Items Listed in This SECTION Are U Certified for Year-Round Use and Are Kosher for Passover EVEN Without Special Passover Certification

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Items Listed in This SECTION Are U Certified for Year-Round Use and Are Kosher for Passover EVEN Without Special Passover Certification U CERTIFIED PRoDucts THAT DO NOT REquirE U P oR U KOsher fOr PassOver 43 items listed in thIS SECTIOn are U Certified fOr year-rOund use and are kOsher fOr passOver EVEN WiThOut sPecial passOver cerTificaTion. visit www.OupassOver.Org ALumInum FoIL hAnnAford bros. rAlph’s tops CAnDLEs & PAns hEritAGE HEArth rAnCH WAGon ultrA foil MAnisChEwitZ hoME LIFE rAndAll’s urAl foil Sabbath Candles, ACME rEMArkAblE hoMEbEst vAlu tiME Memorial Candles (Glass AlbErtson’s rEAL VAluE & Tin) h-t vAluE buy AlCoA rEd & whitE MishpAChA huA fAnG vAluE ChoiCE Candles, Tea Lights AlwAys sAvE rEdi-pAn hy-top vAlu-rEy AMEriCA’s ChoiCE rEynolds osEM iGA von’s Glass Memorial Candles, AMEriCAn fArE riChfood ivEX Tin Memorial Candles, bAyviEw ritE Aid wAlGrEEns Shabbat Candles, Deluxe jEwEl Shabbat Candles, Flat bEst ChoiCE roundy’s wEGMAn’s j.w. AluMinuM Havdalah Candles, Round bEst yEt ruAl wEis quAlity Havdalah Candles kAsh n’ kArry bEstwAy rusAl ArMEnAl wEstCott rokEACh kEY FOOD Neriot Refill Candles, bEttEr vAluE rusAl sAyAnAl wEstErn fAMily kinG KULLEn Sabbath Candles, bEyond sAfEwAy whitE rosE Memorial Tumblers, kinG ZAk Yahrzeit Tumblers, bi-lo shAM roCk wholE foods krAsdAlE Tea Lights bi-ritE shAw’s MArkEt kroGEr CUB FOODS shop & sAvE winn diXiE CLEAnIng lAurA lynn PRoDuCTs dAshun shoppEr’s vAluE loftEn bAkIng soda diAMond shopritE MArkEt bAskEt ACME diAMond shoulonG ArM & HAMMEr Automatic Dishwashing MArkEt ChoiCE bilinGuAl Detergent-Gel shur sAvinGs GEfEn doMiniCk’s finEr MAXX vAluE foods shur-finE Ab MAuri AdvAnCE MEijEr Pink Pot & Pan, Rinse Aid shurfinE CEntrAl durAblE MonoGrAM AMEriCA’s ChoiCE AjAX silvEr rApids ElECt hoME Multi ChoiX Aunt pAtty’s All Purpose Cleaner-Lemon EquAlity sMith’s biX produCE Scent, Ammonia niColE hoME All Purpose Cleaner, CollECtion southErn hoME EXCEptionAl vAluE Cooks Anti-bacterial Digestant, first MArk our fAMily spECiAl vAluE Antibacterial Dishwashing dAn-d-pAk Liquid, Antibacterial food Club pArAdE sprinGfiEld dEErfiEld pArk Dishwashing Liquid w/ FOOD LION piGGly wiGGly stop & shop Baking Soda, Carpet & EMpirE spiCE Upholstery Spot & Stain frEd MEyEr brAnd prEMiER FOIL sunny sElECt Remover, Cleanser, CP finAst furr’s priCE ChoppEr supEr C Lotion Detergent, frEd’s Dishwashing Liquid, GEnuArdi’s priCE sAvEr swEEt lifE Dishwashing Liquid-Spring GiAnt EAGlE priCEritE sysCo GiAnt Flowers, Disinfectant Bowl Cleaner, Expert Good dAy pro pAk tArGEt Gfs Disinfectant Cleaner GrEAt vAluE publiX thrift pAk MonArCh Sanitizer Conc, Expert Disinfectant Cleaner GuArAntEEd vAluE rAlEy’s topCrEst tonE’s Sanitizer U/Conc, Expert 44 U CERTIFIED PRoDucts THAT DO NOT REquirE U P oR U KOsher fOr PassOver Glass & Multi-Surface CoMEt Break, Liq. Mach. Det. foodtown johnson Cleaner Conc, Expert Glass Comet Bathroom Spray, Cold Water, Liq. Mach. Heavy Duty Laundry Diversey 115020.004 & Multi-Surface Cleaner Comet Lemon Powder Dish. Comp., Liq. Pot & Detergent - Lemon Scent, Tempest Solvent-Free R/T/U, Expert Glass & Pan Comp., Liq. Soft Sour Sponges