Keratin 7 Promoter Selectively Targets Transgene Expression to Normal and Neoplastic Pancreatic Ductal Cells in Vitro and in Vivo

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Keratin 7 Promoter Selectively Targets Transgene Expression to Normal and Neoplastic Pancreatic Ductal Cells in Vitro and in Vivo The FASEB Journal • Research Communication Keratin 7 promoter selectively targets transgene expression to normal and neoplastic pancreatic ductal cells in vitro and in vivo Judit Pujal,*,1 Meritxell Huch,†,§,1 Anabel Jose´,† Ibane Abasolo,* Annie Rodolosse,*,‡ ʈ ʈ Alba Duch,*,‡ Luis Sa´nchez-Palazo´n,† Frances J. D. Smith, W. H. Irwin McLean, Cristina Fillat,†,§,2 and Francisco X. Real*,‡,¶,2 *Unitat de Biologia Cel.lular i Molecular, Institut Municipal d’Investigacio´Me`dica, Parc de Recerca Biome`dica de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; †Centre de Regulacio´ Geno`mica and ‡Departament de Cie`ncies Experimentals i de la Salut, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain; §Centro de ʈ Investigacio´n Biome´dica en Red de Enfermedades Raras, Barcelona, Spain; Epithelial Genetics Group, Division of Molecular Medicine, Colleges of Life Sciences and Medicine, Dentistry, and Nursing, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK; and ¶Programa de Patología Molecular, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncolo´gicas, Madrid, Spain ABSTRACT Keratin 7 is expressed in simple epithelia homodimers result from the tissue-specific expression but is expressed at low or undetectable levels in gastroin- of each family member, for example, K8/K18 in simple testinal epithelial cells. In the pancreas, it is present in epithelia (1, 2). Much evidence on keratin function has ductal but not in acinar cells. K7 mRNA is overexpressed come from the analysis of genetically modified mice (3, in pancreatic cancers. Here we use luciferase reporter 4) and from the study of mutations in human keratin assays to analyze the tissue-specific regulatory elements of genes, which are associated with inherited diseases, murine keratin 7 (Krt7) promoter in vitro and in vivo. All such as cryptogenic liver disease (5, 6). elements required for appropriate cell and tissue speci- K7 and K19 are expressed in a subset of simple ؊ ficity in reporter assays are present within the Krt7 234 epithelia; their function has not been well elucidated bp sequence. This fragment appears more selective to (3, 7). These polypeptides are of particular interest in pancreatic ductal cells than the Krt19 promoter. GC-rich the study of gastrointestinal and hepatic biology: K7/ sequences corresponding to putative Sp1, AP-2 binding K19 are expressed in a subset of cells in the pancreas, sites are essential for in vitro activity. Krt7-LacZ transgenic bile duct, kidney, breast, and bladder (1, 8). In the mice were generated to analyze in vivo activity. Sequences pancreas they are present in ductal and centroacinar located 1.5 or 0.25 kb upstream of the transcription cells but are absent from acinar and endocrine cells initiation site drive reporter expression to ductal, but not (8); in the liver they are restricted to the biliary acinar, cells in transgenic mice. LacZ mRNA was detected epithelium and are absent from hepatocytes (9). In in the pancreas as well as in additional epithelial tissues— general, K7 and K19 are coexpressed (8, 9); a remark- such as the intestine and the lung—using both promoter constructs. An AdK7Luc adenovirus was generated to able exception is the gastrointestinal epithelium, where assess targeting selectivity in vivo by intravenous injection K19 is present in all epithelial cells, whereas K7 is to immunocompetent mice and in a xenograft model of undetectable (1, 9). K7 is also regulated in the context pancreatic cancer. The ؊0.25 kb region showed pancreatic of differentiation in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma selectivity, high activity in pancreatic cancers, and sustained (PDAC) (10). transgene expression in xenografts. In conclusion, the krt7 The murine Krt19 promoter is suitable to drive promoter is useful to target pancreatic ductal adenocarci- transgene expression in pancreatic ductal cells as well noma cells in vitro and in vivo.—Pujal, J., Huch, M., Jose´, A., as in other tissues (11, 12), and it has been used to Abasolo, I., Rodolosse, A., Duch, A., Sa´nchez-Palazo´n, L., develop novel animal models of PDAC (13). By con- Smith, F. J. D., McLean, W. H. I., Fillat, C., Real, F. X. trast, the promoter of the gene coding for K7 has not Keratin 7 promoter selectively targets transgene expression to normal and neoplastic pancreatic ductal cells in vitro and 1 in vivo. FASEB J. 23, 1366–1375 (2009) These authors contributed equally to this work. 2 Correspondence: F.X.R., Programa de Patología Molecu- lar, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncolo´gicas, Calle Key Words: cytokeratins ⅐ adenovirus ⅐ cystic fibrosis ⅐ biolu- Melchor Ferna´ndez Almagro 3, 28029-Madrid, Spain. E-mail: minescent imaging; C.F., Centre de Regulacio´ Geno`mica-CRG, Edifici Parc de Recerca Biome`dica de Barcelona, Carrer del Dr. Aiguader, 88, 08003-Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: cristina. Keratins (k) are selectively expressed in epithelial cells. In vivo, tetramers formed by pairs of 2 classes of doi: 10.1096/fj.08-115576 1366 0892-6638/09/0023-1366 © FASEB yet been