.Page Sixteen . ! .^^^w^ CliIZEN AND, CHIt€)NfClJE. Around New Jersey ROSELLE — A testimonial dmtha- n j£oo. from .43 foreign coun- ner Rofiorlng 'Mrr 'Efie Tt Trlfes. . T h^-WoTld-Clteile Scheideler for 10 >cars of .service clave is ah international meeting! of as chairman of the Roselle Repub- three important organizations. The liran MwfrK"' Committee, ttri 11first week of the conclave will ee\e- be given on October 2 at the Ro- selle Firehouse. M« Scheideler the American Chemical Society. 15 a Republican nominee for Free- The second week will be sharedby holder. Speaker JI the dinner will the 16th conference of the iJnion be Warren N. Gaffne>. State Com- of Pure and Applied Chemistry and JER6EV,^ THURSDAYl missioner of Banking and I«siir~ the 12th International Congress of anct. •.'.'•'.' - M Pure and Applied Chemistry ami the 12th-International,Congress of Merchants To Discuss TTNION •— riiimmt! th.it the Qfl- ryisor, Principal [Alternate boosters iy solution to the low-f!\ing plane. SPRINGFIELD—The Republican The new mtthod, of personal problem is to move the large pas- Municipal Committee last week property asscssmeint i^uftiing' busii senger line airports a<> fji west as narhod Mrs. Eleanorc Worthinfiton- Routes ness firms in ihe township Will be Drive i possible and th.it all other plans as its candidate for township clerk. the principal topic of discussion' at for solving the noi^-ond safety " of nn the September dinner meeting of nuisance- arc "pure poppycock, ic Cranford Business Association Mayor F Edward Bferluempfel all-female •' contest for the post indDrive within .the Republican ranks as it 6:30 p. m. Thursday, September launched a bitter .'ittack Tuesday 57, in the Coach and Four.Res- Cani|»ai»n to Benefit night at the Township Committee Mrs. Carolyn Harmon, acting clerk, Voter List has. indicated that she may seek' OURS IN ELIZABETH aurant. it was announced this Weetmg against the Port of New tn Names Area Heins Urges Easing week by Robert M. Crane, pircsi? Club Ask*; Response l'ublisheil by Board l York Authont}, oper.itoi-, of New the office, r Wins *or Appeal Of dent. •'•.. To Cover E Names of persons wjiQ have To^Start Saturday GJLEN ROCK—A supplementary -G ucst—spcakers^at-the—mccling- Tbeen—found—ineligible—$ Servicc~fccagD(richar«licjJ the offending platie<: take off and, FO MODERN AMERICAN -Oct.- •'ill include Finance Commissioner Sco||e of Activities land. bond issue of $14,700 to. complete payment of. the: b&rouen's new _ t+^iiitee—and. item -Ercd~P. AnderscM and iWunity Wide~STrtS . ffatimg the Port Authority a Ilrmon- far Crrinfnn Fred J.-.peUcr and Edward Marko- ford Boosters Club in aiding high addresses given in Cranford, wihch the Service League will "monopoly" iirtd "a little world ' " " Vs-inti'odueed-4jy- Route-4-Park\l'ay to relieve Spring- ; aTTCeoiriiist i eariit>j{at€n for prompts y in the elementary that intersection. Coniniittee>i Announce*! ibtaincd last 'y'car. Chronicle, and local residents have Iff, '103 Thomas street; pis- meeting of the Bbard^of Education. schools,- and his wide experience ing local dealers to drop theirs. -rrtrrrrner > -Applieations-of-Seorge-MT-Lin- A total of 89fl "come to looOorw'ard to the visits nurses to j»iy,e adequate care to |, H. T. Sutherlin, 365 South Both administrattize_changes—bo- during—thB~pgs1T~tw^> years as an during June. July and August was again joined in advance of Boost- * avenue; District 7, A. E. coin, 100 Adams avenue, • for the of Service League members as an SOMERVILT.F. — Whwi patients. ...»'-. came effective yesterday. administrative assistant. at a quiarfip-rly nnvting at proclaimed_by_May-or_ [sort 22' Holly ^treetTT51itr7iet As both" faculty members pres- He has worked closely with the he Visiting Nurses Association in corge E. Ostcrheldt for Saturday. World Chemical Conclave starts in G;;"Milfer, 8 Sylvester easterly to Van Buren avenue, and subscription to the local .news- New York City, hundreds of chem^ SUMMIT—Continuous decline in eriily, E€C6tv& administrator's salar- elementary principal whom he will of "T.' R.Moran, 205 Pawnee road, Cranford Free Public library Fri- Sehojarship^w,inners for 1950-51 paper. "" ritig term enroirments-and fail- • Dis'trTa 9, ft. M. Van Horn, ies, their salary status will not besucceed and the: late Mrs1. Smi.th day morning. Mrs. Elliott Moody were John Baldeschweiler, a Cor ists from Somerset County and periling" avenue; and. District f6r the vacating of the extension Team captnins^for thc'campalgn other ne,arby municipalities will ure of, the Board of Education to changed by the board's action, it during the past two years. A "mem- of Chippawa road south of Pawnee, •presided., nell freshman, and Peter Weiland, include any subsidy in its 1951-^52 C, DanRel, 4, Cherokee road. was said.- \ . ' ber of the Cranford Rotary Club Last.rnoiittii. Cranford calls nuni- a Princeton freshman..Single schol Were announced this week by Mrs. Jake part. ABout 20,000 chemists budget_»iere the main^faetors in aptins_.atxdlneighborhood. were\ referred to the Planning Class Instructor Will HarmOn as follows: Mrs. John B. are expecteduto attend with more - Mrs.-Janovsik=ser-ved-asfa teacher r-SairnQwski lives at-451- Lin- BbararBoth are bered 294; of-these. SO -were; paid, ^r$hips were won J»y Thomas Cisar CJiamberlini Mrs. William M. Craft, causing theJS.ummit Adult Educa- pts will be- named shortly* in Sherman School from 192& tocoln «avenue. Orange.- partial paid and 32 free. In in 1949-50, now Rutgers sophomore Be Maxwell Simpsoii; tion Council to decide unanimously, bhnson said.' • : ' 6n recommendation of' Mrs. A. H. Crowell, Mrs. Hichard 1949 \^hert she^was named princi- 'Accepted at the meeting was theof Adjustment, a zoning v^a'rjjuice farwood, S3 calls were made, with and in 1948 by Robert Ws Nichol- Guy, Mrs. Robert G. Longakcr, not to run any ciiurses in the kcrating the need for eompa- l of Lincoln:- and Sherman 6 paid, 34 part-tpaid and one free. son, a. junior at bavtmouth, In Prize. to JMtrs, „ Marks . . 51-52 season.' The Board of Edu- Vv-wide^jupport of all five resignation -of Charles 'Howard was granted Clifton Englert of Fall ^'session of- the Cranford Mrs:- J. C. Munday, Mrs. U. L. Schools;.A graduate of. TrcHton shop instructor in the junior high North Arlington to permit eon- Township calls durin? July were 1949, the $200 scholarship was in- Stanger and Mrs. John H. Vogel. LEAM 70 PLAT cation, wffich heretofore had grant- \ agencies, the chairman said State Teachers' Cortege, she re- fewer, or 245, with 35 paid, 110 creased to. $300, and this year* twoCrcative_Art.GroupJAvili=otlrteially ed free use of the school and also -effort will be made this and' elementary schools, who hastruct ion of nine, garages at 209 open next Thursday at 8 p., m., inThe house-to-house canvass willdie ACCORDI0H! ceived her bachelor's an'd master's been named principal of Brookside Prospect. avenue, providing that part-paid and 63 free. Of 50 Gar-scholarships were awarded. mwdeby 5bmembers of the league^ paid the director's salary, has can-- read? every home, every.degrees from Rutgers University, wood calls, six were paid, 29 part- the Casino, Riverside drive. Modtra BwtiKMb celled both of ithese subsidies this iss and every industry in elementary school in Mendham the building fronting ori Prospect tot you pUy Middies where she majored in the field ofTownship. be finished with face brick and paid and four free., while ten paid All art class groups will trieet, at i ,4 year. •• " i.: • . :••-•*• • '.. and ffye free calls comprised! theNewcomers Club Elects this time, to be intio4uced to the tromUMttMt supervision. • She also has taken E. S. Breda of Pearl River, N. Y.prqvided with adequate drainage B(ginMr*s •ccordion believe everyone wants to considerable work toward her doc- facilities...- Kenilworth totaL. new -instructor, Max well Simpson OF [rate'and help in the forth- torate degree. Mrs.. Janovsik; has an industrial arts instructor in Fai; of Scotch Plains, an-art its famous luinisbcd. Modest Lawn High School for the- past two Introduced and passed on first In June, nurses hiade 251 Cran- Ira M. .Kerzman of 229 Notice is hereby uivciv tltat thc Board ; drive and we shall do ev~traveled extensively throughout leading was, an ordinance author- ford calls, with Sfi paid. 120'part* Columbia avenue was elected for his portrait works, landscapes of Adjustment tzwnltiiji of theTownstvlri Ing humanly, possible to .'give years,'was named to succeed Mr. and illustrations. Garden Show paid and 19 free. Garwood. calls president h West Indies. , . i Continued on- page eight) (Continued,on page eight) During the Thursday night .get? . MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1051. 5 part and three free. Four paid and n the Casinov A white elephan' together, those who ar.e interested nC-8:l5 JV-M. tti.S,T.l i.l Ihe Municipal tor; Howard R. Best, supervising three free eails'were in Kenilworth. HuildtiHi. ofti'tu-r North AVIMUIP and Alderi ; .' ; HANDLER OE BOSTON HAS RECREATED -MIERICAJW » pypp^M,^,^g principal, said Jjanovsij k had auction featured the flirst fall gath- in the. daytime class will decide on Street. Cranford, N. J.. lei consider tho arranged which will in- VNA officers and recently-ap- ering of the club,, the hours that will be, most con- , "Friends Behind the Garden following applieutinn: been selected by the board - to fill College Cluli Bo^k Sale Enrollment fjj> 8-81—ClUtun E.EnyWt, owner, for the-stringing .of; a banner the vacancy because' her training pointed .committee ^members are: Other officers elected were venient for their class to-be held. Wall" will be the theme of thc IK-rmlsiiloii. to erect nine unrniioi at 200 President. Mrs. Elliott Moody; vice- Vice-president, Mrs. Anthony Sor- l*ro!ipeet Avenue?,' near Ilivcrsitlc Drive, -North Uniofi~avehue, near had been primarily in supervision Will Again Aid Students Registration is gtill open for both conservation exhibit at the third lut fi. block ao.1. -•—.--•' tominucd on page Might) and because she was familiar with Cranford -College Club's second presidents, Mrs. William Old anddill; recording secretary, Mrs. John classes Thursday evenings, 8 to 10annual flower shojy of the Crane's ,;-. This is in' IlMltlenco _•'A" District. Mrs, 6. BL McDiarmid; Kinn; corresponding secretary^ Mrs Ford Gardeners next Tuesday from At tho tim«- and place dliove Ktnted all mm II\ MADEMOISELLE, SEVEIVTEEJ^, GLAIVIOIIR AND CHARM the elementary training program annual book sale will be ;held Oc- p; m".,- and during the'daytime on iviti?r^.tod |javUes7are itivfl^d to be prcs«, ponding secretary, Mrs, JR, L. Tom- John Shupper; treasurer, Mrs. John Tuesdays.' Anyone .may. matriculate 3:30 io 9 p. m, in the Methodist i r in .the Cranford Public Schools; tober 31 -through' November 3 in cnt u.h«ii full .o'l>portiin1ly-"t0 *lA ht'ard >• Ouring, her years ak.an'elem.fen- the -municipal building, it was an-iPublicSchools linson; recording secretary, Mrs. Hansen .Directors named: Mrsb.y contacting any° of the present Church school auditorium, it was wllljbe uivt-H to them. ,', •' •'• • fpartSecond, H. R. McCulIouuh; treasurer, Mrs Clifton Stockberger, Mrs. James members, notifying the treasurer, announced yesterday "by. Mrs. M. „ t,ary teacher, Mrs. Jariovsik worked nounced this week by Mrs. •' ..:.- i..i.^. ••....'*• ft Mr. and Mrs. Bishop of 30 *Mr. Sarnowski has.been a teach- Club members havq been col- ord here and marks the first time Stevens, H. G. Hahlo. and. for yesterday's program, and MrsTrailside. . Museum, Watchuhg. Thoing the afjgrnori to answer chil- lt\l'l\S Nil a. road, who' has-been • in eV in the Cranford Public Schools lecting books throughout the sum-the enrollment has toppetf the 3,000 Mrs. O. L.Richards; transports James Caruso was chairman? Mrs, paintings, submitted wci'e ffom dren's questions. Children will be BROUGHT SANpLER TO EUZABETH. County Isolation Hospital, mer and it already is evident that mark. The major portion of thc 179tion, John V. Nostrand. Mrs. Tom William Foppert, fea chairman,-was jiidmitcd without charge to the i ' ACCORDIONS LOAXK1) 611 Park Ave., Plainfield since 1940, serving as- an industrial hwtiy Art; Center, Westlleld Art Ule, since September 4. with pupil increase this'year is' in thelinson, Mrs. w; E, Mill. assisted by Mrs. N6rm^n".Bfubaker Association...Summit A»\.Associa« show if act'ornpanied. by an adult. *O OUK ft- poljpmyletis,- is reported technical books, dictionaries and elementary schools. when he was granted a military 1 And, membership. Mrs. Tomlin Mrs. John Moncuso. ' ' tion, Plainfield' Art Association, Mrs;': Douglas I, Cole- js chairman FASHIONS THAT ARE VOUNCJ - filescing satisfactorily, trie hos- leave of. absence. Upon: his return encyclopedias will bo. Suffered for The totals by schools this year, son, Mrs. Hill, Mrs, Heim and- Prospective new-' members may and Cranford Creative Art Group. of the consei'vdtibh committee aid- AAA Certified Iiistriict«tr<: sale as well asnovtis. , •* ' • tit .. • ' iited; yesterday. His,par- to the system in January! 1946, he compared. with last year's figure Mrs. Richards?-publicity, Mrs. Wjoin by calling Mrs. Fred P. Hus- Paintings from the Cranford ed by Mrs. TRTT Alan Lpw, and Mis/ 24 Hours a Day hopeful that, he might was appointed boys' guidance coun- La^t yes)- 5;50*0 bouhs were col-for thc same day, follows:* Roose- F. Whitescarvcr. Charles M. Rayton, , Jr., 599 Lincoln park, east, Qi"Group were: "Bear Camp River," J. B. WaltoiT; •-..''. Phone Linden 3-3701 velt, 531, 473; Cleveland, 435, 410; S5IART. SHOES TO LIVE IN, DAYS In to l-|is.home before the sellor in dranford High School and, lected and -the club-experts' to ex- Mrs. Hahlo and Mrs. Xtoos: menta Mrs. Joseph V. O'Mallcy, 20 Oraton by Mrs. J. H. Bucher; "Echo Lake 'Mrs. DiCarlo ha^ announced the l-Cri'd.. - ' : '• served in that enpaqity until 19^ cccd that number this year • Lincoln, 513, 482; and Sherman, hygiene. Mrs. Heim. Mrs. Hill and drive.' . .' . • FallK,". by- Mis'; H. E. MacCarthyj show committee us'follows: Sched- Iniiirkcci Craiiford's second case whejj-be was named -administrative . Anyone who has books of any473, 437. The .elernentdry school Mrs. Kaul, and United Fund. Mrs* "Weigelia," by Mrs. E. is. Sheahijri; ule—Mrs. j. H. Biicher, chaitmun, IJjcoHinafi the turreHf season. assistant with ' duties principally type to donate is requested to enrollment this, year is .1,952 as McCullough, Mrs, Kaut and Mrs. "Miami Sunset," bj/ A,, Lane; "Au- and Mrs. Cole; jkyterior staging —. NIGHTS OUt; BECAUSE "compared with 1,802 tryear ago. Home Advisor to Speak pik. Jr. was takon ill on Aug-in Lincolit and Sherman Sche'ols. call Mrs. TV'ursion, Mrs. Holand Hill. . tumn Peace," by F. Sloat; Mrs. N. M. Lightcap, chaiimaii, ^ while visiting his grand- The now principal was graduated GraHam or Mr?. Albert Gcssler.and There are 380 pupils registered in At Colony Club Tonight ""WilloW w Trees,1'' by Mrs. F. Greena- Mrs. Bucher,,-Mrs. James ClarUe, YOU WHEREVER YOU WANT TO GO |cr in Newark. He'came home the. seventh. and, eighth grades o from Newark State Teachers' OaL< the books-vvilll'.^be picked lip,. 't - •• Glee qul> To Begin At thc opening foil meotin'g of wald; "Fishing Fleet." by" >FMrs. . Henry Dctering. Mrs; DiCarlo, Plowinu day and returned on the" junior-senior - high school a: Mrs. W, F. Hcrzojs._ Jr.. Mrs. E. M. ^ils ton Moiulay the Colony Glub>ofCranfotia to? B^jrnes; "Hawaiian Bird' of. Para- f mbw 4. to Newark inhere his compared with 361 last year, and night. Miss MaHhaJU Cox. home disc" by Mrs! R.HbacIand; "Trio Powers-; Mrs. Paul"S'clb'y and Mrs. A CAKEIKEE AIRTLND\A, CASUAL FLAIR.: liBnosed as polio and 730 iiv -the ninth-through twelfth The-Cranford ©tee ClUbCw Cove" by J. J. rfarison: "Spcculatoi' R.A. WiLson. £ adiriuied io the1 hospital. Si*ades, as compared with 720 inbogin-Jrehearsals Monday eyening economics advisor. of the" Public • •" - *. '-,•*' i. - ,' '• • • Parking Meter Service Electric- and Gajs Company Lake" by Mrs. H. E. Young-"and Extcrior^s'taging- -Mrs. Edward AVAILABLE HERE Mate was-affected, but he novi> 1950. This wakes a total of 1,110in Cleveland School at 8 p. m. foof Elizabeth* will be gtfest speakcj; ^_ untiticd paintingMay B. Longen- Karow; Mrs.. H W. r '' NOW ..', IT'S YOUR CUE, iuHy rt'Hained his speech: it jw- the junior-senior high school its Christmas concert, if.was an- ; 1 at 8:15 in thg Veterans Memorial bach. '_" "' ~- Laughlin and Mrs . W. IX. Partiidge; aid... • . -..'••• . .i this year while at the same time nounced Monday • evening - at the Home. ' '. "Spnd Dunes," by Mrs. entry—hprticultural classes, Mrs. ,vbunRster, who observed his Total$20391IMFfrst last year the total was 1,081. initial fall. meeting of the officer C. A'.'Reass;.outside entries—Mis. Parking meters brought in, $20,- ?red parking regulations, $144; arid and directors - in the school b; Miss Cox, who will illustrate her , (Continued "on page elf;lit) • • AUTO LOANS oirtiuliLV anniversary Mbn- 911.60 in pennies and nickels in rhiscella'heous expensifes," $116.21.. Thc four kindergartens reported topic, "Menus in Party Dress" with Charles-A.- Campbell;, and "other the .hospitnl, was to enter an enrollment increase of 75 pupils, President H. R. McCu'.lough. Al arrangement classes'—Mrs. William V Prices range from 7.95 to 9. |thh-d grade Cranford in their first full year Patrolling the meteved parking men. interested in affiliating color slides, will be introduced by in St ,John the of operation, it was' revealed this a.rca in the business section, main- as follows: Roosevelt, 101 as com Mrs. Edward Itathje, arrange- Register Now For . Poorman. •" y I • PERSONAL LOANS |tle il school, Clark,. pared with 86 fast year; Clove the club^have been extended - Classification—Kilrs. Roland Sny- V C Hc nU week by township'Treasurer Dud- taining the meters and collecting invitation to attend. ..'• an ments chaimian. Mrs. Thomas l i , , ., °nded flfst. grade ley J. Croft. ' thc receipts once weekly, requires land, 83, 61; Lincoln, 94, ,69; and Campbell,"president, will, conduct November Election der,- chairman, and- Mrs. Bucher; i '^jSchool^ here. Mr. thc full time • of one police officer Sherman,. 06, 83. Kindergarten en Harold G. V^ogt will again direel the meeting, and hostesses will be The final day for'registration, judging—Mrs. Thomas A. 6'JSoylc, - » # REPAIR LOANS The 328 meter's wee placed in 1 top have two other and approximately, h,alf the-time of rollment this yeartotals 374 agains the group. Keeeived with regrci Mrs. Anthony Stein, Mrs. Lawrie in order to vote in the—Novem- chairman;, und Mrs. DiCarJo; hps- re use .September 6, 1950. Mr. Croft's year ago.-. was thc resignation of Mrs. Mari P ". William, 4, and CHar- total includes $79.75" placed in theanother officer, it was stated, . ^ Montgomery, Mrs. Frank Cooper ber General- Electton is Thurs- pitality-=J.tau«uEoormaTi,. chairman, itudd, accompanist, and plans were day, Septe*mber 27, it- was an- Mrs. Karow, Mrs. PartridgePand • EQUIPMENT LOANS meters by- over cautious motorists Admitting that there were 'tnu- and Mrs. H. M. Staigcr, -Jvr^**"~ 1 tw6 and a -half- prior to the date they went into merous" complaints when the made to .select a successor. Members of the executive board nounced this week by Tpwnship Mrs. George C. Spohri; publicity— " *>n ofMr.'and. Mrs. John service. meters Were first placed ir/opera- Accidently /Concert dates have, tentativel, met—Monday evening in the Eliza- Clerk J; Walter Coffee.^ i (Continued on iht) : • COLLATERAL LOANS 1 been set as! December 15 for ih Ill 0w$ l-t Huinrich street, Cran- March was the record collection tion a .year£.nj»o, Patrolman John beth home of Mrs. Kenneth How- Registrations are" AwfKg' taken " polio victim this- year,- G. Ranhofer, clerk of the Magisr- Christmas• concert and .April 18, ell. ^Attending were Mrs.. John .in thc clerk's ttfticc in the. mu- - ;P to his _hpme last month in the initial year wKen Speaking • 1952, fof the spring concert. Joh nicipal building from Monday Scouts Sjioiisor Paper • INSURANCE LOANS $2,170.39 was collected. Banner trate's- Court, said y'esterjday that Morrison, chairman of the musii Banker, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Coop- Auhlenberg Hos- weeks, as might be expected;'were few motqrists ^complain today. er, Mrs. Millard Hallenbeck, Mrs. through Friday from 8:30 to 5 Colleetion Drive Sunjay and is-suffering (WEEK OF committee, toll .-announce - selec Roy Martin, Mrs. Paul Martens, -p.. in,,_or at the Union Cuunty. ..'. A commuuiti -wide collection of • thei CRrlsfmaT"and -Mosroffenders-paytheir-flne«mow Traflic Accidents 1 tion of a guest soloist for th< olfccts, his patents Board"o7 Elections, Court House, old newspapers, magazines nnd fteel j Easter, the" peak shoppinh g without any ill feeling toward the Jr.. Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. John Perflioniil Injuries 0, Christmas concert at the next boari Silliman, Mrs. Rathjc, Mr§. Ralph Elizabeth. The local office.will corrugated boxes will be held Sun- P'y other weeks of. the -year. For the seven meters or tho police department meeting. p contagious disease and admit that they were delayed Fatalities „ '. 0 Swanri, Mrs. Staigcr, Mrs. Walter be open until 9 p. m. tonight, day afternoon, starting iit'l o'clock, * he days ending December 20, 1950, Pilst wcck in returning to their car . which Cranfbrd can be proud of a Thorn and Mrs. Daniel Gregg. nex.1 •Thursdny* tiight, 'and onunder uiis'pices of Boy Scout Troop , • -1 mi)mps; collections totaled $4(51.31 nnd for seven-day peYiod. that was free of September 24, 25, 2fi and 27,76 and "Explorer Post, 476,, spon- V. Lm'n111 Health • Offlctf- the week ending Mai t-h 29, this caused-them to receive the? oveiv Mrs. Wilbur H. Dehmer will \We do^not •ncourage unnecessary borrowing, but r bmith said yesterday. time parking summons. repo'rtablc Occidents. Hei-e's a tip In ToilavV Issue demonstrate corsage arrangements Mr. Coffee announced. Only twq sored by Cranford Post, 212, Amer- year, the total was $460.63. t to hcrp maintain thc clean record: persons took advantage- of * the ican Legion. _j Total cost o£ thc meters, thc Patrolman Ranhofer ajso declar,- Amusentents . Monday at 8:30 p. m. in the home v . y*hm you need ea*h for ony worthy purpose, see V$. ccl, that most motorists who appear SAFE "DRIVING' PAYS Armiud New Jersey 21 of Mrs. Edward Rathje, American Evening registration hours last E. Calvin Shire is chairman ol to Meet motorcycle used in traffic patrol, .ftiursdayr- the drive, assisted by John Aklan. •<>; tu1' the coming a counting machine and other in- hi court agree that the motors have Get out on thc curb sfde! Church ! 16 home and garden chairman^ _43!> BKGINNING NEXT WEEK .WEUK provided bctteV; paflfci'^filiti . -Stepping from your c&r on the Cl&ssifieds .... lidrth Union avenue. -Tto be eligible to vote, 11 pcr- Proceeds \vjill go -tot-^-puj chase vacation wiH cidental expenses, amounted to equipment for the troop. • TO{tf6TfBir County tot live months; prior to Cooperation of local-ussidenti, m 1!>C 8"» Club next Croft's figures disclosed. Much of been Hi^ :€ixperience that 'nieters smashed, door at the very least, Garwood News .';.:...... 22. thc cautions the New' Jersey Auto in BetroS|»e«t ... M PTA,Board to Meet the General Election on Novem- placing their" old • papers,- securely home of Mrs. > this expense, will not be recurring, "today have" become an accepted ber 6 and in New Jersey for, one tied, in front of their homes by i lM ian he pointed out. , partj of the regulatf&n' of. parking Club, AAA. . Kenilworth New* Executive board of Roosevelt ??!! plnewad. —-It--may- be a bit inconvenient to New Jersey PTA will meet at 8:15 p. m. Tues- year. Anyone who meets these p, m. will be appreciated, Mr. Shire The meters cost $19,007.60, the innearly all communities. ••-•'-•• day in the school auditorium, it is qualiileajtjons nnd who will be 21 said, in event, of !sitiesneht\veuth- Hobcrt motorcycle, $995; a coin counting, Thc TQwnchlp Committee, in itsslide thc few feet along your car 6 ... 8 ^ Leary. seat, but it Is a lot safe? to get out announced by. .Mr. and M[ How- .years of age before election day, er, the. drive will be held the fol- * - y machine, IR50.2S; spare me.ter 19.51 budget,'' anticipated. receipts /Society lowing Sunday; tlf4ltItNKI» of your car on the curb side. ard E. Miliug, president.'i is eligible to register. „-..' .. 11. J. <;OEKKE CO. OF ELIKABCTII' session. parts, $205; signs explaining met- (Continued on page eight) iii rataui; DEroair IN»VKAMCC

"'•*•': • ••;;i '•%. -'y-ar^.^ ^ r '' -I

11" f^

'' THE CRANFORD CITIZEN ANP CHRdlNrCLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1951, Pnee Threjft r Two THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. SEPTE>IBER_i3, 1951 Two other law te iche> Utah antl . Pjke's, Peak, Colo, 1! oi p.ii-.ed on to a neighbor, it recently at the summer home of Mr among other pomb,. GOP Outline IMans tKiiril'tI Osteopaihic Auxiliary Mrs William Fredrick at NejeeJio James and Mrs MJI \ > Mark Golden Wedding Date UJC Registration It,was while fl>mg dvei Boulder Mclntire, 42 Liiiicli4'ou for' T New Freshman Dormitory At Rutgers Beach Her co-chairmen ^ere Mrs 10 nuns also mMiuct For Coining Campaign Vn tu^Us or lnformcirtion, per- Auto Liability Plans Silver Tea - Dapi «.nd Grand Canyon that MV, To Start Momlay C i Mott, Mrs Charles Redden foj the forthcoming Repub- St Mithjol's UOS.II v''StK-iot> will sons interested should telephone • Tuttle had'an jnxrou^ moment ••Ii<.(ii>tr.itinn,.for..ih«*. full term PlansTor the annual Silver Tea America Years With rnn.>l<.'n.m.Cianfotd f>n l>)-'" ha\.c~a luncheon Tut«.flav .it the Mi- N .T r!><- Marxo uf 11 P**''^- of the Omoir County WomerrsOs— sMir-W»*HVr,-Robinik)nHt>f-122r^- ZJppefL— unior Collcge'wUl be Mrs Paul M Powers announced Girl^ScoifTt half of stattf, county and local i!an- hie Auxiliary were com- showed less luel than 'it will be sold and they must he a bridge would-be held October 5, Course *4o-Or m, , "at an executive boardTnvjet- at Koos Brothers at° 1 30 p m, oli(Us unitui on oi Ltim I Vt^ \ ,^, JIMj mathematics will Museum will speak on "Art Hob- i daughter, xvho cov- J.the" gasoline? The tank cap was B ; Mrs. Gubas had a meeting for idi>" icM^eis . i i' icarefuljy checked by Mr; Tuttle Mclntire to "a good rest." He be- one-year uncxpircd term of former good type mixed bipeds (small v ariety)i* " !>< ptotnlx i 10 ind *o ill piluii-- |it> (,i(fttod in eviiiing classes, bies for Adults " She wtlf display ber 27^ fiom » 30 to U territorv and saw as came manager of the Marine De- Police Commissioner J. Edward \vitlun n» lmmni Li^lU^1' ",' "l | Mmli Ikilin al (> 15 I^ist regular examples done by workshop iticm- the tea chairmen of the September before -.r takeoff oh the remainder Girl Scout H't-adciii a a Peeks'as they/would partment—August 1. 1933, after 'Wolf,'resigned. • , I. 1 meeting att her home yyesterday of the trip, his wife said. 1 after NuCt (iilJt.i I, la&'l. ir^:ii-iJa "*.. 'trtiT-i^-i'ioriil eVenmii fouisu ft i i, iiiid t»uciit..,t>yK;c as •Servmg~six-ye8rs-as-asststant-man>-" E. C. Mi-Maho.h, muiiici|S3i ciui of when sutIt |wilstU". an* women. meeting will be a gaiaen Ihe niroiane. with itq" ager. Me was in charge of sevi .•I 10 10 party at the home of Mrs. E. Ged-will be arranged foi .„,llU p A gasoline tank, carries, a capacity nian, nrJTioujjeeei appomlineru. -pi. " In Ci,nn,foul, GJIUIWUI .mil t'l nk dent of the auxiliary, who will at- ferryboats, a like number of tugs, Kiiinn;! tlajse-s run an hour dings, 8 Makatom drtve.J'he chair- of leadeis taking tho run-! load of 30 gallons of fuel, enough. Township Treasurer- D. J. Croft as Township, the "iiu MMV on .i pi i- tend the State Osteopathic Conven- 43 covered barges, 20opcn^3eck and 15 minutes- oath and JeUiil-ar man of the hostesses is Mrs H. J. teiested |jct^f>SK au tmu^ for four hours-flying time, Mirs. MR.. AND MRS- AUC.USTO REND1NELLI liniincc chairman for the campaign; New shipment of Singing iaries vaic n'.ssenuci nutomohilc" Hi>t ie- thrtsj-pwiiit toursts meet twice tion this week-end at the Berfce- cjll the Oirl Si-out ">'iiu> ,, yj and 10 hoisting-lighters, and 15 a -c L ... '-^«4 ley-Carteret Hotel in Asbury Park, Goodman. c Tuttle said. The plane. cruises'' at Another meeting of, the munici- *? -- '-- ' •'. '- ' . N. . ,- f the nwnoi oi otiu'r untsd.i> o» Tuesday and Thuri- appointed the following, commit- place. 1 He will be succeeded by William this week from Holland. A choice^sblection or - i; tees: |a-Atlanta. Ga. and west as Western' air fields are niucn sons interested in the-Republican .-••.'.'.'! ''l'-i n.iv. 1>I. Mai-K:iy stated. Si, Michael's Enrolls The Girl Scout Conm.l jrand' Canyon and Boulder A. Smith of Westfield, former ma- campaign as well as committee fine guaranteed singing birds. J Tea, Ivirs. A. E Neumann oi trickier- than those jri this part of The Rendinellis Are Rowtofed .uid pW)Vidi'd ihoio i no opoiatoi ilav classvs ran for 492;A who 50 minutes mui meet three times WestfleW, chairman, and Mrs. L. Born in 'Jersey City, Mr, Mc- 1 Septembei "24 m the In-« \nu'iy returned last, month Strong* cross-winds make landing ge hold qtv'Sep'tcmber 26 , in :the VERY UEASOS'ABtE I i*- vO* * mber of tht< mMiH'if"'. hou*.«'- H Zepfler, co-chairman; flowers A total of 492 pupils 265 boys Inlire attended Hasbrouck Insti- and table decorations." Mrs. C, R. •ir 'trip to the far-flutig On Their 50th Anniversary municipal buildihe. • " holii, is $6.0(1 fui' IUMC limit", of ana 227 giriiT ore enrolled in-St. the praises of the, SS.dio each piT-nn $10 0110 t'.irh Kuehm*; refreshments, Mrs Walter Democral& to lem.there and crashes rare not in4 1 , M*. and Mrs. Augusto RetKli-*- Michael's Parochial School, it is me.".They flew af;piper -clip- frequent, she said. - • University in 1907. He jpined nelli of? Marsh-street, who wer& and Miss Lottie Kingsland of-Ro- The Crahford Zeta Psi fraternity at Rutgers. Em- Katfr selle ParK, Mrs. E. J. Rehden. Mrs. announced by Sister Victoria, prin- •a four-seater iinglp-engirie _TManj!_a.. tiise, when-ihe Tuttle- married in Ita'ly-in-lSpl^celebraled. Th«« ynndrrn butcher woiild haVe :m(l S^'ftflfl c idi .ui nit ut .!-• i*'- will meet Thuisdny e\ nU\j 3 ployed t»y the Jersey Central short- Harry Axtt and Mjrs. A. F. Pollard cipal. • The present student body, "which Mr. Tuttle pilotsrht craft came.in for a landing, a cross their nxtieth wedding anniversary loved Kirvg Richard the Lion-Hearted ' peii ' propt'i H d.imj'H' for Cray tembcr 21^ in VFW ly after graduation, he served in View j TO' Chestnut Street! of Cranford, and Mrs Hallstein; lepresents an increase of 19 pupils uitiess. '• - .• . wind would sweep in and lift it up various capacities. - '." V last Wednesday at a family gath- for .t steady custosner.-The BOOK In. iKonilvMii th. llu mi le ln avenuerto dkeuss pl.iis fof til Thrce-ciitncrtsional color slides —A *MII »un out from the Mrs- C~ E.- Crartch, Mrs.-CharJes^ • l»g of the trip was to_ a_ like an elevator, T.,t,_o Mohgwg k : ering. ' __ - HQUbS FOR CHlptin EN " .'tells <*) Oft overthetflSO-Si-enrolUnent; r two. jrears-in-the -army Ci.-i-f»a *,'••• • . '* '• Tnw*i< hip, pi iv;ilt' p.iwn;;oi .iii- WestBeld. was created this "year. Sister Vic- assisted by'Hem y Vcictic year overseas.. During service, at Monday night ta—niuiu lluri 100 uiimcn to volunteer to serve as eci<- buildings -was built -with funds raised in the All - Uhfversity Development campaign among ,m all scctions'of the country 'pilot-oir such occasions..'.,-.... nelll came to this country in 1909 persons nt an outdoor meeting pf wholc leg of limb hi his fist .and tombbilcs sublet t tn tin* rlnvin!! toi ia said, making 13 classes in the Mis. Ethel Kmetro, n Camp Lusitsjnia, -France, he was and sent for his wife a fpw years cat'- it- at a^sitting.1' 1 Gray Lsiriis in whfch • S OCIALS • M: the ranch, the Tuttle's barren countrj^ide. . She busied were in the' United 'States they v nation of ( ir in the evening. Refreshments were chassis, , Board meeting of the Village Springfield avenue has beei en- *orps. "••'•*.. , '•• was "Our Best Eoot Forvyard." same women having one free d»y a week Read the Classified A(]s lHlti qper.ai.ing gold mine on herself at such times reading comic lived in Boston. They have been r 1 served. \ A 1951 and a 1950 sedan' were mprovemeni Association was held gaged to teach the hew sixth grade. For sonie months he.-was on Mrs. Raymond H.' ott, presi- orth is $14 i(). nen.v help briglrtcn the live ! of hos- •opei'G' of the resort. Tliey books, her mother said. ' . residents' of Cranford the past damaged as the_Hve_\vlrc snapped / special, duty as investigating and Mr, and Mr«. T. Mayers of_22 clays enjoying a seven.years,' •• ' dent, welcomed hus iands,' who pTtah7cri \cteranx;—the -chaptef Grant street have returned after and fell on the cars, at the adjacent imivage-6a!ee*?~ahd-alsoijudge ad- p vvhwu- .i pnv.no aul Tho^e willing to offer their Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Bodine. who life at Villa Rica bfcfore Mr. Rendirielli is 7,4 years, old The Price fs (OE^ lot of Bransfleld Motors. Traffic lliiugarlau Kcsearcll vocate of the camp's Special Court, The Stone's gartlen was pic- jj' t i»< rnobik' is used iff«l:nl\ spending ten days vncationjng in have been spending the summer \iS wfest. . . • • / , t?i vice-:, are a^ked to contact Red was rerouted from Soitth avenue Hungarian physicist!!, using.ura> and sat on the General Court of arid Mrs. Rendinelli is 68. -They tured at vaiious^scasons. Among in Jjusntess bv the mnuf or :mv hcadS THEM BACK TO of the marine departnfent. the jdfersey Central.Railroad Sta.- iji connection mth thc-irit-UMscs vital, factor', in furthering reefca^ William Henry McLellan, grand- '4.60Q~P,ounds~of Paper J^ V *• j j j / ^rf *• ^p^v^ J ' .Among .other 'responsibilities^ $ for'-whtch the club served as in jmtomobili* liability msur.mce. iion.il and skills programs so es- Mr, and Sirs. Russell Dean, with" i By~Troop Mr. Mclntire had charge, of the 100 At Faiiiily. Picnic rfa iitiag aidxisoi:, the li brary_ t m'iJl *<>~iKp~tittn*iate recovery of their "rhilriron-Pntrkia-and—Rtls- of 8 Hamilton avenue,_left this IH CLEAN CLOTHES , LargesT7gatKerrrig—at-a—ftmiily 1 op.' sRorfiorl 1 indvJHook line which I grbunds-and dogwoods oif Spring- 'the veterans at Tj.vons . Programs sel, and Ernest Em me of 112 Roos- mornmgi,by plane from LaGliardia m Ii'firu.u vTo; n i.ithti M? Methodist Church, seports that a ists Jo Monmout c'u^iion in pitmmtn w.i1- aic designed to stu the inteicst of evelt avenue, vacationed for two Field, foK Los Angeles, Calif.; paper drive it ^carried out last IjSS^ Club was present last night ju i service frorn_Bfe.w York and Jer- Hilltop, Echo Lake ,it d ~~\TTiiftL wjls»;ippkieiT lt'lionctive to in iu>"rnTal"lTvTnti~a£arri~so i LIMESTONE sey-City-wassuppliedlto_theJHigb±i. Mrs. -E: D. Stanley, • Mrs.' H, J. ;ilirpoIieics-,.wiitU*ii on and nftei that they may sooner iciurn to, Mrs. Martha Clement McLellan. Soil Acidity FkBl paper. v Ci£AN lands, where excursionists boarded ber of the arrangements ommit- Chapirf'• 'imd Ms. Thacjcleus .'.'. i:V:i'";n ]>e» mber I, 1 & hit and assume Mr^_and-Mr^^rWilliam- Schatz, Last-Thurscray, new patroLleada. the boat. . glemeyer poured. Hostess chuif- **+ § v teet- Tho new i»irrr,i^' in individual responsibilitiesili , with their s, Barbara and Broken Wire Sears erf were^elected as follows; Jeny TMrV Mclntire Is a member of the mnn was Mrs. MaT to the announcement. Gail, of 4 Stratford tcrracerhave Boe, Apache Patrol; Dick "Gove, T7«E HldtttY ab- Games and refreshments Were tiv» Stptombci 10 cliniinntotl th** 1 * sorb«nti( w e e d - New York Railroad Club and Zeta provided for 100 persons, it was by Mrs.- Werner FreudeYi-- Activity ril the Gray Ladles coyer been vacationing at Lake Faulin» Cars, Causes Detour Sha.wnee Patrol; Bob Schweizer, I x c e • ndorteKS, orv Psi: Alumni Club of New York, p iocuKtioiis granted last '.February Canie soil candltioii" /b t berg, Mrs. Wessells, Mrs. A. E. 10 -and result in, an overall rate a farce Hold, including rnusie, gen- skill, J^Jewton. , * • • • A live electric line knocked *•. • Lichtensi heavy and is a past president of the Jer- saidcaptaine. Ad bal bly game/betweeViefor Shaheen nteam ands I Robinson, Mis. tonrad.-Mrs. Earl ]ov«l approximately $1.50 to era.ernl| recreation, teaching, library by a truck at Greco's Service -Sta- Pioneer Patrol. \ clay. Holds malsture sey Central Club, having been ximately $1.50 to $3.50 .recreation, .teaching, Horary r; \ - »• . . .and .plant food near fiill Ford waa^eclared' a -draw, by/ A-. Dunfee, Mi;fj,v, Marvin D. -Hall Maxwell House • £3. * •i-sn-tlKtn the-ratrs^thnt ^or^-Afabic*.-wjtfsm^serviee and'"" Mrs. John Wyatt and her son, tionT" CenteHnial • and"South, ave- Scouts also discussed the year's^ KNITKERS "rents" tn^-sandjf—sod— *Iectedlta-that office in 1930. He is'Harr* y Heira; umpire. .-_.._•. and Mrs. Mansoll S, Richards. Re- wire in I'lfect prior to mending, with volunteer workers John, of 438 Orchard street, have program set up by the Explorers C % III ta I t h • i a/ Gives all soils a mare also a member of the Board of freshments were served in the din> to-work for which they nues, seared paint from roofs~of -,JHt loam-tike textufe. John Hall, £d Rearick, John Al- "It takfR two ti» make a harcuiii^lticli qual- 1, 1010. • returned honte after spending a ^recently at last Thursday's meet- Grows stronger, rool3 Managers of Union Inland Freight len and/William Muller placed in ing rdonri. ' ' COFFEE 2 2 54" are best adapted." Arts and Skills month at Johnstown, Pa., where two cars and eajisect tr?»fjRc to be ing. that develop lovelier Station of New York. ity anil -low price. And on that basis, every H is important for eve/yone to workers specialize in woik with detoiircd from the area at 6:35 pl.infe. ExcoJIcht too,, thatytfrder-in a golf-ball driving (2 FOH IS ALE} ro'-ji/e that it isTfnrrhi^»?r>bi>hin.(l they were vkiting lelatives. for mulching and For the past several years, Mr. contest. Mrs. Earl A. Dunfec won' item in our i omplctc market is a crcat tt>o«l -. leatherfi metal, plastics, wood, cer- p. m. yesterday, police reported. transplanting. Cranford Nurses On thef wheel, vvho'is dirootly j Attends Health Meeting wm TPfif Mclntire has been chairman of nail-driving contest, and Mrs. Itkt. buy . . . a real bargain in Kt>od cutinc. amics, nils-, water colors., jewelry, Mr. and Mrs. William Cleaver,, Lt. Lester Powell said that Cas- Health Officer William P. Smith the .operating-committee and of Bazaar "^ siMo for the insurance rates paid weavinj;, etc. —iPltEMIEit PEAf MOSS Ivtuller was second. The famous branas that fill «our shelves, bv ^vctyone.'According to the latest their ilnughtcr, Jane, and Mrs. par Greco, owner of the gas sta- was in Trenton yesterday attend- the chartered boat committee M Carol .Shaheen, jBiliy Lovett and Miss Helen M. Sutton of 148 FLOUR 15 iojfcrts from'the .Sew Jcrjiey-'Dc- Neoti for more voHmtt-crs to nmes Oi Whaley" of 407 North tion, was moving the truck, owned ing a conference on preventable the General Managers' Association Hillcrest a-veiiuc and Miss. Phyllis : lie tables and cases' ure yrtiir guaraitte^ of eiiiry on tbecu diversified activities Ass. Hirtz, a guest, placed first }h Union avenue, have returned from by' Builders',, General Supply, 335 diseases' sponsored by the State CLF.AHE'0 and FiHISHED of New York, and is a member of .parate divisions in a balloon- Gilcher of 128 Bcsler avenue were \fermoiiiT Maid! (jiiality.. - Our . equally famous .SQfJ/tttE - *r4*-~ ~-J Ts~Uri!«'i«l- Patients aie appreciative Oceari~Grovd; "Where"they" Spqnt Cehten ia I"«vcriiie,' "wfthMhe dump" Board of Healths the board, of .visitors ofNew.'York' oit the arrangements committee for hot, t\,"3>i vision of Motor '•Vehicles;, 687 of the efforts made in-lhqir bphalf1 leaking contest.; Mrs. .Albert Al- DUAL iiolii'K is sour assuranrc of low perjsnns were killed in automobile three weeks. to improve thfc sail Maritime College, Fott/fechuyler, the second ahtvw.il bnjsaflr for bch- K.offers nn excellent way >W inger was runner-up. 23* lirices—every ilay . : . -every"week! .For'. jiitldents in 1950 as compiifttii with | Ask about ,our 6-step lawn N. Y. ' Mr. Shaheen, past president, was •ellt of ttfiTElizaboth General Hosr SfRUP of the coinnuinlty to Mr. jJnli Mrs. David L [leg, '27c. "' ~~~ " mm '-" progTaro that brings real hairmart of the picnic committee. pital at the Mairj. Nurses' .Home, proof — for examples of -the sreat fo«a

