accessible for persons with limited mobility would house new interpretive messaging, safety/emergency guidance, and an upgraded fee collection station. Parking would be moved onto National Park Service lands to increase safety and enhance visitor experience. Alternatives—which include the no-action and two action alternatives—analyzed in this environmental assessment were developed based on the results of internal and public scoping, consultation with the six affiliated pueblos, and prior planning studies. The plan would provide a framework that guides management decisions for the next 10 years. This environmental assessment was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and implementing regulations, 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1500–1508, and the National Park Service Director’s Order 12 and Handbook, Conservation Planning, Environmental Impact Analysis, and Decision Making to provide the decision-making framework that (1) analyzes all reasonable alternatives to meet objectives of the proposal, (2) evaluates potential issues and impacts to Tsankawi’s resources and values, and (3) identifies mitigation measures to lessen the degree or extent of these impacts. No major effects are anticipated as a result of the proposed actions. Comments received from the public during public scoping and other agencies largely supported actions to protect the fragile cultural and natural resources found within Tsankawi. HOW TO COMMENT ON THIS PLAN If you wish to comment on the plan/environmental assessment, you may post comments online at http://parkplanning.nps.gov/Tsankawi or mail or hand deliver comments to: Superintendent, Bandelier National Monument, 15 Entrance Road, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544. This environmental assessment will be on public review for 30 days. Before including personal identifying information, you should be aware that your entire comment—including your personal identifying information—may be made publicly available at any time. Although you can ask us to withhold this information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. Comments will not be accepted by fax, email, or in any other way than those specified above. Bulk comments in hard copy or electronically submitted on behalf of others will not be accepted. CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: PURPOSE OF AND NEED FOR ACTION 1 Introduction 3 Project Background 5 Purpose of and Need for Action 8 Objectives 9 Purpose and Significance of the Monument 10 Issues and Impact Topics 12 Archeological Resources 12 Cultural Landscapes 13 Ethnographic Resources 13 Soils and Vegetation 13 Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat 14 Visitor Use and Experience 14 Public Health and Safety 14 Park Operations and Management 14 Socioeconomics 15 Climate Change 15 Impact Topics Dismissed from Further Analysis 16 Indian Trust Resources 17 Historic Structures 17 Museum Collections 17 Paleontology 18 Land Use Adjacent to the Monument 18 Wilderness 18 Prime and Unique Farmlands 18 Special-Status Species 19 Environmental Justice 19 Surface Waters 20 Wetlands 21 Floodplains 21 Wild and Scenic Rivers 21 Soundscape Management 21 Air Quality 22 Night Sky Management 22 i CONTENTS Relationship to Laws, Executive Orders, and Policies 22 Applicable Federal and State Laws 22 Other Applicable Executive Orders, Regulations, and Policies 25 Relationship to Other Monument Planning Documents 27 Impairment 28 CHAPTER 2: ALTERNATIVES 29 Introduction 31 Common to all Alternatives 31 Resource Monitoring Program 31 Site Steward Area 34 Climate Change 35 No-Action Alternative 36 Action Alternatives 36 Actions Common to All Action Alternatives 36 Alternative 1: Two-Directional Entry Roadway (Preferred Alternative) 52 Alternative 2: Looped Entry Roadway 55 Cost Estimate for Implementing the Alternatives 56 Mitigation Measures 57 Alternatives or Actions Considered but Dismissed from Further Evaluation 58 Closing Areas to Visitation 58 Range of Development Intensity as Part of Alternatives 58 Alterations to the Existing Visitor Contact Station 59 Universal Accessibility and ABA Walk in Phase I Trail Improvements 59 Canyon Bottom and North Mesa Trails 59 1995 Development Concept Plan Parking Proposal and Overlook Platform 60 Allowing Access by Permit Only 60 On-site Parking Lot Running Parallel to State Road 4 60 Limit Bus Size and/or Number