THE POST KENDALL PARK, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1908 Newsstand 10£ per copy School Budget Is Cut $45,877 Deleted, New Election Set Next Week At a special meeting conducted last Friday, the South,Brunswick Board of Education voted to re­ NICHOLAS MAUL duce the 1968-69 school budget of EDGAR RENK JAMES McNALLEN $4,076,115, by $45,877 before re­ submitting it to the voters on Wednesday, Feb, 28. The vote was 7 -2 , with M rs. Jaycees Name Five JudgesCarolyn McCallum and James Wachtel casting the negative votes, explaining they considered the cuts Soldier Gives His Life, Comes Home excessive. However, through aseparate de­ An Army honor guard carries the flag-draped coffin of Timothy Ochs, who To SelectrOutstanding Man cision by the Township Committee was killed in Viet Nam, at Franklin Memorial Park Saturday, Specialist the previous Saturday, it appears Ochs, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F; Ochs of Dayton, received full mil­ The names of the five judges that the local tax levy may be re­ tion. He Is also a past master last year’ s Outstanding Young Man itary honors at the funeral. who will select South Brunswick's duced by almost one-quarter mil­ of Pioneer Grange. awards "Outstanding Young'Man of 1967" lion dollars. Mr. McNallen, a Junior Cham­ were released this week by the An attorney practicing in New The Township Committeo In­ ber International Senator,Is a past South Brunswick Jaycees, who Brunswick, M r. Greene has served cluded In Its budget a $206,000 president of the South Brunswick sponsor the annual honor. , South Brunswick as township attor­ transfer for the purposo of re­ Jaycees and a past state vice pres­ The judges are Anthony San- ney, township prosecutor and at­ ducing the school taxes. Tho funds ident of the New Jersey Jaycees. towasso, Nicholas Maul, James torney for the Planning Board. will be transferred if tho munici­ He is also a former member of McNallen, Edgar Renk and David pal budget Is passod by tho Com­ the Township Planning Board, and ' ‘He is a member of the board Greene. of directors of U.C.S. (formerly mittee on March 19, Is still a member of the South Jaycee program chairman Should the transfer be enactod, Brunswick Municipal Utilities Au­ known as the United Fund). James Molnar said that he expects the board estimates tho school thority. A Lieutenant Commander Air. Greene was educated at the judges to make their selec­ tax rate would be $3.66 per $100 In the U. S. Naval A ir Reserve, Rutgers & Columbia Universities. tion within the next week or two. of assessed valuation for each he lives with his wife and four He is a member of tho executive The award will be presented property owner. It was originally children In Kendall Park. committee of the South Brunswick to the winner at a dinner at the $5.91 M r. Greene Is the winner of Community Council. Forsgate Country Club on Board members expressed Saturday 'evening, March 23. "su rp r ise " that the committee was Tickets for the dinner are avail­ considering the appropriation, and able from any Jaycee. cautioned that it could not be de­ Mr. Santowasso, a resident of Suit Filed Against Township pended upon at the present time, Monmouth Junction, was selected Board President Richard Sher­ last year by the Community Coun­ Over Kingston Apartments man stated that the committee cil as one of the township's, "Out­ members "were careful to empha­ DAVID GREENE standing Citizens." size It Is only a proposed Item ." He has served 18 years as the South Brunswick Is being sued ipality and they are seeking an In­ The total budget, taldng Into ac­ count only the board's reductions chief of the Monmouth Junction again, this time over the approval junction to -stop work on the job. will amount to $4,030,238. Of this Fire Department and Is the char­ of 360 additional apartment units Schuh Investment, which had amount, $3,549,728 Is lor current ter president of St. Cecelia's Holy In the Kingston T errace develop­ originally sought permission for a Little League expense s and1 $392,124,—for - debt Name Society. This year he served ment In Kingston. ' 000-unit project off Route 27"near service, as the honorary chairman of the A Kingston community organiza­ Raymond Road, received favorable Voters are asked to raise Middlesex County Tuberculosis tion called pride (Proper Region­ action from the township zoning Registration through taxation only amounts for Health League fund raising drive. al Inter-community Development board last Dec. 1 and a variance , ... M r. Maul Is the president of Effort) filed suit last-week against from the South Brunswick Tow n- ,sum s of 1ls\ Saturday