• , •$, •,. . A. •.•7m -;,•;•..•• .*•. I- . ::*;••'••:••* v>'::K:r. •-. : S 1 11 : '^ ' f -- • .'. . •',.,.'..-...- t, . , i i •:....—..; '.I •!• • •• •• i I.*, ii ,, t . -..-—•• — ..•. .r1'.! • • 'i I, i ' r ''r"' -' , , " * )., ["... V ' ' ' . , ', , , • " ' " ' • ' ' • '• i" ' •-'• ' i ' «,.' '..'•",,.: •• v^y-i •:•. ;'.-• '.-5, ••.;r:.,.-4.--,: ! , Walter, E. Cooper, of 511 MichaeV;and Kathleen; of U'Col- with their1 son, Kenneth, j Mi*s Zekoll Honored'.,J. tral avenue has retiimed, from a. several of the Wqrld Vl'ar I «attle- o m t^ rields^lrhere he "served with the Urhbia avenue, are home after- a Beech, street, have returned h Green Giant Peat month's trip to Europe. Be spent vacation at. P'oiiit Pleasant Mrs. after accompanying tMeir •'£ At Birthday Party 29th trivisiort. Mrs. Cooper and vacatio1 n . g tMeir rf \\ several days Visiting , in London Big fendar and tw*«J family 'have , returned from A a _ • X ' . >'_ "'i_J 1.—. tJ i_«M*w«i«Patricia. rt^L,^Thorn = , t. o^*** ] t Miss Virginia Zekoll, daughter and touring the English cathedrals. McHarg accomp*anied,her husband Second Big Week of AtP's Great Event!... ^ 1 f a rqiicln, •Hnrppe Tom-.month's Vacation;.at Seaside,,; oit a business trip to Europe' earlier Park.'N; Y., where shewili 21 Carpenter place; ceJebrafecTher Tint f hrf nnntversar; Dublin and Glasgow,. He also was Afr. and Mi?..John E. McHarg Mr, -McHarg retu , visited the Finger, Lakes {?,.„: Saturday evening. The party Was 'held at the horhe of her aunt ana Niblets -imctef-Mr and Mrsr Eueeftc » Banner of 171 W. Roselie avenue, Rosclle Park. Decorations were carried out in 12 or. can | Q6 •- a garden theme, with walls and oVth coveted w.it-h' sprays al pink and blue flowers. * -• y Gutsf. present were: Miss Nan- kipton's Soup Mixes cy Petreeka,; Miss ."Barbara, Bus- chold, MJss. 'MarthV Rdsendafe, |Tomalo-yeg»tabl«, Chicken Noodle

•stanwi Blazullf"—^liss l C.iioliiie Scholz. Misi'.La. Verne1" BooUtt.le. Mi«s Cat6le Zekoll and. Albert T..iwrfLHf<> f>f O.iriford: MHSS A'r- lene Benner, Joseph Kennedy;, Miss [dapp's Baby Foods / > DON'T MISS THESE FINE VALUESI...TI Catherine Bentzen of Roselle Park. Sfrained Chopped I I A\n<>r party attended Rutgers University Mr.-Parsons. at the Jensen home. Buckriell University and .is a mem- large pkg 30c Tools Hold Open House Miss Jensen was graduated from Mr."Pearlmart, Cranford'High ber of Sigma Phi Epsilort fratern- Cranford High School and Union ity; At present he is with the Syl- : : i V To Honor Hride^FAect Ji'CH and ild rom, the University of ^Nebraska, vania Electric Company in Tow- ?t-^-^ lib • Roast rcu» ibJ2e," iQ'>uet4«- ••..-fihibkeli$.»«iH«w& irwg- \% "tffi.. a-.servtec representative - he wai a mehtber of Sigma Kirkman's ——Mr. wd Mrs. Rssyworttl^K—t-tiaV r nf SMS Lincoln park, east, ave hold- New 'Jersey-' BelUTelephone Com- Alpha Mu. He pany in Rdsellfe. World War It Granulated Soap Fi^lTPoHtSliouWersshoricu.ib47^ ^Fdwl ^n^s Ing open house tonifihfin honor of Margaret Ann Dolan Miw Brtrbarif Lee Young of Mill- Mf: Brantingsom Is a graduate of An early For the laundry and dishes bum, who will became the bride, Columbia High. Schttol in.Map'le- planned. ..." Fresh Hams wuieorcu^f ib.63c Smoked Pork Butts ,79 wootl ahd served' two years in Is.. Veteran'« Fiancee on Saturday, of their Sor^ large pkg 31 6 Marlrie <-CarpST d.uring-Worl( MT-Groeket-6f—Harti Mr. and Mrs. James P. Dolan of mnnv will be in Trinity CHurdi. II. He attended irn'ion Juhior, Col- fm-merly of Cranford, Fresh Spare Ribs T, y i^e —Sliced Bacon lege and is How a junior at Mari- visited friends here last Friday nouneed the. engagement of their MIM Young .was guest at .a per- daughter, Margaret Anne, to Jqhri bur sonal shower" IPX Thursday in the etta Ctillege( Ohio? :;:\ ,. while,Visiting his daughter, Mrs; -V%7 A. A/Whittaker in Westfleld. Mr, F. Varley, Jr., sort of Mr. and Mrs. fbfIt)* laundry and dish** Smoked Ham Slices 99c Frankfurters home of Mr$." Jarhes. ft. dbrrtptori, ; 'pi 165 Hillcrest avenue.. ' ' Hti'se', $ operated a florist 3Lt. Wc«.tifleldr—Atten'ditig Were Miss 'Octal, a graduate of St, c large pkg. 30 Pdrk Shoulders s kd- fiorf cu» it 49* •* Pork Sausage te it 53c m±M and'."lVffs>. Alien OaraneF shbphere iE6r-mbre than 13 years, Parochial School and W6 s u of Cranford, Mrs. A, J. Miller of ••--- '•->?.- We John Pearson, Mrs. Patrick O'Neill, Center; in.Hartford. -Mr. Varley, employed at thfe Ms< Oliver Davis, all of Garwood, end at Niagara FjiIts and-went on General Motors Corporation, lin- to Oh io-where-they-visited4riends. ivory naKes and Mis A. C. isiting—at the rs nseins-flTiiistcrof the:pros= For diities and fine fabrics^ I Bologna or Meat Loaf pcctivc bridegroom, and others are Miehnel A: Torro 'is spehding home of Mrs. P. C. Jansen of 8 several months in Charlotte, N. C, Elmora avenue and calling on old Mot lit Y«Kirt...A» thk low Priest •v ••• ^:WM mernber>? tof Mrs. Tool's bridge large pkg. 30c - Chopped Pressed Ham . . b 89c club with Conversions and Surveys, friends and neighbors in Cranford. during World War II, he was re- On Eridny; the Misses Ruth Bro- Inc., working on natural gas -con- Mrs. McKussick.lived for, 40 years cehtly discharged after being re- FANCY N. Y. STATI Jcanne O'Bricn-S versions in North and South Caro at 187 North avenue, east. Balled 4B-active duty for one year, I I Bacon Squares . . . . mary McCnbe, all of MUIburn, and serving nine months in Korea. y the CJranford Clippers baseball and Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Guszkowski For diihes arid dudi ' ~. Various Brands lesmice Ko wedding date has been set. Breast of Veal ^ . »' ib. gave-a miscellaneous'shower for football teams. " of-12 Soughton avenue entertained large to « e . Miss^ Younguestg at sth were B^ohole fromm home.Cran-. with an open house for GO guests large pkg. 30c ".••'•': Mr> and. .Mrs, Joseph Ash fiaxtei Sunday aftcrhoon following the \••'. A whale of 4. value? You bet! You ford, Millburn and . 10-ounce 11 ! of 4 Makatqm drive have returnee christening of their son, James, at get a big 2Q-6imce can lot a *nere; 10c! •. • I'.'(T.T! Mrs. William A. Comfie of 217 from a-Strip" to Btfttokheal* .V«. St. Michael's Ctoiaffcy. the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. William Francis Mackerel b 19c Shrimp . ib S5« Walnut avenue ha& returned after, wherfe they visited the historic: Mark: Doaltiy, assistant pastor. Vollmer 6t 18 Riverside drive an- woujtce the birth of a son, William I ittlhite Flakes 10/ home of Patrick "Henry of whom Sponsors were' -Miss Marjorie i ! ii i vacationing for three weeks at the Scallops b 69c Flounder^-b 73c :, - ; '*:ii Avon Inn, Avon. ' Mr. Bhxt6r is a direefdescentdant. Bracken and Robert Dircks, Stewart^ Robert Vollrner, born at Blues .while you. waih St. Barnabas Hospital, Newark,; on : ^yyy:^~:~:.^~:<~s->&^^ September G. Mrs. VoTlmer is the fbrrner. Miss Adah-Grace Roberts, lib can 89c of Mrs. Pavid Stewart Beech-Nut Coffee Roberts of We.stfield, formerly ot 18 M csn Cranfprd, and the; late Mr. Rob- veetheart Grapefruit JuiceM\ • • •• •• .c'imm erts. - - ' ^ • For loilel and balh Mr, aMd Mrs. Allan Wandelt of Orange Juice Aiib^d In School OP College 55 Elizabeth avenue have an- nounced the; birth of a son, Greg- ory Allah, on September 9 at . Junsweet Prune JiiWi^'i^Me NEXT -BEST TfiflNC^-T#-. Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield. Mrs! Wantjelt is the fonwer Elea- Siteed Pi«iea|pl0 AW M*>.'i*M* ad nor Cliffords daughter of Mrs. John Complexion Soap Iceberg Lettuce „ •••>'?• ^ 15« Fresh Prunes F^.^ 2"^^ 23e Clifford pi Hamilton avenue. Mr. and Mrs" Rupert Wandelt or the Price Reduced! • A £*ettSr Froiif ' From nearby farms Ib. 13c P3$Cal 00(61*^ Frew^S^Ty 4rmS siallc \ #G Elizabeth.-Avenue address .are the Wesson or Mazola Oil r*Eint-Wii]-iYU7)l,IWn»*««'W«W»'.J ^ 1890 French Dlressing ^feBeets r--^ IS THE WEEKLY OF Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Reigrier Broadcast Corned Beef Hash nb. Heinz Ketchup elf 12 Oneida plnce ahnoutice the . Fer fbifef. and baiJi bi&h of a sgH, Robert .Clayton,- Jr., on August 21 at Elizabeth General Stahl-Meyer Beef lew * «i**L4B« Heinz Chili Sauce Hospital. • ; , ". 1 Codfish s^iiey 4« ^ 19c Mr.'and ^trs. John MaeKa'y of 18 Wheatena n Rnmapo road announce the-birth Camay Soap akeS Prepared-Beardsley 10V4 oi. tan 21c of a soh, John' Edivairdi on Sep- Carilina White Rice ii 15ci;a> tember 6 at St. Elizabeth's Hospit- |:^ For AT THE SPECIAL COLLEGE RATE nU Elizabeth. - .'«•'•.."•. Brill's Spaghetti Sauce MO -" River Brandfrowii Rice"«.« / • . • .-*'., • b6Hle \ Collegians Cornet * Ann Page Syrup "itM.-i* 23«? * r : Parson's Ammonia « ^ 22e Marvel White Bread - "> ^ 15c Sugared or' cinnaifton J 2 '° Miss Susan Noble Clement, Woodbury'3Soap daughter of Mr. and Mrs.;EL A. Bath Pillsbury's Pancake Mix Flag PusSy Cat Food ' ClerrieHt.;;£!-1*irHamlHert avenuer Iced Raisin Bread * L 23c Corn Muffins -.^9. will leavir Saturday for Hood Col- Aunt Jemima Silver Cake Mix * o, Ph 35c lege; 'Frederick, Md., where she Flag Dog Food v ••'.• Dessert Shells e^.»»6^20c Iced Golden Loaf b will enter her sophomore yeatrSte; : FOtt THE COLLEGE YEAIl NOW TO |IJNE is majoring in home economics. Delrich Margarine &***%>* ^ nb^Sfe Gre-Solvent *•«« 15* "~3ib..*»3T» • pkgdf-2 Jelly Donut Fingers ^ ?* 8 ^ 22c " Miss Mary Lib Cbft*ee of 118 Oak- Crispo Bridge Cookies , wr,?i,i9c Modess u lane left Tuesday for Durham, N. A fin* perfumed sdip ADDITIOM tO ALL tHE; HOM&TOWN NEWS/ your gem e>r daughter ,(^., wh^re she has entered he;r. Swanee Facial Tissue will enioy redding the dohigs pi triottds in other schools arid colleges, as sophomore year* at Duke Univer- r*9 cake 2 »br lieil^U PUOuinK.S Except tapioca pkg. J for £«|tL ch*o«ieled in Ih© populg^^COLLEGIANS' sity. She was accompanied by her SUNNYFIELD FANCY father, Township Clerk* J. Walter Kirkman's Cleanser .u.«. »i 2fe 19 c ,, v ' > ••' ; Coffee. '•;' ' - buddings MI flavors P^. 3 1- •\-~zZy.-. }i "' fi : ; _ „ ^ _ _ ^ __ _. USE :TttlS CONVENIENT Robert Herrick_Cle?«ent, son of. nsj Bouillon Cubes Palmoliye Soap Mr. and Mrs. R. A.. Clement of 8 fer toilet 8«d bajfi - i GRANrORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, Hamilton avenue, Will leave'Mon- Cashmere Bouquet •Wfm day for Yale University where he i f r 21-23 Alden St., Crarilord, N, j, r will enter his senior year in chem- Lifebuoy Soap ^^^» ^ 2° 23c ical engineering. Sliced American Pabst-ett Cheese Spreads o- • ••.*!'X»5ii 'i Kirkman's Your , Ivory, Dreft and Ivory Snow of C :-;'•.''.([ 6 bath iizs esk» 2 * 23 . •. f '.•...v,.i^lfcia'n' Richard S. Fasnacht, son of Dr; and Mrs. Walter Fasnacht of 33 Sliced Swiss Borax Soap SOAP COUPONS AT A&P ±» eab 2 ib 69c Ched-O-Bit Cheese Food-b 25c Central avenue left Tuesday for For the laundry •''i •. \ • • • ky* -^ ^JLXJ— •« -•••••• Philadelphia College of .Osteop- Kraft Slices •%ib.-p%34c —-— Frash Cream^-^hwm.-%pt.-«n»36« 15to: athy, where he is a sophomore. • Til Frank JT Sowa of 9 Besler ave- Packed hi • 13-oyriM Borden Gruyere Mm nue will leave this week-end for Cleanser Georgetown University, Washing- cut gliss tumbletr ton; DJ C. where he is a junior 1)11 'he foaming action ' majoring in social scietwfes. Paul 0 •'-" •• •'•• , • • ^J- 2. H. Sowa left Sunday to enter the Crop 4 ex, 3'or 3§6 SpiCC DrOpS Worllimor* 12 ot plcg tQe School Addrtfta...... - Addroafl..... ~ University of Notre.Dame as a pre- Orange Juice

J 1 I IB*".T^*^ '' ' j t* » ' 'L'j^ -[ '*Q* ~J{~\ f** l ^ fa < Mr. and Mrs. F; JiSowa. 42e~—Tootsie Rolls u^yP^ 22- r24 r- t.». »»*<*•*•» Robert E. Bannen, son at Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bannbn of S Hester Broccoli stteirs-Libby or Birdseye 10 o, 29B Rockwood Mint Wafers ^ - 37c P M D Send bill avenue,, left-Sunday for-his fresh- PrieisiMwi here ellectlve through Sit, Sept. 15th In Super Mirket$»nd Self-Service Stwet Only mati year in the pre-me^lical Minute Steaks''"Hwad. 6«.;Pkg 49e "^- Candy or Gums. p°P:*&*» J ^ 23^ Tonrse^iit—Uu i yersit^r^of;—Notte Dame. >

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THE q^FOjib Cff^;^ 1951 TJKE CRANFORP CITIZEN AND' QHRdNIjCLi:, THURSDAY, SEPTERtB^ERl 13, 1951 — • r * M On Bermuda Trip fA^li Saturday Bride In Church Bridal Olio C Webers IsBride^ r,/i

. . . • » i • . • -nt^v ' • Miss Pauline . As:;-;s'.•' j^ daughter of Mrs. ~" ur «< Mrl.Wi .'Mrs., Otto• C late Mr. Maye<*, ^ Sunday, of Thomas AIGVJK , ler, son of Mrs. Pierce tl g^ v.^ "ct'cb? .ltd Friday nijjht 904 South Twentieth st,-^ j IJ, thiiirMioirtf. Sixteen ark, .and Jhe late Mr. g,;£I ^^- Hackc-nsick St.* Michaelv$ Chtirch." i William & Donrifilly, K SJUiru/1 20. 1920 in 'the ficiated.'assisted by the ,8, Eij!hty>«rrt J. DoI$S sleeves,, •with tiny h Edna IS erne Becomes Pflug—Andregen Bite 'tojosTdown the front, "i Bride at St. Michael's Performed in JNemir skirt was banded iti Mr. and Mrs. Geyer Mis* Carolyn f\ Mullet, •Her headdress •» i -:- A10 o'clock wedding ceremony Miss Donna Jean Andresen, | Weal field Hutu Marry 7 Queen of i A ai Ira « • «/ Mr uiifi- Mrs. W.ilfner B". Living in ParamM* Saturday morning was;performed daUghter of i4rs; Lester E. Harden ace.with bridal Heritz Sweet Ghei*ins^£^3k . In.a- ce/emoiiy at 4:30 p. m Sat- lor Missr Edna JeneVieve Neme, • .,;•.;.-—^ - — 1 W* .tMrtrvt.'tMrtrvtr off IG—JHSICC terrace, Mr. :md Mrs'.- Adam Gctirge l* sdpoil applique, l 'C imltiy in Crartfwd-^Tabcrnaelc, daughter o£ Mrs! Charles Neme of o< Baton Rouge, Cucumber Picklei ;^^ 2^ It.Il Ti.wi.flnge^tip veil Jwas_atjfcached jo a~«atching_stole. Her accessories pastbyof StrMw ark, ' another-fc^ oir.e Rarnapo road, sisted by the Rev. Mark J. Doojey. seed pcjii'l tinra. She carried' a a small cap,''and she carried a bou- were brown," .Mrs. Marden was ppUE-or-piUMONTE cascade of gladioli. . • quet of white orchids^., roses, and honor attendant for her "daughter. bridegroom, were ushers;, Escorted by her father, the Bi-ide francis Gleasoh of Cfesf; Joan Barbara Muller, her .sister, stephanotis. i. " . William Pflug, Jr., ofCrahford, wore a. ballerina length gown rtf Miss Evelyn Tamer soloist. . Chantilly lace, with lone sleeves w;is maid of honor/Bridesmaids Mrs.-C. Herbert Bilyeau of Ro-was best-'man' for his brother, P The e&uple left for i,.lf.p» uice2 "--edit•s were~M-iss K'arla-Mae Nicdrach of Park, sister of the-bridet was After a'.btieflhbneymoqn'.iA Up- atirf. Peter Van collar, nnd lace- ida jrpm a nzc§ t!ver'-sa'tin"sRirt.' Her J0TieT7ITusi«)!i Qrnntordla cousin, Pd per New Y«rk State, Mr.-and^&lES, i 1 at the Hotel"' roart.'h,<'.y.e..,returnt d fin>»CTtip veil' was attached .,to. a. ih^ 'full-length pale green gown Pflug will mbfor to Chicago, where Pierre of- Ocjjan Grove and Miss Evelyn Tanzer, daughter of *^-T Upon return, they uiH seed pearl cup. She carried white with lace bodice, and bouffant they will make their home. Mr. -•tier SJJC wct-ks spent., at the Cat John Skinner of Breton Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Louis.fanzer of 166' Newark address, • ' i ste'phano^tis ma- ;Da_vid ShcpBon. of Nyack, N. Y., entieris Home After tulle £kirt. Her nowers were fel- Ptlug has been transferred to Chi- Green Giant Peas bridal JJorjth Lchfgh avenue, beeamo the The bride, supervisor cj colonial cascade...... , "\va.s best' man. Eraerson .Jenkins 1.-:— low roses and chrysanthemums. cago^ by the -Su»v-Tube Corpor- frsj HarpW NCIBOIT. of 1 of :tireen'Village, and John/Rich- bride of Howard parries Locfer- nuth European Tour John Carlston of New" -Roehelle, atipn; Hillside, where He! is em^EJ$i.sy.i 1 •'Miss*-Stilly VeVrion of EHzu- 1 both, was graduated fnsc' 0 stedl, son of 'Mr , and Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Arthur-Vcnneri of N. Y., was best man for his uncle* jplbyed;" - r ' Mff I&J.4 tntt efiU'stiiirk-d on .'Satur- ardson and-sitonald Wilson; -both r. and Mrs. ArthurVcnneri of beth, Ji^com*'' • classhinte of the Mrs. Neme, the bride's' mother, ford High School. tlr.v att<.rnfton—4ty-hrinV ir ..ottht i wSs"uitH'rfrt>y-honQ^" a f were ushers " " '\ Loderstedt of 49 West Holly street, ti IMorth avenue, eastt, returnetdd • Mrs! Pflug is a graduate o . Butlfer, who ^' September birthday an Saturday; -Baton-Rouge High;'School, when joncjuil yellow, wun matcmriK hjo. Uomjlanied, Jiitt tticTtic' ciiKuii bhiy Mrs M'?|th. e Methodist' Church. 1 he. Kev y accessories ' ' " ""'ilTPcFa'Delta 1 fire departrnejst^in that siiniversa'ry; Jack 4 ??' v A reception for, the immediate a' high school sorority. "She at- ; Sh carried bachelor,buttons. • N^harlcs Perry-. . ,' Albert AllingerV pastor, officiated in Italy. ' .The"-'bridTh"'bid e •^? wa5s .;hoceiy;h it| 1 1 SthteLou^ian- and 'L.WV Kirk, his nUyaffd^guestsw^sheldLO11U S" " *'' ^^- • • m^- Lou^ian cah — i-.n.'inis-jt^uiimuM-ui-jjim""- "i yy.—ruceuumi—im—>n—f.Qii_them&-. immediate Thp t,Pidc psroH^ hy'hpr-fajn. JCbgiiL.gy*''j]siv.ff -ffflir, which took —o — uuestslWcluT a college t1assm;rtc~o1'nh«^bTide^fj^nifj^niee^i^iinti ttie~bridattiebridalPany.fS^^^fg^wMdlng^gol w vot•satin; lowed siHbe home of the bride's j ' portrait hetkline Venice, Florence, Milan, ahd'other1 jpouple', after a trijs-lJi} Bermuda, member of Kappa Rho. Sorority ter, at which 50 guests"' Ti*pku>., Stephen Trc'pkus, San- •iinxntn.oom, WIIwasKt best manman. . t lowed siHbe home of w th a ent from eranford. ..„,.!« -,,wi fmni Mr. :nifl Mrs). Rob-I ., _.» X..:...... «J ...:*u nin places -of...historical • interest iji wil( live at the SeVerin.'cbuct ad- She recently completed a-course rfr.j I>auxtn;m, Paula Vantik, Pau A reception for 85 uuests wait uncle and aunt, Mr, and MrK. Rob collar trimmed with pleated Newark and Brooklyn. dress. ' , ""-,', .-'.'%• line V..i uk;,William Holdcrilh, Jr. held in the hotel ballroom after ert W. Niedrach> 8 Central tilly lace. Chantilly lace afeo Italyr-Slso i^sluded trips, into tit the Barbizon School for'Models VALUES! Mrs. Poss is a graduate of Cran- Pvtcr Ilaldcrj'th'. Tiria Pemandci the ceremony. HUC. trimmed the fitted bodice and briuf- France and Switzerland. While in Mr. Pflug is a graduate of Cran Special this Week Only I Cilit jlfrM. Stjrck..afi -font-skirt wer-a-hoopjjwhich. end- JRpme, they attended a special aud- ford High School, and had been ford High •School and the Univer Mrs. M, Kooh of.-8 I«..»'iVih>n, Jtttrey K«aK«auer, Jim- chiflfpn and Chantilly laeo mown the. bride wore a navy ^ ed In a traih... 'Her half-crown of ience with ipope Pius. employed by the J. D.' i.oiseaDx- sity.of Wyoming. Ho is a membe street entertamed at lia Open Friday my ponisclly, Carol Konopak, Bob- of dusty rose, with the same yilor and matching accessories. The pearls was.attached to a ^Snger- o Upon return to New Vork late Lumb^ Company as assistant, see^ of Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity Monday for her bridge tiii 3 "^=*^ by Kanopak, Tommy Dii Bueaccessories;-a'nd-, a corsaBc'"bf bach- couple,-will live at 8 Central avc- 'tij> illusion veil and she carried last month .qji..th.e S. S. Conti Bi- rotary To the parchasing agent un- a ve{eran-bf WorlctWai'. II-. guests attended^ Ideal Coffee o 83c v til a.year'ago; Most s-ecently, she till * t. M .^ lkniUla»; Ou Eue and Scticfrcd elor buttons.. The bridegroom's nue.- , a cascade bouquet of white orchids. anconano,' the Venneris were- hon- STRONG! Regular ordrip grind. Vacuum packed! ' '' mother wore a coraage—of dt h^MrAHRpbert—Poeltlejv-MsteiL of ored with, a welcome home celesL was employed as secretary to.,the MEb ,jink roses with, her royal blue Company, New -York, the bride is the bride, was the.only attendant bration given by relatives and personnel' relations ,jnanager at hold and Mrs. friends. • '•'-.."~ • General Aniline Corporation, . ,J,:Asco ^;;t.fca,7^iiicrest>tU;,.77c Mr- Charles crepep , ankle length dress and navy a graduate of Berkeley Secretarial She wore a gown of blush pfnk Columbia i»ve- : School, East-Orange, and'of Cran» nylon iici,withn boat neckline and They, returned to Cranterd Sat- Grasselli, -,;•.. ,.... ,. : ,.!' -.'....'., FRESH KIUED ;T Ada a iiueessoriesi . '''*' nu*. J : Mm^ejicr, a •teacher in Pair- ford High'School.- "' draped sash, forming a bustle .at urday night from their summer Mr. I*oss attended schools in two wtt'k--— s in ^j. City. They view Elementary "School, Paramus,' Mr. Addiss, a student at Upsala the back. Her cap and gloves were home in^Lavallette, where they Franklin"and was graduated from the University of Minnesota. lb us a jj.uts.t. M.r$: James-Dames was graduated "this year from College, East Orange, is a--grad- of matching color and she carried and their children, Marilyn, Ar- 8 Cranfbtd Jtusfc Bl«Jg. -^~ Room 5 FRYING CHICKENS ^37e ; Monlclair Stute Teachers 'College a bouquet of pink rubrum lilies. leen and Arthur, Jr.t hove been Maxwell House Coffee of'Philadelphia.'. uate..df Westneld High School. He . Afternoon hnd ^Evening :'. JFram neorby-farms: -Enjoy that "tJoWn on the fdrrn" fIdvor"!; can arid in 1047, frora Cran ford High served three years with the U, S. Best man was' John "Bernar. since they got home from Europe. Mr. and Mrs, Ditk Lohman and 1 : 2 ft't RtAD^rdR^THE-PAN OftAWN tftYlRS; An Equal Ysfut^-^i^ SSe lb. *"Ml Vii;l<^ NielsenNielsen yy itool; OUKt l.iiiar|l. Swariekamp; 6"t•-I5ll!4at)yili."- -Usliet place, will leave Saturday aboard caii Itr s,tre«.t K'turned Friday from a .Her hUKbnnd, a mathematics Prior to her murriiige, Mrs. Ad-were John Tanzer, brother of i\v Mrs. John Wfczesniewski, with the .S. S._ America for Europe. Mr. I tl,n*-v,t!ck&'-visit with. hpr_s«n->ri- teadter at.Wcstw". in Kuropc. • .'.:'. - race. Giiests frcim Ci'nnlord, Eliza- sage of yellow roses.. .,•• :heir sons, Tommy and Charles, 85c beth, Linden and Gillette were 3t 116 Makatom drive,,have re- Smoked Cottage Warns «•* 7$t] con . The bride was.feted'ut.a^perison- The-bi-fdogroom's mother wore a yf'P al shower lv» the week prior to'.lh' present. ' • blue dinner gownof lace and crepe turned after spendjng two weeks cerehiony by Miss Nancy Glen With matchins accessories and a it Baraegat Beach. •*-...• Rib or Shoulder Lamb Chops «b 89c Alt Prum Effective Thrn;.Sat.s Sept, 15th .'denning of Cwmfb'i'd. ' Mr. and Mrs. A". F. • tSohrnian, corsace of pink roses. ^ i I ij Ll WHOLEE or EITHERR HALHAFU and their daughter, Miss Ella Charles Shepson, accompanied "Mr. and Mrs. John Hermann, (Short Shank) rA Rob or Brian Smith, son of Mr, and Mrs Dqlirmaif, (if, 507 Linden place by Mrs. G. F,••*H«SjCh«WJilcr, Jr. atJr. and Mrs. Melissa Sclamp of Smok«a HaLA- ma. S- ^ 59c GreenSpntPeas ' iipl8 Nabisco Grahams X_ 34c 4 tjiUQi ^ii4jto#ociLta:c^ ni»-,ni«n»>n .«<«!• i...i, i -r -..a i - - „ ., _ AU.Yaw fwrit.. place,, was honqred at a parly c.el inR thr.L>u weeks at East Bay Lodge, "Because" and "The Lord's jyieor ...««.-»Put* Park, 1 lirned after spending two weeks ebrating his fifth birthday lin'ni- Ostervniu, 'Cape Cod, -Wnssr- iPrayer. ; •• •-> . .. at Shore Acres. Products At$ At Acmtl p" -••• ... ' »: . vorsiiry last Friday afternoon ^ , • • '^. _.t>—• ' • • After a' weddirig -Iripu-'to* New Ideal Tuna -, • _ =o-^^-- V • -v Fresh Ground Beef Orange Wafers 38c Guests included Carol Jacob, How ••: Mrs. Gdwurci' lleyfl.on, • Jr. of York State and Canada, the couple •Mr. and Mrs. James B.< Rodgers i^ 65c ni'd Jacob,-Jill Bieglcr, Barry Marlboro, N. Y.,. is convaloseinR will reside at 10 North avenue, and Miss Melissa Rodgers ofHjs.110 Mild Colored, 4\ '/lib. M — Farmdale Peas Sunshine Hydrox 25c Sjieglor, -Rtihert Bailey, Stephen ;\t the-homo tit''her mother-in-law, west. ' . • ,. ..'.-. . Oak lane have returned fronj a ten f Asco Sliced Bacon JL pkgi. ' O/C tomatoes Balic.y, Robert TR«ss, tSoivaldWatt Mrs. Edwnfcl Hoyden.'of 30 V/est' Mrs. Loderstcdt is a -secretary days' stay at Guilford,.Con"ri., and I! 'Vfevino Finger 25c iy Kenncy and George Kcn'ncy with the Newark law firm of Gil- SopW Holly ' street, following an ,ciper~: Hanover; N. H. —•. . ' .. '' Peanut Brittle - !& Uncle Ben's Rice *20c titFoniat Muhlonbcre Hospital. > hooly, Yauch & Pagan.. Mr, Lxidcr- CHEESE 53c Mr. nndTWrn.'CaUler Porter, with sledt is an -employee'of. Cranford Mr. arjd Mrs. F. S. Grcenawald and Mrs! E. R. Gilbeyt of *H4.Col Be Modem! Serve Acme Fresh Frosted finfc/ ' M & MChacolel* Durkee Cocoanut vheir ehiUlren, Catherine Ann, Mr. and Mrs..George Flower Shoppe, '.' ... r ib J Sharon und JTimmy., o"f 35 Herninu un\bia avenue have returned liome Sharp Colored Gfieese *%£ ££ 45c Hu pore! witli their ,soius, George, .Jc; after spending a week visiting No fuss,, np mussel! feed, / Mackerel ^^ 47c nvc()uv. spent two -weeks at FLHUS and—Peter, of 37 'Munsee 'drive, Mr. anil Mrs!" P. E. .Tohnston lb Chinch, Vn., whewtgjllwy visited ..with' their',daughter,....Miss Marj triepds and relatives in Philadel?- Provolone Salami Cheese : ' 59c no waste! . "Presher than B«,.>.L t:||*^» --^ J-51v.', ^ DAIRYCREST ICE CREAM £L 29c hiive -returned ,iu)me after-spend- ohiaand Blairtown, .Pa. , jforlloubfe Viilue... fresh"—-immediately '; rerCIl TllieTS »** 43C Mr. Porter's" parents,"Mr. nuti Mrs. ing, six weeks""•'•aT' their ^summer Idjlo.hnston, yf 1 Herning avenue Sardo Romano Cheese "-65c Howmd C. Porter. . ' a . home*at PauHnskill Lake, Newton. have rcttirnpd* home after" visiting frosted when caught! ; .- God Fillets ; ''£ 1>EL(C^^ * it f Iwirf . ° "*. . —o— for-'a".week with their • son-in-law Mrs. T.((WilIipms of 502 Centen- ot and tUiuRhton- Mr. and Mrs; Wil-firsd avenue entertained in honor MARTIN JEWELERS Faitey Muenster Cheese ^ * 55c Mr. and Mrs. 1^ -F- Urlxiw ' Mrs. E. .T. Towlcr of 22 Cran- MAN Wftb- '»*">i| liam- Shefthan of- .Phplps, N. Y.>f the ninth birthday anniversary lb >•' HanliU.J. pig, OIC 20"Hniniip6" road luive Vetujnecl. ford ayeiuie luft returned:.'after a liam Sheenan of pp . Matched Engagement Wispride Sharp Cheddar Spread 65c Grciniilated EC Cream of Rice 31c bwniMifler. sucndinK.lwo weeks at They also spent.a week • atj^ of h^Hteaghter. Charlotte. Twelve FABRIC Cfi^TER tvyo-vveeksj* visit vvith- thej.Eugenc to guests were present ' i' and Wedding Rings hu pv*. ouc u*>*. t>i>» / yc j Point Pleiisant. ' . D. Towlt-rs tiTTJarien, Conn.. ham, Cnpe Cod, Mass ' Mr, and Mrs. "fceoil Gary, wi.th Choose from our superb colle'etion HW Grated Parmesan Cheese"•*£: 20c Preserves 4 - : •_ Ky?uliiEe their .son', Jimmy; of SOT- High '•', of riiatched diamond ring sets. All" street and their nephew,Bill Dau- Preserves J 35e -,'J ' 15^+5- KUIfVli AVKSI'K, Vli'.ttX diamonds "graded .by us to insure'. ShMbrri Snappy Cheese " V^ IvoiyHglces &% 30c SIAl bei- of tlttea, N. Y,. IVaVe roturned Srthc finest in cut, and color at the Seabrook Farms Pem ^ t9h 6-5505 from n two weeks' onmptafi «•«! GRAND RE OP EN IN 6 "• lowest possible price. Sets from, DjCflSoapS^ 2: Spaghetti, Macaroni ^ 16c . .motor trip through VirKinia, North OF 'THE ..'-•. '• •' ••;• $112.50 to $2500.00. , !'•*'. l0 lllA ,,,i Carolina, und the Smokies. • . Seabrook Broccoli Spears Dial Soap e'thTi".' 2S372iauit c Evap. Milk ^ 6 if, 7$c Niagara Starch Juice ™&i*%^ m Ideal Tea Bags SIBS LOIS WICKS SCHOOL AT THE Limas for. your greater, convenience'^ we ' Goldert , Spinach VFW HALL offer a choice of ^vfiral payment 10-oi. pig. 19c Hi U.at Whale Cl«pp.J, !*««, ,...-; mq SmAh ,Av«.,"E. plan«: charge your purchase, and 20c pay in 30, 60 or 90 days; open an Strawberries "C 39c m Classes in Tap, Ballet, Acro- account with us and pay a small Waff te 24c batic. Toe, • Modern uml Ha-_ amount -.weekly---or-- monthly.^Re- waiian". ! Also Personality gardless- of the- plan. • you choose, Singing. ,....-.,'• there is no extra charge of any kind added! TINY TY|bs CLASS . " ; PREPARES Nmf- FORCANNING I- ' From 3 to 5^yc«irs in age is BON AMI Camay IS? LAVA SPIC & SPAN Underwood WESSON FALL MENUS anjmportant time t6V'u child --' •»:--• , Thtt Mlmelti Cleaner to ~be taught rhythm disci- CUANSER Towel Offer 71c SOAP Ball Fruit Jars;C 85c .r',9$c- Deviled Ham Salad Oil ?aiupUu- (iiiijicrx /nun SJ, St;rri'(l Jrom (i to S pline and coordination. We 4 «ak*t Camay bath ts«? t , Lvucheoitit'front Sl.Sc'tvi'djroiii 1'J l<> 'J ih • children .of, this . age tnr l Mason Jars ,'^ 2. 89c •b*HU O/C 7k —UDWt^tu—n- ernn*•••-. —. llmhrrtrITII •--•m» and stretohinB for develop* COCKTAILS FKOAI 12 TO J2 ment of their bodies. Tap foe S rhythm and , accuracy and CHf ffOH GLIM Wrisley roach them on SOUKS for self CLEANSER Super RENUZIT \r 37c INPORMATION GALL confidence. It is remarkable CLEANSER Soap Flakes Gallon con, $1.21 Toilet Soap "what the tiny .tykes can- do, '. e*wt i-. CR. 64S63 — tfN. 2«9(044 •*-. UN. £4894 .and do-well. : • - ^ „• ' t'.3(k;- Renuzit Spot Remover *Z koHU 8 ^.^frS^Wt^^^^^^&s^*^^ -___ • '- ' . . '