of Visitors at Tsankawi 61 NPS Shuttle in Lieu of On-site Parking 61 Environmentally Preferable Alternative 61 National Park Service Preferred Alternative 62 CHAPTER 3: AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT 73 Cultural Resources 75 Evaluation of Resource Significance 75 Historic Context 76 ii Contents Archeological Resources 77 Cultural Landscapes 79 Ethnographic Resources 80 Natural Resources 82 Soils 82 Vegetation 85 Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat 88 Visitor Use and Experience 91 Visitation Numbers 92 Public Health and Safety 93 Park Operations and Management 93 Socioeconomics 95 Local Area Economies 95 Visitor Spending 97 CHAPTER 4: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES 99 General Analysis Method 101 Cumulative Effects Analysis Method 102 Identified Cumulative Actions 102 ImpactS ON CULTURAL RESOURCES 106 Archeological Resources 107 Cultural Landscapes 117 Ethnographic Resources 130 IMPACTS ON Natural Resources 140 Soils 140 Vegetation 149 Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat 158 Impacts on Visitor Use and Experience 164 Methods and Assumptions 164 Study Area 164 Impact Definitions 165 Impacts of the No-Action Alternative 165 Impacts of Alternative 1: Two-Directional Entry Roadway (Preferred Alternative) 168 Impacts of Alternative 2: Looped Entry Roadway 172 Impacts on Public Health and Safety 176 Methods and Assumptions 176 iii CONTENTS Study Area 176 Impact Definitions 176 Impacts of the No-Action Alternative 177 Impacts of Alternative 1: Two-Directional Entry Roadway (Preferred Alternative) 179 Impacts of Alternative 2: Looped Entry Roadway 181 Impacts on Park Operations and Management 183 Methods and Assumptions 183 Study Area 184 Impact Definitions 184 Impacts of No-Action Alternative 185 Impacts of Alternative 1: Two-Directional Entry Roadway (Preferred Alternative) 186 Impacts of Alternative 2: Looped Entry Roadway 188 Impacts on Socioeconomics 190 Methods and Assumptions 190 Study Area 190 Impact Definitions 190 Impacts of the No-Action Alternative 191 Impacts of Alternative 1: Two-Directional Entry Roadway (Preferred Alternative) 192 Impacts of Alternative 2: Looped Entry Roadway 193 CHAPTER 5: CONSULTATION AND COORDINATION 197 The Scoping Process 199 Internal Scoping 199 Public Scoping 199 Public Scoping Comments 200 Consultation with the Six Affiliated Pueblos 202 Agency Consultation 204 Recipients of the Environmental Assessment 206 Federal Agencies 206 New Mexico State and Local Agencies 206 Consulted Pueblos 206 APPENDIXES AND INDEX 207 APPENDIX A: REFERENCES 209 APPENDIX B: PREPARERS AND CONSULTANTS 219 APPENDIX C: ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 221 iv Contents APPENDIX D: GLOSSARY OF TERMS 223 APPENDIX E: FEDERALLY LISTED, STATE LISTED, AND SPECIAL STATUS SPECIES KNOWN TO OCCUR IN BANDELIER NATIONAL MONUMENT 227 APPENDIX F: MITIGATION MEASURES 233 INDEX 239 TABLES Table 1. Adaptive Management Strategy for the Action Alternatives 40 Table 2. Estimated Implementation Cost of the Alternatives 57 Table 3. Summary of Elements Associated with Project Alternatives 64 Table 4. How the Alternatives Meet Project Objectives 67 Table 5. Impacts of Project Alternatives 70 Table 6. Soil Associations and Erodibility Factor of Soil Types within Tsankawi 83 Table 7. Vegetation Communities within Tsankawi 85 Table 8. Visitation Statistics, 2000 to 2012 92 Table 9. Estimated Annual Staffing at Tsankawi 94 Table 10. Population and Income in Study Area Geographies, 1990-2010 96 Table 11. Employment by Percent in Study Area Geographies, 1990-2010 97 FIGURES Figure 1. Tsankawi Unit Vicinity Map 4 Figure 2. Archeological Sites in Tsankawi 6 Figure 3. Existing Roadside Parking Area Along State Road 4 7 Figure 4. Tsankawi Mesa Trail 8 Figure 5. Duchess Castle 9 Figure 6. Opportunities and Constraints for Achieving Objectives at Tsankawi 11 Figure 7. Change in Resources over Time 32 Figure 8. No-Action Alternative 37 Figure 9. General Adaptive Management Process Development 38 Figure 10. Existing State Road 4 and East Jemez Road Tee Intersection 45 Figure 11. Site Access and Intersection Improvements under the Action Alternatives 46 Figure 12. Proposed Trail Configurations under the Action Alternatives 48 Figure 13. Proposed Parking Lot and Visitor Facilities Configurations under the Action Alternatives
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