INDEX OF FOREIGN WORDS adam, man., I: n; III: ; IX: , keli zekhukhit, glass instrument., I: –, –, , , , ,  , ; X: , ,  keli zemer (pl. kele zemer), musical armonia doria,Dorianmode.,I: instrument, I: n, , ,  armonia frigia,Phrygianmode.,I: kelim nofhim. , blowing instruments., armonia ionica,Ionianmode.,I: I:  armonia lidia,Lydianmode.,I: (pl. kinnorot),,I:–,, arpa,.,I:n –, , –, –, , , #asor, ten-string lyre., I: ,  –, , , –, – aulos, double-reed pipe. See also , , , , –, , #ugav. , , , , , – kithara,cythara(Ital.cetera or cetra), cetera (or cetra). See kithara I: n, n, n cigni,swans,specificallycigni kiwwun, tuning., I: n,  iperborei,I: lauto.Seeleuto. diapason as well as sheminit (eighth) leuto (alias lauto), , I: n and ottava I: , n, , , ,  mahol. (pl. meholot. ),dance(seealso diapente as well as hamishit. (fifth) meholah. ) I: , , ,  and quinta, I: , n, n,  masah. , unleavened bread, IV: , , diatessaron as well as revi#it (fourth) , , , , , , ; X:  and quarta I: , n, n,  maskhah (mixed)., I:  mezeg,liquid,I: galgal.Seesphere melekhet ha-musiqah,musicpractice (Lat. musica practica) I:  halil. , pipe., I: ,  melekhet ha-niggun, practice of hamishit. ,fifth(seediapente) playing, I:  hokhmat. ha-musiqah (Lat. scientia menaggen, player., I: , , , , musicae), music science I: , – –, , , –,  , , , , n,  menasea. h. , leader, chief musician, holah. see meholah. conductor, I:  higayon, speaking, playing, contem- meshitihu, I drew him out., I: , plating, I: , , n  hitmazgut,fusion.,I: meshorer (pl. meshorerim), singer., I: ,  keli (pl. kelim), instrument, also metarim, strings., I:  vessel, I: , , ,  mezeg, commixture, nature., I: ,  keli niggun (pl. kele niggunim), moys, water (in Egyptian), I: – harmonic instrument. I: ,  ,  keli shir (pl. kele shir), melodic musa (pl. muse), muse, I: –, instrument., I: ,  –  index of foreign words musica humana, music as results partizione (plur. partizioni), V:  from the harmony of body and proporzione dupla, duple proportion, soul, I: n I: , n, n musica instrumentalis, music for voices and instruments, I: n qabbalat shabbat,welcomingthe musica mundana, music of the Sabbath; service on Friday eve, I: spheres, I: n n musiqah, music, I: , , , n, , qadish shalem, full Qadish, I: n , , –, , , , –, qedusha rabati,greatQedusha,I: , , , , , , , – n, n , , , –, , , qol (pl. qolot), voice, sound, I: , , , , –,  , , –, –, –, – musiqah galgalit,planetarymusic,I: , –, , , , –, ,  , –, –, , , , , , , ; II: –, ; neginot, songs, melodies, pieces (of III: , ; IV: ; ; V: ; VI: music), I: , ,  ; IX: , , , , , ; X: ne#imah (pl. ne#imot), pitch, melody, , , , ,  I: , , , , n, , , , qole qolot, noises, I:   quarta.Seediatessaron. ne#imuta (Aram.), melody, I:  quinta.Seediapente. nefesh. See vegetative soul quintadecima,fifteenth,I: nefesh maskelet.Seenefesh sikhlit. nefesh sikhlit (or maskelet), rational revi#it,fourth.Seediatessaron. soul, I: , ,  rinnah, pl. renanot, song, I: ,  neshama. See intellective soul ruah. .Seesensetivesoul nevel, , larger form of lyre, I: , –, , –, , , Safnat. Pa#neah,. Revealer of secrets, I: ,   niggun (pl. niggunim), also nigguna Sefirah, II: n, n, ; IX:  (Aram.) sesquialtera,sesquialteral,I: interval, melody, harmony, playing, sesquiottava (Lat. sesquioctava), I: , –, , , , , , – sesquioctaval, I:  , –, , –, , , , shekhinah (Aram. shekhinta), I: , , –, –, –, , , n, , see also immanence , –, , , – shelishit,third,I: , , , –, , , shemini #aseret. ,theEighthDayof n, –, ,  Convocation, I: n, , , niggun #olam,cosmicmelody,I: – nigguna.Seenigun. sheminit,eighth,.Seediapason nigguni, harmonic, I: , , , , sheminit,lyrewitheightstrings,I: , , , , , , , ,   nima (pl. nimin), string, I:  shigayon, hymn, I:  nogenim,players,I: shir, song, I: , , , , –, –, , , , , –, #olam qatan, microcosm, Sermon IX –, , , , –, ottava,octave.I:,seealsodiapason. , n, , Sermon II