Jahns 1954P59.Pdf
OLOGY [Bull. 170 1can 7. MARINE-NONMARINE RELATIONSHIPS IN THE CENOZOIC SECTION OF CALIFORNIA* .c, Childs, 1921, op. cit. BY J. WYATT DURHAM,t RICHARD H . JAHNS, t ltz, J. R., 1037, A late Cenozoic vertebrate fauna from the Coso Mountains, AND DONALD E . SAVAGE§ yo County, California : Carnegie Inst. Washington Pub. No. 487, pp. 75-109. INTRODUCTION Latest Highly fossiliferous marine sediments of Cenozoic age are widely 1gtonian 111•', 1' k, Childs, 1921, op. cit. distributed in the coastal parts of central and southern California, C'_q·,~/, FR E </;,:'!lo as well as in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley region farther in · ~ cholabrean 0-?~ 1ey, R. ,V., and Mason, H . L., 1933, A Pleistocene flora from the asphalt land. Even more widespread are nonmarine, chiefly terrestrial, ) •'8 1'/ ' posits at Carpinteria, California: Carnegie Inst. 'Vnshington Pub. No. 415, sequences of Cenozoic strata, many of which contain vertebrate .\)~ I N Y 0 . 4u-79. faunas characterized by a dominance of mammalian forms. These <I '""'...', k, Chester, 1953, Rancho La Bren: Los Angeles County l\Iuseum, Science strata are most abundant in the Mojave Desert region and in the r., no. 5, Paleontology no. 9, 5th ed., pp. 1-81. interior parts of areas that lie nearer the coast. Marine and nonmarine strata are in juxtaposition or interfinger with one another at many places, especially in the southern Coast S A N Ranges and the San Joaquin basin to the east, in the Transverse 8ERNAROINO Ranges and adjacent basins, and in several parts of the Peninsular K E R N Range region and the Coachella-Imperial Valley to the east.
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