Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS 01' THII ROYAL SOCIETY 01' TASMANIA, JOB (ISSUED JUNE, 1894.) TASMANIA: PJUl'TBD .&.T «TO XBROUBY" OJ'lPIOE, JUOQUUIE BT., HOBART. 1894. Googk A CATALOGUE OF THE MINERALS KNOWN TO OCCUR IN TASMANIA, WITH NOTES ON THEIR DISTRIBUTION• .Bv W. F. PETTERD. THE following Catalogue of the Minerals known to occur and reeortled from this Island is mainly prepared from specimen~ contained in my own collection, and in the majority of instances I have verified the identifications by careful qualitative analysis. It cannot claim any originality of research, 01' even accluac)" of detail, but as the material has been so rapidly accumulating during the past few )'ears I bave thoug-ht it well to place on record the result of my personal observation and collecting, wbich, with information ~Ieaned from authentic sources, may, I trust, at least pave tbe way for a more elaborate compilation by a more capable authority. I have purposely curtailed my remarks on the various species 80 Rs to make them as concise as possible, and to redulle the bulk of the matter. As an amateur I think I may fairly claim tbe indulgence of the professional or otber critics, for I feel sure tbat my task has been very inadequately performed in pro portion to the importance of the subjeot-one not only fraugbt with a deep scientific interest on account of tbe multitude of questions arisin~ from the occurrence and deposition of the minerals them selves, but also from the great economic results of our growing mining indu.try. My object has been more to give some inform ation on tbis subject to the general student of nature,-to point out tbe larg-e and varied field of observation open to him,- than to instruct the more advanced mineralo~ist.
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