List of Leading Enterprises of Kursk region № Name of an Enterprise Address Name of Products or Services Telephone E-mail Power Industry 1 Branch of ОАО Russia, 305029, Kursk, distribution and transfer of electric tel. (4712) 55-73-59,
[email protected] «MRSK Center» - ul. К.Marxa, 27 power fax (4712) 55-72-84; 58- «Kurskenergo» 72-72 2 Branch of Russia, 307250, Kursk electric power, heat-and-power energy tel.(47131) 5-33-59, 5-49-
[email protected] «Rosenergoatom» region, t. Kurchatov, 92, 5-35-50; concern Promzona, ABK-1 fax (47131) 4-18-49 «Kursk Nuclear Power Station» 3 ZAO «Energotex» Russia, 307250, Kursk unified equipment of a system of tel. (47131) 5-33-56,
[email protected], region, t. Kurchatov, container storage and handling of 2-18-03, 2-18-06;
[email protected] Promzona, POB 67 nuclear fuel wastes; shipping fax (47131) 4-96-12, packaging sets for storage and 2-18-06, 2-18-04 transportation of nuclear fuel wastes; shipping processing equipment for handling and transportation of containers on a territory of a nuclear power plant; gas-generating calorifers Ferrous Metallurgy 4 OAO «Mikhailovsky Russia, 307170, Kursk iron ore (commercial); iron ore tel. (47148) 2-28-14,
[email protected] GOK» region, t. Zheleznogorsk, concentrate; iron ore pellets; sintering 2-68-71, 9-28-84, 9-16-84; ul. Lenina, 21 ore; mining and iron ore dressing; fax (47148) 2-49-30, molding sand; fractionated road-metal; 2-28-84, 2-38-71 facing red brick Chemical and Petrochemical Industry 5 OAO Russia, 305018, Kursk, pr.