Guidance Manual on Energy Efficiency Saving Energy – Saving Future

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Guidance Manual on Energy Efficiency Saving Energy – Saving Future GUIDANCE MANUAL ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY SAVING ENERGY – SAVING FUTURE 2014 - 2015 This publication has been produced within the project ‘Student with Initiative: Vector of Energy Saving’ implemented by the Agency for Private Initiative Development in collaboration with the Executive Committee of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council (Ukraine) and the Municipality of Lublin City (Poland). The overall project’s goal was to encourage proactive youth of Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine and Lublin Voivodeship of Poland to initiate and implement innovations as well as to launch cross-border cooperation in the energy saving sector. The project ‘Student with Initiative: Vector of Energy Saving’ was implemented within the framework of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 ( and Partnership. The European Union consists of 28 member states, which have decided to gradually link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, during a 50-year period of enlargement, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and people beyond its borders. The European Commission is the EU’s executive body. English version, - Ivano-Frankivsk: Agency for Private Initiative Development, 2015 – 112 pages, 4000 copies. Distributed free of charge © Agency for Private Initiative Development © Executive Committee of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council © Municipality of Lublin City Contents FOREWORD ..............................................................................................................................2 Chapter 1. ENERGY EFFICIENCY ...................................................................................................... 4 What Is Energy Efficiency? ............................................................................................................5 Energy Saving as a Result of Energy Efficiency .......................................................................6 Ways of Saving Energy ..................................................................................................................8 Thermal Modernisation .......................................................................................................8 Modernisation of Lighting ..................................................................................................9 The Energy Saving Potential ................................................................................................. 9 Energy Efficiency of Buildings. Energy Consumption in Various Types of Houses .........14 Passive House ....................................................................................................................15 Smart House .......................................................................................................................18 Zero-Energy Building .........................................................................................................18 Active House .....................................................................................................................18 Comparison of Energy Consumption in Various Types of Houses ..............................20 Energy Audit – What Is It? ....................................................................................................21 Energy Characteristics of Buildings – Energy Certificate .................................................22 Chapter 2. RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES .........................................................................24 Definition and Development of Renewable Energy Sources .........................................25 Legal Peculiarities of Using Renewable Energy Sources in Poland ................................27 Legal Peculiarities of Using Renewable Energy Sources in Ukraine ...............................28 Types of Renewable Energy Sources .................................................................................31 Wind Energy .......................................................................................................................31 Solar Energy .......................................................................................................................34 Geothermal Energy ..........................................................................................................40 Hydropower .......................................................................................................................42 Energy from Biomass ........................................................................................................45 Waste-to-Energy ................................................................................................................49 Thermoelectricity ..............................................................................................................52 Prosumption ...........................................................................................................................53 Green Energy Market ...........................................................................................................53 Green Energy Market in Poland .....................................................................................53 Green Energy Market in Ukraine ....................................................................................54 Potential for Using Renewable Energy Sources ...............................................................57 Potential for Using RES in Poland ....................................................................................57 Potential for Using RES in Ukraine ....................................................................................63 Procedures for Obtaining Permits for Energy Production from Renewable Sources .. 72 Procedure for Obtaining Permits for Energy Production from RES in Poland............72 Procedure for Obtaining Permits for Energy Production from RES in Ukraine ...........75 Chapter 3. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS IN THE FIELD OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES ...............................................................................................................................80 Smart Grid and Smart Metering ..........................................................................................81 Automobiles of the Future ...................................................................................................83 Hydrogen Production ...........................................................................................................86 Fuel Cells ................................................................................................................................87 Chapter 4. OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROJECTS CO-FINANCING IN THE FIELD OF RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY ........................... 88 Principles of Financing in Poland ........................................................................................89 Operational Programmes to Support Renewable Energy in Poland .............................92 Peculiarities of Projects Financing in the Field of Renewable Energy in Ukraine .........95 Support of Projects on Energy Efficiency and RES in Ukraine .......................................102 Public and Private Initiatives in Ukraine and Poland ......................................................107 Useful Resources .................................................................................................................110 FOREWORD This Guidance manual is a result of the project ‘Student with Initiative: Vector of Energy Saving’ implemented in April 2014 - June 2015 in Ivano-Frankivsk Region of Ukraine and Lublin Voivodeship of Poland by the Agency for Private Initiative Development from Ivano-Frankivsk in partnership with the Executive Committee of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council and the Municipality of Lublin. The main goal of the project was to encourage proactive youth of Ivano-Frankivsk Region and Lublin Voivodeship to initiate and implement innovations as well as to establish cross-border cooperation in the field of energy saving. Therefore, while preparing this publication the authors aimed at promoting energy efficiency tools and informing of renewable energy to a wide array of proactive student youth interested in learning about innovations in the field of energy saving and the use of renewable energy sources in Ukraine and Poland. The project team is convinced that it is the young generation, who with their fresh thinking, creativity and no fear of the future will manage to solve numerous problems accumulated by their predecessors and related to the loss of natural resources. That is why gaining up to date knowledge, the ability to generate new ideas and the possession of the tools in order to introduce these ideas into the environment and energy saving sectors by the young people are the crucial factors of ensuring the Europe’s future energy safety. Thus, we expect the publication to assist the students of secondary schools and higher educational institutions with learning the principles of energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources. Proactive young people will like practically all chapters of this manual. They will help them to understand the technical features of green energy generators and learn about the legal prerequisites and state incentives to use green energy. 2
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