i V 9 ,


•' rV.A ••..: .c j'•*>':<: AND CHBOfrgCLE, THUHSDAY, SEPTE^B$R 13. THE CftANFOHD CITIZEN ANT> CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 13.-1&5I = Pace Nine properties,* .Anne GIBrieri*, mem- Sek New.''•••-.: Floraphile Boainl Meels; bership, "Elsie Midgeley;,make-up, f Gem Dramatic Club Marie Thompson isnd-liib % Principal Regular Session: Monday Your Dollar Will Have More '•" ' ' • ' •"'"• Becky Plans f«jrtihe new?, season' were h- v> KOOS p,nns -andVJHeien.•_»ewbtcti_hrispi.t.3ii& iH the 'iTiCjaphile Gaixieri Club l5W»T»i tioVo'thy' Richards; production, Hec when'the>' fcy?t at the home of'Mrs. OPEN N i r, ri T 3-Act Plays Evans arid Helen Hofjrnahnj busi,- William Jones, jjjrferideht. Tuesday *Jfi * • - • "^ **,• JERSEY DRESSED TIL '•«. i i) "Crantord "" Dwinafic inu, Charles' _ b{ the or- ^*^*****'*** ?\ — K __», i_.__hi___rfi ^'B'hiniiT II, -he-is certificated in driver .edu- „ autumn s gem. IIS Drag present twtf three-act ploys,, one Taylor;"design, Manscll Richard/, cation--and' has conducted courses ganization .^'ill he Monday- ftigh/i at the home . of "Mrs. Francii m the tempered brilliance of .ih*- r social and dann- artri two- club .as- publicity, Lou and,' Leila dusinK'the siimmei-!! in dual conj. •*t fP'J and shop superintendent Charles, 107 Ceiiiennial avenue. semblies this «.e.ison, it is an- li-oi driving at Pearl "River. ~' , Lhire' may be> plain or $ 3J ' Blinks. •'...' / • Dr. Best was granted' permis- Mrs..JfeS£_>!?V Conrad will'-.be; the JERSEY DRESSED nounced bx ,f ohn 11. Harmon of 375 Mr.' Blimwn listed purposes of speaker. Mrs- Jones jirged ajl CL, either being traditKpaily sion to attend the New Jersey As- Rv the September borri. The Bfp°Jide place, president, ; the club us. prjncipallyjo have fun sociatioii of School Adwinist'ra- ttietjiberi 16 Jiave -their arrange- First assembb is scheduled for in entertaining folks/and provid- ments and sjjecimensi placed by 8 , i Sapphire, by the way, is an \ ,-T i tors* conference October S and,-A ! effect T* formed by bands f ' a benefit for th ill £ pea It on act as • wwhttstfess . at Monday's i to or from a source of light Twoo mteimj;s n.ive,> citizt:nshi|i .oclueation project, 'in held bv the dub to initiate"plans from ZepfW (if 12 Claremont [effect."remains, when s_ stai? the Ci-yjiford Public-Schools st-ihe :md to oiKrimyc for Ihe coiv>in« sea- place at the board meeting lire is cu( into smaller pieces October 3 sessi'on and will conduct Tuesday m»h5 wer*: %$*& Jolln w^mm-M leach piece is properly cut en son Next bond mooting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jrft'ob Route; :i Seminar meetinK on" October .4. Collins, sccrttary-'ireasurer; Mrs, fchoii. ..•..: v Stonier, 9 SvK'f^r :strfett next " Tin- board upproved a $2§0 3.P~Robert &e\*nman. vice president, CHOICE CUT st sapphires, are found in Bur=: ThursdJ\ y _ma-^teItTma«riBf1i!re^iojir^irttH»- Anstralia. Sjaw, and Ceylon. • .i1lni' ^H.it• "T bet^Ofn the cost of the new'school wittee;.MifsL Frasscis Charles; cor- blue sapphires have bepn Boa-id of Coveinors, in a tnect,- Irom .><*_^ir2!nri clisirtYisn*. , Council relates: : the season Mr*. Clara Low, chair- lev Jtiint MeLlinB, to»lhe Ili.hway PTAA, the tail and otheh r groups, So. BJpfC William Kopperi lorig Orientals, the gem wa v 73hegupci^i^wkprincipal ..i^.^berxif the program commit- \ fH^^^°^ ' PufeyL —principal-r Iras the Stonier of-^tones, for tee, piesrnte.1 .) choice of plays hearing was sft.W Si-pt(.>»nbei-..2j. in.strtiftcd to send a letter off tee; •&!*£. Korinari Bnubaker. chair- BEEF!! L'bclieved to prevent capture lor the •.t'j'.on at the board rrieef• •&ijopte(l;oni fjnaj r'oadini! wns^{.ioliiiice' i<> the relatives of Mrs the ctthStHutidrt corrisriittee. lemies. and to win favor with mfdinance CtJSTOM CUT es.~lts power against poison ^EiisiThiirtl,trj^; ielt to be so-potentrthHl » &pl l (if a connectinU cojnniiltie dun men-was'held at Club''Hie*wl5fei(s were gaests:lasl ! the home of^PorfitHFhiw*6» e-flf- •at-CcnH'nnwl-awiiiuf.' and-.Routt'.i CHUCK ROAST i - • • r__ ,._^" cold-. 37 Munw dnvc Mr. Banftnn pr'e- Purkway. Because-, the..project Cruikshink, who conducted, them __^—"^ T^1 — • ' • . ' • ' v :' 1 • CHOICE CUT s> credited the power to ex KOOS and announced the following of ••"an einoiT'cocy nature, a roso)ti»j (Continued 1r6vt pitye. one) - on a .tour'at' her garden and gave i)r. James R.- Westman, head of Rutgers University's wfld- iahs-^gtAifrluig' culture Q ]}ii> frinnMH/jHina..and management prograrnt spends his time "fish-• committee ih.mmen: iray-rca*" lion was adopted waivntsi me u>\--North avenue; thejsiacing or trier* Lll spphifte has always niU, Mi*. Cl.n.1 Low.! eastinu. Fran ing"for'W*J?!3 to Tiii'ovidc more and bigger •iish for the lliiiUs.ai^ IOUNDPOT ing of bids, for the: construction'; motnetcr' boardsj/m.. the lobbies o .roses," of New Jerseyans who like to relax with rod and.reel.. Here, he r»n'sJdered a lucky gent, "says Evans, iin.Hnce, Richimi J. Knul; the CraiVford/Trust and Union •jewelry' Industry . Council. The township ..wi.ll be fully reim- seines fresh water shrimp from Union Lake nete Millville in an CHOICE CUT County tmade | It appears that Sir. Richard. for both Stisiness house in- tho community; each _ fo..r_ Asby Moore, 48 justrncnl was a request by fiBrna.ru of S15.&00 from She parking tn&tevs is carried-3 large star sap- yean old, of 3 McClellen street, Chazen, on behalf of Mr. and Mi?.a movie trailer at the Cranfofd during; the curreHt year,, Through First CHS fiance Show Lists 106 Entries I with hitii. So firmly did the wjio was found dead in a field near Joseph Lardy, for a zoning vari- Theatre, tinUpublicity stories and last week, 'collections 'this year More than 100 entries will b Choice Chopped CHUCK Ib. / Ql c of the East believe in its advertisements in The Citizen and "The Varsity Drag" is the title the Triangle Tool Company, Route ance for 202 Centennial nyjjtfiic-to tota-Ieftl $14^62.IS xiUt more than placed on exhibit today in 10,•«__ ,rty of bring good luck that At last! A 2 or 3-pilIow studio that can take ite place in tile most style-mirnled permit operation of .a Jadits' ready Chronicle:. . of theilrst school dance at the year i'would scurry excitedly to Imagine . . . tables like these for. a trifliiikS12^5! They're solid mahogany 29, Union, Mondnypwill be Held at three ''.el the busiest'-."S" CHOICE FRESH-KILLED lh : rangeiments elassesT-and a larg Hviug »6oiu. Comfortahle to it .HI, romfortalilc led ^two tWiu beds, complete fef'idlinc the Sljahoenf Agency, 15 North iive expected at the fall show, "Living Iromise that the.y might look months ago ... plus a low markup ,. . lirihglhent to you today at "this licld avenue, Plainflcld. Burial it is iriT the .account thus' far this'year, amount school gymnasium on Saturday witli inner-spring mattress, the Jecorator-deagned slipcover lias all the earmarks incredibly low price. There's a gencrous-siie co%ail table, an eiid table with • will be m Hose .Hill.; .Cornelerst. fronffoni C.C.: HH. j^rslnski•JF. ^rslnski'•'JF;; tract of inie, cd only td--S263.03,';pthV than th- cyeninfj, Septcmb'er --22, "from 8 •^i,th Flowers" of the Sunny Acres TOM TURKEYS I star sapphire,; ; ... ola custom-job . . . including appere^ pillow slips,^^^^ «....., ~,^-~—~,.. . _.-- —-- -~ « September vzz, irom o f vv ; r r ccvcn nh> Ik and the sapphire sjtill re- Linden. .' • ,• land' hit' •' t-H& ' liortliofly hide •••pf labar east of'patrolling them v/hich - ' - , Garden Club at Osceola Presfcytei 14-20 Pounds shelf, a_squarc lamp table with iiiagaseiue shelf . ,\evcn a costly-looking bleu-* Orange nvbn-ii6,*he'ai* Haskiris ave- is ^ttaatel^t S5.0M--.to $5.50 P- ™- t0 midnight. Hal Nilos' or- iah Church. I linked. The .September born . . 4 completely washable solids with modern brush-plaids in liine,grecn jor wine. table!-All, smart enough for the living room ... inexpensive enough lor the Accoidmtf to Union Pol ico, Mr. . Garileii f ER POUND Moote died at 5-30 p. fn, Monday, nue\i»nd asked- the township to annually. .. |chestra has been enRafied to fur- Open to all amateurs, the public' Ibviously lueky_tojiave jjuch If you've been shopping around for a good studio plus a tailored^oifit slipcover.,. construct roads and itr>'tnll sow"- fjtiful birthstone.. Of course7; summer cottage and recreation room, Why not drive\over tonight, tomorrow apparently of a heart attack. Show Next Tuesday Inish the music. display will be from 3 to 9 p_. m., ALSO HALF TURKEYS you know what a miraculous value this is at $78! - . v . . . pocket the savings while these 'talvfcsjaglfj; \ ' ' fes^es^the costs- iUJT^ Kobert Botclcr is in charge of with judging during thaj time. an with onc-ot more pieces eventual- p'r.operty owner.s. Tlic oiry-^ a ring, bin,.or ear- der, Scotch Plains landscape con- Mrs. Campbell, chairman, and Mrs. decorations. Gn the publcity com- lji' v^'ill be led- committee advised that it could not 1 seedrid,' third and honorable men- I of sapphires is blessed-with tractor, and had been working O Boyle. - . Max McCormaek and aetede-to the-rCquesi. tion/ Sweepstake prizes will be CHOICE CUT 4^1 lutifu! ensemble and one that Hie tool comp"ahy-witlpMcnry "GlcTTfl-im—Mrs^ ney—posters ;-Bud-Woid; 'awarded irrthetwo-generai-classe^ Bcv of Westllcld,"' screcjiing -soif man, "Mrs/ W. F. Downey/ Mrs. Dramatic Club have been appoint- kiiecht, announcements, and Ace police lCpoitcd. . / Rranted to Curtis Durhum, 101 Campbell, Mrs. C. A. Reass and ed'to offices by the' Xew • Jersey to the entrant with the most points. jlarshc cares to wear. Mpre- High street, and John W. Secsor, Esehcnlauer, classroom publicity. Mrs. Walter Knorr and Mrs. .a^apphive set in a swart, gold Mi Mooie complained of feel- Mrs. •"GeorRe H.' .Ynnz; awards — Theater League^ it'was announced Ticket sales are being • conducted LEGS of LAMB ib 6! Newark. At the request of six rcsf= Dohald Edinger are class consul- fclinlim setting makes • an' es- inf* ill at it mctt&tists whai break laws, ,1B fthe triplet Vallani. brothers to the Brown FUneral Home. $35'.' Tije ambulance iniide. 17. trips d lingtpii,' refatlves ^f/the prcs'- JUST LOOK! V CLAMOIIOI S icceived second prize.' Sreaf fifitaia .ssnasiy""eWi*s.''tevy 'a Mi. Mooie whs bom jn Kinc .diirinuthe month. '. •ivafer ta« km siioterJsts- .who _wash tyor of Newark. It is thought At the exhibition; ballots were SMOKED HAMS ™ Ib.531 William County, m, son of the P.ijblU! Works CcimmisKinncr. 15. .their ear?/' ft» Buessos, -Aires'"there ]iis;.is'..thc- first 6eeurrence . especially USED TO BAKE 49' ARMOUR'S FANCY dark grained u cods like walnut, .«• •• mahogany aitd '.eheriry. "Give that ALSO INDIVIDUAL camplete with a fttte mattress V. eH wateut • chair, that' Mahogany LEMON TARTS LARGE FOWL ib. 38c| fr- fft-if^ and matching bo x- h finish. It will leak: like new again. STRICTLY FRESH-KILLED I i If- the finish 'is badly scratched. m^BSLm^ TRUCK , •- • * "^» • - . ._ • ater-maifked ©r •&«!(*, take «H.vthe MANOR BAKE SHOP We've had Hollywood bed ensembles before . . . but these top everything in old surlace u|sh vasaish remove?. 1 Walnut Ave. ' Cranford 6-2295. FRYING CHICKENS Ib: Wipe, "att the "fesp? RENTALS beauty, comfort, value! You choose from four styles iii headboards , . , all ^te to' sp#" &'«• ; HOUULV.FORTHE upholstered m wonderful Boltaflcx ... the miracle fabric tln»t looks like fine spots. A Real Extra Super! DAy'4Ott LO34GEE— '; -leather ana1 wipes clean with a damp clothi" You choose froirtten Boltaflex 1 Washington Ave. : Uurabte S&xt'« -'" .':" ARMOUR'S and WILSON'S colors . .*•• the same delicate tints and lovely deep tones shown recently in :i'^ ! i Sha&esJ»ast-*s. first con- HJ2Atet^' Good Housekeeping, The fine mattress has hiiudreda of resilieiit coil springe, , jirith she pwifeisTonaj theatre layers and layers of soft colton-felt^s^mly-wigireHtstant prebuilt-border, air-vcuUv could ''not have"be*p witwe humble BACON I 4» er reeR»i!e. He Seeded horses for.tBe handle. Both inaltress and matching box spring are upholstered in heavy gaEIy. dr»sscd • y*nns gallants 'who woven stripe ticking. ttmwJR-I eame .'to' u-otch-. Jhe • playcj^,; at WILSON'S CERTIFIED ' oj London. HAMS » Ib. jur. y PUNCH - the Wrifcht ftroifaers made their first «igji;s ia-JSp;.-'tW! At'rial Ex- TOP ROUND periment Asscciiiwa. In wliieh Bel! W3s:'intei«s:ed. produced- the Bed THAT L'i Wine Which -nosde so* of the • ear- BEEF - Best' public T.isfes: ia 3908.'- -' - EXPANDABLE TABLE IIV Swift's Select Boneless Rolled ...^•K . ..» .. , THE E LEO AM MANNER 12 SPRINGHELD AVENUE, CRANFORD VEAL ROAST Cost IMPORTED ZWANBERG Be offer residents of Cranford mid vicinity an HOLLAND HAMS 3'/2 lbs. outstanding funeral .home* complete tvith air con* I you have the right kind BLUE BONNET T Auto Insurance, dilioninh organ, htrge light rooms for y iur every- "lose days, of 'trcmcni* V What advertiMr hain't *nv!ed th® dramatic MARGARINE I«, -'^X"M^ congestion, it is, Where can you fifei a table of THIS calilier and si^e at this convenience. Our oum display moth. DIustraHoni used by bigger buiineijln puU GRADE A mu»':' to be fully covered budget-soothing price? Koos, of course! More than a, tin0 th* knockout DUncK Jnio their copy? True, •a1' kinds of Automobile haiidsoute oval table, it's an idea designed for'fine dining* Ib. living rooim. Fwiiii a t^JHipael console, it _grpws with your you needn't worry about that. Equipped a* Mihoiiihtnallon'i needs to seat any nuniWr from two to eight. (Closed. 21x38; w« ar« with Metro Newspaper Service, our ARMOUR*S GRADE HA* UANIILE ALL U open 6Sx38, extended 77x38). Notice the double pedestal Slot is oble to pot the "agency touch" into mat wwvfts. VV# iu>> * IE WItB bases, twin leaf >-u|»porl^ the fine iiiahogany Veneers! And, your aclt^ot no extra coif to you. . • ' \tu toil,

' Funeral Director* The Cranford Citizen & Chronicle FRANK VObRASKA _V^. Co.t Price* Church and Civic Organize 11 Sprin«jlU.ld Avenue _ '••••'., Memb.er Audit Bureau ol.Clreuiatieas ''.'. to m E. Broad OUR JS| E CLOSED AUb OAV MONU-*k sfcrd 64474 Wsatfleld, N. J. - WE 2*143 Aldett St Trust

noom ** '• :

'". !•'. '. ", ,'V • -^;^:<*t^^

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/• :. 7 . -•rDs>y Ccrr.^ zJi ...... y; a University arid spent .three weeks •£. iisn u'ell' *a«f>' taking'-, a trip THE CRANFORD the sarnie time extending'their lease on a from a professor of swplbgy, jY,ou :. Vntiety While" Miss Ruth Bbwne toured Miss-Hazel; f.". Pancoast," Mi's. Mai-y during l*fe summer were, three high Girl Soout Little ffouse. iii^-'Asrue iN at Beach Haven. Courses at New- •—'••- ifiie Pwiitresi in Oc<-£^ From "arfc—&tet» occupied Mrs, Mary Mary White chose the Pi ih the Ne'wFJersey' coast, erman and try to.r.ead^meaning of 1 4 '"Kedwood City, Jffrg^ Basi»ir-Sari of decorating Cranfor(d schools Grove- while Mrs. Alice CiiSEfris ct- Cranforcl, Five Years — high Valley KailroadI TSse Civicimdi-V;;,." ' ! Activities Lena for sisi weeks. ."•'.' " • Miss Malteviilc A. MncNoi.1 1 >fc^,*^r. : .- ,• >.'_,. ...' ••_. ..,_•' THF CfwvroRD CiiROiitci.r.'Established I*?3 -.,,,. . -vSale-ot-the-enarieft-rvurtz-a^i^t-':•••.'••'•y-=?^:— Turtz^OarkEt - io'r'eiicutfalUon of the We hope all bur readers headli Th^n£«£p^ers_^an2^u i^^ ,rs of the Cranfqrd,, schopl system spent the Summer cerfificafibn "CaUforrtia >W£ret visited by Miss re~glriio, PiiuT v _.,.._„ fffrd"CnTenMe~ff n ^Vfce repE«selif«l^y"i>ts"jHrsside}it7T,V.a!ti.-r v' d^by-Miss Ruth Kent ; ^vantage bFthis opportunity t^gTve^«f^^y ''Volumes of- Valuabl' e information. Elizabeth'.and Cranford, was announced~bFTnrr irt a'wide Variety of pursuits, meiuditig touring trips to all Elizabeth Allen, .Miss Aurelia F .Miss Adelaide M.Mitriin 'speivl 'Josef Goodman did this necessary w C. krueger, president of" (Combined in. 11)21) f J iKurtz, who was retiring because of ill health. .He The Citizen andChronicle 'featuredu 1 Poynter in as many weeks at New- , ., • . Yo - - operated'the store for 24 years and was in the of ,BoiitJCQmm»s?MM!er G*orse D.. fc-kin ^% Union County Trust Tr-e G. Jtrucg^r Brewing Company, £ Dear Sir: ."" . • .<. ... ' ••> your'flnaheial betterment -Learn ! l ark. State, Miss Geraldirie JEletn- andMts, Dolores C. Janneili trav- Island, at Vineyard Haven, Mass. in tjie high school office., 0 • !_!-.- .L ....i_'_ .-..ji j, 47-years. He, served as Ppresiden* t pringiield avenue and the 615 pooj-ui V Atlantic islands, occupations ranging from painting school buildi gained • a summertime ?i"rk, ha? announced the promo- 4-eaime: .in-ita-ii^JiiXsihird ,ye^r> •Or. .-.-'On'. hfhalf Of those ...O?,; JjgL^fr .- jfcrnrnrimiTrt^nt^mwhiiY^Wtgt ^ mpai-niwinesi iw ioQr ji;afwi». _~~' " *• , _• u_r_ii Insori^worked toward her jrfaster's eled in. ijewJEngland, . _* Mrs. Eva R! Hazel traveled iii ; Thotnas Gambinp, .iri •, addition 'been "associated; ^,S^xU^.i^h^.4^ixu^. iBe"» cdnst 8eliiea^g3Itilmbia tdrf^fiTw^^ Mrs. Margaret RomankiWs va- : to thfe community by enrage several years and/ owned a third .interest in the A m/ ^ w™.™-^ ^H .» .^_ — » ^ - * • ^- • - - —. — (— »* * J* -I j \Vitkkid was in, real ork ;iijj , ; •••••..',••• * ••.-- ,• . TL junior College, I.wish to thank you p^..^u^ 5ls and colleges in a number of states. Miss Grace ittaTRrader studied at Va. and Canada. Miss. Alice' L. : les'mana^ei-, suceeed- to is safe.' Citizen and Chronicle for; a year; shortly,after the of ".two hours-' .11 was (one' of the hii^cst( .; cation, was spent in Washington, bia Institute, worked for. a cabi- and vupationed at t^ike.. G^vrg*. -~~Q.£ "EDWARD C MCMAHON, or takmg out new f™**™* .™>r.]th. kind sentimen^ressed Rgtl^Bf^ [ov G. Daniels, mechanical drawing teacher at Cranford High the tlniversity of Maine for six Mathews covered 1,200 rnilqu in- May of Whitehouic, death of James E. Warner, . the season off *rte mam ij&asi, C- rt-f^r xi recently. - " ? EDITORIAL editorial entitled 'Grant School but-you-must begin now: It is a ably on requests from several property owners for itiflaw, Mr. and Mrs: George D. FSUink'i.-. jr 7 i. HeUeads the. list 61 & .;; ^ •—- - -•"' — ' ' ' ' nearby New England points. ... \i ^Hampshire. Mrs. Gwen isingvis- A vacation in her home state of age at. his home. Miss Hazel Kings- Campaign is on.. permission to convert their homes to two-family Crartford residtenis^ arid ith!-i*. who plugged away ori in state fairs in Wisfconsin and illi- denfat the School of Creative Arts a month. Miss Ruth McKee.ex- Miss - Bertha -» Beekman ' drove Rose Reutter."worked, in the.oiffiee " n"Sercnd Class Matter, . dat mfe ofotbe r aS v - large sijoad far the East Orawge opeuc-r i "tb-Hhe millions of oppressed /people-be-•^ .^^ W\ Professional people whose con- S, S. Eis>nberg, owner of Bell's Pharmacy. • ber "Tl. . - -. "•' * • ." . >•• -". • " L courses .St various •colleges;, nois. and the" Canadian' National at Vjneyard Haven, Mass,, this plored the Garden State. Mrs. Mar- through New York State and Penn- of Grinnell Art Publishing Com- Exhibition. • published Thii|sd.^s at Cranford, New Jerspy, by . , ' ,'-. ^ - V'lL >-" v riL "'students of UJ.C. t0 tact vith world affairs and business NoHh Union avenue, purchased the Liggett Drug FiHeen Years A«o f is and universities during the summer was Mrs. JHarriet Strein. guerite Swanagan toqred . Ohio, sylvania, visiting places of.histor- pany. Miss Jean Vooi;hees' was a TlH' Cuihford Citi/en and Chronicle, Inc. Ofllcial hmd the Iron Curtbn 13 the purpose ot the' We jook forward of course . is limited findits study tertunefa- Store, located at Broad and Elm streets, Westfield. Sifrsl/'Gainrie C. Grady of Westfield \vaj\ sor worked toward advanced Miss- Olga Specht covered the Charles J. Post- -Ocas awarded a Kentucky, the Great Srnpk'ies and ical interest. ' ••.-.'«.-• playground director. ' . ..„ J>:IJVI for Cianfoid, Garwood Jtnd Kt-niUviirth. •ofrorirT annual Crusade for Freedorri 'the-day when we shall be able to tiV6 in th Iong tiiAi Believe ih- and reopened the store under the name, o! Bell s ' from among Scvea candidates to' cm.c as beS included Edward I*. Sam- gamut of summertime activities- master of edueation degree by the Blue Ridge mountains. •» Mis;? Viola BjorhOlm traveled Michael X. Corrado'iaught suW Pharmacy. In?r Mr. Eisenberg had been;, asso- : ' Subsi.nptK.il llatos $2.50 a Yo;ir in Advance secpnd: annual >rusaoe lor rreea m muvq t0a cam ^us &f 0Ufa&vM.^^v.A^ilor.everyone , ford's t^n^ Welfare *k"tarkei-, at a-meetint,' tik high school assistant foot- studying for 12- days at Christian- Rutgers in June. , •.'..•.." i Atlantic City, and Washington, in Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota, Ne-mer.'-school at Rosclle and spent PHESCRIFTIO* which was launched on Labor JJay under'.-adequate facilities .for- our needs, ' jges.^ one, - ; •*ciated with the local store jihee it was started a -'. board- 'tif." directors off Uhe -Cranford \\'elk» sen Choral School, Lake tovoit. 111., Teaehers^who spent the summer, braska and- low.i. James P. Gil-font' weeks "at Lavnllettc. Karl' O. OFFICE; 21 Alden St.' TEL. CHanfm-d C-6000 ra o decade ago. ' .' . . ja'ch, who took a six weeks' D. C. were visited by Miss Mar- ; '. ciety., Irie^-at the home JEFFERSON AVE. . water.-.Mrs. Elizabeth G. working at Cranford Savings and at resorts alt over the country or traveled in Washington, and trip to Pennsylvania aiid upstate intendent, route supervisor and begin functioning October 1 with «mp|^s EL.2-23IO Governor Stassen--of Minnesota. The the many'. kindnesses we have been . . . " ;• —the -wdfter-artd- fai-iorable-^ublic-rfe-poT^ |-sludicd fine-arts at Rutgees. Loan for fotu- weeks. •„• touring, various pacts of the United ftockfotfd, Xli—Mrs.-.-Arth- New-York and the batance of thebookkeeper for^i candy distribu*- shSftwrriCTertrr^^ Granir^choolr^Otr^ji^T^'^^^CtiiMita surftmer at Lake Mohawk occii- least among them the patiertt will- F«e^ Migno« steaks, ent oi CranforfcUriit, • fund.'drive-. t^arpiose. of '-the association \i'oi Ill as visiting the Poconos and. ., .Arnold M; Goodh'art, Jr. studied States and neighboring countries, alinda Quaintance was at_ Beach tio.n firm. The reaj__estate business A. ML-I* * r. it. Omt* - * A. M. to t P. ML ; succeeding -Mt$< Jean • to-serve.as a deasriisg hoase'ior welfare i tor six weeks at Rutgers, traveledincluded Mrs, Emma Tracy, who. Haven for_j;fac_weeks-i>nri--toured- -Jfiied-Miss-Madelyir-er Cassidy." attracted Harold M7 Wilson. "This is a people's campaign,*" the ingness of the Board of Education; Are- Out* Rules OPS "*• York State, and pre-vacationed at Norwood, Ai.' Y. and i_i!ew-EnKland and. Canada were Director of Cranford Boys' Camp Give? : 7 uSSlsl us m our ousin vr h Pellrhoworked T science film strips for hisin the Adirondack* and Miss Di- toured by Albert Kercel. James S^ this summer was Stanley F. Gray- ~—lArmpy Pf>vertioy told a r^^'«riference f° ? * ^-_MsiJ^iis^\S^nugim^^^^L^ nie. also took a six-weeks' Mr^. Hattie Ward. "^Meyer spent . . r0fmeit-g^rjior-jQia-a-rpjea3-W"»»;**-ltorie visiting California for three weeks Lake Mohawk, N. Y.' MissrSfanche E. Ramsey was director of a YMCA zen and Chronicle, starting Saturday and trpth of the present cold ,war. 'dll'ege'as well'as touring the Cranford.N. J.' ; ; bit .of in- man of the large committee whidhy-nh behalf 6f chaplain. IJarold A.- Olavaer; judge .»' ada. ' • „ Murray traveled througir various and going up the coast to her home Abrams drove to New Mexico and Boys'. Carhp while Gerhard V. S cst-forthree weeks.' Miss continuing for six weeks. . • "If the free world cait tear down the , September 11, ,1951 .formation was n out by a meat Borough Council, planned the event. He described ter -t Coopen scrgeaBt-at-aims. E; Miss^-Ruth- Morgan -studied for sections of New Jersey^ in Tacoma, Wash,.. Miss Dorothy Mexico, where she. visited geolog- Kellner worked dt National Starch dito and Chronicle if as the most successful aflaif the eQramunltjr had ,'sery.ice bfticeir, Alberi -Ktoughton. n;nret Haver went to Hood: j>ix weeks at Newark State Teach- jcay&dnlsjslinteresL and painted Proaucts, Inc., ul-DiiaelIenL-and-at=- Curtain throup> t^fes^ means, the f: j specialist -Newark District iffiteifS's Hobinson sjlent. some time-in Lav— T i weelc's courserirP et-s College. Miss Elinor Warner through .Pennsylvania, Ohioj Indi- allette and jtraycled through Cape and sketched the area and its pco-tende' d ORC training at Pine Camp. people behind this curtain will tear for the Junior Rect worked" toward"credits i6v certiiW pleV"""-7' ----••-.:l--, --•• -." . N. Y.- ,' '' " , ' ,~ ^~ cent of every new subscription to this ;. USKS. SelSejrs; treasurer, Mrs anarand^'Illinois, as well aits"• theCod and other parts, of New Eng- the Kremlin," the Freedom Crusade chair SyMem d,teS sw^imgland states. Thomas A. land. .. • •' Among, teachers who .knuckled Miss Suzanne Lome'nch was di- p newspaper and 25 percent o.f_eyery re- •*«*** Louis JPornpIEawo; Tipaldi motored throughtheSouth. FEATURING man declared, with OPS meat regulation slight increase ov.er the scrgeant-at-aiam.'?,• Mrs'-1 Traveling through the midwest becn a fedd C£!ual brilt Tillett. : „ Mrs. Mildred Mahoney spent the this summer -was Mrs. 'Thelnia newal subscription will go to the Junior rtttYiilliotiq of neorjle • *y ^° "• " f^being e'rrforcfed by the Federal ceding year,-Supervising '' ' : year, seyenai millions or pgopie hoth 1nynn d sartow. it smmm-aecnc«7: :——. :—- T>'Ayfy summer in Arizona, visiting Mexi- Wise.—Louis F, Hdar^divitied-foxn." HBc\st,reiKit'tedT^-^uteta^iaI-^«roJtoy?nt4owj^-^ : Ervtce"treagud! Restauran Rpetjinrantt Divisionfitvisirtn,. hhir and the Canadian-Niagara Falls — —J "Y^~|IV *.-- • t?';!=T*==~— •' pocketboak. -• ' • pxpiajnitig ^'hy h**"f *^w^f*y1f'i^] Dakota Bad Lands, Lake Louise,'region.' He also taught at the Un- During the year ending May 31 .this lln e Banff, and Yellowstone and —.: • .> ',,:. ',. .-...•• Add to this systemtheFree^E«r-raOre often referred to as filet «iig- ,i while "Vie Senior High-School and Roose- 635-10, Ieav&t« 5f8l96«-S© sieeddd to This year, m addition", to soliciting terprise System, then you have the nan, cannot be sold at retail by National Parks was a highlight of weeks, local organization expended- a total, of velt School.showed fewer.children reporting. St, : : " Crusade fdr-Ffeedom-is-wost powerful^nftttncial-machinc-btrtl;hCT^aid, • —— •" " '" TmprlsHhatHcti=- SapeiFt*Ktrig -"• lviiscipa!'- HossawJ-^ the summer for Mrs. Ruth Janov- Mrs. Vashti V. Youthen, visited -$3J 87.67 for its. Ivarious ph^aniJiiopic the te sikr-Sher-man-LincoIn Schools prin- points-pf~ hfetriri"?! ^nTT i-HMi*n Will he used '" world/ And, you ate directly "yiletjnignon is "not a retail cut. "», nine more than Homeowncrs *ho would like | switch activities. This included the following cipal. tiOnal interest in the Boston aiea. o : d^t Cherch ; «Aapei. - Mjaia* B. Cai from other fuel* to fully automatic gas heat. , _: Crunfoftl ^Welfare Associa- To keep"iKe^ra•di6••. h^eisafeeS"•ptiii¥l^arll^g•. TQ^IISC 'above, metijocmy you which consists-rof-the porterhouse cianford's USD fund neared its.$2,200 quota Mis. Rita Sansone vacationed at A trip to Nashville, Tcnn, with _>ng wJU appreciate thc-jnEcient installation with $334.48 received in plate collections at the Charles M. Ra£toe Ignorance!'is a curse. Da not enter- "0,000 sq ft * ^7.85 Rubber ' i The junior .$ervice L^eague has been uH°n the niarket place untii you gdding substantially to its charitable funds The ^ total population or jtne United Know what you want; The ignorarit J>y conducting subscriptipn campaigns for States, including armed forces overseas, are conspicuous. The majority is COAST TO COAST MOVERS was about 154,353,000, as ot July I, usually wrong. When a vessel evef- Ais newspaper every two years since turns/mpst ,^r$onS will be found Anywhere in the U.S. or Canada _ 1037. hundreds of townspeople during ~f95l',taccordmg to^estimates released by on the gide first to go over.- Saf^. Reasonable and this period have formed the habit-of re- the Bureau of the Census, Department of Jm can learnm,ore about fish-. Immedlato Service. . pewing their subscriptions to The Citizen Commerce: "This figure' represents ani in- By Van—R»U—Boat—Air •••.••• •' :'':''Hoiise'wai'es.v'^-^;;Hiii»'

Shift this IE i 5!. For all the advantage* . -6f epjnjsletely automatic Worry heat—heat with oil! It's safoand clean* J&d it -• Don't try to carry the load HH A ft WEI! its 'our pfldkiMqi lol _ • of financial risks) ajsiiunst toss no holds over 209 eats! costs you less! by lire, windstormftheft, burg- lary, accidents, liabilltyi—«uits, etc. ": '-: easy When yoii have a loss, you For Oil ffeat you can't beaU.. Insist on want the matter cleaned up in- a jitty; with a mirn'mum of men- tal anguish .to you. You* want to. "i to shift the burden to brbadcr )irk shoulders than yeur own. • Let Burn* clean and hot"—keepa us anticipate this possibility for b!lln law! And our Mobj you by writing the right policies Load it —forget it! Save up to 7 hours a week! and shop -&a be boat tostjdepeiuiabimy. Call us! 'To" coVcr you against all such lossps. ' ' • _>•' • C«B e6Uiiryse-3gaekly "dgtofi dishat" Mmn ta mkuaes w take* oveir the job; All your dishes-china, glass, silver, pans-are Your losses may be months or e? the job; All your d^sheschina glass silver pansare d years away, but, meanwhile, in- double-rinsed, arid hygienkally airHlried, electricalry. Everything Is washed aad dried quicker, easier, deaner, and Safer. Hot point's convenient front-optnuig gii« ' • at surance will give you mental : peaces that is worth far more you extra table-top spaoe and efficient top-spray action. ~ • tin, anJ trim iUutlniml I is than* uitkaul miU». than it co6ts"you. „. YHi"ROCKtT" ¥>&% YOU! -If''- Aulomaik $ .95 Dithwa.h.r-Slnk "'whore Fall selections .. • ' btihwashsr, IHt next , with famous Wondefflo touc««. . are al their best! v ' / HEDENBERG to briy^appHdneo,,, . ' Comptel^\r«aaV fat feBEAN le ppwer-^uperbiy Drive tty radiapf CRanford 6-0900 SEC YOUR NEAREST OLD5MOBILI ..-.' "mPENpABLE, FRIENDLY SERVICE SINCE 1925" , , "Insurance -^'OFFICE /•;:.•• •••. ;'•"/'' ;: .;-•',;•; YARD--''- , •.. . NORRIS CtEVR0EET IOC South Ave., tL. Ct, ftBtiffiflMtiHt

V THE CBASTFOBD CITIZEN AND* CHRONICLE, THDRSPAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1951 CRANFORD CI^ZEN AND :. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER M Page Thirteen p Barnabas Hospital, New^k, on on the t'ollar of Ihe , be empowered to requisition ap- / should bt inspected jiul kept in Mrs Norman W Ross of 617 Lex- Post Delegates act is raised from 3/4 to one mill, bion requests the limit allowed tion is m the be^t public mtou.sl August 7. tion of the taxables and Eatables swh IJS' n l')30 uhmit-futnduin c.irned by a majortfy working condition, to jvoid trag- ington avenue, at Eliiabeth Gen- of the county " projum^tely S15O.O0Q more in 1932the rjjimmum allowed; for county under trie pew law fdi 1952. the It is, more than 20 voais since eral Hospital, on August 7. A son, Raymond William, Jr, toOn VFW Convemio! for county park maintenance. park park purpoies^ts not changed. Freeholder can &till cut thu, re- thf"voters approted a loquost for ot 7 975 votes, 27 959 ballots beinfe edy should lux- break out The Neti? Jersey Poll If approved, the Commission will the Ijst >eferendiun vote tontern- a $300 000 bond issue.foi .it(|iusil~ Fire Chief A son, James Alan, to Mr' andMr. and Mrs Santella of 45-A Myr- Henry Schwartz, - •- • Although "the "?c in That w.eans that if U»e commis'- cjuest in half if they, feel such ac- ins Union County Parks. The last' j:aXt."for "and 19,984 .against this 6 Last, but not least, school tle street, at St Elizabeth Hospital, tion and development of land.. The yu'lih' ' ''' Mr»i. Alfred W Schorner of 6 Hick- er, and Richard X S- ; h «M*»»-^OF—OPDDQN-.W- STAB ''- — -fee ^a- ~ -(••' Stresses piovcd ine extinguishes mus>t be orystreetrafMuhlenberg Hospilai, on th6 National VFW T t nl OF JOB SMITH IS DOING IN U. S. SENATE Plainfield. on August 21. A son, Willum Timothy, to Mr LiiHl i l.cpt IT. t"f-' ''' '** f "Hitinn Pv- tM -:•..*••"/ ' •....• A daughter, Nancy Ann, to Mr,and Mrs 'William "A~Ftynn uf 18 1 School-Safety tinjjuisliiis Nhould be "priced in B> KENNETH FINK. Director. Princeton Research Service Riverside diive, at Muhlenberg of Capl Newell Rodnts ^ str«»tethoIng WirjBB— ™~ RESTTJERTT f Attending the r*i eountiv, n's tune onto moie un uspen neaibv ' Voters uho disapprove of the job Smith is Mrs Vernou Warren Alataiy of 65 I a con A son, Alan Charles, to Mr and W. Hahn, SP, reet,uivire(., . "loca- to given ion those expressing approval The following births, not prev- berg Hospital, Pin infield, on Aug- t warned mt! tlie lioins thev spt'iid in tjie Arnet place, at Overlook Hospital^ old, Sr, pair-'cammander, ^ I. H'Shwtj jjjted to the individual Uuth- outnumber by nearly 4 to 1 those expressing dis^, iously listed. _were' recorded dur- ust 28 returned to Cranfoid after r i clissioom" File Chief Howjrd G approval. ing the month of August in the of-Summit, on August 7 A son, Richard Mark, to Mr. and' 1 I iis, with it'fjulai schooKvide e^it- beveral ye"ars m Eli^betc." Schindli'i ^Jld M MOI I 2 Oily rags, oH, paints and fuel sible fracture of the lower left leg job. ' . • ' '.•'.-•''.•' . --_^_L-i_y •• :, Robert Rhoades of 127 Roose- Monday morning, according to po- Surt'H6?m°"tt the Court HtfuW. I" the HEATING »speed 2: yield right-of-wa. Among Democrats with opihtOfisronTTfie senator, those express- /*•- can he kept in tichtly.- closed foetal velt avenue, at Elizabeth • '• fcityorElU»b?th,N..J..tt« tROMP* REPAIR SERVICE ed, amber or greeri traffic conl. InOl1.* whTTXTfwHin use.———'• -ikt nmvwai outnumber by 4 to 1 those expressing disapproval. - D*(St»A3t^raB 26Vtl3> AV to the Jersey Central railroad And SEPTEMBER, AV •*»„ J951, ^icet^i-obey- flashing;isig 'a.^ a v m• A ft. t v^* V*" »^ •* ^ '— ^^ v — --- . -r- LleensedSOaster Plumber fi a. All marhmery can be kept ——Hnwwiif: in oaeh of-the two malag-political groups, the majority A-son. Henry Iseftairtd Mr. andat e votebvote fayv politicarjoiitical'ttarties:l parties:.. ""• • ". . stbn avenue; on August.3. •'•-•• land l«ln«, being and situate in 85) mat that beset them every time 4 Eltehfte-icloeks, bolls aprl halted train and the eas'tbound JUp.bll»Vn« DcnumU sKIp of Cranford, County oj Uttlon^ahd State at New Jersey, more particularly lappfoach an lntersectiori.it is lights can be kept in proper work- .platform. • '.'•";• '%' •'•'*•" ' •A daughter, Pamela, to SSr. and Mrs. Juniiis Jackson df 5 Buchanan described as fellows. , egone conclusipti that mos£ .of ing order. i'The injured woman \Vas -treated v 36! ; SECOND tRACT: Seine all o£, Lots M uticipated accidents at these Approve \^ 8 • W . street, at St. Elizabeth Hospital, 14 and No. IS on Map ot PeiiBeU PWj-. L 5 Pimic doors, exits and escapes at the *ene by Dr."~Anthbny Sor- 63. Cranford; New Jsrsey, now oft fllfe^n thj> on§ would'ttever occur," t • . vtuDisapprov i?piruuue ..u !,..,..,.« 5IJ6U **«^ • •• ""^ Elizabeth, on August 2'5: , < , i • • ' • '•••'. 55 "Uhlon County Clerk's Office; JjcfnB also irian said. NAno dopinio amonng men and women with opinions about. Senator Smith, known as Lots No. 14 ^rM»- & ^ those ex-pressing approval outnumber' by more' than 3 to -1 those ex- A daughter, Judith Diane, to Mr. Block 188 Oft the i^cjn^iff ot the.Towr.-' i of the.,flwt responsibilities pressing disapproval oui. i uui <->i cvci.v fi. men ouja .»»: doesn'trhave^n opinibmaboutr 243H'NSrth. .avenue,- west, at" Muh-T««. S2-24 Osbo HIDE-A-BEDS - LOUNGES - STUDIOS! KwuiHi-wTo'be prepared to the way the seniorTU. S. senator irom New Jersey has Jbeen __hahdlin;g lenperg ^Hospital, _Plainl lots No. 6S tits job. And nearly 7 out of every 10 wdrnen sa.y.Jh'e same tSirig. ": ond'Np>«8 on Map of IPennell Park.. Cran» I the right-of-way to another August 8. ; ford^New Jersey! how on file in the Union -y. If all drivers were REMEMBER? The opinions of men and women follow: CcWniy Clerk's Office: being also known is WHO . .•."• ' • ' Him. "•• • Woro.n . A daughter, Marilynne Eslelle as Lots No. 65 and No. 66 In Block 16a. aware of "this; there on the tax maps of the Township of cran- n » J great ltduetion in the Wethfeuithiikey ateay ,j-Mr-.-'and-&Srsv43.udley-i ford: being also known as No. 24-26 Car- c up to *29. Approve,;. •,...... *...;...., .„....,.,... ;.., 39 son of 11. Garden placc^aiv!s» HIMlate a; uti nimn These, groups'include young aa^f old, manual and whi t members o£ the committee find the vveo hours of the morninK has, jtfsT ''Chief,WilliamgiK War 1 and World%ar H.yetg^X iacistrate Charles- Stcvehs, strcnuthcnetl our belief that such a, policy Was ^ t. ^— -t *«-l /»w.. «lu >n >.unn taurl 4Unf fiin ?l VA *\**rt* 11 J\ ^ Pafrirk Grail- needled for this area . . . and thatvvo are prov.id-. since December' 7, 1844.) Standard Lumber & Supply Co. Iiiiie yourseff up in«"a~ceiTuitfe scn-I^foi'^ the beneiitTof tlie"piiblicr" School Supervisor Howard Tlie Cranford. Citlji^and Chronicle j>ire«*ntii UrtfWportsi *>t the New Jersey I»IIA1|1«ACIST ON DUTY 'Poll-exclusively in this^area. The New.Sersey BM1 Is a weekly feature sponsored Offers youl,.|Jje services and knowledge by a croup otJndcp^ridem New Jersey new^^efs as.a public...service to,the people AfeL''DAY. AND ALL NlGHt I ot New Jersej-j/fhe service U op*ratCjH6y tHe Prlncelm* fteacweh Service itail of more than a quarter of a century' of |nty Parks To Ask J r =*-—^-^— — ^ - .5»H9Slr*y I»r4«e«ioa "Be* Sen-lee): ers for iVloro. Funds 'Ml a »' £ • ' '' ' / practical building experience The RAPPS PHARMACY Union County. Park Com- Kll PARK AVE., FLAINFIELD Tel. PL, 6-0008 cijllecl ^by Woods. home aif ftfcjmd Mrs, William K. how" in your conistiruction problems. i this week filed a request 7 ^••tletwcvu-Sixth and ScwcritH Streets" lina Inter, in 1 •sh*..UHdloney, 630 Springfield avenue, . omTtftiin'irifsfn' y^rNut-" "•fit- Furnishing our customers with quality t have the .following question Nominal Service Cliur«i> Mr tii-ltvcVtos ilctween.'O I'. M. and B A.-M.. was takcrr'in the municipal ambu where: %«! had been a weckxerid- I lance. She was removed, to theguest. i on "'the ballot. for. a referen- buildings materials and service, has been |v6lethis November; .. ei' iftiv4*.:L. 1951, our motto for more than 30 years. *^ Ived June 7,1951, becoine op- le in the 6punty of Union? FORD •Chajiler. increases^th'e'inaJtk |-8fflount which.Che Board of 1 Freeholue'rs rnay in its'-dis- oprintc- for lumber ,-* Milltcork :f Mason Materials lainin| the Union pounty SHOP ISystem from three-fourths of lii!lbn"the dollar to one' mill 94 HIGH STREET ; CRANFORD MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSDKAN'CE COBPOItATloM . -mm IN NEW LOGATIONf •:•-•••••'!^mm ge Franpis Siait | A reol bargain and we meqn "REAL"! Made by Simrrtops •••^••wm • •-S',...... » onti backed by McManos' reputation"-.T. two. names that 10VI SEAf STYLIS ER EASTMAN . - IffiXT DOOR|O THE A. & f. «ROPRAGTOR are your guarantee for the very best in a studio bed%lus ... Reduced to start at SPItlNGFIELD AVE, a saving" NOW of $29.55,7 A stodia couch that^s always\ CRANFORD, 'N. jf, '•:• (Volyes up to $294.50) I papular. It's a handsome, couch by day quickly made i ""::t!:mt:::i:::t2:Ktu lTcollw?5rki£ie inner^ringibed at hig TOIT SI2f>fYtES <$ 18 months Budget Plan-o small deposit and only $5 monthly. . .Reduced te Hart TO DROP IN OUR NEW ^S. '•.- (Values up to $319.50) t -NOT .'• _^, . . _., .J..^

••••••-••.• •••'.:••.• * - . --/v •' - " "•."• "•• Mace This' $ Another new shipment of Simrrions Hide-A-Beds, drastically reduced for imme- WE WANT YOU TO SEE FOR •iV '••.'^'iffim mm j*- Saveup to 49.5 5 diate clearance! New fabrics* new colors af savings up" to $90.50! These beautiful SEjLVES WHAT- >V'(;REAf IMPROVEMENT• /aler Heater tailored sofas become full or three,auarter size comfortably beds at night with : QiM NEW SHOjP 4S OVER OUR FORMER concealed, resilient Deep- Sleep bedding insuring the best in rest. Here's your oppor.. tunity to purchase the finest, most wanted, sofa-bed "Hide-A-Bed" by Simmons at" * sf the ?«jfai4^/«i: MeMonus Bros, wqy below regular prices! OUft COURTEOUS EMPLOYEES W I L L |*ater Heater can't ru»t ACCORD YOU ArWARM AND SINCERE NS LOUNGES! : : ; : UP TO J8 /vtONTMS fO PAY! " /.WELCOME^ •••..-•/...•• • -:,-..T ., ' •- --•; -" --.

