EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 3475 Tion of Facilities 1N Rural Areas and Towns the PRESIDING OFFICER
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February 19, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3475 tion of facilities 1n rural areas and towns The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk near the national forest and Forest Service objection, it is so ordered. will call the roll. program location~ in aGcordance with the The legislative clerk proceeded to call standards in section 901 ( b) of the Act of ORDER OF BUSINESS the roll. November 30, 1970 (84 Stat. 1383), as Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, amended.''. Mr. GRIFFIN. Mr. President, I sug I ask unanimous consent that the order gest the absence of a quorum. for the quorum call be rescinded. ORDER FOR RECESS UNTIL THURS The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without DAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1974 will call the roll. objection, it is so ordered. The legislative clerk proceeded to call Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. Mr. President, the roll. · I ask unanimous consent that when the Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, PROGRAM Senate completes its business today, it I ask unanimous consent that the order stand in recess until 12 o'clock noon on for the quorum call be rescinded. Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. Mr. President, ~ursday next. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Senate will stand in recess until the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without · objection, it is so ordered. hour of 12 o'clock noon on Thursday objection, it is so ordered. next. After the two leaders or their des ignees have been recognized under the ORDER FOR RECOGNITION OF SEN MARGARET G. COBLE standing order, the Senator from Florida ATORS CHILES, GRIFFIN, AND (Mr. CHILES) will be recognized for not Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, ROBERT C. BYRD ON THURSDAY, to exceed 15 minutes, after which the on January 30, 1974, the Senate agreed FEBRUARY 21, 1974, AND FOR Senator from Michigan <Mr. GRIFFIN) to Senate Resolution 251, which author PERIOD FOR THE TRANSACTION will be recognized for not to exceed 15 .._ ized the payment of a gratuity to the OF ROUTINE MORNING BUSINESS minutes, after which the junior Senator widow of a deceased former employee of AND CONSIDERATION OF S. 2296 from west Virginia (Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD) the Architect of the Capitol assigned to Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, will be recognized for not to exceed 15 duty in the Senate Office Buildings at the I ask unanimous consent that on Thurs minutes, after which there will be a time of his death. Unfortunately, due to day after the two leaders or their de period for the transaction of routine a clerical error, the name of the recip signees have been recognized under the morning business for not to exceed 30 ient of the gratuity and the deceased standing order, the distinguished Sena minutes with statements limited therein employee was misspelled in the resolu tor from Florida (Mr. CHILES) be recog to 5 minutes, at 'the conclusion of which tion ·as agreed to. nized for not to exceed 15 minutes, that period the Senate will resume considera I ask unanimous consent that the Sec he be followed by the distinguished as tion of Calendar Order No. 661, S. 2296, retary of the Senate be authorized to sistant Republican leader <Mr. GRIFFIN). a bill to provide for the protection, de correct the spelling of the names in the for not to exceed 15 minutes, and that velopment, and enhancement of the na resolution. he be followed by the Junior Senator tional forest system, its lands and re The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without from West Virginia <Mr. ROBERT C. sources, and for other purposes. Yea objection, it is so Qrdered. ·BYRD) for not to exceed 15 minutes, after and-nay votes could occur. which there be a period for the transac EXTENSION OF TIME FOR COMMIT tion of routine morning business for not TEE TO FILE REPORT ON S. 2394, to exceed 30 minutes with statements RECESS TO THURSDAY, ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL limited therein to 5 minutes, at the FEBRUARY 21, 1974 PARK conclusion of which the Senate proceed to the consideration of the bill which al Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, ready has been laid before the Senate, if there be no further business to come I ask unanimous consent that the Com Calendar No. 661, S. 2296. before the Senate, I move, in accordance mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without with the previous order, that the Senate have until 7 p.m. today to file the report objection, it is so ordered. stand in recess until 12 o'clock noon on on S. 2394, a bill relating to the Rocky Thursday next. Mountain National Park, providing the The motion was agreed to; and at 5:24 Committee on Interior and Insular Af QUORUM CALL p.m. the Senate recessed until Thurs fairs orders the bill reported later this Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, day, February 21, 1974, at 12 o'clock afternoon. I suggest the absence of a quorum. noon. