Department of Lands and Surveys: Report of the Surveyor-General and Secretary for Lands, 1899-1900
.{No. 41.} 19 0 0. PARLIAMENT OF TASMANIA. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEYS: REPORT OF THE SURVEYOR-GENERAL AND SECRETARY· . FOR LANDS, 1899-1900, \. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Comurnnd._ Cost of pl'inting-,£34 lOs • ... ·_TASMANIA. REPORT OJI' 'lHE SURVEYOR-GENERAL AND SECRETARY FOR. LANDS POR 18 9 9--1·90 0. ftat:1mania: JOHN VAIL, GOV.ERNMENT PRINTER, HOBART (No. 44.) DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEYS. Surveyor- General's Office, Hobart, 13th July, 1900. S1R, I HAVE the honour to furnish you with the following Report on the working of the Departmant of Lands and Surveys for the twelve months ending· 30th of June, 1900. REVENUE. The total territorial revenue collected by the Department of Lands and Surveys during the year ending 31st December, 1899, was £55,860, and the total sum collected during the year ending 31 st December, 1898, was £60,205. These figures show a shortage of £4345, which shortage i'! wholly due to the greater amount collected as Survey Fees during the former year, The estimate made by me in April, 1899, of the revenue to be collected for that year, was £56,400, thus showing a difference between the estimate and the actual receipts of only £540. The revenue collected during the six months ending the 30th Jnne, 1900, is £25,463, and the revenue collected during· the corresponding six months of 1899 was £25,425, showing a very slight difference of £38 iu favour of the later period. The separate headings from which the total receipts are made up are set forth in tppendix A to this Report, Return No.
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