N. W. Maul & Son,,Inc., electri­ the township, the Zoning Board of ship Committee last Dec. 27. " ?t2’,829l?08 and 535,710 Ior cap" cal contractors In Dayton. Adjustment, the building Inspector Schuh Tnvoslinont'sapartmfli'(p' ltal - Bugler, in. background, sounds taps, for Specialist Ochs as representatives He is -o n e of the few persons and the Schuh Investment Corp., wouldmid adjoin",adjoin, the 100-unit g a rd A v defeat last week had-thrown of local American Legioii and J^Vlsh V/ar Veter ahi3'organisations salute. - the board Into a quandry. It had Final registrations for the South In recent years to serve a full which plans to build the apart­ apartment project located off Route The soldier was killed in an ambush near Saigon on Jan. 30. He had just Brunswick Little League baseball term on the Municipal Utilities ments. 27 in Kingston. expressed publicly there was "no fa t" in the budget. The board was returned to Viet Nam after a one-month leave at home with his parents. progrMn will be held by the R e c- Authority and was the authority's The objectors claim that the Related to the apartments is the reatlorl Commission on Saturday, chairman until his. term ended this project would cause Irreparable State Highway Department's plan faced with sending back the samp budget to the voters, or trying Feb, 2 4,, from noon to 3 p ;; m. in year. Ho Is also a former chair­ harm to them and to the munic­ for the Princeton Bypass (Route the municipal building. j man of the Industrial Commission. 92), which the state has aligned to to cut It Placing emphasis on removing A ll 'boys who want[ to play dur­ M r. Maul was a charter member c ro ss Route 27 at the Raymond Planning Board Recommends item s fro m the budget which "would ing the; 1968 season must register of the South Brunswick, Lions Club Road Intersection. Saturday If they have not Already and is presently a member of the Brunswick Acres The proposed 360 apartments least affect the educational pro­ g r a m s," the board proposed to done so. \\ 11 ;!' South Brunswick, Chamber of Com­ are in the path of Route 92, and eliminate four school buses, which T o be eligible, a boy must have m erce. A lso , he was form erly the tf they are build, the state would Hearing Scheduled meant a net savings of $17,000. Repeal Of PUD By Committee reached lijs eighth birthday prior director of the New Jersey Electri­ probably realign the bypass. Painting of the interior of the to April 1, 1968, anti must not cal Contractors Association. Involved In the suit over the The South Brunswick Planning Crossroads School was scratched have reached his 15th birthday Edgar Renk has been South apartmens Is William Flemer of In a 7 -2 vote Monday night, trial and residential development, ordinances and subdivision regula­ Board voted unanimously Monday and amounts to a cut of $11,000. by Aug. 1,1968. §' Brunswick's tax assesso r since W illiam F lam er'sS on s,In c., which the South Brunswick Planning including apartments. tion otherwise applicable to the night to hold a public hearing, to A cut of $10,000 was proposed Alii registrants musi; pay asm all 1952. operates Princeton Nurseries In Board recommended that the town­ The planners, following the rec­ land included In the plan shall re-evaluate the controversial from the Instructional equipment insurance fee, have ijroof of; age A member of the executive com­ Kingston. ship's recently enacted Planned ommendations of their new attor­ cease to apply." Brunswick Acres subdivision on account of the Crossroads School. (for new registrants),! and be; ac­ mittee of the Stale Tax A ssessor Mr. Flemer; Is a member of the Unit Development (PUD)ordinance ney, Robert Longhi, based their de­ This, Mr. .Longhi reported, may Tuesday, March 12.___________ ____ This money was set aside to es­ companied by at least! one parent AssoclatlonI-M r, .'Renk. is a past Middlesex County Planning Board, be repealed, .. cision in favor of repeal primarily tolate "the equal protection clause The board followed the recom­ tablish a metal shop program. The when registering. j president of the Middlesex County which endorsed the state’ s align­ The Township Committee was on the question of PUD'S legality. of the State and Federal Consti­ mendations of Its new attorney, board expressed hope that this Action gets underway in April. Assessors Association. ment of Route 92. scheduled to act on the repeal Jack Stein and LesterSchaub, min­ tution since residents of PUD would Robert Longhi, as outlined In an program may be realized at afu-. About 125 boys hive already For the past 15 years, M r.
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