Our Reputation For- Quality Baking Has* Boon Firmly E*$talili»lie6Sbto*s ing brakeX^ ' ^ - r , amazing, new Onflow Shock *r Convenient, So Do Cpnie In an/I See l s, . ••< o CONVENI6NT Absorbers "swallow" blimps. IMHC At TM IXTtA-VALOI FUTUiU There*s a new higher-powered DfSOTO GIVES T0U1 PARKING! ^ engine >.'. and DeSoto'* smooth NOW - It's easy to park here. .We COURTESY • Tip-Too Shrfi • Gy'rol Fluid Drive COtll M KM QUALITY • Woiarproof Ignition •Big 1 1 * have enlarged eur parking area in the rear of our ALWAYS OF COURSE One ride will convince you that inch Brakes • New Poriting Brcl<« CaKESl ROLLS • Safety-Rim Whoolt • F^atherlighr store (back of Rifz Theatre) -altf the extra-value features Storing • Mor« Vblbllity • long erf Jefferson Ave. ©nly_a_ makepe Sdto todays stand-out Whe.lbow • Big, Hlgh«r-Powered Q few Heps from your car value! Big I2-iach brakes .*•« On sab NOW at savings up~fa $49.55! to rear of'eur'store. " famous Safety-Rim Wheels Shock ABsorbori s 7?95 jGRiiNFdRD A sma^LflvSng room sofa that opens quickly to a tutf-size bed with a comfortable (Reg. $99.50 to $119.50) ••'"•) .-' 7 • • •" •""'•'. As Simmons Inrjerspring Mattress. Deeply up- DE SOTO-PIYMOUTH DEALERS=GREAT CARS+ONE SERVIG+A SQUARE holstered over a no-sag foundation with SHOP convenient bedding box • in base section. home furnish The largest and Rnest Home Furnishings Store in Elizabeth you have 18 months at $5 a month to pay (Reg. $109.50 to $139.50) NOW NEXT TO THE A. & P, •1 I the balance* . ti5?-iis4 iAST JIRSIY sti;rasifrir7. '•-\ (Ilfcabeth 2-54M)'K & ,MILN STREETS' TEL. CRanfor

•. ^> •. ..•-. ''..•• ••••.•

•V. X. THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAX. SEPTEMBER 13, 1951 Page "Fourteen THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AN1? rHRONICLE. THURSPAY, SFPTnMP.ER U, l*X 1 eenterilke of the, Ociral H»I- northwesterly along the C»nfuni-To«utft)iip and the 9^rou(h. ell center line of ynkui Avenue the place or boundary line between Cranford Township a lone the drought aWd • coJrtp^tiUgjr. witK v roati oi' New-,Jersey tota point *a the Riverside X>rive IO. the ea Carwoodv Whence *uterly «l»ng the center I point of beginning -.- and-Clark Township—Town of Wenfield boundary line beSmeco u»~ Tummtup of weeds, -unldS- carefully watered line,off NorthNorth . AvenueAen . WotWt , to a poinit —W1I~ 1 meeF I"n~ Roosevelt School. —Borough of Garwood, to-a n angle point Crinfoni and the Boroucli of Riwelle 6l,inten«cttt>n'of E«itjn»n Street; thenee In the boundary line between the Borough arid weeded frequently. t • . Avenue. Park* thenee norc^t aloqc said boundary yiM^ineet to Roosevelt School, j alone the center line o£ Eutinah Street DISTRICT N6. 4 of/Garwood and 'the Township, pi Cran- line oi the BoctKieh of Roaielk: Park and Avenue. Following the- jncqrporatiein . 6f to the center Une! of Walnut, Avenue: Beginning at a point tn the Intersection ford and the center line oxf mniRankimn Ave«««-- i nuc «. v.-^ , **— ^ Ihriicg SOMIII • atony the center" Ung vt viihr center line ^M rth-Union-A* DISTRICT NO. 10 the—ncceiiary lime ni twin. .!«/» th, mnrt south- the Borough of KenliwortU to * point -Be Bin ' »* - • ' • • Walnut Avenue to. the center line of andd ResidRiversidee DeDrive,, thencp henortherlyy westerly-boundary -of -District-No. ifeyiq^h^Gi^; mdarv-o« District No.-4 <"ndTiTnffiKrpftailine of "thet "thir tod J tt»distric' muihertt aad^ _ j^"^_ * intersection of the _T , matter, the soil ort the ten Jce slope Chestnut Street; thence wesierly . alonjf alonl g said'idl center lini e off RivervkiRiki e DDrivi e the line produced of the tear dividing the center line of Chcanut Street jtolthg line of properties fronting on New Street: south kneastixed at-right »**g*»* fkv»zi the Road and, the center line 0{- Jathe_he l : JtJtia k fh RRahwah yR Riv soutU>uieUne_ ol' Cratfboi Avenue extent Avenue; thence north along center line of^Cherry'StreetTo^Brpolnt ijftf thence'l By ALEXANDER G._ approximately 23' pounds' of a well- feet north froirt the north tldcllne of Ret^ southerly direction to a point 200 feet tine of Cexington" Avenue to a » of tho Rahway River to the Township of parallel with CranionJ A«eaue extension center line of Lehigb Vallev •. ford Avenue, -tald hne belns the rear SprlncQeld and the Towmhlp^oiJCrahford north of the sideline of Burnslde Avenue, balanced/ complete commercial tcr~ thence northeasterly on a line parallel and' 106 feet measured at ri£bt ancks thence- east along 'the' center liH. ulizci, th!TlTi •"STon"' g ng line touthuiefterly to a point which if ford boundary line, thence, southerly along Awnuc. said point being the Ipeiie MonBjbcll of Jersey- City j scoring of t"iot hnnd._An extended Would be the. most iiortheaiterly' said Westfleld-Cranford boundary line to nue to a point which Would intersect the .....itcr line of Masking Avenue to a point 01 1 laked into Hit Jin fate soil To jn- sideline. of Christopher Street; thence, a point where the center line of Willow center line of Marsh Street if produced; which l» tOO feee from Cranford Avenue^ division line of District No" " clear' tkiis up. Suppose your north along a line parallel to > •' *• found'out when he played today's alone the northeasterly .[dellne of Chrii- Street would intersect if produced, thence thence south along said line Jnd along thence southwesterly paratiel vuti Qran- : ; I hand, not vulnerable, is: tven stand of the the center* line of Marsh Street to a point ford Avenue and 100 feet .kneaaiied « Avenue and iOO' feet "east of n, ':'i hand. topher Street in » northwesterly direction along said production of the center line sideline to a point. 100 fci-t lawn 'eed rmxtuic roiommendcd ttt^hc-rtar dividltiC line-between proper- of Willow Street and continuing along the Intersecting the rear dividing line between nght angles therefrom to a point 35 feet : :: • >• . " ' NOftTH '•-•' * 3 2 easterly from the extension of the center Severin- Court; thence tma •. i 'covered, with .e,heese~ Sine, ol Crsmfdrd Township and the "Bor- iald line to the center line of North Ave- of South AVenue; thcrift ' • '•' • ,' •• - •.'.'Tj» * A 9 3 K7 1 along the centeTj line of penman Road Avenue. East. ough ef Garv/ood: ther.ce alone this nue , thence southeasterly along the center southwest to the center line of Lexington arisies from South Aventie-oit-a IK" loss of 1300 points. This would ;Ioth or some similar open-incsh laid boundary line it* Various courses to DISTRICT KO- S N ' -..''' ••w \sould intersect tKe center llir p SOUTH )1A£ of North Avenue and Eastman Street Avenue; thence -South, along the center Beginning at a point al Riverside Drive . • -) • ncxiiensive fabric. The cloth is the center, line o{ North Avenue. West, to Central RaUroad of New J^,' , -6 | you «i good score it the opponents io the north boundary line of the Central line of Lexington Avenue to the center, a ' "'' '"''•;•' >'• j 7 the point or- place of beginning. and the east bank of the Rahmy River; along the center line of the Cejita ; Railroad of New Jersey and the center line of Raritan lioad; thence West alone • 8 •.'•• .•••'•''' could have made their slam worth held permanently in place by short thence along the east Bank of the Rabnay road courses lo a point : takes or stapies piaeftd at frequent point or place oi beginning. * dividing line between, the ,*4 K J 10 9 4 1430 points. At rubber., -though, •Av^iiuJ. thence along the tenter line of North ill the boundary tine of tne borbcirh of Cranford _ and the BoroutH. ntervals. The young 'gross "plants DISTRICT NO 2 Union Avenue produced and continuing - Will meet. fiTsherman School, SLiocoltt Kenllwortb; and ' the Tow-*ntsni|» of' Ccan- oi - ' *^ . ^Q .1„0 4. you w.tfuld pans. If you were to ulong tho centeirllne-of Nbrth Union AvcttUe.— ._' , ,.. •:.. 'u____^l ford, thence easterly aboeg the said thence along said boundary II through the cloth without Beumnlnii~~5l j~~polnl formed by .the . East-West werS* vulnerable and bid seven diamonds and go oft* 1300 intersection of the center hne of Lexing- Avenue to the point or place of begin- : blsTRic* ljid'. t- - boundary line and iti vimx^ courses to id -the centerjine of 'Harlti'rt'ao»j?l ning. a point where saul point tdereeets the westerly along, the center lm, —it-was North's deal. North paSedipxiuUs,_nM:.thc opponents weft?, to difficulty, and 'the rotting fabric ton Avcmic- ^nd the tenter line of the Beginning at a point In the center line Lehich Valiev Railroad;-thence horthweu-' Will meet In Cleveland School, .North of North Avenue Where a.Une drawn 100 center .line of Orange AVenue and Inevarious courses of SariUn Ro^u . «nd East bid ono heart. Gene bid and make Itipv spades on the "SwrfsTai mulch to prdtecFOicTpIarils erlv alons the center line of Lexington Union A feet westerly and parallel, to the "westerly .dividing hne betweeirthe 3rd wn& ike Mb inlcrseciion /Of said center -!inr viSI districts; thence northerly «t ti^hl »^c**^ center UneVof texlhgton Avta?J jieard the one heart bid, but next hand, the sacrifice Would, be-j until well established". Avenue to the center line of Denmari DISTRICT NO. S Sideline of "Eastrhan Street would Intersect Riud, thence along the center line of when produced;; thence Westerly, along from Orange Avenue anoV 10O feet from point or place of begihnine. The terrace lawn will eniaure Beginning at a point formed oy the the nortn sideline to a bz I^M>wtf^ Will meet ini Lincoln School'i thnntiht his p.irtnei. not East, had too costly They would score 700 Dcnmacnman RaRoad eaerleasterly to the center lilinee intersection of the center line of High said center Hne of North Avenue to the fLiitSttth lih boundary Une of the Borough of Garwood southwesterly on a line with nial Avenue, for the -to-a- f—Livingston—Street:—thence -Blon«_ihc_ Street and the center line of the center made th.it bid, and so he bid one -enter line uf Livingston Street north- [line ofthc Lehlgh~V5ncy~RaiIroadrtheiiceaiIradrtheiice ' arojtheTownshipofCranford.thenc—the—Township—of--Cranford.—thencc:c ! Orange A.v 6a-. asted-At. J. WALTEll r notrtirop West piompily doubled plus IHe T30XJ tea 2i z& itiater dfegrcc-if-eut-at 1V-. inches h ltf h wt H nff Hiyh StStreet along saiid bboundard y linli e in a northerlynortherly ' righ•-t" -angle -•s therefrom to^p a,^potno t in the v.r»rerlv~tS~Ttie~P8nnT~liiie of Sprehestei •ih-alo«g_lhc- tr HU f HlKutg" pjin tljence points- in all. If .Vou had let them r lonKer, than if mo\yed closely. Avenue^ thence easterly along the center o a point where.the center line,of High direction to the lntercsctlon ol LlWiilon center HUe of HlveKutg" pjine. tljence Y,^ir|4ijie-of-t>ortJbciter Avenue to the hortoh Street projected would intersect the centc.r_| Avenu«_and _5th Avenue^ thence westerly J»"l *H ki» make then slam wTtTuiuTTsacnfic- JA?est opened the six of spade* nerr| . , street: the line of Alden Street and the center line •long said boundary to an^&ttsle in~said mK, they would have had 750 for permits viEorous. toot de- sJdcllorthwrsntopheg the north sideline of of North Avenue. East; thence along the boundary; thence southerly to an angle and three tricks in that suit were de Christopher Street io a point ISO feet center line of North Avenue. East >n anpoint in said boundary; thence westerly lltl run* W<»sf then laid down the slam.-700 foi the rubber and /clopment m spring an<] fall and orth of the northerly sideline of Retford easterly direction to the intersection of to the boundary line of the Town of West- aKo~i>tTprove'a~the~djjiblLy"of the Vvenuy;"«jld point—tx4ng-al«n-the mint fi.nt>i- )lnP nf Centennial Avenue. field _and the Township of Cranford; the'ace of hearts and continued a 1180 noitrts for six. spades f intersection of the 1st, 2nd and 6ththence south along the'center line of Cen- Ihence ndrtHeTiyapnUf Huld boundaiy to- be.irl and East took the rest of the .. ail... On that basis the net loss uif The addition of a tompletc istrlcts. thence along a line parallel to tennial Avenue to the center lino of the an angle point in said boundary line said (INJUNCTION WITH-^HE angle point bcine on the westerly sideline would be about 500 points, but it. et tih/ei in early spring and early Retford Avenue and 150 feet from Retford Central Railroad of New Jersey right of heart tricks West foolc the bal- Avenue, said described line being also the way; theriee east along the centes. line of of Division AVenUc; thence northeasterly ance With his two-lcmainniK .ices night-be more,'because the op- all, the application of lime as rear dividing Une^ between propertied on •the Central Railroad of New.Jersey io a along said Westfleld-Cranford boundary needed to concct excessive jcidity, Retford Avenue and South Union Avenue point 950 feet more or less to a point, said line to a point where the center line of and good spades, so the contiact ionents might bid. a slam instead n a northerly direction to the center line pelht being opposite ant! at right angles Willow Street would Intersect if produced, if a mere game after you have nd legular wateung during pcr- >f Cherry Street; thence along the center from a point formed by the'south sideVrte thence along bald production of the Cen- was- set seven tucks foi a penalty ter line of Willow Street and continuing ods of morstui'e shoi tage, are also me of CherrC v streeeet tt o 'ththe centecer line of of. South Avenue: and the rear dividing of—J300_pomts. Fnr .1 wrm-wnt if afcen l th l alon«!JLbc_ccntcr llne_of Willow Street to nipoftaTTt phasej. onUfr~rhainup Cneatnut-StrccU-ihenCe -along the cchlcT-J Xlnci-aLpropcrtlcS fronting on the easterly the intersection of the ccnlerltne~nf-Wtl=: sccme*}—Uiiit—this was an_unjiisl ine of Chestnut Skrcct to the center line side of ~BurchfleId Avenue; thence south AVAILABLE HERE lante on the tenace"slo"pc~~WIieic >f ^Walnu^Ax-enue^thence—along-rthe cen^. ;.lnnrf ^»t t" B twint I plus. 210 or 220^ trick score, plus :ainiug a smooth surface. ine of Alden Street would Intersect the Court; thence south and west Oh a line Where a line drawn 100 feet Westerly'and • ------'-' - -— ' '. .^=-r ;eriter line of High Street if High. Street 100 feet cast and south of the cast and parallel to. the westerly sideline of East- i00 for winning the' rubber, .so were extended: thence along the projected smith sideline of Scvcrin Court and par-man street Would Intersect; thence south- erly along said line to the center line of ti& Gengjfe bid^ofonc-noitump actually .- .- ..' '.- Food -Note, .'i'...^'..;,. .. ;cnier line, )of High Street south and still allel thereto to 3 point 100 feet cast of : : along the center line at High Street to the the east sideline of Centennial Avenue; NoNortr h Avenue,and tit point or place of ' tiW6w;w.t a hantlsorne *f*W*fit-or&ihe ERIC II. 1'ETknSON, Jit, . Greens such as .ipinach can be intersection of the center line of High thcrtCe south ou a line parallel with Cen- beginningiegmmng.. 'AT"-'''&?• ' • • • •" •'•• REPAIR 10 A NS •deal!-" • ' • '; .'•'•.- ' ' \"; . ' nloii County Agricultural Ac'ertt (•trained and used iif' :crea«ried Street with the center line of the Lchieh tenniul Avenue and 100 feet cast of the . WJU meet .W High School, West End Valley . Railroad: thence southwesterly eust sideline of" Centennial Avenue to a , Duplicate players always have soups, while kale can be used with Place'. -..„_••:.>• ••'.•' '• / Tei'raccd slopes ace climcult.Ib^ p aloritt the center line of the Lchieh Valle* point 'in the center line of the Lchlgh OISTRJCT NO. 8 / r«l(ltj Drive )>nri BeBiimlnji at a point In the dividingJ aces .pfovideci atloution is " ti'vuH lortti Union Avenue: ~thcri.ee north along eCpd Cmn " line o£ Centcnuial 'Avenue—to- INSURANCE lOi EBT YOU GIVE btri-DTte—ntpr li(HhJIli& find'Township imd the center' line of .1 point In the cehter lino of ihc Central the pai'ticular sifimlTon atrl ffoticroi? ttaritun ~Hoad;—thcncc~-north along"the Hailroad-^of—New—Jersey t—thence-ea»terly hump intentionally with the.South lo the puint'of Intersection with the The mbrc important factors to ei- line of eiaremont Place; thenee smith cauls. His 'reasoning- would be Jong (he'center line of Clareinant. Place RECEIVE e considered a re;' thorough prepa- Registry o the ii>ter.5eetlon-of the cc'KtcV line of lllUllllllllllllllilllllUiluilllllUUIIIllllilUUUllUUlUillllillUIIIIUlUlll alone these lines: ."My partner ation' of the seed bed, the use of "»rd Avenue; thenee noytheaslevly already passed 'and it looks as i_jSHi.y>ble_ sced_ mixture, planting I the center line of CranftiVd Avenue ; —General Eleclion __L 35-feet to a point; thenee- touth at_rJchli 'FOR THE BEST IN FOOD and LIQVOHZ AH new Ruhst^ilHirs lo The Cranford Citizen and Chronicle pay the regular siilmoriplion jiriw of $2.50 J thouglli ETiEasTiWesW l RRuSy~"Kave~~a early '/nil, and recula7""fer£ilTiza~~ meles to Cranford Avenue to a point 100 : gknne or possibly a slam. If I .bid Iti ptirsuance df the provision!; of an !eet south of the sideline sf-Cranford Ave> VISIT year, of whicK one-half or Owe Dollar ami Twenty-five Cents goes to tb0jKrjinfor1jnp •*>!. Oranw Avenue loo feet to a Ikllil ?be.ffIati8'A->i>i>it.ii»fr " ' " :__ Tel. VS. 2-3103 A representative of the Cranford Junior Service League .will call on you in person at your home to solicit y to \vater eomlrtc General "Eiectidtt e»' Tuesday, polnlV'therict!" sbutrivtfcstcrly"on~o line jtt'I go off four tricks for 760 and 1 ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY. SATUBDAY aud SUNDAY 1 ri jT : : : you parallel with Orange Avenue and-100 feet • whereas soils that are made rijildly November 8, 19SJ. and .- ourr•8M^criplioni" '' ''~~~7~~7~~ ~ • " - -—• --^—•-—~--; •;• •—^ • • • ••• -.- - .- • -~-•-•---—~~^ --r-- - "~. tyiey can only make tta'me, we will : measured at right angles therefrom to a or neutral by* liming, admit . -•-•- -— NOTICE point invthe center llrie of niversldeDrlve; SPtdiAL AtfEHTKSNf Jtp ^jet a poor score. If I go off (We of hereby given that the District Election MEMREB frUEBAtDSTOSrr INSUKANCE COKPOBATI0M Water readily. 'Organic matter ad- Boards in and for tVie Township of Cran- thence southerly alone the center line or sjk'-or seven tricks, East-West sure- Riverside'-Drive to the intersection ol the- rOtt ALL OCCASIONS For the Two^ollaitfs aiwl Fifty Gents you pay, yoii not only receive Cranfor*rs only newsHjipw with its ii... ^^.•••^ ditions in the lonn of j.vell rotted rerd will sit at the places hereinafter i,,iiiiulilUiiUilUilliliUUIIII.I,i.iiiiiii.iilliliUl.llliiililiitiHiiUmiUiiiuiiiiiiiilillWillUIUillllUilliiil!llMUIiilli.iUiiuiii.iit i 1# have a slam and.by bid will pay designated on man.ure, raw;' native peat, or culti- news of local events and other feature attractions, but you are al£o doing your purl towartl helping a inos! worthy cause. .Off."', . .' *• • • . KOVEMHGK 8. 1SS1 vated peat, not only improve the between the lumrs of 7:00 A. M. and 8:00 ' <"Even at rubber bridge, -the one P. M. Eastern Standard Time, for the ibility of tlQ soil to take in mois- •of coiiduclliii* a ,.. fi'oti'ump.bid mijjht wejl show a .uife biSt also increases the totalj ' pfotH, "as it did when actually ivater capacity of the soil.- played; but deliberate .'sacrifices af General Ejection The successful grass-seed mix-*' tn vote upon candidate^ for the foltowliifl I iijbber bridgd are much more'risky unices: . . ture for terraces must consist of It's more a treat lhan a test. When you put a new Mercuty because, after lakinc a set oL 500 One Stale Senatbi- lyull term*. species which.are deep rooted and Ynur Members of the. General Assembly through iti paces. You never knew thot traffic Cftuldl be Idmed ' .or sp to 'save' the rubber, the-opt (Full Term». . .:•(.' tolerant of drought. New Jersey One^ounty Clerk tKull.fcrin)'. so Easily, that hills could, simply melt away! The ? lots fcjsncnts may bid and .make slam Thfce Members of the Board ol Choser provide milk for underprivileged children, support the Ounford Welfare Association, niake liu;idages for the ho^piials awn socll .formula No. 4 reeom- of things—Its husky V-type "8" engine—its low-slung design aid the Crippled Cliildren's Home, and many other acts of charily. not'only use- mended by the^gnculWut • tot* TerniiT"" " " JEitt }wSlnngrT'^i7^8f8lS^ periment Station, is composed, a: Two Memberi; ol the TownshiiJ.CoM- - Jfei^but expensive. At duplicate, mlttee iFiill Term). each hand is considered all by it* such grasses and is better suited Follouinii Is a complete description o the ten election dlstrk-ts of the said Town _s#f and what happens on anyfor terrace slopes, than the ordinary ship and the location of the uolllnc places seed • Early fall is the most fabriratater NO." I season for planting tcrracet!. Unv'ns, TBeisimiiniS at a point In'.the center lint since the Brass has an opportunity of Nmth Avenue »West, w,heresaiH ceirtei line intersects the boundary line between ,lo .become wt'H cstablished eniZEi^aad CHRONICI mm the 'tool moist fall ami inptUhs. Spiring s'cccllinK generally suffer severely from the,* summer KEEP INFORMED ABOUT CRANFORD AND C^ANFORD PEOPLE THRcklCJH THE•. PNI,Y RESERVATIONS •,":V; :Vv.;....'/..•'.; MEDIUM WHICH IS PUBLISHED IN CRANFORD. ;.,'•-•••••' . ,' - :'' Cruis«ti. Toun LEARN - Hotola Besoxtfl ii IIELP THE JUNIOiT'. SERVICE'-' 'LEAGUE -^-SN^^ AND..'THE SAME "" Staaxnshlp i BR1VE «wl Vim iiWjolod ere lublod laithonaa wiihool«*»| 1 1 ; {•z :;:; :^i^t^^^2l. • -'i' WITHOtJT./^NY.B^TRAy.'COST. "..••.•••- . •" • ••' „• •"' •• ji{ ^';*J'!i*, 8UOE RtPAlRlNG - Airlines Rodboada S Alden Si . .;. Cranford NN.IITS = SAT. SITJJ. The Garoli Travel Bureau _ »:XI'I:UTI.V EUbeer-TiE^r it OF

I»L BAYS — GVKNIN'UH",. FL^MH Doesitiier-saUon by winning "bfticially "??'-y,\ fuiBlsted. Hodest ^pdnM^ed^-econorny tejit •. Mrs, RohertB,AcMaad Mrs/E* B.Faulkner Mrs, L.K.Merrill Mrs, A. Frederick Van Home Mrs, Homer C. Fisher Mrs. William P. Cleaver **''"" •"" lessen fees, WB ypfcMp rtay low? Mercury Mrs. Rebafl M. AdrJoms Mrs. Fletcher Gilpin ««9M«n have; eng'ineeroc) trouble ouf Mrs. J. C. Munday ~~ -Mrs, John H. Vogel Mrs. Jean Montenecourt Mr,. William M. Craft : ; : Mrs. A, W. Bowling Jr. w. . ^ • ?:::: ,:;.:.' v::.i;: •>• •• -for.'.extra year* of iseney'sa"'^, ; J Mrs. C.R.Griffiths Mrs. Harry V- Osborne, jr. --iileipe»dolMBty.'" - • . ' " ••.,si-^ Mrs, -Alexander B, Cloud Mrs, R. B. Winkd."~". Mrs. W. F. Persons, Jr. Mrs, Joseph E. Laird is in Mrs. Richard Gi^y I* if famousfor Ion s »*•? '• * Mr«, iA. H, Crowell Mrs, W:H. Plummer : Mrs, D. Smead Berry ' •• . Mrs. Er^ftier Reeves ' Mrs- Robert G. Longaker doe^rl $2% of oil Mercury* ever built Mrs, C. F. Hansel, Jr» Mrs, Henry J, Mineur , . ' for tke te^Bfe country" ore ililt en »h« I Mrs, Willkift E-ewitcnfield Mrs. Charles A. Speer Mrs. Charles A. fioillod - - Mrs. Walter W. Stout, Jr. toad, bccbrcTmfl fa jturjiei of the lot**1 Mrs. R. M. Harmon . Mr^CLMcNabb ^ ornool offJaal reioiiJroiion figure J, Mrs. E, Armstrong Damons- Mrs, P. B. Sperry Mrs. J, Dwight Bridge _Mrs7-WiIHam F. Switxbr Mrs. J^DaAy Mrs, R. L. Stanger School Art Students Mrs. Albert E. Johnson M . Mrs J. Robert Waterhouse 3Wftji CMOt£6 ! for "ihe driv^ o' your Mrs. Hector C, Evan* v Mrs, Richard Van Horn Whether- a student in Junior or Senior £"ore erKclenl aiilomdlle I"1* professionally, we have a full line of the Music art supplies you'll need. - • et 241 W. St.

Canvass Boards •iir Oil aud Mater.Color i~aiuUiig SeU 2-WAVTlEfif PROVES ..^^in...^.-.^.., . wllli Kd Hulllvmi. Hontlty fcvchliii, . . K iu II I'. M. KUIIait WCMS. ChaliHel. '•>. At'CORUlONS LOANED FREE tO OUR -StUDENl'8 RICHARD HAbTiG, Daily Till 6:S0 P. NL — VrlAjLYi TUI 9 P. SL !!| B • 23 J^LDENLZSTREET, CRANFOHD,:% '•X 10^5 N; Union Avenue CRanferd 6^2540 K

".".'• •'' ,~••";/--»•"• y • ,V: 1 '".^'''."' ii ' THE CRANFORD "CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAV, SEPTEMBER J3. 1051 Pago Seventeei£? THE CHANFOjab CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE.-TJJT3RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,195t