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS DR. BARRY SIMMONS, ATHENS, GA. the U.S. Jaycees, and h~ has won praise The something is what he knows best, from many nations throughout the dentistry, and the people are the underpriv world. ileged 1n a long succession of countries he HON. HERMAN E. tALMADGE All Georgians are very proud of Dr. has been visiting the past 10 years. He has list of 120 and hopes he can go OF GEORGIA Simmons, and I join in wishing him well a to most of them, maybe two at a time, in the IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES in all of his future endeavors to help the world's needy people. rest of his life. Tuesday, February 19, 1974 Mr. President, there appeared in the It isn't exactly easy, for this one-man den Mr. TALMADGE. Mr. President, I Sunday Oregonian, of Portland, Oreg., tal Tom Dooley Foundation has been doing of November 4, 1973, an excellent article it all himself, lugging along some 17 to 18 wish to comment today on the very fine cases of 1,500 pounds of tools and supplies. humanitarian work being done by Dr. on the work of Dr. Simmons. I bring this article to the attention of the Senate When wars and floods, bureaucracy, heat Barry Simmons, a dentist from Athens, and disease throw up roadblocks, it just chal Ga., to help people throughout the world and ask that it be printed in the Exten sions of Remarks. lenges him a little more. Simmons, who vrac less fortunate than ourselves and to There being no objection, the article tices three-quarters of the year in the 'iower build goodwill for the United States. was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, floor of his Georgian house in Athens. Ga., Each summer for the past 11 years, came upon his life's passion by a~Jdent as follows: through his love of birds and animals. Dr. Simmons has traveled at his own ex GEORGIA DENTIST WORKS To Am NEEDY IN He went to the Colombia jungle ~n the pense to emerging nations throughout FOREIGN COUNTRIES the world to provide free dental care to Amazon river with a collector. (By Ann Sulllvan) "It was pretty primitive, and thtS local needy people, many of whom have never Dr. Barry Simmons, 36, dentist, unmarried, seen a dentist in their lives. In 1972, priest found out I was a dentist ant! asked a.mateur ornithologist, expects to spend three me to treat some patients. I was hooll..ed." Dr. Simmons was named one of the 10 months out of every year of the rest of h1s outstanding young men of America by life doing something for other people. That was 1963, the first of 11 sut:cesslve 3476 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 19, 1974 · summers, June to September, in South One young man from Virginia has A TRmurn TO :ME. ALBERT McKEE America, Ta.hi ti, Thailand, the Sinai desert, been singled out for special recognition the Gam strip, Ball, Indonesia, Cameroon, Nigeria and last summer in Bangladesh. and I ask unanimous consent to have Always concentrates on tea~hing dental a statement regarding this Scout in the hygiene to a couple of volunteers who go to RECORD as an example of how some of our HON. WILLIAM L. HUNGATE the schools to teach the teachers to teach young people spend their time in a con OF MISSOURI the children. structive manner. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He winds up the portable gas generator There being no objection, the state that was a gift of the Adee Co. of Newberg ment was ordered to be printed in the Tuesday, February 19, 1974 and goes to work on the never-ending pain Mr. HUNGATE. Mr. Speaker, the occa ful mouth troubles presented to him. The RECORD, as follows: generator ls boxed in a case from another JOHN FOLTZ SELECTED FOR EAGLE SCOUT sion of his lOOth birthday is an appropri Oregon :firm, Grants Pass Environmental TASK FORCE ate time to pay tribute to Mr. Albert Mc Containers. John Foltz, 16, has been named a member Kee, of Kahoka, Mo. His life has spanned Dr. Simmons, visiting in Portland through of the recently formed Task Force of the a time of great progress in this country. Monday, spoke to a group of dental and medi National Eagle Scout Association (NESA). Mr. McKee has contributed much to his cal students at a dance Saturday night. He The primary purpose of NESA is to conserve community. will speak to a public meeting at Portland and develop the manpower potential repre The article follows: Elks Club, 1515 SW Morrison St., Monday at sented by those who hold the Eagle Scout 7:30 p.m.