Concert Program
THE GLEE CLUB! PRESENTS! Roomful of Teeth! Abigail Lennox, soprano Martha Cluver, soprano Caroline Shaw, alto Tynan Davis, alto Eric Dudley, tenor Thann Scoggin, baritone Jason Awbrey, bass-baritone Cameron Beauchamp, bass Brad Wells, artistic director! SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2017 w 3:00PM ! RICHARDSON AUDITORIUM IN ALEXANDER HALL! PRINCETON UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB AND CHAMBER CHOIR! Cristobál Morales! Parce mihi Domine (1500-1553)! from Officium Defunctorum! from the Codex Calixtinus Dum pater familias (early 12th century) Clemens servulorum Princeton University Chamber Choir! Julius Foo, Caroline Jones, Faridah Laffan, Amber Lin, Kyle Masson, ! Jamie O’Leary, Kaamya Varagur, and Calvin Wentling, soloists Parce mihi, Domine, nihil enim sunt dies mei.! Spare me, O Lord, for my days are nothing.! Quid est homo, quia magnificas eum? ! What is a man that thou shouldst magnify him?! Aut quid apponis erga eum cor tuum?! Or why dost thou set thy heart upon him? ! Visitas eum diluculo! Thou visitest him early in the morning,! et subito probas illum.! and thou provest him suddenly.! Usquequo non parcis mihi, ! How long wilt thou not spare me, ! nec dimittis me, ut glutiam salivam meam?! nor suffer me to swallow down my spittle? ! Peccavi, ! I have sinned.! quid faciam tibi, o custos hominum?! What shall I do to thee, O keeper of men? ! Quare posuisti me contrarium tibi, ! Why hast thou set me opposite to thee, ! et factus sum mihimet issi gravis?! and I am become burdensome to myself?! Cur non tolles peccatum meum, ! Why dost thou not remove my sin,!
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