finale" fr6m 'Vfidor's. °5th Sym- will meet, and the first junior ehtfir .hony, and Bacii's' 'Tn Thee, Lord, Coin ^ Tr'lKt", 1 Full Chom ists- the senior.choir will ic-hearst ,. Thou^lit for the Week The deneva Fellowship, for per- Cub park rn'eets. at "^p.1 m. in the sons. 18 to 2a years old, will hold) HasF •hiirch aiitlitmium Satiir«f*.v.'' an organizational meeting at the On- Monday, evening,,the senior At Trinity Retreat .church at 7 p. m. Sunday. Re- ViRli cabinet will meet at the home The Enduring Fomidation The annual Westminster FeUow- freshments will be followed by a The full choir of, men and boys of William Collins, IB Madison ;hip Retreat will-be.tom'orrow: and discussion concerning' the purpose Will be in the'ehahcel at Trinity -, Pbns for coming .r..>lisioUs- avenue, and at 8p.m., Cub Scout GROUP, of men stood watch- Abraham, we are., totd ift the Saturday at' Camp Wawayanda, of the group,'the types of meetings Service parents- will meet in the .chapel.- Church Sunday at ".the" 11 a., HI. ing the erection of • large of- Bible (Hebrews thJO). "looked arid socials desired, and the projects were discussed at a meeting ojl choral service and sermon far-'the for a city which hath foundations, Andover, it is announced by the ' - Mnly'rntYim-iinion .scrv- Second evening of visitation flce building Upon a site md committees ^necessary., Crahfbra'. Clergy Cotnrtii oty'J fu..st; tiinvsiiifcte the •• rect "wluchix^oltrry beTofe had been builder and maker is God,- QLk t 1 1 1 icc will bo initiated^this Sun-day in training- will UtffeiW' WifdhWii;^ fcv: Rubei i 'Q-iLoitgaker^ pngtoAt 8r p.-m';,•-first .of three diseus- day hiorriing in the. liome'jj] with' n (lirther at 0:45 p. ;m. John it is announced, by the Rev. Frank , udder water a* a part of a nearby not humnn ambition or material 1 tht> Mi^hodist Church, tn be held V. H. Carthy; rector., bay. The land hnd. been illled in power. Being obedient to God's of First Presbyteriari Church.-.-.• ;ion groups' for' adults in prepara- Albert Allihger. timing the winter on the tflfnl-Sun- Terpeni.nj; is chairman of the SOK- The 37 who'will attend are the ian for chiireh membership will sion, which will'close :it !) p. m. Services Sunday, imoririinjj will and- -a Jarge city .had grown up every comjnan.d, be wished to be • International Student Day i dd> c.ich month, the Rev. Albert begin with' Eucharist,at. 8 o'clock. aroiindl it, making^ it valuable sure that his home was estab- iiflleers of the Junior and, Senior be- held in the Choir Room. The vemb^r'il, sponsored by theC" Allingi'i. pastor, has announced.' property. Thii ipade-land, how- lished in spiritual understanding Evening -groups, the officers of the opic: "What Chrisitans. Believe". Si nice* at 8 a in. will be witlf- CbLirch Schoof convenes at-9:30 and bad those enduring founda- cil of "Church Women, will i a. m. and. the choral • service .and ever, did not have sutllcient llnn- Senior -Department Class of the On Tuesday, a workshop will be out "-cumin hrui'of half-hour dur- fieii to sustain the. weight of iottawhich Spirit alone can .pro- held by the Elizabeth Presbyterial ] cooperation of the Clergy' sermoin will-be a't .11 a.'in. v .iiion Tlie pastcir " Indicated "that ..the reinforced Concrete building ...;„._.,...._: ,..,: •.burch School, and"r£ilCEsentatives it was said. Registration "Tor Church School Society itLihe Fanwood Church for! i) nuniKci of new members request- planned for tbe site, so »t was Eaeh^ine pf-usjs^engaged in of the^Junior-Hi-Depavtment and all officers and committee chairs The Rev." Robert. G'.'"Li ed tlii" earlier hour- because of bfjian last Sunday and R. J. Laier, necessary to drive long piling to : Sets Sellout building bis own-individual life .he Youth Budget Council. /.' ' of.4vomen's organizations. . pastor io£ First - tr.t;ibit<-he(l practice in their jormi;F- Sr.. sti'iicrintcndfeKt, announced that bedrock, spacing the pile* only slruclurey Whatjiaitern are we ;iny new registrations may be made five feet apart in order to carry following? Islt according to the Theme oTtbe retreat is "Becom- Wednesday~evemhg, at r Ohureh,—and-the Couples' Club""will hold its first Dezso, pastor of Tht Rev, . Mr-. AHinpcr will Registration any Sunday this month. , the tremendous load. : . specifications orihe Christ? Has ing Disciples" arid the "group will- God planned it foKusror are vwe hink through and plan foV theprov meeting—a musical program in th<* terian Chu,rch, were appoint. m each on the top*ic ".The .Conquest Kimrlnv school It is txj^cet'edi the Rev. Mr. - One of the group was not seeing following our own uncerliaia out Choir Roorn, followed by refresh- carry "out. plans larniulatpd M of tin Piomised Land".at the rtml Hrt't""' nf TVmnic Beth ffi7TTlt^~id^^dilr^-itrnius ihhlife. ments in the gymnasium. ~ ^ and 1 n" 50 n.'ur. services. Church.- El will be this, Sunday at 10 a. m., "li(j'wni-.niiiK completion, ad- much MI jlie amount of thought have a spiritual fouudulio inOluue. D.ui olhy tv hw4-a l_tj-will4wccl a 14h ose -hours- it is ;Tn(HnTcBtt~t>y'tta1'j1ji~,ToTtttrn tr> th** house. that bad gone into the preliminary —Mary-Baker Eddy; th\»rs- ing tif November-32 At (i 45 p. m., Beverly Pnffrnth Taxqn. 'Regular sessions; will .be- will be open for use in a few planning; the many calculations coverer and Founder of Christian T,he .Rev; Frank 'V. n jnd Geoine Donfc.y, dclecates In the SchacW ' Fred ' Mackehzie,- Betty To Install Pastor gin after registration.. weeks. *•- ..." made to determine tbe lengths and Science, writes in "Pulpit slid rector of Trinity Church, i Vnnth Conference at Press", (p. 2) as foliowst Starr, Harold Gingery, Bob Witte, The Rev, Robert G.- Lo'ngaker, FIRESTONE Tho Kev. Mr. .Carthv has been' number of piles required; the moderator of the PresBvter.v of Taxon ef Tenjple'j Bl.m Academy,' Blairstnwn, will to (irgnnize a teen-age club, tobe attending the annual Clergy Con- tests that bad Men run on. real house |n which 'we live; d he in charge of the junior hifjh fel- pies of cement and steel to ensure move,- and have our being'- is Elizabeth, presided last night al BIAMONB known.as Tempje Junior teag'ue, ference of the Diocese of New Jer- Spirjlt, God, the eternal harmony Eschcnlatier, Charles Rearick the installation of the Rev.- Wil-Christmas and Chanukah i lowship Topic is "JIF anil Us." sey at St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, a quality "wblch7would withstand nex,t Thursday' evening. A tmn- the enormous tensile and- com- ol Infinite Soul. The enemy we , Sembnlte, BBeverll y BiBishoph , liam H. Felmeth as pastor of the during the Christmas season?! ARMSTRONG H Seventh and eighth prade/s are plelc,- well-balanced social and this! wec-fc. in,' Joan Apgar, Carol Basking Ridge Presbyterian The Rev. Arnold J, faaf invited to attend'and.to elect olli- pressive stresses involved; and confront w^Uld overlhrow this Wheel Balance cultural program is expected to be Eucharist celebrations \.vill be pi -the care and supervision neces- sublime fortress, and it behooves Koyen, Peter Trurnpore andi Jean Church—The-Rev .JVtr. JFelmeth Js. whftjwas_ installed Jast \v HOOD teis . • • •'• „ ' drawn up and -put in operation.; i"Ap&. m. on Wednesday and. ¥ri- sary^tp make sure that the specifl- us' lp'-"defefld mt heritage^How Belden. the son of. the Rev. William G: VeU pastor.' i Cl "]\ —--Cl.iu Ki-r-kroan, Gail-JUiams jmd. n i 1 5tf *O>. ow^nrarsdar _ taiiott»—of the- architects add: can we d<> this ChristiC Jyl.?c ^* ' -Also, "Bob^Bishop, -Glenn Check wtn~iie—r.eariy—foi1—eeeupanc-y—uv tine, work? By iatreHchitilt our COOPEiit the JIF conference, and Beth Ter- —engineer* were followed through- jp _ GET THE MOST FROM tirne for the high holidays, Rosh and Saturday are Ember-. Days-and out. selves in the knowledge that our • Carolyn Stea'rns\Rodney Stokes, son, the Re\?. John Felmeth, will • "Next meeting ortTfo~?oua ^GILLETTE PRESSURE pomuue. delegate to the Blair sen- Hnshnnah, October 1 and 2," and Friday is also the Feast of St. true temple is no human fabrica- ACME • 101 conference, will, report lit "the It is axiomatic that for a thing Mabyn* Reeves, Nancy Reinert, be installed September 19 as pas- scheduled for October 1 at 1 YOUR TIRES AND SAVE Yom Kippur, October 10, Rabbi Matthew, apostle and .evangelist. tlotti but the supersfructure of tor wf the Presbyterian Church in sonioi hmh fellowship, also at (5:45. 1 to endure it must {possess endur- Truth, reared on the foundation of Riohard Frank, Nanev Kammerer Jipme of Roderick .W. Smith,! I-. '" • GULF TIRES 1 Tnxnti announced. • • J . A .special meeting of the Vestry •\ Rthht T,. T. Manor avenue. YOUR FRONT END. S.ills tiiicpheTii—aird "DuriK Rtcrir will be-held tonight at 8 o'clock g^ giant sequoias of California, sup', being- its nature, how can out- -The Everyman's Bible (glass and .iKo tlclcgat.es, reported last Sun- at'the home of VSt-. K.'Frederick. posedly the .oldest living thing, the Women's Bible Cfass will 107 E:iytman*s,tr««t. The first dupli- godly temple possibly be demol- have attained' their Ibngr life be- ished, or eSTen disturbed?" Can " Sunday morning-" at. the ^ Odd-, .md'Ends fellfnvship will < lion ol lViisl«'<«. cate bridge session of the season cause they contain- within their eternity end? Can Life die? Can time, 9:80.' "The Story of Jesils IOU MAY FtStD COMFORT, HAPPINESS and the JUST 81 will be tomorrow ni«ht at 8 in the HEALTH; throuKh listening to some of the followinc elect officers at their fi:'-J5 p. m. Mrs;.iATwyrr 'Hertz,. Benjamin structure certain qualities which Truth be uncertain? Can LoVe be , Christ','* is/the general theme tot BTixner/Staniey Durand, .Genrijc parish house. • . resist such enemies as time, in- le£s than boundless?" study for this first quarter;' Tin Science radio programs of this vlchiity: nicotine .•....'.' : . Trinity CIub_wii}_nieet ar8 p. m. sects, fire, and water. REGULAR PASSENGER VARIOUS SIZE Christian.Science lesson for,Sunday, is "When-th. v Slk. WJTZ W«X« (IM0 kc) — Hi* Srd gtiiidsy E.th M.nth ...ih | first meeting of the new season for tomorrow, arid men of the church service, at 11 o'clock,, the pastor's thf r-tiib. ill tit-B p. m. SiU- Sta. W'QXlt (IBIiU ,ke) — 2nd Saturday Each MoiXh :!:II.V>I,H.| PERSONALIZED WALLET«CHECKS :j irwretanii wHf^tt Chair rehearsal ..will "be" tomor- urday. . • Heart.", The Misses Maria Rtartel] Requests for free literature and reports of benefits recdvel row dij'ht at ^:30 o'clock in the On lATedncsday, at 10 a. m.. Mis- and Marilyn Vosberg will be solo . from these programs will be appreciated. 'choir room for men and boys. Girls* sionary Prayer Bond will meet .a ists. Miss Mary Elizabeth Bonnell \ Monitor Views the News \ choir meets for rehearsal Saturday the church, and regular prayei brgonist, will play "Allegrp Can 8U. WJ56 ii'.ii ke) >\Every Tuesday, New« Broadou*t !l:15 n morning at 10. > service will be lieid in the churcl QCASfTITV Annwai-mftftiing and election_fll tnbile, and "Atlago" and "Allegro^ Fii'ieldand Lloyd Ttueh wore elect- olhccrs and teachers of the Sunday 2—590x 15,4 ply, Atlas : ed last week to become trustees of gible School will.be held .at 8 p, m. Monday in the lower auditoriuni 4^-640x15. 4 plV, State* announced by the'JJev. Albert G. Dezsp, pastor. Cranford Tabernacle, it is an- 16—640x 15,j4 ply, To each new personalized The new trustees.replace Edgar nounced by the Rev. George A; Huehes, Mrs. Frank Hapn, John Aftcheson, ti.D., pastor. 47—670x15,4 ply, Goodyear +MM checking ciccount Gtihliitu- August Tolh and Clarence • The Rev. Dr. Aitcheson will 18—670X15, 6 ply, Goodyear .ny'dinsky. preach at the 1,1 a. m. service and Deborali Itnrtn'n, daughter of Mr. l| 2-550x15, 6 ply,'Goodrich*.".,,". $23,90 $1432 -4—700x15, 6 ply, ArmstVong $46.90 at the 7:45 p. m. service Sunday. 29—710x15,4 plyV^Btate* and Mrs. Harold HJartoti, and Wal- |2l-^600x.l 5, 4 ply,Armstrong* .5^-600x16, 6 ply. State* 30.36 14,24 «!' ter McMaiius, son of Mr. and Mrs. Young Peoples Fellowship will .19.95 11.95 16t7X ^-650x15, 4plv 30—710x1.5i 4'ply, Goodyear 56^-600x16, 6 plyi Dunlop-•.-.,... 30.36 State* 24.30 11.12 . 37.3-3 17.59'•_'i • the pastor last 'Sunday'-morning. Kins irt charge. 7—650x16.... . J*jsht. §^yo«g* , „ YOUR NAME I .Fourth 'Annual... Church: School 110^-650x15, 4 ply,Miller 5,6ply, Goodyear •20:63"|| M Miss Ruth Hoagland of the New- 21-—650x16, 6 ply, Dunlop 37.33 teachers' and. Officers' Retreat will : -20.10 "I PRINTED ON CHECKS FOR YOU be Saturday, at First Presbyter- ark Evangelistic Committee was '."4^55bx l6,4piy»' Famous Make . 13.67 • 9—760x15, 4 plyrState* ..'.*.,,. 8—700x16,6 ply. Strong ND* ...:...'..;.,:.:. 42.64 ian Church of Cranbury. Cars Will speaker at the Co-Workers Monday || 10-700x15, 4 ply,State* ..; .. 10—760x15, 4 ply, Goodyear 24—700x16,6 ply, Dunlop 42.64 • GOLD-STAMPED On Handtone Wallet leave Osceola Church at 8:30 a.m. evening. Mrs. A. Whitaker, Sr., 27.80 ; 14.141 8—750x16,8 ply, Dunlop ,- .-. 56.84 31.57. S! The Uev. Edwin Brown, pastor*o£ president of the ladies' class, ap- S,4ply, Goodyear , '..;.. 20.10 14,02 15—800x15. 4 ply, GSodrich* 13—600x17, 6 ply, Acme 28.95 15,83 III] New -Vt-rnoii Presbyterian Church, pointed Miss Fiie'ida Stettler, Mrs. will be sjir-jiker. at the«vehing pro* 4 ply, 3272:[? W. X, .Cbn'over, and Mrs. f.' A. State* ....;,.: 24.80": 12,61 18—800x15, 4 ply, Firestone 2—700x17,8 ply. Miller 55.37 gratn. -..•', 2—750x18. 10 ply, Goodrich* • :...,. 7.1.38 The CJuild anrtounces the follow- Crane -as norHniating committee for >,4 ply, Goodyear 24.80 " 17.30 25,52 I ig Circle irieetings: .Monday, Cir- new class ohlfers. Mrs. d. S. Berry,, 17—820x15, 4 ply, Armstrong '10-^00x20,-.8 ply. Firestone;•'& Goodrich 43137 || 10-^0x16, 6 ply, State* .!....•„..._,..... 32 25 16u40 5—650x20,6 ply. Strong* , .: 44.09 22.10 cle 5, at home of &te.: William Dro- at whose homev4 Riverside drive, 4—890x 15i 6 ply, Goodrich* •eue.'SS-Cold'evin load, Clark; Tues- they met. spoke' on "Fellowship in 5f, 4 ply,Armstrong* : 28.30 17.00 11^650x20, 8 plyr Brunswick A. S, 53.77 day. Circle 3, at. home of Mrs. IKS Church." „ ;- '6—760x16, 4 plylMilldr* ' 6-^700x20, 8 ply, Strong* -...-. 57.13 37.2i Miss Mary . thai now Dodge Oriflow Ride^sure opened "^RSrTlop^^rrrrTHTiiT'.'^rr.-'.TSTTt^1 Circle, fi. at home, of Mrs. Fri-d School • senior secretary, who will 40—760x 16; 4 ply, Gillette •Raythcn, 41 James avctiuc. Clark, leave for Michigan tomorrow, to 37.35 3420 15—700x20, 10plyt, Dunlop & Gulf :: 7394 43.80 and' Tuesday;' Circle U * at the. J enroll in a school of occupational f DANIBlrFUQWASD,M*: 10^-820x16, 4 ply, Atlas x 13—750x20, 8 ply, State N. D.* :. ' -... 70.90 chiireh. ' ' *• .20.32 12.12 | ew York City. "The- Blindfold II 6—900x20,. 10 ply, Strong N. D> .:.,.%...:... 128.85 im ORlcers. and teachers of. the •: Test.coB^nced me! The new Dodse 22.58 - Church ScViool ineet tomorrow, at Calvary Tc Provide < dOriflow. Hide reallyJevcls~ottt tlio_ x 11—IOOOX2OJJ1P4V, Dunlop . "150.44 8 p.' n.v; at the ehurch. Communi- worst kind of biurips and ruts,", con- =16.05 I - 8—1 iOOxZanTpiyXStrong K. D * 192.00 97^47 .eant's Class will meet Wednesday Bus for SundaV School tinues Mr. Howasffl. "No tide lias nt 4 p. m. at thei'hurch. • been'.se smooUii?-- - - " 26.30. « 34—1000x22, 12ply, Punlpp; 172.08 •102:22 >; . A new experiment will be'tried' ill 4^-1100x22, 12 ply, Dunlop 202.89 120.75'III this Sunday morning at Calvary CIlltlSTIAX-SCIENCE CIIWRCH Lutheran Church, when a free, bus, MINIMUM BALANCE: REQUIRED ' SERVICES S ' ' will be provided to transport chil- IMONTIIIY SERVICE CI1ARGE _lhat the nnly real sub- dren from outlying, sections of '•*• == K s=~ p; * stance ia Spirit, qjkl. which man Cranford and from Clark and Ken- CHARGE FOR qjECTBOOIC reflects spiritually, will be brought ilworth \6 Sunday School,, it is SNOW TIRES out at Christian, Science--services announced Uy the Rev. ArnofU J. next Sunday. Subjfcct of the Les- WAYS Dahlquist, pastor. . . "..-•.• ','• JUST 76 Quantity .. Reef, JUST 12 Quantity " r ^e^s SALE joint Accounts Permitted siin-Seritttm is "Substance." The bus will begin its Sunday 6.70 x 15- The Golden-Text is irom Hoseai oo-yi •J-0—650x15,4 ply, 'CSooper .$25.60 morning route "at 8:30. a. m, in iffy 27^70.0x15,4 ply, Armstrong ^ 28.15 to 4 I'iy 3-~650xJ 5, 4 • ply, Goodrich' .$30.94 SltiM Wnm tW Hecouut U optntA • tlepoiil of f KOp U »n«J« mhUh •'Tinii tTfoi'rto. tby God: keep mercy Siinny Acres; arid, run through var- iiml iudgmeht.' anil wait on thy God 28-^820x15,4 ply rArmstrong* ,-32.20 "8-700x16, 4 ply. GuliV ...... :.. 36.37 23.00 i refunded if 25 ebcekt tire u«ed tu a p*rl«dyoLJS ious ^sections of. that development 20—600x16,6 ply. Miller.'.....;. continually,." l(l"-:6). .:-'•' and Clark before ntoving, on to .75 PAY_AS LITTLE.AS $1,00 PER WEEK A1ND KEEP PassaRes friini' tlie Bible' include 42.-,750x16, 6 ply, Gull* 59.28. 37.79 : Kenilworth, where tWs last stop" 'ihe folUwvini; from Isaiah: "Let will be macle at .0:15 nt South —780x16,4 ply, Federal .... 22.9 YOUR CAR SAFE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY -" 12-670x15, 4 p|V, Goodyear.',. 28.IS 20.93. Thej wu-ketl.YorsaUe his way. and Eighteenth stret and • the Boule- 32-550x17,4 ply, U.S; Royal 22.20 •-•6—670x15, 4 ply', Gillette .:....' 28.19- 20.93 UNION ^ Wie. iilirichtetius man his thoughts vard. ,~"' " . 25—550x17, 6 ply, Gillette•-.... 28.75 NO'.CARRYING CHARGES FOR 30 DAYS. | '..-". For my thoughts are not your 25—650x17, 4 ply, Wards .... 12-760x16, 4 ply.'TDiarrlpnd .... 3AJ3. .25.89 MurtiRh'ts. neither are your ways The experiment, the' pastor ex- 26'.95 m-y ways, saith the U>rd." (55:7,8). plained, will be continued as a TRUST COMPANY steady service only if response jus- .^.^•>v . Correlative'"passages from "Sci- MAIN OFFICE' .enco and *H«vKh \v»th Key to the tifies it. Saturday.morning at 8:45,- 142 Broad Si,, ElU Si-fiptures" by Mary Baker ^ddy young people 11'years of age- and CONVENIENTLY F»JZA«CTIl AVE." OFFICE uu-Uulv. vGiwi's thouuhls are |>csr- older wiE meet at the church house ALL TIRES^ WARRANTED AGAINST DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS 715 Eli^Wll. Av«<« Ethabitk •.e<.t aiul ftonsal, arc substance and and assist in distribution of flyers FfEL HOw t in sections to be served by the bus. V"— LOCATED BROAD ST. OFFICE I'll't-i" (p. 28G>.- *,• rr^r.^: * • ZZZZJZL B.« —~~*r* *-a US UiomH Si., EliiMlxA AH-children, esp'eciuly those not NEW ORIFLOW RIDE MAKES ROUGHEST now attending a Sunday' School, BANKING ELMORA OFFICE S ii are welcome to avail themselves of ROADS BOULEVARD-SMOOTH! INTgQPUCTORY OFFER TO f" DEALERS INVITED! *09 W«lfi*lK*ft^>1k 1.,vi....,,i " if lit i; ' and older are eligible. ilow, hlintlfoltUitHnotoriSts found, smnc passengers ji - HRSI COME!, FIRST SERVEDX—& Iteakltne Roem—IS Al«ten «li*et arc there -»- but ijau thmt jeel tlivin! Gone is tlic pitch, bounce lphetl and bounced as . so smooth they eould IN ENVELOPE OR >peri daily f-4, jsxceJJt Thurs. and The Rev. Mr. Dnhlqutst's mes- and jar you experience in oilier cars as the new Dodge Onflow •"ci., 10:30-4. Also Fri. ":30-9 p. m sage at 11 a. m. services Sunday eled rough, bumpy roadi. lievo they traveled ' PASTE ON le POStCARD 1 Ride levels-out the roiigli spots. And .withTilindfokl off you'll bo BRING THIS ADD WITH YOU FOR Oe PHONE EL, will be, "Christ of Compromise ' Sunday School begins, at S|: 30. aniazed you traveled over such humps and chuckholcs. , dependable Senior choir meets tonight a4-fi Words alone can't tolHt all! That's why we invite you Un'ion County Trust Company o'clock. Junior choir, which chil- come in-and tnko this durint'/'Wind.lolp Test." ' •: ' W .100-Suuth Avi;., E., Cranfoicl, N. J.' Trees Taken Down dren nine to 12 years old are elig- You Could Pay up to $1,000 More! As ' And ible to join, will practice, at 7 p. m,, new Oriflow Ride, experience Dodgtr ut Feroi S« I Cut Open Uf PtfiaiuUa«l Stunip« Ont tomorrow. - ••;,. '"•',• ." '-, ••• •MI: WRITTEN GUARANTEE 1 "Walclitower" visibility . . . case of handljngr Then you'll laiow ., k ""tutiier Ledgu'e meets to^rori'ow ^y"ii.i."^"..«.:"~^L.M-u.-.;.-.i.i-!;<,-•£»y pyp ' tumrtiu}i$fbi"ii car unil*stll! not 'get py * at 8 p. m. Women's Guild meeting all tho exu-a-valnc features -Dod will be at 8:15 tomorrow night Drive it 5 minutes...and you'll driv/e it fof . Your J»rice Will Be S6.83 ! NASIE 0y Insormioe* ' -', 1 Pk»mi *r U'tiit while Women's Missionary Society PARK "will have a meeting at 2 in the aft= YOUR CASING OR EXCHANGE STBEET y BOYD crnoon next Thursday.. "....; . ROSELLE PARK, N. J. - RO. 4-0330 - EL. 5-8585 Sill K 6««ef 8to«l. On Youth Sunday, September 23, RABWAT, N- i: the Luther League, under presi- 1 uk i n'd vonipge of fh/5 • RAhw., 7 1««X dency &i Miss Joim Klesn, will have NORTH AVE.,W charge ;:.;:•>,•• .:/'.fe':..' ".±~^;:^'. ':...•' ,.'..•. •','•••' •••''•',..• j"-HMf$ tii.i THURSDAY, ISEPTEMBER is, 1.951 * 3 N AND CHRONICtE; THURSPAY. SfiPTEMBEB 13, 1051, age Ninctein •'•. ',»,• 'r-'ilL J^S NOTICE TO VOTEftS-nif . ..'•.-•••. OKCBABD 8TBEET . : • NOBTB AVENIJB , T^ 436—Warner. CUrissa C: SM-^Kinney, Cbmmittee on . Bridges, .__ „_ AWah P.« 607—Lehrer. William; .608^ 214—Stauw. . Mrs.' .Anna; 214—SLauss. ia^at light and;Flood Contr6l',_att€pting work Expect 2,56Q -fiH £*> On Croft, Maiicent: 609—Croft; Percy G. GttUb SECOND AVENU•E: ' : Rear .of a sedan, operated, .by of cleatling and paintnig "the Law- : . ."• 8PKUCE STREET . ' •• • -: " Hk-Sensi, Wilii, Jr, Younjj GO1» Boar UUU Clifftird Thorhas; Assemblywoman, j^^TICE wevfls«d"Statutes of Ntw Jersey, arid b'y virtue of- the ai il .15 »' lh0 £l Mnion County BoaTd of Elections by UrW; tK* ibllowiiitf 21—Peteraoh, Mrs." Ann;' 2W ••"••,.• • THIRD AVENUE .. ' '- . , John. Ellis of-Elizabeth; stopped at rence Street and Milton Ave.s '•'—^ '• Florence p. Dwyer, and a- host of nti uponJ"ft due inve»ti«aUon. been found ineligible to vote becau Stanley; 45—Bus«ey. Agneli S5-^Kinler, Walter: 54—Stark, Mr*. Helten rawbridges, 'contract of the Oasis Congressman Clifford P.' Cow of Fre.holders; Mayors and Cpurtjbti- J CoUeen; 45—Bu««ey, Frank G.; g4-^Stark, Herschel L.; 235—Kauff-.. f Jj A * * .*J-|J "* I I Jl ' JjdCjTCP^" I "Tl'l ID- .1 " ' I I' '"" *^* J' T" " " •»"-**-***' *-/^M— . —m~*—fcj..^-—.^J_ .^fc— MM—fc—^— I _ ^__. . .._. a traffic light at* Centennial -jvenite •II j>^ 1^3** .'J-IJ — Mji~JidlflrffP^ " ' 'i in- "i '• ' 11' :'•" j-, 7-" 1 iii wling iM r S^ »t,milv to i>rteeril~prooI contrary~lo~sU(Jh rcaS6h will be irWn =11 01 aB 12—Stuck. Georke J.: 12-«tucfc Hate! D. authorizing nnal^payment after \he ery Republican county and mu- ' ?f names are listed below, provided suth persons Spoear tteriortally a" JO^Hamy Loretto ' B.; 2ft—Troinr' WINSLOW PLACE j as Republicans'of all ages front wiw^if i aged Satufdav afternoon bv a sta-pvr>irnfrf)» nf fin rhys- fr^w Hntr- nicipal official in Uniorp Countv on Adrien E • iitil—rnunicipalitilcf—-Coroner C.-- ; the hieVir individual average for TOiir " inDtar a«d submit proof as aforesaid will require: "Am WlLtOW 8TBEET Addle M.i 113—Eustice, William H.; 115— tomorrow's. -moonliKbt. cruise up Guaranteed Fresh Bliiefish ictlon of th# Board shall have the risht to inake abplicat tion wagon operated by Bichaid Hereof, was, on rolj^all unanimous'r jWyllys Cans' of .Etizabeth. ^ the Lester B,; 7JS—KCoerber, Cole*, Mr*. EmUy; 115—Cole*, James H.; (he Hudson River. sponsoceiT by M; Teani& Fairbanks •v,iiiily Court d"rlrig the two weeks Immediately'.SXSSSS «., H£lJ!h H ; ' j C. Pctersed of 103 Mohawk drive, ly adopted. . '• ' , ' ' ;.aJ chairman of the"Voung Re'pub- ...__.., ,. the e r IK' upat'riaer S^S stliduliM liis yenr during Which ADAMS AVENUE .. hoT3?i^TaA.initialinter's .license! licntis. Ij?avirijj at 7:30 p. m«'froni a semi-final match in the Crari- 105—Peeite, Jonathan W. . KpILWORTH according to police. "The station to be 'considered and on motion of clancing nnd relreshiwei^ts will fea- the tirst and swond. teams ore jiitf- ••'.'. j-.AI-DEN STBEET .,••" Third DUiriei " ' Freeholder Herlich, duly seconded Recreation' Pier in »• Elizabeth port, ture the -moonlight cruise, first ford Recreation ^Committee's Cranford's Clipper^, after strug-o league-leading ' Quost ion 4-^fiujjyjgan, Dorothy; 4—Tomliriion, wagon, owned, by Charles' Lind of inl :ij*:sinsi t\-ich tie in the seventh Usu* »" ^"K-I, person, however,'must re-register before votlni BLOOMINGDALE AVENUE son River Oay Line vessel '•Puter J were reported in last'Week's is^ ford .... they; must take Kni iriWy, , '. court order or otherwise. .• T. •••• ' ., '.•' . • ' . • ..-.'• mously carried,- Director Pro Tern publican outings long associated l beSeptember 28. inning after being shut out io that B 16—Sokolowsky, Chm. T.; 16—Sokoiow- UNION AVENUE avenue, was undamaged. Both Stuyvesant," wiH carry Isno Un- sue of. The Citizen, and Chroni- thal tlie w6 we k riod cemmences sky. Loretta, ... Dudley, declared the Board ad- with Union County.. - . •*...' of the twin bill tq-stav f ''"rABg 'SQ-T* * ' * P* above referred to on 732—Klrcher," Herbert Ei; 7S2—Klrcher, vehicles-are insured and police reg- ion County residents up to Indian Tetinis Title point, faltered just enough, in the a 195L ELIZABETH AVENUE ' '. Marion. ' '. / < - '•.••• journed. Next "regular meeting — . qle—before.the match had taken ruhhigig, lor,-the league t!a ' •. DJHON COONTV BOAJU* OF SLECTlONTS istered no complaints.. . . . eighth inning to allow the second- 34—Jackie, Waiter H. -—'• .''WOODLAND AVENUE' • • - Thursday, September 13, 1951, atPoint and back, returning to Eliz- placed However, last week's is- Crarifordwis putting its j, !., Chairman; JOHN STREET ' : 187-tVaW Porn, BKather^nc; 187—Van tight MAURICE D. 1:30 p. m. abethport about mid-iuRht. Tick- CHfGridders •sue carried the--winner accur- the Strong arrns of Russ L gnr CowiiiUsliloheo r 24—Swarts, liavid D.,. Jr.; ,24—Swarts, Dorn. Milton: 661—Grlppo, Raymond; Read th^Glassifled Ads have been krioivrt to. gel Jit Final Match'iSunday; placo Elizabeth Braves a run ori Evelyri. 661—Grippo, Rita. ••.'•. \ . • ets have been soIdi.throujjWiint-'tHe -ately. : Moran NOBTH AVENUE, EAST I'KOI-OSKD OCOIN'AN'CC \O. S1.I1 county and will be sold jtom'oryow up dining on lireflics. Bird's, despite ?--,It. ,was".stated, prematurel ?i0— Betaiuinfeili, ipam.; Hit— Nicit, MU8 \*i •OnQIN'AKCC Aiitlioiiiii.ii lite C~ 'tiK'if'iiutiJ'jtujulitug'for insects, Aftf" :•?.»*. At New (Jejio GRANF Sarah; 433-3Lbh8i, Michael: 433—Longi, veyanee of the Inter«t of the T« „ ShapTfig that faave/Hemingway defeated succumbed .on, successive games should, be among SPEINGFIKLD AVENUE of Cranford In and To the Hi-al and m.or6 fastidious, and.rarely if evef Tp j My Lou •Avery''by Scores of- 4-6, 7-5, •irtt UUtrlci J04-Shelfield. Duneah; 30i-Hit«hcock, Sadi; 447—Kurtz, Charles, Jr. Personal property Now Used by Tlvp State Senator Keniietl\ C. Hiiiul t a t fireflies, JUT.- S. Govcrnffiefit Alleys., puts in their last chance in the interesting of the year itvthf I'l I.! OSBORNE 1-LACE —'SYNOPSIS OF — '•'•--.,.'. f With * only bnc tennis match Hahwoy Valley Joint M.s-tlni; to The Rah- of Elizabeth, SherilT Alex C. y 6-1 and 6-1. The actual results ninth, tor lose, 3-2, Sunday at loop .... .there is quite ,„ HObrU UNION AVENUE 20—WlUiams, BeUej • 20—Wllllama, LiiUe 1 way Valley .Seaerace Authority. studies show. , . Rosette h scheduled, the Cranford. ftecrea- of the match pisiyedJast Satur- M.! 2B—Bryant, Mrs. EsteHe; 29—Bryattt. MINUTES OF MEETING OF Tllfcl •'.-;__ | The, schedule! for the open ins inanco Park. ' between the two' hif 13—Storsberg, Henry, Jr Roscoe S.: 3o—Williams, MM, Mae; 52— BE IT OMtJAlN'ED by. the Township tiosy Comwittee announced that day afternoon were 6-1, 6-3 and ganizations. STItEET. WILLOW StBEEt, Enx. Emil W. . UNION COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS | Committee of the Township of Cranford. HUihf of Hie aichth. season.-of the Cr-mfoivT'sfootball team! 1951 the municipal courts wil'i be open 3J-Hobertsaji, DoroihyT *':-".-* in the County, of Union, and Slat* o£ £-4 in favor-of Hemingway v.ith The tough loss dropped the lo- The score: -n.: 11—McKeoWri, . PARKWAY VILLAGE New Jersey, as fellows: . " Ciatiforcl BmvfinK LeiiRiie, which edition, which lias grown from a > fifth Dl.trlct By A. Ethel Alliston, Clerk of ike Board | daily from 2 p. m. until dusk, and Mr. Avery claiming that he was cals from a third .place tie with the CRAMFQHD I CENTENNIAt AVENUE Parmeritier, Amory J.; S^A—Drake, Kath- 1. The real and personal property s'qift.iclTif 30 to 4.2 since last week 13—Willie, Marcel L.; 82—Zinsicr, ryn C.-f lo*C—Ycoger, Ralph E.; 2S-&- owned hy this Township Jointly with the Will (lot undiTuny tomorrow night on Saturday and Sunday from 9 i^ktdidt Westfield Hawks io fourth, placejn Thorn, -John P, .• '. • • •, luUnituuiuiiMuiiuuiiiUiiHUUHilteUmmtUiMM'atoiiiuuiiuiiuMliuilltiiiujiiUfjUMiiiilMUtiliiiMhiiiHiMiiM Boeoushs of fjaraimwt. Kr^Hilimieih-^-inA- jTud M(>W is.nt least'thrcc-decp in- atrapsyci^o^kajing Formanek,-lf 2 0 0Vt 4 0 1 yi n k , . HIGH STBEET County, was held fct the Court day in Westneld, Head Coach irigway ,nt 31 p. m, Sundajrin the '• CENTRAL AVENUE •• New Jersey and jointly eontractinc as ytilhur Boi-rtnmn. need a Tittle polishing; to predict tion Marks, whom they play_in a Idw.1.1, 2b 3 1 lBinW, ^dS^Schwartz, gverclt. House," Elizabeth, "New Jersey, on" Joseph A.' Villone W- "regarding The Hahway Valley Joint Meeting:, it Stanley F. -Gra'ySon announces. final of men'srsingles. Heming\vay Moran, ll> 4 0 0 Pi -ml Billins. Louis Pra KAHLCUKS* HOMES 408—Smullen, George; 408—SmuUen, Mrs, hereby declared to be neee>«ary. useful h;u'o• . been; rr- the actual scores ahead of time double-header at Brophy Field in Anderson, if 2 1 lIMrl miiiii, \lillM L : 2>»-Eastman, Arthur Curmane. .William; IDS—Mills, frank L • Ruth; 502—ErwiH, Genevieve C; S02— Thursday, August .23, 1951, at 1:30his property located at. Route 29 and convenient 'fof. the purposes of The Local Imwlers ' The Wostfleld. skirmish, will bo routed l-bu Avery_ this wek in Thomson, Gertrude; 502—Thomson, San- 1 hereafter! ..-:•;.'• Burnett, i-f 10 0 3 nil jh ' 'fih . Mary. 10«-Mills. Mrs. Minnie; nO-CunnaiTe p, m,..-' - •" and Bonnie Bum Road, was re-Rah way Valley Sewerage Authontv. hg'w- .htvQiil^uaIci^cH^rfi^fl l srfmgXfilfa ^MhlfiiVH^hb^trht VJ Elizabeth Sundav. Fir-,t game be- Cat-roll, c A O lttojiiii » 'He , WJfeST- Amie|i^A tfffoYe creaied~~By parallel ordinarcei of. CHAIO PLACE ; on nroir.nt- Wi'in niv'l r.nlfl will' OlM'il'gn in this gins; afTafp "t>"ltxcir~P TTnr, SWmraTnT ; 4_ MNCOLXf AVtSNmE.ieAST A. Ethel AT!is!o¥,~CIerlc of the 'ip sfitr? ,vTitw<^<^^y ^"rrrrnti^v'i'- — xui'ed G-i, C- g rvinsr AVKMITl! ^04—-lieleiiiuii, .Jutjeuli t".; 604 K Mrs, Jtjii W... 3ft—Lai kin d Th Mtke Krank took the mound for Kelemcn, Richard N. Board, called the meeting to order . Fred A. .liorentz -^ enclosing 2. Pursuant io the provisions of ami at S:,"U) |». HI. fall. Coach Grnyson stated. The and 6-4, as Avery', judged .. ,»-^_ Total's 2 V Ti 11 6mas, Ed«.'in G-; 61—Msntesi,' Mrs. Mary; .,',•. authorization contained in Chapter Ku!;' the Braves_m relief of^Andy Woj- MANSION ¥EttBACE rRAZEK PLACE Jtt the absence of Director McMane. printed' copy of an Ordinance- to nviiivv niftiit'sscni'iUllo .loi- TnlimviTW Stttwdnyrp "player, eoufcirynjct" started; ;——•-:•.- IMay Linden CHINFOUD- „' 0 0JL_n.n-fl- firnestine: : MrrfeGarftartf ti the TownsniB; Committee and the Town- ciak in the seventh and quelled the BRAVES 10 0 Old nig «. "sidrity:. 120—Ruhtard, Ansa HEBNING AVENUE Soli call showed ftve members Vacate portions of M6urilain* Ave- Cranfard tangles with Linden at In the, final men's doubles, Avery NORTH AVENUE EAS*-,. ' 19t-Hal!, Catherine E.; 19—MaU, John S.; ship Clerk are hereby authorized and^di- 10:30 a.m. at Memorial Field, in In Softball Sunday Cranford uprising which had al- Errors—Atusik 2, bjidc 2 (.jut Suhtard. Ruth T. . 26—Spurloek. John; 28—Griffin, Elizabeth: present and four absent. nue and Glenside Road, was re-rected ,tf> execute on betialf of this Towh- Club vs. Yiotsiry Cliib. and Hemingway defeated George. Rub g ^ base hit—Maik Thite In i I,J, 28—Griffin. Ruth. V 23—ThemenJMarBery; S3—Thomen.Mar- ~ \ JiJllfl III r*tll I I I"' f *Tf* '37-|TT7r'J5 Drooksi'dcH IILIlVLf H_ty. , placo'an|JIUUO *M**\*d—i"V" Fti'rhnr ' "• 1 1.d1 JIf .• •TCriul.1^ " • • • . Rubber game of a- three-game readv produced two runs and was ymmarofijehACit U?ry Y ; S3 Thomon.-Paul-W.; 23 itj ferred to Road Committee. Sht» i lic-fairii!.' JVtthic and Hugh Mair, e-3, - -.—.-- John H. B Ja-.c »n bjlls—< nrtn. ^ • — - w—.^™ ^ w^wvw 1 K«Jiif—x auc TTt • fitf instruments as may be necessary or ex- Softball series between threatening to spill.over for a few 1 Struck mil b\ Di; iTl S,rona Diitriot Sinlny 'At'ITS 'V*. Kh;ihi't'.n Aiirncy. Practice sessions this- week have ot 4 Burchftield avenue were mernbers of a fishing party on a l m—Collins, George B.; I'JT—Collins, Ger- Thomen, Hobert W.; 104—Catell, Albert fe, sence of Director MeMane it^would Mayor of Summit — calling~at- tsedicnt to tronjf.-r. assign and convey 6-4. Last week, in the- last of the Wojctak 1 b> Prank I U niiiu u , " KtSl StKEBT trude N.S m-r-Kay, John N.; 177—Wall. vs. re'ppi'rminl m»om. chumming expedition out of Brielle recently which netted, 62 blue- • 335, VFW •','" hnd \Vheeler Post, more markers LOCUST bitrvE be necessary ttt appoint s/Direetor the interest of, tlile Township in the guilder been e.miih.isizing offensive forma- semi-finals, the Avery-HeminKWJ\y Frjnk Umpiris—Glclio ,md K ' M' John J-. ' . • Joan m ••-... . tention to tha condition of the sur-Sewace Treatment Plant Trurik Sevier 1 fish. Shown with some of the catch are, front, left to. right:' Bartnon, 1.S97, of Linden, will be placed at 10—Kerviek. James F.; 10—Kervlck, Mrs. Club vi. Harris. Ltd. tions ..and 'piuys,. the. coach ex- combination defeated Austin- Two iren were on base with but [ GKOVE STBEET~ . ..-.-• SEVERIN COURT i»ro Tern. Freehdlde.r He*lkh made face of Summit Av.enue, was re-and appurtenaneeii and thi* b^rsoful Kaul, Al Gaff man of" .Elizabeth;-rear; Alan Seeland and Dick 105—Torro,. Vincent. P.; 145—Russell Zita; l&ft—Bonk, Joseph Jf.s, 166—Bonk, property owned by the said municipal iM-tn-K vs. nnfroii'.'.s'Ei.so. School 8 in Linden this Sunday One out when Frank strode onto L-jurd, John L,: 25—Maynard Mrs, Pctronclla T. . . . - • & motion that Freeholder Dudley ierred to. Road Committee. ...'.' 1 plained. Last' week, fundamen- •Blackv-4'-G,..7«5^fi-l and C-l.' -.\ . Manning; both Elizabeth. The party used mossbunker and butter-.^ Clarence. ' • corporations and devoted to the purposes Crnnford Shop vs. Citizen - Chronicle . morning. . the mound The Elfiabeth chucker : iii .„ ' MANOR AVENUE be appointed Director. Pro Tern, of uaid SOahway Valley Joint Meeting to tals of- blocking and tnckHrijs were Marge Schultz defeated. GVace -,fls.h as•'boit-while_c'humtning off the Shrewsbury Rocks. Some of SOWtM AVENUE;'"EAST «aDi le, Flarene.! P.; 327—Laudeit, ' Chairman oE the ' Purchasing n.riillH'.iiioiid vs. VFW. •Cranford dropped Linden bv a rat Howard J. " '. • ••.•/. 483—Sassi, Daniel;. 483—Sassi, Mrs, Mur- n| said The Hahway Valley Sewtraiie Au- featured'in drills. Johnston, 7-5, l-Bl'and 8-6 m a •the fish weighed.over five.pounds. immediately /'set to work and Mrs. Anno L. • - which motion was dtily seconded Committee— advising of bids^re- thority., D:nrv vs. Men's 7I4 score August I9,at Unamt Park f mews \vmysr EAS* ': OAK LANE; •• • •' . , tw'd-oMhree senior nipped. the rallv b\ forcing Ike B;U_rPi S by Freeholder-Rowland-and on roll cei vod-f OP-41-135 I -Chewolet-for-the —9TT-rThc~deed^. bilk uf~sglg. or oitmr" (Arnold .iiKl Son vs. Kiwrt-mmn's Shop. WcstfUld Haw 16 e xifter" having lost a prevrous~ch- "Baldwin to crack into a twin kill- V Hi* 'STBEET : call unanimously -carried: -^— fed-to- -instalments—autheriied—h*rcb>—shatr-br" vs. contest for the championship. In CraiiforJ Clipperg 8—Crcter. " RIVERSIDE DRIVE ^rcsGcutor-s-Offleei-was-refer counter to the'.'Lirideriites. ing lie carried on where he left * made without consideration as between vs. Police Drpt. football will be stressed next week. a close, well-played game, Marge Errieo BoWlfng Team, 90 Caiiiliclates Report Prior To~stStt'bf the lubber ton-* Rahuav IndUns, j-ti-Kier.'Winifred. TI1OMAH STREET 362—Rash, Edna.< Freeholder Bauer reported at Purchasing -Committee. The Hahway Valley Sewerage Authority More-body Contact work has been off in The ninth by striking out the Linden Uui-koscs • WAINL'T AVENUE T 125—Green, David P.; 12S—Green, Vir- VENETIA AVENUE this time./ - . Sheriff, advising John T. Kanane, nikr this Tow>ishlp. except as-stated in,, This will mark the first year downed Elaine Schneider in theHas Steak Dinner, Sing For Rutgei^ G'ricJ-Tcam test the auxiliaries of the posts will Koselle Park B C fiwmins; Dorothy.; 339—Settlemiro, ginia A. • . " -i 5—Korner, Homer C. . th.e ajf«mcnt dated August 8. J9S1. yiM> the leiiguo. I'.nlaru'ed tiTe done this week, than previously, side. Plalnfitld Mi'ichnnti Inj9-Scttlcmirc. Mr. 3. H. " . " Sl*lh Dlitrlct , •• tiblh bliiriei- Minutes of the meeting of August Court Attendant, died on August between the aforenamed municipalities. previous" match, 9-t 'and 6-4. : . SEA GIRT—King Football, holds lock horns in; trthree-inrung tryg Elizabeth A A 1 • third Olstrld ALGONQUlN DB1VE 4.' Thin ordinance shall take tftccf. Ini- him 1',' tn:iivis that nil Ciwch Grnyson stated. : Members of the Errico Trucking Winning run for the Braves, UILLCREST .AVENUE 9, 19^1, were approved as per22, '1951. and advising that Jane —Joe Slnyii nnH Ann ''Bishop hpri» whnrp Coach Harvey CBAKFOKD AVENUE 106—Roehnclt. Albert E.;'J32—Hanf 15—Hojnowski, thomaa H. In Your Own Home! btWi able to briw-1 at the same time, It was announced that the Tip came—ur-^the—«ighih;—whe» CXVtf T7trfd T ilinane, his wtfe, is entitieri to re- bowed to'Gcorgc.Mihic and Grace Htarman and some 90 Rutgers.Uni- ! passaff aa provided by law. selle Kame, originally scheduled week had a steak dinner at Orch- slammed a triple to right center Question M-nks 7 Ruliu i\ rL 529—Morris. Theodore 5. D. 8—Maciis, Robert de^ks. •-..• . • - . ceive "a pensionln accordance with I'lQKidont H. K. Schcltcr pointed Johnston in a mixed double? versity .grid candidates are under- Bravet 3, Crjnfoid 2 • 'tNCUSH VILLAGE ., JAMES STKEBT ' CENTENNIAL AVENUE ard Inn, -Route 29, Springfield. "" Agile Apes and galloped in on_Gus Alusik's W«ktncld 6. Linden r. R.S; 43:10-60/72, was referred to V.tl« WORLD SERIES out.- \'..- ,""":. • • . for 2 p. m. on Jiovember 3, wi.llbe match, 6-3 and %2^.-v' ••-.%• IU, Horace S.,; 9^-SpeVry, Jean L.; 35—Dwelle, Arthur. 4.14—Olimpla, Nicholas, /Resolution- authorizing all bills The^ereEdiniTiBrrfifiarifcewariiitTflaticed Music and a:sing fQllo^d;.^ . going two weeks of intensive pre- The gorilla- is,-the largest of all fly to center. Kosclle Park 5, Plamfii Id 1 •ITS'. P«lcr p.; 12A—Waters, Mrs. JAMES AVENUEr . IUOQUOIS ifc NwJ'rtinjor Hiangt's ,have been •played aM.flSilff-a.vifn.'-'On-.'ffi^samc >; i presented for payment be> ordered Finance C^mmitte.e,; 1,i.'-,_J^ . and passed on iirstfirradiiij; at a regular date. 'the. chance leaves the Ka Among those present" were Mr."1 ieason drilts in preparation JfoTthfe Jthe Unown apes, rimes the National Balduin and Sheldon Anderson I; i2A—WatcVs, Raymond AU~12A- - ..j. Mrs. Mafy>'. :•' ' ' ' 14^-Braund, Trula.. •'-. •"••.'' •;. meeting of the ToWnship Commiiiee 61 COLLEGE FOOTBALL niaiie in--It'Ogub--organization, diir- from last yenr's football aggrega- T.BIanche Y., •••••.• , LEXINGTON AVENUE IROQUOISROAD ' paid, was on roll call unanimously Monthly report of the Auditor the Township of Cranford..N. J.. held on !951 campaign. Geographic Society., The gibbon is f V0KAKGK AVENUE 30—Pctersen, Wm. E, u\U the sumiw'r months. Two teams with. Highlartd Pnrk.'nt"2:S0 p. m.,tion and-luqks^gpod, the Cranford and Mrs. Al Sicko, Mr. nnd Mrs. contributed singles and Alusik ^. 112—Vliet, William M. •adopted. • ' ••, • t (Wright,'Long nnd Co.), was re-September II, 1951. and will be- comid- September 29, hs the only remain- Walter. Nelson of Cranford is the most .agile, of all the monkey Whitev Dade of Elizabeth chipped •cKim. .Dorothy E:: 115—McKimr '. ' - MmoARTHUR AVENUE' KAPLAN STREET, BOSELLE ered for- finalpasssgerafter.public hearinj;, ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMS will'open tliiH new season under mentor.said. Guard Pete Lojewski Henry Breyer,' Mr. and Mrs. Jos- nwnng-'candKlatos for the. teaw j M.' 116—Powell-,' Elmer Eij J18—. 23—Kousbrock, Harry.P.; 25—Kousbroek. Wlttroek, Carl W. / Following comtnunications ceived, and ordered filed. at a regular nieeting at- itaid Thi ORATOW mm liuiiie tiiiino. to be- played inthe family. in with errors, to enable Cranford "" islltM.; flo't—Rath. 'Robert D,: Hh^l —• •--"•• - -- ^rgn/B n if IT • •!? w »-j ' ,.,1, ing resolutions were in laiiiei'.rtlif Pnht Office.as : is making rantd strides and Fred Crnnford Higlv Mchobl •hifj'iii1. Miirii. A.:'807-"Wey i Oommtttee at Municipal Builijint Cran th to.-tie the score_j^ n _the seventh Matips. Muriel E, 3^-Stewart, Margaret; 26—Miller/Floyd F. flayer,NlEEIlij^d 4—KImball, Mrs. Irene; 4—Kimball, Ken TUKSUAV, SEFTEMBER 2S. 1951, at Memorial Field. , S—Almond, James J.; S—Almond, Mrs. the term of Mrs.: Katherine M. Freeholder Herlich 'for at 8:30 o'clock P: M. (D.iS.T.t. NeU's Liquors. Otherwise, all teams reported. or a guard "position on. the State RIVKKKUIB DltlVE Violet. . • , • • ne.th K.; 7—Schuldt. Mrs. Marie; 8—Eb ' Coach Grayson expressed satis- WILBtfR COON 'The Braves punched across a ncr, Harold E.; S—Kyle, Richard Q.; 9—Card, expired on March 1, 1951. Finaricte. Committee, approving 19 jr. WALTER COTTFte. arceKentinll.v the,sa»«? as last year, Fred Boyle at' tackle and Carl University eleven. • . •' nsbfau. Mrs. C. M. MITCHELL PLACE ,!.. Township clerk I SOBTII UNION AVENUE! Kyle, Mrs. Eunice L, / 17" Console $ with physical condition, of t••qunr.tprhnpk .nlso.nre h run m the fttst and got another one 6—^Metxler, Harold G. •• . Surrogate — advising theap- personnel actions, was on roil call Dated: September II. ISSl". 6-iO eherhilp inciud tin. Ml" KAJ most of the players.' He said full- ^Himtie- flfttv whun Toiiy Mack- r lllilf let •••-•••; - - • prito, J. H.; »2—Dl Spirlta, Jbs- pointmentofL6uislG_X,ehman, Jr. unanimously adopted. "fhc Republican Cliftb pinners, ing up fiood. Coach Grayson. as- Sept. 29, Lafayette, away; Oct: for 11—Hopkins, Herbert F, \\\v defending championV ate ex- back Inione, sidelined in early serted.- ,,,„;,„,.„„-, • .... Ciirpenter socked a double with Frank on AIDES' BTHEET noGKR AVENUE eph; 718—Musso, Philip; 1116—Stephens, as Deputy Surogate at $7,500.00 per (2)—Freeholder Herlich for Fin- ; CRJSS(FOftI Temple, away; Oct. 13, I^ew \V1TII base. The cneterfielder-pitcher Uiltr." Gordon B' ;"•"' 17—Wbittler', S—Miller, Jeannctte F. • Kathleen B.—~ / Notice is hereby given that the Town- prcled to haven real ft Rlnxpn.. their •\e.rimmaces with a bruised shoul- •' A lot'remains to be done before York U., away; Oet. 20* Lchigh, lns. Janiee H, ' ROOSEVELT AVENUE : . SOUTH AVENUE . annum and Mary C. Kanane as ance Committee, setting forth the ship Committee- of the Township of Cran- der, is back in action. Lineman PltOBIIEM had gone in to run for Jim Me- MLfi I'AKKWAV 0—Borst, Harriet J.; U>—Ward, Joseph R.; S34—Hilbert, Heriry G. Confidential Secretly and Special form and further provisions for the ford will sell at public auction, lay; sale hands to stay in the load tills year. the squad is ready to'take the field • ami Equipment home; Nov. 3, Fordham, thome; Reopens Monday, Sept 3 Se, Thomas C,' WALL STBEET Joe Daley: started practice this r Laughlin. . 11—Ward. Mrs. June E. certificate No. 1CO0. coverinc lot 09 in Democrats, who. challenged ngainst Linden, the coach said, but tfov. 10, Brown, away; Nov. 17, ADULt C0WttSES-/M«KMS(is CieNTBAL AVENUE ', SOUTH UNION AVENUE 43—SlBdlair,,Helen J.; 43^-Slnelalr, Paul Deputy Surogate at $5,600.00 per issuance of various Bonds of theblack 31V appearing on the Collector's week--afl«r-missinft.; early sessions : CUPPER CLIPPINGS ... N6"rm , Rilfaeti'.B,' 324—Templin, Mrs, P.; '324—Templin, annum, effective AugustJ5,_1951, records to be owned by F. DiFabin, the he -aml-asisistairts-James Av«ry-and ANDREW CRISANTI ; r N /• • •'._.', -_ • CountyjDf_Union. to finance the cost because of a sprained back suf- —Wanted •— New or enn—Stale,-- Ivome;- ancl-Nov^- 24T Jtaurjy •iB'l'i0r aY)aou"ble "and -two AWMAN Lester;' 340—Carpenter, Fred was referred to Finance Commit- amount-required f«r fedewsrtion, beinir Have strengthened •••tljci Edward Samojednik are satisfied Colgate, home. ' Graduate of American rv t o.it I s.n ih. Edward F.; I08-"Rush. Miss- Gale, Phyllis M. GARWOOD of acquiring certain land,' etc., andthe sinn of S1B25.00. this'summer. singles,-v^^the^outstgnding local |iHI»-HuBh.-Mr«. Marth«-E.- tee. ••."• . . - .-•••• _!_.....: _ ; The sale will be held at a meeting of- ' ' " " »i^.m'ilT>il •itiVi 1 '1 ••-•! I I I l,Tt llfcl.l 1.1 in I -it" f urn i T • I • • . i • ,.,--., and consider : rr ."^ Siiani»h— Seventh Uiatriet blitrict .providing .focthe issuance of.the. ^tctipoi 01 '(MLSikEK ' ' CttEAVr.8-HPt.-AeB- CENTER-STREET- the TowniihitrCqmrnittef-tfrbe held «n RADIO * Andy Crisnnti, Catcher, on the *~~" ' Aquatic Bruin batsman . r rtn •?irtf»er, Vvhti bowled wlUfcAhe Crii the attitude and spirit of, the team is. Paul R.; 208—Adams, .ViV" 25—Bailey, Suetta-B. 304/Stapp, Colby E.; 304—Stapp, Steph- H unanimous^* TSept, 2SrfK>i*5r8T3trp. M. i ixsrrmirTriir , The polar, bear is an exceedirigly the Braves, 7-5, in the contest. . . NOUTll AVENUE, WEST of Office of Louis C. Lehmann, Jr"., ly adopted. '.',-':•'' intinicipal building. Sale will be jjiade* ford Shoe-Store last year and-held high school baseball team,-is back exceptional. CKANtrOftlt «i« UO. CUV&XNVT STIlittl inlc. . ; . . .strong swimmer, having been known the doubleheader Sunday with the I XOKYU AVENUE, WES* 114—Woodrop, Anabel W.; 114—Woodrop, / . NEW STBEET as Deputy Surrogate and Mary C. (3)—Freeholder Herlich for Fin- to the highest bidder, subject to confir- OPEN jMONtiXY AND FltlWAV EVENINGS to crass a. strait 40 miles in width. vEusne B. • William H. . 215—GudtnesUid, John, Sr.; 215—Gudme- mation by the Committee at its next reg- \ • • .• • / stad, Lois M. Kanane as'Special Deputy Surro- ance Committee,, authorizing the ular meeting afjer the sale, pursuant to * SOUTH AVENUE ^atfe, and,also.Oath of Office, of J^Colinty Treasurer to provide for the provision* at R. S. M:S-IH.2. -. 34'North' Crmrford 64.716 : - Dated: Scpte«riber~12. I6S1. filLLIJiilmluLliiLiiilJiiiJ"'"'"'*"'!"''^"''" 123—EBer. Irma G. -• • ••'•" ••'••" ' Carroll Dolah as Comrnlssioner of the'sale of the various Bonds and > • J. WALTER COFFEE. WILLOW AVENUE : 119—Freer, Joseph L.; 142—Fowler. Mar- Juries., . : publish a Notice of the .sale of said Township'Clerk. caret M.; '343—Ward, Robort H.; 343— ...... 9-20 Ward. Mrs, Virginia D.; 403—Kclln, Con- Borough of Mountainside — re-Bonds in the "Daily Bond fiuyer". rad H.j'403—Kelm, Florence W. fjuesting permission alfid approval and in the offlcial newspaper of the Second DUtrlat County, was on roll call* unani- CENTER STBEET '" of this Board to construct a sani- 409—Adamawiez, . Jennie; 409—Adamo- ,tary. trunk sewer in Kenilworth mously adopted. •• . . Kiiiti- for rur--l ™ St.; 86»—Reynolds, Helen; 80S—Reynolds, BuulevinJ-ii>-tliB-Twp.-of -Cran-ford- Joseph S. ' ^ and; Borough, of Kenilworth, was chasing Committee, accepting bid ' ' " •';•"• EAST'STBEE'T ' "• ," "' referred to Bridges, Drainage and of Moore Chevrolet Co.,' for; furn- SI 1—Stickle, Beatrice! L.: 511—Stickle, John W. j Flood Control Committee. - ishing to the Prosecutor's Office HAZEL AVENUE one 1951 Chevrolet.including heat? 303—Clifford, Harold W.s 307—Anderson, Elvin D. Palermo, expressing^ Aufiust J.; 307—Anderson, Llllle B.| 307— deep appreciation for the courtesies , defroster, underseal and fibre Yds, I dare you to compare the merchandise Hockendorf, Mildred. extended his family .during their seat covers for $1792;04, less.trade LOCUST AVENUE 308—WoUc, MarWIc A.; 306—WoKe, Paul time of sorrow. in of a 1946 Buick of $727.69, less offered at the Home §^FWi% Store w^ TO EVERY PURCHASER E.; MO—Marko. Charles; 431—Galloway, Probation Office—advising Anna Federal Tax of $64.35, making a Nelson W.; 431—Galloway. Mrs, Mary T. ; net cost; of $1,000,00, was on roll PINE AVENUE . . " :.• .R. Kimberly, Chief Clerk, returned chandise offered in any fabric store for dollar 316—Stewart, Harry M. from., leave of absence, on August call unanimously adopted. SPRUCE AVENUE . - 441—Run, Shirley E.; 625—dree, Joseph is, 1951. .-.- ' •• .;,'•'. '.:, .,• (5) ~J Freeholder Pearsall for W.; 82S—Crce, Mrs. Margaret. State Highway Departmept^-;ad- Committee pn Bridges, Drainage value, and quality value. Third DUtrict •• SECOND AVENUE' "" vising that the Commissioner ap- and Flood Control, accepting the IKAi *W *»t W ^tfH lIl ork' of r Ki|y cent J. • • •- • • THIRD AVENUE ' Verflex Sales Corp., for 2,000 gal- crete rail and relatecl work on the AND TRUST TOUR OWN JUDGMENT TO* I>E- 324—Thoma,'Mrs. Jean £.; 52S—Banks, lons Qf White Traffic Paint for the upstream end of the W. Grand St., the facts; you be tifem judge: y 7 John A. »» r '/ARE /''••'•••.••- • „_ Fourth Ulitrlet Road Department", was referred to Bridge, Elizabeth, contract "of the CIDE WHETHEk "BOTANY" Brana SttO, TAIL- :•; ANCMOIt PLACE . . the Road Committee. Road Contracting Co. of Westfield, 114^Poth, Mrs. Evelyn; 114—Poth, and authorizing final payment aft- orce' M. . • . ••' Township of Cranford — advis- ing that the Planning Board recom- er the expiration of 60 days from IM SEASON mended to the Township Commit- date hereof,: was; on roll call unan- FOR BACK TO SCHOOL SAVING&: tee,, that the triangle at 'Kenilworth imously adopted. *v ,--r: BpulevarS and ri^ (6)-^Freeholder'.Pearsall for the 57 All wool )ilaids.7:*.....^,.°...... J...... A ftFJ'l&SENTAf IVg OF ••_ C When you piMchase your clolhlng, ignore all clayns — don't 60 Ruyoii wo»l plaiifls -•;-...... ;,'...... ;...... 2.19 base your decisioii onjmybody else's word. Look over dll of the .56'/Rayoii. wool plains •,.,,.'....Z!iS^ .;...._•..... 1.9J8 different brands yourselt Feel them all — see how their reBpeclivo ».,•""' '""""" "1'iiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiii'- ^GLAZING. ATTENTTON HOWE OWNERS!! 56' Virgin wool. flaiiiiel ,..-...... ; 1..-, .;.<.'.'. '.,.'...... ;. I/'..' . .>.••• •' . . ' " '-' . • .. ' •••'•"-. C1REENHOUSES, STEEL. SASH 3.19 fabriGS teU~vary^'iaESlter-ibi auality and texhwe to your tincgerS, _§TORM SASH. SKYLIGHTS^ Now is ft© tim^ to PAINT 56 All wool coating ami »iiitingV'Wpoiige«L& i»rc-shrnnk 2.89 ..:--• Excellent Workmanship * Frets E Examine every tailoring detail, ihe stitching, ike buttons. Study ALL HOUSE GLAZING 60 "Shetland rayon wool suiting ...... s...... <.. 1.79 I OK YOUR MEMBERSHIP, the colors* Try eacH brand on and confront yourself in the inirror. •'• B & T> FAINTING CRANFO^D 6^5244 56 RjiVon wool ri|»|»lcs_ilre«s weight 1 ;69 Then—when you're fully sansfied—and only theh^-nlake" your 6-SIStt decision to buy. That way, youll make the best possible choice. 5.6" Bolanv certified woor^pV...... '..."...... "...... 9...... w$.95 YES. TRUST YOUR OWN JUDGMENT . . . and by doing so. we Have Your 60 Pacific Mills waliar«lin«v creaHe honestly believe ybuil selert">)taiiy" Brand 500, TaUored by DarorL •42" Ravon j^aliariliiie .^.....:« i We feel you^ agree iW fabric for labric .., tailpring for tcrilbring -45" Rayon suiting in checks' an' Official Boy Scout Shoes • •»'" • U|M|ii|.|ii|«|.i|ti|ii|i|il|«iiiM|il|»|iii»|it|»i)ii«iiii«|ii|«|ii|»|t*ii|< u'wuialulwuuiiulauiMluwiilaluwlulalulalulalulalulwwwi •"r"