Cellulose/ Cleaner/Degreaser, Multi-Surface Cleaner Cook top Conc., Liq. Softener & Scrubber Sponge Acifoam LP VF 10L, Ultra Conc, Expert High ClEAninG CrEME Neutralizer, Liq. Ss Benefit, Cipton, Performance Degreaser Glass Ceramic Cook Top Detarnish Red, Lotion GiAnt EAGlE Command, D10 Cocontrate, Expert High Cleaner Scrubber, Sponge Scrubber, Concentrate, Defoam, Hand Soap, Lotion Soft Sponges Performance Degreaser doMEstiX Soap, Luxury Bathroom Delvak, Dioklor, Diton B, Ultra Conc, Expert Liquid Scrubber, Sponge Scrubber, Cleaner, Mop-On Stripper, GoddArd’s Dividend, Divo Flow 185, Sanitizer Cocentrate, Expert Sponges Natchlor, Neu Clean Pine, Appliance & Countertop Divosan Activ, Divosan Liquid Sanitizer Ultra Neutral Floor Cleaner, Polish, Brass & Copper Plus, Everest Three, Concentrate, Expert Meat dynAMo On-Target Laun. Det., Cleaner, Jewelry Care Kit, Ramsey FreQuency Room Degreaser Liquid Laundry Detergent, Orange Digester, Oven & Long Shine Brass & Copper Disinfectant Cleaner, Concentrate, Expert Liquid Laundry Detergent Grill Cleaner, Oven & Polish, Long Shine Silver Natrasolve Citrus Solvent No-Rinse Hard Surface w/Bleach Alternative Grill Fryalator, Oxy- Foam, Long Shine Silver Cleaner/Degreaser, Cleaner Ultra/Conc, Expert Bleach Laun. Det, Oxy Polish, Silver Dip F.A.C.-106, Foam Free, Tub & Tile Cleaner EnviroChEM Forty-Seven Plus, Grease All Purpose Cleaner - Safe Bleach, Oxygen Concentrate, Fabuloso, Destainer, Pine All 6, Pine hAGErty Beast, Interest, Kompleet, Heavy Duty Degreaser, Lemon Conc., All Purpose Oil Cleaner/Deod., Pine Chandelier Cleaner, Liqua-Safe, Liquid Dipak, Lavender & Lemon Extracts Solid, Coco Liq. Hand Soap, Liquid Dupan, Liquid Scrub, Pot & Pan Powder, Chandelier Cleaner Refill, Super Degreaser Dish- Cold Water Bleach Coppersmith’s Polish, Oxidet, Oven Brite, Phos Pot & Pan Solid, Pot & washing Liquid, Liquid Sanitizer, Cold Water Rinse Crystal Care, Dry Silver Free Acid, Plastigleam, Laundry Detergent, Additive, Conc. Cleaner - Pan Solid H/Blue, Polish, Europoean Jewelry Renew, Rotate Plus, Liquid Laundry Detergent All Purpose, Conc. Liq. Pot Powdered Laun. Sour, Bath, Flatware Silver Dip, Scrubstitute, Soak N w/Bleach Alternative, Pine & Pan Det., Conc. Rinse Powdered Oxygen Bleach, Fork Cleaner, Heavy Duty Shine, Soft Care Instant Forest All Purpose Cleaner, Additive, Conveyer Lube, Powdered Pre -Soak, Copper Polish, Jewel Hand Sanitizer, Spec Tack Quik Solv Spray Cleaner, Deep Fat Fryer Cleaner, Powdered Sour Softener, Clean, Jewel Clean G, Spectak G VC1, Super Ruby Red Grapefruit Descaler Lsr, Destainer, Power 100 Disinf. Cleaner, Concentrate, Jewelry Care Dilac VA4, Tempest Dishwashing Liquid, Drain Cleaner, Drain Zyme Power Plus Sanit. Cleaner Cloth, Jewelry Polishing Scouring Creme, Smoke Drain Cleaner, Dry Acid Iod., Purple Degreaser, Cloth, Pearl Cleaner, kEy food & Malodor Expert Ultra Descaler, Dry Chlorine Rinse Additive Red, Rinse Pewter Wash, Silver Care Heavy Duty Laundry Concentrate Bleach - Xx, Economy All-High Solids - Acids, Package, Silver Clean, Detergent - Lemon Scent, Rinse Additive, Enviro Room Refresher Conc., Silver Dip, Silver Duster, Sponges & Scrubbers bAb-o 2000, Enviroclean Floor & Room Removing Sour, Silver Foam, Silver Polish Soft Cleanser with Bleach, Wall Cleaner, Enviromatic Sani Brite Bowl