Evaluation and Description of Methodologies

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Evaluation and Description of Methodologies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able 1 Example of data recorded from LIT shown in Figure 1. ..........................................................................20 Table 2. Algal lifeform identification chart. Identify the column based on the colour of the alga and then use the information about size, shape and texture to define the relevant row. The lifeform code is shown in the cells with the grey background.....................................................................................................................21 Table 3. Algal lifeforms with representative species..............................................................................................22 Table 4. List of animal lifeform codes and associated taxa. Lifeform codes in bold type represent those which are commonly found using the LIT method. Those underlined occur frequently. ...............................................22 Table 5 - Example of data recorded from quadrat sampling. ................................................................................32 Table 6. Taxa and field codes for the quadrat sampling technique .......................................................................33 Table 7. Data table for quadrat data. ....................................................................................................................34 Table 8 - Example of data recorded from Fish census. .........................................................................................38 Table 9. Fish commonly encountered in the Adelaide metropolitan region. .........................................................39 Table 10. Fish census data table. ..........................................................................................................................40 Figure 1. Schematic view of benthos showing LIT. ...............................................................................................
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