M?'t i >; -,*< :-—••• A'" •*-"':•• ,'/- •-•'-•• ..at. THE CRANFORP AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, THE CRANFORDCITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IV 1951 Pace Twenty-Onfe ftitnS v****rrny til charges of pass- View-* liMon withj»_ c^l owned bj W~O Uround New Jersey tn» 3 red Ughl and refusal to show You Can Keep Me Smiling!r Mcrntt, and operated by'Robert Cuh Pack 103Tt» MeH rtgjsitratiiaa and curiver's license liln. on DP 19 vear1; old, of 200 Retf- Cub Hack its first ttoraashang drivers -were issued 1 mcclirrc of^ at 1 TFLD—An increased en- termine whether Rahwav ton se- T<»V S- A» Vn<.\vot fui Anne" t\]y avenue, who VMS duvinu fall bv Lx Thomas Woods, 1 V m Sotuidav m the Fust Pres- 'u ^corded in every cure an aditional 200vo6o galluiii *"<* clncuincmaiv on (ii<.pl.ui>d person .. n Noith avenue BothiJide*. of the rffC/w^ ^ bvtenan Cbutch school auditorium returned to directly into the. mams after chi( new tubs. a 1 I.Ullt. ; " "'_-..• Ordered.' -taken to'. Muhlenberc j To recisti>r, boys niust be'-between OT improvements to the ftiteirjpb,fiti;kwiraki aad • William Crissey, r Mrs.- William' Droefje of "Clark ••»'.'• -Hospital, .Plijintlejd, '.Saturday a.' « ancl 11 yenrS' lild. Twenty-jive-.;- -#'or Sale T&ervicmg IF YOU DONT WANT IT, and It's tooKNOBS ana LEAUs-ii;..., , ^RD» «y" , tsi7?«—!7^ PART TIME WORK; mornings. •CRanfoVd' lte- "pFopeny in 'the' hear fmure,"' A^i-1 CtASSIFIED RATES . OLD SLOWER PRINTS for w'e. Jusl r«- CRANFOhD good to throw Iway. call the Jumble beriitiop Quartets. Call (•,..,} "^^•ii Ctac'V N.-^WaBj, Jr., t Mrs. Herman Hitter of Cran-ford , w;vs believed by Dr. *Ed- \ u;ifed ii'ito Hoy Stout inu :iV Salur- TSKAUTV SEHVICH CRA*IF«RD REAL ESTATE BOARD 6-3650, "••• .: fc,r "interview. ? ' •.."."'m^^BWj, •. •-..-. FIRST eriVMJ'from Knslarid. Hand njide silk TWO FAMILY:;* and 3- Store. CRanford ,8-0222, cbllectlons pi-oval of the project was-voted bv t kil (lovotionH. Hustt'ssL's wore Mrs. !Co. 1'r.wii Av«., CK 0-OJOS Monday and Wednesdays, . .Hew m Service ! wind Kassiuif Ui haVe-iiiftorcd aiartrrienw. Income of $175' RESPONSIBLE MOTHER Will care, tot the Board of Water Cotrir.nL«iorWs' Ad* •<* i.liadrt and lump*. E. T. William*. .55 Automatie heat, 50 X 200 lot, WANTED—A mother.who m,,<-,--.-•- :^vn p****^ l->-* jr-vi Kiyiriintl Vallctte. 'Mrs. Fr?d- IJussibUv* fraeliired pelvis!', in 11 15-'' iimn ainioiiiicefl:—- lln,v—IS rrnii » line. ALL MAKEES honsi-liolh d H,.frii!«>ratftrH,fi! t ShS d MUtiTIPLE U8T VODR PROPERT* children. Col! after 5 p. m. CRanford 4 Omar. CofTJelius.H. T^lbert. 7 8 3 low taxes.. Excellentt condition.. Only - •Criinfci-d children, to ;,.,« , *>t last Week. " J dt pritif. Central -Avenu*. W**llield- *J ' U'h Mtil''Martiil''!! , rvjpairtrvjpairtdd. Cull CHaii" A LOCAX. REACTOR low 6-4857. - -.-'•• tf ,U^-Most of the pt. ^, •***&! £-' S lllill furd tti\ H^-inUi-raiioM Srrv- for her child., St- CHirrMtmh •* • ••rfinrtis hiive taken-their ••'••• ••*••• l^iJ i_.-*tt?fejiifr''/^*«' 1;^ , ' <" < circles will meet as lol-plact1., The man," ttVMtfd at tho.; IVitafo .'Diet, ••' CWA, Cl-UB: CHAIR^ cut tf!.u«, chin.'. 0 Aye. •- •'.. j. -.-•- - U WOMAN wkhes Ironing to do it home USED STORM SASil, stat« ali.es} CRan-> 1 non-sectariani WEstlirUi 4.,,',^ west stid husband of the 1 1 S di»>U'i> mi>ift'llaiii'ou» kilciwn wimp- NEAR ROOSEVELT SckooL-u Dandy LOViELY, SHADED residential North- Kthlri(i«ratnr, 9 cu. . roditi,fireplace ,dinin g rooitv; rnodernTVoivii'..- Desicrted /or gracious, living with II H Wash., is attending the Westfield firm. t reaulai'ly strx-tcli thi'ir diet of. rice; 1 stfriii7i>d . - •- ri-coyiirt-d —' renovajled ITODENT'S PRACTICE PIANO, reason« >>U. <;hr«k» *r IM irnUii •««•">" ft ., antique dro(i-U'ii( tabu- _ II kiicheiti breakfast. nook. 3 bedrooms, many Vnodcrn convenjehces.'' This home • ably- nricrid- CRanfiird 6-J3G5. Gqriige I • ...... expecting the m-this week to. consider May&r BIyes ^"^J^V It^dwan i-oud, cniik; .Tupsday- q v.ule" ,ul«'i"i> uT ticklniis ngineerfn^ Postgrad- J Clvck> th0 - • - • \ fish and vcjjt'ta.UIcs • with' whale 0*py L'afdrrl includllni '' l ' tile- bath, s't-arn heat 'oilI, domestic will be a rcalJ^rtfaln for you. Asking ' ' •-"-•• th;tf- f- roTT. rh • -Iwt- utulyr'till )'»', BaiuttL'..alU.DaO..' riKEH tOorCnATlOKl Jlclp Wantvil ^ Male CARACEyWXNTEB—Vir-i, . ,«„,!•(> perrnission Was SrfwoL'••at ihe VI. lot, nice yard for Parkway. — BROKER' CO-OPERATION. I ike you can repudiate him next ^eu t f,.():n a ,>;<).ing EpL,rm p6w ma(Je •.••..-.•• « R.ivilnn roiu), Clark. Cin-le -I mel ti;-Rclviu rrliiil price. Cull r.ft«r 5 sale • daily, CraiTinrd Pel Sh. Any lilnulc lamp n-wirt-d, sl.SO., .Pick-up 2*1020. . ANTIQUES OF ALL JCINOSi iurniture, LOT-SO Si.l3S, Lincoln Aw T Cid they would, not pay,Court Collects $2^8 in and delivery. Call CR fe-OOJS..., tf ine /kiddles'. . Asking SjIS.SOO. Street^ t-JIC't'llent Inlaim,, 1 and Chronicle;'.He 1 a t l Vt'Sterday ;il the hoi)jc*ol'. Miss ,loan ', ' '^ •• I 'Sfafiolng barbecue (it tor'a king. m CHanford 8r81"0. —~r rf«'sa" * r el Propeller Gltifa of the miiclillon. CENTRALLy-LOCATED fl-rpo North? MAINTENANCE! MECHANICS, -— 6-fll83. ' ; / M Tralffic Fines* Cost* "ToN S HICVC1.K. 2S im'h T'EBMANENT tBEAY _ H Jat'thc Kiw is a month old Siaies-' He was eomm»<:- ipp. 15 Ranlaif road. Cl'arU. C|l infAKl r.-UttO . Side home of the age that is hard to Eid In Machine- RebuildingBOOKS! , highest price* made. liiimediaU • Fines and costs of $298. if. 'rollSr.- rushed n'one: and vi find — tw6 tiled baths, powder room, X)l4*aS0,^EtflJInibtfc=! 1 lfSoHJTAve.. E. removal. P.' M. Bookshop.'330 Park -Reservc 1 AKGV COl'CII. hOiikcasc with Ctus* • n«ltable "Esfiinntes Elver). "Charles tiled kitchen, Wood-bilS-ning fireplace, OfONKSR ENdlNEEH ''CUlirenapnt Place and Kh five $8 penalties for loading to i tai>li%s. s.umm sticky so they MCLTIPLK LIST YoiUR PROPERTY garage.' ' -,- ' • '- .' For Electrical Wiring Device rlstbwn 4-X75I or writ,, levied against.itruck driyersHh ISMS- and tiraiisrer«ed, to the regu- ^tOCAbiiEAfcTOR Mrftl tCN^ nr rent. WrinieVj-rnllii. piiri*.-alt'iHakf.s COMPUKYE LANDSCAPE SEHVICB CHAhMINoTlORTH SIDE HjOME—targe tytw>. Children's, text', trehnieal. novel, i;i>rtve to 20 perWg. Jilt flir(nfo~~Route 4 T-\\*a voittck'STttt—OrcltarrJ—sh-eet nfti) 'r. r'Vp.r..:-(t. nEFtu «>T .-waUiem. Com-y'ii, .29 Aldvn. Stre«t, fee servteJ *i& the Royal 1 Print trfM. rtou.ij« Club bbok^Jule.. late an ,c -tiir-a-ht arid- North avenue, west,. ciurinK .... . -.--.-\-- •|l. i In I fnralltion . ii'll « pol^latll J ~ f^-o1tCHARtFstRlEET-SEeTlON--=--potrr-- " iper5te~rrairrBlnypi hits ' 1 ; Air Tande in OfeatJ^rit- , i, U botbthh reasbl Phne ._ with shower, oil stt-am heat. Insulated, Wt will pick up. Co a rent. rain a! 7:20 p. in. Friday, but no i. " t—•„, k-^wi. "'- hath, fireplace. ''•lul"l with shovi'cr. o team he. ism sjftd sjieni two and /<>ne-half. j steam oil heat, ncreensi,-slonn windows, Venetian bllnclsr LATHE _ _^ m Mdgistrate"Charles J.'Stevens pre- one was injured and nh immediate T i.ww| w'lt, rtTr t Uj „...„ chair, maple bsrrtl chair, maple ALL MAKES and MODELS'of radios Cara£e.~ SiS.SOO. fool Room MIS5^VHEnENHUR01T „ sided. seass to the Ifeeifie Theater..' compJaiiyt was nindu, police said. ii tiri-i.. reai-nrmble. J'hoiw Cnanfwd butterfly t»bU*, mahogany extension paiicd. Fair prices charged. John p^ iEE TIIIS two famllv with 3 'rooms and tkms. SI a It .'.on Hi ui OMPrJ-LD-Towh Council (Oil* for appoinlmi'W. _^ __ 8-20 Uh'lf. It.Xn 5, C«H jt-440J» tvv- cclla, 207 IfoIIy-St.. Cllanford «-003i. U ROOSEVELT SCHOOl, SECTION — bath on fliit, 4 rooms, and bath on scc- MOLD MAKERS — ' Home Insulation /niooth". 240 North A\, set! .on .first reading . Decision was reserved until Sejs- Sidney W: Corson. 51 years old,"of L •Giul,-*larjw lot-35-ji_12S •* -2 -Chlkhed Plastic JAUDWIN/ HILL rock-wool Insula I1-S1DI. ,}M I'IF.CF. Wulmit •D|n- - „ ,,„. rooms, and sun po^chr dr rooms In attic. $13,900, telff&CT:"2$r1irttiFcaWWT!i(lK^ 4 0^ --O R4iw-tl—-flwMi-^lwiiHUS-1 (4t ; t to 6lL BtJRNfclt SERVICK, CHali' method Used; pemoiihl LOLA SMINDEI L. I'l.mn 1, ,„ , iuiUt-nl rondltiou- Must Sell tJU< steam oil heat. Garage.' 51,2.250. —BROKER- COOPERATION. Established 1928. Wm. L, |, li>hii» 111 lw>,.lunim.—f.^-, Orchard street, received a ujn-for. Cltaiifnrd ll-lf.Sl.' ;_-.._ fnrd i-fl529. . •••• '« t "gt>retr"K^tawfonce~"o't~3t2~N5i'iK K&S.-lJS3J; son Of Mr.-and fflrS; BRAND NEW. BUNGALOVil^irolir rooms, DIE MAKERS •— tor, I Walnut AW- -croup In4tnictlon. t>07 Lvelopment on towH-owned- mry G. iiiwis lor«, also wood blind*j?(and ready FOftMICA^_MICAKrA, and TEXTOLJTE expansion attic, full basement. . Hot MCANT. North-Side o-room home in TOOL MAKERS / l» CUfl CKinfoid S-2fir>0, -Uniort avenue, charged by Sultairig Made. K-.", '• '• • with wood-burning fireplace, tiled bath, : i in mi:'and new inner sprlni! tiisttr***. bvenda, <,jn IF YOUR CIttLD hM IJUI-O t • crowd is expectpd to attend verting a one-family dwelling to a alter graduaiirig 'from the-, Nayal.; 3-45M bvf(iri! 1 P. M. S ' steam hot, oak floors, garage. Con- • Plcntv of Overtime 9 Shoe R 1 Ji.ll CKanfard B-21J-1 alter-rt:-'iO P. M- South Ave-; - Gsrwood. venient to town, tiring le-ikon ) for \ear«. and n<,n Traraasig Slafjen at Bainbrid'ge, Ordered! for. these and othef properties consult — *L*S SHOE RERXIRlWG. 106 N. Onion It up, protect v>iu inv, ^ti Iblic, henrirtg on September two-family house in an "A" zone, "" vi\t riAN""iii,i.NDs7"sh" - an'C white and SEATS—Cane., rush, rattan. Work caMed Applv WccitdaVSJintil fi P. M. •'•• •'' -.'•."• • _ • •"' * CABLE PADS. 3-pe. «*ls »».6S. r aujoft shoe repair service, tf one ytiir nf pupuUr iiiv and failtcre to obtain "a building STOE: He waJl vepcki \6 the- Jack-. Iwui S'M',9 Immediate delivery. Aiban- for and delivered. p«jiinneld% S-0270, JOSEPH 3. GUKER, Realtor ; HOWLAND — REALTOR Saturdays Until 2 P. M. . Choifce «r beaUiKul•Wlaj ^f Somerset Street. North PIsJnfleld he will ahavs plj* l»i sbttvilte. FSa, ASr.Scjjtxjl.for eight I^wln Hardware'. 109 N. Union Ave. " .iftatml Blveri, Alban-Lewl*. 109 111 Nprth AV«., AV. Cflartford 0-1696 ,U Chestnut Street UOsgUo 4-1050 tied Home ImlnietlniK. \iillu» permit. • . I*rf««'HpIioiis h*h •with us'art* •Jo'n Av«., Cftantord 8-0848. N.J., Associate Broker, Mrs. Laura B. Illckok NATIONAL TOOL Si MFG. CO. jtbncK or CRanfoul 11-5570. ,xare«ks" a«r traiioirig.' ' ,-"\ — - — -MAGAZINES— — T~" CRanCord 6-09SI • lilr*rdeitrude Nunn—CR. 0-388S 10O North 12th Street . meeting of the Ci anford DesmondD-McMnhon ol ISSvU t*l I.S'QUIIUES and nibstrlntlons promptly —KENILWORTH—NEW-JERSE-V ruiioti;—InCri^-will—b«2~hold vesfeFstreef^ Umskerivtfivnntrsa.iTarAarvet TAlTSIs**.'. * * A aiT'its hendquarterti, 10 North "UnTonTUS- ijuertlti""with passing a red 7GuesrYOU^ond5T\vhati«adctYregriTi. : HE* nt. . C. H. Wi-ldiif, 22U Enisle tl lowest' prices. Herbert F, Sofge, • Jer* MULTIPLE LIST VOUR PROPEltTV Mrs. Miriam Nevllle-CR, 6-3128 — Direct Bus Scrvlctf To Plant — imu, on Thursday evening. Sepicniber 20, L q( education brightened T, nilly. N. J. !" North-Avenue, Wejit. »ey Radio' Service. 1S4 Millcrest Ave. WITH A LOCAL REALTOR Public Service No. 28—Gieert Flyer N 1951, at 8:15 o'clock for the election of six hc ;light, was fined $7 and $3 costs/ AI Stsiajs? &c' &i«*ib!r jiJi*t> that the Town-. YOU did, when- S^yTielped us out of the fix we were in. CHanJord «»04iM • « Bevlano No. 10 members of the bojid of dli-ictoii for tali at t .pending, reduc- S&Jl? Cacti-rEUiW. icil thr Township of Clan- S24i7.50 SpaciDiw center-hall Colonial. bert Lantz of 230 North avenue •fcnl ifl mSi it ^ublie. auction, tax sale \My-,Dad was sick for the longest while; . WOObl.ln'l""') supply of w-jisor j'lrat floor powder room. Four large tf three year terms, one member for a one LET US PUT THE i tuition rates of SomerviUe S long w« almost forgot how-to .smile; Ji-aiuhi«£ and nuniy mom? .y«*:irs. link priro delivered. Sll). Merrill, CKan,- Trucking~ Wauling CARPENTER - CONTRACTOR. Bcpalri-.. , . NEW LISTING": ' • bedrooms,, 2 tile bath,s (1 st.il! shower i year term, and such other bunitics4 as •School. Set tentatively at west, charged by Ltv.Lester Po«r. citctiSoa*" SC«. a*M- *o\*rjfie lot/51 (L^n- im-ii n-ra;4:t, .--."• metal weather stripping, porch ehclos- Ijavely foiir-bedmom home, built 16 yeaM plus 3rd Moor maid's room and bath. YOUNG MAN with ambltldn^above theinav come before the meeting. All mem- ii5.* A3*Hij*J in Mock JOo. ;t17. appearinii CtVuse our money ran out; and the rent was duo; ii i J1EUABLE. TRUCKING, CO. • garages •tell with, parking without lights,, on ti«- CWU«i£xr"s. MsboMs to be owm'd ures, cabinet work, -screens, garages ago., powder room, pine-paneled kit- New steam oil fiirnate. Two-car garage, average. A good opporU»«ity is oval!" beis ar1 e Invited to attend, IAIW perton \ the tuition rate will be 1 And\the warm clothes- we had were fewer than few; of priit'lit'iil «'X|M fii ne<\ -^ - E YOU 'BUY'-your new wnrdrnbn , Ejitlrnales .— .Contract or Hourly' lll rnnf'tnf hnH Idiit —able-to-tnaUe neltinti-yoptf-xswreotr-Ttaln*- who ha , contributed tn tlic—^saot'ihtion PROFESSIONAL TOUCH -'.J .' J>-ST*ui>. the amount >«3iiil"ed {or !•( t a Splfella Foundation, i!iirin«Nii ,aiu rooms ^30.00 IS Nobesj Q Adams, Ave., CI?anf.?rd Um period and lead^furnlshed. Salary thu^year is considered a meinber*. tSJW0 ^hn«y^ecdiKl^l3ss»E;=4jsd^-fl6e4ed-sh<3eKT-———^—•—— itijov tsooii health, fomfoft find style ill piireh. GEORGE H, BATES. _ Howard W. Burt'of South Ptam- ••«,*•'sate •siill s>e lirid at,a Weetini! ef ^3508 8-MI7. Call before 8 q. m. or after and car furnishecrf Apply In person, 1 of tho finance commit- 1 No -wonder we all were• .crying the nblues! ' ELLA i. McCORMAClC. Realtor fcb^ *ins*rt.TEi>feJiis Ooiftwi^jfcy "if* 'lie hfild *ott fill Mrs Woer/.. GHanford (1-1080. tf Ih'frleerators'moved," S3'and up e-p. M. • • . a>k for Mr. Hurfienlk, Manager, Singe) field, said % police to have struck INDlVmtjAL NEW STONE - TRIMMED 30 Prospect St., Wtstflcld. Prtiideiit. oved at the board's meet- Sep£- SS, »SS3 aet Si30 V. M, ^S.f. I in. the jf All loads Insured — CRanford 6-15B4 twa-level, extra pine-Ronelled room, WE. 2-4848 — ' Res. CRC-1184 Sewing g CentrfCt , 61-A Main Street, Mill- MADELEINE A. RICHARDS, the .Lahtz vehicle, paid $»• 3IS" a Then Som^bfid.v tolcl my Mom -and Dad, COMMNATION-Ktorm »nd screen door Authorized hot water,-heat, . Fireplace and buburnr , N. p^p^ ttff Sccletmy. 9-KI •lav. The- communities r^f-gfr^ri??'^- ^"••'irtirijC , tf* Si Iff -will' ,ii^ '-Si^ade .rymgh-*and-MiHston#i- 1IOV < JACKET,- Krey 1.wec-d. r^twyj'5T«T>Kri -•ghf ia tho Wf»lfnvo_iJad5L_ r>nd i:...Hkc.'Utcw. -S'U: tioi-'i Jincd tatii--- Meteu'U tucl uil ^WEstflcld-2-'>741. . - 9-2. 1'eat0 , youngest In the -ghg-coiild -hetpi-iK'w'ith'M'ar'm winter ' MWHI, Mr = t.l->l£^t tui lxl./ X bddbth a ESTF IKLD '^Egeeririffi^--- iraluu i,n . ^ ^5al scoic Ana glasses ulul . . lent inai was clue-, :• \\r. TAKE '- "T*":I" ' win WATCHMAN WANTED — KBiillworth B\v!AY. —•. Tc^t wells to_dc- Ebner, Jr. of .27 Cayuga i-oad was Township Cli>rk. Bunualow near new Jil'gh school, "bit vegetation to -•:-)'•• iilri5r't-i>Vi(lillon, completely rebuilt fn;«*- a'lteratibni. In 1840., SII.BOO. area, night shift. 8 hours, 46-hour week. B-20 But only because thews are peppl& like YOU. . Tin; --u" nii: unU n-t'pntl.v installed — S15 or lie! rd ''• MePHERSOM REALTY . Light ilrlng sreQuired. , coal. 'When dried and pressed it. Whose .hearts "are so me that ^ou want' to help others. IH>T in- THICK JT. vWAjLTOR SEAGKH, KeR. rharm. oil. i Cltntiford fi-0254: Alao attic*, eellar* and yard* cleaned. tf •IS Aldcn St._ CRantord 6-8460 ALAN J0HNSTON, REALTOR Citizen and Chronicle. Box SOS, care can-'be. burned, is r HAhway ^0809. •. • ,...o-«:iS2. oc»ivxxc»: NO. You must really believ«*\th.at God'-s-chjldren are brnthprp. MAKI-; IT iSB-quart HOME CANNtiH lofl-Central Ave.._Wegtilsld ", WE 2-5864 jnr,. fnp) In many therefore .,M3f HOW', '"" -•-'-•• — '- now ioadintt hoiisehold good« to all 48 aituratnn«; cali i. jt>t»»sr ItiPtiE'CIMT VotnTPHOPERTT' UHUisrr l,ATSE&IAN especially, in •••• ••••'.•i.tfi 7TD or o? trol Avenue, CRanford 0-0548. WITH A LOCAL REALTOR To set-up and Operate Warner & Swasey ticipatlnftafiericieS in The CranfoVd United Fund drive which will States and Gamida. ipcclalixins in N*w a OPEN FORiNSPECTlON peat--Is dug and p^eeessed on a w BE W O53iA!DSi3S by tlie Township sswiirii"tvPEwniTien with cnviyr, -England, Florida and California ship- TRUCK CHANE and .^S ISu HOUSE ALMOSXFINISHED,. superior Na. 3, No, t, or No. S. ; • . eorrtmerciaV'scale.in. 19 states. We- fcuaisiiB** ml (the -Sownshijs t>t Cranford. bo held from October 5 to 22'.) ul U'cirkliii! condition, #15; sofn, clt-an ments. Same van ta destination., tel Tor lilte. S."W. Oliver, Incnc.., CHanford warkninnshia/'Open for Inspection, Ex- ADVERTiSlH6.;-B^" TTDrwe Safely 1 .lACHINE SHOP TRAINEES— use it for soil Improvement, plant. KW Jttss«s-z . •-, ' . ... . , • iti»i> topehtry. sturdy construcflcm, S25 us estimate your nesit mov*.. UNITED 8-2159 and Linden 2-7054. if KNOW YbWR TOWN -»- tirive out to elusive BecHon. 8 Fiske Terrace. fl-8 Me CURDY VAN ; LINES. Ted Sargent. -Ag«.nt. Mechanically Inclined. Swrtisia Br-'7tes,'t tth* interiaecUoM ot'Ctnr .:••::•. ±:K*M Cltmfnrrl 0-2fl:iU- ^ " Mc/rning Avenue then to ctlenwood Road No EKperlencc Needed, /packing, an ingredient in. feftilizcES, tarnii^n A»eai* »-iih S«ui« 4 State Park-. WE,tfirld 2-3033. U' BENDIX Autpmatle; Washer Servlee, *]! and nee; our NEW "3 LEVEL TVPE" tWO FAKilLY --r Solid all-wasonry 10- NEW JERSEY DRIVING SCHOOL SordilVfor a cut of the left 'large 1AMMON EJCCftANGK — All klml» • of work Suarantced. CHanford 8-1715, U and for. insulating needs. , More effective 'advdrtisiaj'l wasr 6* S«fgui£ii,\6d by «onstmclinB a mac- Falls on Stairs JEWELERS ' <|iilhijuLfor children, piit itrowo, lioor HOMES. Liicaled in a H»i»uMCul wooded • yca&Told- •housif; Each apartment 4 • Day Shift -— 50-Hour :Week..,_H_ nottl cost yo\i no._jm I si£im_ i<<5ciii*«fa\c siaaduvay in aceordahee toe tit .ft50 a. m. Saturday, sut'-» it 11,'W. •yii.'iilTiiirj.'uTnsrTCall cvenlni! area^ : Roosevelt section. Prii* 5«ms and bath, full basement, 8-fimi» !oo Clerk. street was treated by Dr. Anthony hnrt fell down stairs in his home! MOV IK .PIKMECTOtt_aainin)-....w.tth 300- IS North Avflrttie, East CranfoK Prevent the seats on your wood* SMfuoia a—IWse «*tiroately with a cloth .or, Days. Mights ki* «-ti«.tin£ Capital improve- WH1TI*. cliTtrlo sowlni! machine. CRan- and decorating; eutabllshed 191B. Call SEWING MACHINES ANt» VACUUM! WITH A LOCAL HE. ,TOR " BO auents. Box 808, earu Citizen 'ART-TIME MAM with ear. Interested Undett S-3M0. U CLEANERS in' earing SS0-S7S a week plus, No ex- brush" in thoroughly and allow to, . ' • • " . . '. . fitid ll-SlMiO. ^ ^ , hronie|e. . ' • j _8»27, ^Siin. 9 - 9 Cranford 6-2947 SWW ifeninoe said appropriation PAINTING ANB impaired and uccepted for trade-In en perlenee necessary. For interview.eall dry before using;' ' . I1AI ! AND STAIR CAnPETWO. SB« coil Quality mnterloU, careful •wofltman- new one::. Guaranteed Workinaiuihip SIX OR SEVEN ROCiM HO^SE In Gran- T'Lalnfleld 5-1534; Ask any of air sajOifilUa. S»Mid Jtn-ticipition n&les o( the Kprtnu, SSSl; (twin ulici motnl bed ami SVilp, *KeaiU>n4blci tiie4,., PtolDpt '— Free E<,timato •— ford or vicinity. Approximately $15,000. •jlsmtisik^. akiw• Sirfcby «uthbrixed'.to be •Ice. "Call CRanford «-0»'*0.' " SINGER SEWING CENTER Call RAhway 7-8334. repreieniatiml arnaount mot «xcerd- WOOD' & WEStPIELD AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE MAN^ L* J. Brennan Ct. 6-0269. to b«ar interest at WE HAVE KOH SALE the best top soil VITSCHKE * BLUliicK •— Palnteni and 62 Elm Street. WEiitlleld 2-0747 ti To set up and operate New Britain s cafe -i. a icc«*drn£ fi J>er eenlufri_pcr und rolled manure Uiat wi^ hnyit seen. r WANTEDr-Bungalow- In. dranfotd. Ho 1 D«SjUitors.'-4t-North- IBth Street; Ken- CRANFCSIID Hefrlgeratlon Sales and S5«rv. mtrtedlate>Oceupaney asent. Box'558, care Citizen and Chron- Grldley"MacWhiBHi^; edandrfil; or* UJO accd Ud imsture 4n 1 >ear. FERN'S DiMvciiii iinywhfrt'.:..Cnll Al'Hnpfurtifi'. llwoi-th, N. 3. Telephone CRanldi-d -a---m u ibeiiefay determin'ed and Wl tlU'ld 2-0H5B after S P. M. nr bcforA lee. Household and commercial repairs icle. '.•""•••• 8-27 8-1715 r HOielle 4-M86-M. t! on t'rigidalrc, Keiviriatsr, Crdsiey, Cold* S. R; JORDAN top- rate to qoallfled matt, 9 t&iA Mtg probable period ol u e- U A M. . tf Heal Estate and insurance- Advertising in nnS 3jud aMtfuxn.'ement *4 5 yeon.; t. MENZEJj —- Interior, exteriorlor r p»int- .pot, Nome, fete, Tel. CHanford 6-1715. WANTED—2-lantily house in Craritelfd, H '1-ii cOn^iJiCEsC. turqanir. q . _gjjj;jgcSrTprm*'i debt tatement r<. - lnj artU> windows. Also matching drupes. 1 1 fully". riven. Phono CHanford ftl3*5. Chronicle. 9-27 fli-m Irt Garwaod. WEstfieW 2-C40Q. t-K >n fafe^> i".^ ..rifft^n* 3iei plpctrie washed, mid ironer. Call superviiioH, 205 Columbia Avenue, OCEAN BEACH NO. 2, Laycllbtte, BAR PIN,.9 pearls. qRanford 6-1834. Help Wanted — Female Automatic Oil Bi at iW South Union Ave., after 12 noon Cr^nford. Call Cllinford 8-3113. tf MASON CON*ttA«p6RS WOMEN make extra snajiey at home. Means PLUS Business for &| Thuisdiiy".. Sidewalks, FlaSslone WortefGaraae Build- crn 4-room eottutie, hot water; refrlu- SictoiK 5—Tins »»x31nanc<5 ihall take ersitor, heater," nuar beach, $35 peBANl K BOOK No. 16389. Cranford Trust Ssw our ready cut "Hsp-A-R&und." 208 South Avc E. CUANFORD nfiKi lot dkTO atfter ats publication after ine, Brick Work, CellaK Wato.r >Praoflnj(. .week. Linden 2-8?19-JV Company.' If not. restored,before Sept. Easy—profilable, .Hollywood. Mlg. Co., CORUWOOU for flreplnei-, fnrnnen niu! Clocks Repaired Free esliwates. Si-fiwarti, CRantun 14, 1951, application will be made/ for Hollywood 46. Callt. . 8-26, Knil jnWH.npe Si£ |pi«vu3ey , ironing (pol- Cbmlrcnui Townshli) ConutalUia d repairedi. d E . P . ChamberChb - dAllPENTEB *wa eabl«« msker. Quality Want To Rent Ish or German preferred) IVt days .a cilWi CK.WT KIT HOATS — Easy to lam. t\ anford If craftssmahsbfp. Ludwig' Selbert, 38fl week, ennnford 6«&6M between .?L8 With A-'m&- Ii-A.1 mbli>. outboard and Inboard modclii, LitiCQln Jftlvis, Kimilworth, Tel. CHait" DESIRE a- j!r S-BEbROOM HOUSE — Furnished Rooms oortrai. P ; • ' : Clerk. flrliwl from S42.-.'Sav<' ha\f nr m(«i£ ford ^nmn. ••• t£ Either a one-level • or- bunt'alow type NOW AVAILABLE ll<'iis,ler Kofbi'd Co., liU^Frnnt St., Kty- preferred 2 adults and 1 elilld. Dr. G. Typewriters BEEENDABBEEENDABLE repairL ps to salkindl s 6l Hlndmon, 7 No. Union Ave., Cranford, WOMEN WANTED tor full at iparttlwe OIL JWIL . . • ' • 0-28 U -FWKNlSUED HQQM,-gentleman preferred. lilght astombly mi wo&d part*. WorU un- IK ryPEWRITER repairs and Mntals. N ' >bu«ehol>l d arttelesttel ' dan d equipmentimHe*. ? He Call qH iBtl3U2 O FEATURE t 1 257 South' Ave., Garwood. ,, 9-13. til Chrlstwas. Waoderjift Mamifactuif- Hfcc Sareecjng jordmanc« ma finally H>H SALE Ai ' Morton's Texaco Service and reb-jllt adding inaehir.us, type- /KsrisbJe •.-rat*«t-^JPhpiie CRantortodd • IMPERIAL OF BEDDI Nip 8-0140. pleaiieTcall after 5:30 li>; m. W Ing Co.. iaSO W. Elizabeth Ave.. Linden. OIL BURNER SERVICE potucdl a* a iBMne of the Township Com- rttitlon. 2-South Avenue, West* Cruiu and duplicating machine;*: "TWO FURNISHEU Ri lOMS «« private ^ 3\0«L-xtsaap of Cranford held on foul. (1 full line of Firestone tlre», dii^ Curtains hIl for oni or. two business EXPERIENCED SALES LADY—' HAVEN RUN ANTHUAC1TE —' • NANCY WARREN X E 19. SSSi. with rlcniric sewer" niaciiints GUaTan- 1 Cull for and deliver. Call CR fl-inie NATIONAL JURTA1NS laundered »t~homel" " feiST men, hearDUB Jl. WALTER COFFEE, BY SIMMONS, ENGLANDER 7 Aldcn Street Edward G. Li-dden & Son. Tel. CRanford 6-5650. ' tl after IS p; M. :=.; Street; Cranford. or CR 8-0780: ' ••..- CKanford 6-9800 ~ and CHanlord 6-S93S, d: • Si' only, .CRanford/ 6-0951. venleriee, -assured of pleasant surround- *THIBAUT ServJ,('«. A.1UJII-L«UJ3 Hardware, 109 cli'aninii oil or coal , furnaces. Cqn" Irifis. WEstfleld Stmii " - N - version work. Tel CHanford 0-2120. tBUICKl , tS4fl, a-door sedan, Hon. Mutt COMFORTABLE ROOM oppesHe bath, '•"COMB UN' AND ... 55 --Bell at-once. Call CRnhford 0«0459 "'brVsakfnst optisnal; 48 So. Union Ave, BOOKKEEPEB^VPIST -^ YolinE woman STRAK;HT BOURBON BLINDS In-««(ieK. S3 te 38. ^ ... tin Oenerat Nuri- after G P. M, •'. • .1 iwi. VU1U, Hypodermlea. Maternal and CRanford 6-0940. for Union County Public Atcounthiii 321 GENtENNIAL AVE,, CRANFORD, N.i •on FROM oun CATALOGS. AND LONG WEAR InchcB, custom quality itaek hllndi, ml Firm. JWust_bcdL.a«cgitate, BPSSESS desire 1.1 iiii-hi'i. toni!, Sa.OOi ako Jencratt and Infant CaHClrlealth ..Education. She 1 Apartments Wanted - , ntaroort, ROOMS for rent by day or week. Rea- to .adtftihee In accounting. Exceptional "K! «6 Proof ^— I Y*ar* Old C W. Urmieman cuhtom ulitidii, 83e s«j. Vliltliie rjiir«e Can Help You. Nominal i Coot. Cranford Upholstery Shop, 130 frr. T>t CRtmford 0-07S7. or consult TWO BUSINESS WOMEN desire four- 'lent condltloiVr *eBanfard 6-2895. . sonable rates. Call CRanford 6-9833, ' opportunity for ene .wh& can qualify. Id Grwfc Upper Lehigh CRANfOSD HOTEL Sl.uth Avenue, Ea«, CRanford 0-0Bd3. tl ; room • unfurnished np'artincnt in Cran19AS DODG- E 4-door scdun, pi'lynte owner, Box 584, care Cltteeo ond Chronicle. 4-PIECE MAHOGANY SALE PRICE —ford-or- WestflcUL- Box 503, Cltiicnaild r SPACIOUS,; NEWLY-DECORATED ROOM ^pLL UP NOW! Ail Outstanding Virtue Al SAVE MOtJteY on .sink and wall eab'lntil, Chro.ntclc. $850. CRai\tord-6-09B9:' ' •v EMODBAPSBH and genernloffleo clerk ^ SECONDS, Llndeh Stove Supply Co., Dressmaking and In private .bpjme. Ideal p\aee fo( or« wanted for new ear dealership, exper- Nut «d Stove $21.85 * 1310' Saint,-George Avenue; Linden VETERAN. WIFE ancl CHILD desperately 'LYMOUTH, 1941 coupe, radio and heat- with good thste. Convenient to ol ienped party only.,--Apply in person or «~W)M. Open evviihigs till 8. ,'need 1-rooin apiirltnent by October 1. er, e6od,t|rcs, S150. CRanford 0-5504. transportation/. Phone Cranford 6-4T2 Iciier > In own hand writing,.. Westfield WCHARti HARTIG; Prop. ^ BEDROOM: Reg. * Alterations Cranford or vicinity, up to StIS. CRnn- -- •—' -j9 or'attet G p.tn. - Motor Sales Co., 31B North Avc, • B.i Pe» -..,,-•...... ;.:.:...:: '«:';. 19.10 • •••'•. ,-•.,' -.. ' 8-20 WTTSBURGIi: PAINTS, full line of ln> DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS, •for c DOORS -•• WINDOWS . iti>i\\Aih toS?B5, .easy-tenni,? brand Floor Service kcat appearance; age 21-35. Work l>^wC wonder (ul spinets at the beat a. &IENZEL — Telephone u» to al?eu«i .'near your home! Experience not nee- prfcea. in N, J. Cranford Piano Co. your floor problems.- Fleon seraplng and ' c»sary, ' Full salary while tyatlnine.< '.-OR • SPAIN'S "WEST ,TUiunc anu rebulldlrnj experts, 3 North r?fliUshmis of old Ubors ^specialty; Pal- H OME INSULATION (RocbWool)^ Chance for advancement.. Many cm- / AVcriuc, Kast. CRantord 6-U128. , U lshine. also waxing. Estimates cheerfully ployeo benefits. Various shifts open. service Jiveh. Phone CRanford 8-1345. 61 EliSJ" See M». Hub*** White Castle, 320