characterized. A potential advantage of using GAATCTTCTTGTGA 3Ј; LacZ forward GACGTCTCGTTGCT- K7 regulatory sequences to target the expression of GCATAA, LacZ reverse CAGCAGCAGACCATTTTCAA; Krt19 Ј Ј transgenes is the fact that it has a more restricted tissue forward 5 CCTCCCGAGATTACAACCACT, Krt19 reverse 5 GGCGAGCATTGTCAATCTGT; Krt7 forward CACGAACAAG- distribution while maintaining a selective expression in GTGGAGTTGGA, Krt7 reverse TGTCTGAGATCTGCGACT- ductal cells in the pancreas. Because there is a dearth of GCA; Hprt forward GGC CAG ACT TTG TTG GAT TTG, Hprt knowledge on promoters that can target transgenes to reverse TGC GCT CAT CTT AGG CTT TGT. Total RNA was pancreatic ductal cells, the study of the K7 promoter is normalized using QuantumRNA 18S Internal Standards at a 1:4 a worthwhile endeavor. Here we analyze the murine ratio (Ambion), as indicated in the text. Krt7 promoter and identify regions required for pan- creatic ductal cell-restricted expression in vitro and Site-directed mutagenesis in vivo. In addition, we have addressed its ability to selectively drive transgene expression to the pancreas For site-directed mutagenesis, the Quick ChangeTM Site- by systemic adenoviral gene transfer (AdK7Luc) and to Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA, USA) was test the potency of this adenovirus in PDAC mouse used (Supplemental Information). PCR products were di- gested with DpnI, purified, and used for bacterial transfor- models. The regulatory sequences of murine Krt7 merit mation. Plasmids were verified by sequencing both DNA being used in additional studies to target transgenes to strands. pancreatic ductal cells, and possibly to other simple epithelial cell types. This work may contribute to im- Reporter assays proved genetic therapeutic strategies in conditions such as cystic fibrosis and PDAC. Cells were seeded in 24-well plates; 24 h later, cells were transfected using Gene Porter reagent (Gene Therapy Sys- tems, San Diego, CA, USA). pGL3-reporter plasmids (100 ng) MATERIALS AND METHODS were cotransfected with a plasmid encoding Renilla reniformes luciferase to normalize for transfection efficiency. Luciferase activity in total cell lysates, determined 48 h later, was Cell culture expressed as fold activity relative to the control plasmid after correction for transfection efficiency; in some cases results Tumor cell lines (see Supplemental Information) were main- were expressed per mg cellular protein. Experiments were tained as described elsewhere (10, 14). Human pancreatic performed in triplicate, and results were verified at least twice duct epithelial (HPDE) cells were maintained as described independently. The total amount of DNA transfected was elsewhere (15). always normalized using the corresponding empty vector. For in vitro adenoviral transduction studies, cells were Plasmid constructs seeded in triplicate at a density of 2 ϫ 104 cells/well in 96-well plates. After 24 h, cells were infected at 104 viral particles (vp) A 4.5 kb fragment of Krt7 isolated from a P1-derived artificial per cell; 72 h later, luciferase was assayed as described above chromosome (PAC) 129/Sv library (16) was digested to obtain and expressed per microgram of cellular protein. fragments ranging from Ϫ3723/ϩ32 to Ϫ55/ϩ32, which were cloned into pGL3 Basic Luciferase Reporter (Promega, Madi- Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) son, WI, USA). A Krt19 Ϫ1970/ϩ46 luciferase reporter (12) was generated similarly. Plasmid sequences were verified in both Nuclear extracts were prepared as described (17). Double- directions. stranded oligonucleotides (Supplemental Information) were radiolabeled with 32P-dATP; EMSAs were performed with 5 Immunocytochemistry ␮g of protein in a final volume of 20 ␮l binding buffer. Mixtures were incubated with 150 fmol of labeled double- K7 expression in pancreas was assayed as described previously stranded oligonucleotides for 30 min at 4°C. For competition (8). Cells were fixed with methanol:acetone (1:1), washed experiments, a 50-fold excess of unlabeled oligonucleotides with PBS, and incubated for 1 h with RCK105 (1:5 dilution of was added for 15 min at 4°C prior to radiolabeled probes. To hybridoma supernatant) (8), a kind gift of F. C. S. Ramaekers supershift, antibodies detecting Sp1 (PEP2-G; Santa Cruz (University of Maastricht, Maastricht,The Netherlands). After Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA), Sp3 (D-20-G, Santa washing, cells were incubated with fluorescein-labeled anti- Cruz), or AP-2 (H-79, Santa Cruz) were added for 20 min at mouse Ig (Dako, Glostrup, Denmark), washed, and mounted. 4°C, prior to addition of radiolabeled probes. DNA-protein complexes were electrophoresed, and dried gels were ex- Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction posed to phosphorimager screens. analysis (RT-PCR) Generation of transgenic reporter mice using the RNA was isolated from cultured cells or mouse tissues using the Krt7 promoter RNeasy Extraction Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), treated with DNaseI, reverse transcribed using Moloney leukemia virus re- All animal experiments were approved by Departament verse transcriptase (Ambion, Austin, TX, USA), and amplified d’Agricultura Ramaderia i Pesca (DARP), Generalitat de for 32–40 cycles according to transcript abundance.
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