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If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at - --------- --------- II ALb,' of JUSTiOe: National Criminal Justice Reference Service nCJrs BLIJEPRINT FOR THE 1980s: ~, This microfiche was produced from documents received for inclusion in the NCJRS data base. Since NCJRS cannot exercise An .Exe(:utive Summary control over the physical condition of the documents submitted, of the Kansas Judicial Branch the individual frame quality will vary. The resolution chart on this frame may be used to evaluate the document quality. 1980-1 981 Fiscal Year Office of Judicial Administration ~ .,. l' .~ 2 11111 ,8 \\\\\2.5 1.0 IJ& wI~ ~I"~ ~ I~ EXISTING PANEL 3PS Il.I III a:... .. m~ ;'::::::::;;:;;"":-"~'- NIlB 3 SPA BE" 200 AMp --1.1 ....... "TZo Sl61;1 c"So;Vn 6REAKERs \11111. 25, 111111.4 lllll1.6 I It f MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART f NATIONAL BUREMJ OF STANDARDS-\963-A i ,! , _ .. !( , 1"'" "- U.S. Department of Justice 82732 National Institute of JUstice This document has been re rod ry person or organization origin~ting~fe~o~~acl~y .as received from the n this document are Ihose of th' In s 0 view or opinions stated nd repr~sent' the off/cia I positidn or peoli~~hor~ tah do not necessarily Microfilming procedures used to create this fiche comply with Justlce., s 0 e National Institute of the standards set forth in 41CFR 101-11.504. Permission to reprodu thO granted ~. ce IS copyrighted material has been Of lce of JUdicial Administration Points of view or opinions stated in this document are ..) = those of the author(s) .and do l10t represent the officiah to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (,IJCJRS). position or policies of the U. S. Depaliment of Justice. FUrther reproduction outside of th . slon of the copyright owner. e NCJRS system requires perm is- ,"--' I. National Institute of Justice '1 3/ 8/83 \. United States Department of Justicle Washington, D.C. 20531. ' '~'--::Ir-JH-,--....R..,----;::;;D-----rF===---tL-,O~Q~R:::::.---'--;;:;:P--r-L-A-.----,bl"""T""J I ~6" - I' _II \ " . Table of Contents Overview 2 , Description of the Judicial Branch ---~NGJRS 5 ~I Ji~preme QIourt of tlitansas Manag!!!g the Cases 9 ~unsus 31ubh:iul QIenter The Year in Review HOWARD SCHWARTZ 301 ~. 10t4 (913) 296~4873 Appendix 25 Judicial Administrator mllpelur~ ~tti1sus 66612 Graphics Supreme Coyrt Administrative Chart ____ ACQ·U;._';S_.. '-=lTI...,::.· 1...::::O~=--_-:......_. __-.-!.4 Jami'ary 10, 1981 PendingSivil and Criminal Cases 10 Age of Pending Criminal Cases 11 Age of Pending Civil Cases 13 .~~~~~~~~~~---------~--~~--- Traffic Cases 14 ..:...:..:::.:..:..:..:::...::::=:.::-,----~-.----,--- Formal Juvenile Proceedingi___ -'-- ______ ~ ______ '--.-16 To the Honorable ~lfred G. Schroeder, Domestic Relations 17 Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 6Qpellate Cf./urt Dispositions ~ ____~ __ .. _____ 18 and the Justices of the Supreme Court: ~:.....'--.'-' -"-- Pending Civil Cases ______. __ .___ ._______ _ 19 In compliance with the provisions of Rule No. 1.03(c) of the Supreme Court, this annual report of the judicial Foreword the point that besides monthly and who are concerned about justice in business of the courts of Kansas for the fiscal year end ---- quarterly reports judges now receive Kansas, from the dedicated legisla ing June 30, 1981, is submitted. Fiscal 1981 saw sweeping and several reports that focus on specific tors Who have helped shape the sys even dramatic changes as the Kan issues involved in the efficient: ad tem to. lawyers and private citizens This executive summary may be read together with" the sas Judicial Branch ushered in the ministration of justice. who are deeply involved in it. annual statistical report. The statistical report contains 80's. The changes centered around Change also occurred in the of A complete set of the raw data on the raw data of the courts' caselo~Cl. upon which this summary the court system's goal of delivering fices of the clerks of· the district whiCh this summary is based is on is b&sed. Additional copies of the statistic~l report are quality and speedy justice to Kan courts where a patchwork quilt ac~ file in the Office of Judicial Admin on file in the Office of Judicial'Administration. sans at the lowest PQssible cost. AI- counting system used in the various istration, Kansas Judicial Center, . though this goal remains constant, judicial districts has been replaced 301 W. 10th, Topeka, Kansas The statistical report and this exem.itive summary of bold new innovations have been by a uniform procedure in which 66612; Telephone: 913 296-2256. 