JJPHOLSTERING — "ftirhlture repairs -,.: • - . - ••*->- .,-•—/-••, --,. ^'r " ftrhpHi U's,. ullp covers'. ^VaneUan bllnda. lieth'Avenue. CRaforii Chestnut St., Uftloit N. J. Nlie-e*»icet*f. JiibrlA. F. Kantner & R M HEALTH, ib ^OUR EVERV- »m«J2l!LiJoiilb' Ave., E., Tel CRasiford 00F REPAIRS (Immediate" Service) «0BS3. ' • • ' . t!" . Furrier Help Wanted - ^ pAY-€ONVEN|ENCE AND TO XOUR ' .GUITAR HIIKRI5Y <\. KANTNEn—New-, coats and scarfs tor unit-. "Ilcmodcting • and repaltUSg. high OVER SATISFIED Hoofing — Repairing —Kratju-furs. Ill) Wiilnut ovenue;-CHa»-' e,ooa Male or^Vemtde fOCKETBOOK . . . A Palf Dry Fragrant Slirrrv. fmtt O-lUta. ' , U CtEftK for- bookfeepiHiMJepartment. Un- WE MXKE A SPECIALTY of all type* ion Cdunly T-rust Cos, Cranford. _:. "M of rtiuf rvpalrlng such' ai tile, .slate, •iphalt, asbestosi and any other type EVERY ^JOBGUARANTEEI? .We can heljo you arrange a sounOnaneiiig plaa; to own a water softener. " „ roof. Aliu ru>w roof«. Wm, L. Sehroe- Tutoring • Kdicslor on-, 1 Walnut Ave., Cranford. Call day Bribing Instruction i*eoHaBiend competent architects ajifl contractors;. of night Wtanford 8-3474. • - t. TUT«SING~-Hl8h School and l 8 sul A'lawa you ..-III subjects. Cardlus T. Clark, B. A. CYale) LL. B., EdTM.a38 Mountain Ave., West DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE - '•" EstabUihid 1928 mad, of course, supply quality lumber and other , "P>"isirtg how much nicer life is ardund Moving — Storage field. Call WEs.tui.-ld 2-2t41-W. . U .,*': '. ' • . ' ' '•• LEABN -SO BHIVB ioaatructiort materials you'll need when you build nome.when you have a water softener." - Just. LOCAL • and niUpn-wid* moving and JEVEN Y()UR SMALLEST JOB We can help you with your plans. Let's talk Come In" storage. AgentsT!or Allied Van,Llnet, , Piano Tuning p y°u' neighbor \vho owns.one ! TopTJIiiaHly At"a Low Price ! ..'•VH*!.tii Inc. All types of crating and {tacking. All services performed ti» an expert YOUR CAR PICKED UP PIANO Tuning and Repairing. *l—WestffeWr Til. WEST. --students- iv«n to the creditorw of aald ttoa\ltM t ill CranfortI 61NBRALSUPPLYC0 hihlt to the *ub«crib<"rv under n.-lth o MclNTYRE'S ii, llnji. ..If-ialr .«..lmtyS| ^ml7 .aMiiiaiu Are you "SELLKNG yours? SEE rs roe «AKDEV SITPPLJES ut (he i>£tate of said deceased' wfthi . MKinths frojvj i the dattaa of said order or ttheh y wiirbtf-ioreveiirbi r barrisl Irom lawn CKANFORB in the nenr future? FURNITURES, APPLIANCES culirig or lecovering the sJuse agaiiul tin Phone Clt. 6-1800 MAHbWAHE — bubtcribers. ts KOSEULE ' " '":' FREE PARKING 1 , ".' Joseph A. Buirher. BUICK COMPANY SALES • SERVICE ' • .. - Anne E. Thompson ... ' IS9 NOEtll AVE. " SIDING' AND SHAHEEN.AGEKCY, fHME FMtNISHINCS FOR HAPPY HCMS3 '-. • Pntnn rni^ty T""* Cooigani WELDING ROSEIXE HDWE. ADJACENT _j E»cutor». PARTS : '",'•""' '•. Realtors *•""•" mm m |... -rjitfcrraTl K.-K*llert. Attorney SPECIALISTS^ Mctribcr of Multiple Listing System TO STORE. _ EASTMAN ST. AT NORTH AVEr C RANFORO 9 Walnut Avc. Cranford 6-1044 t--.--—;"« N...tlHts>n Aye, tjranlord, N. TEL, WE. 3-S508 •;:1.1 N. EI.MKIt MT. UKSTPlKI.fi 336 Centennial -= Cranfowl 6*05 TfCCtl4-0d0l Opp, " ' >'«M-tttdO ' ' 15 ~NClRT.lt AVENUE, EAST C>- L i'vs h THRIVE'

U'^i. .,ft~--.'(. _'

v • • •••-•• X :• • . i' •.,•.: •'' Jli-lZr^: T"*" w§^g§l^

--•:.-••••• <•• '.'-••/ ..,-••-.-.•. - ,,... •-...-,.• •"-'.. ..••-K*::-*'"'^"'^" "*"*•:; <• t ; 77 r-r-'^i^M^ . ;;v ••-•• 1^7 •-'^•^.••>-'t:?m ,'• , • :• ..,-J-lr,

