Cybernetics Forum the Publication Oftheamerican Society for Cybernetics
CYBERNETICS FORUM THE PUBLICATION OFTHEAMERICAN SOCIETY FOR CYBERNETICS FALL 1979 VOLUME IX NO. 3 A SPECIAL ISSUE HONORING DR. HEINZ VON FOERSTER ON THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIREMENT IN THIS ISSUE: Heinz Von Foerster: A Second Order Cybernetician, Stuart Umpleby. 3 An Open Letter to Dr. Von Foerster, Stafford Beer . 13 The lmportance of Being Magie, Gordon Pask . ...... ........ ....... ... .. ........ ... ...... 17 The Wholeness of the Unity: Conversations with Heinz Von Foerster, Humberto R. Maturana . 20 Creative Cybernetics, Lars LÖfgren . 27 With Heinz Von Foerster, Edwin Schlossberg . 28 Heinz Von Foerster's Gontributions to the Development of Cybernetics, Kenneth L. Wilson ........ .. .. 30 List of Publications of Heinz Von Foerster . 33 The Work of Visiting Cyberneticians in the Biological Computer Laboratory, Kenneth L. Wilson . 36 About the Autho ~$. 40 © 1979 American Society for Cybernetics BOARD OF EDITORS Editor Charles H. Dym Frederick Kile V.G. DROZIN Dym, Frank & Company Aid Assoe/ation for Lutherans Department of Physics 2511 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W. Appleton, Wl 54911 Buckne/1 University Washington, DC 20008 Lewisburg, PA 17837 Mark N. Ozer TECHNICAL EDITOR Gertrude Herrmann The George Washington University Kenneth W. Gaul School of Medicine and Conference Calendar Editor 111 0/in Science Building Health Seiences Buckne/1 University 1131 Unlversity Boulevard West, 12122 3000 Connecticut AvenueN. W. Lewisburg, PA 17837 Washington, DC 20008 Si/ver Spring, MD 20902 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Charles I. Bartfeld Doreen Ray Steg School of Business Administration, Harold K. Hughes Department of Human Behavior & The State University College American University Development, Potsdam, NY 13.767 Mass. & Nebraska Aves. N. W. Drexel University Washington, DC 20016 Philadelphia, PA 19104 N.A.
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