'the statistical report would not be possible without the undertaken this year. one entry accomplishes several The changes of 1981 resulted pri- dedication and hard work of the judges, clerks, and other Many of these changes center tasks. marily from the unification of the employees of the Kansas Judicial Branch. around the implementation of Su As the clerks SWitched to the Judicial Branch in 1977. But we are preme Court Time Standards. for re. st,mdard one-write accounting sys constantly striving toachievethe vi Respectfully, dueing delay. As the statistical anal tem, they also. began using new ap sion ·of our citizens who mandated ysis in'eluded in this report shows, pearance dockets that have enabled. in the Kansas Constitution that "the the time standards are being met in the courts to quit using large and, judicial power of this state shall. be fJovJov..L S'<\w~--r- nearly every instance, and judges e><pensive docket books. vested exclusively in one court of 1I Howard Schwartz appear to be greatly increasing their Symbolic of the changes of fiscal justice. Judicial Administrator effqrts to exceed them. '. 1981 is the publication of this e~ec From the Time Standards to Ohe .z' To assist the judges in keeping utive summarYI an effort to tell our Write Accounting, the blueprints for track of more than 450,000 caseS story of "981 ina clear and interest an even more efficient and respon, filed annually, the Office of Judicial ing manner. sive court of justice are in place. Administration has enlarged its This summary has been designed . And now, the construction begins. management information services to to reach all segJrients of the citizenry On The Cover Blueprints used for the installation of broadcast cables under the floor of the Supreme Court courtroom are symbolic of the high court's change in posture on the issue of cameras in the courtroom at the appellate level, as well as many other plans for change in the Judicial Branch. The courtroom changes were ;all made at no expense to ta><payers. Illustrations are by Claudia Badakhsh. ~" o ~--------------------------------_\'-" Overview appointed in the first instance by the Examiners, the Board of Examiners are presently 71 district judges, 67 wheel. When a jury panel is needed, program begun by the clerks and governor from a list :~f three quali of Court Reporters, and the Com associate district judges and 73 dis the wheel or computer is used to administrators of the district courts. The judicial article of the Consti fied persons submitted by the Su mission on Judicial Qualifications, trict magistrate judges. There is at select a number of names at ran Among innovations in several ju tution of Kansas, which was last re preme Court Nominating Commis which serve as separate entities as least one judge residing in each dom. Juror summonses are then sent dicial districts to improve the lot of I vised by the voters of Kansas in sion. After a justice has served a year sisting the Supreme Court. county. to those persons whose names are jurors were multiple voir dire, shar 1972, provides that the judicial in office, the appointment is subject Court officers, Who are appointed The district court is where most drawn, and they may be called to ing of panels among judges, tele power of the state shall be vested to ratification by the voters at the by the Supreme Court to assist in trials are conducted. The district serve on a, trial jury. The pay for jury phone call-in,' reduced paperwork exclusively in one court of justice, next general election. If a majority of transacting the business of the court also hears appeals from mu duty is small, but the responsibility is and the use of the state census and which shall be divided into one su the electors vote to retain the justice courts, include the Clerk of the Su nicipal courts and administrative great. drivers license lists to increase cov preme court, district courts and such in office, he or she continues in of preme Court, the Supreme Court agencies, such as the Kansas Corpo About 95 percent of all jury trials1 erage without additional clerical other courts as are provided by law. fice for a full term of six years. At the Law Librarian, the Supreme Court ration Commission and Kansas in the world take place in the United work. All courts of this state are there er,r;1 of each term thereafter, the re Rep0rter, the Disciplinary Adminis Commission on Civil Rights. States. The responsibility of deciding The intent of these programs was fore part of the "one court of jus tention of the justice in office is trator, and the Judicial Administrator Decisions of a district magistrate the fate of the accused in a criminal to encourage every c,ourt to accom tice" commonly referred to as the subject to the vote of the electors. If of the Courts. judge are subject to review within trial or resolving a dispute between plish change without significant Judicial Branch. The Kansas Su a majority of those voting on the The intermediate level of the Ju the district court" by a district judge parties in a civil trial is a difficult cost.