Where You Sunny Read It First 23/13 THE TUFTS DAILY Est. 1980 VOLUME LXVII, NUMBER 26 FRiday, FEBRUARY 28, 2014 TUFTSDAILY.COM Ostrich statue permanently removed after vandalism After multiple incidents of and McCarty discovered addi- vandalism, workers yesterday tional paint on its head when removed the easily recogniz- removing the snow. For now, able ostrich sculpture that was the sculpture will be sent installed near Tisch Library. to a conservator, who will The sculpture, officially decide if its patina, a type of called “Autruche II” or Ostrich gloss, needs to be reapplied. II, was installed in September If that is the case, it will likely and has since been splattered be sent back to the artist’s by red and black paint, as studio in France, according well as covered by pumpkins, to McCarty. When “Banjo” according to Laura McCarty, — as students call him — has the art collections registrar at been restored, the Art Gallery Tufts University Art Gallery. will ship it back to the lender. Made with a special material, It will not return to Tufts. the piece could not withstand “We try to keep costs the vandalism, she said. down here, and we don’t “It has this patina, this have an extravagant budget,” bismuth patina which is frag- McCarty said. “This is going ile,” she said. “It’s meant to to cost us a lot of money ... be looked at. It’s not meant and it’s ridiculous that we to have a pumpkin squashed can’t put nice things on cam- on it and then have all of pus and know that the stu- the material from inside the dents and faculty and staff COURTESY BENOIT ALMERAS-MaRTINO pumpkin drip down [its] will be able to enjoy [them] Cornelia Schneider has spent the last 13 months in the Democratic Republic of Congo trying to improve the neck.” without it being degraded by justice system there.
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