Cleaner, Sponge, Silver Protection kinG kullEn Soft Cleanser with Lo Foam Conc., Envox Pot Scale & Film Remover, Strips, Silversmiths’ Cloth, Heavy Duty Laundry Lavender, Soft Cleanser & Pan Blue, Envox Pot & Silver Clean Deternish Silversmiths’ Gloves, Detergent - Lemon Scent with Lemon Pan White, F & D Wash Kl Silversmiths’ Polish, Presoak, Silver Soak New, krAsdAlE Special, Flash - F, Fluff Silver Soak Silversmiths’ Spray Polish, bErklEy & jEnsEn Fabric Softener, Fluffy Heavy Duty Laundry No Foam Pink, Silver Soak Silversmiths’ Wash, Sonic Detergent - Lemon Scent, Scrubber & Sponge Beads Banual Wash Comp, Cleaning Machine, Sonic Solid, Slo Release San, Sponges Cellulose/ Gcr Brease Carbon Jewelry Cleaner Refill, biG o Soft N San, Sparkline / Scrubber Sponge Remover, Glass Chrome Ss Stainless Steel Polish, Sponges Cleaner, H.D. Acid Rinse, Njnp1, Special M.D.C. Chlorinated, Spot Free Stainless Steel Wash, littlE brAvE H.D. Build Laun. Det., Vernax Furniture Polish biG y H.D. Built Liq. Laun. Det., Chlorinated M.D.C., Detergents, Disinfectants Scrubber, Sponge Scrubber, H.D. Chlor. L.M.D.C., Spray Buff, Spray Clean, hEritAGE brAnds Sponges Ss Polish, Ss Presoak lowEs H.D. Chlor. Mach. Dish. Heavy Duty Laundry Sponges Cellulose/ Comp., H.D. Degreaser, Destain Detarnish, Sstp Detergent - Lemon Scent CAsCAdE CoMplEtE Light Density, Sudsalot, Scrubber Sponge Automatic Dishwasher H.D. Garage & Concrete Sudsy Pot & Pan Det., hoMElifE Product Floor Cleaner, H.D. MEijEr General Cleaner Conc., Super Liq. Laun. Break, Automatic Dishwashing Scrubber, Sponge CAvAliEr ChEMiCAl H.D. Laun. Comp., H.D. Super Pine Apc, Super Detergent-Gel Scrubber, Sponges, Laundry Break, H.D. Liq. Surfactant Conc., Ultra huMMinGbird Sponges Cellulose/ Aztec Green Liquid Laun. Det., H.D. Liq. Gloss Floor Finish, Xhd Scrubber Sponge Detergent, Dishmaster Mach. Dish. Comp., Hand Laun. Det., Sponges Cellulose/ Scrubber Sponge Concentrate, Dishmaster Dish Pot & Pan Comp., Xp 40 Fuel Oil Treatment Mr. MEtAl Machine Dish Det., Hi-Alk Built Liq. Laun. hy-vEE Mr. Metal Dishmaster Plus Machine Det., Hypochlorite Solution fAb Scrubber, Sponge Scrubber, Murphy’s oil soAp Dish Det., En Garde Oven, 15%, Jardain, Laun. Bleach Liquid Laundry Detergent, Sponges Grill & Fat Fry Cleaner, - Chlorine, Laun. Det. Liquid Laundry Detergent Original Liquid Formula, Lime Scale Remover, Oven Conc., Laun. Det. Powder, w/Bleach Alternative, jEwEl Oil Soap -Spray Formula, Cleaner & Degreaser, Rage Laun. Stain & Spotter, Rainforest Liquid Laundry Automatic Dishwashing Oil Soap -Squirt & Mop Detergent/Disinfectant Laundry Starch, Liq. Det. Detergent Detergent-Gel Wood Floor Cleaner, Oil Spray Conc. M, Liq. Laun. Bleach, Soap Spray Formula with Liq. Laun. Det. Conc., Liq. fAb ultrA johnson wAX Orange Oil, Pure CodE Laun. Softener Conc., Liq. Laundry Detergent profEssionAl Vegetable Oil Soap-Soft Detergents, Disinfectants Laun. Sour, Liq. Laundry Powder Pan Clean Wipe U CERTIFIED PRoDucts THAT DO NOT REquirE U P oR U KOsher fOr PassOver 45 niAGArA Spring Sensation Dish- Fresh Scent, Cascade Gel Scrubber & Sponge, washing Liquid-Orchard Lemon Scent, Cascade Gel Scrubber Sponges, Fresh, Spring Sensation Lemon with Extra Bleach, Sponges Dishwashing Liquid-Spring Cascade Gel Orange Scent,
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