-?•, THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, TpURSDAY, SEPTEMBER /THE CRAyK>Rp;CrflZEN AMP CHROWICLj^ THUR^pAY, SEPTEIVIBER> 13, •; . , •. "Page; Twc"nly-Three - teresting and inslructivc picnicked Sunday at Mt. Freedom. ".Sidnjaa- PhHups of f :i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph bi^ttista For Golfing Crown r Pa., a.senior ,af Lanc'ssi GARWOOD NfiWS of Fourth avenue and'MrS. Jphn.£»i In HireuGrade JiroY'i. page twoiiiy^iwo). ^GAKWOOD , -T- Jules' Gates/. logical „ Seniinarjr, Will k," Battista and son of Second avenue speaker'".at the H a. of 448 Third- ' -we of. Union County's pubTic" slants 'antuzzi oi Flushing, Eurollinent the subject. "The i i. the coversKfc k 1 ll!l 9 c It ui d icu win, the tjnion County Public rj' ID£r^eturn' $uJiulaV birthday ckke serving as cerUef Main Cause ol Urop are spending their' it necessary to hire an additional Mi". Kraus' ura.* am;hici-;a»»A *.o n1- lornHaltnt, will i)« held tomorrow The iilfair i'p to bone-fit tHe ambti- f r Links chatqpionshi'p at Gallop-• At PTA LlllUrlieoil (lanco- fund. :md .the children';;.'..' Philip Testa Saturday piecei. Approximately 30 guests at- their home community"" At i'Uith grad«( teacherand two fuir- tend the conviM^tian '-c-i the'.-State 'C'vtninK' at 8:30 p. in. in Lidcnln Coney lHlanirBu» Trip In School System ingHUL. ' .. '•_ .,•:;-.. time, kindergarten assistants, the jChrr.stmas' party. FirecIiaier GAItWOOD — Miss Anna Zaf> tended from Garwood, Clark Sunday School will b« - KENiLWORTK-The' Kenilworth !—Return Sunday Dcpartrrient of Scfeao! Supc Schofil, auditorium. GAIUVOOD—On Saturday c.v.c- GARWOOD — *A" total enroll- Gateiy delivered the coup de Board of Education decided Mon" Aii invitation tins been ejrt'en.doftj MoreAdults fui'o, daughter of Mrs, Anioinette a.m. PTA entertained tasf^Vednesda^ wilL-be celebrated this Sunday at denls of the Ktrvv ieVsiy 'Bbn - ty ^ Kenilworth, Union and eraoe by rolling in a 20-foot Also to bo featured is a one-act nii>K members and friends of the Zaffuio of .560 Spruce,avenue, and ment of 569 pupils -was reported with a luncheon in Ijonor of.teach- FundDrive the 11 a. m. service in Community day nighti AssoeiatioWft^ii fcw-h-M Ortf-Ufr 3 i' all vtisi.der'its whrf took isnrt la Brooklyn, • •••••.' downhill putt for a birdie three Vi'W and its Auxiliary witf leave- the late Peter ZatTuto, became the for the Garwood school system by ers in the Kenilworth Public Methodist Church, it is announced After hearing reports of. Super- i and 5 in Atlantic d'.y. comedy entitled, "Snrdi'neS'," JJHCI previftus. shows" to attend the first.. .' Crackdown Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bender and Supervising Principal Louis 1~ t>- on the first,extra hole, making Additional Schools. The affair was held at. the rehearsal tomorrow eveninc al on a bus ride to, Cony Island: As Leaders bride Saturday, of Philip Testa, son by _ the Rev. John H. tJexheimer, vising Principal Edwin W. kraus. the "Old GiVls' Orchestra."'a 'e!e- family of 2§0 Locust avenue .re- NicoleUo yesterday, this "wpre- hiin number 1 county golfer for ... GAHWOOD NE\ home of Mrs. Earl Polikk, 33(1 p..-rtv. :.t the Fiixt AicL^ GARWOOD — A 50; per cent in- of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Testa of 557 Sewer pastor. who: rC'Ctuiimt;ijd«id~stjff^ additions Busses.will leave VF\V Hall at turned last week from Hazelton. sents a decrease of 89 freia H»e 658 tibe second tune since 1947. "Boulevard; The KenihCorth Appeal Open Siimlay • ,7, ' . • . Other inte«'ste_Cj,:.;;!i. ii t,n? owi'ijj! . thu \ i vetil. It wax.m-ipart.- public, reservations being accepted quireoh during the coming year to performed at St. Anne's Church by Moran. '••.,•'•. - ; *" '•••'• from opening of the new St-Anne's RkesSO- in Year ond; Sunday rof tfie fall /season'. .'Chief Brittain Says •Frank Ecfcert 1 up,, Saturday, t^ V jjlaeed on teachers'' desks in their fl«id -sixth-grade instructor who -of the-oldest-P? b-j.iK:«.''"~:i'i#ri tliat tickets niny be pur- Director and* cnach of^the pro- up through Saturday mbrning. it carry tout the-ioeai scouting pro- Msgr. John M. Walsh, pastor. Mr." arid -Mrs/ David Reid and Parochial School; St A&ne's open- KENILWORTH—Annua.l. ambu- Church school .\vill be at 9:30 a. m, jductioti will be Jack. Dugan. ,Ios- gain the finals, It was Eckert NEW classrooms onywednesday after- New. members will be received dur- rhay also be certified for physical It was used 'is ^ -is Ihechased at.-the door. H oil Sew*'i* Body Freilas, president of the Auxiliary, last week to their new,home in pionship from the Garwood man • The- cornjriiUee in charge of thethe KeniUvorth Volunteer Firepe ancient Rome-. tirs?S. & "IViJlior Cook who is. beinu ;is:;isti-tl I of general chairman-to be assisted y Oreenbar. patrol meeting of the-bride wor| a. dress of black velvet M, Walsh reported enrollment of 'CONTINUOUS DAILY | Request The pastor will preach on "The CurieiH kindergarten enrollment use in chiirgt-' <>f the affair. Westfieldr , -••••-;,• id the finals of that tournament luncheon/Included Mrs. Constant partmeht First Aid and Rescue gypsum ,i>Iasfer_ ast* k fcv by llrs.> Leslcr Stefrciv, Mrs. R;iy;- by inumber.s uf the Squad;-. . - , ;• GARWOOD — On rccummcnriii- sesison. ,iind ecru lace trimmed with rhine- 161 children, "~" LAST -Tines H^Sprade Bros. People Who Build. A Wall." t>r, is 122", compared to 81 last year. At liist week's meeting Jhe Aux- -Word has been received that A/A this yeat-m the Galloping Hill tine -IJjfrbarise, president; Mrs. Squad-"will begin Sunday, it is ; agent. In - .modi-ra: fejia%# ' i'-RiitnbA,- Kirs. Hi'tiry .frahnio, licm 'of. Police Ch.urmnu Archie Held. JWonday evening at the stones, sfnd a corsage ol! • white Broken down according to I, unVeii. fpnstruction flrm, L1oyd Nimaroflf, tenor soloist, will Four half-sessions are being'taught tibn. gypsimi ij. a^.Jfts; s-*^^ D, u^JJ iliary rnjide plans for a cake sale John^ b ^ grounds. ' ' "A LETTER TO treasurer; Mrs. Ayery announced. '.by°-—Willfam Furze, CarL.Soltfe, 'Mrs. Thomiis Now is the i'lina ... ,'' Danwh, Borouul^JJouncil Tues- rWi 1 idttC-^vcnue^residence-.pt • Mr.r BaUistal^ JL???^^?^ ntwict to install a sing,- "Comfort" Ye My People" by "Miss, Hclene Austin and Mrs.lath, 'plaster. pr<.ii5>::u-a:*d i;:Uriur Sumn'.criiiv.c is. tiu- lo^iea!. tinie '.'• day night voted to'ioolc into meth lt> be held November'-lfc—^— serving at' the IT. >S. .. _,.., _...... iiowjji*Q~ItIut-phv, i^irsl of the' ambulance com- m, Mrs, Wiiiiani.-Sfhi'unfi'-:in'<]' Mercer, the meeting was attended She was attended, by Mrs.: Ati" p g the^jnfluence_6f thW item ClhlCalholii c mittee, who vtfith Frank Corcione, from Hangers Messiah and theVida Harris. wallboird»- and a». • ae k " to -.cheek furr,;itc!i; and. heating units'- " ill Fl 'd Market sireet, after sealed Mrs. -Louis : ods of cracking, down icK.'illy, on junior'-leader's of-i Naval Station at Jacksonville, Fla, yhl which Potoek, Mrs. Donald Brown. Mrs. Beattitudes by Maillot. snd/br va-por EarrtJ-f grhwa "in all lipiiiei; and.--liiiiidirigs. ., . ., persons who' follow fire ^engines ray suggested" thaidirc wardens bo A.ifvat\—Sealc - ' "" Jr. arid Hans'Weber^ head the It was explained ''lh.it. hiring n». persons ^ troop. - - of-Garwood. Best man was' An- Miss Elizabeth Stoffers of Beech contains a Tdnde/garteii and grades • Tony Curtlg — f'fpt drive eommittee. A luncheson and reception for the lath or. WAllbs ii Jta, to impress their oniciaj status bride- classes; of Sft: and 'SI pupils re- of lire wardens. -~-. •--. nounccd ; for;the next three meet- Following a reception at the Council decidc.d to, have Bnr- upon the public* Wardens now spectively, to below the state-ad- ings, first of which .will be Held home of the, bride, the coupte left Mrs, Agnes Matysek : has .rer Franklin School, -.wikh..ai.kinder* nv^high. sohdoT stu- , ongh Attorney Bernard StcincK: have only small badges. 423 'tea- of Jen • inch- v'ised maxifiuinY"or'35"'"pupils~irra! ^ at 7:30 wr m, in Lin-on ^ -wedding-trip -to-New—YorW Iuxnsl_to garten and grades qne,' through dcaLs jrtri.il. nfiet in ah eftort to &r-•class, and distribute 25 pupils each investigate legal methods to curb Chief Brittain said firemen .arc i d spendingspnding:: the summer .with her coln JSiihbol gymnasium. :. after which they will reside at the f ourv registered 152 pupils this TO ttUES. -. kr.n, \J_ I'.,; tirtisary oj-ipriings' was ... ,-. '~—. ~A traming According to the ambulance com- 'giiniz^a youth group. to three teachers. the now—mtang^ouLJhenL cars .with Patrol—competition-- WHU semi" son-in-law and daughter* Mr. arjd year. Last yeaVs segistratioa at course for Girl Scout aduH leaders GARWOOD — A mbtion picture Klrlt DoutU, —' Jaa 8li,iwl %,'Michael/White of Un-' mittee, work of the ambulance and A bake sale.,vby church women . Total enrpUment figures, for this engines when' a letter was received blue 'lights, which should help in annual awards w^ll be undertaTken A graduate of Garwood schools, Mrs. Joseph Vanecek-uf 443 Spruce will. l)0gin September 27, from 9:30 ftrst qid service has risen almost will be held from 10 a. m. to 2 p, m. Jroni George Vandcmark, secre- identilication at fires. called "To Every Creature," which" iowesi biridxsr' at ^ear-presented this year, rjqlnts'being awarded on the bride is employed by the Btirty avenue. 62, .: -•••: • '.:'• '•• •': • ••• '•>••• ... » -WllH ters of Roslyn Heights, L, I., have garten would be offered oa .thesioiiar3es in out-of-the-way' places; rtworth Rotai'j^eiub yesterday -jit $1.25 hourly. , lB> m> 'feffg •Minn FluhrMitrrie*- receptioQ~'fulIowt!,d iat the—llazei foi-ni of retirement its luncheon in The Hitchin" Post, Mayor Pitten said Tuesday night ChapeL Six speakers will address -m-a returned home following a week's' North sidip~whcre tmJy 19 Idid -SUCh I thatthe citizens' and business firms? an exneeted 150 delegatpii. tW Low bid .of Aiban-Lewis of worries.,Get into Ifon tree, but could have been n serious A letter from Township Clerk J. with her .sisfc MdElK 'as- saiirplanes andi' • j -THURS. ^ WU^ -gfr-Keimotli W. FJIT $17 Slufftml 1 gaf ten pupils mnwhicaiin response alwnyshnrt hpmi snffir-i*-rtt whom snpphr *>ndll-Jbe-^fctyed—at. nnd' i 164 TAXt. •Siegvwfc iabic.., li holocaust. '•••''•:._ 7 .. '•., ' Mrs. George Jakoyie of .322 Rendano of 243 Second avenue.; ; 1 Vnltcr 'Coffee,, of Cranford asking GARWOOD--St. Annc'$ Church devices" io fSciliS 1heir*'fl>s1 — told to get out of the path of fire rom National Gypsum Company's Fluhr of UDf> Second avenue, to tentative plans for the coming de and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. qp anthurtTCcl to write sever . F. Woidt of 300 Center street.. nounced for a fall flower sfeow to j of the ^ post for additional 1:30 p. m. to the area at North contribute gencr •"*" - binnl' ln'nt near the border of the twoAnthony Lucca, son of Mrs."An- year. Expected to' attend are Mrs. Everyone- is welcome to.'eome John" Hill of East Orange, for- i Street Chairman David A.-Mur- Approximately fifteen members be held at- its October meeting at : — Hit #2-~ luth of their present build- Eighteenth street. Alva Myers, under requirements of a «new state lunicipnlitios was turned over to gela Lueca,, son ' of Mrs. Angelo Mason Turner; Mrs. John Chin- y and see the film, the Rev. Mr. .Pugh merly of Wood-Ridge, will'begin a lb d thi the Monday f&enio&pieetiiig of the South TweiUy-lirs't street, chairman, ' invited, the governing law for an annual'check of the he Board of Health for study. :; Lucca £o Jamestown, N. Y., and the char, Mrs. David Murray,, Mrs,. of the les -Club and their saidL Viewers, will find it both -in-," - -. John ..Derek: Five Non-Resideiit 1 TAXI of the Cop Women's ^Club.* Prizes will be bocty to lead the parade. series .of addresses on '^The Dec-board'. !" financial transactions. Upon recommendation of Police iatc-AugeloJLucca. Jack Annunziata,' Mrs. A-tlretF^e- (lie playground purposes.- families enjbyed an outdoor picnic MASK OF AVi ltlea. also pmclaimcd $52 trine of God" at 8 p. m. Wednes- President-, Grace Hetmatu_wha Here is per fey I ion in coffee, because' hairman Darroch, Louis KJiesh performed at a nuptial mass 1'p and Mfst^Qeorge-Mlller, -^r^r" . . Issued summonses by PatrWman day, to continue NOTICE OF i 511 Center street and Jeremiah : Mr.: and IVIrs. Obie Sims-of 540 The CircTiHe^Club held its first ments' are adjudged best in the Inati, post commander,: call- September 16-Octpber IP .a«s Am- presided, was named delegate' to Flagstaff coffee is extra rich! by Msgr. John M. Walsh,'pastor. . various classes, it was amipuAoed bulance Dri,ve Month. The Keri'- Frank Mulford for speeding, Thbm» i Dailey of 515 East street .were Fourth avenue were hosts meeting this Faif!a)st Friday;at |i:tiqn to the -growth of the -the—State—Federation^of—Districtrpl Given in marriage by her father. ANP worth 'Voiunteor Fire, Der>'nrt- as Hyslip of ^estfleM and Walter years, comes from, a • missionary Saardsf of Education' di the bride was-gowned in a baiier- day to Mrs. urace Feat.'or by Mrs. Cart Solfo. program rhair- V--.1";;V1 ' ton d SOLD ONIY BY YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT GROCER Marjorle 1 that moif supervised rec- ment will-conduct the drive to sup-tiryzinski 6f Union ^each paid $10 tumily. He tWis-chusen cot school children at dangerous ina length dress of white lace" and York.City and Miss Louise Sims of abeth. Members ,wti>^&-bMHd&ys and has a brother In India in Chris« General "Election were eelebrated. at thaKtlme in A dress rehearsal of the play. Percy Kllhride l tor. you Hi .is need to avoid port the ambulance seni'ice. and $3.75 court costs after arraign- alternate. .•rossings. An allowance of not satin, her illusion vett"falling from Birmingham, Ala. ment before Magistrate; William tian work. ' In- putsuaiire of the provisions oi nil eluded Mrs, Angelo MirWlJatta of "Sardines," to be presented to- icy..' : ' • - '•.-.' Borough Clerk Philip G.. Mc- Resolution .was, adopted- asking Act entitled "Au Act to lleBUlnte Elee- nore than $150 was given MivDar- a Dutch cap. She carried white And PA 1 Mrs. Walter Pennay of N6rth morrow evening at Lincoln School 'Jitlcn snitl he was: a ''bit Bruder in Municipal Court Mon- Borough Council to have placed ttotts, ' fltlc 10, ncvlxcd Statutcii of New •ocii for outfitting the new men. camellias and a prayerbook. Elizabeth and Mrs. Alex SUkda of Gevna announced that his pflice is ii Willi T JeMcyj und the amendments and supple- kMaple street recently spent a fewThird avenue. Other Gas^odd was held at the meeting. Hostesses BACK On The '""iit'tlie phrasing of theopen until 9 o'clock nightly to reg-day night,,, '•.; , •• ' : on the ballot^the referendum en- ments theviilo. • ' . The new special policemen will Matron of honor was Mrs. Rich- days' at Long Branch. • ! - Nieholns' Vv- Rrtlarosa"of • ;Kast NOTICK ..-..: ,, oin Padruig O'Dea and Jotan C. members present included for the evening included Mrs. Dan- . — Hit #2 - •since he had thought the 1 S the Kenll'wotth Voluftteer Fire titling municipal employes to in1-hereby'elvon that qualified voters nf ard Senaeffer' of Garwood. Best Mr, and Mrs. William Kersens iel Bass, Mrs, Edmund Berming- •asclosed. He revealed that Orange paid $5 and costs, charged benefits of the State Employees' lite ..Hnroueh "' Gupvood not already Herod, appointed at the August 14 .Joseph . Miragliatta and John Garfield Department and Exempt Firemen's. THREE "R*s* man was the bridegroom's brother,. and-son—of—Second; avenu^ have by Patrolman Wfulfor«J, and Edward registered • in "*snltl Horoifc . . jn'ccting of 'Council, in the work of Thomas McCaskill. .hiun-' and Mrs,,^oipK.Btoriss-....Mfs.. I the -Council's unanimous Three'fire hydrantsrat Washings Association will hold an outing Pension Fund. Six Board employ ).iw« of New iqnuni eovernlnis permanent Salvatore. Lucca of Jamestown, returned from a week's vacation homas Norton,•president, pm- Shelley WiBi*rs J r that'no morc,.Ihrid be do- H. McCaine of Union j&id:$|0 and ees are affected; it was said. rottUtrallnn 'may reelnter with the Hor tiarding the sai&rty of, children,. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ring of ton. and,,. North Twenty-foorth Saturday at the New Jersey State N. ¥. at the shore. u .flie VFW post, since he costs, charged by Patrolman Rob- On advice of Borough Ta^c Col • ciciU -at -Xiu -.util- liimninU-at-Citr. receptionTotlbwed n '..•iiWHW ..jmtynimcfl- the He Raw All The street, Jefferson avenue; 400 feet Firemen'Fi' s HHome; in All .HEAP- -Your: Shati|migiMrgl at- his office Mr. and Mrs.'.Albert Regal and birth of a son, Jbhn Marcus, on •tie- Business.. property", re-. irom iyucniEan-- -avenue, ana at lectut •" W Gr Anuefson';" bciiird' in itoretigh Hall ic expected to place the men atvnrian Ro'pm, Elizabeth, .after ^ll Save :A% :Ty . . - .' Ciarwb'titl. N. J. SpcorrJl, avenue and WalRutAstreet,- family of Fourth avenue and Mr,August 25, at Overlook hospital Topic o be sold, and a playground Twenty-third street. and Monroe ert Petraiw of Raselle Park, stop- their families are invited to at* lit any tlms1 brtwcvn WeUBS, -¥&!., Jlnyppr proclaityied Saturday", "LoorrTripodi reported no (Ire calls Cars will leave from the flre- NOTICE ' tllO P. M- on'"Si"'pti'wbrr 'JO, 2*. 2R, an .mid A graduate of Garwood Schools, on a picnte at Roosevelt Park, Me- GAEWOOD «,the Re!an From Planet X" ber'29b' , as ,sp6ft6 - and no fire loss during August. house at 11 a. m., rain or shine. Notice 1ST hereby given that the Sor- Jonathan Dayton Regional High tuchen. -••• —- '.....'. Tougher, pastor-, wiflspfiak'Oa "Tlhe Doris l>ay, Gordon oush of Kenilworth, on the 2Sth day at " will be clowd .'until attcr the fnith- ^ocust avenue. - ceiving congratulation^ on the Chief Leon Tripodi and William September, 16SJ. at 8 P. M. : . NOtlCK bo installed and operating by next Elizabeth, their first child, on Aug- KENILWORTH — Kenilworth committee. erty as said property is not netded for U hereby.given that the District election bride is a member of the hospital avenue,-recently' enjoyed.a week- t the PresbyteriaH Chiareh at ll "Strangers On the Train" public use. The property Jhall be sold at week. Councilman Darroch said. ust 18 at Elizabeth General Hos- In-Technicolor Republican Ciiib. at its first meet- SUPER-QUALITY MEATS i In and'for the Ilnrmiuh of tf»r- staff. C^s ' . end In Fairneldy Conn., where they pital, Elizabeth. - '•• , m. Bible school will be held " ^»I ' ''' a public sale to the highest bidder after willrtTT-at'the plaeW herelhliitet He also requested, ^nd~wa.s grant- : Aiteiu) PBA Goiiveiitioii Public advertisement thereof. In the Mr. X-Ucca graduated from the were the guests of her unele and it 9:45a.m. " '••' '"•• •'•" •'.'"•.'"" ing of, the 1951-52 season Monday Hi, $53 to buy tires for the Borough A efaughter, Catherine Ellen, was Cranford Cltiren and Chronicle, a riews- . CK«IW\V. NOVKMllfcU >t. IBM Jamestown, N. Y,, High School and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Kalmon Toth. Choir practice will be held at 8 night in Borough Hall, offered sup- KENILWpRTrl —*" Patrolman paper clrclilatlnc In the Boroueh of Ken- V. S, PKIM£ or CHOICE BEEF t«iu-r«n the hnuVs of V':00 A;M. «ud 8:00 police car and $131 for various po- bom August 24 at Overlook Hos- Aleo Gulncss Charles Lohmann, vice-president ilworth, by two Insertions at leajt once *r Eastern Standard Time, for the is presently attending. St. Law- Mr. and Mrs. Jjshijr Nolan of 443 m. this evening al the port for celebration of'K-Day, Sep- a iu*ik, durliic two consecutive weeks, lice department supplies: pital to Mr. and Mrs, George Baker '«•• Stiir'of of conducting a rence University, .•Canton', N. Y.,Fourth avenue were honbred re- On Tuesday, a deiegattion."tmm the, tember 29, spbrisored by the, Lions. of Kenilworth-Roselte Park Local the last publication to be not more thin Boneless Sirloin Roast 98 Street Chairman -Murray re*? of 321 Beech avenue- . Kind Hearts arjd -Corom Club. Chairman of the observance 27, PBA, and Sgt. Andrew Rtis- levels .day* prior to the sale, the prem- General Election" where^ the Lucca's, plan to make cently at a family party at the Mf, and Mrs. Samuel Armstrong i iliat the nu'rchasct- furnish a surety com- SUGAR day garbage colloctions will be basic trjainin„„_ g„._-.. at th- e Naval "trainsther horse show Sunday at Bedmin- Chutch. The Yoiung Adtflt Society pany performance . bond siifltclent in IAMB ..'two-Memben of tlorough-Council-wer and watur line siiinclfnt-to cans for S- One»Cotli"Ctor-TrcaBitrcr IFiilI and on Tuesday on the North side, William Fitizsimmons, son of, Mr. paper for'their^diSve wfaidh wiBJ he tJCTCA SiiMT&hy Hmllne* »t 1 g ... I'laitifii'ld KENILWORTH serv«. said prapertica. Said scwor and III. (oHowlU(•HlUss TTSS' a list of the PollinPlg $400 to pay for removal of dan-resuming the/r«gular schedule. and Siirs. Roy Fitasjmmons of held sometime this falL. Electric; utilities, \0hlch consumed water Uut'te beinstallcd at the expense of TUNA:"" •'.3 in thi- various clpCtlol n dUttrictdUtits of the gerous : trees tvam the sidewalk If WAITIR READ! KOTfCE OF nearly 92 rnillion tons' of coal in the purcliasrf and a contract shall be " BSousH"*...' GafwondT"Gafwimdr-''''"'''"' " *Third avenue, celebrated his sec-Seaman Bado Is Home entered into, to that effect before the Roasting Quckens Del .Monte - • ' "• .' •' {JJst.rlct . - tlnrmigtv Hall, Ccnte area..Council granted him $80 for on««NANC»; ; MissLillumffarrhol // THEATRtS 1950, may use 108 million tons this delivery of the deed. ' <' Temptttti; -Etepiriacis Osscar Mayer bot Street and South Avenue. - • ond birthday yesterday with a AMD ./PRUNE JUICE 2.:..- *• 29c purchase, 'of tour additional s&hool AN ORDINANCE EstabllsHlns the Hours After Duty iirFactfie ' '• " jo Snd District—Washhluton School, Eas of EmploymftiU olf the Uniformed Mem- family party. ". Street.- ' . -''I . 7,qnc - sigiist and $30 for Jocks and Feted -M«ss liOiaa War- STRAND In pursuance of the provisions.-.of an AN ORBINANCEi Airthnrl2,ln,g The Con- • PURE. Home-Mwlc- .... • . Ci Street. .. ' •••-.. daughter, Adehe, accompanied by received thai Seaman ljjc Albert 1S3—SO- „ „... :..,;: :,..«2S0.W 'AJAX-CLEANSER ,.'.,:.,: v We •graph poles vvhtw they are not inUnion . nt Not Excecdlnc 8 Consecutive chol of 417 Oak steeet was guest Act entitled'"An Act'to ficgulate Elec» . vcyonce • »'f the Interest &t the BPEJ- 4S(—30-3!-S2L^ ™.;...r.,i,..r S52S.nO • «lt District—Stncoy Auidmotlve Um'irs In Any" One Dgy.-Nor ...v.-..'....$sso.no ' Wilson's-Extra FaJtnrv ..'STUFFED OLIVES ;.\ 4',3-oz. jar 29c', 7 ELECTION DISTRICTS » at present. -, - • • • shower held at the heese of SStes. ; 4 siiin.np of thb Vw* HMB (Itcvlsed Statutes, "Title l'll6l'OSKI> OKOINANCE NO. SSI . the STavy. During this time he was juutorr *n< Datvd: Si'iitombcr H, 1901. , , Bl«trlct 1. All this! {m'rtlqn of the tlnr years ; ago, was welcomed by all' Section 1. The huurs of -employment of ough of Garwood In and To the Heal and blue decorations with a paper uaa- cams l\ otf NeNw Jersey governingovernig permanenpat State of New Jersiiy, as follows: nugh of CJ.irwond lylnii noiith- ol the lln< Personal Property Now. Used by-The Upon completion of his furlough ROUND THE MOUNTAIN" registration may register with the Bor- ' I0«%. SELF-SEllVICK '." «f the Central.,Jlnlbioatl and ..north 0 coiiucilnien on a^visit to the meets the ttntfornietf r me*MtBLtf ie paiid PolicPolice Rnhway -Valley Joint MeetlnB.:W The brella and wishing w«IL 1. The real and .personal lr.^_ 'Department of the leh ot Ctar'ifood Seaman Badb will return to the tm , • • 1 ^^^^ -^ :0 ough Clerk of the said Boroueh ot Ken-owned by this Bbroti'uH Jointly wiUi tlie — Sntuce Avenue. •' . ing." Mr, Geis }vill spend a t&uIn the County of Union-shall not exceed nahway Valley Scweraue Autftoclty. -" ! ; Buffet refreshBaieats THt'n.. mi.—M*i. i live. ilworth at his —eariaeeutlve houru In any r wood. In the County of Unlnn anti State ford, Scotch Plains, Coloriia. B»- WALT l»IB>ItV8 vemiikg body of the Boroiich of Ken- !>iwirc Avenue. •' ."; ing -back to the 'West Coast. brovldod, •4iowevcr.' that ix\ ease of an •Japan. '••*'. '.;., . - - ' • ot-any time between Wednesday; April Sprtncfleld and WooUhildu'c. all mujsiei- will veil Hi bubllc't of Ceda iiv.St! Petersburg, Fla.' The chief ipal corporations of the State ol New at Great Lakes Naval Training ond avenue in October. Fi&ir PICTURES Vft .Boards-Ill and for the Boi'auBli.of Kerill- aaiA muriicTital corporations*., ber IS, IKg csv£rin£ Lot 2 ill Block Blue- Bonnet H California Sweet tfency. • ' Jersey and jointly contracting 'us the 1 IbO, as shown on the Konllworth Tux i lbs. for 25e S t executive is expected back Sunday Section 2. The Borough Clerk, upon the wprWwTinBft at tho plsees hereinafter tt. Pufeuunt to the provisions of Sitd N^lb. box 29c ,SEEDLE.S.S GRAPES ,.... ' . WALTIEK 1 Dahway Valley Joint Meeting, Is hereby, Station. ' plus "fARZAN'S *W] Map, opptiiirioe by the tax records to BorouEh Clerk or Monday. „.'.••' • adoption of this Ordinance PV the Moyw iiBled en : authorliii*icm conUilned' In Clispter 133. uc tiwtjcd by Frank AKirrns. The "amount Crisp Califoiui.i • . and Council, shall forwatd a certllled declared to be necessary, useful and eon--.. He is the son of Mr. and Mr^. TUEgDAV, KOVEMBEK 4 IB81 P. L.-I646. Sectlon~22, the TChalrnian at Brqolctfa'te Select Gra- Bated: February S3. 18S1. venlpnt for jhe purposcJii of The. Hahway • •.*.*• *' between the-hmn-s-ohf f 7:00 A. M.M.' anandd 8:00 required to redeem in *522.79. The prup- doz.. C5c PASCAL CEMftlY IRC. bun. I2(» copy thereof 16 the County Clerk of Union Valley i Scweraee Authority. ' heretofore Julius Halasz of Passaie. Hls^sis- the Bor,ouf!h Cnuneil and the Borough crty in Utestcd on thu rmrthnrty side of LAKGE EGGS .. _. County,' notifying such oftlecr that a vote SUKIIAV Tlllli; TI'fcSB PAM EasterEt n StandarStddd TimeTi , fof r ttheh . Clerk are hereby authorlieed snd HI retted,Vernon Avenue. BOO feet West of Mlclc Fresh Tender .cheated by parallel ordinances ol the said ter, Mrs. Yolan-.Corvele.yn, resldes el! conducting si 'Kraft-' ( iiiiiiuiiiiiiuimiiiiiiniiiiii'. is'dtfftired'upon the-question ol t'Stabllsh-' numlcipal corporations. . . v to execute on" behalf of this Dorouclii Ilian Avenue Und is 25 feet In width by .. 2 3-07.. tika. 29e ..'. •?1RIM R.._KKANS ...!: 2' lbs. for Z'tc Ing tW hours-oi empTSyment of the: uni.- at 16 Second avenue. insatlan Hit* — such deeds, bills of sail!, and other in- inn feet In depth. • (nrmedVmcmbors o! the'paid Police tte^ 2.- Pursuant to the provisions of and General Election strimYcntH 'as way be nci'CKsary or exjied- authorization contained In Chapter . S;I8. OF THE! s space callslninstead of imit to transfer, nsRlun iind convey the 2. Tax sale ccrtifleate dnteJ.Jtine 20. partiueBt. of thj»' Borouflh ol Garwood P. L. 1046, Section 22, the Mayor and the to vale upon ean^idtttes for. the {ailewlne 1B:11, covering Lnt I In Olmrli ISO. us. In tlie County M Union, as provided for - malang one right after another. Y1ce«: . Interest of this Bftvoilgh In the Scwacu 7 FROZEN FOODS Boi'oitBh' Clerk are hereby authori2cd~sncl N ATUNTIC CITY GIRLS'UNDEH 21" One State Senator { the General Assembly by- ChnrU'n Helwtu. The nrnoiint re- OKAXGE r lots to be/Used upon the votljiu mnchlncM miCh, siiclsiict deedadeed,, bills of sale,, and other GARWOOD.'— Patrolniun Jafrnes (Pull .Termi. owned by the' uald iiumlcipal .coi'itorii- ..... €-02. can. >J«,_L Rt'nlGold LKSkONADK fi-oz. t;ai^ iinstrument s us .iiiiiy "tie-jsccessaryti - or' ex- One Goimty Clerk 'S0ctlon. ».» •T Thh e hoiirs of employment llahway Valley Joint Meeting to sald'.Thc olentTAs^oQatron Monday,r Tuesday tfaere'l %O much to «r»|6V •EuUL*«"BJ»- - .?_ .5Uic_Jtzihway aUcx SuucAuUily 10:10. eoverlni! l.ut-10—in B! 1051, between lit'uiiim by the tax records to be owned tastanlCO^EE 10S1. onl!> If approved by-a majority of :i. The decdi. hills of »ala, or ether terey, Asbury Park. - o spociooi beseK with cur. ptU in an emergency. You'll find Borough of Kenilworth: the aforenailied municipalities. by p. I.miL'c. The amount ruqnlre^ to WELCH'S ClffiRRY LADE JAM the lefial voters of the municipality, vot- ;ni.lriiments autKtirlzed hereby shall bo vote entfonee ... . delieieus First District—Klre House, Washington A' This ordinance, shall take effect rt-dcein Is S50:i.-ll. The property t» loealed «T!Jir at Keg. Vrite ing upon the question herein referred to made wltliout consideratton as between StAlfl 8 'fiCNttAV—»' that others will gladly do the Avenue. Iminedliiti-ly upnn publlciitlon nllrr limit on the easterly side of North 21st Streo.t With thi& I'urtliasp of One Jar Welch's 49* ul the General Election to. bo held on The JJnhwny Valley Seweraee Authority •neob . . CLIFtON Seeond District — Harding School. iiiissnct us provided.-by law. 125 feet North nf Monrnc Avenue and is Scetllcss Blackberry Jam for Only .November fl, IBS I. ', mcl this Borough,-except as stated In tite & «*fl| Oc*dn Wotef in same for you! Boulevard. -, 2i feet In width by 100 feet in depth. roe tut C Beg. *S*otloji^4. AU^vrdinanceii imd parts ol mreeinent dated August R. 1951 iR-tween Third Olstrlet - — MeKlnley School. fibtlt* ' FULL 1 Lb. JARS..'.jff%C nwiiYi—PpfrrMnynnUBtfHt herewith nrc here- iho aforenamed munlt'l|$alitle§. - ' botki. WKy not bring th* Boulevard. ' All of the above tax »ale certificates will ••te toady,, fer o visit? RINGS THB.- Public Notice Is Iterehy Given thit the lie kokl subject to IDS! taxes and to all FK1CE OF 54 Price FOR ONLY ' T"*7 Hy rcPealtydTuiul lnj« ordinance ttliuTT talnv : 4 Thl'Si%frt hM tk Courteous folks hang up iESCttll-TION 'Or ROIiNnAltlES OF fnrceoint! Ordinance was introduced at a future iiuinlclpul assciwmeiita for sewer tifoct on and nftcr December 31, 1951,' pro- inint vrul Election to be held on'JJoveniber 8, ' the toreaolne erdliumee waa introduced District J. Al) that iwrllon ot the cmati;fri^for..,.flnkl,. gum8<8_tey —one thatfpays big dividenda— .— <-KnwllwiiHh-htliigtiDgtm£.T.i en Urn bidder, tubject ta coiillrmatlon WALTER S, MeM'iNtltl, it another regular w*tlnB or «uld Mayor 'vxai of the center line of Rimlh Twcn- SJth d:iy of September, IBfll. At Jtlfili ytc iipverruBi body pf the Boroush u. V. SJ Pat. O1Y. by Bornush CUfk, \ni Council at (he - Municipal Bulldiitg. BEAl ty^trst Street and Oranee Avenue. . time «nd "plac-e; or at tuiy tUVie tad ii o/. K»allworU) M U* oeift regular meet. larwood. New 3*r**»',"BBr'7 .. "~r DIHrlct 3. AH tliat portion of the Bor- to which such meetljiK nuy he •djour tag. Whlc-b will be insinedWely after Btofk Lane PARKING SPACE at Yonr Service ..'.:. or visit today your ... - - r STAGE ou«lflf"t"iCAlH\i'^bliiotiCctAlwoH\ibeliii ioulh ef ththeetltill tticrtoiii S 'lilereiUd WiU h« (|VCO th Hi*. s»W nal* "wlil be^wade Tiur-r : TUESDAy. SEPTEMBER 25, DEAN JERSEY BILL l t bid iiiM UBiM8B.r*iies.. Wed., Sat,, 8 A. Si. to 6 P. »|. •.- -'- ~ - The fnr»iioine ordlnanee was *ttot>Ud at 8:3fl 6*e!aekJ»~-&L., center line of Keriilworth BBoUleV.rd d andd uptkirtuulty to ' ta the oroviiloiis ol H. S. S4:5-ll4 2 TOUTS, and Fri.v8 A. M-. tu'9-P.-SI. on the llth • September, 1831, (BavllBht Savhitf Tljnei COMPANY *a»t ot-ih. center lino of South TWeijty- Qdl qqi '' . SINGER SEWING CENTER WALTEIt S. MeMANOS. °tinf Street and drantte Avenue. By Or.dir ef tHar 'Coven 488 WAL¥EH S. MeMANUS. PHILIP J. MeSEVSA, >HIUP J. PHILIP J. McGEVNA.'s )ULEVARD (Bet.19tU &, 20th) ^ "KENILWORTH •-•••.• • jssrixsi sirnKtr "- .'M'^ysh Clertt ° Bh Cletk. , .. Borough •Clerk- Borough .Clerk, .Kentlworth, N. J. t itl i M 111 ti 11| — , Bor,su£h Clerk. J^ GROCERS . ftuticl: September'11, J651, " """• Dated: February S3, 1881. • Dated: September II. 1951. Dated:' September 11, 1931. 6-SO "fHE- CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, lflpl ducted the meeting, which 35 at-Chinaware Exhibit Mrs. Botts Recovering Dr. -Best at M«*«'iiw,, Carol-Lee Kiddie Shop tended as fall Activity was re- /Mrs. Hugh F. Botts of 189 North Supervising Pimdpai V Rev. Herndon R. Best attended the Stale L1 Tribute to Ethel B. Smith Leases New Location - surned. Draws' Large Crowdo s / avenue, east. Is reported in. good .than-.. 200 . persons-, h,ari Association Board o'f 1 ^—»^^ ^ ^ ^ IT ^ InductedrfntOr Rotqrians^Explains Cliib viewed~an~exhKit "of chinayare undergoing heat treatments for 1 1 Xorth Union avenue will move J© painting done , 16 Sttudenti s of last Thursday. Plans 'Former Supervising Principal Jractures of the hip and nghtwns etissert for th quailcr t •-»• Vocational Servict "Mrs. Wdlter W. Robinson, Jn-. as. Cranford Public Schools Kiwdnis Club suffered when she fell irom Ded the organization m ? .venue service, the second of yesterday morning at/Mrs. Rob- Friday at 10 a- m. Mrs, Botts was thrtfty in using their talents for Th^RSv7RT7j CIJEAIf KAQ8 S o her andto1^Srs7TCTBS^^ Past PresWent Harold M Wilson The show, which'ran Monday,'pjtal where si* x-cays were taken. olhersvthat we may well exclaim: lementary schools in Crar.f.orrf i Mr. and Mrs. Ned Marvin, store assistant minister of First Pres- Colored — without buttons ISfoveiiiber 6 u> at last Thursday's"luntheon meet- Tuesday and' yesterday, featured-Drd. Fletchef r Gilpm of CranforCfd "They onlv self-story " were second on thh e test. ThThe new locatiolot n iis byterian Church, was inducted as a new member of the^Kiwanis ing of the Cranford Rotary Club approximately 200 pieces- No ar- IS attending. i and ~The nv agc pc-r.son, however, As. an administrator, she" i.a>'ju>t opposite thetr-prcsent store This object stresses high ethical Club by Channing Budd, at the ticles were offered for sale at the GARWOOD C RANFORD KENILWOHTH dies his " i deeds, as the ocWK- O in counsel, loyal to id* JL; aid ^ AStc-rjUons u«re started Monday standards and the dignifying qf exhibit. / casion offers the pathway of with .1 sense of" justice nut tvc-jlj 11 Xortli Union, avenue, which- weekly luncheon^ Tuesday in theeach business and profession, the Coach and Four restaurant. Mrs. Robinson said she had no Hfc. fogge>;i;ed by petty ihiTeihiTerenct-vr . injitrly wwaas occupiep d byy Mike'i sjjelikei declared. idea so^many people would be in- JERSEY. THURSDAY f SEPTEMBER. 10 havo much George Wander, a representative 1 I There arc oiheis A precious peison! Much csnjbejsbw.' Impaip r and Jane's Jewelry. ' A vocational service skit was terested in chinaware painting I / h fdl dv i which f^t e <3i\«diniTT3artition has been of the Phoenix Mutual Life Insur- to 'd for those feudal djvs, in uhicri t e <3i\«diniTT3artition has been piesented by Peter J. Ciark, in when she lesigned^from her posi- W The> delve-into ance Company. New York, was the program, assisted by 4\c lutds of M'-'t estates otti. making J 22-foof wide of D^vifl- A tion as executive .director of Cran- toiling a-usL-k^l>, «iti*I>l..it. Mrsi Down& inmcdl protprotectee d the g , bamuel Stein and Kichjrd lJowtiell ford-and Kenilworth Girl Scouts S The WiseJ)ld Crow Sez: •[• ..- •;•:,.•-.••.••.•..•/ may finally lejch the «-tars Murray, hC traced insurance his- KMIUIS Tieeil from outside ttx*j~ A n-L>(jtr:i front tif aluminum and Anriouncement was made ^ Units in 1949 to devote her time \o • Such a character w.is Ethel ( tory to pre-BiblicaWtimeS, and bit's and umfus-ion. k j uc installedlld, sic- the club's meeting next Thursday the school. Smith! As a student, te.it hc-r. described Lloyds of London as it 1 Tops in Crane's Ford Shoiv 'iKOtli, s j to Mi. and Mrs. Marvin. will be at the Children' * Countiy d Cars. Wide Selection. crvUor and administratm. she tiM- appeared when a coffee house, The Rctford avenue woman Jhe gro.it jwakLHin^ ^.d jjjt interior will be equipped Home Mountainside. The board of opened the school two years ago Mrs. John Bueher received 18 OSarden Club, Colony Club, Village Buy Pirigry ieated her life to the cause nf yflu- .Cigars were distributed by Dr. si si» •The former Grant School build- the! the last few years, will resume fnffewd in. *^ third annual jtox^n^Le?Mningjschoolsa'tUn pnrt riovt ww# rni- rirvrty induc-- —Trenton—Both wcrc-btudeiitEjbeie. —^v^^^—^^ v-c——- i J3iirty=luto-buiMing-perniits.Jn33iiriy=iMaiJbii - \vore made by Betsy Ross Circle, Tales in Flowers." Mrs. Bueher ing on Holly street at Springfield where they wotc graduated Ethel Monday, September 24, at 3:30 p. WRSTFIKLD lord School of AaumEauca- ion Junior- College as • of last of the show room;"carrying" out the tions, it was announced this,, week ppioneif ancestors dtove\hef to- rfudlnJJ u new were Armstrong. lii, Lady Foresters' of America, at f won the tri-color award for Board of trustees of Union .Jun- avenue, leased from • the school s a ^ rru in the high school gymnasium. i cranford High School this night, Dr.. Kenneth C. MacKa/, theme df '^Mistress Mary" and her by Selective Service Boards 42 and Bell Smith was »atwl. up to th.it wauls hhe r u«all. SShhe vs a ^mtwir roonlh, according to the Mr. McFadden announced that a "recent meeting at VFW Hall. est^3Krangemewtvin-the show ior College will meet early "next ystem. forJbiLpasLninc.years by F. J. tickets for donkey baseball at Me- BirtRo was- enjoyed by "those pres- Miss Helen—Leuryrrof fc-ilUse -mailed-outUhis week-. president, atinouhced yesterday." gardeiTbf "cockle s¥e|Is' ancTpretTy 4-of-7BHEabe.th-flntl-Plainfield, re- 0^ MOTOR SALES CO., Inttu every home in the town- with her composition for "Sinbad- month tp consider ah offer to pur- ;pectively, which serve the three Union Junior'College, will-be sold in the historv of ihc- school. Seldom does mu find ;D&!cr submitted to the Town- morial Field September 2j areent antl prizes of -canned goods will instruct. These classes are Total registration should reach (Continued on page eight) at auction by the Board of Ecluca- 1 Mrs. .Charles,. Redden, diree- he Sailor." ."> , ' .': chase the . Pingry School property :ommunitics. t Every executive, whtflior in fneiid as Jearwi-tii- Arrrtstwtaji- Tqesday available at Breen's Liquor Stole, were awarded the winners. Dark sponsored by the High School PTA 450 to 506, Dr. MacKay estimat- fneiid a jdip C uy 3 in Elizabeth. A.- - C. Bernard of tion. it wns decided during an cx- bUbine« or any other oig.tm/a- wji\-Jfe.miiLtte who Jarcell y upiiti W C!fc wants, ami tin- i«y yi* were approved Tues- 319 NORTH AVE., WESTFIELD Judge's were''Mrs. Vincent Mulli- TJie college trustees have had Reynolds of Twelfth street and be taken on'the building, which failureilure. Day, an annual affair of Kiwanis, group. Several members attended PTA met yesterday at the home of I will be accepted through Because of demand, the presi- E. CALVIN SHIRE sno.s M1Rht ^follows: Josepp h ; gan, Mrs. Samuel Jtfewkirk and the offer under advisement since -Monroe avenue, and H*nry Paul has not been used for classroom On such days Ethel IU'11 Smith1' may it be La f Ethel Internationa)- < ' visitation night Monday at Iselin Mrs. Roy Tipton. first vice-presi- |er 6 by Harry W. Lawrence, dent said, advanced stenography avenUey $8,000; Mrs. Arthur Van Vechten. ' School •announced". plans Clcmnicki of 509 Boulevard. purposes by the 'school system m Smith as of other i>.iH.uit tighten j_ bc President John G. Harney con- Circle. dent, 6 Greaves Place. Irar, at Cranford High School. and advanced typing will be Aid Pupils classioom was- a haven of coin- Wc 0l Edgar avej- 2 itTaiTon^n-Person-"may - be offered atlKe'^college. - -Mr^.-Ghartes-As-Rcass-was-secoBd- Lf bo- eie w.is a seTTiitljr-thmicht" ,„ ., good I'^cT^nE^ jp«rin-- ^ ^mo; Spr e Construction •and -SChoot j^yHtrllTmrthc cnlTC\ Legion points, lind Mrs. Robert A. Low H« riant Cluldrtn Will Also underway, it wns under- following from Cranford: l^obert attorney. ' •'•'.. Deep in her mind, the teacher wan others miRht live. ttober .4, 5 and 8. A special orientation p lSa Valle, SSI Ludlow street* received honorable mention with stood,, are negotiations with the C. Bargh, 8 ROKCI- nvenuc; Joiseph * ! Board Accepted recommendation h iitl Sh believed in St^SftO; and.'T. V. Albert, 102 La- Je hour courses' from .7:30 to for frfeshmen will be' held at Be Guided to Curb [ highly spiritual. She believed in : 13 points. - Cranford-.Board of Education for G. Chinro,' 106 Raritnn road; Gal- of the lone range planning com- old truth's, some of which we have •ifayelic. SM,O0b. Also- approved til! include: totiques, astron- 11:10 Jhis Kiorning.at which stu- the purchase of Grant, School to dents will hftar talks hy Dr. M^c^ Installation In horticultural classes, Mrs-JVi. By Urban Employes braith M Crump, 725 Lindgrt place; mittec, headed by John H. 1 «.irily forgotten;- So skillfully did "TlWfnas DjnCnrio was second wfiff where tTuf college has been locatect she weave th,e old with the new ; Kenneth Iversen, guid-' y ngal4sr -7 - Holly street; lock, to sell the aged structure. sWalter P. Sen Itiue, public speaking 1^social 12 points. John Lightcap, and Urban Bus Company of Clark for the past nine years. "The school : that we recalled the Greek 'motto anqe "director, Hetman Bielefeld, and John F. Olson, 121 Sputh Un- Long range planning committee Ing I, Spanish. 1, and-typing L Rickie Wilson took" first prizes and has agreed- to carry school children trustees this week .announced that ion avenue. . «£•? Can: eompany, in education: "Harmony in all from American vsrerans* advisor, and Ernie Shire Installed As has been studying methods of Lsts from 8:3tf to 9:30 will Marilyn Powers second in the ar- from the Berlarit section to thethe building will be offered for sale: 1 . Batjl.iraore; 5.W Melofchile, basketball coach. Departing at the same time vyill either utilizing or disposing of the Hillside, -tO'Vithe . Baltimore, aut, Ircneh I, Know your state, law Post 212 Commander; rangement. class . illustrating the sidewalk at the traffic circle "in that u diplomat jilan.t, where lit? -will be asststanti- Army Enlisted Reserves Gorps, MrfBeraard stated that theJru be, these two Garwood .mem: Ben- school for-several months.- At the We t Ii«*a(iisBoii«l Drive EG laymaiij .ngusic, appreciation, title o'f-n nuvsery rhyme, open only Raritan road, and have its drivers ; which is organizing a unit.at the" tecs, arc anjcibu? for the college .niey>^limonti, 329 Hemlock ave- August 21 meeting of the board, by whatever school or^prbfession Wallaiun A.'.; Palmatier 16 Inao'ship,".social- dancing |I, Auxiliary Also Inducts to children. . , .conduct them across to the.eastern Mr, and Mrs. Walter iollege, will, have a meeting for to own its facilities as soon as pdst- nue, and Jdseph A. MallozzI, 819 theycomtnittcc reported that it saw granted, is a recoghHion-^f -work •Partaway-Village- has been named . E. Calvin Shire • of 29 Adams side of the, street if no special or Ish" II. typing II,-..iindefstand- at i:4l) p. rn. i'nnsmuch. as. it will-fur-thtti- €ttt lour possible uses TO which- the -only—pirtly--"c"omplqtecl—Alwnys chairman of a one-day hildren and-volley baTTT installed.as rhvyimrindfir regular'patrolman is put on duty rimproye-the—instltut-tonjaz ~ 1 coult^bo put. drive for Vad om>i>oui;el.; 71T clubs, in' the Invitation Group; M7 L. Talliiftsi'ro, chairman ing rating. thcr study.and -training. Central Lines officers Legion, Saturday night at installa- r of the transportation committee Possibilities listed, by Mr. ^fc- As supervisor of the elementary •Loss of a are: Fix-it-yourself, French Mountainside Gordon Club, F!ora- ^ It was understood from an au- pin, containing nine pearts.1 was Next Thursday, Sep- Itir community,, photography, tion ceremonies in the Casino. Mrs. phile Garden Club, Sunny Acres told Boar'd "of Education .Tuesday thoritative source that should.the 8-11 Club Cliiitock and his committee wore: nf Crnnford. Ethel'.TBctl : reported Tt° ••police ivioti«tay g —ind wdtihg for -Reed' of "S08 Nuitli "rrrghf; : :—:—T; • ,- ••'• college be able to acquire_Grant ±z offices. 2. oflicea Smith was •probably one of the rlled-as 1 and classrooms, 3. sale, 4. use by est in the State. On a State honor noon by Mrs.- El D. Stanley off 316 SeUpDy -for- all JCL._em- . Mr. Taliaferro said that Vincent School at a "reasonwbie" figure , CHANGE j nncl one-half hour periods list of'auxiliary Sarnowski, former adtnin^istrative they would prefer tin improve the Celebrates Stft Board' of Education or as a muni- joll of helpful supervisors, she Casino avenue. The rep«rtcd lass ptoyes through the nayroll savings cipal,. Building. . ' was discovered at 8 a. tti. Dloitday* p!asi. The loc^l resident is afflll-, 7:30 tp 9 p.m. will be'devoted oWicers also* installed. Lions District assistant, ho\w Lincoln-Sherman structure, arid remain jn Iheir pres- might well have led thersest. How Idea of renovation was ruled out apt was the expression of'.n«former Mrs. Stanley told police, vvfco sent alfd with, the Brotherhood of Rail? lowers in hom^-decorat.ion, In €ourt Mr, Shire, who succeeds Harold schools principal, had contacted the ent location until such time as they out a teletype .alarm. '.•" Way Clerks.' • . . >'••':•' .. ',• fingl>^L reading and wood- Ringle, is a veteran of World 'War bus company and gotten the cbm- could build their own campus. by* the committee because, of the -teachogf—now—a—pgimiir*;ilt •'Mrs'. pngand flnMing, while the" II. He previously served .the post word that it would perform The college, which • presently Celebrating its (Ifth anniversary age of the. buildjog* -expense in- volved, Jand location nenr the cen _ THE DRESS AND JACKET courses will be offered as—vice-commander—and -finance: i pays'-$500ra year-rental for Grant this autumn is the 8-11 Club which r terof Hie township^iKliere further,. j-9 to.10:30 prn.: BaoKkeeip- Plaintiffs, ileteiitlauts offlcbr. SupervisinK Principal Howard R. School, purchased the old Nrima- «dUl4ujlci-4ts- flj«t-meotins--of—It Iflowers in home ^coration, i <% Installed ..with Commander Shire Best safd the bus its a regular 8 a. m; hegart Golf Club tract on Spring- i • " • • v cs are un-necaed.- •••• ... • •'.- • —'' :• • ••-.:!. flo Expect«?«l to Conclude nexv season tonight at the home of lr and m'etatcraft a speed- were: Vice-commanders, William Wendell H. Woodside of Summit, public vehicle. He said the com- Held avenue, .Apposite. Nomahegan Committce also decided- against • ' . •».,'• Mrs. Earl_ Willauer, 11 Indian ...'•• - • * Poorman, William Herzog, Jr., and governor of district 16-E, Lions pany told him it had experimented Park,, some time ago as a site for movirig school ofYkes Into Grant lour reading. Testimony Late Today .Stirinjt-Rpad. rasmi Stimony is expected to^ be 3^rr International, will pay an official With a specjartrip, but fmnVcTthlff Tts^neW campus, ScRooTTSuch a course was consid- Origlniilly started as a social m\i he required for ceramics minus the uiattli- purchase the area for: a factory, understopd. " • . llems;" Public Works Com- at installation of post officers. & biis from B'eviano.Bus Company of Mrs, E; A.;^.oyen,^ndViser of the,ages were'sent abroad to families ing jacket, it's a smart, toner E. O, Stanley, "Duties was named as a defendant origi- Emily • Byrnes, county • auxiliary Linden. He said the action was in devastated European countries. A"new fee schedule for rentaiU'of nally but is now put of the case. Junior Wdmen'q Club, Viliace! 1m- school buildings to outside .organic MAKES A DELIGHTFt)L Aiibj " Members of the duo have nav- ge E. Osterheldt,", "Coinpari- over installation of auxiliary lea is week. to biiild in tfhion. •, at a picnic supper at her'hqmei 215 lar session, Mininiui.n rate .was "in-. 7 VEARS OLD LONG equally at ease "Before of Cranlord* with . Other. ers. ' . ,.' Miln street,, last Wednesday nrgl .Nations (lag and in a first, aid class, : The plaintiffs, represented by creased from'$3.50.,.to $5 for. rental hs;" Fire. Commissioner Clarr Alsp • present at the ceremonies for- members of'.tho^xcciitivc board aqd have heard guest speakers on- A TERRIFIC VALUE 1 Waiter E; Cooper, own property in' Welcome of all school roorn$ excepting the WHITE OR GOU> LABEL Five" and *'After Five," rFritz, "Long Range Plans for were William Fbley, past depart- of the club. * ••.'•"• subjects ranging from home "and 1 the vicinity of the tract they yalue high school auditorium and gym» [Township arid Functions and ment ' commander; Joseph Car'ty Club Members Miss Suzanne Lomench, presi? child enre to local and stbte gov- Five covered buttons close at more than $100,000. They claim iiasiuni, which were raised from $7 ' ns of the Eire Department;" department executive committee ' Fifteen members wei-e welcomed dent, presided at" .thq' regular ernment. •rill there were a number ,pf procedural 0 to $10. |e__Comrn issiqner., )Erank T. American' Legion; AlSimfnons,.de- to the Newcomers Club last Wed- monthly rneeting:,th,at_folowed_.the Past'presidents are Mrs . Wilfred Jhe jacket, and there's a-_| legal defects in. the .ordinance and : >v-"A-Frcs)pmn Looks' at; the partment officer, American "Legion nesday, at an.'olocuon - and white supper, in which programs for the O.' Taff, Mrs. John, Laudenberger, Burton -~e.:-Beklen, publicity - 1 its method of advertisement, ajid rhinestone button oil the- i Department;" Finance Com CbaVies Becker, department cbm- eleplhant auction in the Casino. year werfc distributed tq^ committee Mrs. William S. Craft, Mrs. George chairman, snidi the new rates en- !°-?er Fred P, Andersen, '.'Thi U contend the committee's ac- -mand^er. Veterans of Foyetgn Wars, able the trustees, tq^come closer tb._, [- ,—They, are: Mrs. Neal Herndon, chairmen,-" • . ... . -''- (" Keith leivahd Mrs. Robert A. Leary. diagonal tab "of each" and Government;" Towft- tion was "unreasonable." * and Richard, Neyenv CljcLde Garc, Mrs. Charles A. Campbellis the meeting, costs of ic-o^iening:" the.-,.* :< Mrs. Albert Tomasso, Mrs. Ken- iT-o fill, two vacancies on thc'.esc^ •\\\>rl pocket Remove the Jacket . Attorney. C.' H. 'Warsinski, Mr. Cooper told Judge Cleary the Union .County Vcfyturd; 40 and. 8 neth White, Mrs. Robert Roth, Mrs. ccuu've ^cjimmittcc^ the- prSsitleht •ejirVerit president With Mrs': F [^ IV lies of JfronloE fioard, and zone was changed at the behest of And, Larry May, junior, past Chesty p. Fjscher, Mrs. Robert rest H. Blanding as vice-president, PTA and other 'school organiza- " AUSTIN NICHOLS KING 1 made two temporary appointments and you reveal a, simply* :is o£ Citizens;' B(. W-JFischi the VHjson firm,, "a total stranger county commander, American LC- ,"-" W.< Hi WOOfiTSlDE K. Beery, Mrs;. William-S. Barn- to the offices of vice-president and Mrs. George Berry, corresponding lions styi get use of buildings rent •; IMPOR1 BLENDED fman of the Planning Hoard, secretary; Mrs. William !.T.' Knox, styled, but chic, dress with -..- in-Crajnlordi" which merely had ,}jion; Richard Dowell, ' district vice program of the Lions. Th6 hart, Mrs. Francis Dergin, Mrs. corresponding secretary. tree, he said.: Groups sponsering••' be Plaiining, Board""Means" an option to buy the property, "The coitimander, Veteraris'of Foreign Cranfard club is an active member Charles N. Eckhardt,.Mrs. Theq- It was announced that the first recording secretary, and, Mrs. E. non-'pi'oflt_ public -functions are ; ; ;"'*,•; __ uleeVesjpd .a kick Nr•Community;" H. Vt. dacob-- (Continued on page eight) (Continued on; page- eight) of thtf Lions' intcrnatiOH-a^- One of, "dore Jacob, Mrs, George X. Abdo, general meeting of 'the organiza Allen Tice, treasurer. ". . eharg"cd"li low rate and those' hold-' i [chainnan of the Recreation the '-outstanding aptivitics of theI MrsTTranklin Plant, %Jrs. Howard tion was tp. bo held yesterday .at Among programs planned, for ing a purely profit affair are charg- "'if]'1! njttee. "Recreation. Present m lileat in back, 0f 100^ O'Leary^J^Irg pd according to a higher scale.,' BLENDED WHISKEY" 1 Cranford club is aid to th^e blindt jme of Miss Alice Buck, 11 this year are "Development of the^ fi .Future; *-and Mrs, Hazel and sight conservation.' ° and Mrs. Stephen Palasinskir Mansion terrace. One of the topYounger Child" by Dr. Ruth Boyle, — Supervisinf! Principal Hovvarc! R. .; wool in purple, black and tensen, librarian, Ci-anford ONEOF THE TO? BRANDS Wednesday Club: to Begin Mrs. Ira Kerzman, new prcsi- pieces'of businet;s to be discussed psychologist of jthe Summit School cst, in -his annual report, said the A GOO0 MIXER |ic . Library, "The Library's Gbverhor Woodside .heads 31 1 1 deiit, held the first boa.rdjjf. direc- was. tb be-a proposal to change the System; "Ncw^".Books", by"-Mrs! n OF royal blue. Sizes 12 to •in Our Community." clubs- of the district in Unioji and pHysjcsycqur'se' ' the" high school; FOR REASONABLE 61st Year on Oetohet 3 Essejfc cquntics. He is-a.nbvyspaper tors meptirig yesterday in' hername ol - the. club to trie~ilunioi' Hazel llaagensen of the Cranford novy given in the junior year, may IS. P.S, Wear the drese \M\ -Schjiol is • sponsored. editor- and director of" journalism home, 229 Columbia avenue. •viA. ••.-••• .•."•• _ .. Public^Library; a cancer film. be Vnad.c a senior subject at some, ft Ci-anford Community €oun- nr 7 with a contrasting stole ; j "The Wednesday Morning Club as progVam consultant. A •at Summit High School. "He is past '•ABC'(S, of "Flower AirancemeiVr future date," ....• —-r^~ .^ fith the cooperation of theWill Open its sixty-first year with Christmas gift .wrapping dem. president, of the Summit Lions, by M/s.' M. Thomas DiCarlo;' and Chemistry, now a senior course, Id of Education. It is a non- and wear the jacket with a philanthropic breakfast at 9:30stration.and contest will feature a is a senior master- Key Lion and the annual party for members and would -be given in the junior year. mm a. m. Wednesday. October S, in meeting December 12 at the home Colgny Club Presmits Season their husbands; closing the season edited and published for six years Dr. Best said the change wbuld con- another dress oi?skkt» and Trinity parish house, it was an-of Mrs. Ira Stone -with Frnntef the District Lions newspaper. with a childrcn'spicnic. form to gsntiVal -pr-icticc, since.. Wmmcr as guest speaker. On the you have two more outfits! «<•'« Clinic Oct. nounced this week by Mrs. Edward Program at First Meeting Mrs. Leary and Mrs. Kcithler physics rcqifirds-motc.nifltlveinatieiS • C. Earhart, president. A musical following Wednesday, the d(ub will are.co-hostcsscs for tonight's gen- than most students kno\V in- their P»jg Vaccination "program, under direction of Mrs. have o Christmas party at the The Coloiiy'Club of Cranford from the Charity Bull made it pos- eral business .meeting. junior yedr.r. . •" — We.&fe Agents Forjtellows Whiskies third annual rabies clinic C. G. Culiri, Jr., and Mrs. Roy F. home of Mrs. J. F. Burnash. Veterans Cttnunillee presented their season program at sible to distribute 3,840 containers Rich'atd: J. ]Kaul, president; "pro-• f c held -ii^om—©etobei>- 1 Hammond, will be presented at the The club will start the new year its opening meeting last Thursday of fffiflrin the Crnnford public and Charles'J. Ehmling*Bf Cranford. sided. . '«..' • '•.-.. ' MMWM DRESS CIRCLE, l"Bh • QctohtT 5 in the public meeting. ' • on January""© with a talk on "Musi- evening, in* Veterans Memorial Parochial" schools. ' GOP Card Party has been -appointed by County " buiklina, 12 South avenue cal Therapy", by Norris 'Birnbaum Home, South Avenue. Mis. Thomas A card party, opening the cur- ". SECOND FLOOR - Departmental programs will be Chairman' Horace E, Baker • of Mrs.. Montgomery has been ap- sponsorship, of' thefcatured-^t the weekly meetings director.of music, Lyons Veterans Campbell, president, presided. pointed chairman for the evening rent season of the Cranford Wom- To Barricade Miln ' Health, it was announced Hospital, with Mrs. F. Mayer as Wcstficld, to head the veterans en's Republican Club, .will be held When It Comes To COLD held in the library. A Citizenship committee- of tha- Union County Mrs. Anthony Stein, Mrs.-'Low- fashion show.and bridge-on'March Street at Noon Hour J I week by Health Officer'Wil Institute Report will be presented nrocram- consulteftfe^s31be niusic rie, MontRomery, Mrs. Frank 20, and a spring dunce with Mrs. tomorrow at 1:30 £. m. in Koos Miln street between Alden street '%m Jp.'Smith. ' committee will present the program Republican, Committee", it is an- Bro.sJ, Rahway. Mrs" Walter Rueii- by Martha Berry on October -10 nounced today. 4 Cooper and Mrs. H. M. Staigcr, Jr. Charles Stevens as chairman will and 'Sprinctlcld avenue will be. BEER, We've GOT IT! }** will be vaccinated with- with Mrs. Jacob Stanley in charge forthe JanUjU-y 16 meeting at the were hostesses. Mrs. Edward Rath- take'place on May 10. ~ ger, chairman, will be assisted by blocked1 off to traffic each school, '-'Lin&u.vo. a^il-p. m. .of the £>aael-discuss ion. "Tjrcnds in home of Mrs. E. G. Frank. Jerome Cranford jnen ' serving^ on chairman : of the evening pro-? Annual banquet.- June 5. will Mrs, R,fiy..Puck,eyl Mrs. Arthur Nel- day- from. 1$ o'clock- jiooa to- 12r45- TWO^ BEFR1GERATIN€ PLANTS TO SlJIBi*Oi VOIJU I'-day period fey Dr Books" will be discussed by Mrs.- Wisi; will speak on "Gems and Ehml'ing's" committee, arc H. m, introduced the guest spcaki close the Colony Club season. Mrs. son, Mrs. A. J. Wicr, Mrs. William p. m. to give maximum safety dur- UovL-nViin, Linden vcter> Hazel Haagensen, local librarian, Jewels" at a philanthropic tea onGlovier, Stanley F. Grayson und "MissTftartha L. Cox. • Her topic, Alfred Frigoln has been named the J. Smith, Mrs. W. J. Reich, Mrs. ing the luncheon period to.childrcn January 23 at the home of Mrs. E. Charles Christian. 1 John M. Ellerns and Mrs. George fon. aici«i bj. two represeilta. at the November " meeting with "Menus in Party Dress," was il- jjeneral chairman. of Cleveland School and St. Mich- NEEDS —-DAY OR NIGHT — WITH A CAPACITY ' ot 'hi1 Si.,,0 Rabies Contro rs^ J. ;L.. GradyServing.as pro- J. Rommcs. ^ ' •••'... Harcy V. Osborn and Mrs. Mary lustrated'with colored "slides. October 11. will be the next reg- W.' Lawrence. DooV ;ind table lid's parochial school, it was an- Itpri"." ; '11C1S havc been rer gram.- consultant. ' Mrs. C. E. ISfmcfoh IVrid Mrs Jane Glovier wore chosen us mem- Mru. John Banker, membership ular club mee'ting. Mrs. Ogden B. prizes will be awarded. nounced this week by Police Chief' OF 200 CASES REALLY COUK h He ,b"n« their, dogs, with Anthony Terryjino, a member of Henry- Gruber will review a play bers of the speakers* committee. chairman, welcomed Mrs.- Summer Hewitt will be (speaker. Her" to~plc William'A; Fischer.- • . ^v llse ta s and opera * at the February Thomas Albans, Mrs. Glovier, Mr. Swcetser, Mrs. Robert Bannon, will be "Womert~A>broad," as ob- , fi' R and on a leash the high school faculty, will speak In Toilay's The an'aiiKemenJ was/worked n : v bu sccurel on Latin American literature, on meeting with Mrs. P, E. Snydcr as Christian, 'Miss .Marion Jones and Mrs. Frank jymmerman and Mrs. served on the General Federation out- following a conference with Dr. ith on- ' '" y held. iJj ial ln n November H, A, uhilanthropic tea program consultant. The drama Miss Doris C. Johnson are rnem- J. W. Hanson as new club mem- Good\viir row &f Europe, Mrs. Amusements H. R. Best, supervising principal • «-i>«, the > '' ^ ^ pointed-ou '•» . •" '•• the .bers of• the-.public...mwjin^ cpm.-. 1JHo^.,SiUiir^ajL P Qn ilv c February "13 program, and a mittee. Church '...... 16 • Ojiea Thursday |lcc'ii , ^' '-an'ord since Methodist Church educational Afall thrift sale October. 19 and of the program. director of St. Michael's School. anthropic tea is planned for Febru- Classifieds ... 20 Nighte 'Ui 9 F'^arl10"1'"'11 was 'na«K«rated building with Chester W. Wil- 20 will be the first project. Mrs. Other programs during the year Cleveland School ^dismisses fop liams, chairman of the history de- ary 20 at the homo of Mrs. L. Ho! Price Change Arthur Bl.ddlc has been appointed include: Editorials . ... 10 noon recess \at ^11 :SB a. m, and -ro^ • • Qther Days pratment. Blair Academy, as guest royd. A-representative of the John the chairman. ' A"- .discussion of the Crnnford Oarwontl News 2. 84- convenes at 12:50 p. m. The Rcriort— i«.i. c:oi iti.i co speaker. His topic will be "TheRobert Powers School will speak In a price" change'received after The second annual Charity Ball School by a member of the Crun- In Itetroiipeet ... 10 prior to'the time tlio .-!_ 9i30 to ,S:30 . Wer!H"Situiition." ' "on" 'SEvcry -"Woman a Model their advertisement "was! 'printed,' will bo one of the major events on forcl School System on Noyciri.bcr'8; Keuilworth Mews ...... 33 placed and after they "are, removed. FREE DEIJVERV 'Sign Language of Our Beliefs^ Charm," L „ i^lL____L_. the price of Broadlbomjn.the Koos the. club calendar, tO-bo-held at the Mrs.. Montfionicry chairman. New Jersey Poll*,,,,,',' ... 10 \yill provide ample time 'for "those A numtoi ... 6 their canines will be the topic of Mrs. IrS. Cum- Mrs. Wayne Witte will .review i\ Bros, advertisement on pace I) was Eij/.abeth Cnrteret' Hotel, Decem- A Christmas party and rccep Obituaries .. parents who desire fo enter Miln 104••WALNUT AVE." CKanfonl (>-2192 3, 4 street and pick up and discharge., by thei miiigs at the Dei-ember 5 business travel book at the March ajaec chanced from S8.8& .per "square ber 1. Mrs.- William Tromctter is tion for new member^ wv Dccem- Society : ;:;H»;S!»:!»Hn(5U!:l»!!»li::!:":;:H;»:::!::?:n::!!!!!:^ meeting'with Mrs. A. II. Francis . \ConYmueil on page eight,) yard to $7.99 per square yard. chairman. Last year, proceeds . fCoittinued OH page' h Sports ... 19 pupils, Chief Fischer stated. rv. :

••: '•.•••-*.•..-•-;,';. •-'•'• -